HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-15, Page 1Two Papers
One Dollar
wri'Eft Tu SIUNAI, SL'K
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a �lI
F '- Ii L
Two Papers
for the
Price of One
.. A -'17%7' t • , .1
- , _ \ .
FIPTY-61XTH YLUt-Na >•M --'- /� /� / 3 1 -- - - i I -- - t
(! UER1:'H,' ON I'ARIO.. CANADA . (l�'T08ER 1•s, ,:Vial• VANATTKR& RURKRTIk)N, Pt•k1.Ieaaag ; '
Music GODERICH MARKETS. HOW IS YOUR LABEL. ? `town'uf $1411) they will- ie-• stile to Ir• gave asiddteewlf Ifnll (If iutekest filial In- Mrm. liblim, lailn)atl work, Myrf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OCT. 16 I+
1 doer that "V) note at the houilt seudes i- atlilctikm Vwg i•dil1K file history, t Ile Stod,M ; sidlol-tt. .=, Sutherland : H,�� -- rage
T1st,"i.Ar. (sct. 11th. �^•a Icrnlxker. N'wnted Hoa k The. ofticr I
11 ISkl H. K. IiOUN, OF THE All aboug Ilse 141t the ba.Al laartet. r,+11 ma, I+ttst N'rrk N't• rent Ullt a 1a1'ga• IllUll- ally. Tile total le,elptN Lltih yeal• fit txlliellellfx+l4al l ller1111is .if file Order. I. -In eralive ill Solidity . schools. Mrs. Ver A. J. l'iN, r. N. �/tCtrll't Q ,Val. • �
e-'1 Tmorew ('olwge of Mtlldc, olywnWt rM flnu. \thrxt I„II.N,rrtheujl,R,lightly. Hullos Iw•r of tu•cuuutx fur wLIrN•ripllonr ill eyrie $I,It!7.liS; coneisliug aft liuvrrn- IL wiLw eNGFIIjlrliwl ill tilt& lalvrviucr in UutC nxlrulicN, Mlvl. �1'art►ut•IF : N'. tlrrrow« t)on .. n 1+
chuir,rwNiva•tor id Nuelh tarwl rthalwt W uy{u lSr, u,J r husr roc ar , ` !isle ,d Hw,ae., ('&tile, e[r. U. Mc HrieIl I a
rhun.1 (loderich 1. pneyruv,l w rss•efle 111111. ilk-. uwll to +anlfk KN t w LL•. Mild yu•twutw. uite it utuulwr have ahead lurnt and cuunly gr4gsIh to the iulrr- IKi7, iN the largest fraternal benefivi- Mollies, luw•lifi ,. Mrs. ilev.) lirx-
11 •K )- /i 3' g ( H&nIN&ro-McKw,In fit Howell s
11, yy11Vr argrul, {r�anoforte� old row". Terul. F>JI whe&t. )N•r bas -L a ; g eu•rr ,t l the iucit:LLtiuu W w 11 1 • 1•N(.YI wN'IeLlf•N tl111U11111111K (u${i' , gate :u•y .crest )• in Uut vri.l, hos x' uu•ual0rr- hula ; fl:ulchise, \iI•N. Hy •dgrs ; aLrlrll- il,it ,yta•wrgrrpllrM In IleuirlNl brawl un
uaadrkuowual K. W. ltclie""wLwwi.l.'e. 'Apdoir. whr:u. perbu, I. ho It 7i I Yt. ! y 1 • iwrripts. sa t io ; xtibs ciirti,nis nasal ,,iii. ter oyer 4;i`OlXl mpr titin ovelit title- fees fm •1•allrfl, \�1 �\'xlllr. Thr Hu,iueN. /'illu r " •
n u rt w, a e-6 1 'wt K uyytf
ye.Vrr bewh .- a 71 las r 45 A giwater nnn11N•r have title. We thxuk dunatiune, $;We. and ral lies. a.R aunnt,. ,r\,olp utilliou/i'utinsuna{itA•., slid IRAN lraGal lwitl un•u1114-i 'lip is forty. 'Holl- Il', the Spirit twhltNl the nun, J. N. ('ul
TFceRoH uF HBRI`F)(tE, GRNAIR' i11t,LWhe.1. ! I oil,_
!,I ` r bu+ji If 1•. to •o Is cf h(wt+ who 4nvd• ma•Itla4l their xrtvnr_ Thr full valor aft tAr )rirrm awauvleYl la wid user Iwr Tilltun d(dl:um fur ut,1t) u,t-u,lwla. uiur. A"rrfLgn altrud- It's I, Np to %'oil -J. H. ttjejorw l .• 1
rhoinna«ter Knox chan•h Iluderich. Proyar aa., firer UU41 ... .. 0 :rl ro U 61) age alit baffle 11, brut' ft,stll IlCllly (Af 11111i5,'JII, of which tell Joel• cell,. IN n•• death clul,tus.. � ore lhirteeu. . Number of regular las the F'a1I N". (. Uoudo .. �
u1)w la fdiuwlr ..•.... •. ..
wl to rgo•Ive lwf I ag: I'luw, pile Ire lite basal .... ... •O Yo to uW Ga1Uw1. It iw Lhr llKhlllrma rot the ln•1'Ae .' nH4•1i11 "held dui•inq Uec•",veaf,LWenl)'. K,Iggie«fur Srlr-�. A. Wa�Iter .. _..., I ,,.
mYuu, \dos t•u tiro wid [Ecus'• 1'uyll. pry N.•rrenirlg.,, IN•r lou t hr "' , , wllhiu lir urYl few tla �•r. A St. Joseph Dl eulty. , Krrnul N1 ILr. N', . Y Naydrh...... .... l S.1 J
's1 t8 ui w 18 W Money chlrHY that acrnun IN 1' two. Mill NnluluU of tootle • naiNwl ,[
fro tl,e
1 went flu 1 nAerwtyy ext- kimtion-. Studio, . . Fkwr, (wally, per cwt .. , V IU to Y to ,rise lublieheno w mil IN• lta ,ries if (hl 11eend�u • Ili, \\•om i 1l''. A. llulll- yy F'arw fur xNle L R brl=1 � � 1
a, wreulr Moatro&IStIwL le4tu F'wur, patent. 't h) b. S1 M 1 ( Nurpl us in the foink. 3 l 1 fat• Lhr year rndin U-lu1N•y3t4 $'�lti.- Sat uMr Nu.t Mo :
Vet cwt .. t 4 1 K Y (NI+1Y Ftorgan,+ W. Ache
�„�•� I4rxa. per tun IN In w Is (u every sublN•rila•r would keep his Inlwl ber held com•t u1 the town hall. Thr ill ; Lot 11 1d (Alit, $;,r•SCI.IN) ; todat►ce .esu a `ion
-'"-- %hon«, Died at Winnipeg. r • Laulber "'anted-Utidericb O nCo.,Uff.I
tier wn ..... . . ... of lin w s) i� I :1st i(•N Gr Lose case N'W(• Ito•. R01111liel'. rose Maud. $37Ad. Of this aillount rg°
Le al If dated ill $dvatlee. Huutsiw' Kawr,wn.-aF.T.H ................. a
yr 6'601 to 7 ul John Arldwivs, Bayftrld road, un lnxlutgrr of Lhr Sl. 36seph volbpan',
g "'uoA, per wrJ . _........... 1811 to 6 in = --- -- - - , $IIW.Ai N•,ta cullw•trLl hvinl Lhr general ]Ira N•tfn.Ced-9/. u. l'arlsron ................ 1
_T Matwww, yrs bas«h r t '1 ) / l�I Muudxy twr•rlvaYl the waJ and aulea- laid .Lias. li. L1r.l.e n. the ulrhitn t ul pu,hjic fur the• \\ "t Hur6ij Prohibition t"'vuuu i l'uderw'&rL- Nudgen« Bruw........ tl iS
Hater, peril U U W o las LOCAL ,IrVI. ws. Iwr-" iulrSligenee aft the death of hiN charge of the Wol-k going un xt Lhr' ..alliance. for lar vat11 iqn togaiumt the
1llI. ('AMERON. K. 1!., BAR- Cheesr, ieerlb .- ,;, v IY w n Ix dao htcl', n.. Stewart tllaltip elf Rthuorial block at' the •'city:" Thr Wt d
. RISTIIK w/itciUw .Saws), otc. Offii , 11 f4W. fre,h, g !• Iwr. 1'hr t'ui,ul hrl.l oar ulrLial coal-
tN+rduc .. ...,, u 16 w u 1e- Wiuuipleg. MIN. Ste,oart lad IN'•µ ill.' cha•ge Wa, eef A.Sallt &nidi tie leave lent, one eutertaiseu,ent b Beta esu h• tract fur lite brick work at Mr. Mci oti-
H.,aullta, St.. tilled door taw SvuNro, Uoderlch, Tuuirtor., `,re- bu.hrl a 6u W U , For A6sault. 3' K K t)
oaf,. Pawn,, Iwr bbl U 78 to I • f�ll'm,.Itlr Warks x11/1 N'ux IIrMg Iru,lid ,well rouhllittral-un SrptnulN•r'31th hW' 1)n aatLhesa b ls4 hl uvula•, wtr via- ald's hulas ilia hit. David's Ntteet, which
--- - Apples. per total . u ai to 1 a, Hulx rt IfysI p sud Uro. Habel were by torr sist"r, Miy4 Wrth•a Au,hvw4, M,•1: ao oil t h- etorMr, who i-, t hp > � P is undergoing rztrnsive improvements
\Atil'N Y. LUF'I'l,'h1 h:.. HAK- a-1tle.onliu'y &hood IN cw't. 41i, to :4 M Lhr laiulilf wldJrfrualaul. trs Y•ti\r• 1 ywnary to the huuhrruI 11 A ilniuu
e. KISTanallicitor,'nutwry. Special alien. Catlle export. jacrewt ., 4lot to 1 .L) P W ,+lieu i�tl n prufrmr�a,ilal Liaise, tlllll fN'u d:aimtiK ill Lhr :u•tiafn. \\'•u. P1vy+I- meeling of flit• vai•iotwSablwthaA'htxrls miner the receut flte.
.._4. 41aa1glrrn a Mwrtie4'oun work. Mtn, las Nosel.iia,• wwlght. per cwt. .. 81uw sto ;y,N•inw veee that will. tried at toss " k a fi M1 . Ahte Andrew ,x lmilIitN,i...iaa'.. %vm4 ties• dIN•tor's euuniwl. 'nf tier 1,,wu wits arranged by the Theimpumingfw4rvufUuurtxbloJ.S.
1�• 7 rya a hall un S:a(ulduy hrfrore J. \vent Co her seals. It N'am thou;ht by h::� I�- DieLio,-ln f•.I- f lit- defetwe and ,tilteriuteildrat, MiN. Luff, and very McMath, in the uniform aft the North• 0.
loan. talm:: Noah ac. RINe teyuale. U/ide ch, Lel^• dreerwNl, Iwr eN't 7 las to
Iamb las to t 8,e- Krrnighxu, J. P., and the -new fwllirr Iter ewlativelf herr that Nht- N•N4 illi- l'larwn At4nnry Sex re- \vx" ows#.nt in went Muuntwl PuFicr, should brenuu h
Sharp, yrs lb : o +ilio nut K. I ,urrr,Nfull carr,arl out. Racrivral g
IFO. A. J. FRASER• BARRISTER• fuwo per lb Ii t6 to u ul utag;,tnatr• l:. A. Huw1Nt. Mr. pr„ving• xud Lhr nrN'% of he•r dl•ath til•• j�frtw,t, of lir l'roN'n. Thr rvi• taroLisilN tvlw our ttlanty president, [u keep the titer• He is Hllin (`oh-
Vf .ulictwr, pmor�arr In the Mrrltiule I'uurt cork err Ib . • D 1J to o I8 HyNI• p• It Appears• wax in till rlupluy was a Kiwat Nhor•k. Net lest irulmrs drucrx)n smut- of t'he mt,Nt u1,Ltrriul y g
Nrlr witil Yhllip •l�dt, K. e-.1 utgoe ra.1 ,ids Iwn1, per b _ o u to m H of Mr. Hxtyrl ,old ivuuuittA41 &nils act rl uue,IrC NIlli-h tive. u'cl(o•k lex Was •Gills halru'slelace duriuq Lhr latter'• •
. gun Howlw R,Itlare, Uoderirh. T,dlow. yrs Ib U Ri w u us hive saiurr Ilw•n . Iwwivwl. Thr total µuNl. was very cunflivfing lord al the &•sled. TheiV mvwmm to have been u absence on holidays. I.
HiLIAe,pr reef which shgrrad the lxllrr, res Lhat in s/•h,Nd-+lairs, urighlNrl, rnnel ulhrr cunt•hwi+ll of llla,•ai4r,, N bleb Ixstw ,all -
6 m to s sea ,rulrity o[ Pnr�inrinl aducatiunAl Much evmpitthy is felt with Nr.
HU. JUHNtiTUN, BAHKISTEK, 8bt ey kid . u a, w u at- tilt altrn atiou wile. h rusuwl when ;,eyuainlsuce. 4 s h.• ,I,•,•r,,.•d N ill Ir •- tlfl-rrrraeelt, lose Alagi4lr.Lte ufatle ase ro to nWthis- ear. We have. ho""'- tlnd :11 rat. J. T Gold, litre aft Salttow, i'r,
e .ohcitor, ax"miwiwl.r, etc. Molly las Inui+tole ml[rtet, on nage 7.1 they Ilext earl :11 r. IIJLIWI 1•ncYl, P K Y hr,
duo,. LMltu, corner Hamilton and St. AndrT,'« - . _ ciLr�ruar• Thr w9iuu "vas esu d desats ' - --- caret•, tv4'elvwl three, which hate been in the death of their infant syn, who k•
1nwt., uodeticit. tint. elf ilS„'ulit. and Me'. II.1bel wits fin,•J Kirell at ditfewuL IlkeetillKs. 1'tn•te . urruudN•d tai f•tfatulIle, to a painful
Situations Vacant N'as oue•lwrlor wPrtitlg held duritil Junes• Alf A month's duration. Thr
JL TtkBFoUcit m, HAlpu BARRIri- _ __ \ it and rust . ht ear. aft th, holue of MI•N. Mc- little fellow wits uul thine monthN
lL TRfYI wllelpew.IlowrleNyutlu ynrltur > 1 3
In Ihr Muitim a Court, elc. bili,'•, kortb et. {AN UR MEN TO ('UT ('ERTAIN More Accidents. elizle, ill the intrlwNlm of [hr Iumf er• asset t\vo -dAys cid. Thr Interment
neat doW"gnW or,N,. 1•rtralr furs& to "ai �l tree« on the MM•llnruo[.l prot�•n)•flee �\la ht Saittirda"- \If%. M.Atho-W4 ha(l'" town work, a collection of $1).311 twing t4xrk plow esu Suud,Ly, the tunerxl Iw-
r r t4tweAt~'�otintenr,l. W'. PHut14.01rT. taowa,Nl..Applyset wlrrwM.(I. t �] Afl*-N.- nN`0ty fall. It aFllksvars.:he Na ,tau,{ taken, which Willi nu additional 7k•. lug Nttrudwt by x I:u gr uuwlwr of Lhr
11J.CA'fF:l) Bu11.EK1lAKF:KS
ingbu a chair p►xhwl esu -:t table In fli w:a, .ant u" our' t-uuu ihuti.ln teeWanls (resod• of the• parents.
lD,lll'KINSUN Ae: UARROW. HAK• Mrll.lwurit w k -noon%+ N•urk. u -I i1 Mind, \then star- fell to the flo, •. 1.• IIll• tuie,ionary's Nilae•i•, Eight well- - - -
HI.YTKRM, atlonw «ull"t l• wage+ and «it,"dy Nork. ADvly box ni. tri. , riving Mole#- seratebeN on Lhr far, filled ••cutufOrt bawl+" have Also becit CHURCH NOTES. -
(hosterk•b.- li: L O1('K VeX►.. 1'HAItIl mac+•. +slit •-end Lrui,hig hru sehoulder gems tat ,r•nt. Kight.4•n Nnnuul IwfNrr[s W'L•tw _ _-.
c.altkuN', LLS ,e vef-1y. \it•s. Matthews mill tie c u- lakrn. Thew• didlal,, w'e•1v selit to tier Ker. J(Me )h Elliartt. B. A.. will t4/u•
!`,HAK, riRA(iEK. BARRISTKK, l I w&m. t. .typb' cu ),flit. S. A. )fall Ale. fit" to the house fell' w "hurt these. ' �• -\ -aalllty ltvasliter. 'A short sf-i-vice ill du.•t the service m Knox church ne•'xt
�/ w&Huµ{tper aetary &old rose%"alNwr. rani.,• Sal- YNNrm ,In•r1. The Thtirmilsy larr vious A. 11. J'ollpy ruemory of the late Frances Willanl Sabbath evening. , � 1/
al, IlatdlfoniNreel, ow.iw Lhr 1 dlN.nlc II„ had hivIriiiht mhuuldl•r dislorute4l, He Wits held, ands vollrPl ion Gakell in sit] I hvine sel-vivo will he held in Kuux
lei. oeid elL PAvate hand. tai Ir,NI on tort ANTED. A LUI►1) SMART BOl' N'as o whin it tie ut Ilia farm ill tilt, world relief Nfirtbwest- missions: chuirh this ,urarniug fit 11 u'dta k.
di M ; arnt. into e, 1. liArNN•r, Ileic, 111 K Ili
.gsa taokc los 'Iwline 4. bu.fflr. 11'nue U04 el. ; li,Nusln when x hula:r rml . special Itaayer-1ue•tiuK wl" held kit t ulle•ti�u un behalf of the poor.
t&,tet M M. wN• W-4 '',hart sa year, r.m.t. uwl p Ki ,x rlmrt•h rose Devem ler illi fear the
W -ate ANI/F:Itsrl V, h.anla6,1, ,,,en•h:,ul, I�u,,. las. e t Vu r Mthe ll nudwk. :, aur. sm (If the cot#. ter rl(Nw f lit- lwy's. Rev. Ile-. DSpiel will deli Wal' a lectiope . •° �" ^
(). D, IIUNVEYAN('hK, Ksnr«u. . K K
tit stjlgN41 Irld elfin h N shl libler aise A let t- I111inber III lrtlet:4 asset telr- U him (Thank iving)
J. Mr., Nay Lw Latin ►wt at 1,Ir1 it-slN1lrr t
mei, ll,g Yr. of hall. ■ai`dxa11. + (ir%TS A\'EHA(i F. i.al A DA1' of j,yint: 77 +� t�w•tur's +&sneers wrly .Late(&. weir •rot 1't•inu ulruslrrlr of Lhr evening un '•'the Rhytluu of Things.,• t y
,r wlMn,a&riNA,'•, It son, lir-.,Iwnn dw.'am i` theyrwrrefunA4rlKng ourgond•. AIway+ • 11?,�n lid all hrl•n Iv Lhr l'it;:Ll•rltl• Rill. lal►1'q#. ronglegntiunN.in Nut•lh Nttw+•t y
nal. m M ll'!b way w•twa, ,esu ,N' i•n, u. u+•. ,lou -hold ...,:a vtri,r4, n„ 1 Lad« lir 1Yrlf11 ret1, b11L, . 1'. F uliPy Ix IIuW a11)I,f las
iw,lrng b the 11 Come, of J1,+urs, ,hc ,nervi.•,. %.,.lute . .a ,,.. wrUrI .%I 14 Lt. KL1 xlsold. � thavr al. , distrihut,vl to l:irgr yuiultity Meth.Nlist church un Monday heard -
'uun „( Aweal far 4 0, or In xn) ( ,"duly �( ro,. L.sNto.1. 41111. 4 of lilel•all 1'. 1)n tier tv hole. this hew (N o Inaguiticrut merwuus by Wv. J..
et- IMrf.toel curt. AI ra,au•t4,ns r.rohdl)' I i - �____. Tl,e Late Maleol - McLean. -' - IN•cu a yet full of waa•k. Thr ptti•si- H. Oli%rr; of rimtAlWrl.
M r - . ' II /
NINt pruolutiy wit rtM. id+.M Mr.,wl I "i'V►1"I' 1.:\h \1':\NTF:1) i THF •IlaltYl,y,lnl'illu,, :If•nI>in he nllnual nddlYr4s, rrfertv4l A,unilhl' nuwtiseg of Lhr EPv'vorth ,.,.
wdd ro.« Iiia ngaelnors, Able. !k Ycn.ingluo Fnrnifinn• var L•amt Siluday aft" J, eP ,�
\ "n _-- -- of ,,u,n upliatl 31r1n•Jtl - L,•ry feeble • Ill tilt.,(• raf the mMllr I:1•xg1i[�utw Nnt•tji-at. and VirWriN-st.
dIIOtllOn -- - ANTE1y. ,1 filo►,), SM.1K FN►1" NL4wr1 tar ,,til(• Weer Iw•yonal. i"hi• i«•r, veI1,r auV i sen•ilow o"t-r tilt- less .$jet (Mist Cliun• Was held at North
to k all IlN• LUfK111� b,1,11N'.•. .t ,Iy t.. �unet;al w•rt+iri•, .dn'I'lN Jat•,Iflrr►r}y�iNan = ,If f i -nal, ; rrna tiff our I'leoll N•tre, M,N stmt oaf Tuwwlry evening to hear was '
Mo'LKAN Kir,,.. the Lala.'• (luihi,.g. um. N'rl'r ru1df111r�rYi hv. Ht-\ N.'I'ncgtrolh r t ;toldw•11, ton, 1 •u called hostile, lite(] address by Ret'. J. Hgnwr, of HuNnPe-
►1`H/IdlAri (ii[!Ni)RT. i+ 'K STINK urian• of St. /iw4g� 4 a let the,"IvAll- 4 _ :� tSvo as( out Iu1•ud haw• Iw•rn rilllyd a'illr, un th+ fyrwxlvl wuvrinrnt fur
1 &tom wrrwlw,N•tilNwer.nN« lnovedfmm �)UI' "ANT'I►--1'U F• -It\ TH' Irairr errs 1'ul. h.1'wu1, Wits. Ne- farmouritthe sus. at their hi'Awtods• mimrimill. ,'Mr. iluRw•r's addn•mN was
.hc li tnM la lire IrR.,,•tl�. uW AT 't, ) tallolir� bu lir,«.. A l� -i -
Nbcrr M mut be /oelaA of ell flRl when not M(lrebelilt Tdk,r a. `quiwro� t F'. J. I•rhuuLNl. SWw•ns obi.' \'illinuls, Alex, Jolt/+ \ra,. Sh,uinon ant MIN. Hrudr►-Noll, an exetallrnt .late, practical, earnemt .
I'llag�le.a Trey. rnsuennwlkie MA •errs -t ,sG1u. Neil \Irl null(] and Jrihn M,'- i - toll 31m. Wal-utw•k . I- drill• yu�ng xud ruliKhte►iing, need Wits heard with
uN n•t•dwPlre f.ra.atfdM-tkNl i'1 rwAl---�T--- inldl. r.:1r Lt•iarl N:aN I,f Scottish ' a , - will. Tllry kilt%- our w'ntpate. y hull much;oten•sl. I .
•� u11N KNOX, GENERA , U1'• - - itellnOval d wash Ili• uwu N being +,let w•ttleys y •, R# Pnl3-4"N, am in til- pll,l aayrrhas 1N 11 ttA•t, Dr.'Ihstiel, pastor of North
TIuNKKR areal limit valasnu, 1tod rich. .. ___ ^-' hr Fia,th i4 dhe•r and IN(Lthr•1' ,Nil' WitlebwOrd. nod frenal a1u• minY•1 MrltliNliml church, L(wek -Krv.
41w, Ilr,hag hAc1 ,rov.ktrrnblw rxtee in H. �t'. Y, HAYI)EN�I A. RE- dew �tnmtulm•1••I,( )ext•, ,,;,fo. Iltdniel highest'till, hfl, beell .to nor (Joel
Ur. l/livri'4 da'rork ret LisCfiwrl un Sun=
n "
t'. ..artfoMr•rtnek answer. hr f«iuwtwwitiu to ,� yuYKi► W ntwl ula.•r w Nwa u,m nal Irxun1. Jl1.1 n. of town. and ...vt asset to proloote the inlel ,14 of Ili, day. IHaaching annivelwary w•nlwns.
,h.. ,,aaatr with tMam,igh .nti.fM•tNw Nq r ArreL M'ILerr .L4 or,t�f b(•nrr wy«I ww .�n•1Li Mrle•ihy. `, on \ L+lkr Sulrrrior. t kiogduut. - foul. &rile* Krv. •tit•. Ulivrr tAruk chut•gr of
res. «•fun, calLnt.11rl W hlw. I Inter Irfl (' wwcenkml nein• ,et- Ma11. M. F:Illut t'. da. Ifni 1(•Ia, of til alt- i•iL4wf anal SII'". \ IN,EtI reel'\'14•pN Re Nul't la xUwrt -hlln'h
4; od, lb P. I a ant h)' Ndxil Ill to MI next la Ire. Tue"Dn ', nlpce. •Kiln Limo Irks,' uta to im - u miNL• .. - LOCAL TOPICS IN BRI ,uul iuhhe,emid Lhr Sunday w•h,N)1 in A
o,.h•rt.•h P. t-. arrfully wtendPA ro. Jt \ -
KI;oX t uuwtn Aucllom.rr - --- Mr. ,Mr N'iw n!•.Y( uuu•riwl Ful -
. lilt- atteril(xim. 7Uue 1wY•Amiutl wits the I
-------- WaII veal with is Invther. . ---- � i
YY--��,____ _ ,, Takt•.aLot wat •rindh ill Fr,trle)'+ +I, ring :annual iulrmirotuuy marcit-t-s. �Ve 1m-
�•"'ie LiCen�a» - O N. W. Fa11( Financesa a"ulon, ncet Hrilf-h Exehwnge bowl. K cry delwtaud the collections and suhscrip-
__ - \NTF:I). 1)\F: Sl I,fUN 'EF,T \ Ito ng fn• -h .mut rlca.a Itewdy at all ho . tiuus esu Munlx iuuuuntc4l Ul over
--- Ilsn'I.e. la•h, ma e, U •h, -or , It Is A Rills r Alf gresti vittion to Miss M4dr Godwin, Elocutionist, Pre e.Llcrnt.. _ y
yyII N Nnt „Ik.- Amill he„o L- `w•ikewil l The Signa $'JN1, the 1xl•g,•Nt (YlHa,41t1Un fur air -
1V � AGX*, i *. UKK OF 111ARRI r r. :and ,wk. "" flu glen cunitwr[+ for row know los'tt lkir U. N. W. xhibel iup Who Wal Recite at the Sacred C •rt n Victoria Suet M•thW,xt Church This Ewnia dare i, will wiuilrµYl (,ee tile. kind of work. miens ever GLken 111 North street
A/IiMeerelea l7eAsrletl Ont be- io a Aud,ag the Winter m iF: \
UulakK 'Has ,, (vy., 1.IlNIT le/al-d tale neatly, $.0) others till tlur fu fM•t,you1µYwtat
•y x' UV Ina WL+t thin oMce for any . un•h nn an one Sundt-
-�`-- :,RAs year• bumil)rNak lad \t'i 1 ,hie '_--�� = Ihing in the waif ilrint lnK. - 3 }'.
10rllered clolhil a� . nnlch nwlrer wad bet'- ast Tur'Nlty evening the Youn
�j{rBp00, jaOaII��« sod the pnwpetiv- grant ft m lhie •a
_ ['Mail: \\'A NTE U. -- 1)11: F+bi'i vela's the-dialrt•s,ing news with ii - unlrr w•ndiuq up Lhr r:L4r fall• t+•i:al bat= Ire n(tinrt ttrao rend)'nl&,L•. n c,r.t•, » liuw Pe de's Guild of St. Urut•�r'm chutrh
-- _ _-�t�"�--�- - LI ,;"I a tt M for -elm, "+h and I-%- at _.. .- --- - -_--- (*M reK et: Am Milli wx4.� a 'fn Vo 't fore th••Atext eunrL tf -omlwl.ent jor•im- Jason•. u •null&+; hilt yna don't ge•I a new +nit. hal two snixxtiott nlePtln and tl
UHN Vi'. CRAIIi1R. LIFE. FIRh: tlw A F NSI. 17Y1N F'l'kNITL'Ht: F (• Irry week. Try F'. J. Prfdhxln fur I2:1,W t it rg 8 P'
witilthem sIL tirfutr bar to:urian (]ictiun• R.Nlthlel' N111a Mel:vm m•1 un$r.Ytnlm.riilg. N,inG uAfcrrm tut the senearn xx fol- s
r� end arrMeM Irawraruv. A lit her h+rlinit TUR'. 17Ltf PIIblio 1� lice tee N Strut':al.t Nhr Gwght. w•hleal fall\ in ih•• duv in l 1lir"lion xf. Lhr Hahn,iy- Ibcu,x twit+! ItNI't lunible lip nu¢old emir 1,R'.:-esidelt. Jar• Tl est : race•
1 , a { g
'1 1I of = wort rlwnih ..unnce fnNll ___ w-vemi' ear.", il�Lcingn lNsitiun ill this ana fhr •t•f`rlitert l«rinG41� sol h„w o}.ntir-- but geNrfalikl to tire• corner of Mone plwsidrn 4M fall Ethel �Villsome ; lease
hplr. eRuL'n41 ,w be•,t plea+wet of wwowl ewe ^-N W UAi}J IN 7X \\•1i. ��• • U •H .)nvI lural fM• w Ilwn\ N'ha•l,• lilt) N'lii II II,1
I'.11 wt ffl . mrner W o -4t Ptrrwt and Nuuaai% La O! FOtffid capacity lit ItA stbyt, :Nan.. wh(•1v -mhe I w:ark w,L4 IN••rgi. 4si11 hast Lhr �' I Irtary,.gMe. W. Hall : treasurer. W.
Is.uydn•.-J, Iia'. I'ItAnIIF:, ulNtrrirh,+h,i. -_ _- Jfr. wl the' rnnwr o Ylrtor w r, rytiir liWl io IivP until lu•r r-mnvNl alt •tot• Neese ly thou It mnitrt•s t' `Mice, in hi. «t nAls«IlrrMly to talk.• �Suftrl ^lir uimf, :items F+lice T r;
-tn 1. b y. hvm, ling,. k teal he + R K I pone hhol.,grxph. Now, ,kn.'I furls •I ! y
IH tYFal 'R \I P"F1.--hI OF and II at-( Aid .tntt re- high,+ Iatlerly GI Wi)tNiping• N' -i uul uu,vtn Gel roof h and ,a v• j'na nm iiuttiIlK >oor hon+a•inonlerr,ir env tiuu reit mittAr• Mimww i#atrirr
K. RUHF:HTSUN, A('l'1►('NT- `` K t K
1l n.wlenfR,md Joe • he 1, A Itr yea Hing r:e•h p ars. RIVE 100)"-N, ill a - Woe WNI'fHIH 1•usuwl in "v li••h VNI'- LIN• N'il,t r Illail,tta., ir,•Ftm n 11NT• i,-„In•lhi� �r
,�r AN?wet IcwurolNw r(,•nl. Ikw.k-ynd heifer. An> ee i1. avin for. 13russeltti I K Haskell, Loss l'Iatl And Flura•Ilctl
.. 1 as infronl lion Ireadmek g ynu n.a in Ibr, w,L)' of hour rnrni.hfN Lir1 I
rrraianl. u1Ndr U�L Ha1MInR, n•nb,1 :u,A mal. las 11• MWrrl•y w1 Ie •.litwi� 1. %%keel. ' I1(�' ' • o i .,4N •l N•Illrl'ti IIIIIII.•IIIPIIIm. rG•„ N'r re• w. hi•'h \1 iltoel Smith,san ,a 1 K+ Ball ,lull F'. Kala Iy ; i1Q•t7LI-Y C011llllit-
1� +) Nil 1'SIN(j, THE KTo 1 1 ply ill & ww re 1. tr4• \i n+. 7 i est, Mtmw•N. la. .Vivian, I
IkY l.rl. Fin• n.urw4Nw la Itrtu,ls alNt l uY ;,1 It LF: \'UI'\ f, I'Arluw, t MnPdohall intall(l!I L,r t4 •Ittut',• l r 11WI1 i-tirhNive Rnl defensive tett tie. `Ilan• nn F,:wl dn11•t, next tills tUN'11 I1NII. K
. ,n rorwy&nioa 1►gkr In Prowelfoot 11:11is L w. I•(•. L•, Im. rhiw.r flim the 4' I Ixw•h next w(•Pk AwtVI):suu•ne.• hi, \V11eth • 1he matin er held ti 1 n Instal. ha h-{ 31uw•I an nn \VxHaln xud
r, Moth a%., OedcrMla. 41-tt -- --- ---- , - _ - larwl,. •heal i1) •yw..,,iu a)wu way. W Id• 1� g J (iralid U4•GdN•t• weathel•. ) 4•
1�1� the vn,prn ' I'll bra rm,twl , l«I 1 ro,c. is 1. lit ' a•ao•lire' l lu-n% murct4ylinlc I %. F'. j:u k -phi \h. Nxlrf ufT him atrllilect'N Ito'.. Ha •den• H• a hton and ' ' i�
. n. II,L. KJ 4-frl Pa f A lot of nrW shelvinghkmllrrn PIM'wl ) g
�1 T. N K.I Ei, UENEKAt. FN- ;v �- 1)li N ha r(Nni•m L1/ i,Mh'1'1-h. Illow" ee w ,ether lid• 111lww• the GNa lajaflrl. A plvrgtanl 1 ,wing prwpatrrl
[' • �l'HANI'K&.«1 Ftrwl FitwtraLlenL Ihe. - -- -- -_ - -- --- - --- \ Altl( InK�IIINa,I iln"ROrry to 3e-. at Mr. M( :nun nod whrlh#.r fhr d in Judgo Nutt'+uMrr.
Iia•. M lit r(1,1 1'wlr 1:bur, In•urwM•e et• r t. W'- fur tier winter fnrtni fly if tingw,
rw tel 041 .0 gal or cw.l. plwn e-1 IoNa•-t. rate, IMAI,1, FCRNiSH' QU :.TU l'1'TlON 4A. Mx i fi tut was,. et'irApl wnyw l(r\ sHu{1t�ere bit t.•If h)- Mr. McLean The guru ( club will IH-j(la &holt this Thr,textlmertinK�o.�f file Guild will "I ;L• •,
i.,-_il,le y Kr1�lt,h NISI I amulman railnywll •' R•nt hN tIM &inlet. riNir' nN.' tn. ewn1. i� ; ► r iw 1 Pnd inn to 1 hr of 1 aft .Nil II .q• s, , rlq b)' &nine, of tt)r ,atlrrni Nyu al a u+blac k: held un Ose-Wife • Kath, en it is rx- I
1.•- r,•prrrnt (►ik„e oral A,NIr t.. mu•km+w Term, malaroat Apply b. 1),I 1s air Mil. HUHalyt, THVl1HUI f 1 EU ATTLK, INse bra will tlml hou ft is L,xilw lbal we • h idlwl uyP f utwl,ons . 711r LaLhiNK At tilt• new Hank of le ibed Rev.. 11. Turnbull ill
L liwrrew ,fye.ns f!tamiltun slrrrl. - `• '-t NE " .1N1) S$IY)N I 'it r Ht't IFS. 1 I git•r f1n j .
-�_ k y ting i ai and nnr who N i1) of • t Gw t Hutt t hi Ire t4rmrt N•,If hat.• 71fo4liwnl is ruulplrtr(1. ndalrrss, j
NhW',"Nb•xF;eY)NI► A] IM K- -
OLTMK- TO RENT. --THAT N 11KYPS. NEN A\ H ' vvu nil nflh Id fhr Uaulitinn" of hew' re-- U dw i It wan 1 ekwtn that lho•
lLiONF-. LEN,). A LAKIJR H two +tory Iu4ek vrhwv M1n�t n LiLSt Mmidxy evening there wax it ----�
\ uunant „f rete hlnA- far no. wn•nt rl IL►\rI Il.\4LNFLY4, Ott RY• fe u.\ II ouch -W of lir ounty. as0 o•af ul %'It iu4u vieyt Gr calico• ANNOUNCEMENTS';
hki ace., int Impleurl. .UI Aft: e h I.uB N' IW. '. ry. he•iautihtl Lldmpluy of ••�i'in•Lhrt•u IightR."
al Iww4M rale. and is ,tee .m anti'Lw. uN'n- elle•+•,. sad stabile. No.If o.1 n`rb! \' �KIts ,A*FN�p{�h'L \ Mt o�f t tut e-7"feta,• of fhr county. the Iia�1a'riolen con •L: Its the Iw� ---_
gwat.N• ARetf a [y1) INMUN S, IIAHH41"\'. Mlmaliatrl). }'(ee train • x NI (wet t - FI/R HUR141r.8 A.' Mr. 3Ti\r•d,igli��hl NY haul xrvrt•n(-yr:u� mltlt.Id "i lfieh. toll luLr•tirN ((othP iu•liou R•'q• Hlnrk illlll tRllllly IIInVAd into. A.ny yllxutity of hrnllN�h lir 'ZL41aLr
&yyly Ill U. FKRuI SI1N. lit , (ARRtAuIOl. of rxpiyi.•nr)d• i Prn. feet• and hila wear w al i h1n lit h'Irnlly-/'nnauliau t ht-ir lo4udihil new houlP fin Albrrl Nlalw now op hued at ' McE lib
Ale KiLLOP lit. Al. FiRR, IN- __ iv -m P%i)leur of bili) which man- do ctor and t ,tr#.t-t blot wrack.
' Sl'HANt'K r'O. Farm and Molated Iwplln«t acted by Mit, t)."V11) H KN }• l ,tiros le•t wr!I111ra have• wood )Tafel. Pnonpt delivery.
�pw'n pmpetrS• Iw.urwA. Y lir of ynx.rn) +n or Sale - towel by public "urwtor AT . i« N'n •nw + Iww fall• Iti`ii x u. ul and mill rwmfnl hiul an inG•trw 1{t,ti Ir of iL. I). JIrHI ern hew Nr.toired the )agency M. -
`11rw1 lip &Jul Ifnik serer uRap, iMlmr- _ _-_- _ __ anlilwn •Anel. Goderirh. an f:itrrt•. fart, the Fr•y'd. ok \piNxi inlplr11leuts OYNTERK. -Oo G). the old yeliabl i
newt lera•uee«' J. H. Ma loan.' . T. Fra•4,r. --- - � - Ladies' Garment a Pro os
kali. J... ('mnoK)'. U. k. Mr, t lie• aAKM FOR (iALF: Td l' .O AN NAT, HD,tY.ul'TuyF,R 17rb. \ Marbor Not P irram \V. .I. 1Vhitrly. oyster hooses, Victoria RPxGauraot, i
„• J.'•N'afl. Jww. Rrww.(, J. u,U ce, J. lirnnr t. mencfng at- 1 ot•Iark p. m., fhr Iluw'1ng • Orte N1/1Nr1�.RNf. tupE •I• Iwfoar illi• t`'rrlt IiLtrrt, tut• fresh u •mirex ; clews,
\\'r b•:u•m that Dtr. ,Inn#.'", of Nile-, 3
wri:., +.tete- of M•t!!+ : cla)• kN,m ' br{ek nm -r. r nAlr .incl, m,•.: Th(� AIKILny in ea • in riaalualia}• u1t-p1 neat uF tier t-finnrl n lir 3rulnl•. n( ba4 ntr•hfl4(v) liar of .1. lin raw•N or tr s. Fruit confertionet
Al,lar•rueN;T. K.liw- tk•4h t.r,•rrt"ry- new line". (iyn ppeelit kl le ,•fag in` I let i l• •marc. ori: l g1„el leering mF I 1 'i'. lalihui•pl•'ei y,
t 1'e-N.11rer:Jnryaelol•,, wearf"t 411"M to lo.-. Splendid la•olity fnrbl^A fwnui R I•,N'II-A 1n' Itlo '1111 :41w Nlt ( PI/N' wit tl Iki,lANl Tr11alr N'hia'11 N•,Ir bph1 earl Mee1111H 1'
J. W'. Y Hdustre%ille. agent lir N'o-i yeark 1 ga 1 Arit'inR mx.e 1)'ran old . - hnuSrN y3-ar fhe•sGttion. . tAyhiutl•o a1nU cIKRI'm. .. -l'. BLM'KNTUNk, l4
Mwn,, ao(mtyof Humn. Fur &neva .rq walla-= 1.. 1f '� ,n" 14 f wheN11, f m F 1 \\ Illi ill \ave tier at- anal of N. F limit b. (A( I)Nrin U. F. Care •'s atlaen,x• from Palgn•ietot•.
Hnnm. 44etky AoWrn I- ywy ,NIIA IJ UANI'F: \', IiaMrlch ('. fi. Rt I'", ' l"ureit'tiurhnm ho ih r�I t,, d l s r Y Nfi rt 9 1. wi nnhwllr,l Su illy Rrt u+ al ('iL.. to rtes n fnclor)' � 3
awl gel their cant. relm (.d wt Mt cwt.•`. ` 1
,{iatohi lir at NlIrlaean Hro., Pwlw'. t• laing uII'Yl'Lfs FY)R S IiN•df re(tidenvl): 4 new• pay, buggfr+; z at r 1. centras. L' a R yl 'rk work. in (Jo th-rirh tuefly in tlw topN vest• Gra Iow•n hIw ulmnt•tLnce• huxinrxN will Iw k•W.+vTEu: Turkryw and fowl (Af all
I .re- 1 idwrlrh. L F.- �r'Bl'R- new Illi • w: I new need 1„Nrau: I rubber !
L/ nry,lirxtur Iwdy', N'il 1. in f"irl) Proof inY4 fu r h«..I., I vu.hwnlired dri,InK `'\"' "+tiler'" H 'n Nd 1.. floc niiuiuL•u'tuh• of ladit-'i ruH•nL, 'tlf.rndwl to by Mr. 4haw. ads. Why sell only fhr lut•Ke
- ---- - - - ---.-- tanAu10wit heir7tAin. Apt y"1 the,mace. a -u 1 1 KY: . ,wad h«nd h„Kgr; 1 new to,,i D(n4o S "t1rdav n t fur IIN•rla Ilnd ju-ketx. Mr Sin, h's pl,s NWaf ii hIa t SnnJsy l'uliu C I -11 hMl a 1 rkryN tut Our 7e-. uhte r User warkrt
ii FF n
p1 r: 1 w sea Verr)IxthMail nue hinery; x A. fur Alit ter. u[' x fiart4N• l.I1Rl rruld rm del fl•eeu� I'1„<' sltryt. by wrnlw)nr using hl Che ppMcr will IN- 10 to llie. undrawn.
____ _____---.-.-_ tee andtil•li, Fresh Luh bufG•rx Ilk. q N, hg.; }
R9TABL RU lalll R KALI: UN Aril' TER11S.-- la ylw ity f nrN bite"++., blwnkrt«, rhg, 3 yma
mle•4. white.. -N •AI ieul-. I,.Ii n, curryrowl.. Th- N vnu r Myle4. altar it "4.011 [&coil• -flue G. f ►tP f n(]rwl �1:alt anal viVinity4of his Germ un 1111rvIN tYNlll. - r �f
41nto1 fNrnl neer 1 NngpAnmm 1't111n,I„Ing f dries- applem, .x•,. (J F.c I, h. Kfrt,
THF: �URON i) �RU('F: 1. M'I. . Nl'II M'RIC :Iwrgr boank twro; and1 1-h.•+ Slnlday i Id Ir caddy i$hl A hrAxkerl theRm"iwGln a of lilt- Irl -1,. h:. Dativev infrndmeee,lin a flnr 1t'inghnul.
bN hou+r Nath 41a1w ; , w tr. ba- and Mr• . r•14ri n fln , I lull hr 1- N nee d, rk.41 in r K
�'i., h A lutoling Ah• aft. V r r off life Im 1 n •iii conjunction with IIA• (eeN•n vot Icil dwelling on till, tut u/1 raining tilt- (tile
1� FAN AaYti TNV RNT Lb. IrAR chokY apple lateral. ApplyloTHUS. thpnMaielin,p. Nh •hwcraft fll,.nclaw• eNt., i K Thr faxed Trduk tlxilway have
• N T111+ milt be- w re,r lhraf opportunity o get ArthIIF. i`;' / f(/ w•rllal• the )l44N111 eef N h N' \a'ha•i•e. lir i, Ii\'1N 0111 L Vincent wt,
S. l)aAPrlch. lilt. K
[IIJ $RICH, N'�„ -f --_ yore M'wle-1I ,kl{let 'a .root nNQ prlra«a. Thr •silt+ Nl r Elnr Irl Ie St�l- t•nnliug t.hr umlpl .•x.•lu ,tl 111X• ISN111Y1 x vL•ry tuandw nnr ,IhlRtrated \\\
f I y h \V. Hrrad,•rirk hNN twnluYrd the SNalllphlet rnt.itlwl "Hwuntx aft F,ah
O TERMg AI + "' o ala as. tender, cw.t: 4111 Ili t wit )lar 1 le-) V 1• Nil /' Illtllilb4• WNN a r Nlielled be- W,tit rat
[[ U[' S FOtt riALF.---riF:VF,KAia 0%K t¢wl wupm al, Ito wont IV-' rndil on 11 lulime, raX tilt- K vn11i1 h %him• wto N`k
if") OF 'E-..WKTH %' ICT. I I hou wdeable for lilt Inc.. and pmfe. liver ,u+yt-•),sero, A .rcr fly. s iw•r cent. ter flla I ( evt-land r the ig ml he, til G)Wm ryuru•il oy' h'Hduy evrniyy N K and-liaulr," gi\'iuK infurnlxtiun tr-
- Almelo mets or ,wle rhr"i,; nNo los.. 11041+1.', nilnunl &flew, f ,r end, on,rrwlfl au«iunts. rlryred S,L4t night • lila _ocak . fhr ,IlhmitLin hf It- t0 K Io Fix ntort�e un lhr`�t•aNl ,,dr of fhr gxtvlinq w•amlrtlw fur xhlrnting thea
F. Jolts.\N, N', L'rILO[JptFYM)T, K. ('.. wwnled torr w mnm«. -tarts :mal nal ex- Tatty, ul'. ►Jtl'. 1). McNR1EN. v Un Monday a f rn p r/i' rl ler• Y' liU�ltw, .
1'rw•Mwnr. \epic+P."%"', ,mrd p err al per month. M1mry to ken. A Iolpa•c 1 roprietor. r�' �aN' It h}lr lilac art f hr mUnlcif)III #.let-• MatK ixl ra le Ihmnlwt• ie t (lin a IIIINrsr. yr•Indw•l., rxt•iieul( etc., ih fhr
Ran raw• al%t1'.+Lail F, r', RKY. Heal Y'lwo( and In- rat g)•niu w'ts eosip farm t- �e1e Hlw.. K q • q a golAl ••Highlu 1N of Ihllarira," and xt other•
k +urkncao AVft.0 dre.rcn.t n( pn,ttoml.r. bl Yaki11q ill to his new doles•, with �l
CAIADIAY HANK a%'(Y)MMRR('IC. i'' fur xud on Molldar y) Iwrgr moa h•t •r Wav Irreivwi release I,IY- fN IIIItN'lLlia)q fhr line of fhr Ufand
AR(IAINS I`ll 11UU 9, AKN- Wats Nhi r N41 a rate ht k/ Montn•al fib T' len lily a"siou4 1►t the town rrounciF Tnnik. Uo riem of the Name will lye
XP'oX'W aARM F(►R S.AJ,E. COMPRISING Fl t K tiler 1 ►lg fila• r,yrlN•I:/Iklll of tin• (•11x1 IN•r•xunSatunli! and Munalay. 1
Yt �'MAYB ((,. 1\ri 1MPLKMIIv '%, F.rl Ifx n1FL g� , Y furnixhwl nn A 1 /licnlirau wt Urwnd
PHI)L'Dr1N j' .yoM-re,, knnalnso tYcIt'lri¢f"rnl.Jnwnd 1 +Alli-hmViogthe (!. I. K. exten- Th Maedernyutt. rojwrtv ten flip Trlluk•ticketo 1 •14 or N) J..U. Mc-
Hnnm -
aln ' auw n,sm h I,i4G,w`el. The 1 F 111
Mfialnln fhr well of f{ tNriN9�, nn rte hake Ir Ik hits lelerl a - uinrf• Ja Jin+. UuNlmld. 1)iwt.rict Penmen r A eat,
Dlratolw t g Col. Varcoe's Return. \ {
IgRIIaTRATH(Y►NA, F.y DAN nwl. Aix M•re. of hada I NI he Sulk! •rtG y Wil.' illtltnr-fwl Ifi ie d 4 Y ge g
. N'M. P wDF(NrT, J. 1N. 0"KFiTs1, sur -rnwH dale)' m' fruit Arnl. sinal Amick H&r'Ing gu•rn lip the Im krnlenf b +Ing •,, f 'Lt. -/',al. \';LalvN• n•thrnwl h nee• M(0p- til 1- Rt. 'Iw11t .t•1(•II 1 ) flAnia,s n71u1 \rill nn(Mrg(A at tlWreeugh Tutvtitfi: Fi,Y-Ot "
iLDUN yP. HY IMPIN, hou+,• and barn said wst,c .•r. Po«e..lanat 1V+tshrat Ilse
�i hare- on hand : (la all tit i
UIKLEA/)1,T J.N�� TKI., ones•. A.pl)'toYHu.TI1.T., ModsFxchRnge, y �( tn)m lien trip to Va)rfhrrtl Ivy I Ur Mlclw tr n trolls FIN re�ravali N rtvor'tra,acro otV,o lied by ~
a t- \ l K 1 Thar• ueW tall) buggirs, two second• j
RHFt lFF RRYNu1.11N (IfN(ertclt• Ielse new Top Huggy, Ontario, a'hrn• re- heaUirI In 14 for wog 16041 An till naluple'l bt torr hand top hmgKi", on1f merind•hatul
. )nc grnrrsl palr{w.e Ma '� low low hhnrN•If nod n nnull,atr eef otht-t• vrL ran" ilei• 1'. P. < �, IN es A'. St rau•han, rat tilt• V,t•.torlx F-OAd Wn un, fine new lumber wagon,
\ilAYlNha BARK.------ ,%ALITA$1 I>: KEri111E. 'E h'O{1 iwnald, d K g 'ThP "tn•rt mM•h{n#. wfirkm, IlftsFr•rn xwAtvi• K
y • «n1n end w worker. of 'Ikf nal ' 7t1 w'hra ate nrwirirt r lit"
\ (illi Seeinngg*. FI&nk 1. now nnraf til per BALK. `Tlals pm11rK)' f+ no Ili Amr1 *Nil A ter ml the ifir wale rhrap fee clear• oU� and mAkr
'tnxnrnt ln.tifutkmnk I- nlor ton of Ihw. elhd a»r F• 11ntly Mleiwt.•d. The ,14ing• Two.rhond-hand TopHugstio- dyne talrm the ('r'oa'n. In -eem wNy w h fYl lirrorlltalr.t forthop haelli of hund-
IrmsFt O( R IwlWtorl' frAn,r dwrlll 11ai11«.' j{ M 11tH (lIIrITI 'tAlial Ith g rl +1111 till' 11#.W N'irl'k. ('I fTlfigl•N Rm(1
Irm.iN•n•A fnml til.• atwn., wast will rot, aur fine Y-w•Rfed Rxtwndan-tap(wr'rtppe. MNjoF 1)11111,rp, of Traallnto, Ile rlt:lalr tete •111' Gr Illi+ (IIIt.i1 11 Ilya• it- 1'A 114 1111 t11e NtPI,ll.irt Ia,tjl entl'rtll-r" (U' will3rarl",eNI%'rlidly "kip latter, harp (Int'
wllh kltrhrn. wmwl.hr and IN, rel. Th ,mac Ime o1N1 Hwy Ftwke.; \ me- eef llie .rotntry eaL41 of S,ttle Mtv. the lNwlnfltr•e buildih . ll
wgile fnceen,r fhrlrwf +IM. rrwlUt«. d 1.laenteet with n e-1 IslMr hot water +y one Ily (4NI1 ,esti 0 w fghl, yalf K njr tt Prise lately, and will he hula.
MeemwPrN tt. herr paw rlr menu.. ileyad,i- f +lined f)riU. T ►Icer, Sud rhfiw• fhr Ixnds in thrtht•(w d 7`INvr• will Jm• n Lar re- t
end 1+ w uNrlrrn. Rpto4kac dwelling. 'or t- 11 ! W h IL fila N 1' a'R1 of Lhr K Nn 1(A TInW 1" the flop+ lee toll ('YII aL file t:
tor. Face Nr+1 ,fen nn ell ps.es, ad the t'un) P lfr Y
p\n)'. pArti.4ilar-ap Il to tilt. under1gned' ""'ill +ell rh,w ('Lane n11•k nn to •nsllilt4 of Il:wghfalN, R„'N• rend (i,. •Pam en No aC on 'aN I,xkrh frlffaltlrNY thrift pall I xt the xNlt this I)rnuillieen i(',u't•ingr \Vfirks and Iwo•
Uwtwl the+ISthdayaf.tnne. ,11. roan. e• n (Nl " Kir wowLol. Tilt- hm•atlonm nrr forty fo Gll. the lir rn r•" of whit w Ii IN• wl t. Finn du frac on. 1 dm makihK
\ Thr Htemn wan Hrnre 1. ander (incrrn- 1•Io1CUFYM.rT LAYS, Iwrgwin. f rasa 1 t ll ili Ir:t +Nine• 1 3- W i w y
ant rnntml, end rwrMr4« dwq,ril, fnnn tlft nide•" freenl fhr Some-, in (',•ntral M hwaall hlefutr .Ina t• Hritt %iArt t u x uul11twr of Ht7it o•IwwN rNt.teyN. SPe
:wit Weti,•uor+tot F.rorutoM. J(rNN KNf (, > win1� t v' w / 1 w - 4M •eat r' i thief 1� K , P
t ."wa , ryaranh end rhlldrPn. In.umsof - 1 tefblborneHmel. fie riclai AIKeen Thr new ('antral AlKomlA AT,,, wi' I', .,n •.;lolild peva fhr ,Ite'xt Tnrwlxyat'2P, tl� t11rm ill %hP wh,tA. You will thin
f , FIfIy . «lit to Thn•.• Thwo+and (wAilaM Q _ _ --- Ry'. I" in threeil h thew• traN'ma li q. N) Inca
%Slowing Inrnpnnnll Intra4.addedPcrry+ix �N K riAl,h:. --A LIMITED) ITAN- -
malern,. we- cwt«, Re. u T 'lit old new. eepe•r. pe hteadleato sail. And thKr iKprrry gals+ incl eef a rand it ("t 1(1,ti•,. 'ani+•nR\'. 1,. Hol•lon ha, I plan" drawn know what. you ere getting --the brat
rhe te nrP A �i ice• t ja� ' Notice 1 K N wi"rw of fhr i rrr•itNktl( Iarlalmnt o/ Np by Ar•rhilect. Foitefte fIleatremideu,-, litatf-rial,arid I►ll hand•yuMie by fltbt-
g1v.n we, -1 or+. +n thnf fhr I'wll , ofold VA wxI fur them. fp� ,{
yy __ drv-lop if it Alf ".ht- eogillly. lifewt hums e•mN eolelirlg Ix• nrr me'Rer/11.r1 t • las Ise built raN his pal rty adjoiniilK I•IIw" Worilulen. :Jon.' A. WALKILB.
MA)' Ar..w- &tern thw.P Arposalt, at ally tile,.. liltrrrNN N•rinit Neratialgm air+ val•lie,l rail
Accord�Ri to amotmt and Rivers left, Inrere,+t " - - - ROF. . L. TAUBE, palrbidrht, "rcawt+uy lief t►ruaNNlvl nal fhr \F4irrturyulRl pIn1N•rt • The huil(f
I. &flow on depo.il. Ar A.IN] 4lrrrenl. Qe to Crediton . P LMvtllgl%NA r diYtrlrf., and th-f1 )Fir iryhkinq x -oliva&• o• ho-1llls•roalti 1 41 01.111 lik ly 1 molimen 1 the% fall. Our Un recedented er.
The ('.wywlly I. directed w m"n.arr,1 M• __ - --- - i u1d mtiur IN I Ibis vicinit . There e K � P
nlen win new thoomi illy eonverwnr w til fhr MArat FAerl•a rfalamc A8 Aallar r. w/'F.1'IALIRT, Y all lllnq Lhr hnYi N,•Ip!t 11 •11 rat 111&'11 i,11 \I low a' r
n4iulrwmwnt+„f fhr �u.{nwr., and It lawercrq �',UTICPa tItKi11TUKA. All klnAA of wrM« arW erw�b.w.,, maAe wnlN• wplen id iNrinN ,llu•rr. Lai,). ogrl-r 1+. maks• Ihk of s lr.,lt i.nt Ala -`lt lla 11) It the t.he•r daY The MoNUv;ll \l'erkty N4•nt i" as
fo,ilir y free trww osere,n It« n - - Ill otrwG Space attention rm, r fllling IIM 11 ter 1, t o1H•I ea it Iw it trnl Cam \ NII, (rI leg A &1111 it of carol I- alrNV it
> g (n.rwtk.n. tm wR/e ltd Y K 4lrran nn Np14 Fir, h- tr' uhu p K n1iN11•I u( -aurtul rond#.nwuUon. ; All
end w4rn.nwf.val line.. IN TMK MA R uF' THK RSTATF, uF eye, tr fire nut#.. 'fie fur \ohron (' K I 1 K fattr"p)►PMi of which t.hrn• M cite the chnR winnrowel hvm the whfwt.
An Imp,wtwnr tewturr i«tMt innrrlPA wn F:h\'AHF 1 fife FAT eF '7{HF: 4hAwPw by mail telly RNend.rl tn. fk- K I hart pal • fir•,Iif a14 flu• 1)'"44 w1111 �'%� Q
.then nn nJmMr call 1wgw Ily mwke dwiroAllA 'Ir)tl'N% Wp(T N'i tY,1. ware cit ten lice q.1 flit' name, li,. l ernpM) no Val H• rheeioe still Iwwidrx hl" c h . l 3 at-. nllthlrL•I' AC torr fat ht-r�N yhi-r t\Mlt1t
+111011 Arne nnr memPy 4n rIly ma num&. N1a1H 7 L'NT�(tF frau �Illr,g agent+ whAh,r,•. re- IN, bald tkil. Ile..1 NZliq ill Nnt•/NnF1lr. iP 1 , A Palw•r fin• hotnr and fnt•lu. AVhralk-
w1; \V, F. Birk, res. FniNPri firt�l. hey d rn• flnP, lsrgt- Iw• reel of I.i)nte, elevwtin ifirs I inFKt. A Krext
j � Ht Rt. 1' M.iJ, %wt.fwetbn Raul . >ctwhu.h«I Vrorlde s►. 1'• . oiliest /Iktill, W. U• T. ll. AnnuAl Meeting. rowiNl flav�e•. dfillu ieeurnwl K It An(J 11M. Signal fur
[(nn t�..•t i�.� ,�
\{/IA YN, 111t1f ''F:Ax ,. !M HR'S MI/Nfl TSM. F. N'„ TuRUN7Y t. t • ••^T• i 1 K S. F. WA(.hington. K. 1!.. raf If til- one, t•enr feel. mlly one dollar. Stun le
` Thr I'aa Nol h•r i. hrewby `I, rn. Inv unlit, to R. S. t.. F3Nhb, '. \}uN.. • ale yM,rt-slawl I', Thee auntnaI "neon alf flit• W. (' T. !
pans eakew Inns, an flr.telw. 1 iti' Asset mlvn hear 1''. 1 •t+ t / h 1i1 •ri "14"'i"1441 art 1!n •It co tuv of The llernld w•nt un x 1 ,licca-
('haiarr Iia, tlawt w I clrMl' 1'. N•:M 11.•111 rorl 1ln111114y, S-ptt-11001" • - Ik 1 l 1
q1 ih, haw
fnrnl IlrrMa•rt.1 only. awl I,hwt drpa,llrLM hwv Ing c1Al1a„ wgwlnN the r,1Nlc��fli,w+n{d M INwrA (tUCKT OF RFCVIfjF tri, T yn•.r r.-, wNnwt•1 fire t e iamN rA•m have• next. &Flit, pion. (re- mar Iw• Rtwb At eMr nAl,•p.
I.-.t h \ A. O. U. W. Meeting. :?N h. Af4rr• the i.IN•ninR lii•%of1,NNt1 hof am Ilo•re is'mn crimimll Irumineyw iN
I^(•en•l wad rlw.t r(rnrk.y far their in M,.Uuln•, w aiAket nn or al..n1 t Ixlh dw) Irf L
�wf mrnls Tcrete are made 1,, nit barrow- Map, A. I). Ion, As the ill Ip u( \\e,l `• ex-1r•i.,s and it few IIIr•1hilieling tlr IIIN
im(t.hr wmdir.aonr being .tnalght lcla , end WAwnnn.h, {n fhr Y,an1 d Ilml e, nM m
ilrinMtwt. . Hind t h,' In m Lhr ol) dnS ,rt \eleml.rr, V(►TEIIR' 1,iXT IY1L'RT. naN,Im1I{NF: Thr nN•.'ling of Mnpir Ilex IA%lge, of imi,rinl•mm w#.n• tt•atIN:N•trrl. lb,h'i•L'e' might it will prvlglhly ilot Iwe nr4YNnatry BORN.
fcN• him tee ovine. ,
Ihrpn.4r. ewn tie APwt by mwll w1 Lhr ri.k of rretig r e Pa ri w *41 r. \. 11. 1•. R'., eell':ieeuda ' rvrrl- ting lit (AIllr(Irw wM held, nr151 •yr•"tall Pii i. Ir ISTLKTH%VAfTF', Nn Matti, flrtolMr
.l. I I. IN Lai w•m► fo ww•t, p
TIIN'NeHIR tel, to Mr. and SIN, JRntr. 14,IlethwMle,
"°moo l { ga in in limit :1 lar a alterielavive fo t1Um• n.e u1141ws :. 1 al•sitN•111, Ni•we .l. 1 Melvin Haw I,
■eke lt&nfNr) mRRw firer lacwwlwrhf. with Hrldgrt IUPr'No e7rr lir .1n 1 Ins I'mrlrk r i _�- '�� q g • t l ' " � elvi lee Nndt"tnu/1, has" I Kewy. Nlrwel. w dwwghdar. �+
y ,A4wIR,S. Augu,Alnr .r,lnnt.'w.Ilaw r�t1,•u- Iw",)flh, I►r,#.r,Inetildin fuNnY ,sell Hl,own : vire-/n`Yident., Mm. I)i p1IIY•*04i the• ale,•rail litrlo•P "treet' 11'1'IINNFa.t.. In Ilaferlrh. OIL. MealA&
w;zr resIT ltwge t4 yeknrslf tAktt ten, ..f Ilie +LM Ito . fnll lenl"'ba, ref Ndice to he ety g1rM shelf. w ('"lief T/M far l i I K+ 1 Ift :
, WI L. FLr yN. r IM•Ir rlwhn. end the nRturc 4 the � nriti-Of hrM par•rMwr inert Vrrlerw' IANC AM. Irf Hilt t'hP 1/N t(('r' Nl Itlglltlrlalh, 1 d1FIraW 1 NI vile-pn•NidrntN Vi'lorbl w1. rhlln'11, til ee11R IIIM• ,Nv•IIpi.Yl bi I)F. MrIA•all. Iit to r lrih, to Mr. arNl Mn. J. U, UY.'a-
HnIe1 Ibet'mm .IudgPld the LauntY •)art Ih•nnilffer. Nine• Vemng "nen wet& . Mrst. (1{ev.) 4:rahanl : lirlpliel t -h in -til 1(e-". 01TI. \%e 1. -aril, is rwlurninil to lien, let wN,.
wn r hrM b ttwna. y
_ _S_'r�•+�w''rT' �rtwr.wh�botdnu-ni,NNvt,INtr1M.Midcrw•n adthi,,mr3ofHuCam•at the Town.hf Hwtl, itJwflYl into file Onlpr by (JrNtld ( 1�Fa lFlay.)Mngw•;.Knoxrhnrrh,Mrw. t.lwn athletes fhr IN•ghutiltg of 1kNr►u MARRIE0. t
_ - [q r. will ne,Ilip to djof t le the A.w•, or the jw�Lrr %ha �'Is foli O e At t hPr i!t.t., am, to gelnitier Fla•M At•rnRl.mntp�. (Jrwnd Feetr- Vm. War•nIN•k NnMh NLn4•t -hNMh, IN•r nn.l &•111 ngwin Iwratllp}• torr hou&,•, Mc1.AttKN NcLAHKV.- At. Annlw l'wlMn
Awena.«I an«Mg IM• nlr+ rnl, tkrl (hrn•rn' nAer end alma- in n tV ter' fA ,Lwr. h wrmrA elan .1. N. I'Pn •ins, (ryll lyal tl.`r/Y1riPrl . F. I(rflMth : "r4•refoaty. MAL. RoM wbt-n• ,I r. How#.II iN li%ttt)i Int pn•RPnt. Aer. �•L� wlwNl. on %"ptemb.r 11tl by the
.w-' _ vjng r.yw iw ennAdpn ykswlave. In fhr Vole"*' 1 Mr tin mnnl- MP 12rv. H� A. A. Kenn. • M. A.. D. ILr•.., Rob.
Eot�1e -� k"laaH tion lienee n+Nk+f eA i l Ai•t M +elft ext& �i k�
eflwfRy of f'w1r«wte rnwNlittgl Tor I%VL An M. 1). ('walla• and 11imt irt. Ile rut (t. /n : tlY+aelun•r, Mn. S. E. Hick. 'F. SnN4eth I% Prect.iii a 1)rick chbn- en MrlL,waren. Creel t l nalf., 1,nandon, to
i R HOUNK, HA M ILT(tN tar* wIR INN tr Reins tM fhr art w..,,f •Nee An/ iw nraa" nAi of h.l taw sd elle d ern ro M. W. A. YatPN. '1 osaw Kentlliln•it arc lyes atrondentel rai dPiNLMlnentn a% ney at, him mill. it wit feet W h., hig h ( JlLnet Twetf yminaIrr dot" ter of the taro
. n%? Sionale. All "1wNhA S" ny1)Ltrt there'd to any pensm rn pens`. of bre..• qu1mA to .tt.•nA .: tlsr wM tine wnA Irl,Nlw. g itolrarl Mc ,wren, anrrer. node.
. F ileal ter rMltlr shay •hall Ism barb 1vrr1, 9r1 link',. lM1•1, in I f, - Ihis,M.h dot)' of IN�l "r, Ila rivwrl by the 14) p. tes. train end on I fn) o Lrsubermen'm work, Imps with a 'l It. H in. Hoe. A Nirtlllar i
M. ll. t ��I a Jr. W. M,;MNAnH. met by Memblis"4 MwPle, lnwf iA.Igc Nr KP, le . evangrlUgtle wyrk,. lltwt chinine will be erectile at Dietdt,b*" I OIEO.
'r wed twk.n ffir R driaP wnond fhr h.wn hayed&/ w►rlor,ym•Ptin Mr%. [7(/i• floor ui II. Jam. McVicar hog the elm. 140A.IN. In ameotto. ml Snndwy. (7mteber,
,y,�Pj ���ea1 ktlieddMcla. thM 6th 1(&e- of Thurber, f'lerk r,f Ihw .saM t:owaatlD elnA odreAUtated 1 1 R"• , fila. 11wkv4nl atrl.nwn. NgwA p1 'twat a
A. I►, wet I11t 1'wrt u1 tJ,e saM 4!ON1. In the aflA,rn(%)n. Fn the +'ening they Im17?Ile ; f Mn 1'sllirrlJl J KtM►1 wl►rR. tt llCly. Ids. 111( Viowr ,Jeal. has lean pM= , 90OKy,l and SAn)„
r" ,
- r-.,.�---- .
in • ,
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n. k
m .
`y ,
a,f , .
It W
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