HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-27, Page 6'Yr trir ,r111'3!i, tkis Tamed/kir, Aug. 27, 1903. 1; A THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO 00000000000000000000009.100000 0000000•00000000•000000000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 THE MYSTERY OF GRASLOV By A.thley Towne (bpgriekt. lal. by Chariots B. Ktherinpioe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *0 00000000000000000000000000**0 0000011,00000000000000000000000 1 SA. ...:y. :t was a be:phs- CHAPTER VIII. f tun% a beautiful Inc.. I alike 1 the rue INTERVItl, IN. Tile LW?. 'Drince where Vladimir eras. Ile mid FRANCES lay ou e rude bed. that all the Paulpoffs-father, mother scarcely coon:lour, aud Den- and 'Iadinair-hed been sent to Sibs - ton stood a moment looktug via, - down who:truly upon the lovely iapturned.face. Ble bent over her, toucli- 'ed her brow mad felt Ler pulse All seuse of Itha own lujurlex seemed to czar. We were alone; the drosky drie- leave Llui.,as be saw ber awed of lunne- er weut uut, aud Nester°, tried to kies Inc. I fought hint; I shot Win." "You shot Neslerov?" 'Yes, I shot him I would again. I then returned to Morrow, but did not tell my father anythiug about the mat ter, save that Vladimir was sent to , "You are inertly kuockeilltut by the Siberia. We soon after started for the Shock." he said. with assumed ludiffer- , Obi and stopped at Perm. We saw the nice. "You will profitably be all right ' governor, and he promised that if he as soot] as we get to Tomsk." discovered that Vladttuir was lonocent "Yes. If 1 could get there." sbe whirr- . he would help hIpi." pered. "My father will be anxious." "II. &night as well bays said that if W. must relieve his suxiety as Noon. lie discovered tbe moon was cheese he'd I as possible) You most mit worry." . give it to you for lunch. Things like i - "What *111 you do? And Neslerov?" that are' rarely corrected in Russia." 'Never mind Nester°, nuvr. keel) "When we left Perm. Nester°, was •, "Sent to Siberia! That ,big simple hearted fellow! For whet?" 'Conspiriug with others to kill the Mate carei Frances felt Lir touch sud looked up at hint with about the same expresrion she might have worn had he beey a stern aud hIgh priced specialist called In to make au exauduatiou. rout You've gut to be braced up a lit- tle. I wish 1 litid 'owe wine." "Therl was SOIlie IU the. car," she an, swer..11.\ "Neslerov had it. 110 tried to make rue driuk, but 1 would nut." Denton weut to the car. still on the der awl come luto Nerlerev's own pros\ main track, and brought from it the re- Inc.. At Ws place -I had been sleep - metal of the bottle. of wine Nester°, jug -1 woke up. The car bad become. had opened. This lie took with Win 10 detached from the train. I was alone on the traiu. Of course, as papa did not know anything about the *hooting In the house of the Paulpoffe he greet- ed Neslerov as a friend. Everything went web till we had crossed the tier - the lint awl uttered eume to Frances. "I don't Went It. I refused it before," she said. 011. don't you *ant It?" Le asked with Neslerov. He took my revolver from we aud dragged Inc here and or - tiered' the priest to Marry ns. Then ou came." '"I suppose In your teen and- "Yes, I think„I came just in time," subtle mind there la no distinction be. said Denton. tween a glass of wilt* offered by Neste- Then a stern look came again upon rov whet/ you were his prisoner and by bis \ani‘a, when you are Ill." "Frsuces," be said"I do not know, "I did not ',aeon that," shek. au said Week' corse, bow this matter will end. It , ly. he reached out her band, took the Ne.sterov wishesbe can destroy me. It he Suds It adviaable to keep silent then I may Hod a way to assist this Vladimir. I thluk we shall soon be en the way to the Obi" With these nerds be left the hut and was met at the door by an angry, threatening snob of villagers. "There be is!" growled an old unit), evidently the leader. "Ile tried to kill Ids excellency. Eill bit!" "Kill hit!" said another. "It is the governor's roturuand. He put the Iron road, the bridge, the de,vil wagon.% ihrough our couutry. The czar does nut wish It, and we must avenge the oug. 11111 him!" cup "Xofr, Ing hlunie "tell bat this from tile begin "1 baven't tha she said, with a re "Never mind thaidi merely what any ldb wool& have done, and, \ se danger, Illth•ts1, plants. In How did yo Nesterov ?" "We were I "There was a m railway." "Yes, I kuow. Th Neelerov t here." "Ile bad an liutervl Whtle lei Moscow -b"- 1 hy do you hesitate? t le not a new t•xperience to lave a an want to marry you, 111 I? You gav Idin the usual answer, I suppose." 111. Jack! There was but OD an• -swer papa could give him. I do like the priure, and papa knows I o never marry' a man I *to nut lOte." "EverVh6dy 'knows that -n-ho knows you." "odd Denton soberly. \ "Ile told `him about you -and about \VIatlindr-aud the prince gut augry." Vladimir; Who Is be?" Paelpoff, an ironworker, DOW Nev 11MV rt\:- mind, Rill get to that afterwart You started for the Obl, where Gordon Is to take' ft .liout• In Vashlov." not yet.\ I must tell you about he forge -in his s Niadiiidr-poor tedltop-one day whileui,wi. 1 Met him in t the railway was beltig put through Fenn. Papa and I went there. He Is 11 inarvehois man,: hot\ You would think as much of hint as \1 do tt you knew 1,1111. Ile is so handsome and etroug. lie Is" - "Du you mean young Paelpale the blacksmith of Perin?" "Ites. Jack. Do you know lilmr'‘ "Fve 1134 hfui turn out some Iron for unall brtilges. War 1 "He is so intelligent aud was se *intone to learn, to improve, 1 helped Mtn. I used to send him books, pa- wrs. magazines. xclentilic Works -any- Altai I ismid get hold of that would ; help him. ite Intuited hard. poor fel- .ow! Ile grew to I think he loved me drained It. en," said Deuton, coolly seat - on a stool near her bed, hole tuiserable business you yet. Jack," of calor. me. I illd Aineriean g you In bee watity, ceep your bust ss. t would not bav stand off. I let's iret to th happen to be Moscow," she etiug about the said. ew was what toe\li CHAPTER IX. ITVTON 'ENS LOCOMOTIVE MOTEL EN N presented an onruMed frout. "Take 6 to the goeernor," he said. "The governor Is re ug." growled • fellow whose face was a ss of greasy haft. "You will kill him. "Nciustris.e! Take me to Oa overn- or. If you kill me, lie will die." "Why is that-, builder of bridges Is there a gifel who av.enges the death mertcans?" "It will need no god to daihat now. Th ease is glumly that Nester°, needs belt care -than you can give him. Ile is bird Injured. It is u.ce..ary that Le shall e taken to Tomsk et mace. I clitt start •Ithin the hour. There will not be anot r train to the Obi in four days. Do yo ,desire to keep your pre- cious governor liere'and hove hlm die .0n your bauds?" "No. Let us see whet tbe governor Las to say." It was a solemn croled that marched Ju two columns, with Deeton between, t0. the but of the village larletd, where Nester°, lay. "Why do you bring him liet\?" *eked the priest. "Heard you nut What his excellency eald?" ''Hold your peace.' Walt tlllyon'besg them +meek together," was the replr. Nester°, looked np at bls conoueror:\ gad an expreenion of hatred mime Mtn his eyes. Denton made no show of sen- treaent or cumpaesien. millermtand yott,commanded these villagers to kill ine," tie amid, standing at the side of the bed And looking cold- ly and ist47nl7 at his victim. "I just weuted to *ay before thl.y which they,certaltily will de 1? you In• sist-that In that el1/119 you wonld pre!). ably die Lyre for lack of proper care." "Yon cannot help me -you would not." anewered Nioderuv. • '"fliat In fur you to my. I ant not a niurderer. 1 bad no desire to kill you. Yon nt tacked 111e. and 1 defended tny- pelf. I rim going back to Todisk, pro- vided youeotavege villagers dott't.k111 me. and I merely came to ask It you would ispleased to go." "Ilou ?" he asked. "In the same car yeti (IMP time far In." "lint how? There Is no train due for 41117'." "I will take you to Tome* If you promise sever again to molest Mr. Gordon or big daughter." "I promise," Fuld Neslerov. "I will order the villager* to permit you 'to go." lienton then went to the eer and ex. endued It. Ile diseovercsi where a fin'.* in the Aron bad weakened the conplingx.. Ile was feilowed at s elmrt illetenee by Nevem' yerting men, among whom WAS the boy Who hail run to tell Mtn that a woman was being ninthly II:Hulled by Neelerov, and who 11111 taken his horse to shelter. Ile ordered the boy to bring the horse. !deluding, he was goon out of sight. He (11.1 not go far, Ithwever. He rode along the trsek until be reached a siding a 'short dietance front the britlibt, where there an old conistruction engine. nton examined the old hulk. It nee t only for ffrairIng one or two ears. won carried water from the river a • Ailed the boiler and bent a fire of writ% Soon a tbe villagers were ear - prised to me 1 wheeze, rickety 014 ea- ten coating 1161117,, with w prodigious seise. 1.214.t tw_t_pgrela w with papa "Of mine yon rebutted his affection. You've dune It iso -1 filen IS It came quite easy." 1 Tears glisteueir In lier eyesi. and be tnriosi away iter bend. She Mid clunr- reled nith this hoot and hail said she would never marry him, and their friendship had beeu almost cut asun- der. But lie hnd SIVA-11 her from lee- sleroe: Now lie WWI chiding her., 'One 'could not know Vladimir' with- allinnIng him," she said smideuly, With a great accession of spirit. "I fall to IntP why I.ributild be put through Ms I AIM by you." OPPAlll'I bt. If you don't want nswereit coldly. "Tills Is a village. Nester°, Is lyIng Y , soilieteliat cut up now, rate.- to," he nice, quie ..isot far aw 1but be will get over that. I 'cuilld go on my way an !envoi ydu It my (pee- \ MOtt 4 are distsst el The thing 1e that there 'must be an explanntlon to t11s affair,' ind I'd like le know What 11 Is to lee, it le so tridiaig matter ..to cut 11)0 goillior of R t(use)an province to "Ilarcyon be'en fightin" she naked quietly. . "No," be replied, with' a 1111 of ear - comm. "Nerilerov and I Wile] il in a few plearuintrIee. Ile doesn't if 1 at d•Y overthion\se I do; that's all." , '''Oh, I see yonr hood Is hemlnkfel 1 never noticed it. Ob..fack, forgive me! "We we're folleletng • course of las (Miry," lie pal& pelting the bandaged baud behind him. "Thin Vladinite- you met -there wan An attaehasent-tin far, en good. Now, hest did that Iced to this affair?" -1 wonted to see Vladimir and went 14, train from Moneow to Perm. I Wound ll 'kooky at the Statical and 'wait driven to the alines.. 'mono, hOulle-1111 mere desalts& I MINN Nesharorthere foith *fellows vieutliatios-Ma au - . .....o. Aso) Au Keelung up with It. The old engine wee cPupled to the ear, aed then Deatoo went for Frauces. "The tralu ts ready," be sal& - "The train! What trate" "The train that is hecarry you to the Obl, where you Will join your father." "But there Is no trate!" "There Is a trals.„and as the steam Is up and the track clear I suggest baste. Your father is prebably anx- ious." She weut with Lim. , At the sista of the engine she understood. "You are a wonderful -you ars doing this for mel" she !aid. but Netlehov will be a passen- ger." "Awl your . "Eugineer, conductor, guard -all." lle took her to the car and made bee comfortable. . Nester°, was carried to the car by the villagers. The backs of two seats were turned down, a bed was rued, for him, and be lay there quiet aad seem- lugly coutent "Gt course, I know that you are seri- i ously wounded," said Denton to him, "and the possibility of your doing any mischief Is SHIRK but I want to MI you before we start that if I catch you at any tricks.' will kill you as I would a dog." Neslerov nodded, and Denton went on the engine. It was an exciting start. though the audience was small. The villagers eared, then laughed as the littleold engitie puffed and screeched and scrap- ed as It gut under way. Hut it had a man in charge of it who WAS accitstomed to overcoming diMcul- ties. And the way he made it groan and work would have mad* glad the heart of the luau who had abandoued it ou the siding six months before. . In the Oar was silence. Nealerov vvas too weak to talk; Prances would nut talk do him If he wished. She re- tnalued. at her end of the car, save to go in mercy to him and offer him wa- ter at intervals. At such times he would look up at her with an strum% luacrutableexpresslon on his tam Mae would nut speak, nor be Suddenly At a siding. toward which lie had been isirelug Denton turned the t.nirItie to the right and brought the lit - Ile train to a standstill. They bad been on the road sixteetzhours and bad trav- eled 210 guiles. . Frances and Neslere, both looked up ,aa the train stopped and yaw the grimy engineer enter the ear. "There Is a village near .bere," he rink]. "and just beyond this skittle there 14 a swell signal box. 1 have Hutt vis- ited It, and there Is a train Coming.tbis way froin 'forusk. Undoubtedly,' .as \there Is lio regulnr train due, this is a , eenrching party out after Frances Gor-A, Now. I have uo wish to start an inOmmatioual controyersy. What story' shall we tell?" -"Tell the truth." said Frences. "11 does nut. air a ..rule. harm any person who is innocent." . "Np," said 'Neslerov; "not as a rule. But we ere In a part of the world where costems are different from your*. lf you telh.the truth. you will never make the world believe you. But you will hot uuderstand; 1 cannot tell you." "I know what you meau." said Fran- ces scornfully. "You mean that your reputation Is so bad that if It were knowu that you had that ear left be- hind to compel me to marry yon every- body will be sure I am your wife. I. that It?" "Yes;atomething like that." , "But. Oleo, there is my word," said ... , Deoton. . "Your story will be believed by your ople, my story by mine," said Neste - r0 "Let us each tell what we please. I do t care." Dent nodded and wont back to bls *Perm ut he dld not start. The whistle of • ding locomotive was borne to bim b the breeze It cattle - one engine aud a r, the same as that be was on, but a m ern locomotive of American make: Gor. ' n was In the car With some officials fr Tomsk. 'Lley! That you, Denton. ' lie gasp- ed as the grimy bridgebuilder tepped Into the car, which was stopped the ride of the Construction engite. ' girl and the governor of Tomsk go lift behind In a eer. Seen"- - 2"I'm all right." Mid Frances as she enierged frotu her car snd flew to her father's artns. "Did Dentou save you? What wee ft? Where is Neslerov?" asked I tordon. .0011. lie is In them" said , Frances \ti. Isom savages. Hilt ND. Denton and the c olly. "We've hail a lively experience. I t tight at one time we'd be killed by prItice-soli, let's get on; I'm ttred Out anti hiliti.r4:, Dentou ril and wondered. In every den, experiedee be had had with Vralleeettlorclon he had been made name *lid more etitonlahed by tlie un- eertain mode, the whims, the Fittings turns lier caprice would take. "111111 on to this tralu •nil haul her hark to the Ohl," sild Iteeton. "If the read doesnh want this engine. I can nee It at the 01.1 bridge." \ This attachment was scion hurtle, and Mr, tiorilon, after visiting .the` prince and congratulating him upon hhe es - •cape 'frotu the savages, assiiite& la .1 1 Meg. It bid about sleety miles to go to reach the Obl. Duriag the jour. 0(7 Deem and Frauces found them - mires side by skis la the rear car, with se one near euough-to hear their low spoken times. "I cannot understand you." aald Dente& You drst said tell the truth, then you yourself told the drst defter -- ate Ile. %Myr Frances looked at hlm coolly. "Because I thought it over. There was &toed deal la vvbst NesWoe ilia nen, again, you and aay father have work to do. • career to make. Mowry to earu, sod with the enmity of Ne. stems, you would be ruined. I studied It well. It is better as I said it. Let it pass." "Here we are at Vastdov," he said. "For the Bum befog you are home strata." she replied, with the slightest tremor In r voiee. -The As to you, I am home again -in my temporary home." lie taisrisreo.f41"4 HIGH LIGHTS QF FASHION. Linea Coats. Malted en reels !eleven and Varies. Whew items. Limn coats are the natural complee meth of the already well established linen sktrts. The platted lines bolero shown has • stole end collar a etltch- eft-Alma, beads of which also edge the bell sleeves. The plaits are repeated at the back. A basqued coat ls atm very smart. The back is quite plain I fitting. the fronts cut to stand out smartly from the figure. The sleeves i are of the trw "coat bishop" order, so , cut that the baggy fullness at the back of the wrist is contrived without more thee the slightest gathering or plait - Ing, the seam outward taking Its place. 1, This Is distinctly • gain where wash - Ing has to becontemplated. Canvas Is cafe of the favorite mete - rialto and may be had In cream and • Abou. T. Lipton. And .AW.„ angel With ▪ g TOU111.11111 lab seriaddlug It11 tami sheet Then. 1:1u1utret up tit 1.1.. ...*t Theengel +book his'Iseed. I let ye tee u art %ague now." he &Yid. 1AlJollT. Lipton wowed 1.1. hand: "I • liere 11.t. Attie atere• t. in Week and white. 1 The 111411 11 ho.'. • bout %sill get the needed Wore The Winker 1111 111C ruining Yachting rties- The gallant Lipton brightened. up. "Pray I tell. - !Ilex ,1141111,14* .111111: aW.,./L11 hul 14, 11111.1/` .4awl. I cannot write our T. 1.1u"inide reply, "tVoaki I wen. It. hut put no• dos u se one 41101101 11r 111111 !.• Th e angel %ivy and s washed. *Eke neat night Iteration. on Tool'amalo. Out out to urn*, said 'I have On this large hood...nue chart !.,% fine ex 44444 pie Or 1110 011111,11 VW'. 0,11 1 lie 111111hes. .4.1111. (IVO sport.men-niel the I - And kill'. Leone.- 11•1110 led all *4.. reet ! %Van. F. Kirk lit Milwaukee lienalsiel. Bicycle Road Race. 'Yiirotitii, Aug. 21/.--tiet Sattirstay, seri...tuber 12t1i. the•lirg event of tire y iota. w br -bold here. 1* will le. 1:1111%11 as lite 1 ttttt tail) triailiy I C111111111 Cyele rigid 1110e.. ls• IVIUlL hillitilur ( th. 1.111 if.. id. belt! 141111O ago. 'prizes gi‘i-ii for iudisiiliaalei attil 1•111. (4.11111/4• rolul seli-ete.I is, over tilt, N1/1111 R111,e1/411' ,t%11,•• driVe1 up Witiclit.ster t.. I buif.ortli ron.i for ell 111111 1.11e-11,111 111111.11, retur • g the lialtio Ivitt 1... hAA tinishiliag line bring alt the st,sraitig A grivel 11111111re Alf Int VA. IA« promote, that ' t hoy ileeire eiimpsoe. 'tteot 1.11WI W111 IW bIt fios-e. It is expeeissl that the rite* will !wove ii big sitissoie. The Itlilleat tire a nil Mos Al the sight of Ma engine she enderstood, traneferring to him moms of the com- fort*. to II* found In the other eat The RtiesIRR °Metals swarmed around him and praised his courage. • "Abd that •merleaal He hi a heave ese tool" they mid. , "Yee: he Is brare-bramr thee 1." Mid Neslaree weakly. AIL Via Jiang lox tuna ^ JTT Mb; • eavozent LINZI1 SOLKRO. many other colors, and • popular de- sign Is the plaited skirt with • hip piece of opeuwork over silk. Thls model has a sack bolero with abort platted `moles and wide cape collar adorned with vandyked openwork and trimmed With motifs of cream guipure. It has Wide bell sleeves aud can he worn with any pretty waist. A Paris correspondent ootes as a fact worth clironicllug the hold boletss have at present' among, the most el1e. gently dressed women in that city ot fashion. At all smart gatherings .dressee In crape. voile or mousseline display a shork.pialtIng falling loosely above a high draped, close fitting celte tat. A pretty style h found by those who do not c_are to adhere to the smart Ilt- tle bolero effects In the full blouse shaped bodice., having • Pointed shaped shoulder cape ornamented with slik tassels and cords. A narrow vel- vet collar of some bright contrasting color Is a becoming finish to these itto tractive capes. For evening are beginning to be adopted some of tbe day dress garni- tures -namely, ornaments In gimp riming a sort of basque from the coa- t. tbe waist •t the back. Th emerald green shade which has agure&So largely In dressy hats prom- ises to • ar this pease* In omen fete toilets, lame color and nastur- tium red are t1r taking new hues, but perhaps there 1. nothing that can more certainly be dPnded upon for style than the nnlv.rsaily worn black and white. A hew wrinkle in moonlit vardtlee promises to be the hatband In wo os more colors oat the etraw hat bnt ably, except •mong the youthfnl co tiogent, dark blue and !Make will pre- dominate as usual. It appeare that the broad, straight brimmed shape .11 to be the popular straw outing hat for womea as well as the standard' shape for men. • silk Windsor tie In shepherd's plaid or polka dote 1s fashionable west with • woman'e linen collar os rea- mer abirt waists. A flat sole, high military heel and more polneed toe mark the latest sum- mer Oxford ties for women. J. VBRNON WAT.DICIL Why He Didn't Marry. V. 1114 English art kt dell! 11 1 /N111'1'141 IV. W1111eI 1 l. .11 his youth onl'he Iiiillot in of Sydoey, Amor:dia. the yodels 111111 W1.11111 11111 n41.11411141 Ily the 114.11.'- * 111 11141111e 11. the 111.111.1. emirtm. and (riot.. 1111114- assig lllll rids he wind,' bring back sketebes. tom h irtine and now pothetic.thilt %err ad ' Able. Gine of the hest (4 ow maim in Apt riles hangs in the library of t %a in locrlaiti. it port reps n then. hotrod -dog num in the, prisonere' bar, ing to a eery mild and sy moot hetic- looking jitAlMr. Mr. May's PIMA' of the eketch ie that the Niro mei hod been dragged before the judge eeery few the for n her of yelling. • "Your fan. is ?needier here," the bitter now WI ill . 11 ie. yotir honor WOMP lurk." whiniest the te.isioner. "Are you married yet 7" "i_Not yet, sir." • "Not yet, eh? How long In It nOW Hod you have/W.4M enamerect.10" "Seven yews% your honor.' long all that Why in the world haven't :t•illa gotten married In all that time 7" "lbseverie, reit' Minot," the primmer v•Plaineel. "Ann and I haven't bman- , A) he both net of jail at the Name Dositon Poet. •A Pine Stove. Pirie always maid that Mark TWail It stole t hi.. story from hint and h.• 1*' ttilil get eVrit Aluy. 1 was., years :tau, and fin. a fe • e•reks Pirie woe nine i 1114 *4(111190 1111)1 iv ‘11 0.t 14411. weekly. The sta cott,intrti of himself and a printer. Things financially and every other way were at the lowest ebb. A funeral 1'i1111e Irk • • g ii. t he road 11111' day. and 'malt left the ease, to watch it. Pirie'seellWil very depreiseed. "[hi y1111 sitplisamt- -be began, and lie s.ignisi and stopped.. "NVIiiit'it the matter will) you said the nrilltet. "011 y.111 suppuee." said Pirie. sWit I- 11.% 1114( a I llllll him throat. and pointing at the ciptibt y011 ! use 11411 Call onr ?" -Gt. lam a Journal. ItttiMMittlfftt!!!“MIM COMBINATION PRICE 4 st Offer Ever Made. . in Canada THAT GREAT FAMILY PAPER, 'F Family Heald. and Weekly Star, ...a, AND - "The,. Sigilal" To Any Address States or.Great.B 1994, for thee Canada, the United - until Jaatubry 1st, II sum of 39e. f.t10 A Chatham Man Says Iron -ox Tablets are all right. January 12, 1903. Allow me to say a few words as to the merits of the Iron -ox Tablets. I have used them constantly for indigestion and palpitation of ths hurt, also sour stomach, and 1 can assure you that I have derived great benefit from them. I wish you continued succus hh the Irm-ox Tablets, for they are certainly all right. I always keep Irort-ox in the house. P. W. M'AULEY, Care Chatham Mfg. Co. Chatham, Ont. Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket case, ascents at drug - or sent, postpaid, oq receipt of piece. The Iron -ox Reseed; Co.,Lim- ibid. WaikarviIlc. 00. Something -ou &oil want is dear at any price, bet here in and if the price is not twn mire. SOIllett11111( 71/111 l W/tilt IL1141 Might to hair low enough then we. ask ,y,n1 twine your The Signal will Nipple you with all Hen lora! news, anti The Family Herald and WwkIy Star will ;rive on the news of the _Winiti anti the greeteat t of good. nenal, wholeminine •Isailiaig to be fi. lllll I III ray isparepaper or in arisSi. The agri- cultural news *lime wurai ten limes the y • eninereiittAnti. present milieeritiors 14,114,. paper CIIII have Family lfer. ald and 'Weekly Star until January lat. for 1.1.1. Iy heaving their ataberriptnino at this office. (*All or mend vi me eitharript lona to ' The Signal Office, GOOER1CH PVic I COMBINATION PRICE .1 30c TiNEW SUBSCRIBERS 6 6T Ire cordially habil yes to Itaill111/ ea exhibit of DUNLOP Carriage, Bicycle noes. mad Maar Goods descriptions. which will a one of Oho f le Oho sew carriage buslitiag a atif 009*I510111 PA05, T0000110 aise at the London. Ottawa, Sherbeseign and St. Joen Fairs pia DUNLOP USE CO., Liana Tornio to Is 1904, higt For any address in Canada; Unied States, Great Britain or Australia. Cents to 44'44 i.viv4i-iii9i4vinieirts TAKE ADY ANT AGE Is Special Offer to 4, the Best Local per in Huron + sent to your ad - to that of your *OP 6#64444r of .have -4. 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