HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-8, Page 3NEWS OF THE DISTRICT.
Officers of the New Board of Trade in Clinton—
Pioneer of Hay Township Passed Away•—Mc.
Kiliop Presbyterians (letting a New Pastor---
Some Interesting Weddings ---Brussels Bank
Teller Shot—Death of lliss Stanbury, Bav'fi_Id
—A Week's happenings Over tin; County.
A joina stork company is being Trunk Pacific Railway- they cannot
formed in Clinton to build a new get it t.ou hi 11. Wain iiat.leg.,l to
skating and curling rink. politics their opiu«84 i that that Vt•i)t-•
The late Charlet' i/luthcott, of To- ''1'11 I•u►tutry u t have I4N, slushy
route. formerly of Exeter. lw qursthel (-nada. •
$IINI to the Exeter cemetery f 1. About :i ,{clock -Wednesday is -
Ur. H. H. Hutton, won of Her. H. Ong of lava nth -lc Thos. J,u•klili, '1)f to
1.. Hutton. of Ceitrlia, has cool- 10, Itowick: au11l (irk)• boundary.
mowed the practice of uusliciae at Wiwer,l to tb44e1Nlurllr from w4en/r 1'o
nua,,tw1ltune, Out. traveller returns, after an' illness of
Mrs. John Walker, of Roxboro', died
turn weeks. Mr. 4 rklin was 44.ls n in
n1 Wednesday of brat week after au 1'"'•'1s. England. awl Caine to Canada
illsilss lrf only a few hours. She wit'sw hest 14.11 3,'10.4 of mgr, his family.
-{x154-liter(- years of age. 1'o•atiug in Leeds county. Here 11'• tr-
1'harls Ail zel and family,• for man ",41(-41 wail twentytwu' )'tars 1111),
%.1„."b1• c;ultr 111 the fatal 011 who I
team ,'tsittent« of 4rafurth. intend r•• - 1
uuving shortly. to Vancouver. H. C.
I)1' 'ri4.tdaay of last week -Holwrt
'The Iwchelol4 of Clinton have {lotted Tinn4. • met with a nlishlyl wbilr.ssis-
atswt 1:111 invitations for x11 assembly ting Wm. O'Hri.n, of die :44,1 concert-
o be hell on Tluulkagiving evening. slum of Hay. While rutting milky/
The voter 1 list court -for the town- I tilt" ruttingbecame machine e ame clogged
.hipof Morris will I. held 1'l Blyth on • aInd T. y pbu•e1 his left baud im to
Ilon(a), nl lolo•r I.Rh, III II 4ichN•k Irnwt'r 44,4. At -awl -the hand I( -u4 in
("salmi pith the 'evolving kniye. 141111
4. 111. all the lingel's ofs the hand' 44.•l4
The.4xte II'Cript« 441 the �1140114111lw•ye11r1. Dr. Hro►v,in was called
all fur were IM MS thin year, nearly. I (11111 attended to the inj mrrl member
(#111 ahr,ul of bust year 0.. (honey was ,and uuaiagsl to save part of the
great attract' .
111 b.
1lnrtrustews of M. M. No. 10, they. I Thr 1're.h)••
lrty ..f Hurim mut 1)t
ouioonly 'known 1)x {Chit Hr141„•4'liutun 1)n the _'kit till.. :Ind sir -44411114
N h'Nl, have )r•-e01P1g41 the .s.av 4,t'.. i, 1•x11 front (•ut•eu :11111 I)Itiro , Ii,it/•lien.
11. I4liIli111t for 10IM at a salary of I M-Ki11op, 111 111.• ill 1':m44w1•11. 1/1
411. l'arlaerry, Manitols/. ' M1'. ,l'mswrll -
Ki''4411•arlii, Review : -Rate. Hal- Ill. rept lel the call and aria llge•Il4•nte
te•a,1. the M rite -1 .n king of (ioderirh. I were 1,1au1,• far his 111.111. tion on
ttmllht a emetoo . of east -iron to Eine (h•tulaer 4:1444. at 2 it. el.. in 1)ulf's
,orlin(- for tit• Hunter H. k H. 4'u..'eh, h, \II Ksll10p. When Hee. .1.' 1..
it .hipp.d44 1'x1' 111 scrap out of IMI-.. I tilllall, of 'Auburn. 11.111 preach, Rev.
(1n the 24th olio. \I ie. V.191uumsl,n.IMr.111-1{0 44111 11,1ar1-s. Ihr people.
411 444.44.W,,joulIrredto( '.11'altrls, and Hey. Mr. Shaw will addrra1 the
tri. *Ir. IdeNell (officiating. Mr. a1N1 I minister.
Ile. \Vnitrr, will roil{(- at. IA•Ihu11•, \Valkrn•ton 'rrlerenfle : _Seven o4,•
4.. where Mr: %Vattets i4,,,, iiislwi-nor eight years :Igo A. 4. (414N1eyr. who
of the Hell TeleI1N1r Co.':411 a drug .tore 11 1
1 Iwr•
h 1 soddenly
P 4 11 I I
K )
on 11.'41m -day 104 Iasi week Atittle k the wild west fever, (lend out. and
irrlri,le 11(1..1 daughter'
of )(rm. struck for Roseland. H.• went int...
tht , ' ,
1)l I1N1 P9.
n site,'
1 did a
u '' c u u s i r , K .1111 I.
1111 t 11 f 134.',►( 1'11. w t hr 41
h' anti 11144114. 11100110•3. NOW 11)• i.
�• a I/4. Fowler. o (intim YK
14. f .F1) 4. f 4, 1 H.•c
N. N'»:Iwiu lied the knot t the s''altlidatr for Ihr British (11)1 pix
Wino of for 1 . i4*.r ,uutM•u. -
Legislature, for the M.Ii4 ide Govern-
u1►'41a► 14 are yet for Ihr Irl. ueu1. apd if .,i,ee.'.ful will IN' made
i of.)li x $II.' Pr.vincial 4rc,et:al4. tie i. already
)►g /Wining. d:111g 1 t 144s,llr•14 •'f 54+ Ihr
rib,. I1. M. Manning. (.11"1"41.• 4.4 e," Thi1. •la tan In-I.ua't• 1.47.:11"171711.11
.1Ia•rt N. Milner. of H1ln1ploi. TIw\„.11{054 there with bot It fret.
cent 4 ill take place in Wesley 1.141114.1iC
n 9'hanLagiving Day. a1 1 p. 11).
O1),' evening last week P. H. (iib•oy,
I)tT nue hew of 441.'131"1"1”41114(1yl teller in the Met r. Hulk,
ippin 4ariety in the mr'harl of Junta Hrl)t•w•t-. 4414. i•.1:udI,; a 1)')l Ile r 1'l
ilrton, n( the 11 .1 coin 1N ;Stanley,
the 1140.• 1)4 1f 4,x F'le•tchrr whrn 64.
Ie4e1Iasi 'vela 411 4144NNt apples mere
11-4,1.41 :m(1 lw'o 14441.4. ,4 culls. An
bard .of sults ) irkj.,.. 4.1)411(1 lie
111 la114e.
'AV le Mrs. John Nit -Naughton and
0!14 11140,
one fel
1.11ap. of Tnrplrrry. ware Ir -
en 1'4111011 a 44vr•k :WO 41111:
rte, .•*. they mete driving fis-
ted, throwing the ..c1)•
1111'4 4,54,11 t • 111.41g$)'. Mrs. McNsugh-
•p b:al her eet:liar-lame 1,44,11) hr •ken.
Iter. J. N. McLean, If. A., pastor 14
N. Winghanl lipptist •r•lulrch, wI
arriel 01) Their4*d�s�'y"�, M ptc.tw
UI, 441 Rias M. W. t,rdf4anI, of Tor-.
Ino. .The ceremony performed
Rey. l'h,lnr.11or 11' r •e in (lulu,
Irirl 14111, McSla.terxregality,
Win hsun boa a Slew in(144t
anufaetlring (if cement '�/ •ks.
ova pitl4•ps have purchase) si
achi,r which will stake ane tut •R
.1 Works fu a day, each block ball
xtie11 inches. It is .xlwrtetl 1•thxr.
• 1.1..'4,44 x11 he 441141 x1 aIN 1114 1.0
als rain.
.1. •. Mitt -hell. nn 1)1.1 and Illnr-11
'wefts! resident of the 1211i attic,'. -
.n 114 lir.)•, hub disports' .If his farts
4. Shaw. yf Hrass•Is, f4,1'$l.5i#I.
1011• Nr s4VelHyHV.• 'ser••.. 144..
itcM11'will n414 give 1)p 4N104144•M
1111 usxt spring .end will 411,11
•ly )lNnrn'. to fiptlssels.
Frank (111tteritlge, the well -4,44(111.11
nhnct''1•, has removes! f111111 Hea-
rth l , 4:11nia. where he has raGtl,-
hrd (4Wrnt brick works 11,1,1 ere. lel
,'.{dean•. alul 441)4 iserttfter nmke
sl town his headqua•trr'. 314.. liot-
ridge was a large empl 4411• of labor
41 his removal will 4,N• 11 loss to 4ea-
I9,n Int•"Pl'rrl4Y a4 4444( corner of on -
PI.. an11 Viet (444,4 N►,'e'Itb 4'lintyn,
Niw14 as the ('nulbe (-nrner, tuts I.1•n
141 1.. J. I'. Tindall. A. B. (`on1N•.
1• former ..N•ner, %TON *Imola Ito erect
44.441 n• • 1)1111111PM+ 1)11Nek 1)n the' site,
4,l 31r. Timisll will go ahead with
is ....helot.. The transfer puce wart
`11t 14111,4»,. '
tlw I3»ptist (-411(-4, ('limon, oar
Ig lard, week, there was it 1411ate
4h • question of the exelusi0n of
" ('h tem,' fnnn (14nsulx..4.H. Hoover
11 11 Ida Munch nrgmel for .'x
[.ion. h11N w, J, Unnlop and P11st-
iNer 'yt4 upheld 4,h" .'oi lrgryy
'Z. TI Iir judf.w (te(idel in favor
the lotto
".11114 441114 1)111' '.111 ri,1g. in the Ike -
a1111 a ,4041441.sending 111(- 11141•10
4•,w.ile• i to the left leg le'loy 11e
knee. 0111 ingll rather u:asty flesh
wound. ' e billet made it. -way
thl..agh the trait Ig ,1 drawer 111 1h.•
story, where t wan li.cny.rrd. A
phy,il•i1111 was aIle and 111e Isonnd•
vitalerizel anti 1 •4/1011 :1141 11 r. Gilroy
444 1164.. to get Moon Willi n slight limp.
4,44.1,1 fecal 1•.11111 11111. hat... 4.1.11
4 -Reefed 4,n. Karl.,- 4.r ntly. M. Ito4 e
hail purrh;lse•(1 lite 111) •4 y of 51r..
'fail on JL1i11 street., it ,aNile•'howl
d4,. Atkitte11l'. f,rnitn1v trar•rooms,
upon which he expects in he spring
to erct', new aril •• el N1' brick
dwelling. . 11. Powell ,a.nt'
+-h�mawl the 14411 111 tag 11 Whim
4tl1Y•1 In 44111.•1, '.41.. ha:. IN .111'-.111144.
belesflgi11 (Willi- 4.,., ,i, . 1.,I'. les.
J. !Mien. foiling li"I"wed .'t' her 1»' k
ilwening lin Main .h1 • t - smith
111)141 Mark. 1)t flay. is now looks
l fi+r11101bet n11illl.le i. sid.•n..•.
Oen. (1,4S1.iy111 ha.. 4:'.011 .1 or
r�.4 Hayfield by the .1 ...tit or
eta YI,lniptry. 111. 4i:,,,burr•
a' cry Ise pular yohug lady. 11111
her mit itll'ly 111.1111'04 011,,1:1,1 h) 1114'
w'hoh• 41 moonily. itis 4411 11
Na 1.11.11, • .I.•tnl.•r .5k after ani ill -
lie••, of se rill .4•k. with rev/m, e -
1.1i. "leen N' II.ni.t. She was
ye•ry:oilive11 1101{'4 �wor► 01,1,1 held
the 'nail 1401 of rlfa,,Ii.l in- 41.
A ,.den's • 1,. 111 1. The f 0{1,1 Was
lona of (111• in, "t :tritely attended in
Hayfield fn' 111/4 s 041.44. hermit V4.e,
Were enn(nite1 1y 4.v. 4.1 McNeil,
and 1
t.pt Ing left 111(-4.' weir.weir.l.lde• 1..
the 40.101111 life t 144,' 4 part IN ane.
V board of rade has been organized
1'hnt..lt w .h the following of'e. - The death of Michael Zeller, of ?am-
': 1'Irsidrnt, Jobn Ha,,lsford : viol- irh. .( .' ,i11ny, „ 44tnn)ra
'41,'01, R', . F'arl'ln : secretary, 4.r 1)(1 re idents 12.1:1h11114110),1 4htdhly r•.
) N N4'IIYI residents I/f 1411 district.
I"• Jacksm : council- ti. 1). Me- Tlr 'ma 101•,, f44ilinj( 1411.,. • time.
Math .4. Fair, A. Fornalrr.+ If. het did un1 04'(-10 4o stiffer fnnn eny
Hance. F. R. home_ .1. Taylor, 1a4.'• lor,
1', particular disease, and was 4mnflned
a4iula11(IIn , It• 411 his bed f.,,. 41111V 1111•w Ihly'14 1In..
117111) gg 1i1 '
) 1
4f U. l4.. Af herein, -1'. 4: to his dearth. Ile was seyenly-right
In TlrNeitla
years of age. He 0.11•4 1/11111 in ltayarial
y last Werk n Mate)• (let man!y, and came In Canada in
*4{x1 alllianee' was c4. 1111 at iIC1111. settling Hest hl -Vale .4aremanty.
11"111 of Rlelrnlxl »n 4
Md. Daily. Ile risme to thio 11111115 net' 0ity
Tr n5h,,4gr. wh.h John Millsauiwn, years ago. 111111 did s grit deal lo -
m,1 Trunk eggret 111 fl Is, and wards building tip the sell fon in the
w Irfs•lI1», 11.11eet dMlghierof Mr. Vieinit)• n/ Zurich. For tonne 41.114
I Mrs. D»tlyy, joiner, htipd And he was clerk of the Division 4'ourt and
Irt for life. He'. A. 0, Tiffin, 01 4vas also a1 jest4,', of the pea re. In
'wlridge, performed the mnt•ringe twilitles h1 wits 111 rnthnsinn4M•,.ilu•1-11.
1. 10/4ves his ages part anti al fam-
ily 1)f two 14141s and five daughters.
of Ilia Psi III .hMnh i" in 3Wilsvms n, and
the other is proprietor of The /midi
In Grandma's Day.
Trinity r• arch,
chnlr•h. Het ye, h,
R • great In. rove
ihr ,'11111111 has.IN•en
(•11411 Allil pain, . en* 1•ierfri
!fate OW/ iwep 1011 1(1, alPl ,t now' l
proe I ..4 by tie 3 nn411g People's M1d+-
Ilty. At H1•Igt•a'. the (-mei' h1..
IN•etk mode praw4I"ally new, inside and
I/111, "*1.21#1 KlVit4g `1N'en absent on it.
lrches wilj
her 11th;'
4.w' will
son. of \Viartnn, 11141 A .. W.'t?l,we,
of 1Vingh,nn. (1st the 11 Iny\\and
Tuesday evenings Ihi.nk;giyrng Ser-
vices will he held and addresses given
by s-isiting r•4fa'gymrn, The 1.1'ton•.
Hev .1. Rdnlnfll e, is to Is. rrMgr,ltl-
Iatisl on thin Mlerens that h,4. atten/10 4
his 11,14,18
The re -opening of both 4
t sk. place on 4rnttay, Or•
when the Hi.ho / of the die
officiate, assisted sly Hey. 11'.'
armee t 1).'ity has sold the 11111 l itz
11PateMl fano, in the township
Y. near [flake, to his neighbor,
lW;lrt'Mntmlter, for the sum mf fl.i,
• Th.' farm contain,. 1'Li acm4, but
• Ih•itz retains twrnty.ave Acre*,
i" nn ext•ellent farm. ,and Mr.
lwartar•ntndwe is to be longratti-
vl on his purchase, as he sus got a
•11 Pte+,
nletx4n h 4��141
�I Ited`r. 11•Iman+. ('n lslfting his f Iota
1.1 M, eoneesairin A, 1llt.wh-k.
1l r"m4ris.v. 1(111 acres, and bar
rot. Indirhryp, with everything
retorts order. The punehaaer to inn,
eh, ma the price mid f17,Nx1. Mr.
1 M,,, Anderson purpose taking x
west in the spring and may then
e in %Ingham.
1'16'1 MIHer, eol{nty rounrillnr
taking a trip in the Nort.hwest.
Isgls�,nt.n I'r Albert to The
Be 1414(.4the people hr.
et Ince he e:s'ne•k Winnipeg w•PR
ne 4+N+ ti'R Mas re 1{1..(-1(1
1'4{(-111(-" Vrw+.1 .�
Idrnn *hake. her heard and aynnye
tore are mall, +rmlwRlnx•h*41k111R
o+o,mw 4444431 modpor4 day.
-t M1rgn ar.11Y darn n .tnrktlgt .
WM her it neem.. Ay
Ahr•wIN les 1011 hew .Ile 41111
All 14..,wa.hln1 not to dry
1rneh�r1 it to , 1' hen .he w. e r mels.
(irwndmss rich. and +4140 n Mel
Now .1 4p ie Man (1A.11hR,
p,1,r hnpp - n a whirl.
Hen• 44nr1 t ere (m•4., 11 R.AdlnR.
1(4. pisppnn Ahl a plan .
'lt�p0RraWrt las work she .ling -
1 4, 'Ht
that way,
»theAay.w a.hewrt.ynnnR.
Man Who Marr lad an Exeter Ctrl Mad to Pa
0:,000 to Another..
LAlllttni, Ont., Mept.:t14..- At 'tp,r ses
• mimes heir• yeste r11t)•, 4N•lolr•(9•444144(444,
llny,l, the proceedings weer rnlivrme
It very iutereatiug 644e for brawl
1.1 to, iiii 4. of marriage. , '1 h1• , ptlhtir
4.1,11,11,44,111.41041 ls•long to 10411111W 4.1)11111,'
In Lothian. The plaintiff is 1)4.5 14,
What 'Prof. Hkks M 0.»';.40 Ciro Us' This
• 1'1',14: II.1 It. 114'4-;.. of tit. lank.. 11x11
1' i aim! the ft dlowitur forv.r;t Ill' the
wetther for (N•luls•l•:
1'p to about the Ca It of 04ullrr 1h.•
('1.11tInsie1 iiflueners of earth and
1 .
Veto «. will 1.4.ntl to p1.•11uu1; ill 14 1041'
O'Neil. some 'Li '•'.• . r nice. She
(-labia $1S.I.##1 dal, ' The defend
all. Ih•. 4x414., is:: 4,;11 14
1.'.1)4,1 (14.1)44•.4.
1'r 1411141011.
'1911• iditiititT r.•ixteil ,he story 'If. Ile
II.N.•t/N' . root (ski pl, w bull e4l ended
ft',te.lhe year 4'14..1,'4444 intiuusly up Io
lite year I'1[1: 44.1111. wilbultt t111
S14gh1441. 1\ 41 L. the Plaintiff
(-1011{+, h,,t-
:e mri''.1 :I 11r (licks of
A 1uui1'lh• .4 the d,1. 1 ur'8 lett em.
teeming with 4'Xiae'.'•i•.11. rowing 111.1.1111 4•iur h1),', 4 :1'. 111111 a. an 4•xliillit.•
• 11 itis le•us in • her eves .she 'slated
•111') rasa. 111141114 hal het 4 ('01-s•etll'ate
hIj1111t.v1, her 111:11411'rui (441. ,nil that
111t11i(1g.4(441 •; 1111* in 1 h flee bud
lilt'x•oape•t 1)r having 114 earn 111.1'
owy'f)rldu..l, i11.i1•I4.,i baring.the
c,u14,rt a lle h.,....• w it i. 11 1114. 11tN•40)
bad always pi. Iun.I 1,• her. Hearing
that I he 111:11'ri.1ge to 11i.,. 1lieks %tam
to take glare ern Monday, sh1 bad
driven all( heway (nail F:x/terto141i-
don. There 44 ' Icad 11,1,1' ieweli the
prospective fat 44,•,'•in-law. ,-111 prohib-
ited the ularriuge. The ratio -a - in-law,
,liter w111411111y roi..i.ilring the clatter,
der -hoe- to naive tIte 1111•4%. lisle on (41-
((1r1111 1l :uly prf•yi..us engagement.
'Miss 11'Nei11loot 41.4,'1.. 1110 (4rrgy-
man. dtmlaii/i; him 11o4 -411
The eetrnlumy. w:as. In'W.%4r, per-
rurmevl, 144141 11,44V Mist ll'Neil wont.'
receive fr111,1 the Ii&N'4.,,' damages am
the results. of his woht.ling hutwixt
114.ml4 rut duty, for it i. said the .11e-
f•es.flll girl sue flit,. belle .4 her own14,4444. ,
flu• nd'lir wv of Couns•I 14 ere ylry
:uuusing. ,md'While the din•I.., .44,4 not
enter 111. Isla and. face his :u•.'llser,
1111 ro1111•e1 a11110led the breach of
promise. was defence waaplea. ple, n• small d:u11,tge,:. Counsel, waving
ht. arms, 4,IIw1 melts' Ihr 4'hxneell10r,
sitting as xpl`iloregeb,•r, dealing as ana
expertin love, to wl•i;h 4.:u' fu11,v.IhNl
lo.. in do4l:u1.1111('irnl•v.-
4.1•:11 84:1)' the phe -.eta In evading all
the enol ,if Sept.'tlntact.. The centre 111
th4e'Ve11144wrio.l,fld4 y11 the 21s1 411
140p4e.,llu•r. • Ilene" it will extend ally
• to about the tat h of (hi ule•r, (J4•04t
the whole of he 1'(11••a11 44'444,41 rent Ira
1141 Yew 0it,. The :Mercuryerio 4,
4(•nlra111t the 411'54•. of seta...ober, 1,
•1111141 :.cell by the storm di:lma-:.I 11), -X -
tend 1111 to a1N111t the Ilsll 04 111'1 o1N'1:.
. A rrllctioln-y spelt- distwit:then
1(-1114.111111 the 241.I and :44.4. at which
these will -appear x decided change • 441
Warple'r, 441411. falling 44,,Mn11Mle1• :ltd
utIie inllicltti.4s.4autumnal storm..
'4911' 1, 11 N111 Is Intl •►1111 :at 1(11 44411414.'
mote 011 Ilie 0th. and twine it 411 quite
prolable that threatening cuudilious
will hist ,,p to that date and 4lull
storms 'will volt lliiate 110 :11141 touching
the ramp div. The moon is also on
lhe.rele.d;al ''giYttor 411 the ,;.lit. ;m-
other fact that Is Mile to add pirlu++p(-
nes3 and vigor to dixttrbanees abbot
this ••Heavy equatorial storms
4.4 tdle.onth di 4. still prolahl0 at. this
.11141 other October 44.1'1'.44., IIII[ 44. ,i':it.
11' '.4 li 5444.81 I'I'I%' storms, esimeiltlly Ian
41,,• lakes and north Atlantic, are
things to , 4a•• e444W4-ted and 48111)411,41
:1 sweeping high barometer null
stiff gala;. fi•nio the noct), a/4, brbig••
itg frost to frill -zing northward, are
(Ville prdlahl4 lowitlrls the mel id the
al.'),• disturbahc4ai: buts -lite regatta --
80n111 IW11114i. 1'11um411g 11.1'111(.1511'11111 40
14th. way .0 m''1'11)g storm «mildions
from 4lonit the ah .4 to retard 411.-
1,44h 110tonieler and change to eolde :
until after the r1111ul1allom of the
iegell.m '.turn period central -on the
W h. It may 4w (l anted..ten as a cer-
tainty .th'il general nut al storm,.
wit!, marked (•h:ulge t4, cokler follow-
ing. will visit . t parts of the
(smutty at one or, each .4 -414e rt•H-11t
pet 1141'.- ,1a111e(1- .1lsn...L.4 1 i mitering
111'.1 I it elk,. day,. of (blotter. I.nnk fur
e.tlly ,4.041 heart. sleety 11urth441(1 .
9;he 11th. 1 4Ul 110.1 114111 a4. rr,le-
4on:u'j' 4.1111111 41ay8, of which Ihrre
Will conn. a Pr'g11•NNiVe change 411
N':►rnler, wills falling hart milder. grow-
ing cl011•liloess, raft, and 'masa+. snow
in the north and we- 4. All 1h.,.•
regal:-'. pulsations of INlroli)et 4.'i,'' 1re•--
sure, change of Irtilfe•ral nae' and le1.
t41 1.
1 n f'loren IN••
1 '
1 1 I II N 4.s ,.
1 11 MY'-
tl..l . ,
1 old•t .
t I v 1 east lw {1111)'• tyre the
1 ,''''1.x.1111 -a tu.11.14.1g 1'(-.•i hying]
'the ('haiu-ii 1'r pllnnfeavl jst,1g11i•nt
ill Utr ,ala• •1
L"17,Iou, (A4. 1. Chancellor Hoy,1
gave in.lgnlrnll 1.31:11; 114 :Ili; O'Neil
1.'e 4' ease. .I.,•. I11' said 1
over the10444.1.04 in th4.lwsr, x1114 sl w».
evident the contrail 1'k marriage had
11,'011 11111111/44•14. '1'110 e11gag,'4.Ieml 11111
1.44(11 for four y.at's ail .-41.1111',1 40
1134'0 Iw.hl.I.Iilo•eal.•ly Irl ell by 1111•
defendant A4y.it hoot any k :il just i-
HeMMion. Tarn. 110111 imam o rd do
rxplNunlio11 14 4444 s C0114ucl I it ,n)'
reasons for breaking Ili• 411 tra11.
Thr woman had 1.4 11 Very seri 11041)' 1
*Rerlerl by 444,41 I1ad taken place Ill
Ise as.eruN11- the (luung a a1 lee Into
a41,4 'dollars.
' No Use\Goi
5411•• 1 the new dep. o Ilse 14,is.k-''
Iv11 Has4litf Transit e sion from
Fla 111.4-4:Metier to Het t Peach 4)a,'
Ivnnpl••4i•d, told the c -u -s fl 1 the oIJ-
de4N•t were 40 4N•-1.ta11111• `1r•. Ill.'
diisai11u sltlMrio.n11.•nt• ,t kl inM. of
141e oldest ll I r Ir the motorist. •' if Ir•
would like la make n little Is •time
swflihing and moving 4lie eau's 1'he
4 4.
mei 441)141'.1 until tIM job W3—i
Ilele.I, of 3144,114 , 1i1111•k in
"•111.11." slid the superintelid•
"yoked het ter g1'1)01ge now' avid tint,
hit .4 re.i." •
'•Phm:44'' the 10111•:" the motorman
replied. wills his fine old Irish ',dint..
'4 44-tve to take 1141• en- "at al rrJll.
Mine. if I •4, uI,I .tart for holo, now{
1',1 only nn•et•ul'•.elf 'o11inq 114(k." - •
motorman a. •1•pted the olgpirt
ErnAtil ud'1ly warns weall,n•r and
dhna Ikxrloa•ivr ,Intl 1o1lowanl by
clearing weather, 1 i-ulg hats mietor.
and tv►14t•r.
t 4k /wit. regular sto1111 ,
v4.utrNl n the 201 la, (v1vi•rn;'ii,•
to the i la'd. '/'he lomat is i,gn4i1 4111,
the celestial equator on'the 'i`.I)r,Itll
stew 1111'1 h1 .Mita A .leeid•'ll • tisane...
to w:intoe. with falling tau •Irl.
will 1114411 11' in 1110 w•481 4•x11)' in III,111.1111.1i0.01.•ri,. hay xle,lil the 1,4441,, ant; 1h.
(..lditiona will mit) r,l�lw.urrlc. .•.I
iot4(44 by grO44 4; I
511A• 4144 of rain 1 '4 ill.l ,1N1
.111(1, toC'Liuh lin the 441,t .111.1 ha. Ili
nest tangents. u{ Ihr ,' -I.,+1.. m
lou. for much c444,1(1 01,..: .1l111
w�t►lh,'r r:uly .nut
N,1.• Ik•I h of-wflh4 hr inilldle.l.,. y ,
.1111 1..1.1'111141..11.0.1). night, 1.1.14 1a.• •'
peered. al tea t hese dint int .ance:, touch
lug 1141"4 parts of the count ey, pro
bow About the :•Ilan to III;
21444, t
The Peals limd 2.414 ate central J +4
of r•a4111011:11')' sturul loth o')l11.11 t `, ''1
1111(1 Ill41441 ,w kick lila' 40.1•xp 4.i 1,41
1:141,t14.11) Warmer, with falling IN I
''11Mt11', and mote etul'ins of 111i11.
turning nutc (o4.iU 1hi• murs11. adv the
wising l,ar;meter presses torn -aid 111'-
-14.44,11 the tow area fool, Mist':
hlghIs may he ,'4Mc1rd after ►ht•ti,•
latent di:,lurhances.. 1p M. 11,,. 4.1444 1,1
ilw nllnth, 1...10(•1"ird4)' i1' ee111111I and
eastern parts of the 1 tontr5. lm the
-west the 4,e-topet'ttnie N 411.44• t'isi1144 l 1.
the month ,'11111,'. 10 4104 1.1,140, 111111.-1'
the 114111el00- o1' n 14.44},1 1•u .I,•I 111
period, the centre 1141,1 .,1h,1`inlion 1)1'
which (111'. in Novritl•'r,
How 1.. -Th(4 for a Bargain in Newspapers?
Toronto World and'8isnal.
The 9'0 0141111n 1►aily •Win.1.1. a 114.4y8 -
41,74N•1. that p:9'1'141111 rular attention
10 Ilse Ieylsvets lrnl. '.f Ihr(• tiI'nlrt%
lull nuts the I'llnlatinm ''f il,lblishing
the most cattle and product.
Motet reptals 1)l' all the 1..141.1' in
Ianll1H. t.get11.•,' With 1I I-'4, dye
and 11 44tn-dal.• 111'1(-1 *101)'1'h(,
)',','steel -I,�I11t•.1 will[ 1.• K44yllr,l.for
the b:datlre of this year and up 444 the'
1!#15, fur $3,11'4.
1VI.11.•.-'..vl1.N14' i., huxy:'1 till' N
rel I ilnc. 4111 41101'.• is111our... finis
that 110 r'
t . I:,k•
nayant..,.;e 1'L .1
gl'Itllin•• bar';.o11 .1114 '.4.1.1111 1h,-111•'tr
1...::al paper, nlul.inrd with +•1)0 of the
brightest 111,41.441,114411111 114.1\ Ni..111erS
plllix11ed in t'u,,.l.l.,.
'I o
1 fiN'
1 I. 1:111,4i (11,15' for 11111'1 y
11:15'.11.0111 111• hes, i11,1.11 i,,11 of phi.
Idyrl4i..yu,•nt. W111011 :1111.0 111.,1 in "be
4141x41141 September 111., ('. 11..'4. In sI
311111. 10111.1' (o•1'" 1N'4otr• 1)-toI'•.
, I
1 ,.
1N nn :. Is••'
1 1
1 I I 1 '.
4,l 11 al
t Ih'-
1 4.a/,
will�l; taken after alone dale. 51 It.
4h -u.•.4. ,, i-..''1'. r
A Paper for the Farmers.
Th•• 11.Y,kli tin n. of '1'41(-410141, 4...1
ip.'r that sh-uuhl I..• in . 4 -vs f wove'.
1)1•. 'Lt\1/111Vfd• the 1 110.1 411.1
• 1111.11 lei yen rig tiding
4•'11{1 (0/4111,,s-,1 v
11"11ei of
i4 question
• Ntan11t.,int t11, fanner.
Iveoltrilatti,n \•A 11y.
sampler' 1 4.,4. 1101.1n9.1 Stott Ione' •
is •worth 111 1)t tinm s Ihr 1111'e.11 h••
p:lt"•r. The Mon will he •a>SII frlun'
Il"4y so 1s11 fl inr:y, 14(14, hl ro►ubiva-
tion with Th.. . ' .1):d. for $1.lin. Sul.
scribe,tin' :and c4 the full .IN•netlt of
111i. oHNt•. ,1 sans le ,'"p)( 104 The Stitt
trill Ise sent In a: • 1.1(-1•.1 for then
freshen sed purify
sallow, blotched atlas
Pimples, blotches, a sallow
discolored skin, generally
indicate impure blood.
Do not trifle with complexion
powders: Take a proper tonic
laxative attttt at will remove the
Iron.Ox Tiny Tonic Tablets, by
cleansing and invigorating the
digestive organs ,and stimulating
the rCnoval of poisonous e,
make' re, rich blood,
When the blood is\healthy
,abundant the skin becblmes dear
and fresh, unsightly blenlishes
isappear, natural color returns.
Why not tri?
emelt/Whin Trbleit in an\
attractive alumloum pocket
caw, Y3 mots at druggists, or \\\
seat, postpaid, 041 1304.1pt of
price Th., Iron -ox Remedy
Co., LImlted, W alkerv4le, Ont.
Ti o11t a y, Oce. 8 1903.
The Function
of the kidneys is one of the most im-
portant in the human economy. Into
everything -we eat and drink, no matter
how "pure the food is labeled nor how
careful we are, poisons enter. Were
we not provided with organs espe-
cially (designed against these poisons,
human 54life would u�so
soon perish. The
kidneys are the filters of the blood.
They catch the poison in the food and
system. 4.0
. To do this
they must be healthy and vigorous.
When they are weak, or overworked,
or clogged, or handicapped by disease
in even a slight degree,
imperfectly, or nor at all. The best
remedy for disordered kidneys is
This test product of medical research stimulates
and tones .'so ,erect kidneys to healthy action, the
poisons are c• ,t .m the system, and health returns.
-Ju is sold : all druggists in boa of 5o pill, 5o cents.
not waste time std :money
On 'Wseless , substit • to for
Bu•Jw, the kidn
e ill
at cures.
NKL$1)N 4T. and ( JIBRiA
ROA'I), t O1)t-:Ittl'1I.
—f —
Thi: ndll tNu- beet. Ibuilt and rr11
modernumac% ot,r) fur I�ti. ad.., tur11le.
:0. C.1•1101144•11 all k {1111,,,4(1+ •o( M /NR1w'
Building Mater{
+d * 44.1) .11•8rription Dept in "l"ck..
Hash, I)o111«, Ft. 1'u}+ Moulding and
Interior and EX 1401 111114�ing of 1)N
itels op hotel or nisi r, l o 41(-144'x.
'mates furnishes. applicat
s wtlil'ilel.
Rubber heels are not only
comfortable, but` alsd,
Hke alking 011 air—
ear like steel.
Dandep Tits Os., L nn I I od,
The Mot
a Canadian blication
Ever made by to
its readers.
wo _One.dollar Papers for One Dollar
I:4 I t..I arrishgement *1444 11.' inlllishes•, we ntr enalitel to rifer
The Signal and The
Montreal Weekly [era
-'1I great�
awl can lie
folyit 45ee4 454'1( ONE DOLLAR p yl,n 'Phis 11.1 1.4 TZc111s
•lido 4.y ho Mit14. iter fn this .tistri.t
� co, TlT S FAC Birt) F ler o
suhsryinno da'llxPinwlhxnlr `
for 911i• 11.i 100.1. hep re',e Th.' J mtleaf ''Week 1. Herald for, ode )•e • without
c4l':t 1. • 4,e► Is 11nr sr ng meet 44id1.11 the Montell publi seri sire
'' that w• can nil
IN ADVANCE, "1)d all' En • n dr1'iltfl. 11) f m1hiN rthe u11ne
ale the mub1• Ia''11.4
nt•:,ge" Nt • pa
We hay(- .the flotary and Shot le The \superb. pointy in. the New -
White,- All theme machines 1,44,' Iat11 limn include a.dfeetling needle, mat\
helpings, Om tun -don, tension indi- lomnlirl Islbb11*'Wlnder• with hawse pill.
rnl"r, nml.,nlark• tension trtr:l.er. I'e•5, rtilt+4natie tI IeVen.t (very enl1-
1 .. 1, , 11041 , s paps o
I / 1 1 f- ,1 o needle 1 sten
f Hent c • '
4lrm t•
)' 1 14.s r 1
t 1 open n 1
I /n the �
[ 11
• w•• iM � the - •. r '
mN r 1 Ifthr.11m r••' 1 (1o•
w, 4 h1) ler f •
1 K end and �ahsohtb•O srlLflf`Iralling, Ii12�•numds�Ar, Ilaut.bl
044111411', :Wing' Net of plated •14,11 it• sw•iti4 411•:.0., eteel set 411 ttl 444'4- (1tle4t
1)1114 !Avert to WI
enM4dn' exlae4ttFnIOan,1-eat»other IaN,rsty- merits. They Lok well and work 14104wn11tt
»ltoYf »n•in devices, welt.
1 RVrry machine Ihat len?* (111r'Ntn11.1' la g11At'anl(Y11 Int n 1E1111 1)1 ten year::. 11 it shotilt) h:time
(alta 441 gis ' sgl loteleI 1011 Ne it1411rM1HAtel)• 444)1(1+e it 44414441(4)11')) new .ly,•;
It is difficult -to judge an article by looking at the outside. For your own satisfaction
and protection yon ought to knew the product inside and nut—hence 1110 nocessity for try-
ing tho machine. A trial will cotivince you. Tryon need one 0.1114 wish to try any of on' dif-
ferent makes or styles we will h0 pleased to let' you try them. '
We keep repairs Out a full line of• Accessories, Needles, SI tt.les( Bobbins,
winder 'blithers, Oils, etc.[
that n 114teltit a.
Grandma any. that' furM•Inw .
111.1•i1 her lime Weren't 4nelln.Yl 10
Thenght .f .nthrthln4 el..' than bean,.
rhinr' wnith wl,llc elves l444e thrir mind h,. 11
lraa4 w tenth., stud low make. Rater.
-)yell. - +a} he, • 1'444..mnn
•('1•"•l• cormelt They II. sown .1het •.amr
V1'w I- yM
when we were VOWS
As a Newspaper. \ As a Home Paper.
Was intothrhoheol In hog, and Is
meow! eldest roon•dlin paper. In.
old age It hti. renewed it. youth. and
stands lo the forutront. of Tinatta'a great
Journals A. a newmpaper, It la edited
tinindunint 01 1h. Can./Ian who
wroth... In Itotep ,sbrengt of the times,
atIthrut Ka•Ing 16, wade through rob '
of livore IMO of ni.on 1M riot ronfiewi• If
the tithe
ta pre-eminently 14 paper foe Th. Home
lin lbe first *late, nothing Is permitted
In Ita cotter:Ohne. «moot he read with
••rorit and inattnetIon by every member
id the houarh61.1 In life 1,400$(1 Oa,
1 la rdlted with epeeist Werra/. to
'4" wiriallly talks wItb boor women
rebating! the most popular de
of the itiod ill Sal 1'1100%0114a
.y era veritable ' Apart to
are avarerist is Mos -
P4 at hi, ro. ti -tasted
me Noma rititilsol..
deed And One 1691.*
Pah r
heart- t
mind. of,ho
FI.Pit 1111101
femlnIne Mete*
he local 11,444, the lorni-roatireta and the lineal sosiso. e Montreal
llernI,1 elves you the steogit4 'fieWit of Stet world, , reports or thie
arkets, aepartmenta of Int i to formers, inti. Its parti. Mar. tea -
V41111. And ,111l0r011/.1111 '011,. fiords., dire. ;anew h. the comptement of
g n at pre, Nina. If vier minscription fit al-
ndylerIP. nnit yens want The mentreld 'Weekly Herald at NMI,
Mend In %ell V' dollar, maid yonir Insheier lotion will Iltes atfiNtneed a roar.