HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-13, Page 3THE $IGNAL: CODE- RICII ONTARIO
goy Crushed to Death at Wroxeter -Rev. .1: S.
Henderson, Presbyterian Minister at Mensal!,
Accepts Call to New Westminster, B. C.-Sudderti
Death of James McTavish, Seaforth-An Exeter
Wedding -Death of James Hill, Builder, Blyth.
Alititon▪ 's ia using. he heave, it f 'ly of Hee eons and
14•111 Plied ine
month. __ wingitain, ,,,,,, tuba ; Chrietitia. Beside, .Addie mid
trip in -the We'd. cemetery, anti With lareely attended.
• • Timidity wait Clinton's civic !whitey. ,.
• The special event of the 'ley mei au 'II"' Pe°Ple of Binh Were xlms'ked
Zurieh is having 110111M granolitlite
*•,alks laid, and the dotage makes;
'over ttt the silent unt.iiikil y• The Pre -
ince id the villa• ge.
on he elttli of Attgust.
11. se -signet' iter
stool Methietist anti
11. Hays. of eleafortit. ham pia-
' chased the reeidence at pretwta 1141'11 -
pied he Mr. Vox in that town. and
• intetalre to reside in it ail ieUelll lea I -e-
h -sleeve *Iterations are made.
, Tim ten-yeau,s111 rem alit'. A. Itsetber-
over lay a head of ifay and inetatitly
The Wiiighani town council is. eti-
quette( iulas the advietelisility of pur-
chasing the plant of the %Vingliam
Electric. Light to be operated by
thi Weeinetidev, July 2141., at the.
team- aof the bride's parents, in F.sett-
- each. W. Ihsweley, teacher of the Bei -
!wire public school. and M iss Arun).
!larding, were united in nottri llll 111y.
The ivreisiony woo perfornied by Het..
mull wins ap�sarutly in hiss usual
health ; early the (next ening lie
was f I dead iu lad. Ile wain un-
uua•1•ie.1 and hoarded with his lister,
M114. John Weyulouth. Hmltrt failure
watt the molar of death. lkveiw.l
wee the little hien-re-the the lute Hugh
Hill, and was flan on the heulreread
farmin Hallett. two miles and a hall
eine yratM ago. Ile learned the tread
west of IA1111I1•alalt11• nearly- tfllrtyy-
of a carpenter in .early 1ire and proveda ghat mechanic. Al.ait sea yews
Rotolo- went to }Myth an11luok mlmtrgr
of the planing will. In additi t..
funning the pinning iglu ht-lpndurtiel
m 1(14/11011111 building and 1...111t13/41i11$blether-me, a1111 wasveil; all/•l'eaaf111.
doing it I1n1.itiese. of $511.111111 to- $75.111111.a tually. He was of a quirt disposi-
tion and s WOW of very few worths,and our who wit,. 111l81rst and upright
Int all Ili. Imisinrw. draling�. 11e will
beh rni...•.I lit -Myth -and titinit).
body Hi. Ili wee taken D. the. rr 'deuce•
of his ' her in'luudealsn'e and, the
-lumenal Desk place on Saturday m1 11-
ng bl-1•;hrnrzen cemetery itsHulled
v _. -waved mot a member of Blyth
._._ lodge _
Niii man Buchanan. of Zurich, who
graduated iti Medicine this year At
l'..i.aito With high lioniore, Left- last
e eel for Englitild and the Continent.
a 11,, Int inteuda 'spending a couple' of
yeeis ill walkitig the hospital. and
et licrwise fitting iiihieself for the prar•
J. il, 11 Mi•Certney, an old A1111 highly
departed t him lire iiii Saturant'. Au-
gust let. The dereassed eatat lairii in
Turkersmith townehip 'sixty -one years
aim end went. to fiery aimed the yeer
Pelt Ifis wife, four Mono and 1.11/55.
.datigliterm 'survive Meth .
joie if her age. The oh -erased WitA ill
\ fi a nit nine melee with typhoid
Mies Marian. eifirid daughter
.Mr. and ',Mrs. Wits. Mitchell.. id
ter. !VW. nMrtied use Saltiolay, let
Hayfield- Shen.. Itrantford,
'I rinoolty bk obA lye 1)4 3111140
Clin 1, end meet perfosrused li)r the
Ker. \tliyene. Mr. alai Mt, Sheer.
will resa *eta Brantford.
,ei %Vin tam recently '1111441
the gravel rot LassltU1-0 the
motion, wan i 1Iec lest
meeting of the it fluty coopeil bec
esprediture of S. ow lade \coml. Th.
emitter sea haid-ta to the lbeceilies.
n owt lug. wills 610 •Irl Ls* oastU Alit* er
lot a report. heftier the wet isige
Nielielite lll i ll halt his form,
he 1, cutireenistn R. Morris. 1.1 hi. "lin
Miring. (11P111 contains lir acres
nal 14 one of the rhoiceitt rim io
Boni* toesuelsilk The sale !WI Vrits
.00. John C lllll ing at Imes. re-
ek mi fano in thelerieh to
:itch. al ("miming will eel i re
41 Nt-tv Era : There was. ateitia-
"the oe of true love deem not run
smooth.' Net orday,lefore Rif V. Mr.
Nanning w silted ittem (4 Mahe
Wife. Piir se Pee twit yunitio name
_were ineying the manse young
lade, /the Wan a fly ireideil
mato hich ved the. beet.
rile, Merit deed ton heroic mese.-
tires, mid el/1101111Pd t ttiat if the voting
ladv was re ed from the itifinence
preitersee of the other y man
would noon roach a 11 his
fit or. Accordingly he !.
t 1. holier of ,t friend in
after few days socuried her•
t41 iage. Which pliter\
early h, ir sm Sat ernley morning.
• which th v returned Di Exeter.
. have Mien plat* in Kienter for a net
No of veers, was relebrateell tit the
residence id Mr. and Mesa letimelot
nerdy ion giant -day. A uginat let, at 2
n'elot:k in the efterntson. whets their
united in marriage to .1 44 Wenlene.
of thiluth. %lime 'rim bridesmaid
Miat Annie [lardy, (4 London, coumiti
of the bride. sod the gr114111114111114 11 1/r.
N. F. ilarrison. of Detroit. Mem. it.
R. J. M. l'erkina, rector of trivitt
Memeriatelivireb. in thr 'nee -mitre „of
the Mem-that e relativtes and ire -ride of
lite contracting partire, after which a
dainty hineheim Wi15 served on the
1,awil• Mr. And Mrs. Watileses left
Weilne,ilay morning /Or F.iirope,
'titer,. I hey will !spend nevem! month.,
The people id Seaforth were :dart led
,hry the Redden death of billtet4 Me•
L 'i°14th• which omit -red Tueetlay of
lip tows" the pi -pi -1011e ruing.
Ahem nom 5f,milay he was taken
teeth a ilevere pain in his cheat, allli
4111441T. Wilt. indite! in. Ile Went. 1..)befi•
elthough received toady relief from
th. nen and did hitt hay. a return of
it until Tuesday noon. The ilisetter
r*ellitgaie called iwanti he Wits given
over ettention hut its a few tallnut.•1.
se vras deed. having apparently Mind
14,001' vessel in his heed. Mr. Me-
Tavieh WAN 1144. of the sold reeidents
Tockertunith, having remitted on the
"n"" 1 Kippen road until a little
over two yeerm ago, when he retired
4fringli the active ditties, of farm life.
uP',,i'4116 native of Scotland, hilt
;.'itr tittle in North Easthojet, then In
V"141 lun'111- nom wad held in
old t Ire 11 'MS litnew him.
) tree years of *grand,
the: Dread Vizier, informed am that
the. atesaselii wee a gendarme named
Hamlin and that lie will be subject
itho Vali of ilunastir will be removed
front hle post." .
In esedY Gamut Latuadorli Um For-
eign Milliliter, telegraphed tolits Am-
bassador Aug. 1.1:
gram (rem the Sultan esspierseing his
deep regret at the detath of the lime -
Man Consul at Mutuuttir. When 1
peror Maestity gave ureters that
Urania Vizier, but should make ttio
moat energutle demands on -the Turk-
ish lluverument fur full malefaction
aunt immediate exemplary puelahurent
bsith of tee murderer and Of• all of
the military and matt' -officials' on
whom reaponsibility fur the auda-
cious crime limy fall,"
Accurdisig tu the report made by
the official now In chau'ge of the Hum.
elan Consittliste at Mutimair, the noir
derer Is a gendarme. The Coiled
ariked hie moue. lecause, in demise*
Salute 11144 Thi. gendarine thereup-
en tired several 'Mote. niortallif
wounding the Coneul et the head and
hIp. The Mose atrawing the carriage
which the Consul WWI driving rile
oelvad twu bulle-te and shuts were al-
so tired at the coadmian.,e
Called Him ,
Belgrade, tier Vqa. Aug. U. -Ac-
cording to reporti received here, el„
Hoatkovski abutted the Turkish 'Keret
arme, who wee doing sentry:. duty,
fur not salutine him, and called' hini
• -leg Of w Turk," then he struck
the eiseitry„ with his whip. seyieg,
"Next time-perhape .you will kilo*
ose." The gendarme thereupon heed
ihettkovaki was hated fiv the Turks
on. account of pis intense. arrogance.
-London, Aug 11. -Thi Dalkon.
situation has assumed a more merioies
•aspect in the eyes of nruisii °M-
iele as the result 44 the murder of
he pected that the leo:slue demands
kr e punishtueni of the Murderer
and th reepensible officials will lie
follawed y others of greater inter -
national 1 torrid, and affecting °the
Ur. Belies out Sale alfustlea. -
The State of s in Matenionia
brought . up i he'' Ifouse of
lemons Yesteklay. but l'ectitier
Ur. declared be. w sunable to
news re. Mg the *lover -en 5.1. he
Balfour acknoletedeed the di .- loss
donlan,Atiestion s a. the signing.
of the efforts of`t%;\rtipe 01 the 4. -
the 'rreaty id Berlin. eat tw Due
1 k Mt wits 11 01 hopeful 'at, the
. Aust a .would prior the beat w v uf-
-the out ' gee deliberately plat:out' 'le
. the revolt Ione:to...and the Itionse of
tru tomtit... hisu to say that the
bale e of iminality lay rather
With le revolut inlets than -with the
Turks \ Mr. Ballo r maid every thing
leeeeldte\ welted dune to railwelt•
the Porte\ with the enmity of keepe'
Ing Its troops Well in aunt, and ev-
ery sweeten,* would be am to 'the
Porte in carrying out •th t object.
The British AlovernmenC policy.
concluded Mr. Balfour.. was 43 •id
Auetria and Itunsia in intro lacing
Um elementary principle (of mid
natititted the leot meant, or
\with the deep -et -abed evil.
.Worid Invited to Coh-
feeel•tioaary Committee Lou. Illt•t••
aka Awasolaatiam of Ilasslaa Cease
legatee nen. art the Mecedouta Com-
mittee midtowns/ the following appeal
to each of the reposeentatIves tif the.
Tour Excellency:
"The delegates of the Maced010111
earnmIttee have the buoys to bring to
your natio* the folk...Ina deelarstiosi
with the request that you communicate
tf to Meta goveriunent,
niumadmmee systematic persecution
has compelled the Christians lu Mae,-
laitltute • general rising They. have
bed recourse to ebb extreme meaeure
after exhausting all pactac meeas to
force the peevielona ef the Berlin
7, At the pemeot moment' this
st) is the GM,. means of re -
ns the evil and Mopping bleed -
The sporadic effeets\pf tits powers
reforms having Ed. Mir
Turkish maidens and goy tint op -
"It le ev1 nt that reform mreperew
to be ofecare mita Include the \Ap-
pointment of a chi -titian governor -&e.
never hold *Tee ndor the Porte and
who must be 1nde dent of the Turk -
?unctions and the fu er appointment
by the powers of a j a1 permanent
;with any dieturbencee
"Having publIshee the for Muir facto
ceume which have drive Marc-
hing . to deepair, the commi QC
Macedonians sow artne pro
°Minute the fight till the older' of
sagging has been attained."
Isbeeresets Coder Arms.
ressantativss of tbe Macedon-
ia tionary Commutes' have
publls statement paying thet
the n r Insurgents in the Ns
trkt of Mem r is 4,0o0, and that
they are misted Ith rifles It •lito
elites that ta Au at MOO lneurgents
and attacked the Toilies of. IC itclier,i,
but !stied to occupy it: The lrittur-
ish %'Illage of luau ;,wh se- tnh•le-
:tient further rays that U%hee
Rohm near Monartir have 11'0..0 co
pletely destroyed by tbe
St. Petersburg, Aug. II. -The 1•:er
has demanded the exeileplary punish -
Men), not only of tint murderer t,f
the ftilscian Consul at Mona/01r. alto
Vene killed lase week to a l'erkish
geniternie, but of all the arv and
elvil officiate In any way responsible
for the crime
The etiettemination of the Ittiselfin
("matelot. Monte:Or, M. fluetkovsid
comelier offletal in Macedonia within
digoation here.
aafesto floods
In reporting the nefliorrnne• tba
der at Constantinople telegraphed'
hoe fallen (ha viettas of an ittrocines
Teetriek Verdes have come
la MULailaidalidIN al salmi ia
o hewn dismissed.
osittioog a Burglary la 'reroute,
Toronto, Aug. I I -Caught red-.
handed. 111 t he hill light of day,
Quackenbush, the notorioull tecaped
per worst (-look*, le again in the
'toils of the police. 'rhe trio were
arrested...while in the act of commit-
ting Smuttier burglary. :
Since tido escape Of Quackenbush
from the rentrall'rlson mine melts
ago. there has been a eysteutatic
search inelltuted all over the pro-
vince. As * reeelt of increased
igilance 404 the part uf the detective
to • lie eras broUght to bay while
Asdell Brodie, 409 Sherbourne
(street . •The -Other 'two primmer, ar-
rested wt • Stephen Doyle and Tho-
uise Della et. alias Murphy, both
of evil reput ion. 911111 umn escaped.
The arrest u the three men Was
the reffelt of c and clover work on
Om part of Det Ivo 1 wrest, and
this police express e greettia tier -
prime that a serious 'wetly was not
he outcome of the Ind ut. All three •
-glare were anned to the teeth;
an altholigh an attempt te shoot
Deo •tiie FUrrest wee!. made y Dee
laghe the other two dropp their
retulie and threw up •thete, h ride
when, the isawilee of four polled -sr •
in tho het of Forrest emd Acti
Patrol Sorg nt Pogue were turned
on theta.
tairted fatal inJurie,, Engineer Curtiss
had four ribs broken and Mr beck
hurt, .eutd lit elsemen lieury Ai dell
loNt an arm. Ties resit tha
The engine juumeil the track round-
ing a sharp curve at the mot uf a
large culvert and fell across the
track, wreclane several cars, Pouliot!
watt caught between the taught*" ten-
der ary,t was badly clubbed. De war
talon Penetatiguiehene Hosteler
whole he died Saturday, night.. lie
mut 26 years old. a son • of slas.
Dougall, sr., of Barrie. and wadi mak-
Mg • trial trip before' giVen pall-
utanont position
Sims Mew sad Two Nome. &sows So
Paris, Aug. 11.- Five men and two
women are known to have lust thee'
lams In a' tire and panic in the un-
derground portion of the Metropoli-
tan Electric itallway last night. lt
is feared that snany more perished,
and fire and police patrole are.
searching the tunnel at this hour
Attempted auleld• Because Wife Is /bead.
Belleville, Out , Aug. 11.-Jamee
Johnson, a young man of this city,
midnight qte Saturday by taking Par-
is green. Dr. McKeown was notified.
arid the would-be suicide wee saved
,ind is now out of dangee., 41011/111(01.0
%ill tiled a mhort time ago, and Ma
ettempt at nelf-destruction le 'suppos-
ed to have been caused tay despone
TWO 111111ge ;Almost uniiermily
lacking, or at least inadequately imps
plied in daire barn* are light and
pens air. Them are eamtly_obtained.-
the' east Iterith of the herd and the
teensomic production of cleun
they pre revel). appreciattet The sec-
ond cut shows a dairy harn Con-
taining enough windows, These are
strikiiig contemn. with other.
which have been printed and seein
thruughuut the State. Jf. a barn 114
already built 'and 1/11.4 ineuttkieed
light more Muddies can mildly be
'provided. • 'There should trout
The man W14) roporteds cow glv.
Ina thirty pounds of Milk when fed
ijust that weight of alfalfa nettle ulanY
a dairyman covet • feed capable. of ex-
cusing the miller, the feed dealer., the
freight rates and the hauling INIMP
town. Five tons to the acre •nd * good,
cow capable of converting each pound
of hay tido a pound of milk worth
cent or better! We don't know bow
much a cow would cost that bad suet
capabilities. but the analysis of alfalfa
represents It as •Iniest as rich In nutri-
ents as wheat bran, Several have
found great result+ from alfalfa alone.
but we do not art as much real actual
testimony from feeders as we would
111(e.• We liave had the pleasure of
pasturing one experimental' plot, of
feeding it as a soiling ration aud of
feeding a small load of tbe bay. Witile
thee') experiments were on a small
Itle they are quite couvincing that it
grently eti late the milk flow,
bein allured equal In this particular
to rot% eas. That there •re foots fat
whleh t cow's mouth watery and bet
mammary lands respond with milk
nimPrear.' leper
To angina\ from
dolly 11 t le flow f milk
ft la we to go mnew
young, Immature *rasa.
early spring, 84114 XV4.1 I knoll'
et• largo 'amount of Water. a
rye pastures are of e
The dry feed ration shot
continued and be grad
,for two weeks or more afte
le large enough for feeding.
., Abwallamt Grassi la 0isfa
As long as fresh panture grasses
- pro Ideal for.. as site can well be
ege le of n short. The good dairymen
prod milk economically. tricorns-
nately season of abundant pastor -
looks ahead:atet has,- provision made
' for this leek, of pasturage. Get la
NOM! soiling crep to help out the pas-
ture. Feedlot( the Pell'? Ileltot.
The heifer intendod for the dairy
to promote growth, bu t fat Wm -
Ing; Mince the rations ould he •
.....dieleitie feeding of oats, n, clover,
iiir 7.* l'h-en when the milking of
milk Is required the fat farming ,habil
a ill nol bare been made a feature M
her gnie tit. .
CLIFFOffIrg INN 304.0.
ry feed to grans
a large. The
1•117 In
me tut
[(NO M er VaNTl1ATIus.
TMs la one eat tits best Milted': boat Teti-
tltated. sad -oust OaNtary Miry burus la
11114010. IYlue its portion ea tette coin
stator un Arlt(. _ -
three-fourths to one and a hall
,quare feet ()Eighties for every -linear
foot 'of mould. wall in a dairy barn.
Many barna aro not in,
arty ststeut ot ventilation whatever,
s but few dairymen realiro (tart
re air,• is just, u. er. •ntial of Ifni
ludic production 'of • untainted
..aa' to the teed • cow consumes.•
'on and assituilatiatl , like the
are pro -
tar May
I will
a net
burnin \uf coal in a .40'.'�
cesss u utubust imus "The
be Piled lh coal, bet If t
tly clueed the' c
only Pent a yyen.
r tan • w'a
.• ted and a itilil
lanQe of ay
eupplied a \ g
Weil as Stat
IllVnsult .
of air al.
for a c
are kept t
not .burn, s
pruvid.d.• N
be properly d
w hunt an a
.an unless this
'Waal. fit food as
h: lth •of the cow
lit .• h has Pers( s
mutts f cubic Le -
that o Id Iw •Iluw
but this of little can
comparison ith the noir
question cat'v'Mutton or
air. !weeder ut to get
degree of impuri\ in the air
lien' raisnail, with od reaul
cow should be ati • .•d wit
culticpot .11- air 1.•r h Ir.
of the yen 1ilia ting'Mies t. I
.d wile depend'. upon the
cows in. the stable. About et
feet is t a good z.. for a vent
flue. • anded so constr, cted as
eyuse the ',air 10 tray '300 feet
minute this will fern h ventilate
for twenty cows. --Tin flues .thi.G alis
would be .uthemet• r forty cows;
and five would bt' 'r aired • for. 100
(ewes.• f •.
'1'1, . he. sahitury , •q'• (Mire burn
allied.' 1.• whitew•nsheleott Ieast,owe-
a year. •An interior "with a few
beards Bad overhead at irregular in -
termite, •with hay bagging through,,
and' with the'eides ln\)uo better con-
dition eunnut be prn rely whit."
washed. The ceding 'Mum d be tight,
excluding all dust and R from
ahoy.',_ and aides smooth, hue af-
fording a lira surface to rah •the
•whitewash. can cling. \'
It es not nl•cesaary.to cel) the tarn
,with surfaced lumber -in. fact, \the
• a all leas gem
I• The Illuitrated Sporting* News
mine tells this story: "1 reteutly saw
• curious this's IS ay poultry yard
Tim eat was playing with a live
mouse erblcit sbe bad caught, when •
broody Ma, taken off her nest, was
put into the yard. She stretched her-
self and had a good sheite. then she
caught sight of the cat. With out-
spread wing* the hen dashed at poor
pure, knocked her over, 'imaged the
mouse from her mouth, and then at-
tacked her wah the Merton fury The
cat was so frightened and demoralis-
ed by this sudden and unexpected at-
tack that she bolted, and ineanw.hile
the mouse had made Ito escape Whi-
ther It was materual instinct which
prompted the hen to rescue Drer
erode* or whether it was antipathy
to the cat 11 doubtful. but L favor
the Ant suggestioa."
"Cametinitet," eights one hero. "there
She Crushed Him,
f winiethiug within me that thrills me
, lii.the iunersomit recesses of my soul.
II Must tell you of the haunting basal-
' 111.4%. of the (twilit. the dread, the pain
"Pereiptl." tit term our heroine. "ha( e
yoti been eating green apples?" _
• Cemusegetal Traveler's Tare.
Early lit the owlet:, when the weirs
tiler was In its moie. changeable
state, • , Toronto firm sent • out •
the firm on lklunday night: •'Maising
till day lualtustsibie to get around,
and nu business." Tureday Ise wrote
in 'Cold, driving aleet to -day. Mee
erablo Weather, and nothieg tieing."
Wetiiiesette he wrot•: "Heavy
snowstorm, FeerythIng .blocked up.
teed nu use,' trying to get around."
Then he/got a wire from the Medi
n, benne. We can get Our
weather r -ports cheaper from the Case
lege, le
a fait tier whermee th I lite habit ta
tit e ago the president reeei Veil it let ler
ft 111 hie former landlady disk ing for
hat 1 de- ire che, tigtelslit mitt illy t;
decide to pass t lie romillg o
at )5.11r foe.- Wrote PreSidelit
Tucker reply. •••%Vt. dop't like the
think it sty ,4441 heal' the' IliilDie
And this its what Iii• reete(ed in re-
"MarY.has went. Wt• Mittel 11151 0,1
ofellt4.71 went away lad Sept mu-
neteme;\-tettettiporary records,
1. of a baby girl With 'Uteri:
d rime Volt to inlaid.
a tints te aye of long
e second, a keep tie-
ing lier ha off wit
"telling • on himeelf."
avows. the entire Mabry is * lit :
persional to 1114' 4:10 3:V1441. '
el Ile WOlit. to a Maine
fee* stheirt rest and boarded with
Miller's (OUIJA:end Icon Pine. only
cents for 50 there. For sale 'by
Copy of change of Cunning advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
IThese lees ill,b 4- Wool, Cotton. Silk. Jute
Or Mitet (hoots ill one hiteh -they are the
latest and mum Improved Dye hi the world.
Tr) package. All cokmt at H1CKW 1,111:0
11161114111l i
'els with
No vehicle is complete with-
out rubber tires -they pro-
long the life of a carriage -
add style -impart comfort.
arebe acme of comfort and
will outlast all others : s I
Watch for this mark of the
Tbe Dunlop Tire 0o.. Mashed
I N AT. I Oat
system, is necessary
No matter
body fail, bl
well or you w
matter from the human
health as is assimilation.
*uk, if the sewers of the
Keep the kidneys
standard remedy for
Seen n•1 Died ef Il•art Valhalla
From libook after (widen*.
Midland, Msg. 11.-A very sad ao:
cident occurred In the Ots MMus of
the muniripai !let -tile lig t plant.
The town were installing new
thrivehundeed horse -power lock
engine. Tie: engine mem Mums
position when it canted ovor sing t-
••ky., and llenry 'Cheater nee caught
*Sean one of the block and the en-
gine and hie foe Wel adly broken
Another matt, Si liel'iWarner, wag
near (*weer, and. When ths: engine
dulled les called to Die Other men to
help Cheerer, mid prilt try hi 010•11, but
directly Mose he fell ()tar and expir-
ed_ Ile did OM mom Ise injured
in any way, -and it hi' 810-1111,1141 that
loom -0th eras the result di Iseart fall -
main* will be taken to Prescott for
Moo Old•o leader' Ceara of Casseerr-
The London Express, 'gal.'s: Clif-
ford's bur. the oldest inn of Chan-
cery, which lies 'between Chancery
lane •nd Fetter lane, waft suld by
yard, on the ufternoun of May 1 5. A
place. so rich in itiet•rical met uth
.and occupyirer a pies
Don au near the Strand...4'watt expect-
ed to excii• mine competition among
buy ere, the value of the Oita.. hat Mg
been estimated at from LA to 84 a
foot. ..As a matter ot fact, thera eras
only/one bld' inadar-by Mr. William'
WilYett, builder, of Sloane street. 'rho
Mart, but elt. Willett offered Et (X.) -
Out), end after • long pause the' pru-
perty was knocked down to him.. The -
rice paid emo ke out at £2 les. •
t. end- iii.orderstoOd that the
buildings Will be replaced by
n etructuress Some fine oak
-an* panelling in one of the
reserved from the salt,
'tends on behalf of the
.itiffiewriembers 4.11 the
ordei-Inn. Clifford's
le `a town-houm of
to whom it Was
family until
er-in-law of
km al 1.1S0 realdanca of •ii the me -
w▪ hore debtors and defaultei0K Were
men whe have mad* OW 11111 their
home, George Dyer, Lamb's friend.
whom he so cbariningly depicted la
great Jurbst„. are probably the omit
famous. l• the hall of Clifford's
Ina Air Matthew Hale and
teem ether Judges ••1 after the great
Are of I 504 to miludicat• upon the
claim' et landlords and tenants of
buried Imams.
winch w
fourteen am -
Inn was origin
the Lords Cliffor
given by Edward
only reins iced In t
1844. when a (tang
d Hobert de ClIflor
Preleat Womb.
Berrie. Aug II --As the result of
en accident te a freight train near
Orlgth of Gas Meters.
Once upon it time there war' mart
who wash's' limy to lie, no he invelite'
e inachins do it for Man and caned
This is the latest achievemeni\ of
its effort to aid nature in the mess
It is made for the kidneys alone.
taken will cleanse the system, ton
muscles, and make a new man or wom
science in
of thes
mit front sear Suer by fon largo v..
head to‘ centre. 4 Isere I sir wn
piing lo draft se the cows. Vo Hater
whitewash will adhere tenter it
surface Is not too memo he. The
boarde must, how -ever, be reasionably
lean before the whitewash is
.p •see otherwime it will litl• or little
trete. her it will mon shell off with
the . ith, and, bookies th•ie,. filth
veered le um reniotesE
A rem it Huor.1/40110 1111151 sani-
tary for a ow Mable, end when put
Mien it oho Id be left rough under
'the ghat to event the come from
te cement Roo is et hat they are
cold in erinter. ,bu air the tempera-
ture In Wdellre b n should never
get belo* 40 decree% '. thie objec-
tion in largely overcome' If the cows/
are properly bedded. Wheden• plank
hi WWII 11111.4 be renaswed OS ,
fent ar it more or ruts
Fraser, Illinois Experiment StitUoti.
try the hairier is compelled to adopt
• more int immi VP ..niethed of cultivat-
ing big lend. nigh ;wired land raseins
leiver acres for each man, and fewer
ferres mean better work un them atid
eater degree in China and '441,an
the small term and tritmetivee agri
culture may be teen' a -1-11.-ir beet
burdened with', grOwth of wild leeetp.
Linder *hie matette e than one
crop le and meet railed in a crop
Imsanon. there ape Ito four rode roads
litintloWec,..-- ragirOrd Or nettles run-
ning through or bounding these
fa . If trees are planted they nit h -
hear fruit or nuts; no weeds
grow, ha-oh/ohm la Ilberel and cue
tivatlen pertort and as .a sequence
is ow itekrIline Of tot art ich- that ie go
ill 1,[14 teem& of the United else,
pit Pere these days., And whets. do
William Van Horne Marc -Can:elm is
A Maryville sehoolms'am wait teach-
ing her chime the tii peteriers of Kennon:Ir.
"Now, Johnny," mid elm. "in what
tense do I speak when I *ay, '1 ent
litupratlekkgel. A wink, "The poet." - Stearin., h
Ail orugaiet• 5.11 11141....1.41
001 01 60 W11060 citnt•
Do not waste mon•Y
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35 Cents.
includes back numbers containing the
se r al story,
now being published in "The Signal."