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• 4 , T111"111f1AV. Sept, 3, 1903.
King. Edward Warmly Rd-
ceive Vienna.
Meetings of Ontario and Domin Riflemen- Ain-
erica's Cup Coniest Not Vet De ed-Whent
Rates, Reduced in Manitoba-Monu •nt to
South African Hero Unveiled at- Port Elgin.
• r9t
lasorgnt F4Oces in Macedon," Now Nona.,
15000 Men.
Salontea, Sept 1. -Tri. Turks hay's.
Oac?inod Liestara, Albania, witheut
resistance. A number of 'Nigerian
• villages in its a.:wily were burned.
lnapes:tur-tionaral 'Mini Pasha re-
cently sent • • communication. com-
posed Of dee yiristians tout live.
to offer -amnesty to the in-
., aurgenrs ots condstilw that Hwy ley
their -arms before the great' fast to-
dio in !ismer of, the Sultan's co.auna-
'the revolt. kaa Leconte g4istn•1 at
Casual and Vsmidje, tertostN-iive Wile"
from hialunic•, and is' spreading to . •
Gleerghli and l'iknyealli:• sixty tulles
• from Saloniva
Seratloff, tbe revultitioisarr leader
arsiins• ta the neighborhood of
'CIL for the pm:poise of.threcting
remnants in this district.
Turkish ottit•ers, ,Aug
case& of Martini rides
reward ttil. wassa.,ACcectire. a .most
%. oda Weeept.on.
. .
'1 .011▪ 4, jSept„ 1 Etta ordi dr-
! 41.4 here at 5 o'clock. 1..-?, rdtis uf-
ternossu trout Marienbad and Wan
cordelA an ent it' re...option. The.
.-ity was elaborately -doeprateti. and
along the routs' troiti, 0.0 railroad
station to, illn! 114,114, 14) triumphal
arches disidisy Wig t he A ttst slats -and
two sot goo nitiot fwdo'er, eretsseil
k:intairor Fietwiso
the unnorin id, the Too ish 1 sragdists•
-and Wel-0144111i ..1 1,1,
Archdukes and, 01 e-
1:..1.1,ed Esilw.rs uut !he" so at 44,11
the Kingat.iiei 11,. mot s••iii 'tsi • a
c'oltmet u# this •A‘sistrisw.itIsiewsrs. Af-
ter.. the_preseattation of the -Art 11--
Oliki,A'"atid •, llateitscs
drote. 1*,, the II. g 1.1 a Madam
drawn by six hos se.:.-titoiscase trowds
luting the slresos. • .
At ilie litolairg,t11-• King was et-
•ei ej by the' Alt. hd u hebbre, di.
‘Aindiiter 00111choWski.. 111c 411,1
und„, the Ihingariati Pretttier sod s
cutirt end slate afignitnsi .s. Thi,te •
after the King mel insl to his „meat-,
:writs, a hero he Was o'heially visited
by vlie Fudieror
A St site diniost- Itonoe K kw'
E.Iward wait alien 414- the lbsflittre-
lasso night. the tristitativ tiant in •
eluded. the. 'Emperor, all the Arch!
(Jokes taii(1 Arc14due*-.,4. lli Mins
diplomats air) •g..tatral
us the tirdiy -
litimei .Its:ipii"toast
ing...1;datird 111. a speesh In 1
pour'... 0i. •iellich Ilia 'I '
AA a fresh pledge' for the,
hence Qt the close cuntidentml Ada -
Hops hick 114114.• long existed • 1N. -
tau 401011 is nd route
✓ bit be -Grime':
Liecu t. uru was nu I)43111144 1 • inter -
e.1 or titsi t of antagonism 1 env *44
rest the al
The King,
the It
- Some
sold 'lift
and • ellen ty. , of atuann
iition to
• •
Ovum! g Tale Wield. •
Sofia, Sept.' 1.- o Ilacedssiiian
• leaders •laidi that- eggregate
of 2.900 Bulgarians ate ci•t•se-
sad . ;Ow frontier in ion I parties
and joined , tha insurget s dur-
ing 414*' past ten day*. t4e,ri,'
Zuotlicd, the pr....ad:ad of the
Macedonian l'onsmit t re. t*od 1
jankuff,' 1*
0. tlie revolutionary
leash•rs, who are now in !Macedonia.
synd word, that the insurgent forces
number 12,000 10 15,1.100 men They
expect that a• general insurrection •
Will be Proclaimed-- tbis \week,
• War Is lamailseat.
Bulgnrie, Sept ' 4.-71101t1 111
. '
official'. andev
.r-oltittonary esor I--
zlcs' us,
opinion le freely held that
tween '1st:irks,' and Bulgaria, j 1111,1*'anott and.. oan IA at erted II,',II,',n hiag
&bort of a nuirae•Iss. It is not to-
ad that either government will
didars hostilities, but
the pi -availing -conditions will tures. a
Cp to 6 o'cleck last evening Pi Ws..
Ferdinand had not ,•rrived sopa,
and the court 'officials declare
they are without\ inforniution mi 10
his movements.
Traced tes !Weems Tees..
Aden, Arabia, Sepi, 1. -Tb. grin 4-
pal Se.WrCfril fur the supply od
f rills
soul ammunition to the .11A4%bo-
leti's forrelt • Itt Solualiliost bite, 1,..en
traced through a- c.,
lion. of trade 4narks by \Agents sit
Harrer and Jibut11,•. %oanna. to 41
London firm. • Since Mio eoustathee-
'awn" of ititt operations in\ Stanek -
/IMO an' aggregate of '3.btat 0011
rounds of Lee -Met ford rile !Ammuni-
tion and correationdinV:::,larse \\num-
ber of L..-Matfurd.7asel Grits rifles
have been. shipped .by-. this 1.ondon
feral to Jibutil and Mirror. by -.wny
Of Idanclutatar and Baraeilles.
Illawaril Older, a *resider et Mayer
grief of Owes Ilona&
Owen SO Sept.' 1.\-kr..1r- Iv,
'A. Grier r lived • telegram last
evening, stati • that, his Isi•other '111.
hveri .drOWned I
libat the hody had
'111'• v ref tin -rat 11e
Sound but. Ile
Edward Vil
Nelson. 11,. C., e
n ot been re/lover
accident Is Ow
Was • ann actor h
• tluair wai in' buses.
In the Orin of Grier &Wm. todertla are
01.111W11, Ss141. 1 -11n ,4/1
I10011 at the Castwbss on
mewl. thto Ouerfin•Of Mier
aged twenty,Aost his life .Wht
her ,bell rim tenni lint into
boat , with Gultrtin' Vie hoot st
• rock. swung Into the s-itt enrret
p41 'was swamped, Cu. 1 1 f,ki •Was 11,
only one drualled; Ottilavl Icing
tsar tied.
1 1 .•
duw ui a cloud ween
respundiug mipt 1.1.1
hie hanks tur
the friendly stmtim nts
expressed town 'di hint iin I a oh lie
'Cordial rec./01ot he' had :not WI
• assured the Lissperor of 11. chit
\tI ance of the 1 sling of irrla
hi •11 he had inh.! Owl from thmen
Viso iaand concl del liy. appoint-
ing, 1. pernor a field'
marshal n the Bliti.
Close of • 0. •. meta g -Irridera
Scares s 11.14 y dtltr Wind -
Pres ent's sbrinies.
Toimito An :Al, - - TL.• /Warta,'
Rifle 1"orical t. .ride •hootio eofl.
tests sti lite 1.1 g 11r ch r awes
a ere- ( dini•Itidcfl....V.,b 'inlay 111i t hd
oiled mita% orable. rid dist r le
weather thut has ev r leen
lifted ill the history' its the" met -
'the wind bleW steitth s' from
'east unic sugtheast all si y Mid t
islususisheril conditions our most dos
cidedly unfavorable, to got 1 shoot-
ing. The best marksmen to , t ha
ranges Were tmable to locate t !gets
stadY'. and in want eases ridicti oils-
IY\11" 'cores were the 11•111U11.`
1\kty.• , tie fur 'ecoid ;Aare owl t
broate fa...Jolliet; iit :the Duke' u
Cormyall and York coMperit ion be -
Moen '‘Itall-ti.argeiant .C. A. Crowe of
Gelph. and Puitate John "Drysdale
of, 3.1ont eel, wasi shot .02. and was
_ 0.011,Isy the latter. ' .
• ' Fleeted Repreenstatfiods.
Iii,s Th, senii-antnial meeting of the u.-
suclut tun was41 held at 1 o'clock. witii
-i- very largo liStendatice. mic.4444
isrdftv et
a 4,4sts n on *be
holeprodient lilt' as-
toothe cs tiscfl of the Ito -
ID .A•olot i al Ion. \•
Ilion expressing tlie deep
associat at 414
J. el. Mason of lIent-
tvalrmeet 1,S moat hy
wag; 'passed after
ns,were niude
Id got ern -
sorrow of
degth 111kfal,
Ilton. Witt
with Airs 51ason.
eulogistic ti)teechcs.
A number of sujigs
regard Its 1be .c.ots
41, dtftertost watches, nd
Co bit tee MU! ?onside the
to i I tttt nae,ling
President's LaBelle ,
A fi,r• meet hip( a select eutistrany
t s the president testi and
pal tab a tery. fine luncheon on
the its!itatli tof Osier.
• \
the Mobilo lasveremeall 4141,. U,
oared Tor allpaltobs. • \
Aug 31 'Sp.:oi
er Windt.\ponds. or six
14 %het whs. is now car
hi nip.% tort Arthur
It NorHier\,4'ailway-
n 1(1 ratcm\ows
W at .1111 ,51 her
inn North.un iss
eis a total' ti -
emirs 4ny the Roh-
n gra alone ht
tat wi in t hr.,
s # ,
.ii"bipl .: I l,e.:.
fa i faitiVii '0111i -
"silt _ ', IS.
11.1--11, 1 ts1
1111,1•n1 14111
Tacsda 4 ,
ta sc..re
ton ,eee
&cote r
tied trot
'ortir\thir na
An Nisei reducts
to effect t mor
-)'tints on the Cana
llanitubsi. • s ban
duction 411 tate
lin Government
lour cents par 111.1
E A. .1111.111.1,
Canadien 1401111,•111i
pony, inter% isitred, 1
Wit rote fixed by the 0
cil of the l'rocincial tloy
st Sato effect to-turi•roty
ti wising, All of • vir
no tied this slier sat.:
by a Trots. • \,, '
%Orb pt. I - A ,) ery Ad air- del
eident led • liere lost' ' •* b41»4* • tart
When Hert rt 'ts•Ifer, a num of ?Pi.. la
A icinit!.. his his life. Nfr. relfer w va
finning trots the hilliest' . titploy ea Sri
tiontor ' ...at 'tiny. and elid,hting .,
frond - Ids tritin's toed 11;Etally In
front` of the Oran 'to slink west [mond
dot preka. • Iii.h, k ilk: him. instantly
Th. emir, I rain' 1 as1 iter hie fr.
body. Ifir Walker et f sortie derided ' in
an Inquest unn,reatitry
,•Tle• i hist S11.111 of llie day wits the
Tait .1trassey.'niat r, which la•re
bile 125 iliditaldsta 1111101int-
ind 1.1 h7.85, ire, ' team' .prtram
uss111t *225 and two ips. one 'pre-
sented hy Sir Poter Ta ,. valued 1st
2230, and ons hy the la • Sir Thi -
man Itedoeley„ valued at • 25. Tb.
geores. •
P1.'. .1. C,,,Sialth,
0: Sergt. (i. Itiortinser.
111,111., 1/3, $15, Pte 10. N. Allan:1th
*48, *tit. 001.-Sergt. Parkhitl. 1511),
13, 210. Other 1viIiliern 1,4•Ijk r (root
to 53 Sinai With scone ranging
lo 78.
• wergetutt sieneeeeee iheeesce.
The st of 11111. estra. sell.% to Its
'Sled s the Austen match, loon
eli J. Ansten, the milder:.
ilot who ontit,s1 clot hind( (0 ' t h.
his of 2541 be selected , by the.
•r aro Met re, 'soul the easoci-
fon adtkil OIL .44*141.41 ,31'.
• . .1. 1i. Sit on, liretaitilitta.
art11111* W,40' • roi`14,41
pile.. of at ranayil
it, *15 4o CI with s. front Mt
Thai old Omar lisle
reesity Match. ,
Weihtlitea ee Ran. 1
Winnipeg. Matt., Sept.
Slicardiswn. Andreof S. /410't lor_ti. se
gerseif vesiterday Mternonn in 1 A. 11. wh
farmer. near Ile nilot a. lifan , Red! 'Tira
he pliwed her head 'on a tail..b , w,
front stf a -lag trai .11nd her 6,11.1! 11114
Was envitted from 1.er le v. NM Mad hp
been deniaredent •f late. ,
WInnitelt, Meta. 1,-.11rglanaild,:IPS 1 the
telt Sesames Cu% ' \
•IU C Smith. %nth nigh-
anders..Torunto: 8, tlueernor-0.,r.
al's bronze sucifitl, batlike and -lid.
Vt... S. J. PerrY. tfth D.0 ,
CO/t Revolver Match-Firat mire.
reyolver, %alue lettice-eurp.
Cook., Royal threnodies* Toronto
El Padrs• Butch -First prize. 500
Ne...11.• risers. St aff-Sergt . Tholnall
Mitchell. 13th. Hamilton.
41/111 MUMMY/ Opesed at °Stowe oa Roan,
day -1130 effarkauses Aro Illallorell7
' The leerlow ter Tyres.
Ottawa, Sept. 1 116th 01551'
4041 of th• Dominion 'Bide Association
opened yesterday 'morning at 2.13,
when the wen watt to the 500 Yards
sge for practice nhotg.
morning opened damp. cold
and c ss, with - nveriest slay
god a • fan h -.ail with 14,
hoWever, did not moon to. dempen the
ardor of the rldtaiiin..wilo• tot* every'
advantage of the openings.halt hoer
for practice shot". The first match
of the meeting, the Dodo* fur tyros,
that fit.' wen who have never W(111
prize at a national or Dominion
Association match, other thun for
tyros, was shot :If. In this *the
range is 500 yards. 7 shotS fur 57
• ptizss. Pte. E. II. Haysteud
first with a score of 31.. Sd5 This
tYrodi "hooting 111.1111bdru• 1 131
, The total entries Nene 430,.
1170 Wout1811„,2/A• of the best ou re -
card. •
Capt. .1. le. lItstelditon. Cird But-
talion, opened up the Gibson with a
possible:. This match is 5 rounds at
50.10 yards, to tired in ono minute
The secutulleatu of the N. S. Wile
Association took first wire (.4
with 147 poibts, and the .'ith
Scuts second pride .01 *15 with 146
Illasberel alenlib. •
lit Ole Banker* match, ./liet blitote
at 500 'yards, the shooting NI...swing
a considerable falling oft from last.
year, due to is fish -ti) wind. flout
CoI Andersow,and Corp. Ilitarin cap-
tured dhe first two prhors with 34.
'each„ while last peer theta wore six
poisibles mails and scores ot,d.11 were
counted out. .
' Tao Walker lastab. • • - • ,`4•'.4
The Walker match, 600 anti uo4k.
yard.. was shot off ,yesterday after
moan undSi mesas) nit bly good weiii her •
conditions, the rain having 4.1911-"11
und the light, but tricky wind, which
prevailed in thin filufliffig 'having •I -
&newt subsided . The tiibson ri4std-
iiktng match toot trans man and
and will • teat thi oughtn't t • tveols.
revolver competit wts(; begun
The hist pilot winner in 214,, 14 WI, er,
match was Serigt..-11u1or
Hussars, who. . with a swore .of • lid,.
Won 1125 nod cop.. . •
Thu train prtae. ,consiSti of. the
Walker Cep and 280. w Wun by the'
Hith Regiment of 110011011.1 :stub
:tr2 puinte. OE teams cowl...ling
w.:re the 4 1/ C.O It . which se-.
cured beeOnit p • with 353, and the
loth Royal molter% third, with'
352, anti Otieen4.1 Iwo Wiles .Nurrh.
ith 344.
New Illimetheg ord.
Irearits'ent SCam,13.aiSiel:nts, MAY ta
ang Club has I ra the
record at 200 yards, erutan
argil bis iss.kihsr 1
• 4.
furci NA.. '114. ret1 en t o -
by Dr. Roves of S
F'ranci was 461 out et 500. lir
Grunter' oting was off -hand.
ilidlasee Two asof\al 5141•• Ahead
Sot galled te mishit. 'tone -Two
aides In III• •• Meer.
Ni". Yolk. lest17. -The rare tt,
IV between the elm ce and Sham -
di 111. vVii, dell:Wed ff lieerinse
Ot he 1114. limit of
nil One -halt hours. Shamrock
ly tis•st miles aster of the de -
today on al...omit of the
lwen derided ti rariv
ext. tt, Sunday, the
414 unit
de. - It
veil; day
it...4 .,
15 York Sept. 1. -An
storm 'which had ke t Itidiunee an
Sheinrock'•for .72 hot b. within the
shelter' of Sa ly H00 Bay. had
I.d0W11 it Nen out Mcfent yesterday
Morning to .'nab'the two cers'40
venture once 11110/11 into the n sea
fur continuance '• their rort for,
the , America's Cul he r111•0i.
ever.. tied left es token of. 1
strength • very it•ave that
When 1 he 1 Wo boats tor cd- the point
Sandy Houk' they -al once. began
to rule and 'wollow counle of
coal barges • •
When „tug, Regatta Conrad tee boat
notched tilt, lightship it • frit found
that to start' a race from tha point
1:5 miles 407' leeward or win ward
%mild tie ItlipuinOWe .nd g Siena was
hoisted Poittioning the siert unt at
tine could be established autfictrit v
uuth •suf the lightship ib send th
hts off tti windward.
to Whedwasnll.
11*11 initotte before the starting
gun was fired On *elated's were hrok-
enj out un 'both boat s. - The st art Ing
.gun was Arad of 11.45, with the
boat s to the Neward of *14. line.
They Immediately trimmed; in their
..sheetis and went across the line on
the starboard tack, Reliance a 10114 -
to windward. 'The wind at the 'start
was blowing about saysm miles an
hour, and both yachts at once hassl-
ed towards the dung Island shore
/Each carried large club topsails and
intermediate baby lib topsails..
During the first . after the
"tort the 'achlisi mode three tacks.
and. the wind being light. at 12 15
they bad istrayeely covered 1111) 1».' than
two uf she rotirse; Itettence
spewed ie gain stearlfly, and at 12 20
. Was itsrinirentl• leadinchy an eighth
• or • quarter of a mite.
At 1.50 ,p m. varld• Wait tooth
holding inshore. Pletiant,c'e tmeItion
tti windwerd haN Ins conafd,r
iiblv Increased by a change in the
direction of the wind. %lien beott
boats straightened wit for the board
towards 1 -..ng Peach it was 4.143, 10
Is. 'whet a meat ailvantitge Hciiiithea
had est•blished, wow over ‘a
made to the' wind"' 44 the L114..n.
-boat. • .
, Within one 11911 nit the 'Mark' Itell-
aset. made awn afore mous to fetch
It. She left ttio, meek on the ster
board. ,and gybing over as- aha Want
around at 8.00.45 tuttoMelatt. ,
As she headed straight for de-
bt mites tetra,, she hie! lest 1410
hOnfll avd 15 within Which
to reach the Amis14. line in the •Itime
Unit. 'allien Reliance toned Rhein -
.rock * over two miles front
%bat point.;
• Illetiewat Rowe ;gaitiee flaw •
Al 8.10 Shasarrek wile on the star-
board tech, heading in to.•reie t he
144,1111.141411 end about three.
The 'him, nintch gni
4) 3' anti Chile Were 110
MD 14 l';s• 141111
or* cortns mit. 'I'h.••liirf.t' pr
s 20 rani Is of tolmero, ofie
'eh 4440 mite waft pinned. Thera
sre but .25 p res, lett llm s close
rkindr neresethatrs1 the divIsion of
Itainey into nt ansionts
rill • '1'. 5. Oav les, Orenadiers. won
Thtrat ;wire with a wore of 23.
Alithick.- Aggregate Match -1.
WkkIngton thp (vain* 2125/. N.
h. 41.1 -or tomiii, hedge anti, 5111,
eff-Sergt. It. Crowe, tiOth Wid-
e n++ Guelph, 2, Governor-
eon was, casette InIniad at tic.he•
Vag . Is falling I/bSm*'n cais '
soot tract oring hie elnilla» lite wile 1111
Tallidel1 111 Toronto.
loottne ot a utile front the znalk•
Shortly after else crossed the wake
of the Itellance, eat) was homeward
hound.. though slowly., *be did out.
stain*. In very far, and at 3.113
took Ow port tack. Shamrock Point-
ed foe tha work. 4111(1. at .4111.1 :slow-
ly gybed around. . Slie )niniediately
art her balloon j, topsoil, broke o.,t
• her spinnaker and.startial her long,
stern chase. Reliance Ws. 12*1417l3*
three mike aeray.
Reliance faded, to register hat third
victory because the wind died to
nothing. and the Owe liosit of flia
end 0 half hours expired before sho
contd. reach the tiuish Hue She wee
less than halt • mile troin,the finish
*hen the gun sounded. s Shaturock
was fully twu and • hall Mike 18 -
The tints at. the outer *nark was' '
lteltittice 11.00.87 •
Shamrock t 3.21.00
Will lees agate re -D.'.,
The Regatta Cunsiolttv? of rho New
York Yacht Club antiminced last
14)41141 ttoh.at4;.illte yachts. !amid • race
C'eldoiaism Guards nand 1.•11 Theredey
, bar t.: we the Parisian..
Londoti, Aug' 29 -The famous
,Culdstrestii Gourds band, sailed fur
Canada. Thurt4d11y on the Parisian
They w2I visit a lattualasr of Canadian
rifles, Including Montreal, Toronto
and Ottawa.
Maly Coriames 41.1111•1011l.
Widgiby, Aug. 29.-.luhn Lennox,
the Oshawa painter Outployed by -111e-
Latighlitt !Manufacturing Conipany.
who has been lying in .jail here tor
the k,out two wts•ls on di charge of
rape on a 14 -year-old girl of the
ism.• town, received his trial here at
the County Judge's Criminal Court:
The prisonWr is a married mon. with
two, children, who. with his wife,
vreCe• In the court room.: After the
'evidence for the prosecution , *us
heard the. chargewas dianged to one
of rot t ttt an assaiiit. To tilts the
prisoner pleaded 17114113, 'and was
8100 and rost4 one year in
Jail with hard labor. \
Charles M. Mess Itelloeat.
. \
Montrbal, Aug. 29. -net 4;a1 ?dina-
r Char)... 11' Hays rein!' edstet-
und, but w not
Grumd iTriink l'adi matters.
the whole tmeeti. •is n-
ut arenn of )11tir41.
1- 41
of by those
01 1( dapone- of it.
be . lad ro into
t this. moil !Id,
being del t-
. 1 f\n• lhni• I slit)
on tlia pet.-
sla ' 4*' Engl
mot. 1
when. it Is
• who Is te..the,
why 11 ,. 1 WIl
pa •iila tat
=Allen tile t ter
est 111 Purl. tis•
nut say a 414(4
•Nu.4. eats. • idea et
l'ors Agin. Ang 29 -The ni
.t'? -(1 here in uletuare of Go
(1.1 imulings. who was killed in
Sot Africa on Det\ 13, 190144 was -
*silted lust et ening by Oultinet tasrd
\adisitanr-eneral. John
11*1*'. 11 1.1. and A. T. 'llutiipsion. 11
111.. also tOok part' in 'the proctrid-
pigs: The env -oiling Wail tollow..d by
111 tratriutic convert.
-. DIreetora la tn. seek..
N • Jwark. N. .. Sept I Mee"'
wealtheh& prominent :een sot glared
yeaierdidc in the •Eassest C oat
for' tril on an indict harg
hem with manslaughter tin Feb.- r
butt nine Newark. High Sets ad stsi\
dents Were killed In a rollinion be
tween a Clifton ayentie trniday car
and a Ilkckawanna s rein In-
dictment were rettirned against ?he
Execat iva'Couituit (PP of the. ItUard of
Directors sof‘ the North Jertasy Strews,
Railway 'Comanft,.iiislictntent
of these ottani% follows,. a Verdict
by the coroner's:jury Axing tesponsi-
hilityPen the .14rsicy Mtreul
liallWay ollipany
Chndrea•ss . DO. •
Turunto, Sept. 1.-VesterdaY was
children's dav at the Dominion Ex:
ant? it Wag • record. one. The
kiddies went early and ata -ed 'late
The Tractors lunched the ethicattere
fol yesterday., and "o -day it
thi. turn ,of the Pres.
Mrs.. W. llortiiner Clark formally
pened the Woman's Building velem:
and, Premier Ross was tbe prin-
4 IlirakeT
D.1.,3 Aged ea..
• .
WoOttst ock„st. 1-Aleyntotir
Sago. .05:othe oldest native born
eillitlent of Oxford County, is ded. •
to JanAst, I 111.11, for
he Signs
„ .„
NeW Goods .
New Dress Goods
For the early fall triole„ in the following hes s' Satin Royals, colored and black, all wnl, ,it 50e to
Thew goode give the hest of weal. mutt he (.01..I'41 are perfect.
• , Venetians . .
la Au the leading maitre and black, 51 to50 inchtss wide, till Wised verfectly made, heavy enough to Its.
made up without lining, and good to.wear.
A lame assortment of the latest -novelties in the leading combinat ions of colorings, English, French Hod
tttt ikes, 51 to Middies wide, 11110114 perfect 1 gotkf 10 wear, just *1*.' thing for a titylish suit
ur skirt.
A lot'of tweed mixtures 30 (41(3* lengths, no two alike. 54 to 56 inches wide, choice goods and at
in blaek and dark mid light grey. 12 to AN ill1.11444 wide and itr priers from 25c 114 .$ 1.25, These goodie can-
not he beJleti 1,, priee for like qualities. W.• hove the hest assortnient of these gouda to he found
Waist ngs
1 i ftwitels, IfiletteitAlleg. Maul chid flit And 1110111.4 001 ha, all new for Lida fall. Priet•s1, those good,
are right. Wvapperettes and dreaming simple goods, beautiful designs. an.Lculssrings, Ilk, 12Ie, 15.
and up to 25e.
k sof lilaek First' thinidii And IdAck tattfeta silks. 4 )
St:itt.l.ird L.' t terns fist4sT54• tit 6111.. The bonigiter fire iiephelutter 10e. RuhaeriptiOn toAltiellesigpia Ant
11 ya41.44. 4.11ce1t4 to give awaiy.
Rain Coats
N1411: rain cots, latest Myleli 'of make ond noule of the hest known material..
H. C 0 L 0 R N E
Indastrial Exhibi
AUG. 27th to SEPT.
Goderich to Toronto and Retu
• $4.05.
Good g » g Aug. Vtli to !...4.11. 11*
1lIl'III44j 4'4'.
Sept. I, 3, 5, 8 and ID, 82.95.
Ili -Let. valid returning 011 4 11' be-
fore d. 15111.
'Labor Day • .
Mon y, Sept, 7th, 1903.
Single\ Fare for Round Trip,
geld. 5111, lit),
orn until Meld. Nth.
Het ek41114l*.10 111 .ii'. ill 1'11111111a 011
G1711111 1.111/1 a dewily. 11141, 111 and
from Hetrcsit. anti Port ituisin. ,14 3,14,,
$11Apetbeifibil Hittful... N. 1'.
Western Fair, London,
Sept. 11 to 19.
81.90, Goderich to London and
timid -going Selo. 12 114 In. inclusive.
was. Going Sept. 15 and 17.
All tieltele Mitt for 1111111 Wail
1441111t • Z414
Harvest Excursions
1528.00 pi B40.00,
to points in Manitobl. Amaittilmiat
.,..lwrta arid Plaskatehewan. •
• \
Good going Sept. 15, volitk rtitunti
until Nov. Mi.
Good going Kept. 211. vnlid
until Nov. 31/.
For t ickets and information
F. F. LA W11 'Agent.
Ofliee Nair% 6 A. pi. *4. PI lo. 111.
There's no better painting time' than the fall.
Weather conditions are usually very favorable to
good results.
No hetyy rains to soak int ii the luniber as in the
No gnats ind flies to stick. to the fresh paint.
It's best to protect your buildings against winter
You'll get a good Obi( you paint now with
011.1•61•41111401/111 •04.•••• ••••1. UPC
(ei 001 \emissary. mbar annone..c••.
C: 11C 10 us for color cards
Doh% c
„xe sit
• •• 54`;-?
.7? -15Z I-4
Cash Hardwa Store,
bin Weariness
Is sign 1)1 41'
The one that
11,14' Yon need it 4441114'»111 iilds lip the system.
• lei mores the strength,
It 1111.14 P111.1.10.'14,
kes life worth 144 11141,
trefeson's lied Mood Pin. 'You rim 'ice Poor
loreseett. 2se• •
('.n, to no for yimir hulk petit rm. IV,. eall
snit !lie most rakish's',
1111 1%111 1114141 a C1111g11
neglect. °I:se sini
money leek if 114 40, W
lox 5 for $111»
W. GOODE, Chemist,
tric, ti for VAR.
••• „ 1.• nitti to keep oin stock of Ptirnilitte
(•. 1441111 blindly ing new welds to it.
prices are tut ier RP 45 f`11G111511.114 with gotta quality.
J1114 110W We hare ne extra good Valinct. In 8044Iroont
Extension Tables
A 1/411. t Rockes„ .
Piettire fronting anti reisairin eareferlly ittendelt4t.
Beckett &
tau n ton
Pract i•st I I tub ttakers and E,n NI)t (*lin 4leoli94 15
lit t
N1ght Bell At Store. *Phone 89.
zina w 81.7138CRIE31E12.8
The Signal to 1st January, 1904, for 25c
• \
W Are Still at It !
We wa t t Intdie our
Bread thlea big Bread
in Goderie ant die bply
way we do 1. is to
tell our patro,t iibitTt its
• The Parnell-Dea Co. •
h • •
lanittla. We sell twice an
bakeries tla•re a in
• 1 1111.4
101041 /1.14 11/17' other baker. the -
fore to make finitude (aim
t 114. guts?. Ti'' n eltange, g..1
mit of the old rut into the new
one. Hoy Papnell-Desn's 117es41.
YOH 14.11.1.: 114'
1 P. T. DEAN, loderich
p40.cl FIc
%Val he ron 10 .iAl 1011. on canadian Patine
11,1011,1111. het A ...balsa... 1141s1. Mont Immo? nod
North 1.1 a Jr...ince • fur
1 AUGUST 11414 fr eo» it, 4 11114411o. Maio
1,4 lirioni Trunkloroitto 1, i‘nd
an a North teseet,t North of l'ard
Jet. OW North of Toronto nn North 104'
Wert tont
11rw. wny tickets In 'Winnipeg fatty will he
with a1V111fi0ter114,41n4(tf.l4.1w54.ffi4.f.
1 to pad tist, nIthoot nirldflhorrni INed, to 4'*4,0,
trnintm In Ntiw,44411•0. nod Awdnilool* ahoy... It
intrv•Inaners 141110411. 41.. lar,, 1•11•orvis al /1.1nnl
IWpros fried .111h boon 1.1111.t. N ill work not
Issa 111,11 la 11111, A1 asp
veillfirale lo tival pit...al, they will ho nrned
to orialnAl "lolling point nt $111..111. 1111 or 11.•tons
oy Awn ME.
Tictia to oat glee en 'imprial Limited"
1nr (,,,1 h,', mrttotilluvarnt 11,kels apply tn
n cars .1 ra I .Ay arn4.
A. If NE rl'M ta.
• A...Want tienerni l'amornifer Agent.
71 Yonan St , Toronto.
41l4S0H 14100.
Agnt. 41 )44, flask store. tiodertelk
Victoria St. Itackiiio
Jos. A.Sirigliail'
Pravtical Engineer
and Machinist.
Tlih; •,
EnginesMali aahiasry -' -
Farming Implements
General Ma, 111114 111111 illorksmith
Wirt* of all kinds done t.. nrder. • .1
nenumsnittatsont.e.--a CALF. 54(1,11 11E
Worh• : Victoria filtrwat, Goderich
At.) , 0015 V • 11 -TIP. (*1,1 oft '.*ITE ' ,,:i
M. Bryson, 132 York M., Buffalo )k,