HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-8, Page 81
g TuttcenAy, Oct"18, Ilk's
, j their higher facultiem. At the elome• PERSONAL MENTION. ANNOUNCEMENTS.
R V - - _ _- _ it w+w rulrounlvrl that the rvrniu N -- Of1
receipt. were $t11L The pgratt and Mims HxyYs vla left
Moudth. dom low I-" of hrullrk or veld+'' Dwarf Prices
coow talo naw (u IN• run ralulxt(•k1 Aualiu ('bbhultn Irtt cw lltwnddy far t McKwau's
Ka K kinds nose lot hand a
i loft (Te KIIC(' ax of Ihrir effort h. Toronto, wexd yaarl. Prouapt delivery. Tot.
MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Frank Kau offer" talks arrturnkd from
IN PRICES aw holt. H ,,*ter SRN. Lilo theria old twleablr
nt'N(rr dnelaakr, \'ic'IUI'IN itt•Mi; mtew , Giant Values
ANH YIKLU. R. S. Hays, U/ ftt•N[Mth, WJ1N 111 \ 'rllf tltl•eAt. hpl' fresh u YtrlY : NtCWs,
The r lar tueetin of A*hfirW Irpwn laat Week. Y
t:r K wawa or fail. x. Fruit, runfektionrty,
council won he on the 211th day of Mara. C. Mhaw is fn t'liataen rexicittg tell
kacru aril Cigars. - C. BLA('XdTa)NH,
ytptrwlNer i ulrutlNrw all paretlrnt; ultdiculJrwatuteut• • Propxir►ur.
There is no delaying for the usual after season nlirutr*uf prr•viuua uiretiug reauI end N,pgnuN 18wrown eat huufr tmun We have a nunther lo limn that must Ise sold at grwttly
\\''NTKU.- -Turkeys and fowl of all rrducwl priers, 'I hrae she" are perfectly value at u_
eunfiriff d. Checks were issued fur Ridgeway liver Sunday. 1 1K q liu(d reg
rife following anuemnta : I'). Mdil lir, kinds. Why twit out?, Ihr large lar pricer but we fe,•I that we must clear our *tock of thr /dd
clearing r Salt for renter reductions will reveal now K `ti Ohaa. Doty, Jr.,ext in Brantford for Iurke •s fore 6lir 7c. „rice f Our uuarket
f+ + j; P rrlkairiug culvert S. H.. $1 ; \ ua, > dile,
RiChxrlw)n, mewer pipe. $,1.111) ; John several day„ during the week. prick• will lie 111 to 12je. undrawn.
than you could possible profit by waiting. Values Hutcheson, Cleaningditch xndpost ing. F. Dowering led( nal Monday on it F rwh tab la)(wi, lee. ; e•K idle. ;
$2,511 '. Jaueefe Quaid, tile, $l.:y) ; John t'itit to relative% „t i.r„utiugtuu, (tried apple*, bye Gulf, F. KINo, Have arranged at table of very YpNelal v"we which it will
F« Sullivan, f),1• relar and Iuttiflg in Misty Truax, of NNlkrrton, in the \\'iughfuu, rf. 1 you to Itka through.hildre Tltat lot cuttrbtr of oven'*, sonnet's,
herewith for this week are bound to give a wider ac- I nett of Mr. said Mrs. J. M. Field. Doulmo:e) t ARR)AOK No"K a. -Au (k,ys', wisw4+ and children's shekel.
ruh'ert, $ULNA ; P. J. Auatjn, work•uu 6 •
r1ilul, $1 : John Kerfe, work ufl fluid, MP". rice and dxu herr-in-law have ,kinds of repair work dune ilia khttat no -
N. Mellonald. work lou toad $2: teturut l to Torontoalter A visit in tier, Buggies, rutted', sleigh„, wag- If flow pricers ifeake a IaarKaiu, hi1 (h yualltq 4OUbWlt. and
I, icult.
inspecting, $L'Li 'Thus. town. stn, light food heavy, repa►inrl or Ire- flint is why yon should ae• these King 11.
sonable reduction sale. I'x1U, plank, 1E:1 -Ki: 1). H. Alton, built. Old w1woum cut duwn olid
rmvrl, al. Alex. K 1:avr1, pR, Mt.8 )Capt,) Plttrunl left un Stator ❑load, into trucks, am goeml as netw at
• K da un a► visit to boor name, Barry, ant UUBN
Il Alex. W-DouAld, gravel. $L' y t•evasonablP FFprice*. l3nK1t1 lutes retiloV- QLIALITT ttpr Women.
Hamilton. err tl, ail) holstrri„ SOLF. AGK (T FOH
F'aru)k McKenzie, work un nerd,. 7&. ;K• trinitiong ural ' Walkover rile Men.
• Alex. Be) •d, repairing brill e, 1. ) ; Miss htta•i"r is with her aunt, priolin wood work a
1 fi i K-- nal uuklrratlr
Clear! Its our mistake if you fail to Come An 1414 MrIA•rlliad, gratcllin S. R. 9 Mrs. Juhriston, fn London, *4io it pprrllea. Hurwr hlNinK „„d general
suet 10, $47.38 ; M. J, McKeuzie,gravel. seriously 411. fdA,•ksmilhiflg. First-class hand-oomile
ting un boundary, $111.04 ; A. Stewart, ('hate. Day, of the Windsor hrar .h new work u slk•eialt •. fallxgt the Repeating
inspecting, $11.5!1. ; John Kilpatrick, of the Bank of Cowmeirre, is „gain in IANuinion Cartage Works, Nrwutr
Repairing -
cleaning drain oil Im)nudAa y, $21.40, town for it kw days, street, andxee what we rain du for you.
We begin with the Jack- It bits the Mejn• s Goods work on gtruler, building bi•id find Miss Daisy Mosel). returneal to Tilt- Jotter A. \YALitlta. J`roprietir,
ets and Hits them Hama teluufw to r;rnalrr, :75.7, : M. Jineell,amem unto on Saturday to cuntinnr her DOWNING & flacV I CAR
t•rp)AirinK two' culcrrts, $4:50; Jxwes course• At busioewi college, AUCTION SALES.
Not urs of the hundred, or After• Krill. hauling plank ilia([ repairing Mrs. - - All line, of lou n's K.kdN Kn ttgder N. J. Bozell, lof 1A)wagber
bridge, $10 ; Anson Finley, inslie•ting 1'Itl*RNDAY, Ortaltrr lfth.-Auction
handwnue up.to-date g„rosents em- the kni r, enen's suits, boy's suits. find rw morin culvert, Miter. Npprrnt V& A. qq iia town with Ger
t K lei TI'(N• tliatrr, 1liitlx F -vs A. Turn!„dl, at of hoowhold offers firn out and effects 811CGe88Ors t0 E. Owning.
,Alk•. the cut fit prier, there's just this me;ivrp►t:ta, iiitttrr.- *hints. Prins talk Inkster, repairing two ruh'rrtx, >Ei ; at the •'Dulirrin," Montreal ardor[, '
Wail. rllin un concession ilii; Amy Naftrl, data htrr of AI-
alkx(t it, the sloe -k is going ill lie re- here Ii ith.no untVit"in wntnd. Finley,y, g gg cominrnring at 1:211 o'clock. Nes. C.
L $3.73: P. Moran, gravelling' N. };•' feed Nxftrl, BrgflrW tool, is in Toros- gErK, u11 iiPUraa. C. OvvunV,
dueled and we invite every woolen in to attending humini+lef College. 1 p' -- --- -- - - - -
this rnuuuunitp tell lots the )eutoteat (twee. to us And ewer inonrr un a find 7. NO); Thom. OAalry, instweting. K K Auctioneer.
$3.75 ; Thts. Hichfudwm. gravelling Mrs. Mxloe and her sinter. Mrs. T('KNUAY, Oct. 13th.-- At lot W. idea lit making n chatek pun-haaw•this Ally wants fear men air h oy'e, D. L. filed work orf greade - Olfu I.i : Hackett, of Vitto ria. urn visiting the rloursakiott 4, (itxlrrich Wwtfahip,seasn to coulee allow., John Niles, insperting, $ilk, Patrick `furuier'trson, Dr. L. M. Matwe. e ired Hereford cattle and Can -M11%
Meltilynn, far gravel ing cuncrssinu 4 Hex. Thew, Morrow returned on ,ail n anti Western hones, W.
Shirting Bargains and for l;rucrl. $11.72 ; avid Ruthrr- Moudn ' evening After a visit bo hYr F:LLIcnTT, pM'opiirtor. FBI 11
refill, culvert find gravel cunrra+ion 12,sr,+ter+ in Detroit end Iwiuduu.
Hegular $12.111) jackets going at A9..NI Brml fa11t XI)NLA AY, Oct. 14th,--Auctiuu
fan black k and blue Aunrrirfa„ $15_ !t, A. Carrick pn•sentret his Ikme([
.. / ) „s collector for IMK(. On motion u(
Miss Burke, lit HlNtggrrna Bnm. iiiile of (fru stock and im})IeunrntN At t
Regular $111.1111 t J;ft.111 shirting, tr Kulfir 1:S line, for 1 }r. tnillini•ry drlk►rtmrflt, l'lirtton, sus lints UY And 14, 1 wkr r1Nwt wetat, t'+,1- Thanksgiving Day
llclntyn• and Ntothrr" saiet bund the K114 -St, of Miss Oilby uvt•r Sunday. Ia)kpr. Ftierythin tlo iw diApN)eeNl of,
Re Kulxr $K,IMI (1113.:011 I"t heat•)• plaid flatnelette shirting was xrreptell. Next council ►nesting Mr. and MI's. \'i ars returned tc• ail )ria rietor is i o ail) tariff. 0mo. .
Octolk•r' the 31st.--\\'. NTI)THKRs, K 1 P K K I
in aamorled Colors, regular 12le flit• Port Arthur on Natu/rlay aftera flirt- AallT0.N. proprietor'; THoil. Ov,4im • = Thursday, October 15th,
l' Intl'. .
Furs Sacrificed It%,• H. A. Carrick, who lens faithfully, night's Visit Mr. land Mrs. J. $: auctioneer. yr
rullwtwtCor tx:rN fur the ►r)wnshi Brown, serrkuay. ot-r. ern.--Aacuan wh• ail I 3.
P hue+,++, thronchbawl rialklr. noes ,lid rronA
11'r uu•an it, every wo»I. Ihr m(a)rk 1i'"'t heaVy, wide prints,"in navys. of Ashflt•ed fur the last twelve years, Mrs. Chns. Xorris, of Naaltfonl, ham Mand brunch., urs and, w41,m1 bson twrur+, I // w
lint• 'C-olenimn, Michigan. `\\
rr41a, pinks: black :ofd white e)ksr. arcareal his nil pia SeiptruflN r,28ttt[lir 6 K+a n, xud her rated. noa+, .. neo and all kind+ of rryui.mc. mangle Fare for the Round Trip
InxN lkr•11 ruefully Kone 't hnargh. , 1111Ki fund the following anounta two daaghter s tq Lts. Angeles, Cali• for hon M stn eared a,1c.. Thi. well Ike N an 1 I ; i i 1 u
lrgular 1210 print. for Ilk:. K whew+ u tr)rtunil) two Yc1 Asssl be N I, to Ili, , Iwtwe4•n all etrtfontl au l'afladfa, in
every :utirle- of tau in it boos IN4•fl ale- n»• lot said toll : tontine. puce.. Wort• 1111 in s1 A I ohlic Muting, under the atiatif@eA
abav,l lie Y your u1e• n
dth•wl ift drive. There's much Illotte' • Fill., :113 inch colo»•)1 tlanuelette. in Fur County purl hews........ 2Kii,+J1 Miss Fthe Melver, dad hter of Ned l µ i.e. u. Mollie .N, pruprletur. gluos. f the eluding Detroit and Port Huns
e. al cm alley. ita,tkilikeer. Mich., also to, but not faun,
towuat T heti-If elver, lir the the
left het 4, -Auction d-th+ of AIICieSt Order of UEild WKt $lac•k Mock. Suspension Bridge
:1vinK inyk)rtarice to this sal.•. Isn't pick and blue sttrpN•s, the regular l2c .. 1 .......• wxssxsu.ti. (t.•t. YI'
errinl schlxl irCi.d w k to s )end the anter to Pali- 6
s1 $' e t ford, stock k1N1 fanyyl1l. vin R e fur l t I .',«len N fa Falls. N. Y.
hex yunri)pl N'luflfly' - - liar, fuf•hM•. . •• pmblic and s•pmrntr fot•tala. a -11, 1- nal u'.•Ax•►, tt ll I+• held iia Ill'.
\ FF ' ' Mr. and Mrs. \\'r`iRh who hAVr ljiwi;„ ° urs K. Hall
Temperance Hall Tick, Good Goin October 14th and
t xcheoultNletk rpooes.. 4,t4NIt. a \ i,la,Irietex: 'fou pe ``
lhm nonan draft .- JIUA )Nen siting fat Ridgewcxd Park 6t 1.
FINE. MIL !.NERY g G'ee'ing t • sn ('alit•, h„VP twlurnwl to BORN. ,drain formeaward.. 19.111 thrid burn in l'xlif)rnna. VAJklr La -A1 Penh. N 1111►. ro n Op 0 t 1 a Alii urning sou :.r Idd,r,• 11 ,n-,Orturmrd strtntt• Nr, rndMn. Yrevl. \ a•.. L` 1else .. ... :jp•r,8 MIs.lxfz returuad to Ki ,lin, p1E0. • I . Y• O,'t) r 19th.
AT REASONAILPRICES, is the demand of the fang•arruria:es 7.2x ()n NAturdav'accompanied her at 11-LIEIL-.At ItlnDI rr•lyaedap c At !{ tic k p. in,
daughter, Mrs. Joe. Brophe nil lit MIK Hrnrit•ua)ninon;lImr tot Special Glu®1st Due Way
hour and tyre BIG TORE is read to satisfythe de- l dsfrKntrr'• , al; irrLaara,oyt,am `
y t $14` MARRIED. Grand OrKahizo•r Bert Armstrong is C le lCr\els
t )t sctr R". Mass Fillet iiiclrarrisdin. N[ T oto;. n town sw utiug app ICA for new- G
mand. ch a disp Y of fineehats was never before \ (,Rua,w. Oct.tat. was uwuflg Godrrieh friends a few TF:Ck VI)\-R0*4. - At the ar.sMelNe of txhip, „ndtit 7 p.ut. iwanw-vening)
- . Airs. tirlinor, Wfelfe-i.,.on'Frhla', rk•t.
Colbni^n cl he il,tuet` n the town. flays during Nu wltrk and ret aim on ; the IAdge will ma*N•rulh• in their rAalge
t Sunday. ' , 2nd. h• Rrc. J. A. \ad,rpn, l A.. Rola Now Ort soh• 1., x,u)te in British
seen in G )rich. CO a and view our styles. .hip hall, AN the Ili inh•rN•were Anne l4rvemm„.ut0exicns•fi, fet ,o r netoiuiti„trcaatnlldaatrk 1
Norman Allan left on Monday i Int, lute of Seakliad. ,pet [tg, to which A fere 'IwhiA. Montnu A, l h, IdAho, (h •
present. *Soni i1) tr•tis>l,aw ting 1 y The oven uarrti got.lsalcaralluaralCa) urnin.
kvt aril 4i nw . r Gd niu art• take a position in the Batik of Mont' _ _ hnyitatian ix gicrfl, will Ina AddtwMt41
coo la•ere paid :-John MxilEis• half 'real at Belleville. John (salt, jr..txkrw M. h limn([(uMi11At1 J. M. Peregriur, of
d:ry drawing tib•; $l.;rt; Jew0 G - 'iris position in the bnauch ht re. For D■ Ynkenness xmilton ; ligand RtrlNdrr M. 1►, plltln
• rV hill gent ellfbg. $IL51/ ; N%*)ter !l dna Ili•: J. L. Turnbull was away At'I1lil- ('under, o[ Tem -onto, an 1 DiNtrict IA p -
S , a Khan. gravelling. SIS.Ki : J+xseph`,Mc- ver son And Listowel during the we**, THE and lily G.M.N. M. A. Wain of 4tr„t- Appl to Agents I* rite t J. D. Mc•
& `O• faun, repo ung flour cult•, •s• t; aepaisting in an operation at the latter M, C;n (oral. All who drvtrr to horse tbt grin- IAoumkL Dillfiirt gPr A t,%r• ,
HichA d Blit on, rwpatirin on ria - 1 IAy- eelth D' uJ US--` 1 ciplrN, `-11mw•s Nod w1rIF of the onto. for ilht*tn►ted rywt h calif-
C K p tick on Mains 1 i ilnunt., of Fish anctJYawr."
Vert..,1n cents ;
John lark• ate! Order c enrh' discuwetll naer' 1
Kr 9- Prank Shaunun loft ydwlririny •fur pppp Y " '
A. Al V'ise. inNp•ctinK. $ uAl )h. He los on Nositfoil with the Over 3l)O,O0O inVitel. Tilt- waiting will aletl"tK
s li(m n+ +err, Die{k .le ell train dr- Alex. MvIA4mI inNjwctiug,$'_': Patrick' Myoid'. P. K. suitryorv[h t "fact CURES ItrMaiuel with wmKx and s)ff* F'ur tick.ts farNl all information
'S ``a pLt r1 ftL,1, to
)ti V f - it ri llISTR / s and .It vmr (ilwih'll w w n rr I,evdens, Charity. *-I : Jxs, Kfrk t- t n wrrk h from that N)inf to work to- vM1 ,•,, I nemtwrre of lilt emciPnt yualtrtW, )
\ d ` K rice(, IAIIk, al) cents John Barrpwea p •xr
tr}think. i.+ n ty for aha• Y , rt- ke•r. -wai4n Ooderich. mar ;y we'r'e I"t e \\`, H. Hl1BFKTSOti, \ F. LAWHFNCK, Town A Tot
• tAdAilrona nrk-• oflhrdi-trim lha tare•;, grave
$3?11_ : • \m. Potts, in- y con6,. [,pdteo S.. N' -a .1
h new md. Heigh -lin for he steam Mere, :lax. n Toe lolayfil• And nam ere TOQOnTO, oil Chairmmu lir ('low Ift - M,utw It A. un. W 111 P. n
*MILLER. whlntl aprrting. l`5 : \ltsoict`` fal World, r•rdl. Andreta lt•ft on litwwjuy aur P'awulrnx•
$I.*I. Aletterfrom A:B. MacDonald.. (lalifottnia. Thr • will stop lit ('hien u - - `--
UFADAV. 4e•t. Ill x.•x tr.It- RIWe.=\\'urktia pPo_ Iw+l•r'Islrr. was grad.'el:►i ting damages 3 1 K --- -
coLlin) IN•Ils ' 1 ring next w fur u titer rlbeir way, And will, rw-
our ew steel Arid And for \\'ail. Olazit r un ncccnu of w inter
MI \laggie• \"lass me visited ort r lm a tut.: tresis. Hnntr Bplr., backed iu'to his cellkr. It •fan fulovel I'tain in ('alifolrrla'tot fertrral months.
.sister. fi:n9lcld la+t •'dace Ki cwi•ali r, rxjk•ct that it will .M• by KurN•rtaL,u, Nrrunded by Hill• that 11rs. (aro. A`Che•wo, Mrr.. A. .1.
Maw. \ "nn. Oke" hats n• recd teen Dna- for duos nn the lilt of Np- no action IN- taken- An the matter. M -re and 11r J. H. ('6ltkorue Are
- xtlenchn t
xf iiia re lit'i s nc:u thi• No t, ,m r. » , of the three• sppaans t ('xrr'it d. AdjourutaY [o wart y'ggaft on K of tonvrution of the "QDGENS
as.-C. \\ hens returned total week nowsi ( und the aratfedlling Nmeufa)er 2nd al Y tithNk.-Tr. K', \lumen'* Miaaiom ry Mexirty of the Tp►grypp =tl. BROSI" 11100011tter the t•: i. cult bo n•Ceice the Mct)uv.tux. Clerk. Methodist church in lnu un this w11sTI 1tAiwLTot.
rpt visiting er daughter near tilt- a STite i
,u4Nr,trt to Con,oftlerrable diRf- perk. \hes. Collwrnr. i+accowpxniwl
rulty wan r n(rll by file con- THOS. SALLOWS IN THE WEST. by her two littler buys.
Mi.. and Mrs. s.uw Fisher have afar -1 ors m rt 'n killed labor still Misty lrxry MrKrnzir; lir Chicago,
rettu;ne•sl h»lit n v it to the latter'st Colborn• Township Man's lnep6kaokl anlk of the *-cyoultdaughter of Mfar• McKenzie,
Pnr•r t11e e• a• n 6r erect [lilt.
hrotl r if Urbana, ( it,. on■t Nortk w•1.
Ther (vas ails, w fl 11r)9fble• in pro- ' Contractor, of that city, antra format
'rKL Ho -r F:XTI•1 'A . N"e native rnriuK the right Air I at I :u•ru»I- Dut•ittg A stop in \\'intiprg a/err fa tlaluilton stet druggist, IN the neat fl\hey,• is just our lnret. keg' n[ Anti
jackets in Canada. He
that tor. le phone• eon! ny i. extend_ tw•o nuoitthei trip through Manituiaa gal w u t snake low pttA gannenta our 11 A NNn to undet an
1 I ing to Conha, t. `)p the prose nt of her awaits• the Mix*rN Neill. F y
nK it
ta n + to Jhr We Aon! h»•w- Inid p(r will Ix• of II111Rh ('Irl' 'later- Arial the Northwest The %%'innipl•g HRNtillun street, find Mrr. N'. N vir•c'u tancem. \\'e lofty our jackets fr.nu hilt. That's why our styles
Y. If to ly n ylre,Iinn f n few int than the I utttrxrC dot.. The Telegram obtained an ioterview With M, Kenzie, Nt. \'ioN nt street, are correct And rte ran Kolar:vit.•r rI,•rc one that wr --I1.
a are fko.ts I w•irr•to Re•um ler :out is tri tae lot tan loot •t. Thaw. SxlluwY, of C,'npNxnr, who, hnN ,, `
iR1 venture• 1 .'ay it woahl c the flooring Jlist tvturuel (roue him' Visit. . 'hr The friends of Walter Pinder. whoI I J
a la -ge part of which is o1a\ e mu Tele faun's article ill an follows : wits for about nine venues with it'.
con lmny to g tine•lis and it wo d IN• ,rne }' to IN• pl:arcyl in p ositip K - Iw•e• and has horn ih Winnie and I
w Veer w•rviet•Ial r Ilneth•nw' to ser I Thnwxs Sxllnwm, u[ Hit county. Winnipeg \,
jxoop)le•, null our I avhh'h they A]\1•\F.Na,\NY MR,R\ItI1 -\AT 4nt.,i atHylllgAtLh1•Seymour hotel 1i»anduw during the stat srxwanfur
cite w•ilfin to o ilia health, will IN• teras d to learn,
n)cTHK/mi mPn \ Ir1 were f. • la fray days, tile hp his de`mrtnrr l' P
h K 1 % 1i' 4 that he is much improved in health t orr cj t
held at Ko•thel ahnreh,.this week, .Oil lin• his hoer in Ontario. Mr. xllmvs P
Bs\NILLKtaHRh'i. Y. n:% -Tho• Into rndlty the IN14tor• Rev.0. L 1',•IlAnd, i. n p 1N N•rlllla fanller )stall he has al- pend has rwsnnsvl hi. for•ntrr pritiun
kill) for tills "-1 wI )turret on "Cut
liveeptahle werntoo. Iw)> 1 len n(41' nrnu'a visit to hie two ems. w•lth Mr. IA4•.
6 utRlnv and the entl nisi Nrojuis'- n,%ll ing and evening. Oil Tuema who are ranching near Meolivine Hat. MIN. P. Adam, -on and her niw•es,
11i•sl., 11rl.irty I y lc• rc- ,"Cut • a ver)• snrcew.ful Iota-u)e•tin Mr. Sallow. w•mn interviewed by n \lives Belle \Yilw)n filed Miss Jennie a
a tory 1Nr)mlw I've yen Over leas he• 1. It was :a fine flight, and atirterlur Tim Telegram, yeate 'Inv Marmon. returned 'tai town last week
trti' nartrr•s of a illio Ire <u Ve 1 cro• ata . a h rattenelnnrr. Nu N•r oo • x • e 1 after A fnnr mnntirm mo oorn at IANC
b a If Pl f ten n. lie aul: "I hat N4•n j g t
whirr racks ,uhf dr,ufl o ales to w•rl+wrtf4 ill t 1r r•hn»•h sheols: and myA • Trani ho r for the ext tato
Ween soil this rraxem. hair• n •tt y, rr Brfinc•h, N..1. Mims Jean \\'ilsem, of .
n unu:Fe IRrKe•t ofltlinl is in Iru••ra afteC pxu•tak' rg or the g,mxl thinKn ria ail : on A I'll .through allitoim New York. minter of Mess Wile Wil -
)dation find they 1111• fIl(r•:wt{ 1 skirl . the•»• the l per :uljuurnwl to the it th heat Nort rot for the first sun• acr•ontppwwan eel them to town and is i
repnations fu that offs t. !4 ccn lurch, who h ala. o rrowdwl that tinge\ a gust at t it•i1. follicle hurrhxtrw•t.
large o»Irrm had to Ike n•fn4P.1: not hh' re tans stand) roxnn ,)only fur n 1 imit the Marl Na selttenlerrt l.itllr 111+m Lena Wells, agwl eleven tl e
an order foe t'lintntr tot 11111,1:11 ria Id )• Nkl many. , Th,- •birch. write taste- wml6 a Lr 12bridge IwI weeks Ago, yrnrs, daughter of W. A. RINNs,acrived
fit"y 1p'"C 1"'1 for I e /*rasion. Tier and tan int , ward in tr it coluoy hurur jot S+aUnrhay ui ht. having -
ned Ike ({Ilei. )nxiam re•i([cd, :nail ol don his ri hl TIN• 11nrr orae em to Ina 1a g + \
1 K per( (yiinK ,unit• All the way fr,in Idaho, None.
Tut: C. I'. Ir all i`.v\'.--Tine ata- and 1t•ft .and Iwo rot •r pa+toira of and tree w• I o Tree Crolon t. that Throfl h the courtesy of thr,geurrnl t
veyol's of,Ihe ('. 1'. It. have IN4•11 most he s•►illre Hey. E. A. S W. nlow•,of title wer•t• plendid• the Ioil too Ifel ly ttxtrllifig lkasw•ngvr ngrut of the That \Ve SiI w the COCCCCt A h 1® T. il@9'
Keying fur the past aero aur the urn- I IT at diet. M. .1. Vilwofl, of .(cell headed d )t, an the spring ay e•:at Vilicngo k Northwestern, n•xidiog fid sty
line in this ncii;hlkNhakkp ,nod It
Ya lu• •hoir of the church• was still grr4• Solt Lake Vily. she haws lefferie
everylkxly hr»•'i+ full of railro:ul talk nd the rlr rr Ieade►slup -if bar _Their sit I-* `bp+I c ill was unwat furnished her which rendered her niaittles we\IIAVe hlte proof in LaO..way they are
over flat- llrospeo,ta of Illi- lifer la:assing Rutl, fuerx no lN•r of vh(ir'►w•. in n isfnrtury. Thi. \)s pre fifty dor To ourne • emeov
near thi■ tillage. We hear that their very ieie"t true ner', mild .1 At'
h. cafele•ssnrss on th it pattt. T is mpriog } sealing. These es are new this season. 'rho
rept,rt fnvs'r•s the nor,llerrn mole nk '19rommu (if (:air 'rh. kindly re I- they wpwfd awed tttAi,, itpon last Our Unprecedented Offer.
o»fiflg fill e4asier hurt• and shorter .-Irv) fa. o, MirA ( ka(npmiKne•. I yv arm wheat ffrlJn, ich' h Til t IN•en styles are right, the fit perfect, the materials good,
nolle than through li'No1jorich town-tinkle•rich,'x•titt j,,xsM•c?a1%pit W. In- lof(phelafterther•n )hmdl riUkeu Thedlnntrral 1\-rrkl)• Herald in n i
x:a ) to the harbor, whiclr if laelo x441. to- - in Roll waWx w•fera• been 1 • Mr. , uuNlel of careful condensation: All
1 feK Clue con4lquen( wail tl Cliff- and the WOrkinJin811i) first Ciaall.
tlN• chaff winnowed from th wh eat. a
will (jive um A station 11 1 omille•r•. Ylellantl. Mr.. haw and fr. R ilkon. IN• , wnx rhuke([ n t, by th vel- / 1
\\'on t tont Im• gloriur/sP l alsuml I Mr. Nrlw)11'x , 11 %1. (leak chiefly unt V 'hent that haw, n u ( A lint* r roe jaouir, and farm. Whole-
some• elevating, inforueing A wt \
nod ins (frklerich in five "61111lrw. wifle !kooks and r feting and clkfld nut about hink there mr0i in lm t• K• .
Ahea It`wP have selected 11n• r:nlro:ul but be aft inapira on to thomt+ who :u•i'1•a i his fix. Thr hope- to)t11Z of dollar joaunal. It mud TM• NignAl fur Atb$4.28 At $12. o
offl'i:►li pin([ .tem• F:dw•; I i. 1.1
N. ::, it to nark r culti mtirih of which 1 4 11141 lip, *'Pre only an in nide year for onlyr,fle dollar. NAinplr •
rc rex of The Heald went on A , hl n- IAulien' jxoketx mfidr (torn gcxd yumlit mil rAtrli" jackets Iffacle front fancy snow -flake
in diamett thum shuw•in tinct the 'P f P '
K weal frir7A•, blu•k or Oxford) Krey, ,*Nae tweeels, trimmed ith strippings lit
- - --- -- -'- - - Ik•rt rm line )Nen . x)itt. F»Vn thin tion, tar mal* he w4•n fat nor office. _ --.- -- -- - - _. e 1 luu•k. Ik•II ciceces, ronl rullar•, reel.... 114.711
large Acreage hey are Cutting the- black brorleleluth, )imlop mleeve with
- -L' - e cuRn, (Ailey mrtnl buttonm, longe, lack,
natural stain Ott for gtwl•n (real t Y
rr extra' quality
ntm trmttt t m ,a)d urs h)Aing the Nlljfar )feet rro y 1 f rWlrerlw4l 1lnittilr1
as- "i w•erlt tllr•011gh ell, large $r Coach I,aIIIfMi jjNrkf•tm Iflnde (111111 All wClol fri.•r,Pm, 1•Arlf................. ........... ..
{ -
'legal' IN44 fraEt try, tl ugh At the till) in Oxford grey air black, alw1 fpr,m
P • of ney Knit it R'r+1n't f u f• animhwr. got black Ik•ut-prm, linell thmu hoot At $12.00
F { A I G decided to handle - a Fjmnr11te4licinr Het i ' mrne eel to Fall WaAl'with Inrrcr i K Y
- }' 1' " Wnlepn, pearl bnHons, drulie, coots rn+ulr from fancy recerniblP
o , 11, rtage la i rotirie. -Hr» 1 drove bishop slerve with eI R• )/Now• hack, ).w'1441m, M inch" long, velvet collar
S nrnunc viPat•tflg the threshi opera- road rulltar, 2A ) inch,q long• mild shoulder rapes, pearl IN)ttona, full
tions. Thp of ain is not f urn g out .Iwrlal Vfahlp mt each .............. $*w %leve very nubby................ $12.1111
Coa,i l so grad on t.hs ifteen plain. It Paper Saleatel•r++gg,x'IN•tw/rn afteen awl tw altAL S10.00 At E12.f1O
r- t shed.., while the sample im xm
e'-" nn n larger scale than heretofore we wish tel intro . Ill tchel and smutt.v, the last tentoll \ iadi'/4r kpts fnnde from A11 won) Oxfonl iw/lirn' jackets male from hlmrk cheviot.
' IN i1 Very notienAh. Thr wheat K»•y etiotm, frannnpd with strop- flnisrtied fril•zes, tiJmucel with milk
dike a new oil, a better oil, tin oil that will not thud nm thrvithel enrlier fn flip wen- -- / pinkot or blN'k h»„a.IclolIt. linel stitehing fill strappitngm of !lock
o- won w I very touch Wetter mrtntple. / lhronghoot with owr,,eriaeel wlliwil. bnmdeloth, calif11 of stitched broad-
1)laekPn yom- chr1wneyA like the common, how•t•ve, l'Iekft;, p awl, tart tine i )k,palar rollarle+n style with ahemldpr cloth, lined with Onemerceirlfed artee: 01n,
es- Mr. Sal ws is )lea.wd with him vinic I pauper e`n.w at>ek. ralNM and her hatyk, rwpq sleeve, r»N hetet) Merrett I apd
This is too oil \vb sell als, our best. ! -Amin fN t►w ' It very tojj itwpy m.kP
nn(I we I, I t this country teems with ty`tr11IrHt.. glare wt fteb...Olew cotlarlwes, a very nobby rolit, each ... 0119) N. '
Tr a lion and'lit}"ehnvinced. Price is is • grlandiN)iwih ifiex.
y g Illi Iwfng nil A if lee inten([141 c(nrl- Hemp ber, codef• tl) Ret
f little higher, but what 1s that when you get the ing to this Come ry- for glNxl bile repli(rl the mitt) a Wount, paper Our
^ ' ^ * Q
,lest . Iluat he wmx t.ko )Ill N) ChA About. mama he for fit. 111114• of / d v annelet es
but w1i([ that we he „ Kling man purchase. J
h.• Iron([([ not slay i OOfIA, o five in- U 111e inner run olir Fiiglish Il;lnneletteA are the Clio t yOu eAII buy. )':Ven If
Of course we sea) ilio ChP it oil IlisA.
i", is;
but would rel r to Mmedh,bm No Anople ro tven nut » pSyl Otl will find
One ob'ect 19 to rl\'A 8at1AfACtiO11 to all. with All ifs xpdrllolid ch arm. during Niall papden IP, iP dOes C04t a few l:el)ts more than yon hove been 118
-- i F Askwl an
In how flit• IxrL, r»,pye - ' it ofjtahle to 1)ily, fo i' it Will wi%r the other a nff y
.- See Our X4.00 and f) i. t) air tight heaters, were. Nr. SANow•N maid hat "the
-.---- Make's tWIQe Vel. ems" Patterns
g ) wouldn't IN• IN•ttrr" and 'aJIP fnl t jt si In from tit(- English InIIIA
something real good in the stove 'line. rmp•rimlly wam Knand. The It), ant Crpp NOR1)HFIMFER P14N
was no benvy I ,)t. tom fn) add t Heavy Nnp;linh flano4pties in plain *,MI* plgk• blue geld a ilia rapRs of f4\ or
e FN• woht, sod hod to ►aP mhakt•n the Phos! 1(11)11• )will. Pmv0-•rfuhf, and fn,d color", id to 91 Inches widp. ort yard. ......... 1
McKenzie & Howell "' I' get aid the 114 Thr Il paid
t Y ntifl PMIn
_ winter '"'I 11"'I
cNNI in yunllty M)d *
nAfltily. The fill apples are.• melling
111 -inels elf Ila-flware, 1►ait)ts, eta'., at right. I'lown
Ili Ontario for $1 n )ouTel. Mr. Mel• IjEO. RTERrleC9. iPm\'tem for Humn (rmehly next HODG
pMonday. I impot•tet j Fine $Vas E B RO
1, a
pietr ftilefion mtnveN and rmnKl•Is re -
lll loll lllllllualululllli ll In
n ire
(Iwo. 1.AL AN. Or& AgPnt price.