HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-6, Page 3THE SrIGNAL: GODENICII ONTARIO
Will. McLeod, of fira14Wtia. hair been
appointed leader of the Ulhutwi bated.
C. W. Or adel4 of Uulhossee, M
c • Mee M Deet a t'eNlnees Awing ewe'ewe'learing Apples in Who vicinity of Blyth'ma's Lar►a+rsea-The Werk Already
for the European
w•rk@la. I • Ys e-Lneeker Dater *skeet*
Rev, j, N. Henderson, -ut Hrnaali, +Hum ahoy have actually awed tn.,
thunk New W • l+llfro meet H. ndre9 Inside of a lumber camp at night/
Wary Is 111,1Im. Imagine a lug shanty, 11111 het lung,
and wide Jet proportion; bunks three
Mr. Hodwell, Wiughatn. has bur• Beet., all aruuud, unuugh hir.ernlu one
ti '. chimed Mrs. Runeiwan's bother iu tient to two huudred !nem. Wet reek*,
town.- Mhos. Rwtchuau will probably 'mitts, overalls, rhirts are hung lip
t, remove to Strati( r 1. • td dry so thick you can hardly raw
The people td Heewtll extteew inaeli Lite bunk" un the uthrr x/de. Mugu•
reglrt a► the rwptoval of the family of of chi turn ars uying to wend Toru
A. McKenzie to Lltahaty, whin, Mt., clothing, which lupat be worn next
elcKuuzie• ham accepted a good Ilei- day, rutuavtru trying to reed in tee
lion. i dim, flickering light, some want to
0u•oH•:, K. sumo are
intermediate championship ()t the \\ . u,d u, all have to rrrumf
h'. A. The feud game wet. in Ilrlurwk. their 'axes for seat day, two grind -
with the Royals of litu'litt, who were ' ••••' ••••.•> cul lute, Ih. .1,1 -
1rve1ru ) et to 1. I luta(gnet r tra)eliug preacher tr
Mrs. A. Denote!, an old and r,w}rtY:t- to l(ct a loner/ug here. Ile ca
nmeidlent u( !it nee , droit rod rho even sr"• rhuv r t weal ut t i
7'he Brussels football team won the ''rite, "01111• err talklrl
y 111g
• 1Y1
ell tiaUu%lay, July h, it:4"1l( au ewe ata tot. tiuppuw there IiJu
aged h:: ;d and mored grow11•up praacber, what ehauer have the rut+.r
sons nits' daltghLrrs.
for rent or Is 44•at Tun'' 'Think ''what 1
Missies Phot itr•eand Elizabeth 1'oeok, • boon to them wuuW be a "plCirl
of ('aldieolt, Munmuuthahlre, K'g-' rest and eter.eition cutup 1'hey
land. are do a veldt Gr their. grand- would be *tile to live )ore as civil-
patiMr, and Mt.. A1/11/111 l'lalli, Med huutr11 Is•Ings should. Then
34,1 e011C1»w4011 of (.Teary, weep the °tem. mud preacher Calle ',
\\ Tie e, hrutltrutatical'idaa,ler of "lung they would he tilde to, hear
Clinton 1'ulhgiaG• Inrfitutr, Iia Iw1•H Lien le cubes t And what apply44
• appointed uutthrwatieul lecturer in to IuWhrr caulp• tl44trU,a tu,,nuuing
\'"uilesba l'oIlrlgr, \Vanni a i- and rrllWay eunatru.'uwt i; camps. i•
hh pe g'k1 also.
410* nWrh eaNtpg t after. - I It wan to provide. Just -xucb ramps 1
The NOW Trull 'ridge 111 Lower that ton Leonettan Iteed4Hg ('oligo
\\'i()ghalu has been cowplete41 It Alts°elat'ion stunt
esu. melt by Hunter Hnal., tat Kill- tit nl,t+'u14,nx at
eirili 1r, sial the concrete aitat(ncltx Ihnr• yenta' ago.
Lt F'Iur toe mber l iimp xtart,rl
by h'. /iu rialpgr, rd%elt.r•{J,. .ors or two !ember ruu,x in NeR
Jrutathaa'efelen r, cif Uiolietaut, 111' tarso. and' at its own expense b
r. liaised frt,ln Ilia trip 1.4 the '1't•rl•i4ur'- 'nllaret 4,'., %Upply Ing 4141-144 a ,lh lel
ir.. \Vhlle three i v purrha mil mon• and buukaheh,• 1, and mt.e ked t h
moon -thing is 14iwr Uhe proprietor of well W11h Iem,kn, 441491b•t, writing 1
*oriel. and.nlwspete•rs. Terse pa
S,•yenl prrwitnelivin`g on the Lon- were all u4-tu-dute, NO 111141 1110 1
elen toad nest Heamell beer h,ul their bernien could keep themselves pus
Mee. ix,iaunnd. Heuer Nt•utt, A. glee In the news ut the day It was
Ikmgall, Fred Hualip,'. Mr. Mul.cwn IInred at brat that -tile dully peptra
and Jim Pettrrson a aiming the ruuld nut 1.e got, btu''th.• axsuc•Ia-
1....m. - • \ thin argued,. the wrppms'have to go
'like (1..4. Hwdtall 1'ankithg fleet has to 'the railway Ytuuuu regelurly fol•*
ds' the met, beef orf int 11. (•tt1c.•muin,ITi, , the npppliex, why shuu1de 4t14•t• nu4
E. 11., Aehfl•Id larw•orhrp, 1k*e elwMv bring Um dully paper., time A
1.1 \\llltam RNhtle, two John he
Lady Mary Jeanie ceasrest. D•atetl•e of
Dyson* Certertw With Theo of
Now -Typos la age Years.
The pktere•a'and mtalatures of a
bygone eget often cause one to won-
der whether beauty 1a a fast or a
yuestiun of opinion.
The plrtyyrs.of _the women of it
year* alga aro s14 luore fir lees o
wanly type and du not (gyley, a
Idea of the d, i., , end pelln,un,
we ussociete with real Muth'
beauty. Queen Elizabeth Of u
Lewudul. There •re strength r
"Igor and magnificence of appan
but any, real charm Is waatis -...v
Is a' woman to command, not to
love: Queen leafy 'and the. women
of her day are eempty ugly. When
we get to the highest expuelt ion of
beauty and charm which the world
has ever fes n- beautiful, bewitching.
unhappy )nary , Stuart -we •r.• fairly
battled, h r, though there are grave
and dignity, 'she doom' not reprearnt
to u" the .beauty white% was the
cause of bloodeh•d, conxpIracy •
crimeand expiut.d Its ides un t
black. et I"utheringay. The tweet
teary Seifert meet have been •n
dream, nu matter of opinion, for t
Ten who fought and -died fur h
did au, in many cries, irons a pa
aloe texpired..by her dazzling and u
speakable charms, bun there is on
Rine entail miniature which conve
even an Uuprea"ion let the charm ■
Must have pone.•.teed •
Vandyke does at once otrike a w
'"'Mbtr and his deem and ,women a
pot •0tdy beautiful, but distinguish
and pleturesque.
It 4. next, however, till the days o
Reynold, se and (;aiusborough'�.an
Romney tht(t we are eumptllyd\
f •
O -
d '
,out admit that erre •
may M souls truth
In the opinion that there wax More
hl beauty ru thusl� tines than there ro
Inn- ' to -day., There a
uilt beautiful, noire •tl,.
ler sada. grace and sin
,•se , women of their day'
ea- 1. two of the greatest pa.
peri ' world has known to
nos- ' them. • We hear of the
tui the beginning of the leaf c
(k•- of the early Victorian era,
1t hat
to exagger
to • of .Ilio womi.n Reynolds, (1,,i7.41,0,-
Ili, meet and /tot ev painted was of a
ut high standrtrd�t was enhanced by
i1r the pV'.Vuiling 1*44 ion of the time,
d,.d 'and to it we bw . in a great nira•
sure, our ro,weptlun of the beauty
of/he esu ,
m �n
Of the
nt h
Khlw• cen-
tury.. The women of ate • day hate.
•ant deteriorated or lu"t ;charm of
earlier generations, hut t' re ix not
Victor -
ad lira, and ft le, we belie% . be-
efiest.. the faxhtl,n wax, ugly, otes-
que and tinlnrMA RI. to the hi est
degree. The long waist". the orad
linen, thr_poke bonnet" and b•flnu
to ed *kine would have kilned this
d:,. beauty of a %onus, while the ring-
ur 1.•ta,. the bandeaux • mid chignons ut-
Italy destroyed the beauty and shape
of every head and the hair which
he covered it '1'h.• o14 Rating "beauty
unadorned" i% independent of any of
n'' 1h• adyenlittoue adjunct% •f drone,
but there i% an aver* i
Ir Ke of good looks
t- wheel. is not in Pio unassailable a po-
sition, and the -beauty of a period
M enhanced or spoiled' by the fa"hion
of the day, of which the wou»a *f
the early Victorian era an an ex-
There la no beauty so great. lo ab -
bo., aq not to he enhanced by the
*,•work in•whirh it in set, end the
rely women of every age ewe gems
t th.•ir charm to the background In
likh they stand. -Lady Mary
no penien mitre
ter. endowed with
agent,, than the
They found
'tern that the
ant i.•% of
tury and
it they
o impress tie with any ru w of,
dignity and beauty. of (41. de -
,v, strong leutta•r bag was prodded
et 1lurT,u tuwtlsllip. The pricer ;mid held- them. and the daily- papers
w.14i,2111k the camps %was .lienmatter
a Wller
Juni/than Wright. HLlu•I, captured 1' ,o '1'h.• 1..4,', a,.irciilrltdug 1
a lergr-e•at owl ninuntriug four feel tory of idly l.duuiete, were. pooh
great lua.ter, owe to
their day it le itnpo.,ib
n, for, though the beauty
Prem tepee top one night bud week by T1» Pr"•teel,4 (;u4.1-11u4•nt The
tun! Will yr it ,. v
w tot.% ,
het 1. The b' • Hien e
l i t n charge I
1 1 u then • ,
. r 1 1 .•
1, n 1 n 1 ."
tll i
g 1
lied been,
committing (Irlrrwlell are men of ..ducal ion, g.•u.•rul alullty
anlenK jn hl rbit•krnie and thorough ( 'hri -t tau the r,n' l re.
tlr. and ]Int. A Nudgrrt of Exeter. Proot••,taut' ' or cattedi ;netters
it ttn
,,r . the same Moiety in the early
++•teltrif.1thrh• Bfltrlli 1}'rlllntg 10111' nut' "or huh. 4.0' hong lilt th. nr chlrw't
veieery ell (he B01114)14. ,.'1'hroceasior) 1 u -boar relinee'h fart of th.',r ••x -
e 1. meekred•. hv' a !runty gathering 1 /•.Mrs IS pied bstin
y the •..e'iuu,
sad the -1rn41tintaliun n� hendwmie1 hint pert they earn in the *melte at
joie. to the rottplr. Work with *lie 'test of the gang- „ .
7'he death of'$ry. JoltlalAd Mamli.,q I At irre) ilio 1*e big louder ru*L-
u! reniti�ent a lily olio was pear.'. titre •jlpnng'htel and asked
levee *11d wow r,J t/I tJstw' %vb., know.,t•unttlbute lbw bit d,l, )tg li'1 rehl'r
her. She s• •i
hr w there Wee al d 1 he • .wet,
doughtier , mrthin
r cf 14r 'tl to it
t t K
I4.lgIu, of bunion mists t , and was, thele 1tu( shor)ly they change,
in her thirty-fifth peer, :The left to) the lr-.nun.lw, and How. in every ret
1141111'11 4 -• (lesM.haebeihd and it 1 tb" •'uteliany gludl)' Pols ,Ip t
L I of entail 4'•v.. (441114. at It" 114%'(1 .•1/414.1044/..' lie r11 1(t1.1ow 'Then It is important ' itat nos
of t r •flf h 1�(lurrr I
101!n e144(4% dry ween oil dt�at4 itt I"YI I Mould be Pinionagtd to 'mend the
-«n 1", .4. )• Itt1e*hiwg.' alt. lh'- iiul `fundi? s nand other .petro Mule in be
Teen 411 IOr. Malta tiu*of tip*' r 1. ter mats thin Imitated; 1n eruuq.Yl
was midden_ limn did. 140.s'(.•1:%, drinking, g.Hd•Iingr t.•Iliug
rite. was thorium*. of lite lelI',i ell. hnlelnn( td the title )••.t. sang )r
He woe a ostia,' of Intermit ; and Was l "luny lund.y,- aril 111111) dins 1"
in his seventy-eighth year.
Sunday of best week Sauna so
.'r. Otte lir•, uf'Morrin, halt r-1 , Ithl u n a end fr
lllp'.au an nttat•k by a'uW'itl• harn I\ itttal leltlauur than lr Durr- '10
valid. The iile ma! butted him o
and. haul it not IearadNt,r'tnrel,`.'
„id l rrtllSm i. Krt ori, no
have suede short work' of . its ow J
' -' Mies a
l *.• wb•u 11y.•11 ore on w)r1t, aro
\Palk, I theIw,gpst rn the year Men ;suffer
1 mar frntn•enroli, true mental I
frost.' war.. .m other days They err then
to -weer -re t -aro m'I •.ti
•uwtter tu,w tulgur, that prum,ara
\V Ike, hrant hap fall/eye
and seat the ding OD the bull
11Ieiell teminernry.relief 1' n,,"h In.
Italie 1'h,dt' mural dis•nsem, *41*
are the ,,•%uli of 14,111 lack of mot•,
wad n•llgfotie regent int, .ere of •
m tel% won, seri,nyux ,hnracter.
As a matter of fart employ,•re o
n har.to give 4Ij- Ir wen tau mite
r• nukenut true mercenary w,
fen . but fthe t rte. %hu,dd
and employ etf in gutnlal.ing
g end w01'14/4 et,h,\ t:xt..Ineiner
that to IHer.eaw• *14.e be,arw e
Without insuring that thegfi
to be well , plltduy.'d is t
downward, and ,}}( t *iii
tee rich as w,•il th
John, the Rftex.d•year-old lam o
Mrs. 1Villieul'Atnlerenn, of Mehfllop,
are Iul.tently killed last T1uulrlli*y
morning while drawing a hsul of rails
Raoul the barn to in uiljl • ' tg field. t
-e'en. of the way bring down•Kreele, "f
the ,.lie" %li tpal forward un tet, the 114
1,,,,,,,,, wide!' became Innuatlrgrrblr Tabu
MO threw the yntung .14/41 under ,the drink
wheels, pro.'
The drsth of Abewhem Pnu•ter at Ir.•t•111
his r,•.iolene • in the yillege of Delgrav, how" a
011111131 .m Huntley ening, the 20th 14044 m)
+IIt.. al the t•ipl1 age of eighty-two' is 'rue
nue.. Mr. Eructedhes been in poor 1 1
lire tit for smite th.. Hr and hie - It bas wl this in •view t hat ea
• wife •.tido in Morris towel/hilt ()ver new depart) t of .this. Asst iattu
fifty t ear"atfo, (wing analog the first I went arted-t • Camp Mei I. tires'
,e•I11..1. Hp 44•avWl i. wife, twit. ",at. anyone or bo tan, while doting his
Mut n'm tetchier, Mee. Thos. timet• work all wlntvl n the.woods. have
ir1J• . , the .sans Alvan age% el evening
1'al'py ridding tyok plater at Ilya rla"sen as shone 11 -th
hg In e city
hi, . of ('h Fink la•inrt•, tit%4imn, /.7441444renting 'ran a ere really mi-
ni',, , him do ht.. mi.,I//iris/inn. ten:mean of th.• pith' .library eyeball
wet. I Ifs! in marriage to Etter aril to meet, the rests of .ohet'd places
Make, a (urulle Thr rrt,nruny wear ''T1.' %emirate building\144, *h.•r"fore
!inform ter }tee, (f, I1. 1) in nat•..nary if "the lookll •re to bee
the pe.•w•n • of t i ,.solid,, r,tt- within the reach of .11,• and y. t pro/
Ire of Ihr I ' le, at r which 1111 sat• t"'• ly taken rare of.
n -
t ■bedew ter ser.awte.
aAn old Anglo-Indian living to
('lapham, one of London's "uburbs,
f- hits offered • novel •uggeation to
solve the dotnest Ic eerv•nt problem.
wilt h ■pileur-n to be growing worse
and wore• in the British metropolis
•'1\'h) out otter lndueement• to ser-
' vent% from India to come to l:aon-
don''" h" mike: A
J At fust blush the eight of white tur-
n' 1.an,Yl do, "an-waltn• end r, -d pug-
% gr.•.l "Ibis's and' mahgrattan oa
dear old L11nnon's" Fifteens would
be • picturesque and attraclh•e 14'.-
,r..,abut the q -".'.l ton of ,'rite and
.climate would figure largely in thl•
teat ter, The !limbic) servant to keep
h1% east,* rennet work, eat and live
'1tke 1'1 glixh and Canadian domestic*
�p .ilun•eter•, th.' lodtan's leithlul
do'otiatl lit hes enlployerm an W.•11 an
the 0*''the nt'ah• or net he Women
,n.,rse. top t'Lil.b'en, plan t eh. rink
of lb, own'1)V,•a, 1'. well known.
Mhetle the 'Pewit Indium. ;could he
(woman to thin rountry for the same
purpose% elk *het suggested for Lon-
don may hi\doubted. • Itut the ex-
pi•rinu•01 might he tried as •a porr-
•si1,1e solation 'of the long standing
And vexatious delineetic servant probe.
loth, '
, w u b, a nun 'splits uner. Amidst \t hen you emedder that 1 q, fifteen
nes' wed. ()f nun PIMP friend" to twenty per centof the 1111111 in
t h,
for th
+gyly ronplr\jeft in r afternoon - fund,er camps cannot rtrugn
u• house in Ltrhdnn, lWn name on • letter, end the
averted It
man. The
day, .Illy 'L
Crediton, war
deep water. K
for * h• third t.i.,.,.
Harry bootie,"; „s
h*w n ver ad of soy
b, hi" ai"i"tanc.,
t.)14U' was br..ughft
tw'rrn4 Metre of heel
ed br brit/ him rout d.
oN theIFumaae Nlxyrt
drawn i() atm resolte.
might hale, pn,vlal n esu+! are au,t14lo 08' more men in the
aeridpnt it Hay Id w
• the heroin* of a
neident occurred on -•
1, when Witte Teylt
in bathing and gut 1
en he, was g"t K t4,
a xnun pg 11 a diem
a, or Ontario alone you tk'gln to
e,ming 'lee the Fier of the educational pr
urn- 1rM.
., of It teethes. problem* which Mir' A
1e, fel fltrpatrick. of Nairn ('entre,
hen laid Nieuwe( out to molt.'. lie
put up the test ramps before men -
ort, luno, 'Wee \honed and weieethe means of getting
V four lives; t `1 rdelnclol (lor,rnm.nt to- take
intimate trim 1 • ,?latter up, to nhoi, am ' 'u.t." to Iw aur - I* 1141 ('oet
irk wets* need- Mott" hing, every good til does:
IP Attention lilt*,
spotlit! be way,
-- 1 non
11'tlliaul and Joseph Mister an 1 the
r seller, Mrs. l7hurch, 1r 4%,1,4)1 room", eutifidr4,- and reading caunn
• luster, Indian Terlitor ate than the„,,rosy u.• that would be de -
'let 1K old fMted", in (111nton, „1.,,„ rine' Ironrt the additional nu1nb•r of
std elerich to ere,eips, after al
Te good thine*, n enlightened and
als"•tig of just *bunt thirty y healthy citiz.'lish i■ a 1n•tter a11rt
h1'y ate motives of (i..lrti,h UAW- (ban Ignorant • • lilt he slaves. -
I X111 "1)14 silent their early Jaye on th /'amp schools are a aper than sol
1 I eoneeksiun, In the Inlaid db'rs, paupers, d e la and crue-
lb" Tipperary settlement. Tht• lg,ab.."
eme..." • rmeter have fur many yearn hough only three•} - et In pelme-
'trlx,,st1,r1 11rKP41 eztenaivelyin the rattle en Mr. Fitrpatrkk r rim that
• khnw .hr nchaes and shipper* and flee (►raorlotion had t w Wee
Ige,k. ,� tithwtat like a well-read ty r.• dint camps inn rad d
1nthi) eer emeevoue friends ger, hells in that literature It t at
well Wird to hove thin praetkalt.�la at • camp a. pork ' land
egge.ertttnity or maMing old contree•- Means, tits resell/1 camp ea /*!illy
e ng With thorn *train, put up as' elwep no snip, end the
t•structor 1 alta u rtabN •
f')* petrkk 1wh . by tee
an ordained 1'reebYte'1an
rh points out, "It will Chet,.
unt;yleer td provide bath-
mr,i. ('atharioe oder*, widow ttf tFe a po i
Ewen ('lark, and %inter 1if't,he tele •On •s • coo*, the next ez44'rlm,•nt
Mroba (.an1plee11, diel at her honor
- I.nekn(tw tee Thursde
i4• At the ripe old . gJyul' the
It'1y * Deers ears. . ti►M' twee
wee 1me. of the and I rste,nied,
eectinn, end a itsem of the
Ptval •►e-1_ ng ureh. Mite had en
member of the
a4' ini-- eel(h for wen* thole past,
rte death she
wag with railway ctrnxtrivet lon
cape, and n*b several of these
haws their reading and Instruction
tamps to full operation.
Mas Pis eaNbNI Favodted.
lits•berg Demotes.
'•1)o you belong Go the Hpwt.Mh
rickey/ before her i.,ollnla I" s wiling lady *skit of a
es a fa witty, ptetwtiy M$H' stuait bd7.
Mk , , nlB�trf two al llltg aDd these (f of 1 >d our iHa f" saki Ice,.°116:
•N .
Ifottnd D. Mirk, of pilot , Bohai for every filets P'
ginnpw,(a ; Mtn. D nfp1Ul of ' '
Csear•p,„n Til, Det Wn� )1441511 . of The bent physicians 'peek well' M
sal nail 1l11es ' "'mkt* 11A10BRcrhet t Miller's iM 4, Iron PHph For
DOW- We he Jas. \R'
r la Ciao et retool'.- .
!hin arty one la aecldentally J1o1-
soned and you are not sure of the
antidote give an emote of wens
kind Inrnr•dietely Mustard and salt
err two thingli found In every homer
old, but a. bottle of iterate rests Nt-
,• and le better than either and
x odd al/aye be kept. to the Mime.,
1f . 'steed in tie he timed put a des-
sert oonful In a glees et lukewarm
trate and [Hake the pnttent tike (wo
or th glaases. /'hen by tlrklIng
the thr at with the finger yomiting.
rertal . The doge should be re-
pe•ted in bout ten minutes no that
the stinnac' nifty be'thoroughey-Imp-
YI. Na -utter what the' poison,
ren uMr, t ' thing you shotild. do
Is to ve an . •tic.
1n a r+e� crent bulletin Professor Woll of
the University of Wlsooasln reports
the results of a thorough investigative
of methods of milking, which rmpha-
Ilk a the l .portauce of thoroughly
"stripping" and duulpulating the ud-
der In order to get the best results from
the cow, to maintain a maximum bow
-- of milk tbroeghout the lactation period
end to permanently develop dairy quai-
1 Ides la both the dam and her offspring.
In the university herd the sveruge
daily production of milk from twenty-
four cows was increased by 4.8 per
' cent by meats of the maulpulatloa
metbc,t, and the production of tat was
increased by 9.2 per cent (range 8.0-
80.2 per cent for individual cows/ as
the result of a milking eiperlmeat coo-
tlnued for four weeks, the average
gain in milk being one pound and In
fat .4X) puuud per head per day.
' A shnllur average increase In pruduc-
tion was obtained for twelve tlitiry
; herds tested ---viz, a gain of 1.(Y( pounds
1n the dully productluu of milk per cow
Dud one pound of tat. The results ob ,
talupd in this investigation, extending
over a period of tour mouths, with 4
cows In elf stages of lactation, indicate ;
that this gain `is malutalurd through i
the whole period of lactation. Au in-
crease In the daily proSIuetlou of butter i'
fat per cow of one-tenth of a pound
for the million cows in. the state would
mean en annual gain of 30.000,000
pounds of butter tat If the cows give
milk 3440 days In the year. The value
of,tbls Increase to the dairy industry 1
of the state would , about tilf,11u0,000
on (aisle of • valuat u of 20'c,11ts a
pound for butter fat, figure eou"Ider
ablj below avenge Elgin' prltes..
A Geed Deleteln.
Ginter Beautiful I'letertje 2193, A.
It., Is the property of the Belie Vernon
Farms 'Dairy co
3 years and.9 mon
aces of butter to
, ny. Ile • rd at
•13po ,• 12.8
Callfeeela Cream t !rosy*
We learn from the fU t biennial
po of the state Miley b re u of Call.
for • that at the output otuto[b
tt for
I the
pout ear has been over 31,000,000
pounds. The report shows 'that, the
healthy 1 wth Is confined to rue . es
Where alta a Is largely grown by
'ration. TbI. ear's crop Is a little
8,000,000 pout in excess,of 18t18 a
2,OI,),0410 pound better than lo 190
California Is pro"t ' ring, and the dairies
and creameries of ,e country are do-
ing their share tow d It. -Creamery
Dairying la Korth , beta.
Professor E. E. Aau[nra of North
Dakota, in discussing the reawery
business of his state, says that e rap-
id Increase In new factories th. past
year seems 11ke sufficient assurauce
that the farmers of North Dakota wth
engage pxteu,lvely In,dalrying. There
are two prominent reaeous why more
advancement In the wheat growing
section has bot been made -first, a
large percentage of [neuters are loa�ti
to give up the Idea of growlug wheat
where they are reasonably sure of a
fair crop; second. In the Red river
valley there Is en Iwnnmclent number
doubtedly tell largely In the next few
Absolute cloudiness In handling mid
caring tor milk, we are sorry to say, le A SARL'r CHARCOAL ntiTitR.
very tnuch neglected by some farmers.
ed, tarks. Bend the edge.- of thri .
Often tills neglect it due to lack of nettinee up against the box on the
proper thought on the part of the farm- 0„/..":,..
er or dairyman rather than to willful 114/5 ,n again,- letting it just rover
then taek the Mitten' of the
negleet, but we cannot say that this le t hie nett ing and project. 4 4 inches ei•
excusable.-4tairy and Crestuery. 'to beyond the hoot. This foreign it
Water Reeeggeser.
through two holes and tied 40 fermi
AS Milk contains 82 per cent of, wits
' it loop Milken it 1)020411,1e 10 hung up
It will readily bd eve that a cow can /1„, ,, 1,..,. .
herrn/ be egOecfed le glee • le' el• l'his sifter *emus 'n aniall and
of milk unless she can have a nes might agi'fr, hut it enirks •h-fiei-
. \ al miring Of ashen would be iluniped
Presileal nate '' at once . arin,...1 with on old, pen
ffitcea In tropical emu/Oleo, but butter
the fib pen .fr,-*11 our ..kilchr to range
manufficturea In this ohnntry tO sell to „In .,,rd 0.,,,r it. quart ,11. e,,,. 0,,,,._
the people df the trelpfes. What' It is (.0.1.
except those, engaged in the trade,' but A ,.It`tatt motelitaln-Prleadan.
as the West luileine and Routh A inert- 1"•••••••essomeeimerme
cnns buy It freely and ,seem to like It
that need not eoheern as. Just new
of trouble for fear that they will I.e.
tti label their product "adultrroatood•
and pay a lax of 10 rotas it pound too, a
- It they are, they say they will he .. .
Palled to move their factories le t'
thy at) t be toed fortune to enteh a
1u/re, whirlo liaiewl 1^0111.. 11pOn en It
nettimitilatio•e, he diepAteheal hie Irish
eery/tont will, it safely tied down initiate
htla tlitiernt Inn 11/1 the way. Ile meth,
the siring thnt held down the' Ild,
*hen tett popped bunny and sway *he
excleimed Pat. ma he *ere/fel/eel his
heed, and looked after the retreating
Chart illaotrattne a meet Method of Cwt
- ting Up the Cornelis.
W'•• are in receipt of requests to
publish a chart illustrating a gond
metho,l of cutting up *,beef for e
twenty -'share' beef ring, say" '1'I1e
1.,,ut41,,n •I•'urmt'r' AD -mettle The ac-
cumpal,yiug'chsrt wadi furnlsh,Yl us
lust alar by .1, 1. lialsdlii, of Int-
; tarn) 1.(,unty. In wending it forward
lir says
"T0,44,ve each party a buil and a
roast, it must be divided after the
beet In cut d0w'n in hulies You Must
cut It amuse between Nos. 7 and lt'.
lcuvin,r four rib" un the hind quar-
te', After lay rug the (rote quarter
on .the table for cutting up, -you will
cut ell front "hank, No. N; then eat
!nine line 11, tusking two pi.rna (Nee
lU and tee then take off neck, No 1.
then take roast No. 7 (8.ribs in Ill;
-rous4 No. 11 (2 ribs);. roast No. 5 12'
ribs); then cut across to line t.',
taking piece No. 4 (boiling piece):
t here No. 3 12 rllm, in it ). heat Ing
• piece NO. 2. After cutting up the
(Wu fore quarters, you will lel down
the hind quarter on Ih.• tabu, end
Cut hv,:,1 line., U, „leaving 'flank, No.
'll; then cut -roust No 12 (:t ri11x in
it); then lullow _ along 13, 14; l:r,
ld: then cul *erose lone f (rump
roast 1. No. 17,, then cut a Nus. IS
and 141, Leaving hind chunk, No. 20.
CM KT or Mire MING or :'0 M?.11at.n.'
is a table to put the goleccv
fir. rite
Nos. 1 n 1t....... .....)toil and roue.,
an IU
•• a and ^ ••
" 4 and
„ ups' t
(i and 24\
,. 7 1111.1 1 1
" t; 01141 le.
!• Mel 11.
" 1u and lU
"The meigbt ;.f ua• I1 «'1 is ail,-.
gms,•(' lit h.• u.0 beet nein 44er, Ih,
entente to exceed :,o'4) lbs., all In tae
cut ,ttpx,.nnd 'dot oed nit., 211 shares 1!
think the beef she'd(' not le. lees
than, 4:,/) lbs. it cuts yq• to uurh
nicer pieces .
P.l.enteg Greeted -hag.. '
Inyuirir11 ere rife fur u 141,.nl meth -
oil of doing w
M away with the K ground-
hog Tee. r4 .our of our wild, 411;1.-
foals that Iluurish•e I.exl. after the
forest 1x cleared oat and grain cru)as
are grown. 'Ile did not disappelri
With the heater and et her wild anr-
111ah When 1•be• wuu"I% were• .4•stroy-
ell, but remained. behn,d to bet' • 11
intimate.. te. b:very %e,er 1.401%14.141%41.144
mug, in et„ele .4, ', r1111,11e•'x 01 then!
Ie pests,,uud even if none' of the
were injured, i much 1 n h inunita•n
in cutting grain Tot a•nun,Y1 by
milds which they tfrow up
(.lest and most effective nee
now of •tit ,1.•xlroy gr:ou„I-
u..• of carbon btsulphult�,
1e, poisonous IiquHtt
tninel ut. any drug
quid i. expuw14 10
1011 /I'S niid Thr
1 ri1� it.•\to animal
1• than twice
that\when intro-
ee Ilurrow It
the '-4.otIout
alr, "*b-
an II
that .vor
store. W
the ear
I/4 very
r. Cite vale.
eavy es. air, it
Co a ground -
et' I ole. where tete a
hog A •41 way II/ tweet
11 In the or g the Mine,
...re peek tii nal
In uming
Id Melly s 1w
'tory poisonous,
died weir 'a
111i,I11114,144 t hitt it
children tied korai Ian,
but- when ite. outside •
Ho Herm.
The hen in continenwel mint It
carefel feedine le keep her in h.:milli
hlifeudi i% al 1 1141 11...41e111
el .111,011e/tee digeethrn and 11
arcon1 front the ashen en atieewieel
qideely matte Out tie u codfish
To ittna the 'filth; Miler nholvhn'iot
drawing, tory the bottroM freee
iiel1 44 bollght • i'111 II Mee
ek Otis over. the bott O1 tin.
tit 'one end, airing double point-
Ti OkIDAY, Aog, 6, 191)7. 3
mu* and butter may be produced un-
der certain given conditions. Repro-
Mutatives of the cattle breeders' or-
ganlsatlona have} been to conference
with Chief Coburn at 8t. Louis upon
his Invitation, and 4e is relying upon
them, together with the foremost dairy
experts of the country, to work out the
plans for the most thorough Ind setts -
factory test ever undertaken. -
Enough rennet Is added to the [Dern
log's' milk, set 1n a Jar at a tempera
turn of 70 degrees. 1"., to coagulate In
two or there hours. Inatead of any
special Mold a common hair sieve may
be used. Aftrr'pouring out the whey
gathered on top of the curd cut the
latter Into slices with a Wenner end
lay It in the sieve to drain. When
well dralucd add cream lit quantities
to suit, but nut !more -than that from
.a• quantity of milk equal to that ant
eoegulutel. Mix the curd and cream
by.'waxblug with u wooden pertle 1141.
a potato washer until a uniform pasts
1s obtained: This Is tlien placed in
WIcker molds or baskets lined with
muslin. In France heart shaped molds
are made for the purport, The chews
is used when freshly made: It 1t is
to he kept severill days au Ice box w111
be necessary.
.Caused cheese. Curd.
Professor Pentut of the Oregon ex-
periment station has )lade some very
Interesting _experiments In taking
fresh cheese curd ready for the press
and sealing it hermetically In tin cans.
In this condition the eurtt,goes through
t he caring process In good shape. The
cans, holding about flve pounds, were
Arse pantflued. The curd was then
packed in ;the tine under pressure, re•
malnlug In the press overnight. They
were then soldered and laid away. The
loss of the rind and n large per ceot
of 'the usual shrtppknge was - thus
avoided. \ J,o can 'tell bot what this
may open the ,door to • new method
Of putting up cheep for worker/
P 1• et'tb• Season.
As protectors front the sun must be
Inkeeping with the dress it Ie not sur -
erasing n to flit
Il the champagne hem)
1 ngne tint n
pr▪ omtnent One, white and red both
high 'favorites and green' net unknown
In parasols.
Tbe chief puints In the latest models
are "that they are larger and more
domedAn forte. Some are diminutive
as to shade end long lu (101 handle.
the, example in the illustration is a
groggrain otchampagne hue, with lace
appliefis la Which medallions are 'in-
uced and a 1H11 of the champagne
ed chiffon at the edge.
(la muslin, are prettj pun/leery
Inge for COUGApy UM% while grass
la las * tit -Jo -lack "ewlvet dots are eh. -
▪ cit tNe hanclii'add to the beau-
ty of aloe non ing ‘gessamer af-
A. hammoc Imeg • according to
followhig irretiot will be safe
secures ho•ad e should twelve
inches or less In let while hat at /
the foot thotad meas e. four d a
belt feet. Arra ed In Ills way, he
lower part only wi lug red and t
head be -kept near' tion y.
Copy of change, of running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
. Is not a cure-all. It will cure
those painful and dangerous ail-
ments resulting trona a diseased
condition of the kidneys. They
are: Rheumatism, Dropsy, Uri-
nary Disorders, Blood Poisoning.
Bu -Ju restores weak kidneys
and heals diseased kidneys. It is
the latest effort of medical science
against kidney derangements.
Fifty pills, in box, so cents, at all
druggists. Reject substitutes.
Till,•• I b dye Wool. t often. Silk, Jute
elixee iloode 11. one bath- they ttre the
Lgtg•••I and ing.t Mount% ed nye In the world.
I have the largest
stock of hand made
Dairy Tinware in.
Goderich, all made
Iron. Vtrorl, Metal
and Sidings, \Fur-
You oan plate fall reliant* in Dunlop
Detachable' Pneumatic Tiree-they
sever betray your trust. hardest tO Mine -
fire. enslave to repair. Years of excellent
finial have made them of almost uni-
versal adoption. tvery wheel with • nen-
tattoo hi fitted with them. Every Miro/
experience Initiate on them.
Dunlop Thee make bicycle enthadaste.
They increases the platinum of wheeling and
minimize the troubles. Bloyollag an
a-attrod moms with Dunlop,.
The Dunlop Tire Co.
Toronto. Ont.
Hoe you found Dunlop Coln?
The Duke (dell* eleurie- Xing Ede
ward's host at keith, tone of
six men who own teeen them
sixth of all Scotian „and there are
customs still preserve( 'ton hie relate
dating back to King A rot,. It was
the hither of the present IM Wee -
Charlotte Thynno, whom d on-
ly Mat lo.ft, for laving tea te
t '0PO4 to her.
Did Not batch On.
of (15,11 likoWitIK OP Are pinning
yolk of an eqg In white or sre white ?"
FitzNotalle white, of ,r,nume.
What next r
yolk of an egg in yeIbert." •
r/Hem have Wen permattentlyeared by ,
Miller'e Conminidwi Iron Mlle. -Pot
istrodarrd yon to mine of the host .
Hamilton Reset, Kol, 60192.
Won the sweepstake,' eetInfro
0., hi 1902. fibs I. owned by Knapp
Memo. Bleat Claridon, 0.
maser %me ai se. Loom.
Hone ars being niade and rake and
at the Louisiana Purchese eapnaltion
from May to November of next year.
The different cattle breeders* atlatielit-
animal. "you mAy run, 'faith, but you a ye been Invited te furnlab
don't know where to go no' herds** OIL The *Wert le to demise
New Subscribers
" The Sig -nal
for the balance of the year
to any address in Canada,
United States, Great Brit-
ain or, Australia,
35 Cents:\
includes back numbers containing the
serial story,
Vomiter & Robertson,