HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-8, Page 44 THURSDAY, OcI. ,1 1903..
t(\ t ''.duh. Jt '' hig".hi'ndrd- Arid "II KAI
THE TOWN (,(�NI,I13. ° i
s' 1. of the $wlpel*)° rights ad my
v titer, who uwur lit, l:hrioterphrl'
lk•aclr flout the smith pier toBrlt1nuix
Mr. Humber's Resignation Received road.
and Accepted. . lit the first five (If then Iea1(PfNthe
•( people of 1ioderiuh are AN intich in -
teteated 8x 1 :411. 1)114-414 1hpii' .4.r Ilw-
aelltati%l•s (4.(.k you to takeimun+dhate
Mr. Hawley Protests Against the Reported action lel protest the interests of the
tease to the Lumber Company 44 11e11 tOwil ill th& matter.
---- S4erd- Hearefrem Irt RefuoincC to Site- Uln• e�fNi•lirfl t`IwrPAnt,
T.me lor Payment of Talmo 'Under nn- Tuu](.4s U. 11.14yi.vv.
count *gam E41ended.
Me Hawley was thanked file- drihy-
ing the attention of the emitted to this
matter aud the clerk was ins(1•uilel
t4) write the Departuwnts'of Marine
end F'i.heriea'Antl Puhlie' \Vark1, uyd
enquire as 111' what a4•ttft+t hes gelato
A eolnlllunti/l*4lirn frown A. St•i►iton.
3.. 'l'. It. Agent. i-* I41.:d ing n change
ill the 'dans for ti new siding tit 411
the slit/IMO. Wail.refefed t1 the Oldie
w'ork's eonrl11ittee 1444 :1 (4ufrreulr
with the O, 'l'. It. represent411 34 e. .
A ()t144t1 '3'1ti4iu from the ex.4•11-
t0I74 of the estate of t1! • late .•U1x.
Munro in refereni•r ti the taxes 4)44
1111 .tack (If dryg.NN). %4'llrs(•Il1 to' the
4'44141.1 4.t let' V ild41Ha
7Yu•,nmtlil'assented to the Mayor';
p1°i' ' 1l that the e411'4N)I.411141n slllll•Itol
should Iw engaged 114 delete ' the
'uveal'.. rights 111 r•fe•rrnee to . the
%Vhart.. 411141 the elevate'Ir. This ilk
14•.i4441ee tI.:414 e•u4Tttiry of Mr. Peter-
sen. the l'. l'. B. engineer.
A note from I►ickins.ln A li row
informed the council that 14 firs( divi-
dend had leen (1Irl4)1e.1 by the. inspec-
tors of t he W. 31. Smith estate.
\14':4., l'.u•14•tolt wrote. arl.Itig the.
(lamed to compel Jonathan Miller to
brick 4)1. 11t11e14 6e make flrepruof ti: 4•
w4 14411 1 11111141iljtt• that he eteetefl 1.•
hind the brick portion of his harm
awl 4vhm•h were within the flu•• bout..
She also r phliuel that the .01111'
from this place'w:'s x. nuisance and
.Y elle 4 'notify
n k 1 that tl 141 vl the
health ipsott clue. 1)r It, luu•-, to herr
it .tapped. She also asked eon:.id4.174-
16a1 41 her waiter r:Tt., ,I. sh1 haul to
pat' AL? .for her little cottage 11:141
often did 11444 11.144 one mail of
Alis. Carleton 4 plaints merere-
ferred to eiroil mitt et..
O. ` 1( Donald. writing for the lut0.
pital 1 Aril, 1)14114(1 if the town would
11111 k0 a 1•4111 V01'111101. 4f the acre of
hand Ott. the ,northwest corner 4)f \Ir.
Natters -propel/ V 4111 S441111) "41'114
which Uw�14t~-1alkettof'a,Vesarago as the
site iofth?4ho.pafnt. Other plan. had
lar•Il mule' consideration in the mean -
'time, lint h: i been ahuinduned. 'Ile
matter 44(1.3 efer1•rd • to the pit blie
)picas 1'enn1(14I' 14)'.'t' lithe otter for
the .11. 1,1'\114 property was still
following lcl im t were ere sent t.)
1111,111114• 11•14111 t11•0 Sturdy R
' The regular meeting of the town
council 'Vas held iii) 1'i•itlity evening.
Councillor Tlumit on ens absent.
Mr. Hu+lllar, wb'N'w tp?igntll1,411 W1444
in the 114111(11 41 the clerk. occupied a
seat (411 the *14)40 of the 1444141(1.
Mayor Is'wi-.: read x, 110. from
P1.ss)'.4443hliu);.iuu1 Itu4:11441111,1 w•illl-
lll'41w'illg their to/nit14it444tl 'ego&(141t
the establishment of n hat row (slimy
J1u. \1-Iil11Iip stated 1ha1 the -owl
al he ('11th, t()ra 1N1(u111:131 1441111:llis-
taetorily :n•I'14l3 el, (44141 wention4.4* 1.11-4!
the Vote by the 1)J11)inunt buret/iris/t
((f- $2(.,Ilhl for a breakwater 111 1 111.•
h41rINrr. The engineer hxd•usk.11 fat 14
vote 4'f $.*,111N), but the ant4ltint which
hail Imes plaer•(1 iv the 41144IVnttes
would k.Y•p the matter going tint it
Alio(Iii.t• yule 1'011141 IN' 1111141)•..•
A reyu.s,t far th,• playing o1' 14 0‘,1111.,,
4andewe('nt light w4 bighthu14,+e •1(11("•el
in the rear of the salvation ,finny
Icn'1.4u•ks wag referred 111 the rah•'
Ano! 1igh14 ermnittet: wit11 1.4w4.1• ,10
ilia \Vur11up3114) lade of home cm,.
respondence with •Jt.4 !Lames. M. 1'.,
.sin'adm •n.... to rite 11)•11 4)1,1.;11 4h•it the
640 1.1'111110111 atea11ur 1�yfi.111 .1 1,1
. ' winter 11.14'. \h'. 11olne. w•r,)tt• 411at"
1.111 Miui.l•'i of Minim. and Fisheries
had promised to look inlet the matter.
The work of that'. I'. R. surveying
-port )' als4, wit. tit:. 'subject of 4', few
remark stow the Mayor. who 'made he
Interesting* '.tnlemrnt hull it had I •n
the line HI
• •111-e• Y� :1 1 r that I t
• 41.4 eredi 1 h f LI,
a 11'41') 881, weir 111144- Will king on 44'41.,'
the '.4nlr 44s 44':11 .11 t'V4.V4d 10* wr1111
• lilt, 1i nI- hills by Al(•s,:r.. %Veil. and
).• o: 1
p• 1 I T 1( t
. tirnugh for the p . pw
(i .leri/ * railway...
The time for thInquiet
under the two per vent. dist
ecteudrd•t). the 1(qh 44.0,14
under the (()41 Ir r. rent. (Ilse,
the IIR11 of-1o4•e.ntlri', wring t
CO.* that stone or the bit 11nti4'("
n 4t yet Well sent mit, '
'1r. Itiluther4 snliulit.ter1 his resign
tion a c(Nue•iilor un ru'r4,mtt :.f ha vin
at*'enfdel the position elf 1w)IIel• lllagi.-
*4a*e. 114• added that 11 'was w'ilIt
soiar feelings ..f regret that hr %V4111 14.•
)rink (rum 1114' rank(( in which f
1 ':1(•1.)• tw( 11* V years •h•• 1)4,11
(y.. 4-1111'41 to a.•isl in forth •
tow- !Nest interests. 1
tinny to retain ki
1-44.11114. 11111111(* 1 :11(el14'lr1le•s At the•
1.1111/114/4 10111411 and hi., Yy114lulthi`•s
w4,111.1 4.s 111111le in the 11ii44•t• 1,f
71.-i.ting i 'tn1'. way he !could. to ad-
vance the to Ifs prosperity. '
'1914• (.11ow-i • 1 e nilutiun A71: carried
414 motion of 1 .441.4. F:lli(4ttx111) Alur-
ney : That this • NUI(Il •legket.s .4ery-
nmlh that l'Imnei R has to
• sever his connelln
:it ion end wish to' -.41_
[tiny will be Sir -.ell
fart tlul1 his r 1:4ti•oi.
• lun,illo*'" h e a3w'ay,
and also fro 1n , the 4 ,'-
absent, of hi. 1114 (vlr•L••
of 14(x4;4•
11111* 41.115'
w4.• and
all t4)
a the
en -
14 the
4 (4141 11'4111.
h111101 Vn11141
or H,,,nk1•
with this
that hi.
allh fn.,i4 the
h him fe ow.
'en gmi(13)I('
•!hot the
nil .skill
will ilea loss to tb town lli••ll 110,
kiln" "141'.•41 publicly. for nearly . went y
year*. \
Jlt•.Jlnudw•rtbr**Ikel the emirs: 1for
Cie kind words of the Heed iction.
1n,trfe•tenee to 31r. Ilamilw'r'..»pi
' cat' for s' ',nimble room for Ili. Ix
copal ion 4w ;pole• ileigistr441 e. the
\L141141 reinyyii'kelt that he ron'4ldet d
111.13 ;ill 4.4,41 .t1 .hnn141 Ile 11(•141 in 'the
ton e hall,.The mattes 4(f pro'i.lipg
nn „fibs stadia. aken into 1'014,+4111
Pra11eti ; 1)' the 1 hill• w'o'k. 41 111
'nine. And Al'...�1) ether would. 11.•
inviter *o e()nlii' With. he commit tee.
A1C. 111m11WeS re initial) was.
.formally 1e('ellte1 and ' lunrillnr-l•1-
fiott 4)4141•(1 s • words 1 Ap`)444.11-
.tion of Mr. 1Umilw is .ere( .-'in the
clamed,. . 9
Tile 4i14)(�r. it .t..1.1 to the, Argncy
exu.eltby 1r. 11131111441'. ,"tit''44'merit.
)lid that if it had 4. rill're•l after the
1.l of Novi/Oa/at hey ...odd hat'(" left
It unfilled. Mit 111 the present' err. it
*vas neces,.1r 4 tl l 3)144. 41 11I'w' ('I(r'l w)
1lit. 4re:leit •4.'N ilndal1ditl(nri report'
, tor the month of S.•pteatite •,wi;'r• ,vent
to the *Inane.' (•on41nitt P. The" treat.
toner'. •tatl'lll.•tlf w.1'• 4ts follows
Y le 41(•4.<. .
. 14»lnl1r('7r,( .\wen-' .,: ••, 441
\l ater.rit4• '1:' 44
Electric' Tight f"44.- - ."i A
;4,-h01,* grant- (:1-, o,
Loon. 4 0 '1n
F.1184..4 441
( 44114444,.1. 041
Markel 11( 1
PrIrl' lig. 444•
1 nhli,• ,lurk-.
Debetilnr•` 1"in'-,p,1
i4I 1'0.1
11(4 nry.4i 1
N »ter. "4.4 14(44.4
1 111 8gi11 '
•'11(1)1 "1111111'
11 ,1 114.4 14714:4 Nd
-, tltt.T61 iv
'1 144 41x111 t 41f _\4Varil hind eemi•t4•ry
r.• ,•4111Y1 foe tier e'ntsll1irptenJN•r.
'far• '1 'Ilow ins ('0331 1vnt ion sea.
•el: • \
1 i,al.•rih4 4114l4'I")MP 1-t. 14'34
'1'.. Ihr 114»1. Illy 1 nn4Mnn '1. yen•. 1 of the
Town 8414derleh :
.;n\TLF'MEN. 1 mitil4f. Aterl that
t ihomin*1)n G,v,rnn*rl4.( if Corwin.
44ealgh the Minister e•4/ . no: Anil
o � '.1114441)
I •41)14• of the Y4rwhrpe' south . f the
.,•nth pier at Gn,Ierii•h, * . *1.ie limb-
o tell 1, tither ('otitp:nry. fin' tit.• alleged
n tr344)"l .as 1.1ntder.fan1 it. nf'utakiflI
is, mint* toind there. and 4'orinlfl
A copy *the raid has
e4. �tefltlwrl•i417�N(i 1 urn humble to
,• ,`u 114•flnil a ittfurmnti at as to the
I'll it. psis, 't V. 1'`irN1 1411-
111111 for 1 e o owtng
sting is Ilett
red br it, bark will
1• drop to the lwd-
he• • rut. which
r milady. and
ilde aekne...
1Uy ih•.troy the
flit+ 1s '1
'1\hent'., has Krnn1,41 ti`
14 a 4.r 4 g t 11 ti
extent Ihr t
A•a1 ,dl•nto .h4r-fl id 41(
int *'trli* )'e
34111(1 111 Ili' f 11
r.rl1.)il. :
tat. If n INt4, grotto) 1
314', aunt log.
1 oA.fr,m the
t 11 .ir 1114".141k1' 111E I')
w' 1 441i"4111'14141 51a
late), • 11' ('111na' r'M4.1111
In will ptsteli)3
41.444 4 n 1 41114,1g 1w•x4h,
a great at neti(4t1 141 ()In' '*
t'isiG)4r, A.
:tnl. It. *it 1)•:1 411•1'411•1volt 14
y(q*n4 lai)l4. .411 boy. pre *o1
408118114143481) +Ia • it. is ,t1 (•xhllnrnt
n orth 41 th(•1t34 a d the Iwsr•fire h
thrteattae of 1 lay drnwningl(,
tit. A hootititry, I *1114.1 with
1 will be A 11114.11 e11h1,• aud Ito•
w . 1j4r•t. 1,1 front 4 t3(• tont,.
8t#. t Is a rues IHsce , stone togs,
and w ever. thfnw i. south or
south Monti the logs w4 14'.1,5'.',,,
on the 1 - h and' against r ,North
'tier, whkh 11 hove (1 t.4n1 •ley to
rapidly (Wiles o11*t.ntwtilm•rnf th.•
'moth pier.,
('41 ggdiea, *2.44*; Queen Pity Oil
Co.. Tilrunto. Paekatd
f!Ir.f '(' 1'11.. 'St.l'lIl t'Hnrs four
met 714.111 do..,trans iter.
: 10.. Ilett •+iii. A Howell. rdwaul•,
$2'.4..;-",: .1 nes A. Mtratth1n, . • • it ..
14111,: 4 i,
The [loll work+ km
little• i
!wilted 41)144 41de111 for the n•we• 0
Ills 11 and Nel 841 streets bed wren re-
t'. Ice f C'. '. 14'r':Ind 1'.. Ber-
wyn. Tbr. tem
wl•re tr•frrieel Ick
to (he .'iq" hitter..
Thy wilt and li
N n1e41 the .111111x•
light meters win!)
tor. The 'der had
write for price • 1(f
mitre 41_.kett IN,' '.•1•
1171st 'I'In• ` 1om1 Jr..,
the plating 1 1 :1
/11(0011 ball near :11
in Ih.. new yeti'.n.'p
Ise i was Adopted.
'114.• special (' *414
gaoling tin. ego ,lnilnye
IV. C. 'r. 1' in teferenie 11 the sale o
1iymrrlq'11otelkeepe s ate hours and
44 intros,. recum mendin that -the
gmei jllptt'let ' the Aso it men `tit
411 1.s.out 1nat1111'*1111111 as daft 1 in see.
ti." 1:11 at'!" ,the l.i i • Lice • Aet.
The., r•3N1rt 4vqII0 adloptel
A b lo'.'. Wire passed mit liorixif the
con4trn *111)1 as A local improvrin •nt•
of a -se% 1.4 !1(n the junction of F. a
and Allot.
Nels?on, 11414
• it (' )tntuitte• 4444-
-4' of flair (•1)1•tr1.
.114.1 (44.4•!) •1IlIlINd
rv/ 11, t ml 4,111 (•11111,
11( iiasa 1 the. eon-
Iri•4' lmrnd4..1
are lotto) on 1114.
111 strut as roily
'tilde. 'tire re+
keret. almig Alllel•t
1i14ing Nelson to ('Amlrri:
Ind rtietions 41.11 g[,tivoni for thete-
aiir of the drai (f \\'nllingt on street
Elgin oven at Britannia rad,
and the (seined tl - 1 114ljnm•n)1.
C. P. R. - OE
11(144luHng Upon C. T1. • R. f. Entering the
Northwest ?
.\ It is antrtd Upavon *14x(41 authority
that the Canadian P:ICrfl4' Railway is
bitterly in.e•n. d al the Grand Trunk
•gni Oily for entering what is regarded
'by t mots their 11)'11 field. the Can-
adian 4.'111111%•3'144. 411111 has determined
Melita 3111111•)'11* 11141111411 (401 can•
tru/ging (competing lines in -older On-
,It•io rite.' n.ing+If t he P(illtylNU)I,
1, 'l'W4. and III 11w71yg1.4411 4414115511'.• i.
pal t4.41 ant 1r. P fit- .step in 'the new
poh,•y of the l' niulian Pacific. 341 View
of Ili'• f,n l tlult'Ihe C.P.R. 1. entering
Lindsay. :4t whii41 extensive O.'r.'n.
,hap•: 111'111oc,tfed, aud 11()111g No 15 Rh -
11111 11 lw'im. s. Thr 411nteiq)lated new
line. are )131 to he 14' follow.: The
4'x1)1.1) m of the (in••Iph branch, lion*
Ih•• 441•val Pitt' tri'O,Nlerieh. thrnngh
E14uiro and 3111vert(n, with the pur-
pose ()1ciFtthog off 'It Wade which 411..
•41itinril3 Armes to the Grum' Trunk
• Berlin and. ?Stratford. The 44 1111/41.114•-
Ii44n 41f a fine from Kh'inbnrg on the
Toronto, (bey and Blake division to
Sudbury-,. on the trams, mtinental
main 11114•, with 41 rhea • of 4 [tiding
not, only with the Grand Trrinik's
ttad,. from, Toronto through the towns+
tin the northern division, hilt, with the
further idea of entering int() arrive
compel Mon with their. Mltsk1kn 1411*114
III('*' * *14 t11, A 01.44 linr'1*104wel
from Blairton,in Pe.•terlwor)ughcounty.
to Tora'nto, Vu* \Varkyrnrth, 4'olwmt•g,
Pott Hope. tA,wiwn)r1lle, (,).ilt wit,, a►1(1
444'hitby. thh. giving n compel Unclips'
111 n 11011111011' of 111atinfae14n•ltlg taw is
which have hithert1) been r• pelted
to 4111 their huan••.s with one railway,
the (it1nd Trunk. In the 4.1.e of
the hitter line i1 '3. pointed nut that
the Canadian I'aeifle'will build into
the bowl* •of ('(41wnn•g. 1,)w'111Anvl ll4.
(t.11:tiv 1 and Whitby, inlrn wh14.11 411.
main pine el the timid Trunk Is 41i. -
mit (4 mile :mil a bait or (w() smile..
this the 1 1le•1ei 1141 341 111.1'.' 1111100.
h re ••41111p11111ned for yen's. 11 IN nJw1
slit YI that the Te•.'watet••/)rang.r[IIe.
hrnttxh .d tau•,')nonto, Grey and FthM1
will lU4elv Iw• 4.'044ld4l fu ll1inrnnlin4.
Surve*ing 4lftilw kw 'Aid to have•
1.41111't1(• 1 1heiework 4111 1m, prilNpsel
tine ph- leek!' eiromknioo. In n41di-
trim, the' '.i4. 1,11.1 the yoropt led 1)111'
4411)1434 the teat shore of the 'M LIskl�rkit
1 a .4Elm.-wit ' branch t4, Mid Wm!,
• ••The C. R, Never Mtaliales.•'
Vielt(rj i. B. (\ M,'p*. 311, Sir Thomas
Sh:u34hn, s attention w4y4 ysGr
day (Idled 41. a loess tlr.pwite
ieh *non
le emit., in whirl the /',median Parini
'two )• w8. Ie•pr•sentht As projecting
exten. iona ill \\_I'atero _IIntrude)
and he Neal fittest , in ret OHM ion
moons he Mond Trunk Pseifle. 111
reply, Si T}n)411as 1"1411 : -The "4 Ana -
Mott Nei ' ' Railway never rltxlhat*.
in Ontario m+ly Ir• tweetwxry In titre
to ,'.m rtul)('t t o ti* three new lines. I
InuinPsa t* • tantly ineno wing n
Hutt bovinity, And /Wuuuula for (*Mur. 44414iu OVUM He the/ hettedi(•tuo of (hal.
Imitation 14(41114ies f11n11 11044' sections Sigurd in behalf of the congregation
of th''rululU•y 111')' )(11144ing. The of At/14*h' :
l'wlwlleu Pan ifir Rai1w3 • 11(".'4.4• trrwlrth
(o 144txliali611 of that kind. IN the
pres•nl iultuu, e, Pvru if t( different
polies: were to be at opted, the 111111414
31ia48 il's4'iflc Railway would [axtllally
wait until the pt•op4r:r41 enta•rprisrrWQe
becoming a factor 1n caulpet*1' (y•
omit the s'Il41•e3a4 brought its von
yet 4li4itl m.". •
Sir Mounts tieclillel to discuss tau•
14nhject further, det•lariug this was
more,1hau he had ever void in his life
before 4411 td)is twitter.
A Stratford was.
11tr.tt furl Ik•w'un.
It i* i1eone'ivxble• (hat the l'. 'P. H.
44(41(141 run a liar h• Guelph tit
(14(111.1leh, leat•ing out Sch important
points Slr$iu11 uand the Jitte
1114141iat1 towns, 4111"4* which ha4;e (i •
1IumsAlte business to 4ff4.1' th.tt *ha
rise territory would I+xve in the next
len year.. It is reas11mllde. therefore,
t.) 111111•1011.• th,l'th.' 111.111s for this rx-
tt•14iliuu a31r:1•d x14. nut *till,.' matured,
and 1h11144rat fiord will 114.441• frau the.
,-oulpan)•'wrote they ate full' settled.
• Listowel Wants It, Teo. '
tl`! 41 w'Cl 1t 41f ltd, rt.
So tar 44' 1.414*lIwel is etineel'llel, tie
IN•opie of this 41)44'11 W4411111 1N• pleased
to s,•4. the northerly rout•ehus•n, and
the 314 A ``41414itinn to 11411i1 out induce --
1114111s iF the ,way of nn 014t4•11.Iy0
11)1pp1ng hetie wrhich sl 1.1 impress
the l'. 1'. 1(. with the. desirability of
reaching Iil•tr.' The local 1).)41111 111
!lade, we umdrl'a:uu1, is peepau ing t.
-)1 Int 11711 "l
repiwt for x+11/1111sx1 N1 to the
t'n6rltanv. which will put then' in
{w...e:,-inn 1(t the facts. it would be ('ol)gl of one of file higge-t and moat
)1114("1"4'. however; 11( stop 444 this, 141111iwlw n•txnt engineering p1,1je•ets of the
it 1erhoo vesboth the council and 11441111 age. the drtiluNge• of the %nyder
1(f read(` to keep i1( then. tnneh Ail 11 WIle•rrby the 1)11(1.11 ate Omitting to
b 1111141o their 11
iur •r r 'Ill I( (tit a filth.
1 sa the tit
,1 141 .44.• 1 hitt i4.
(• i rs•1 t 14104:1•1114.111 1 � a
tit Il 1
('11AR. MoM4,
Father O'Neill t'4.pl3rt Nuitabl >•, mad.
as eels natural, with a great dwil of
reelingg, aud utile u4' ()Vier, 01// great
wits his emotion. almost hulks down
whiten he'rtwdke of the happy funs* of
his 1'h1I41I1/NNI, 44( Ili11 mother, :Ids par•'
tot his 1Na4114144, 111s laylllatew, and
x11 the happy twat. H tanked their
to temenl*ser Ilio )u their payers.. 14
he was stow Ott a turning 4d the )'aye,
and perhaps the 641)1(". wuul(I bring
trixls W1414•11W1414•11wvldd 144' heavy and
severe. y
A short program of , vocal atf4
instrumental !414' Wan ItiYeti, owl
Fat bei• -McCormack, Dr.Dr. 1)'UArrlll,
Niemar+. ),I11rgat salon and J. '1'.
134141'4•4,134141'4•4, 44•1u411*4. MChu111•1114144141'.u1111•1114144141'.
0i -rotten \I(l'l.t ser N. - Met'Intw's
October motel; i1( its gorgeous "4/11 44)4.4.1', 41(11 110 .44.•1l t )Viii 414)144444
the »trt,find it's worth crossing the
street tel bol)'. First 4111(1 fore mt.
there i. Lincoln 4tegfen.'s long•l4N4ket
for Chicago article, •'Chdcngo: Holt
Fele and Fighting lin." n tine, in-
spiring story of 44hat the author re-
gaolsns the most signal foul Nigg11)111-
rant achievement in ted 1ra1/lok'gwl
*form*formthat any of aur great Cities
Into to show. No art•loVrr .31041)41
"tis , ,I ohn 1 i( Forge's paper on thep,
the.... great,Pteiu'It artists, Corot.
Rousseau and Milk•lt, with Its 1w1u*i-
(ul tint reproductions of litany ofa
their fanners 4.41vsea. Extremely
interesting is \Patter \Vellulan's a4-
i.idnwrl'. interna. 114•. nut oyer- kingdom by almosth uone.tent For
1'i.kW1 111' 1111r1'i' i'rx1IIGd. '("114. 1111- fiction, the 3)8)11t .•r(N•he•ty haste will
4 ,ant+' appN•ats 11( hit%. gone ,.brad 111m1 s ling, 141 111 liking. Hear'
/hat lastioWel does mot want 111. bard, ‘V011114'4"1 3illtills has 41 Rel S. Ir1•s
and our represent4ltIves 441)1111111 loe,e.IRI
time in (correcting this false and int -
warranted idea. -
Advocates the Northerly Route. -
t)nl.r•1. rine.
Both the G. T. R. and l'. 1'. It. are
walking tip to Hid necessity and tnli'Is-
tbilily 4)extending and improving
hen' roads 4(41(1 as n 'result railway
interests 441!I likely hustle. '1V4. are
mte•r-xlel in the reported construction
lie.. ('. P. R, extension tram Guelph to
(i4Nlrri4•h and will have 4111 (Iitfie41aty 111
pr14•i1g that a trim() 1)1)11 4.s« cul 1N•
dune 1411 the propos '41 northern *lute.
Aicrn(11 there tire 4' ny)htints le of
.hl7rti1);. of 4.144". fur x)ushipping:and•
if. its in other vex , there is the
cum111111•y h14N•kluIe tit wen)' amt
of it ' is tit 144.1111' ('4111 N•ttiVt' lineae
that will ke it their to -ire1n to see
that the u�)1)1Y w•ill41411)111 hed4'nlqud, n '. 4•�r4;ding. lnfor1ling. A great •.(e.
4.114 / 114 41 he .style of 411)1 bus)nrwt4 dollar journal. It qmd , to Signal for (,rhi4M
*4:144 sl()ser going but 44'it1 the rush' our :veal' for only 4)"r dedii�t. M4(1111411' ••4tIR 1
and stir 4,f this ('17{)' it un•:141. 0)13* 101"s copies of The Herald lent 4 4 appli4.4- dn•a- : '•it
n(I iutunr3l.ienee to wait says 1(r t• • tae mal• he seen at fair t \1'bo is your
w eke, for sufficient transit.) ' Mime - - To whi(h t
hen the outcry fair better ace( nt(e ll , 1114her--"1 hope that your mail 44(1 m41gu41te h:
dntil The ildirsatlous are the the never 111.1.•. you by4113uiw•:" U• ugh- - with n de t 'nkle in lw:r rye :
t'. P. M. ire will lir' •tn 'ditrl the,. 13414 ter ••No, tougher : hr only, think I* 1 **Sir And •W CIS,
:(s speedily atyp)4..7ihleand the (leek m 444•
..." Judge, ' V •
•. to 11)4"1' *111 11.'' (Wnflrulel 1Y• • ' 31c d.41l.11lel, has ih4{{m.yetw)
Sill' it mg heady -Wed' at: 1 that yon would-.:)1.•rly 11)111)
story '•3iv' Ptv.xy," wa41•antel t11 4131
the hen%iwl '•gla)il4'h." 1Jo)'d
Oshoine contributes a da8111113( love
stiu-y with) .1 uttnn Iw'ho
ha. (•c3(Ientl . been "finished" i(1 the
F«IY4 f: and \44'illiwu It:uniltou OY1Na-n4.
In* It tip-top business story "11111.N•k
JI•.1tn(I the l*•topus." 11 abo1111 the
for*lMt' of 41 big skn **11sf. A
stunning atm tile--Iwrlu.IN1 he hest 4A
qll --ia •Thr j/wer flout M ',le." by
t'olin Mi lt:a . a ua111e one w' 114.1 o44
Pee \4f. Henry Itnrlond "My
Friend PIIIke•rli' lea4'tui' it. i 1. *d(► -
lobate• installment.
Our Unpreder,lted Offer.
Tim Montreal \'e'kly Hrn(ld in.a
111'oJ,'l of careful 4rondrn.4ti.in. All it,
the•rlu.lf w•' -••d \frvmit the •-w-hemt.
A letter fur inane anil, farm. \\'hole-
P i8r Autumn and Winter Goods
There's A Bustle to the Business
It's wide-awake up-to-date shop -keeping that's doing it -W4. are right in the
front rank; that means much to f'ou-more to us.
\Vo 'lave a store full of !aright fall and \ointer merchandise for you to select front
-Just now wont yullr itttentiou to our furs, got thein all ready to show you, stock.
A 1 aud prices at bell rock.
Voliratteut' to few of leading liars-d*war gal*ls-the largest and moot (' plete range we
oyer rallied, both English, French, liertuau, Auirrie'an anti Canadian made in priers from 26 eentx 11(
$'3.73 n y:url.
famed l'atter4un 1 e.-Jputia, 1111 w w41, M nehra wiles. In grey, Oxlord itlid black, 1114 an
ever sen herr+ for the i•i4e•N. If you want 114/11011411111114t7M►aa >thing
1 hr wale and awe them hrfSrrr you buy. The
quantity w•1 arc )•thug alre:uly 14 evidence that unr priers are at the bottom. )
Ile »nn• and 1)1411 for ..Ii*- cent d44u3de fold twrist dress nuiterialx, blru•k8, Ilu(4 and greys, nearly a
yard aud x yuat•te • mule. good to hold Ihe colt ,1(+d growl 11( wear.
Your [Articular attention to our now !Juliet et Into, latest designs in style and from $:I,I*I 11( $1'2.4*4.
Blocks Held Oxford mid 1444,,41: give na x 1.x411 141'fore you select paw fall 1(r winter 'mats.
Itrees skirt,. in houlespmms and heavy Venetians. $2110 to $:1.110.
\\'e can do well in black silks front 21 ('1ntr to $1.:111. best French "likes. Ask to 1.4• urn• 1'4'1l11 114
('11(1w• clothing -luteal, l'hi141x', Mix1414, Boys'. h(/liwe aud Men's, at ,all pri(')'x and totalities. 1.144 e
a4sek of h.on'ry (4tul gloves.
\1'4. hove A kit 44( 1)3)'1•)1(1 IWrga111x for you. \\'e )111 mote it well worth your while to call 4)n nu.
A lot of Chess goods in h 'tames and tweds, good (114ring. 111)41 good to *ear, at a big job prit(", ,old
just what you 11114)' 11tedd (1l• (IN• e'(( ' g cold weather. -
Your ('hoie•eof 111 (""de 44f WIN pIN•4 Item at wholesale price. to ('lent.
Ticar eht4ce m( 13 rni+l elatx, new a atylilh, at wholesale prices: too many in stock.
r 4I 1 w
ht t rt Pnit 111 1 1. JI 4 uta' 0 1
b►t >ti � 1 1P r
txn t. iter [mitten's rn *mule
t 111 1 he world than the 4G/nd:url. The
1n:signer. 111 ertlts ; y.arh• lallw.Cript Son, (Kit• An 14•IN(g,' faith' sheet free.
One• on the Doctor.
Otte of the hest ailed, told of the
late Sir ftnd*'.'w Clark y. the following
frI,rnl 1.lon1111) Spare M sat. :
art y 40110
441i iced Chet the llaudy sitting llI.'xt 1ht 44..
'112 a* table Nlrs'rl sa dish to which he
Neill' self ph•utifull).
kr1 if she did not tik.' ,(l• :IV it
eellrnt. 4hr• 11•Idiell :
VON 1 lite it, Ina m)• physician
e tel teat It.'1
n)11a1.11x4•," shot Sir A. -.
talk! not hurt anyone.
h •siehtl
lady, whom the , nu4(li-
feg7tl'tG•n. *nowt -tell. -
4 err-•
aa -4, ld er•tah111 041' 14 41t loam ha Miller'.. compound Iron 1111s did it.
thi. ' orth.•1 n 'fleet n 41(4 . ('hn11t)• 41. 'or sale by .111.. \\ d1,4.a1.
r•giatr, r11u44Doses )w 1 p secs and
4ron)d n an 41 large 4 '119 11 business,
Il lines 4.1
wing to
11' "11W' ,
a* i*ilal
,4t Outlet/ •h, especial • in
Inulher. let . Shingles, t4.,
the facilities a1 the big 111
mill. The 1'. . R. will urs
take in running he road 1tli.
the proposed d rw • is level, 114
fr... fl 1m heavy gr s,
t ere trill he few 1441 a iwidge•. to e
1(1 nqd the tilt( a tel Iw' 1111111' t
1.3. )wet. Atwood. F, el. Brun.
41 1(1114
113(11144' 1 1 h
41111i/11 (43
1..14(4(414111' 1
and Auburn will lw of sad
i1)' 111111 (mold aha 1re
I teat' 1 tot 1e Mau 1'1111) the
lin ,. 7hr surreyu • party
a Irad y at work.
k -,
Cave Him .n Expression
M3e1d ParisMeme
of Th
j V1 have been 1 nested by .1mie of
our rends in A.hflr t11 !publish the '
folio •Ing occ()ant ftin The. Catholic
Brei (If NIC I14't11141et t 11 *4•1114 f31 V011.
to R.V. 'ether O'Neill pr r to hat re-
' lllll val
'Il1i,VaI tt St. Thomas, wh • he is. 41=-
si.tan( to 4V. Father \VP.
Before 1 ving his, home t ' e 34(oM1
people le Iif .11fte1(i could no resit.*
gi41134 Fat he-O'Nr)Il some to • ible
proof of thei respect and 83141 'on.
Oz Wednesday evening, therefore, i1
glr,It many of he 11141'114111001.1"/ (4
xrnlhh•d ill n tang et :It hie (i*,theett
hone• and pre.rnt bila with it bean -
Weil gold chalice, . gold watch, a
laeyinry and n )11x' of sixtyPiglt
dollars. The fidlow-in i. a copy if
the midfeet, whi(>fh WA. tend by Mr.
Thus. Hussey :T
Ye our lt4cercnd and Dear Father
i'\eill. \\
\Ve, the member. of the wrier] of
Arhfleld, tew•Inhl.d here tit(. 'v4. ' g
to give 1•xp1P..ion to feeling. 1 ' at we
long to e(4n%ey, but fear w'4. 17(411 )3 114.
11111•A/14. 11'4. gladly aswrnhl.' (here i the
home in which you were reared, h►
the fitoom of the family which r u
1144'.'." 34184441 by your vi wad ,tH4
the preaettee of your good mot her, fl
oh you ore justly the , made and
jot-, that they. 141. may slime in the
sentiment. which our )111111) w011111
fain eexpre,,44.
We offer you, (IPAr Father O'N.•ilh
out• Most affectionate felieitsationa on
thin. the grandee[ Oren of your
life. No longer the f 'liar Mike of
th1• past, those years which vont.
youthful and manly nieswintions have
trnd.•twl Omit:.nt for all, we hail yon
t(xla)• ,1. Father O'Neill, tl priri of
00(1, the gmlu*..,*.or of Christ. one
chosen from 111((" nlidnt nn(1 Appw.int*rl
t(I t1' 111100 Rt1111. • dignity to wl
1.1411 a*p ire, the eternal prim=
h.s1l. Indeed. well may we (oilgrnt1l-
late yon, and 3'.•11 may we (Ourselves
feel n• 1 that (i14141tna.11 fronted our
humble pari.h as 'to minke if the
w'miu8ry of Hi. elect.
And w'hy 341 pre.enr,• of .11ch
nutlke41 413. me 1114'0V 410111f1 we 811ow
40107,1 )aloe• to rule our !mortal'
11'e will miss, you. our dear friettll,
11,1111 our 41tidst. Vex. thele toe few
w1 we know W1111 have ;mule their
ptr•.e•nee 1.t a34rlcnitdy felt. having en..
dente) yourself to all nnd. 4' g by
your imito rt MI affections. lint w•1. ore
.,lOsp..) to ...writhe those neutral al-
tos.*Rots 41(1 the altar of your diyittet
coiling. and tringle with them tlle-
itmenw• of prayer th11 your. *atwitter
Sill amts 111414 *44• ((Mlle aver '"fly 140134: ahamtonm4'nt t() therm All.
BID 4,4 Ih.x11e p1411' wiorfl* of 010/1
mqy 14111' tat. Rive fall expr'o.ion to
hear* that throbbing for idter-
it ntw, *414L-A1nee theeron filet het
joy it. sl)rlxpw Howlers it. una3444. to
134'.q too r', Ivo offer you a 'more sub-
st4intiel proof of our afro/limb and es -
teal, this .holiec, and beg you t..
104'vlpt it mit ,arch. In return ere ask 1
you that (rr•nnlonally during the b(etit•
'tortilla. bf the Mass. when thi.•Cho! 1
*t4. Ir uplifted .towards Heaven, you
wilt -think of ns. )'!oar fel nth, and call
`Von think' 1 balk
yes. and 1 feel better-
I�Ilalnd I1141 Pills did it.
litre. Wilson.
•h letter :
AIi1I('r8 Com-
' KM' /Ale by
onstant Weariness
•• ties. Tia nerds *lin)(", '•
tip the ayrt.m.
11111.)r)yes *lie ati`wow*h.
llerton•s 11141 ene•rgle.,
Makes life wtort11 Ii4'ing.
is 4,
\',l 11
Changeable -
will nre.41 w Cough
' 1
tMgkrt. V,ur Our
Waal Pi111). You run here voile
If ►14)1 tar we Iwpn•1.'ut. 'L -w• n
Ir lank perfume.. \1'1• ran
roost fast 111 11 44 14 4.
YSir, f3 for $l:
For the past two mnnth•t nm *tori has been uud.•r•g g re-
pairs and 'we his n44w th.•'FIN 'Y'4. KHO\V ROOMS IN TILE
('Ol'NTl', Mocked ith a 111,)1 4.0 1plete anti upr-lo a 1+11w•k 44f
tined* and high' turnitnre.
Fant•)• pieces of form ire in large natw)rtment. Parlor, 81111111g-
1• 1(m, Irish -email. hall fluid kil'h4'n fur'ililate.
1'p Mutating ank get mint ng A sprei ity with ale.
\Ve k.yrrn to ,given n call and we will Olmsted to show
\Taw (1114
N Ate) quote pri
t -
t & Staunton
Wiat Side of Squa
'Phone 89.
Wear our clothes on it will
Ours will nd the test , time
and 'will retain seir shape.
We can please tasty_xt. -partic*-
War dressers, both
ni)Velties and staples.
Frank It Ha
The Tailor.
,you paint your building there
are two kinds of paint to select from:
ist-Good prepared paint ready
snd.-4.ead and oil mixed by hand.
You Should always choose the good
prepared paint. It costs kW , wears
longer, and looks better.
We can tell you why this is
articularly true tat
Come in and let us give you
more than a nutshell of truth -'41 i•
*the fall is a splendid
time (4. paint.
Cash Hardware Store,
Whom Do
The old way by hand. The
new way, machine made
You Buy
bread, thus insuring clean-
liness in every detail, attach -
Your Bread
ed with a prompt delivery
Parnell -Dean's Real
Homemade Bread
is the standard of perfection.
Are You Not
Tired of the
Bread You Are
(letting and
Anxious to
Make a
•''' he will be pleased to
Change ?
see you.
Jas. A. Sincho
Practical Engineer
and Machinist.
Engines, Mill alaohlnory
Farming Implements
(tenerial Machine and: Blackamith
Week of all kinds drum to (miler
•41,14111'1,41 MC RP 0:01.14R11.Z--A CALL W1LICITK
SCraillernilird Dill
41 rag wrsW, se es me Mew New..
ober,' rostra amiss. ass sus
Orden left M atargAISVI
Sues prow.*