HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-6, Page 6}
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dead to I.I. friends and to the world
CHAPTER IV.:Too tiudersnlnd?"
Telt WerrteO AT Tug Felton. .Frames stood rigid and white,'thi'
IT Was characteristic- of Frage.. 'package of books forgotten itt the
Gordon that no matter bow great hands ut the dreeky drive/: Her Milothe *trees of axial or other du. bit Into the tender pail of her r+llnch:
tire baa Mind . never lost rouin eJ hands. llerrey. s retuned, the face
for such favorite acbetnes as were close et the governor of .Tomsk.
eat to bee heart. 1 . -Vladimir. has not bred caught in any
It was by reason of this eharneterl• crime," she said, with a sort of glyph.
tie that. white ber busy father was "Impossible! 11.• war ,.o ...apple rand
deep In the mysteries and lutrleaelrs of bonrlt! What vigour?"
the Moscow eotiferenre, the subtleties "Cuusplrucy against -him Imperial
Of which increased as the time fur sap- majesty the czar."
agstlou and departure drew- uearer, 1 "Aud where Mlle 'low?"' --
Frances bethought her of a tttting op- j "Uu,the tray to Siberia." '
portunity to make goes) A.,,llruwlse she "Siberia! Vladimir I'anlpof shpt -to
had shade to Vladituir I'sulpuff, the Siberia! Awl where are hit pareutr:•"
blacksmith. i' "One In a family takeu red handed
During a convet!satluu. Iwld' several condemns all. Tile old people are aleo
weeks before \'ladlnlir lad ei(tor.wsd m on their way to Alberta."
desire to study certstu books which r 'Frultrrr sway -el a little. Si,.' had
were apparently beyond bit , reach. ' studied Russiau,.custuwr and Itis -slaw
Frances promised to.ohtaIi the beide Pettier mud sbudderel'as she realized
'...and she due so: Three made quite -a re- the horrlble,,torturs In story for three
speetable package, and a drosky w'as simple work pp•ople who had never, slier
called to convey her to the railway star ' felt e;oneInerd, harbored au evil thought
tion. against illy wan. '1'o her they mJ al-
- It was uutlJttlgf new fur Frau...... to ' t tends spoken in tels of luysilty and
travel alone as far as from 11os..ow to . peeler of the cup... '
Porno but on_lbds (evasion her father. i The face of Staleruv as Inscrutable.
with some sort of pr•wuuitiun, Niet �t .11e held the picture low •lye and care -
her to send tire books to,snger. .. lrar and the girl tough \a glimpse of
"Oh, no." she said lu her quirt luau- ` thea co. a
Der of Insintenee 'We are aloutlo re.'1 "That, is Viadlwlr's picture:" she
turn to We east, nd i. shall nut see c•rieti, "'i t are ion tieing wit t11
poor Vladimir fora oug flow," "I agrs•Vsdtn. im'(it.ItiuiI," Wins the re- .
"Hang Vladimir'!" chanted Cordon ply of rrsleruv. 'levo liappedett that
se be saw bis self vi ed young; holy I Lad moonshot 1.. visithsy chateau near
step I`tu the (kooky. O Grasper eintlrredP' by herr rl the titue
fleshly ■lighted at Perm, she hired the hispee'tutoelsnlice was se�a the
another dremkl' to take heµ• mud the arre.n 1 1rlaembered what you noRl to
previews books to the forge. \ me at Mos low and tried to du what
The driver was a bilge. surly loth- could tort pour fellow•, at first Tu t
vidud, whom. face wax covered 'with a hie his Illi , Hut t11\. inspect° was
thick warm of beard and whew.ruler, renal'', and all tlwas le to me'
when apeaking to one not established was to ark Vladimir Wba fat•or I
as his. superior, was heavy and luso- could perforut urhlw. . amkel we
lent: to ernd Idtn till pleture,ane l have ar-
I$esp otsdltlg to the cell of Frances, be 'ranged wits tit gut• nor u \T'erni to
swung his heavy drusl:y lu toward the Penult It totes pa . along totem." -
"Oland Ms, volt Utsultere'
dour of her hotel. A pollee Inspector rill le a It'autlf tart.." meld fians ce
stool near, ars) the driver saluted in '•V'IOtlltulE limethe .al of.a great, art•
sernaltn,-• 1t her voice ronin n•
humility. - • ', let lu tilt,.. Rut lu Iberia he'- tenth with two ninety of the -nearest
•'1 bate woweu:" be sold to.lrlumelt. •Bite` wbuddered a ended her req house. The reap ,Ing 111+r, the tone!t
"They ay oothlu , and• hare• thio s 1' kite abrq uR of which eau be p lotion, were near
p g E 1 her °wee. \\'JW\5 qui movement she
bapbentwf to thepn. I shalt get Into trine "I have dens wore r him, fur col"N. wd her baud tato h pocket.
�' beferea rose bee." rontium•d N. loose. '• here Is smother 14114— baud harp, -Ml Wiwi r:" she said,
�rnu el,' stopped toward the vehicle, Metnn• - net 1 rated fro manure', witha ci' b k, yoOreIT t�Wiw
a'.1. ie ,dryer's mouth oleIet. r have nrratsg..l t 'iur('il�n. 'it fora good\
"Sneb<a i utuati:'r muttered t dross mite. tied he colla not I.
ky drIt`er. "She must be Englishur •1 1 promised'Itlw. It was n
American. 1f she wise a jtusslan, alio eerie's! steps I had t. tight of to assist
would be,a prlucrr%" him.' '
I'Itvsoieave such words for a mor.,bt-
ltug 'erasion."
"A11 (evasions ere the PIMP to a mm,
who lot•ea se 1 do," answered N,,lrruv
"1 sake, your father. 110 twitters tits•
matter no of no,eonc.ru. To ole 11 Ia
my life, 'Marko me happy. the world
I, yours. Refuel? Ole, yon .plunge 1W
Ilio deep despair. 1 du out cure to thi-
s' you."
••11'hat muuwdiut!" salil nme, •"Ev-
etylsyely liar sower or inter to live
without a loved rue. Sly father -I -MV
mother died Molly years a¢d, Ile loved
tier. Ile bar I,eeu true to her memory,
but he han-Ilved:"
"Ali, but that im uof the same (sing
at alt, llud 1 tosserwvl you for a time
olid lust you at the Potentnnd of that'll,
ILt'u I could 11ve, happy in the blessed
uleutory. But to love yeti and hoe you
•b, -another: Ah. 1 would kill Lim!"
• •Teo are mud. ',Web word., do not
!umpire lore in the heart of nu Muerte_
ran girl. Fools kill their rivals, but 11
Is s poor' rere•uge. -1 do teat leve you.
.tluce, and so cannot marry'pat. fret
that Putt the mutter. I must now re-
turn to Moscow.;' •
"You shall not go till you a1'.' mine!"
etle.1 Nesters•, driteu to luadursa by
her coldness. 11e sprulJg forward and
*Manned the door. 'shutting Ih. it, open.
111 toe uuiseupl.sl.holuse. Ise stepped
totkard her. Ills breath came brit npo'l
her eh.rkr- Mitering wire onatretrh-
c.l to +rize puce, '!'here was a look of
ulnd paussloniu lila oyes,
' She knew uu help wait Oder or pons!•
111'..'l'he drosky driver was a Rhaalan
mat wouldpot fight the prince. She
fa M« -rias* rtttal Woman, /a na-
Nae' la ria Am.rl.aa.
The most beautiful woman It'- Eu-
rope is an Ameri('nu. She is firs,
Lawrence Townsend, wait of the
American minister t0 Sell/Wm.
With her beauty and hit Mts.
Townsend 1s aiding her huabalid'. 414 -
!awe In diplotuatle clydos, for that U
a field in which such qualities in a
wife will 'serve to the advancement
of the diplomat.
In England llrs. Towneend won the
king and queen at once, and •owe` of
Queen Alexandra's best friends took
Up the wife of the Antrrlrun minister
and opened charmed circles for her.
Fol(owing title triumph la England
unusual honors were accorded bar lu
the 1' n.'y The shining barrel 'el a -re.
0,a01004: 10 titrust'lnto his face.-il,was n
Weapon and was ornamented
ver, wall; largo euoggli to
Petition at Short range, an�1 it wa
moat in .Nesierov' r very Metal'.
staggered baclt taken by sutpitise. \
"You she devil:" he cried, o
With no npwaid motion he Mede .$
1t to knock the revolver from her od.
She best the barred downward, be
contact with his heed exploded otle
cartridge. The flash, blinded bin.,
'There ens a•r•etl mark ou hie forehead
where the bullet grazed the.kull. Half
e tuuued and cursing, he fell beck.
Op.uklg the door, 1•'rancett\ walked
out. Tie dreaky drfyrr was iting.
IIe had hemi the shot,' -
"Uo .you see this?" she demandied
'rance..bud Lad ample experien"My ce- own floe:" tiled 1.1•41 in as.
with h11 Mita in all parts ousrt
1 dtslar hpishineut as 'Semipros' eh.+ -ea the
Aha falinly stepped into the drosky'' gud- second pl.tnre.
handed hint • Inver coin. "Yes. and the reuarknlde part of It Is
' "I print to gut the iron Mesta of the it t.s.k Mtn Gut a short time, I ( serib-
_,Paulpoffs, on the htprutl road," she said. et you, anal he refuemlw'red yips and
- .:'Paulpoff-\Ilchne•1 'enlpofe add his between the two he managed a very
eri•dltnlde work. I shall eherl.jbiltls
pie't.ni' while t live. • , ,
"34y \philtree' nrtrunlrel the 'girl
again- looking al the sweet yet strong
y.tqug fare the lint -kr- ttlr atttat-bild
pia.lµl upon the canvas, "And all from
eon Vtltdtmir. l io yon knot* them?"
. "Yet, I, nes• them. ,11ut .do you -
know -what as hapiwtt,'d:I" .
•'\u. '11as a one been ill"
"No; but" -
The iollee MVP
or (lune
Any trouble e"Learke
"'Trobblet Oh. no!" lied Franitw,
"I was jpst'askiug the driver aottttt
•'tVItpre ix it you wish tug 1"
"To the irouw•ork.'rti - I'slulsu ."
warning look that menet v tastes
to t • loittated i tot from the lumps •tor
to tit `. river.
• The ries werelwhtpped tip, and the)
Vehicle .d dnmslly over the road.
"You salL.omething had happened,"
• avid Trance'.\ "15 any ate sick at the
"No` It w-asu tint," aumnerel the
drietr 'But the in yesterday broke
tip the toad. I did i t thiuk y-tw�7mild
t1'isll tn•'t•utnc," -
"Xoll'uettae: There he tp tiara
way to get them"
In tritthV:the way was safe`Snd
totntortnblo as It ,had ever ern, but
the warning look ut the roost or lad
Pt°Mite) tit', driver frotu Imp riling
t knowledge. e had of the Pauli ff..
•t the poll ' tell tl Ir own tele -
ti(ey re always rue t 'tl-aee,rdln -
lo • II etandardg,' mutt, •ed the dale
' It. w• a ng Brite to the forge, .ud
when t ( ky eke near,'' havIlg
posed t i\ing the ow 4 nod almost
. unmetticd to on •Ise en It and Perm,
Frances w: \tart II es air of
mystery that e \m ala nuddcnb
est•,;posed the ill \e.
There wens no s . nnal. tit tremen-
' T dome blows o1• \' It (1 t ut the
ring of steel far int • the t, rat. No
smoke tame from the •Lampe, , 01.1
Mnnunn t'aulpff lad bee • wont .• run
to her door to see every ern sal, bu he
\wan not to be Feet).
The wolfhound that bad het \Vhdi-
`:Meer pet eat whining upon tnereb
• ail wean -evidently weak with hunger.
'Vthl.liorisr cried Prance', lenl$ng
iron'tlia dk,sky. "Where is I•onr bans•
sense kr
The ouln'b who renumbered her,\
ti\. placed ills cold nose In her band lot'.
tingly. Iie seemed to feel that he had
toeud a friend.
I'ratic [stepped p
t{ie(i and h P to the door nsb=`
ed it open,
"ltd.!" she Cried.
IQlm hpd Opened the door on Prince
Nichol:. Reederov, whir flood there.
about to depart. evidently, With a paint-
ing tinder his arm..
"Nide. (orlon," he maid, with 4 !tow
• n51 smile, \-r_
,°11'hers aser
,!•iPanlptltfs?" ale Mat -
•Yes. from Memory• and my descrip-
tion," ;raid ,Nesi.•h+v. "Your face is so
IndetU.Iy Imprinted upon my wcjuory
that I could describe each flue, emelt
catnap. with the utmost aectlrary.
'lielooked at him In nttuuisbment.
i had mode freiptent attempt's to
tnakee\I.nme M her, but'bhe bad abase
* kllifolly eeledsed hie. That this could
be true -that this -mato wham. lite was
slue rowed`t,1'demount shouhl have her
ce s, imprtas.,i,np on his mind amen -
ed ober Ir•ridlbl'>,,
"1 t yon will he•frhrud Mut." she.*ld,
tvlthot nisw•erltig hie remark. "Yon.
nre powrtut In /tussle, A,;large part
'of SO...rte i. tinder your control. You
can stake toe' life of tbe -Paull uffa
plea/mut lwreJt you wi.b."
• Ile b ed, sad his eyes were,hidden
(rem r.
II••B.•Ilet'u me. I • have In token
st 'ps to le.frlcvnd thein. lb Tomsk there
I great need ofmu 1r uwarl.e
that the railroad has gun• Jrwond the•
bpi.$, ni,,l 1 have set my pe4kMt to the
lyslitinter of Pestles to have them sent
suit task. They will not ire amici as
uric's, but am Iwaiorable workers,"
Flint Was the calmer' a.ki•d'Fran-
ecs.'. tie-'R•as very pati put qutte
•'Why,- it became known to Ina ectur
Jaosk • o he colic tit t I num-
r tits re'rts n n 1
r of M uu 1, seem-
e 1-
I,e ten gseptnteJ bore aloof sol
rd to hold rt meetings. ite 1nceall-
gnted and diec. ered•llmt,tI i5 was the
Ter WaS
a large
Yea. LAwiaa(R TOwnaEND.
Heighten: and the king of Belgium
broke all, precedents end opened Me
great court• tali with the wife of tbti
American minister.
Her first appenrnneeln court cl re1
It Europe tree 111 Vienna, where,
aceougtwtel her husband, who revel
ed the appointment as first s,•retary
of the legation in 1811.1. In i8117 tb.
Post of minister to Portugal wen* of-
fered to mfr. Townsend, am! he act•ppt-
el It: Tiro years later he was Irani -
!erred to Brunets.
,Thome who know Aire. Townsr�y
best say ser snores, comes from bee\
-levet head. Most r women are atubitiougt
oud':-Many have ..elightful thinners
as welt as captivating beauty:- bet
y luck Judgment and gond. contain*
These tealatter qualities Mrs.
o semi is elsesmess'fa Tie awl she
• t eu1 to the best pn.l,+ible adven-
ts e hi fartherlug her huilbgal's In.
It. ts-
N • t only - Mrs. Townsend posse
of c etoeling et -clines*. but she Is alb
ilece about c they, and an she has
an ex •e,lingly rely Apure. tali and;
sleudr , she wear, her gowns to •lI-'
vautag . She span -,foo effort to make
to sirs showing of tint they have..
• 1 so In that the 1 people oft
Hal IoM r dight In ten\ng to .hes
bun fro their own more ttretentloua
omit b cru
the Pray, ruauucrs and witoof the
Young tipsy
they ilke tibe air it and
CI ■
1f bdnsew•I
vantages of dab
pointing the revolver at his head. they rba
f bn•rtklug ag ovtrhan
"Yes," he mtauu uered'J tie care enrpeta 11
"1 have Jot rov.
yon elor notust takeshwe toepave the Nretsrrailway etaIt- inept bma p,•twid"rnnd f3
tion at. Perm and get ale there before r require
lie overtakes n*,. I will empty the others date and expo
four bullets Into your head-" The allow.
di who
who albwg . dirt to
only realised tb. ad-
tt ntlon to the bonne,
periodical hack,
With very life
twinge can be
thele avoiding
dust, which,
sew radientau
ee • thing.,
(vulva to tor.
c mit*t n
nityglen a
"An ounce 0( prevention,' etc.,
pedally true Of bousekeepi and 1I
rewards the houeekeeper In he Mut
of a well kept, deals, inviting •ones all'
the year round,
By daily cleaning 10 not meat per-
petual drudgery, leaving 110 t .for
diversions This Is the other ex me
and should be avoided by wome of
i itelligene•e and taoem for other flip
1 he woman who Mende honscw•ork a
au excuse for the neglect of her dbl
dreg or her husband's society can ed*
it dl nae with 7 PW' Il mach of her "putter-
ing about the hotrw•" and devote that
time to mental achievements.
One hour deify of the proper kind of
care of the house is worth a day"e
cleaning at the end of the week.. Ind
the members of the hous'hold win be
the gained. A stained floor that h
corerel with a • titlark
In of dose'
bonging* tint carry dust to the longi
whenever they ere rammed through, are
not v:'ry Inciting io say nothing of the
nnii enithfuliu•sr of ouch a condition of
Let the h(wns•wife who hes net tried
etporiment a little and see If she does
not appreciate an Inviting, clean.
wholegome holism et cry day to the
••Get 1n," be mumbled. Then to Lim- months jest becalms s
self he nald: 'Moose American women anyway In tb. aprtng, ts .
e re devils: They are better tighten well ae lllolfli'al
than tb.t t'otsacks:".
Tie RI•sr !told. •
Next to the casserole, the most pop -
e'er utensil for the kitchen is the ring
mold. Tilt 1s a common hie main
mild made In the form of a rtng'with
ati' open center. It has much possiblil
ties that no housewife should be with-
out It. The cook. of the wealthy are
using these ring molds, So is the little
woman who deed her own work and
likes to glye ber friends and family
pretty dishes. She fllla Ler ring mold
with a frOlt gelatin„turns it out on a
platter and fills the center with whip-
ped cream, a delightful dish, or she
fills it with tomato Jelly and piles may-
onnaise in the center. For a luncheon
she fills 1t with t mashed potatoes,
Frowns themh a
t ell flip the center with
chola, the rude covered with paper
(1111., or she fills 1t with pinln vanilla
hradgtinrterw ° ' a circle of nlhlllstr, lee cream old 'Oranges strawberries
Ile nrreatel site all, but :unity
rr- or other flood*,fruits in the renter.
(npw,l.” I There ds• no end of combinations pos-
Aud the pru°t$" Bible. -What to Eat.
"i.ellert from Viol Ir found- en
Itlpll \The Corset.
ranee. sighed and tf1 ed sadly Many women think a cornet fa necai
way.• miry to good fors, but tint is not true,
on are nu American." eon* Ne- even with fleshy women who think
they need the support of the 'Nye
More women ttinn we realize, hating
good forme, have adopted the custom
of welting n cermet waist having
anon er strips, so tint the skirts are
Rupp° 1 reelly from the shoulders.
Title alleles the body to take a neural
io1e and enables the organs
of the
abdomen and thorns to aesoale natnMtl
positions. Then lifting the ,hnntders
'Several times n day -thus drnwing the
,.shirt bonds ahoy?. the wnlst line and
biestlling deeply a' few times' relieve
the phyateal tension end will conduce
to comfort and healttt--that goal for
which so many worsen Are seemingly
hopelessly strtfing.-Medlcsttl Talk.
11 std Tenn
10 tie, 1(n
l ue'nl.•;
to prttlrfar)
lif m highest
wen se111 (oilier
f n
hitt: lerenhe he wa
had tin'rtlson to col
Paull ifs --Bow that 1
hltersalel In them -1 ni
'Intal tnrthir Iarnt,"
"1 thank yew" eel/ ('ranee!
Nesleroi'slippwst ascots Intn'Ih
ef the drol►ky driver, ,and he tin
stele tied cantle to go to his Rota"
which were standing peeeefnlly enough
"1%117, yon have not. then,' beef Iii *tiers he loft thein.
formed of their misfortune'!" "1 Ikeda to *peek ane word befere we
"Iitisfortnnei 1 km,* nothing of any leer' here," said the litre., felting the
n tisfortnuc. 1Vhwt has happw•ned'f' bandhf 1'rnnr,a, which she. In her one
"They are deed-" pride, permitted hilt to huhi a moment.
"lead! Ali the t'nnlpefa deed! Tm- •l1 Int'e yny. I line* lovu1 yun ever
pnasihtel Pepe pnnlpofr and Manana sine. the day I an* you flret. We
I'anlpof might die, they were so old, hate tw'intlfit wouten in Resale. hit
but 1' ladim1r1 1intemslble1 So voting none like you. I Rita rich, powerful and
Mid pwlwerfull Nothing but the weapon non not offering yun an empty name.
of an enemy could kill him In this \\'Ill roti h'• my wife, my prineeneY•
hone lly place." "1'rinee Nesbcrot," solid F'rnneea gin•
"I spoke as we •peak, mademoiselle. fly, but still 1n a tope of reproof, "you
Tho 1'nnlpnffa are not really dead. W. 'nnnnt mean, I nm mire to take ad -
speak of s man who Is caught in crime tnWnge of my sltuatlon, Alone and at ^ 1 rrrlmba and sestet aga4 p11wAa 1♦ ,
sr, pada. lie L your ➢11161, iSY IN t w..tYmaiWs oven,
Lead 1
t', "and cannot nnder,toed, w a
n appeared to yotrlo 1,0 temple
•n tel with lila lot' should, prove
sapssfii. This name eplrlt'
best society. It nee
veil n,nnug the retell\eil
des. My often con.
1 111141 no pity fol
Ich, elncatel and
ORM. lint the
ow you are
otect filen
Needing *malt R,..k..
A small lar filled with plaster of
rens la one of the nec.lemithat in the
-stor.rtom of the cnrefnl hnnsewife, iM
Whencan nenreciy be enumerated.
�t hen ole of Klose inevitable breaks In
1110 wail forume a few teaspoonfuls' of
pinctter of purl. inked. with cold enter
and applied Nl e
Itj. kis -with a italettP
knife Will gt«mt It heantiftilty. After
It drie•m the paten nifty be covered with
b11 of testi paper neatly pirated en or
by s touch o/ oil or winter eolor palest
tett an teethe's' bot mitred to match
tttlt 111. 11111 of Ike,watl. Nothing
,..rem eta eteellont a mendtnttartrdlgn►
r Mokpo ebinn\ mnrhle or a1ntM17
- e 'ablestww,nftil of piaster o: part*
blended with. dismayed , ritm tragi..
cnnth. F)'M It- b hen the mister* Io
about the thickness of creme. IIavi
the edge.* of the china clean and dry
then rover milli the cement and prime
lightly together. Wipe off the parti-
cles of paste tint show and tie. Levier
for three or four days to isecorne per -
teeny bard. 'When moiler 101181 appear
fn the pnutry or kitchen Ola Anal (tell
of ahntings of 'strong Inutsdry enep,
then ail tip the hole with n paste nlnd•
from planter of ports. !Ow meudlels
Lamps w-hiah erne shaky In their Norte
ole few fa*Mnine In the chain that 11
so apt to lams Its hole In thierlt•MIM,
PrIk•IMINI.PA iflAiL1111 tcoacaed Wei
Staffed Twrwlp..
A creole recipe for 'sniffed turnips
P ugeeata new twnssthilittea for a thim-
ble v etehle. I'nre the tnrnipa end
Honk n II tender in melted enter. •
Waek'ear Tilly two gnarl* of young
tt'irnlp tape nil took moll tender fa
one tinsel of fling water. A piece
of browned barn nd(W to the greens
Is a groat (htpr.p men. {Then the
reeen. are Anne precis .lbt fin water,
chilli tine. IMllann with vinegar and
Mt'fw•r Rai Olt the tnrntpwl whirl' hove
tern men -gird oat with a aroma. COY..?
In the urrptaee or boor, for tilling tiny
breaks lu picture frawes or wuldiuge--
Indred, for a hundred other srurli
household purposes platter of parts is
almost as tudlapeusable as the family
glue pot. Collier'■ Weekly.
Portieres often serve to balance a
Mote where lite window hangings 611
t•oure ou one side by currying the color
scheme to the other side. 'They hang
beet when made of either silk or wool,
Mod are at the *Iwo stili' of some
practl.•Itl use In shutting out drafts,
deadening Dolma, etc., whether the
d.or he there or not. For bedrooms
cretonnes are most useful. ('Louse
time. ninde of cotton with as Ilttl*
stiffening tie ioaalble, for wbeu cheap-
ly made they will not Wath and tate
"asahtg" uttee hits a dlengreeable
odor. (Cretonne In gats dtffereut trues
the English chintz, which puss a glove
dnlmh, time being mildew" for bnuglug*
and as yet cauuyt be refinished in tLl
couatry. -.
To.-i!eelr flow Yet.
One of the grantee mistakes a wo
man can make 1e not to look her eery
Deet In the eyes of her huabaud. whetb•
montane..4,11 be huh oraylg. nettifuee. uftrruoon
Or,evesiing dream, A bnslasel should tee
la his wife snore than ,he seer 1S other
Wooten. She should be .to him nitre
charming tbao any other woman in
the world. stud It Ile 1. her power to
have it se/, whether she be rieh or
Prete. The greater' personal cane w•III
he tburelultbty npprerish•d by the bus.
band. tints rendering voniparlsous with
other women to ler advantage. Parr
\mune, neglect, which tuenu• an untidy,
careless appearauce. Is the most potent
-Glee of dlslllusionweut.-Aaaerka.
A Measuring Claes.
If.yo0 are nut able to buy a measur-
ing. giant; in wbirb to prepare the
baby's toed you eau make one for
you. f. A
Take • smith gloss Jar or a pint bot
tie with open\mouth, measure out a
tableepo•ufnl of, wat,er-nod mark the
line 1t makes on the jar with a narrow
S trip of court plaster. Then. put In as
other tablespoonful Ntid mark that, aril
Po on 011 you have tito desired qunu
thy in sp(oufult- Of comae the sweats
uremeuts are nut so exactly ',curate,
1 r
tit such t u a
glass has ear n
Pretty Geta.. t
The ordinary afetal or weed* heng-
e t rube the liniug ot• the coat hung
s • , it. 1estyled this wind the bahger
with . t silk or satin rlbbooa. A nem-
ognlu cwbridered In contrasting hue
gives a pretty tiulsh. 1f the hanger is
fur fen11 ill. nee 1 should be slightly
padded w I h Tutton wool In whish sous*
S achet pow er bar been placed. S,a le
girls make 1 elr hanger* of holland of
floweret dIwi When tied with dela.
ty ribbons t •y are extremely pretty.
Cherish tee out with infinite ten
deas. You int love It toe mueb
nonce It too a orb toe and thought.
Remember, life as a ihieg better to
offer you- It is t e tfit tit and crown
of (:owl's gifts, lake very day of
Ilfe in it rh•b an,i caret- It will nut
last long. See to it that 7. plant no
seeds of bitter mem ry; tint there be
no neglect and no harshness bauut
you its after yeah.
Womble. U,iMk relater..
This Is one way of wa slug hand
chiefs': l
1 I n Waw in ware enter.
each one on tooth 'sides, fold loon
anti put them In A pipe In a mein. with.
it water, to punk for an h ur or 1011-
g• Itub thein on a wash nM with
a ln'rtre nallbrusk,dlppe.t lu Int water,
boll for n few minutes, rinse n clear
water and dry. Begin the Ira ing 1n
ti..cenLLP and not on the bonier�
Traits Your Toltec, \
Tour voter riljly be cultivated tI�1 It
Will of itself n tact frleuds to y'.u.
Trnln yourself to tlee pleasant Toi
mud thea neelulnte\ypur own and
that it always Site.. Olt Its best tones'.
Control of the volae elf
ave great In-
harsb or
sane over your di.po.l
1 that your voice le neve
w lilnlug.-Iradies' Hama 1
\ \trios Ilvhseaelbiass.
pp pineushlou top Is made a
agnak. w °openwork lawn and ant
batty Abbe Itun the rihlon In Mid
out of ftp• to n to a weaving patter.
Chile tog ter. A top of thio sort looks
well Over a\cueb'fon (steered with pink
end finiabed with 'y rattle of satin rib-
ink Maths on tiollsbe4' worst ahonld
toward with a\Csmelt�t balr brush
Or feather dipped to sweet spirlto of
o ne Itult the spots itpmediitely with
a epi dipped ha awcet\otl.
Rn rat have t a•a tsnde t
p Oce •
at the 1 • may be straightened
sewing trcloth or buckraat�t• t
corner or •'-the nndelsid .
When the . wing machine run. hard
and the,eotto frequently breaks nth
the material ve b hard, dry sone.
Sponge the les . of'your pet palm•
with milk If you ' would bout: them
croon mot rloass, this deity.
An RMarle e'
At 1'..11and, on the
AM June, '1911X, Mr.
sou, who has for titan,
pied the pOeltlon'01 Ne'
Kra.' of
Surrog►ie Court mei ('1 k of ih'
aunty Court of Welland, tendered
residence,■t his residence, Strnthatn a baa -
fleet toabout nn• hundred' invited
revels, . In commemoration.. f hie
graudfath-r, lease. Nitlion, w • was
li Ilnitel F'mpbe Loyalist, ere. Ing
rthe Niagara .Itiver one h Ind d
twenty years sip soul settling
CanastaCanastaMr. Wlllmon, upon runes t
resp.nel to the"tonalof,"(htr 11(vt,"
eras given •, meat hearty and rushee.-
lentil- reception. ion. Mr. nelson. who la
• line art Inlerv'st Ing Foamier, ier, gave n
Moot ter,•
prerred slah, tula•hin.
.Mootsay hie anreatrrr. corning ,1 0 thee
country. of 1M tolls and hard -
elope earlier 1. The remain! uo4ting
in Molding t Caned*. 11 took id.
',grandfather 1 mesa Shaba I• (wing
hie family frost New .pansy tit. the
.Nia(rare Itiver.1. , phren had to
build rah. to ern in ('nnn111, tip►
en •rritine here t • matured In Pel-
hamTownship, their descendant!
having r iiirl^d in this dl.trict over
pine,. Nr. Willson gave many Inter-
est,nq remieletencpa of hie earth)*
Iib• and herdshlpe endured until the
tening of the
ac 1' 1Vit1-
your. h I
(0584', sem. nwp„ev.d sub pertalas'11y
lOroNikt III Of 1r lit+vlaa
Mi1TO* ie SODA WAi1M
settle D4eei8r isuvere/ Pros Wroth
et the a.,.l O0.mee. (1*1L
A bottle of soda wrlss. recovered
Irma, the wrue,k of the Royal Gorge,
1s tq tri submitted. to WDblki aoltlon
ty' air.- J. C. Stereo• The retie is
6414 16 ba. tall tautha'stiaslt•d. % d.
ea 'fps ROW. Omegas. w•a yeah - on
Aug. 29, 1'ft12, It V otva diad years
old, ; Sona tVo-thirds, of tam eon -
teats, •rightsily about halt to plot,
remain, the cork beteg still retab+rd
by wire partially dkuplacnd. C'humt-
cal changes cc,trespoutLing to Moats
pruducud by edema la wine prevent.
•sly account for a thtn internal in-
cruatfttiuu or dtaculurativa end silts.
'l'h•'bottle. of the kindlier soda wa-
ter shape, incapable of stand up,
1e of green glass, but ill cliagity
and Mau as t• mise Of 'leek there are
marked differences between the but -
11e of the eighteenth and the bot-
tle ut the twentieth r.aturlw. No
clue to the name ut the maker ut the
soda water Is given, tions light up-
on the ereluttou of artificial miner-
al water• has been thrown by Mr
Killian/ Kirkby. lecturer ou phonon-
Oopoay at the Owens ('allege, Man-
chester. This lute,llgator remarks
"The question of origin of soda wa-
ter has hum tune to time received
Considerable attention. It would be
• 'matter of some difficulty to ascer-
tain with certainty who was the
drat to use the came, but the ett-
deace of cuunswpur•ry r.rurdaelear
ly pottage to Mr. Richard= Bewley ot
Great Massingbam', who-idtreduces'
his mephitic julep In 1707, as the
this to whew is due the' erectly,,
first coucesvlug the Idea ut aerating
a solution ot soda vetth carbonic
acid gas. The earliest mention of
soda water appears about 17t*$, la
which year Carallo raters to 1t as
'acidulous soda water, a• 1t is com-
monly Called,' &ad to 'the soda wat-
er which is now prepared sad sold in
Leedom' by a Mr. Schweppes cogitates
as Incomparably greater preparation
•t carbonic acid gas.' From the
teethcossang - testimony it spay be
safely concluded that soda water
wan Invented In 1767, and it recede -
ed its 'present nays helper 1798."
Soda seems to hays preceded all
other aerated waters, but seltaap iso•,
1n •xislett s In 1798, ler a recelpted
bill/mad 16 at ill preserved, dated
'.Londogi-,.-....tlept. 8, 1791. Yr. ,Ysr-
wood dr. to J. Schwepp• i Co., 11
Margaret titreet, 'Cavendish square,
for lane derea haltq.tnt meteor, ss."
In 1802 Paul of Geneva, who had•
associated hlmealt with thews. •
peharmsctat, aid Sehwupp. to 178(6,
was mak fag salt ref, spa, gaaeous
alkaline water, sel.liiti, oxygenated
water, bydrugeaated water, Vichy
water, Daman*, \ mils. 4'onlrrxetllle,
Dalsrne, Pluiail.res, and Proteges
waters In each rase the salts w,•re
put into the bottles, and',Zhe rersl.uie
wed water was added aiterward.
ti.neva was at this 1rlut',eaporttug
404000 to 80,000 butt ea. Then are
no idutemj4orary rector ; stating the
t w'tbad o aeration u by Pay1.
'Witte wpm one*- pat up In.
n.Ilea sitiilar In form t• the soda wa-
ter pelt n, but of *tole, n t . Ise.
A glean • water bottle 'el y re-
sembling t Royal George s imen
was dug -up on the Crimean ttle-
field. showing Art no •Iteratlun In
the model had�(aken place fur are.
Baty-tkres years.more than
righty years, old Me Bette*ea more '.1111 kept, but
the Moya& George weir- 1s • vet-
eraa beside them. Loddon 'T•le-
Ore•teat U, Mg AII•M ad Mae.
Lord Yellin, whose dee ration 1a
fiver of • ive.dewlga ha cocas to
ati]aµlate waaing faith alaeioag. mea
ut metenc•, has felt a certain n yeses
in coming ,eorw•rd, tee 'Mt' &pole it
says The ('hr)*nnida. Iia U admit
by the
greatest living all-round
.1 science. Aa • phyaiejst alta A
hematielaa he has 44411 over •
to . g courier of years -he took his de -
gr in hie early teens, attl be is
no nearly eighty -with ■Il problems
sad vicine eseept theme of 11(4. Hie
iet•to. 1.11 biro when he fares the
• err.(, hat s•. physles or mathema-
ucs car oleo. • estimated the age
of the ea b, rat to the confusion
of geologla and y years ago iii
meal• the 1 • • us gueae that the ansa
life way Lav been brought to our
.eartk by • ,et.oritte Fifty-four
years •t a pr. r'Purship, t natural
pbilosophy In GI guw hate •t sup-
plied Lord Yelv1 with a theory ot
1 e, such ea Hawk 1's explodedrar-
e theory, that di uses with', a
firs rause, lord etvin, h011it
Soo to be four -'score y ern of age,
g rne ally recognized pt ci,•ntlst• to
be in 1a intellectual prl
•e tae Mae Dlsea& •e.
ng 'ward IV. of Engle d was
alwa • 1 need of money sad as in
this h a it of personally appeal' to
hie - t snbjrcti fur roe bu-
tloap,' An ld chronicle relates 1s
story: '•Klu Edward had called 1,
fore him a Idow much abouudin
in substiise• no less grown In
years, of whom ' merrily demanded
that she gimpy w• Id give flits to-
ward tits great c s. 'By my
q r tit
countenance thea halt have even
£20.' The Rtag, king- scarce for
half that sum„ the ed her ed lov-
ugly kissed ler. W thea tb gayer
his breath did .. comfort her
et ash or she esteemed the idof
• 1C'tag so preclot(s a Jewel, @Mat
Inruotinontly that he should hat
L20 in0(et, wbi1Ch alit with sue
*111 psid\that she offered it.
coe....ray E•a1M► rlmee•era
It Is a curtails fart that the laws
of England ntik• nu prutlslon for
the derelict, 01 pvrsuns 'barged with
criminal otTenres when they have: nut
the means to omploeotheir own law-
yera. in very serious . eel the Iseult
umually takes it upon It If to pro-
vlde'couneel, but thouasn of per -
MUM ab.a ■M prosecuted rash y r• wlth-
oet any legal advice, A Il has
lately been Introduced Int tie
Houma of row nnons which seek.' t0.
ready la port this State of offal
but It doe. not go 10 the extent o
having the abut• pay for the se•rtirea
Of the cn,tnael, •m 10 the rase In thin
Country. It merely pr,'I I,'a for eui
unitary ger' ice •a the part of tit.
0 1 w1111a•• Doth.
The London t'biome Ie says (I. ,'-
al !tooth, Tolima energies ■ppear to
waw with his years, hen lint left
for S*Itserland, where he le to ad-
drea* • earls* of meetings. It s.uma
only tho other dee that he returned
from a long tour in Amertta, but In
the Interval he has beet' to i1P1-
gfum. IIA •ttli limps a little as •,
result of Ihn eceidont he had In New
Vnrk. but otherwise he is In vigor.
nue health. He reatrivnt to a■e
thets.lgk his Aaye M toll sad (rare/
on • diet which many taps would re-
gal a fames( Ale.,. ♦v very irtt-
gsl txweNrmaa, he has le gtaab
MOM illionsimisenn a Itlomie•e•
ana• would probably ray that
harder work and better work can be
dune on • cup of lea and bread and
butter than "u the mel luxurloue
taring. This ohs. phrity permeates
the Ssilvatluo Army, •very uamh..r
of which is alto, of course, a total
S ab.,b.a p•rrteels.
lira. .Suburb --I have been hardly
able to breaths •11 Jay Thune
pie next dour Aare been burning the
dead Ieucrs un the lawn, and the
wind is In tills dl.,rtiun Mr. Si.
burb.- Never ))and toy deur. Wait
till the wind turns and then we'll
burn oars,--Oeydney Tawa and Coun-
t/7 Journal, -
A Died That 1r Very Stupid, Tot
to Ito Way, -
A party of spurtsineu outs day killed
• great bird that seemed to be a• very
expert swimmer and diver. The guide
said that the victim was • loom, says
au exchatlge.
One of the hunters was professor in
a natural history museuut, H. carried
the Itou to tit• camp on the lake shore
where he was spending a few week,.
There he showed 1t to LW little sou,
who was Lls companion In itis melte
ern outlug.
"What a handsome bird!" the buy ex-
claimed as he examined the loon.
"But a very stupid nue," his father
replied. '•I lured It near the boat by
waviug:a red flag in the air."
"No wonder people say, •8tuptd as a
loon,'" the boy said.
"Tet 1t la very clever in its wa the
prole .or continued. "Few of the othe
•r wat.,fokis can swim so well as ke
loon, and moue of them equals 1t In w
lag. It is sometimes called the are,
n orthern diver. Those short legs,
welt hack on the Dbdy, mud the webbed
feet make 1t very 'L\n_moy, on kali, but
on water ft moves (Lout with mock
grace. Part of tit
• rad the bird
slop& the truest from Mahn to suety
• "Ia the spring the mother bird builds
a nest on the shore of • lake or some-
where In a iwawp, end there the young
birds are batched. Tboy are browuisb
gray during the first year, but le their
second one the feathers ars blmek sad
white, Tike those of the parents. Brow
tlful iridescent blue and purple tou.•bw
shine ou the neck, and the feet are bliss
P ud gray. The loon's cry 1s • very p■'
smiler one. It sounds' something Ilk.
the howl of a wolf and is terrifying 11
you do not recognise 11"
How ron-ox Tablets
Cure a Welland Man's
Sluggish Liver.
February 2, 1903.
I was feeling bad; was
sleepy all the time; as soon as
I ate my meals I would fall
asleep if I did not go out. Saw
t doctor two or three times,
that did me no good. I
was in the drug store and
pick up one of your lftde
booklets and read about Iron -
ox Tablets being good for the
liver; took about four boxes
and that tired feeling was
gone. I felt like a new man.
Iron -ox Tablets cured me.
Welland, Ont.
Fifty Iron -or Tablets, in an attractive
Iluminum po-ket rue, 25 cents at drug-
gists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of
price. The ironoi Rented iCa., LIM-
dted, R'alkerville, Ont,
For Drunkeoneis
■ TME 11
Men -
Over 300,000
MeetsKKostry 1•r11eaM
Its Qom. St. Wat
I• TH f\PSaa Or all
P INS ewe Has NO
E QUAL estneemaa.
The ttoolgtoIn Panatela
Pea Udder *smelt ot Se -
est quality heal rubber, 1.
I11 -e4 with h heN grade,
Write dye, U sjy�ld ppreq
of say dart IMklb tie
sad only perfect
feeding Attest, kms„
Either Ityte, riebty e1,4
mounted. fer/tee•eYilac
purposes. 1(,
Surely yea *111 ..t be -
•Me to ..ever, ■eattlag •t
(Wartier It• psis 1Lh-wile
rl re ,urh eeethial a,
pleasant cid service,
P er Sats 5y
lbe Square