HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-8-6, Page 1A TIi; TO LIVE
The Signal
Is the most widely
read newspaper In
West Huron.
F'IFTY2t1XTH YEAR -Na ilia
allude •
' I SHAH' Os 1'hunday. July leth, to Mr. and
� ISS l'i.AKA SHARMAN' 1�'1I,i, .Mt•
Mrs. 1Y'w. K a4;.w, a daughter.
jli steels° tru/ll+turlurtrucI4un }IYanurnr. M
tho,ry KwI euty, K m. I Strome(, QIYOaele►:
1ii�- __�- MARRIED.
�1I'S H. E. ('OON. OF' THE' ('LARK HA\y 1, F: 1' lin July Altb. at Mt.
1 Tururdu t'ulk{a of Murdc. or•�ant+rand Plasm, Michigan. Kat herbs° K., draught .•r
of Mr. and 3fi Tbx, U. Hawley? to
\l1u. Jimmie (lark, of K,raualw, Miclrlrrn.
UHI 'I.1 .-1n Uud,rl.il on S:eturda)•, August
1st. MA Jeremiah i*rt1t1n aged 72 year.
SHANNON. -In llplrriuh on Mat unlav Angunt
14, at 1.:a1 y.ui.. John sh.umum aged
N resew, V tins and 22 day,,
SRU. 1i, 1'414/0.1° 114... a legit., God, to;
Mr. and Mr+. 1'. K. Muuni, a daughter.
ehuireouduetor lit North 'street Methodist
elsun•h, Uuderich, le prepared W metre pupil.
o flee urr,un, planofwie and ducal. Tunes
n,1r known al . W. McKenzie'. rwideuce.
Mash. %V. ULKNN 1'AMPHELL Ieu•4rr
of pianoforte, pipe organ and theory. Pupil, pre
pared for all examination. of Toronto fusser
sins) of Mutie,orother wuelcalexamination..
1:spe.'ial attention given to beginners.. well a.
adsatined otude te. Studio ever Tbunueuu'+
,lc .tune. All Wearing education along
these linen are welcomed. All examinatlouo
hekt in Uolencb.
. ,ATE of Toronto ('911-et.lty, U10U4t1 ural
lent -,o °ter Kinn church. tl,toneh. Prepay
'l 10 rra•elrr pupil. In following : Pitons pipe
errs. void. culture rod theory. Pupal. pre-
pared for University examinations. Studio, St.
!aerate* Montreal Street. tll/bu
T'lie grain market lust at
Aug. ash.
quiet late ha,e dr Vtu4 I, -,try
dropped to n, and Sc.
Old hay ie off the uorkrl and new hr +ll{I
•ell.. at PL Very little . ..autos In during
harvesting operations.
Potaloe., are dose to 4i•.
Itmopta•rriw are u1U of the market, but
lhtu.blelaorries and binekberrlr, sell at Ski'.. r
1411 wheal. per bush $.0 72 W $ 0 72
Spring w heat. Ier Melt
R) e. per hush •
0 U to n T1272 72 to 11 `4
barka heat per Mies bu- . :lit Wks U 45
Uel.., per beth 0 711 to U W
(1. 1'AMKl(ON, K. RAR- k.rte per bush ". 0 W to u Q.
I�'-, itarleY Ver bud' . 0 WO U M
II. MISTER, ■ulkitor. notary, etre. °Milo°, ,Screening,., per ton -I3 W to 101x/
Hamilton SI., thiel dour from $suttee,tio4erkh, fluor family. per rat - 2l0 to 210
out. Flour, patent parr eat 2 0I to 2 SI
-\ bran, per lea . Ie W o110 W
1IAN' 'KY, LA)FrtrE., ...BAR- Shen,, per toll. 7n els to ins
i .1 HI STkIt.. Mellor, m*ary. Mp•.•hal rite,. 1taY. poet Cols urs 0 W to 11 cu
tau glint to Marina Court wont. Muilt' W vVuut, rare ..yd I\3lt to 340
',wt 1 niter North St. and square. (Ju4odeh. Potaloom. per bush., hill .. 4,. (o l5
Pea.. per gum '\ .... u 1 to U IU
Hooter. per Ib
I Ell, A..I. F'RASER. H,AF:'ttISTE•R, O herr, r Ib U 18 len UIS
3 -elicitor, yrs ewe hn the Maritime 1 u - 0 I2 Iq u 12
late . tin Philip Ilu4 K. l'.1 IMll.x .a ,isle Thtrl{,,, fresh, less doe ...'. 0 IY to U IY
tern Iluuw Square. Iloderla•h. °\. Tlslru4bbrrrnre, per gl 0 tel to ' 10148
'faa.'kla°rFle+ a1N to It to
lmile, urdin y logoed, ler cwt. 3 W to 3
o' I'AM PII)N, K.('., IJAKHIS'1'Elt, (Sato" export. per cwt . 1 to 1'YA
.ulleitor, etc. Chili» cor. K g Hee.. lt., %right, per .'cal S -11110 to S 73
est Snow � Pr4lgle'w koalauraI iI•of• dreamed, per cat 0 :w to' 7 (U
Shay r lw•t Ib • .. ... 0 al tof 0 1n
010 to 0111
_,013 10 it la
..011)0 011
o as to 0111
... 6111u 330
0W to 0W
012 to 012
• li.hrkrtr on pater 7.4
l. en11KIC1 awuwl..,.N1er err. Mager Io
Ilan I oisoo,uo� Hwwlltoa'slid lit- Aa4,ew'.
• Trio. .dicltww, n writs putilk. proctors
In the Merit lose 1'1.on, ,. 14.11.° Norlh'0t.
twit d.war Signal•edlee. • vate fuad,, to Mese s
at puae.t rate.. of taketet. I'.IU)IIW(JUT. • .
r lb
od telt. •r7-1.
t/c ntasrgatl4 a .
U.wlrrRRl► IL I. Ull'CiVSON-
4. 4.RRIIW, LL.D. ,
,..Ilnitur, notary sad wearl �
, II. lista Street, eppedl4 wew11Mw too
tel. rood •rich. Private funds to rnd es suirt-
gr.,•. at 1 ler ornl. intend. 1 ' trema
T (s. 'YARD. l•ONViTYAN('ER•
•i. ear., and anowassibitioner for Wklongg and
n, els Illi nempoli ser of 1.11. arthro it.
r snlrnutl.w.. depoai Ilona or .ul deviant
on. In or .,N%erning *or action art or pea
hug in the Hfgb .'our of Joie i.e. the
. „ . of Appeal fur 1)ntano. or in an) 1'00444)
M ,s kOoll i nn. All IranMM'oon. rrrrfull,
nem l) eseeeteal. Mealtimes arab 1', u
a.ldrr Duugannou, Ort.
• aid gene 1 *nage tenser. Io. resumed begs
Hanalhas M K w ell..me ea ?Meth Sleet.
were', be er found at .1I time.. hen not
.,yingr..lea e u resiemm Ae 41114 r, .r) rf
far . se gore y ' asti,da'l ion. 'Ihone:eu,
• THINKER and ...Motor. Uodrnc h.
Ont. Ilarmg hod eon. , r,W. exert-41re In
the asst inurerIryr trade, he b in w pnitf m to
dirhrrge with thorough tiwf,M'Ilea all nom
meossons en ry.tad to haw. Order. len at Col-
borne 1)04,4l. Qr Sent by n n to hi. oddrerw
lIo. erieli 1'. u.. arefnlly u -ed to. J4JH7'
KNIIX count v uctjese.r
Insurance, etc.
-- 4
IOHN w. ('RA1I(11K Lfi' it 1.2
tl and accident InanMw,n. Agent for
atual and stark .•inn nim. lneurans
rffni.d on beet y n.. aid rt lowest
i'a It °fare, corner w (('.qt Street and Mg
Iw wkitess J. W. t; RA 1611C, Uoderi,h, Ont.
TV ANT turd Inou .s,rragent. Hook+rod
lie cunt. aldeo Buildings rented and rent.
ll rellel•I.nl...Fln Ipa*nrance In pp tfah and Pn
dia. nompaaoon- In P?pudfuut t Hay.'
1 M4 (Mo
Birt•, Neth St.. l hderleh,42-U
S: • wl'HANI'k and Real Kende agent. Fire,
life; accident and Plate 1.11am Insurance of
faint on nultoed or e.Mh plan at 1tett rale«
pe -04.-., it -.t KnrrtIl.h and Camelia .Nupan
k4'representad. WO., 00x4 dor to itrkln..N.
& Iterro. Harriers,fiau,ilton Stree•t:.
anion 01 orpratam fund. for In, ret ant
at l.40a4 rate. ami expense on ar"t ele,« n do
Pos. Appely to IN('KINSIIN k OARko\'.
k1'RANex ('O. --Fara, and 1.'Iated
W( an art tremled. Value of property in
and directors o Jan. 11rn, over p,lrxlon, °Rivers
'tors: -J, 1t. McLean. re..: T. Fraser.
tern, : Jen. ('onnokM
y, U. IM. Mr. ole•.
J. Watt, JINN Evan., J.1.1. One%e, J. Menne
eel.. dirlrtora ; T E. Haya, Sewfort h, w•rtan
treasurers Inap tem. neanel dln'etor t.. lo+,.
J w'. Yeo, Holnw,., ilk. agent for w'r,t
numb. foil yhoMcr .nn {pay nwenteitmet+
and get their card. reeelplerl et Mr. fore'•
Clinton. or at 4Meleon Mom.' Palace l lohing
Store I;.derkh.
.litsTABL1811ICD UM ,--T
OrFiCtC--NOR'T'H 4TRg1Cr.
\P,Jo )A N,.
W. PROt.II)Flayr, K. ('.,
eat, Tice P.wident.
`Q M1FR('II;
poINatore :
JI•'1111M H !llfRill'F Rt[>tAto AFT. BORAHTa,
T,11'INlla BANK, LUQ.
ung M*rinrg. Bank 1+ now one of the per
nulxent ineltutiono of the Dominion. 1t ha+
trfil l)atal from the ear, and w 111 eontinur
in ve IpVI,44p fps. Mut p.aw.lbM re.nita, and
M,tmw-rr* u,,,,4:1,1.1.17.
.M Mat laxwphln tense. 4)0(444
tar, hove first Iden on all *wart. of the (.Mn
The Heron anti Itn.M I. under Uovern-
mrnl trot, and r«m1w.. depn.'It.. from
Id`l'e., torente anngdl ehlldren. In mm. of
bunt 4i Penta to Three Thomson] !Milano.a1I0w ins myp4rSeltred Intar'..4 *Mind ever? els
meet h,, at rafts,., wgrysM Ill,0n.
1k.'prr. are levan drpw.11or..•n 1 Mt the)•
�' may draw none three dolomite *t any time.
Ae1Onlln *
to monnt and ?line left. litters.,
�, k 'S0WM on det4rtte rel 1 and liver rent,
,. The company r. 'Itra't«I *red menwwgg,.++1 by
men who *n lboanjgh1ern, erwim with the
arnalMnenta 01 the Imudnerw, *nil 11 h*e ry err
facility for trenmet dna 1ta amrwlkm. on wife
owl eenn0mley lino.
An Important feature 1. that m.rrtel so -
tarn r Band minor', can legally snake deprxrhe
and caw out money In their own name.
Let INR,
fore company makes barn. nn erwl-elase
1/w.mf t''mgwtl(,propertyand nay.
eeitel, wen ue'nrity her their rs rIn
manta Tewin. are geode to salt hnrrnw-
• ' the co ndltione bring straight lawn. and
Bede t. h sn gearte ran he mao*t the risk et
Veil cannot make runs Inredmenta with
Paler ad rani.'" 4 yew 1 ere.
�L Lig TOR.
lob,arn Chi•
Mr1.KAN bOOM.,
ug bash...,.. .4pyty to
Nee *'looting Mors.
(1000. ,'Tour a''F" wANTEII, --
UU To Went the will a 1 eitithIlw
trade. Ohre floe amok -leeredvpM,l
bl63gm A./
-\ Vk oro, street'.
_ _ _ . - 1r
L teamingbu,1. ,sato W , Prighrtn
Men hent T.,..4•r, the Square.
4 (sk:NTi4 WANTED W
Pk willing 10 wank. nowt (ood.and
Men Hirt, rites a da) winter and
\r, er 0111 01 -.worn. write 11,. 31 Aft
& 0.. Tt !undoes. Out.
pKOF. S. T.. TAI • KF.,
kI Soo ,o1'le lerwr.i,x It stir •II Law.
All kind. of . see a. I ,. aril eyi Iairara lade
to onier. Speck! rte odor gi4a,, ID sll1rt341.
Orden bo anvil pnnt.ptly asteml0d to. He
war o' Istel'. mina 1/1) uusN'. as 1 eu,pl y no
ten -riling agent. what", or.
Mat i.f.ction guaranteed. E.tahli.h d 1073. •
24 1(1*H 31.1N D.TICEF:T, V1,11 sitirNT42.
Wanted \
J prime wild for e•4u, ash and b.lw.wood at
TORY. - 12 -if. .
1111. i. M. M.ABEE, DENTAL
,urlrcwn, hoe re 1 bi. utece from Went
el meet In the M, nnrr, over 11. Stewart'. and J.
4104,4 'tor.'.Kit r,uiax of t4, square; next
1:. 1l•wa,1 ..
To Bent
.t reel. lately. ° rupied by Mr, O Howe.
eiont lou Aug. 114(1, 44111. WM. HOLLAND.
01 'SE T() HENT -14 MTORY
route h0at/ on Hinck. 4., courenlM1 to
(stet • e4 :1 room.. kitchen *nil good cellar
d sots eater. good garden and Chok'
fruit. 01y to MILS. HCOH McORATTAN:
Huron . d.
l 11 two brick veneer house on Elgin
0.1,-, AA. pleatd: All modern conreol
run-.. GUM, Ie. Pu...•.at. ran be given
.ellale4). or term. and partkulnn
apply to D. rittt t aaoN. 434f
fl 10 L1.'T FO 'ASON.-PARTI!RE
I falM, IQs acre.r. sr Ouderh'h. Apply to
PROs T X HA\ 4arn4rr,.Ooderlrh.
For ' e
HTF .Y, situated . e known ae
d Dunlap, pro1Krt) about 1r mile from
can of 4.derirh. It emit' red+a splen -
SIA , 1 ,r of the riser arid lumber,. d cunlrin.
about venteen acre g0041 howl a 1111 consfe v
table h Pte barn., etc. Fut panic, lt+ write
11. H. MO 11113, Guelph. \
.0, &sere+.. known as the lits° fans, 1 and
ad,lob,ing 1 lot} n of 1lolrri,h. on the Mn u
egad. Six '•o of hardwood buah. Mutt
for .mall lair or fruit farm. Wad brie •
hoose and barn red1tood water. Po.esnion at
Apply In al' OM, TII.T, Bri1F.h Exchange,
l l huwra +nflahle for bndnoo and profr-
dunal me, f.r'+ale cheep. Ian en 81. (Merge'.
en'.•nt. owned b) Mn. I,, rm. Heal .•elate and
Ineuranee agent. Money to loan. (paw -ALD
EV. one door eon of p,etolTh.'.
1� offer. for s*le on e.My tern. that splendid
farm 444) erre.. being lot 21. Ink, range town
+h{y of A+haeld. The fano 1+ all ele*n'.l %•AI
un.lenlralne .'sold walenwl with a never failing
spring .sell. (bnvenlenll) til sated near
purioRlee. Maeknntth +hop. phreiei*n, ,ton•+.
rte. • 14 nil,.,. to liuderleh, 12 nuleo to Lucke...
11 mile. to Ripley. On the prem+.•+them *re
a and via. emetete *mime, :et fart .genre with
...tomer kltehea and w,x.l houw . * Ironic
barn. 01 by R) feet : and .14.14e, 24 oy 30 feet :
alto a frame honoe and driving abed Ther t+
00ww orcbaMd of two and ane -half ante+, For
LAMIIIKT1' terms
ing.tbridg.. IM
SALE. Thr properly I+ on South tree
and ,'o11, °nits? l)' .1lneld. The building+
ro,,4,4 of a two+torr femme dwelling honer
with kitchen. woel.hod end horn. The Mow
I+ hr:He.l with 4 ,.mallet° ho writer ,y+tem.
seri 1+ a modern. rep lo -date dwelling. For
pw.n4nl'r. np>) to the mlerel eA.
IMud 1111. 11th tldeff' of Jenn..1. It. IAn,
I•R.m 111,00T a 11AI'4
:N 11 Solicitor. for I'S,
1' TI'rl' es old new.p(1anpento bundle. to.nil,
Call at. Teat .lotto, office tar (hem.
\ lytic Notice
without Irnniaane'. Mlhing from the
land., .hunting or trenpa.w(elsn�g arta any part d
the propel wu.
111A 11.1. HlAgeParlt
Merrier Lionise
ur LANK. 18$tTBit Or MAUI
T • OAS UMW, Sri °dolt. Us4
A perusal of The Signal's aadVelt-
tiriug columns will give you infor-
mation that will tsarist you in filling
any odinary want. The merchants
of Ooderich are alive and enter-
prising, and are alert in Iookiog for
bargains to pass on to their cos
tonins• Don't slake the 'Mistake
of buying inferior goods out of
town, and paying portage and ex-
press, when you ea11 get just what
you want right et house, with Iris
trouble and at no greater cost,
And remember this-theUlan who
advertises is the man who has faith
iu his gond*; he is the utas who
MUM the most iip•tu-tfate business
methnd.; 6e is the Ulan who is
most anxious to please his cu,-
tulnerY. The men who advertise.
s the one. you should do your host -
1 ss With. '
ad the adverti'(went. in The
1 th0ni,s week. They will in -
C4th Band
The H UI ; me .1 band. Seafurt h
ill run its arena 1 e union t., Oixle-
•h ' on Thur'sd next week.
Ai st 13th. The ', . been pro -
eta' as iiraforth . c' vie holiday,
and t est -Miami will • - pay be a
large o
(;and P . ram for Thursd ug. 13.
March, "Viae. in Nek,oea". t Zehle
S.•k+•ti041,'•I' , lel teDee: ..John I . berg
terreex, ".4 rna" '.. V e. n 're
y. rake Walk -Moire • and Twp re
Step. , SteA u"
Abe u
Waltz (nen •1'hc •nehr^.... Victor Her
flattop, "Thr 1:1obe , ter' L P. Lamed
4Ntlon, "Thr. Da., - , '..FI, W. ]leek
March, "Kai.cr Field 4' Freldeuuon
blot Save King. ,
Picnic Next Wednesd
Remember the pieli at Ransford't
grove next N"ednrsda under , the
'umpire,. of St. Peter's c' , gtegatiun.
Admission, including either dinner or
tdu, which will be sery on the
grounds, 2.1 cents. There w I be a
banning platform and a ver . y of
'nets. Refreshment booths oths o l the
gg uu s. To be with the crowd I xt
`1" lu ay you will have to' go' u
the len '. Everybody welcome.
gate \tin promised.
curs on f?om Mitchelh 's
'edit y', August 12th, will be
Mi' rfl' circ holiday, Hud the
yllls�Prnobyteriatt Situ-
-hootMale anggP-
Or rant iP nYi
ng an exeundon
h that late. A special
r Mite• ell fat 8 a.m., and
I at .
r(•h 8 p 111.
for adneta and silk• for
expeletes1 that a large
)d people of Mitchell
U Ida
The f
will The Late
Last Mon y mo ng t funeral
of Mrs. Jeren 'ah (In took plat*,
Itev. Father est ucting
church service. ripen- arers were
.1. Kelly. O. MeAvo and E. Slattery.
sympathy jilt:felt for `her so ing
husband and, children : ack, wh ft
home over twenty yea ago ; Th
of the organ factory ; Mrs. J.
Dean. Mrs. tiriffin had bee ttoubled
with her heart for a grad hilt but
lier death on Saturday was a sontewhat
sudden one. '
Neat -Week's Program.
Next week will he a busy one. in
Ooderich. On Wednemday the picnic
at RansfonTs grove will providen gala
()entrain. notion the mane day there
will be an excursion party in issiCti
(nun Mitchell. On Thursday there
will be ari excursion from Seafurth.
under the auspices of the regimental
band, and on Thitratlay and- Friday
the West-mt. bowling green will be the
gathering place for a hundred bowlers
from all over Western Ontario. The
citizens unity prepare for a big linw
next week and should all do what they
can to make the visitors' 'stay in town
pleswant one.
i the e
Building Notes.
The brickwork at Jss. Wilson's new
house ham been begun.
The brickwork of one of H. Switzer's
11Pw 1 i'('41 is finished and the ;second
one is a mireed.
Ruch/snarls R Lawson will '*tart
the framework of Mrs. /thymus new
h Ilse on East *ireet right away.
thIchanauy'tt I aw.on have a gang
nitro making alterations and *ddi-
tt * at .leo oh oun4 s, the other aide
of , ant -heater.
Hal fa dozen (ioh'rieh men are at
work n Mr. iteid'. house near, Varna.
The wa s will_be completed this week,
and whe, .IAe' bricklayers return the
brickwi11k t the library building -will
IN• pushed It
Ho 1 for Main : talion. -
At. Rs. 111. on *4411(1Ay the whistle
of the ung E lye signalized the
departure of the ' lung party for their
animal outing at Ain Station, anti
the elevator with a •swering *errw't•h
united its farewt II those of the
friends who were on th pier to wish
the voyagers good lurk. His Honor
Judge Holt and Itarri,ter ► E. Dance.),
hail left on ',',,dnevelk on the
Ossifr•age, and the parwlr'ng4 on the
Evelyn mandated of 1V. 1. EI : W.
1.. Horton ; N. D. Rim vie ; 'hag,
MO W. Ita*w and Mr. Pratenw, of
Toronto, and Mr. Hinds, of Mitch II,
The Evelyn also took on honed
nliseelllny of 4Itpplh'a- �atretchers,
rubber Issas, bait, a r,wbat, P�r•.
etc., with * copious' *apply of other
milia necessaries. Jhrrnard faces
" twopresee retro Age
Orlin* Packet.
The Signal low die -
carded the patent inmide, miml
primness further Improvements.
The Signal Is ntle nf the oklemt
pipers in t.his Province, and it im-
prove., with age.
and fish stories will Ino -doubt 11. key CO-thpp'tenor of the contents of
the fashion when the pricy returns that particular limits is found iu the
at the rnd of the week. following int lraluetion : "To the l'aue-
dirn l'ruple -Ontbe eve of a genual
rle't•tiou, the following stuutual'y of
the political evrntat of the last .four
yea es is 1eslwetfully dedicated - in the
hope that 1t may induce some few
electul•s to pause and ask thensrh•ti-
whether they can, pas upright, a•on-
M•irulions . Hien, who love their{
country, give 'a vote which may COtl-
Niggu the laud of their birth or their
adoption to the disgrace and injury of
such auutlke4 four years experience of
('uuservatPre Government --by their
obedient servant, The Editor of the
Globus." '
There is a copy of an alulanac for
the year ItCrr) containing a list of ex-
ecutions at Nuttiughaul from 1727 to
INS. Th*'list is interesting ars show-
ing the ismipanati4ely Trivial clines,
-that were pun imbed with the death
natty iu thane days -robbery. rOin-
11g, hone stealing. forgery, letting
'fl .' lu x haystear•k and • killing u rain,
rt . .
Civic Holiday August 19th.
Mayor Lewis tuts decide) upon \Ved-
orslar, August 114th. as the date of
111. civic holiday, and the, pi' id*lua-
IiO11 will probably be issuwl aftthe
...until meeting t raw .eu• wght.
His Worship thinks that souse d finite
.Lay sl Id' be set for this ho May',
,:ay the first Thursday in Au net,
0 Melt would conte midway between
Dominion Dtay and I.,IN,r Day. The
people would then know ft'tnu yrs to
)'ear just when -the holiday would Ire
and would b e aisle 1.4, make their 'phi
accordingly. PoesiblMut ' world
he a better day than Thulw46y, am It
would allow rd a two days trip, but
the idea of fixing a certain day for the
eiyic holiday is a good one and should
1)a' ttdoptetl.
Last Thursday evening John Thomp-
son. foreman at Ridgewood Park. sort
with en accident that witt'lay 1 ' rep
for a number of weeks. He was step-
ping from one pile of lumber to auotb-
er. at Saltford when the board he was
,lauding 011 slipped and M. T6 1p -
son fell and broke the shin Issue o is
right Ing.
On Saturday afternoon L. E. Da -
coy, who inial gope a 'with Jut!g
Holt to Main Station in advance of
the rest of the party, fell from the roof
of is *took house they were building.
He had it drop of about eight feet and
dirlo'ated itis 1r#t rIIMlw. Mr. Da cep
returned on the tug Evelyn that h
up the party, arriving early Mund
morning. A few days will probabl
ioer,Mr. Mowry around again.
Dungannon Shaw October 8 and 9.
Owing to a dispute between the
Driving Park Association and the
AshfltId and 11'awanoxh Agricu ttiral
Society as to the trental of thegrauuds,
it hooked for some time as if there
would be no fall show at Minitanuon
this year. We unit pleased to learn,
however, that the difficulty furs lawn
overcome and that it has been decided
t, cant' the show, which will be
Id this year on Thursday and Fri-
Oeto1wr 8tb and t►th. The
dl�tors, realizing that the time for
pre, sit' is short, 46,147* gone to
work iwrgeticall • to Make a for
laslir and 'already things
are Alia�'ng for. the'holding of
the beet and bigg.i*t .exhibition
in the histo of the Moeiety. As in
past years, ns effort will for spared to
keep up the sp redid record which the
Ihmganuou fair • established. The
pnspect of the•d .)ntinunnce of the
fair which waw in view for several
the should bring o the•Iws,ple of
rung* lu.on and th s1111s ling
t.wnshi}s.aa realizatio of the bean
w•1'eh this annual rah itiun is 40 nu",h*r at the clout, also u -
(hat . and they will doubt) rally to \'iv"''' Servide was reJd *t the 4611 s(
Om se y h gr at. 1111 Monday e4enin • coudueted •
rr *lit usiaasw than ever.ok_ for Rev. 1V. H. (lrnham, pastor1
gth. "Victoria -rt. Methodist chetah, and the T
funeral left on estlay (ins for
A Credit t• His Early Training. London. where the internment was
!pule in 1Votmlbtnd ornie4tely, the
merrier being held at the resi4lelee • of
the deceased's son. 14Alaceonsfiedd ave.
he employers of the furniture f,u'lory
u . r•hed in a bwxly to the station on
Ti, 'lay uue orning aa mark of respect
to th 'r late book.kreper, the faaet.u'y
tiring ( smell down dun ng the icornink
A numb of the members of Maple\
Iraf Lod a, A: O. 1', \V., weer Mem in
attendant. Among the floral tClatters
Was a Stir Nae wreath truest the
ewupluyt'4s of he factory. The Ball=
hearerswere k'. 1,, 1t 1a11 and 11 . 11.
Kutnlall, Gonda ; 'J, A. Itululall,
Jahn` Fur'tlen, a 'i'phe'w, and thes•
dernse.l'1 tau '(sus, 1. 1V. Mlu......
Hoebewtkrr, and W. H. Slut n,
' herr are also copies of Moore's
Ah anat. of 1778 and 17714 and of Poor
Ru 're's Ahnanae Aar17143. A copy of
The ottingham Journal, datedNo-
47rut_ r Utes loth, 179'4, ciulteains a
1Mou11 tic account of the drff1i,.at - of a
{we. 44
Frere wulron in tha ' of KIII*)a,
A still Ilei• copy of the sante paper is
dated September 2, 1775
\tr. Moost ly's f 'ly originally cauls
Hour Not iughall. and. he has many
Lute Kinn ar tapers of historic intrust.
T e Late J hn Shannon. "
(ter along illness of h4ight's
lose. John Stu lied atJlishome
on ('. !Miele it tui hast Sattirde . 1hq•=
'ng t 'four y ars that Mr. Shannon)
i41 1 : n in town ds I,.uk-keeper lit
t Ke xingto furniture factory hr
in . e nboth( ly fele , s both in Lite con-
ger titan of Vicw'ia titreet church. of
whirl he as t uninrnl member,
and an ug he to napeoplr generally.
:Mr. Sh: mo, .was in his sixty -thirst
year, an born the township of
Isollxorne a his f ther was eulog-
ist in farm g. r the fatuity re-
movedto th 'cinit of Walkerton,and aidsw4ur9 I ,N r. (x1111011 was in
Fuartnerthip i! t e tenni g buslnehn at
Taal.. The pit/4 leen'rare he war
(t tiled With t Ken 'ugtlrn eun
1 I)' 1-
1, 1Mriug with Ht for n years In
London before (he) took over the
furniture factory herr. Mr. Shannon
erase married to a half ter of F. O.
Ktlu.lydl, and hail th a Wren,
Huw:url, IxN)k-keeper fo Th Roch-
ester Journal ; 43. intern.
Perrin. id London, and Miss :t 'I, at
h • Mrs. 1lartlrntau a Ins,
H1101.1101, of Thtooutlon, are sia. orf
the deceased. d, aro t 1 htet' brntht'ly,
engaged in the hardware busiims
Tara. and Wesley, in Alberta.
gxirt of the ijvw•ieiL • w
two bag , ys on October Sitio a
The Daily Marrwn i* a paper pi
lieherd by th students of the 1.'n,
remit v of ('hi
chief chariu't4rs
treat typographic
explanation of thi
torial torticlr in A re ant nutulwr it
which a great share f the credit is
best.weal 11144411 a former loderich boy
who ,eerved his apprenthip with
The Signal -Bert Johnsto 1Ve are
pleased to learn that Mr. ,11 nntaon is
doing so well and wecougr:atu to him
u can the exeell*ret work he in , ting.
T0* attire.' in The Marron is as fo ws:
"The Maroon has already menti. 441
1l�ts debt to the Irnivernity Press, a . d
tJ14 how mach the typographies! a
pcarance of the paler 11ata added to its
soars°. but there is'one Inas it1 par-
tiettlri• (u wh it owes trough, Mr.
Elbert R. 'Johnston. I the very
beginninRg, hot Oetdhrr, Mr. Johnston
Worm ,the greatest . interest.
DaIIy Manion he took mare of as a
Would a child. To his skill am a
.Carr ttitd lnuke-rep mac hoe been
lir, t)3t11 small extent, the neat ap-
pearance of the paper; and his rxpidit y
has often prevented overtime chargee.
At the present tin14.,Mr. J/ohllst.n sets
all the advertiseryents, the heads and
the hand -set type on- the editorial
prigs, lend besides this handles the copy
as it e0141P* .fn, and tinglly puts this
type into the,ens. He Nays The
Maroon 1s the gI •'ateet rol�icge paper
in the country, an him enthtisialtnm for
it never flags. ' \ , \
Notes from the Harbor.
,The schooner Thos, H. HtWlatld
came in Sunday with 4111'4 tons of cereal
from Cleveland for the bi mill. - he
will probably 1w dell(, t.x
Tuesday night someone ne 491 the rupee
to which the unkuulirag buckets were,
The W ford arriverl on Sunday
with Rijn bushels of wheat 'from
Fur W' lien She unloaded at the
elevator . id eft Tuesday 'morning.
She is ext cal rk at the beginning
Iii next week.
The Kulfage ved on Huntley with
a cargo of has 1 I heir for the
nawnl(11 eonpany p left Tuesday tet
take on a cargo at . . ek lalands'ryfd
Tohennorayy. •
" The addition to the ig u(i salt
block is about really for . pl ing of
the ironwork of the• pane.
The Norseman and tow ea left
on Friday. %
The /aniline,- Lon h1Is at t en
mold by the (:rderir /Bicycle
gine Urnnpany. T.. ms, of Littl Cur-
rent. !wing th*' pilr•hemer. She will
pr ob,rbly leave this week end wil he
en ed carrying paale l,gge�rs, mall a 1
in thr"tir'nrgitin Tilers
Thr new tog Minnie Clarke while
cruising fnnnti the harhut. Tuesday
night ran aglonn(1 at the northwest of
the b*.,hnr through taking 1.00 long A
swop in turning and heti for he pulled
off hp the Lug Evelyn. The new tug
is ready for work and leave* for the
Bork [elands, 444)421141441 by Norman
McIkonehl, an warn as she takes on her
), and one of its
es is its exceedingly
appearance. The
given in an eeli-
de) for A llama to hail lintilrer.
'I dredge Arndliti haa been at
work et the harbor entrsineis this
Some Ancient Papers.
t lie post in well km Wan and through
hie kindness" we have leen shown
number of old newspapers. ete., whit h
are exceedingly interesting. There is
a copy of The (thaw, of ditto Deceits her
ift, M17, at Um( time in itm fourth year
and edited hy George Drown, ttal the
blit School Board.
u' uwonthly-tureting of .r 'Nilotic
sib* I Twirl Was held last vetting.
'1'hrle elle present the ileum. 1, Mr.
Styli in' and Momsrs. 1Vanus'k, ehe•-
ism; Mc ' an, Nicholson and : , 11.
Inspector l uw slbiuitteel his rep. •l
u44 the pub'c s•hiaihs of the time
Hr 411.341* a umber of erl•oumpenda-
tiuns regxtdin the school premises
and expressed.. tisfactiwl with the
discipiilr and it . naagrrne'lt of the
schools and the pre , peso of the pupils/
The following are a extracts from
the report t
7'he principal has a 4w•11 tap' and
firmness in his super\' ion ,f' the
'ork year' entracte
retlitab th both *chem.
an fort y-
oortirtit fter at Ors-
on of your
ing Of
e ft -
ant requiring attent
honorable body is the p
lat ion for
tr of -Mt. Patriek's
Improvements 'weever v At 1
achool. 'rite conti OS for the*.
trovements slionttll 1W wattle( toot
r titan Jiiiisiary. 40011.
hoard ies Managed the 'tidal
affairs to the town hot t lard
years. abottlil memory f
eunthrienee ANA
Aftercaretill an mat re conmiderat ion,
th*. hoard &et noresiotry and in the
twist Internam of roncerned."
The matters ref sl to in the in-
speetor 14 141111}14 rreis referred to neu-
tral tee to he PM -Heil trill. Areoirntsi of
Wateon. Patti. for flower's, amt
were ordered to be paid. 'rhe
stianageniellt committee reported a
'den 44 restroingilig the chammett at the
fewer chow. Thin will do away with
the neeesaity of employing an extra
teacher for the model term end will
enable the board LO reduce the staff by
one teacher al New Yestr'rt. The re-
port W-isit adopted. „Nliss Hall was ap-
pointed an ,ittiairataut in the 01111•IMICO
clonal work for the fall term. This
Logan 1.411delltAll Won the running
race at Peterbord yesterday. ,
Some of the hawilialt euttnisiouits And
gante of "old cat" at the agricultural
grounds on Saturdisy.
The lawn howling (.1111) hi -Completing
arratagementx for the t 'tit on
Thisoiday and Friday of next week,
and the indications are that it, will lie
very successful affair.
fie°. Johnston won the Wirer span'
at last Friday's shoot with a score of
21 at A distance of IR yards. The
tter tt and F. Pretty. each 15, at 16
P., Tilt, 6, at In rolls. The handicape
for next week's. about ere : Cull, 17
Dervirott. 16 yards ; Pretty, 16
yards ; P. Kavanagh. to yards.
Will snarl.. iskatiro, 1 0011,
A. Egenerenetin74eaforth im Friday.
Iferb. McLean returned MI. at. noising to New
Rev. hither %Vest eras in Lon 1..4 slitring the
Monday. .
Nliss lin this mooning no ,4 %ion to
It. S. Hay., of Seaforlh. was in town during
the week;
Dr. Juke. Johnston and .on otrrived -in town
la.t week.
MOila %VeAtheralel, of that.. ad. her
Rev. 1V. Doilevin. of Eteler. la In town for a
.44. letkerkee Mete. Isaltitheth and France.
Two of the Mimeo HAI lel. a Guelph. ant
vloiling at the reeklience 1'.- ,I. S. Nark!,
Hayfield road.
Dr. A. Itickson went lo Stratford un Mond.%
for a few darn
Mho. Maggie Baxter. of Chicago. home
Mary I his .eck.
Eph. Tweedy has been home from Detroit Go
'huliday. the eek.
oliarilig the week.
Hothwell. of Turunto, war in too
14111'111g:111U week.
Miie. A mint Inger. of 1'114111.4111. le Vialling at
lleorge's rectory.
sintobo-11. of 1.411roolO, NAV Mune
'yet he kaki week.
Tome 31.1nwen lert on Toombs): to opeonl,
ol •• at Hamilton.
:getter returned on Tuesday from 0'1.
reft,ye.terday for Toronto en
for a v bat.
Mks. As Campbell, of Toronto, i
Mim Hem
from SKI gird
Min. Sara
to vigil relativ
to usis7",
31 bell. of Totetdo,
r air. Pitt.
Mime Nettie(
fortnight'. luiii
1171 1lalloWa
in town
tirg Sunday
oil children le on
Hunk Montreal, 14
/tarry Robert/son. NM. I. been house
the funeral earths late hannon.
Meister tt Tanner, iironto, in v Sing
at the restdeneeld 11m. W yeas."
Mb. kettle Harrigan left Monday to
Mr.. P. M. !krt. and clatighte elyn and
Kethefine. ed/Hittrato. lutes rotor ones.
Mr. Hoot ot+ returned to tart 1.4 we, N.J..
after 1 to hi. grandma r. M
Jennie Itoliee... of Clinton.
kg the tsug with relative. t 'n,
tows aecenspart hi. mie
home ft in Minarets
leeturing tour fore the 'W111.11'. t tattle.
fit i, wa. In town durin „the took.
a few Reek.
MIA. Myrtle .
kit with he
the week.
Jean and Movoter l'haelle
re %lotting at Mr.. James
stilling. of linfralo, Is ;mend
•leiting relative's in town a
'Math. of Clinton. spent a
ount.,Mr... !louden. during
Mes. Har_r, of Ginelp., kiting her mule
Mrs Clerk, dee ler a John MorraY.
Mr. ri Murray re ten to Defeat today. after a
lath es erj.
he thnte Jennie ahd Annie Lawson left
Imlay r r. l'Itt.brint for a v Mit to ?Sarnia
and MM. Int.
Dr. O. lts elhitionth and hi. brother. J. A.
mets...spi Toronto. 1.11ed in Oohs vicinity
during the w.
mit'. of Kmiter
on, Mostar Miller end Infant
mother. Mrst. Ito .
Matter Itay. Birk of London. ho. been
opending part !it •ot km at lir uvula., %V.
Miss Angbert. of Limn 4./1.4 visiting al the
re.idetive of Mrs. J. c. resins and left on
Monday for Stratford.
alias Mary Weld.. h
tilla her on Light hou.t. kr.
14,4 litootHat. of lielle, • flare, To
motherland. It...tannin road.
of Loirtdr,ti, Alien? A eouple of day. with (lode
etch 'Helots dering the euk.
- mod Rae of tonitiiti.
ten 'tor thetr home thl. morning, after a week
v kit to aunt. MN. Carrie,
Virginia, are vigil Hoiro' Mother. Mrs.
41'aptatnillitiaton, Veld read.
the titiveral rot 110 lot c terertotth
Mr, E. Muilth and ehildren 114 el, returned
Mi. Manche Drew, of Moomeapoll..
and MI.. Je.sie Hewett. of Ike nat. are demote
M r. Ad Mr.. loom. of Chatham. were gneete
11 Mr nod Me.. 1.'npreto dgetng the week. Mr.
* bookkeeper at th.• Chatham ram
and he letter'. .1.ter,_Mhsk Reid. of Mount
Poresit are gerw. of Misst Farrow Water!..."
Jack thellivan. after an alesence of fifteen
11.„. a.whoam...4 Itreekenridge, IL, and
E. Jordan, et draettord, to in town tut bk
Rix Days' Clearing Mao - McKenzie P7Ih
House to Held - • Mr.. H. Menrattem 1
New Drew Ooods-W. A. McKim 3
111 the (loud Old Summer Time -W. C. Hood, 4
Just a Yew Mme Thing. in Summer Goods.= '
- J. IL Volborise
Saturday Skirt Day--Hudget.. Bros 11
Aneouncement-O. X. King 1
House to Rent -Wu.. Haland 1
holiday' and V0.11 vend revere' week. here. •-•
He ran dud uo better place for an outing than '
the old (owe.
arc visiting' in town. Mr. Cisah'. bride was
Mies Myrtle l'eudgeota. well knu. ii In town,
and they were usarrieti on the lath ulto. at,
Owen Sound.
Mr. and MM. Kelly and t-hild and Mr.. Kelly'.
mother. Mr.. Shots er. of Hamilton, returned on
Mr. Centime:late. uf London, V/ILA In ;own
during the week. vowing up on hi. stosolIne
. 'Cleve. Ante, son of 'ter. S. J. Alan, of Lon.
don, formerly of lloderiell, goes to Bed .1Jeer.
N. W. T., to.take . pc:hellion ot teacher in the
Indian Induldrial ac lead.
ha. been leaching whoa near Hay.v tee. Water.
kw county. during the poet sit morn .. it. visit-
ing friends in town thi. week.
fleet, Breckenridge, Mi* Jes.ie Breckenridge
pooled toy their aunt, MI.4 %Voltam% left rot. '
J. Merrell, of London', wo. here over Sundae '
a 'few weeks at Maple ornve. Mr.. !Sterrett ilc
Mr.. W. V. t'lark and ehildret. hare nkturned
from their visit to Detroit. )(eater Rob. wo
regre to .ay, IA 111 poor health. not hermit re•
1.0e1/ .1illere lite recent upenttion ttutt he had
to ur ergo.
i 'hark. Morrie, of Colborne, ha. been .uffer.
kW NI' *sue (ley. with a for141 Of peralysix end '
too now In • very Nation. eondition. HI. friend.
are grestlytsnwerried about hint. and are very
ankiou. to we an 101 pro,- viten t In iiin condition.
i 'Daigle NI unro. a former GoderIth boy who ho
now a resident of the Stete of Arkannaa, la
entitles old friends it, town. He will apend
several week. bete in order to omape the
heated term iii the South.
Mr. and Mno. J. E. Andrew, of Cleveland.
o.. arrived Met week to MAU. Mrs. Andrew's'
neither. Mrs, John Stewart. at Hennilller.
They were wrOperponied by Mine Stewart, who
had heen yhdtlitg theta in (let -eland.
hkonerly of eppardm... who lead home vi.iting
MIA. IllArv;iiMiw. daughter of Eli.ha Mow,
pot +tr. K nig Edward. Thunelloy last.
:M.-. W14111011 mai daughter. itotrottt
Janie ..• and party of three. Detroit; Mr41. .
At th
bel rag
r. Rotten. of Jim. Richardson & Mona apd
r. MeDonogh. of the genie InopectIng •de.
parttime,. tooth of WI 11 111 Mr. were In town
during the week and left on Monday. the
former for Kingeon and the latter for Wing -
ham, to 11,414. redallrea,
A.1'. AVOW, editor of The St. Maryn Jmirnel,
+pending a holiday tents In town with hi.
fitfully, *Mu an. al the St. loawrence-
nom', and like other emenoefull wemper nien
ot haw' worker, end hia moment %Amalie. 111
forth.. purnone of recuperation.
At the Rookeries : 314. Neleon, Wintleor
Mist Hort rode Nelson. l'iticasto : Mr. •nd Mr..
end Mr, Mel 'anydatal. Toronto • Mime Grelling,
Math. the Mi.*. SI111111 41111 Mmiter 8mith,
Ilerry and the Mikolth, !ferry. of Det roi1 ; Mink
and MI.. Syrailngton. of Detroit Mrs. Flopkin.,
f Detroit ,• Mises Albert, of IV. Lout., Mo. ; Mr.'
d MM. Whitford and non, of Iretmit Mios
Ille Thorne and Mis. Etully Thorne and
*4 'aerie sehwelltan, of Detroit ; MI* Rid -
I Mr.„ Smith and ann. of Detroit ; Wee.
wing referent:* tri a Hornier well-
erIvIi lititri h. front The Winnipeg
rem thin evening for 1he east to
rn hy way Of Kan sek City, trill
e o faction college here_, and
nevi in ttetober. He re
ported miming
front reeent hiaterlary of hi* °Mee." 11e
though J. 1'. knew trverything there wart to
know shout t he auct
WI *till haot him eye. open
"Live an.1 learn."
Free 1
wind up ern
e a course le
return to M
the cane
nee. but it *ems
bumf nes pointer...
+on. Joe Pringle. Dee Ko rot ford ;
Untie MelMnald. Mb* loloMol ohne,
of Toronto : Mr arid Me. John Malinteh, .on
el daughter, Detroit ; Mr *tut Wm
la e'Ileeelll ; lk Mr and Met (i
Ite end Martel. Ninth Baird, Toronto ; Ale
strattnnft kir Mr, .1 Stub emit
children. letratforn: Mrs it Jordan and dello-
tet. Stratton,.
The week'. arri. al. ot he M11 01 1111,r /10tel
Mr, K. Aherlo and J. Alvan Aher)e, Detroit
wife and obleghter, 'Tolslor 6. W. Holbert.
it, anti lar:o I.. oleo. Jefferson. Ind. : Mr.
Potter. Mr... J. :hbotooti, FL Ir. Ibbotahrt,
Pinder Muff, Mo. ; Mr and Mrs
John HotlIontyne mad family.lietreat
Slattern. MI.. Fay And iMaeter !Derrell Sleben..
minninnall %V. S. Currier and wife. Tobelo ;
Mr.. E. DeWitt and Alias DeWitt. cotton -
/400.1 tc, itto tubs butter wanted
weekly -Otto. E. Knes, Winghani.
Wails now on bend at McEwen's
wood yard. Prortipt delivery. Tel.
K CREAM PARLORS. -For true fruit
go to the Victoria Restaurant, West
edreet. Beet attention anti every
requinite for the public conifort. Fruit,
confeet lottery, *arbiters) and rioters. r.
Nfiller'a Grip Powders cure. For
sale hy Jae. Wilmot).
The last DUlliber of The Farmer's
Dominion illustration poultry atation
at Hottneeville, along with a descrip-
tion of It by F. Flare, chief of the
I'titilbev Division at Ottawa.
rapid Park'''. • to the front under
Its new management.