HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-9-24, Page 8e It • - '.1114i.51r!rlr7' 5 TR MUM tV, Sept 24 I q03. s ,...tiltts!' • TltKRION A : (40DERIOH ONTARIO , . 4,000,0*(!,*00,-,,,,•000*****...0•0041 00 * :.40 THE MYSTERY : ., v) OF GRASLOV or:, (.. .. . By Ailtley Towne *4) *P3P- closely, "and, tut.lier-fOr her ealur-- eon wanted to publieb-ihth e tro?" - , Y.. and for his sake shin. • '"flieu be le Dot the only oue who loves her. 1b4. 4 imerleau girl," she said. , lik face beelatue duelled. but he did not anower. "Now go," sled mid. "Find. Paulpoff and briug PIM hem.. You kuow where be " • -Ile MIMI In the hutat Tivoleffray, 11 lanaky has out spirlteirbite emu." ',Tt*th hen look for' hl -ere. and If gone the.govertior general will help ga. us• Mid Mut. Ob. 1 wish De &fulfill would come! rine sped Into .lausky'n nem and ro placed the.kere hi his pocket. Thes,. returning, she wild: "l04.1 bless yon! Help me establish the itaith, and the gratitude of the Ne- „shirova will ht' yours." • "T,iiii may *mutt On me" he filigweVyd, .3 a passed !trough the palueelloor. ••I will hring old_ Puulpoff to tell tb• triitli. ' t 4 IN e's,":Y,,d4N.",•,f,". *01 ate itaa, fret Iss Chart., 11. Klh., ,,e..,, is Cls CI 1.1PTI.:1 1 XIV. If shall not, I pruiii!iw that. If any OCT nt. l'lln t'll 'I" - , , of tat evergets out till ve." T11t horror of the situation eras -lint it im are -you, and What are you. so great that Princess Olga's don": 1,,,rori 1,,,k,,,i 1),,a.1).w. - bruin could not accept it all ::. el -itin a NesleroV and 41 no to litser. a t 040, .. ' • ale Fort and Vladimir l'aultioff." Not mile Walehe keit but there, wee In the light of herlantern she could* It certainty frit if alio .Wtis re•wiled she FN. han•starp., Would also be discovertal ...10 Ibis ad ' "You a Neslerov: Wbeu flayou coin* • - against the ride of Nesitirov. Powerful to Ttitiiskr i, as war her family, she was now abso- days ago The governor's- a lutely at the mercy of the governor of in.teirt relatnin 1 mlne. I awe here Tomsk, whom she knew to be inert+ row a mission that yun will wider. less. '11"lio could ever know that l'riu- staled 141100 1 speak - the tuystery ,uf max Olga, the rich and be:1mnd Neele -craelov." s rim, died in the dungeous under. her I -You are trying. you are copiu's palace? eeekitte- ••1 tam a cousin of that PrIncess'Ne. 41'0 her %Avid Imagination already the glen's- who Married the son of the Duke horrors of starvation loomed HP. .4% tur 1:11140V. that antlicientr Ile in that Avid, dark place awl suffer ...It it. T114.11, if we wet* together,. and slowly waste awdy,' lo.e her Justice *ill be done." Mind, to rave in waikti•ss-.011 these thoughts burned tutu her brain. Then. looking at poor Therese..the gore heart ' . was stirred with pity; "1 am hot only* suicide, but l• am a , pate dinar, so 1 presume it bent; ill murderer as well." she said. .1,,t,,,,tiii I that passage at Ihe head of nit), litutirk pot have inillwed l'heirlie (0"e011,1e." ' ' The stnirs are not far from ibis. spot. Therese-titIrred, ' , ' . It was itot a long distatus....vvhin 1 was 'A h, Therese! !jinni Therese! Speak brought here." to me, will yeti not?' pleaded the twin ,.."It ma7. not be far, but in what direc- - cess. "Von should not have come. ll Tinn.r.- '. , . . .• tram horrible, that deu! 'And peellaps 1 i"Tbere viti 5 *stupid kind d4' fellow brought you here to die." • • • ' - : 'down hero once after I was brought in. ' "I doe't wept to die", exclaimed tie linought tne some food. l watched' . Therese, *Ming upright 41 thOitgli the • Mgt and think I can guide you to Die word hati 0(44(1 like an electric shock. staliW. -Count three passneest to the "1 do not wish to ilhe' either; but 'We .1 -ft from that Hack stone in the wall." are lost, Therese." . - -. : . • • "Yes; this lathe third." I "host: Du* can We he lost/• Pere "Now go throng', that 1 111 you reach a we not under the 'Mincer .• ' . hello of rubblab In a littlaeourt: I re - "Yee: we are under the igthice, lintfileullwiltLa rubbish !ara. for 1 Slaw. We nre nevertheless lost.. 1 hove Mei Hen Ove* it . At this rubblshsbeap the the way. Seo all these rxi'llges? 1 *4* passage divides: and one lane leads to • not know by which oue we reached this tholeft and Du:other to the right. The terrible place." • . . , ... . . oue on tlio• right 'will lead you, to the "We seem to be almost at 11* center. stairs." They cannot all lead to the etatert." "Conk Therese!" "NO, certainly not And there\ la litl•Talting her.lantern.'0/ga again siert- tle champ of telling which (kr, had to ,e,j, earefUllynollowing the diroctieum of the stair* I do net even know in wittvh ‘4Wn/on, i Slie\fotind the rubbish heap . direction (be stairs lie. -We ire ion., aid. takingthe passage to the right. T ; 7'here,o. and will perhapa die Isere of own cake to ihe'•.*tairs. She left The - 'starvation." . • • '-, '.. resr it the fhot of the sinks while she ' . "Non must Mit! YoWsitnil rent!" ex- el:Cpt•eofily up.. '. .. • •• 'claimed al:biker*, made: steonger now lay.the guardroom !flag:still lay ',nor by the evld•'ilf neOd'ar 1,011W one to " Ingawl Olga glanced it Dv dour to' silt the prinee. She did not think eo make Imre the bolt had net heti d(4 - Much of bereelf as she (1111 or Olga- *turbed. 'If a dozen Cossack* hail Leen ' "There must be a Way out ited.clom bnininering at the door She Wont', not Lhand," said Olga. \, hikVe faltered now. She twarChed lu e terrible silence fieted• 1111)01. - the the little., passage and tomer a small .eu nerves, of poor .'here4e, and • iron key suspended' from,a peg by a. she *eget) to acres in• beat leally chain.. •. • . , ' "1 • 111 not diet Hemet. help - Mt rit'tniist be the one." she said, and botlii . eln.! !feint Plelpr' (,. ; • . she sheeti it and epett Irelow.• " 'The s cams of the distraet sl scold 'Remain here." she Fad to Therese. • an' rang' weird eelooei throt is the ..ant1 if 1 am lost agent you can guide ' me bark to the.etaIrs as the Amortenn "The ecb 1 Mocl* mor' ste.oled • guided us to Win?! . \ "ls thereno e to help?". " 1----- 1-il wound her way through -the pas- "Harkl"• eat ()lila. •"I think I he4trd sages and at lost reached Denton, • a vofee." , •, "You are a. brave' little woman." be "A "Ice? 1 ard a \thall'and (1 Said. "I did not think there was a 'wo lhem-and they ar 211.1107', wit " . 13 like you In the World-eicept one." . \ "No. but this w s not. t wa• a suppora you mean Frentei (Mr men'a eolce. Walt t The„etiverus were st 'Iel there any ime Is Olga's; elem. voice, •"We passnges-two women, 1 one here?" 111. . ' "11 ere,' . here; here. Caine\ echoes. \".l ant here -a prisbeeil" emu* an- rin' cry. . , .' e -prisoner-lsone‘' came he are your called Olga:, u -you!" camel *lie Meek- 'llest we must work to get out of here." raid- Olga.. wertv these 4 111iiiin fast...11Pd • • "Al ith n small Iton key. It was on a 1 Calt" I I2\fl. ' sald the princes.. ' • , e?";" rause': otit ! Do you know herr. lost in tile"1 IlPt el. at the great fair In 'Nos there any- cow. as very charitalae." iVbil rthe alked she trial the key. ack the it lit ted tiae lin it hi the chains and uht by one they •dro ped clauging against 1(1*) '44011 add Den,wits Inc.'. "Now. then," 'sh skid, Paidpuff is here. -Do ou know bow it I do not' now w re they put hili. .1 keew it have' lea.0, calling utSiver." . 'We canuot remain here In Nay. e fly - i echoe ' "Whe "Yoe-, log cavern "I must 1* ar yon-tlievoicerrnilund not fan -follow he lomat of my itithe tle!" dune him voice. "Whistle-istle.- 1 le!" (aline trou- bled echoes. • Immediately -there be• n, not far om thein, the' time of "Th Star Spa gled Rattner." Olga lotei \It was an American tune nod instinO et "'r's:est- i:eft that the person who wee Wiling them 3441,1 be the one who bit !wen ging to solve the mystery of lov had been imprisoned by Jags et n few •montelits the mean ingelsh befit -eta) Ilie real Fenn `. "'WA are your (pitied Olga. "Why ars,' stow a primmer ferret" and the hoes, and began sloWly to Laenblg inw h entakneee and te4Tor, work her 111<u toward It folloWed. , At lant the whistle fed Ler Into One of the peitanges, end abe ,ung 1 he lantern high. to me Where the* *s.\a ilmigeon. It nom not far Reeky, an ." the gleama of the lantern Went throng the door of a groom,' cell.' Th,' Ilght fell upon a may chained to Ow 'walls. One chain was erounfl his "mkt, An- other held lie feet, and each nrm\ as extended and held to the wall St smaller but ',tout chain'. These chaln were built Into the well Ind their ende locket3 together.. . "Who are you?" naked Olga. "Why art yen a prIssoner here?" •M7 name is Denton." watt the reply. am an American, and my nrrciit Is SO outrage that will not go unpunisb- ILIP for ived of 1111 -14 01114404,-"01114404,-" shsaid. "Tile flab brlug activity n the pale .lansk;,eapetrenilcut of police. I lying • unk his utilice,. and Italie, the glia 1, is lira encu one.: The pimento *it will be rico red and there 'iIt nn-tmecter., It w I meal if we tile, ow disetivereil." s"Mo !mist take haste and And ir," eel ,4 feel (hid we .en Imre hint If thr7 allecoverNme abet. c they nay klfi,, him." y'Ou en 14 Dot. 4 titiltrt eh /titer hi vrelfa till you M- r -"RC rn! Ffom rtn?" . YNo krm Is too far., 1 ave work - zed to brill the ilenotienient 1 the Oft nee. I " sent a inentage to the hare v Is • IS 14. governor gen witIrme WOI Worth millicaM. what Pepa radars must bring. Illta." Ile tried to find ROM place where Vladimir' w sled, but there was notldi eunn(t awl hint tun) heti than Yon will be If Nes *41', Neither you Her 1 it alive. We must herr al at Tobobek. n whose testi-nm 11 we need no tan tell us. X slew 40 the 111(444(17'. to guide • Is ea trapa\yot ever get bin)." \ "Then e1144w, an may Om) give him his priltertii till can give him justicer' ' They hurtled tn\the Male .The door was relockeit,\ the \tron key ling in 11* necustomed`iplace end the to the guard" ma mtholted. The h were etill, lighted by the brilliant lanspeof the fete, though daylight was coming on. Hot gel* was no one stirring. 'Quick r' sold Ohga. "Let us im r• stand 'each other. Ther, -.e, who lime se my attendant. Is w(.jo,0- 14 • eervitnt of 'the Omsk)," honmehold- lnyal to the old duke. She wIllintto tell the truth. Ilne Paulpuff invited!' "Tea. He toll me all, and 1 was *bent to Mart for Perm with the man trait of Prineess Alexandre when 1 WintWrrested-by, inhaky add brought And bow you are free! Why did 3 -bike I1)11 interest In the mystery of rnelov "Ikea 111.e." he answered after a allied 1114 "Miss (Jordon, whom I hare nola far„• long time. lore* Vladimir, and I think Vliditnir Ives her." "Alb" MOM II MSS • o e '0V DRESS AND FASIIION. A VARIETY OF ATTRACTIVE GOWNS FOR ARDENT SUMMER DAYS. Tafel* It uellelogardll 'till and H•sitan A Plies* Goma ....111mart Pearliest* Coetemete, of Linea aud - Purge per Valmtloa Lee. Taffeta ruching' very prettily border .fluences and attractively replace strait - pings on plain skirts. lu the dress of yellow gauze here show a every douuee is edged with a ruihlng of turquoise blue raveled out silk, while the Pthise sleeVes are treated In the statue way. Sleeve.' are mostly full and hanging, either falling 10 full folds to the wrist, no here pictured, or els* the frill ends at the elbow, whence a baggy lace or CtIMEB GOWN 0?TKI.t.Ow ClitZe 41111111.10 tindereleeve la continued to the wrist; but, in any case, the sleeve tits the upper part of the arm closely, uen- any (-unfitted by telt-tee epaulet which a et/animation of the yoke of bolero: Quite iu couttust with title delicate confection are the practlenl eoetutuee of, thmend e' cocut 'but these fill au im- portant place In the wardrobe for the snowiera veation season. The is a blue linen eont and Vint. trimmed with lace and blackm ebroldertel talk- ing. A white silk scarf with fringed ends and Huy gold buttons gm* WP 1411 h the Moen sailor hitt to match. Second ls a cream erne,. bolero, an 1 (4224/LRAL UTILITY 4'04TVIIES. Mined Vk Alt stitching and tiny ens. Minted 'draw, trimmed •is and rod velvet, forms the skirt gold bit with pop bat. Very faschrating are thio pretty ,white colored linen dresses made nith a 11 Ile plaited skirt and n loose but Well fitt bolero with shoulder cape. A little iihrIdery adds 'to the chic of 141101. nuennele ;Own, Which should just dalut clear theisamd. All ' VARNUIL l se 11 7 /111111mer e tnger. liaie bade ell* re of n ref etory int which pendent smoking apIte of II ef- term of ,re m. Rom Imes th evil can 1* enrol *catkin the Wbc14 In rong sinew an rylug thorough - b before returning t to e temp. Roan rubbed on • eo laining door hinge will silence ita • w ring Creak. Delletsse Coale. sairentia. A sherbet of coffee, if rightly mad le quite u1nile1rms. To a quart of coffee , edit n (-Inert of heavy cream end twelve' '1 ounces' of Reiter with a few drops of rattle* (440'I� Then put this In • freezer with milted ice, keep the sides free as fait as the leo begins to cling and when it has reached the Inairalff I GNI IMLI 1 meow 011111a Deed • 11110 la Die Was tell . Lloold Illtetreeltaiseat: Among a number of delirious and re- freshing drinks fur the Molted term the tollowleig.affe suiggeated by 11461.100ton VuOidus School Megualue: Lemou Fizz. -rate'- the yellow OW from three *nuns raid stoats* uut the Jake 441 eth. Pour ewer tide Wo quarts est boIUog water, stir In halt a matador granulated augur and cover closely. Winn lukewarm, add half *small cake of compressed yeust that has beemdis- solved In one cup of lukewarm . water. Cover and let steed overulght. The following morniug bottle aud tie dowu tbe cork, Put lu.a-cool plaite. It la ready fur use 4n a day. Wheal ituandl into gliteses, it effervesces Riad has at eparkling effeet. ' Top. -Take the Ale. of pix ous and the grated rind 'of tket.04_,,,oll two pouuda of sugar 1,1 three quarts of water bait an 'hour. Heat the whites Of two eggs -to a stiff froth, add to the sir- up while bolting and let coy]. 'Add the letnon. Let stand overulght and strain. Fill glasses half full of shaved ice and add. the sirup and a few ripe strawber- ries or elterries. Fruit Puneb.-Boll a pound of sugar, a. pint of water. and the thin yellow dad of a lemon tett minutes. Straiti, and while but add pound of stoned cherries, a pint of eurnint juice and a grated pineapple. .Add two quarts of water. the 'trained eiruP aud.the juice of six 'nitrous and four oranges. Let-, stand a few Lutes before miming. Halt • till the glass with lce broken to size of, hallstorsee nod till with the 'much Linie Squash.. -Put a tablespounful of simple sirup tune pouted of sugar boiled tep minutes With ume pint uf waters in a glass. Squeeze the JttIi of two limes, and add a Uuy pinch of baking sada. and two tablespoonfuls of 'shaved ice. Fill with water, , sok and drink Willie effervescing. This pen be varied antinitely. Crumbed st re Wherries or Sherries tuuy be added pr a steW notes of fresh borege, which has the flavor of celery. Iceland Shiver.-Illx the juice of tour lensma and two (mantles witnelx table- spoonful" of simple alrup. Fill a glass with shaved ice. Add four tablespoon- fuls of the mixed' juke and ,pirup •ud .sip with a spoon. . Russian Cup. -Make a sirup of two pounds; of sugar and three quarts of water. While bot add two large cu- t:umbers, sliced. Let stand two houra mid strain. Add • pint of strong tett gild the juice of WI letuoti. Serve with •-racked ice. \ Parfait Atnour (Perfect Leare).- Wash some large, white grapes. peels and re- move the seed* Ilan till easier' with the grapes, then,1111 with crushed Ice. With a speou•press the ice on to the. grapes '(0 bruise Orem and Calla! HI juice 4o flow. Add a tablestatonful tewou juke, the same atoorint of orange juice aud & tableepoontul of simple sirup. I.et atonal half an hour.' Clive wa- and I the glass witb n few stint wtt1.141 !mood, add new strawberries. ter. Serve with a straw. • Fetich Cupi.-Weigh\ten peunds of peitebeS. Peel: cut in sfhe.s and put lb layer* with' engar. Use pound of sugar. Let stated two hours. , Add, two quarts of water and strain \through cheese cloth, pressing out all the` pike. Add a pint'of etrawberries, or numberriee, and a few sprays * hrultied mint. Pour this on to a pint of cracked ice. T A teinkswier Breakfast Dish. TLe agreeable acidity of tomatoes makes them good food at this *aeon. Au appetizingdish is prepared with these and eggs. Watra as many round, - smooth Mulattoes as there are person. to be served. Cnt a thin 'flee from tbe top of each for a cover and scoop out a stillicient spnee to admit an egg. l'ut In each n little butter, drop hi the uu- broken white and yolk, salt and pep- per, plate a dot of butter on the top. of the egg, replace the cover and hake fur about twenty minutes, or until the -tomato is tender. . United theme may be sprinkled over the egg before the cater le ptit on. . Thiloge to Do F. a Duro. A IniXture of limewater and. sweet oil, t preportione for which are up.-- t, derst by ail druggieof ts, is the best remedietfor a bUrn. If applied at o It will "take out toe fire"and In Ino came* will •prevent blidering, Blear - bonnie of soda, tota, It sprinklist on burn as soon as it Is received will pre- vent pain and blister. Some pcopbe claim that butter is to be preferred to alb other remedies for this purpose, and' others (veer the place with Sour to ex - elude thealr: A baint9 Dessert Decorate the bottniu of a chilled Mold Ith eandled eherries. Cover with 11411114 orange jelly and Set aside to be- enme firm. Mix one pint, of thiek cream, three-fonrthe a cup of sugar and a cup of pineapple Jules scalded and cooled. Whip rery light Turn Into the mold, filling tp overflow. kolltall WITH 014A10111 DILLY. l'reett the rover &Wu over paper and let tand burled In equal parts of Ice snit three or four holm • Por thorange jelly *often half a naeknge d\gelatin in half a cup of MRS. MARILLA M. RICKER. /be le the Moot Dletilaspelebol W*. mom Lawyer So Amortise, Mrs. Medlin M. Ricker, who was horn on a tarty near New Durham, N. 11., in 11140, is the most distinguish- ed woman lawyer la America, mid that meat* idthe world, because this la the only country whore women ars per- mitted to plead in the courts. Oho Is one of the few women who have been admitted to practice before the United States elapedoe court and the only wo- -Man to -be made Wilted States commie-- sidlier'and exansiwer in chancery by the Patriot the District of Columbia. - This latter appointment she secured because it entatle judicial powers In the District, and her work has been geuer- ally for charity. Every moraine for twenty Years Mrs. Ricker has gone down to tbe jails In Weald/atm and helped the women and children who have been caught In the pollee dragnet during the night. !dm Ricker ts an ardent advocate of woman suffrage, a noted lecturer and an enthuelastie clubwomen. One of her Interests Is the Wimodauglisia, a club for women In Washington, tisougb, as the constitution state* "while the organization was formed SUM. WARILLA M. 11W11011. primarily for women, ft le not limited ho Its Work; met, are welcome to .11 (41 privilege*" The mune is made by welding the words Wives, mothers, daughters MO sister* tire. Ricker Is one of the honorary vice president's of this club. It *avow • prominent dub lu Washington. Poor girls can go there In the eveuing and ter a very small fee es s. leker usually receive instruetion lh nititieful'branch- 01- education. Mrlike a clues in the club lu Eturlieh gram - flint, and pronunciation, which, like all the rein of her work, .be doe u for love of it. - MM. Ricker's advice to pretty OiIs characte ristie of the woutait It as follows: "Never believe ode thing a man Pays to ybti unless It is disagree. able; then you way be sure he meats it. 'Be independeut. You mule feel that you can take care of yeureelf. A girl' 'never need be afraid of anybody but Lenten." Waimea and Poultry DaSelleir• At considerable numberpf young wo- MetiNare engaging In the poultry busi- ness and "rem from sit aceounts to be making s, success of tt. A correeporal- ent tells being in a Chicago dry goods store not long ago saleecirls reed week. She was in her place7m 8 Ing until 6 'clock in ery day. I was ewes tbe tailor, though with the tailor service now to be. b:r= do well to send her street [melt* quently to bo brnshed and pressed. abe con wasueg• to charge biti clot often ruough to gift theft all sa rest. 1 , l .. , The ee irieitilwe wilioslttothelllexime orat. 11111ashe so lidlUde: see - 1. A fano %otos sunshade In Wane bon, pealgu 048 a white grouud, with a whits thy I Ill000tiST Zoo. Ammo. - - Arms •re very seldom nomad and firm !pm women who have passed their thirty-fifth year, and they very often lase their shape before that. 11 le.uu- necessary for winneu to lose their beau- ty so tarty. and Pt 'Mows that they have not paid attentiou to the laws of beauty or to the laws of hygiene. You can take a nat. Cabby arm without say shape end make it round and syunift- deal. and you can take au,srut that le ao thiu that it looks aldukait like a broomstick and make it beautiful, plump and round down so .the very wrist. Arlo exerrisie are necessary.. and here the woman who does net own' homework has th• advantage over het slater who has nu week to do. If • wo- man is not compelled to work that is, to wash windows, scrub tloore-then she must take exerelmee that take the place of work. A Mut For Careful lismookeepere. A bit of household whidout that Is practiced by malty wotneu and will bear handing round Is to straighten up the rouzus before leaving thew fur the night always straighten thie par - tor before leaving it," explained the hostess to au overuight gueat recently And alie straighteued up pillows, set chairs In order, piled up music and •r - ranged the druperies before soling up *airs "(Woe thing, 1 Itke to Wove ?Wags In order lu came of anything happening, andbesides thts, while It 11 ••yery tit- tle exertton to me. tt is a good bit of belp to a busy inattl who often has much more than ehe can accouipliah Ye - fore breakfaet." Croons Welters. To make cream wafers Warm three tablespoonfuls of beget, work into It five ems, one'at • thue; then add quart of anted flour, a teatepoupful 01 banana, halt a teaspoonful of vMitila extract; mix Into a smooth petite, spread Into a but, oiled dripping mad bake In • Dot oven until a del brown.. Cu( Into ignores, prick with • fork, dra into powdered sugar and cool When serving place on a fringed nap- kin in a ether cake basket. These are very act*eptble for after000n tea or for luncheon. The Illousekold Indicator., Obe of the handy things In the kitch- en is the boueehold indicator. This la a sort of tally board on which •re list ed all the articles weed in the kitchen from bacon up to matches sod door. There are small pegs titted to the.aneall boles opposite each item on the list, and une 11141 to do when out of a ueeded article Is to place. peg and then when the butcher or groeer by calls there is no excuse for forgetting supplies. • The Mamas Witco Illorts. Swimming will do more to develop perfect health In woneau than any oth- er form of exercise It develops the whole body symmetrically, loosens the oints..Ives free action to the limbs. Itincreasine the lung capacity, Inducing deep breathiug, etraightens the frame, throning tbe chest forward tbe shoulders bea. The woman W1.10 .40(101 gains all this and In the gaining has much pleasure Stcraddens liagazIoe Look to To•r Letters. A busineor woumn who hem • Tarn correspondence says that women aro linty of two epistolary sins One is Ile omission to send a stamp when • ply is sought, ttne other the failure ) indicate whether the writer is to his ddressed as Miss or Mrs. Encl, of iese nue generally brings tta owe untslitnent and Mai In time work its wn cure. Clseratan Illtrrors. Iltrrore are never su well cleaned and polished am when wet newspapers are limed for the first proves's and soft, dry, crumpled papers for the laet. If the mirrors) aro very mush soiled with flyspeke, for Instance- put sm- motile in the water. Soap should not used at all.. Patti Teperatures, Remember Diet a ('‘old bath ts OOP from tint to 70 degrees F.; tepid, fro. 85 to 4e2 'degrees; warm from 92 to PS 'green; Mit 98 to 100 degrees. In the se of vapor baths the warmest se. ree under ordinsry circumstances is about 130 degrem. In welting don't Dike a henry ithidie, lint one that bit light, free and flrm, bal- ancing the tipper part of theiliody alter - :lately upon each bhp, but without away.' ing it perceptibly. The head* of stx nnieemitios deelim at yming women outstrip young men 'Undying; that women •verage high - than men In their eltniblog toward owledge. 44 n a Saturday afternoon en else Ilaltr one of the ri ber wages for the 14 Id $2, having been a lock in thetnontti he eyening ev- P ry for ber to 0 be well and more or lest expensively dreeeed, to be constantly chs ber feet aud to keep her temper end her self possession, frequently (Rder trylog eir- ellntranees. On the other band say. our observer, take the case of the film- er eirl. None makes less than $2 week, and twiny make $5. They work only. two or three hours a day; their surroundings are conducive to good health and cheerfulnees, and they can dreg's as they feel inclined. The writer Mentions the case of two young girls Who sold last year an average of $5 worth of eggs every week during the spring and summer. Nor did they sell ,a 11 they might have disposed of, for they raised over 400 young chickens 14. sides.-Harper's Weekly. Allteaaltp For mestere. When a woman makes up er Mind to excel as $i singer she mnst SO mat ' ter how greatly \endowed by remember that UM beauty of her Voice depeads very largely on her being able to My "no" to henielf. For her many tit of the sweets of life mind be nonexist- in tent The diet of • tinger,bas to be as er direfully coneldered and limited an that kn of an athlete In training. MOW. Melba la devoted to sweets but she never al- c lows herself one, Mille. Nordica eon- mo reales to sometimes having a perfectly hot childish craving for an abud f t n ant elle of sweets and patine* yet site denies bereelf both. Aline. Calve one" ex pressed a longing for a big, tacit hearty workmen', dinnr, which atm plight enjoy without thought of eonse- queneee or any reminder of the fac ,thatshe bad a voice to volt. Mme Pa ttKlins sacrificed practically every thing hi her voie, and she may. the she 040011 DR preeerration to the Inc that She Infurnr for one moment forget, he Is a singer. That 141* is often in nvenlent elle frankly owne, he saye, "it Is it penalty I hare to pay or • great gift." • ool tester with • 11(11*. borax or am- nia in it is preferable to soap and water on white paha. A little turpentine takes the reser off fad ion:witore:a6,1011111. ustritian papers recelved) cantata houncernents of the death on May 12114last tit Prof, Wm arena, at - him residence fn Aerates!". On _going t , to 'Amitralia ha • 1884 PrOt. M,own Was apptibited to the chat culture id the D001* AgrIoultunit College, aad rontained them until Ms appointmeat t� the college at Um- ' seronony DOM on April 14t h, 18,143 at 'Turriff, Aberdeen- ! 0 and. Ile retell -ea a thor- ough arlimitilic and practical odors (ion, portkolarly In relation to art culture and forestry. For some year, Ite, was factor to ('ob.-Far uh ot,Invercattit. Braemar but ':..4.prementing better proepert• for lift • fatnily of three guns and t hrs., dangle. emigrated 1N71, • bought farm near Orillia, and in addition to farming &cld as Pro- vincial Land :Surveyor fte Wee ap- pointed to the charge of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Farm In 1875. Prof Drown Was author of vette:me important publications In re- gard 10 ll., stock, and Wee • lectur- er of rept. brotfier is govern- ment Censer -robe 04 Forest. for Mouth Augtralla. t eat well and nay iliceetien is Ownpound from Pins enid water. Add half a cop of boiling welter and one ?Op of sugarWhen the en liquid is cool eed. the "nor absolved) . *trent over the juke of a lemon and a pint of orange Pilch, Lena than half the wipe will be sufficient to um In the mold with the pintormle monasere Roston Cooking School Me Man • In Loas Limited So Fee\ There 1-- an old negrt 11 Carrollton Who waii Liken ill day* ago) /mil called in n phyeiciArif an his race to presetilei for.him. Hot the 1111 Irian 0141 not seen, to but' ha 4140 better. and a white eetelsn was dined. Stem tt sier • vittg lIr M felt the clarity's pOlee tra for nwhent foul then restrained his nn. tiongiv Viifir doctor kite rent tempt -ref re 1' he asked. au, on't 110W, Mal," /11,131411hutPl an NO ; "1 h 't mimed anything but wr u_ty watch t. h.--oeworth In (Au.) Mew Synth% I . The Deese Dem Cure. Not satisfied with her own reat mien, tho tip to date woman has taken to rod- g tier clothe!! ft ',corky Iike n chant!. Nothing 414111(4,m shablithesim In Meta d gowne morhe e than tlines and Inklea which shft. that they bare n worn and reworn Sitting creases d the walking creames inake a gar- nt old before it has done halt Ite ty Men know thin better than wmners man Is well drowsed with a email rdroto, because every week or so lie km • . hmire of clothes sends the t b• bras wesetag to the taller d payee by aim chew* allows • Lab to hoesine amd In bis gar. mom Iti ralWrbep 4iirDe ,A4 *112147,62fflak‘r..4 iu set at siiima's asses mut se et I 144.4 it' bit l'Y J"' "-44. "4 e••••••• memo. Nt-ca,,faarset.., maw stnnthAoss. Striped border., varlets oolong, a gilt frame and a umbr' KIM. 2. A smart suns044s of new Map* b rich grosgrain stlk of any sbaqA triutined with fateey ribbon of con- trasting color. 3. A fancy striped silk in any color, the stick acacia with chased gilt ep. 4. A black moire, with applique uf ecru lace -very smart. Batter Puddle.. One pint milk, four tablespoonfuls dour. twe Mtge. • pitmeh of salt. atir the dour smooth la pert ot gee milk, add the ems without beating anti Met all torither well. Add the renestalug milk, estr well, pear late buttered dish, balm half an how or until the whole (oP bas risen up. Serve With sugar and cam whil• Warm t An Unanswerable Argument. William lialette itt A good Sherlock Holmes,, lest he d, e. nut know lititig -thai is, a here old Septiiiies \ ,.,'',;!, ..144.tt ie .iliertieti .iii..elimingiiiow i:y,4ki:.,yar Aunt oilyhefoil..t.44; mat 101 he 11)1414.4 sen miner hig Iet 1 1111 I hi.' . 1"HOW a yti1- tool iiillel. "Pielli' fair, h,I it 1114 Ile deaf in mar 101:11"1:tll' ‘e1, pulite no longer ymnig. y1111 14 ow, 4411(1 " . 41 4 il a bit it'm the age," interrpted Id sailor : "mare no. eight ear Pi am , the left 0114., and I ran• hear ' Hint." -New York Times. ' • . Iron -os Tablets are Very . Highly Appreciated hi Kingstot Ja)auary 17, 1903. It is with real pleasure that I certify to the efficacy of Iron - ox Tablets. No tablet that I know of better serves the pur- pose of an effective yet gentle liver pill and regulator of the bowels, while at the same time acting as a tonic to the blood and nervous system. As a regulator of the bowels they are all right. JNO. H. JARVIS, 7 Ann Street, Kingston, Ont. Fifty Iron -oz Tablets, in an interactive aluminizes pocket case, 25 cents at drug, gilts, dr gent, postpaid, on receipt of ,* price. The Iron*: Remedy Co., ited, WaJkcrvIhhe, Ont. J•' • if Wou I d You?, If you knew positively that you 'npuld purchase * Dia- mond a guaranteed quality It a great saving in price, *Mold you invest? Tltat is precisely what we offer in our No. 947 Solitaire Diamond Ring, No. 946 shown here. DM DM Order W If es map it dean sot hilly sandy few yew moon iiI lis refunded 44,4a14on4 448(400. 49 years of honorable dealing speak for the reliability of our house, "Diamond Hall." Write for our new catalogue. Ready Nov. zth. RVIZIE. 13120S. II& 10. 121 and /24 ' Von& tHr. Toronto Rubber heels" ere not only control table, Nit are affto a health nocemmity. ti6INLOP RUBSER KEELS Are like walking oil air - wear like steel. rho CeteutosIrwetto., iambs* Ineworeo.