HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-6, Page 22 THUi an4e, Ang. 8, 190:1. ?lot *pat I1 II111%%tk'Ilt ANTAItto. PI•I11.ISI(Ell KWl3Kl' TH1'KR11AY ■v CANATTEH R Nl►IIKRTellX. • 'I'ek•pletw 1'411 Nu. :O. Terns 'of Subecrlption. : eine per orrooti M lulc4nr0. hit wnn(117..v0 : there months. GL', Vih.n rltwr- who foil to nweiw r TOE -slus.u. ro,kodowaly by uudl sill culotte a rotor by' ac- 7uainnnx toot* IM five ;u m early a date as p.. -I lire. \\ ked *chimes of address is desired. loot to the ' old :it'd Me sew 4dd,r•.. Annald he lit iso, ldvert.sing gates : fogad and other slinkier advent.rnwuls. lar •r line toy lt...t in.w•rt 1111 ,cud : et line f W k 1 1! each .uia14lpu•ul Inv'lt ion. )1,•k.und by a atwMl'•'ll sale. 1144.4) a lhlr. to an inch. ikn.nw•.s rano. of .It' lin(•+ 1400 under, g\ per Year An; ertleetste t., of lar:[. Y d, steam, tit= mitten. Vacant. 0itmatom.. \\'rnt11, hhu.-en fur sale or to Ilad. Yana, fur ,ale or to Kent. A rt hies for sale, etc., not exewding right line.. Vs. ,.,o h ia,ert(on : 11 for 1414'[ for each subsequent month. Larger adwertlrc nitwits in prapertlnn. tared notice- In nonwlell typrrhe -p r line. . •Nu audita le.. than Gov. A I.iou uerwent. itt ordinary reading t3 tw unr cent per word. No notice k'.- thou :.'.'. Any ..iieept1i notice. the object of w' hob 1. 1►e' tiectinInry belwnt of any Ptah vidnal or leo-net *Hon. to be omoddrnrl an itt vrrti.run•ul and to he clwlrxed arrrnlitgly. - -!tote. for di.pla) ;and moonset adweKlre- ment. w III (w gid ell 011 a p1111eilat.ii. A117114.... 1111 ,lnntn•uiliwt . to V'ANATTKH ft ttOHn:HTWIN. Toe nItiNAo... I..derlch. (ltd. IN Nighl(IL Tilt' iteDA 1'. at ti. 1. NIX ' TINE RAILWAY BILL. • On, Thntswlav Sir Wilfred I.aurier Made the . long -exp eeted announce - 111411t of the Gm)M•nitwtit'1 h•atewou- tinrutal t'nilwa4• pmllicy in the House of 1'o)nmon The rutin features (4 the (iuv;et•nnent'o proprwds hove earn 10411re the public for 1141111e tiler, but lacking the weal of authority which has sow leen plateal upon ,1Item by the Premier. Sir 1Vilfi•id laid tit r(Ys upon the character 14 the underbil(iug as a • great national enterprise, tarsi tied to provide ,a transportation cane bit•h from th r Atlantict/ I .' the. Pa ill(- Fill 'midi , 111tlir Inst Canadian spoil. vire of the awkward .position it which railway traffic in this, country would Ire played by the abrogation of the bonding privilege by the 1'uiterl states, the Gayer m,tenf ronoideteol 1411 all-t'a11Y1li;in toad 11 political Item•:sit V. Whether the, t'iitest States would • ever -Adopt suck it desperate Illrastlre. viltk•h would bring effect' ve retaliation hy.1 .,nada ' mum ,t iiitd States trtife. is open to quiStion. Int the. building of 1111 entirely rode endrtit read will ward off all possibility ef danger from that source. ' • \ Thr eri,lrt•n 141111on. trine JI. 'lin. N.H., ti/\Wi inipl•gt is to be Coma nailed by the Government and will'he leased to the Grand Trunk Pacific ftlr Pro - years. ,it a rental which. after tone first. seven years, will r romp. the, Go Vern- Y•Il 11 a ,'IM 0'- nent for the interest n the � 1 eniLrt111411on. An impol1nut provision is that any cungrany nay serially penning powers over thin Nerehnl 111 the rad, the design being to give the (imvertlinenl . control of 1111 nM(•nnt;11. ental indite i and to uboiate the dnptieotitig of rxlennive lines Iwftk-irn the Frlsl and the 'West. The See - t' 041111- Winnipeg 10 the Pacific cast in `t•) - Iw built and ogwrat.'il by the G.aMl Trnnk Pni•itI Company at. ite Own est wow., with a Gov'.ktl- • rylent retrainee of 'winds to the .x. tent of 75 per Irl . Til. (if Wet tt,ltent will 11)40 t 111a.intet sol on the honcho for the imminent) snake' fat- seven rears • The\ Pte ' •1 estimated that Ihr tut 1 liability- awsu"'Iel by- the Gov -ern! nt wo'11d not be alln•. $13,114 ,INN1. uv - 11111g power,. over the western 1' abut may lo' secured by tithe, impale len. intlu ling the lut'ueui. lap Rail- way. which will thus 1 enabled tt,i *end its twins front Halifax right throng1110 Port t41 11111111111. Maily(Alio'. p11 n•ieie Alm are delle fir. 1Ise pmite..ttion f public interests, in411141ugime *ma- in the emit r.1 of rates over 1h.Grand Trot Pacific it; the (li.vrrmwnt• (IP ' in Ips ioyrrnulrnt railway • 11 t 1'0- Mton. , The i.hjtr• in to the construction Of the )1oNr•tot llu,4wr• s7•1 ion 415 an 1414Tress u )1114 lig11 f the present Government1st •' N . I road ,u rot ly the Pretnirr'o atsl.mret at tie Inter- . •collminl in lint tented, owto it sr eir-, r•iitun route, for trans.. 11inentol • tlnfllc r that the new fine will nih'ide a whittler route rand will eery.. 1 tor - 1' of the is mite) tent without r •1= way- (twilit i.•s. The opening upoft hrgleat sttettle0 of bind in not'f horn Ontario and • Quelle' It tonsllletetl atlf ,'j,.,lt wnrrn11 for the chumming o4 n lode which will la-Aver/4e it met ion of (%linty which at pri' ent 114 1111le name 111 let than a ramie Th., Government ham faith in the possibilities of that vest regii.n which 'fhr railway will bring int( • toroth with the `world. and els bold p,liey will he justified by snI•e'ss. It t* easy to find fano[[ with_ *Int details of the ineasltte. but on whole it mutat' i.' admitted the the Government htuanlatt(' a spleml hair gnin'tan(t rain for O. -pry smnll,(iii(r(h•r ,iitlotee corer( the hb'ilding, n en netiomd highway- which the d de v.loptnenl of unr Went.. 'country of ('Mp'lvolly him 'n• r 11 ne•eenity Rnnnittl; njwMfi • th.e present tail wan liuii 4( will open tip 'new,, arms. foe ire [let• and give the country a • . h the nt which hits top 111 the 141 enamel an *11,1(Mt inMll w'ru 1. ....................„1:W. '`d� 1 11 drawn i k. It tea noagnifleent tinder-, titling, worthy- ,of the ruling nation which 1!t only beginning to dh*ore• thy; gnat things of which it is .apitMe• THE CROPS IN MURON.- At 1111. time t4 wilting the per spr ie for n big genres' crop net • tweet Iw•It•r inn thin comity. Th • 4..reml* and the rads Am p8Mi. Moto greet Fall w- heal t. will lett.) the lotg,• yh•hi .4 lama. y,rt. Man. fortn,nl will heave frnn 1111 to dA 1x,114011n sn twee. 1 'rM• average for the comity may Iw. placed at 2b4 bushel&, Rpring wheat is nil It grown now. It will rim 141014,1 20 bushels to the ane. Thr barley crop will he ilINNnl. Fran :il to ii) bushels is the range, and the *veneer will be 'agar el holderlr t. 111e aver, of pl p grain. There is me better.gtuiu than lwrley fur turn- ing off all kinds of live Nt.ek; 'non 11te !body !deer to, the nhienituml hug. the knight of the "N'iltshirr sitar." Onto. will rum high inyield-any. where from (11) to :Std lanhe1N to 1114 erre. And Huron 1%114 ale tats. Putxt.lw will Iw au excellent erop thin year. frau All apprsraucrs, We are glad of this. There are Where Iw•sldrs the Irish who . lilt' n Kole! mealy potato and the prier of ••ullurphies" has been . ton (ugh fur satisfaction to thewr of us Who have had to buy them. Hay will Iw barely an ordinary crop. but the pa4tnrN are promising for a meal second rpt. Fruit will Iw wed' 1 tenni* large yields and sour poor of the V1H0111w 8411.114. Taken all 1..getltrr the year will he a fat one for tile Huron agriculhtrINt. 90 -OPERATIVE PACKING OF APPLES. A cirtula' iwtued by the Ihnllini.an Department of Agriculture ca1114 nt- [-nt141tt 10 the nec•Msity'cif n rhntlgee in tiw method of marketing apples. 'rtte shippingoflnuall fruit.. especially in (tie districts wroth grow large • (piant I- t ies, arge-yuantl- ties, has become iewell-urguuiztrl IuAi• meso, but there is et n .geed deal of haphazard ;hunt the pekinv and 'marketing of apples. nud'ahe grower weld,1 douht less welcome suuitt*ynteno which would give applepri4llOwtiun of an established business *eh this is is )r think h urtrr: Taw L patt)nrut , to be found into -operation. • not 't ' r like "T'hr English merchant bant dews m to handle small -lots and experimental packages." Mays W. A.. MacKinnon. thief of [lar fruit division at Ottawa. ,wauts'thousands of barrel&, all umarm it. quality. • variety. , packing and 1 •uckage. +This uuifuruity, how- ever, cannot Iw seminal whryepleking is deur in .will quantities intirharls. The time has arrives.) in the history of the apple troth. in Canada a-hru Targe packing houses 1 Iw the order' of the day. Whether these large' pae•k- inglhousec. are 1•untrolltyd by c)-npvlo- 1ive alum Print ions or by enpit uljst 1 who have a knowledge of the apply busi- ness is it matter of totuiptjnitive in - 'difference. . 1t dew., however. nem finite possible for intell' nt Kronen. to unite i11 r(. (prrilti r• a$14(i(iation$ and secure all the • It-mim r•s thin serve to the capit list. as well VIM those that r01ne 1parking in !;.rge o a MTM 1 not quantities. ml, Irh1 1 , I'r uuThe 701' necesseril• exwive Intiklings. They Arnold 1w• fr w,( -prim( alma Iargeenongh to 711.1 ate the full crop of the ',Moms. is not at all difficult to get plans tha have worked well in 'other parts of idle countr)'. The aim should he to, tire as large a •quantity of flood itt'k An p.ulilde, -to grade it 111411. lays mark it honestly according to t e artily tu4nts u( the Fruit Marks At , and sell.. thnnigh any mer(' 1 at Ilia y offer itgrratest advantugea tete isnot th )Iighirst doubt that if such an aa0,WIa inn were formed in any of flu edit (intricto anti-stlrh a packinghouse yet I,ijiherl it would at - trail ',flyers from •ret tuat•ket. and the apples co1)Id Iw . 44 fon•spot earth'. It is sincrlel• hi hoped .t.hat'*he meet business nwn at long the apple' gitiwt'ts will take this into their seri- ous consideration. It in not nitrely a (mention whether thrid.• own.epithm Will hr mold et the proper 'figure or sot. They rhould 1e, even for their Ball sakes, deeply' int ted in the mile of their neighbors a pars. A sis t e con itio s of careful nal 1 f the n the 'emir will show that priers in fndt. lfsitecially are often manly d reamed for the•want of melting ability von flit. part of the small grower. It therefore IwIuo a intelligent- and v r•N 114e n ,o t K tarter grower to littered Minitel( in.. the Emil of .his leers fortunate neigh- 1'Me troll-gM\wrrs` of Huron, ficin whom..ocehatdM thou*tndn of lestwelit of illi cies are «einorted every year,' ntay'Hud itt e4)'operati(rn a pnofltwlle 'Mimi of the pro chili get titbit in is to market. N EDI • IA1. NOTES. The Tilproblem the: is ngiteting the An o-liaxrri'W(irld on both Mika of t "pully".: --Will Rhonlnl'k 11i. lel The strongest:,.tentiuiony ,t, the merits of the iiovertitimst,14 Iwrgoin with taw ((rand Trot' Pacifle ('(nn- twiity fa dint to,Utfault with it the of/Posit ion-ofytilns have to deal largely in'1innpptr*•mAt lr. . There Iwenlo to hate amity fatality attending the 1'anadban party in the Aleska hounder,- - rotornitwion. The avail; )if ('hirf Justice Annnnr, who ens to bt. unr of the nwndern of the frthnmli, has" 1114.11 fnthillMtt by the illn..s* .1 Hon. Edward Rinke. the rhiet•1'anadian romner', who is incRp- twitaed from taking bin (mart in the Vane. 11 will not ire an eensy matter to 11114 n emeltm•tenf snr•(e0m.r kir him. An encouraging sign of literary ole, 'elopment in 1'n11,I,111 is the e1 1111 sorrr•ms and improvement of The Can- adian M:Aga r(ne. 1 t,• nlsrnr of sucka dietinetivel•t'anulinn pnhlir•ation war 1.or nuu,y c4nrr n tep.mneh 111 rho )omnloy. lett for moon• that it death mow The 1':om lee' Magnetite plan hem Hlling the long /Vit want nhd its poi Ilm 041"1114 to 1w filly •wtahlinherl. Nowt only (1,1e's it give scope foot 1'an- wliam suthorehip, lett it .x1141.. an ,NI expnle11t i t the national sentiment THK SIGNAL :' (:'ODERIUH ONTARIO and aspirations and 'is an evidence of Hie llatkolal culture. 1t rhodd m- erit** Marty supplest' frau the ('an- alktu•pNhlle. Thr (iluls•'s (Mateo corespondent i* authority for the *1otruorut that the l'ouseryatives, in their 'wowed' Mi. herrn. the rrliettihutioll cut '1l e In r•gorLtu the county of Hur111, :ft (1 m,'the tow•nsltlp of Hlalrl•it'h a o- grllwr. Thr pr,poeal should have Iwl'n eminently satisft'toty tit the Liberals. The mbitake probably or - tamed through it notion that Mr. Tarte had carried mil his *c•hruw of dredging the tuw•nahip linto ladle Huron, The Conservative Ile 1)h. of the Legislature w•hu• attended the Gamey dinner at lice Uaf and joined in the atle•Ui14t'd gloriftratkln of the (doruM inembie}j fl.r Manitoulin noted take a despite view of the mm1)Ft0 of their party. They can hardly iu1agine that the ['turd" ut the Pr)'ine will be piled by ilw 111w1 who take a lying nehemer like (honey into their party coeticile: Their attempt to "'take a hero of an unprinripkcl rogue would lie ludicrous were it not such 1111 0111- 141(41' upon political decency: Responsibility. Nu 4lwm from It. rouse FIuts seawar& how lonely ...ever i1- source. Hut vale land 1• tl.Aden'd' No .tar ewer And .41. ail hoot ()tome. 40110)' herr ! w -M know. - - - w'1.at earth lards front • earth's lowe41 creature) \o life - ' ran he purr in Its purpose ars[ .trona In Its strife. .itwl,tll life nut be purer and 4ranger thereby! Thr spirits *1)11.1 men unmade perfect on high -- The army of own) rr who staid by the t1ros1 And mow into the Fane that hake. 'ionises their own -- Aram this. -are. at last! Huur.t low e. honest arrow. Helot work fur the day. 4,0404 hope for The mun•o4 . re thew woth nothing more than the bald 111.y 11114)11. weary - -r1 they have eaddeid-the life 110') Tile Irut'sdreary 1 Hi -h! the enfold heaven. to the robeof the Spirit F'•ho. "Nelda •'enoawth •baa all things inlle,1l ! -Lytton. FROM OUR CON?' PORARIES\ The Railway Srs Throw , Stat The men who put through t 1°'. P. K, agrenent will trait the O. P. agreement ithd say tint Ale. Ha must be easy. - TM Farmer's tank. Pit. Mary. Argues 'Talking about (auks, , the eer.iwr who nakee his fano better.v4':y year is mitered ing just as!Neely an he Would if he were putting In •y into the bank. His terl,, is his lank, and its f.Mihly is his marry[. Young Old toys. ( Iok•ago Hrlli.b American. Toronto. Hamilton. limekiln, King- ston. Petri -bora, Owen Sound, (iad- erieh, all have hal or •'shortly will hssi' Old kkay vet ' w1. Thr country is full of "1,141 111)•4' -at lentil they call iheneed•es such- hilt wane of them sem 111 have discovered the fountain "(perpetual youth and are ovally guy r•nongh t., lir quite young boys. - Oon't want tae Dealt. - SInwue'Reformler. (Once re tete bring rumored `(hat the Ullke of Marlborough is to ie sti•nt to Canada to *urered lens' Minto a� Governor -Venetia, and• once torr every newte!mp •r in 1hto brad than - inion should pat itself un resort' against any such proposal. The wife - of Mntlb orottgh IM a 1'anderbilt. Tlw 'suderbilts ar not better than the Leiters. And l'nnadi,aum haven't gilt the haul taste net of ttwir month* yet, mused by the Yankee entrain over 141111 ('mzn o'r ••Vicereiue�' at the Indian dueler. Wedon't Want Ottawa tanned into it t annex far Newport and Har ddarhot. Disposing of Oodsrich Twnilly,. ' Hpmllton Tone.. - Poor old Huron ! Sir John get :y - wandered it again awl Again. and partitioned fie townships among_ ad- joining etunti,•s to serve the ony scheme until a, Huron roan WM at a hew to know from one th to An- other in what constitency he was plated. Now the Tories on the. re- distribution ei mnnit tee ohjeet to the Lifw:Ill arrangement and present 14 tolWltrr p11)pesitinn. But, 'Orange to mato three make nes dirporition (4 Iiolrt:n h tnwnn hiP• renkly Tory malnietpralhty, timely .they wrn1Mh t have it elr't a ,. wntwr All by it. lonely" 1 Perhaps they contemplate lueying I'.ilnntrxlor+ Mtfillieltddv' hitch a tug to it and top it dawn/the *hole where it mnitl(s,baawed to tieuflwlirA' the vete (4 the' good (telt toWnehip of Hay. THE WEEK AT OTTAWA. Government's Transcontinental Railway Policy Announced. • en Wilfrid Laurier'! Great Bpeerh An A)1 - Canadian Ro..1, from Ocean 10 Ocean The People's Interest. Protected in the Bill Comparison with the C. P. R. Bargain. tspreial rorre+pindente of The Signal.) (err.tw t, August 1*1. -The over- shadowing Parlinmo'ntnry event of 1111* m'msion or of this dweade (eetleh•d 01 T1,,.pdoy- eft'riton, ,when the i'r. ni14'r tone t., Ino'r th.• Hest reading of the hill ill) comet -net 14 nigher trAn4- r•ontin1ntnl railway 141 11.114 ('anado. 1.; pry inch on l'nnultnn suit, r•nnne(•t- ingq th,' Atlnnlir at lIallfnx and Mt. John vin Moncton with the Pticific at 114.11 Simiteni. The Premier wild the construction of this ei a.1 was ne em- sitry and in keeping with (',enema's stn tie l4' n nation. The (iovl'r nit wee going to hnikl the e•4Mertl "wet ion - -Monet on In Winnipeg And the Goma Triink Pnrillr 1'Irmpanv wool! build the weut•rn 'wet ion. The (low - ern orient (irtinn would be hush by n r,lnttninoion ,4 thre...Nlap to rehire the 10)11ibidity of 11rlltical cnt•nrption to e ,minimum. The reason the (itnern- ntent built only the en.t•Yn wetlon wan hr('nnme it would then have the control of ten/tic in it4'ran(Is. whi'h w•n1 highly in,pnrtAnt, t -hob• the tirnndrrnnk oltrawty hid en Atlantic snowy) in the United Stateea. The (inverntnent actknn, teal, wrxlld hear very lightly on the people of Cantnla. 1bythe tortes pow -toed triers the Corn -,M 'any. the Governnw, t r,.1M with Min year's morphs.' Alm,e•wv all nor ilpatk►t1e on It, as the �mwpany it now h 1 by contract to pay Y per ern interred on the (sat of penalise., kill, that in titer 11114 whole *11114 omit we find its way 11t•k to like nettuu treasury. The arrangement ill (egad tot11 Western 'section in impute). Anti*fario►ry 1 provident. 1'hr Government pitI 1 Iw' 11 * vs not a cru[ / 1 ►la Id J not Y• grant an arae of land: down riot .xranpt the company from 1ci Ia1 taxation our d.dlar, and m•c11,rs tmr the (ha' er,unmit a11w)lute control (f //eight and 'was ,,get• rites a'r*M the elltile co11ttmrut. Thr only aoi.iatance given it I v guul'u11.r•ing the Ia1gd& of the Coal sty te.lhe extend of 7'i per cent. of the coat of ennatnictitw--the old Gianni ninth l'onilany guaraut4Ck) Ow Other' mdi ler tent. 1t tier k' 01 Hie rad is good from the heginning and aye running expellant tent enough for a 3 per tent' dividend well, the (lover ntlu•ut will not idled to iw cdle) on for 11 dodla iu the OHO atUetlou of the western scttuu il)MPAN1tw w'1TH TUN l'. P. N SAN (1.4141.. The Prent14 u4aeh4 a strong point when he eotupatwi the (ont1111 melde by the Conservative.. with the C. P. K. Uunupany in Itilfb, The 1'. P. R' wee given $IS.l1011•,t1l) in Thvhard crib as a %tarter : then eah4' val led ttlicitt at $1Miu ul Herr :' nx twenty yrarl, Parliament decreed Hatt 110 rivul railway %tumid enter the Nethwrst in cwtpetithal (the Literal (iovecntnrnt its the °teed Trunk Pacitie 11i11 atipulatee thkt' renal awning powers he aecurded to any other raitwnv applying for rime uvrr the rutile Iinr, thus uuakilg it poaalble to rtin.a through trate An the Intoreolonial front Halifax 't i Pon and a ('. P. H. train could ria i the Name pritileg') : I he C. P. H. was under no control at to freight and uvrr noes (the con - inset with the G. T. Pacific expressly provides that the freight rates *Ikilil taut be, higher t�htan rate,. enjoyed by United Staten Meap peel) : the C'. P. R. hIely true several tal•io and Manitoba. e front `•Toronto lo t. laid late Ihr plan 14 attack the ()pppm11- w, aitinn intends to pursue. Hr tainted 111 (hitt it would he 'smelly advantageous al if the (lover uuur111 would cuuntrurt and operate the 11 41441 to 111e I'a ifir e mood. Hut Mir Wilfrid in ((is speech autidpaled that objection 1ui1 raked if the people would saucy the O1n- et•tiNu•nt•s going into the hotel bald. eras, the building of 11.01111 Iiurri to ilandk' the traffic between Culminate, the Orient, and ulherwttw'the ope ' g up of ,t new .,Matt-)• wheretheeel urns would 1m' small for )'earn. 'Thr ('unsrrvatice ex -Minister of Keil ily) and ('auals also had a wild iu s(y. He wool out for the graft. That was all he (-mild ser in like pngsl- g sitiun.- -"rite line entirely Ignore% 1 Montreal and 'I'o,onto. lin my Prov- ince not going to get nuylhinge " Ac- 111111ng to r. liaggarl the Oo'rre- as went 4.441 it ani 111 twill•%'011.81[ I'ia11 to (*late. • 19,e Opposition stuck their teed[ Tutu the measure inlmcnllalrly and - will light it bitterly. TM. Literal party have a hargaul to 1* proud of, c tweed with tpe C. P. R. contract, ,end can afford ter let the (konterya- [lyre do the most talking. The oov erunwnt contrast speak fur itself add is a good text to *tick close 111. HitOCK41LL4 At S x1 n.IIL*-AI HILL. On Monday the Haeme cussed and discussed the Hrc•kville R Yom. ttitil- wry 1.111 to declare [hat the present company dorm out owe any debt M. Lit wyen( nod railway einlr,u•tonl hove held high carnival over thin road and have waxed fat on it ever sinew jt Was Wilt, attest *ixteen )ewes Aso, The °rigitlal r01ltraete,r, K. O. Her- vey, when he -feted his connection with it had not id all ,counts for labor. ties and rn pItem, and left hie autecteitors high and dry with till his arwrmnts un their lard*, anal three has been *warming ever since to fix the liability or to have it fittest, but with- out Curer( until nowThe road runs thirntgh the hest dairying %retire of the Province, 1 Bnmkvilkk to Westport. It will ultimately be ex- 4ehded to the Susi, was then a beam h linea in including the li Motltr eat it is no cohmisalion road that is to to stilt. The a ontraet calls -for a road of the same :Standard an Ole Grand Trunk bxtwIen Montreal and Toronto ;the lent pierce' of roadbed in ('anodal, hut dews not co )awl dunMe- trnrklig : and isnot provisi.ln which shows how chwely. t Govent- Inrn t h gripped the Co petty st Kt' F'e'd p every horn in the 4leuplr`yr f.4vu is that it is stipulated that all supPli in the ounstr•itct' of the rhea mho I be' tmmght in Canada if they. cat he bought as cheaply nm elsewhere -['bit include% steep rails, - %1H w•ILYHlI►M ronner41. Mir Wilfrid wan Hk bin hest when he new to slake for s h introducing the t11ra*u,e. He t44r shortly aft Y argils* and was uti the sir until 3: ltd apart from a lit a bonnet very lilt le, if - a , ,from th tette tun. except the opt 'ye heat in thewIdltnller. The goat 'es were crowded, lithe dress .4)111 re v mem- ber was 1 his Neat. tienteC.on the Opposition w Were at n pretoIII. as those on the . ker's left cmlldlie'tter hear the Premne r an those win t4sat around him, • Tae liftwecb(t+ra0 pitmen - fated by cheer* this' winthl go Ntra►ght to the heart 44toy part I/ leader. The statement w•hichelieited the nitwit pro= longed and .rnpbolit. entwnl'xe .was when he r'fened titthe constant threat t he American • Oevernment wait holding over pm in titieoteing up to ww that we were at the "tonsure o4 the 1', M. in the matter of meting privi- leges and that our two great railways both had to traverse I'nitedMtatee territory in reachingthe. Atlantic t1•r- 1*iarcd. This, Mir N'ilttid declared. was tial •h for the Ittailh.ttd mf Canada. One of the cardinal testate,. o4 the road waw that it wain to he built from ocean to "swan on all-Uanaduan roil. Them, mall Mir Wilfrid. with *n ripphatie and defiant gesture. we eel way to the Yankees : Take away glen. bonding privilege if yon choose, we the not need It : we have railway' nen- nlnnic,Ition of our own to our own' seaports. The Premier wild it was his experience during the siren yenare lu- lled been at the head 14 the state, In• the will of the ('unadian people, that l.be test way to maintain friendly re- hsiionn with the repahlie to the south Of'its win to Iw abwnlutely imlependero of it. . TO DN%•ttu►P TIM Wi o% - Sir Wilfrid then drew a big pin tire --caw of the western' country which thin mut would travrrte--and showed how everything had to await the advent of a railway before it. email lw opened tip, ,and how neeea0ary it wan to have the rosin at once in order to hold the ptrrnt trade of the W.'st and prevent is t from falling into the hands .of American node and. to provide for. efficient. transportation *•trier for the Iinemning multitude, of mettdern com- ing In every year. They had come last year a hundred tholA u1 *Gong and were increasing .very pane If we email not provide for them our progress would he checked and 41811' net tonal would be cast into the !holden. We were providing not only for the ptteent bolt for years to erre, Tu thnsie Who eonn*ellerl delay he had only unr answer : NO. We must [rioted at once. The nuttier of Nurt-ey was a secondary a enhideretk)p. '('here Wan no preyio,w ittievey of the C.P.R. route before Parlinmt•nt d Amon it, neither of the intervol(misp.utsc1. There was room here err honest differ - rinses of opinion, but it woe Well to retnlnnta'r that powerful inflnrneee were itt work to belittle the. work awl even to defeat the mea111te, He 'minted out for the 1 e neftt of these who thought this lemur r was the death knell Of the Intercnlonial that the new rad frnn Moncton AA far as Quebec would not encroach at. all upon the territory *erv-ed by the I. 4'. R.: in inst, there watt a rnnggr' of motf►tkinP seperating thrtu. Men -r- over, the traffic by which the trans- mfitin,'ntol lime would 1s• fel would -len created by it. It wen not now in exiitenee. Hee declared that thew wovild he teethe for all the made m existtnee. The objection watt a pes- simistic wail. Even vn, he wean mit- ten( to leave it With the `noel' of ('nnsda whether the I. C. li. watt for Canada or t'nn,da far the 1. C. R. MR. WIRtRN'M IMPLY. Me. Borden replied to Sir Wilfrid and quibbled on it flint of order Am to the pr f...dine in intnwlueing the hill. Ile ala. Fetid he should have arrived A copy of the hill Ilse day before. The e,mlr.et was signed only the night before. The tnith Wss that he was aimpl)- [radian .sed by the (iovern- n,ent'14 iNeellent bwar(ain with the (frond Trunk. After moss Mr. broaden (-roil Milled ham remark.. Mir Wi1Hain Mulnwk wan leading the Hoc ie 141111 the leader of the Oppswition n*kwl th,• P.wtn.4afrr (femoral if he rout! give an estimate within ten million. (4 the covet of the road, And the Torten e•ntargr(1 on (hes Tittle (tally all ..-ramp In the rnrr snot It N'iliiatti (hl not take the ;mention wortinsely and dM not wMr huefe a t�►iv. Doing his witticism Mr. Darden a rm' • MR. FITZPATRICK PL'Ts ON TB't•OLOS'la Philosophers it few eenturies 'pence if they' can teal the English Ipngipruamige will Iw able to make a rough estimate of the extent of our *octal and Id develoiment by Joking up Hnflsurl of thin mention, where tffey will fired the opu4t of our r tintirlaloul dol rts .wiled iu regard to tobacco, htluurr,'' gambling and {trio.. -fighting gored una,• T7fi* week the latter 'what- rams up for disposal. The existent* of the PAM' ring at Fort Erie was the provo- cation. Messy uipuiwrM were horribly ah/k'ked limit two fools should be al- Ioived to put one of the two out of business.* a thus lessening the twit and ' mincing the Pn)viner of its 11.Rea, while Mhetal teak the manias! at '`when properly `•.,cunduetad a f 'entity bout j the gloves was a he thy .sps.rfo; al (1w 1e cite - "Pet ly dere *The Minister of Justin',', no IOWA. WAN utle of three. He holdk that it is a manly sport and 1 I 1 ud iti lri.t/r1. In fact, hr tared hat he 114 a, enthusiast in t slim 'on. AYIVTHKR ILIUAY tN THY. SENATE, Mrnatr Inas tisk aunt her Prat, this t; Ile until August 12th. It looks ,efferti'r (ioneer\ack of o ntpent Iaetlrshipal141 in that .hander that'll* all. t is needed to enable the (lock. .nt to initiate notch of its lau,inl')sr then•\1414a thus k p both huluu•s bus)' from The open - in to the prorogation and lighten the of the 110,114. of 1. 4,mmnns 1 W. W. Achesm& Son Hall Price Wash tioods We will make a Hurried sale of about 1.000 yards of Dress Mullins, and Fancy Prints and Orgaudys itt a complete range of colors, alt this year's goods to a hasty conclusion, lusion, l0e, 12c awl 15c a yard have been the prices, on male Friday and following days, ail' at one price, per yard LADIES' DRESS WRAPPERS .i dozen ladies' wraMwrn, matte sol h.ivv and foe English prints. 14 light ant dark 41)10111, gond style. Aisle with Mille and geld swage,1 :3t to etc. Regular *1 (N) and $1.3+11 and *1.36, all placed at one aM - SHEETINOS. jl)O yar1R 72 inch, beat quality, unbleached shirting, a fide even mond thread, twilled or plain, regular price per yard Me, special at ...... , dh- Black Sateen! :i pieces :al inch 1.1o1'k mercerised sateen, heavy weight, Nlaitlhlc for shine, waists or aprons, a fine lus- tre, is -water 1&' cloth, at !''r yard Ilk• Patterns for Summer Garments mekrdl skin waist euetlnilre, Short Round Skins. T11cked 11104111e (lets. Corset Bargains 3) (Main comets, made of finest AmeHean mutat, steel filled, nee float and perfect fitting. Half a dozen different. Make. of also and =1.215 styles, all sixes, mps•ial at l5•. Butterieks' Patterns None Iwtter, therefore none cheaper. W. Acheson & Son. 'PHONE 7(1. We Are Still at It We *alit to make our Bread the leading Bread in Goderich and the only way we can do it is' to - tell onr patrons about its - =A L-1 T=Y •�tl►M � Parnell -Dean Co. ha 0114' of the Oren ,and Most up- to 'bakeries 111 re ere in nada. 1t�'�e"' WI twice AN •h tinyothter he er, there - ear ter the sate 41 1rApr'a1N m,tot iw Try n et Inge• get nut of Ihr a nit into the new one. HIIY . Nken'Desn s fired. Iron 4144.8 140 P. T. DEAN, 4- I1 Something New Something ° Goo WI::1121? S/11.1' a(:Fs'rti FOR Pratt & Lambert's Ifigh-tirade Vara hes Start Right To -day and you will find the world very much brighter to -morrow. A good complexion -the bloom of perfect health-bfigbt ayes, clear brain - these an within the reach of all who take care of their digestive organs. Take a teaspoonful of bbey?s sacs in a glans of water every morning and 7uu will And that blotches and eruptions will give place to clear clean skin. Throw away the powder puff and rouge -pot -they see cou oter- (eite of nature. Abbey's will cure constipation, the enemy of a clear coudplexion. Al all Druggists sic..*4loe. dinirnimme . 61 Floor Varnish it a fllsnr ash th,t fills a lime felt want. The highest result* are obtained by its nme. 11 is WATERPli(X)E. OIN►RI.Pa1S and TRA: - PARENT. Easily applied ntul alien quickly. Uannot be scratched or marred by furniture or ordinary lame. iTT WAR MAUR TO WALK 1IN. 1t is just the thing fur ui111.11h I, 'Modena* arnd fteN)nl. ily sort Finishing Varnish is just the thing for all outside work or work expensed in any way to the weatbefl, a1M•h AA front than*, , shutt'i-, and store (runt.. Summer le Wall Pape Daring Jelly and August we intend havinga"SIJMMER SALE" of wall pap- er, offering you 15 per cent. discount off any paper in our present stloek. This meanie it will emit yen 1 tests to paper a room during these two months. URI BOO STORE. C. 18. R. T•BL*GRAI'H R TiC:KRI' AGENCY. 38 Preservattve Varnish varnish for all inside ase on furniture and wn odwork• with a brilliant glum likes polish. IS NOT APFi(A'T R COLi) WATRR. And W'1.1, NOT (:RACK. RIPS TURN WHITE. A PULL LINE OP 'Ma,ryesting Ilardware, ' . Rope and Bfiliilh Tw►ie. Geo i,. Allan The i eadi Hl►rd�tnee and Rtoyp 111%14. Save the Horse from Flies Now i* the time for fly -nets. We have n good stork in floe Mak leather lace team, leather team net's, cotton net 'betty and flank), and /stable Hy- sheets. Bargains in Harness N..kle-ppIntcl mingle hnrnems (nen ft10to*et. • Hard natter mingle bowmen from *12 to tt2n. (iemntn. ruddier mingle harneos from 1015 to 11:15. 1/1x,1114' driving and work hnrtles1 nt right prima. Buggies 8M££TH'9 ANN MlLL OUR, 1 i IIT. and ('AM13111.1 fODERICR. Thi1 mill hitsbeen rebuilt and refitted with mrstrrn nlaehlnery for nwan,ifaetiring promrtly tool .rrintn1104111) n11 kinds of Wand work. Bwiidir g Material of every de*•tiption kept in adeek. Mash. looms, Erman%, Interior and Eittalor PinWi.bIib l kinde on hand or male to order. sad an F./elm/on, fnrnlObt(1 on eip plieafl(tO. Orders r.)1ieitc1. A gond line 441 linggles, steel and F, 'It cable, fire. eke priers t will -f 1 ` ...->set) them. O' 0. McERIEM 'M . 11 A R A VtiBTmff,118CLUOIliit' HawalloagaL,11111oto patter t R1117iwt0