HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-9-10, Page 5•
1 •s 11W .41 7.r
• t. • ,...:,
fit .40".
Mat Preabytortati.1
In his addreee holt week ou the
'oce•asion of his receiving the degree of
Ile 'D. (roan the University of Tonitit.
laud Nit nth...ma his
pi,tjubate of Canada iu a tientweece
which it worthy of being t.iluett..-te
motto lty the young Merl end w lllll en
Remold that '14'11441a Is ii
country worth working for," arii/tile
own streuttous 111)4 riieveiesful life I1H14
been a practical Masts of bis
working creed. It has *Ida been an
example ill the splendid prizes wit hio
the retst•It of the limp of ability, and
hightembition, and pluck, and patri-
ot ii• integrity. 'beginning'111..'ti
( 'a nada as ou employee of the Houle/Ai',
Baty Coinpany, he hoe made blot/fell
1111 important fatigue in her growth
eml develoitautott, and has been
identified with litany of her greatest
enterprises. lliis elevation to the high
poe.ithin of )air of tin. peen/ of the
realm leo.he no way weakenetl Iii*
love for his adopted einititry. *Fitt in
his' ripe lett given old age lit• is as
deeply inteiveted 4114 ever fp all that
pi.i•Mitis to her welfare...and Canadians
lovelo ,,peak of hitt It14 their "Urotial
Old Ilan." • •
It is trin• Hon belief tleatIllet 44-
isnintry in the world toiler which
.4Ters twtter opportunities tii 5'001111)(
men. of character /old ability and
;Holed t uen rained*. The day has
mewed when young1114411 of brains. and
pillit•k must leave their own land ill
wder to find wow for their enetgies.
itanditig au. we etre on 1 he thresloild
a greet ustional deyelopmeoll.- t he
'all 4* '14 ill all directiOns for young
'nen who hive their • aoluntry,
wheve isa her future, and *Fe preleired
o devote their hetit manhood to her
u•rvice. IlVe would like In lutitkorthe
.plendid words of Lied Stratbrosta
111401h* eats of every toning num id
W0111401 its the Ihunittion, and to .
hello inspired by the spirit of genuine
104111.1011s111 that ti III lead them to
,•••..414 e that they Shell not te• inere
qtwellIllers. hot real tailor, 111 mot
lig Canada what every true men
/dive it to he. We iseetl go.. our-
tes 140 ant y mimeo tbe prizes and
t ot nIs of set:vier. IA•1 ie. but till out
11,e• 01 1 lie 'spirit of trite patriids.
1./141 W an safely, 1..a ye the peroinal
insults t take care of theitiselt es.
'Thom.41 115 Who hake lagnme.1 the
neridiati 41 life are almost ifittitted
ono -ay these Ito are shanding Nem
11. 5hresh..1.11 such great and in-
ning opportoto es. %Vt. ,•.so think
1 110 worthy eta, does' ted
Ifots10 afoot*. and i vitin for
twill/III of 1111111.4 nude 'on. '11 is dirli•
lilt t41 lllll lerslanit boa'. 1 bitch:4 1.1111.•
this. 4111)' young Ina . endowed
rith *Tait 1 itf 'wait and phy-
Sod vigor. ran be content I. "liye
lir day, without •ny ti ght f golf.
rhietat or preparatioo 1. • tie
ut no of cif izetodup. 01 tieh it v
'rely he predicted that they is ill "
4%• Isfound among the erom .1 th
stI•111(gling 31141 Ply/ling rach "(lief
1114; [001 ofthe bubler. The weld*
f the Ilehreo/Mage are as 1111.• 111
114./4 14441JV rt vr W4•111• :
Istrrst 114.4114 I an diligent in [mimeo,* :
✓ ill stale 0440•44 kings, he will not
and led'. • melt' nien.- In evert
•"tlk of ig then% may he wen 1114.11
110 1141 worked theniselvee lop Ir
le I liest`edatii tn. to IR i• as.
011411• and trend commanding 111-
114.41..4.,•hut even ('*1144144 has nothing
.offer ta 1‘1144 ind.dent, the shiftleto
rel the imandoillions.
C.Ituttla expecte that her young Men
speeilitV he vatted to ites
the' responeihilifieslif citivaiship
tall leo intelligent !own that 1 het-,
kill know -Abe past hist.iry of
• ....sitar), and .1 he mt rtigorle... 4,1
Sri!. 1.011411111t44*R fin the, eiv ill and
.ligione liberty 11•Ilieh V444 enjot• t4
ty ; that they shall have an Wirth-
oit grasp of • the ,greaat principles
nlerlying the aerial; ecote•mie 'end
shistrial problem+ by whi.•h we are
,••••411%4 that they shall know the
to-ittl needs of 4111r. itwn colantry and
ie speeial dangers that mity0,stiar
reek her future ; that they ,shall be
tle to decide intelligently and "elite
issiiiiistely upon eneh new question
• it may ariNe• and that they, shell
.ke sympathetie intere.d in all the
neat rrlig' M. edurathwal. socialand
111 hoil ne•vetitents of the time. She
(poets thetu to It.. 1101 mere cipher*.
• tuake-Weighte in the political Wi-
mp, but men intIo. fullest. sense •if
ott grand term. [holy evil is ram-
int•ni the land that wiritid tarnish
ir good nanw : if political 11011•11arles
tV11,1.401tr1H411 1 heinselvetil• the shift
!elate, it is f,sr t he sT g men of
inatbi t.s tise in their united tuight
id make these things impossible,
..4. bahno pat ience 'With the
lig Phrilitglifilti 1 hill lin .11
agetietitle finite.. 81141 goes. throinfh
4.0 Pilate -like' farce of weshing
mils of the whole Inininew and lay -
g f tel ot the diem of the ip it-
Ilment. 01 1(11(1)11. h lies 114 the
Inds of the goverdtatent ; lied in the-
ta remelt the people ore thegovern-
ent,•and ati:4" body Oc etatesmen is
either better inn. wort*, than timer
I llllll they represent. \
That the young men or(are
4 lacking in the ies plink
flowage and resoureefidne has
•n alemulantly prOvisil on the African
lilt. mid Hutt they will not tw
eating in the other and •hiplier
silting that mike for strong i•itizen-
ipsve are certain. 'We newt !nowt-
' -endorse Stratheorla'si words.
lth all its faillte and blunders there
h in the paid history of our
nntry of which we can be honestly
lend. And we cannot hut he believ-
e in its future. In a land so richly
dotted with all the material 14:-
limes for nation - hitilding. and
'tined •by men of a heroic breed, the
Liam of Canada 'will he joist what,
land that le'e love to call 011 tOrti
der WP ehOoPte to Make and
II vont, to he in the flit tire, as it
ti been in the post. "a country skirt h
eking for."
A Splendid Clubbing Offer.
7p qn. Torentce, 1.
mule's gillset f*t$n jourvitil. Kvery
mei should r*41 it. It be 'the
t iter's business per, eonfaining
'h week the. est ate! toted
heiiiie Ian her
[li the tinsel rellOele informatioh
werning n11 lasnehes of the farm-
. calling 111111 She puhlic questions
sting thereto. Any present snh-
ils•r of The Signal May' have The
ri for the balance of 1.1e Keay for kr;
de, or The Mon a (1 7140 +signal will
sent 141 111.W SI 114Caltirt* NIP MI
1114. Acidness The nit , erteh.
Vheri does i ittitti's hair resenthle
king him 'When it stain's on
400 BULGARIANS 161.4.10.
Serer* the End ot the Morith a14W•8 Turkey
Insurgents Deleeted to 114 Treks at Caks
and Bulgaria.
Conetantinuple, lisp% 1. -War
tween Turkey and. Bulgaria hi tot
regarded here as iseidtable 11 is
lieved the outbreak e1111 occur bolo
the end of Sept/oak/ate When ositifs
nients will , leave bees concentrat
114 Macedonia. It is sot thought 11
there will be iinY formal deelerati
of war. but Itiat Inoue frontier 1
eldent precipitate hostilitist
'll. Bulgarians' and Macedoulaus
Constantinople ant in terror if laa
Repele. illeelegebee
telaloriica. Sept '--Detaile 01. the
w fighting bet ween the Turkel and Bul-
bs- (attains •1 Lake het wont
re Kliwura and Kusturik, Sept. 1, when
ilea the insurgelani were defeated, bate
ed been received liere..' D'ous hundred
at "Bulgarians were fled •any
01* captured, Include. • ••••t Ta-
w teen Bulgarian •':. have taken
ti• refuge in the mountain* at Itch. A
10 revolt has begins at Baslog in the
11- Tutklith Pioyince of Beres. The rail -
rood authordlea are preparing twen-
• 1Y trains for tbe despatch of Alban-
ian troops to Adrianople. Two bat.
Tusks Soso VIllsOwl.
Boli., Sept. • 8. -Th• revoisetimmi
Ituadquartawat received Info:matt
yeeterday that the Turkish ha
burned nearly all the villages t
'district of Kastoria. near the Greek
&doilies, The village* in that dis-
trict were Mee largest in klicectonle,
each haslet from 1,000. to 11.000
babltat is added that three
kuudred Wonsan and childrito ttopltives
from Zeguotteheni went to the.Turk-
fah commander of the district to reek
asofitance died protection front the
Daahl-llasouks. . The Commander
propulsed theta protection, •but when
the fugitivesoleft the -lischt-lierouks
pursued, outraged and killed many
Of the women a (\Ichildren.
talions of Albanian levies have ar-
ee Meted at filalooleo and eightesto other
he Natalie's' are expected.
llontait's Fah Words.
Constantinople, Sept 4...0", the
aanlversary of btu Accession Tuesday,
the Butt" received la aadieure at
WIL1111•40004. •Salrill and
taaiebarlata'a bowie.
Lotehm, Sept. 8-(C °disk, Ass
elated !erase/4-A • Meet lig of .th
Cabinet has been definitele fitted- fi
the lath• and it is believed that Ida
isedoalaa affairs 41111 occupy he a
tentiou of tho Ministers mot- the
fiscal matters. 1 *tu told on xce
lent authortty that whet, lifr 1 411
Ie,'tains whew Is delitsitelv• be •r
the country ft will bit found to
much Wilder and more tomato..
character than 4. 414404 (111', ',impose.
Clianiberlain'_!. idea is a, grader
development of the tit hone, Rubes'
Of souree, to what support it ubtui
the pales the 01..da of the religious
'wettunutiltileo. Kis ' ijoety, contrary
to prMedint, Spoke at some length,
as -followss "All my desire is for the
welters •of the , poPulaticin, without
dIettnetion of ram or religion. -As
to the detestable ond regret table
deeds * 'thigh the peArtorch alluded.
1 am sea (hat the movement
does pot proceed spontiameusly Mem
the pupulat lob, but Is, instigated
from abroad. , I hope the wastage
takes .1011 insure tranquility. 1 call
trod to• witness the mincerltir of toy-
decterattun. and trial all my aopira•
dips and work are ',for th• welfare
te amid prosperity of all toy ItubiebtS.7:-
., ..........._.....„„••• -
- •
"1' • • '
t- reimeterve 11a, &IOW sesetatee speolltion
ti ' ' -Ahead 111..eas Abroad
i- TOronto. Sept. 5 -With an
e of twelve thousaad dollars la r
ever the first elle- days of lost •
• .
18. Exhibition closed It' first W
I. hat night. It, was l'ioneene Do)
1 and the *stilt' ted attendance was
... laced at- 26000. • At the birectors'
nif chant pi -mettle t Pioneers talked
duriag the Parliamentary; risTss. rialiam. For ThursidaY offt-
. figure@ show an\milmission with
Kier Hardie. lather '11.14 • ,n Horticultural As
*1. as said to be dying met is thl floral tulIdw4g
duck,•elieuting at Bobo for a short buil .i,
Jud Sutherland, el Roultestv 100 detegatiiiii were 'pre-
sent attol the meeting was India eto
thusiastic. 0 c• -re fur the emting\
year . are: Pre. 'dent. El Idelisteid.
84, Ottawa, first vi president, G. Rub-
ble/my Montreal, emend vlee-presi-
• K. Suckling, \ rude. !S, tre11.r, 11. Slnitoons, Toronto, 10rre-
t11,1Y A. 31. Ewing. 'oodsiock. Dt-
eclat' • Committee. Owns
letalta. ',Linden, 3. • If unlop,•To-
The •
at 4 p
•1m. Abou
ettetomerel Seeleis
The 41
tish - Colo
been eli
Illy ',hat, tee'
II.. toil g
hut Kok ME id .,ler
ifegl Irma' •tk:eolit
114 Octohlie a .
Esiwaiti. KO alt.91 2',\.f
, Spring., •Ont., fell ot boa▪ rd. at °swum) 44
the steamer Ionia: On
a deckhood, and was dr
All.. -rt • Valweril .N whols,
old, in ilauillton. polled at
weirds him hy the 44.1111, on
day and ,Th' Milletentered
abdomen. .death resulting inhale.
hour. • •.
4 large nioniSV fore111ti dews',
rear/hag at Dowelatetheld metaltig
un Sunda*' in theit\\Syloigogite •t T
liorthy and deriet•d ttr eiragral.• to..
Cenade 'rttt. 441 Inairt retool
the ilth inst
*. TholVie,011.01 !moot . the ifeljth
8.4iii4d- ohile f4.II14% eity" l' 11. oft saw ition
feesionMls. thu
morn in being
l'br• to to oxen lllll id. lem 10* Otoce/o wee kr,
1..,„„ The (-unstablewee lialitino try. W. Iturn
tiger -hen his. mon escalsoi
ea ran
Valor..tor %Whams of the I 14.4,1 BEI,* . *at 14)t
Canadian. +Winne., Tiltroitto. Ius Wolf. /mintier, sod R.
stand at the Al ao Owes goyad. prit
Estgl (i,. examination in oronsfelonol eolitesta ire 1140.
1e tdok loo per i2o god 519.
blain•lili, and is eosselbfit IVO
1141141t Pottat WEI gt uuted for
45 making t
ratforik, at• the quality of
tilt Slims
hi. h Ito1 wa
n tied/
I 2 -year
Ile, te-
runt te;',
preeent..d\ umas Vinton,
tun, retiring resident, with
Soit• roll top desk as a tok
the esteem in which tre was
Ailing his ternic• • •ffic•
Illaport tat -seatees.
butter -math' compel 4( 505?
yesterday asp ing 0 an the
I t he Dairy but tog, tinder
n of Prof. Be •teyS., of
grIcultural Co .
terday" wile pro-
se Id. flu er,
A 1 I Jet sr. Ur.ve
• Wipvelock,
lto were
, Ise K.
. Play -
hi the
TI attiobttr po is
of which holf a
niechan. -ai proces
cul an 1418 for
be • maw.
W aright. Ot
of the
' (relation
hand -
A shoo; that's good *wins very itnportant.
It's the bad shoes that you remember longest
anit saddest.
It [nay niakit all the difference in the world
to ycitt if yonr sheet; aren't right: ()iu kloesn't
work kir play well in shoes that tlon't fit.
We guarantee a fit if
you will gi‘e us a trial.
„ „i. k. J. P. KAVAN A GH
I AI'S Old Stand,
. , • '
. .
'Sacrifice of nation's .8efoty. to Personal
• .,
1.40111.1011, eq0.1A. 8.-,44. P. Ilk-
spatet9.-As an outcome of the dna-
closure* made •in the report of the
South African bar Cu , ' ion, it is
rumored in Wifil-lifOrUled. /platters
here Gott the resignation, of . .1;0rd
Lansdowne. the fornier War Secres
tary and present Foreign Secretary.
Way be eMpected Shortly.
ceeded as Foreign Sec tory bY Mr..
It is added that boll, will be sue -
Brodrick, the present -Ws Secret tiry,
and that . Mr. WYltilham, eIrish
Secretary, will be head of o War
°dice. A meeting of the Cabi t will
be held shortly for theipurpos of
discussing t fiscal co «anion now
lore the co try, but • t • it general
believed tha the attitude of the pee -
pie with mei t to the noise . of
th• War Co miesiton, 'as 1%,;vie by
the proposal,t • send a mons r peti-
tion to Kihg • ward for Lord Lans-
downe's disinis 1, and. by the ub-
Motion oh cart uns illustrating is
I onmetency. wi I he .considered,. a
th t something wit. be determin.0d
upo es nimessar, o stem the tide
of in .gnettfon no ylog against the
*inlet , • .
the hOMitai-
y • ar • •1 ago.
1.. I
floevia• *amid to 111111 Mos
Etlia• 411.4
Vienna, Rept. --It is "fated Nag
700 Servlan otlice's ?,ere concetitoe
in the plot against the• tome sonspay.
store who Were -responsible (gr N.
coup d'etall at Belgrade oa Swag 10
A group of officers of the Nod' gar.
risen deelded to kill till fhe eon/pito,.
tor* and many adhere elf other vrrt-
suns Joined %keit+. D Wes intended
to act at an early elate, but the news
leaked 'out and ell the conspirators
were arrested durfigg the night. Por.
ty-wren officers nave been .arrested
set Mien abeam
No Val &Wit •
Tellkrelt Ki•.11111•1- Is 1.0•1.
'..lieltisk,„1::, Sept 4 'Flu. %teenier
Lio se.. with 127. I'm sons ott been!.
ohici 1 io„,,,,ies1,4 al 0 a In 'for
I.eatton on `4 !id has hot '4,'? !Anil -
ed 111;ele it 1`41 is thought the tioti(
is lost. '11, trip ii•nat 11‘ 1.14)1141e4* Nit
a kit
TH1.7hDBAY, Sept 10, 1903. '5
• Junius Illod W. A. PficKIM Go/trick, Oat. IF
:= 1.w.tv.tv..t4!it”fm.tv.tv.tv.fo.w.01.0*1.01.1VIV.tv. g.
• - Wittdow Shades 25c. -i,
„a= ,„...,.:..,,, ,.,,. 1::::.,,...,1,1,,,,,,,..,1,1„,,,,,,,,ru.g„,,..„,,,,,,...,,,,,,i7,....,1:,,....... t.,.
..s7 i
:s. Dress Goods . --7 , Rain Coat.s ''
C '
•11 /AM.:LINKS tire volTect: We
1110P illi the molest.
a ',tali log al .1114. the yil and up
- ▪ to.... ............ -." $1.311
Si•o hlea patterns ate only
11k• and llnee are the- best.
We lits,' a loll MoeL
Sitio:kit this week is -at Mita
:rod o bite, all tv.i..I. al per
Thf•-,.• good; 411, Imre WO.0.
11, k Oh 0 -lean %%like
• pe. k. and •• 411111 a
1.1,1.1•11 hitilie.'1 They
.1 1 1• 11 1' 111. :1111• 1.11144S
• gilt /11.. 5. 1' I114% 11 111V0P Ail 11W 1.1.
/Pr ift ifvfoloP,f0 ffl ft% 10 fl‘ftWftV.0 IVPIPTIVIW
Lady," the hest $10.110 rain
coat Houle, our prin. "La%
.0 hers id Satin anti $5.410.
Jackets .t.oek of jachotic
Our imported
niust. Ite lit alt 0 ' oala•s
would not et *0 I e, none
'N./11111ljg' yeter i ogled Thai'
in August • pt ember laat
• year.
' 'The styles are right and
t are the priers you
like liapay, W4.75, $4.2,1, 50.00
and $7.10.
New SIIN•kliirelogii prices for
op -to -date styles.
A Noileoel sew. H
Th• Da v Chronic! consider, Lord ,
k ar n ess
Lansdowne preseuce fii the. Foreign
Office u nat itful doh r, but think* \
*peached of- hi 1 erin and miSdile and
impeachment s not py cticable. all 12 \
\ia so -long mite a Miro er has been
'moaners that. to the
‘onf iu the\ Bugzies
"-street the process To inectlase- c_e"
Off .
It is si
Invictus Root
at $3.50, $4.00 and $4.51.
vine 1 II:0 t le Invii-tos hoots 'mule by Geo. ,Silater, of
After m treltieg int em 'odium .(11•1 diii• I 0\1 \Wi• are eitto
31.'110 Nil is "*ii 4 Idit11141140441 111V/1.,S 114101 Inade, and our
price. is'frait'd1; one of
the hest volt 1,1 •
\ •11 ' hoot w feel
Gra•s•fiii 111 desig .
fret feci 11t anti ntl
ink : e for -
table, and • for miter
ht. equal' of any woo
I Hi
t urdey afternoon
leo, clang
r•••1 Atertkr r.
oith Goo, 11.'111.
t outwit" fit nevi
cent of the marks
now eligible for the
in the Withal erniv.
A tramp brute near .
tempted to inniiiially as
Nettie tirTatish. aged lti sere, on
Satiirclay Although rough hand-
led. the, arrival of pessers-by
avei led probabll nor..., (Lite title
man has not yet been captured,. -
though the neighborhood wax mon%
bv•the Stratford police
Albenv. N -."Hinseiv" 'herrn.,
One uf the -gang of Me that murdered
Night Watchman Mattle.w Wilson et
Cobbleskill two veuis anti Wo
other to isoners, Ed War d color-
ed. axed 37, and ./Sones hell% aged
21, both charged iilth hiatgrnit and
Brand Inn. . deg -floor WO% 0111 of
the Scholoarie caufitt doil at Scho-
'hare/ , '
Skeveromeet Will Soil Pub'', Loads to
Pis Per W.T.P.
l'isr011 Sir . -Globe Atpecial -
Roane, 'Sept \3 -Before the mlose
.1 the present 'sr esion lerislation
*111 be intreducAl whereby • fund
will be created frothe sale .1
Dominion lando for thIe purpose of
Satisfying •Il the ebItgat s of the
Oeivirrntnent in connection ith the
Grand Trunk Pacific line Tbc '111.
tention is to permit settlers.' who
take up homesteads to Phrchase •ft
addltismal 1110acres adjoining their
locations at 56 or MI per acre, or
wha the, price rimy The
lands in the Nerthweet are rapidly
rising la value, and the inane of
settlers coallnues to &acreage. -Illefore
vent long the fund will haw re•ch-
ed • handsome diture Thus, instaied
of the policy that previelled under
the old regime, of giving the 1•ods
to railway torpor•t ions without
benefit to the country. Uto lands
will hereafter tie disposed of and the
reed" tuned late MIS public Wes -
Mad fa 111s Muggy.
COI WOO(1, Sept. 8 -Early, Veto
terday Morning David Campbell of
the tenth., line ef Nottawasaga 1101.1
driven hit Sin mbo town to retch
the early tr o'n his way home to
Chicago. Ur. -Campbell then started
to drill, honw, then nearing Mohl-
er* lie died In hie 'buggy. The son
wag stopped by telegraph at Allen-
dale. and ranee beck he attend hie
father's flinserell.
Wrestler Fotally
Ifinillton. Sept, A.-Osbefilie 147 -
ler, a Well-known athlete, Wan prole.
ahly fatally` injured last night ln
friendly wreaking bout, 1li w le
body, froin the shoolders down; he
minders& The Worts" man waits
practising with Harry Slays. Mat'a
got a dangerothe held en him, and it
was while trying tospin out that
Taylor was ielereil•
ovum With a Goo.
Velbounic Rept. n --A ennitabli
en duty at the riovernment Houle
ha. arrested an armed Innen., Oho
Mild he withed. to Interview Vint
Teetnymen. GoVernor-Cleiwral The
Constable closed la on the Intruder
aid &prayed 4141 .5 • loaded revel-
' 11
The !edging el
Judging of the e
crowds of those
breeding and care
William Robin%)
worktng fur Will
ate. Out., was h
b at feed time las
son es watering tb•
was_ -dilenly eet dPo
animal ud in • trite
tbe vest all. Drs Ma ',hereon and
Curry war soon on t • spot and
found Robin a suffering oto a SPY -
err guilt tti right thi which
required eight s the", Mr Stewart
said afterwards at the utt -was
usually quiet, but t t Debi ea
a stranger, sod was t as careful
ail be might have been.
tha /tattle and ..thal•
to attracted latge
latent/Ord' 111 114\
of 'the Animals.
an attendant
14* Stewitrte of
dly germd by. a
night. Robins
bull, when he
ilY" the huge
att landed in
0.4,.$.• seines Nt•ek t• of •4111
Rapid', .0 Poesible.
Putt uf the Canadian Pacific lial
Montreal, Sept. si -The annual \
.way lowepany esterday.
The report !gays that of the proceeds
of the bate of al 41,51,0,000 ordinary
shares, there bad been expended to
the end of the fiscal year 11 1 7,228,-
953, ietid t here wen: order*. out-
standing for cars, and losomottveis,
undali‘ered. •niounting to $4.221.-
805. Since then additional orders
neve been placed to (lid' amount of
$1,8:11,000, and it• l• proposed to
continue the policy of increasing the
rolling stook equipment OR rapidly
as ctrcinustanci." perniit, uatil
the company is well ahead of Ito im•
mediate., riequIrenneits. When there
\contracts have been filled, the pros
Coeds of the issue of (011114(011 Khania,
41411441 as the antonnt of.$3.0o0,000
sppropriation from sliming earnings'.
will have been abeorbed.
In order 'that: the work -of bringing
tke property to re high state of efh-
money the shareholders will he ‘•sk-
led to alithOriste the director* to HS
pond 54,500.000 of caPitel fors gen-,
*mg purposes. •
Thu land melee cdthe year eminent-
eid to 2,6119,617 'titres, the. prica
being $9,f193,673.
Walkar•Illa Grecs, Ititwakaill..111•W• 'Itog
Itatrolt Pee.
Detroit, Sept'. R.- Rent.. Tiestlen
grocer of • WelkervIlle. IS now at filb
Mary'* IDeepital. Detroit. in a ref*
dangerous condition. Roth of hie logo
have beret cut off, and he4 may not
Ii.. Ile was run down by a efreet
Watortahred by Cle irroset•e.
Toronto, Rept. A.-Premior ft
left night Ontertolned the vieitin
British Parliament/Irian* at the
Isolative buildings, the affair being of
• private dater%
ilenewilimin *Meg • it
The MASAI! le •S bp11111 $11
,„„„t, S. -goal ens&
long time ch hul-
loes been • . 4 -oft.' -',,t.,-1.", ;t'•"i't '''', 1''' •`"-•i41-1
latiguaagrd 'wiliith . i(ealwrirritioci a star ot ' \
4th. Cil•rtn. ' here is a -usit," it
says. ' Tor Lord \LAIinadow failure XVI' .11 l• 1111'1•11:1 1341 t 1 1 1.111110 all
in duty, is way result indo.. ciitow - ee i i I i I lie Iiii..st grille of hug-
lenre and the sa ce al ,
si na- gies oa••••1 and 1 ill•leo• tirek harness
ctoi•no‘i.'eenictinocfeetjf:aa• tdo !Sit sus 178414ean a vita lsitigle and` ilooldet whips, rugs iiiiil
..‘ .ned
by the clittorit 'with o °palest re- all hartiese shitAigoods.
gird fur the feelings of hese 0 . , A • .
have suffer so cruelly, lie in
proved up to he hilt by his wn
went ag !It Lord Lans ow Call and see our
., ' . 820.00 double\\
driving h. rness
11...ord SdoWia4.14 offence" and prair-._
ence lire refuse1 to resign. he r ,•
t n atoiSt eXturt flin reslatiati n ta
de circumstances that will iiitlyt u It 111 117 axistt•risrtitiltpi.
Th The Chrenicle urges a on- 1- tittsorsiff). - • ' -
l'i-tee 1$1.
tiny It pail and try
id get 'yin'''. looney (1142
ili N. 111 the hi% 21.1114 1212121.
theV fail font ,'.tint bilek
sflOWN tall* eolif4-
1101 y4111 i.t141.' PAW. •
TI10 lieW thaltoner
styles are ready and
await yourapproval.
Nixes 3 to 10. All
itioole with Goodyear
witlfed extension
It F
on ua disgrace." •
iter pe Mon ."reitin the heads of
Ing the g dismiss his unworth
Sots So lob ractla Illaralsta•141010111b
latoo Mak ar Article Zallial
t Selma, "s
t oath A etwiat Press C41.111e
don. Sep 1:f -A hiposorwr Mid
nt's Ate tct '111 TintnikesYs
e k ewe pu s like Wen'
opin sys fro longer
th d•dri nt *Mail
1 d, if • r • W.--
bte C nada
elm ar 111111
rd En nd. 114
Nork • dr
illotances t
ports hke Po
Con ',should a
and the, United
01 (4.4 peelers:ewe to
woeld con1tOtrelte th
whole 1
Canada throogh its oleo ports,
would nth. It.ultxNeai • -1, rk shi
people ': • .
The Times; itounkienting n tts. co
respondent's Utter re child emigra-
tion to tIte rolunies; ya: ' n thir-
ty-fou'r yrars 45.000 c drain . have
been sent io Canada.” •\ -
Anent D. Henderson, 111. rki- al -
ton, denouncing as • libel- on\
diem dairy prodUcts Mr. Preslon
statement to the effect that
an butter sold in London Wan so ins
terfor that he was obliged to mir-
rhase New Zealand butter for hie
oWn tle. I have .fust had at r•onverso-
Goo with the •itricuttral correspun•
dent of The Timm! who says' ”Ca'
nada make/. butter equal to Den-
arke. best but does' nut send, Mo.
t.rnark its' best leitter to Eng -
1 . \
Fineticial,'ewe Fiy ;i- " 1 lo-
ch CanedS limy profit from
ach Can da *hid sha
o of cool I and experience
,I he fron 'er. 110.010 Ca 11
American example aft 0
X . .
ele's ero espontlefit
s a • vie n. rot.
• ., An 444)511(1(11
irin 19-.-
1111ff env
11 I 11.1110"
porting Goods
and \i‘mmunition
Guns = Rifles - Revolvers - Powders Shot - Shell Cartridges
the . sr
from ei
they it n*'ed
at imbi* t
The Daily C
at Afelbotirrir p111
free traders. Ile `se:.
signs are against Chei
ferenlial tariff airy
assistance from Attstralle
IMO raft lolls hate lietsfl
0,111P 'army teith the atm, vit. of the
Sectetary of War that improve ince
amongst officers indiliduollv lend I
lecti•*ely. hael been Jong *nr1011. n
regulpt Ions. Cotatiofrolina:ollict ar.•
inetructed (�.;)1i, that the req11111/
.11 rattied t, so that officers of
(iToderate otay be. addle to live
InklIffhleta4earInleitnibe tonns in the
vfrinitv of Londe have rais.•11 the
prier of the quarto ftiaf from Me
pence halfpenny 40 s
p4. 1''
We have g
double-barrelled Shot Guns,
$350 to $2.00
(7 are all good value for you
A 'Well I SS°
In load 1 shells
Loaded lar0 and wel assorted it
running in price4'rom
ned ufi.
es and Revolvers just
Shells machine loailN1 hells, 10 n,
gauge, loaded w th the bet\
lack and smokeless powders'and hard chi
shot. \,
J. . video fear Med r.
ILL& WIrsakaa *fee Press PrIsliSisil
, Isderlee la forodte.
Toronto, Rept. 8-A hfferritele or -
oident occurred at the fir e et Sat
heirst street on Vhe 0 l' tracks
Yiliatarffar afternoon ell • 1104111 of
Which William derre's mans bade
rite/Somas% t ahesEtEramoraalfentiljt hall'efirmi pro/4 1 y (4"011 -
the titans* Truk, and bied left Ws
engine and somehow walked in treat
of anotAir engine Xis right leg was
taken off at the foie and rt t semi
above the elloree and his eft foot
Was severed Just above the ankle Ile
als• received several oily eute 'beet
400 Deed •14 In being crushed be the
galas sustained wwere internal in -
futile, Re wee t•kon to the Seer -
genes' Mossatal, where be ~id
01,(,r,17, sifter II lift. Wall 110111111110W1
lii ik WOE skibLasiss esawasa as
she11 lags,
These sheik nen. bladed fr44 this year iind are gime, distil to he the helot.
stock of' powder, wails n cleatteerifle cl
shell ests, empty, !diens, et ers, pruners, gun caps,
j4110110tik.4-Ce4400,... mu- oon.........ritartn•a•r•••t••r•e
eerr4- '
soi,tffintdllt et.t
44'.-. ;vs, 28144113[)144* 5. 44 44;41•7',.„'.0 . 44 L.:1470410r 4.144.4:0'14:10ste0..4.2 .140=, 44,44;',4044.7.7
Alt .5ies of
etc. \
Robin Hood Smokeless Powder
shell, 'has better velocity, 1)11 ter pattern am
other powder, ats yes lessrecoil to the gut
the ele'ftaPet; and best powder on the
ni*rket. It can he loaded any
ter penetrating power than aits
11e Rent !Viol Guns.
'The Square. l'estj 9
.00DERicri at ces
The Loading
Stove Man.