HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-27, Page 8TIVMDAT, Angoat _7,: 1 n 3 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. r go to the City You can buy here as cheap, and very often cheaper. 11TIdea city merchant has very few facilities .for tmy'iag and selling whichthe town merchant dohs not also possess Is)_ fact, the advantages on the .whole are on the side of the town dealer. llis rent is -much less. Itis gen- eral expenses are ouch less Why then does so much trade go to the city that rightly he - longs to the country stOres'i stores'.We ask no one to trade here hecanse we are in business in his neigt►orholsl. We do not ask your patronage - .as a right. That sort of thing is tco ancient for us.. We ask you to come here because IT PAYS TO BUY AT THE Bid STORE New Fall Dress Goods St1tek.:1IIII Ile:II' Inf new filll1(14141'• alri. wail illg y:t ,u herr valriety. .ufllri• ellt to please every taste {n•iet•s to weet the 1Jeas of the nitwit 4.14 eeeeicitl. NEV VENETIANS. NEW ('HP:VI('rs. NEW ZIBELINES, ' NEN' s(tYI'1'll st ITIN4's. New Dress Trimings' For your fan cost s.1 rt) Kt) Ie. 1•",.i v 44l•14'r. faun : 1'%'". MI Ila• vat .1 Dressmaking Department 1 • gig-iI)( soles:del -.II 1 -tact 11 111 11111111114 out stylis tailor soot+, -Miss cm l iI k Will lie P1' sial to show, .t heties% '.tchw, d I'wr front New 1�t.1•k. Ladies' R dy-to-wear Skirts ',V.• have a 1ar•g traule i4, this' lino.. n 441{nentIV sale sort welt! is veil' 11 rr•hensive. ,' \ our new fail at • r 1 black :mil white 1111,011 chs'.. Nls•cia 1 .5111, like the H.eolnptt1Vi11g lot aired. • all lengt hs 11r ? i'/A•s, rwgnlnr s.7• vitt 111411 >141 't 1.11, fur >i ches•il t. sad in triuu)wd. ;'1,1111x'11* selling at$).11(. K en's and \B`oys' Clothing Store.. . matter what\kind of outside garment t tar what yon are prepared to pay for suit you, ion you will find an 'al- nhmitetl rang to choose front CHURCH NOTES. The sermon last 5 1411• lllornin{( at St. 411ol•ge%. Wits 411.1i%4r.l thy. He-. Mr. line!. The' trustee board of North street Met hlalist el '11 will meet atalr pal'- wmnge this (ThIiI'.day I evening at It o'clock. • tt,.'.'M1. *ll('aolsl1nd, CHEM 4ret St. Th as. ehttrh. Tl,lra1lla.w•71s in town .luring the week and (111 Sunday assisted lot, (ielt•ge7 s (holt, SersWes 4414 111411111 its the Hapli;41 rhumb next 5 lay at 11 a.m. and i p In. Plater of wor.hip, Asmenlf111' Hall, East street. F•.%rrvl.Nly Wei- • (/11111•. Owing 1(1 IIn. 'deaf If of \II's• \litter, wife of Kiry. H. A. 'tiller, pastor of the Varma eir•uit. Rev. 4/r. 1). ' .1 I• ..' 'v a there la.* 1 I ice 1 1• r 1 III Ian 1 it f took 1 1 K timidity rcruing. Ir:0iug hers, a. w 4an1e1. h)• \11.41. Rani.). ,di+riug ter 1 • •e• .• pulpit arteries on. In his absence t4, I p • or North street Nlethi li'll church was ably Inlet ler I4.V: Win. Mulyth. l.fTil- aerubnrK. who is s188)41114 his V,Irlt11411 :n town. • The 111 ti c.nce•ntion of the Ontario Christian Endeavor k uiiori will as- sewItle in Str•atfurl. the chair rite•. • 1m'rlww13v. !i .111tirsll.v mid 'Man'.- • day. septe• 11Iw•r :.5o.:01 anti 1retnhN1• 1. The con v:41144411 of 11111 was -held in 4;41(101iunl 11111 since, that little had. the 1.1111%.11411111 10941 111.111 in %\test.•rn 011 1111.i11 aryl a great deal 111 interest in (entered' in his ua.•ling. P'athlr P7nd1arorrr Clark. the main that Can. Alla gI14'1• 1.4 Theist 1111 E,Hlravor', is ox11e't4'1, as is Altai Ih.'-ile'.t• getters! . 'sweelirt•y. V. Ug.I.•f, V11g1, nnr) t111•M1 111(111•s. , g. 1s they do. directly filnithe tiring line and with new en- usin4/11 gained alt the great Denver inlbrunth,nal, I h.•rtitilInt ion promise% tri 1s. 1er\1rlpful nod' In.piling 10'1111 wen mal nfle1141. 44rdliven' 1.14 4 ha% 1• hw•u Mane%.\ Sill the roln%wd 41111 plan fwd tickets will IN•• good 111 go' on M*•ptenlwr 251h' and yet }m• l (h•tolwi• :Mil : if :1111 or noire allettc I1. knit is more than Iikelcl1h. r4rtesl \ill lie \single fare fear the room' U•ip fear; 1111 lht,u•io points toStrat feel. The atter.lnpre at the GN•in1 still eN- lirinit•nt' held ret \'i't'•1111•strews leth..ii.l clone \Iouehoy evening of it' week was of her .•, lint those I were there hat a 1c4lN1 ins, .The people of Vick 'ul st eh(rlh r .4,n get u gee t deal ( enjoy. fall o4 their sot.' I gat 'listings, ten they are has t'%%• Kcal up oks,A 111 a tat •nit ' 11 oar. rurt'nlly her Vs. son 'rhrinr on puma us. am olyert 1111.4441 11 then) whit They seek to att. 11..nnd i Vim (11' no .w41 they have* 'filia- tion every tti a success crownsheir efforts - and it rarely' fail. 411 41., \\'hen \M. Pick w K, are went even, and the Irl, of \\'nshingl . 1). ('.. visited hi. odd friend,,tirnrg liven. this 4 he ff111uent h' at- tr11Jt.1 \' irto to slaw elturrlt. anll 111'- r. .I'eI4*lI '.1114' f '1' 44 h,,i. he left a aulilt f Walley with Alt. Beer to Ise 11Med (4444 waists Fnnrhasing a new chair fol• the pulpit plat form, the faro 1 i•t•,.•rpt btu of whish was the rweiiMion 14 Mumhly s.1 g's entertainnWut. 1 f1/•I' tr- fr,•.luurnt• had been s..ry .n the 1 1• NI IIN Mod I 1 1 II 1:111'11 / f ill 1. I 1 1 KY ggr1ound% it program 11f sic a at 11.1- Ilrwsew we. held Ili the (,hnr'li. The P44.4 I11% 1111.'. W. H. 1,411 10111. presie .1. and the mu.ical art of the,rug' sn was token part in by Albers Shannon Harris. Ni.ltolt at and Million : Mesl.rs. \%'owdgar, lfilllet•i,k, Hrlrh,>r•.`a'..;i1. \1'141. My (1)4111(11. and utetedwrr of the church choir. Addresses were ):i' 4,1• the pastor. .L •s \\'aldi., of (:,sie•ri,h township, (iriarge lire•n1 Ittalett Young and (1. M. KBint1. Thr' .lair is made of handsomely eau•Ve1 I N4k. upholstered in leather. and isJ"a W1Orthy gift 111 the dooms, \1r. I■-'iet- forl and (;t•Ir•gr 101.446 The i,rlN•1•141- illg1 .h,setlwith. the singing elf the nal tonal old bent: • Reliance Won the Second, New York. Aug. 21. In a sti1Y Ince/e. aver al 11'011gl11M* Cilia... of len mile, tutu leg. I he defender Reliance won Ilse MM11nd rare in the contest for 111. Aut•ril'n•s rap. 51111 111114•k 111. 1c;)sbeaten by 11111• • /1 1111 ' 11•.'11 %eco111..1 4. The next rain. wi11 Ite .411 'f'1111I•M1ly. • Br. T. Fhisholio, of N'inghnm. is named as a probable candidate in the ('enls.1•valio e interest in East 1t111•on tit the n.•‘t election, .KKr Motto!!!ITI1tttt1ttttttmmmtttmmmm \ f Painters and Users of Varnish \V.. Ila\ -e i11 st4w•k\a 1 hte•Invltel line of ('nrkiinge. flat and H.nse \nrnishe•s. 1111.' lalt.q inr�,iitfng Light Oak Finish, Elasticelk and 'Durable Ihttside Vanishes. These goods 1' II/JII111faet/dell by \‘•• McCASK 1 LL, DOUOALir-' & CO.. :01'1..1'.1n!;trent, M(IN'1'HPr\L. \ MST( /N. As these ale GtnhHli 144 home and ahriat4t\?o1• their working quality and dm•nhility 1.-r 1.1111 goy tee Ihenm at least espial to nm)- Musa 'fed glsala, 1J 1`KENZIE k HOWELL ll1u1111111�1111UIUIUlu1111u�111111UI11 1191.. tiii a a 3 PERSONAL MENTION. Allwtl. M1'.rs has reI111„rl1 I , ItunaIio. Fad. Marney la s1 the 1411.11'4, ra,r• I NIAl MI.s 4:4 )•arso..s left Mnr.lni'. 00 la., 1'.'I 111'1. 10 11.1 roll: Mr.. H. W.1y111 wit. a 1'11utw,'tl-ilur 0,r1 Aurally. Albert , otayl. •Inuls, ik r Runt st 14,r I luilerin. Ernest fawn, of 1 'Iwo hal,,, i--81.0n,11y/ Iodides • herr. J. 4:' Johu.lun wit. up from HurIbisloo dor allot 111r wre k. a. F. I41,1r, barrl.ter, of Iira..el., um. In town this week. NLv Ethel \'gnaterr, of Stratford. 1. 1(.it lug rrlmitvr. io (0%11. Mi•- Mr IA4v of Toronto. 1. O'.itng at the lemic of Elliot!. Ellio11. 5111.1 Fame% ha.' nNuri,e'd to her laud al (lra>Id J4ud. Mr.. F. lid p1. of F'Srls..'I.IItd Mrs. S. 1:. Hi' k user 4hoolds. 1'111.. phut) returnee int week fawn a %t.it 4,1 Iur0111U and Kew Yolk. •: t rk•r.'m, told Molester ret nom.' es) S:yt IIJN, 111eh., o14 Mol.dky, Alis• Kyle. I:A.k.li left on SI (Kolas for To ,outs) to take 14 shueltion. Mr, and 51r.. 1..T, Ileus %4.111'.l 4:. I',,r ',.0 is) I.u,Won 4..i week. - ' Mi.. Maes • Mrlitllleuddy Ir41 oil Monday e1, her rattail 40 rwr/ntl. .Mr ..I. I. Aitken .r., of Toronto, I. Visit ilia tier hon., J. 1.. 012 J:1111' , Ili.. France. Ilinrk•. of Toronlu. H 1idt4,av her.i.tei. Mr. John Knox. \lie. l'nrrirr. of Mitchell. i. ri.ithyt 11,,' Ale...) Kdh•rat the 14elford. Mi. -'rile %'neve) i. visiting 11er .l.ter. Mr.. .lulu, St raltou. at lHager'.% illy. 11i•. 1Vinnifolyd Murri., of Strait font. '. the pt'•.t of Mr.. 1 olio l einph.'Il. 14e•eo17p• 7YfL .14 Moir. • kited, hi. tingle•. Tho... 141 the Hrl1i.11. Ilii. week. 11r. Taylor j. attendilaf. the Inlet lug of the' 1111iral .1'viclal lou at IAnNlun. • Mi.. Hrtiba F,rnlw left oast week f1.• •'Pura, 41ati.11d the millinery opening... • AI4..1i' Vess(Ott left a-tenter,044 v1.it1. Iter frirtl. Ali'.. 4 rook'. near Clinton. . Ali.s poll left on Tuesder morning on a %tell. lu M Irxl. Haukiuglmn. and (alai, a. Joraan of Clinton. visited lard weak ul the hour of Mr. and Mr-. Melato. John Pegs) and =i•K •r. Vero. are vl.itIngthrt• IFI•audlwn•nt., %lr. and Mr, thane, at l lorrie. Mr. oral 111.. \F, M,'('reut'h..lr.. family return on Saturday 111 New Henn.%ick, . J. 61. Scutt, of 11'11,. Shanuan'e .10re, is way' on a fortnight'. v.Nvtion to Meafunl x1)41 Tor - mit It. Mr.11ms. Rowan 1411,1 .011. Edger. 1114vr t urnel 10 Xe•Ia. Na after a fortnight'. %twit IUN11: ` \lie. 11.1'. Harri.un. H. .1.. of Yr4.h)•t?Han I:ulir' 1 'iillege. Toronto,, 1; the goe•i( of Mr -.1 ',aria. - \ • Miss Tiny '.Ma4,dpn*kl.left 1hi. mornfol( foe• l'enetangui-hear to .1-11. with Mn. '•`\,,hl' helmet, - Rev. W. I. Newton wheeled IN0'k 10 Dor '1411 un Friday after a 3 i'it to hi. brother. 4', Newton. • Mr. I'. T. Hail. std Nn Reggie have n> turned h • from a li.11'to ed. M:sry's and Beeler. 111.0•. 11. end J. Hamilton of Stratford. .1.43,.1 their bog err. Hr., J. Hlamilton, over Kunday•' AI r. Hoist. Frey Ira. eel onkel 1', 11au1iltol• after vi -Il to her n•dative-. Mr. alai Mr. 14'. though. •. F•r d. F1411arlsre, whip wurk.d un ter hreek- w.ltrr Isere. I1.' charge of the harbor warless He) tliJ•Id. • VI. 'Farr -total 11'. 'toe- attended the rate at (Owlet. uN '1.0,-.,114) old 1;, Farr went down e-Irn:.:,. `l'arlre retained- tmese 1st. Ttoweess(.11 I'rlla) 411111 left nest dal' 1...1.11.1 a 4,•N dal. In 1t1j moll, ,Few duly wig .tan a coore in civil e,, 4ineeri at :..allege in ?no. l'M. when the tents ape \liw An 'e• Ir usual ha. returned ?r.m, star- niu 01,1410 1111,1 14) 111'1'1'0117)W 3,11» Naso,' .•ae rhe-te . 11r. ;Ink . -tun retort)4,1 to Toronto .41 \Vedliewia). 11r. H..'. tired to H`n rN-k. Mich., Iter a 41.sthy 'i• To her 'wield-. Mr. nivel MI:.. us)-fe,nh The Mi.-.» W(l4,n. 1'awr. Mich,,'h..'r la+•n chttitot their aVur, Mr.. J. 1.. .1.tken, rt ••11111uwliurt. Mr-. 4:. Hutchi,•en. y torn -hip. Nu. 11 -icing at the residence A-. Kew .kru. Wipe dining the -week, ) • 1111. Mclko igall and lir-. ' sl)4annnn left hoops% .,.nfor carni.s to kr 111.• rowel trip 1111 the Howells. MI.' Jennie 11.11 .. h for a . 11 week. v4.4,. She ha. hero 'It•ndn.g .4 ,1,141 rel Niagar.,on the Laic. , len Weelne.dst' i,,. ni 10Oe� in. after a brief , Ido kr ter to -worn. • of red Me.. 4'o -ford. 1Uan 141'4* )1 r. Mr. nil Mr. Fred. Prier ane( ?swill', 1 smith - r. Mari.'. Alice., are 11.1tb1il rare. (Tier. Al, dreal .1 repel. Mr. Fee Vets., of ►illwr11es-. Man., .--lit, Neel of Air-. g, r. H1rrel the p...l week and i - w vi -it lug k11i,r. in 1'11111401. M. Alf 11 n 0011 Mr. I'ornham. of Ik•1 lit, are , kit (Ay to 1 he 1 • of lir. anti Ale.. 1111. 1ileen, rot labor '.reel. Mr. .d Me.. It. thn.ton n left e,Saltdnt.y', They w n 14'11,1 x fell a1'. in It. lion Ikfore ret Moving vs their horn N Malrnn. i:n:.11011 l+. who 1.W been to t4,► Rainy Iti%rrd( ch. for • tion 4,n. re•turnr.l to t:•kr x Iran o, x1 mar organ 'fur).• 141',. h n Mr. Stu 14, met Mr. J. Mh. C N 1'.►truwn u. 4. 1 ihr •ount> cams elation of the W. 1 T. 1 ...11 w,mll tisk wra•k. Mr-. 11-. T. Vales ,41 threes i 91. of Tor- onto.- nronto; wen' s 1.11 ing the rs).i lone. Id Mr.. �\lart Vote. 1.d n4111;11 00 M11w1111y, • 1411.. Kt hal Melt rP(ot'. % • o 411' Inen ling reh,1is es in Nati around 11, ' 'rich; left • f \her unw'n 1rrlroi. hot Sonde) %ruing.. � 11111. 14.Y'lure. elf 1 O 41. T.•- ha. ret ln'nt'lt t r a t 1.0 a ark, . 1.11 to Iba (Iron. Ton,nto, VI aro 'Ielk and l)ue•net.nt He "lite. 1111tnn and err -hh•r. Misr. 1 ter. rr• Inane T16•.Ilav to 1180.114i after N I1 e.').. •'l.lenteld J.nnr. lit.hl , nit ret as. n r[�'✓ \i •4 `, 1L I. sl Ing. H. ,1., ref aril., on 'I'l11•'rld'y roller an Ina trip 'e n Mr. Nrl 1 vH'• 3 meld tip Ih lake :Ihd to lle..r'nhul 'y I Mr. Mid Mr 11. 1'wnlelon and Mr.. 11.1.'lIt•r attended the f1 n•ra1 of Mt.. .4,n, 11.114.6.. w a of Mr. 1 ulelon., un Monday near 111nton. . Mi.. Farquhar 11'111. learlpdrarwon and 1 711i. Tru a, of \V I- 1 f31r.und1 Iw1.1 seek. • I) -, .1, nu k•mn left . ..•lir\,' lin'. 1wa.'1,11 I'Mw•r d: lk'M•nlo, N1. Ila.• 10.plLd.. \\� M h+. 11', r. 11.1.4,11. has refit ' ,.11 to her haat.' -lu E''1' ae4, :4 he 1.A. 414•1•0114nt\.1 In. err urph. ,r, ma -los l 'lore !e• art., 1 hu i•. conking 44-i1 In garter. non. urn• te.iti11s at torr J.... Henle 11 111.111g the a lit for i4 ,' trots) tot sir• mVienna.'nl tlnn•of I1,glls' I Vienna 111 N'AN 11. 11), I'wt. of Idandnemi. Ink .•1. +llrld Ins a week with hi. wife ism!, 'feint here ,he - fore their s..4 urn 111 L..auingt.ln aft. v1+11 `at rr:d N,.•k+t4 turn. Mr. awl Me.. Jo-. Hrrl'kenridge,,4r:, A 1 soh wiltiilnl frit I.er -learner l'Itl .horse 141 3411 hay e% enh,K on their Warn to 1 laivaito after a a .It .It the re.flh•uce of Mr. watt Mr.. J. Hraekra- rhIge. Mr. and Mrs Mt4'nut, of 141ro16 who are , tattoobl %'Urdu'urn• Uw *iced'. laud week . f Mr. end Mr. J.Haudi11. Mr. 1%Prue I+w daughter of Mr. Hwudin.• Mr. and •Mr. N'. P. (irier.un1, elf N'l.i1gslulu. were Ow 1(ur.t.. of Mr. and Mr+. J. 1.. Aitken ale dos this week. The) were wt * driving lour through the dlar11": Mrs. Aal angel'. of h-r..•W 1, 1.4ra visit lug her 1011,J. t'., herr Wet week, Mcotaitg11lel b)' her laughter, flirt hen on SalIMLA>' unit *4.11 to Toronto and Ruch.Mer before rotunda's huule, Mira. Maggie Hornet. visited Toronto. t4, Fall+. 14)4440(4 and Kt. Mary'. lost seek anal retuned honor 011 %Vida..di) ayt'm8p4uiel bl' her 1411111. Mr., It. Stewart, +1(141 rwu.in, 31n.. 11 . KchUu of At. Marv'.. • Stratford Herald : Mr. clot.. \•arra', +tense grSph.•r In the Stratford Mill 110114141gtaw n). he. resigned ht. yo'itiun. He left for hi. pans. in 1 'allow tlr►a y for r bulldu). riemds still he g1Ml is) Iwai' I 4 e i. •1e:Writ!' iultyurvuv tett. He intends w.ltiug friend- in w'4,tdwr wed t.•inits 1144- week. Wuud.lo.•k Etym..: Mr. and Me.. 11. It 1'141144.5 44111 .us), Harohf, left 11.1.:dlrruuwl us) a (Irk ing trip to /4lutwt, Mr..* MILS. k 4,:t.. 111.1 net un,el from -tile betl.i.b' of her another. w ho i. .el low -is ill at (lie 110111l••IrML, 111 4i,rlrrieb tow n.hi I ., 01111 it 1+ 10 e near t lie i, Pilferer that .h), Willi Mr. 1'glbiek, 4111., 4wk. T, 11. Hroagh, 11f Tur0hto. general man4g.•rot low Ilumiuiun Fank, Nr"e liulerirh cwiturdnr 4,14 the week, being Ilse gond of poi. brother pc - law. I/.Mel colloid. Mr. 1t000th 4.00r of the I ul- illg authorities on finance in 41111:ala and like oilier tied Lu4ut.he11 :uuwtlan. i. pra,.•I Walls an old H1111111 441y, a. .be sk a pupil of Alt. Haldane. the roll uld held 1.0+Ler of the old (1,411,44.11 lratup1r ..nota. The week-. 4rri%.al.ed 1L41•I lilderirh : %'apt. J,,11', 11'r -Lott, IMlroit : Mr. And Mr. 11' ill taus)., 14.1 ryit; 11'. M. 1. minim, Ueurstr i.ethbridge. Toned° ; - H. Ilrnl). la,eduu %1r. %V. A. \'heel.( Mi'e.n. lie•rakllor alai 1'anurn 11'1)4ela•k IletntlI' Mr. seMr,l Mr J. Ma.rinllal.t atm! 1511(1, I1r1 ro11 ' 0. Ii- I4% 4110 anti (AIM!). l'le,ebnd: J:1..Pitt., All.. Safra %Mtge. Mc4.'..p1a6 Pa. ; Mr. and Mr.. It. J. Hu1M'Jm. Het ndl : 111-. J. N'. Ions an, ohs. M. AI. a1,,,.lwu. 114.. Imbella K. Hewe>, Mi.. Irene 1'. TI1o•al•••n., Ik•I nit : Mn. 5, 4'. %Vatter, nuke and bub). New:York ; Anlw+les J1. news.,. Ik•Iwlt i lar54. It Keyu.Ikt., !Vas 11111. 14. - SUMMER SPORTS. Pte.). \lrlt•ney's hare. H. \\'hiding, took find in the 2:511 later at HnisM•I.. Iasi week. F. Mut•ney's R. Whiting won second Mt ury) at (ioelph on Tuesday in the 2.27 class. His horst' runs again - to- day. ' hlurney's and Farr's horses roil today at (1Helplt and Prank Elliutt's l.I.gnn 4.cnulr1111Wruns Saturday. Ott Tuesday (',.Ii. H., Mr. Parrs, fedi in hr tbiirl heat,4 The two S*•aforth rinks who were w niers in the septi-flmtls in the con - soli ion twitch at the Isewling (*,l191a- men. here .plIVet •41 in Seafortll Iasi Friin.%• Alex. Wilson's rink winning by on shot from ft. H. Ha1's. The miser of the N mon ,It last ,ridIly's ewtt of the gun lull is N. I►; ougvie. Following 14)•11 the twofers Made : 1..'l 111. It : '1'. Mel lr.nmul t. 11 : F.. K• \Vat on, 13 : A. °mob., 11 4). elver. le • J.P. ' p • F. toy. 1•i. ?•. *►.:lion Ir. 19 1 (1. llv ..::�• Ito. Acce t at O. R. Crowing. Clinton,\telt.. An 21.--A. ter T. ft. (lily train was •.turning fru (1.Iolers•1i 1(4'\nea11) L4 y it ran into Thomas \\rle.trr an his. tittle +Irl. w•111) were11'Iv1115g al. Ig the four- teenth (oncr''.i1T1. Moth 1 r. \1'rlrstt•t• 111111 IIIc halve ere instals ly 5111.-1, Mit the 1w,)• nava .1 w"11111)41 injury. The 1ivrin slowed Ila 1i' 141141 wolight she tie .11111 Mite iau to 1 11111111. n to 1.s. 411 w here he was ' !lately oak S ese: eal's unde1•ta4k•rlg w1•,41e1, The a l,,ve de..pt,'h 'yes 1111• 11 Iwrtirulu•s of 1111 :weeds a that 1» l Prised tient Hotlines%illy un Frith% last. ,• Au iuyur.t was held red Tilrtlny afternoon at the 1111'.) ha 11, rii111on, by I'brinrr Shaw. whish last from *.41eu1 to 7. • twenty 4414,1rr: tees Iw11i5 ex: ' et. Acting 1's.. 1 ;\t- 101.r1ey Lewis was )r•srllt representing the Crown and •%'til. Prndf.Na. K. l'.. attended 4'or the f 'h 1,414 was not allowed to take part. an the I/rand- Trunk was unrepresented. Thr- T. R. testi the int.)* out la the W•rrin. at t,hr ael.hlrnt, kttawu as Rlimhw11's .awing. '1 1• railway track is In 11 ru ting and the rad eriewing it in alta in Cull iftg, 1l that 11 is begew10de to ser n, a pprekieliing train after getting •int*, 1 c cutting until it y1 right upon 1 ru, hut\ fn.n> the side fr•,nu which M \\'el err 1.as driving es * 11111) ('4 8(1(4 "Weil 4141,r•descending in- n r 'u' r' u , t the of in h 1 mf rnrsvti*,nI f t the jury 1111 ) ins awe run at full sped aver% Ile istnlirr`fi10111 the lust point at wilt It it '1,1,141 I*A. visib1,. be- fore.entering he a ttil>g t,ter 1'lMMs- A 1 1.111' twenty-three in and I l h• t ret ••tet K I ) seconds, 1.•h era it w ;Id take longe) for a blithe, and •ig to rover the ths- 411ne•r from the 1.11 'Mire' 1 the ant t 1111( at t•'t,r}11 angles 148 opts t . •k to the taleming. Th.. force )f this 'idem•e is that a person dNVitig as Mr. VI•1ester WA.. might !inv. entr 1.1 the titling het • a train that 1431111 arrive 1 the crews at 1111• same tins. would 'se. the an • ps,inl at whish it 1'11111 K j w•r41. bell, r s ren in •. ' L a�tt(1 according howre r 1.a 111 the slateuu•tt of the'erew the wbi.N. was �rs1 lel, tho11gi ihr evidence of Otter w•it- nesM•.s ruleel to indicate that. it was 111 : Walla 041 11r at bast it hall not hewn he; 1 rev rum. Thr jury's vetstiet. after ItHip( Rq'th th1' fau•ts Inf theca:4e slate.) hat the' j.Tl1)ri.t•onsidered the rrossin to damlgtlrHls One, that it might ha been all right evilest 411i11s were 11111 In re sluwly,'but motif pres- ent r.nditio s was unsafe. Jn the serpent \ir. \\'elesIri's 1,.41114' ens thrnw•n atk1111 ftp feet dna it hnikr the two pests -1 the ,'nd%et firmer. :The engine'er's rye %.nee was ti t Ills Whitt as he saw t1* ter 11)11(1e 11 stir the emergency Make >d"br tight tri. engine and ear tun Nt ndstill before Your Last Chance Fur ,ore Closes Saturday Night This wf'1•k is tltit Met ehanre'M 1,114' your futs from this big stork. (jetfiat - . unla)• night we wind t p our big mid - summer display of IIIc nes. All the. garments WV had on et. 1 stent t 1e• returned on Mnnd,n, we did not arrange to keep either 1 t ur the store ager than Sept. tat:must wind n{ 11i/'inl•s4 1111 Mature%) 'and make Mon iv packing up day. l' tie in on Fr•id1) and- Saturday and this lig show 1 fine furs. \Vs. will be glad to have ye 1.r• them whether you want to May 1 n1rt, 1f you have any fur latying to On this *inter yon will not have ala•tter chance, for thele is a higge'r utew•k rind better variety to eherww• from now than any store iweel. Itl1nit1 sal show' you Inter 1111. 8..t ler fifes than those here today Money will not. bits. If yon a1lltai ,g to boy furl this witl(er we ran make it worth pour N hips lvikii it NOW. OODOENS BIOS. 1"'""P""1"1" -"A ` !Mel two telegraph poles. The car pal left Ooderich at 12:1111 p. w• and had on hoard the paymaster, clerk. ( listener, porter, engineer -'and fire- man. Mr. Webeelrr was a num of thirty-four and leaves three children. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. Additional News of the Martel 011 peges 1 MoNu.sX. August 24. 11. Wheless be improving his hotel laid at the front. S. Echlin re doing lite work and doing it wed!. (lessee twittis'es stew Istinse across :tise road is sample of Mr. Echlin's eilwrt work isteemient. Miss Eva l'caver. of Clinton, lusa been appointed leachitrein M. /4. No. 5, King, a sister midis to *Ise Queen, Wax litallehes1 lit steamer and will ests•ry biodiels 4)/ grain. She is 375 feet over All, IS feet beam and 94 feet in deptli of hold. FALL FAIRS OF 1903. We.tern Fine London Kept. 11-141 Stephen end I ').burtie Exeter Kept. 41 tt Fullartuti and Logan. Mitebell sew. 2.t-21 X111111 I Itinnt, Assailed Is • Pt• •ral E. Downing Holiday Time itt. Is over, so that the children's school wants in the Boot and Shoe line . must now be attended to. Our stock of school slaws_ has been rho/ten not only to wear well but st ba1110 time to look well. Mosiwthing durable with a good appearance is what she boys lint! girls want. Then besides this the price must be right. NVt• to please each customer, knowing that vat ihtled customer iv woe th the of advertising. Can wt. have a (•littnes (to please you. with that next pair ? Repairing .1.1111eld aud Wenisntsch. Insulate' sus. um 51) A duce for Insomnia. it i 11 10 Ile hoped (hal he lesson con- tained ,the harvesting story which ponies by wire frow East I./range. N.d•• will not be lost iipon Iwo -sons who are suffering from insomnia. Twenty-seven years ago -woman ran up a bill of tin for groceries at a shop iu that place, nod then left town without settling the account„ The isesprietor of the spocery is long since dead. Ind his lieurs have re:reeves! a check few the a t, towel Iwo with a letter in which the wonutu oatifeese* t hat till this t jute kiss never en- joyed 41 night aratiand ftleep. .44-ensinsny Mg her let ter %Vali 4 Mt' I1 1 tier lawyer. stating t hat 1111 the night of the day the w lllll ail tootle pro- viston for the isallyinent set• the old debt she. retired early and slept soutaily .un - It Will lie contended. of course, by cynics. thief this lllll was entiveil 41 deer to that which prompts many per- m). to take sedatives ; that with her iss to a selfish end. and she lam evit fitly trotillled less by moral syrup tinsel by loss of sleep. M111 %-er, 'it may he contended that if she Ily wished to do am I est .11ke w olti have paid the whole debt. tud in' silly a part of it. and that seitding the prt eipal without the in- terest is proof cot •Ittsis'e that she Wax impelled its her con Wore by *desire 1.1114 111*. her (smarm than to do right. However all this Ina • be, the fact re- ins that ehe slept we even though had only takrn a ste in the right wakeful from a r 110 1/1re than to pay 4144414. Ail I in- stallment on what they owe. Nature a earently responds spar tit imeh effo . and. while they camas %pert to *I clammily after the first se ding them re slarly until t twit. ohl MRS are paid. pet ens in debt will find 111 sh tlire who t folio Oust Morpheus will Won them ao assist - Mandy that they will have to 'suicide themselves with Marna clockie if !he% hoPe to get down town lwfore noon. School Supplies ,We carry a hill •nd complete line Schott' Supplies te schema. teepa 11110 win 1 reeetive one of our hand44 .4 form tain liens, Pa rest KIDD 00K STORE. For Orlin netts 411114 Sated TINC. 939I eek7Drit Over 30A. cupric 11 re soon. kwisme. Qiwee TOMONTO. Ow at I KADO Victoria Opera House August 27 and 28 oder ausp -es of the. 1/aughteis of the Et pits. for the. !wise of the. docierich Ma of ,Hospital 1 he 'Mikado Of Jap.011 . Me. Sturdy Ku Ko. the turd High 1..11,1 M pew Marthi:-W'ella, MI. Nuns th. (Abe Smith. MU. Onsee Kik n Nellie Jamieson. t11 *MI Kathleen .415 inle Fos. Memo ito.te Firs. Mi. K•11 10 1.1 Kelly Mks Marjors Kelly. oho-) Plehe-r. ilia. Vest Howell. r. 301411 Burke, Mr. Hoy &vales. rola. Mr. Harry Skim and titlwrs. allow We 111 Ms. We Mr. Juli PLAN 0 OW. OFT YO -UR FV4IVED AT McCahoy's Condition mei ries see itisy -A Ob. UM mesh They ere tee .teeteeei posrifyar w erld 1./ %entre eee•etlle 0%010 She. IOC ▪ ir.ns• la ampler.. Itsetsi the seehel Is Vor ode (Olsten. 11 bs 1'. Jordan: /artist siblisse u• They pressee lase was ta tee winkle ell Ile Nese see lea EN. "LI.. School Bells Wi Soon Be Ringing The Black Cat is HODGENS BROS. bed DOOR STReET le rel firen,1 Nosier, Cors141/1 Rea For The Opening QiC 00L bells will be ringing agal next week and boys and/girls 4," wi be getting backlo school. Lots of them will be wantin* new stockin . The Black Cat is ready and here with a big stock of his famous kes of school stockings. Black t stockings are the stockings for every day hard wear. giving service and satisfaction as no other stockings do. They are knitted just right with the greatest strength at the strain points, and dyed with dyes at stay in the stocking and never come off. Triple knees, double hee , doable soles, built to wear. c 35c and 40c a pair A Handkerchief Extra . Here is a school opening bare' in children's school handkerchiefs. 60 deeen of them in liemotitched cambricihat we bought at a bargain. It won't make much difference if the children do loose the handkerchiefs, like this. * Over 7n0 children's white cambric ha walker clearing lot We wet away below their value. 14 we had not two Moira for An outlet we wenikl have heal t.) let the bargain pouw. They go on kelle gator day at yonr Amiss. of the lot at the very lo* price of • for Inc Rain Coats For a Five Dollar Bill Last week we got a bargain in ladies' rain coats. Because we did you can get one this week, There, are just 22 of them. They are this season's styles and made from pure Woollen cloths and absolutely rain probf. There is a nice variety of neat desings, in greys, fawns and browns. $8.50 or $7.00 would he the price if we had not got this clear- ing lot at a bargain. I doliett cloth rain coats. foil skirt.). large elerros, lamp heck. coat collar. Med). NI and 64, NIB keel) their appearance and WM/ 'well regular 11111.110 1117.1111 'garment" nola on :sale at each . SSA) H ODG ENS BROS.