HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-10-1, Page 31 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. 1
The Seasons of Fall Fairs -Bear Shot 111 (Ire),
Township Young Man Loses a Hand in Thresh-
ing Machine -Barn Burned at, Exeter -Leckie --
Monteith Wedding at Clinton-Hotelkeepers
Myth fen. will be held Tuesday and
aVedneistitty of next week.
Hev. 1.. Perrin ham been indie tad as '
jiastor of t he %Violet -et l'reitbvterian
, Tito •laicknow, lirmowis 111141 Rey-
Chantney, of the 11,11•111 e41111'44041011.
went over to Mr. Dow'e to See W114.1111.•
e4.11141 the machine Old wits
threshing thew. that day. - While
there, he raw that the Dario...utter Of
the machine war ehoked III. and tog
drawn's'', to roliotte it. Unfortasnately
field fall fairs all take place today and
0110 of his !outdo tome in imitate(
with the knivas and WNW 11/
pieces. Tht• physician ftoind it tleeeo-
wary amputate the injured hand,
end the young titan is now doing
ttintorrow. •
Exetet: had a successful fair -last
week. The gate receipta ainouuIet
to over 1600.
R. Veneto's., of Winglumi, haw Mon
appointed corporation solicitor for
Morris township.
A. Strachon's store at Brumels was
burglarised ono night recently and a
qttautity of goods taken.
Dunrrannon'e fall fair, on Thursday
aid Friday of next week, will he Coll -
Chilled with a grand entertai ttttt ent rat
Friday evening.
'flit evangelist* Crowley and Hun-
ter Are leaving Seaforth this work
after a aeries of tueotinge extending
over several weeks.
Inspector Paisley recently had the
Whitechurch and Auburn hotel-
keeper.s tined each $00 and costs, for
violating the lhotor law.
S. Paul's church. Winghato
hes been re -opened after a courtier
of renovation. The re-opeuing
• %leen were very dice fill.
• The Auglican chu hes at Itlyth
and lielgravo will be r nod on Sini-
any Ocbilier llth. Itt resting set
vit:es are promised on the ossu
A large boar W/04 AKA OD the Ken-
IgiII farm. lath conceosion of Grey.
one day last week. neismling
correspondent of The Brussels Post.
I, A meeting of the La...rids of South
Bruce. as emintibitted for ttttttt loti
perimeter untie.; 1.11. redistribution.
will he held at Walkerton on Tuesday.
ttetober Oth.
%Ir. and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan aqui
amily left Wintham bust week for
e Northwest. r. Sullivan will en-
' , ga its linsinexts tui of the to•w
liVes rit 14 1W1114.
li. S. Wetkor. -Who had hewn loam
in the I ti Wilk at %%1n
for House months. ha.' -horn Man o74:1Ireti
to %Vinnspeg. He- plisse- will Iw taken.
by 1). D. iVilcisiii. of tversiort it. hot late
141 1Vindipag.
Met. 'Alt'olish has been fur nude
enteigh to wet t • 161i-enre L41IU.
situated too the 3M I 4•011Veitatelltl.
. ' li.nlerinh toestilliiik •itorly lialeag,
Mg to Mos. Joist lieltetal for the stint
of S7,5411 rash. This is sail hi be .-
'of the Mid fin -nos in the tow 11
At "Tb of
Mr. and Ma. lwrt-41(iliott.
on Seramakerdlltla their eldest dattg t•
ter. tierteutleall. beenme the britlea,if
Edgar E. Wawa. Of NI'aillsoley, fflos
E. l'. Assaniaop iierforming the eels -
twin y. Alwait May gotaistri were
present. .
A pretty wolding took tatice at Um
home of Mr. and Mrs. Antlrem NI itch-
ell...if Turnherry. 011 • Wedresnwlify aof
lad week. wbon their daughter. Mies
Smelt. WAN waited in marriage to
David Breen. also of Fortifier, y.
About sixty gueete wit tieeseil t he too -e-
nemy, which was pi•rforined by Rev.
- • W. J. Weal.
A quiet weddiog took phiee at the
h of Alex. Reaa. Ilik.sfinalt.. on
Saturday tuttruinaf, lath aid., when
'N, Mi'. Scott's ratingtvrt daughter. I hilli•
1\ N.Aritte. WNW uuited in Otaeritegr to John
. /omen Chid. eldest wn f N. Chaff, And
, -a member of the Sr's of N. Chff a •
Ills. Rev. F. H. Lark'1 terformed
• cererhon v.
win, 7th concesision of (hwy. Who has
1111 understood Mutt N.. Itiehard-
been a resident of that townehtp from
hi. childhood and in well koala,' in
the community, has purchase...41 450
acres Or land at alenor, Soot rat
Manituhaaaixty milto wrest of flritn-
41(111. and expecte to go %Vied tiela
Hoeing and make his home there.
Work has been commenced on the
fisliwav at the %%Ingham dem. The
lishway will be built near the (3
and in doing this it will not 1)4. tleeefl
sary to interfere with the dam and it
ia claimed that a more 1.01111111.14job
will 4 11*(1.. Now that tide etit•porn-
tion ha a made this move it in likely
that Work will lw menced on the
other flithways in the donut on the
river between herr *ud
%Ingham Timex.
Alex. limes, the well-known dock -
dealer, who reside+. tiesr Clinton, had
a 11a110* ruespe from serious„injury
ently. e was on his w to
landfall with Nome horses to 4. ilk
at the ,
Western hair when. as the re
were ahunting, n plank WAR JOIttR1
\aphd ihim with pooh force that hie
was thought to he •wri tttt oily hurt. He
in ralliedhowever, and it ie hoped
4 t he will speedily moover from the
eff of the mishap.
A very di...oda-one I1) oretirtsel ton
the outskirts of the village of Exeter
ion '11'etinesday afternoon of lad week.
It appears they Welt. thrt•ithing; and
when darting the imiclidte lifter ani-
ma it threw forth stream. The wind
being in the west carried the sparks
right into it heap of chaff inside the
harm In a ott it was 011e Mat1444
of th1.10494, and the men liamly escaped
form the, burning I., -ii. The 14011
WW1 ownad by W. II. Petition. and
WiO4 ogle Of the 41144 01 the section.
His hos is considerable. including'all,
his implements. two 11o114ee4 MLA 414.4444'.
Insuranee 'about Slam. The (hie do
ers also loot their separator, which
WWI 1101110d.
On Wednesday. evening. lith MI.,
there passed 1014 1 Vett one of the
pioneers of llidlett township. in the
portent of atria John Reynolds. aged
'44 )1)1114. yea ce. She was a mit iv, elf
re11111/111g111. Irellind„ and Vallee to t Ws
e• t) 1% il 11 her hither iu IS12, settling
on the fifth 1 in.sioti ' of Iltillett
township in the Willie year. She mar-
t•ied J ,Iii Reynolds and the '
Wan 1,1e141e41 Willl a large 'fa •ly of
sow+ 111441 daughters. They Were /1
1111/04 h1.101111 31 1111 V111411e anti in the
I err days tnall A lieu voinei ft
shelter with them. 1'ive, poi,. ago
Mr: licymilds 4.41444491 swity. In •Mr
Reynold,: the•T ' g ..Venrs. her health
les -ante infirm and .'patelysis finally
carried her trlf-' GittliPred about her
lic,Isitit• then the filial SO ttttttt ill, Vallee
14 ere h.•isolo 1 I. nit in bd.. -lobo, Dla rt in,
J/1111e.,n. Well end l'. 4).. atit4 her
ditsithttsr. Kate. Fitink, w ho
to New laskearil. New 4)11 1 31 1
11141.1111g. startedr1 11' 111 101144 Wile
!wand t.liet hie ttttt flea was it:mail-41i
ill. Mn owing to mita ntilway come
Lion did sito orri•-•• lint il several Muir
after ber death. The (Woad hitik
pla..4. 1111 ,t he Pabloy billon Mg her
death. the 45n111ge ptoresilling 6i, -'.I 1
tah. .1.sarbh'n ehitrehr Clint Olt. 44 11/.191
111114., was bell. after which 411, re-
mains were ititciTed in Mt. .14lteph's
ern...Ivry. , \.
fn. NV/Ann...lay, lied ult.. al iiiglt
140.411. MI i•viosslingly 'pretty ordains(
took 011144 in Chem.., at the residence
Of . Mirs. Dionterieh, thititrio stoma.
o taro fife. y. iongest danoht er, M iss
nary, houssie tile life 411115N tt bin of
Thos. T. Leckie, formerly of The NeW
01401 434344 in the railway mail eel-
Vil . The 01400.0' of the renilletane
Wan •hat giy .14. mated bit th. ...
esedisn. sod the eeromeely oa• per-
formed , ler an air-li of saptrawl.
and, H. two . ker. 14r. dlt.....i..aid
the wools hat to.4.• the teed of
oision 4 Miss wilt 61,intelth 'nailed
on her Mater, a 6111444- 41141111 awl the
K1141111 14 hrot her. % sti. I awk.w.. of boo -
doll, performed the Mies of 4(1anna-
0011.11. gibe g4444• 114 41 the bride. and
snaid were very riela t former weer':
111g 4.reso11 silk taRielo. or Ile idol veil
and orange bloresoms. end • irryitig a
Lirmatitet of yellow rows ; the -tiler an
attrioctive gown ' of „ereatif el lemma
The bride'. goirig-61Y4ac• 44' ".4'?) ...if
brown o-beline. oath 11.1, to ma di:
and OM looked her 04. 41 i.4,41. Aft
the 441•io1114 4ny the gin --1--. het Mg
about forty, repaired to the IT ' g
lna1111, Wheel. a v..ry tote pt i lig- wedding
inti.r had Mon limey i.1,41. The table
was the nelpitott 'of tiroiy lwaittifid
gifts. showing the esteem - jo, whioh
ehe• wart held. Mr. tool Ms. Liwkie
left on the :Ozt i twin 1,41- a •Iii ow.. no itirt
trip eaxt, after whieli they will take
II p housekeeping in la intion. ,. Tile Si14'
PHI 10•tigmt11l646 Mr. las•kie mem his
good fortune and extent's, its bes1
wishes to himself and bride.
• 4
fled G. Kidney Pills are • lOyereign
Ito 1., All Urinary Conwatrant8.
On ednestley evening the barn OD
\* the fa of J1111111.11 H. Compliell. rah
t- \,,,,eoneessiota, McKillop, a mile rest of
Winthrop.' wtta completely deetroyed
hy'aire, t1444th4't• with all the itetkoh'•
crop. and ao e ' pigs. Mr. Cettipbell
hail threshed a 'large quantity of
wheat. which otti • /1140 condoned.
The harn Woe a I*'g. one, being aboirt
40V48 feet. and Boat only two
Yowl ago, art, that •the Imo to Mr.
Campbell will be ver r heavy. The
moot of the fire itt* my ery. \
An intereeting marri ich
. model)
\ . much 'nitre than * iplde atf
citement in Wmxister's noc 1 Heel
AA itolemnised Wednesdoy ening
alma week, when Miro Annie A etta
Harelwood, second daughter of % t'.
and Mrs. Hnzelwood, wee ti tea
the bonds of wedlock with (
Francis Edward... of the mune p e.
The rereinony wart performed by 4144-
I(.'., J, 1147,,ateco.d, of Hamilton,
n'1'4 of the bride, in the presence of
a nittniser of relatives and immediate
Millisrook Perna townehip nI Sian.
ley, the home of Mr. and Mn.. George
lintels, wan the scene 01 44 very reti
wedding on the evening of 3% Mlle'
44Y. September Ifltit, the emit rata Mg
hying Mime Minerva !lotto.
uirmerly of Stanley, attui Win. O. Pat -
enson, of Monfort h. Th. eere Y
wart performed by Re'.'. I, It. Wallwin.
of the Methodiet. chureh. neatorth.
The hride wait given away by her
hrother, fieorge (tate*. and a ohe ret Compound Iron Pills.
New life for a qua
tended by her little niece, Lnincl Jas. Wilson.
&tee, of Gorierich, who 4(4.33.4a.. f1o1V-
Ph gift Mr. and Mrs... l'atervon will
reside at Reaforth.
A maim* aceident hopponed et Jae.
rhlwes. Haat Waeranosh, a few (let..
ago' A Young tatar) named 1,51.4d
St. Mors's Ferry. York t'o.. N. 11..
Sept. h
a living pis
Pills will ell
illehlelifIg 4(111V
Thl Hoar, Ilarrie
'Ferry. Mr. !tart
stogy as follows :
'1 was troubled wi
toy back whieh
wore.', 1 ill 1 wos obliter
ph yiticiatt. Ile called it
appetolicitie. hut ee
olief HMI abort ly £' ((1144-11
Iltelleell 1.1 urinate blod.
'Then I el .11444 toting Ihmlir-
K itint-y Pills. The first boa g -c 114.
relief anti great er fo.11owoll
when 1,140AX1 a Stone 441444 iota ft 'tined
in the .older. ‚rho'.'.. furter, of !ha •
Kidney 'ills cur.s1 ,ie evt
weld., --York count y has
f that !halite Kidney
urinary' 11•141111.1.1 Ran.
I. in the perom 441
It, of St. 5111'.".
in tells Ilin OW 11
11 11. 111.11.1•1.
ralltiall V got
to .44111 in, a
• ...implant,
•• mil
le 1 rt1111-
of the Clover! 4 ..
Anytenavw 1 carries atle out a four-
leaved clo er all lie Itt, ky 11)141 444111
have the pinto? f discovering ghosts
joouerrnieaysi. mataiw' h, -
it eunder th, . pil
lw Hu lover,%ar'moirthoants of
the beloved a frogtowid in the
thoe,of hue,14•r Moires t safe
Of th4.-lnvid-
140(4) it
is the•lanall that if if, is'. W411.11 on the
left 141110. of rt titaide e'llr• ra orinersoi-
behind 6)44- 114111 11' ',I • Christ um,
1144 ie 45( 6414' first conn it,.' ter. win
be 1 name it. that of thy hi 11, hos-
hood The power of the '1 leaved
eh Wk, for good in lentil • all.
non Lver,'nce popular 145)4tir 117
ng. thsi ke er 3n wide,' p
t die won thi el t 141 %Ile Ilmi e
c plant : - ,
ki play t hekers banter'. perk and
winter tat,. *r44il
A a tear of rwhi heart ahoohl
e world be fon "
Miller's (I i Powder,. lido. For
...alt. hy Jeri. 53 n)n. \
No fountain i so amen but hen'eet‘t
may he imagined its broom. -,
A ecientist who nvedignted the
color of a ryt;14dte foil it Hen'
1'r. Miller.%
or tale 6,-
"Me wife," maid Mr. Rid y. "won
the priZe at the (1141111)111ft
That". 1101 hing." *aid hie fricrot "my
wife 446)0 ..peeking *piece into s no -
graph tne other arty. and dittoed if
didn't break the locoed."
• '
,E;ia 441
. • • ` " , ' " ,
The scarcity of low grade butter la a •
constant topic for remark In all butter
markets. The 44 '• " • • tirt• that this
44(14 4)4 41 1401110W11,1114.e40111teut featuile.
and it must be takeu tutu aceottut tu
all our plans, sails Creauiery Journal.;
Low grade butter le made by the poor -
toot clime of dalrytneo., It ' pay" tbe
least, 14)11,6 (4111 'makers of it are tho soon- .
est discouragvel ad driven'otit•of busi-
ness. Thousands, of 'deer calf farm-
ers have been form' to eke out • liv-
ing when beef ruled lbw by milking
the cows, and now that beef is high
they balm „mit. Theywere In
the businese as a busluess, but as •
passing noCessity. •
And the Intsadening of the creamery
industry and tho. Introduction of farm
' operators base opened up a market
for great quantities of cream which
before was churned into poor butter at
bOnis and le now Made into present-
able eomnteretsi butter la the cream-
eries. Tim general outpttt of creamery
butter Is mot greater, but the shrink-
age is greater relatively In farm but-
ter. and last, but not least, is the eit-
tablishiheitt of procees factories. Much
peer butter 1. proceased before lt gets
to the gest butter center44. so the usu-
al butts* Markets ate deal in thho line.
Ou (hie scoouot.speculators have to
keep • weather •ye on the t•heaper
grades, and the opeculative deuraud d-
eters cuts souse figure In msitiog the
prices. A geueral sdareity bolds up
ail gradeta and a surplus of the lower
grade gluts tho market and switches
consumption •way from the' "better
-grade by bargain counter prices on the
overstocked grade. Creameries aua
provers factories will largely control
the price of sat butter from this thue
onward, and particularly -rio 61 441. oleo
crowd eau be held to a legitimate bud-.
0. Nile Pele4P41 Lead. -
Dairying and truth farming are
& Ism( the only chimes of farming that
can be sums awfully eoteltieted ou the
high priced bolds lu many sections,
days ati exchange. We do not often .
Mid the owner or renter of lend va•l-
ued at $16N) or $150 per acre depending
on corn, littes or. leer- for hie inctimea
but we litid the dalryntait doing bud -
nese on land :valued at theme high
lees. 'if the dairymen ton mike a
olit on land no high priced (het th.•
man cannot do bOstrovut, how
ruuc more profitable would it 14 on
land low tot price that the beef Man
can Oro to farm it! • .•
"agar eet,roto Far Cow*.
A putilicat n of,the department of
agricultima ma s: tifeseor laminae
Shaw exprereses let that augur.
beet oulp (.I -h, More adrunta-
gomely to 4-atti• sheep that are
twItig (allotted than to Iry Cows. The
New York f 'orm•II, 441 4).' eteetat luta
howeVer, found that this tar* ave
good exults with oink ti,'."i the ry
matter (winds) In it being atwIut equlitJ
In value AO that in corn t6Iage Ger-
man experitnetam with beet pul for
cows have also given good results, e
llow of milk 41.6 ng maintained in a so
litfaebiry manner. .Sorne lianish ex-
periments tiara shown that as cent -
.'pared with mange* the butter pre-
dlleed 'on angor beet p1210 was shout
equal In quality and kept fully as well.
Where large quantities of the pulp
were fed the (-resin required to be
ehttraed • few inluutee longer.
Nithrareke'm Dairy Ilealatoso.
A. ri,port from Litman, Neh.. states
that one" creamery company lu that
y paid to farmers 140,000 for butter
fa during the month of June, and
about $400,000 was paid for butter hit
by the various creamer1.-e 111 the 'date.
The 'daley,,•business of Nebraska Is
g rowing rapidly, and the inereese
45 attributedCbledy to 441. 4411 of baud
separators on th .farnis.
Titled 3111 woe.
The Inlik trade attracts aristocrats.
Lord Rayleigh is a nillkmen and owns
ono of the finest huidnesees In the
home counties. enys the London Ex-
press. Every morning *peeler trains
loaded with cant of nillk trona lila
datry Mays the elation at Hatfield
Peverel for Loudon. Ile OW101 a herd
of over 1,000 moat The lute 1,ord Ver-
non had a large dairy farm at Sud-
bury Han, near Derby, and carried
on all extensive toothiest,. The late
Lord Ha nitolett started and maintained
• large establishment of this Port at
Olynde, which was known as the
"Creameries" and proved highly sue-
cessful.' Not long ago a Mr. Dormer,
nephew' of Lind tormer, 'Is said to
have joined the milk trade.
dad the Cow Can't Testify.
• diapatch,frOm Goshen, N. Y., says:
"In the stottlarli of a cow killed at
Samuel flyiveafer's farm the butcher
found a necklsee of gold niedalliotie
hot last Rummer by Kathryn Lamson.
at Mere of Mr. Sylvester. After a mer-
ry Misdeed came hon* one summer
night she mimed the necklets,. and An-
dy Jensen, the hired ma , wne accused
ot dealing It and tell diherged.
lend Goshen, whata-ntoryl"-s
Dairy a Cron mery.
*•w Ileakelleg leatronoreits.
Professor ()44car Erf, Inetrtnaoi In
flaky litiabentiry in the 1111noin College
ist Agriculture, has invented two im-
plements for sampling butter and
chaste, by the nee of hich • uniform
sample of those prodticts nifty be quick.
ty obtained and transferred Into a Bab
Cock test bottle -in proper condition
without an eateeastre lose of motodure.
e implements hays 'been tried and
to WlettXittltetorilf.
. Easy and Effecti.ve..
“Illehore I etmeratt to let you hnvo
my datathter." said 1hr...comic-jawed
captain 14 inditairr, "I 441)11 ‚(4114 10
answer n question. %%lost would '7(3I
4144 11 1 were to give :elm it million di
ra 2"
fter the ...homer 11*41 viewtor the
retie na thot derdh Wort
dise heart. cao y su-
den tit '
, the old
mon It anothe
elate' and rml•i'Thats htrrl'ge3%
(.415*.'- (*hien RieTtr.04.r,e.
The Way'ffe Whirk,the ant ted Md.
Crease ran Comeauy.
Th. Working of ti cream separatole
Is explained an follorit 1 Rural Now
Virlier: There is bo _lioe of demar-
cation ,bot:ween thoaki .4 Iu.4lk
and the crown.' lit the • floors
shown as nearly ata eon 1.1. described
.In• a simple drawing Ow Condit loh Ot
ths milk. and cream, 'Mc. milk en-
ters the centre of OW bowl. end .of
comae t Mao begin', at one.. a *Tura:
tIoil. Tlie sugaralbumen. casein
and ash us well asthe water are
hurried to the outside of the btrA I,
and, _la Accord with a fundamental
law of physicti that "no t wo
can occupy the Warne epate at the
e aLite time,".the.fat t foived out and`
ccpoin,tatrooluioent tlytil,l‘intin itself nearing the
bowl There is a
,gradusd condensation pf the comit
from the, outside to the ...entre. At
the innermost point the treain
=a mow oe Caney IllrallATCia.
contain 'nearly 50 per cent. butter
fat, gradimily decreasing until In a
modern separator the' altiuoned
which is taken at th•• outside, will
contain only a trace. The different
Netrarators 'have a slightly varying
contritance for controlling the dens.
ity Of the cream. but In every in-
stance the, principlo repining the
saute. When- taken, very near the
centre the volume is' less and the fat
routent high. The uutoutIt of cream
'may bo redticed until , it cannot es.
catsfast enough, and PO if tho ptilk
supply is not diminished a portl440
of the jut will necessarily pass off In
the okimmed milk. On the other
hond. If \GI...cream screw is changed
to Own -dile the %airtime that is oak-
ing it. out nearer. to 1110 Ouiside of
the bowl (4,.-,, 3!. aro nocitring cream
of less fat corMent, and *6:4'. permis-
sion of inereartad mono* at the
centre of the bowl 'means a more ex-
haustive klmuting. kettee to -day the
test of 143ilt cla144. machine- is to
run tull ea &city. skim' clean and
deliver u crefln containiarg 40 to .50
per cent. butt.
General Iltikos for '
Every hen shout ha'.:' at. least 6
!quarto feet of 1111../1e in the sctatch-
ing• shod and about l equare feet in ,
the roosting - room, a rule 'al('
*haw of n"
ge, Edell
Leg -
down by Prot, W. IL G
Ontario .Agricultural Co
bird ' cif American tins
about 0 inches of perch roo
horn( 8 inches and Bruhu a 10
Inihesitototte should bo toads lo'
or near the groom*. There. aro Weer -
NJ rtasons tor this. Fowls of\ the
header breads cannot U' high, ol,
khov• of the lighter provarfropeut
injure the soles of their feet In Om
Ing norm high perches. . .
When dropping board.'. 'aro used,
they should be moderately low to ad.
nett of easy cleaning. They should be
made kan u etched lumber, 24) 'inches
wide one roost and 3 fet efor two.
rc aa the drat being placed 8 to
incheor from the wall. Diust poul-
it prefer rooste 2X2 Inches With
slightly rounded,
use old boxes for moats, but
ts, if neer the ground, are
'ice egg eating. Bark nesUll
Netts aro usually mad.
ruche* *lustre, Ground
doors aro mot' in favor., than beard
Inch testi:\ The bee,
from` keeping 20
ic. Home sue-.
it flock, but
. • •
[ rttsop -ttals-:ster., Men -in bed condition
it will show In the wool of thd
ag *ether . 5001 01
og.ol sheep shrink' much more than
that of yorooger 0414.14. ultra Irving net
moch ise 75 tier cent., While) Iamb's
'waed rarely' P.M -Whir inure Wan 00
peer tit,' A11 thews limitshould 110
conuldered by the troolgiower, 110
may arrangir to 604344 for rale wool,
that will bring the best 111.6.4 in flet
Oprityloic Twins Sired Trent.
Many people think it tionecereary
to litan' young fruit tre..s before
they begin to 141111r This II DON -
aid when spraying* Or being
done Ilio young r•We . Should ha
sprayed at the Koine time and with
11,43 ;tone intxturt• n44 (ho ulder bear-
ing roes.
The fungui, wash alfortis the 10141 as
rim us the trot, 'rind •the °Meet
should ho to prevent' it froni ever
-get ing at foothold. and if )'lung
trees aro kept free feomit- Oral wilt -
be little, or, at least, itauca less dif-
ficult,v- in, dealing with It whet!' the'
114.14,1- 4044441 into le•hring. 'the foliage
%%fa ho toot - healthy, and' 1 hat Is of
the most '.11411 importance to the
h. ably...Vigor and, uaefulnens of the
t -
• TcukoaAT,0439. 1, 1903. ,
out it made good'enallaga. 1 need MON
water than OSUMI 611 It. and this takee
the plats? 01 (114) juices which are want -
lug. I would &Olio Maine thing wilted
putting up drier corn.
There bus been a shrinkage pt -'late
.In the en•antarlee • in Iowa. lied the
! dairymen •iistslribot these 200 crea tact,
lea could have been kept open. The
lino. is coming witt•ii sufficient ensilage
• 1-willhe savor to feed milking cows dur-
jug the dry period, of the summer. 1
"have extteriniented with alfalfa a little
01 1.14' 1f we cull succeed in raising it
euetweefitlly here, we will have secured
a, feed of great vain. mint produe
Bon. ,
It to of Great Vallee to Illtalrytere 15
t Ity Bold aad Operated.
My KOVNO yearn of eilicr14144-44 have,
proved to me the great value of the silo,
says W. B. liarnt•y of Iowa. Round
silos aro best. Build thew on it bill be-
side thh barn, if possible, to, decrease
labor in handling ensilage. Use noth-
ing but the best ea material. They
way be lathed tool 'plastered at oily
Bala 11 -dt•aired. Tke important point
in ailing is to tread the ensilage well
while filling. Use twentylive mills of
water each noun, the same amount at
night. and, when finished, pour on six
or eight barrels in addition. About
twelve tons of silage per a4.11' earl he
lotted under ordinary circumstances.
umutillY raise 125 acres of corm and
for my silo cut that which Is not apt
to mature In time to avoid injury from
frost. 1 have tried the venom. varie-
ties of corn designed este...laity for en-
silage, but have not had a* good sue.
ems as with the ordinary varieties.
Were 1 planting thy eutlre acreage for
ensilage purposes 1 would make no
change in seed or method of planting
or culttvatioti. except to drop more ker-
There Is a difference in the digetitive
caPaCitY and rrquirementx of cattle,
but for the orclinery cow forty pounds
of ensilage, ten pounds of clover and
timothy bay alad four pounds of esti
and bran would constitute a good rae
1 you, well balanced. for one day's feed.
Ordinarily 1 cut corn for ensilageabout
• Week before it is ready to "hock.
• ef tar corn was frosted tkia rear
Ouch ne.
apt to in
prevent t
from 12 to
Mors. and cost
results aro obtain
to 25 btrds its • -11
ceed with 80 to 7p
these aro in ininortra
• The 14.11 Wool.
The wool of a sheep Mgt
borate after the third sea
and Hunch Wool is a
second and third year,
eon aticared. the fibers a
ial length' than t
. Such wool is preferred
ma for all purposes
fibers are required,
r clothing fabrics.
so desirable un
ts and uneven
d 1,1, knit-
anufact ore
of more
Iamb's who
for combat)
where pant
such WIN spinning
Lamb's wool ibn
account of uneven len
artanembut is much
ting yarns and for I he .
of Infants' fabric.such as
muse It l softer and less
in to delicate ekln. After t
.year dhe wool, bogies to show .
••11/uct of age and h•Cputes frolifty •
harsh sold Is liable -Jo freaks, soch ue
rotting on be skin. and i•ven after
ecohritur woH4s badly. 'num if the
Start kg To -day
awl pot will fled - world very
murk brighter to-morr A good
romidirsiou -the bloent perfect
- bright eye..., tiro brain -
these are within* the, reach 0 II who
take care of their digestive gime,
Take a teaspoonful of
111 a gl ▪ of Water r s,.ry morel,
and yon alt find that l:Iotrkws4 and
eruption.. 11 give ptgce t ckAr
(lean plcin. row away the po
puff and routpir- -they arc couritea,
Mit, of nature. !they's will .eonconstpat4on, tho troy of a clear
At all Druggists T5t• tptaar
Miller'041(nk in Si per boa.
For elk Jas. Mat*
The own of an 'Imperial ()lford Range and the ok1.1
otitionill soil before an oval fireplace rha better r•••44ing titan y other cooking
apparatus Invented.
1n the olden daythe spit had to he kept turning to get all of • mad
cooked. It is much the same with the ordinary cook•stove. The h 't of the
oven is greatest on the fare side -- mast., breed, peen, cakes, etc., ha to he
turned and twisted to get them cooked at all The result is anew% sa
tory cooking-goed food ruined. 711e diffusive flue construction,of
Imperial Oxford
the due chamber, ruper•hema it and diffinci it et rally '-VI)' Oa*
oren, dia. heating It quickly, thoroughly sod antfomily -lack, h.nt 1I444 .ides
are at the saMe equal temperature. Theeesult is juicy, tender 114414, light,
dainty pastry, evenly raised bread - weeityafhl
'When you hey an Imperial oxford Itar*e yoa get Mc moat of over 1i11** yearn'
thought aid experience in seietnik.constaction of cooking appamtup
The Gurney Foundry Co.. Limited
• Toronto, Canada
Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver
For !;psCie by
figAt 1 V1
%V. Wanfler.Wley
41 'Offel, o i•iuolidecable
concern' 11 his wile
otter hutilig maths tie
tire_ yr. -alio ,1 I milk. fed the chick-
eeti 11.11f1 1:111.,-, 1011141 the VOWS and
preporea I orea k fast nil 110V110
o'clock In the utorning.
Like Attracts Like. -
%Viten .Jul'. ltieltards,
Yak.. eitjot -I joke, Ale) 11i1. pawl
"hell 1411111' 1 1 1 1 O het( I Itio) ha,
hcatil a new mit . 11. 'olds to *114 fill -
t ith a witticism of" lo-
tto-tnaisich WNW 1110 e1114e.,..V1114.11 nor
1114.`h11141e111/4 petleel Nagel -the fol-
lowing antiquity :
wouldn't ‚.Oil like a g45411,1
.11.14111 for
•••••Wetll. '
citing itillte?"
•11.1y. relits1 te ptsiftec
Witat ie it7."--
oil 1 1*
.1. down behind a
thick stone wall -111111 -make a.- twist.
like+ a turnip," allaWerell t he youth,
giggling in et•tasy. . 1.
unlet ito 41 limit ci • the reply.
••011. ter iway than that
to go and s4I 411114(15'. in a
bed of cabbage heads Ittal look
ii,ttiii'iiI 31.' 'r' .s.
AV, 11.11 y1 .411' 1111101 111,1434* become. irk-.
...ion.. :mil .1 int.InhefIll, you are Old well.
Niilit-e's Pills *ill
mak.- it -.1 pleasiits• 14,i attend 6,. 11111111-
11.11414. vale Ity J4i41. %%11,44111.
"1113`'1* 410en you think de
devil isit while mint 01 41 black num 2"
Guth un lostToave.begeta through. '
Caused by Disordered
Kidneysthere la no
remedy to compare
The latest scientific attack on
kidney diseases and rheurna-
&eau Regulates weakened or
clogged kidneys aad thus
reIlloves poison from the blood.
At allsfropelfts box 4( 60 pets 60 end*
NEW Y04I1;111.Y.,Af4cl
.1 d ... All I 414.ess,kw is ' -
hinge.' rae p
croblem is li\
t w lig. k
I all 1* .,*,t.let. I al 4'.%N,11).‘1.1
r14 %rho to)nattn-
flea alit, illey110114( but theibust
ultra tt eon). no 1111/00 e
W,gt% e
)..ti tholv.w/14, 111111 •141111131 11101M44
am. (4414.1 ifunititelon walling Mr
our analualen. l'atalog "(I" 'siren
tor tlw askew. %VII) 'tut rink fur
A. I.. 'IRROWIFI." *decibel
tett "46.1. Await re. billlt lallt
etellatil ioli.
The %5:11 Ile Itemiser:it ',nooks timi
• t li. yotim.r nem o ill boil . IIV1Il44 t or-
Let for the first 1111(1. arilco:aiding
hir: be., girl vet y resailt
be same thing If. ,,,,ii II 1%.• diem
• 1
in., to,- eat .• I otton..eilt. Jute
or NlIneet *!o...) -1111V bath Hwy are the
11,1...4 and 111114 1 1111111Y 11 641 Ilse Oil 111. 411111.1.1.
4-1130 1311441.. collo-. yr Illt WS 44341.14
ST' 114 F:.
• .
414 pl.., 1" 4 '.4teata1.4 for
Ile.notgle raltably Ian or a Trupertur
..hort brunt trainig. elle 101441 oaten are am
• way. oieeessfill 11110411ot; tawIt11111M. Th1.4
...hoed int ariabIt atsen its ntwleeito tricorn
thin cspeet. Write fur ustalugud.
Flitter then le If
:Pie Day of Young )Wen.
Tho bed pothole5 with large Co ttttt torcial Houses aro now
• lilted ith y•iting inen from eighteen to 01k/illy-five years ..f age.
. Three young men teaelt their -positions by keeping iu close
touch o it the Manager:ft
To j4.t 45.1..,•1, With tho heads of elicit collet/MI hi*
airy 'to I,,,s. t th"4,aigli business In g.
The Forest Cits It ,14s 111141•141.44rthatul college gives a
irartnplete and practical tea. g stAmography,linancing, hook-
k.Xlittig, higher aroatittittg, etc. ' '
pHs the best 'agonized and most capable staff -of tostehors in
--CansaA, .
Write -fee booklet giving full partitTalars o cotTIVIAT, COSte, ate;
a, a
The Most
Ever made by a Canadian Publicationkto
its readers.
Two edollar Papers for One Dollar
fly ..pecial an tgeinen with the publiehers, We are enabled to offer
The Signal and The.
Montreal Weekly Herald
.1 great wrokl for OM DOPLA yilar. This oaten 4. excirmitee.".
An, ern' is. 1.14141e 1V4) ,ittel. INItte hi *lila •
REMESISER THIS FAO Et ery islow•rilwr Otle didlar in advance
for "or p met o ill n Welt l• The . tilia-al V•s-kly Herold for on*. year Without
extra ..ea. The ito HIM of lair /1.44' 4.1111., 1111111 he A1111111.411 publishers AM
owl* (I6 we eon make 104 deviation 15111 mile the. be tend
IN ADVANCE, and all arreitragem 1151114 44,544 I.
As a Newspaper.
fit 1NTIfFAI, WY;I:KI.Y t flat.)
Was roe 1101.4 In Peen, n 1.1 thn
lienfolot 01 lel lneendlaW pa r in it
old rire a ban 1.145-1464 tr yx.
stand, in the 14.r.111.,,, of st
Journals As a acesto r. it e45.4
with ...1,•,.411 reforene fa It estitit-
e ney of ?Tuohy'' MA rl, rot rummy.
beton', ribinMarii tke, told . inieffs
et the *Telt 'Ks, r thier in "kayo d ?eras
the standpoint Ine aflrohnia oho'
'Into* lo leo • r
�',,-.'.h et th. lin)..,
mond taro*, • att.)) throrirh 'M-
antas 01 lry eYant rawer Csrefial ren.
eeo qt. *rite Thr iteealav torame Mt
[VV. , 14044 04 nee* fen .0 5 r0Ofwer fl
Of.Th.. westa Is • yam* et pater,
her papers at earnest 4 slnilIne
dui • nkr4 Mold. . • • 4
full the h.. nt no
Veekly iterela el
*fent mark. -t'.. fleprr
tures of value Ask
?A' . s t Nom?pw
e el
7/1111ltre Oral. EM
In pre•eminrn a -paper fin Th ants
In The (topl , asothina I* per4*ftte4
Its enlimith onnnot road or'',
it and 'estrum by emember
hr houirtred aka *east place.
.41e4ith utiterve?, to
tb Interest Mann '
Murton -• we tslls ber women
trohrs Cologne) anP47:1.t
41004 St,th. 10ae414n
lave Thni6T4. ' • 100 ,144•1 o
i taltrs,wan teonm of lbs
TA me'enant nr
RorA1 nf h. In ths de
iven flints 4,5 1,41h•
('1.44014lont Reelllthe Goo
,4)44044,1ond a Mildred t
*I feafono Interet.
ongh. oe
INATION Ix a o 4114.. Tour horn., • pitOr eh*, eon
(htloiti 'mirk 4ara the to, si 4(4.140*;. The Montreal
7014 1614. Renefldatwoof the 4405-1.1, reporta of tho
'eels of letoref ra. and. lo ptfeextr. 1.44-
- 0.1 be ltoo peps.the eomplement of
tha other •
11111111CRIP7IONSoe41• ein et env Bona your auhs,rttdin 414 WI
?wady p14 111 :1111V31,14/ Mni 501 111 An 1 11'1'1 itontreel Weekly Herald at onea
trend in tour dollar( Ned vro,or sionerirdion wItt b. navanced a year.,
Address all eomnountentkone to
THE SIGNAL, Goderkh.
*A 1 41* 44.:4 '
• 1.)
14 .4'