HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-6, Page 5THE SIGNAL: ,(ODERICIL ONTARIO
Cardinal State of Vfnks Sueceods
ma Head ef.l*a Rowan CaMeik Church
elected w the Caldse. if parasols. A
LAmees Meq Net Much Known to 1M
Outdd• World - Ono of that • Orestnl
Preachers 1n the Church.
Rollie, Aug. 4.-Ualrlutal (iuirrppe
Marto, Patriarch of Venice, has Meru
elected Pope, In wteceesiun to los, X I II.
He has taken the title of Pine X.
Roder. Ang• 4,-l'atrtival Meu•l•hi,
secretary'bt Apustoticbrteta, announced
to the crowd easelmltIlsl before Mt.
Peter's that l'aldival Natio had (melt
elected Pup.., 1ud.thlet Ile WILL taken
the melee eft Pias X. •
The troops on dutj' immediately
lined up uu the piazza •ad presented
At ten minutes after twelve this
(afternoon Pope Pius X..appeared 'in-
side the balcony of the Basilica, awl
bleated the populace, amid the w clx-
utativas of the enormous crowds ii.-
taemblesl upon the piazza.
Uiureppe (J.rarph), Cardiltal SaMu,
Patriarch of Venice, war born, at Rime,
' di«•.w+ of Treviso, Northern Italy,
June Y, 11Si3, Edt,vatesd at the semi-
nary of his dilemma. and at the Y,Icra
'l'htedogia Hume. Ilia/ career e•r has been
IMO of a parish price(. spent wholly
in the north. 'Singularly, 1'rni.e
• alone of till important cities of Italy
has only patriarchal rank. what -hinny
meatier heirs are orate of bishops and
archbishop/a. Murtl, was made Patri-
arch at Venice in DOI, And wat, (Teat.
,.l 4'd/elites! June 12, L'4 i. lir lu•letugs
to the ecclesiastical congregation. of
PUN,. and regulate, r4•rr1 rites, in
dujgesiont and scrod relics.
l urditum1 $,u• et enjoys gnat popu-
4u•ity in his diocese. and is al iagated 1.y
' all for his purity, for the strict- up-
rigliYtness of his fife, aiul fur •liberal
ideas. Hr is a modest and agreeable
Haan. highly cultivated, very kind-
hearted, still rtroogand robust in spite
.lit his sixty-eight years. He has never
taken part in the political ,nal
pliblie life of the .church ; tett divided
his tjlle between study And g,t.1
works. 'Although neat faithful the
Holy Kee, he was. presented to tine
King and Queen of Italy h1 - 1'en e.
Ile may beconsidered among 11e Incl
liberal nitemben..o( the It*liru, .•pisco
pate and Nacres) College. . Deis rather
timid in •x neesaing Au opinion. 1t is
said that Leo XI11. always thought,
in xartery highly of hila, and aided with
\him on once 111 when Marto ali.-
approved of Ha il.dla's *1111'%, '
' Early in ,}KG\Imo. the late Pope
am. he .s,nverittion' with Father
mi. ea. Italian ,summer, said iu
rp><ralthrg of l'antinal Hu :
Hold hint v drat•. Printed. as In
l Mow mil 1
uta be very
aide 11
d du
fair at. We. firmly ieliev he will he
our e'wt.sur."
Hp 'WWI known for nut • years
a u
nr the greatest t it•Poat•
ifrn. 'r
Its' { l the
The First Stewing. �..
!tome. ug. 4.- While I'1•ince ('hig
the Man of the. V.incisive Wait drain lug up the.' vial Art of the election
and accepter ...of the nest Pup., 1In•
latter. said■ns tied by his friends, dis-
appeared inti,.-t1ua11 rent near floe
altar, where h donnedl Ihr while
r.d... 11( 1,i. offic . P1.M X. was as-
sists! Icy his l't s•Iaviet, w1,* th„I
knelt and kisered is master's ham(,
stmd thus recited to first apitetolir
blessing given by Pit X.
When he was rupee the Neetetary
of the Conclave, Monsl • Merry I)el
Val. kneeling. offerer( in the Ira uaI
white rap anlidat 'treat Ices a I,t,e.
He dist not follow the rrrt cabal creat-
ed by Pope i.e... Kb,/ ilrclii sl to give
his r•rl . tip t., the smelter of c •um,H,lra,
but with a slight smile Sotto txork die
white cap, placed it crtlnll�• un i* head
and dropped the reel unr lightly nn the
1091.1 41 Mgr. Merry (1,•1 Val, an '.Int a
murnulr of approval. This is t ken
as a certain indication that the ha y
rel ,irllt ie soon W ed) he raised to t lr
As the new Pontiff stepped roan two.
\hiho1 the altar. the only touch of color
els.tt$ him swing hist red 'And gold
dines, he really aawuied the eud.sh-
turnt• o' hie holy office. idls fare was
rale end 'early rrft.n.sl by a tion.
le pha.paws teutneat as he canoe' 1.-
• Ihr\ r mental Cardinals. then
as sal hi -low twit the throne, with' r
hue i.'l mirecui ,t, as though he had
ssdld my grown Bak. His hack was
to the Hear and he was rtlthls,med 10
nrrive he no -called "Host obedience-
of the 1': limits., Th cam1.1 forward
one by lit •, some 'call and- moiling.
Aretawn ronsidet't hlA iBlcnlly in
so and 1141644 littt 1, while•
cone -sling lit. All
kissed his lariat and fuse, IIs he
saluted each on'the cheek Kith eke kiss
.Apedrn. Then ail broke int(, the Tr
!Num with such `effect that scarf Ay
Alley.. wits dry.
Pius X. then ruse d in a yoke at
Hist teemnlwu, l,lt Ytdtaally heavier.
imp( full anti Hou, liiui*tent Or,
Papal blowing to x11 of the menthe -Oa
Ur 1r
Marred' .
11 r
Wit 11 bowed end un.uvet rants,
aeau.l.able Ikea al tke A
pep.'. Coyne', Was Awaited. ' ,
Rolm, Aug. 11. -No successor to
Leo X11i. has yet been chosen.
Conclusion Is drawn that the strengt,
of the leading candidates retoalns un-
broken, and that no conaproulise can-
didate has yet appeared. And there
is ne indication of how long this
tondltloa of *dairy will continue.
The setae at It. Peter's Iwet night
Was by far the meet impressive that
hes occurred in Rome* since the late
Pep, became I11. Atter the fruitless
Morettiballot a belief spread that
a•sewtls would surely be elected
left evening. Carrlsgus land vehicles
ar•7 desertptfoe iiiinadTnto the
Flame ot Ht. Peter's, The regular
Nusday leisure was forgotten in the
...filet, to ase the new occupant of
Ile* Lely S... The streets convert -
lag tato fit. Peter's became black
with His thou,& d. who entered the
quare With the ceaseless regular!'y
of as laselahag ltd.. From the bar-
racks came large rdntorcem.st• of
free'''. Who marrhed across the Mas-
i% Sad Hosed up at the toot of the
•itAs of the Bae111r*, tearing Bay
wall sponse between the company*
In order to prevent a sudden rush to
114 inside Mt. Pelee. to witness the
sew P•M g
give ha blaming to ter
(atholtc world. A strong hires of
"'Lair,was picketed In ca1f rtet.
when se the Refit of 8 struck, a tre-
e ill expectancy ran through the
ply beefless. according to yes-
wls4etie program, the burning of the
•lalle es' the anw5r•Inent of an
e* would taloa wltblI * few
SO below the win-
das Rar. wwf(en the Rem Peal Is to
',WOW his Ira( blessing. Sudden!.
"erny at 11.40 p.m., a sheep cry
113411."- Let &v 1110
throats, and pow and grew until the
illieaselano fairly roared with
-Mono! %co! la. tunaata." Then
selene fell like a Moll. whilst the
thounaads watched. Trozu the smoke
stack of the Sistine Chapel • tiny
stream ppf light po7 amok* Burled
Iax11y dbwawartL With Ito wind to•
sart7It away, the "stoke hung heav-
ilythe hot air andthen gradually
polatasent t palong populaceone of o
watshed f e
aft Want of the ballets disappear,
and Oita dispersed.
Ire tlesalem of • aw•o•.or le Lea ZIII.
Raine, Aug. $.-Anker three full days
et d•Ilt•ratlon, during whish elx bet_
lots have been taken, the members
of thb conclave still remain shut up In
the Vatican without having selected
a successor to Leo XIII. This even-
ing the, crowd estimated at 18,000 per-
sons wsttohed the smoke from the 8Jr
tine Chapel. announcing the futility of
Ow Malta ballot.
lA.adla• Caems la th. D..ated ler the
hisprleeaed atrir•re.
Madrid, Aug.' 3.-Ths threatened
general strike commenced to -day la
metre Centres, Including Barcelona.
Murcia, Cadla, Rendu and Alcoy. 'hie
general unrest W largely attributed to
bad harvests, but the immediate
motive for the intik* Is to reinforce
the demand tor the release of numer-
ous work,Aess who have been thrown
Into totem fur offences In couuec;ion
with receut atrike.a Thr leader•. of
the movement are 'Snorting the mem-
bers of the trade unions not to return
to work until all 'the. \Imprisoned mini
have been released.
Th• government h ken etrtnge•It
measures to cope wi Irturbances,
1'hemllltary force* and th civil gnarls
have been reinforced a •er neves-•
nary, and the troops h ve been •con-
flnet1 to barracks. The at tors of
the strike are threatened wi vers
T. reeide•ce of the Ma or an a
number 00 private houses t Ir
Province of radix, have beet a• t:k
.d by strikers, who e*chang • cots
with the gendarmery: •
ia>art.•ata Wink I -Any■ A
owed Setae Teo aeon,
'New York, Aug. 3. -'Phot loos o
•anceruus disease and *ben death
Imlay "Cons t8 him who Is uontlfluourly
•ayosad to or iuexperl.ol»d In the nap
of 11... gen ray■ has 41..., -demon-
strated I • pitiable manner In the
laboratory Thetas A. Edison at
Orange. N. c
larence Nally. rn.0
elstaat t• the 'Wizard of Menlo Paiwrk,".
ha. contribute -au arm and a hand
lo'ahb demousa lou, while Mr. Edi-
son him
self suffers from the dbtudtxd
eyes thru expert
'rime light In
focus of sue hi
menta with this my
as endeavor to hod t It some ...title
The chief sufferer, D.11 who has a
were and two buys to take core 4f, e
lett to depend entirely upon e geuer-
malty of Mr. libitum, In whoa. Merest,
piemettled by an enthu.t:u c de-
s W delvedecp,e• ,)u that in ter -
lou fort• which brings to view -
frets .needled In solid matter, he
been 1 .. clt.ted (turn taking up 1h
life heir, a and deities that usually
tall to
• an.
C\.I,.all to O
uu•c t
10.000 a Tearmod
woe MW Mach.
iitbw., Aug., I. 'nI
Went bar Jeelde• novel
rYed the mimic ,.,M,.r*Au,
r■ 1. to twelve a ..
Frac cud the other `..l
Ilaooa well. The aalitu
enl to , er,ved .a.• no the
.abet .enure.• d the etas;. as wet ad the
., • Mil, of the b:woudwlu.r `4.nerell era
t. W na--1 he the (torero! In Co. a t1
The lathe of toum
Ow etauyeere are
be paid asuarey out of tie evacuee/
the e•ea,ry, th, ctb:•r .lerlte and the es'
prams are to be voted aa..ally lit par.
Segment. Tem prorlsa.n a .a to eal•H.1
anal exp••••• will be added tot 0111 be
fere ltd tided reading le r.ken.
pal,, The govern-
' rotaries to by
lean. The eralr
5,) of $iu,.tu a
M V /wen
f the _celery le
ilea ,d
simmer. I .p•rt.d Milled Im be -
a1.1 wltb Mob.
Ia•ditl Aug. a --The eorredpendeste et
TO. Tame report the •.wttnued spread of
Islam me !WI prolonged .,epensl..n Qf
o es UM /eke Tt"Is liellway, �ktra
Ars tie Ceseeus coanertie he
et a t1• Casptsa leas• with the re -
Milk that the laterveuing towns betwHn
bake orad TIM' partially ftmlaestrick-
A. Many l' eke are r.p..ttrd to hate
bees easels gents noire with mod. Mellen
are reported cold•. Ir thrunnt Routh Has -
ala Twenty ale th .seed men are Idle K
°deer. Thus far •o rertuwe disorders
bare occurred at ode
1e Rmta. Tweet], M11.s
Orad• red Collld•
.w. Barge
�eNtn, Aug. 3.-A despot.. to The
Vo . Zeitung (torn Breslau marts a
• s.
s tions d1•awler on •the roti ay twee
ouch• and Kalvarfa. Auetrlen 11.11,,,
train coasleting of eleveu care -euv
Ily loaded with stone broke their c-up-
IIng sod ran at a terrific speed dew a
*harp grade•(or 211 miles until It col
tided with k pp.uger testi 'Mitaut>
parsons are said `t.•u have bean klllei and
52 others severely Injured.
/Awl teemed Over Shim
New Glasgow, NA\Atm. 8. -Cald-
er Fraser, a young bulkiness maw of
'Stella' ton, was killed - four mites
fr'm his home on Saturday. He was
ntdoving a load 4 hay to !fie barn,
who his hurtle toe, u41 unmanage-
able. ' He had the Iniinal by the
bridle. and was trying to check It
wham the horse bolted an threw him
dollen, the heavy load pending over
his body,'\causing &llhoet Instant
TunilgI)ttr, A.Rr 6, 1903.
larrible Death •f a N. Mary's Masen-Aa
dents of • Dar.
*l. Mary's, Aug. 3.-U..1. Haines , a
stonemason and cvotraetur, slat • krattble
deet& tale afterawu about nam li ;hack b)
retiree 40 fret lima a *caged ea w11001
be liar wurklug, The JW./ .,a wens bb
use einem! gave way, owing to the great
*right 4 clime sod taurine which bed
h•eu pad epee It,
Amebas. workman, James Clyde, also fell
tied was badly c•' - ' :Woad, hut will
likely recover.
bantered lila Skull.
Ingersoll, Aug. 8.-lnrank Logen M
Ttwrrldate, Iles at the point of .death
et Bourn d8catoherd's farm
the result a terrible fellhesustained TridaY. Logan was engag-
ed with a number of other men to
raising a barn for Mr. 8oateherd, sod
Lias at one of the highest portions of
the frame, when la same manner he.
mimed hie tooting. and tell to the
Freund, a dietetics of twenty-nine feet.
14e fell on his bead and i'ractured bta
Ilia Feet Awperatrd..
Kingston„ Aug. 8. -Picots Cado, en
Italian brought from Tweed to the
General Hospktal with hie left foot
badly mangled, had Ate member ampu-
Teak Crap and Seek.
accideennotfoccuug. rrred8.-about ado' lrowning
ock this
evening. A young lad netted Robert
(law, about 17 yearn of age. was In
bathing at the derrick east of the C.
P.R. atatlon, and while awknmtng In
deep water took is cramp and sank
to the bottom. The body wan re-
covered in about 20 minutes. Medical
aid Was oo the spot early. and the
doctor worked hard, but were not
successful In bringing book life., Re-
bert Claw was a eon of Mr. Thomas
(law of this place.
orowa.d wblb Ratblag.
Kingsville, Aug. 8. -Reginald, son of
Frasier Weetcott of Moleona Bank, was
drowned in the lake while bathing the
Awfd-testa reale,....t noted t• CIH-
. seed Journalise &.%br.er.
Pekin, Aug. 8 -A journalist of
this city named Mbeq Chien, was ex-
ecuted here Saturday. According to
Oboist report of the:execution,
was beheaded, but, la has be -
known that the report 1s false
and :.hat th, condemned pian was
beaten\to deaf!. 1n accordance with
special nstructlons Issued b the
("wager ' W4,t, 1.
The 1nel• nt is declared to be the
et berrtb• that has occurred 1n
• since •• massacre of 100().
4. killing 04. urred In the court
Y d pf the Yan . of the Board of
• leht ent. 'rhea'rheactim was beaten
, ba°
boo rods t• two hours In
t • t
a•Weon the fir on his back,
amts nd`.legs being to to ribbons.
Atter 1 te had apparently become ex -
floret t -eaecutloners, fe. Ing that
Chien ha • reerely fainted • d might
revive, tw .t a rope tightly ouad
his soak • d left the body 1 • this
condition u 11 yraterday storm
A F *eye, .f th �ye, College .f
Fhyldel•es a d Ierg..ee.
King,toh, dug 1. Di, Fife Yowler.
one of the founder* the Royal 'Col-
lege of Phyla, tuna nn. SUrgeona, now
dilated with Qii«en'. 'alieeralty, died
afternoon, aged years.. The
sed was burn itt El In. Scotland,
as educated at A. r4een and
gh Universities. 1 e Came to
Canada n 18.51 and .ettl • 1n King-
ston. 1T deceased was a of ver'\phy-
sician. He was preeldenl 04 1-e 1,dd-
felbws' Rel t Aasociatlotl dor many
yeses. His fe, one son, envy,
barrt.ter, Toron , and four dame• tore
survive. He wee resident of the IV'
tametae Medical Cou 11 in 18412.
Capt. DIa0 C...lealoeed y t\e ewe,
•rameet t• writ• a rd.
awe, Aug. 8. -(special.
Ing his morning to a quest n* y3r
Lieut. Cbl. Hughes, Sir F.'.derlck
that C.pt• Dixon wan .en to
ca with the- first coming ,t
d to write for the govern
men1-4race of the Canadians In the
war, 'That h torlcal record had rot
Yet b•erl-,recsiv , but when It came
to hand it,would laid on the table
'of the House If d mrd of sufficient
Capt. Dixon is on a rele•rv-e of
ot8cira. the Mlnbter fu 'et. said, and
has not been in the pay o he, govern -
Mast ace his arrive,- 1n So h Africa.
oaelrr\Wens. Mined.
Guelph, Aug. A, -Friday Mrsifar-
es, widow of the late Mr. Mares of
the Rockwood Woollen 11111s, *bile
driving tp this pie(•, through the
axle of the buggy breaking. was
thrown out on her helad, rendering
her unconscious. She was taken to
the hospital and died without re-
gaining boostlouatlent.
Colored Welk Johl14444.
Chatham, Aug. 3.-Itrnencipatien tlav
celebrated here today by the rot
*red .potnilatkin, who were lotted bb a
soutIngent from Windsor Mid Detrott
A procession erns organised, altd led be
the Peninsular flank paraded the Men-
tor's Iln the afternoon there were
speeches andammee at Tecumseh Park,
and this evaded, a greed and cake
wait was held.
Aellielked by • bag.
Gatinime Nast, I/111 prsitiwilly die as
seam ft WWI*, lettleited by' • deg.
The ehi eras playing *Oh the brote
andw anted to take a beta from him.
TM dolt tufted en dm OM ass tore
Ids scalp MI* bis _
en .al
lith A
Dynamic. C.rtrldee C..,.. Liens -
Joey t• rive Werk.... -
Niagara Falls, Ont., Aug. 8.--A
Nd explurion occurred In the Y)aw-
bon and Itiley Wheel pit of the Cana-
dian Niagara Fewer Company about
6 o'clock Saturday evening. knocking
Else men unconscious fur some time,
rutting their brads and Moping and
.breaking their limbs. 11 smuts
the man known as ,the . "monkey
driver" while loading a'd,illod hnle
In the pump bole section, by accident
knocked the cap o(,onm of the dyna-
mite cartridge* against a -rock, pro-
mathfely exploding It.
gated le My • Bathe, red nee\ What
Dame at H..treal.
Iifontr.al, Aug 1 -Prof. Lessard.
• famous swimming teerher, Was
drowned late Maturday afternoon
while altenq,ting to save Armand
Duffed., who .had been bathing at
St. Ifetan's Island. Seeing Dud•'is
about to sink Lessard swam to his
assistance. , The drowning man
clutched his Would-be rescuer and
both saga. -
Was la Cetustea With ifse Marque arts -
apt Ternudisy.
Halifax, N.1,1\ And. 2 -The NorWeglea
barque Brigitte, from Havre. Prance.
for Sheet Harbor, arrived at Canso yes-
terday and reported having bees in col-
lision arty p111110 west of there on
Thursday A ight with the statooner Gear
gine of Barge°, Ned The schocasee
filled and sank, but the pintails and
crew saved thine liras by ellmbIng
aboard the barque. The schooner was
bound from Mimeo to Halifout wtth a
cargo a err doh and wee untneured.
The barquo alien, It...woof-it and head-
gear were tarried away and eh. lose
IMAM other destemea
•tmwettai weeder:.
Winalpes, Aug 3 --Lest night Meal
man, about 20 rear* of arr. of extreme
ly tough appearance. WWI afIrealed tor
rocket fris the WIndetor Hotel. When
thrown Into the (street, he pullet • knife
end. nun.. at the bartender, Bert
norley, atalstied him la the abdomen just
below the HIM Abbe the 'mend le a
pests 4914, ebe tens knife having beet
thrust in up to the hilt Corley w81
-T Waitl
E1'F:R1"'1'H!Nil doesn't mere t11
those W1141 wait, Fred comfort Will
roma t4, you if yu!!til c here,
1Vhen we tell yon that 0111' holies'
.Ilaw•s are c fon-table and llu•asy, We
are simply telling you what our eine
tont-opt tell tp1,
Good Style in Ilen's Shoes is in our Store.
You ought to have your feet in a pair right now.
M.'l(IM'S Old Stand.
Jordan lit ur•k.
Ma De.bge's Row Rubra.
Mau & Domingo Ctty, Aug. 8.s -The
new government has been Metalled and
is composed as follow. : senor M. J.
balvan, Stir/sign Mtnieter; senor
3 pallat Mistletoe of War; senor .1.
0. Roche, Minister of Finance; senor
J. D. PIobard, Mintiest ot Agriculture:
'tenor Bide, Minister of Poeta and
Telegraph; Senor Febbg, MIN/ester of
the Interior; Senor I2eeprsdel, Minter.
ter of JuatIq•
The country is quiet, and buslaews
e' Inoreulag. The government in-
tends to favor agricultural enterprises.
Overstates' atop.
Pittsburg, Aug. 3. -Aa a result of
the Builders' League lockout, 18,000-
8,000men were out ei 'employment to -day,
d the otfoars of the lesgu• soy that
• number will be lnoroaeed to 24,000
total number of men affiliated
the building trades council. Work
been stepped on all the build -
IS court's, of erection 1n the city;
• exception of the contracts Of
ge A• Fuller Company and a
outside contractors.
few nth
1a Meths
wealthy ccs
attorneys to
Connell and
pollee luter'te,e
1/.1. ala his ef Fr.. ap..eh.
Aug. 8. -William Law, 0
operator, today engaged
ug action against Mayor
• City of Se rautun for
ce with came Nation
when she • tens • red to */leak la. Nay
Aug Park 1 at w -k. Mr. Lew says he
wan rudely handl by the police* on
the occasion of on .1 Mrs. •Nntiun's
four arrests. He es hi* actiona not
IL personal oil ,' but . solely actuated
by the mutt s of p bile good. He
wants the c • to d he the rights
of free .peach,
Boston, Aug. 3.
mills that have s
sk,u during August,
ton eltuatlou„uther
action Ih Amesbury.
t wn audlligganua
N Lewiston, st
d L• o
of�1t• curtailment
vireli Is about 750,
Rafe , Corley, 8t
Uavol,` Union. C,
fli besot and Weet
111. t'1
n addtt •n
n •uuced
e •Huse of he cot,
e t -: ay (loll. w thlg
\ dle-
n. Nu ., ua.
u, Ji a ea nt
in F 11 Iver t
Ick) ludl fo th
rfford, Bord City,
1.•A. arra" •sett,
amw cu ..rats •s.
to the
... Ca.al\g•d *11* e:.boasl .int.
Hamiltu•.A Aug. I. --t Np•elal•)}} Walter
Opera wear placed under arrestkthlr eveu-
g by Dere [lye Coulter on the charge
embezzling 4700 from Robert Hey &
Co., Toronto. \ The prlauurr- b a wrIl•
dressed man nhpi, 87 years W age. The
T.,rento authorities wired to the local
llee title efterboo to erre-t b.. DHbhp.t,ve Coulter folio him walklug np end
flown the platform al. !Quirt -greet Rte•
(tun, welting for the rain for Paris. When
the officer w•pped nos.. to ham and read the
warrant Opera atmos\dropped dead with
et rode&
roes.. • Il er,
Bradford, Aug. 3. -On- Friday after-
fternoon a young man uamed•,F. Hanmore,
working for 1'flliam'Chutch of Wet
Gwtlllmbury,- ran a piti'iltbrk Into
Church's aide. Just below th•\ heart A4
fear. are now entertatue.f, that the -
wound may prove fatal, a wa alit was
• Lied last night tor Mt. arrest f Ilan
More and he w•aa scut to Bar a this
tttorning for trial. The men were mo-
rtifying about the work being gone hen
havassault took place.
8 te.ulered a H.rrleasie,
'phn, NB., Aug, 3. -The NoY•&A
Scot - ichooner Strathcona, "apt. Ger-
lerald, pots huvlilg encountered a hur-
uerlcane of "tour hour.' duratloo on July
24, wh e on the way from Barbados.
to St. J. n with molasses, and furious
winds an monstrous peas struck the
1 milli pa*sing along the southern
edge of t Galt Stream, and beetles
the brie of 0 casks of mul.,ses the
schooner's bo •tpryt and deck moveables
were carried a var.,
Buffalo, N.Y., A
broke out in front
vator op Uhle-etre,
result 45 Italians
and detectives are 1
Fortunately no one w
scores of ■hots were ex
lot Was provoked by en
Niagara elevator, who c
a a Italians ■s they we
aloe Ohio -street:
In Sawarn. e -
g. 9.-A fierce riot
f tate Niagara ele- \
•Y, and *a •
n "Hugliest Chap in England.
Of at certain 1 '
un.hup, famous. 314pile
111e plainest 1111'11 iu F:upland. 1'111.
Liverpool Post tells a pleasing 1,1e.
One day, an this 1 •py parson -sat in
an 'bus, he was anla%.YI by the
Persistent *taring 4,f N fellowywsselr=
ger, Who presently staid : .
;'Yuu'lw:a parson, ain't 74m
- "Yes. -
"Look 'rte, parson, Would you loin*"
1.11111111K 119111e- w•Itll Ill.' 111 Nr. Illy
wife 7" '
louag' ' g the wife wens sick, the
adello-matt went with the 111311. 0t1
4111rulgal the i se, the 111:11 c,ltl•'I
his wife, ,ind p5,intin44 to 011. astou-
ished pnrso11 said :
leek ',• '••Ie, tair•t'y ! leer said this
-u. 1 Wur the blight -id chap in.
England.. N,,*v;-jn.( yet- look at 1his'
hd,kl• I"
I) N M 1 ,I" ' 1* 1) -A 1"
AUG* 1\.5 rH
('oiu•t .\1'iugh:un, No . ,, I. 0, F'.,
has et mplete(1 aci-tin( •Inenl. with •the
4i. T. 1t. to 1.111. :111 e\r111'•1011 to
Frau the following place., on Ma1 e-
d.ty, August 15111; Ban, at the toildiv-
ing fates :
N1. a.;a
Online . .
n knew
\1 buc,laurrh
1 iu,tb.i n
'Mama , Junt•ti
Ike 1'1..
Ill) , \
Ch. reit Under Twelve, Hall Fare.
Incl trio". rsl.ixl TIOI11 st i11 Ira. a Sartain lit.
11u.'11:11, AI'lit.4T 17. AT Ili
'I h 4N ILI). Highland
1La nti 1. 111.1 h,N.u. o.
will the patty the -
take the ideauurr
11ud111'1110 M11n-
n•r Is :1O ret.. r,•.
• in 1)411341 at
TIe11, , 1,141:
hl. 310
Alli A 2 y,
117. y 40
a. t
11H, 1. F:. \01.
Piper, ;a'41 11 .
IliKbland lune. •,
e• xra (4'.41.11.
T.Ishuuo and.
day in 4414u'oit.
I urn, Moat Will
tt,:0I Hal. tial11rlay
111 11,.• 41St grand 1'x1.1
oIll e!
n1' the
It..l. 1(1.11:1'1'11, l'
1-11. "al I.N//%
Ooderich to Vancouver
and y1.11(1.1. 11.1 . S1;.1'I'i' I.I•...t.I
TIM 1. 14 1.I1., owl I'n111'1. 1\ D. .,ICP:.
'ricket- un ...44 daily until .1m;114 •_13th, • .Rd
1,1 uriina1mot i1 , WW1.. r Lith. Rett
kintar mer.. (loderich to
* hurt, nitro, Los Angeles
anted. The or 1 \ I{ \ 4 I:‘ O. ) 1LIMol;\1.1
employe of
ved „Iwo-, l "...J.. on .nIe dash until\'n i I.H1,, t..Ld
n1nr,Jm; until.Slots 1.411. 11.1.
nd:•r arrest,
• ;easing
Herons eervlen Wer.r.
Bel de, Aug. 8.-A Berrien
him hee a ted here on the eh
of WW1 the . blllxation to a for
Dower. It cued
hat he
eral accom 'lees. A rtgeraui Invest
ration 1s Or ceedf
Prise. H asp art
lien Frenetic Aug. 3. -Au earth-
quake lasting ne rly 30 Weconds was
experienced here a 1.50 yterday af-
ternoon. The quak was of .he long-
est duration In man years. \j t' was
not of a violent cha ter,
14 Abide au A
calved from reliable. sour
the three great hard whoa
St•tee-Minnescrts, North an
Dakota -Indicate that the
average yield ,_of wheat in three
will be 14415 'buaheis an acre,
BOO buildings Pureed.
eon bast devestated the town of Arma-
nak, of Adns, Asia Minor.
The mosque, the other public bulidlnig•
four hundred 'Mops and laxly ?louses
were destroyed. The population la In
the greatest Menem
IS Him eseweeteetut
Harder anti Abraham 'Hebert vnhi-
hem over • hundred acres rinkdy
ef the P R. for the week muting
July 31 amounted to $1,1124.080. as rem
Derod ertth 41,180,000 for the earns
period last year.
Winnipeg. Aug. II -With three polls
to hem. trom. Ramon, Conservative,
us 71 rnsineity in Mesa River corer
°often, Liberal, and likety elected.
Tourist Resorts
1 n.h l i (or flip 1 i. r 11
torkooka 1 k f 1'1% It
.Ink Mogi t u, if II rr. Or1
ilsr. 111 Oro Ila I (1.1111o. iiiiiitaan.
t 6,4 lord t.. the ur..ul frank.
1.41r 1i, kr' • and d.'..-,- ,!its 1411 -rat ,lie ago
,.h tie
PACO ric
W di to. ron t AI on Canadian Per iota- Hi
,and YeiRKT
en. LKILIST Kith from oo ion- 44 init.,. lot. N1., i to
a North of T11/111Wf
Nom Nat
Atigilot tiot. 1.•114i P041.
loo Mon) notol moo nf
ition-loto..r. row. ot. farm InInorrt, n1 1
toot-44ml .4tArt Ittg point AI MAI, on or heron!
Tickets not geed tin 'Imperial Limiting."
nearest relletny agent.
Assistant fienend l'a.renger Agent,
11 Venge Mt., Toronto.
Agent. 141tIrta Rook Afore. tholerk.h.
,Plaery Nyillawe your dealer jou saw
t.`"""., _.;-00"4,-...7.7 ell his advertieement in
'Aferyig'44:1.4"6:741= :44:t The Signal, Godard
411/114000011111/ 1400/1611/0/11/11/11/11/4•11111/4111011011/1
1jirdas Slick W. Ag M°KIM ' E
i• mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmT T E
1 ' New Dress Goods E
`klub of the newest of the new limns [lords in stock in f'
4 meet. and low price,
/ Floe all wood Basket Weave, black, at $1.35
Bt•o;tdclullt, black;, at $1.25,1.33, $1.50
1 English l'hevjot; all wool, black, at ! to $1.50a 11„„,,p.,.., black au*" 4zolorh, at .. 61k to $t. 4$
Fipo'ci.al mixed To, effects at 113(11.
1 Special ('ashueres, color. and black, at' libki
3 Zels•line, newest designs and Phalli ........tIlkaud 76c.
' ,All item goods of the newe,4 falu•ieo anti weaves; for earl
3 fall skiet,''and .nits.
%%'Mite Quilts for..... '....Ro H t1 `) E. -Another lot "til
Men's ('ulhu for :5.' those 15c black Howe to clear
Ladies Collars fir , ., .... &' at lib
11.'11'3 Aud Hoy.' Tice . ..11k• N41%' PRINTS -Worth 19C
1'1'omeit's Ties .. , ... . Ilk•
1 1Vunl,i•'. 14 loves .:4• and llkr x(41 I:4•, for 114. This is a •lot
:3 Linen Handkerchiefs for It1• of Rewe geode we got al a bar -
3 _ Linen Sp....1,+ fur Ile gain. They ate 311 to :113 iu.
3' N.W 1d.•,. )e4.t
e•iul' P.It- wide audbig value at124cand
11 terns to hand, all olio pricy, lace '15C,' for
AL1, ' t'1I11E1t Ii0011K MI'Sl' BE (;I FARED
WOW./ 1E-
voff!•f!N oirf ifir ftwwwwo!1pN!mp!ri pripp Rp
Nnmrmtmttmmmmmnttmrirmtrpmmmmtt mr
Invictus Boots
at $3.51, UN and $4.51.
After .e reltiug,l test ig:ation xu.ldu; trial we are con-
vinced that the Iutyie i. Isom made by OA,.. A. sumer, of
Mout real, is one tic th hest 111/•1'. 1b1144.11(24 , and *t our
prier i. *wily we of
.the ill•.t •»Inch. IL'
d. it Mint we teed
' proud of.
lir,4•eful in
I*•r(e't im tit an
1sh ; dens,J•, conn
table, and for wet
the (spial of any $5.110
Toot. you eves, waw
The new
it vie" Are neluly and
x it ) •approval.
F'sole.. 1h•i',' $;4.;1), $1.1a1 and $4.:11,
Buy it pair and try tt.lu. If the fail you mer heck
:and .• , '
t your a e•'
111 11 1 ill• !
K tn•w unit
t allows
1 Klfl•
delur in the 111 \'1.•(.11. 1**,I.
This is a question many people aro asking'jnst now.
If you are thinking of a. fishing or camping expedition, a
hint as to supplies will not be out of order. We have
Everything for the Camper
Canned 0Itott.o. I 'mined Vegetables. Canino! FrititS.
Tinned Biscuits. l'repared Foods. Pickles, Etc., Etc.
ritF: (1ROCERS, WEST SIDE SQUARE Telephone No. 91.
11110311 TORONTO 111011 I
1Pits to NWT. 11te
Tin AVisultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources et
China& will ,be exhibited on • scale never before attempts&
ossar PARADE* or a.m. fr001
la artier et SHI alla..1 MITT rein trues
ilas sweet entaer. ate yeas 'newel* wen le saatszuoi WS. eelidl
Tef gimmileho• Ma Dowager Durham of aed Ara.
/ISIS" pametwelow ad NM Chatters St Abwdem tra••••••
=r=omma tar le ally gwa• woe
Steam r V Heating.
rfishing Tackle,\ Ilatnino4s, Wire Fencing,
Joseph linkers"rable and Pocket Cutlery,
Tinware, Granite re, Woof\Alcohol Lamps;
Wood Alcohol in ottles, Coal -Oil (looking
and Iteating Stov , Screen Doors and
Windows. •
General HardWare.
STORM. Ai. Wegulget. WA