The Signal, 1903-9-24, Page 22 ' TMOPRDIT, Sept. 24, 1903. � e• ' • being equally o th 1 C i It M'111s11N the luw'rl. \\'hen ttto t iota twtw„nal cuulact N'It11 N tvu Inlght r 1414111:t1It I1.. ONTARIO. PUBL11311l':1/ I VI H ' TIirltKUA1 11 AV AN ATT I:K A 1!010:11 SuN• ' Telephone 4.4111 No. Ak Terms of supKNpUdn : late !wow. to Nd\tial•. - .. Six moll la -..414. ,,1 hill.. month.. 'Sx•. Nlllr,a•ri1M•1+tles till to rorrltr 1'4(1 rues AI r art) by. mail will confer .1 Lo or by sues 11441111 1144 11• of the 1.1.9 a1 as 1.111) u dile as M.1 4 whten a rhallgr of ,Milo..,. 1+ desired. lath the O:d add th w w mistress should be K„..u. Advertising Rates: Legal and other slattur ad rrrtisep ent, 11►• per hoe for Ilea Inserti10l and :k• PO! Unc fur ' reach •uhw•q.rot insertion. Mrason.l by it iiunpareitseaae. I wet) • hoes Mull 4.n.'),. Husi,esa eau,. of six Tines 41111'114111er. tt IM•r tile...mild help him in his itulividuall difllrulties. the pupil who in the class hod seemed to 114 11(111 lin( incaplable strait mastered 4ht. tdoblt•uls 411 which Iehiej• he had hoielesaly' 'tot! lewd. \\'hl•r• the 19Nitllaare(lot Vert.rovde1 our teddies. 144114 loth as closeill:striation and ,is 111411y Weld /1114111111-14. :Iles "individual" tearh411 receive the 14411114 Malady Ns Of 11111' troche!•+: 111 1he grade 1111. uul regarded as assistants or meler-Iruchers in any 1'Ip• Batavia lexpt•riulrul has been wall -Mal with interest by etlurat r in other !tarts of the county. a41ulethe '•!duel i.11111mat. of 141,,.1. found, 144 n 4( ,yeal. 1444 •41141-81 'pinion 11: that It may effect a 11.111.01. t'ae•ant.i5iou xioa. Wanted, HMIs... for Iee'ottlt ion Ili s•Iu1(eam K )d-tehin et 14!!.miss 11e• or 10 [trot. Farm -.(0,' Sale or Rent.. Articles for N.lm. 1'1 r,.. nal exeee 1' Ing- vieh I `111 his report Charles H. ! ' !cors. �b each iuwlH iuu:l)1 tundra mueh. .tr (Or each sub-sown1 111uu111. l.'irger morrow- 111.1'. 14111Lefllltelal0IIt .11f elue:tt41114 Cot• uleld.ia pngM11• INuril pts• )41'1' lou.. New V11I highly Stab.. speaks hj Illy • C the La'lel II4NL•,•,. 111 ( .L' N.nntite less than 'L'N•' Batavia Nl'stenl and says 4114 4 hill. (d.\olluuu 0,44. \i4)uI'eI,ytrash4)kI)p•oar emit per word, No more Ir..ttl1Nu 'I's', atiou of class and individual nest rue- • -IN, lul notre, theo)q.rl of whbjh is the p.111113) IN40.1t4 01 .11411,,ilnhe4.ret ,wllnti,el9 •ll -4 »'. glxerlexl a'i0(1. to be e,aisidered 111 ad cell t.rine•I,I and !1'111 NII , 1'herllargeYl..eeo,dii.gIl. p1Y1,1,'lll. 141.•14 (or di'+plo)' anal1111ra.-1 inherits, • ' Meat . win be go en on appLrati""' •. THE BRITISH CABINET. Address •all r.aunau *cubo ns to VAN.\1TEIt &• Kl,HF:ItT++I)\.* .'1111• preferential tariff exm 44 lei •n Til,', { { 1;,.Irnrh. oij1. wh1,11 the lion. Joseph Chamberlain _-" has hero rarryillg on has plerlplt:del manumit. Till'K111.14 V, SEPT. el. 1.441 ,,1 cri14jsin Brit . 6 public affairs. Five members of the (luve•rnmrnt have 44 -- A BAD CASE OF JAUNDICE. "signed Mt•. .Chamberlain' himself. ,edensibl' to hu1'e 14. freer hand in tIN• The I.onduq Rete Pt11010 doesn't t like our rrulat•k als+ul its "peanut rolitjr... ill harping 4.`.n 31r. Hynuri s failure to pt'uve his stat ,sul:rl.h ip Ill see. nig ' ...the Queen's jnhilw• giro! for the I. v- ital f.ua' after they had. got throng Welt them 141 Toronto. .It takes a why .14. cul , to show that The •. 14 wee Sig - 4 1 e utile rhnl:u•trt•ir«'Itiun w•.1 • ....tweet and that mol only err it. polj4 11.5.1 vf1hep"•s• nut variety but the, ps•auuts are bad and moldy. It sw•m+ to eonwidt r that 1t.u•It:anf4nt is a: company 01 arablers turd, that the Moan wh.. ):.•414 the bigg/s't sl re ..r phonier t0 take.. ` 'web, to hi:colis ideals is the great- ' ..st statesman i.1 all. Although 'M,-. Hyuytu'oN•ely.jrs a distinguished t)l.1r'• 411 the 11 Ise• and hitt given va1'ta1,1, 1lssjwliym'• j 11141 ram the railway,. 'ensure tc doubt.il1v �ivt ,1 wood,. Bprosperity'4 4 to 4.hC ('amu la 1 � censured (*autse ace,a in ' Free Press; .one 4.1\flly Mi1i•ut un the railway 1, 1 t KO t petal', .41 doer! I1 the 1, 1 t'nulo1) . all. of thy same small "dimensions The Fre Press.. they would 'never I r.'presettld at (4ttxwa 411• 1\m,tito by anything 1*I' than r 4)ik\iu•the slut aa4hine : za' Nat -tailed ,111- cap- able of eall•VMlg t Idose home ti. its 11130(4.1 w•)'ItI .441• pr1•f4rrrd In 11 1111111 )f VieWs III(( enough to c41v1•1 store• than his own tull'ioli atm] of rating ism broad enough Hid deep etw11Kh lieu gage hies i11 the affairs of :1 ...mull -v even to the part ial Ilegleet of 14Ia11114•r ;41vnee•u+. But the id'.ph- 14 141/111/111 ate nut of that kind by a rohsj.hialrle iMajurity, Wird wit hoot :1..1111! ilg 311c eially intunnte aeilnainl:utee %all we venture the pit -diet io n Ma ttle'tutl Will shuw'that Hwy eslieanto, a elan by n better standard than The rte. Press sets up. • - •The Free yews thnst have had a Ind nttaek 4.1 ((Wert fulness w-hl•n it r'. - ferns' to the) distribution 1,111 as a '•gerrynrulder la! sly etwit 44x48! by i\1r. Hyman. AssiMtr1 by. the Premier.' The Fret; Pies. Ig•uh:111 kne)ws M,tle- 3king of the count w• 1•1 3 • ldlt.sex. Is it not *Waee that under 411ix(')us•rvn- • five 444171nge•ulrut - ,t grns'nettldcr that was a ge•rym:Inde•r-two hnmi(•j- p:llities were taken from Iluru to make a safe Tory-SO/It 411 Neel 11 '. 41- dlrsrx and, the (Nattily 'Imetild n•ies o1 l.utbbel. EIgnt, and :diddle -sex wet, . all kmekel awry t6 further the politi- cal olioc:11 411114 .l itv 1Garty.?• Ones. It mol . know that 1 h same dirt ''(Ihiflg was done throughout Ontario, with no atteulpt at j41stilIeatt• tither than t hat it Was 1 ,%a• . . ' 1 1 414:11 (T r . y f 111 snlyalt 14111 of the Conservative party ? It has leen Mr. 1lyIllan'M honnralhle task 4o assist in the undoing .4 the outrage that was petrel lilted .jit 1`0(1. nn11 the ynihhlrs'nml earpings of The (Prow PrioM will not detract '111)4' i.ila from (hi...twill( of the performance. . h i thrumK h of lief will un- til iIlI1w4n. 111• i.'tL*411 t,. Tlu• to be 1,1111. -err eta t•yiug on 44 his tariff propaganda : Hun. 'r, t'. (4it1•hie. l'h:411eelba. 44f. the Exrheytle•r, who is struugly 1 4144441 to :Ind' tanl(el•iug with Britain's lows- nt fise.t1 policy l [And (.1'1 stir Haul id• tun. Set. err 4 for 144/154: laird 1:.tl- of 11itr1.ig1,1 Secretary for' Scot- : 41,1. 31111 the \luu. Arthnt• F?Iliutt• Flit t•4.11 ti •4• • tet • u 4.0 a tr1.1 \ f the Treasury; it 1 4)l: uuder"t t 1 hat the Iesig- untt,tl. of the, title hist nam4d fur dor t.. 1 sir o14(Ne ili11t t. Mr. ('hant- I+e(luin's pu'upN) 14. P illy,. 13alium. rrnatius an rnntillla•s 1. straddle thA fence i4) wast t st, the u14au, 1. which 'inanlher• by an- -here y ed titue thee Argy resulted disastrot lain Cause, has INs ogler it4 Ht. Andrew'. l io e' '`(1 ant stud'( 1 lntr 11. brew 11 a o he}\ �(elu.w• 'se. H luud:, 'bee lief 01 •t 4te first tittle .in el 41.11344.1111 141141'31 rain fret. !ratter. hr Herdt• upli:itjo ea Art. !lir 1NIp11.11ir , n 1 r the \\':n•11111ee•disa U4)• r 4114 Chamberlain 1111 i s n 1 :rt a swine ' ..11'.. fiat - will haveest' of 1111 his .prhjllN.- an 11111•11(11111 spirit. EdITORIA�1 NOTES. 41'P) ' \\ Edo flat! 1 111141 hands 1 tomtomopt1• t, uulinty n• h turn ye Mate is to the 'ndig• i)14 res js It's n)ugh to make• trod a fortune ;411 4 yachts a d have •feel* mistybeat. t. Mall WI - sue4r. ignuulit \Vii n W . ' Kr Ih1914.4)n . wouMer.1.mle , that strung butter in 4ht• Old ',paltry heti ay a pat a• (cern on the bend -fur 10 es orli d fnrlgir r• arks about �1( the \• the u - do ti,et1 wits Mahn, in that pd*t)11 alltrinp4 .f the (it, •ernntent t. '•steal" \I1. 4 .,V (trim the r; ks of the Ontario Opposition by ,*is 'g hint a judg(•14hip. M i. 1?.'y had 4ele rluumre: 11m Wi11 not likelyet tooter X4..1'11111. Having' once exp desil•4.11r ran inn To til ronstit'troy• the algg4•.1jon is 1113410. that he a Mr. K'illi.o11, of Thr N,' s,, le. optsrll Mg eandhl fes at the next r14( -tion. To get auly'lhiog like :I full vote ill a4 (•11M414 letWeefl 'hese two ill Toronto it would 1111114e4 be necessary (4' led 111111 . compulsory voting ideal, into ,•tfect. Sortie of the \\'esten mem ers\ plat - t 1 In the House "at Ottawa 4fli t week `that the .+ etee•ts 'of the recent -.torn' in.,the West had leen gmwsly. exaggerated in the press despatches. .1111i(•414 is...el:sea b4. ter Members inti- mated that the.., 1'liotih.t ;Misled was not a than Otte -fifth or the whole) grain -growing :nea\HIlIl the dlumngt• within this district .,**'Gold . not be Mays-. \. It is al good thing for O( eri,h that 4he clash at 1 h '•Y,Ni' did not, .4 any reamer. 1: \4lith t1ue1 Pittsbm'g NEW IDEA IN SCHOOL, -TEACHING. leirms1,,tt1,41 the Algoma Ceram' hunts tied up,. we Mh,uld have leen in 'an One of the greatest drnab:wk.oflin, a w kneed limed* ion during 11,4 tretriMt, modern public school system is the 4.81411). By nest, season the "f' ,'8 machinelike. method, of giving in- industries Mls will )dly Ile o11 their 04(11(1 4449 which ha. /3,4111141 44i le 311 feet :11411111, :11X1 in -addition 111 the y 1Vitn1le accompaniment of the -dvs• Alg ., Central feats at. tnny before tern. An caper' •n4. which Ions been long bun*,' (I. T. R. and 1'. P. It. tried in the pitldic w h,Nd' of Hates 114. ste*ine•s running ing nut of tela (444rt, New' V.n•k State, and w'hieh has• bd4.1, hollowed with . renlat'kalile results, pr11n1ite s t1) alTotd n 1111.11114 Of nyet- ct) ng thb4.Kt1'al djftbadty in111r path of the ethteat)r, tt In the Hatevia setlls,is, aselsewhere. it was fou({d to be :in almost Mi meM- Mihle• task to !pet to tante etas% over A specified sunniest 1.f gr+1114(1 wit hoot having !wile of the pupils fall hupd•- lessly.lehintd. Fire years two it was decide', upon the.uletic• of Joplin Keti- ne4ly,'4llp•t•int4'11denl of the BAIA%bl \meh(drba, to put nn extra 'trotter into n ' v)\plel tidjm.11mot to hear elnsia•1, but to ire pe11d4nnt,indfrhhinl inmlrn.•t' to t • pupils in mewl of it. The ex- periment mtltreedtd II the ,dart. Thr hith' rto larkwatl Pitpik,, molar the emelt tii of (hid extra t•tehi't•, slickly oyitto,k the Clever pitons and 4 `(•x441141 fhr 11V4V•agr, ,e If W*m found also that hp '• work and.!'ening ' totally were no haw • neee's», ' : the 'whole spirit of the waft improved, nna the teacher " *R relieved,of the net•v0tta Strain ' endeavoring o keep the doll chi •n tip to the test of the elate. will getting the whole' chola over th nersrat Ary gmnund in a rrttain thee The dyrii'tn wad found oto Me• 1 that it Wae attended through the Batavia nehbtkl[, the t•Ilialle of 3113 \ • t1) r 1.11- iall king t. 11 1.d 1111• Stint ford Beacom hay's : "The Ontario Ouv'e•1•nm/•nt f% being very pig perl14 rondo n)ved for haying kept the registrarship of Minn open for w) matey years. It is good public policy. ns well as good part y t:101 jrs, *1) HI .urh rn(•nn(ies as speedily :as pWitsible. 1)riny 11iwl1101111i111 `S the service an. adds to the numter of nppileanls making a proper oele'rtion all Iht r• diflru*L If the principle of Ih, office seeking the main and not tin 1111111 the 113(1.4' were nctd upon mach N,lxlrty and lion oraintII.ent would he sowed ninny people." y. A .sn•msponotent fM Th.\Christian (barye•• of iwltlimvllh1 w -ho tele beet visiting (anndn, him native. land 'Teaks ill Ibis any of 111M intuit ry and THE SIGNAL :• GODE1tICH O.NTARiO. The Toronto. News sarcastically con- trasts. the proverbial - 31444(48(4440 41( B3ritishel, in regard to lllinvs adieu with the profound knowledge alsie11 !every (:alla►dlali has of threat Hrit•wi1, Its history tont its geography. It (4tvlpolses'a'teat i» the shape of an exit mivat' pafwr, rout • • g a series of quest' 411 which evet.y t'anadian i 4 11Ipudk.4d to he able to give 16 ready answer. Het. it is : t I'Nk1.Itlta.4.1tY. 1.-' \\'h.111 ,saultt•y borders England 1111h.ouurth --141 that direct hut from 14)11(1411) 4)r the St'aitei tit [lover .? east. • a. fs • IA,n4lon further h'uiu Edtu- b'trgh !hell '1'o11)nto (111111' \1o1it11.,(1 ? If so. II,w• •h ? ' - i. Where is ,IuhtiMp'lirw)t's house, and Ion %4044 414 it (tido',. ? 3. N14111,' the olatr w•;yd4rts (1u ter Of \\'I 3,• l 11 is nearer London, South- ampton or Liverpool ? •, 7. Where is 1 h Hhu•k ('ialnt•y..4' S. \\'hat nue the chief 11u(uufu•tur' iug t• ttes of E ne:end ? • •• • \ :.44N -HOKUM. n, I1) what part ,1,l' England d•*s the dialect :albeit Rote •'2" for •'s" 111. What were t)lr I1•t(4olltl for the hi -toric importance of Stirling ? The News might have added another : '\Vhieh is farther east, Liv- ,'t.p1(N4: or Edinburgh ? But perhaps th,•te is t-jIlit' .-ii. 'ugh in its list to wend 4 11f 1114 t41 the reference library. The (*Robe•,. Ottawa. (orr'e ditlden( sends a very cheering account of the Pt•euier's intp roveiti(•I4 in health. Hr sales : - '•The good health and spit•its of the P eulirr•uf ('anadt► are matters of eongt•*tulatit111 0u1011 his (Aliment and ...At his 4 *a dent dditical ,.p- pwnen40. ' The gain to St \\'ilfrid's strength ht1N 1Mwn w1.Np(4 en( for T1011141 weeks pest a. to. 1.11111Ke nrmtl cuuma•ut at the capital. 1,41vl• 1 the 111.44 114 rejtaine(1 front anent 'ng the 11 ovine at nights. lint for the 41. 't two 41r three weeks he bas been 11 ('1,11141x111 attendance, • • ' g, after - 1104411 mutes.se t,i leaving 1 - t g. 11 m h, InK .4O fore midnight, if (1+4 House sirs that late. Not only (hat. but he sl 'n his old-tjjnespilit, his genitality his lore of bantering his opponents, and his- mastery !.1 tactics and 14ur1' 1 1 1 41 1 Mt 4 's ease. Ism /6tion ,f an t4. 4)t n He 11 has taken a leading part in all the onK 4IIM•ulisions 1111 the railwayand re- 'NI'iblltlt411 bilis 111 roulnlitlrr: and steaks -a dozen Boors a day. He I • s very point, ,41111 oftenarb.w-4rn w hi,•14 4 less vial anew loan w'411 l `l 11 +A,(1,/leeag11r (4) 4.1iaiNxw' 4)L is h.f health ehwllsh'is fol- luw'rt1+ t4) a rkahle degree. 141141 thew' far ter w rklef toe session. and of Many. .•.4411114 1' ro.\i•4•lt.ddcnt of many more tt' i1his letd�r- �6ip.'' This•�a-s to lair 1\'ilfrid lone' *'4 of ad - at oft to le w leilees ill 1111x) 1111 NI salt Septe bee. 1. drmbe'r. thou art like,! 114 -hu. dui, Mg lately left h youth behind, 141 ill las a +Hl en laugh. ae chin( air, .\n, •fltll to youthful dfeaud I+ instilled. thou u art like atIow- I \ the fullness of 'Ir :41' tmmbl' :1. 14141.et h.4111. w-lu+-r a Jerk. 1w). • Still think. t 14 •t woman are (•runlet .4141),ho\ -world is 1M•autif tel 111. • ranting. 18 good. tt•irh))l.rr. thou art till m.)' 11114 1 xljac iy-r n• - \\), h.init hrann brie a .tort grey t4 1 111,-eirit of a .w e1 r,nlatte. 1 -. IV. rte +ietd •4. I Isot art like a 1 1411)11'. traded half in drra. .14110 4 • ('1411 Luw•u. that 141+.)�11111 4s 1•11111( The .lo)on 'out h which .he hl... -_ Chicago Kw•u 'ke a lady fair n w41h sulk ,w+ h who and half r. FloM OU T nited to eft behind. Weald. CONTEMPORARIES. es National Anthem. 'A esFl • ltritish. mcrienn, ('hlraro, \V1' 1114. 1(1111 hat facially the Unite( Stat s new' hall a within/11 anthem mild! *tun' y last, when the N'avv f .'p:ut • nt i.' td an order de- viating "Thr , t• 'iia led fa(nn,'r" 1, I,0 the natio " 1 ant 4141. Among the list of toni•M .1litbet h ('!rids1 am national we have `3Anlr 'ea." "Van ked• Ihradlr," "11x01 `Cohn lint," and •'1'ohunbi,, 11414e lien Of the (A•ean," in addition to the "1(11.• -• angled Ha Mier." Hut it is to he lute s one indu'ntion of ,fila mow emlits•tI n low twee% this county 1)1411 'it+ ori' until mother country lit it is allowal r ti,. speak) that all. th•s• 4.440ri4 I, I. I'nhunhia," Are Hritj%h in or It. Thr n141(sly- of the s :Star Spam; 141 143un•r" was taken f • no English dritkMg sing. the present words to which It Im. song Icily{ e 4M)4141 111 14411 by Ft•ntteis Scott. Ke', o,, the eves of the hittit1)IrI114, 114 of Fort M(H,'nrv. Ome Brand of Loyalty. Stratford l*PM91n, • Tice ae0tipn of the Comedian 'Mame fact twos' Noses -int' in parading x ca blegrai(I fo Hon, Joseph Chamber- lain, .xpo'M4ing sympathy with his views on h I1•t,r•nl4•nt (1(111) the Im- perial 4love•1 tient. while nt the sane. finer declaring thnf the pm -termer to British nurrtafnit.trq•n in the 1'ann- dlilln idol k.1 t under no t 41, sl **,•r' he increased; , 311 v) 5x!6,411 and illogical am to exeit' derision, The manufacture In effect say : "That's rpghl% Mr. l nmlerinin a insist on the British rtiznns tatting _them- selves on their food for Catnadai s lament. while 141(11 Me• that the prrsl- och'of their, labor shall not enter heir." (Inc std l)tlM *fonds] at : the enornonM gall of the propdnitluth Vet these nmnuf*r•nn'rH prelate about their loyalty l Much n e*1,Iegen,n, ('(nide! ''with fhr Aotdninth on's tariff Iwadntion1, cannot help doing 111r. 4'han►1d'rh;in injury. The pw,lpte of (trent Britain are not moduli tjtnt they cannot ser the ml'IHMhnr*m of- the pro - punk ion, repdnition, and they may 114 counted intuit to resent it. ' &o(ne M4Nakes About Canada. - Nen York Sun. - its people': • ft in not often that The Washington. •'Th¢ Ines.*hiding pe)ple genera Pont -in (caught with dud on lin ideas: /MVP,Ihr Attention of those fl1)nl• Hitt n recent•slitoriAl Article in that other lands whit spend n while onion( paper take's Th. Itrtroit Free I'm* ahem.* ' There is respect Tor nufhority : to task for its alv(en.1 of rhymer and huulnn life is held in Mncted n•Knnl! more liberal t1•a1. I•f*Monti iwtw•OOn fhr Sahlnth is genernlll• oleo -fled \ thin country nod Canada. and therein and the sanction of relig' then lett*yn m by indication* that, In Hods pintte to goodly &Ore. How ran t w•lth many other p1do11.- f1r this is due to the way in which the anion*, it hem failed t1 keep in tench pmlid*ry is c.natitutAd in ^ problem of with l'*nallnn eondit_lppno. 'Meted for no in thin nount.ry, where It ,*nnunt.o that., ih'troit'* special rrrently we here hal, alms ! sl many intermit in Canadian trawl. in dote to outrageous eeMell of rhnlenee In nearly the fact. that *he i* a border city. The every *,ecti(m of tour land." tnttot is that Detroit has Do gletipte age, she (las found present rouditiuus nu itapedimeut to her growth ,441141 progress, not withataudiug the '(al•t that the !'oiled Stater have derived, and still derive, vastly 1111414. benefit' from thrid than she does. The view that Catania has nothing. to offer Ur in exrhan1lfr fur al freer entrance to het• markets it Widely inaccurate. ' She has nop(41 that w(1 (.14.11 114414 to ,great advantage, and touch that we [wally need, now Bared 11 to ntl to out quite as •h l loots hers. We even have a uuu'ket for 14 11(1et jun of her farproducts, ,even for lm *alts and peas, unions and id,tatu4... N't ill1porlel lust yea'. nrat•Iy.$S.lIlM1,- IMO worth of these articl/er, ' route portion of 1114111 coming from Canada. She ham much in luulhrr, i44 metals, and in minerals which we eau owe to great and profitable advantage in 41414 Mills 111111 fal•tu•ies, She has beef that we want 411111 41.01(11 that we 4.1411 use. It is 'even t uublful wlellwr ,\efi,s,(chils- etls would 114• hurt by a freer entrance of ffsh and 114,1egero, while the a Iry at large would btrina a little benefit led. Ti.,..,1,,,, that Canada- 11»s nothing to 141'1' 11(141 we want ' in exchange ha. that which w1' can give dines lark'!( the rulhlitiu ' of tw'1.11ty yea114 ago, but does not11p1%' (0(111' e lit it 1i16 tslxy.. Canada has N market to offer 11s. a mat•ket for glitin4I$4,I111 worth of goods ley 1 the $12S,I01,4101 worth which she tom. takes. The United Suites can well affutd to take their say' for some ton -lion ••1'; that possible trade in fur shape of the products of Canadair forests and mines :and fields. As matters stand) today, trine rrtaljuus 11111111 broader liars with our northern ne•i,1(hls11' are quite as much to our int .geet 111411' 'Inti/, and any attitude 14 itlum)redid urifriendliurs, tin our pilot towards Canada is only self• injury, • THE WEEK AT OTTAWA. Conservatives Mourne thej Undoing of the Gerrymander. Borne of the Members Take It Hard Rpre. sentat,on of Urban Constituencies - The Huron Clauses Passed -Members Will Re- 1e1,e Ttle,r Cheques in Time t0 Keep Them from Starring- C. T. P. 11 in. [ 4.4 Aga This Week. ,1' ' .i:i , . Signal., le ' ore. tin 114 a• lift G I h lltta •A, Sept. Ill;--Tlie past week I has bee a slow. 111mnutuno>ts grind at • 1e 111111 •,lrution hill. whi,h,'bl'th.' is y, will known ht.neefurth a. he ' Het wsentat at Act, having ! •ten ,. .•s I 1111 t tees!! 1 t1 f Jul '1'r / I u 'Ph only thing about( the while n •14,11,'. least Mile last ttke ?Jay. of it, hat in rested was the nit- portmialte 1,11,1in of the affeett•C uuettiber, on a opt. iti .111.. 'rhe' Ivry 1h441ght of Hg ling or level g1• d' lute IN :He 11 heard -Of ,'un - ,lit' • fur 1 114 111, 114 `r.11ul "4 a quart(•r of a century they . 414.. the Liter -- els (x4411, their kot a of listuttevl wore • they . *.sw ' btr a clonaly INlundaries they Io1111 4 • y til It 113(1eI Ill Omani i• n) the polls fairls The 11.11114.1111 ,11 Of Mr. He Habtorl, in d, r l41'i(K that t un:male! of Vat: gave the 1 distinct adt•atit1a14 ua•et• the j g chic•( d' he ('.tuw•rvai '1,. pall aim nit the t•irh*sl 444.nt Mimi ion.. \ tier 1')'lIlitr e,/s tatk.n pains 114 1uN it m111e•.t(1044 that is Intention 4. t make a fair 1411(1 aM 4414ve Nl"Ni1,1,' 1'rredistribution n ' ena ( II r• r Iirll( �1 1 ( , I will New th»t the old state of affairs 'If 1W remedied. , tai., Tl*t!U-F.'S TOUCH 114(1 RARK%EI.L ('4)l. Tisdale, the finest old gentle- man h the l'tueservative (1)141. felt w4 badly os r the'sl•I(-aeknowIrdged Iraq tea! -he co Id not *again I*.'!4'.•ted that he wily n t•ly cried. hut. it was all done In Mlle touching uwnuer t11a1 every Lileral'•.in the House felt wail. for him., Pace •• humorous tack- ienehe• who IIx 'rjw•tw1 ,t "hos-well" to the ex -Minister f Militia. These are •11W1) I 11nt111111441M. An-' other mon' e(nnmun"l►nd general plan ad td by the (lp311''laili•11 is for the lento tunate n1.n11w, tt1,'tnake a kick ;gait t the arrangement f his riding, and h i, thin folhlwt'd 4,711 nnrulber who, is Ixnlically confirmed in his seat who begin+1,y thanking the Gov- erolnent 1' stead of the joint (44ttltuit- tee l. fat' t favorable rlulsiderotioll a•0of91e1 hit , but does not forget,his less fortunate •ollealfutr'af1(1 w4 te4ot4t114 his 1pi•gret1 on linty for appearance krl tent all •oubd not nreivethe me itI'netowa n,ider,tiuu. He n '114 t weak plc her the alteration of 1 e make-up oft a new riding : at the Ill! Unit. fup 1 it, W111 not he adopt for frnr of ora ening his own (snitin " \1 MMR, (1MW/N'H'.(0t,4)l, WORK. T. I. Th?anmtn IN(trth r.y1 had smite homrdtade maps ti( 11.11 )riding which- (dowdy -rtwenIId d Oriental handiwork. 'He held then! up for the (invernment Adel to hook at those of then! who, hail mit fallen asleep. \ Ir. 11,4 -air (ourley, who hal jolt mile 41 the cbl»11111('114, was attracted by t4. gay Land 4otill a (umhjnnt iono on. the map I?) and Malt (1n th!' !able' of the House alnliring the r•otor,eff.'rtm until N t•11I11•y of 'cooler" KIretd him f4, n the. 1f ini14terial side for Milting on th,4, table. Mr. 'I'h4N11%11 muttered ()miaow threats of the way he would lag the 1.11wrnls in 4.pit.e of theut- eel•4w. hitt there- In no need fon. fear. (hlt(id•• of IoM personal in polarity Mr: T1lernlst) in a girls•-.gg in the (}o,*.. nIth(Nlgh lie�t las 14s,ke1 upon nm a 111/11- f4111wa1rc1' of,ttrength before he (nok his Brat-. . . TtIN OPP(*4ITION (/AME. The 14411)11 the (relatte it lacing plot - longed is that the 'entries ares playing their Inst card and are (endeavoring to .show that the 1',9•,,11"1' )w11t insincere in his declaration for fair plain. They refer to tb. r(ronlm of tlit'troinmjttet• to give rotor to their contention and tint(• that 11)11. of their ?notions was adopted. Hut the c 'ttw�wn)t A 11141145 q1' leas informal o rganisAation nod it might have Item their galm4 to 11ay mart yr, ns the only part of the d(•11b1rntiorl1 of that r titter /s••`• culls' was the motions And 4n1Ond- ntcltl_*• Mail suggestions w(t1 mA41t• by', he ('onsl•rt'nlir. Members and) adopted whirl) resulted as fatvurably (0 l eft na the acceptance of a tion. I(EPRRRE\TATIo3i of THR CITIFY.. Whether olelilwr*t'ly (1r otherwise it orate the 'Opposition to dieregaarj the tact that Ontario Iowa mix mrm- iers, and (him, siting with the allot- ment of seveernl n('w inemhenl to Northern Ontario, oldies. the tank of an ,s144ih11,1e *M•*ngetll('nr nowt dia- (o11raging: and Meta in w•hcrn the Toronto mranb •n1' 'make n big noise. They have nt present four mrmtlrlw. • new ,wt inet9•aa,'a it. Ur Ave, They nay they *houltl have ten, If it were a CARO of -rep. .by pop." The f'n'nlier pointed out the tthvirn,R fart that although nominally the repre.1 tentalMn was only Ave there were Ilting in the larger cities, like Mont- real, Toronto, Ottawa add W'inplp.g, members who ntl•d rural (eon. *Utusnck., and fact of their Ub1Mf of 4x`.,11 ger 1 '4:114 ' 1 1)11,4 ' 115555 w1 j4), 4,1418, Tt19)11t41, twndehe(l them actessitrle to Turontouians. lilt Wil - liana Mulock, Mr. Leighton McCarthy intend, in our rrlatluur with Canada than that which appertains to many of our inland and roast cities., And that she r 1 lµ•tllally has lege lot tart titan Wetly (Lhrlw, Our trade relations with Canada are distinctly at national rather than A. heal matter. The Free Press declarer fur is ...treaty 11f Wet led 1*u14flLi' The Post declarer that the "111,11ua1" element is lacking i11 the l'unatl11ul attitude, awl tli*t she d.rirrrto get ,uu•h, in rrtnrtl for little 4)r nothing, because she has little 4)1' 4)(t hiug 441 uffoer.'r i4) rkchan e for Ally advantages she utak' obtain 111,111 11N. 'fees.' i tray( ata quite Wide Of the tu*rk: In thelIrst place, it can- uut 1e said with act•tit'a• ' today that Caniu144 is llesil'4111a of making N etwipr4•it'' treaty with tale United Slabs. •'Uric was a time when shoe was t1111te 4144It111i4 NO to, do but !lust lime is hast, and tar Washington heighten, does nut 444 411111(1 be alive to the fart. "today, Canada is too busy and till prosperous tt, .take rush a twaty a( loader of lIuy very important tu11uleil to her. While she would, nu doubt, willingly lutetium. a party to an arrangement which would u *rate to her tonlulrectal and 'whorl ria tidy/Int- end W. F. Ma'ixan art. ears.. 141 point. Thrix boines art. in Toronto, while they twpr sent outside constit- uru,ies. THK (44•R,N N1NHMH.. When Huron county crane. tip it 4011,4 114411441 at This. WAS the 1»141 work of lbs night and the cl.M•k Acheson & Son ♦ pe Stylish• •SPiang le n- Coats 7NF A special view this week of over onedrej productions of this season in ladies' ('oats, allhuHvery and at moderate prices. New Sultings, SIIk and Wool Dress 1`laterials, Blouse and Dress Silks, Rugs and Shawls, New Rain Coats, Ready-to-wear Skirts. SALE OF CARPI t1D1) cards English Taptsitiy flrulmt(•IN Carpet, 27 (when P' wide, a t . range a patterns and colorings, sultaWe for any rNNu. extra,mut- heavy mutt-- Ity and dew pile, regular Qlk• soul Due quality, at per yard • 700 yards of 311 inches wide, heavy union enep't and several pieces of all pure wean carpet, perfectly reversible and in most desirable and teles•( patterns and colons, regular 61k and wale !ICN• qualities, at per yard, chutes, (4k ehoit;fy. stylish W. Acheson & Son. WAN (Marls' moving on towards wflt- 'PHONE 70, night when Mr. Deputy Speaker Mas Ihniald said ••l'arrled. ' Mr. Holmes closest down his desk and walked out- of utof the chewier with x smite and An air of satisfa•tiun•Ijke that ,.(a trader whose 'Hoek' Was going up and i41 IIIAIIy wart there 111 a resemblance. Not w) wit.h`; his less .fortunate eollr.lo *gne front -Rah Huron, Mr. a , who h kat Mullett Jury native luwnship) td moreover ham a'' Ntrollg 1'ottserva Ivr (q,mniWlity added to . his battle% ,and. Hew it as good a 4.9Atupariw,n a y4/11 e,ln get betweenr w •s o !11 ay flee two u loarties e4) in un1 4ti11t1 with this ill. \Vert► the 14.pt•i4•4 a1'• iue,nveuie 6411 they Whine ow,•1 it 4418 the hum',\but Mr. McKwrnne4eplstile arrangement by the et, nituWire and down' not Make a rah)' of oho:teIl. That kind of\sstuff will le"illi important factor when, he puts 4)q the inelitrAI glover with him opidonent at the next contest. 144rTK4. - The M. P.'s who hnve•been earryinp the banner for w4 lung will receive their cheques next week. It is 1141 th'e:141 w4. ) 1 (hat nlr e ( 1'r tern r 1 w i4) N 11x41' way, and for a while the -fifteen. cent rest itm•sut pr,Htel 1.1.4 he paradox. t is nut h had exp,rirnee for the Me- rity .4 theta after a11. t(1' it clndulem w re than 1 _thinK else, to a kindred '41 '(y'tw (h or their Iens+fl• )rtunatfel- ibe g$. 'Brand Trunk P*tvHe Hill will he mil- 4hr. 11(414(9111 again next weeje, this time \14.i\ a. Holme. The (►ppoisit• threaten \to hloek it by talk and will haver a •a fol of amrndmenls Io offer jn r. x441 011 the thiel reading \Ir. Hom11• ill -r him 3lternitivr 41 N ' I 14011: \'e 41 1 1'y th 't ht o r I g f th 1.111's passing t 4is mesoiun hauntsthe (1p(Msitora lik stwetre. -Th,'y Kati tine ex114.11,'m' 11%i11) railway. 441»- vu•l1011 ,4lu•w.r{ and de. nut Orgr( t(1 .pi a111eh II in their litp. Nuif. they ere that .he 4 iuVrrnmell Ill ay' policy j. elf- \popular eXer•y- whe that they could timely must«, ro warn guard i1) t new Perlin- te nt Dull the Cloves -it 14.441 appeal to • r lntl'1 to w1ncti .n ",r w'heter. \V 11 Paper We are determined to Clear out our stook 'of Wall 1'aper this fall, and have some tempting prices to offer,. iutring July and August Wye .offend 24.i per rent. off. Woe no n 11-i' one. third oft, Or St per (tent hat d,Nen that mean? Just thin- . ' \'Lit' P*iRer /tit IR (' per 21k 141c " 10 c " 't 0 7 c Ajc tie 11 .,, i c ,. -:144, .1 Borders 4)l 1c per yard tel I:d\ per yard. I3utterick'r Pattrrna all in stat, W 1iF 1�11�11�1 ft�l l�l \�l 1� 1�11�11�1 �l N/ 1�I1�11�f 1�1 l�l ��l 1�11�11,11�f {(i toe 11' HAPPY T>r t)• 4.F 3 3 01 3 • 3 3 3 1 3 3 j3 3 3 33 3 3 OVER eN IN USE IN uooEIICf AND VICINITY. RANGES TII EY hnve proven themoseltem the hest range* on the market, and rumtomrl'14 1111440 using 'theta will have nothing clove our Irl their hies (ltl buy N an3 Y g 1 'tell! 114• 1 I 14.4 atter-- 1st --They stow se IltIJle`•,ftiel. 2nd ..They 1111. MO (•Nsil uumagId. :in! T ' hake , try ak w even •. 41h -111e castingsowe v he and ) y nett 1 h, easy to keep clean And very! durable. - For t (!Meer) at9•aee ns c , CHAS. AH at HA 1'. 'dotty totes, •whew you eau w40 the 44tov(' and get hill information. 1 carry a full Iinr of Shelf Ilanlware, Pilots Oita, and Varn- ish (sial Oil whulwlale'anti retail. (Hazed Tile from ;-inch!•,. JO 1 `nchea always in stock. 8 Iron I'ip e and Fulling*,.,' Valved of all .t and Mixes. HAS. C. LE Cftcc6- 6- 6- 6- 6-: toe PLUM • NO. HEATING AND EAVETROL;GIINO, y ! One's Appetite I4Plwnflm_w •Imo 'lin al Ilie f,NNt lh:1t 1s s•1 14111,4!4 hi11,. Thy. paint,. /IIM,111IN to the flavor of n (441111. N'11oI,.sou n' IIINiI, 11.1.11 1rslke1 1111d nicely sere The Best Foundation For gu,ad Nook never dealt hem i11 111,1 1411414;411'14,911014 1414,11 :1. wv 14.11. If you bane 34 1114 11 111 11 amt 1/44' if w'1' cannot 5)11',1944' gull m,nlpllc. (141(14111 di'li1eet STURDY & Co. Telephone No. 91. THE OROCKIt14, WSBT BIDE SQUARE Take Time by the Forelock TERMS-ftl'OT (:ASH. KIDD'S BOOK STORE. MIEN(:'(*. I'. R. TEi, 1RAPH, Ttl`EKTf4 *nil EXPRFJ4M ONKV 0111 /ERR. WITH Axp •A New Fall Overcoat DUNLOP Went Ktreet.,next door to Bank of Montreal. F. SMEETH'S PLAN1NC MILL VOW NELSON ST. and CAM IA Title mIll has been rebuilt and refined with .mA reonontically kind.. of Woodwork. Building Material of every description kept in.ittoek. terior and Exterior Finidnng of ail ki s on hand or made to order. *lent aolkited. F. SMEETH. five You Ever Noticed how others advertise ' :you when you have a t :good selling article 40, That's Our Position Now 1 The 20th Oentrity Brand of men's fine tailoreid garments have been talked about se much that we have made many new friends this season. Don't you know the reason why ? They flt 11I. They wear well. ThAT keep their shape. Ourfall thilta tux' Overman are n'tiv hr. . They exceed anything evet• shown in town before. and owe them. chooad from. Von may have thrill t Ade to order. len pleffinitv to, 'show throe gond*. IRO maniple* to New Ameriean flats in thla week ttireet from the factory.. We her, the West. We keep the heat .\ W. C. PRIDHAM Sole Agent for 21Ith Cented7 Brand MOLIAN'111 t. colt