HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-9-24, Page 3• f -IA,
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Tip.; kileigA (a)r)Eiticif o'rA RIO
etzjee te rt. t tea., e ; • e
t.rketrAtirty .v ttt:•l"et;
1'r.U1..1:111AT, 'dept. '24, 1903 .
Mitchell Editor's Good Ludk-..Rev. Dr. Stewart's
Twenty-flith Anniversary in Willis Church,
Clinton-Hensaki to Have a Carriage FaCtory--
' Farms Changing Hands -More September Wed-
TIse.rillaito of Ifeniuth elnitue notori
ety ar an miring centre.
• The k. loving people of Wing
hem air talking of.forming 14 ttttt
dab. -..„'
A earringe-loitirding company has
torpedoed iu Henson 4441 the joint
stoek basia.
A large ttttt her 41 candithateti here
willed for * hearing in the l'reeliy-
teri.iii rhumb et lieweall, the pulpit -of
whieit is now vawatit.
P. II. lhouglati, vile' for over four
•etI14 was connected with the Illyto
wench of the Hank of Hamilton, has
been transferred to the head offits. at
Rendition. • _
44. Here rtigton hen tend his general!
attire bushier,' in Myth to Erneet
Benderof lhashwieri. Mr. lierrilig-
Din Will taltiVe 111 a few weeks to the
C elation West.
.t lIilM Melheinid, of Kineaidine,
hae tewehapted P. th•Devitt's harmed
411 tiw hotel at inektiew Arid, take'.
Imesessfou of the Wetness this week.
Mr. hlelhottald luts eiren. keeping hotel
In tliftes1 eounty.
• ; meditate relatives id the vontraeling
I Vetter.. 'Ilit. bride Woes' aesisted by
_. Is.: Minnie Nethery, einter••tif the
1 . groom. and lit tie liu•entlelioe Ed-
monds, ef Illy.th, a..te flower girl
II tt ., ttt 4444 Coulter, !nuttier id' I he bride,
wee beet man. The ham. aseiple 1.11
on a trip 144 London, Dett...it and t .1 her
1104111. liefore settlieg down in their
home et Sarnia. . .
One night last wirk re iiiii . 41'1' 04444
leek a horst and rig belenging (II
(111V114 J4lliiiI•l4011, of Constme.t., froill
the ltoyal holed slttblist at 44.44', .1411
and started off ftar it driVe urn their
own hook. %%lien near the statiiiii
Cit. Inlret. fell 411141 threw tine of Ilie
ocenotalits of the rig out. The horse
made MT around 1114' freight' elied, and
lurk by the 'irk hetet when. the rig
was upset and siiiitsheiljo pieres, 'rlie
horse then Illalie IlAll tor the Hoyal
1 harness w ere a r . little Wreck. The
hotel stables, where it Iambs, 1111 w illi
it ilisloraled shoulder. The rig and
444.4.4444 411 the outfit was attending 411..
!Crossley and limiter towel Mg,. and
' kiiew nothing -el the - affair 4141111 he
I rattle fiir hialairse•to make .4 start tor
Ihome. ' !,V 44,, it wits hunt the 1,. .r,,,' is
and iiiiiiWil.
1 . 11. Hare. kublor of l'Ilk• ‘IilYli011
1104,1414•r, ha, 'a riirk lilf•lk. Th.' fkr1-
140Wing appeared. in his paper last
Week ! “thi August the Ilth anti .44.4,4,
fellowilig dove the subjoined ii, it iee
appeared in The Toronto Clole. : •Its
Elizabeth Itatr Widow i formerly
Elie -abet li TI psiiril, Who in INAS
resided tit Art her village or l'ort lime%
in the Poo ilic.• of Ontario. 4.1• her
next ..1 kin, %till etennimoieate iiith
Trot ter. Hems. A se IN s14*1e14411"s,
Ilistem A44141;110, England, she or.11ieV
Will .heor of something to, their ad-
vantage.' The person inquired for
was the mid her ,,iif the editor tif this
paper, ileceaseil over y 1,1 114 Ago,
81111 1 61. 111*1.1' has since heen informed
that the! 'advantage' referred to is it
✓ em. of toti thoiessitul pelted, '.chilli
10111 nowbe divided among 111,' ft 'ly
of- 1 he dereford.- • ' .
A v tI' 11 like *aid leappy wed-
ding took place at the h • of Mrs.
Jelin Ibid. 11 !Stanley, wheu tier
(Laughter, Sahib Ellen, attel Malted,
.olertire were uoited 111 nuarriege
Rev. John , McNeil. Mr. Steiner is 11
orespennie faemer of the. Li ownshiti nf
'Elie united 44o1gregatittili44 of Duirs
church. Mcliillop,‘ and l'avou rhumb,
AVinthrop, hat... tended a eall to
Her, IhtVid Carswel ,\of Ayr, ftelowily
of l'erirrry, Maii. A 'eats:time of the
Huron lemelaytery will he hehl at on
rly dale • to take at itei iti the
I Atter.
'IjI the moment 10 (iera, tentown,
Ohio, 4,1' Ve. %Vitiate. tll1114011 si 4441
odd .11-eeitle111. 'Not Noillie 1 hilly yesrs
he ban datek, there and practised
dentist rv. 11,. %%As a foist
n riiizen eyed a 'deltaic,'
and his rims, ival lb 14 •fienetWe of illittet
to Ow temple oft blatsei,
.., ille 1', 111 tor Mr. and Mrs. robt.
„ , 1 Irtlighlh. tAmaskiirew. wan be Remit. of n
.,,,;,.•,,"• tei.t dy *tette wwdding fon Vednetiday
. of feat eifeel, 'When Whole- W.....1141
titti 11$4186 Tiln. was united iii
1111 iet Miami' 1'.1eryfil41, of Flint.
. -Mii•h. fete isidify kvits peOfornaill
hy lige/bk. R. R. Millyttral, in the.
emir*, tAf libei_ftionity mild iMnferhate
ft•ielnite ftf the Titifie.
.... .
A quiet velelditig 414144 Wile...444d At
fille et•nide Of lies. little, Ing-
te,1 m
liit, oti v ef litet week. when
^•••• e„ IlllIgligkillet, i•Yr !fizzle, was midis'
,, •,, ''' '.• .iii Aittientlige lib 'itt* l'ollitts, formerly
.1 lieffh.. Her. !tr. tinnily tirefortoted
' ie `• ; the reletto.py- -wide+ wits whnes,.ed
. „ I.y tie.* Tahiti., • .1 the liriile ityni
' !, ,-,,, , %room. Nlr fIea tee?), ltitie.t
ltiiii (tie
• 1,' „ It.iiipy rfitildelliftt for Isititliiii oti t heir
wwiding Ittp. .
, '' 1t;'•;' On Rathiltilhey eftetleimm, Itth inet..
,-• ,,, . ?4 1'.. 1414. asasht4.1. (of Jtiliii l'iii•te-t.,
Setifort h. MOS married 14i Ilellry
lie41111P, Ileitt4ete.14, al tlflift.m. iiuly
ti).. linelletibete relatives wort- pre,...ot
at tit*. , which was joerfet•iiits1
lry !tele br. _. In. Mr. slid Mrs.
Heitttle Sift tiss slime evening for their
11411114. iti ffilIbtron. The many friend.
11 'moth will telelte iti egtentliug thelt•
\ very, hest Wishes to 1}i4• young erntrfle.
. •I•••" ' \ \II\ a.1Am Meovloray. of Eitet Vl'ewen.,sli,
s -e,ial his lito.actfarm t., far1., .4,iities
il Fr.f... 44 the toiensliic '.,f Mum is
r' :
it I'' il! ice $3,14M9 Robert Se Oen. of Kast
1% awantaili, has Aida his ii, 4.144',. farm
I4 John HOWIll.AV, lit 41,. saute
,wnship ; prier. 44,5skt. Thomas
Ili entlerw in, of tin. lilittevale
I, near .. Wingha tn. his ism-
cha I the flftj--aere farm et Ili' late
Jam Max welt paying t3,27.1 there'
(Ir. is propi,rty adjoins Mr. lien-
detain's\ fitetti, and he mow !testifies.
plare of tartlet. -
I'. 13/S1 II, of the slizeter eleettle
-,' light 'wee mete. met with a painful
„..,..„ . seri reit on Way. Ilth inst.. which
wi confine hini to his home for a
t' tie. It peeves he was modeling Abe
it!' inietbaw, 41 the ond efitleession of
i;:t I. NI erne, ,fit, s work in the barn
'.1 . and in getting do 1 from 4 ht. nem
... ,.,:., relight hold of A *nee to wiai,u in
Lowering himself, wh it gat'', way
• ' Intl ht. handed Nev.t.teil eet lbelow, in
writ a manner as to (II rate •of
him ankle Pilots. The inju member
im doing am 4111) 41,4 mend he teseled.
' 'Isi.. Mr.) Kennedy, of i‘ m tii, a
A painful accielent Milli ited to
few ditym ago. Mht. had gone t writ/
with the!helot. tO attend the tiii *rat
..;i IN the late Ile. Montgomery. In
1,-• ',ie.,: descending a etairestme she tripped tin
,4 4 = roll of *Ire olettriieting the ustmsage-
:.;• Way, and Wain thrOWli ion the side-
:.,,'' walk, breaking both leetei. 4 it the left
near the ankle. The thoet or tot.k
an X-ray picture of the injury m hit
Ma static machine, which nhows the
fractures very dInt.inetly.The aryl -
dent will lay Mrn. Kennedi aside for
Nome time. ,
lAncelot Tasker, of Harpurhey. has
tend hi,, farrei on the lith contseesion
of Iltillett, mete linelock, to Showed
Plumtree. of Mt•Killop. for 111.'. 44u141 of
$10.0417. Thin term emitains Ws illegea.
and lian on it fifteen *cern of hatil•
wroth' 1111xli, which in better titan
laared land bent, now. The Whole
, f n In ohm needed in grass, exeept
nix t,fifteett acres. There is A goo()
and two farm', be -
'dike her building**. It in a xplendid
-hem, d Mr. l'hitntree Moo got a
.. bargein." lie gets ,ptlottession on the
firm of Mitt7,4•!h, and ham already coot-
neeneed plo ing on it for fell wheat.
The cOngregation of Willits ehtirch,
Clinton. lhatit,trein relelwitt hag Me
-e ttttt pletion tof Hee. Ih., MtewIrt's
terenty-fiftli yea an matte. of the
churrh. An a,Idr., expressing their
appreciation of his vices (hiring this
long pprlimi w" p ed to him at a
gathering held ln th Atwell, and
their kindly feeding was rt her ehown
los, the ploweritation of h bandicoot*.
k',wateh suitably engroved. To
Mist. Sitewart was ptegienteV An oak
cattinet. natio-lined. containing 11
Men a neer k iiiefel Anil finAlli, w doyen
dessert knives and fortis,* dozen tea-
spotty's, a dollen ilensertspoonn and
hatta.dosen tahlespoomd Dr. titeW-
art made a feeling acknowledgfneht.
A pretty wedding WAR ettletntlisnd at
tht. revddenee of Jame* Coulter, lot 1:4,
coheennion 10. Morrie, on TkIc641Y "1
big week. when hi. youtuyeat dittigh•
6'1. (1.'.,'ei (lhitrlotte, woo united In
:feriae Gs A.IPI. II. Net hery, of
Rirerilit. sinh of Wm. Netltery. of East
W'iterannuals. The reresonny was per-
forrfuIlt h? Rev. 1.'Edinoto root,* of
• Diana eif lb, 1141104,1 elf Mho cartyte,
the loseseter- The lelmiewark Sys- •
dm aid Its airless Nine.
. According to the report of MISS
Carlyle, inspertor of factories and
*op. for Ohtert4, _there` re about
S0,000 fe'male employes in t . tailor
les of the Proqrice. Althut la the
collection' of sccurate !statistics is a
comparatively, recent departure, il IS
evident that • gas record shows a
marked ,Incresse during the twit few
years That t he future 'will 'brim;
equally rapid intree,ies may tairly le.
predicted, for the growth of Menu -
tailoring eichistrien is assured, mid
,weilien desiring empleynient t show la
preference for the factoriem. The con -
Moons In the rectories of -the Pro-
hince are, un the whole, quire eat is-
factoey, anti the inepector finds vet.)
MO.: cause for adverse criticism
Factorise', are generally clean, and
there is but very,littli• overcrowding,
the only compleint 'that Is at all
fnaquent being in regard. to ventila-
tion One of the changes that has
great ly *Improved industrial c•ond 1 -
lions ile Ole stated 'fatten of elketric
lighting • for gas The ',gas flame
helps to vitiate the am of 'a factory
or other building, ant* at lho' same
time tends to incrervie the. tempera-
ture "rhe Change has mad.• working
co/Wheelie noire e iiii burled° 'in inattY
factorter, althbugh th•t result Was
not directly. contemplated. Fenploy-
ere, however, are generally willing to
de everything neceSsary to Insure
the safety asit comfort of employes.
In dealing with. thr init‘..tnent for a
Katie:clew half-hubday, Miss Carlyle
gives It .• strong endorsation, and
takes ,a decided attitude against ov-
ertime for women• weekly's. It is •
matter invuDing the lb•aftli of' •
large nuntber of employes. and the
views of the in•spet•tor are entitled to
the fullest ifonsiderat ion.
The effect of introducing. the piece-
work system ie discusik4 at consider-
able length. The rapid pace and ne-
ver.. nervvilas strain which hate re-
sulted from It are.made the basis of
On •rfilluent In favor 'of further re-
stricting the. hours of. Work. Tittle is
really the eSsenc• of All contract'', be-
tween• employers and employes.
Where ptscework • is introduced the
rate for each stint of work is deter-
mined, not by ite ultimete price, but
by the Urns it •will take to do- It; Dy
experience in day work employeis•
arn to estimat• the thee required
I, the, various operations In which
th piecework system is Introduced,
•nd hus have a basis for esilinating
the r ten of pityne.nt. Employes are
Mime] ed by the piecework system
to great r effort, every Inc in
their out,t numatng • correepond-
Mg Mermen In their 'returns. Wm•k-
ing under preketire means compara-
tively large Week :Wages. This hi
noted by hut 'ea and ,dtrectore,
and generally i.4. to • reduction in
the piece rates The essolt is a
r=and pressure \which led Mimi
le to question's:hoer long the
nerves of the ttorkets could With -
Stand the strain. The, wide varia-
tion in wage rate* shoen! that fac-
tory employment for Wonihn is Milt
II an imeettled condition.- EnTployes
In boot and shoe, tobacco a cigar,
woollen sad knitting factoriee re-
ceive better pay than their werkitig
In other industries. In the niatly
brinches of Wearing, apparel mania-
faagye the rata of wages ,narlem ids
mateflally that It would ;be impos-
sible to +Venture ,oli the overage Wage
which Wept net bat Bible to contra-
diction. The 'latest** di women In-
to light ' Institut1 oectipations le
Mons th• secoamintlied change, of
modern indastrial oonsitt Ions. It
weuld be futile to.dirocules the ittIVIN-
k ability of the Irwettable, sod it on-
ly reenalns to Ininimia• any neut.
tent folks that may AteSlop.
'\.' . • -
Milken rip Powelers cure. For
toile by bus, 'ikon..
he : Whic has the better diotpoei•
tittle --et blonde or *bninette f •
He : You ottght to know: ytni have
been both.
Miller.* Think Cure ix n home treat-
mentanti dnen not nemossitete heing
cooped In * gold cure eafahliehment
for weeks with consequent publicity
and eomment, o*lng to sibseace firom
eats* ptesettee of' only the ini- business. For Mie, Jae, V‘ Ilion.
Oat iiititowe W14 Jey •fter'llassig Tenets.
nays.. ad Themselves Mach Agate
Sarglar's y That Nay Mere
Mere Theo • if', ..• • r Trate, la Is
Ileielvave Deem 44&d tathitag.
. ,
.The.guerda of the Kingston . eat,
trutiory ray that the eutotien bit-
treyed by men who have Just com-
pleted 'Tag teams le petroyed by
. throwing up their hate fur putoY.
end ehoutiug on reaching the big out-
side gate. .
In some cases the vatrYeneeti, who.
after * cell experience et lifts...It or
twenty years, .td 111. 1(10.41 profound
protestations of good resolutions, are
under arrest in • few menthe again
furblunter offences', write/4 bi•C. VW,"
ter in Toronto Sunday World. Nut
Infrequently they aro returned* to thim
prison. Then they tell the guards
they are glad to get back; that they
were unable to earu • living honest-
ly on the outside; that they hail been
tio lung immured that they could
taut cuutpete with the world orirhich
they had not been a part for se long.
Here is a typical experience, as re
hated by a man whu had spent 11
years of a 15-1/e411s'. senteace for
shooting a man while robbing his
Iltor• of a Illueglae4.41fo. .
',1 was • :47. years of age When I
was released; could read, write and
had a Common school education. I
had a nradtical lutowledgia of boiler -
making. This I had inemired in the
prison A young man when I enter,
ed prison, I had resolved to stary:
beforVI Would ` live a criminal lit
when released. • Ify early training had
not been geod, and I had become ki,
burglar before I was 18, I first rob-
bed drunken Men .around salooioi and
e trona a residence on
then began bolder work, It was 4
trying to escap:
eight I shot a man. Ile would have
killed rue hiad I not Ared. I believe
this is the rule with burglars -not to
* hoot t• avoid arrest, but to twe a
✓ evolver whets their victim is about
to 'Moot. Anyway, that was tuy
way. I left the prison in the winter
with $15, a ticket, to Windsor./ I
W604 Well clothed,: hut did not ',Ants,
an overcoat, lily first thought/ was
tO go . to the far West, • change my
nane. and apply for Work, 1/stopped
in Kingston at a :cheap- /boarding
house. While looking molted I se-
em:et* work.for fate weekIstn the local
nowhine shops., They ki w I Waft a
discharged co -fitly,. but/ theymisled
men Just us Noun , as the rush nab
oVer, I was diseharge,.:.. Concluding
to crces intot he St ....4-,, where 1 was
less lik.•I.y to no et J4IIice'otticers who
knew me, I sold jv ticket for 81 .1
went to Svractis , N,. Y. . I hail *1 -1
Whin I got tiler . The first • week I
got o position /paying $2 75 a day
n the ear shojis, uperatitig • nut
and belt inotadnite. , I. got along well.
My burl us4...1 • mr., where I .' had
Workei! •befOry employing me. I had
iotory nil prepared,
. •ivica story Reser.
\ •
"-Frean an American ill pri-on 1
had learriod moth Of Si- . Luois shops;
Is.. hut it Wus not customary to
ask lo let term iir character in the
States I lied wanted to get further
way from tho suede of my 04,141 ison-
tient. but I got thia job and I took
t So I told thia boas of the ithops
hat I was from St. lands, that no.
tone was King and that, I had come
roof the Steel &. Iron Co 's works
remained • there seven weeks, and
. .
Ind naved two-thirds of laY\ itelarY•
ly work, was good. met I had been
dvanced to a positron 'of more\ re-
ponsibility. One' day the foreman, of
nV room ment toe to the shop hOes
mi I was told to, get no• 11111.. ./ I,
LIX161.11 xttly. and wns merely_told,„
Yo know why, ter 11--- cony t.'
'I tievt,r made , any reply ••• - I did
ot 'know for Seteral (lays hole t ey
ad secured the :information. • T n'
learned that at iny hoarding hoe
here was a worktuatC,who, had an
cquaintatice et Kingston. Ile vistaed
he boarding heti* and ' saw Red re-
oan11..11 ino. I•tttil not see hien. They
old Ate pollee/and, they reported to
he slitip when. I was employed. I
hen keened, that the •7•4:t wins. 'cle-
ectiveit had been watelung inefor a
sek. , . ', .
... /Started for tlis Wiest. \
,,..4 ad' ev.5, so I bought a ticket
i ,11.4iii•ago An officer in plain
It, lue. wee welting for me. They had
etched whore I bought tily ticket
lid sent „a telegram ahead. Tie. oth-
er -said" ' The captain went s to see
ou."Iliat's a genteel Way"tle.v have
f saying 'Coin., along: 1 want 'to
In. kr you up moil th.• police captain
4 the district van 1 all. to you and
Hilt you °Ver.', I„, was diken to a
"life st at bin anal chargkl with
fl.fgra.i!"•C‘Pok•i•nwtatmi. InTilitleini Si.h.‘e"e4ttiditnevii'il
elf .ter. Ine. Ile had smitten to the
ienitentiary for Any fell -record \
- tle meld: "You can't live In my
er', nd ',c
,von an't lievtn Chien-
°, better go hark to Cutiado.-• 1
Ohl him I welded to work and pro-
wled to work • end he holiest . Ile
mugged hie Mimilders and replied .
Well, you can't work here. I trill
ive you 24 beers to leare.'
"That Meant. I I . was found In
hi -ago after mie day I would be an
eesatiedbl,aga1n. I had 11V7 left . I
wn on the lake front and nettle a
which I could work 'my way
o linhith, but thealext morning when
went aboard t0 (11. freighter t ht.
ate called Me a .4- Canadian
maim,' and told me t• 'clear our I
gun to feel. mighty misty by that
nie. I Wax rapitil losing tiny res,, -
Colt I ever bad to let 11131 old
iminal friends alone. 'I had not .
t met any of them, but I knew
twee to find them If I ..wished. But
an rot mine 'ready. I inade one
nal ort end -failed ,
*see lie oid Levet • -
'I emic led to go 40 Mitwatikre.
The fare n. 55. I bought a wane
\see ticket 1i4'-44, thinking I would
vesi dollir„"i got on the train.
Th ronthortoe tt k one look at the
tie t, ouriehed 19 nd 'You
can't ride rny'lr tri with no-Mr-
me1 is it a ,yesr old.' Mtatulned
kit lea an (Sinaloa ticket
It. Sure enotIgh the tteket cad good
In March ob the previoun ye . I had
only glanced \ett the month antl, not
His Year. I Wade as strong a ;bluff
aS I could, but the train wan Map-
ped it • plaYerra out In the
aniburbe and T Wat‘e.lected. I mowle
Up my mind the roMpany owed Me
a trip to Milwaukee, and I was go-
ing t rt it. I got an a freight
train that night and crittled In a
bon sar. Mben 1 Woke Up 1 forint!
the ear sidetracked awey Mown In
Bout Illinois. I had gorto in the•
wrong Um.. it made little dif-
fereggo, WOW*. It Would haVal
th• Sa)de at Wilwaubat. I euppoK\
kic • furs. \
; 401;4460 „:&11..kkek - ,NA IkkfrA ff • 21,, soilAdtaziit,...
, -Then 1 started to walk to • 'vil-
lage • dew ealler.uway. I met. it wo
(Wee tramps, min We Weld into 104.4,4
tOgl.liler A' policeman r mile up Mid
beganLo questien us . Suddenly -my
tem coutpuitions• ran and the officer
grabbed me... Ile shot at the other
men. but they escaped. ;The*. I fuund
that a .house load been broken tuto
the they heture in an adjoining toWn
by (Wo trauma. I was it.pt. th jail
fur three months, awaitiug trial. I
Wet releosett withoutany ceremony.
I Wail ready for Any job them 'Just
What humielied. I will not suy, but
it was enough to start Alise. for Cana -
44. hot.fout. 1 landed at Windsor,
end found a couple ot pals. They
4'ere just the men 1 • wanted to meet.
That fail we traveled ail over the
country, doing little nate'. and in the
winter I was caught with Wattle stol-
en pi•uperty.' A friend had Wade .111,
lUUC11 .enit given the sturf to • the.
My record alone wan enough" without
the stuff I tad, and 1 'gut eight
Grade Jerseys that have been unit-
ing ouly three to font. months should
be carried forward to pasture very lib-
erally so as to prevent abnormal
shriukagal. To 4,111. eud Dairy-
recotunteuds a ration substauthilly
tie follows:
. •
Formula fur
Digestive nutrients.
le lb. hay
6 lb. bran. .
V lb. oil
yes. I aux better off right here in .
Totel V el) 9.09 90., 74 49
prison. if It is nut 'this it i• 1•011110- It the cows will eat more of the
thing worse. I don't believe I would silage or hay, let them have It up tO
.escatie to -night If I could.- the limit of their respective appetite.,
'rho officers auty that nine -teethe of but not more than they will eat with -
the men prove by their current lime
the truth of the adage .''etics a ,waste.
criminal, always a criudital.'t r i I% e do not eenelder that there le any
i particular danger In feeding cotton seed
.-edile I ineal In 'halted quantities, but there is
, • very universal opinion that It labet•
As Americas Popov Imams "it's Invasion ter not to feed this meal, during the
id Our Nertners Country. later months of gestation lest it might .
The real call to the wilds halls have a tehflency to produce abortion. .
from -the Canadian hakes and rivers. . We are not as much afraid of this as a-
nte .aiintkoka region is absorbing a good many ars, because It has been
. lot of Yankees these days. De there, demonstrated In ignumerable instances
on lakes ,that are easily reached, hut that COWS red cotton mod meal np to
which are little' kabwit, New York
State folks un, modelle In old cabins the time of fresbening have lard no
and tn. tents Wild • under brush lean- trouble. However, In deference to Oils .
Ws, and in dugouts' Mill SCor5, Wad almost universal sentiment we hesitate
from the rocks and en th.• bunk aro 'to advixe the use of cotton seed meal
.getting giod fishing Off, back of after Ave or slx months of (mention.
Toronto, is the liluekokis -region,- , as We have therefore ,speeltled oil meal
full of lakes and streams as a jellow In the above formula partly for this
lily is full of punkies. Co te any reason and partly for the further re. -
of t home lakes or :Merlons . and yoit 'emythat this feed seems to have a die -
cannot fail to get fish. Catch them tette value that ' the chemist cannot
yourself aud then clean them and reach in Ids analysts or the veterina• .
lake' thew Ib a tirr en the top of a
roek. and broil them while they are .tr,
nian fully explain. The fact remains,
owever, that tn some way and some -
still flopping, and you will think•
how it serves a very -excellent purpose.
you never 'before tasted a real fikh.
Ito wherever you go don't take too !. . The Coot of Ensilage., .
lunch (Mine and tackle dith ,you. It Making a careful (estimate and taking
Won't be hard to find somebody ,who into coosideration every expense, as
has tarn on .the sort of ar trip you mie of horses, board of men, and twine
may be planning, and such a.. "La ! used, the total expense of putting up a
can ,,,tell yogi ,111 five minutes more
about. what to take and what toOne hundred 1)011(0114 of good milk
toe of silage this year line not emit uson
lea‘.• at hoar than, all the hunting an average over 75 Wine.- If we teati-
me] fishing Magazines 'would tell you node the tine of ourtul, silo. winch line te,,,tittudi:b4t87ls°
01 tut, 5poluudeotIf"i
if you trtlti read ' them till you ' Stood Ave years and is still In a State of 3 3-10 of casein and albuineu and
wen, thuold to see a bobber pulled perfect presermition. at $25 per year, re.veu tenths Irmo' of mineral matter
under the surface of a laoll-betlil by a ' 'we, are getting tillage front shuttling+ • st• melte. These constituents vary he-
t wo-iecit 'pumpkinseed. When You I Corn to Silo at ,a emet Of lege than 1S1. , tWeei, witle•lients, eflie total -solids of
know where ;404\14.re going, find genie per ton. .The cost of .4 growing udiles,may be as low ns 10 or as high
"a" ala' baa been in la" a - reglan corn for silo aloes not extred 50 -cente ! as 18 parts lit DM. - The fat 'dies In
anti 'front .hin get a list of the. traps .
ed ohts• knows -bet he bed that he 1 stock Herd 110t.coet lo 19444.4 $I.ok Is r the teak, emining es low us _ parts fp
per tOtt• hence slime. all ready for the ' (141'11114\11mM then any other part of
yt114. will lie,•d A .nein who has fish- , ' , ...) , • • ' • 0
del not want and what he did not • ten. Perhaps the beginner .could not . 100 and ns high lie 7. The largo.r the
have that he not4ed, and if he Is th•- grow and put up tillage at this low fig- .: proportion rit'fat the richer the milk.
, right, kind be will\ tell yuu all about - ure; however,we believe that Yankee' . Most of the" Matt% .otat many, chiles
it-elluffelo Express.‘.
.. I
'ngenuity will wooer or later bring the t v
'hae a legal staudard for the compost-
" ' ' • cost oflptittiog up slIgge to even a low- hen of tuilk; and aity falling below Ms
• ' . seeety of • Barr.. lliere. , er figure than this: -.A. W. Trow In , attendant he 1444:1 )1)' regarded as adui-
In, hY.gone tiows rt was the practice Fanner, - . terated, •aillooltill it\ maY 'he, In fact,
of• the Neetheindland (mast folk to .
How Often !Mall We Feria'? 7110 rem natural proalect.. • l'he iaa's
appropriate' .everything • they sec ui..41
bet (1,1'. Iclessness had to be ,
Cows appear to give bett..r results ' usually require 3 or :4 per. cent of fat
. lite .
Pause and Effect
When you feel unnaturally 'chilly;
• When your back fiches with a dull pain;
When your bowels are inactive, or when the
kidney secretions are, not normal;
When you haye puffiness under the eyes or in
the ankles or:;.wrists;
Wheu flying pains bother you.
You Need
The standard kidney regulator and tonic.' It is more
than probable your kidneys are affected. You must
hve them restored to healthful action or your ills
will increase. Bu -Ju will do this for you as no
other (agent can. Atrial will convince.
, t elk t
At ati drugallide:
bOX of 60 pills .
50 Gerils
999W rialtos, W. v., ANO
911114pliOn. ONT. SUBSTITuTEll
k' • • r!
" •
•„ ''"ft'•;"1
'4: • • i."",
A 74
Now the u4writt,
\ when fed twice a day then when fed and 0 or Pi per cent ote"nolitis not
ride is that they get -wile their neve frequeetly, Rapt Slidlantkrariner. ; fat." The "total solids" ri.quirtel thus
band," or 50 tire cent, as satlylee•e in li When fed OR frequently ps three or vary from 12 to '13 per cent, according
purt•ble andvaluable urticho, such four thnes a. day tht.y aro up ati their to 'different limit, whItir Means, of
as silverware, therris mill a strung I feet atraiuing and ,worrying for their . course. that ip every 1e0 pounds. of
tong:Dation to' keep 'the *hole, but" feed some time before It gets to them. ' IllIlk there must he 12 or 13 pounds of
the puntehment It Whvere Chan,- ,, invenigatIons have recently taught us solid matter.- These legal requirement*
% liqors, cabin, store,. and tho 1 that an, animal la mine every energy tire justified by the, fart that it Is the
like ba.ve al" a f-nek at' "disallwart 1 when standing that in lying might go ' nolid -matter and not the water which
ing.. and In the poorest -fisher's rot -
40 901110 °thee use. Itinulimaits heve gives milt* to tuilk.-Fartuers' .11ulle-
tar. yOn Will come itpon. rare china, i.
iiai;iiy napery; eitt.craui.i. of lit.ii.e. . large stomachs and when the milatel 'tIn 42. .
.,,..1 uo...s to lei10,11411epicure. Toe
, liw
es don, contented and satisfied, tinj 1 Active Owho thinks that thelen* flatters. •
, an
sal, or s are •recktesa dui ..o.thinkieg, bt.tter the eSturns will lie for the owit-\ The dairyman
man pre-empts What 114 yen., 1tt 1118 , !Ns and be more conveifient to' feed the
and 114 they. gather in liond;44414 etery ' er. It le well understood it will cost
4t,..: ilanilktlieorgUtarentagli°11Z ta° 9v410gPorellokinTriantg-
rokn Ult-I.6,,, im talleti destroyeth Wb...11 ' tIlti011 hi two feeds than oftener, and tetupt,,,to find a method that the In
'II' 'll'illei". %vim 40" In 1(481, 114'y .. ft should also be underetoOd that Much, ' wilt not forbid is very much wietaken..
burnt \whalebone' worthhi 5,000 a .ton__,:
to ha% it leather coming tw r''' lA eti I s A
- - "''--. e - - - ' taltied in the two feeds.given. It does '
very Much, depends on whet Is COO- flaY9A Hoard's Dalrytnne. 'Ever since
the' law was parted all the skill of
a pailful In •11140 "Filillieline-,Wri.t k '01
19410 they tratnpled crat.:s 'of cost ,tc'
glaiish-arn to get . at four cases or.
S'ieneh noyer-books valued a1. twen-
ty -Ike ults apiece. •.041 pile oven -
4.401) two,o,,, I4 ors bad got ,aslan't'-a gardilig the ecolioniyi of feeding grain what was 41811(0(1 and a color th•t the
pla)e, and \were . adopting the :siolo- While eon's are on- paitture. There IS ' analyst could not Identify. But what
nem -like iespedieut of . sewing it in no doubt , that a cow' will produce one chemist puts together - another one
hall, when 41 'aliroteder tillini bought more Milk. If fed grain while on ens. can usually pull spirt, and a method
it from them 'tor a Meth. of whine tof Identifying the palm oil color has
un.. mei if n "Large yield is of 'more ini- '
key looted \from 'the caption's Clibin.
When t e-Crastirook"went ashore in
portiegrain should surely be fed. Where a '
re than economy of produetiun • been found, and the 90(4.0.11,11 manu-
facture of colored untaxed oleo b still
vcio ov ry Dian fin the siliOte 4(1)4.111 grain
amoimint gratin Itiftsleoryjs Well ill the difitance. .
'.sI hut,:,; wit h • ceriean ,concertitie,
of which itstruments 1 temente she . adapted, let it 'will not unbalaillo the
had a larg consigetnent , and Ale se, ration; if large itinottels of grain are l'Y* int la Canada. •
cure them Packages of ' uch Moro fed, ether graine, teach 'as bran, glilten The retentien of the kilt al ths
board %) hen 1 lfist." Orion,- frt a Balt7 - form part of the ratihn.. 'Experiments ‘'
co•tiv fr. 401\ trete 4 hro 'tt OV.4%., MORI, oats or cottoti\gertinwah Rheum
J.. ' deems of the SccUtiah regtenents • ti
' not . to' be tondo an elertioW cry in
•11nore lur rolicithaircit.. ' ale'"')S. "6 at. Cornell covering four )-44a(". made he 1.n - .
Canada after all lt wuuld not have
back of rot"' 4(1410e mai `i''af \ (0 with ,'07)',4 on pasturb which' supplied tild Caid nhas limited en a "pla'reikr- in).
of 1,10,4.1 S On 111 died, and they Weil,
ilieCia.7\ sh.• had 11 1,, rge rolls ignIllent if, abundance or nutritious.. grain a political pint/ord. The 111101 ids
one( iiiii‘l..41 in St John 'S And Metered, showed that while the • grain fen iii- lin% e leen more then once a it .d
.3,-. creased; tho milk yield it Wall 4•11101 • 40 er the !Here billgrest lcoi that t 44.
1,1 all 1)1-01' tht, 4,,,,,,4 The -Able
heireSe', ' taut i nor. In 1 Mier Inc herd sour .4g01101111011 10 414(041114.11 It In 1 MI 1 way, piiiifilaa should make wily for the\
. . .
rase. of spfriellil Englhitt rid.... fte• <• corn Mt a ssivolemeilol• t 1'.ve.1 uli 14 lie ilo Id Sera from 4 lie 1
rionede. and these eire,,now to be- WhIly ',estimate,' 14 geed and 1, 114111- ' ""rtit . l''aetraver'Y' iudeed, 1.1614 el -
seen adorning every lishee'e rootlet+ e 10.4411 More or le.s busy With
dant CA. cow le a 'Wilt as Well. proVidisl I hit i I 4, and one of 4 he few t hinge
for nte ithe CWII be. •Unfortimately -the which have been piseed beyond dies
/19011 of abundant pnettinige ix short t4,, 14 that it I* a healthy garb
nd title sheet:tee-Is often the critienl ; When 4he Fi aser Ilighlendere landed
me ot the year for the dairy cow. Mile , in North Aniei ICH in 1 757 It was
tint be' (steeled over It with her milk ; prp
oosed *1'.t•lienge ?ho drone on Re-
undim041sbN1 or slue will not do count of the cold winters and hot .
best, de no' aniount of food will • ‘4011,111::::::18 •
1 hirk*, usiti7dMcw'rt:Irseuticletihmi:afut rill);
beck the yield. of milk onelo
c' st.
Ifighlendent being
cheapest rind. newt efficient feml
' 1117et its:::(aill ;tile% "la; lttlere la the arta •
which to ttuppletineit tonsitiree. L tin. i.ampai ..n In 1 toliami in 1 74
this period is probably corn, soine ietionefgde heti . Os litany ns
reen or In the forni of ensilage.
ital Creamery. Itleek Watch, which had three hund-
114 three hundred from dIseise,,.but the
time younrnn. ' . '
purclialle frith tnleerily-11in castieltiem, including the
red revriols_ In ils ranks. had Only
refillly to coo whether it 'killed In battl.• lemtion C.hroatele
, s.
1010 weed need,. _There' .
not follow that the! menns the paving Rome della, best chemists In the COUR-
of one feed; far frotn it. try hen been at work ou the question
Grain raids". , of finding a naturel color foroleo. At
one time palm oil seetned to furnleh
• There le a difference of opinion re-'
along the N4,or0 -I' T. hieth nth
\.. Th. Mighty Britisher.
,"The Parr • colonist/4 were going t
west \ in detachment'. while I waif en
rolite, ,And. furtinthell Ma-
terial fttr al °Fit's, whith Were golng
the roil - 11.i4 h fanciful emir e
teethe. 110
" • Aid one of these 'new- Tbe
commie as he fretted on the plat- with
forin at a ren t shoro station, ' 'old
the train for ten'atinittes: Cm going hither
&Misfit the way to get Something to -Dairy
heat .' And, .faking tho conduct or's
ise'eent for granted, int proeeeded-- The nee
Ind got Lift.'
amine it
The Efts "111.9* !Rotolo- e011 hi MS It
The d. 1110,'. of 441 10',,. Will sOon ' WAR Rent 10
hate one pilgrimage the less to of bran that
:Mike In I Anyliin. The dwelling in the pound, .1111
which Dickens 14x.A1441 Mr Brook of putting the I
Miss Elite, in • •Itleak theme," 'le that bran on a
coining down. It Manila In t'lliehoti.
ti.r Rents', Chancery lane, at the cnr-
ner nese the little entranee to 1.1n- Ah In a good thfint
('(1180 Inn. It a very told. m
tie off the tidal*. of the cows with
andanswers, to Diekenor demerit,-
befoth I ,n't depeud upon
lion oven t• the -garrElite kept r et wirelow,
where little Mint „
your ohm Imre hand t do it The ninn
who (40441 that nifty' 14. sure thnt his
birds. Other houttosi have been
tiled ne "Brook*" for Dickene only milk will take the odOrs "from the
story looeely indicated the aboaes of 114.1-11" rverr time, *11,1 Hist odor will.
Ink. characters; but popular opinion Mott right on de,w,i lido tbe butter tab.
te thi-sseighborhood has always fav-
ored this -sakalina 91 the old hem* Would KnoWbVhat It, ant.
thrst Tear e•
VIXemislit hist year a earI.
contained r.,2,900 .0,',!'. to e fret ',silly need far more rest
, an exchange. , Think then it is usenl 44154,)t them in
these day. of berry and /emery and
enure front ten tuns of ,
I Igo% .4104.4 • i'.1111 nyoplehate any
111! idea how to health and'
Videos,. 4
Which is now shortly to Make way
lor new buildings, ,
tee *eau fielemot 164sraesewl.
roil do!
Enderby Park, Weer loirrbee, Eng- "I'd sign the pledge,' toittoeted (1
land, was lately fits scene 'al a matter-44nel man. W ehingt t
lielple gathering 'Ills (adult *china. Sitar.
movement.. Which is making rapid . . -
progrecn ntl beer Fingland, has de- t My. ocrirowitom`.. h•rt 114.' 1111
veloped remarkably in *letireeteishire, firely 'tie a re•tint of taking 'Milken
where there am 0,000 members en4 'Compound, Iron Pills. I.'en• hale by
ntnety-elx schools. On the (+erasion ,JAes•
Mentioned a great picnic took place. Why do peopliial.wils ,-,-y at *4!
nearly 4.000 otitis* dowa to Sea ta din ?
the largest atartplall.ersr anew ia I T eyed. 'timely Mall lea WInt'lliteelet
"If a fairy shouldapirm•
toffee ynti there wiothes, oak!
melted 3,1411 I)( (14)40)44 11, "it hat
it not)
_Ilhosatio the IterYe le laugh.
/ , 4
bt,- eetroarvlifilVal.:•Sla , t4r,:r4'- '1'41,t&itt,J rogdii3O")"
' Sat
"teloper. to hear
comfortable teeth,
Indeed, • in eaten
and brain: an art -
about the feet hi,
ather, the wear-
isg of sandals wo ild be best fur
both old and yoeng. The feet of
children should never be era/aped.
1'114 may be 'injured mentally and
phystritily for life by such a practice.
Make a rule never to wear heavy
soles or boots. Always keep a pale
of We. 9oft • boodle shoes, and get in=
10 thein as quickie as possible after
yuu return from walking or cycling.
14 hate an hour to @pare ineyouss
own roota, taloa off yciur shoes atoll
stockings both. and bathe the blit
in ,cold or • warm (never hot)
water, whichever is most agreeattle
to the feelings. iCeop the feet naked
while you rind on a sofa, read yoIA
paper, and alp your coffee. The bMI
stoukings or .socks are Iamb& woo
and they should a, as Well as a
glove. Never have them too loose or
too- tight. Ef yeu caa always keep
your feet Mee mad 40=10401e yft
will add years- to the twrdi of railt
: 444. you ktiow I'm 111 W alt
sttitt • ? - ! '
tins: N.,, are you. a bull or
A !WM't
hla x : risen the way titmice
ore going I think I'm jackasx.
Copy of change' of running advertise-
ments must be left at tine office by
Monday norm to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
Tli,n‘ %Milt,. %Void. 4 olio,,, Silk, Jiite
or M144f41 II. • loll, tire tire the
1/i14.1 111101 141.44 i7liptg,“•41 4(4., III 111.' world.
.a iutykayty. .% le role:, al 1414,.Uti
ST4 111E.
..t11 I, ohlaincil al
141.:set :s44 '1141141.. Why
fled eels anything hie thef hest
11 nen it .114% 00 iiiii ,%Ve,;pri, e
.11 thorough, 141.114.1,14,441rim true
. 0/.1 pa.ilion. waiting for
ieir gradual,. 4 'Mal,* "II" 5.4,',,'
hot tlo.• a,kiktg: 110i IAA fur
.'"!k•A. L. FIR9WP9. Privateer
A LI, Bust S; 1:ss 4 411,1,Elit:S A tt F. NOT
• . aiike. A ...ele,,i1 with a reputation
lilotimr.. I- a safe mu. to warenixe. *1 41114
11/41104 la KO il tIrml.rla,..jookIliali. then me
a Ilr Oa ...4 101+1111'. MI Ilflit illn. Often-
film.. lad.. 1,?' 0411m. hilildhlfl. Of Inilek
••;14.1y , atlf.041 (Ilk Call/lee. lbir Cal-
4iliigne t. fere. KW,' 110, . -
W. J. ELLIOTT, PriecipaL
PI 11,11.1iO4 ItlaV
an, 1111,4..
logitin Man h ?,Qth, Twe pours...COM
meelesi and shorthaed. Mend for eel-
, lege pelmet.
C. A, , A. I., McINTYRE,
B usiness Principles 4 Farming
A farmer sholitil 1110.4. just es carotid a leixiiiese training an a
mereliatit,‘be er, taatimaetimer, in• nby ether business matt.
%11 e
isle end 11114 tend all the nation:les of finenting; lot.ur how
to ventilates mennately, work out infertile Rua diecounts, keep
hooks etc. \ \\
A roman' the Etoent City litixinese and Shorthand College
includes ell them. -Studies -- are [ought by a thOr“tighly competent
staff of experience, tteielates, • t
Every 'netball.' trial.1,1,..prout an examination prepared by • stair
Of qpiolitiod oss ' .rs for., meriting his or' 1.,..r Nonni*. ,
Illoyklet hilly explitins *suasion, V % I 10Pte., ream for a postal. v
Am 414,10,,,..,1 144, C. B. e• ''
t-.. .