HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-9-3, Page 5THP SIG 'AI; GODERICH ONTABIIU
T6ukn At,.
Beet 3, 1903.
A gentlemen. ,whu has evidently
given the matter • tousideratiun
had last evirk's *Mateur operatic pro-
duction especially hi mind when. hr
✓ -ratted ...wend m w n. why nick
local *Mesta' ids 441 Id iw, Ar-
'They tawoutitlge a taste for higher,
cannot g both the perfo•ulelu
and, the luldeuct. A IN+•al einiosuly
never witstr8 ice talent.* in the pro-
duction of the rewrite comedies which
• tar often are the stock -in -trade of
p•avttling IhowM. it must give •
Hated that is strictly correct, some-
thing in w'kiuh y g mein and *omen
may engage without. any fear of col-
taudtuttiou, something which the
newt fastidious llldll ue. nut)* woe With-
out bring jarred with evidences or
iguorlince or eoal'rerWoni. The talents
of the p•rforla e'I44 are brought nut and
developed, and the audits/1st are in -
deemed by the cherater of the play,,
- which. us lime just been elated, 1t in-
• variably of a letter chars than is given
by the tral•rlliug org*u,lz*Lio11a.
Another runNitletatis that the
...ea tela if the bleat p rformel14 are
sl ways nice ,old fresh - n.gt•t-ilt help in
the preeenl*Iion of a play. 'Ilam
there is the pie, lion of friendly iu-
t.•n9eune' atoning townsfolk who Blight
never otlwrwiw• c together w'.•jx1-
ly ; and, finally, the money that is
mule stove In town 'and bell. Ramal
lista off Ur the outs who *Iwayq
wins. With another bumper harvest
and the Hnest of cool weather, the far-
N e• .M hetet noel -
• 1 -
o Comet,* 1 the neat u t 11 1
f U*n n
• n,+u a people and n
wen i fxllth I in
rut d
p• 1 4
this Donn uniuu. keen failure 1. :neer -
isna at.•1 to him needs. Let him Iryvp ti
fail, and up- glees the prier of grain.
It is not the fanner who pays tbested.
rt,tbrfanner'a Ixtdra an. still cr,wd-
in Ui the cities, helping to make
11111 M III*, 1M•1.ple' ,II. not nerd : While
le their int -4111m and the hired lathering in the harvest that
the our
to the fart,
moist have, or die. lints off
err and U. the •fxrinrr's 114)4
whu sot r honw.
at hu !whist
It may 1M• a li 1/• Ilal early in Ilse
wean' to ask the ) mug man what '111•
intends to do with dm rveiuga the
n ' K(t winter. St it it i.i not too
ratty for !Mu to tie thin ing :.1a.1µ it.
.� v'1 aigrtl44IIIIIY,U1111w'1 tastes a lot
0011141 1N. tut In ppm!uw. _, re you
going U! kick your heels at 111 street
411I11er.. 111' Ven, y.w going to pend
soniefat'email of your leisure tit a in
huprming your ' 1 and Ulu.
wing pour ptwpectN ? 11 is to
U *am to answer that quest hal, 3111
wad' y iK non ,tnd young vellum.
U'.1, 1 oat *newer it. for himself and
her eel 1f you are to win an honored
pleee in fe. you st [trepan. your-
self for i• aid the ' • 10 du it is
right mow.
.(dal lila 'of I
1114 clefs.! the
' she cam.. a Mein 4it
In whianwelnseil.es ..k
The ftowelw ds' 11.1)44 w
dewy heal.
sok ant mete
b,dln u dex)r, at IN..
.ent her
\IMI blweemme,
Y rivet gale her
'ant lo
My heart with sadden rapture
11) hope'. )Ike reeket• row:
Iles ween the pease. .f IIw damn.
I heetetted W ympa r.
.%nd when, alas' wtihchlfr gears
She plelllptly turned medue n
1 learned toe We she mule toy flower.
Ileraa.r they watched $ hrr gown.
Thr l.arisiana Purrhnw' 14:mi11'.h incl
al St. Louie. in 1UIt$,lwill 110 Uw Irxt
.great world's fair. Its promo
r b'
claim t.' will ter twice w n
1 that It fl
r 'o at
affair e• (`u umhiau F.x such h
,w the 1
1'hi.ujo ten years Ngo. 1 The arra
\ rove911•by the )'hires° Gait' w'as ICS)
\acre* ; the til. Louie* exhibitim. will
rn )Ltle2111 acres. l'hira�gr.i w priuriplel
e {lnl. InliIding,: covered 142.'2 twee..
St. mile •will rover 15"1 ,o -re.. ('hi•
(Ago t•4lioeitiou rest $27.'L-ittir'1: the
fit, I,.siilt show will rlwt approximately
;10,111111.1441.• Theme are the flatters pule
lish,fd b)' t r 141. hiwlis pnq'h'• The
e exploit n ill open on the :1111) of
April ne
Little Ali said her praye%
regularly left go) g to Md. One
night. however a* she rested beer hent
un the pillow Nib remit!. 1. in it ques-
tioning way ay
"Mamma, cony p 'ere n w4 rnneh
looser than the tine 441144' sit s in the
ulonling. 1'an't s en, hers whtvn -1'm
tired 1"
"Do.... the nurse pray in the in
ing P" naked ,the mother the pusx
hsik. •
"Yes," paid Ali(e *w 1y.. "She
'iand, have' 1 Kot to ger . uq Y •,
That wile rather• a geed thing t 1.1.
P. manse, the great bandmaster, go 4dT
in nssly to the question of Lint UI
Punch whether there shonl41 he mush`
during meals.. "There is no 4191414.'
wrote, 'that the nearer the trial
Nolte the sweeter the pleat.."
Bow little roman' (4' therrji'. in life
?me iot ty'. ',Mem it le Istat the
romantic p,1lple keep It all to then-
sedves. PoeadMy ander the display of
dram* and flowers which '.rein to he
the 'chief featiires of the ei+e.ryday
welding there nifty he Mitten it lure
story that would he worth the telling:
hint **Mont Indeed does anyone get a
glimpse of It. TMs present-day pov-
erty of moaner; however, make* the
artii.l thing all the More entraneing,-
end thin i,t.al1 the Joretier there is for
✓ telling r" 111.1.14. 4t4)ry about .a "wedding
that o retie ed Inst week. 'Flt' bride.
\who spent a fele .yearn of he' yelling
rlhnad in Boderleh. vonie (Ante
VIII attended a riling lathe.
sehil. While there a rime photo-
Krap wen taken and a ropy of it W*n
vont to I. friend of the ynnng Italy liv-
ing in flit+ Menses 4he bottler. The
young man in the ease happened Int'
trots it Cupid's my*ti(• gutdanee 1) tot
nese the picture and his c)•ie rested on
the• yelling glrl'a fare ; it Weil 4 rant. of
"love at first sight" t.hrr.mgh the
Medium of a photograph. Ile made
eager inquiries NM)11t tier 0w71er of the
foeb end altho b a year pealed before
he actually mealier the flame had not
died. nth$-and't.he wedding Met week
Was a very happy affairs
Clinton, Se1a(drth, Mse«Ie ••l Wiagllaln
Student. Who Succeeded in Jule Slin.e. +
Followiug are the nawele,uf the'rur-
relia ll raudidated in the July depart-
mental examinations whu wrote in
county centres other than li4Mlrricb:
c1.INTON.. t -
11 • Matriculetiou,-14.I. J.. Jen-
kins; Met class lemur* Ib English
(third place)', tUsit Plato, fu liermula.
11141. chow in history, first .t•Iass in
,pbyrics Isrcwul place), and tietAm l
class 111 tuatheniat111. and lali11 -`'
Pam Mal 1.11-, t oft. Aroma. Bit- I
dotu•, Alice Worthington, -,1144'' 1•u111-
pfeted the -same ; .1Yalie'r 44. Baird,
chemistry : AlrJciu• l;luhuut, Latin
'and French : Kri,t Manning, Fierich ;
John McNw:ui, Meru** ; hd,w'a1d 1',
N'ilfonl. Frelach.
' Senior Iraciug, Pali 1. \1')41..1.
I)'.ud.p, »i..lrukin1, A. .1. Mcl,jurr11,
Ana'lel Mc Ewell. P)u•t 11. -\t'. J.
1)u111op, Edwin Jenkins, Beldon
Junior Lrayiugr Par' .- Jeruule
Hit/) Jean Carling, Elsa lark,
Olive (t.wp.•r, Tract McDonald, _
Slusuud, W'. H. I'rufuund, Nri
U. thus., Alin 1Stn-1hlugtun.
l' rev hal Diploma Mantle Scott.
• Senior ' Leaning. ':Accea Carter,
cane I)iekwnl, Barad A'.iko•l'tnee,
Mattel fl,u•u•y, Helen M. Kell', Alvan
1.. Mrlran. Annie Slcleswl, Helen H,
'Mc\Iii•bael, Ernest %V. AI.n•r•ay, Ar-
thur Seolt, Charles Sills, Alex.
Senior leaving, Part 11. ---Narver'
Brownell:, 1.led."'.1.'lawrence, Annie
Junior te.avieig. Pearl 1t. Ander-
mon. Miutnie A. Blest, F:tiphrulia L.
L'ow•au, 4119 LI ode Doe sou, Celina 1►ur-
aud, Russell II,u•try, MaIell A.flow ell.
SLu•gurrit' .1,'Mary1da{). Mary M. Kelly,
Currie M. KKniglrl (with hoot.*, Ellie
Knox, Edwin Nhaia\-iu, John .%. 11e -
Kenzie, Nina N. Slunlie. Pearl l..
Nicholson, {Selina R. 1Ift'.unor, Ada
Sleet 11. 11,.rim ret1,• K. \\il.up. -
Slul•i.911ittio11. Noma I{. ,1►tckw.n,
Ju h11 A. Bolivia. I ,inialI.
Helen %1il-
rin at
1 tt h.
l'viumwrial Dip1.a).a Maxie, Hut• -
an, Hazel Heid. -
Itn1'M.4(t1.11.- -
Junior Leaving. F114s•Iioe Arm-
strong, Fllnen4r Hu1h,uran.:- Grosse -1s :
Wm. - Mak)hi.•i, Fahr) : Eleanor \\I4.
F'unaton. ttevuri. f• I!.. , Ihru .0.1' :
Lizzie A. Mr Kay. ( -,411i..-.'..k : Bar-
bara McKee% •\', 1a11r14 P:.
Luella !toes, Aida le. (toss. May Shai)r,
Marion Smith. Jolty F, Str:.chite(.
hruasrlw Theresa !Mit ze •t.
Kale Telfer, %V.,lium ltu.s,•11'/.i{nlurr.
, Latin. • Jolui Polder, HruN,wls.
4 ItavMg. F: kdwatds,
a .ny Fisher: Ada Iloww4l.
\ •Ikrugnll. M:ti-gar•t Nixon. Slay
I{o •It,.,4*, 11401'K,• F:agle.t1.11 :41)41
11,1 1 Hula,..
I>isfri tions or Seeds for Experi-
xperimental Purposes. •
SGlteria for 141t•.414''( flu• bine •'x-
4er '114. Ier1. 1111.11111111191 10•111 111•
We. to 1411v Ontario -farmer 111)ph'ing
fit it, .if • be •ill -e lldprl.- :MI exp•ri-
with ea and rep4•t•the• rr..ult
alter .0 4. Ain next re:u•. I he seed
will 1e• •114 halt 1 the older i9 which
the 3111)4 'll 14410.444 a 1•e.•rlv,9111, bong as
the .0 .pl)• ia11.: -
• I. ' Trottel' hail vetches. crimson
clover 1111(1 w )ler \-e as (.s14144.. .1
2. Testing t hr vat epi.• ; .11 1111114.1'
w heat 3 plied,
a. Tent Ong ft's• icer sizers with
winter w heal 11 Idol
4. Testing autum nit 1 1ringappli-
catbinsof nit tate of %oda r 1 r9n111141
4.1111 w 1111 winter wheal :i tn., .
.i.-T.'.1ing•4ilati•r1au•11-ya� w•int44-
ryr for grain pi -titling 2 tell ..
Thr n'o,w•1• NI%A Ili it pot 1,11•
Yowl wide by 14•., rats hnlg. 7nr
Milt Prix, for Other of the Ilrst 1
expertlu,ult.. ut•for N0.:)•'4I14-r' 'n
il he fr.rwarde1 by mail, and for
t i of the other two by, ►111)1444...
lelwm willing to ..aiding one of
Ihcw• exp•'' •111. 4,4o01.1 apply as
wNal as p)ssillir I1l01nionitl4 which
lent he desire,: nil the inkterlal, with
indrl•tiln•fur stills and 1h. blank
101•111.11-1.1 IN•
u woe , w 11
fnm n l h
1111,1.11491 flee of e. until 1h.• '.ul,ply
e x1441•lam n{ 11.511,41 sial is exhausted.
iglit be well for a 1•h applicant t"
a oett ,id ,hr.iet• 1' fe.ti• the flirt
of Iw granted.'
(l.i prh, O.,1.
l - '. "(4 d Highlande
During Ice war a ti.vdrh
officer. was *ppiln:1 1 - to ruins nil a
teginlnt rt. init. In Ala .Kew•, flrol.
land. x1)11 leitt,f,1 II.K111anJ41 tew.k
vote of t111• rag,imet to determine
whetter the men fay.11ed the,ad.)44
Got) of the Highland rif9tttnlr. •
111 41114. 111110 the irgiruet al 1a114rlc
appeared lo -fore the cult mi with the
14x1111 ul the Vole, -
•'\v. -ii. orderly.- .111114 114... \'low
sunny of the item favoisst. the op -
hitt{ td 4he.111011aoil '
•Ont two..lir.'
"Only{ Iv lylkll. 111111 g1,•4d`( 11%vr
at. Irmo Iwo a Highlanders ers {"lt.inty
repslmerot. Who an- they?"
Torpor*I 1.9ah.rly mend Privitt .
tlligan. the." Philadelphia kwdget'.
A Word for Dad.
We h I *tied in it .h • the other
night an over the parlor dta.r Naw
the Iegrm worked' in ietters of red,
"What is Ht ne Wit/tout :1 Mother %••
Arnow the n to was : flier 14.1.4,
t Oe'.1 Blew.
Now, that's the tier with "God
Bless 4)111' Dad"? r gets up rarely,
lig the fire. boils a egg. grabs 111e
diem r -Oil and wiled t r deli' off the
dawn with hie. Neale: tile many a
mother is sleeping. He mikes the
weekly 1 n11-4.111 fit- the lin •he•r, the
grocer, lh milkman and tat •, 4ind
his little pi is badly worn Iw a he
has been home an lour. Ile /et nde
off the bailiff and krel)a the rent pAid
if there is a noise• it1.t 4' night dad 't4
kicked in the ietk" nn,t�ipa/le fu go
downat.4ils to m1 the h.n•glitr• and
kill hint., -Mother of her d*ions thee.w•ke but
diol .1441 14104111e ws•k5 111 LIM•; first plats.
*Ail mosIleN and rat nfterwatdx
Mother d,wa tip the fruit.: ell, Inst fled
Imyt it. All. ane jars and el nutlike
the mite•hief.
1)44411mp.. chickens for the gmhq'1
dinner, rftrves then) hiu{w•If an d'nnvre
the neck' from the ruins eller ev vtrnr
eine 1'. nerved. "1Chnt is ).MIM' with-
rwt a mother?' Yen, that ie ail right :
but "lt'hitt. ielt • wit hoot * father?'
T.',. Outliers to 1111P it in a IN)atding-
hop're, father 14 11944.1 a slab noel fhe
Iand11141v in 111• widow•., 11.441, tumor's to
you! hut1've got row faults. y. al may
have pots of 'ern, but we 44111 1: as you
w'hen you're goo'_- -'
How oho41k1 weeping willows be
planted % In tier's.
Why are hyenas like g•4.l church
hien ? They keep Lent en well.
5'. by is a rat going tip thr.9• pair, of
steita like a high bilk Because she's
Wham Whist, Weary Clty W.rhel. SIM
Their Trait Soots
81Wd summer,holidays, Wessel
hos the health Of a,dy then stow,
and thrice tileemed because Ing
men's multi* nearer to chess Inge
u Lf• which ars rlsJuriapl. a� LLhe
111rquto Htar. The �tluw� Msaue
that we learn is the right psOpurtlue
of things, the tate. relation o Uvla�
to succeeding. LI ". , ••v here we
easily -get them eta, .. 41.. end 'once
In confusion It 144 14 dill/CUR matter
to get them Weight again. Nature
bsrpeU t• our best teacher. to her
school Is neither disproportion 'nor
contusion, She keep! w • t• !Mad(
Whoa we will give her the cheers,
that whetea• the thing we cell' suc-
cess pruWiseI us the sum of all Imp-
lanter, Is east do very little la that
dine:tios. What, on the other head,
the eeaselrw purmit of It •eparatee
u• ' front lnte's most euduriug plasm
sures,, ud telt imetely destruys the
power Itself of epee/nowt. The street'
of Toronto are thronged by men wbo
are all making the supreme mistake,
-the world -old mistake et t4tellug along
the -toad to wealth.. tklal.ing it the
path to ' Omer. Iso dose lana
Nature, 1f site d them I. eras of her
great summer •drool., would fled ne
hotter yuestlua to *put abut that of
old, "Whet sha11 It prof% • mita 11
he gain the whole world *ad lose Me
soul.!' A mean's souls 1s (11 sot (4144}
part o1 hint which Is made up •t hie
deeper consciousness, kis high', ate
Orations. and tenderest affection 7
That part of Mut w glues suste-
nance to his faith, .belts* hopes,
'bis charity, all three o whish. tins
k.pplly, aro is the gra danger of
otarvatloa la the process o settle(
even a veryy small part of "t • %hula
world." the soul, moreover, 1 -that
best part of b1m which 1e reaw•u cu-
ed whets,' beside woe northern la' -
side, by sits yadrr the .stare while
bears Nature's quiet broken ealy by
voices the dearest to Hui to all the
w r .
A o came •k city
4 tum c ln bac to the t
yesterday after a w1ek spent with his
familye ` o
la the holiday cuunetry ° up
*orth. , His friends,' when they met
ism on the street congratulated him
e a the coat of tan he wore 'iin his
sleeks. !hat they. Wight also have
S oso, sad perhaps did, wit .• certain
contented exprrsstvn In his oYr•
which he had also brought with Shin
froze the country. Away from Gm
trradall1; or ,the game, or whatever
You care to calf It, for only alYen
days, and yet It why long enough to
refresh the, very soul of blit. 7�e ef-
fect will .wear away of course, ` but
It must 1,e there st1�1, and ws ar-
rant yon that to -day, a he sits ,at
Ws desk, hid mind looks in a lit le
`decent way at, t11 .pts blema , d
bargainIng'of burjttess, aqd Abet f r
stone 'dry", et least, those b.tt
things which cafinut he bought an
•old, anl are not listed on the ex-
changes. will have a stronger hold
op•n`11im. In one of Nature's nun -
met . schorils he had renewed his
kno11��1 a of tertian temple plea-.
sures 4 refreshed those domestic
aflectlo which are the source .,of the
most, mieCmfytng happiness Mother
Earth, ot7 to h.'r. bodement -ridden,
• ecce••-pursul•g sons.
114 ONTi(tMO'9 SCHOOL• S.
Iteess•es Is Name army el capita Frew
' tiger... •f lea.,
;icons latere•stintt ttatssttcs were
announced the utiter day at the De-
partpp►aeeut ol. *Aeration..., Toronto;
'.hew\ng the salaNea of *club?' feach-
era to have bees • little Mitre in
1902 than tbey, sere In 1901. The
total number of, pupil. efe•oUed in
the Publte ichoota of the previews
1902 was 108,124 •1 whom 909,666
were boys ma 944.558. girls. 'Tess
pored show a f of 11.495 com-
pared with the prec•dllag year. when
the total w . 414}019. Th. decrease
U hocked to the tenehtpe, n many
.1 too 1•wae, fes ee11 M la all the
stt s•, elftle 114 tx.eptdone y that -
.4 .Ulthartp q Tile QSe•
't •t Nf7�•x7O'r'larl• a1a>oe �•wf •ft
lac m. average lIy *tNN-
aaoa M 99 >� dette Si Sae
coda:, compared with 541.60 to
Mr at
1 • 4srtrans 1
tel s t pa-
t • 1» IN C
yet Repot
Flo ` • t of Mewl to-
Se • o
P s
A We
t 145 23.814 Were
al o m
W and 09. idyls. The tperease
fof 1902 omit
ictal Al 11101 1•
Moorhen,' salaries how • consider-
able Increase for bot male and fe-
male, end, although 11 low. are
blgier thee at aay for •• - perlbd in
the history of the provinc The fol-
lowing. (4011 meats for 1 If,. a•
showing , the average solar Tho
pontic•• e1 cosine, are wham tel
Wiles and towns -
1901 1902.
Male F'm'►o.Male.F'm'1.
Menthes ra 4;$:459 9202 $1172 1273
Towns ifs es A 649 815 06$ • (119
CIt1N on rw r 9t,:f 170 990 479
P rovince tilt tar 421 BMS doh 818
EVER Y -DAY -NOES 400111111Ihtaa11/wW1lwwOM, 044040 01010100 €
• Jurduu 1" W. A. M c K I M tioderich, Oat,
• ifi!N!r!N oftthirsvfh tt eitt,KlIIlefpf f.11 the c
- A Aloe that's good seems verb important.
1L's the- 14u1. shoes that you remember longest
and saddest.
It'►nuy make all the difference int the world
to you if your shoats aren't right. One aoesu't
work or play well in shoos that don't tit.
%b -KIM'S 111.1
I1414•11a11 1110, k.
The total number of Public •chbol
teacher. 1acrea'.ed from 8,40;{ in
1901 to 8,497 in 1902, Of them
gf.49 per cent, were mien and 74.11
pit oeat. glemsa. In 1901. of the
total otimbres of teacher" 28 per cent..
"ere men, end the year 1902 shows
w decrease of over two per rent.
Tb. 4411 ber o •}chers with Nor -
pd �roel tralntng incr•atied from
4,427 114"1901 to 4,6044 he 1902, or v
•"little over 58 per cent. of the tot -
a1. of the hotel 'only, $1 teachers
Were university gi•aduatds, or about
3 s conA
ipso total amount paid cuff In
1/j7Inkhorn' ealarles In 1902 Walk •2,
,vsa, an tronas. of 9118,400 ev-
9, 11901, 1. be total expenditure for
all purposes to 1962 wait S4.ario,71lfS
la against $1.:12S,(iA2 in 1901, nn
I/greafe in expenditure of, $11,2J9.
tlailo err Few )alae Lawr lar.
N6 man looks his Aest when he Is
laughing heartily. A woman, en the
Other hand, may not enjoy a joke or
asituation a whit leas, nor really
tgl lee., but she manages to do
10, a. • rule, without disarranging
her features or bet toilette, and
etniting disagreeably eft fha tyrnpan-
elm of other people. Th4 tinkle of
feminine laughter ie gene ,ally plea -
Mint to listen to: sounds tq.l across
etc , It floats pleasantly, on the
,..4.114$'• Pictorial.
We- guarantee a fit if
you will give us a trial.
ptlww•e•. What 110 Mat 1111111. 91 '1'1,-
1,4114 % 11)111) nl•u9y-l*liI TA•11- 1.1/111114,
hide themfur;; •t week or
I pro.". "'run onto!" exclaimed the !Oland
15.1)4.111_1 '•nul'nil fay an that.-' "'hem
:lite!' reflecting for a- uu un.nl, hr 1.4
-Say, just give us it ticked for
IIvd.. Park." And he got Theo.
1)PJe Park is live utile: Ilo1H. L ''hien,
Fuaw•t et Leel si bbo•r '111•4•141' 447
ml filmes Seat
Wreathe -Great Net•emaa 4ar1.4
Landes. Sept. 1. -Tb. body of
Lord Salisbury was interred yestur-
tlay alteration beritlr, that of hie wile
la the burial (p'tund ut the-.-ec111, as
Iluttield- The werangeutrrts were of
the moat private and simple charm).
ter. All the saldron of the deee>ased
were. prevent, as were also Premier
alfour, Lord Selborne and- • few
in haste neighbors.,Otherwise thn
mot os were madup of the dead
state en's tenants, retainers 'amid
hablta of Artti Id The •oan was
carried to and from the parish church
fly old servants. •
The only Bora! trib, 444 ub the col.
tin Was 4 wraith mint by Outman Alex-
andria. Other wreaths hent by ' the
icing of Portugal and ,o tier..`., wore
sed to decorate the gris•'urd.\TM.
--Archbishop of Canterb•lry file IOW
at 'the Amoral sea•vice.
Attached to the ,yneen•s tette
it curd bearing the words. "Ti
u1e{nury of Lord Salisbury,, uni\er-
sally' loved and neatened an one .f
England's best unit greatest stat
awn. From Alexandra."
The IL;lni sent a wraith with the
word'.: As a lnark etde•p).et r.-
•gard, greatest respect 'and sincere
Simultaneously a memorial set -clog
was' hold in •-Wvstwinstrr. Abbe),
which was attended by rcpr•.14enia-
4114•'. rf King Edward, Eiuperur Wil-
iam and other mewpi'rs of royal sad
perial families, 4'ableet Ministers,
f. user Cabinet llmlistes, diplomat•,
an Members of Parliament and oth-
..tee - r Lhlsltel la ('•111.1•. es 0,1ssets
-n• r.0....,. mart.
Gra Ont Sept. 1 -Tho Impel.- ,
lel Lirui "d, on the Canadian Tactile,
met wit ,a very serious heyldson col-
lision thr -• and a half ;''heli Mat of
hare. et`* 0 o'clock j.•st.rdav morn-
ing. eau b• a :e,llt engin. and ca-
boose in eh - of Conductor I'bur lt•-
bons, who 04 r • ka.t his mitt rivet bine
and did not etrrck uft directed to
allow the lint ed to cross hill.
Fireman .1'. Gran, who .tatted t0
Mum from) hl4 engin.', was, sought'
between the .ngi •e rind lender, which
Instantly kilted h n.
Engineer Mellen. n'.tavef1 with his
engin. until he ha reo•r''141 the pon-
derous machine and, Applied the an•
brake& By that IMat it was leo late
to get; clear of die uegin-'. \t'h.•n the
two barge engtnee struck Engineer
McMahon was valiant by one foot.
111 Ir as s0ald.nl terribly
e from
he effects f which `t o hth Ior fled' at two
(Veloric in the afternoon.-
' ll
fternoon'All the I asslnzi•rs•.'.resell with O.
exptlon of. a few 1,rnise•.
On Their Honeymoon. •
The ticket ''gent •n4 the ithtnd
Trunk %tat,inn. Any. The Liits Ion Free
['r'", neensio ll)ll)' r►NItltnt/'i' *1)114.
etrapgr elashou.•r'. nS do tleket n4.'nte
et till railway stations, no dont*. The
other• nh.•rn.s41 Mr. llortlinte was
appnsu•h,'1 by a. hritle and beide.
groom, evidently Nat fns.1 from the
n.linister's beetle. "1 want n (salute of
railway ticket*,"' rwtn,It'ked the h,lp-
piest, 1111111 on 'earth. "Where• for r
que•t•i.vl the genial pa4,tt'•blml.l vendor.
"I►an+few if 1 know," returned the
would -he tracellor. "7i�ore's n blest
piaci, to go ?" •' 1. l eph•91 alt.
Horning. "that's n lewd it+lwltiun to
Lista•, het D•se.
Noma, Sept. 1 -- A profound sensa-
tion been reuse{ by the arrest
of -Coon sus C1aldiil, a well known
[uotab•r the Homan aristocracy,
*he lase the life •of her sister
Mite three\years ago for 915,000.
and a Year.lat,r,,on the reported
Ived iter}anent
company -re-
fused to pay, hf►d now Eli,• has boon
found closely confined is alto Count-
'.' villa, her husband ,haalpg ni-
t riled meanwhile. Other senriltlon-
1 '. ■r• expected.
death of this
on one policy,
al •one opu.•nt
St 1
burst ing
engine at 9
factory at
Charles Nuod„
mamas emes saat.wr se•Il•4.
ulnas,' Sept.-. 1,-* the
t a throttle, valve of the
utherland-Innes stave
ysaterdey m1orning,
t engineer, wasso
sfvereily scald ' • be may not ler-
cover. When the i'aki -buret; Mr.
Road Vests •nvelo• lit •• cloud of
'.team, and for • ti - h. 4nuhl not
4111 rescued. Hu is or- 60 anti-,
ercidefit- may prove fatal
1111 by • Stem, est.
London, Sept. '1 1"11 1 /w, an
elderly bach.lur, was emelt a
car list ori:ning. He was hprh • a
di'.tanee of thre.e feet and wets ti 1.•
riltty injured. and Ice. SinetinseiOm• 111
victoria Hoapttel. It is .Imeglvt he
will did, t•tlertutors ear 111)1 ear tees'
running 20 miles en •hour. l'1\
An Idyll. •
• •
,New .1-k •H.ruhi.
.\ I 1dd11 )01111y girl:
A decidedly nam ymow girl
441,,) al honueyughl,
IM, what is rigid,
1,1101A-htr-old11101her)onnilgiai, -.
l hnlvl-lunnel young girl:
A iv -.aloof tee.. 1oumagir1:
41 0\101 poetical.
Silt i iu•-t bet it -;(1.
1'11m.na1141.141 (or Ivor!: )• ,,,g girl
A 111inu.' leder Ivllgr )')4IIlg I:it'1.
-.4 ,1)4144' ail bel' braise. )1a.,g *11' I :
' \\•11111111 111110110.111 •1 4 f.,,-.•.
one mat don't I1u4,
A div for bel ho:4lth ) Omar girl.
A IL up in111r 11111111111g )'"mug
'A 11 11. u 1111 the work ) I,u••g girl.
1•tie•V lulnr.9. rnh.
NIM a fr:dd or'I I.e. Iia,,
:\ roll uph)•r .Irl•\ r• roma{ girl.
A y11tet Mid 11l4104 ) • girl :
.er(l•t ,1151 p1 I young girl:
11 nTk.ghl. :,wblliuu..
el*, d.•IG ions.
A pride of 1hr11umr )01111ggtrl.
.1 n•niiul.a1.1* .1.111re 1oi,ng gel:
:\ tri, )419.1,-u,umrd y04111* girl :
11411) .4111eriea11. ,
• T s, 111teeter. ear:44.4.
TI\rkind that 11iki'I Ittgn-I.
Why is it 1) I. • steno like lin
"HMO % 1t is %veal 011 Meal. •
• \1'h'• is n .bort 'ill 9l liken while
NI4I :' lee' ne e• '.
u 1 .w h in n tall black.
l 1 11 I k
Weal Premier Dlory•alleed.
Winnipeg, Sept I -Liberals; %a
atm petitions against. the return
mie:r., Roblin. I hilierin, and ask tor
the dlimpteliiket ion of Premier;
Winnipeg. Slot. 1...-Principei
field of the I:olletpet•. Institute sus-
tained hloott-poiticating at Nepfortin,
Ont.. mind could not take hitt Mitre
at the richiell opening retorila,.•.
motet ft *et gave.
Winnipeg, Seto,- 1.-J ehul Smith,
rml condition, hek Oren cd a 'Mil-
let inithe thigh. /44. WAN eleanIng •
meta. resnleer •t the titbit.
DIM fi Wilmette.
Wei hornet infnieten 111 &MI6
Why dit they ten chem. pnikennen
on t he street ears Hattill103 1St-
posmible lb get it nickel treefwe 01111911S.
fur 111.11)3M41 411 s11Igdy 1311..
141 111.• 111.14111.14,111,grade of.lalg-
e and rubber tire), hnrut•so
u1t duu144'),tw•hips,'rugs and
'NN. op141'I "l-'
Cal and see our
$20.00 double
driving harness
I(I4:I1T ANn s.tTls1,..(Tlt1%
• Window Shades 25c. F
Just enough for 114 wind„))n
• lino Tusc•an,4)ntili tell m1* spill
. • Dress .goods
Sjw91:,1 this week ted 3 Mark
.1.1 white, all w.aa, at leer
. y41 . -
•' ''Mem- gla'.l.',ur pow wol,
black wi1b a 0114141 white
speck, and a blackwhir a
blv,keri while stripe. They.
are by far 4 h nicest :,tk- sites
▪ 41.Msl. 100 Bever 04 et. •he.w 11.
KIHF.I.ISI' 4;uecorieet:'. •
• Ii*'. I lr.•m 111 1 he t$•Iyest,
431- starting ;it :ill, the yd and lap
• ▪ New Idea 1).11 terns are only.
Ilk• and the) ,11'1• 11)4• best.
\`',' hat )• :1 IIIA •,11)ek •'
, opaque oiled linen'rh,ules, grown
Ig rollers. i t each - c.
Rain Coats
"liisting ue," "Anwrlean IF
Lady," the beet =10,1711 rant IF
riaat 11uu1e, our price 47.:1),
ul11err.:tl $3.00 and, $5.00.
Jackets um. import.'
'elui•k of jackets
most he right or our min:
would 311,t Ile 101 large,
sold this year in August t11411 •
in August and Hoptewbtlt•last
;\•cmc. .
'114 styles urs right and,
t 11.• p1.14r41 are 111, waves you
like to pay, $2.73, $1.23, $0.110
and 1$7.00,
New '.tock lit r
Itis, prices
all-lu-d,lt4 u*t)•lw. - Si
11,01 lb
-fir, fp fir, fp or IP fr, h� h� h� h� !fit, ry� h� if if T!r!Iph!R
rmnrmmmnrmm rntrm!mntmmmmnnnnmtmo
Invictus Boots
at $3.50, $4.N and $4.50.
se •. 4 , •
Alter seat...him.; • i n .l i •Ili .
n :1111 due
i. h•il+l We r ru
I,are u
liwe :1 a 44,1 f
Iht the IH 1 u Is.ot. intuit. n:ul•b i9r
t � l , � Slater, u •
SI ''Ural. 144 IIIir 4 ,cit 110,114'.1 IIiolI'N lamlt 1113411 ,Ind our
. l,i.irr is ,•iSily eine of
the best values. 1t
is :t boot we feel '
ptv.nd uf.
(ir,teefi{I in:lesiggn
perfect in 111 and fin-
. ix)) : 11nstot, condor-
t414e, anti for Wear
the equal 1.f any $.'.t4)
10194 1.449 ever Maw
'1'h,• new N •1
nl rhes are ready and
await your,tppnlval.
Size>, II to 111. All
made with (ilNxlyear
'welted `exteu•Mior►
Price $3: $1.110 and $1.. I. •
a pair and v fh mut. .„1t1u'\ fail \lila 0 • bark
•our fit hine+41 ll\-'W.j4IIl, 'I'hat.11(.w'NIla 4411111-
• 111%4011w Ionic.
and get
\l1•nco i4)
m. Sharman
EMI))buIt \I
ifaluilton-st., Got1eiieI1
l'OIINEII F:\M1\'\ and SQl \IRE.
Sporting Gs
and Animunitio
Guns = Rifles = RevolvQrs a Powders = Shot = Shell = Ca idles
We -hate od singte and double,,liarrelle4 Shot Guns, running in prices frO
ai,t,.0 them. They are all- good, value for your money.'
rell A ssorl4-tock of Rifles and. IV,evolvers just *lied 4.
large and assor 1 stock of
Shellc nrachine loaded shells, and 12
*3 gauge, loaded with the b t of
lilac and smokeless powders and. hard c 'l-
ied sh
These shell's, Well. 1/4187,1,1 fresh I his '-y(41.-41M.d guarantims1 is• t he hest.
A in stock of powders, wi ls, gun cleaners, ch3aners, primers, gun aps,
\ shell bags, cll vest:4i ceipty she etc., etc. -
All, SiLlti Chilled Shot.
is the cleanest and, best
shell, has Vecoike,/ellesstterPpo.wttadri,r.:;,1"brkcetterr•
oilier powder, and gi cs less recoil -to the on.
It'e Rent .Shot Gm
The Square.