HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-9-24, Page 1Order Your
At The Signal
1:16.1==. -
tes a for the Surdhetwer ('0.,
in town abort and orders (Or Wiling left at
Ponce, Hook tore Mill hate prompt atten
„ 4021
111 raOrIce pupal. fur niatructioto in phitto a..d
Iteddenou, Kam Street, Modern*.
11.414 *H. E. l'OON, OF Till.:
171 Tweet. Pollegoo.of urg.uti.t iteal
rhoircunditetor of North .treet M.11.041.1
ci lllll Modern*, lot preparod to remove pupils
TustIonle•Tillt \19.1tirKtInsdio•:wallitell::::147"
14ETIfBRIIXIE, tittA1/1.1-
1.7 ATE. of Totowa University, urgatil.t and
thuirinaster Knox el...arch, Uude13431. Prepay
id to read. e pupil. in fallowing ; Nano, pry,
organ. voice eulture and theory. Pupil. pre
.1,-.11 for l'ei‘ amity examination.. Studio. St.
;to. mown Mont mai Street. Inaba ,
lit. MmeljEc1191.-.N. ot „1„et
Hamilton St., third moor'', onini S1,41.,..rel!,,Muderich;
L, 'notary. Special ellen
non giyoe to Marine Court week. Money to
. loan. °Moe : North St, and &ewe. Ilmlerich.
u .olieitor. pro...tot. in the Maritime Court
ilea with Phllig Holt. Y.. C.1 Mace mat .thr
1 Wirt Home Ronne. Ooderich.
, • 11.1. altritor....aind..looter, etc. Moo...y to
loan, 'oda. corner Hamilton and St. Andrew'.
Street- 1 iiklexich: cwt.
t!1101.1)1000T IIANFI, BARRIS-
TKOS...Aaiun,. mutat lea midi.. parlor.
in th • Maritime 1 mirl: etc. 1 itttce. North st.,
alognal oder. Prs. ate fund. to lend
sett •
at t nate. of Intoned.* *V. PIP1111114-4ser
I:. It 11 1'14.
nICK Is 'SON & HARROW, tiAlt-
.1.1 lt1sT tel, attorney* atelier.. etc
inalcofh. F. 1.. DICKINSON. cHAHLF.-
0....tlittOW. 1.1 it
rillAtt. SF: CIER: BARR ISTEft,
...twitor. loot and fault ryaheer. °Mee
14,itto11,0, Street. ppoaite llot 'Winn ne Ho 11i -tunic trod on (Hurt
t toer era. hotereat. , Fanner.' note..
\1"Alt l'ONVEYANCElt.
• et, and oto ..ioner for taking aed
melt reeogniza ins., of bail. *dila. it,
or afirmaRona. defataitiima anlenin Andone,
11, or 0o...ennead ato) 111. 011, torn ur pro•
cnaluts in the !limb uurt Jteato.e. Itoe
rant of .1ppewl fur (41)1wrint. or ate) 1 4010t)
or, 'tart. •All tranooact . carefully
and prourtals executed. Healde and P. 0.
addre.. Dimganoi00. Ont..
11`11,0NIAS tit:NI/RV, 1.1 YE STitt K
I. and general electioneer. ha,* datum ert frOth
Hanoltun Street 10 her, un Stoats Street,
' Where he will' be towed at all lines *hen tWf
cryiNg sales. Tenn. reteartable and dery ef'
• , or 1,116%1' )1.11 aattafatlion. 'Phyne
1 1 ilIN KNOX. tiENERAL'. ACC -
ft Ito tNEklt and land ...loam. lintrieh.
tow. 11.0 oue had ...netiderable experie v. 111
11w awl tonerring trade. he 1. 111 1.1.1111111 111
dialoirge with thorough aotiafaction all civet
eidnettod to him. 'Order. left 4'
horn., Hotel. or +colt by mail to hl.
buden. Kt._ carefully attended to. J4111N
liNtok 'awe Anctioneer •
in#Rrance, Lovis.'etc.
11011N \V. CRAltillt, LIFE, FIRE
t1 and aceelent Imturanee. Agent for leading
mutual and routiponleo. ln+nron.... ill all
Ion, effected on'be.t 1.1.6110 and at lowat rote.,
Al 44114.e. corkivr %Vest Street and Square.
or attires. J. NV. •RA 1411 k. Uodelit•h,
,' • ANT and Marna...agent. Hook,. ear
'aceotinta made up. Budding. rent4,41 atod rent.
collected. Eire Manna in Henn* •nd Cana
dion 11.
• oda. North St., Uodrroch. •' 42 It
p .1. T. NAFTkl tiENERAI. IN-
A:. st o,V Nt' le. and It:ad,,kodate agent. Fire,
hie. ....idea and Plate Mire neon -Knee a
fend nond nal or nosh Plato 81 I" i""t
po...ible. Hist !Crain* and ()martian comp..
1...reple.ented. Oda next door to Int kinan
k liarnow tfarri.tem. flaunting St rat.
Lai., I 1•4 'whale fund. for in.r.tment
at tone., rate. rasa espetear on neat -elan. mort
Moak Mad) tO 101.1'KINIMeN nAltIterW.
1.,14 ANt k VII.- Vann and iodated
1°'"1.1'4,,ItertX imoired. Vallie of jamtert_) in
",11X41 111, 10Jan. 1118koser officer.
dire..tiors: -.I. 14. MeLean. pee.. : T. 'Fro...T.
tier ; 'orinolly, 47. 'stir. Mr. 'he..
nes, J. Watt. Ja., J. lit•nne-
wei.. director. : 1'. E. liay., Meafortl.,weretarY
trenower : notnred dIrer•tor to lo....
Me. agent 1.or We.t
norm,. hogoler. can poly waroe..itient.
and get their card. reeeimed al Ntr.
theme, or at McLean Bro..' Palace 1 'IothIng
More lititterich.
110DERI('11, ONT.
11 1;a it!, OFFICE-Mt/NTH STREET.
JORDAN, W. Pkot•torigrf,
PreMdent Vire PAmident,
UAW STRAT114 •14'.1!..1:"Z'T. :Jolt lat
WM. PIP KUM tory, .1_, M. ROBERT:4.
I' %NB', litIKTI IN,
(11.T, . •
Dar aim Inns Ha 4. now one of the per-
faarient inatitutiont, e Dominion. It ha.
Proriwred from the eta nd will continue
Waite investor, the heat pot, r manila, and
horrowi•no the heat p000dhle te Deposi-
tor. hare fir"( llen on all Iowa. o e Com -
Patty .
The Heron an., Renee 1. tinder Oro
mem control. and receive. dement. Iron
"14`4".". ;Arent. and children, In .11.11. of
nom Flfty Cent. to Three Thitiennd Donna
"11^(t log rompotind Interest, arlded e. er)..41
, Month,. at rote. OM "greed 111)011.
,,..4'he,itle4 WY' given depositor.. that they
""w 111,011 there &path. &tarty time.
Areonling to ItriiMint 4011 *low Iwtt, interest
. I- a:looped nn detalait a at 3 nnd 4 per cent.
The 1 ompany la directed and managed bY
Men o lin are h.troughly contr.-4.HW with the
latottinttnents of the tot.ine.., nta it two every
fu,4111v (sr in....acting its /mend km. on gar
snds.nnonnicni 111 ts..
An lienvortant l'ent ore 10 hill infilTIPd WO -
/110,11 31111 11111101, 1111•1111). make dement.
tohdrow mane) in their own name.
f xa.
^r.PonY' 17inkem 011 first eta-,
Po:3.440V only, me thoi detasItort Ito, e
"? ange.t and ...feet ...emits for their it,
re.tinent.. Tern'. owe moule to alt bort".
•1", the nondition. booing .traight loan. '1011
"'twat. eat. he .ent by mail at the Mak of
makr• ynoft int- raiment., with
ontafre tO youraelf lhan here.
MT( /N.
. .
, T1.'14141.1 market cora-Issues dna. with wheat'
' at 74..1 and bni-ley ss•
Huller is up a eeid (non bra oak.
ilug...lioa 4 .141.1 decline.
Fall wheal,,per !malt . ..111 0 ;1 10 111 44 II
Spring wheal, fror Lout' . . 1. • 1, TI to 44 74
1111., Oat bush . . .. . .. it 4.1 tto 0 4.".
buckwheat. r 'tip* . WO *41 11 44
, :Der it.. - 14 94 lo 0 9.
l'etta: per btialf ....,,,. ,, to fal 10 11 .i11
ihirley, pet. bush .•..:. ••• 41 t" I•1 44 04
serceoing., 'Mr t011 .' . . . 114.011 111 la 111)
Flonelamily, per t•wt • . 2 111 to 2 to
Fluor. patent, per ewt .. 2 Ato to 2 tlit
Bram per too .... ... . Ito Or ti. Ito on
Shim., per tun . . 3.41 1.1 91 141
Ilas•. per tut,. . . .1 in to 8 ill
Wood, pOr1111•11 : 1 NI to ., Ili
l'otatow.. per bmolt Mt to 33
• I * • . ....„- _ ... At -11. -tat --It 14-
* 'ham... pealli --.--'' . -. .„ . . . 0 12 to 4. IS
Egc.. fre,.h.i.er 41.uz - .. . ,..., li Et to 14 13
Tomatoes. p0r toothed •, ., 0 91 tu .1. do
l'ear., per tobl - , , ' . 0 TS to 1 nu
Appian.. par bbl, '..,1 \,';.. . ... 0 7.4 to t on
Cattle, ordlity to giant. per ewt. 3 or to 2 SO
l'ottle, export. per ..et . 4 to to 4 rat
llowo. lire .weight: per ewl . 1 31.1 to .1 a.
floe.. dre.o.4. per rot 7 Ho to 7 jo
taunt.. 3 St to 2 .s,
Nitre'', Inn• Ili 0 40 to 11 at
HAM. 11er lll ,. 11 14 tO 0 1.1
llama,. per lb - • . it 1,1 to • 0 18
Lard, per lb • It 11 to •4I it
Tallow, per lb . , , * it talju 0 '41
Oheeirkiii. .
11 ide..'per c et .. . \ • 'lulu tq - A .ar
. • to at to 11 31
111utside ikiwrkel- Op plige-7.1 . •
; -
Situations. Vacant
WANTKII. -Away 11.11. Mits. A. M.
POLLKT, North .t. •
.11 0 • l'SEKEE P•E It 1V• A N E -
I. %Voided; a hoieekeeper for .1111111 LO1.41).
in a we.tern city. Miss: rrteretwe•-.
Intelligente (Mee. box hogiuderich. ont
ANTE1). \JEN To t
less' 7/11:i Ittll."4:111 1111) It/ 112:1 1.13 111011(11.
.11111 1•141ilr 110.1 P. Via
4144r 0 101:X "Ztt 12.„1.. 4 41. :11:1-31
ix Kt tronotton• tumour.. Eac s
111ANXED..-APPRENTIC ht • Fttlt
I dressmaking delArtlaselti. Apo! to 31 1.4s
I .tHltly1C. Shalt Hoe. & u.
IVA NTE1). -A I:001). MALAWI'
v to leant Ilse tailoring ' A toplY
11.1.1.:4N IS.. the Palace t loihing Store,
I 811), WI* WA NTE:Ii. -
VT To leoro the ItioelOor
roar. One front country tirvf.frrorl A Plii5
JAMES. A• sTlt.t4 1.1A N.. V e•toria Street
Aloa• Work.. 11
tatiorin, huarsora. Appts to Pridlimon.
Metvhant Tailor. the Square,
waling f 4. %no.. thaial good -AIN' g.01141 OOV•
MVO earn too .1 flo) ointer ion1 .oittoorr.
er oilt to '•••••-on. Waite (i. AltslIA LI.
fk 20_ 1.0101011. 11111.
Private Bearding.
IP • 1,111•11•11 111 eouthalattle horne.un V11/1) wn
tem I, -atom. .111.1re- BO% I 41. Olgind
or avid) Al 1(11., UM,.
FF." N14
',anted ,
114' rlso. A
HE V.v.
112 tf
pRoP. 14.4.. TAU 41, I
11143M1.111 I Ilsa
cwt....-. ma.
to fitting t
Ail kind. of opeetarin. AM,
loonier. Special a mitten gl..
order. by mail two ot% num ed ill. 1
ware of partle. il.ing 111, 11. 11...•, 1 1111.11OP
tilt% riling agent...1114101r \ •
i.4/44.4 ion guaranteed. 1.7:f.
led 1414 1134sr.a. srritkkT, W.:Tv/its/N. No.
To Rent
Itr. '49,49. containing:. .elitto toot .4.1,11
eon% rifler aw.idlini-n loin! ..talde wool am 1. en
me.„44 o N. %V.- NOTT. Nr.gate :.tstert
• tf •
1_101'181f, RENT. --THAT. NEW,
ix two story ek veneer lime.. roto Elgin
as e.. out compl teol. • All modern v0011'111
COCO,. (1004 4411 . 1.11..C.,41011,1111
i ...... For 11.11iis 8.6,1 iculars
apply tn It. PERM' 1N.' . 431f
_ _
1111.1*t•LE Folt sA Multi if-
i'es-Illeattie what. lo fairly good
condition:a Wyatt. Spay:fa t other. 47 tf
1,101.8b: AND er pot 4ALK
II one ruod OM' IOW/Old 11111•.(nry
.biegle4.11Werl ',mama eight
mom., itnart....41,4r. charm'. /11111 111110 10,11
eater in the lama% rola a Inure (mar
shed a...I ,4 Thi. proper!). 11 I, 11
1.1 ift (11,1 440. '1111111114011.'1161 4tintfrif
veiriesilly 10 the 41. T. H. -.mien and factor.
1. 011 1 he corner of Nene/ate anol '.111.0 .1 -..
lectern*. and will he w•Id reneotialob • tot ea.)
term.. Apply to 4'11.18 E. Mi.% W on the
Mood fent' near I ttttt
1.4 acre.. well Nalervil : how boar barn :
brick holiar with .late roof ; title. aed
17 mere. 4.11.1...• fipple MY' hard. Atari% o TIlloS.
HA111(1... tioderlo 11.11ot.
I houses -.unable 20., bu.ine.. I 1.0.1e..
Amid' men PO .11 cheap: al.. lioism.
wanted to ant, 8 Immo.. dahle : not.) not ex
1.01.11 Ilft Or $10 Mr month. Mond tn loan,
1 Ot %VALID F. CA-14Kr. Heal ,Houl Itu
.1111.11(1.4. Agenst, one floor earl 0 f e..
✓ :41 acre., known a. the Intrie farm. in and
adiointioz n of Modern IL on thrsiliona
rood. Mx *ere. hattl000d Sttlte4
few_ .mall dairy .or fruit farm. 410.141 brick
Mast, od harm and gold osier. ro....•-•tionnt
once. ly to TH4 IS. 11 LThltrit nth Exelronge.
P:mi ifEr4quE FOR
%Lg. Thl. Deny 1. on Smith Areet
atifl 'enkntly fedi. The Minding.
eon.1.4 Vam..tory .1% hon.. -
with knehe 141111 frit. The holt,
la heati,d tail h coMplete tor ""viter stsioise,
arid .1 malere. or to date do 14g, Ilia
late I4.n stool) 1,, I lie
Imt...1 thin ilth Aoy of June. A. I. MN
piton' & 11 %VS,
314 tr son#110,... tor F.seent
r TITV of obi nOWstlapers. 1,1 boodle. to oaf
'all nt Tar apt NAL o.n.o. for them, •
Public Notice
11 .1 X Et4J41111B:
Me. Town et nod oda& Fs
'sod to toe. Two per tent. owr
month eteptemberl • OM per cent.
(*tuber. Me Alec *Town Hall.
, W31. ' A HPHICI,I. I Wieder.
nest. 17t.h, eat
.ta, "Hurons pertniwton. Nothing trom the 1 -
hinds shooting. or trove...log Upon ally port of
the property will he arrested noel prowentea.
r, 4., A TT1111.1.. Itidifew,wal Park.
St on or' r day. mw...1111
h`pmpristin''' to* .rnrilar warders. IDAVID SARK.
in.' on' 1110 sq,iare. All 'tinder':
w Ite
Kairiage Licenses
Iv CANN, ISSUER Or MA.1111 1-
11T • 101t licenme tooderick, out,
Working at Kansas City.
David Bell M1341341 11 'eller last
week from Detroit staling that, his
soil, • Milton. altos.. nheividionts he
had ' beet. in ignorance of for soolinl
lime. Moo feedlni; a press 141 Kansas
City and was all right.
Miss McLellan Appointed.
Miss Kate AleLellati, lately a 110.111-
144.4 OW 01/ill•Vilte 1.1111Witillte.1111stj-
111t41 stair. was- On Monday evening
appointed by the hoard Air the '11'..ronto
.1 'lion Collegiate Institute its 14,4:41,-
Inattjfit cultimerelal department or
the schist'.
Foreshore Rights for Lumber Co."
, \Ve ituderstatul fr.oni T. D. Hawley
that the (lover oni has grail! al ftwe-
sho Ire rt.glitic emit it of be ...nth 10
the thhialeirieli laimber low la • g
Altty4.1. 11,...wis 113.i W131(011 141
01.1.331,31 10 liSeeelain the Jacts the
BP* the rights 111 OW, 4140
have to he safeguarded.
C. A. Humber. Police Magistrate.
The Ontario Clover ...) has mo-
ld magistrate of .• town 1.1
1...itited 4'. A. Humber to ;lite 10001(44
lit nicely!' 91 allecestai,d1 I ' Seager.
aplasinted y •rowit attorney.
Mr. Humber has been a 1111131111e11 1 I be
t000dli 4.01111,11 ha. 1111111y years is 3 Mall
of recognized abilit and is well
qualified hu. the office to which Ile hors
bet•l1 app.Miled.
c.. 4. Harperce Businestr. •
1'. J. Harper hils ollelleti illkt It sti ore
till \Vest a re4 in the plittitbilig soul
i in.roit hing lot biros, 1 he stand . f. or-
itiet.ls,..a.ctipied by the late . Alex.
1% !atm' • 311r: 1•11141er 1184 1184 41 'MN
ex perien in 1 bin • msined. and is a
first -et.; • 1 umbel, id 011j, Work ell -
11'104431 14D 1111 Will I 1 Sldisfat.111ri11.
peefOrilled. lie is a 1 earrYillIg , a
toalkal line of 1414311; all. 11111g..S. 31Id
:tittle sty n'attlievityilting of this
,„,,yt iy,,iii,1 da. we 0 eigl 00 hint. • . .
Downing &'McVicar \ .
10 the firm tesine Inuit... which the
sh • business lierenifin•i• cond... ed by
It:. at . g Win in foltilv be 4' 'iO11
1111, . 1(1 1105V. menthe!. (of the 11,
1 4..... 3 .% ;ear, is . a lioderirt. 1
• rourtren' years agt• wo
st . g. and sime-legAin
wen 4. ecte.1 el il WI h.-
. T433,1110 and Mol
ter part of the 4
.1,00.1 11011%O. AV•
v. Ito soli
with Mr..
here he 1.44,
shoe loisities...
real. for the gn
travelling for a •
Wash he"- tier:* Hem increase Of Lill
lawns' tont Pottage NI Itowning hoe
:always enjoyed. Alr. 1 • 1..4.0 1•11tI•r011
111•W pOhili1111 •k,
The Dungannon Fall Show.
, The, prize 'lists for this pogo ut. fair
have been issued Otis ,wes.k. The
bor.se rlasses have all been berg... its-
cecyaell there 11 re ...Vella Valltil
I 1,1137.1.s.443 -ed, inelosting silv,
no.41,11 by the Battik C gre.
i•slerich. for the,bent spa -Mgt -oh of Boo.
tilt.... brit vy ellisseit. A avoid 1' 1'1 t
11411 /WOO artatifted for the last evening
of the show. 1•1441:4y. tetols.r thh. for
wlii.•1. th.• :141111ksiiill 2:1, and :tie for
rv.,I Tr. Auburn brass
band w ill .14tHitsli anieslog looth •days.
Don't miss ,riving Duo ttttt tois hig
show. bigger; twighter titirl better than
WW1% •
Kept Their Promise.
Last Friday Mrs. McNevin in was. the
Premien( ..r a present in the 4.11.114 or a
White sewing machine 4.1 I Ile latest
U111,100 ell 11/..p-Iii.3.1 rotary I ype. S1411111•
I inn. ago , when a teprekentative••of
the 1Vhile. roitepany ss as lin 4 4. •%%..
Thomson & Son's store, we 'lir ',jokingly
remarked h. NIrs. Me No•\ ill I t hell Miss
StokeS that 3 hell Oh, '4:111191 house-
keeping I 11*. t• 1 an y,, wini Id send her
tome' ' .. 'Me id her dav when
Geo. Thomson 1Voil... al Ole tollolit 0
fait he acquainted the r ge• lit letiliii I 4of
Mrs. McNevin's rreettt marriage and
I Ire be eitifid machine was. pr.....ptly
.ippli.' , ' ,
retir W en. Wedding. •.
Ott,...11,,no y. eventing of I Iti•• week.
tort Weal fin•Ify and tlftt• ,,r tlio• neigh -
Iwo, ota .friends of Mr. and Mrs. John,
T Newell x,,,,i1 ..1...., ided ',,t their 1 • on
Wells stt 1; t 1. Oraledoll Ileillk,
I h.:fifth al111 'erg V lif 1 heir 11 1.1111111g.
The,11 s 1 tit in social con-
versat ion. playi i of "aides. and the
rendering of an epr. nlitti 'program
of vocal and. `. in rman•nlal music.
readings. recitntiott addresses.
making I he evenitigsm 4 joyalrle to
:111 peeacild. ' The rec. itif ion, git little
Heal rice 1Vells a lel Lillie Net -II were
Newell. .4., served a 1..9 stem .... • all
esperialty goiml• TI., host.:....fil I Mrs.
I ...sent. ;att.,. w 111,11 I 4,44. Fools, •ing
In ke up. ',11... and .111.s. f11.11441
veil al Inally 11311,11.030..4 314 uncoil
mein, does of the INI.104.
Accide s.
During Miss Cameron's recent Visit
ty Toronto Idle slit- was alighting
bout a t.1 ivy ear stalled :14(3111 ,t1e.
4101V. she 11:111 I 1111.11AI the gromul and
she wits (Iwo •11 violently to the
asphalt phventet . MIte was laid tip
• --
, Lost or ontd
_ _
ki woo. (41110111. hying' the Itoo h half a lot Pi.
coot. A, Wed Wairano.h. talent ng lamb. ran.
hum t lir ntomt 11 ef July. The wr:1-.3..pron
1,1g property and pas ing espet, con Ans.'
111' •41111O.
\Card of Thanks
HICHS MAFIA.: Lk tt• LottliK Ntt
17. A. II. I'. W.
.(71•41, rules. Knells ;lento( In. than'. far
'our .• months- awl ln nor recent
Teo' • 11100 bY tin, death of 1111 hit -nand; h..
t Morria, Atal also for fielit ering
,10 II/Ort1141410111 any 1' my part, *Juno,
thr onormot 41 lotneticiar. ceriltleate so
nad by 'sour Worthen' lvilvr.t'
"....14ratefolls s ,00r., •
", Signed, .0 AN F: StiliK114s.
fl 1,11i 1131114.ili:MK.NT9,
Having riven np.the Illoplettient 1,11-1,114%,
IV Oar :
)11,ar nen. Top
/ (hie *nem) plapao. Nlare, loar orlovrn,
ppm" rad, .00triiii.1 and 11 wee! worker,
To-A...erg-m*140nd Top Hoigilic.. neW
1100 1.setited letten.lort t Op 1 gainer.
(Mr gond liar Hake..
(Inc. Mad (MIL
5Vitt CA14.41,. ( Mot- dell* .oust get A
ii• Nowt.. 1 knew:: the 1.e.adlo ##4 the Hell.
oleht, but Is 'tiny Ninth...oily recovered
(.. it1.14. to atteridto
Yesterday 811..111..4m as Dr. 'llohnes.
....14411Y treastwer, was calling h. It.
1layst hissigh an open wiislaw in the
1111111111, 1111111,af alt• 11111,111 & 111111.1. 411.
at:Y.,. the V111111/4)1( 14111411. 11•11 and eautie
dont' on his left aril*. fiXtelitring it at
1 he wi•ial. ThejitIttry is ti very
NI. • wat tio• Itielor for
o • lime.
They Will Exhibit at theO. N. W.
One of 11... 'Mast Miele Mg and
all raelive displays to be wit oessed
tireat Northwestern 1.•...r next
week will lie that 441'1/. .4'111.111•
St.11 & :S1111, 11111• ,1)I•11 -1/1.1i1,5•11 1:111,ie
dealerS. Theil• VS Iiihit of pianos ann
organs ,will tor the Htlko,1 Welt Voats
bort', 111111 N ill include
will. and Bell and 1 141•11111i4.0
organs. A lcatiiro• of th •ir •exhibit
voill Is• tlie Itcnoliati piano player, a
mapv.t..... invention. it will Is.
in operation Is,•11 day itts, evening.
l'Iwy will also show ull le lieWest.
dieSig11;, 111111 i1111/1133.1114.111.
Willi:1111S 11 114 Kay...said -sewing
maelinies. The lines 114111111ell by the
11 mat are 0..poll.41. nit 11 the
184110h. 111111 11:1011), 111111•11aSt.11 111,1V4
1111, 4.1.11 11111'). all. 111 3 posit tiv filis.1
1,411 istitelviVity .WillItS*111. heir in-
creasing 1 rade. ,• '
An Ottawa Wedding..
.1 gide, Wtshling was sole • ed
liox chords. Ot111W11. Oil ‘V.•111111.,11:4Y
1.4'4'11114C September 181 h. when 31 iss
Belle McIntyre •SeClund "laughter of
‘41. :11141' Ali's. David Jardine, Cain-
lori./g.• street. thole:it-h.. the.
1.1 tile •of E. Stuart Sraiton... 000 14 .1.
Straiton.... 'I'. H. station agent 'bets%
The iss.cloato s wa•t peoit•fortned Het%
11. 11. p linwx
elwireh. forniotly • 01 1",...trr. • Th..
briar prettily attiren in her tra-
velling den tripe of 11:45 s blue Des col-
eJot It wit It wffite silk 11:11,1. -Aftrr a
few days 'spent' Ottatla 111. Mid
St rail 011 le for II- ti• 111I
IMMO \\ Alvxite tria. ideligurry
. \where Mr. S. lit ...I 10.1.1.,.11...
Alf selpermte dent of th:.
Ex' Hing Con -
•Fivrial 01.441,0 AI
4•••1 .111. . 1 Alp,
1143,4,0.11i.\,{41•1/1•Ikaiiii; )1,z:
4 he gum
SI tattoo's
flailed lite:
*., 01 Ilk comp
.G. Moss i
le followit from Atari, Si (0.1
r, refer (II, 11\ 'op I Wan.
0'1,10% . NIt.. Mikis 1.4.a Signal
w loos I .11/1 1* (11111 ill
A1;11'4111. 1.11111 111. •111*./.41
1•S ,114•1!•••• '111%; A.
113., .11.111elt..1 a g. tend
H. Moss. W
N1,101if itl •11 1. rri11111 11111111111•4•/ at Ile
.1 -31 . 11.1 i 1)00.1/ 1 .4 .1.4. I.,
I....several ye. r 1111• jast ts1111 fa.
111 Ile.W loldaing
I Ile ,13.11s1 111.1
omee.ile. lie.4 atm! Ir.
1.1. a gr.....1.1 • % lirl. wi
is the finest i It si 1..•
ry. Intilda‘
%Hindi Mr.
s now is.. Is 3 / • 11N 411.
Wyk (rola 4 II,
.•legattl ly Hon sl "
all of 41101:ilea
• 3 blege 1,111. 31..1 Mr.
1,1' too handle
has •Intilt Avi
et' . The . fort
ivas held 11.111.
while the citizens'
rendered a Mine
- I* 1.1
-y possiblo•
It . the Imilil-
wit tv
1In• rootatt
Moss ot b
trade whic
best •....1 sa le
opening of fit • e„
day es ening 11,in!
band ts.io preset" gut
ber of -.elect bills u I.
peoldr were sIntarti hr..
111g and entertained 1.-.•x
way. all 'being pleams ilk'',
Mice 114 1111O 111.11-1!) MO 55111111
1 he patronage -.4 the stOre
great ly enlarged fr..{Ii the 1.41•1•1.
opening:- .,
.Last Chance to -See "The Mikado."
-.., •
S111/11• 1111 1/111•41.:111O1, NI in IN, pleased
to. tkote that "llie Iliaii,i,#- will be
gi veiraga Min thinlerich. NIrs. ill:11109
hi... had 11.90.4.....s re.10.,1i..1.11.-1.11.11 her
perfimmatier..for as generally happens
all t be tileltibers of a lat•ge family c:1 Iv -
111.4 ofT0111 1,, go to a first or second
night. as 4 be price.. to pay exto.tisem of
such A large maerlaking• •I . be
WWI. .11111. oiler Ilmt it costs but. a
4 rifit• more 1.. restrain -re if. "sol 1 hell. is
Ill. reason Ally. el 1.1•plille ill littok•li. /I
.W1111 1111.1.., tow :t night 's g. sal tttttttttt Mut
wil 1 y diologoie cannot 111•1• ' -1111•
%LOCI." ill' if.. entirety songs. dim. -
11 -4....... etc. for air and :2714.. The evnti-
Mg'. entertainment .will open With 1 Ito
ti0004.11y t'of a Illi tttttt 11 111111,4st by 11 1111111-
1,1. or li le 111.111, 1V11,0 1111poillell 19 I Ili -
lantern i 11. 'till, . the adolit not of
Willie Phelan. Jack Swarts., Roy
Sharman. Goldie Smith, Bazil Kelly..
Bert Fisher. I 18..1, Harold Edwards. Bernice
Davis. 81111 .Myrtle. Consigney. The
tolan is titre- open . li inol's Isnatstoote.
It Will he well too re ember I hr BOMB.,
begins 1 he perform:in .... to enable II 11,-
itilr people to ro4 ire 4.; ly. They will
• dressed ito the cos me of , the
vitt erg. i li ..4•01111.Y. wit lh -igs, sh....,,
les a 1.. 1Vat 1.90.. :Thr 4)+Irs will
.11 at 7.itti : curtain risen it • 8 '.41
tad. • •
API' 111
1111' In
°121j'el:111i111; -WAN S1/11.111tliZ
V 1•VoIlill ilt
the 13.1,3.11.11(1. Irf Jacob Crozier. sixth
(.111leessiinln When his
soecond `danglit. . Maude A.. wiel
united • to, Richt A. Misner, ,of
flo‘o ?I. 117'. 41,1",1111..Y.,01111‘1,17.4..11"311.1
arch of 1 railing Ohio+ d
hp.i.h. *a. al inedin 14 cos line iir 'T.,' tit
t...110 n it 11 chiffon Urn s. and was
untottended. Ishe ‘14r aid I of Mrs.
M. W Howell. to 11155 11 , and 111
t comehosion of the eeremo v..* Mr:
eon Mrs. Howell Itiont their droves
Wit It Omit Infant dringhter e the
bride and groom avid had herbal)! iz .1,
Mary Beatrice bring 11111,. IMMO. ltiVe
After emigratidations .were fiver the
guests sat down Ito a soutopttidets wed -
fling dituto.r. 'Me bride 11114 141101411
441%11 ttlef 111111 left .111 .1 hi. 7:14
train "Tlitirsolay worning fe.r their
fitt me. Inoue Vitslmor, 111.
tlyvvellitig dress betfig of brown. omit.
mg tri 1 with vo hIte twoeido•looth
and silk nustallions. TI4. forint. was
the recipient of many orw•fol and hand -
moue presents., Those present from
diatoms. were Mrs. Misner, Mkt.
isner HMI 31 rm. 11.••kei , Windsor,
it NI Hamilton, Mrs.
MiSINI Will Ilt• at I • to IW'r r1111.141,
after 4 • wr the 2111h.
The Coming •rt.ttrels
The annul Opt•ra
Wediteoslay. St•ptiekolier :111Ith, will
he Cultittne, & "Weston's nig
City Minstrels, an ofkalthtstion
hirty-five hi ha•lown ininsfr*.stars.
hy t e king of utinstlatis, Seager, Clown attorney, for thereto*.
11111h. l'1,131.1•4 This olailpall.r 1134' jar,'
finished 1111 ,St ettio.tessitif ..sigagetinitt.
.11 the New Iii:.11111. to 3111..11, illti
1 ,1,1 111 111.111.111011, .11
1..1111.1; 1):1•V 1111• N1•Otr (trill111,
1/1.1111,01. 111111%1g' 10.1310 il1 perfor.14
;ono,. The local press speak Iti th.
higheat tern., of. the ,performan....W.
hle real 1111,1 of 111a l• inetly
a. magnith...4.1 Hest part set, said
to. be he. Iltieml ever edelfeil loy 11
01 sank- is Illost elist IV, Ole itressio.
.1n.ing of, the "Direettor" style. Eight,
runny 'end men and ....medians
after the Am. The big ilitilltlit titt.t1
tot t• Ile singing in the way
of, ballad, ;ado and trio work. A
daneing eotitingeht - or • t•ight solo
s appeal' levee nitrite 111141
I .11.1• Oight '11 -11114 111.1gill111
5.,111.1,1 •.itels in the
the Inggest nlion' of he
year and none shoold misit ; it. Seats
M. 1111AV o11 sale al K 1.001stiirr.
2.1,•.. 3.1% ,111.1
I ....Init., I,. F.: for the defenee.
'11.....e Was ,t' -keel old chum...against
' Getling Acquainted. •-••• v.4A
Ihve the alio•A "oltoos•essifoil of I be
:vonstal sos•ials xvItio•li the t'. 1.
Literary stoci,•1y, are the.• habit of
"petting IlLe t ill 1.1.11. Was that held
hed 'Priday night in the assembly
1.00111. There Was 3- large at lenolittoc.•
or pipits -of the Collegiate :toil Alodel
and od kers and es'er One easmied
o•ii,j03 I he. flfeilitilte
s,n•ial 4111 ere neat engagement
eatils With ...suggested themes' gr
W4•11. ,11141R14. Um, or, told
miteti•titai inlisie wits 'render...I loy
he following : Alisto•s tit ace Dyke. 1 1,
Parke.. Vera NVIti.tely• Lewitt.
Nellie ' Klis-e Tye HMI Peart
Johnston 11.111•`-lt. '1•191Tintiti' Mid 9
1111,91.11 organ and. autoharp olteller41 eit
44 four ls.ys. .1•Wilig the subjects for
, Beauty'.
Wits- Ont. that afforded scope • for
the ;met ically gifted. though .intost
contettled I lieipselv es with t he
discussion fat stone 1 11111141*
Seill'ell" Ileeell1111l/4 more
et 'meet e Item.% :"Pii lobo Schimil Days**
was n subject everyone ....m141 beeinne
lellaillist:e111 1,11' ad lihitittio. ••New
1 Aupills- Was if t illIrly liipic. ' ••I h 4S.
43%1.. 111.. htlys ol ta
e 1.11 he iteeessit y for prospet.-
is • sekos.pers' toeing well versos! in
one rt.: 1 boil are y'eloasidered
condi •ivo. a, happy 111/1111..
'T'llyh ("ilk th,a1
11.1101 ityatin•
S1 1410 “Ilioscapitig
1•1111111114111 'be lint 1111
'II .1•4•11.0,0 part-
priivrit it. many 1.441•S
josi.41.• feat luso or the
• '
The G. N. W. Exhibition.
, .111 Untie:it ions point too a sitect•ssful
fair next Tin,stlass and 1Vishiesolty.
The secretary is re...dying rid lira: free-.
ty and in- t les... days of,goisl ......k. and
leolatit 4).1 liar% esh-: the Imalt. 5 ranted
Ind be Or t he 4.est. Miss 1.1 eon, ,,...•
Of 111/• )01,11111, ill (111' 11111114-4.1 i,11 ;111.4
%v,..,1,.,„, p„,,. ,.,„„ps.,,t,,,,,,. ,, in ,.,..,,,.
..xliibitions of bMter-inaking. And 311,,
Agttel Smith. .0•' 11. 'Leval, demon -
Th.. silts.ililig v% vlil, 1 VI1 11.1 lir tor
sl rat i1111:o :11111 lel 111)•••i, ill .I ..t 1.:
',kir, lbw' 01 ... 11;....11.1„) 1.0114*..
slat! will lir !wry... .t.. 1:111: 011 I he
flat 1111. ,I thly .14........., tad ,..t hey linslet\
foie .1.511.1res are Gent iirrangt4t1 110r.
large piir,.., and prole -,i......1 ringers.
Inn v • ge tttt Me spoi 1 and keener
13,1111141 if hal Will he ill 41..,,, er...
.11.....• the. pr0frsai.111111 has 1 Ilit• ad% .01
tag... 'rhe eXhibil ion of 1 'ch.. 11. I.,
Jotter' I he (, hell. Will illoolle he .1
11.11.31 11.3ek • eVelll... l'Ili, ,)‘...;11' . AI
1111.11111ers Kill family tielvelsi as Well M••
Omit. oWn, mid last year's a•xbilators
...f live stock u 1...- were award...1 prizes
of &loot. over get their stalls 1.r pens
free .4 rharge. Th.. directors will ha s 1'
1115 ,•rv t hit ig in g....4 shapenl his u.e.•1.
and a gooll, fait. and at. enjoyable
141y... outing is. preapisted I:. t•t•!\•ry..ne.
• \
A ' f ine Concert. $
• Last evPning's entei
kneed's( the opera• House Was •on
11Stiiii: 110•61 1.11( WAS eity s11111
xttliZeq,, dile 110 ',doubt j441
-41oli• weal her: ',Th.. prograin
wit it 74. II,imer 1•:alott's read -
•vottee \Jout the voinlietive
'and `displayed au impel. -
.4.1.4i...111 clo•vetness. Ilr.
`v-onat ot Reuben.
•••.I and
Vire VI. ••.1 1 tay
ha% .• 6.411 1111
1.11 1 14111..
0.4,11131kell I he
1110 11141i13.011s
il tering
.ad lie
ing •
good Imo
...nal or tn.
li.-t,•1111111 • ill
or4vesi on either
fi •iat
moo •elo•t., •14 1;111113 X
;Wheal W11431 1111. Ea
I 114 rrill1.1' 11 41 34111
loillsnews 31141 rear
high so/ llifte.. ill '411
'I y l'r .1.4.140:"" 31i,. „Flora
gins is n .31411 gif11-d Wit 11 it
sil'oet 3.111 ral voive and all him.
bets were 1.1113 rd. • Her. littkint/ i#1
Ilarflet Cm -Ai 1/11.0...- seas ....pedant
tine. -‘%V. ."111. is *Imo a "al-
. ted Singerwith a .sonant, hapit.me
• .1.•liklitid the an Wiley with his
11 .111100411.11111i111( 1111) OW11 "AV11i1O
Sti Vette.' Tile\ eonehuling
1111111 31\ '11 ,11114.1 in halm
Ill,. .1.113111" O Eenc-
ing .11a• er. 11•11,6. as .1 le•
knottia 111.1 . Firth t
A Mantiiactu 'ng12
.1. provo,ositio n#:#.,tablislinnent
'11 thmtet.1#.111-wr a • wir • aczli._ 4 he mann..
elms. of a 111•Oo• oliarrOw
I 10.1013. he an dired I Ids
h:. •.•1`;• 1101.1.-
• 111O TIM
ming Co., tvIr
'Mgt he harrow
111140, 55.1.11.
•111)f 401.11 11•111j1
1111.111jOrt 11441
• They Olga.
1 I 4t• In -feet, or
• bombs f NMI 1
Il 11.1.. 1.31.11..ey
Ile ,1 3 hie of
1140. ask 11
met e
I to
'r oft -
rtna it.
Mtn int fa
at "1.4•55' 1
row- 11:#
•#.017.#11. 1## lay
is.##(#1.. 1111%/1111•1•11.
11,1'1 bnilding •
-lore: to .•,04,,y ,
4,11, 1,11,1 4,.
inael •ry..1100111, 'vie.,
13.311 $15.11110 to 01,111111.
loan of it 1.1,uuti , Without
I dr years. opOyiiiivii to
9if I et 1114. seta/1141 dyear. *They e.,
have a harrow. Ilio•hl Pint rev
ire the trade in thic4 nitric 111,
count mein ma i lig nal nid
hoolighont 'amnia but "i many
pist•I; of 1 be world.
3.1essrs. lila Me now ‘5%
111 (P1141161. 11(,•• . 411.6..1 11111011g fir
1,111. 1 14111 1 1111 )11.1111:IY peening
and had . tplr 14 1111'11' 1111,11•11W. 1111
1111• 111,4111, 111.11 111#1111#4.1,.
'1.1111111.• 1.1.1•it1•11 their loll go. (11114 111111
1,41.4 011.31 a 11,33.41111 11111.11 *I f.,1101V-
11 hen they decided 1,,
4fer a free kite mei exempt i.et
lexat 161. len years. instead or the
loan refitiested• 11 remains t11 114. seen
whether 'On. Homier -proposition will
Howse Trading • hititup, .
I ,
piss' part 111 111,11111V 'was 1..411
in a dice.i.onti easoe 441 al.' tIlW11
and ,f the temulper Ivit nesse.
.11 (thirteen il looked a • i r
Ile volite n1111 111S1 111 lel... a_ 141111,1w
ilhys. 1111 it coda. 111 at. n1,111111 elld-
ing'whett I 14# elaiptiff . xaln-
Ma ion lottelos lown frotio.his 111;1110o:
,11111 left nothing for 1 Ite ntagist rates
to 11.1 lint distil, s the o +de. The
parties I it the c•ast• 111. ro•,idellls
Ashlleld. 'A(13,111i19( 1/ 4 he ,1•01.1"
fhe plaint ilT. %Vt... Aga t lee. defend-
ant. 14..... Borland. din um. fleillf.a. had
114491 I" 44444 lc,' I'kt„„i'gain for a trade
11' Agars dill took, want • to' trade.
ey hod spoken ninon the matter
sev .t•al times and on Ilia 91 1. 14.1.1-
1,11.1 011 ra tn. b i‘gars had
Mutt horse grille 4111.1
boholl's it Its place. Ile bail y..
'al asksi.1 tor ht. rethrli Of
his horse.. whirl, Wan 13.10431. SAO
the 'idiom ott a charge
oeuestainittal ion Agar,
.• had told different
Agars ante
of Olaf 1. \\jr
aohitit Owl %Oaf
parties Nat ht. regar.1 -114e
mailer as a theft and (hal he did mot
then emisidt•r it J1 !hill.' but merely a
titiettinderatronling nx 4.. Whether&
bargain hail lor•en made or . It
ONO (.114110• 11111 11110 /%1(111,1 111111 %aid Ile
wonthl lioy *III if his Inotsa• were nod
as h•presentell. whit+ would stem too
indicate that he Wholos thinking of rt
11(311. The came Ives heard bv Justices th
Wm. Lane and J. Kernighten. C. mi
talkat it e.
1. Lite
and "tired it
the, roottig•it
tiers for wha
to ,t Ole Wm.( e
es o•taing. On. ran
Dulmage Mitchell.
a ttttt her in town. the
Hvielplo "Ale ettry
The .io,„ wing that
1 \4
1114314 ttttt 91 g for a
ion The Signal 'Stant
etatgral 'Oat intiro`74. )1E. 1 /it
ery - s' wetbil,ing
twit \tednes. ly after'
3:401 ..4 1 he residelll'e of Mr.
Minthe.11. quebee Isfireet. whe
last Thittkolity's
• .4,44m:est (11
r. I tottoutge
Me engaged
extend our
lunge': A
' at
youngest daughter.' Mkss (ninth- len.
his -ante the bride of !Ili• Mark Ben. MI
I ba.,,Ag.., fir Hoehe,ler. \ formerly f
this . city. The ••,,,ii. .*t....,..t th
arlOr .41 the aim ..1.- het'. ,t,t her : She
t ts 'pre,* ea by hey lipde 11114...... NI his
II ere 11 He #.11. as floWel1, gia, earry-
ii4 basket wf red roses. 1 owl \ 11,41ked
Very relay Midi gown ii#1 whiti silk :
slw ea led it signet 01 ..-41 ,i7,:.
Th.. w1•1 ing MI 3.11 'Was dared by
the t wt. 1. le M. s. Hiltil t, and the
locitIo• and Iselin 1.11. 11111111114.11.1.•.1.
1 1 I Ile hill .4 he cere111011V I he
company ineti. di. of a laint y wedding
repast it. the di, fig r.s ... after whielt
Ilw and Mrs. It lunge . left ley I Ile
et ening trait. east, nil after a ehort
trip lo I 4 iron! ii, Sla o treat gtitl Other
easIt•rn 'Nouns will re -vo lit lioehes
ler.. n here they will mil e the. • I .
The bride•tvreived a law+ Amin 1. of
bands . presents frotio ter t any
friends in the city and al tt linta el%
Ili /1 10 bride and gnome hav taint* •
riends it. the I•it y. espeein i
I '41.1iii 411,1 Alettumlist Omer in
rot ...cilia). witli. whose 'work t
hay.% take,' a pro ttt i t lent tont at
I heir tatty friends will ' join The
Nlereitt y in. extending te them good
'wishes for inattny yeat.s of happiness -
in their 11#.* Pelati.m. .; .
\ a.
Will Be Miss* iv 'Brussels.
'the Brussels ost has I Ilhe 10 say of
11r. Illair. who will shortly join
Messrs. PilICHIAVIt it sll flays in their
legal lona nes. liere'; *.• 1 still foe a tti: -
_;.•• 11„ ir win 1,•inove \fro "v:11.,initioin,
ter of ino. sma II tt•grel to II he pe, de
.4 lb mewls to know Oiat 44rrist er (I.
Nov idler 1st to beim.. a ....1.14;01
111.• i HI IA i ii ov 41 leintl tit v 11
r11101., t11(1,1 • nay.. 11( ly ...Meth The
....may thwit was 11-Y • lair's\lionir Pl.
3 ttttt Ilher of yo..41; /crop.. 1 it, trio -.11
iNtrtice 1 1..14. 1 4., '.1.41 1..., Agit. Ntl 4. Wii
il4(1). , be 4.......;• rig old friendshit . and
a onyria.t. .1 t 1111•61.11. 111,si III '141
IW \ill ' 4411....`of MessES. 1•13111.13%'"
.1',1.111111 .,„MIP Wilt' 111.• lillile 11( 1••11,11. il
antot 1191 'With his lake 11.0,441ehtleS.
4. rich *ws W1,...0 *Mrs. Illair's ;dare.. of
Iletu•e. .1.44 Mr, Wait 's residenee ilk
sets he Has Made ititself very
in 1 he aoleani•emetit f Ili...gen-
ii •14..ing pc.. the can In 1 1 11 it y.
•hiirch ;1.0\ Sida.111 11 \Mellon,'
0111, as he Prs.• .•tratviasii irf
na lingers a tot en perintrIl-
. Math gelo111,1. Itevras
s .t. the viliage comirlft
sl 111111 1111. K(11114.1.'14'
Id : pl1/4.1.4110111, 01
I he lowers Iktv
of the Prohilii-
V•initig. 111..
sled part iti
itleiti .11,-,Itimits
ts. . Ile
•tta. illa,
*ill ',Hi
t he board
lir. Ile dire.
the .1 -bran.
A # 1.141 see I
AMo ',11 am of UM
iila it. 1t19,1„, mid.' an !MO.'
1 he lnewlittig‘c pre
year, tennis\ a I r s
ill be missed .• p..I. sic;t1
he spent ...Inside '
1111 al iint,wOrk
addlessing , publie 111 A inKs.
Mare 'will not he esoii , 11 sl nmit4.1%litt.1...1•411
any id 1..ir I
ill afford to hose ell ize pe.
11'.• Va•ry heartily wish hi o ill
his W 61,1' work and Gelie
he, will .1.. well in lit slerieh. \ 149 1.15
Inoiness be taken by Barn. er A o
NI.• I to moth 1. t he emutt y tirti llo
young gentleman very • ra VI ly •
'Token • of, who, woo, also a student .
w Mlle.. of lilarr0W Proud
Harbor Jottings.
Th., steamer King ward 11111111.
her Iasi coll here on .11 ttttt la y . night
Isontool for t he No"; whrre 1.10. will r.i
111.1111 for 41...' present', hating (.1•11.4.1
11.11:11-iiii ow along ve it he ion of
'rolls' of her, Clergite• interprets.
The 11:11VV;11'11 1111.14 ion wo car.
fonds of flout. and a quantity or
Let. 1m.. a! large 'motility of
hay it" his Warellottsr n'ail othip-
mend and (here is y14' 10 pool deal' in
the ...amity to Is: 13.014011 in for
shIpindit, lont, as a result of him ree4•1It.
visa too Port Huron: he low. Ito fear
ksil that he will' he able to get it toll
19....r.41./lit. will 1111110 1.0 pro fnoLght,
bosom to call when Own. 114 '
091 111 1.1111111 fr11/11
Hayfield Sunnily moonting otml left in
the it (terms on for Kinetonline.
dreolge and snows *ere toweil by the
tog Huron nod Ilte Hot Melt King.
The NI ex font art•ived M ttttt lay ft • •
in with 11410,111111 Bashers of wheat. foot
e blg mill. and the wheels 111' the
11 again go round.
Yben about Nitresui* vo the nOrtb-
'a •
Fall Business
WALL Bla Goon.
Get VOur Share
The -Signal
VAN:1.MM & HOBEETtION, Pratigninte.
Duda Ilea* %1'tnialed - Uudetieh Lumber ‘t'o... 1
supecior Training - latainIngtou littsisess
1 (Memo . -
3 ,
Ft ubber Ht•el. - Donlon Itubber Tire COl'i
Animal Wo•tern Itioteursionw- VV. !gall= 7 , •
A Straightforward. Hu.ine..-J•tH. Col .8 I
stove. 1 Ranges UM. L. Allan 3
11.1110 Tuner • Nentheinter 1.14111/ CO 1
tif011vw lo /tent ,N. 5V. Non '
lliey %VIII Exhibit -Cleo. %%realism* k 80.: 1:
Th.- tailed 1.1 Vonaitore 4 enuringw-Wuntor
Items1:::::,,Notete--itt. 1%14, . . .. V
A ut (Mealy 44111111i lima. & ro k
1.0,411 SIllith lin.. k. 4'o. . a
Fall Millinery Opening MI". Douclifb • ' 3 -11"...Kr.g.,,,t.,,,iiii..1 ijoitru.ltylit...7:1.‘-.1..:7,,,,...0..t:.K.,,iii-hig.t.ohtt, ii(ncnhamos ,11
A .11ig Eta Stuck Hodgen. iiir.ri. t • • 8
11:.1.1r.';iiiitiolgi'PlitriPt0.0"glith1-1'71"11ennire'egkiyrlit:Itfe''" 77
4 ',trot 'of Thank. Jane Morris I
unal;111.34f1. oi.f:uNiutera. :rug -bury 1.10.,,. pgrtuiant-
liliperial Indont !tango. -1:..J. 'Harper A
Ihnetekeeper Wanted -Hoe 14.40 ttttt . . I
Servant %Vented -.Mtg. A. M. Polley . ,... 1
it' heap Sale of the Kavanagh Shoo Stock --
AM. itroderick ' • - J ,_ i
Tin, 1 ....411111 ry Mini -Victoria th?era 11011.110 .4 8
4-tdhane, **ace & \V ton . M in.t rel.,- .:-
. Victoria Illien1 Ho .e.
sos11ellial 1.alittalti - 1 ttttt I tiro* a ..
The - Alikado Victoria no. House. t - li
"1.10,":";trZt.a--142.1.4°I;:.-41iiric ... r '
..y.ters -4'. Hlack.tone .. 'I
F'r..h Inurh'enn Portland 4 g 10111 StehenxIo ,
lt Hurwell ...- . ,. .. ttttttt A •,
west of the Point Fano Tueaday, &a
tilit EVOIY1i WOO head for home.
Capt. t •ratigie sighted wha proved 'to
be a tloat and pile-driver; ith chain
and anchor tit tm•hed. sup to tie
toast IA:4.11.00m; pilett foc pc 3.1 tate.
The otattft was taken it) tow and
now lying iti the harts* awaiCtig 'OM
"Wooer to I. • and elaina it.
'the new tug 4'41,,i.in a. wits t for..
her trial trip Monday evening. She
take0,0 on tons of hard emit an 50
barrek of salt for Blind River.
was expected to• leave Tuesday but
still detained by the weather.
The Turret Chief ii4 expeeted with
ea egill.f wheat, for the elevator.
llte schooner Penobscot is expeeted
-with eatrgo of coalP '
One of the pans in the old portion of
the big totillovalt bleak is being replaced
and a second is lergooing repaire.
The nenr piort ion of thehlock is almost
1• XiKefit.rd tif 1,11' !Wirt waiting
for 111Orr fO.V111•141/14. Weather. The
cargo shatInsitight 1114;re thin trip is the
largest she has ever loaded, for here.
.1 liet 101T he-cheekwater, while the 't
channel, she bumped the bottom sev-
eral I Mien.
7uring the blow fill, Y1'eolnesday •
'gin 'a large mittibet• of the 'totwooill'n
lo iv bridle adrift and were piled litt
the tarbor ii41111111. Men fr ttttt th.•
were Now this into • g rafting the '
logs t Iwitelt.
• • moiler holfage ramie in on
Tuesday . tight, light, from' Dresden.
she will t e 011 11 oats for
lillalber 43101 Pa 011 the Pellills11111 before
sails her ine Tres. tier 1S)r. \ V h le
K ineardine alit trip a yard -anti and
salt formerly turied loy Capt. John
MeDontild's seh. iet. A7.111: With trans-
ferred\ t 4) the ikf age'', laminae
ht ways a fits hoet, the Memo. -
ell sail area will. 110 mitt enithke" her,
,to make "mt 'extra l4 or tritt • per,
conditions in the Trade
•ity pipers II
t oubling t
Ila ill
I Imo
ch Indkodd
vi tug appeared the
a tannin. in salt nal
'retail neuters, The
..wed. tov Iowa], malt mood\
and toectire.1 ' infortnation \
Stre light on the situat• ." '
el arr. a.ivelrml• ..v/uunts for the \
sent .4 Ort age in the supply of wilt. .
Int 1Xitli ill Miff,' which is n large
factor fit I lie , alt•MattlIfaet taring Immi-
Hess in the 'tko`vittce, WiO4 ovit Of
older for toiltle 10144,11,4 allt1 AU hOtliklf -
a Pa 'flow ell tttt in igiii9 t he tenpOornry
4#14quige 1####1 141116.141p \ vireo on she
available supply. t ', Winghant 9,
118.1V We11 Is .111.1111f J111 kntl in the
Illeantillie 1411. mill the is\ not Ain-
niti . A in other 1 lit la that ham
ten. # to shorten n. map ly'im the
employment of dal for ftiel 'ti 'place •
of sal 111111 WIll111 mixed. By 4. use •
4.4 e latter the paps could be Med
mote opoio•kly and the 1/1.11/.1.101 'Of , .
01:11111f .1.13.1.... completed more. cap'.
that' 'by te tow of cosaalone, and th
doll's that ire tattooing ' are on this
accomit mitt e to Hint out the 1411 11144
A liitollil of ail ll la foortm.rly.
It is 4 rue tin t•he price limo beet) ,
raisin, hut in 1. .14orthou 49 1 lie ill-
clltilned ,11441tIlse ,i 11191111filettlee, Alt
IS IION INtitly 1.11.11f V than'. it was
,Formei I y. "14, itel is dottrel% labor is
dearo•r. rtoepentgo. voids Innye„ and in
ither wayi4 thOrwst Of prothietion hart
op iliceraseil 1 1•111.1\11..eiNe ill tile prier 4311
II' 11.11111rt' WOO 11;11110111t1O1Y neemeary.
isouittipt ion olf the Mill*. whieh have
Tho li nog .proolpeet, is held out of a
reolvic loti in the price the ex tretne
sis, outage, oo Melt now ex istS *ill probk
ably not •1..• of hong (lurid' , tot the
loeen tout of v tinning order WIJI increase
the supply inaterie11,3%
Ransforde Oat Sairoeth *brink .
H. & J.:Itatisfork wInt Alreauli ‘eon-
trol the Clinton and Brussel++ " It
111114, ill it111.1 it if'', ttl 0110 Of the (10,
1 plants. how.. leased' • the Seafort
woo s from 'I'. I.'. Coolemao fn4 term ,
of t 11 .1. year.. 111111 Will 0110%4. em \
in 041 141 init. with 4 heir t))th • s. '
\244.1.4'ili.i.t`eot to. all sizes. Celery new,
elpie , et..., at Hiek'e dtg
RA Mitt( ()he* mile of hoots rod
stes out a 4.111 ing fine stock to
Se .4.1 1111. 11414alla 111.11' ,B1.11
date itttol s. Tiber haa jaur.
chased itt ittow rate. e efollar .1 P.
Ktivanagh'sitne allow. *doe atmounting
-too'alsolit three then...add do Jam nix
#. tinglay.
*211 11 September. at the 44tOret.. 'c411181
door (Popo (fen. Yortei's hook tOrr.
ig Imwoniins tit oseth.r too clear ottt he
vo•ho de stook as quickly As posnible.
%Tanen. on Tote.day. septet..
Ivor Bib, to Mr. and N1r.. It. E. Trout, a
STRAITON .JARDINE, In Knox church.
1 Pilaw ot. 1Vost...4.11111V es'en...K. Arid. ItIlh•
Itros. 1 1. 'Al. RAmsay. 1 4 1 k. Smart
steam', of .Alexandria. GlengarrY 4'0- 40
111.. Belle McIntyre, daoighter sir
Find Mrs. David Jardine. Cambridge
street Goderich, Otot.
howell.. At Mct hod 1,1 pa -nonage. Wantrtegr.
on Sept. lath. of heart tannic. Ttee..t.
31. A., fot MarlY of firderkbo
WILLIAMS Ms. In Onderi. h, an. Friday. 44141.1.
1.4 Mary Jane yorItnged, daulthrer of
Robert Williams.. and 3 rigs*. 1 lieSstaw
, mat 211 AAP..