HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-27, Page 7THE SIGNAL:. QODWCH TONTAR!O"
Alutt Y, Aug. Y1Eb
Richard Mc Ila has retuned
from Betel*.
Mils (lrece Dyke; of Oodrrich, Is
`tisitifts Mimi PIwIrn a Rtrrrence. -
Mrs. Fred. Morgan spent a few days
last week with Port standby friends.
11'9. McDougall, of Egni h iHr,
sent \\'esinis*hty hist in this vit•in11y.
Misses Nettle Mclionald and Arnie
M4•PiMil lave returned from Irrbuty.
Miall Lizzie liawihuu, of Nrw Yuck,
wits the guest of Miss Crimple Elliott
oil Friday laid.
Mime Maude McDougall, after upend-
ing a week at het. haute here, her
,..•t ur ted't.1 Detroit.
TotwuAY, Aug. 26th.
.:Hiss Lrnm 1'ritzley spent tiauday ad
hoer. -
Alis; May LaChance returned from
I A•1 reit butt, week. •
Mrs. Falls, of Mt. Brydges, is Oat -
Mg her cousin, John Bennett.
1)r. W. Y. Hayden, of ()Odrrii•h.
-spent Saturday at his home here.
T. (1.; Ibtwkins left Malutday, lien
steamer King Edward, for the Muo.
Rol'otharu. of London, is the
($ st of Mr. and Mix. 000. Hawkins.
11'ill Meliride, of Owen Mewtld, is
.lending a few days with his 1.111s111.
'Bob. Scott. - ---
ThFediius is in fuU swirr►g,,,,eroJey
lay -*lid Bight too, seemingly, l4ittt
Wrestler Stewart. Du
u'1 kill y
Their frieppds ale pleased to learn
that Elias IiMtMillae and Oiace Claw-
foot were AucceMful at the (relent
junior leaving exit illilI*titan.
(molt another eurrr..p.wdrnt.l
Mrs. Foes ler..,(inden, is visiting.
at J.dul Brupet t'a.\
Master Erie )(swill's, of (loderich,
• weekk
1.l IIe•v) he•tr'Ia,It ,
Mr.at,l Mtn Miller. son and daugh-
visiting atJat. °liver's.
teshing its Ihrs•o►drr ,f the day;
rex report g,s$I yin w of grain.
W..E. Met kthrtell ft potter -
Mug to visit her dgltOtter at
.Mr,.. John
Stratford, w
,i(John Lisette
Aliss -Floosie 'otherinfent 111, �iif
lir (Aloft!, return , leaoc after
plea , 11t w, j,wnl) wi ` her sister. Mrs.
A. H. 'bitten. at Sun 'aide Faros
In the ,tit troche `xawinations
. .Ir 'e linklmt.er . in
.1.m • divi ' n am: 1.w. In the for 1 ' tt•
Il1,11 \It \1'i. ie /thaw. �.� 1 young
t.Iir., are ' ing.wngratit ions.•
Mi..... 1.. rd. the polo, • pre-
' -«•Terra of No. rued fort her
Iodic near Hen ' • on Saturday, , e
1:.t h i' .i.. and . the school
N.dlds,. of last week.
Miss Midway and Aim Iter. of the
Algoma diulnet who hairdown-
K wen d w t1.
f..r,l visit to relative.. in ' tb and
Hilton a 4111)1 5. Mare 1114 . 'i� bit
•+'.read day; seeing Mts. Job
Nevin. sir., whe, i* a sister of
Mobray. The Osborn took a 'ay
° ahem a inulin ref fail wheat grown u
one of till Dunlop fangs, Its a *ample.
ova.), Augur
anti son; 1r
recently the
Tobin. Over 1.260 betahr3n of gain
were thieving 1. 1111 of paui n6d 800 of
wheat, the relit being barley.
MoNt).1y, August 24.
Thr reboot reopened d I* 1.- week in
charge of Mr. M..,i'tah.
MI'r; Auld and family left hist week
to join Mr. Auld in Manitoba.
Mr. and Ars. Harry Hyde nihil child
left on a trip to the West halt week.
The thanybrtalk young Iadiesheld a
puicnic on Saturday aftrrn.Mur at 1VaI•
er's grove.
Uleatpreplrat' are [wing Made
for the piculc to be hrl.J't. row at
1Valltu'e•'s grove by the H,nuan'l atIi0-
lic congr•eg.ation of Mt. Augustine. A
big time is expected.
• The marriage of .Mita Mary Mc.
Clinton and !twit. Taylor, • uf, Bethel
in to 1e celebrated on Wednesday at
the huue of the bride'* palrnto, %1r.
and Mi.. J. IL McClinton.
. 11 ►1.) (:y1'(l11u and children,. of
L4kuow, were visiting their 1't•httire,s
at Wes. Campbell's last week.' W. A.
Harrison x114] Athol Rena (Jordon, of
Luckuuw, are ill present herrn,
11'1. were pleased to n1. ii last week's
Signal the names of Bordon Wight-
mau .and Alfred Naylor ii. the Iia( of
sucerw.fol candidates at the junior
leaving ex. tnlilwhim. l'onvlatula-
tiuuw! '
Bev. 7'. B. Y'o.gtland giwa to Tnrontti
firs week t, visit hitt tnothei.. ,John
\1'ilford, of Blyth, iv i•xp.•cted'to take
(lir We'd IIrI.I siert ice -in (Ile afternoon,
and Ray. J. 1.. Small will etw,t/•h at
1)I 'brook in the evening.
' TromAy. Aug. 25th,
`11 NO HATC 1. ITI"Ns. The popular
proprietor of the Eieluulge hotel.
hilltop. Irvin Mille 4 -tiled uv or his sue -
'swat t at' Brus,els races recently. his liarr-
i11g Mare, R. Whiting, having taken
thew• straight heat,.. in 2411, w11ho1
any extra •Kurt which means find
PipeirsT.1Tn)N I.iet miaow►morn-
ing, Mrs. F. 5I,- 80. ii, wife of lair
IUtsrlltl.l her
la da.yi;Ilter,)
•ate repou4s1
The many
dud nutter
at s.
('4)111W1 AND (io1NU. -(Jill r taint.
her of ulir young people. not ' 1 the
picnic at Mt. Augustitlr,. •. 1114
Miry. \W. LI'. Iirirlsli, now of 1 -.
haul. and foruirly residents.i11
righllorli ssJ. '.ire rujuying' (tar
w t'1.% 411111 renewing forme
Itiaulaureoliips. \1'1. wrtepl„lsrel
It ale thrid git•I• ns a visit
t'le-. 'ining, ofli.sl•rith, is enjoying
among ftliends and former ac
y11aint(w.. W1. were plrttpted In new
the cru ..Idle' gentleman 1... ;diem -fiat
and full .1 life, .Mrs. William
Nltchrll au, daughter. 51iss Natal, ,of
1Wiughanl, 1.• . irnrd 110,44. on Monday
after having 'iaitld your 1 tilt
Meriiw. uncle to , Mitchell, tot- ,,nue
1' 'tj11iU• a- few of our sports.
ten bwrk in the sure bald a( HI'.isaels
t week and report 1y
. laving enjoyed
1 xallst•Irew .511 1.r 1 'la mal Mt 111 hue's,
of lalrrirh, who has town spendingAA, �lohdnys .w•iih her gr:uwluu.tbrr
tont r 1• relativra::ret airiest house re-
cewf14. .Adis. .Ino, Mahl.ugh
t' iII • mol her and .4 her tele tivrs,
el n l;. liiriiu, nu•r,huult
loth an \ HOF, of Ila ri*ton. Jur.
la w visited relatives and
Ids. e re plrasisl to ser hint
teat t1' 44.115'-- -li-s. (111•.)
d d ng Miss !heroin. li'fteM
1 rktlu nal plemotnt 4. i•Ii1C
ail Lot ten A11d vicinity,
Mus.AY, August 24111.
)Iias A. Tyndall, of Toronto, in
.p.•nding a short va natitth at the home
d h.•1. mother.
11rs. rothetinghalu, Of Bn►re•Rrld.
11.1. leen visiting at Alex. Yong,udur-
iuK the last week.
\W1. are pleased to note that Mien
G Ih .r who has been ill for a
1,4 IIi 'stet, iw impn,yiug, though
(tet.' and Mai. Alex. McMillan and
family. of Toronto. are guests at the
h•,,w. of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Young
this week.
Alex. (Henn has ,unchained the prop-
erty d the lata' (' Morrie on Ihln-
)pA. hill. and experts to move there
,err Miaptenll fi)fb. Mr. (lean i; a
K 1 iri�g(htsor and we are entry to
lose iiia iroot our midst.
co, s -Thr - grain, crop in this
neigh' 1110,141 i; practically all har-
tra,d mi the ppreeppiirrte are that
when th hing le 1.l umpliebed a food
yield will be re*lized. The root crop
apnea.". to ,ie doing well with verbal,"
the rxl•aptl n of turnips, .which are
aRert(d wit the louse; but It is
Owen/lit. that It will not be serious.
The apple rt.�, is gu.wl, r*pr•Jmlly
'I'k., and the Ali Irm are mostly cl. ii
and of a grew) .'l , .
MottnA Angulo 24th.
41stsozifIllege of hig under die
rentieheawfter the holiill on Mon-
day of last week.
A group of 'hatless ;West ons on It
walking tour front Bondi it plaint
were atomic' our village on till'ItaY
en rotite to Point lo . •
Mr. maid MPS. A. C. Donald ave
Ina vrts•k. seeing the MeA Hitter fain y.
ell, and 1.eplaten notables of eleven
ettimat visit end chat over obi Dun
,, ears ago. Mr McAliater is string
in hearty. having eonipletely go
With ttiany other' afoot herr we
raingratiihite our old Mend, John
Kates. on appointment am deputy
t!iler,in the ou of the bite Robert,
agent showing the farmers how to
mend the tweaks. in their binder's and
410ffers. Being in former years. a
constable in tiederich he will not he a
green hAtill AS the.,Autiett of his new
A large cirele of friends herr were
hutch pleased I 11 WM MPS. (lhiLP.
:11.1,1011. (II Briteeflehl, once more
nimingst them im a visit to her *inter.
Mrs. A. Allen. The lady Ilan (tally re-
, r.. rens, from t he Neve! e nietlic*1
i'llysnlion undergone in January lard
nt the 'Clinton hospital, which ended
Ovi•r font. years' dorm and we
h'ills she will now be spired for many
%Infest to (swop to her husband and
?he Iirst thonthing in the new barn
1 Lonarloarne form was done on
0111011ay of last week by the Rymt
t . in maroon the ntaff ia of the tate Hobert HenciPtiollt, May
corren tux engineer and John He who ham prontisted to lle a hmitlanil
"" Abner MOrtiM AP the feeders. to the widow be her Cefuge and eralanT-1
;leer Was taped with Brent sue- *Moo in her sore berelsenwent. We
Joneph MetNivr liont thr hid am *climate(' *la att. wader -
lbw guild. WM putt tr. Foot for 4 ntunbet of Hi. He era*
popular livery kir
with a (11tr'b
Mother and baby 11114.
to Iw getting. of nivel,
friends of the ylwulg tett
extend theta hearty pantie
to imyth!( •tt
returned h
11'nim a
Mrs. Temple
in Auburn.
T. E. Little luta
trip to the Moo.
Miss I.ily M,Arthltk
visit to L insloi.
Il'{ t.•r.•Ii 1,
n t r rAm,-
turned from
lilt, A14.1144411. 44ft'lin
(Aber last week.
Mita littley has goneto
Mr. atul the Mines Roberta
ing friends in Detroit.
front • their visit 141 lie•troit.
were in Blyth Thursday.
minter, • Mts.. SI; E. Sanderson.
Alr. and Mrs. 11 her. of I/444144.kb.
111/14.41 to their home in St. Thomas.
Mire Bolauson left on.Tticality t..
Geo. Sebum, of St. +Manna, was
the guest Id NVItt. Thilitipstm on Sun -
London attend the millinery open -
iia \.%.1.4,1iit Pen t land has. paw, ill
51,-. l4teph'etria. Ply th,
the guest of litairtint, MotJ. W. Bolt -
talent. •
Iiirehi;r4 Mti Cools, visited
AN'. flirvith of
is sinter, Mot. Jan
e pa/11 week.
v 'sites] his
nIt Vi
rristott visited
beard, during
Mem, Vr1191,11: 10/ 14111(1011, 11111s 11,
iM/Ig11.'ilprILL, Wednesday
re. klits Mary lialey.
WRATHRA. rite efaillition of the
weather is eant what atitionnal and
at present is 11111 frir.net•iiring
late grain 1.1.911111.,.
IleiderlitAti(1 hal the latitent
Mork of tarts and •s eVer reeelYed
at One time, in thing non. Alan been
received Walkoni, this place,
On Saturday mortlin it heti ,
Mole went to his • shop. he banal
that in his alinenee ea • levers
of mischief hail clipped am pehtbs1
him pet Pet. Mr. Mille 191 maw
done the wise thing in setti the
to any wil‘l enitual Upkeep it. in e nu,
thire • with the bereaved partner in ife
!Inky, of
with their a
inte the
• 'rl'ICMIL1y. Aint.2btlx
Mrs. Alien+ Fisher, is vatting her
..rhe• nem. t'arlwrry, Alan.
Mr. *lid Mls. Jaffe.' Jewell. Jr.. ale
slw*lding a few days in I)rtiolt.
Miles Mary Mayne(• it yielding. her
sinter. Ml's, J. 'rt•bbltt, • otlerieh
tuwushijl . I
Alias !Airy 3 4irfir,g w•tatrllnd -helot
Saturday 41(!er a' lengthy stay, with
friends,ii Ilelxeh;
Mr. and Airs.. :\'. li .idle. heft last
week for a visit of *.aur weeks with
their daughters In Sheldon. n.
(il•elhill left last Ttle•sday for
a visit tel (lin mister ill 11'hitcwtlt.h
Assn.,, and points 111 Manitols(,
Edwin IWalten. left this week fel•
his il01111•111 (41III114w'/MMI /1(141' if tlllrt•
weeks' visite with his parrots 11e•n.t'
Mrs. l': Fisher, of \Viudwor, and
Ale's. It i11liu and children, of iiudr-
rit•h; Spent Friday with friends in the
village. -t •
Juhu .fuuniulfw, of near herr. lust a
valuable four-year-old heavy draught
Ilalt1w during the stolid. Monday eight
and 'Tuesday viuig[ The animal
watt 'ill elle of the fields and was
killed by lightning. Mr. Muunings
refund *111) for her a short time ago.
Another home that was in the same
field was !sully cat up.supi*sle'tlly
from r ing against' thehe'll wirea
fent*. and will not Imp u�'much un
this fall.
MUMU' VKHnl'HMINUINU.-Ata 4.rrtain
garden party in a • neigh!). wingq tow u-
nhip, which 111141 'well organizrehWilli a
vires to tatill1K s..mr 11luney fur, the
purchase of 111.9• organ, a lady friend
11.n) .A distance ,kilidh• consented to
.illy( a auto in aiil,p,f that very laudable
object. and her nano. ap1M•alel prom -
ineptly on the handbills that , were
eilr•ulatrll in every disslioi. As is
usual 'with social gathrriiytn of this
sort, there 'was a large attetidanee.
and after doing fustier to the`tttwwl
things provided by the organizer \th.•
audience rrpairi•d to the spin.' is
(batting room, which had lwri Atte 1
41 with metts for the Iwea:•.iu0. -A\
t• airman was apppint,•41 whose duty
vas 11. inUrMluoe• Hie ,performers
oak.. a few impromptu remarks
itch, (generally of aflatterin
er. The e l`hinliulilll oft he eri•1 -
I"vlal Irishman. ,who News
aft 11
eha ni,_
ing Wan
lever a 1 1Ass for s(nurtlung t(1 alp.
he int alw4.1 the fatly '!u words
somewhat t this effect :
"Llldie%aur gentlemen, 1 sh»II now
von Mi., So-and-so to sing a
Meer iif. music: she is a grnubile of
a singing whin,' told 1 feel crt•t;sin
that you will' all appreciate hers*..
fol singing
The huhu paw 4.:11114. forwanl
ihrnlerd in a a handsome devi,Ilrte
!rowl and holding a sheet 114 ihisic in
Iter hand, and to llle aeron11I * ' •111
Of a piano tn. *lullenl•erl t4) w'arblr the
air of A wars in a high-pitched tune of
'oiler that tit our friend the chairman
is magi's( iter of a g.,,wl 4r:'1 of Attest
•t'itl to p
v w•1. hl w high she o11uld
111111111 make the wol.hs situ '
to le atm possible. When she had
tints • w rill had Ir•511 tied•h,r seat the
chair' *r cleated his v,i,'r and said e -
••Ahrn "oil have all heard this
lady's 1 u 'fel singing. ,old 1 am
sure that 1111 re all delighted with it.
Mollehow t r . yle of singing now is
quite differet 1 what it was when I
was a 1a,y, fu 11,. singek- in those
duly. :mule it, a 4141 that one eould
i ' e out IL (hell' NL ., but now it
seeti14 that it in n11 114.4 , nary to hear
lh.• wi)tds sooIon an at h ,u• the sir.
When 'J heard ' the lad sing the
thought stru,k ole the •il as a goal
thing that the Alwight, knn •* every
lauguage that's going. r it would
',sizzle flee to be able t4, tel you hat
language the hely ham hese, nsi
At this remark threw wds,tin 'der
tittrt•ipg among the small Ps1y
pont swats and to make mattes.
the wheels} ehah'man tonne\•'
11ia first re*luu•►M by saying : \\
q. you laughing 11t Y 1` 1 don
know gni. 1 singing when y 11 hear it,
and you 1111 ht W'iw ;1yh11 td of your-
selves. \Wht•! 1 did ley t• to try to
A0d out what the lady •waw singing
allnut and 1 could not understand one
w11trl of Mint she said."
This little storey. which in the, plain
is true, is given V, show That If our
and umpiring prima &ninon were
y a little re attent tell to their
11inn.thrir audi,•ntas 44-8,11141 ile
e,t.M, for it is . not very
pleasant 1 11114.1_ t(/ listen t) /1. piece
sung in smelt Way that, in the words.
of our 4.hairml '+they cannot under-
stand one word 1 t is sung." -
monies 'connection with the
stone lap of the fine new 11..
Catholic eh di thud the people of t
from ne Sunday, September
titHis ap 314•Evay, 1.011111.1/1: Het,.
rector of Ht. Peter's cal h 101/London;
Cannel ; lianloth St. Angus 'lie: Pin -
prominent laymed also are ex, ed.
pariah have slietwo 41, very con ..... •nd-
able zeal in underbrking the erection
of nut.11 a fine church 111111 illM event of
the Mailer stone laying primiiscs to
ill a eotintry elooreh will be' the lord'.
(rNeil in the old church ill In o'eloek
mot. on Smithey, September tit h. 31 r.
MiSs Rift-, 44 Mitchell, is viteiting
Mrs, William Sainderain, Tortaittr,
is visiting friends here.
Mt*. HoWe Find alaughter,O1 Clinton"
11 14! 1'141 /11 82.0111.1.1 5111141111.M.
MiLM1 Kiil'iM M1111(13. of Detroit. Wag
isiting Miss Annie Mellettindt Nat
a very enjoyable trip to the
Mr. and Airs. Allen Melhosindt.
Iliewiek,- spent Sunday at .1ohn Me-
Oeorgena MeCiinly, of Ford.
wicli, Spent *few days wit It Mies,Eiltut
l'atermon last week
Mrs. Marsh and ehildreti. 1A'arail.
st °A, have reforms] /mow !the?. spend,
horn, I fOrtIon Po einem. fie
ns and John McDonald.
r•ting of the Blitevale Women's
Institiite was held on Wednealiiv.
4 fete clays time, ens ted 111A 11 Of intrinity of cotirttious ont Anfost loth. s t the Inane of Mrs.
of ofisisle smaaner towards Woos with WI Neu Maxwell. After the rood
lFaip i on " How to uutkr n tune'
happy," written by Mix. Jtlw•ph Pugh.
was raid and diastsstd. • Ali*,& si. Swan
regilrnd arveral'aelectlabile . of uelslr T�
ver)• MTerfively, Mr". Jlwrpb 1t11Kh Qom+
Invited the Lulu. to Iwo. hour for their
next meeting, to Iw-Iu•Itl 11 evlurwlay,
September ltith. Miss Mary Scott Wan
inked l•ipJ►Y' a'ls1prron ••I'i,•kIing."
coriumti Iv itut lull iM rxtt•WI(tl to
the Indian who have not yet joined the
11144111111.4' W attend the, next steel iug.
• Moso.t', Aug. 21.
11,tyHehl huts had a very sucet"4..ful
N 1 10111ist business ibis year.
The 51rthlalipt eougregatiull is talk-
ing of ereetiig a new church building.
- The minted garden party under 1 he
mtstli.vw of Trinity ehurcll was thy•
14144st aucceaful ever held Inds., '1'h,•r,•
was a Ial•ge attuntla"Il•er. T110 -Ins 40.1111
u(-.,Imilsic ,by, the S.rltfurW, 1181111
u111t•h eljuytd. Proceeds $1111.
Alis; Doll. Persian: left on 'rurally
last for Mand Id. Aral., where she
will be united in uuu'riagi• at the homy
of 111.1' brother, 'Thos. Parsons, W %'iI-
1i1.111 Parker. formerly of Hayfield, now
u pl.,s wruult farmer '41 Hear5111ton,
North Dake((. She is a popular j g
ball'anl 1
1 but 1(•1.1 1
1 1114: Y1'l• o.'1,' Y' 1
a l Ik t II
the Methodist, church told Sunday
school: She i4 11191 a member of the
t 1 . The rtrhgtega.tion regrets very
intuit her removal anal the other err
*ling a large number of the members
aanlill4wl a1 her 1114"5 residence
and presented Miss I'ai'l/ns with an
atldi.•ss and a h,tndwuur plwntkt,.
loon by Brantford Man' on a NIMH Car in
Buffalo. -
PIattsville, Aug. 111. - Henry (latzka,
an old PlattsvilIe buy who disappear-
ed mysteriously five years ago and
who it was feared had 11114 Willi , fool
play al Buffalo, is alive. Brnry. be-
ure going to . Sinfulti to live. had
winked tit', )'ears In the express oftl.•r
at Brantford and the manager ' of the
Br;ultf.s-,l •IRrr kioi.•5 hila well.
The other flay the 111.1 nsg .r of..11,,.
ruttfin l oR1.'. wits a1 RIIIT:do .11111
r ill u
tit 11 a street 1'; he'saw '
K K t u h .t 1 (:a. .
5lI l lt.K all the ocher . end of the • car.
Ihnt. el of taking a Meal hr-nwlved t 1-
nau.l.-(.alzka, who. recognizing , is'
oIJ . I,pluyer, pulled the .15.11-r4 w•,
j lad 1' the car bud• 1111111 ly
disalllwlil l animal 'a1 (loiter. The
Itrentful,l 111.111 sent a denpate int-
Illediat4IF' fr,nl I311tTalo ' do F !ward
lioetz. o1 Bra third. advising 1111 of
<intak;t's w' bet als.asts. with the. 1•e.
y!•e fat he in ify (intake' relatives
3111 .4 .,•. \Wily is (i tzka
ke•.rpirig iii Ili.LnK ?, C p to ': • (illi( of
his alis pie+U:uu r his Vero
mini,. Both
without :1ny.
Ile bap, a
ver Kit'rn Il 1
e 14.s a hand-
, r
t f, vin ,I
Ic* it e•
is hhl
known. was 44 4It.nit 111
of his luuwnt,s died 184' l
titling". of their -Jost. .
wife who, it milli(., hi
hole ufilk return.
; I
little d1g
1 he
thr t lh,tgr
1. l
lialzka was ft a time ,i_
'(gent on the /*lerich and'
line and wie4 1.11 known in 1
•irks herr.
C. N.
Has Ili
\ IT
we tern bran anfl 11131111b1.11 111•M, the
fl der issued today by the Canadian -
Mikes' Railway from Traffic Man-
ager • Mhitw's• .1' .-c al 1Winiiilwg i.1.,
without doubt. the finest pobleation'
of its kind ever distributed by any l'pin-
.lolian railw'ay. Every new feature -
•'.)4 it atsnnite. in these was run -
'rive(' ami executed hi N" 'jIrg, and
d cry n nteria1 mitering into t r In;
o the folder: with the rxerptin
91 pee, can w rightly '•Mlle•,
11 Canadian tan pr.wl art.
?aboard ente15 of the inIlic:.-
are ithl,Kra ,heel in five distinct
, an a sixth f blending. the
tarin- ptlinte'4 04 a rich slate-
. nand. Thr rilrnbpr
idioms of Points of Interest Along
1h. R..r.eiay.
Telegram. , Winona*. p .1 ng. 1.191441
ry�earY part iallar the pr,xllli•t of
11p (t f II
\West I'
-,Thr r. II 1
rel, wh1
and- lark
Mort t
cluster,. n the
and the ee
Oral shows one
the hounds of the t.•a
11,41spvith the rr'Iw
ile(1 al Port Actin
sift blending of
minty atmosphere
th East. 11,
tett. b thing tlie
thews inlard
newt. in superb in e4f t. Th daten
illustrating the inlet ting re ling
fasitm and pleasure tiM41/1114 f tile We 1.
are finished ili ilt1111de-tiait whit.
given a rich three-eolo
every Inigrilf the 111141er.
The di mble-page tlia 11 Of 1 110
is 111 le from an entirely new pia
and s
progress It
a 111111.. No two Kt tips of Illustration -
appear in 1 'I 1,11Velltio ill "lettings atol
each page is Sninhed -it h two fieat
Through allthe reatlink ti • ter runs
1 most entertaining arid re esbing
vle soul the whole. Willi 1 1fr
11 s
vas the most ittitairtant 3111'1
.4 of 1111111 end also the
1.• ton the extennitai be -
and throughout the
tr. 'tons, !night he termini' the HI t
piss I 1,4 the I 'anallitt West, frail
the a bath. viewpoint. that has ever
an 'Incurs-. htionality that is cleverly
attained, despite the pros:, whets ot
time arrit-ats and • th•pat.1 urea. etc.,
nejiloitat bar of the eircular tourist
tripe is eraweially weft done. the intro-
ditetion of pretty little maps, in out-
lining each of I lie trips nrinect 111•"
town...mite. L1/1 IN. Mat4AZINO.
plains that Cnondiate writers are prone
to bwecholarly•and The licellse
t ion a true in the ontin. AS Canada
proilitced 11111y 1111, 11111 11 1/11* 1)1111L/
Imt Y1.1 1 111M part ietilar Irian. of The
bright melting, awl almost gives an
Iteminfacences," breaking away front
the ordinary style of storytelling.
Harold Sands' also inve$4144 him twollitt-
does 1, Mallon Smith fel his 1110re pre -
(4011 t it sis Art iele describing "The lit
particular merit« of style and bright -
134,4. the chic( artieic of the bane is
referential Trade In Its Bela, • to
l'ansrla and the Empire," by- the that.
h. W. Rim, who *rites altiest as well
as he !realm A the shan't NIA when
httnenh Campbell ott's 'Mos" NV in -
first. Mr. ScutAgbitetErench-Cota•
*Man * high hi this -twin.
Is th. deadliest amid met
painful malady to whisk
mank,nd ,s select. Dead'.
Kidney Pills w ill cur. Key
c..e Of B,Ight'. Dlaw.a
Th.y have nay.c failed b
one single Case. They are
the only remedy that ever
has cured It, and they are
the only remedy that ora.
There are tnulatlom of
f)odd's Kidney P01 pill,
boa and name -but imita-
tion. aro dangerous. The
original and onlytramline
sure for Bright's b.aae
Dodd's Kidney Pills .rs
an. cent. a boa Al all
auto" exhibits a women hat unusual
vein. but is n dt•Ii11htILl duly. -The
illustrations of the number are very
fair. .
�ee4 Widow Are issl.r-paela.g.4
Lt s,p .l sa4 Lower .1• Cll..g.-
T11. L.t..t Quotations.
day Irreaing, Lug. 32.
Uverpool wheat future, rloa.'d to -day Wa-
yesterday, end corn tutees
d saber.
At Chimp,to-day Heplember wheat
,leas 7b.• wer than Friday. ecptemb.r
Cara Ile lower and Srpt.u,berr pat* %fie
London-('Iooe- Wheat on Panda
lag doing. Matzs ..to ps.aaxe quiet
handl any d.atmnd. Sp t American,
td 20 *4. ll r, spot lama.. 2rs.
1?arls-Clots-Wheat tome quirt: A
521 25e. Nov. and Fe,, 21t 40e. Flour toe
<twig; ng. Ng fac, Nov. luso FM.'2411 66e.
• _Aa1.k, . t, spot steady; No. 2 R.
La*•t110 At11AT. ft A11LFT4.
r.N.wieg as the Neal* footftlons et
rrportantt wheat cent[. today :
Coals Aug.. govt. Dee.
�.wYork ....... .... .. .
Lllamps -4 %' OM
D.1att N1' z ii. ss% • an% ;fti
TORONTO .f. i.A::P4Vfelt wAuta4:T.
Wbrrt. n•,1, hush 10 79 to 1.....
Ahrit. white, bush 9 79 0_M
Wheat, sprh.g. bush 0 70 0 72
whose gbt.t, bush 0.7414
Harley. bus 0 4414
Brad, baa ..... 1 30 1.11'S
R h`ne plekIld ' 175
PND, 'heat. • 0 ....
Rya boat. ....... `.. '. 0.46
oats, bosh': .0 1414 0 *5)4
flats, ••.w . boat 0 31, 0 32
Ray sad a1, nes
!!y, pre t' 11200 to 1.'...
Harr, beer, tom , H ta) 9 610
\' Straw, Ins., r tom5'30' ...e
Arra*, 1.h.•.(. too... e 24 :...
Ita mrd ye *tables-
ato.'e. par be t .60 40 to 4(4 41
(ea hate. per dos O 40 0.50
l'at'. e. rad, ea.•4..... ,. -0 10 ....
heard. per peck. ,. 0 20
("Anil wee. per dosro1 ,0
Carrott 1.M, per dor .._ • 0 20
Celosy. . dos (, 35
"endue. des 0 40
1Y.eaga..t�ab.ip rrow, dos0 76
Un per r99ie6 1 450 '
Pe(,ai,�l�ery- r \\ \
pinata tor p�,, 10 60 to 11 (10
sa eUckios, pe,e'.pals0 70 1 2.1
riog dark•, per Oair0 to 1 2,)
els. per Ib .,.`, 0 10 0 If
ochry Prods( e.._ �
Satter, !b. roll. \ it to 1n 20
Xg1; ntwta1d, doh:...... 0 0 2f
Receipts of Ilse atuth 'at the City 1111-•
14arkst amouutod to 11,4 cur load., oakum..
ed or 493 tattle, 045 bogs, as ahow0 and
Iambs and 141 (Alyea,
lis ten -Bolt load! of exporters tit
w 04.73 Per rot.; **mum to rood at
Xper oft; good bulls sold at 53.30,01
per cwt,
gaport cowl -Export cowls sold at NO
la 44 per ewh
Botcher'. cattle-DM/Ice plchrt1 kits of
bot ere', 11be to 1173 lbs. tra -11, equal In
; loads of g, sol4 at PI to 54.401
, to beet exporria. •ro north 84.40
roueripdhore_4to tatortort,rs. itlices to 4931Osiity.
et ortarrs-tia rev two-year-old mom
um - lame weight' 400.aq:rat*. what) re
re:flirt:1.5o tvesoaoliosd Ittawt12. to 410 each, us
Ilheop--Prl, UAW per rwt. for *was,
*Nina Istaba- cm *teed, st 42 50 ta
TiullsrAY, `AM, Alt l903. 7
Special Summer
Sale of
Ready -to- Wear
Commencing 20 percent. Discount for
the Next Three Weeks.
Special Sale
o Nubby Suits
Now is the time to order a Suit.
'Phone 77. The Square, UODERICH.
Made to your order
from the finest im-
ported and home-
spun cloths
hunt out our Bicycle
Y y
yeti h a 't 'one, cal
and and.,we ill 1 you
"Crescent" '
"Berlin" etc.
If y• have a NV heel anti it needs reptir�i we have everyth R need-
'ful in. the - y of 1 ires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, En�ltreels,
Ile. Our Ill( Alit I)P.PAKTMIIBT is iii charge of • pair man who
yt...,1. and can Make right any ill that a Wheel i* eir to.
Our Minicar n.;.coment* still lend. '.
Ibl 'niou" �
Yfsn.c_ nal Organs. ,�
'tWori ith" and ``Berlin" 1'i.an0s.
Guitars, 'iolina, Harmonicas, Mantiui:fie, Gra
10,000 eh is Music=Vocal and instrumental.
Write for a Catalogue. 6E0 W. THORSON
We handle all kinds of thew high grade - achines, among them'
the CLEVELAND, E. & D. and ANT' OPE. In ou.-hop
you will find nothing but the best, which i none too Rood for
you. We can tit your wheel with • "Neve De •artu
or "Morrow" Coaster Brake. They're all
overhauled in an export manner, and are so to
faction, even at the how prices' we sell .9-" Conte a
you want satisfaction at very 'reason*W6 prizes.
Rt'. rent. wheels-'_-•
--IAo all kinds of try ts-
!tt•II11' rlrrund)•irs-
(boo 1* 111a lot mots than 114 /SAM.
Off C/VS. 1./ 116.19 per toot. Ilatta sal
mud dart .0 to II pre cwt.
fs t• laiwori heavy, tp 20c h1brii::
wavy. se to se to; mired. wan, Int 10
$4.201 Yaeger. 56.00 if
to is alb roarthi. $4.90 10 .111; soga, 04
to 44.60; datrlaron4 grastoora. 90 t• St1 23.
$1.60 to 14. at\
shoot, Heade: ismi strong; y taws 254
yearlings, 44 2Z to $4, ; wethera S4 to
114.15. owes, 432s to 13 30; abort', hilted.
111111j1314 CATTLE altAttis dr.
line • to 12,, per II, for a [writ a n tapers, I
Scrallioll [lard Coal
maltase satalrys. VW NI. LEE.
ammonia, Aug IQ...0 aro Tri, Ordoril left at LEE SEEPTIAILD'S
offorsd 14115 baton butt.% rola Su. kett
woo p 112sage hero to day, ay arorto, .4. 1
../M14 holes butter at 1/11i.t 41141 9/ bete. et
law*, •lorander, 115 Al 194 ter ot UM* ' Good 1.)rinting
at !Vic aod 70 at 11,01.4; Bub Allan. 204
latict lame Dalrymple, WO at 19,, 111, 1
bolos at 19r, 70 at 1446. an4 X2 at Iteihc1.1.•
ilind 30 hot no at 19%rt A, J. yoo, 214
Cloys to elar 2121 boteo trete
boor4.41 whits and 1 150 solorea. 01
Bow Mit lot 'rho wbIt• so1.1 at AO
ANi.oactlwebel rolore4 st 09.3, The sal., wore.
'Bus Stables
able 41rit•C.
'Mown, whit -lett III
and steamboat
Always aad
MI Ways
tn. 1.1.4 111110
014resezetWilly •IteatIo4 at all
sagas or day.
Illnebso 64