HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-6, Page 811
e July so. tlus
QEPARATE our clearing sale from all sales adver-
4-0 Used today and you'll have the one bristling vilth
Biggest Bargains
in Town
At' no time in its liktorv has ihe big store been" in al
position' to offer such hi"- inducements in odds and ends
remnants, small lines and broken -sizes in all kinds of wOrthy
inerchandise-artieles of use, c mifort and convenience.
They are bigger values lien+ than you, would believe .for the
price: 'We 'N'on14.1 suggest come ai early as yoU can.
\40 -inch Cream
Tnis extra wide Flannelette, Ina
able for owl r wear, would
niake nice show! nr for any
purpose, regular 1 2c a yard,
going a t 7c
s6 -in. Heavy Cheviot •
Special value, suitable for leper.
ate skirta or sulfa, in black,
navy end grey, regulsr 75c a
yard, for
33 -inch Cream
Special value, nice tine quality,
a -regular 8c line, going at., prr
Bargain Waists
Fancy Waistings
In silk and linen, stripe
check Meets, vow shades,
50c and 1:10c, plug at.
A: few Wt of those ivargain
Waists ids 14'ack simi colors, g r-
ing It. . 25c and 35c
Peleriries and Capes
Ladies' drossy black gilt 61pes,
all 'bilk ppliqued on net, reg.
' off all
Dress nustIns
at a Bargain
To clear, colored :1Iusline, regular
15c and 20e lineaa far 10.
Thew are 11114W 4311111311g awl itti-t IP -date.
Colored Mutants Wet! 250, tot . 1 5.
Japanese Mattings
All prices. geed vaunt, I5c, 20.
Ladies' and Boys'
Ribbed Hose‘
Our dressmakii
Miss Carrick has e
department is in full swinv.
lrge a1141 guarantees satis-
10 4.104.
Mrs. Sv
'ball. In
t tuns
s. Syme ed at rnia.
I a. July sad accident
I here tho et nth. alto ti
vine:, of the hoe Segni'
t..s. While Wal lig at llie
ing foul r.41 e
11 that ill fallinit It I
.1 the log.111 the rai
I she wile stunned th
tit Hied. lag ci.mialereil
4111111•1, 1
eMmier w.
mi inquest
\ was aged libirm
A Cat
union feat ures Ilse 1
bit Mon 'format, will Is
Rea -
OP -
it ere4.I ing anti
link 1 '11'111 be
Liege Seille
4t112 1 II Malty .
4.1 t•xceptiollially
aelsillet'21141, 311.411 anti
the larva. eine, 111
the l'Ititeil State
4441 1111 1'4/A11011AI/1V
*coinage thr breeding. cat
Iiition of lietter ca
.trdinnry garden, wall scent
fins tors. in deehlitig• upon
r present .1 votiffilen
-ill proi-e "at cetstraltriii•
at heral prize lief ham, lasing
[MI of entries 1'141111 Illa likt,J11/14.4.
in t'a and from the leading cat -
will he w 1'11144 4.4 all kinds, C31111'
111111 11,4111 11 long he hill troll,
'Persia and 4 41'. 14:14144111 1.11nntries.
islo of Man, the
1114.4111 tioston.
Y111-14. and .111
11 441.ing
nit. n it 11 the
and 4411 • V11-
.111141 1414 hi-
thaii the
it. Tile
lwattlifully minted tortobw ellen. the
sleek Maltese. and the gratei.fitl our -
ring pride of the ortlittary domestic.
hearth. Ent Fire chow with A. W.
Kell, 711 King Nirort east. Tomtit o,
Math of Hon. Justice Proudfoot.
lb •Itim. 11611., IVil-
It it. of the Ontario Court td Chatteet.y.
died at his re.iiienc.• herr this Morn-
ing MI I' o'clock. lhot•easeil had a fall
,111 Friday last. and that, with his
ery 0141 age. wait the rause of death.
10 1410111 When ft Mere
latt't and at tidied in the' l'Itrotata.
.4114.4.k. Mid took up lino in Chancellor
Hot offiee afterwards. He was op -
'sawed to the bench 111 185i. under
ilic MaeKeitzie administration. and
The deceased was 11 .1trother of
Hobert Proutlfted. of this•towit.
Y. J. Pridia.tui isn't tip al Main 14,141111341 retch -
nig th.l. but 1.4 catching the trade at the' mufti
-tat hut for ta.Idootable tailoring.
Mortar+. next BMW. Exchange hotel. Esrey
thing Dirido attd clean. 1{1,114 at all.hour..
Pr WV. 231133,
,1{11W1134 -Mallow.. to be 1111, 44 the itue.t
loom- ut the harbor Wand Dm* hotr4e. Float
rt rote lint tire (emoting ix a department that
3.31114 :per WO' Of at Wilmer *swath'.
.1, A lame 4lock of the late., itiouldi
on band. .sieck ,of other art .up
pit., complete
Viotti itic daguerreotype, of our gnond-
10141 who keels...1.0,04401f abika-4 of he be.1
are camping art the Mark /14.1e. •
.ot the
There are over iT hundred giwsts
WI= are pleased toa learn that Fraiik
Naftel is so far reco4wred as to be alile
to lw tett in his gaoler'.
the 314.1s.ati• Bros. are having the
front of *twit. .tore. re -painted. 11
will lie gi Vial a checked effect.
A party y g people from town
!oleo ed plertsant mitotic at J. Con-
nolly's, (loth -rich 1,•venship, last Thurs-
We leiirti'frout The (ilo.le that NIi
Mi• Ittie. Lf the 1orutlto College of
Mu '., has suerwdwl in taking honor -
in t etchers uoru+al training :ilia
histor of tttI,t . also in taking her
ear t-.w•al. `.1Ve dish her
y ( 4111 1IH hart*[ tlud• ()c-
Iast Arlap k.
t'I.IIr 11•al It if von
age.- The children
•njoy1.11 .a rieh treat
•The winner of
or the hight.sl
'llitlatioll in
literal tire_
Thr luize.
•a next
- The mot
Al 1. 1111W1•1
Bessie 11111111.4.11
inark at he entrance e
the English subjects
441. 441 and composit' .
tet In.
11.11 her imitate... of he . tick
had the ustorttine to lose a 14 tttt eh 41
keys a fe days ago. A. he got no
trace of the i lie platted an ed. Iiim
paper Mal romptly had the keys
Buy Furs Now
.114: ilatt Well* .44 little unlisted to talk Fur
bhying its August. but if you will ask
any experience.' furrier he tell you
that. by long odds the he'd _lief«, to hely
Fore. early. First garments Are 1111141e
rE41111 the el • yet impply' of skin. 111141 nal
orally as the itesemi advances the skins get
picked Jiptt uow we are mhowing. in
(1. Newtou's old stain! the bent. anti Mgt'
gest stisit 'of fine Furs ever mhowit by 4M0
few weeks. If You are thinking of. buying
any •Ftirs for tlw miming winter (-only in
end see what we can for you. Volt ran
make your eelection from a large stte•k ami
have any artiele you wish laid amide until
you are ready to take it.
Lots Of Style
po. Low Price
Yet idle (Ur the style, and
'the quality is high, ,eyeit though the price is
Here you Wive three es -
all combined, and att
reasonable price.
onsta you...nothing to come in, mo call and le. tott-
rimed that °sir lines are leaders. Take them, tt•y them,
If they milt you, buy them.. No trouble to show goods.
Sole agency for
(hie *Meer to bring 'home Me Royal
Highness' body !rota the west coomt
lot Africa. 11. was app`ointed
member of the fourth class of the
Royal Victorian Order by Quite%)
Victoria as • mark of Her UsiestY's
' liPPrediatinn of the special service he
rendered ia this connection 'Admiral
Poe afterwards served as A.D.C. tO
Queen Victoria, and was ID attend -
sae. tlinoccasion of Tier Vales-
ty's funeral, and, lately he was .1a
command *if the cruiser squadroa
Ile te not only a most experienced
and capabie ofter in command of •
iquadton, but Mu bad & brilliant
✓ anger salt naval 'stlident. ,Ille was
horn in 49: entered the novy in
Bombay when she wig destroyed by
are off Mcmtevicloo in 1864. He re-
ceived the Royal Humane Society's
medal for saving We -in 1875. and
the clasp in the foliowlag pier. '
1111r. Casette, Rya*.
• the creator ist Kettle. ,Itc
Thompson., and the rest !Chia .
lery of clear-cut figures In 'nett
w▪ ell knows to readers all over t
world.- But it. may be news to many
of_tham that he is alio ,aa ardent
stun Ou the walls of kis . house
near Bradford I saw the other dieV
i writes my -Librariaa-) trophies '01
Norwegian elk and reindeer. moid-
Ikon and wild boar. porcupine,. and
red deer. roebnek„walrus. alligator
and polar beset He tom shot widely
in the Statee. acid has killed buffalo
d other game sa the Congo Frets
ate --a tolerable mord for a busy
light in the parts uf blorocce
deals th; it was so written because
Ur. Hyt found that his nem were
up to mi Mel. All the Kettle tales
are found on actual. experienee.
either of the writer. Or from first-
hand report.
mow -
111119I turn the Isilauri. af
tar as possible. aml offer the fo
V4.1111 in 113411W11131. tem Prices re
g. keep
E Scrap Doors [log Wiorlows
taw -
Harvest \
Some people lo not knoW
that we sell mewl %Van.,
do. and intend tp lore
CHURCH marts. '4$4,1
l'he Baptist f411.111/le 11411001.
Wit'ghl he held 1111 if' hOlidlire.
1.a.,t Sunday evening Miss Lila
duet at Knox church which Was touch
Next Sundae Nell. Will be mPeciel
muctic at Nutt hest. 'Methodist chitech.
It services. ,,
next Sum ay, I -114V. Mr. Untilop
nance 'opt bon by inn -
r the attapive.4 Of the
h. Was atimiuistered
last •Siindity by the
lay, lif Toronto.
leettlre. **Our
auspices tif the
on' If lay
Reserve the
The 1.1
Nagai... cirri
the 3144111:Ind
will give his f
Neighbors,- under t
Gimlet -telt Haptist chin
eve ' 144144-144.14rr it
• MatlIrday last the Mein
Orin Street !Wet hotlist Mond
d a big day at Martin 0111
111 Ilet side of the river
tin of their annual pienic:
in ideal one for me+ an ev nt
try enjoyable time wag spent
nd other amusement..
wet ion of North street
itch vitas favored last
with a molto, "Ro-
lla Thommon. of St.
fig town. Miss
in. At the
I Stray,"
1t141114/1. .11's on
spot .i. the
11 ganies
The con
Sunday morm
stoma, .1n. Miss
'nailing sOrvice ("ham.
St. George'', Church choir
able time. ',Boating was Maid
liv smite of the leirty, and In the
fling sei'itral Of the members at tem
Tt•iiilt chtit.ch. which watt held on the
groondit cif the rector. ReV. F., f". Jen-
nings. The regitiretrt, harnis*as there
program and them Who Intend :the
There were over a penes* in the picnic
irony, which retiorned ' .town About
ceived a cosiple of lettere (rot Nancy
iand Edwur. the rhildren Mt. 1 ,visrei.
which. correitlering the age of the,
writers, iorr very creditable indeed.
"Emmamtel l'ollege." MOWS write*,
'''s 'tit 'sated about t wo audit fedi mile,
wi t of Itrince Albert. There am three
me building. In 4.4ffinevtiim with the
eollege. The principal's residence is iti
im either mitie. (hir church lies in the
foto._ part of the grounds. line ittaff
lied roCtor, matron. asimietant diatoms
and clerk. We hillcier weft e chiefly
laid 414 dm hy the 6rwittittil of imblie
hist ruct ion at ,Ilegina, In adtlit ion
.011 1 ID:.10110111. ' The letters are inlet --
epilog Ati «bowing the progmati of the
etilldren for whom the Auxiliary have
Aminally ment mil bales of chuhIng for
t lie past five Vein"' or or.
and Ma limo Peals, I
and :ire. 4iee low
cannot retinal. -.Item.-
eaten", buy and
he wont,.
Hay Fork Rope
Pare Manila hay fork 'Rol
a few good tVe will
clear at 13e iwr ilk. regular
15e. A good buy if time
Tlas is supposed to be MIRA.
at present. but for these sis
days to st • late 41 1111re. VIP
Will mell' any *pipit). Feticitig
at 3.• off regular 'trice liter
risi for I'11.11
Threshil Time
"altolit\liere and tlwre will
via/ibid. We will seiner. the
whole lino Bi,kwr cent. A
goort„ hire at* 2.411J-Irest 211
Pore Pant Green
will 111.11 I. 4144' 21(44
‘1'4. i41441 gs-ent 41144tiv
tell 114' *het' gt1t 115414.4
• (Ireton fait op in ititc-ktigisC, twit
1•0144, weitift lifl Alla-
11 liar lartert.t1 la he lip11111.
Threshers' Supplies
We would like to tell you of many more gonds We hare, 11011
. 'Met will me 'permit We have II . supply of' 4411.T KAMM
• NH. The 111144144.
cKenzie & Howell.
itigir-Adm.rot P,(1mond Poe, 14i.
V.0 h•• been •poonin trod Pecond In
eorron•wil et the home fleei in sue -
*Moe According to „ tion•inn
mosereper fo hoot remembered In
cronnact Inn with he Seat to of frr,or• I
This year the N. digate prize tor
English verse was no awarded. an
eveat which has not happened for
'Ject was -Caesar's lavas' a of Brit-
ain.:' a them* which begg the
pestle talent ef an 'entire un Pretty,
though many cop's, of vs, were
sent in. This icier the sublect: was
which. one would think, was we
adapted to poetical treatinefit and,
moreover, especially suited to the
genius of the spot. The Eogiish
verso prizes at the universities Irene
bee& awarded to an extraordinary
number ot Ewa who afterward at-
tained distinction. The Newdtrite
prize, wlikk was founded • in 1606,
has been won by John Runkin, Mat-
thew, Arnold.. Bishop Heber. Sir
Edwin Aroold. Dean Kalman, R. M'
Hawker. John Addington Sylnonde,
kr. W. H. Illagock and a sumber'of
*Mr Gant to.
C4,41/1 /NMI asps.
The Frank disaster and the labor
t ubb-s et Fertile and on Vancouver
Im nChave had an extraordinary re-
sult. 4The Canadiao Peeing. recently
pla 'an order for 10,000 tons .11
coal in tenon. Shipments were to
1w emit in ed until the beginning of
the ,iire.en nonth. This coal was
required pr litany fur the com-
pany's Pacific steamers, arid tor the
railway to Rev toke, , •from which
and other point, is teed. It Waif un.
derstood that, in th event of the
labor and ot her tr bles contin-
uing, more Japanese cart! woliki be
bought. Apprehension -1 expreesed
the Provincial press lest the seine -
ch in coal importing that tide
itc paper, $1.21 cloth.
PAPS? edifice,.
"A1114'11,111 Pnift
Vt'e Are 44t111 aseAA44:14trv:he
Powder anal
Trial Isit t les 241h.
'Awe buttles SIAM
Geo. Pt) rter
'Phone 100 B.
Mkt Mora clime lkitp.
The West Hiliron herniae
te we held at meeting at Clinton 01.1
Saturday and trantifel•red the licenme
of the t'olhor114. hotel, (itelerich, to
Ihivid Hare, the new prdprietor. and
that of the hinter. \\Ingham.
The Signalo 1st January, 1904, for 35c
• "4.3 HODGENS BROS. loal DOOR
Ikt/E are going to make Saturday, August 8th, skirt day. White
" underskirts and dress skirts are going to be the big feature orthe
day's selling. It will be a day of big skirt bargain giving. This has
been a 'big skirt season for us ; now we wa to wind it up with empty
acks'and shelves. Not one in stock today t be carried into another
son. There is a quick way to clear them o t, that is the way we
oing to take with these, and commend Saturday will quote
m pric,es tor skirts of all kinds that ought to II every one that day.
1 yo 'want a skirt, if you can do with an extra kirt do not miss one
of \these.
to sell th
new, stylis
the stock t
out each se
all on
and u
skirts go ng at prices that ought
Saturday. Every garnient is
to -date. We want to keep
t's why wilear all balances
Tweed Skirts $3.96
Ladies' skirte Entitle from
flare!! wool inate0a104, navy
or Mack ground, 'with mar -
rim Wipe. a very, mtyliash
garment, regular 85.10. clear-
ing Sett 11\41,..y at each \I1C-1,184
Cloth Skirts $2.50
Ladies' drew. 'skirts load,.
foam 1111 W41411 11.4t11 V111441 1'113 Is
and leanest greyst
browrin,'441`. 11111114. to aell
$3.50 and 1111.110, neW IliS
aeamiti. (*tiring the lasi4iit
your choice of the lot 50
White Skirts
or Saturday.
A elearance of the last\ ones and tWttl of our
ock of white underski. New garmeutti this
se on. They would be ap right if we Carried
the over till next spring, lett we want new '.ones
to mho then. That's yoa can buy the w
that are eft at prices like thetie
English imdton,
dint frill, 15 inch ter frill
cambric embroidery, t Mat
of Mir regular $1.15 wit,
elearing Sat iirday 'month. .44
Skirts at 9sc.
- Skirts made, from fine
English cot ton, cambric finish
seams double Newt), 41raw
mtring, double frill, outer of
12 inch `smislin of' tieks Awl
embroidery, the licit of our
regular ;1.36 And $1.40 lines,
clearing Mliirdsty at eseh.96e
Skirts at $1.17
Skirt* nettle roan fine
Englimh rot ton, cambric fin -
inch white hemetitehed palm -
lin and finished with etnMoi- '
dery. The bud of our regular
$1.511and 11.66 lines. elearing
turday for, $1.17
Ski at 51.60
Skirts atle from fine white
cotton, 1 inch frill, dust
e, ha bennely trimmed
inner ort and white
the last of lin that sold for
g2.25 anti -4•144ming
S/411F411.yat each ..
Skirts at 11 85 •
Skirta made from very Roe
English cotton, faint 'efluish,
loth frill with tue a and
de' embroidery, but two
t are left of our $2.75 inem
• turday ea.+ ll .KI
Skirts $3.25
One only very fine. under
skirt, 22 Inch frill of fine
dery, one only left, the priest
WIIM 1.60iiittirday it will
White Skirts 33c.
Shiite nintle fr fine
English cotton, 12 inch frill.
with two inch Ian. Meer, ion
and two inch hem. The last
of one 75e. skint, for Matto. -
tiny clearing at each 56c
he quantities of any of the above are limited,
eve skirt is good value at its original price and
the a ve prizes wake them bargains. '
Shirt W Prices
Not carrying\any shirt
waists over into next
season. We do not want
one of .them ' when the
season is over. If it hail
. not been for the cold
Iweather- in June, we
would not have had these
now, As it is half-price
should take them out in
short order. Halipriee
for shirt waists means :
$1.00 Shirt Waists for 60c
$1.60 Shirt Waiatii for 75c
$2.00 Shirt Waists for $1.011
Every one is new this
season. Every size in the
get the best choice.
lot. Early buyers "ill
20 and 25c
Scotch Zephyrs tuni
ainghams, at
• 14c a yard for that
are sold all over the land for
20 and 25c. You know how
ey wash and wear. Nothing
ter for waists or children's
. All good colors and
tt s. Just short ends left
from season's big selling.
21111 yards' ne Scotch ginghams and
zephyrs, 14i and 'cheeks green
and white, red and white, blue and
white. pink and white and Mack and
white, new patternm, good quAlitiem.
mold a.lways at 29 26c, now, on no414,4
sit per yard Ile
IWash Skirls for Saturday
We have hail a hig sale of wash skirts. Now we want to clear the iittl-
ances. Fully two months yet that you can wear one of these. They were
limier -priced in the.titet place. - What do you think of them at a price like
this ?
Wash Skirts 68c
wroth iikirts. plain WIMP. plain Mack, elm, white with Mock d
gouda, not one tnAe lot was 111403111.41 mell for les. than 1111•26. Ws
over 'mikes and cher this Icit cot Saturday at eitteh l