HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-15, Page 2s T.vrawit, IkI. ts, 1*OS. THE SIGNAL : fODLRICR ONTARIO `rbc *gnat R R utudoti'H,•oNTAH111. PI'HLISHhi) EVERY THURSDAY . n• IVANATTI R & ROH):IITM11\. Telephora•('rll No. Tenni, of Subscription : I, 111.1111 per atm lllll in :oh -once. 4-x fe,altln, /.' : chore (1(1x48 h.. LL•. awbweettlen who fall to receive 'hurt Hruv.al. reguhKl) hp n..il will confer a fat or by *c• quant nig u.. of Ihr fa,l at an earl)' h date an. possible. When ,t ,hang.' of salty -44i. desired. hot h the old snit the uuw 14/1111.4..), ,1,ou141 be sit en. Advertising Sales i I.e4p..l and sol her dulilar wit esti-robot., Ila• per Ilue for film b.wnhlo *Ind :k' Per line for each .ulwsa.u•Id lso+•ri tun. Me.,.un*1 by a nonpareil. -.Ir, twelve lin& loan inch. K loins. ranl3 of Jx Zine• and under. Si per year. 1 l.Ad%ertl.enlent. of Lost, fount! St nowt': Sqi- uatons a'aeaua, Sil,oat 4101. w'aoled, 114.11..'>for Side or to (tent. farm. fur Male or to Haut. tokb" for sale. etc., nal exceeding richt 161x., 2.W4444.11 insertion : N for tint for earls .alb.,qu,-,,t Month. Larger adVeil i.e meta. 10 pngru•tiun. Land notices in uonp.uerit type al' per tine. No not Ire Its. t hen "Lr 1IAnnunnaenl.•ol.let onituary muffin/ t)4.• one 1'1.11 per word. Nu notice Ie.- 3Ii.4ii..:r. • .3.443 .p•ei.l Wilco. the 4414,1 of which in the p4•lerllltr)' hetio Il of *Hy tndf y ideal or xtion, WIw Iwu.idcnd M arc .•rt iw'ni•nl and to Ile charged a•'onlieetl4. !Mate.; for di.pta) and cuntra•t advent.. Inertn will be iii, en un application. Address all , 11•71110,,. 10 4-.n a: $(H1h:KTN(f)'• Tisk SIGN 11. f.iuleeleh. (bit. (11)Hk1114'H. THURSDAY. OCT. 15• It4a1 TARIFF IDOLATRY. r Thr 1111111 ill U11"Spectator man. who develops s)'uyltulns of ee ehral, *1yper re•nitn whenever he talks about the "t minors 11114 end "idiotic" free 3.1•attlers, • seenis to think 4hitt the editor of this paper is 111 be charged with 1 p- tiuusness bemire, f,lwoth, he ven- tured to find fault with the IJuu..►oN. Chamberlain:" ralsoliing on the tiariff question. Now. the- Signal maw- has an idea (possibly 111i.takl•nl that he is 0111. 6411 he 11141.t 1i1,04l oat 181(1 'maroon ing of 044ls : but • of his duties is to express hisviews on eueretit event*, and having- relul Mr. l'h nt- Iwrlxam's' i anifedo 1 formed an up . ' f it he Was filt,'w'ithheld fa- nny especial lawe 41 Ihr non..1oseph fr/ul putting it in print. Nut' being 0 selm llmaster, he did not think it ne'lMWlr•y to Nay: just w'llrlr• x1111 how Mr. ('1 to•rlain's )eawming was at fault!: xnylx.ly can read the deliver - /Mee 1(1144 ser for himself. We nnis4 stay this for Mr. Chanller- rain. that its recognizes the vaiue of fee trade del, indeed, dill calls him - s 'If484 fre-.I rade('. it nd is taking hie pre, Pin ,leasee ostensibly Stith the object of enforcing the wloptiun of free trade. to Wane eaten, by other countries -- in whish respect he is mryetril re yes frrrn the h41(ede'Ns ('uid111ou 411 Un. S1WC(tit or 11(1341, who 13'111141" 11 trps- .tt(IIIe 13(31(1 for its town wake. The 1.11i1 Sl':aten tariff whirl) The Spse•- 1(344t• wullld• have Canada ono- Mr. 4'haaii4,ls•plain etinsiders au ":11ou1i111- ) (►ver in`Britain the lending leen of loth platib\4, almost without exe0p- ti'r)K are lean to plena, MI'. l'hnuc Ikriniu'* poops of the 44110111 1011 of the P01,tection Wl3 (611. 1V hal they would say of The Spiytntnr's fence*tie flutk)n of taxing the country rileh one e cal ooh• imagine. COBDEN AND THE QOLONIEs. t, Goldwin S11111 11, 0114• of, the gree est living authorities on Rd hist ne.% has given his '16t tetlt1(11 t certain nincunc*pliunn of the vie e of Co l*Io1 for 4336.484. free tenth. agile - tin'. which 11)11.1• gained sums ertlen.e. '.1 Lite. . Ile sa\-S: "1 '41u1.'rl, Mr. Chamberlain Nays, 4-p .g,urleed HIV cnluuirs as 0111' h1'11nc0t4 .to lie got rid of. Cobden did nnthitig _01\ tilt. kited. He never nioke o(• 1I .light of-13'rulonirs with coldness.' lar ('s espect. whate•tir' 110 might think r say about the system of wi- le., 6131 wr-fwlna1 rpndri'e. II Was Disraeli. the lead. • of Mr. ('hanlerlain'. liven - , pill party.. 'ho, oldie he affected' the highest reg 4-i for the colonies in pnh- 7ic. in his ant denti14l rnrr•4fsrnd0nce .r,lllel Ibent hl,illalonos rnfind the neck,of Engle 4 ," 4',11x,11.1* o loke1 uportheu as des flet to heroine fr,o 11.11 14111)4, IN I 0 their M(1ther Country by.1h1• fiat lies of affec- tion and lnntied stip net. The ideal which he formed fon' til in 1.1.3(1. higher than that formed for 11 in by chow. 10'1114 would consign them 1 perpetual dependence. w ill, (teasel -1i I.subjec- 11m to the l'olrNllnI (Mier: It wean tom ( .I*I,•n's circle, 4as it ha 1.*•roi1,' that the !111g434"4(inn emanate) f • the Ana thtle of 43itin43 the 4`.dniies heir .• pr,6 r phut.iu• the (imam'. 3(3434 h. "That ('ulab•n 10•318 wanting in 1 good tow t he w ttrk ing )•h1.w•n isent ot he Het hitt. 43i111wdf it - f;11'tlla,. w.n. though he att. never 71 tb•magoj(ne, 114 WW1 Nlwaa:a a )aeof Ilf the p141441. al - 6,(`* striving t1 bring plenty into their 1 e., :111,1 all ardent MIs)nva(s• of popular edits• aim!". H•• '.Ilrnit:Islla• refuse) "Me. 1411.1 lost.)•*, %Vh')) he uplifted l.•h.. .1. of free t1011t011 * of IIkons/Mils of workingmen in Eng- land were oil of work, alit w'illi their fanilhrr. ill WInt-ef INe14•I. A*1hey 'Hey he again if protest lin sitee..la Ili 411111• route rivettietg On yoke. With the adoption of him policy L•a114 euldiy- Meta in alonb(1u•e; And plena' of breed. ('11(101' filet policy in., 1111 yearn the a..AAtli of Englittel has �r nor - t only increased, 116 spite of the ;mincing rivalry, 8.1114.11 1141 IN c.*11.1 *Vert, of other goal imbed trial nit ions. And *,I* 834 h'.*ll.,IiIIg 4•iclr- 111in1 ex3w11di11111• 4111 ,11'llnattien1$, with taw te'klass and I'111IIII11)1 W/1 PM. 1%'11411 111-41t4.7 I', 4141104. as •h for the people ns 17olalen'e (olid• has done. it may trample on the 43)3(•4 of l:olsden." EDITORIAL NOTES. 'Canon Hir•ks, Inr•siding al the eour fertmee of the Caine:whirr and ('heothin% 140.t1p'romee 1 11,3. said he world Iw glad if the IINUah (iovirnmetd. wamid go etrlltght 1(1 (hltario, ('*nn44n, for to New Zealand and take (nen either its 'velem of temperance legislation for adoption in Hrltain. Lally Bernard, til' lady who write* the "lb Iftw,snl" ,ttltf for The TI molt') file's., has been visiting Ihr Agri'ul- titre! College at fnuelph end laments +(hat. it 'a eituNtewl "ewer Rntn the clue of thinking and infedie(tatal' people,- s r iu s are centred whoh thinks ,(1144111144 Quer: tis Patin in 'I'18ronto. Lolly has the ‚quo s 18f the swollen bend etiala4y peculiar til 'I'otutito p•uple. Sir Cher!es'Puppet. has been Making speeches au England in support of the Chamberlain pnegt';uu, anti uuw it is tl13u.uMed that GeorgE. Foster to 111 take part III MI'. l'halliIN•I'Ialtl'N cam- paign. And there ,1 an discredited p(1114.ltus will he Imitated es repre- sentatives of l'iinuliau optiuiun. It is a bad sraatitm Ot tie year for manufltctnet•M to begin culling down 4x3x•nses by Ihr. 114041143 iff (1f hands, 11114 that c 1411011 431 uuw staring the• '(ok1111.11 in the United Stales in the face, and ..13) thoteihrds of homes dur- ing the early winter .will r • hard `times. --Hamilton hlppe•tatur. Vaud is the matter with the high ta•iff.4n'e• (twee, Speck dear?. That huiian cnditi)ne are improy- ng" is -pretty cnicltisively shown by the stxlistics of longevity gathered by the insurance eomp,uli01. Three ste- t inticscover M:1irlpean and American r'18uut'ie•s and Show' that the average dural ion of batman life for melee in - 3 --years to POO to. 28,3: 0011r's in 1871) end :CLIC! year. in 11S4), 111141 for fenialrs from :5/.3et years in 1840 to :111.314 anti :11(141 years, re- siteetively, in 114711 and 1144( These figures might also be used to Kettle the old dispute as to which is the 11101e *111110118 life -1 hat of the Inas lar that 11? Ihr 1 lllll att. There. .8111 he general wttisfa4'tion with the'ritinouneetnent made by Mr. Fielding last week of x large decrease in the public debt if the. Dominion,. The tn,nleiul operations s •113 the year 113132-434 have Ientdt/'43. after providing for 'out ex 'wield rate d. over ten IIIIHilr111 on r:epital x4'1111111, in a de'ar•,ask. in the debt if *1(3h411,:441, The adjust- ment of certain debts Iwtw6en the Provinces and the Ikliliuion hart. n- oodled in a further dereouw of s'.: -it. - 4)43, making a total tedu'tion of the debt diming the year to the extent of $0,$8G,M10. l'ode's Liberal ad11linis- fration Canada's financial iwit ion dear been greatly improved. The, Woodstock Sentinel -Review has chanigr'd hands. Andrew Petttllo, M. P. 1'.. `1011 has published it for nu(11)• )'*34114, ie tiring from new•s- pap•r work. end leucceetied by a company with V. Taylor, lat.l• busin4s nlan3ag'V of -Thr .Munttr•,I Herald, rr president and nianaging diteealr. The Sentinel-Reyirw is a spi.1rdid p(4wr, and s4nwhnw 181' Other - hots always laden' asw.'ifte1 in our Mind with, or t.egalrlyd moan 3IIIIe•x,nf, the .01444, Krlstariliad'harae(rr if t grand elect' f 4-1 fry in vyhirll.43 published. N.. wish for /l. I'lettlllho dill higher liie3uh.'n1 hiss future career, anti for the new proprietors of The M,'ntinol•I14' O'W slimes; and pros - Tilt. T11t• A,ws'ietl'il Pis sends an iiter- entin43 ieyi4'at' of John Motrl•y's hiogra- phy of (aadstone, w'hi••11 lids jest leen published II)' the Mou'rillans. One of the ext 'atto given is f • Mr. \Irn•Ie)y's referents to the muu'h-dim- c11see1 battleof M14juhe Hill and 18 SS follows -- "Stow.. have •71r43fied that we (6nl(ht to have brought up an overwhelming tore. Iii demonstrate that we were able to )coat them *where w-4- remade paler.111(W'tunitell•dernuustrations If this sp•cie•s easily tarn into pt'uvli. i)4ien*, and tl1.Jk^of this kind mostly 1•(1134('* felon' thine' w'h4, Iwh('vv, - not that' peare teas tpuule• in the wrong way. lett that the giving their count ')''lack itI t w Item ought nm'4•r to have been made at ell (1n any twills in any wav:, This 6.1414 not the point from which either Cabinet tot' Pat•lia- uent. *(rterl. Th. 14''vorrintent had derided that unirxati(n had been an 'error. 'Th.?Rlwr'.•had proposed in- quiry. The Government 11V.1.11 11.11 00 condition that the litters dispersed. Without waiting a I-Paxto n:Ode l rine for - aa reply aur µeneral was wu)'xteI in a rani' and trivial attack. Did thio van- ed (oulr proffered bargain: The point was *inmp3.' and 1111 I111st14kahl,, tin..mgh part) heat at f ', tear. 1111104011 m1 11111 colony and ins everlasting 1111100 pone teen to calix up different quest - thorn anti to 1(1114606-1' 11-1)6' 3oin( b) to- g llll tents o-gn'ients that heistng to Another, all roi)hillel to onetime a nimbi ' of Mind that N . rlt,al51 neho3d of parti- wan* have trained upon ever mints.. Strange in mighty mati0101 i* 1111611 1143- Y (• • * !1.• N 1 1 n4- b a all gal J x Roman pride'. All the `note may we Ndmlire the mend courage of the Minister ; for *11,61111 r'onrage may be needed ('nein where :IY.1'*1 111 10 bIi**1.11344 fortnn- ateh"happ'n1 In coln'ide• with high o etime%alnd wound ;volley of slate." 'the Quiet -Life. Ifahip 00. 1111111 n -h,.•"• 101-h aldol (,,M • A Mw' wt,n1:11 err.•. blood: 'onkana 1 'nett he hi., nal lye air •^ In nwv. gnolnd, %%'lase•M " w tl 1 1'pt•` 1 e Irdlk, whose kills with %\'hew- thinks ninth 1.140 with *tllmp Whose Ire'-. 111'1 nuu•r yo'k* 1,1.11 .haa,,„. it wittier. Hh•st, who can nn1•nlriierrn',Ilp And , meta., day 4 and yeah- .1444.' soh sway'. , In health of hat, peacee of mind : •• if',%., •Ins. • Rented .ir'ep p) hhtht :.nolp ma easel • T,60yp, l leer m11'd .wr•L m4- e;Mn : A I*111o1.. torr., which host do . pleasr, i\1t It no -dilation, '4-i as het m1' 111 r. an'Mrn, nnknnwdi 'nee ,,,It •nu,l 1c 111.1 ,e Inc Mlwd from the world and nil o stone Tell where 1 Iles haw. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Those Who Countenance Gamey. Toronto star. Meld. 1.,6111(3 Ihr nothing 111111. - emit than \l.', (rule •'M tour of the Prot Mee. making lib. s'nrliI)net :meek,. upon the ledger who were oblige(1, out of Iain ott'1) Ment inertly, In VI nd' him. And in the inti ramey which chlraett•ritter hie ('.ndict til• men wfiot invite hien In their pintfo111)8 hat. a Loge *hare. It most lie a eniiltairly eons, ringed Mind that ,',,,i 11wni9.' n tnin like (honey end nein- t)'nnnw' hie vilification of the trent irteproes e11Ah1' j1141g(w that '14.1' lel rpm 14 British bench. 'Hurrah 1 we Are Diernv.rsd f HIIlI,ihon soon toot Poor Chamberlain. 1'1 twat os he wee yeatenl,y, he in led ot grvIs,• slot fi- day. lie hes hewn ('-r et *-h r -.l Tl:e tilxlerielt Signal has finished p1t)r Jur, and this is what kitlarl hila : 111r, e'ha1abrrl*In (4 an able pleader. And Mr play. a great Ileal of 41011 lit the employ latent of a popular fatalas r pulltst weapon, but hi•.. UII e•to eskeheyn preferential taritfeuurlivn pod tented in Ureal 14rltaln contain. abundant rt 'dente that be 1, anything but a tees reasoner. The Signal is printed, iu (iadrricl>, Omani county,. Ontario. on the *hurt* of Lake Huron, a short distance weal 18 Holmes f H Imr Hill and x few north w'ltil ! t of Hayfield. 11•(' place the Signal man thus irli'lll'11Ia1'l' that the Liberal patty 11) Eiglaat may kiunf where to get x bigger 114481 than Hatchery. A Losfng Pdiari. Kidgrtuwet I iondnlun. 'Vo often W 1e• why malty l'an- adieu l'ous'rrative 1634110111 feel in duty 1 J to endorse every move made by Mr:Chamberlain. Not only that. but they endeavor to make iii* idea,* part lath putr'ei of the policy of the hilwtral- ('uuservative pasty iii this eouutt•)'. There in not much meaning in part • name* in (hie t• try any . ami Ihr l'nnail ian party shat ,"stalals by" ('haualwrlain is in 18111. 0111114011 d ' g its level best to keep in the Opposition benchees at Ottawa., The vett Majority of pxefple are perfectly cunt*'ppt with Canada's present relations Willi (cleat Britain and satisfied with the ,ntliok for this 1.311111t vv. When certain tow's- 1481104'1 write (1f "public opinion" they mean the .piiiuu of pertain s111a11 1 leough pet hallo ' y 1*dit•s in the rills., list lhr weit3(4 titrTtWastit gu *11.111 $11101)43 13w 1'UI•lue11 and pee, - file at the 0 • faits( this fell aid listen to the opilli0ns expressed &atilt Imperial Federation, 1u)4eri,aldefetwe, closer Ielat' , rte., and they will find how little (hest. question* have talkett hold un the voters,, ,Cumwrva- liten as well a. Liberals. The news - (tapers who Write of '•Lauriet's un- timely remark," at the recent Montreal llauglw(" 111a)• be sue reed to dimyn•er 1 • nearly the said remarks reflect the feeling ,1f the nontry. 11101114 - of Canadian 1'onserv/4lives have little .o'll(athy for 3rlt4sh Toryism* and 111411 less for Chamberlain and %Chat 114- syands for, and hey nal orally resent the attempt We speak of to c '11 lie l.ilwistll7m.wry*liveparty as sharing tdM' pditical vicars of the Tories and Uni(lnists of (itwat Britain. What the Farmers Haw Done. Guelph Mercury M "Tata' til Coiled nose s the highest ) 6 * Syr protection ora note •1111110 -world. • lu 1. and Ihr .a ulrrir*lW ore the exist pN.4ale.wllr. If 1'11 un 414 *;lad. t4 I•cnu.n an agricultural country tiwu we load all better bemuse farmer-. pmt it we wont our uurnufatnriorr toilworn-- It, pn. •(4-r.. we ,0.34* n high tariff, 41111,4,131 for the anallan.. i- 111) motto." This is the way The limit Reformer tepnrts a Galt manuGu•tunr• in nue tar the w)olrn bt'anohr8 there, end it is typical of the attitude ,1f a good ld )• men who serol to forget that they are making mune)' nut of tariff favot11 granted to then) by the euuntr)•, end paid for by the test of the people. ••( 'athlete for A few Canadians" is their lead 1110(111. '('hote in one thing about the fa ar- e(•.. *qd that is that they do not ower their tom -cern to special 1niyilegee and favors, hit. to downright hand work :uµ1 intelligetltadaptat' to the warts of their coma ituency. They Are rade to alert the whole world Inc peti- 'tionl and what have they aeeotn- pl11hel:: fit 1MI4►the• expM14 of all farm and food pprxllll•tM from (',tlmada were •etity-f • millions. In liardthe exports of 1111 farm and fru to ei pr8hets from Yamada amounted ' suillinns of dollars, art in- crease +-j fifty-six tallithim of dollars in twelve y )M. Canada plight be noted for loan) things wor.se than being an agri- cultural e natintry when her farmers caul show stela eignifIcent (vmulls to the world. Chamberlain sayhe C. S. tariff is "an abomination." a New York Heald nays 13.48 "wit 1," And yet we are 'wing urged too ills• such .-x- 4.4.1414'). of nili4mal w•INNltla4��0,.3ele. Debt, tr'111, inle:1 eent, Nitre 1,1! t,r.s APe all necessary evil., at the beet, `ain't all attempts to gild them 11'drr tIi# n14tpe of 111.v'dnpnl•'nt and patriotism dot, not change thea), though they, may make them rade:. (1* 8w11.110w. THE WEEK AT OTTAWA. Sir Frederick Borden Announces His Military Policy. Plana for -the Incriaw of the Efficiency of the Forc.,-Dbcun,on of the Ooderich Desalt - wattle, Project General Approval of the Vote -Dr. McDonald for the Senate. Rlpeclat•Ivlrn•-poodenee of The 1igmaf.1 Ottawa, (k't> 111th. -Thr. (' NJent the whole\ark in c ttcr of snt)431)`. To x gallery vleitor-the committee stage i. Mout the pro4.'st pilaw of Parliamentary plro ceding.. but it is in 41111111111 tee• of supply that the Minn - term make the most enlightrriu)g an- noun'eilrnts, Max 'h am the rut- jrM let Jrmo•n eraio l in dealt with more minutely (loan nn the mantel rending of a hill. This wen* iteitlnced past '.4'811inn when the °mooe tion Iru_�l4p('red lion: A. li._ Blair on the 1. C. R. ex- penditure nditute, and Ihr pent-up 'ndigna-- 1' of Ihr Minimter furnished the four: fol. one of the twit( npee'h4's on 1. l'. R. matters ever heard in the House. MILITIA MATTP.R*. This w4sinn the xnhja'e( d.nit with wan the: potter ref the 4 ).-•psart 11M'nt Irl Militia. Sir j''r'l(cick Borden hes a foWanaato• r(10fhi11ation in his muakeae, for n 4'odati't Min/isn't. H' redline. his !agitates. (r•nml t • to time to t Hou0• a4-) the countr • in such • 9,4 I a a* alm,wt to have a Walls na'r 3«1 fay Ns tdu' 1411011 1011 of the Opposition is ronce'uel Lost year his notawh 1111 militia matter* prep/tied the r•ounlr')' fors pretty a'Ig111•IIII)4 11411441i11g 01 the whole Ik•part men(, and he did not dlsaappninl at least (1,,-' Whi1hod 1)10' pleasure i( lint ening to his stitei.ute 114- did not lnnohn,' any rev,luli6rt- 14ry n4- even )6404611'Pee+ ue plan •uf to ha•nlitaling the Canadian many. H4. till I the Konz• of the prenetit date 9. things :''f whet he wanted thein to h•:.tf W11.11 h.• 1)11)110610 it with rind t to. probable rad of it. $3,:372,144,. The permanent font• wa1 ty Iw 111- 11.141014•11 11111 di -tribute') get the Iprg.r gIl'Iiwos of Ih. 1)1) ' inn. I'hin flare wit. depended upon to teaks betel of thing. in cue of btorotilitiont and tot he the it..inletor% of the eIt.i• 3.'11 forte. This forte t. c x05401 of evil-0n1Mn'! men with A Ih.mugh military educe, lute. The riff' ,dins were to be fstend std' gl1duall nbenrit el into the %Ario,a i•giumenta 1)r lee • att•arhrd thwsl,1. The cadet, nape wee ail lmpntent. (rattier. it wart the "Sunday winter of the volunteer fors and would be libel. - ally treated. Alt 'a menet was to le .*taidi*lid in the interior probably of 4)1(Aw•n- and A Canadian Alder- shot would also hr instituted M a gram! 11.01rw of re(w8*e•ntxtiv.a of the eoliths. 111111(114 of all firma, Gt Is• held annually. The fen+ (S2,4ztn At thin grand tevlew' *mad Ile the skeletog of the toner of e 4111,1041 turn hr was c4T1Inting on. He was k - t► sinew of improving the dorsal de3all- ,ueutt. the ruuauirwataul 48(144 he Me Islrlat Ixsktra 41n.vadIug tfur 3434-11•ana' I J• floe( of the luau in thwfield, so they I woukt not !1e liable to forget that they were 11y4-(1 in*terul of nniulala, as at 111010(14748 sukilrt''* cuadition at caul alight suggest. It was nut expected That all of the awn required to raise the Iona. to 1111,111) would drill au- nually, but They WOUIII hr taught the time o r rifle, 1 f their *repots, (h rlfland ap . suMcirnL free *8 111 111(1111111 111 served to make them all good shots. A K•h.ol of signalling will also he established, the graduxtene of which will be di*- tributel over the whole fore.', the saute 310 (1 the school of musketry. TW4) NEN' MILIT.%KI' Ilr:lerrN, Two tlew depeis of the permanent corps wuuk) lie• estaldishel, aur at Moulledl, where we wilt have (1(134 (• pally of Infantry and one section ,1f garrison artillery, prolo111)' men in all, and )ttlother at l'algary, N. W. T., to replace the Mounted Police, Whose ditties call thrid farther ninth every year. This tome would ht. called the Stralheona Honeand would consist of about one 1 Jrd Melt. 1 h Minister throughout kept x noticeable rheek on his words. He luul cut his garment- fussed - Mg to the cloth and in clrr+ing said he hoped the co '(tee would nut twisider hie Program as ton) 11111- 1.11 i111111. lir 1!e•lieve'll it waw x pro- -gran' which 4'0 orb ir ire tattrwrtrm/i he haul every /oufidrmce (fiat if this line of at t' were !proceeded with it would Ite tensible for its to have with- in it ut4Nwunable 1w1.i4*1 =say fire yrar+at least --ole of the lest light- ing organizations on the facer of the earth. ('01. Tisdale, 4'01. Th Door and Col. 5+1111, Hughes took part in the dig a 1811. 1'br latter urge! ,a com- plete Ind acounite weer p of the frontier bordering on the fulled States. Its was an intelligence .(turf's in Sloth Africa and had 110 maps of the pountry, where.w tltr Burnt h,ul dilagrattn ,1( the entire territory and ware suF4"Loterl. whde 11e had 10 g0 it Mind. Hr also etlulu(emits' the Rouen rifle as the lest he haul ever Ken. lite Americana were as aggrersaVe 1431 wee w 11134 and thele was at large element there just spoiling fora fight with us. In fact, be (declared he haul enema to a private ceruatuuir14ti,6 1 from I'le.ident l'lev'Ixntl to the (iovernurs of the tenicide Slate a Askin¢ how luny turn they could n(1tseta. within a week. 'fie. reply 1111110 Jack that.411,1441 was the best tile)' 'mild do in two weeks. "oltosati 'H DAY" IN TK4 Holrey- 1'nrsla• was •"Glderieh 1)0)'" in the House of ('urn Mons. There 11'1114 x11 interesting deists on the vole of 44),)14► to furnish the harbor with it breakwater. Hun. Jas. Sutherland began by explaining the *itteattion on Lake Huron ns to the hat•le.'4 of tef- ugl• duringafp'ny weather. He had lawn waited on pwrwrudly by r'pre- *r•tatives of the lake shipping trade who urged the construction of a brrak- w'ater some 1,734111' fret long with a depth- of nen 25 tot 30 f.et, whi.-h twofold nett ''n the neighborhood of aitt44). It not only the people of Golerioh who\urged til'. work but practically the \ hole livainlew and lnumierial in t% of 11'raet•n Ontario. Hr, ex( 'nett that the 11016.111 cute of $A►J 1 w'a* for the pm putt' of making it t4- 1 of :*4) feet to he built With e3luer•t r. MI'. Ingram. of East Kigi curions and ttante,l to know iditnre on (4oict'irh harlot became hr ex p p to date and a.kesl Mr. }Blum, for it ot•- mat Pitt 11.• remarked that bre, water's had at1r•1441V 1101.11 built hate. MR. Hn1.ltels R,XPL.\INN THE 1'ItIa1K(T. o -I• supplement Its. H Im.•n- may the. information given by the Miiietrr of Public %Vorks. The chief object in Ducking this .teakWater is to make (imierieh a harbor of refuge Then•'.* no harlot of Ieftagr un the shore. of icake Huron within 150 Miles, It Wall originally intended that H.sleri,:h should he a harbor sof refuge, bat that idea has nets 'Iran carried tad. A her of lice* have been lost (hurinpgtr 4011(18, simply breather the vetwe•le were unah1e 10 got in during A heave `'(ell: Thr purpose is to 11(14141 A break- % ter out into the lake 7141 nr (44) feet fro the entrance of the harlot, whe by v.sse'Is could **tel)• enter dur- iag a 041,11111. Nu breakwatrl• has ever hr.'n halt in that direction, bud only at the NUN,of the leiter. Originally Ihr pierce raft in a walthweete•rl)' dine' - tion. lett twe3tlty-4V4 or thirty yearn .48430, 141 x very great not. the engineer ran the pieta (4)11 *might, which WAX a mistake, twosome. they allowed the full four of the waves to come M. 1 may say *lw) that the dr utati4111 1011(111 waited 1111111 111. /1011. Minister did not hxpp•n to be headed by the- -Admiral," a. the hon. gentleman calla 1 ' . It happened to )ie',headel by the Mayor of G,*lrrich, who in not a pdithall supporter of my own.. In 114111i1 11611 (i) tluat, representation." have been merle to the Onvernmemt by the *hipping men from all arclions of the Pilo -Owe of °Marie. A large Minn - lily of grain haw Freon handled at (belerich during the putt )•pal'• They have Anlple Will PE in the hrarlsor for the".largent lake -going v(•s'l•Is, *1111 I 14e1ie that many vessels which field •heir way- to lirtr» t and Buffalo would. if A srtlahle breakwater were provided, d hag*' their cargoes. et (l d,rirh, ' Thr depth of water in 3reaf•r at G(ldeetch than it in at the Laude Kiln Crowing.. Mr. (iourl.y-What in the depth? Mr.ti)llnie -1 a s. i a n the 1le1Rh( 4-h . 1 d hrnt y -a one feet.. , - Jlr. (1 ley -ala that a natal hat- dlr. H41lnlen-Y,'., fertainly. NL ung 'lpresen Latin1W lav' leen made tot iov,•rnlwnt in the. intrlra* of chi, week water. As a (natter of feet the teleg*tion nekton' for it it large, weak water then is (wing provided, .sat it in 4'xp.r(lMl 41141 thin 41114•, )ouill IA an exp'riuwnt, will drmonntrate• its unlit)' and warrant its extension I41Pr on, "...vomit') RY (01HRR M M'RH1, A. F. Maclaren iNort.h I'4 '111) had a )sate'h of correspondence fro Strat- ford And other pares neon( 1.1>r 141)4. and he alio ?'voted the work. Mr. ?Merritt (( oinert•ativ,l sit (iDlo- n1e)t.e1 Mr. Holmes' words And he 313141 a very kindly feeling for til 4M down of iber derich honoffs' the nervier% that harbor rendered before the lulvent of the iron have, He wax horn near there and ought to know s0rn,'thin43 niacin it. Hon. Mr. Motherland ck%ws1 the di*m.aioti. dotting that the work with .*'prime nese'ity. 114' awn confident front the represent at limn 'mule to him 1,7 pt•1%4.1(.1d men, captains of the large feats And et here, that. It would hying 'many millions of le1Nhein 4 i grain too the finrin More that new (gi to the 3m'rlean nide. The trade ..f the whole 3/nnlinio11 would he very. Targe if he was Aueer'aahll in ealxblinhing a g.xld harbor at Oexietich. 1'.au1.1Rr1 t1.' 1T11 P'1.VI,01 101.4 MA. Theis ha. not bowel a vote in II the estlnla(wa pawed by Parllatueatthis r which was shown t,6 he more urtiAAhl' on the. plwtniaes than this very one and none Imre favorably received on both oldest. 1f the trial 'AM) feet ptva'a's to be x Nine,*'rt it will he lengthened nutticientl)• w make it Iwrbol' all the ver*,ls that ruler. At Buttal() they 11480*' a bleelwater a utile long. WILL NOT INVKNTIOATE PETITIONS, The petition investigation wblch both aides Were 4-u eager to enter has fizzled tett and nu re will likely be ►1048td of it in the Homer. Mi'. Talbot r(( esk to look into the matter attrr amJ the, l'uneerl'ativer as a bluff countered by st iFxtlxtiug fur a general invest twit ion, feeling pretty rate las the postilion 1s- asu(1u t at the tiuveruuuent was all Anoint for prorogation and tilt. iu- vewtipatiexr would prolong matters in- definitely and at the Willie time hoe a fishing expedition for h !reds •of Witnesses and a free ride to l)tta.tra and return. 1'he Lilwrxlat were willing to go on with the matter, but the Opposition tluuke3l and arranged for both sides to let it drop, '41'114) WILL (+hT IT 1 Three in considerable spvul►tun over the good-natured rivalry between Iteputy Speaker Mclkonakl, of East 7lulrpl, and John Tolinir, of 1Vest Bruer, for the vacant Senatorship in 11'estern #Ontario, and no 0110 earl judge as to the repeat until the ap- pointment is a4tiisilly moult.. It is pretty well inelerst,ed that 3.1, Mc- 1)011*lel is more or lees indifferent to reulaining •h longer in acti0e 3x)li- tics. As I)4-`oty Speaker hr h*N glee} ptr)Npxe'I4 of the Speakership of the next Parliament, as, u0tw'ithetaudiig all e*•C1wittttal lack of force in rnfun•- ing hie rulings. in the chair, he has 14491 1111 a.•cr Mahle• deputy. A Senatorship is pl11rtI'ally x snug life twusrom with the delectable privilege end (mistime of meddling with the rnu•tnle'11ts of til.. pk13)111Nr House, in 1ul(itiun to a no mean atimuut of social prestige, which 3N (.rrtaiuly our attractive phase to the member tree Bruer. 1). 1V. • The regular 'sleeting of the Ahmeek Chapter. I). O. E., will be held in the law library in the court hotlsr on M day, tt toAer 10th, tit 4:15 p. ers Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, coDsumptio•. They will tell you how it heals inflamed longs. *ad se,a1t ser *seas rare. 'Lee 11341* firer. (9ere1 r'eeam 1 ', see leap wow rue keoW 4-M y amen breed "nine. ?LIM *T1w De l•rie OnaY.. •11-er 9A. ) 1Tu4-o.. *11* : for OldI..IL tw Old Coughs One Ayef's P11 at bedtime Insure • natural Ihotton next mornings all' aper We are determined to clear out our stock of Wall Paper this fall, and have some tempting prices to otter:\ , Daring July and Augurs( we ofte- 2: per cent. off. 4,6 now offer 0314•• thirl Off, or Mil (er, cent. What d41r1a that mean 1 J u*t thin - lir. Paper for -18 r per roll. 8111• • •• 13 e I:x " 111 e 1110 ,. •• . 7 ,• Me " " fl.ic tlr 0 0 4 r. . . 111. ••. . „ 31e ., A.1.lr4M from le For plod t0 15e ler yard. TKRMS MPOT-CASH. KiDD'S BOOK STORE. A(lENCY C. P. R. TELEGRAPH, THIEF:TM and EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. W. Acheson &Son Saturdayand - Monday Bargains OCTOBER 17 AND T19 Our Saturday and flonday special selling of many overstocked lines is a most favor- able opportunity for good buying, and where little money goes far in our great stock. Flannelettes • for Satut'day and Monday selling. 1114) yards, 30 to SS inch wide, heavy, full, soft flannelette* in rplexdid patterns. Pinks. Num, greys, and warranted fast nohow. regular prised 8e,and fie a yard at . W" Underwear (111 dozen Ladies' flutist finish, heavy Onion flercad vestal or drawers, splendidly finished, all razes, extra special, et per garment 86e, :411', 513'. Dress Silks and Velvets YL Metier; wide, black Peau 114- Mot.' ninon. rich, lustrous finials, durable and wear gu.txntr.l, at ler yan1, sprint.. I/,x', $1.141 and *1.25 Cord Velvets special 'immortal ' now in of the fasbiuo71bl', big, deep? heavy, silk coal velvets, (111' 111131644104, coats x11,1 Waist N, in line heavy pile, in ,all 1310 new w'ant-est 1•1.14r,. "('.•1•):1) 114.1' yard .... /.'. Dress Goods 140 yards fancy zibeline wool dn•sa suiting*, beautiful Amish and geed weight, in shaAtes of navy, brown and reed. Regular (ilk goodly at per yard ... ... ....... :148 180 yams of :18 iueh, all wool ('he. iot 'nanny', heavy weight and fine finish, in shades of grey/smut). regular *1.141 quality, at per yar.I :all - Carpets Never.lwfore such hill selling u( rat pets. ,edits, Brussels, wools hint uui0moo, 3tt illehen wile, 'xA';e heal•)• uuiun (Al'pet, in designs equal U, lest all wood a1111 perfectly l'Ve nible, clean, lure stock, at per icier -Vie, Six: and ilk•. Women's fur -line.( capes and Iamb coats opened new in stock this week; we invite early inspection. W. Acheson & Son. P11O14K 748 Iluni sat qui Mr1 y 411o011r. STURDY & Co. 111- (ihah:H \I. ....p0I' T\tl•:NI' Grocers to Their Majesties the Public \\'EST ".Il111: 'sgI \HI.. DUNLOP BRO5'. Steam Laundry es St, neat Kist Edward Islet. Hailog puritans' an tip to- date mer a laundry plana and engaged t nervier, t1 x iu'rae- tial num wtb41 r'ity experience at the leucin we are',mome- n1 to do n11 ki s of laundry wo 4-kll• nl m a Kat intim.- (Meld}'• P P ) A share of your patron, l* renpeetflllly Klll.•Ited. (lords rolled for and riAiv- Tate Time by the Forelock ANI) LEAVE V0('R uMtUh:H FOR A New Fall Overcoat f DUNLOP THE TAILOR DUNLOP BIOS. w 'Stl.eet, nelit door 10 Hon of M(ottteal. Be Sure See The _ Ith 1'c:Atiley H::ttl.t of rlI''n'. suit + ,u'llnterns't. for fall and teinfer--if yowl do you will hue emoted amongst- (h14' (3(1(11)' raituimrw of this/pel,hrateel brand of nun's 3(ns totilore.l ger•m,nte. They/oM1 n lit Ile more than others. but then yore get Iwt.tee/elnth, bettor trimmings. letter balk". thea' retain their shay rid they FIT. PRIDES $10.00 TO 020.00. ALSO OAK HALL CLOTHING 1 1 nudinnl-444'4(•34 R.Ngla--thin old reliable clothing is lot ler than ever' this M, their suits and ovpm*1148 are cert lainly rigl.t ll3rttlod14tt•. In m•'mp*tw 41irk (►third grass have the p'1'fPfPp.e- 'W3l1, n sprinkling ),f IoLar'k an ('hes lob', l eaTPra nand MPltona-W4- have them In 1111 stylish lengt-hw PRICES 88.00 T01114.00. 11'a to your inherent 1,. se• 1)461. rlothI'ng. • W. C. PliliDI-/AM, MEN'S OLOTNIER, FURNISHER AND HATTER, GODERIOH. - ONT. '1 (." Al lilt ul 111 tial kir • IMI Raai diet law. A holo 0431 J,.• la' 'sN•n 111 � Iwo fret pie how ,a l.1 the wlli mitt f ' ,a 11 anile uuti TI has 1., 1 two .44111 win 44'411 101 4 ,r1t! ural Iwio ,4111 well.' 1114. I ingl A drat day Jas. thee Ale, I he 1 well' i1411 with 111.,1 t4 Is 114. • the e ell to L• \4,) rel.• 1i►, -hill. 114•x3 al for whir' hr 41 thee rang seen teeth will whet Untie ado. fere 'treat' lifter The rat.• J of 11i the, for it 411.1)1 list lath, nh,g groove othet In cin hi. d M, -k piton Ito t Ile d. lord \tw ti Oawt Spain • h11111, Mort. 4,1111 t Th and 13.115 103.4 Intl quo 1 K.. hent ti'th levee emu !head for I' foie" when testi flood stent sh'•h Fort a'iW short 34 11 i Inks cher, a ls. -eek 1111134 dill.' rand pru3 11.31 mind The k,r3, and i'1t1• Prig 71