HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-1, Page 8:13 Tnuranav, Oct. 1•, 1 '(B THE SIGNAL : OODERICH ONTARIO. DEEPER CUT. IN PR/CES There is no delaying for the usual after season clearing sale, for greater reductions will prevail now than you could possible profit by waiting. Values herewith for this week are bound to give a wider ac- quaintance among saving folk, for its a s gnally sea- sonable reduction sale. Clearly it's your mistake if you fail to come VVe begin with the Jack- ets Not one- of (he• bundled or newt.44 Irind.omr 1(r -malate garments es. rapw•s'1hecut in twice. there's just this :a1MKU it. the stock is going to be re- duced and we invite every women i1( . this cot:anim ty who has the reheat est idea td milking at cloak purchase this season to close now. IG• pularti eI_ iu/krts •cin • a4' *11.5o • • ete.t141 Rrgulnr 111.1414 Regalia] IIZS.IMI •• .. yt11,:141 Furs Sacrificed 'We unman i1, (Well' wont. The sleek has Iw.'n carefully g''nr through. )•very article of fur in it, has Iiere,t.. du(ssl it price. Ther' s 'h mope)' saving importance tea this sale. Isn't 11114 y4alropportunity tllllity It Hits the Men's Goods and Hits them Hard .411 lint•s of mer'•N g(MlIN go un ler r NI ' Io1 •'. the knife. 'mIN n urs. Nay'. suits. enelrt4tte. hats, shirts. Prices Talk hem with 1111 lucerlain drool. 1.1.1114. 1,1 IIN 111111 Nate 1110114.) any wields fo` Imes or boy's. Shirting Bargains . B.74 hist bhark and blur American shirting, regular Lit• line, for 121c, Hest Meavy- plapet fllulnt•h•tte A1111im it\assorted colors. regular 124.• for Inc. Ikea envy. wide prints, in navys. Irrls. pit s, bt:eek and white 1.4414.1•., IMghle 12 print, for 114,. Dine ?..ins 4ulolel flannelette,. in pink and cur a ,apes, the regular 124' lin.•. for ilk•. FINE MILLINER)' AT REASONABLE PRICES is the demand 4 the hour and the BIG STOKT is ready to satisfy the de- mand. Such a display of fine hats was never befo seen in Goderich. Come and view our styles. Smith Bros. & Co. • CHURCH NOTES. Next. Sunday etenipg '1'1. i'i1.. 1►. Ilawlev will pt.'acI in the Di -emit. ,'I nn h, on SeN111; als•.•t, n4, "XVIIat • w:Is tile 1 hal-thus' Church in 1144• First Clattery?" - Knox church 1'. E. Sen•ie)v wilt give 1(t to the lecture room of the rhmn•le nevi Meenday .et ening. Die !A 14 1)INl e.. ,4.b•. n Altar• cordially -in- t )reel. Attire. and lefrwl lowlife w ill IN• inelai lel in the ptr'gi: 1(l. Ad(Ili. ion 1nce41.. '1114' Women:, 'Alen:s A..xilia ;we hewn t • o)•glrltzerl 111 \'ict(11.111 .1114 1 :41.1 11141114 rha11.h 11a• Ilfr'tWiYlflh',•I 'es f1111nw''. Mn. 1V. 11. Graham. ptr•si lent a ors, (leo. Ilat•t i , mice -pr sid e, t. Mrs. J. H. Mtllian. earrmteerv: Alis. N. Barry. treasurer : Alt», G. 1I. Elli Ito, rurt•es• remain:4-we'et:ar)-. The see )roti Thurs. d:ay,nf 4';44 h month was "el -fel As 111. 4'•e _ n l:11• time of . mre•t i lig, I(.IIIt hay w•as nllr(•tvee at North N Get )le•t'waist Sunday -Medley a sec, i.el p''4.4.lpl. itee•Iwding responsive r•,•, elites-. adllii•-Zees by the intetor and- •uper•int.•ndent, singing; en she.11 ad- dresses .n. the lessons fey ,lass A Swan and Alias Olise''tilrn, An es- pecially pleasiuu feature 11 the Jm•o- ce4rttrlgr was lin ,address f MIN11•1•. of Chicago. a form srpwrin- Icndplil of the :wheel a st 11 tr•tains his :naive interest in Sableeth,seties Work. Then• was it goM.il ietteralnnrn, end the aflertwttln'eppt.lgrnm Waseptite• ' ur.essfull'?str ell out. Levi Sunday was n1,.e4ced nt Vic. 101411 !11 1141 Me1h,141114 s•hlurh IS 1114• animal Minute,- Wilmot Helly lhuy. At the session of the school in the afte•r- 1.l)I14111 n temple of. 'IN'ftl ,Mets were. rendered very niwelt• fey. Isle, Stella • Nicholson and Alauele Ile and M i4s•s 1),.-.wTinel 114414., Alt.. 1Re Graham read :rrerce elimly interest g paper '.'n the .settees t, of mission. '1 h,• chllr•II owrt'ier In tine evening tliiaft the form of a plat norm ln4etMg. at )WI, - iiiiiitesses111)nplssitil/:try Ike'ine, tt•/.r' 1 given lev,.t,- \Veaoti'n and .1. H. A1iI' Ilan.. .1. \\', Hnwl.•rtck a'rden't a'lI %,111 very alceplahly. It amens. w 11 I fortale Mahe of the ,-Imre), :nod net . great w(r1PIn fled I: •lel busy •nett 1 laking tine•amt plat for sn h things and gladly ils.umin new :nod ed- lar•ged maw akileihtles. Thr collec- tion next 5 lay, when 'Rev. T. M. Campbell will ).retch, ea be in aid of tea -slims. Th Nang( than Aire :t Npden'lid elle** 111 1 big missionary rt.11ctl.n this )' 4''111)41 their efforts t Im deserving of high degree of •n 1••.s, 114'. lt,aufplwl will be heartily welc sl not only ly the people 4..1 this cleaner', hilt ,ala of his former-ft•ieuds.will be glad to see ;toil h,•ar hila again. The missionary meeting of -t hr "ie- toria streef Epworth la-sgue this t(tek ams well attendee' : it was held Alon- ehty night ite.iratl of Tn.4da4•• un ac- ro nt of Ihr flair. •Ali's', \V,ishingt..n oflit'ntion, came alp for the ex'(as' ',Ind 5$'.4' ate enthu4iaetiv 144141 a+s min fnr•ignlnisNinns, showing byea,ttisties :111/1 otherwise the great retina for iuI- 11114icnelltir the present atienntl M assist:elle.'-5 yf•n the cause, W1,1,•h 114, 404'1111 se.'(1n,1 111 tense inimpurtt :no.'. In the aleence tar Hey. Jas. Messer. eel !lean (•stifle. -.who had been expected, Rev. 3 Graham and J. H. Alillian speak. for et rbort time ..n the -nb�)'(.••rr-t. The rx•e•ting was c(ndncte•el by \\'iII. Elliott. ()n Tneslay evening tbe+membel.c of the' North aateet- kp ttetbleague entertained letWeete Harty NMI fifty fellow-Leagguers f - the\ 0nteri0 sheet Methodist church. Clinton. The Neitnn . were welr•omed in an ittdeltew, by Rei-, 11r. Daniel, to which Het', iir. (',e.k,.ltll'teor• of the Ont4rin str.•rt ehnrrh, meek reply: ' The Clinton yon15 ibtsiiple then gave a Very enjoy- able program, including et tending -by NineAltInrrh. a Mel lay.`lieees Shipley and ('11nrti1V. *1 ..11111 by Apr Welt and 11 clever n4ldress by. AIiNs ('nylla• 1111 ••See•iahility." I(.•treshnwntN were then mused. and the visitors left 1., h. • wit I11ng tteriWV lnight. '11tr eery ices at St. George's ' church bet' Marshy on the neer elc)n 111 00 rnlual h:arv,rlt • tlln nksgiving Well, !tart irnhtt•Iy bright and joyous, esp e- tnily. in the evening, than the service' Wits ctl11ral and an 1rehestra of vieoliin. flue, elarinel and karma aided in the mim414', the players being tea mmmmmt rmmtrtvrtttintrttrrtrtmme 1 AP- t►Mrs- Os- G (lPcidt'd 1,) handlll• Coal Oil on a larger scale than heretofore,.,wemish to intro- duce a new oil, a better oil, an oil that will not blacken your chimneys like the common. This is that oil we sell as our best. - Try a gallon an(l be convinced. Price is a little higher, but, what is that when you get the lxest ? Of couISe we sell the cheap oil also: Our oltfakis to give satisfaction to all. Sebe . our \ 4.00 and '$7.00 air tight heaters, somethifig real good in the stove line. McKenzie & howell priceft.ill l:inlls (If hstrlI'.%;) })stints, etc., at right �► �1�1Ju�1111111111 UI�UI1�1 Uj 111 --4110 a 1 '1 , Frank Deity, Harold Blackstone, 11. Cuff and Jas. Thomas. An effective tient elemental muttering of "The Lust Chord- wan given during ire faking of the offertory. The church WAN prettily decorated with 11,Iw•rl•s, fruit, grain anti limners, and the choir• desks were appropriately ad11l•ll('(l wit h beinche4 of oats. Ret'. Mr, 1'rat ie. rector of Christ church. Petl•ulee, preowned, morning': and evening 1111(t was waisted fu the mervlres by v. D. M. Franklin. w•it wry 1 in the interests of "The ['en/t- itian ( 1 •Loom." Mr. Craig's atl- dlesses Were -Nitta( a thankful appte•i- at ion of the blessing4 we in Cannata en- joy. a justifiable pritheig the extent, I•eseeureei and progress of the ruunU•y ;old +veleep sense of 1 he chutc,h'e dart y tea the nation du looking after the spiritual welfare of the great West. :Noel he collections were to be devoted to the parochial f 1s, more particu- larly with the idea of meeting the in- creased epp4n•tiorment made by tete church missionary 400011". Mr. Craig asked for et literal contribution. The offerings lunuuntevi to 8911.18 and Mt -titer t•ontrihutlems. 'fn conte in will increase this amount. Mr. Craig's text i1( aIle morning Wail Pastor x1'11 --I. "It 1s a K1eKI thing to give thanks unto the laud.;' In the eve- ning he chose the worts from i).11-3, "Thom hast ltiplitd the nation and to 11 nu -erased the joy : they joy be - fere then according to the joy in harvest." Last Sunday was Children's ' i)a • Ihroughelur• the Prt•sloyterian 4'l 4) in Canada cud an interesting order of 4ert'i.e w -as prepared by the General .rnabN^ for the emelt ' In 111e afternoon att Knox t•hutr•h the supwr- intrndrnt, J. E. Torr. presided, and the various exer•iees it1 the order of service were suce•essfully eat't•itr] out. The setaicr was of x patriotic nature .and was.. divided into three s•e•tions . entitles , i (h1r Nat onal Heritage. - .1 1,11. rritagr."'•O,4'• Nett i al Strength" and •'Our .N ttiouad li 1y,' and ComuSAd of try •, vesper •iv,• matting. the repeti• 111111111 the tent au11landnlente by the schoI•u•s and the ru11 tall, in which cath class as it a (called lose, the teacher I.•ptarting t r total ue1(114 ship and the member resent, and the c L•tss lepeatingitheir it Itto. Uurine the service a baptism s colehrate•41 I.v the praetor. Her. os. Elliott. teacher of t11e boys' intent' i14te Bibb erase, and the pastor. Hee. J. , And arson, had Arens on the plat10 1(I a1111 .111'h gan•r a short'ad(htss. Re Mi. Elliott. speaking of patriotism, fer- rel to,a1(r Saviour as the tyles t.1 t on, plh•ieatism. Wrhad it country th should inspire every (*menden' Wit11 love for it, but it was when we -bream, thorough. Christ imis that we paean.' thorough patriots. and the lest fruit). Hr. pats*.Ball wvnld he sour (ffort4 for our ,•marry''.. truest Wrlfarr, Ret Mr. Aoderwnrsplike on "Thr Natiohal \-dlu.• of mit. Sabbetth Schee es." The. Value of 1lilt Sabbath schemll, he said, Auld mot 1e Ise! Duetted and it did .t it wqulil t,fav at large part i1( the. Irl Man life of i y tog St 111 develop loft t • tiro like the Ian/ Whin nation. V he rrlig' iiia' action +Ivan rx- eluded lent the 'eel). 14 anti where humor t,'a' ing *As hi t imperfectly attended we shelf d near the Sunda)' sell as effect le as tolssible. The services emeleidell, with the. National Auth en. prays- ;nil the hem -diction. PERSONAL J. P. Brown, was'.) 111.111.1i. ENYIO n ratfon J. E..lerbnston WAN up tr•o ton during the week. Alr. ,Ind Mrs. Hunt are apie -heart visit in (Iii, ave. The Misses (,:arrow• hare return their 1 •In T.wont°. - ' Mi.. Sinclair. of Toronto, is again kiting her sister. ills. Seager. i..' Lizzie Campbell and Alts. 1\'. T..•- mere). are visiting friends in Ife- 1 keit. Ret-. Y. D. Allege*. has Breen hulk - peened 11'sweek with an attack „1 AIrs. Rot 1 \Vhitely retnrneel to Cleicago,.)•eet clay after a viten in t1 Hurl) nag 5 - to town. Mrs. Gea,don t this morning 1i., l/ttawa, th visit r naught. r, A1rs. Salton. Arise 1'n.rirr, (It'. nget'ill4', tuts Icrn visiting lere•ou'sing Mrs. 3leltn 1111we11. Miss Al'av Daihlop left this mernin to r0nrrenee ante het ternl:'at th University, - \ 31is. ((race Strang returned da at 5 \ `• to Torralto to Ire , her e(Ilr nl4• varsity, •• Alias Helen Strang has returned from New York and will remain herr 'for some time. Mita Emil) Bleph:ant heft last week r Tilnlnto to continue her r11ttrae at . Hilda'N ('nllrgl•. Malcolm Macdonald left on Sadu1- dity for Toronto hl runt' • his pate studios at thegolslr Hall. A1i s' Amelia Harland, of ('lirtbin, Die e Wast Week in town with her emisin, Miss Ida Harland. Mims Ida Hailand lift yesterday thing t0 spa•nd.a meanth's holidays with 11.•1• aunt at 5'tt lnria. \\'es. and Prank 11d(vard•+ left yes- terday nll)rnlnyl for Hamilton tap at- tend the Ontario Nnt•nial ('ollrg4', AJiss (►'Iseighlin, 111 ‘Vest. \Vawn- nn.11, 111•Io1(lpnnied by Miss Aleehan, 4.f Itialfslea. Was in hien (hiring the work. Alice Jessie Straiton returned to Korlest,'t N. Y., this week lifter -pending 4et•1•ra1 weeks t'f1ilitig het• • herr, Ahs( ,914 .1 Robinson, of Lltcknow. returned to her benne Harley, after n 4',('4' $ %•lett with Mrs, Ellett Hallws, Broca. street, Miss .1.•asie Robertson left ye.ter- dav 111 take a notation in the. high scht.'1 department of the Brareleridge model while ll. Misr 1eaos-1 fetrarhan arid Mist 1. I 51)11iu' we're visitors from e'It1Na, 'Tuesday evening, tet nrnin5 t he next nnelr•nhlg, Alex, Compere'''. eaf Cleveland. form- ,•r1y 4,1 (1.wleri••t,. ens Visiting 11e 'k•slrv, Itiggineem, of town, (lancing 1Ie pipet ta•11 tylr•kN, • Mee, Sewell hal been cisiling in SIt•a*Mehl mid la,nil11 ), at the letter lace being I he Racal of her Mieter-in- kW, Alta, Tan1h1r11g. 3114.1 Ineyli' lane game tee ('hielrpfn to engage in anal as n mime and Alive Helen h,lyle to atteeding the Scheel of !Wankel it Science m Tlmmto 1). If. MacKay reteirnerl hoot week from hie trip to the Mealtime I'r+yinr441 in the interests of the ear5nn renn)mny. Mr. Mae.Kay leeve4 I him week 1111 a trip to the Weed. 1.1 •1 Nefti•I, who relearned n few any.. n5,, 11,111i Miehipit11teo IfAt•iolr, Whets hr had ,,pent the summer in mission work. lease,, this wi•ek for Toronto to take the final year of hie divinity r 11(1 at Trinity l'nivereity. John tampion left (,n Tweeter for Ptltat,(n•g. Pa.. where he will remittal, 114 St his posit' ill the Ww►atlttghousr Electric"' Co. Carl ('aulpIon went hast week 111 81.1411tf0ld 1,041 InlY draft• Mg with the 1Vate1W114 kw:patty in that. city. Henry Ruhhlsou, 1Vaterloo street. returned Frid.w ft•um et six weeks trip through :Manitoba and the Ne)rtk- west. At the time of 'the big wlow- t4 0FI, oat thele, wtut'Ii lasted' for nearly fifteen htxltrt, he was i1( the Cleave of the district eovrrd by IL Mr. and Mrs, ileo. Gordon, of \',rt - c entree, H.1'., !pen( x couple of dare in town this week, calling on relative. and frieud4. -Mr, (Meehan wail n dele- gate to the Sovereign Gland Lodge of (lddtellows ieleutly held at Halt Mete, NM., and took the (.planet 1•)' to visit the 1111111e (1f IK1yhtIo1 years ere return- ing to the facade coast. GIIRR€NT LITERATURE, Arra teen ITn .4 , RaTY.-\1'ith the-M1tntter number ' ('Alt14tilla(1 Magazine `chows its twenty-' t.u1- it thus a1Uiining its majority. has been published just tem and a half years, each halt year making a large vol No °thee, ('autulian peri- odical has had such x anweesaful record, and it 14 oak's well for the patriotism and culture of the people of Canada. The eon -rent, nmrlwe coul1411144 a splendid •u•eount of the famous Battle of Lundy'a Lane by Or. Hannay, with illustrations: a terag- i,it 1' I rut article by 1 tr)fe•Nsn• Milner (trotting with the ancient mad modern eoi.eptions of liberty : en illustrated 1114' of the l'otttttlrlrutl ('°°glees at :Montreal by Ernest 11. ('/4o 44-I :t bit DRI Fall Wall Paper $a ('leasing sale of all bides , t wall paper now io stuck. 2; cash discount, Rrmenlber, in order to get the *hove eli.cprnt, 'dal 4.i must be paid far at liner of purchase. No wtmplel lulls given out luring Wall Paper sale. RDIIEIMR11 PIANOS, Phone MOH., GEO, PO Importer o Fine Walt' Pa Nt=Ynmt Victoria Opera .IH FRIDAY EVENING,, THJ( LITERARY DR EV:NT OF THE 8 EDITH ELLIS BA a. R SUPPORTED 'Oil' DONALD ROBERTSO AN 1) A SKLEI'11:1) COMPANY 1\ 'The Country Y Girl" This ('ompany will be lieneinboued in (leelertrh as the s(1ele which pre - melted "The Alam in the (nal Afesk" hoere ,,tette lime ago. Popular Prices. Victoria Opera House Wednesday, Oct. 7 ONJE NII, IIT ON1,1. A. Q. Scammon's t;oe in nettle!, ionsly droll comedy -drama Ii • » l e-CaCU P F'I'LL OF MIRTH AND 111 EMM - A! ENT. STRONG S11'I•AT1ONS ANU RF,NSATTONAI, EFFE(TS, Embracing a comp)nny of CLEVER COPIEDIANS present ing t he Int eel, 'tongs and dances. THE CREATORS OF COMEDY THE ALKNoWL EtKlEI) LEAIfERB OF ALL. Plan et Kidd',, H,00ketotr.. Prices, 23c., 311c. and got. of romance front British l'olumbla history, eut,tled "Two, Let Towns," by M. S. Wattle; an Illustrated der erlption of Threshing on the Prairie by \V, H,,. &enutd, and au illustrated article on the ,British Emlutssy at AA'ashiugtou by Walden Fawcett. The Hun. Clifford Siftem le, -the celebrity of the month. There are stories and 1Ke11141 ley Jean Hlewett, \'amts Sheen!, Albert H. Carman. fleawort MiHeau Johnston and J. 1V. Fuller. Thr departments •-ate sal interesting ate usual, completing what is undoubtedly an exceptionally tine nn1111wr. Our Unprecedented Offer. The Montreal Weekly Herald is a Model of careful condensation. All the chaff winnowed front the .wheat. A paper for home and farm. Whole• 41(11(44', elevating, informing. 'A great dollar journal.' It and 'The Signal for One year for only ole 44.11141. Semple copies of The Herald sent on-.applica- ion, or may 114' 1344e1 141 our tattler. GRANDTR NK hanksgiving Day Thursday, October 15th, 1903. Single Fare for the Round Trip between all stations i1( ('auada, in- cluding Detroit and Putt Huron, Areh. . also to but out from, Buffalo, libel. Rue•k, Mnspeusiou Bridge and N i,tgar14 FAlls, N. Y. Tickets Good Going October 14111 and 15th. Valid returning on 114' before Mon- day, October ISM h. pecial Colonist One Way Excursion Tickets Note 1/11 N111. 111 1Mlints in H1'11 11111 ('ol- 111111ia, .1u11tan1t, Utah, Idaho, Ore- n, Colorant. and 1'alifot•nin, \, Hunting Season Appl) to Agents or write to J. D. MI•- i►onal . District PA.sr1(gerAg'' nt,Tor- onto. • f illustrates' pamphlet, entit- led, "Hatt , is of Fish and (.ante," a For tick Iplp.to LAW c4' hours and all 'information CK. Town Agent 114 W N► p. 111. warf Prices on 'ant Values 1Ve have it another of lines that must be mold at greatly reduct'l priers. 'these mimes are perfectly good value at tregu- lar prime but we fe:l that we indult clear our stock of the ,aid fatten, Have arranged a table of very special values which it will !1(q' you to book through. The lot cutiaiatie of men's, women's, hope', 111148144' and children's shoes. - If low prices kt' a bargain, high quality doubler it, and that in why you should ser theme goads. QUALITY for Women, �uLE AGENCY cult Walkover for Men. Repairing DOWNING BSc Successors to E: downing. ,Thr Detroit Journal is now Metall- ing 11 new quadruple prose. it will elect ri.9p,(Utjl and w111 print, fold, letter and count MU papers • minute. Joseph (liljeuu, of lugersull, ()rand Master of the A. 0. U. W., will ad - drew aublic p inertias to b4' held i1(. the Temperance Hall on the evening of Monday, October 12th. There was 4 (air attendance at the Opera. House on Monday evening, when the "Mikado" was given again, • trade and commerce, and should prove useful to those of our citizens who are occupied on the Take daring the summer. They are ale) able to announce that threalgb the kindness of A. Saunders several trade journals which come to the organ factory ars placed 013 this table for the benefit of (butte frequenting the reading room. - and the production waN g00111.DUNLOP BROS', The public library boatel desire to make known to the reading public the St 1141C11111011 10 tfieir already large list of maggaxinen of The Marine Review, published every week at Cleveland. Iisgstss St., sett King Edward hotel. Ohio. It is replete, with matte! of interest to all engaged in navigation, - - eam Laundry For Drunkenness p.n.l' en.. v4'• 444 titin NINA THE and, eeieyOra usiOtter ng CURES Keller 14eetirw. 44 len St. West TORONTO, o. Having pear•hared an up t,, date 44148(111 1au11dry plant and engaged the service•,, of a pew. - tical man with city rxfwrh1nre at the hued: wee we ars prepar- ed to elo all kind's of laundry work promptly and sttisfac- tori{)•. A char• of your patronage t> revert fully w)lictted. (loads tabled (or and delis ered• DUNLOP BROS. TELEPHONE No. 23- I HODG ENS BRO 2.4 0004 WEST .4 nAMIt,TOM' STREET Prices , cot Everything PRICE should he base las and least consideration in fur buying. Your safety in buying furs lies in our confidence iny you buy from. The prices of our furs are based n thethe firm qualitythe of the goods. The value is in what you get not what you pay. The more you pay for furs here the more you get in quality. At Any Price Your Money's Worth Every Time. - - - We buy our furs from the most rel) People whose name is synonymous with out the trade. We stand behind all we English Flannelette \ 1e furriers in Canada. iaeliable qualities through.. sell. New .Kid Gloves No flannelettes like those made in England. None that wear as well. None that wear as long. None that keep their color like them, Cheapest „because best. Customers who buy •them once never like to take any other kind. Our new -fall stock is here fresh from the old country loo Big range of fancy patterns and many qualities iri, plain colors. . At 12 I -2c English flannelettes, heavy weight, plain or twilled, soft. -• finish, big asemea 4ent of nett, patterns 1I nil realm. t•onl- fellarions, different from what vim will find in tiekt. stores. Wash well and give excellent wear, ),er yard 123c ncy Flannelettes 20c Ver flnrgwditi4'a English fl,ulne•Iettee. hendw)me stripes. 411,' dutel)•. fast rotors, Imitable few children'', wear, w' ',,t4, shirts, very- fine, per yard21)c Plain lannelettes 12 1-2c Heavy Eng 'sh flannelettes, very thick and strong, :11 inches wile, pit , creatn, white and little, per yanl 12j4 Better Qu ' Iities F:xtr>whenvy EngllpIt-flanelette. plain calors, very molt and string, wash 51 II, pink creast and white, 15 and lite per yd. English Flannelette Blankts You will notice the difference between these and the ordinary kind the moment yon see them. Tbore is a finish and a body to them you (lo not see on the common makes. They cost a little more but they are more than worth the difference. Imported By Ourselves 111151144)) flannelette .blanket,,. plain ('marl or with fancy border, extra hlytvy weight. wsaft flni,,h, warmer and Will Wear better than the ordinary slake,,, flniehed (tingly Iwe,.use they are easier handled thatway, each ,. 83 and 73e ilia ha built up a kill glove trad y selling only guaranteeabl dualities. No low grade glo nil a place on our shelves, ery pair wt' sell we guarantee. That pro- tects you fully and we give \you an assortment to select 'from that you find in few stores hereabouts. . At$1.00 Wien' teal French kid gloves, made from fine. ,,oft stifle, per- fect fitting, every pair guaran- teed, all Niece, dome fketenerm. l,Iaek, greys, tan,,, creams etc., per pair .... =patty At $ 1.25 Ileal French kid ghavei, made from ('hotee nele ctrcl skin+, very soft and plilihle., perfect, fitting. dome fasteners, blat•ke and all the popular colors, per pair... .1111.Z5 At $1.50 Very fine French kid gloves, pique sewn. large pearl dome faetencr.,, rich shad en of greys, cae.tore, etc.' size,, 51 to df, I1 hendeome anti serviceable glove, pet, pair 'Save Your Carpets. Before you put up your stoves get one of our oil cloth squares. Now patterns and color combinations, finished with border all round. 1, 11-4, 11-2 and 2 Yards Square I10DGENS BROS. a 3 IFI.A n