HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-9-10, Page 44 tar.. gI�,�fl,
7- 4•1•
Sunday's Intcre'sting Cere-
mony at Kingsbridge.
Bishop McEvaysOfficiates at the'Laying. of the Cor-
ner Stone -An Immense. Gathering Witnesses
the Ceremonies -Sermon by -.Father ff;iylward-
.Woung Man Ordained to the-Priesthood-Con-
"rmation Service on Monday. •
'kt' Itr•LIr of 1I' 11.4111111 ('x141111
r parish of 1.11844111 hate wed reason
to fet•I 111411441 of the new churl 11 1.114)
are ere•Iing. -Poor itiatiV year. they
hatewor.hipturl int !mold frame,+l ru1•-
Illrrtha1 st:11nls ti; -the s,.lIthwl•st of
where the 11••44 ,'lurlrh i, leiug 111111.
A * t ince 144 Pru ou nud t hr rungregat 1141*
grew• in uuullw•I., the 111(1 building had
- 1101 added to and w hen II flew -mold h••
ago it ryas f.lnnliVl1• 1 Il ' to. Irak:•
hill her )6,.n 1-.i.m fns for' u•rnm1111M1,1-
1ion of the is. 'i11e it waw h'*'idel 11*
build anew • 1,11.'11 altogether..mei 4111
S lay Inst the 44144,144 •4 'iu• of am'
,rlifiee,ilutt• pis 1IIlis'e to 114• an 411.1(41
mein' tU K ing.4ri,¢e•aid 111• pigle or
bio •:1'1.11 w4• 4141 bury' 16,1.1 ;4,y
i. Load -hip Hilltop NI, 1.' ''. 111 W14'
1 'N els• '1 1,4ineh.11.
'ria'4•4.4.1,411 Alis Marked hy,11 large
gathering of rr.id,•ut. 11.1111- 1114.
portions and well-P...1..neighlborh Nod.
All denominations ,.t' the 411,1.ti:ul
fait -111 tore represenlcal tilt hefi..'.vh117
of not-ar.1s of thee;• 4hutemtel • elspdt.
nut a Are• IN•img frvin, 44,4erit'll. and
of hers.we not iced w-.1'.• . 1 here •
Tattle 16•111 Ili•t:I111'e.UI lwenly-fir'..
and thirty
- .r -ins-i y i.\1. ,:,,,4411 F..
• Thr intim.at flu 1 1.411.1.111l.111 Walk
of the building at 'iv.urpl'll4I "hr
leirgtI. -i..,1:04 fret r 4441,111, :I fru t . Tin'
1(.11/141:111 1011 1. of r1•u1'4It.C1 11 ml. Wilk
:11141 12 in. deep. The Wel :u•1' of
gr:nit• liner .tree.' and 4, 'uisi'4•nt
stone., 14,,.:u1' - ...r t d 1 .•6,i Ile
r:11•nl1 141/11 .11 t4,,. 1..-,- .) t litA .1 Lod
mein, trill weigh upaaIl of 'a, t, ,,
:liner... and were gathered linin .11
toyer the ,m roandilig m ight...He s'
The .tune wall. -4 a,e 2 fl. thick ate( 141
ft. ':! in. -high : - t he -t„u,•Wink at • thi•
lase , 1 owes 1- 1 ,. .1,k.
141 /f Ili NII I (
late• ing,.,:CIin. at the lop., '11)444).'
Massive Iron pillar, tin and 1.4414111 cenie1,1
ha.1•. lu 111'11, ' ,' 1(14;1s.,` trill •.upport
the l'...11l4' I"' •(M. it .Ir the 41, 411.
Tinny :ononu•tr . will !•'4('11(111 th1e.
411 '.r I be
044 4..1 . '110 •H n tr t k , I
11 II . f
. urnlouat'41 wall \1411 1 10,...,1 111 j'1.
1 id in led mortar. t wh'1.14 will ris. -:I
ft 1 i),,.w• 1Ile' -1' •a.ark. The IN•11
t 1... te. a ingot, of
f *1,.-.--. Tin -
11 11.4(cf:l{,•, :1,11
fur 1-:111• ,'• 6..ing
1/11. g 1 fn ttf 1lrlatly it", 1e•-
y'al. 4 Ii.nlniNrr. Hole -it 1 doh, ...
of I1: hon.- 1. 1111. 61t•:•h,,'•e 1 : S. s.
(1441 .11144 Clinton,. is. 1 ,1*',r/4111.
incl' e
ly1:111111141'11111•11 1111' ty ,1
w1*rk It
IL14N Lot 1
j null, 111 11111een 1.:4',"',.
1 rt 11.:411,1.1 hid Ilulu)1I •1.
of '111.1.,1),1' builders of the
rruicnt.. Molt • anti 1,11.kworkc 1h1•
1',1114•1' '-tree as ,hi(1p1•d -f1' the
tjia.1.11,loll• 14116 1'r1's Io (.. el.rirli. 111
the p'ugh and t 'es ,.doer. de
u -s.41.-
11,11.11..1 6111. r veil -1.y,., lulu .1.
14o1e•1t.ot1. 10411161 of,' theioele1'I'1,
m,,il.l .'w4,rks. rood w I le' .of
4411('.. Thr..rating p6u'itc ill he
about 71111, .,.,a.-.. '•.kdk
'1'41 H.•'. Either \14 Uhl and 11144
m'nll, of h1 'Itoj• du. great
plai-•-fnt'thei zeal am ' h•rpli in
undertaking 141 Pn,h fs'ta 44al •<1\
1 ork
4'f .41 1(6, eat ul4gnitu41...'•hi. h. w11.•n
rnmplt•t.;Q. will lie •111' 1 1 "• HIM,'chittehr. in '11•44,tern 1,1111. •i'1 1111 'l-
est iiilated
1-e,tiiilat,d to rn,t ill the 11,•1. Nall. NN
`e1' 111111 .flier. w4l�
.'I .i0 the lisp
r I, hl.eigllt tr..
irk for 111,1114. t
of K31.0110.
THE ('414\ 1*4 T4N-V NI -O.
Shor11v :offer 11:10 e0..1'4-11he i.4,.,1
u m11111)4•1' of priests and at ten ants
formed 1,. i,,-, prississiiin and nlilrhr out
the .4141 11101.11 11 1111..f1•11111 of t1,
1'•,y Ilr4ldint W1111.,-11. they - orlon el
tat\• walls i.y mean, of platforms rte• t -
e 1 for the .'.*"roll. and made 11
air' Ut of 1h' 441111•. ,'opting 11;1.1 t,
tete •.14,' 114411.1 -lou' 1 13 *4y a Jet--
errick a id windte- ,, 414111) to Ie• h,a4.11d
4114 pial ion. girfeting np 114 a ver
111*• fii• ul)1, was pre••1•nte•d ' w1111 a
hand.oli • silver trowel hr the 'on
fillet or, -S, ('la.p'i-. of 4'Iintom. r11,41n
w*fi'h wee •'I, ravel 111' n•nitl• :
"I't•.'.1'ut 11 to Hight 14.ey. I. 1'. M'-
PA -..y. 11.11.. lishop of London. o1 the
yinthe 14.1.1111' .11911/'. 11
14 ':1.1•.II .f 14
St..l..rph rhe ret. Kingyl.riolge. Sept.
11111. 144(1, hr- S. •':1'ae.IM•t•, rn11116artot -•
Hi. in m•'1 -opting the
trowel. thanked JI r. Cooper for it.
stating that it.wa the second one 11'
1polieeeited :It Im, tartol4*..\Ir.;(i*wq*'r
s.iig1.1011the `It. 'twist -Aim cleft:chi.
n Lho e,xpie el 111 • hope 1hat 11r.
ier Netmight - have truly se, 11 11111 -
root. in the ditivew• o 1411011a.
'1'b' ilupre.siy-:• 1.11:414 • of t4,' Sieinl
w•:) • chanted by.He•t'. 4,`a het I1nitnl.
who las f a' :I nlu1IIM't• of years (141.111
`, of the .hl •Id parish.
IhN•1) 'nt, not:tiring tart M Molars of
rho• work *l )ti ,•h11r'1: the Mann•, of
Pope Mus' t,. l':'rell..ney 31•:11•,
SftitireIti. :1 led1 • delegate to 1'Mi.
u41:> : Hr.hop 4 hyAy. rather r \1.•1'.,,:
t11(rk the 1.111.1 r 01he•• h,,,- - i,
tlrersIl ltilal, 11..1..1 w n 1. 1111114,11.
I'inw.ntlrltult In. 'Nei (144: Muldsly
King Ed r.1 1'11.: nd id into, (,ot-
ernor-1den• lI 1f (.x1111 •1 : the
able .1..1..t•l-1 )'•r 4'Iau•k. 1.irll/.i 41).'. 11.-
1111r 1f 4 )uta* Lt,: Sir 1\-j ; 'id (}pill i','.
Pi ' 'r of Can .a : the. 4n. 1 11',
Hlrs.,,i' enlil•r 1f�1i1.• I't-ovj, • of ta-
ta►rio : Robert 11.11liu•. mew •r
\'e.t Iltir•nn in the 1(ons' 41, 'o st-
m „ 31. (i, ('6 •►tin. menda•t for
\1 •st 11111. 1 in the 11414.11 L, g1.lah1 •';
Mo mit 1)114o!. He''. e ad :\stili'*.
1411 'I 4'loh'1y. the art heel
'04,p '*".,. til.. 1401d1.u•t *1' : e;1*
'Signal •.:11d Stam p'w4)41IN'r
IH„'t• 1111111 1•111(h'I' • 0111,. 141
y•'1'' all, cheer (n h glass jar,
se ped are plowed" in the reedy,
, art 'ti Ili. (An44lship pinr'ed a he
n• fur 1
\flee\ Th(.
!girt ly
1' re'.• .11111 1f the• em•rier
it block ,.f Ir ueet".I''0
ie. 2 ft1, high,!,) in..1....1. and 2
on t wits
plane II IlII4' et J
of 411.• et nl is )N.1. „1
eigra'el 1(t 411' Ir.
4414411.11 : Ire•)
•11.1111• t114,n•�•'rIN4.
e•(ghing 1,114,111 [}► ton.
hen ,1ow"r,I (.1 4444
et11iNJN^'. The .fir'
1 hft. tipwm it j
the nom- of 111e
1.'• 14'11w' the
lett •411.11 aide orf
which Is nn an I of ( Ger leeteing a
lily i,l tiro 1)11)'1. mel n Ih.\laaw. the
date : "Sept. 11, 1 1.•"
At the ronrlusin 1f 1h' lay' ng 1f
the atone the "Relying of the 11r.plt'
w,ut taken "11 by Rev. rethr,'e M.'t
,,.4rk and West, after which til.
called fpm rather Aylwitf11 to
Ufa wfflslrn.
`twit wgRMof;
, "tithes Aylward heft A Coni iaadtaj
presence and a rich. h. elear'ttined t 4141
d. unusual audibleness. • and as b4
.14MMI 4111 the platl•1rm, at the top of
wall tot the hell -tower he Wit- ul full
view and 114111141 IN• 114.( 41. t4} 111:1.1 Ly
1 he Jame e41mr • e of peopl.'.
14r1.1 that we are not able to wive .•
*11:411 a brief and iui(N•rfeet synopsis o
hi. reulal k.. w'Ihirh were Itppt'opt•iah•
1 1 1111• 4ll•1.4.l4111 41111 w'1'• * 44g1•ely 114-
..41141 1,6 Iy all 111e pei pre.
111• ..lid 111• new ,'111)44')* would (five
Ire it. c honor :m11 glory to God : that
a- real hal crated all Things for
11' We should render Ifim that honor.
Than -huuld 611way4 lie happy and 4*,
hountini: hi.�ledor this state would
he 're:di:ed. At .nun•' 1,1µ!t11- the
111.•11'4,.•,--tt.k'• 414 the' 111,1 111.V of 1111•
.Iety,,11 C1111rr11. Il,n41 110• building of
the 1..1.... nacle by Moses 4.11 the ...dint,
of Arabia 1..1lit' 1,',4,1.144 built fly SoIu-
nunl. (.,N1. ple.en''r 111 Ihr light .1
Ilis glom' shining twitceeit Ill.• ,hern-
him on Ih'ark of the eutl•1/:Inl. and
1.1e.-iug being )1umifesl.r1 to all 11,.11
111•% 1,1'41 to Ili" honor Fuld 41.,, 4.
The term -end fallr spoke of Ile.
'hn(rtian rho, ell.
1401,1ak1• 4.41,
1t It was only
1')•. in t)is heart.
Item' edge 111
N11:111 V. and
1,1 :11
44,11* 1' '•''il. '1
1(,11444.11,•• t11 144• (s
•441• i•. 114.. 1.13.11,11.13.11,11.13.11,11.11Mw•ttj1.
1.1'.....1.1.i."11-:disv4 dioll.:ui
cud the hum.'s of t:11uilies
"unity that is '.'void, of
•rml,rly for the vie,. of
he 1 u1' h of riot! :
lent: life yi,, i•'pul
l•l„Idin•; a,•oe
,li- lif es. Ad-
v;lnlages'ould foul••.. ,. t4,.• Pall -II-
1,a,••r. of A.,10.114,1.1 1h1•o11), I 111,11: iul.•r-
,'or:k of Itnitdit the New
4,n •h :Old by Ilei, pr, yt•r . .\ 4,..od
I. 1ir11 e•yett it it is "uly� Ihr' .1%im • 1.1
r 11 -11 1 realer. IN• •, 1,
n l cop,. I 1 well t •r •4'flir
I(. I.
� h, I 'k itig 1111 k u(1nm I b, ,l•1 r 1.4411
11111 4.:1 • -sem to ...appear. it\.. w1 1111..
la. 1.'114111.11Y im (let. net 11111 dill
jt tt1- n .t- a '. 11k ;tiee11 t1MLI - all.
fotJt,tte1 (414414444, it would -IM kept
up from g,•tl,latum ;t1 g••m•rnlio r in
li ,• mlrllne•r., Aft.': -`relating ,ev •nl
beating j111•141eurs,if 41,.11141-.0y:
Father lyI\vin-,I closed a most al
and (11'otltahle sermon.
tits lwlr.I•hjp the Hi.hop 411-intjw.e
tlli• gat h. 1 one 44 i111 a f•14y• appr:Trj.l1.
'her •
41 p-
Tole rnil•'t.4a4 11''-t anlonnt„ 1
fully $41111. '
Ordained to the Priesthood,
.In S 11*\• (morning 111 11 .1111Nli,.
11. 14Xril who has b,'en w•,,•ti year\
at I:.\ssomlptinn ('nll'g.'. S,Indiyir'h,
n,l lhrr,• yetars in he (:rind 7w :my
Sip111real. was ,1'.:linel,prI'sl by
41, tR R••cct.•nd -Fergus Patrick 3).--
:41y.•Di`Io.hop of radon. 7lie Bishop.
111i11ig rhe ceremony. w6,: 0.44,41.1 by.
H,•v. 1',t ,'i A7 -1w n. who ,1l'te11 :Is
44(44'1111,• 4.' 11,1 h\ 111.V. FIN hers \fest,
Il:lnl,n;uu McCormick.. I4,• young
roan being i•Vidn d teas a 1; ted by11.•14. 1.61111,•1 1lomind, 91r,nu 1
was h,s,k-IN•:nel', \\'illi.' !Wan .•• and
f'ati•iek Kullif-;ul wet, the acolytes,
and 111•. 13110, 1P n41o11, w'as, 44n.lr-
Ie',I, r. Mel-rt.:41 err ..::r l int l .•1 1141M111.
141.,4(, -listed tering he cer.ammj44..
confirmation igrvice.
Ott . , 1.1ny morning 1144.,4 n4,•,
'lebl•al.d ' 'the 41d dime!) :11. tt
• oe-k by 111. ed.hif, ie H(ihnp
1A•l,doll, Who • Ce 114 y ('41111-
1111 jun to • forty -l1. .4 1414114.1).
Iw �Ay-ax hire.' and tw-. f-thrr,e
rely 1 -At 1► aela•k. Hrf. •.
116rl . the newly owl:timer 1444
r1•lebr .41 ,1li, first 111:1**.. ' 1' 4
\ylwai acting as 41,':1.111 nd Pa111,
anlm . •,14,-ileaeon. Thur,- ifn•-
• y.
It s(1 •nt of the 441a1411 SellliR4ry
Was master rte ret•.• -
i111111 • of e1her'r•r•l•eia.-
.t1141'1 t, were present , 4141. the
•-nn•141ary: • 'a ter .tylVt•arI. puree/nil
111*n'hing se 1111 i 414 the mi.:144m of
111' 111•-1 44)14 • Path,•,-
►iter the 11141.•. is lab: d-I,ip the
eon Ism `t ion to t he f,119 y-
ninehildt44•n w4, r'r'i'rd Indy come
minion earlier in the n •rniug.
of Mohr(
1111 11•., ,
Hoer Is This for • Warjain'In N
Toronto World ,end -Signal,
.The T•brialln Daily \1 -,,,Id, a etts-
paper that pays 41:urtiralar atl,•n jon
1,. t4,^ requirements of the fart.. r.
and ha • the reputation of pnhli.hin
Ga. um 14)•'1'1•) 1' ratter r'alel pr.almce
Mal k,-, 44)N.1•Is Nof all the paper,. in
t':n4a41a. fogad her with n Jiri'L lit''
:, nd 1111 -114. -date• news seryiee,. carr he
„'nr•,1 rhlhl4rl with Th.• MIg11:1I for
t4,, I,,,I-Mewof this y'arnod rip to the
lit .1 of .111 arlary,')4111'., for 4:4.64.
1414 *1111' 1 ve yleely is busy a1 t •
present time. still there is no (mai so
lntsv that he ,'armee(' 1141.1 Inlynn161((Cc1•'
of,l g • • Nogalh :Ind w•rllte the
best local palet•• r hams) with one
1f 4h' lai((*,test tnrtrgw dean news-
pie•rs publisher in Canada:,n
.This offer is good only fr thirty
days from the first 'ini.rrtion of this
di•erti44'1),1•rlt, w Melt 41)11•.-11 in 1 tie
mil nn September 111. 4'a�l, ot• mail
1* m
y ' ere',• 441 II" "white (blotter 10,
Iisrt. its 11.1 .11041.110 ions at' this J•01).
'ill rev l'1krn rifler 111*,),• date.•
Eite to London During %Vattern
For the it llllll %Ye+
1...111. Grand Trunk RailereY
Imre arrangt special low rates of\
single fare for trip gold going
Sept. 12th to I -lust Ve. nod a
v.h.r 1.1w 1111e, Kt as got g KIN
1:ith 711f. .411 lc. V111141 11 •
did train act. ire and (peed her
el lion Will Make this n et 'on alde
toil and Die tunny ?medal * ra .1 ions
moon... 14r Ittillm 14 1 Ile held t
111,1111 ..seidlriice. further tint tit\
lam and 1 irkel front agent...
2.1 vent* for 311 flow's. 1'.411' attic bY
`1%*het im the need atom -
hitt own mind.
-••••••• •••11.--
W Wluta $sI..t at Pert C.Ibara.114)1
. Oae•rasc1at'1 Mar rano Make Sial.
' Part Maar PraAla•
Port Culborne, Sept. B. -Labor ilIly
wan duly celebrated here ye,trrtla1',
and fully 5.000 people assembled - err
the Lakeview Uru'e, Where epel.chels,
games and dancing homed part of the
day's program. Brief speeches were
inane by the following geltlemlen: Sir
:11 illian1 111uluck, Postmaster -General
and Minister of Labor, W. Id • Ger-
man, IL P,: 4. L. %'eII*A. Superinten-
bent of Welland ('anal J. 1•' Gross,
-111 P P.. and ,thers.'Sir William MU -
lock spoke.. must ardently' rrqurdmg.
Port C'olburIIO's future, and said it
was certainly the aim of the Glrteri-
iw'nt to wake this port Ilulfale's rfy_
al i1 the grain trade, and that fur-
ther iutproveuwpts would be` made to
the harbor and canal. Sir William
also said union labor and capital
should 'work together and sail the
genera) welfare of the country. -• The
party then inspected the new break-
w'uter, which is near completion, and•
expressed themselves highly ,plraaed
with the work aaeoulphshe'd. A rtesdv,
downpour of rain souwwhat warred
the day's on)oynaint
• telebrallrr.e Sisewber..
Toronto. bkpt. 8--d,Alltl %cockiug-
uaeu in lino, with appropriate 'loots,
marched through pi'uiclpul streets to
the wharf, where ferries were taken
to the island. Here gauges s111
speeches by pruu)luent !alar ' t&
were the older of the day. A ,baby
show proved to be a Mewling Iola'
cesi. and no .fewer- than` 218 babfas
were wxautioed *44µJ passed upon by
the committee of /)udlre,. Halo tar-
red the later proceedings of the day..
l.ouduy, sept,. 8 -Queen's Park
was the 41)1141 of the Labor Lay cote-
bratiu'? after the procession thourl(
the.. prineipMl It resit s. _ Sports and
aluusenenta\were the order of the
baitern0Jf. v •
Winnipeg, 41 j, 8,-/l. large parade;
through drench' ig rain, marked La-
boFF .lav in this t te.
13r,cktiIle. �r(it. -Perfect weath-
er Kidd • shining su were t4,• plea-
sant natural features of Labor 1iay
le -re. 1.ticu1 labor\ 1•n were iuK-
mentea by large tecursionM_ from
many tributary o.uints '. -
St - C'atbovines. Se(it.` 8 -Hain
spotted Labor Lay heti.., althoai=h
1.�k,i ur•Ir marched; with site ,-bands
Int f44,', to the ' lacrosse grounds.
' w owe as lengthy prey 441:u of s 1,4'14
and Ales was auto through- Ino r it
steady Miq -lir -Lurn:aster. U. P.,
nd Lr: J.• tup, 11.14 1' . were uuwne
the %peek iv-
Peter Ian . Sept N ----it big ('.'Rhea,
lion was he i1 11uiy te,terdry. Mader
111.• 'auspjuw f 'the Iut•gl '.'rad. s and
.Labor Council -
unul u
�a d Trades -and lel.-
or Ct.iuns. A Parade took place in
-the- morning. f4 the ahternoon a
program of sports\aaa Fall of!.
Syrucus.; Sept..*: 8 - Prrs'd•tit
uo1Kve*t reslew,.I t • labor parado
'and the- parade ,of the\National As-
'soc'atlon of Latter Car rizrs -here yes-
terday. \
Tree. Galea Cagy.
Iidiyrster, Eng., Sept: 8 ,-
VII union Congress o)emrd its A
here' yesterday. There 'werrt .4.1114
ut es' (rept-client Int 250• trades
u.tllion and a half inen,i' prase.
erica was repreyrnted. *
, old arena ■.c Aoki..
to, Sept 8-Witha broken
kg. •ys Whitney Was taken to
Urac« f pita. about 5.8U last
;, fight. 1lis Whitney' was boarding 1
e at the hibilion (rounds for
e. lieu she, missed her st.p and
1.•11:''• He left let gut «aught in someway,, bre king Just above the ankle.
waaea t. 1.. t6,. Sabtw. .
'Toronto,' t. 8-Llovid Coo, of
tendon, Ont fell frown et free at
ContIshan yesterday afternoon,
breaking his right arm.. Cog,- who 4.
about 141 years�\\ or age. had climbed
a tree -to watch: the proee.dings at
the Baby 'Show,\ when he lost hie
balance and fell.
lac **K Mu *pg .MW yl Canton en <M
The Piestii•tery'uf, Huruu held 11a
11.1(11111• meeting at 1'liutui ou' Twee -
day, SepteIllwl• 1st. The fallylyiug,
'Members weft. plw.ellt : He'. 111'.
McLean,of ' HIylh : Hey. Mowers.
Anderson and H+/uiltun, of (ioolrri.11
It4yf(1wnr of \"p11140Vrrt, of
Itruce•tjelj : Fle 44.114444,1( Tit: •s Hoed :
Shaw. of, I' gwundl ill{• : \I,N.•il. of
Hayfield r Small, of Auteuil: and
Hamilton. of lalndeslo 1'o*. and Hider.
I'ul hrriughatu. of Ifrimefl.dd : Ander-
son, of Auburn. Miff Suitbl•r1111d. *11
H1•usall. Hey,' Thos. Elliott, 11114' of
Nairn. IM•ing present was ask141 to sit
as a 44u'trslamdiugg liil•udwr.
Rev. 1•'. 11. 1.11•kin's term of 'oMee'
a, 1444141)1,11 'r h4'.-iu)f expired: Hey.
Thu:. lkll 411,'1, of "Ina, was
144111ted a. hi..111•e•4.sor low the next
1x month.. lire, l4,•. *II•Iw•ilrl and
lien. I'l1t41'11e1. 1110 Aadrrs41u,�
4'i,llui oissi nee` rti ,the' hlir• G,Ilel:,l
Asw•mlhly', reptirte1 their dilig.•nee 441
attendance upon *the meetings. tings. Hrv.
J. A. Ihllnilton, H. A..• was 111(14.4141141
emir -eller of the• P(t'bytey'14.hiau4
1111..1,111 r ter for the ensuing
y'ae. .las, I"011le. 11111(•1( for the
ministry. appea 11 11•fore the Pres-
bytery and delivered 11144 trial dis-
contse, which o11 4144414111 Wan cordially
received. 11r. 1•'114111' w71s. dub.: certi-
fied to the 1'resbyterian 4'ulla(Cr, sl111-
i 1,141.
lire. *.ail Shaw, H. A:, was 01.-
.14uPle1 treasurer of the Presbytery
to the plllrr. of Hey. Isrt rt' .4111x411.114''.
deceased.' Lea Ce )1'14:• 16•:111141 to
liensa11, and also 14, \\'inlhr,(e and
alrl�illup, t.. m,1Itw•ate 04 calls When
the 4441114114•411(ion. are ready.
A re$411111' I -tweet- a it 1111' death
,if Hev. Prier .l4l$gr:its w:44.
adopted by the Prestysery. ale. a i
r•.,,IIIti111•allellt WV. .1.• S. -Ilendee.
son's U'/u1s131i4111 III Nett' West-
' stet'. Ur. Johnston. of 1Awrdon,
was u4'mumatel' for the vacant chair in
!Edirne College. -
standipg r tinter• for the year
w're appointed wilt the • following
cul, )(•11441'. : --dome Missions, Hee. 1.
\. H: pun : church lite a4id work.
1.. Nma11': Satlwth sehoni..
I2''. JL('. M,'.lw•n1).wr. 11m:111rw. lire. I)1'.
Stewart : '.11(N•rititendener of students.
Her. 1),. 1I4•11.eut4111ri.thitt Endeavor.
Rev. 11'. V) Mint(ill augtue1111,1iou.
Hey•• 12•- I' h't.hrr : fweign ulis.i.'ns•
Rev. V. H: Sowers cluference. Bow-.
T. I4,vtcl.lm. . ti
The next meeting.d PresIvytery
will lie held al Giron Int November
loth at (1F,:11 a. in. •' 1 l
Have Your Envelope: Printed. `•
The P.Is4414114' !leper( silent urges :111
who scud :letters throng!' the Mail to
Inter •- Written 1t' 11t•0164l on 1 be upper
left-hand armee , 1•1114' eIt1,'l, 11• their.
nano. and pusli,M/�e:IJ.he....o that 11
1)4,1 r.dlel for at deet 1:1111 ion it 1)411y he
-pennipll\- Iehtrn 41 t.• the snider, in-
stead ,,( going in the dead letter office,
making f w ell*I' 44 private affairs
k u. "�• Signal I. ptw),1i11r1 11
1114411.1 114atlyprltil14MI eaVelo(a•s ut :1
1..'.'.' eI M.t.
The to .I Ir. 1.t. iieff, for 2w'.
\\'r MC herr, 10 Wilt 44 it *1 full :one N intel' waists at 1111' !titers, pl'ices 111,41 new :1111 good merchandise can
he will) for.
A good start Is. half the ill a and we 11144. 41114111g right wilt 1141w ami 111110alate tootle which cannot
fail 14 1 It will pay' *thyme,:to.tontie to this dole to buy fall tomb.. The Iwst market* have hewn
e,llNllIUrt itinl the best goods that-:* k.t'ema'H'rau1 *Gay are here. new 111d reasonable, and the right things.
1.a,. 111.111N Might prices.
t► ,
'(14.r i• „Jest. 1s let 1w 1111 1111$1, hays the lestand du the heat for • customers. 1\'e+ will give you honur-
afl• treatment mill x big J.,ljlar's w'01111 for a (1011ut', •
• tl
Specialties i1t Dress (loads and Slake
Spet•ialtiee hl 1.11.41 'WS Mantles, *14.411 to III 2.111
Speelahi.s in Bain ('.eta..14.4111 (o C12.1*)
A11 other liars to 4M' found in :► 114414(-111(441 afore. are here for your inspection,
l' • and ser us. ,
2 Huge Bargain. Days 2
11 ha" hewn: known in the past that our II:114lin day:* are r'.ul 1cu•gain 41.4)x. This lino- we will outdo
all precious 1•iforl$ iu the bargains offered. `1'1• an• going tor•u/ duper into priers than ever before : and
remember T11 -goods are 'seium able -What arc me•er11st-(*'4484'1-,au•h a.. will {wUe't credit on 01.
. Heim -tuber, ILMI( and 21st Srpleullwr, .•
Stuntmen Patterne. :t, 111, ;111 rents :, 1)4, brtt+'a: twitters's Rustle in the world than the Standard. The
Designer, 10 cent.: yearly su.ae•ripwi , MIH•• An 8 -page fashion sheet fee.
Take Time by the
:\ NI)'1.E;t\'E 1'01'11 •
4)1111E1* F44)1
A New
There's no better painting time than .the WI.
Weather conditions are usually' very favorable to
good results.
No heavy rains to soak into the lumber as in the
-No gnats and flies to stick to the fresh paint.
It's best to protect 'your buildings against winter
You'll get a good job if you paint now with
Nati Net. 100..444... 1'....,o,..... ro...ce,..r,ua
Gose lu M fa( rola( cards.
moire l..ele 11111 b. Ls11Mtt.a'.
Oranect M.aerd .1: tteptd•a•.-
M..tc LI atug C►spk•c Dar.
Toronto. (dept. 8 -The Dominion
,bition wrote a new record of
atteintaner yesterday. This u,anagi.
reient thinks. the figure' kill these
10 1,2f),000;'-becousn 'of the
/I,ybusiness the auditors could
de'rite lits( night. '11.e.weetcu,
Lf (lung Chang "br'uught\
Thiel was the high
Mil yesterday, -and 11 11
country' tribute to Labor lhly-
the . entrances,. were blocked fur a
Dine withv• surging wass of,' people
and 1t was‘, once contemplated ask-
ing the street, railway to Atop their
cure fur a time. At one time there
ware 8.000 people around the ticket
unicen, and really good temper pre-
vented serious dirofders.`
The directors entertained the visit-
ing' f*ritish Parlialrlentary party,
and speeches Were dullvei'ed by Divot -
Guv. Clark. , Lord L3".'lden, rad.
Sadler, ti 1r. ,Doughty.
Grlulbsy. Eng.. lir Horse ower,
and :lanai or Belqur, Nu, •l.
In ON (l airy. buil • - Prof. Mills
he'Ontario ' cultural College;
ered an address ori the work
done y the experinll•ntal farm to 11
pick haute.. ,
Portland, Dr. , Sept 1. -The Paci-
fic coast ' park of malmon this year Is
one mil fon eases. smeller than lest
year, au ' two million rases short of
the lllll put, of, 1 V 1. 'A big 'Shortage
In Columbia Hive salmon, an al-
most .,t ot al failure of sockeyes in
Puget Mound, and iii British Calome"
bin au well as a dell A of 500,1.1011
rases in Alaekan italuten, are re -
emulsible for the small lite of the
Goad Tor Astor. X.
Isiept Li -William Waldorf
fund to aid the retioarch for a titre
fur rarer.
Western Fair, London,
Sept. I I to 19.
41 .90; Goderich to London and -
flood -going Sept. 12 to 111, ineluiskv\t1%
4165, G"ood Going Sept. US and 17.
All irdstd, valid for return 'add
Harilest Excursions
P. points in 3Ianitolc.. „,1.ssitsilioia, Al-
beit:. and Masked emit/
Good 'going Sept. 1:1 ea I ,trturnitig
Good going. Sept. :31. valid returning
until Nov. 311.
itmoal.Westero Excursions
. Single F e for Round Trip:
Port Run . Midi. : Detroit. :Rich. :
Grand id Inch.; Saginaw, Mieh.;
lantf.:011i.o. Cite* Di, Ohio; Col
late.. Ohio; Dayton. Ohio ; Indianan -
Good going Sept. 24. 25. 2r1.•
For tjeketa,..„am.1 irtforination apply
'11•.•st Street. ttext shine
to Kink Nloont real.
FAIN Cash Hardware Store,
Will be nisi to .441 ions on Canad:an Par air .11
Manitoba MIN .4104
and YORK N
hi AUGUST tIllth froni slat ion, In In I tin. Main
fine of (*rand /rank. Tolswit4) 10 :Sarnia. 414141
*11.54140ns Nowt 11-.44erbran Nowt, of 'ant wet
line -was; t icket.• to Winn' not* lte
MI. in Manitoba and A••••tibilabia a- bean, If
rt •tinsers engage :4•• /arm billwarr••• 'AV1111,1-
11YCprortdol fart. lalrocur• .111 w4 k not
Clean :111 41ar. at harvesting, bowl I 1114.4•
to original ••tart Ma point at $18.41, on or heft
Nor. :111111 10(4.
111,14(1,1 canna) agent.
Assistant liceicial Pasw•narr Agent.,
Venice Hi., Toronto. .
Kidd lieek re. (Inderich.
oistant Weariness
m n sign 41`c Wea,k114.14. Y4111 11444 11 UMW,
Itemtores the energies.,
Builds tip the svidem.
'Makes life wort h
Sampson's Ilisl 114rel Pills. Von ran have your
imit the Ms :feetitlion..
1 1011'1 negit4e.f. Vire our
Cherry ,
c. irloolk Chemist,
eanadlan Prestritsrlaris will hear
11#th regret that the daelaloa to tear
Wn old St. Uebriel Street
hurcIL Montreal, baa bk.'s carded
sub and that nothing now . regalia'
of that historic structure but the
record. ahd nismorials et Its oilst-
ones. It has made way for as.
temples of Her court house, and thus
the era landless -It of Probyterian-
ism, arid. indeed, of Proteetantlim,
tit Mont /441 hail boa removed ft
woe in 1752, and tor mots then
• centdry eases et the most solid
stetson 1 this eastern imettopelki
WNW WI mad.
(Mr priers. are ir lope! as is
Jew; noir We haat SOM. estrn
!Newer fratninird repairing
in Pitman
finites owl
attended to.
Night Bell at Store. 'Alois 89.
want to make our
Bread the lehding Bread
in GOderich and the only
way we can 'do it is to
tell oiir patrons about its
The Parnell -Dean Co.
have Oat' for file riennesr anti all /St
11r1-1111-41/1141 bakeries there all.
1'1111161a. 11'4. /401 tinier 104
0111•1•11 am any other there-
fore to Make the side "Or bremle
must he good. Try a Change, get
out Of the old rut Into the imw
von NAL'? HY
P. T. DtAN, fioderich
rtIrtm Ttlmtt Ir tr ttIMI/IMM,H
Allow- 1
E tO Int ce 1
' To 3 ou all the: latest designs and
patterns in a
Fall Suitings and Overcoats. a
Our store is ablikm with new-
ness and w.e ' have the finest I
E stock in the country to select
from. a
U Prices not to suit one pocket,
but to suit them all.
E--__ 1,eave your order now and be i
ready for the cold weather.
agiiiiiiiill 41 iiiiii iii Ai iliiilililliiiiii1A