HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-8, Page 1Oise"
Two Papers
One Dollar
orritR To MOJNAL SU&
i'llTV-ISIXTH TSAR -No. am
Two Papers
for the
Price of One
141t01.4.13ITION ON PAW:
DR it Kt,: -ine Tins imat:le
if 1SS 11. E. 000N, OF THE
la Toronto College of Music, orgalllat and
Mar 4011410411.0r of North .tr..•4 Methodist
. paw orlon. tarts and "wet Teruo.
hush, thoderto4repared to theist e pupil*
ode latown at . . hicheoxie'* thalamic,
.X AT*: a( Toruntu University, organist iuul
puirmader Kisco ohm -eh, thetench. Prepai-
d to receive pupils In following : Plano, pine
rgan. voice culture and theory. Pupils pre
ared for 1.7_40*m-shy examination.. Studio. MI.
aerostat Mootreal Mood.
14.1•04TElt, nothry, etc. 10Mee
ti. cAldleltON. 4).. HAR-
t hird door Irmo. litimue.tiederleh
/ RISTICK.4 elicitor. notary. Special atten
• ,„... to Marlin, Cu444-1. wort. ltutoey 10
..,, (Tot North st. sod Square. lioderwh.
C.O. A. J. FRAsER. riltisTER,
silicitorimetor in the Marituue 1 'uort
je sob 1 p Holt, K. °Moe east Ade
Moor mare. Ooderich.
- --
1 .0. .1()IiNMIX)N,
la. mlIcitor, eoriumbeiloner. Sr. Motley to
,„ lame. tawner Hamilton and M. Andre%
tcei-, todetich. AWL
-0:14r....1‘,44....„ timarie. promor.
the 311414110.30 \mart. rte. 4.1111re, Non/. st„
yt door Nana! oar.. Private fund,. to haul
to. est maws intere.t • . 0 IA
11A10. •
/ 141•4TRKFI, ationusys. oulicItorm etc.
*has 13 K. L DR 'UNISON. CHARLET.;
01'. LL.B.
/ notary and conveyancer. oglo.
..... Mon Street. opposite the Olbonie lio
ha:tenth. Pi -hate fonds to lend on iiiii rt
gr. af 4 per rent. Inter...to Fortner- inile.4
. t. end colouumilmter for taking and
eft Inc recogniannosi of Mal. &Mat it.
Mfloilation.. depomitina. or wlemn declare
1.1 or eOntairning an) inetl011, wuit Or prO.
Kling in the Higl. Coon of Jinni..., the
• „r Appesi fur 4 intarai. Or ill ali) 4 \only
oho, frourt. All branswitun.
1 mummify executed. Kosadefiee antl P. tj,
in- Dungannon. Int.
Allet1011660.11g _
cii)).MAs (rUNDRI-, !AVE sT(X•K
....a general aurUmwer la. replan fnon
115114.04 Slreel to war 4.11 St14111 .41 eel%
err he will he thund at all iiiii two nin
nig .ten. Tenn. reastomMt. and 4•ser)
owd or Owe yoga mulafact ion. '1•Iiono. 511.
lo oNEElt and Ian.' alualne. 1MM-rich..
liai Mg had =141ersbIle eXperli•tiee in
wilth eatietactits. on coin
alietionee lie Is lo poor ton to
ta 41nire. left at 4 34
4,.. Ilotel, gement hy 14, tn. 0,4141rean
411, 4 minty A r
1st. li P. 11.3i attelmt.si to. Ji at X.
Marriage, Licenses -
1.A3111.7.. Deolve OP MARto
. At E licensor. Usilleriett,pat,
Insuranee,. Loons. etc.
iHN w. eltAIrrIE, LIVE. FIRF:
and ...valeta In...trance. Agent for leading
ital *WI -to•k Ireolnen.e in all
alte.•14411 on hest mans and *1 104,41 rate -
Abe corner Who mtreet and Nome
.1, (V. I 'HAW IE. tiodrrich. thit.
r k, RoBERTsbri, Arrouvr.
. .,,,- .....1 imoinumnagent. lionk. and
tout- ,..... • tot. Hundlitir rented and rent.
slut YI houraithe In thitioth snit 4 'an&
I 4•011iliallie.... Offtee 111 Pnindf001 k Hay.'
r. Non t. M.. I/nth-rich. 43-11
rult.3X4'14:11/31e411 Eagan. agent. nre.
aechtent and 1 ic Maas inanriues• ef
lllll t nal e plait lowe*t rate*
title Ilea itniglieh itiol 4 ansollan pompon
.4,o -emoted. make, nett ,Mur to I oickno-00
Arno. Ilantillon Street
c4)NEy 7'4) I.ENI). A
a of private fault. for int eionicot
i..st nplc.. and even... on lled chum vieirt
'7, V11143 to littly INSON ITA RItt OW
(-E11.1Ara, MITTI'AI. FIRE IN-
suRAN4-it e 4/. Fano *nil tualat..1
" Itmlerly Valite id peter 1- in
d ati 14. Jan. 11011, er tia,asolo. 44 .4
.140.....ore; -J. R. McLean. pre*. ; T. I'
-pro, : Jam. Connolly. II. Pale, Ntr.
%Vett, Ja... EX1411.., J. 14. (triel....1. Henn.
.. dm. har. : T. E. tiny.. eenfortl...erretaer
.torr. neareat dtteetor to Ins,
Vro. Hamra. agent for West
wit lx.Ideni ran iloy imemoiwnt.
ge1 their elietle reeelpted al Mr. 4 'nal.%
to. oi at Mel,e.th Wee.' Palacxe l'lothitur
▪ tisfleri?'h.
lifelle-NORTH liTHKICT•
111reelotoi ._•
\ 1,01",
imouliFtw/T, in)KRTm.
1101,T, _113, J2NA FTEL
\Ifs HANK.
.h.r "41, Ing•• Hank I. now one of the per
mem indll valor.. of the Dominion. It ha.
*Perot fmm the start. and will nonfinite
in., olio ei,101.4 the bent powdble rentlii. and
trotters the bolo pfifadble term.. I grad-
' has e lied lien on all a..4.1. id the mot'
"he Ihiron ntm. 'Owe I. linder I/overe-
at ixtraeol. and receive. drotsit• loon
,",,,•• marmots and chlMren. In *lint. of
Effti lents to Threr Thoweind
ing ennipound Inten.e, added every mix
toile at rale. Ss Altrm401 urn.
%ere- are 'riven deposit or.. on that they
"r4w neon thew depredth at Any titne.
cording 10 aninent and ttme left, Inteeepft
111114 IA on deposIt. at 3 and 4 per rent.
lie I lllll tinny Is directed and menage,' by
a 110 ore t harm hly °On veronlit With he
lairenieni. of thin:Minus And It ham every
1144) for traftwe no Its °papal inn. on itafr
reennutilen1 lines
importnnt footmen I. that married
sod minor. legally make :Wood!
I draw out money In their own 114/11e
1"" .^,nPlins make. Mono crn amt elas.
Frwlerty only, ma that depositors Mee
"t"'wgoet and **feat weenrIty their in
Term. wee moulett) molt borrow
• the eandition. !wing .thalght 104014 and
hpolt* can moot by mail st the el.]. of
'69 etthnot swim your Invadmenta with
later advantage th Yourwew!fithlroh.jig.,N.
wen, jee
"Le rare
Int Caciall.
- •
Tiirlethar. hiet. NIL
041.. are doall 141 274- Ibis meek. but other
Wide the graiii market imintIte, tine.
Ifoirt ere &boo down to $1.10 pig cwt.
Fall wheat, per bufth . , 1 0 74 t u $ 44 7.
Spring Wheal. 1.1411. b11.411 1,5 71 Pi 11 .1
ye • b . 0 K. it. 44 1,1
wk. -heat. per Midi. 0 4.1 tot 41 4.3
(hot., 1.er Medi to r is 41 27
Pea.. tier bled, 11 ,V1 lo II .ia
llarley, per Midi 4. Pi to 0 MI
rierlielkIng4 per tom In 4111 4.. 114 Ma
nisi-. f 'I). per rot 2 lit to 2 10
Pliiiir, patent, per c. t V 411 I.. :t On
/Iran, Iwo. Ion 111 141 to lo no
Forts, per too
ay. per 1011. . 01 341 to, 7 144
. P1 1111 to 114 In
Vood. per vont I ill to 3 410
001400e*, per h11.11 31.1 to 314
Mutter, per lb
11 LILA 0 14
Chao... per lh 0 11 to 11 12
Egg*. Molt. potr 41.Jr. 1. II to 41 11
Tuoiutto... per 1....hel 0 30 to 0 113
Pear., per 6111 . , it to 1 ini
tip ... ;ter bin . . . 0 . to 1 al
1'4111e. onlin'y to gunk par cwt. 3 HO to, 3 so
1 ',41114., export, per cwt 4 e) to 4 An
.. 141.• weight, per rot . 5 to to It to
I iv,. dhomatl, per cwt 7 in ro I no
3 in 10 3 ;44
:Sheep, per lb . to 41(1 lai II in
Ham. par lb 0 141 to tr la
Ilacon, per lb 0,1.1 to 0 el
laird. pm lb 0.14 to 0 11
'Tallow, !Per lb 'ti tn I.. ti 441
Hide., •r c. t 3 441 to- 3 :111
Sheep. In. . . . n le to 11 iin
hint -tide market* oil nage 7.1
_ _
SItuatiorut Vacant
clout) m ER %''A N T
u away to nits. is A. MellAVV.
lit. Vincent .1 reel*
IV A NTEI).-A tiorri) sMAAT Boa'
rr lu learn the hardware bitalnew. Wookl
prefer one Milli about a >ear.- experience.
WM. hardware merchant. I lllll -
A ciENT's AVERA01: 116.4•1 A DAY
ix Ike ) ear mama wiling our gook Alway,
in toe. Illoosebuid neressigle., not hods or
k London. out. 0
111111114.4k. No dull .4,1:4111. 54'141: 11.4.10tHALL
ItrAh"TE1.1.-21 TO .19 M .N.To
r rordwood and coda pod.. 14.04-
dund biudi suett say *AI to tr. r mouth.
Apply to lioz =S. I.. le.
Kenailigtnn rumit. Femery.
tite.gootat ins .1.mo )4 mem. AphlY to
rA1414114 0: Smith &
ANTli'D. --A (i001). SMART flt)
totem's ow tailoring h1000,1••• • APPII to
11,11,1.:„V.; B10 IS., 1lie P.ilme 4 Oohing store
tailoring Aptaly to Y. J. Ihitthont.
eWboot loller.rho slaw. .
_ _
CMItElt 1VA NTEI 1110111.1sT
Prier. paid tar elin -1, HMI 1•4•-.110011,11
I ItNIrt --
\ Notice
_ .
pROF. ar:•L AUBE:
- •
MASI MAcT1.141SU01- 4mAlsznormnritumusr.
Ail kind. .pr,loc 117.4.1thir.m
order. Special Anent opswit to tins ine
ers by mail promptly ttelgled lo. lir•
w ofyartle. ming lot nail employ no
oat !ling agent- ...ate, er. \
, Mat fav guaratiteed. Ed.1144*Ited 0473.
gp1 RI M4 /VII sTit EET. W.. 'II Oho Tit.
To Neat
FI'RN144111.:4)1:4_tr:t),E T(1
• rent for the winter. e0115 V111,11411
Term. moth -este. It ',Mt to Hos ,0i.
, 2 I
()USK. TO RP:NT 014 mt.:1.1. (r.N
Irnmr•.rirr). row.. llllll .111,- 4,-
om algonexi alenairmil *table JIM moor frail
toss.. Apia)y lit N. W. Vorr, N,,,,g-,tte
..1 tf
li(it•m*: TO RENT. 7.11.-1T NEW
• irr brira Veneer home
•er.. )114 44111114414411. Ail 1110414.0i 1.011114a
611e1,, 1/0011 14,111e. 11.4/4•41441 1 Call be 711141
ininintintriy. ripe lenio 44 1 partietilap•
40 11. 1.1.11111 •4/ - tf
For Sale
141t)lt ;RA I.E.- 110AL. '41'01 •.ART
it inter and good N. stew. A'liergaili. %pill)
at lilt. TtlINHIA.I.Slitirorri',11.1toilt....t.
lettit RAI,I.:1'11EAl'. 11'11,1. EX-
• l'HANtiE-fin. %wit. trimml loll 'mini..
loon.1 wade of hiektwv. welt tlitexhid 4101 in,
r.1 elaw enadillcin I id ter.
r Particular. molly to FR %NI: ELIA. ITT.
neratorsdreivt. 11nsleel. h.
1.1 1 VCLE FOR SALK, mit
1/ ne -Item tie lady'. ti heel. in.fairlt good
eonditi • *Maintain. Apply at thl.'ot11.-... 47 If
• IliaM1 fit near Dungan. lllll . containing
1.4 acre, wel watered large hank 110111
Mick hoes.. It *lath roar ; a tele. biell nod
17 oil, 1.111414. 411 ito•hard. Amity- 10
HA 11111S. Ouderir 1 Mt.
I home. +suitable fig, hieitie.. and IrOfew
4111111111 Hien Mr sale almi lot•. Home
wooled tor rent. mom*. * mod 1101 eV,
111441 sm or $111 per Month. •y to loon.
oSIVAI.11 F. i•.‘ri I.: V. Rea E.tale and In-
mranee Agent, One door 0101 0 1104tofflee.
l' acre, Eno,. n as the limit. and
adjoining the town of illuderi.•11. im • Ilitrial
rood. Mix acre. of liardwool bush. Mated
for +mall dairy lar (Ina fano. 114 brick
houw and barn. and good water Powewile;st
once. Apply to THOM. TILT.41rit i•h Excha
thiderich. •
VALUA131.1.: FOR
-Thl* property i. SOnth dre.41
good conveniently .rtnitteds The building,
con.l.t of a twm.torf frame., .1. ening hod,
with kitchen, wood.hed and hero. The house
heated ith a 4. plete hot water
and it modern. no to date &tilling. I•Or
partle111140, apply to the iiiiitenigneel.
1 laird Itii. 11111 day of June. A. II. PM.
PR. DE4 HIT & 1 s.
:1St f eent nr4.
liNdt MALE. LiMITED gl'AN-
F TIT V of old iiewouyecrs. in bundle. to .41111.
1 Al nt THY. MION AI. other for t hon.
Notice to Creditors
voT14.1.: To citEolToRm,
mit Kit ettrilitE, ',ATV: HP' THE
Ni4 11. OF %V EST 54.t kVA
H1•1 vs:i)mAs.
11 •Kaegli.
%else.. Ipereby en parailant to It 4, 11
1 'hapter lin. that /I I Medioom m her. lin,
ing claim. agalndt the inflate of the • tld E•Ivraril
*entire. who died on roe gloom the 13411.14t) of
May, A. 11. 100, at the to. n*Illpmf Wed
Wewnnosh, In the county fit linnet, are re
iniflind int or before Ihe Mit flat of Ste ember.
,k. II. 1140. to fiend by plot. on -pont. or deliver!.
Bridget Butler .5 owed Me l'atrtek
hilleOuire, Mt, .11foneft the 1104toffler. the erre.,
tor. of lite mild deerawd. porthsenni of
their Hain)* and tit...mature of the owor11.trm 41(
anyaheld hy them.
.%fter mid last ntentioneddate the add exert)
tor..111 ;proceed to illOrlhlile tlo• meets cif the
eceotwel among the earth. entitled thereto.
wing regard only to the flalne of which they
• then hat e notice, and t hot Ow hid eteles•
toe. will nom be monk too ne *ma wooer. or any
tort thereon to any venom 04 heroin. of w11010
chain,. they Stoll PS have reoM. notice. ' • ,
Solicitor hw the execottor*.
bared at ikvirriet.. this .11 h de. of Iktoher.
A. D. not .61.41
CO DE RI .:11, ONTAlk10. CANADA : OCTOBER 8, 1903
PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT. 'Good Price* for Good Work.
I ciinnecam with OM. offer of '1'lw
Nbottlittal Weekly mr«;E:thi with
Th.. m;g1.,.4 (Or $1.1111 14 year We Wigh
1411111:0&/... 1104 1.0111111t 1111 it it applies
4.144' to stiloseript ions paid &draftee.
(Mr arrangement With the Montreal
puldisher.4 to this effect : t hereto we
The Herald can be sent only to those
sithecribem. who. Im) for at year in ail -
vatic.% or. in ateconlance with ett, lllll on•-•
vial mist mi, within thirty days after
the date to whii•li theit. label is marked
tip, if they are already taking Mig-
uel. A clear understanding 011 111b4
1101111 0 11 ha) Iliid111/111011 •
Dungannon Fair Today andTomorrow.
This is the first oily 44 the. Dungan-
non fall show. With a continumiet.
otf wt.ather it promises to lie Is
siteeess. The fair will 14111011de
N. it h geand- kneept tom, a•row eve
Municipal Bye -election.
.Noininations for the Vile/1111.y its the
town council caused by Mc. Ilimilwr's
retirement will Ile 11444 yell at the
round! chamber ou Wednesday even-
ting of next week. t he lit 11 inst., from
• o'eloek. The eleet ion, if tine be
tomessary, will be a week 1:0 et.
In the Supplementary Estimates.
the .upplenientary 1441 Milder.
br011ght at own in the House al OH kW/1
ben week. in addition too the item 44
*PAM for 11 breakwater at Owlet -Wit,
were votes of $4,1110 fon. a 'sardonic..
building at Wingliam $5,101 I for
a breakwater. pier, at (Irani!
11:01.1. '
Town Contracts Let.
The water and light and piddle
*Ants 4•01nItlitteeS lielti nieetings
M lay evening. F. B. Holmes ,,sv‘4
awarded the montract for siipplying
the nom with Ma Ions 91--Fienumit
ciial at *2.81 t•in admit' its. (admit+
harbor. and t contract for the swwer
on Albert and Nelson streets was
warded to I'. Lee at $1.135.
• Furnace 'at the Collegiate.
r O. 4% 1. trustt.es held a pro otraet
ed it ling last Thursday to dismiss
hope( annents in thot heating arrange -
Menta 'the school l I derided to.
have a else)* heater installed to take
the place of I woo of the three furnaces
at premen Di tome, a Gurney and a
Ron w ich are played ,tnit. The
new heater ill 144. a Keisey,NoX3ii
and will be in tailed by F. I.'. Ger at\ii
cost of VON. irt hiding changes in the
ventilating. It '4 eXperled the Work
will lie roinpletts n 1•041ble of weeks.
A few friend...gall 44.41 at the 1 •
of .AIex. Stirling,tios •rich, on Friday
evening. October 211d. 41 WillneSS he
IllarriNge fit $11 d SG 'etre In. eldest
4011 of tht• late Mob" Stevenson.
linio With, Sri if 10,01, tot t herine M.
Itoss, third daughter of the bite John
RM.,. lialigreen, Wigtt
Neotland. The 1 ore
het travelling dregs o of gtey 4 na 41141
41011141 White heather, .th.• S,lt Wish
token of good Inek. Rev. . A.
.Nwiers.111. 11. A. perfo ironed Ile. ems-
itionf and Moray!. Robert Clark,
of Deleon. itelled ring-be:tier. 311.
and Mrs.> Stevenson will reside
Los r round
. _ _
1)1'1i 1,114T. Ill()NtliAl", BE-
I t TV% 4:1(N Porter'. tfitl and 140;im.,
Reward om Woo ingot higfordmallke. '
• `..
144-444nrot 311111111.141, W yeadble
heifer. .tny per git Mit informal towhee
1n nwovery will Ito oiltfoldy onto .1.
al It ALP:X. pit Nu,
Public Notice
R. R. Sallows' photographic' Work
Will be used gnat. extensively by Wm --
onto publishing finny this winter. Oti
a recent trip to Tor.onto made al-
ratigt.tnetits with 4. • of the paper*
publishing Christions munbers for 1 lle
104e Of several of his views. and the
litiongraphing eimiptuties Well/ 1441
41110011/4 grt. hW work that he could
not supply them all. mr Sallows
Hulls that. 0104 feature of his bilatiniaa
beoi llll ing4pitte large and re lllll
the prices %vhich lio. get* 1141111 the
oily firm* being ...t lao gel' than he
could obtain from Me t1 trade. He is
constantly in receipt of 411%1141N 1111111
J1 .10as just, tilled one for
Thanksgiving Supper and Cancert.
The ladies of Victoria atreet Mel 1111-,
14111reh are preparing a splendid
entertainment for the evening of
Thanksgiving Day. A grand New
England dinner will lee served in the
haseint.nt from, it to 0'04 i .k, after
Which a Arst-elasm sacred e 'ell Will
giverii in the atitlitm • of the
elitirf•lt. ',The lit,t !oval talent will
take part and Nlildred tiodwik.
a graduate in elucitt nail/and torattory
of Alma College, will reek... Miss
Schetky. of- Philadelphia. will sing,
and atibliesses a ill he 41141iVered by
resident pauttoors and others. Th..
1,11. the otipner hicludes roaq
beef and ham. potatews and gra% y.
Boatent Itakel beans, bread and huller,
gingerbread and doughnuts. apple
and putopkin pie. Al1111114Si011 25 cents.
The Late Mrs. Miller.
Tne funeral of the late NIrs. Miller,
owl !ter of Mr.. 14. A. Megan , of toWn,
to.d., place 1.4st Twisidav afterm ton to
Mail land cemetery. Rev. J. A.' An-
derstpo. 11.A., 4. int te11.1114. services
font . the palldwarei_v. were George,
VVI111:1111 and ..Ittlia•-", Acheson, 13'. H.
iholoertsoti, if_ ---Vi'. McKenzie and
II. Dunlop.-- Mrs. MillPY0 maiden
name atlas. Philip, awl she was
isayclit Scotland in til.• Tear 1831 -
When quite a young pirl she earne to
1%44'1441111 Wit li 'rim wet., and at the
age of eightetli ivas marr1-.1 to Ja.m.
Miller, a lllll uhler of that place. A
few years later. about 1.4.1 1 Or ',xi, they
re11141Vell Gs (441(lerieli. wit••re Mr. Mil-
ler hoer l • comiected a i; it the fowl.
atty. 4 • fifteen yl•Ari4 ag.1 Mr. NI it -
ler died and ter the past "demo] years
his widow had 144441,13 at Winnipeg.
Hier drat II ow/timed last Thursday after
a lengthy illness. and the body was
brottight tO Ili Olinfiell loll Miniday night.
Ifer eh Hanoi are Abraham. in Seat! le;
Alexamb.r. in Chien*, ; William,. ill
Wombat : timorge, at Winnipeg : Niro...
M. .V. Megan-, of town. and t wo
daughters at 1Vitinipeg.
Public School Trustees Meet.
Th.. regular monthly meeting of the
piablin schwa ft'llh,tie, W.4, held ildl
Monday. Principal J. II. Tigert W-
WII 041 2171 boys and 240 girl. on the
rolls 44 the various divisions. the aver-
age ott lc. latire hto.ng Sri . of the total.
i it. 17, news .tted 2.ii girls. M ism NIttrion
Parton: on half of the teachers of
the irk ry •partment wrote ask-
ing Dr 1111 rt r 147 modary. It Yvan..
itio We. \ by' Mr. t igie. WW1 111(111 by
Mr. riitt tiltat as w teachers were
engaged at \Hanker,' er no action
sho mild be\tketi in the tatter. l'ar-
ried.. Arcot ts of John It ler. thirty
Moiling reade.w. 444.:111: Oe Portrr,
vapplie,k, *RM. told St nrolY lc , sup -
Plies. $195. were 13•4:%41. The 4111 .tion
of the prop ro4.41 1.
Central was await
and NIL. AVarnoek si
NI r. Nielnil, on, that
" oat -octet! Di write 4
t talon of the count il
la t y of aulvectisitno low the Min of
110,4 I, so that 11 here tgo nld I no'cl Ilay
in th . f.V4.114 Of the bylaw ant itrizing
the 14 •in recei% lug the iewen til lite
1.1111•1111. IR When it Is rillIntilltell ' til •
t• 4 of he ititinieipel eleetionr. !et,
Northwest rain Received at 0.- T.
Ports. 4
A 1144411110 11 1 / •ille Till -01110 S14/1
41.1041 31014i0•11 • 04.10111111. ntla, gives
the hallo% ing 4 to goarat ive table of t he
t NEW MAN IN TONVN. WH1,1-.2ainionist of th
,ik\ tise. ot the eiwner 41( VictOrl a
\ i
V( rm• .ett!t .4 iron, rag,. .k ill., feather,
41141 II wrts of old doff for highest
ra.h or -... DAVE ititowy. Ailt
„„ limit perniwion. bathing from the 1,
laint, .4n/oils or Ire.isi•m4iiir oltoll roll' Pan tar
I be 10.0111.e1) 1 11 be 1 ree.14,41 and proseilinsl.
Kt'. Tilt ILI.. Ridgewood Park.
/ t( H. HT oF
I, i
ements to
im diseitssit
. ed, Neel ituled by
wi g the'nt-
th advisa•
; V 11410N.
• ITKRS blyer r RT. 4 01.114 MNE
Not Me I. Itereby 1.1%41.1 hal 4 'mut IN.
held pilivolant 10 the Voter.' 1.1.1 Act; by Di -
Immo. t I y .1 ii.hre id 1 ht. 1 'mint 4 'purl
or 1 be colony of tiliron. at (h.. Town.hip Mall.
I 'arlon , on %Virtue -alto . 21.t. 131111..to
hem anti determine aeveniteitae. ertor.
'anti 10114 In the Voter.' 1,M1 for he lllll
fatality of 1 tolborm• lowiehip for rint. All
peewit.. having bn.into. at Me' '011r1 are re
/Oren to at tX•nd at the mid filo., 01141 place.
1 lati41 at 1 'arlow Mi.-. rah day of soolter.
F'. W. Mcfm1NA1111,
^cirri ,,f 4144. ^MI coll./111*nd
-It of the said 1 'ourl.
or , .
.1101.11 FORNITI RE ANI)
\at Rs. ft Et' K.
wilt *ell Ill p14411, 4111.n/in nt the ''Iloger111.
Montreol .4 met , on
TII 1 '11P414.%'X., orT11111•711 'all,.
1. tttttt pureeing at 1:314 n'eterck pm. , all to.r hole....
!mid Vomiter.. and effoefle, fond -allot .1f three
con .1.i.e.. table.. ettalni, treldrriiiiii 0111e, he41
ridin l•eterillet:''s grin t i ttt • ch.:gift utle, is. 111m.
Illeek la giring no powwwilini girth.. hints.%
Tenn.: All mans of II% and Ingler, ea...11 ; .4
er this! amount throw totn111.' errant .111 Ire
given On approied ntile
Don't htritet the date. Thilimilay, 41.1. gig.
TII4 WS. 1 i 1 'N11/41'. Attettotorisr.
13AA'14,111,1.4rivrit.144'ti;T,1 IKS, FARM-
Itai log given op the Imilement lorine;a1, I
have no hand .
one new Totelingity,
1111e grnroll loirpo4r Mare, 10w doWn.
vest.. nkl. t and a gond worker,
TwO +frond hand Top Ilogglem. nearly new.
One t sated $:cteiedrlo top Carriage
tone good flay Hate.
Orre Mewl Inel,
WM .011 chimp. 4 wilt It and get a
21111N KNOX.
lIppealt• Mhonte Hotel. nottorksh.
Noi-tleivest grille)
shipiwil titroongli I rand l'runk !sorts
trr alat• tat -est.'s' tinti III) DI flu. 4.iod of
. .titeatil er nisi for a ' 'tar .1writo41 41
last yettr. It *limit(' (hiller:1 I 11.11
(lie table 1. lolly Icor N rtharret Kiehl
mod does not lin-hale *ptiwiito4 of
11hisigis gra ht.
Inn. 1141(4 41...111e1,
inirriiiks 1?2,7ait '..., 37,12 1 gnome;
liarl, w \ 1,1111.111 .1,011117441 fin, to •rt 1
%tool 73,771 lin.hd I oe. 1 tio.lao
11441141.11 1, .71% 313,11710 In. 1.40
314-41iiril I . .Itlf - I .3•111,011. De. .417
311.11.in.1 3,007. 11 1.1471.0101 lb. 761
snoind \ h14,311.5 In.
MK iiintit'n 4117,K711
017,110 01444...vioni 3..2116..1 .371
110 '7.04i lie. 2.136.1141
Stich a table. it im hetiiirked. 'shows
in' the first. place that
litiee a favorite imyet for shipment of
gram from all points. has alien too the
loowest place. The repeat 141i.ikes in
that Wirt have logigetil) markeol
the end of its career as a gra 1 port.
Trade once lost is not easily ned.
A Splendid Program.
The firmt 44 the regular fortnigh
meetings of Ow Collegiate In.dit
Literary Society fot the present tertn
was held last FT bitty night 141441 111 firm*.
cla•es priigt.a to was rendered. Two •
berm thar were the prorgrain, Whit h
would have been lit.ott..1 with delight.
ti ere tell Ki Veil. ViOlin Si+ by M
tilinlvs Whitely and a vo,•al solo by
Miss.:Wand Tilt. Iloward Ilternin,
new presidrnt. :was perfectly at I •
the chair 1 made a Ilea :4414111.ess
thanking tho• inetillwrm for him election
Do t he presidency awl taking the co-
operation of all in tnakille the Meet -
Ings ;I • ilrees Beall WI), an 1
address lin "(hold -Mining,- a hien was
a toy em•ditotiolo• effort considering 41
yming *twatker had 110 1111tesi, The 41
Mildel SOH/id J0111111/1144,
Veld by their respect 15 r• editnrm, Austin (It
Trotter and Mbis A ' Prism). *pre
Irrigthy awl well-prepared Lees. ri
Misa Myrtle Howell gave it nice
etrutiwrital and Mr. Mt rang had 'eve- I
rid inten•sling unclips to reply to in 14
4 he "Weal bin Ihnwer." Mona I
\Villiers recited wit b her !Mind altilltr
and Mitio Tnot ter aro. an excellent
dress on "Ont. tench Correopont
rota." Mr. Miley. the new teacher
at 'the (.11111 bile. dipodiarged I he dui v
411 critic t e evening hut hail reify
little lett words of praise for thr
101114 berm. 17 the moriety continue
in the way they have begun the tent'
a very ancepoeflid softies rit upertings
may he forret-1M. s 4)1
A Packed House.
The mend oers of the -company that
played “The ("omit ry DWI" here 'apt
Friday night are it11 first-class actors,.
and 9111. townspeople, expecting some-
thing better than usual, vrowdeti the
thiera House till nearly every seat
watt 1111441. The scene of the story is
in -London in the year 1195, and the
moat ttttt wigs and garments of
antigun. design WAN good. The theme
'at light and ;damn& Ali 1 orate.
sitilitt ions and consists of nothing lotit
"plots and Cupid's guile.", Eolith Ellis
'Raker starred as NI ist 11.4104 Peggy.. 1 he
e4111111ry girl, and gave it good inter -
!trout' if variant ...lutanist. hut with
sit time. 11 41 iiiiewhavt 'glib profanity.
Ito onalol itobertson, ler whose
threctiom the pbty was proineed, Wits
leading Mall. Ali.. Sparkish anti
Squire M1111/11y 10Well Aleeeb 4111.1 bilik
Elwyn) are striking charaeters. aind
Lowy. the 1114iiil. was cleverly repo--
some:I by Anna Titus. Harry
Beers and ilelen Little are the °Uwe'
member- in the ca.a and mho their
ereditailly. no. aiin minent
Illade before. 1 he last 70'1 that
the company were arranging for a
ret trim date 14. • Mir Y1111111'11 tho next
two Or three Weeks. when they winild
appear in tragedy, giving Mum*,
••41eliost,-01141 110 4411114 then. mee01141
itrille:nr:lllee Wilt` 141.4.1 inlet 1 41
similar re..-ept Wu too last Friday's.
The Lake Winnipeg Tragedy.
.411 doubt as to the fate of Bev. .1.
A. 11,1.-1 -Wan and the part y Mit left
ti•renN ItiVer ill a Nlillioat 011 Septette
lier 12th :91,1 had Inn sillis• heel, heard
from Was 11)/1110V1.41 by tlio. nulling of
his ligcly Rind those of all the other
..r f he party e X ell 11.11e.
On Septet ober Alt% Me-
Ltehlan left Ilert•tm River with nu
giiide and *ix Indian eitildren,
whom he Wan (aiding 141 1 he 1111liatl
Brandon. They •I..ft the
Berriim melt lenient early in I he morn-
ing in Mr. Mcirtehlaurto small sail-
boat, and this wits the last Keen Of
thelli. Thal night a terrific storm
raged vo•i• Lake 'Wititigwg for ninny
hours , MI the stoutest boaLts had to
put r shelter. It Wits he worst
storm e perienced 4111 the lake hi
remuit y ars. it,4 1 he part y had
41411441 011 ' 11 few hours .1wfore • the
orm iglea g up. it W44 11.10441 1 hilt
111.'y 1114 14;0,1 10 Wit ii11.41
1111:i4411111111g4)111::'re W114, he 11,1 of them. but
11 wont oat mi.!
as 11 t tkes se% rat day. too tie( rwws
front Ow 'north the 1.1'74. it was ex•
pecto..1 ot t lot • had refseised smite
Mani oof Rearing nothing
tram t heni, b00% .% 1:' •V. J4,41.1,11
11Idi.al agent at Sync irk„,
left to 41Y...A igate e affair. KAI)
iesilit that 31r. 314•1 Wan s body was
found near the '4101 Sanily !tar
i•oint. and t 'bodies f six ottlit•rs
t he part y fart het stood t he same
shore. There is mie Itt ly. that III a
lit t le *t ill tottinitig.
MelAtehliitt hail been in the
Methodist tttt work i the Nlirth-
west for t wenty•Hve yea . and WWI
14.0 11,111i7A41 104 111/11/ of the ell1 beg1
111011 ill 1 hilt Wiirk. 4144 Wait splendid
sailor, but the Morin in Whirl he was
lost, was exceptionally mevet
waisathutit fifty yearto 41 age 11.111,014
a Wife a1111 datighter. 11 js vife is
a (taught er•of Mrs: D.- Gordon 1141
Sinter of Mrs. U. Newton, .1r t, wit.
The Isantaxed relatives have the t •eio
sympathy of their friends t r
great and •Xpeetell line4. 311.. •
Liehlan u as well k .11 in town All
general regret is felt at his tragie
tint' .1). deaf It.
bor Notes. •
Ai 441011
\!1.11/41111141 re 1 he 111g 111111
Tile 004441' 1114111t tog Te114114:111 Wall
ill 1011 1111 Sat slay on her way from
o htignsuld too Inghtton.
The NVexford w lie4t Matiirday
wit h WAN, blashels w114•40 4 he
TIn\iieliesarier bla on came' in
m wo, f (UV. I...from
Sat in consignml to
for . vEwaii. ' 11Witires
The 0,tepti,h, ymcht rtora "mite
M ttttt Inv mityParrx' 04..111141. She ail
beell ern illg\/ 1 the los irgia
Ray &win t,he iminisier and is bonito
radimmeis ("no A: 111111 1.. NI.
rrivosl, Ion 1111 y ming
it LINO ions of coal from
Int Det .
The toehoon Ida Olson haol fowl
night of it 4111 M when off thia.
port. Reim( mu ob. to make the mi -
t mince ,mln• mignon ft or`lettlitIt a nee and
4 opt. (*rnigie weft mit. With On.
Evelyn. 1114
bring her in• t 1"6'n 1111:
towed the- sehotottet• fait peet.o• 111111
1 NMI I Wclowk uti Smith • mot 'Ong
11141 her rialaug at anchor. pro Rising to
el • hark fon her in the ti
The roughness of the ow 1 ean I her
tAl spring a leak mot
lable to keep pace and of one Owe
1.1 M41 tlipiolly that the im aloe too
there was about thn. feetot water 'in
the )40141. About 5:*/ Morn-
ing 'K., looked MO bad t hat t he crew
were nkitpc of itmvitgx the s•••--cl in
the yot . 111vivevel`. the u here-
itiletuts id he If was diaMovered and
heY mon 1 to nanik it' up fairl).•
well. The on wan
about II:31 rt. in 1014' tifi he E%
The eapatin oo Onto wa;oratitich
11."111:41?1.:111110.111111t.1.4141 • .0ne Per $1111-
'ortiFit• HI not
ill. Mot • IC Mill 'etif to see I'. M.
',.ty 11 refeeents. le the
matt It appears, 1141WPVer, that
raid. '1111$1i44 1414.11.111 tili showily
Der 7 14 141 pp. 0111. ,11111 hi% OW11
igi11141.1. 1111. Itti bond end it W/114
ply After 10 ling iip •r that lite
ti-4ei able to sti 1011.
The lug Pleo ig left otti Ottiltirday
catrrying fish in 1 ho tem•gisits itt.• for
for YViartoss. will :be .erig,:i\ pred
he re...1 of the 44.?,e
the Alg xp...ted o.
ay lir to ttttt orrow with knurl 'smite
f Wheat for he 144.4'0141r>
Stisiday morning it •opeeilli
oilde•headed trait) of oighlren
verity eills Went OM With hen/
siill I Ile elevator. .1 sioevial
1(01 t(irnittroitsti..
'that, ran in for .41104 yr on Tuesday
ittnil tip. not.
Th.. schooner !Collage eg Me The, -
41.1 liriermwm h eneg, lievbxr
I Pam trim Pine Tree Harbor and
4ingvenhatmoiley with a load oof timber for
VAN ATTICIt & Prom:gum&
Fariosr, Hick'. tough and Heave
110114ter 4 for hone., ? al 1 ',gill -al thug. Mon,
Take* MN Water hal h at Era aley'-- +hat Mg
parlors, next liritish Exelotitge hotel.. Et ery
thing fecatt end Iteoly at all hours.
Price, 2.1 omits.
Wouldn't yomr latac a bit better for a
fe'w Jobs of lipti4Istering f %V 1 hoer Spat la coo
mike yola old furniture look like new, without
.1 gn•at deal of vost, 'fry him and ,see.
111 I he Mote. they say -clever ' when they
mean • goot-liatOred. 11.1 pie wont i••
used to dentate it veil Alia degree uf tntent
.k ill. ?or exoniple. It. If. Sallow. does Moun-
ter). dr% or work in photograph\ •
over in Macedonia the Turks and the ( hris-
1 but. are 4•4111ilig each other 10 payee., obit.,
here in 1 inderieli. I nitarin, 1 'n1414114. F. J. l`rid•
haln 4.3410.1V villting mil MI and wilder
"Mikes fur I lie 1101011.41.e. This iy 11111! el/1/111
awl Pridkoin J. 1111e 14110e
1.44.1 week we int ited 11.4.4.• 41.0 4-ete 41/1/111
10 be Married to eome to 11- fo.- the wedding
invitation, : 'tire e gli next dal
)04111g ausisaii alkyd in and asked
ii• to prim aOlise for her. She Mel already itr
ranged With the )oung Ulan, and it .4X before
noun. mitt. %Vital woman li I, done. suntan
ilmey do.
Large quatitt it irs of apples ha 1.'n. been-
deliveissl at the Doderich .evinporatpr.
Chum. Thomax started Checking ba
loge atotiti at the (I. T. ,R. 'stet tttt 411
l'erfertion stovepipe mantel is the
latest and Iwst. ORO, ALLAN sells a
Vie tin for 10e.
The Vide of Itill.01.111 for a breakwater
41f tioderich harbor entrance was
pasaed tho. lionise ton Tuesday last..
Fred. Martel, recently of the New
West ttttt istet• branch cif the Bank of
INIlvzdat.real, 1. now locatts1 at Coiling -
A meeting the D. N.• 1V. exhibi-
t• !sunlit wi be -.held im 31 la)
next to wind ut the lousiness of tht•
fall show.
The Blyt Is fait. w held tow Tuestla
lillii Wilifienliny of t is wt.ekl I ha
a large attendanee. 1•71. fro
town wee.. there.
The Harmony W11111 W: 411,11141 their
first hop t mow night 11 tht• Odd -
fellows Hall. A emit& ti toads are
eN pee beill Ilp front Clinton.
Judge ft tocrm first appear. lam on
t he betteh i lioderich Wit11 he n the
1141.10144111 14 t I* Assizes tot he hell Oda
month, e owing on Tuesday, he
SPN h.
. E. N.. Lewis will oeritpy the room
'above Miss l'i t •11 in's millinery store
iss offices and is having aut entranee
made betWeen Miss Catmeron's and .1.
H. Worsen's.
The many friends here of Mims
Andrews will regret 141 learn
that since she has been out West
to visit her sister. Mrs. Perry, she has
lost the sight of 011e of her eves.
Mayor la.wis was at the Blyth - fair
yesterday. lit. states that the '.1'. It.
iwyeyors ha ve nowt! thi• 1%1 a it lit th I
1) wo•en Nlatichester aunt Hairs bridge
11114 are 1141W apprilaelling the N Wage
of •t 11.
Last \week, Mtortly l'is. 4eVer/I1
11(01444 11 fine-looking second-grtowt It
strawItergies in theit• 414.111/ window,
hearing the. legend "Slade in biotic.
rich." Tin.Y\were grown by the ( 'his-
Indins just aelV11411 the river.
31'.. are tett • to -learn that 'I.
‘Vright. man 44 the London
branch of the to eimer Plant° t:o..
and son of .1,..1. W • lit 44 the Park
11, owe, who recently tidied On a trip
141 the %Vest tht• interest ail the
company, was obfiged \to return, on
Wei/110d 1/ 1110444.
Last Sat utility after tt Mrs:
Williattoi Platt had a mina y. her-
self and three ehildren being ti the
'rig. The horse starte41 Ugh own.
reel awl raltiArmatill by he latit dry.
it was st dimwit lio•ar Wits.' ot's n w
11141! 1114 1101101' .111dge
nage Wiln done. \
1'. Ilaydett\interula pemov-
is dental 4 1111044 dhe rooms ott
him stool, att presynt ttecuipied
J. L. Turnbull 4141 liVing 114.011111,
'11411111 Will 11014 11 10 the 11011Se
11 111,11101141 by (imp. Achemoli.
(+emelt Win liVe iii 4 house
•itcat tot • by .1 Masson's
r. TurtiladratinicP4- .4
111 414 1t1 1111141'411,
Help the Town.
toy Dr
1 W. Tit
at pre*.
and Mr.
f •Iy.
1.1111141.. 14411
- How t
The f(4h)visi g remorks from T11.•
St.„51ary's Argo have an application
o Minns in this town and are
wth thinking 0 :
ring the pistil
ollts1 e 11111141 bats 1.
Ilae 11 e '14 .10
the en i•. ns of lid
at trawl i
ail kill& tit
they oof t 4.11
wo or three weeks
11101 111:1killg free
cirelllat ill I
(IiRt Fief .
and 110111. lel% otter
XIS by mail order
II Du: alimony. It is
no intro tit tg for people to buy
by rya through t • rimalays• taNIN
am am 114 V/)11•
have the a41 -
w loth they moithl op
tageoush• at Wolin. 11111
vantage .11 seeing and loosing the
goods hefore I hey buy'. T 's Met hod
of birdlime. does thd build 3 111Ie'S
ti/111, neither is it fair too th los-al
dealers.' 1;',Very fatt.iner or ot her per
non-ni‘o II% en ill this vicinity is in-
terested, in (he tortagoerity of Mt.
Mat.y's. ‘tr twiny. in 01041 y Ise desires
(41 See 1 a 1,111114. 11411...tined.. The ptitn.
petit y "an be maintained and riper -
4 v. -Value increased hy patronizing the
loyal merchants. NI,. town of eittl'ett
'yowling sine iinn Letter. stores, e
up-to-date merchants, ill. 11101N• Oblig-
ing clerks 1 11/111 MI, Marv's. Anything
that anybody wroth+ in ibis vicinity is
to he found In theme storm, and if
there ehottild Ite anything else di•sited
I lie met•chant ..:... tr..r 11 rm, .hiP4 MIN -
1 'T. 1,et every cit Ittell ilf the district
in miler tl?ese things. then dent with
the local merchant. , ,
Now. Mr. Merchant, a word with
\ y011. Do pili Make as litter/11 1lMe Of
:printing ink as y011 shfalld ? lk
y44114r lUIVellisellietll appear 111(111/111
y11411111h17`441741, Ille"1117rerfl'.. 11%11.4:i:1'1'f 4 .14%11.3.41Y 0: ft
who tteYer advertise, lir Whose i0 es -
tieing is spossimalie. This is be for
von and foi VilitIr 1•1041 Inner. Th 0. /Hifi
(loin\ just a's welt liy The Argue
on vont,elf not wallet' •M in Ity oof
ing omot*iole printers mil re for
ism itinel y. 1.14.„ When 1 41140. 1401111 Ile
Last Week the traveller for a 'rorionto
orgatia hollow ;mow through town
and le wl that he had token orders
film c rt la I printing from many
tii•nw. Wita this fair to the iit•ws-
staters ? Theme 'sperm are Imblished
ti your intereod : I hey fry to Nerve the
listrict I hormig1114" and fairly : they
re well equipped for all kinds of
comnicreial and other printing, rind
11 printing that, they eon do for the
itizeno of I he town should be done by
limn. Think thin 1 Wel', Mr. Merch-
sit. It is to the iiiiitArl intreeet of
nerchant. enstomer 1 newispispeg.
14 Koppel% le 'wing ma.le on the
ill Of the new tug on the island. a
The attbetulanee at t.ho. l'erry, 0'11/elf I
thw vaudeville performance at the tt
Ferh lii0110140 0141 monan,, was slim.
_ _
Notice to 1'i -editor, M. 41. CaniciyAl . 1
shpt., few Male lir. J. Is ?striation ,. 1
Ihit %Voided Wm. Andehoon, 1
ratIt In !let). 41'. 1411artliali
144.110W 11/14 tithe.. 41. tV.T1totionitt & nun • • • 3
*art at.' %Vault. a Mr* S. A. Stegaw •••. 1
There'. a limtle 111 1 be /111,01w., .4. H. 1'01.
ttt 4
tiinecl Sly 11, 111 N11,41111e4. final a
our eitenognipltets. 111 lientaiul 1.entottingtoti
1104114,4 4 "liege
lie Sore 441141 Nee . . 1.rit111.4111
4111 alit 1 14 . McKim 5
II.try est 'foto.. Sale 51 . h„ 2
!Man/ it:tod 'tit t..4 for seta -Frank El t I
Ifouse It•ait liox ist. (iuderich .
Ha, e 1.00k Album
{tit& laps1 Miguel 1
A1111 tttttt 0144114 iloo. I.. Alton .. . I
•teth for Iron, Itagi,ete. Ina% c Brown I
4 'dun 4.f idon Towtolilp of ( 'ulbunie 1
.14mr 11air Vigor
. -
Rev. Joe. Elliott, preached at an ap-
pointment thwyteinity of Settforth
on lay.
Next Sunday Rev. SI. Tumileill will
x4.1i mgpulpits with Rev. M. M.
(ioldherg, of Dutigantatat luid Port
Tho4,4. I). Ilawley will preach in the
Disciple chtirelitiext 14 lay evening
on 'The Ditaitiguishing Principles of
the Ihisciples.-
Rev. 'I'. H. roupland, of Auburn,
occupied the pulpit of North street
3Iet Wallis) church laud Sunday in the
absence of the pastoir, 01141 WAS preach
ing a emery set- ttttt 104 at W141.11111d.
RAW. .111. Okiker, the popular yew
tor of Liattovel; will preach miumion-
all' set. ttttttt Win tho Milt 11 Street, Meth-
odist chum!' • next Sabbath. - Mr.
Oliver 'has recently lotten transft.t.red
from the city 44 Tortuga) Ito Listowel
and is an eloquent and impressive
speaker. At the ret.ent liousion coy-
fPre"e"" `vi"rhani "e °a" 'me 14
the puhhe ault 11.4..SeS created a
prof 1 impremmion. Dr. Elliott, of
IN•troitand Rev. Mr. Oliver were
4.01114i411/1141 the great speakers of the
The seventh I convent' of
the Ellwitet" Learemuf Wt"ttflitti"Itte
trill will be he 41 in the . et hodist
Ch1111.11, HI'llasela, 1111 Ft•ithly, tn.tolwr
Hth. l'here will be three sessions, at
a. 114.. 1:31 and 7:31 D. in-. the eve-
n g Setilti0111 being a song sere in
cha • of Presidt•nt Mather of
rlls. Is League. 'Rev:J. H. Wh
wri endent oof mita/dons, of Ka -
It os, C., will give missionary ad-
dle'. ma I Rev. Prof. NIeldtughlin,
Toro 1, I 'ill also givt• A41411114411141111.
Une 9 he 1 MOM of the afternthan
-.session ill I • a 14/11feVellee 0111
wtort 1 se work. 1411111111.1141 • by
Kei of Brussels. •
Voiiii People's•Societ y 11 1102
c111110.11 111141 n ieressful social i;vening
on M. intlity. eim Was ts large at -
0.1141allee, 4101 t • tukiihers of t be
.44.61 y ionoyided good him for all.
1 114. program inch led 11 trument al
numbers ity the Nli 311 -ray and
Dyke and Mr. Iwthbru • •itation
by Miss Mem& Walters. oral 014 by
311.4 me %qui, And J. llll and
a quartette by Memptrot. ightn in.
Th Let hIst•idge and !Amyx
Miss Mkimings read one f he
"stenos. entitled "I ktother." and o her
recall gave an instrumental owl
The serving of. refreshments was he
conehosion of the evening's progra 1. •
' Rev. T. 'A: campbeii.
The services at Vietorks reet
:dot hodist church last Malsboth
lat-ge eimgregat ions •iiing a
evening. It Wam the 414.004 ttttt of
/4 lllll tal special typist' for the mission-
ary eallme, 11 eallrle in which the pent&
of street are taking
interemt„. anti il Watt A1141 1111 1511040d
of Rev. T. M. t' Bell ipeellpinley
a ilotlerich pulpit Bey abowneo ot
and although to. • flight - of time
Min las ought some t•hangtni in
his option ram. he •spealos with
all his obi vi and olonniolso.
WA.. a phsvoire to heat. hint I /till, n1141
After the Set. iees many hie olill
friends enjo. 491 liandshoke anti a
few words th him. The choir of the
churl+ ten eted special lllll sic for the
oce4144i1M. toolleetilinn 1111141nOtell
tit 1111412 goodly sum in aid of khe
mIsslow y el l tt±ral 111114.
Two reat Papers for One Dollar.
A ew ye/114 it 41011/0' Weekly Wm.
1041 141 1111011 114 llllll 1.11011111114•04.
N w We are enaldril to offer two
titers for that small M11111. Hy special
nil exclusive arrangement with The
Montreal 1,1'eekly We iffer it
and The Mignal for 11111/ year .forr
dooltait . The filter im extruonlinarily
that it mboon141 he taken rultant•
ago. 4 if toy every tnan.wooman Anil child
who can t1•1441. rho. Mignal im the 'elut-
ing lownl potper of this district. The
Ift•rald is a mom. for the home anti
farm. gi% ing the news of the world,
and a 4111145 41 entertaining reading.
The two papers. at allell 11 twice. make
an irresistible combination. Maniple
4.4 spies of Th.. 41...1.Ietis_ /2____ttfit offlee.
Mies Davidson, of Elora, visiting
her el Mitom Kate (01tiphitrite.
John Campbell. of Illanoork, Michi-
gan. Iola been atuoitling A few week*
at his h at Eintail.
E. nick will remove Mena th.24
middle of next lllll nth to the odor* at
the corner of Not•th /street lately
vitt•ateel hy C. (I. Newton. We under-
stand that Drs. Whitely end (tallow
will take the office's novr occupied by
Metiers. ProinItont k Bey..