HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-27, Page 5•4-;rtl
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414 t
1111,1 staNAi,: (;()1)Eit1elt 'ONT. t Ri()
TRAINED FOR WIVES particularly valeotile work, suffilarly
trsialwi for011 flirt), of the Booed'i
eteappiee gated, W*I 1,11, @octal It
forswore aoplorod-erforalsollloe /All
teachera to qualify for the diploma
uard ofifilucation fur the ,
teaching of &masts IMbJecte.
At the hot return of attendances
at the domestic subleet.counts of
the London School Board there were
it- registered 64,807 little "wives in the
y VI whotu 113,6114 were in
the 181 Cookery Centre; 20,401 were
of th D
1 estee$4,4-11upproselsg Loo4•o•1 Tw
tottoolog tells, Early Mortality it
liabloo Lag Dranbetanow - Progreso •
mit W esti.
' The Loadon &Awl 110 d est ou
soma yes" 1g9 tO 4174,tpp1. with the
eville which social Wormer. deplore
in tb. nios prmtical of all pussible
ways. That the board bag laver quite
received due recognition of It.' work
sa • PlO0011, Of social reforms se
partly due to the fact that -Ate work
was a work uf future, rather than
immediate,. edict, and partly to that
other face that it wee done without
ostentation. l
What the board did wan this: It
considered the uutloek fur the com-
ing generation, and Doted the sore
place.. Theo it conceived that good
feedbag and comfortably ordered
homes would be the must effectual
. method of suppressing both the early
ouirtality of babies and drunkennes.,
Loudon's two. pressing social 'vile.
It prepared' • course of training iu
-Domestic SubJects." and determined
to give the Same to ali the little
girls within Nis bordera. Extending
and developing this course year by
year, It Is only to -day„ that It has
reached Its fully perfected, organiz-
&tee.; but' lq 1878 It Inaugurated
the work .by the opening of „cooking
centres, . at which •v•ry "futurit *stern-
ep" was eligible to rOcelve one half -
81.7. instruction per week, from the
um t 21 hee'promotIon to st d-
art* 4c. ,Tbe syllabus, which at ev
alteelPon le submitted to the Boa
of Education tor sanction, la tilt
Prewile Plaanesi • fur the trainipg of
girls msives: mn
others and maagers
of small et well -kept hunkore-not as
profession , cooks. it litcludes.looll-
ing,,baking,, rolistins, frying. grill-
ing. do.. the. ma.Mng of broths, pas-
try, and Daiwa the preparatiou, cuitk-
fug, and web.' of vegetables, flab
. anti meat. The\implemente need are
• uf the simplest, such as the children
. could themselves procure; and especial
stems iit laid on the recooking and
using up, of fratpuents and "scraps
' that Hemline; Into H;onotnicai but
tiaiipting dillies. Iniagiriary babies,
and •ick or\aged proplese, whOse diet-
Stry the wise touuse olootholr shollid th-
pectally outsider. end underStand. arr
Constantly • intrieloassi to `1414411.1 the
. schema coonprehealive and 'II teach-
ing applicable ti every url.r of
In the 139 Lauoidry Centres: end 10,-
g 788 were in the housewifery Cen-
t tree. This surely creates f if • t
prospect for 64,907 husbands in the
making, not to mention that it flor-
al:we an additional reelun fur •
Leeralea le'weeh•
In 1890 fhe teaching 01
g t • success" as the c kyr,. At\
tied. rad has develZed nut) Ii
tb*, age of eleven the wives .of the
ruining men Make Guar intreoluctuty•
Low to the washtub,' and thes 1. an
how to wash flannels without ,si h. Ir
-•hardestilog. shrinking, or di, i „derma,
hiow to 'wash sinus without dest.-
.Itg frbelPItability and richness, ho
. to starch \wed get up their •prospect -
e buslaul ' t.ollare said shirts, and
lain to gru.le with such unwieldy
arrtelles as LI ds food wiudow cur-
pto•bhis pu nt sboth coOkrry and
latindrs ore ta ght as -o•less. Ler
eious.'"Iliat ,to say. the whole
class makes milk peddings, ur strain
Ugh, or prepares a teib.)'• food
tenuously. Simisitanously, tote the
whole (lase wathes curtains, st an Iles
'cullers, Irons ehirta. and has ri•-
pounded to It the evils Of usury; soda
and uf boiling the wrong materials'
Fur learning purposes, of tstera.., this
le the must expeditious'and` thorough
Way of conveying the lo mation.
ut with growing years a4 rowing
ipetency it lavuttine Mop. at ioe
th each child should he thr In -
ere*. ngly upon ber own resour to
"mania her te apply these lesiees.
She joust be taught not telly to
make !separator dishes well, but to
plan gold organlie 'the i•titire house-
hold, dinner, moat itiaportant of all,
she must be tatqcbt to do all her owa
marketing ,
So In 1896 it further comsat., *down
-i•••,,,,';"? al "Ifousc*Iferlf." was added, and
most interesting It is Twenty-seven
ordinary residential house, were suc-
"t•.."*.i' restively acquired by the board la
nriont parts of their area, each one
•auill,r 1i 'kind to that occupied by
the average school child of the re-
+ spective localities. The. are fur -
Imbed In abeolute straplicity,with
just Mich furniture se the ordinary
simple household could obtatn, or
itself with , reasonahle .1 lorifttnesa.
hero the girls take, their \third
f•eart's course, which Include.' the` en-
tire rout Ina of cleaning the holler..
theboots; the windows, the knhois,•
seeeping, scrubbing. "hutting, setting
and clearing tables, laNing fires that
aro likely to burn, and making beds
--cohodurtably. ,The mending, making,
and keeping of hone. linen.' personal
and domestic hygiene. household san-
itation and ventilation, the treat-
nient of common ailments, bandaglug,
poultIcing, plotting aphids on Imolai,
narily broken limbe, and the washing
tied dressing of it baby (that lino tit
be borrowed for demonstrat •Il
hitve their repeated turn, and 'hugely
the dowels ackloy the program.
Than. too, hunting In (-Lemke, they
are wet off to plan, purchaso. and
lwritare a Meal for their pruepectIte.
faitilliem, atter recoiling twit tort Tuna
.ao to whether the family for the hay
Includes an intim grandmothirr, a
RirklY hushand, or • hale', ;IA aloe
as to whether their groxe expindi-
442 ture is to work out at lid, hi. 4d
4.4.01,or oidper head, amsordtbg to Vie
' range of incoults with whIch they ire
PuPPolled A tie Owlish/id Thus they
give lte001 01 their lltsslaillation of
the previous class 'swats.
• Teti Latest neiveteemeats.
Some eighteen oyonths since a new
"Patters Wes mint tge opening ex,
perlatedtallp o • antres, In
whish gliela geothsett wen will -
Ind %0 Ade that they should
remain ,sit au additional six
month,. t take a, futthes sours*
of these thin ittendIng the
elmtrIl ton sv. lit week. Me
• )7, stead of ow. ibe girls pg.
tition for the' WI Mit months
which allow ao welt additional wet
nursing and advanted house manage-
ment to be acquired. In theft Cen-
tres. too,, an entirely Maw line has
bees %Aso by *a hstroductIon of
upholstery. • sublets% not previously
includsCla the domeetk code of the
elonientnry echools id our own conk
try or any coheir" tfattressee, aro
41„ . made. chain are cushioned„couches
" ?ro fitted with springs, windoni
„1,./ Itilads are made, oorded and fitte&
eRrNfil made add Lid. This lathes
i'")11001* Werk Is entirely duo to the
' snst.r,' If three of the lady supers-
, indents of the domestic althlerta.
rtThrthe, who la bCtthisie li with time. and
Then . trained°
Sutilemat lidtawn 14 radstuka-go•
hankfulnees that "Collide 2." with
its possibilities for cutting up thin
work lnto local sections, la bend
away fro= the much discussed Edu-
cation MIL -London Chronicle,
Its Aledfastees et wthataale Rio•
011oth Doom itoolootoill.
stable that Ktag Stephen and
It was la the royal borougi witt7
Duke of Normandy met to arrange
the succession, and In ate venerable,
Church was mid the famous ;entente
by the first Ifitnestant Archbishop
which pronounced the divorce of lien-
ry the Eight and Catherine of Arra-
(08.. Alrooet as great an epoch has
feellatlY arrived to Dunstahl•-noth-
Mg less than the revolt and (soigne, -
tion of the band and hayward, wlso
In a less aacient borough would be
known, as the town crier. /Se care -
'a hie experience that there was, no
mow in It. The corporation re- c
thin. all the rights of the lords of
the manor, and at • Court Leet re-
eantly • sew he'il! and hayward was Y
appointed. All the old customs were a
enforced, Jurymen serving fur the
Grit time were tined one shilling to ft
Sofia, Aux. 25.---Trevelersi life) lir-
rived here last night bow Atii•lauople
stale a taaittlatTe of etaldren weer -
real there Suudicy uouroong. One est-
rum Jaya the guns on one of the ` •
twig opened fire mein aa inaucgoont
blood, which had attacked • Military
outpost. A Pater hilloWed Wilde the
town,, end ihe ALAI •, lades topuLt-
thin fell upon the i'lloriatianes•
a\rsii..01b LAD1Lb
Tiirks ere reoiorZsi 110' have
maesecred all 11 " '11 find Child-
ren in twerity-t n pillasies of the dis-
tricta uf Ilorili and Monastir, and
to have afterweide burned the v11 -
Agee. They are aloe alleged to have
killed • autuher f pristmers. The
introits of Rruntleo0 ere said to be
strewn with dead and the eurviviiew
are afraiii to bury the bodies, feeruie
tu Incur the suspicions of the 'furls.
' Reports freto ;Monastic autholla-
e.t.a by. the Russian and. Austrian
Couside, gl+.•
the 'peewees and at roc' t lea . At
village of krtnenislio, the Turk,. de-
stroyed 150 hum/4,44ot of • total of
157, and massucred every wen, wo-
man and child The women Wet. soito
jected to the Luton terrible atrocities
by the soldiers. &relit revolution -
captured at Krushirco. who
were sent In the direotioa of Mona-
stic in chains,were slaughtered by
liwoomitto Intolerable. -
With the rumors of snaseaerse,
trocities and the murder OA Weer
re_ in 111onastlr, now authenticated
lie general situation hare le fast bo-
oming letelerable. official and diplo-
matic circles are alike coacersed fear -
ng that Mbar horrors ellaoted
et te come th Befit. The revolution-
ry committee. are doing their ta-
nnin to force the kands of the Bel-
arlan thavernalent. and the immedi-
te outlook is ere eedlnativ seri us
• 'Willed IMO rorseeif. _
• Constantttiople, Aug. 18 -Accord-
ing to Turktah advice., whiM the
captured Vasilikin the
eastern part. of the ViIat of
Adrianople, they killed the ga lsont
consisting of fifty soldiers. and
about one hundred 0 the ink bi-
• I ee Persona gilled.
Vienna. Aug 25 -The Nom Frio.
l'resses, COMitonttnonlee eorreepon-
detot tehlivaphe that a hand of Bel-
gartans has attacked the Turkish
town orf Urges, south of Iniada..en
the east coast of Turkey, and have'
blown up the Clovernment buildings
With dynamite It le reported that
20° persons war* killed.
buy colt ale for their fellows. -A1-,
denmen Laagridge and Oarrett were
re-elected ale -tasters, after the former
had been fined le 4d. fel...neglect of •
uty. 'Floe ancient and eatablished
ht of the ale -taster is to walk i.
any one of the ithirty-als licenseCl
twee end call ,for a free stoup of
ahlo to gee that the ineasuree are
the peeper standard.-•Lonclon
_ Vloterla Jed,* Mottroo.
Sip hi tley eiVilliume has retired
from the\ poettlou ot simior purees
twenty year ' service, and will tale
Judge 01 tilStatio 'of Victuria. after
up his peruitozeut abode in Englatici,
IL Wan burn in what was then the,
little village \of . Melbourne linty
years ago, aed fli that city, with the
exoeptioa et the `,,yeare 'he lativht St
Oxford and -la ttd.. Temple, hie Me
has been spent. He rose No repoily
at the efelbcrunie Bar Diet lie wall
made Supreme Court: \lodge at thin
ty•eight, with • eatery of ieti.i.00 •
y•ar. Twenty years ag cyelieg was
set the institution that 1 is t -day,
irid when Sir Bartley wee L. riot
circuit on • bicycle and waAssoa
tato Ballarat by • cite,. f Meal
eyelike, old-fashioned A wife; la ans
stuedered whet the world watr„coui-
iiig to, and 'whether 'judicial clii•lty
•wass- timosig the vanished virtue.. \In
144- with- Sir -Hartley was elec.. ibe
Arroutiol'Ishod outsmart. cricket./ &DS
was lits painful. duty el\
ile axes . to solid into seclualos
fo ' seven y rs his uld professor cbt
the \ art 'of aelf-defsticts for highway
rubbery with s mlenns As-nri ama-
teur end eutuesthit • aggressilli theo-
logian Skir lliartIcy has figured fre-
quently In tho iiulplt Of tbe Mei-
+ mornings, led ide ook ea "Reiter -
bourne UnItarian• Chtiirch on Sunday
Ion Without `Superetition" not only
caused much c ntro%'eraY In colonial
religious circles, but also drew an
eleborate reply fium the then Bishop'
of Melbourne, Dr. lionrhaulse. Who fs
nOW Bishop of ManMester. \ .
Prootleal Jobs ow Atter sechera
In Connection with Ptinch's bilious
dinners. it story is told \ at Sothorn.
He he'd twins milted to Meet e litil-
,liant conipen31 assembled at \the pub,
ladling +odic* on the day the Prince
of. Wein (our present King) was
married. Ile arriied late ou the op-
peelte side of the street. The crowd
was dense, Ind he was tuiabli 'to
force his way oususa. Devine •
policeman, he /whispered, rOet m0
through, end 111 gin pie it sove-
reign." ''Afraid I, caa'" laid the
officer, "but I'll tr714 A rodigious
effort waa unswesafuily uad. Seth -
'ern was at his wit's end. ”Look
here." he said to the constable. Pput
your kandeuffe 'cm me, drag\ me
through, and rti gin you ltwo
pounds." So Sottisen was banded*
ad and dragged through • mans ot,
butuanity. ''You'll flail the money
In my waistcoat pocket." he said
The puliceuian secured It, but also en
additional bribe frum one Of Soth-
tenheads, which left the actor for
the rSst of the day 'manacled and trot
in the most comfortable position to
enjoy it good dinner.
/ .
' Ilki nitt\teib Warden ,
A %magistrate visiting a British Jail
saw • prisoner who had • rat in his
The magistrate stli f#,Ah, you
have ;la pet, I see."
said tha cbuy...!.'.1 feeds
him Weary day. / I thnki more ,Of
that 'ere+ rat Alma' -AZ ut.k. Hying
neati ars" .
"lisiat prone.," said ibe alogini
tube, "thot Is svery men thke's
moon good impulse. you can ottle
Ind It. Mow caw t1 tis Ask* gum,
& Paltry to the rat •
""Cu. he bit the we:W.1' said Ow
°owlet. shamefully. .: .
IOften. ••••tod of itoalling. b
Ottawa, Aut. 25.-Meeeril, ROA de
Balaimery, notary; l, G. l'etegbee,
de -exalt, both of Mull, and Ms. Ow
eat of the Public!' Works Department
were shooting at Coebett's
tffutiff4Y when tkhriund T Loved&Y.
Iwamoto, Is. the Ontario rah and
Mame Protection Association. seised
their arms, with the Neaten that the
offient bee ligne awned by the Null
gentlemen a theft, and will answer
to the chard* In the Ottawa Police
•swsseeteeessesssweawww J
Ivereemee swing Ewan. '
Naples, Aug. 23 -The slight In -
• lit tie activity of Vesuvius
eonthines. The eruption 16 ercom-
pealed by detonations,. widie the
, weans 0 lay, flowing la Mb. direr.
ttontlYfrIPisolgett is still elowly att.
*diktat Some ed Ono Assures' rre
WOW noted ban bowies entered,
and are assuming almaitt the sweet
of new orators
two Moors no.
ItemEtes, vow as.-vrehm
the 'Puss at ef the ftebmt
Gysla OentPeerv, Toronto: WWI
artntotiowl be stsl• Ii front Mee
SruIi wq p. te L.tin
11111 4111 7: W.
17ilebie INIIP
T. Connote* lindoon's Bay 111th Control
Guthrie. Okla . Aug. 2.1.-P3ans for
a 11.40181c, railroad, 44 it It a Critiik. lltie
connecting lludson Hay Reth
hitt, hAtenOta Ayres, Smith
America, and hetet: • network otf
branches, was diSclused yesterday
Whell art MIAs -of incorporation of 1 be
Ra iireadXCumPuoiy,
Stith ,a capital stock placed ftt S25ii,_
oioe,000, werc 'fficri here with Iht,,S.-c-
retarY .of theTerrliorl•" •The 1,11 iaL*,.
'of lib.- corparalion.. it -191 is le
bolts) a • lin, of roillvrey pretending
from Port Nei...m..17;1,1,nm 'Ile). r
\\,:cr directim: crossing the Iiiie
• the Canadian .Parolic near il
thence tiiiough the flukuta*. !Se..
lostitka, . Kansas, tfklohtuna maid
an'Territury to Ottiveetott: thriitteh
hIesicu to the -Itithoetis of roomette
through, •roloorrobill to Ecuador. and
ally \tlitsokelt Versa' to'. 1.114not
Ayres. \
\ eat.eurtheaat cricket.
• Toronto, ',Eng 21 -The °metal
three -days' • • Set••rriat I,lna I cricket
match between °layette .represcut llott
the' Unit:td State, and„Canada Was
Marts& oo VarsItY caosinuirtestardes
noornings The ganos.st'artod,< In the
morning, with the viliitors at bet,
and they weir, not ruttred beim* they
had totalled She combinable wore
of 167 ri.ms. In Abe 'afternoon ihe-
',Canadians went to hat, and wete ell
retired for a total of 47 rape' Thn
Aitericane went in for their,
inti•gs. and when the' gel lue M., '&t
c4 hey had made 5:1 runs lot \the*
wickete. `,
Renela Ofireo a Cottony la toot Attlee ta
We /ewe -gleans emigres@ to Wmpeet-
ore tit. docent LL
Hoeg„! \Switeerlind. Aug. 25.- The
sixth Ziohist congress opened here
Sunday under the presidency of 10'.
'Theodore }Lintel of Vienna. Atuong
the 800 dotage:los froM all pert' ef
the world, i eluding the United
lit tee and Canada, who assisted at
the ap.nlng, wereMax NoLdali., Sir
Pr. • 8iontellore7\and larSel 'Zang.
Will, th novelist. .
Dr, hi eel ha Me' ening addreee,
referring to the eolla of the pro-
ject to estbhlish the .1 we ou the
Sinai penideele, antiohneed that
Greet Beiltida had of Bored \ the liEtco
ista a Peres Watt of territory In
Went Attlee for colonization \by 1 hi
Jews, who would be given an tato-
noceous Government under Britieb
The question of accepting the of.
fee, he said, would be etibmitted to
the ...ingress.
• 'f' 111 TERRIBLE COST.
\NA% oblawo Was Mittel. Moo Coot litititor•
' land. 111*0111.1100,01110 to to step.
don, Atte 2111.-I'riVate newe
fr i',Achin is to the effect that
Pan hea l'ulem and Heath Ketinia-
la. SF shave been for, many years
the two chief rebel leaders, will for-
eial., b\y auinit to the Dutch `in !be
cotton" of th• next few days. Thin
weans the enti, of.the war the colon-
ial troopef the lether'laode have
bee* waging with, the .11chinents el-
ost continuously Pince the veer
1t7*. The cause of aim war *am the'
re need of the Suiten ite Aohin lir r.,-
coantre, the sniveretinsty 101..tliii Net 11-
erlabda. The wee thsteThegan hits
citat the Dutch Alegi 120O,0oli.otei,
arid tha Itrea-bi naval theusand
'•!•• -,-,:, -
r Aniteer,„$.
A vomit min toi nta.
wares Ann. ve hfl viola, deer,
W111 von he mine I Sill) ,110. wedf„
I prof thee. five, dear,-
** VOW' 11141Wer vh fief r... 4;4% rrhOt ;
-111 glyilbr hIsa I e,1 , slt." •
And lot a rhvi lase t Os side
She marwtored, "I'm so r\A en. edi is!
BLIfOre the Judge,
Mrs. Kittilhart "Whentssyt.re you
brought up, my poor tnao P"
!torpid illetw•ht li1tettlY1--"i
rink Boston wits dt last pia/It...-
What pert of 14611ia exaVtly like
every ntber part late counterpart.
F, N1,1 doesn't coin... to
• hti. Ise wIttowiti4 . wai
, (,. you if 'sane Item..
When we 1,11 youthat ouir ladies' I
w, l 1•111111.1.11.41 1111t• :HA tirtstsy,
are saapiv telling y..11 a% liat rune
Every Good Style in lien's Shoes is in our Store.
,m1,11t to li,tv... mir ti;t't ill .1 11.111 light 11,0%.
lI ck 1 M '14 I Ild Stand; °
.1 1. it 11 11 1 .1 4. 1..
MIck's Forecasts foe Nest Montf• Some Wares
Weather Predicted,
HeY,,,Irl II. St. Louis. loss
isstooll Iau. foirei•ssf's fer the th
S plena) r, the's:theta pi tittle witiiir
are Itere given :
The storm diugi•aiti sin wys1a. number
of disturbing causes jawseest ili Sep-
tember. Th, re of he Venus
period right fully falls about the saute
&lite Withh lie cent re 1,1' tetittilitts,
estelitillig its isittlielire (net. the Wittiie
mouth. ,,11w iiere 11 dot, not
wholly pass oil' mail near the islitiolle
Septembet. • •
fir.i st,,iiii pcliod for Septem-
ber is central a,.t the 41 1,., extending
from the 2iiii 'all. This pari,ei
enilirnees Moon 111ilinhAe•• 4,11 flit, :1.1.41,
fell oil Ille 61 11. illid .111 1 he ...plat
I lie fill. Sign, al/ :111,11.11411•11111.4 4•114114414
and ,14.1111. AN ill a4mear ahoill he 3111,
Weather Will groin' N Moir! 111 h..
W..- 1. 11.. 6:111.1,..-1, 1' 11 111
itt• I Int same region, anti cjoinlilha- • anti
1,1110, W111 follow. gr..14itig in 4'..Itittle as
,t hay pass eastward. and reaching
Iron. 1 fie 11 to 11.:
7111; Autumnal !homier stsariits altil
-111.111 • will. Ito lialilial 111 Itiony set --
Gal, on he alb and °alb Ovid, fey
cloatige 1. iseiTer in the west
Is these storm, pits, ext.' %slut/. the'
led, cl• .tt Pig %se:Obi-4r itig41•••
1,1/11.4 1.1 I Oa' 1.•41 1,1,111. 1,1Nt. 111.
ligl• tit rail' and N11 lie re.
Ekes Liked the To
Our experience does not confirm the
opinion of the many. poultry writers
whe recommend tobacco powder or to-
baceo stems In uests to keep insect pur-
finites away, especially -ehicktu mite*.
Soule year. ago, hatiug au uusalable
crop of tobacco on hand, we wade all
their nests of tobacco leaves, satistital
that we would thereby extowoulnate
mites. • The Hama was the worst ut-
tack from these pest* we ever'sufiered.
They swarmed among the tobacco
leaves by thousands. This What's.°
was very strong Connecticut reed leaf
Mad W/114 'cured a deep, dark brown:
but lt seemed that the stronger it was
the better the tulles liked it as a holy.
eliteltena Entered lb* slater.
Ill tin Obi° town the Africa Metho-
dist Episcopal church of lliut 'strict
hold a conference, and for u w the
town was 011ell with colored pulpit ra•
• torn. A few days after the coufere ce
elitsed Its ne•slon one of the, feudal
. *omen of the town drove out to l'fit
Ridge to purchase chickens °ran old
Infinunik who had supplied the faintly,
for years. Aunt fl• '' tttt ah. muffing to
the gate. said: "I'm marry, Miss
I ain't got ai eilleken left. Dey all done
entre de mlnistry."-Esebanice.•
fat cif Wird after ilac .111.5.11 lifisses4
i„,41 1 f t.1- oil Ille. 71.11.
1A1 in •i e if "old _040111111:Ile ali..111
he' fa rill 1P11 omilic
ItVedt er • ILI t•tome, 111.1.4111:1.1
1 J11 1 his Show% hut ws• 1.1•111.Ve
11111141 111 411 t In; vveat her
i a IN 0 e t he at Vera ge. The
itt h. 111th a .1 1 1 1 11 '11! ie./. • try
.1. trin .lays, to and tilhout %% filch istal
e11 slot fit son Ilion), P511•arise. All
4 liing's eom.i4,1 sl mosplierie mid
ode iteri 1 Il4 ions of wide :11(11
% clutritelleri4 02)141 )stquita !rat 0101
aoty %% bete twit hilt a week or len day
or 11, 11111. 'Etie IN. . id iS 111V1•11•41 tav
t he Ma Ir.; Earl 11 :tin Venn. • 1s1 (tele
:MVPS. if 1111 *11 11111kilt ill 4 of appro./1,h-
ittg Attains '40.111.1 be 14', 'aptly noti)-ed
;lint beetled'. 1Lecy high mipwraturt-,
if folloWeil loy electrical st los at t his
tines dill •11•1,1taily fall to a ry •.14141
p.issiloly tot the l'et line_ nor ins aril..
A regill.ir VIII. ,sti stortio 1 rioti
(4.10101 oil Om '111 IL co% ettinu 1 • 1 fili
1.. 191 Thr ia4taa
Moon fail, ..1 tlip
4:14,---1 i MI i11.' 201114 1 ill
Vokilirillrlit as il ia thr central- day
ealth's aninional mai wi
linsin al an eclipse node. This is n
at the, centre nr t.he Venlis
The slrofig 111.oluillil1f1es are Olaf
allIsef 11411,4 finny weather
e ill begin diming 1115. period 1,1th to
lilt Ip. iinit rtin Mtn the reactionary
wriott yeti 1,101 tot; the 21Itb a.2.1r. I.
13 na,,v ,aa'liva' storlils to cur
timo etn't:reil by lots, las o
petit mls., there 44'ill allitost trio Mir be
a proiliiaged spell a
\w,ala le• severe
Sei-anie shakes in litany. parts to this
11)11 other tAnintritts, 741tut pat tslitt
I 1. uses iliwitys i'.'-t41a slid)
t ct• ctoilliki liSia• exist. *at f his
11 a4' gtaieral 11 I 1114.111 S3111116,„ •
Inusst tot alkseltee slotrius,
m'ith. pro!sailed perind p momeim
th .t. weAl emlittKitt
mattc.eurtfiquake. aml seismic distort. -
.1 WV 11 re Mrli114.11, 1.a 111.1Mrt.
1141t 'Ile iitt let. %sin !smith iit this t
toll a 1, LIIr lino:it peculiar pooh
14.111, that no MN. ran posil it ely mitre
fid: Ike present state 4,r
oat ihst ..1114. lir 11.,• 1 W11
..X1 111.1111,;41 1111.11tiLILII.11 a,iii 14.4.1111
I.. a 1'3,1 that may 11.. 1.114 If
I liA II he 1
i% be war
Plco Ott-. "1).l •
ThBidIDAY, Atig, 27, 1903. 5
1 W. A. M0 KIM Roderick, Olt. ff.
1 Jordan Block
:11 fr.1‘114 f1.17tIftlittlftft"fOiffiffPrirfilVf‘f.ftf.01.1Vil 1111 ii
'411 $10.00 RAIN COATS HaR $7.50 -1
4 1, Ili, eu of tie », veld rat ...I English min (i its "American Loin..
1 t he hest. Noel t hest, light est, 1,111e1 lishahle rain coat ilt t he nuke-
. itt
lei.. it ill AN a ys 14....li 11s tine silk appearance because it im cake
4 A coal Made 1c i lic 1.takericali market hut loreto4ht 111t4, Cali-
1 . 4„1., 44 .44,.. . 1 4... 1.,,•4......•.. I ial duty. Big value at 11110.60 il
4' i4
$7.50 liFt -t1
1 ow 1,,t tt, ebko. at each
Skirts. is
'11 wily al 1 hW
.. bit. Waists ""t ho'n left but lir'
f 1
a Th.. mu imp"' tett jackets to hand. The idyls are
11.1 isirreci noel a.- alit leave it to yosor judgment about the prices
▪ „iii..1, at $2.7).
;foie itt ''!t' IP I% 1' ft‘ ftlefelpft‘ft‘oeftW
the) wil be clear -
sample -.kilt.. They' are'''!*.t Just- 11.111 Pritv. •
in Iblat k, 1411', grey awl ,, .111t• ehtititti fill' Ale •
brim oi. ...111.. 11114.11 trill:LIMA 4l 1.117.41`; .: ::t'44
41,111 1 • ;Idled. 1 Ill' 1111tA .It. Mir • . -. am -' 4 "$IM
• hat pkilise S‘ di he mi . lli ill A -...
• 4
t hit ti less 1111441 111.' value. WIt.tl'I'ERS to clear,
. •
lake stitts;d. 611.710eaell. • 81.16) wrappers for 75e, •
" " illie. ,
- "V.I., .4 .I ",1,01,, , t
+ ''' ' JACKETS .4.24.4 4.1S ttt.,4
4 4
• Invictus Boots
r t Pqr
tilt tr ,.'.ti
i t It- et 1 that the
511.111 liral. is nue
at 13.51, $4.00 and $4.51.
trio' ap e are con-
., us 111 11111 SIsnittle lo' tits., A. slater, of
be 11est 1..41 41141 OUr
prire 1/4 easily 011e
ill,. best valliem. It
11,1. it 'N't" feel
i/1111 14.
'Abed! tin 11%"e /ill a
%%lieu by, slept a it Girt'
'W Nit is, that which es erls111V
'Ilk 1. :1 1111 1111 .0411. 4'4111 •••`....27011.11.
, ? %Via I er. /
tVity iv I tiliosta! Wiyketl? Itecalist•
they not olds ism.. Alien. stays a 1111
• I.) 1,1 1 brit Imo they leisit•
i‘ely ceilo t .-ii' nes.
' (hi • one • ••• sion when John' NI.
1111111,p, now • official 1.1* a
large luttikiug stint -that Iliad real:
cromiNifrig t 11 Atlantic. a noted
punster as exhil 'ling his skill in t he
-4iiinke by mak
r11411111. Ilk fellow -1 .-.i'mirers. A di,-
' cuss' .11 1114 144% 1111.1 le 1.1111,14-1. 46.-
1.14 11. hi, a 101111 V 1.1 picatze 0 mut
the name of allynit oil the :Adv.
Vait esti:dolled 1111111•1•
ager ytill 1 Ilc snook., t % can't
coos it on my twine.- ' ids as a
liaslf rain.. I he 111.11..11.., I! t1111
ea •y° : just :kV •otT the last t 'tellers
lied it ••.„ 'duo. I ttttt hop bought She
I eyeful in del.igto
neer. 1 in lit and fille
',II .essy. for
1:1 e, tit' (o.or Wear
'1 he o 1111 of any $5.1i10
tempt y ti • Vet. haW.
The ti.-
s1 +.1 fes are 1
wait pelt. AI
iiiiii ner
ly and
11.444 to 10. Ali \
with Doody
sel telt t
w ell
l't ice $1.1 2 I .11c1 $1.:141.
'ley a pair and ry lime. thev yo
111,1 y•ntif• Money ni a 111.W pair. l'hist alto
dem, 111 he Ins lei us hoot r
- Wm• ,•.
t. rni are to he the rule ihey
iiut Or the ordilintry_ fill hot 11 hind mill
•-•es, Mot I intely indica! inlet Will MiloW
4111•11 is going to he h he res1111. , If
dry, fA..1. brassy Weal lier, slio1441 111.141•
for many olioys," its 'peculiar iptensit y
will too.' slooarkill and al the
breakup. earthopuiLes. a ili0111% SI ..11114.
111.1 111 1 11 ! 111 1111iti.,1,1111 yIIV he 11,1,„
ed rot'.
i:•11:41•11'itl'..libil • 0'11 t le °..71 tec aiding froni
rill Ne1.1..41 if. 'ac 111.1)11.
j11....1.'•111 to he Thi• period has
the combined foicenf
cury. Venous anti li(' h. aa it II\ Moon at
111s1 11114111 .1
01.4 1.11 1 114.1111141t11.11 41 11.1
IIII.tgvv. WV PE"Ii." I" 1, Ili,' Period
o it! 111 iiag 111 sel.h.s opt •11•V1.1.1. •11 111•111444
Ind Mal crisis hew owls,
wit! tail till :ilia ,t lie
li to Iffll 11. 'rills is afro :I
in wioMdaligerolls gitifstorm, misv
resHitantlay be expected. At P1,, who'd
up of , I his period a sweeptinc high]
har ,telet• mit nf 11,.' mart w ill 1,
bring as severe dash of aid al
441,41 her, ts it 11 !Dig's; 'sweat winds,
dealing (1,...,1 i t, many
places itl mast Men and central states,
l'his litialculminat inn may Ind reach
most seri iiivis lovfore the opening (flys
of 4 toolper. hot .tuelt ,Itittlge iiiittiist.
3 certailit V Iter,.ex• the 04141 t
Mercury tlisturloaiMe Which 114 central
Mt Sept chther 3111 h.
• ' His Only Object. • "
*41tiot. t.i,i Tittrolel
hitt it p35e14reiti4t at the' li.teliee
111,10 1 in iiiisf re. Alf file
Olif MI him.
"I think it's a bitine.- 41,4 ,4,..tid,
i'llta1 1,Azy. Ill othilig,
t v. ,Intt vm(al .1 vort.
,41o55..(1 t,. hot lite street. and •list orb,
p ople 111;it ha se in work\ 1 !liar 101
mg, when you know ••`sf gel
!multi hing to do a "II eil) ask
for it. 1011 ',ni don't want 16ss ork,
and you know' it, ;ma wouldit kr it
if anylaely WM. 1.' girl' it III yi
it'e it waste of 'pawl totht ti 1to.o4
to felloots like you; When Lls --
11.4, MA'AM.- he broke itti\ "lei it
ex ye
" 'Ale! 11'41 •I0 you rtity 'f4‘
vrheo tees& aspok":" ,
olos'itiol." said Tlifftild
impres•kely, WHY:" ityih' In
it weird itt i'llgewitye.:'
Nt- it li Itieli pert tog shot he straight •
ides, top., lewdest- hie twittered het with
dignity. mitt simile away from the
premised'. t'Itirago Neon cl• 111%7011.
Whitt tinft which, by eglling
thiitg to it, will beriltne stAvIler, bet if
Lit sepi nothing II 'vow lergerlo 4
C. C. Lee is (simplest big the 4.11.W..r
11/1 Itritil 1111ill Ii141111 I bit.
. The rift einti llll to 11V111.3,i11.111 rt
tit:Amnia, Tortoni" anti Paltrier -
trot n.
and g,
.i. ,
.'... • • •,,,t i'.
,, !;,.:,.,.'„,',Ii'..T,:lte,t4,.,4,,,,,,,,,,
, l',•'
. are sprei risl tot stoi
cy iill
how's, With the lit .st grill ot bug-
gies I'deel dud riihivri II I, liao•ness
norigle aud doubler, w rugs and
all lbat ness shop wise
N. .
1 . ;•;ift,
',., Callt-drid see.' elk
$20.00 --double\ •,,•:.
driving harness .
. Sharman
f OKNER tST ST. Oil NittrAft
ZiiiiiiiI4 lit
'Ellis is 11 tinestion lany people are askin just now.
\ \-\ If you are thinkiier of a fishing or camping ex ition, a
\ hint as to suppli, will not be out of order. e have
Ev rything for 91e Camper
117'' •jp‘a.rti 1•1 :tjmN141:.
fien . C.1111111.41 Vegelable.i. sl
trr7.7n=r2m dtZ
1903 - 'TORONTO - 1903
AUG. 27th to SEPT. 12th
The Ai,ricultural. Manufacturing and Natural resources of ;
Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted.
DAILY PARADES Or tom stook
sta._ 1114`,111101T SNIP ai VrittE tiTtit!t
. tit tit tNTI.:1- to
,r‘. •
frt, '•D'"
111111111l011 -S!„
Pxkcs ra c
etcoon et A88
will lir run -4.111on • col, Can•cloan i•rifir lo
MAtaiatot ..tar,y,lolltaity, c•1, !,atitho 1-1 auil
Nowt of Winnipeg as Vara,
AUOUST (ro'lln 4.0 Ion-, in Pnlitt In. Thom
ornoto In . .111.1
.1.101 Nor Is of I 'NM n141
1111.1illto on North Mot
Low of 4 &rm.! 1 . milk
1111 ,I.11 I.111• V.,r1 11 1r,
.11.t. and North of
,iitiot iota.
- .
... On, a.tv ti,ket. to 1 'PUN png only ',i II,
11011 A rvrIitlf 4.1.•••‘!!. ding I hcl•rtiVIn• •,,
rlt"tinl- in Mtoniljorkt and 451 ' ',nig •• • .,,,•. o
toolti 31-1, a ithattl .10.1 • Al ettst, VI Ili el
plIN 1.4.11, 0.71(ilitlh.1 .fartill trvif, al. tli itrl
r..:.4...1y;:, : ;1'4.; '., :',',". :11'14'17r1"..,111, stal 4th•loc.
*111 N'ttrk not
ccrt ithed e i t• I lesi eLltr,cf, itel ji-• be to !totted
lo original! .1i114 illit31.11111 411 11X.•1114 oh tor before
No4. :lel.. tar,
l'alims twa rant en -tereerial L It'd."
l'or rtirt h.•1 Litt io eila r. nini I Ilkhrt• 1443. In
5511. st nollhoy ittscol„
• N.,. .A. It NOTMA N.
'Aeastent litatorill Pnisittoro, Agent.
. ' ' • it 1.totlts hl.. Tonna°.
.1111SkIll klitri, .
Altera. K Oil'. llook Moore, litnIveirh.
la miens& 14 order id 14114 MAJESTY TliC NINO
01 aft aft., woos* um 1.4. gavot, V irterte:\iiii be ••Albitad WILE to Ma
so 17 wirooloatoti of the Dowager 11.111t1.11• of Dafterin AAA Ana,
Andloporoloono nt 0.1.'0111114w et • Wanton.1 rf•OFI?
The 11.11.6J fmturse, Including en •fillrelf ••*•pootactolar pr.:domain. wetted
MEd! persoftal Atraellee likniodol Klralf7...111 11.wa • Gado stow MMus
ot on oftouroolbsitoLita......tat ttwai.of
? In& INISMPT:ibm
• .-
Clownit yaw allolan
Iimarr 11.4411ni%
Ina Siinalt Meth ipmvoquovolowtorwevtwortwoftwo,,0,11
your dealer you saw
Steam Fitting.
4 Fishing• Tackle, I Iammocks, Wire Fencing,
Joseph Itogors' T.able and Pocket Cutlery,
Tinware, Groliteware, Wood Alcohol Lamps,
Wood Alcohol in Bottles, Coal -Oil Cooking
and [eating Stoves,. Sere -elf Doors and
•t Window . , .
‘•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••44
Plumbing. General Hardware.
4f2 CHAS. C. LEE '411
Ihis advertisement in * GODERICH 40k"1)A
•rome. se. MOUSE. Mt