The Signal, 1903-7-30, Page 7THE SIGNAL: ociptatea ONTARIO
TFQMroAT, Ail, 30, .1M4:
DUNGtAN$ON. materiel fowl fir sad started house-
keeping. y raised two If
f uut
TROPHY. -Oulbprncy, JFu.lyi.18t Ileh.n,ehnehnod.tberlreut ;waY iu
is quite proud of the trophy which he fall for you know they are migratory
recently won fu the rhlN,ting cuntart winter birds and du .nal Ntity during the
of the i'uuguntluu ride club. mouths. WeII,'rtfter luting wy
IIANVEST.-Fsru►eIs aro bury Ntrur %mete f111' three years In eueerssiiit1,
arty hart s
nag the hay, wheat and rye clops, mitring a pair of sparrow,
which are reported t4) be excellent. found out their clay quartets', for' the
Weather for the fur is delightful warns haul not yet r,•tur•utd, and
purpose g decided toan nopriatethem, lultinthat
they hand re:koutel without their Met,
meters of the N'arrNlltsitl and Arlylirld for my Mite friends were not disposed
Agricultural Mls•irty l k1 u Ni nr"' to to preempted by those burly
heir on '! sal May rvh g lust W iiT without some 1eris atuce.
rue for fall show. Ovally they hat lmoaght N out of
Sr:r*i,N or ( )t'NrI1.. -1'h.. lulu4i. (staler Wilding utaterual into the keg
rilN11 father. of N'eNl N'nw+uesh will tefhr, (` 1 `due urniugthssF NlwrlWI(
Inlet in the township hail on Wwtnes- U'1 tilalt un
wlittle wren, Ilealoa
the 6th d v /l t August, at hl prior "right, and then etnninencad a
tla Y, 1+yy battle rlvaI for the aowlht•rehl 1 of the
o'clock a. in. . Ifawtvl* of public st•h11u1 1
trustees air tretnindad kf furN:ud to site. Tiyr only entrance was through
+t s
t be township clerk, as required htsmall hole about- tate ,and a halt
pia ldll' school law, the t thew
inches mrei N4 Nod AS INN/n AS the
wish the council to cullee•t fur s•h(sd NWo•rows wine away the serene would
poop and pull out all the long at(aws
purposes for 19111f. I
and feathers that the sjoarniw* had
New AanIorANT TEACHER.- We l,,.,nght. l'hi stair cat thing, war
have been informed that the G•ustres I p,t Ill, for s•ccr:d davN until dually
1i* C. S. N. No. it, known as Duuga°- the . mows showed) the white feather
non NOW' 11°1°111, have eugagtd the and left the wrens in undisturbed
mervicr*0? cat Miss t)livr Ifylrr, of Sea'
forth. tut awiIGant teacher for next pNrNeosiuu. It Was sof nu use for the
tents. It was reported that the ()ren-
r snows to try til cola,' the wrens, fur
etge'. T. O. Allen. had reigned. We
Ins informed, however•, that he in-
tended to du so,.but h(io. decided to re-
main fur next term.
P4lgeoNAL.- Iffier Mabel ifsilir, the
iopulsr bomber in S. M. No.rla-
joyang the h* Inlays visiting friends In
('liotlotl and ebe rhere.... . William
\e ay, priucjpal of the !leurall
public aarhtool. and his brother, John,
who is e•nges In the drug tarriuese
at Ijyttlue+ul, N. D. Lour o[ the late
James McKay. M. D.{. are enjoying
themselves visiting teletivrs and re-
newing former **wwiatcia Your
amble write Is n in i
II I C t1) K himself
fishing friends at Wingharu and
other pointy Mt". Manurnl, after
hafting au e*4ended visit to friend, et
'raf1rth, ('lintptn, (iu*lerirh and Dun-
g m, left, Mete for her 1 at
`Vingis+am on timidity with her hum.
band, who i4unilsyel with his mother-
in-law, Mrs. W. McMath. '
arrant •pother earn+puodrat.r
'.\ i het is taking a trip on the
Ili; and Mrs. --The up are the. gursta
of I)r. Rice.
Joe Qabkirk is rpa.ptlinte. ew days
with 1). MCNevin._
Miss Edith and Master John Robe
' swot hart week in Ocderleh.
Mrs. Young and Master l4une were
in Lucknow on Thursday.
P. Mu °Matin and slitter, l( Pella -
mount. Buttidaysd with friendai herr.
Mies Re4biurin, Eat Victoria htripital,
London. Ont., it 'letting at the par-
Misr Lou. Hoaaghton has retuned
from her` visit 1.. ;4t•aforl.b and
uud propitious.
A(elrpl.'IQRAL Mullett. --The di -
they were to nimble and could dodge
away taco fast for any oparrow to he
able G, keep up with thrum They are
thele now and 11s happy a (Nair of
wrens as eau he found anywhere and I
think ere tearing their wee 1 hNaomi.
The r oartow_r never returnel,for when
they loured out that the wrens haul the
!waft tiff it they heft theme alone. Oh
yrs! 1 can Altawer affirmatively that
some visrirtielt'of 1liivlr occupy their
old ',nests Ise I after- *'Aeon, with
s ute. tette tenni t4 course, and not
only have 1 the 1 141 of (1.' *wenn,
but a- •tuve•Iy pair of mettles have
I.e('alpteI1,tllr same Iles 111 1411 elm tree
near my lwdniuur win •• w• for several
yeets, but 1 do not think they baring
out more than our brood a ry year;
for they h•avr us very earl in the
fall. Iat 7r--Nluuwl going to urget
telling you that when my little I •entt
fount) ori that. they hail the les .f
the 'marrow they started a jubilee (
song with the male bird pen•he111p-
on a limb near by, singingtot le hill ex-
tent of his lift.. throat. Then tumake
the victory the *urs•, they brought
111 a IIIc 1.f twigs and stieks to bar'ri-
culr thr_entrance of their little rastlr,
leaving just the tiniest little. hole that
1i111N• but a N 11 bind iike the _wrens
could enter in. Talk about instinct!
y !there was more than instinct in
nee, fur 11 showed a ieutsitlee-
pp( reaasming."
MiINuwv, Judi 4'1h.
Our wen r}•eble resident, Hugh
Milan. ne(.rutTy returned from his trip
to Detroit land Port Huron. 'flinging
Aylmer.beck wilbr`; him two of his gr•aand-
Mies Myra., Mc$ath, of Clintim, IA children tit spend their shod holidays
- \,vilaiting her grandnolher, Mr*. New. here with hien.,,
McMeth Katie and H. J. Hunter were Sue -
'Mo. Jim Black and chjhlrelt have (roomful c-andidabs,frm No. 1 school
attired hot it from their visit in here in the recent entrain.. ex/ '
(i,Nlerleb. Vilna, the Fortner, get ng the highest
Mrs. Alex.:ltewart and daughter, of mots g that\ passed from
M-urtilko, are vWting 11r. end Mks. the Colborne shook.
Jas. Welker. Ernest atoll Case Mat -Ali. er.'of ile'
• . Miss Reline Pentland anal Miss fast, lgwe!mows I lheeta. rata . Thele
Weaver, 1d Panton, ((1., are visiting tutu 11(11.• lily. were !salt in a nNdst.
MIs. I)evltl(jlrvmn.\ about fourteen 'years ago, Nein Idled
D. Mctievin. sr.. arrived home onb)• all •• the twins." and attire •Ir
Sunday say.,Nllpanisd by his daughter, of friends frau, here add - rlutgrl'tule:
Mt -a, Dave Rims, of Remain., Homs.
Quarterly service in the Methodist Our one -t' • pioneer nsident., Mrs.
' church nett Lord's d's Day at 111911, San- Win. (Hutton. now of Stratford, is up
day school will be hell at 3 o'clock in- on a visit to her isms and graffit-
i/teed of the unreal hour. children here. Mince leaving here
Will. McKay, (,f Heitman. and hitt rarsely hint -teen years ago three
brother Jacek, of J1ottireau) ihek:, are familiar faces in her family circle hive
renewing old acquaintances. 'AA it is pasad away.
sett.en years sinew Jack heft herr for 'Milo Outten), of the Classic ('it
Altrtrnlila. he sees many changes in with her rikter-1n-paw•, Mrs. Di. W. if,,,
1.0liplace and people. - l'lutton, naaW of Barrie. air tip on a
%Vr:bINR,n.iv HALT-1101,I»Ay.--Aur visit herr to. reheat,,. The laatter's
u1••n hau sand business men ht•r dee- daughter. Mtella, is also with her.
tided to close their stores and hii'inraw This is the first Visit of the latter two
each N'elm•NJay aftWtNNm same the death of the bete Ur. l'IUtGW
from 1 o'clock during the tit of
August. this . is a step in the tight
diction let everyone help to keep IL
Miss ty,thel CA.•ie• entertained several
Of her little• girl friends hast Saturday.
't'1t•al• Hos.1uAY.-Wardneaday. Aug.
$1h, will 1e Dnngartuo0 civic holida ,
when all plate. of hledneesu will bee
closed. it baa been decided to lu.kd a
anion picnic at the gr.v In Port
Ih ert 111 all churches, Sunda hoolI,
,Kvtery person welcome.. t all..
And melte this one of tht• dee s to
Tu*lso*T; Ju_,
Misa Pearl Fisher b visiting is
er"nlith. ,
Miss Katie was Hunter Ithe ►of
Iliss,Becky Snyder la week.
Mrs, A. J. Mo more and` slighter Mar's
Stale are u•Isttinv in the v
S. H.•1•kett., a former •her heere,
visite.l last week at the b nee at J.
'\ Quarterly terviee will he '1(aekl at
ill's appointment next Sabbath.
Mr. 111(1 Glue. Janos Uledbill, of Pet -
1,114 3, :ire visiting friends dnd•relatives
to she neighborhood.
\'. e• Ate pleased to see Nonrutn Sny-
der able to be arteuul again after a
w'c,•rr ntlitek of jufptmaa.Wry rheum-
The ferment work of thenew bridge
is finished. After the ironwork town -
Metiers 'es the bridge will noon he com-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson left for ins -
kola last Mat llnlay after spending ,lame
weeks with friends here and in Ono-
%cord hart leen received from Mts.
"it Long of her sure arrival at (%nl-
g'1'y. alta„ site having ,left for there
Signe weeks' ago on A Visit. Mr•s, lung,
keying three sols and three Aisters in
the eat. will no doubt have a very
plt'eo,,1t visit.
'From another eorrespond.nt.I
.'. HIT OP a BIRD NT(IRY. - Atthe
village store the other night the
4aw,tion was asked by one of the tinnily
wh" romp there to get their mail
matter and indulge an the friendly
gossip of the neighborhood. if the
migratory birds that come over every
sprint, occupy the nests that they haat
usel the previous year, lir if they hitilt
sew mica? The 11uhjact of conversation
Rag the extraordinary number of hinds
of all kinds that have been here this
Hamel'. and the question was nettedIt old friend "teat" from the woolen
n It. who is known far and near ns an
authority on birch, for he in quite a
eatereliat in his way and from long
etpericneeintheir habiteperfectly WAIT
romr .•t.nt to answer the 91'e/tint'
"14 "11 hers." he remarked,' •'1 ens
roach for t that ae,me birds do come
•k and occupy the Ask. nests year
that year, heat 1 AT lint so crrtaln
all the varieties do the ' ins.
thing, in my garden sine 'PO m•
fair town ago ii *teed w jpeel fig ,pn
the top of a pole ,dl AA 871 11S(1"er me
A year ago near Barrie.
In A social chat with our one-time
resident, T. (i, Pluton, now of Harnil-
tSn, he told us that h,• had at various
tinses in the Arhbitivas ('ity haul the
pleasure of meeting the Rev. Meek, who for set'eral periods was in
charge of the kirk when there• wan to,
regular pastor. Th.' venerablegentle-
mail had many enquiries about old
friends about here. -
Trasu.aY. July nitiiat, _
Mien Kate Gordon, of Flint, visited
motives here on Saturday of lass
r. end Mrs, Will. Richardson -left
vest lay for their house at Axe 'Lake,
ti'+arry Vl.und:
We a • pleased to s r Mrs. Will.
Foster, o ake Nehtg , 3Wis, in
our midst ire more,
Mise Gray-, f,(mue G•ache•r of No.
11.. who has 1 n en ed - in Peter
Island for the . t yeat,•visiteed friends
herr lust week. l i dote u '
We were glad to ern 0f Misr Addie.
M,Led's a lrecee. a the `hereof en-
trance e>tamination. extend heart ,``•
cOnl tnlhth,ns to htdh tew'her snitIr1.
. r.
r. and M'n1. Geo. (•rdlta tnn. of
Berlin, who ' were the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. (.orlon for the t two
week,, dt'• now visiting Mrs. (i. a Wm
sister at Clinton.
Mies lolly Maw, of \\'indeoor, hero -
erly of this plau•e% was renewing
acquaintances here last week. Her
many friends are pleased to see her,
looking aur wall after her severe
attt4tek of typhoid fever. \\'hili here
she was the guest of the Misses 11. and
N. Hayden.
On Monday evening last the Shep-
pantton congregation were treated to
violin i,lin *111.. rendered ).v JINN I11a1
4'hnpuutu. the arrumpaniulent being'
inyld by her sister, Miss Manche.
Three youtffful sic in its proved thrni
selves quite `(eflleient. They are at
present vilitin their grandparents,
Mr. aand Mr*. U npsln,
Trr:euA.i', July
Mrs. D. D. ,Nnel).onnld, of Ripley. i*
visiting fei'hds in our vicinity,
Mrs. Hetherington has returned
from visiting friends at Auhern.
(i,e., bout, of Hrn1all. spent Mon-
day with fri.Alds in this vicinity.
Miss Clara ('hapinnn, 61 S1.. 'thonnut,
is * with Miss luny 1)rurey '
Mists Annie 1 Mary and Master
unneld ('lark are visiting with friends
at. Kintsil.
(c. Malkeld and his two sisters. of
(itxlrrich township, visited at. Mew.
Millrr'A dant week.
Mew. W. E. Macpherson bus re-
turned from Duluth, where she ham
been visiting friends for seine tittle.
Mr. gerr, who has taken Rev. M. aT.
Wbale,'a work during the pout two
months, preaches his lest sermon expected this( the congregation w't1I
m to come And newt. there., and here on Mnndar. , r. Kerr while herr easily bear the burden of the $MMIJ
• made men yy who wish still owed by the church, and Iraq It
`"S II '11TH loll LO hip lilt OC aliortheg Within d few years.
Tiding/AY, July 28th.
%Vm. Cox, sof Kepi(' (-'ity, Routh Da-
kota, who it et prevent visiting in this
*et thin, luta pur•hasel from (le,.
Sturdy IFNI 411 hitt n.giatet'ed , prtae
Nilrupehlrs rums, These animals will
be sent by exptette to Mr. Cox', sheep
'Tvvisn.*v, July 28th.
Mims (lover, fo..a , pl'CCCpt.ream of
our school, is up frau Clinton on a
visit to old scholars end friends in the
school section.
Again our bur torus out another
sailor, iu R. Quaid, jr., who deft the
other day to rail on the'hIne water of
Ontariei r lakes.
Ihlriuk the holidays a wire truce is
bring pelt; Ip et tine writ end of the
s•heool Yard, lar. architect being the
contractor. Thr teacher, Mr. Knox,
is spelling holiday, in Noels ieh un-
der the parental toot,. In answer to
many questions we 'blight may out.
ecb(N)1 here had no cagdidetaes fur the
recent (entrtrla(•e exeutiuetiuni.
TuimDAv. July 2411.
James Hewkina, rr„ t-iaiGeI in
1•utgau Inst wtrk. ' . •
'Miss I.. Cunningham is *lifting in
Toronto :and other p1uef.
Mist La Chalice returned today from
A tern ltayd t•ru•,atiuu lu urrtidde Islinte.
Miss .abs -I Thurlow, of liude•ich, is
visiting her (rice', \IIsi* 'Oracle Craw-
ford. •
Mir. ,Yates and three ehildrrU, of
ToNoailu, ate here uu a•vi,it to Mrs. H.
Miss Dray cache ill. from \V,Nsdstoek
on Matullay for at visit with her
r•Istivtn4 herr.
1V. NV, Hawkins r't'ttimed toChicago
}rstenlay. Hr was accompanied by
leis h;otht+r, %Yu1tet•.
Tiling/AY. July.2ltb.
(iw1lge Aitchisrn spent Sunday at
his h • Imre.
•' Miss Ishister, of M'went ent Sou -
clay itt F. 11. Me•utt'1(. •
ftobt. Small, of ' \Vinghaul, spent
tiunday at .1u1n -Raby51.
l'harles Moli•swortla,
spent Sundayy at this Inane herr. •
Mrs. C. McDonald, of 'iVinghaua.
Nt cat Sainday with-Miaw lnaa Thoulau.
s. :If. Elliott and t•hildlrn, of
1'.'in am, are visiting at air. Mason's
this we
Miss Be a Nichol, of Irondon, was
tsmewiug , I friendships in Illnrvale
last Thuioda
Mist BaIlal insuh, of T°t•nlerryt
spent a, few days !th friends in Blue -
vale this week.
The East Hanoi. 1 ' 10hrn's :institute
held .suceessful ineetit s on Monday,
afternoon and evening 'n the For-
este•as• Yell. - Irl the aft, 0011 181116
K'nl. Maxwell ocl•npief the • Lir 'and
introduced Mrs. McTavish,. of North
Bruce. who' gave an interest' ed.
drthe aims and objects he
'.'ulnen stitaate. After A pieeee • f
music by Miss Mcloud, of London,
Mise Murray, of technical school,
Toronto, 'woke on the. our of eggs,
Then Miss Eva Peterson p •ed an 111-
strumleItal. Nantes of new 111 flees
were received and the met.
Mrtitught to a close. l4neh was sera -
un the parsonage I:twn. Rev., 51r.
%Ve•st wits chairman at the evening
meeting, when a pet grluu w'ag given
AM follows : - Reading, Nism Annie
Swan : solo, Mitts Edna Paterson ; ad -
drew', Mn+. McTavish,,n kindness alrid
aeon ) in the home ; solo, Mrs.
\\'m. Johnston: inlet ental, Miss
Mellott(' ; violin solo, Mr('arhtelon
*Admin. Mina Murray, on coram
sn1 s and salads ; I9 1 ,, Miss EVA
Du ; recitation, Miss Peacock; Violin
solo, Mr. Cantelon. The merlin(
close) by singing (iol Mave the King.
l'uuncil met Judy '2', membeni
all mm•
1 (.cat, Minutes urs u[ lad met-
ing meld and elndrnied. A peti-
tion Was prerwed d by Wnr. Richard-
son, a• o
king for $1..11) as c pa•ntuatinri
for injuries receive(' by Philp Putter
caused by it traction engine breaking
through the br•itjge on lake shute Neuf. '
Ashfield. On tion of MG,thers
end Kickley no:action was taken.
(teem"' weer, issued for the following
n F. Ross, gravel, $244: H.
l'handw•ni. shovelling gravel,, $1,:9111
and bnr•ying Iamb. Zit ; James Robb,
shovelling gravel, 75e ; \Vm, Keuap--
ton. filling o.ld well, $'2 R. 1 uehsnan, -
repairing cal•tert, . concession 2 $2 :
Thos. Maid. ,llenk, V.r.2.211; John Kil-
patrick, work on grainer and repairing.
$10.75; Pat. M,wa1b work on grader
with teem, $4 ; James Oliver. gravel
1111 ilispertiug: $1.2.51: 1•'. Willis.
gravel, $tdl.Oht: -'Joseph, Kilpatrick.
gratwelling. $33,114: \\'m. Hit•hant:man,
Eraaytdling, $:d:d.141 : F. Hnyden.immeet-
Ing.Ail. Johnston. ermu•nt cul -
vett, 6.75; James ' Henderson, ce•-
iment 11 $14.i1i; R.' McWhinney,
drawing 21•.-$1 ; Ths. (41111th, i•lean-
ing drain,- 7 ; D. Rutherford, repair-
ing and bun iug eolvert, -''$9.i4(; Ed.
Johnston. grv-ellitar. $51.01.1; Jauhre
Robb, Inepet•tait?g, $7.50; '5V..i Revell,
rep)iriint culvert, side•rNola 11 and 7,
$Lioq • N. Dufriiiii «i•avelling. $1.n0:4,
Mhiefds, innpe.'tiiugg. $*.'Li: Wiii. Hunt-
er. inslse•Gng, *1.4: A. tiles, in-
sppocei'ting and tile, 1do(.25: .lulus H.
Webster, gravelling (etmre•NI 12,
$.911.:81: Pat Moran. p,stuag antbgraid-
ing, $4 : David Johnston:,,inspw•t•tiug
cedar pipe. $.i: John-'*%e?letter, in.
specting concession 12, $1.87‘; W111.ewitet, pipe and cutting 1011, $175;
lu' n Kilpatrick. cenn•nt• culvert; $21 ;
Wel Burrows, gravelling emieeSsion
2, $' ;,Win. McMillan, drain, $2
M. Da oil. repairing (invert mid
burying :. (u•p, $I : TKO's. M,lrphy, in -
spooling, 1.1uhn Denton, !,lank and
eovt•riug cul ' M, $2: Con. Keefe, re-
pairing calve • AI.i211 Flon•nce Mc-
Carthy, towing tatnte labor teams,
SO: F. H. Holmes, wee pipe, $1.11:
aftter which lh.' u, cid ad)ournrd to
meet again on 111 ' =nil day of
August. 'WA. 141'I • teen. (leek.
-' The Bell Tel,ph0flr('o, einnpPlet-
-ing arrangements for `the l tablish
meth of a telephone system *ern
Blyth: Aularr) and Belgrave. 'hen
the SeheMne is completed the three iI-
laggres wit! tomtit an one station, At
sulseriher to Hlyth many talk to a Ruh
scriber in AulnlnturB.dgr•ave without
ektrs charge. and similarly with the
rather villages In the contbivat'
•Arcorling ti) a stwtenenf isaurad
some day* ago of the result of the
effort., n►ade In mince the debt of the
Mt. lune( Methodist church, MtNt-
trrid it suhiect which has engaged -the
tli.tention of the Methtsllst chifrrh In
['Itftada for aothe time, the floating
debt of 8170,111M haat horn reduced to
11.1,A110. and tt I* expel -ted that. within
a frw days this will 1.. !told off. The
blanket mortgage on the churl Std
Temple building. of $1,4t,Onll, has hien
eat dawn to 015,4$W). It is e.'nfk114111
1... title, Makor. novo Glows Too
For to T*kfaat oat Water,
Professor McKay of the Iowa college
has contributed many ideas to the
dairy Industry that have been extreme-
ly Valuable. He is ever ou the lookout
for a new or improved method of hau-
ddng the produce of the cow lu • way
that will net more profit to the cream-
ery man and the dairyman. Just now
he is giving a good deal of study and
Investigation to the subject of moisture
In the butter. -
For years ws have alt been hammer.
Ing away at butter makers to incor-
porate law water is butter, says
Creamery Joan's!. The agitation grew
motet the mottds questloa, as at first 1t
was believed that *revulsive 1liolature
was the chief cause of the trouble. It
appears that the agitation has bad Its
effects, bot the butter makers have
gone too fee, and most of the butter
now made to our creameries contains
too little, moisture. Professor McKey
says he beDev4s the average In Iowa
Is below 12 per cent. Iie will Issue a
bulletin shortly giving the results of a
careful investigation In the 11.14. The
loss Is not all made in the moisture, the
casein incorporated being also an im-
portant item. Professor McKay esti-
mates that Iowa creamery Interests
alone sustain a loss aggregating $500,-
500;' 000 or more annually through this de-
fect in manufacture.
Butter contstrai,ng excessive moisture
cannot be distingataied--from butter
that Is "dry" except by analysis. In a
recent toateat a lob was thrown out
asective because It had a slushy
op ranee. Lind the judges declared
t ft contained too much water. An-
other tub was rejected because it was
too "dry." Analyst* of samples from
these two packages showed that the
first tub contained 14 per cent of mois-
ture while the "dry" package actually
had In It more than 16 per cent- The
appearance of the two tube of butter
misled the judges. and It was, due en-
tirely to - the method of tee... Ing,
churning and salting.
The scientific butter maker, loo ng
to the Interests of his employer, e 1
make abutter that contains, say, 14•t
15 per cent of moisture, The man In a
lair sized creamery who works out his
butter dry le wasting more than his
wages. The moisture (mention is a
matter of very great tllportaflce to the
trade, and Processor McKay's`Qulleti■
will be awaited with interest bysvery
progressive butter. maker 1a the coun-
larorsetloa For Rutter M.Ier. fell-
ed From 1111wo1. Aral loo Balled..
lnvestigatlun shows that from a san-
itary standpoint there 1s need of Im-
provement In many dairy conditions.
No other food will absorb bad odors
quickly as will dairy
te •rate '(note rapidly under adverse
pond one.
Milkf ing an excellent mediu▪ m for
growof bacteria, it Is of special
4 alit be kept as tree from
germs a , .Ie,
Since thelig amount of contabl-
(nation comes fro be udder during
milking,. 11 Is Imperlat that all udder'
be washed before mild . -
'The average weight Of a Irt which
falls from muddy udders du . g milk
Jug is elnety times greater Lha• that
which fails from the same udders it-
er washing, and when th'e udders a
but slightly soiled 11 avers es ttir enty-
two times greater. - \
It 1s ween taI to the prod ion -of
clean milk tEst the cows be k • t oat
•t the mud. \
befog one of the bleat . r
Infectant;, the stable should be wh
washed at least orate a year. in rde
to aced Iish• .thlssuccessful! the
sides and telling must have a Arm,
tight surra
to which the, wbltewub
can be appll
The Boor of flee miiking.stable should
be smooth and lid. The platform ou
which the cow;\stand should he of
such length that sol droppings will fall
Into the gutter, Khats preventing the
cows from becoming' soiled when ly-
ing down- The stables should be
cleaned regularly each day.
As soon as drown, milk tshoutd be re-
moved from the stable to a clean room
provided for the purpose and aerated
and cooled •t once to C(hdegrees 1•'. or
All dairy utensils and everything
with which the milk conies in contact
abonld be rinscd,1 thoroughly washed
and. sterilized aftljtr earl' using.
Bottles used In delivering milk for
direct, coosuwption wast be thorough:
I s
y washed and atertilzed after each
using to avoid the danger of carrying
'disease from one house to another.
Every creamery, cheese factory, dairy
and milk depot should have a solid
impervious floor- The floor should be
"'ell drained by being properly pitch-,
Id to • gutter which 15 connected with
a good system of well trapped mower.
The walls for at least three feet
above the floor should be of some
smooth, impervious materiel. If of
wood above this they should be kept
well painted to fnellltate cleaning. - *be Fader.
For the small dairyman It 1* a good
plan for the milkers to have water and
sponge and to steam the ndder of each
eow Just before milking. The Brat
few streams of each teat contain but
little Cream and butter tat, but contain
many°feria Which enter the mouth
M' the lllk duet, and should be
Cream rte (tree. PP.. keep. •
Covera pint of pen• (Ahrllyda with
eold water; cook 1111111 tender, season
Eng with 0 teaspoonful or eon and n
sprig of mint- Itetenve ha'l Df time
pens and press throng)] n Atrye. Oink
(haronglaly two fnble*p.w.nfnlf► of
and two teblespnonfnln of hntter
add to a quart of hot. milk. Nett
together the posited pens. Nit+ he+
mink with the fonred 111111er. find rr1A"
true water the peas Sere" motel 1n
Just twfnre serving,add n Loup of
whipped cream and OM whole peak
Advertisemente fn The Signal have
Introduced ynn t,r nnme of the hest
things you have,
fs Rbeumatismofthe face.
Uric Acid left In the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, sad
across the cheek to the
side of the nose. The
cause Is the same as 1a all
Rheumatism- disordered
Kidneys. Th. cure la gke-
wise the same--
Mala Prism Ru.yaat-Cora sad W14..S 1Ies.g-Live Stook ilark.ks-
Tke Latest Q..tattoau.
Nouday erasing. Jolt W.
Lire i wheat tutorial dosed rill SO
]td.hitsr to -day than 'Saturday, mid OEM
Mutes unebauged to 5Ld alua•'.
At Paris *Met and sour More itTaar
ed 10 centimes to -day.
At l-thkcago Kept. *host eland Xe MOM
lira Roturday; sept. ,Lora %e bights. mad
Sept. eat. nee Lieber.
Landon- 4./use- *-Leat, ea peanage. hey -
era and sellers apart. 'Ne Nu. 1 1514
Ln ultuba,, Ela Melee, e•
pas.age, firm but ad heti mut AasM-
e• aul15.) eat cal. Inoue. a Mian,,. 21*,
1s 4use Wheat tow stay;
25t 20r; November aaQ
Irlu,u, tan- steady; July, Sit
Feb., 21M 45••.
Antwerp wheat -Spot. steady Ne. 2
red winter, 1t.
J22t ioe
Nur. eta
.THE 4I41111.E MUPPLT. \ ,
As compared with ■ week
viand* supply of wheat to Canada auto that
United Armies has derre..,d 11t,00)
;when. ,-urn Iletreaeed 30r,tuu0 busbies;
o is lbereersl 735.01a) 'mewl*. Followt
Is compared,. etitement fur the week
.161 to -day, ths pret•edlug week and the
cw-r WOE week of lot year:
Wheat, '-Judy 27,'03 July JO,WS2.601
. July ,'
• u 12.05u,.o0 10m067.000 21.541.040
Coru, bo. . 7,All,4a0 7,61$,000 T.406,043
O.ta, bu .. 5,92Y,U00 4,401.000 144,000
Tu recaprt atir the visible manly cat
wheat In Ca • a .sd the Qnit.d $$at..
together with hat *Boat to Europe, 1•
14.750,000 Gimbel aploat 42..07,000 bush-
els • week ago, _. 4 41,704.400 bedpan a
Wer ace,
Ft owing an the el • ng q tatlooa at
law. at wheat centres to -day
New Y k Cadre ly, ingot. Dec.
eldesgo . 711 7$
Duluth, Ile, 41, 11 iiii 57 T1s•
1Vheat, red, • b h. ....t0 T7 to $. .
Wheat, white, bu ..... 0 76 .
Wisest, spring, -ba e,. 0 70 0
'.'be.(, goose, bush.;... • 7'yy....
Barley, bush. 0 44 .3"
Beaus bush. ,., 1 30 1 50
Besse, band-pleksd ..... 1 T5 • . •
Peas, bash. , ,•.., ..
are. bash.o
Oats, buds. ... 0 .0 38
Speclaf Summar '
Sale of •
Read=y -to- Weatr
Special Sale
20 per cent. Discount for
the Next Three Plonths
Nubby Suits
Now is the time to order a Suit.
'Phone 77, The Square. GODERICIi.
Made to your order
from the finest Im-
ported and home-
spun cloths
lfunt• 'out your Bicycle
If you haven't one, cal
%round and we will sell you
"Berlin" etc.
f you hates a Wheel and it needs repairs' we have everything need•
ful in the way of Tires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels,
etc. r Hxr.tnt DEPARTMENT is in charge of a Repair man who under-
stand; a d eau make right any ill 'that a Wheel is heir to.
Onr Musical instruments still lead.
"Dominion" Pianos and Organs.
"Wornnrith" and "Berlin" Pianos.
Deter., violins, Harmonicas, Mandolins, Gramophones.
10,000 sheets Music—Vogl and Inseronental.
Write for a Cats!
(Jvereot4, Joey TT, -Wheat, aD A g1il.►;
No, 2 test wester* waster as hi* ` 'to. 1
eort14go spring, w 5144- Ole, 1 '. ifd d
Os 74; futures, Ir.; sly, agtalaafi se1tt'
as $4 4 Dec, es 34, ' turn, saot, Amer(
cos mlaod, quiet, w 4441; futures, firma
July, uomlaal, beet 4. 554, Bacon, Cut.
berland sot, arm, 31.: tong dear mlddlea,
light, Dm, BL; long clear seldeles. Leary,
era/, Gee 04; short clear backs, quiet. 471
24: oleos bolas, Oran, -01.s. IAA Alpert.
a rodned, m pans. steady, SUM: Cb.see,
• - rl'am duvet ea4orrd, steady, 47s til,
mine sparse, arm, 40s. Cottee Ned
di, M 1 raaned,,opot easy, 22a id,
New T • Judy y 21 -
85ttar, Meetly; re
apapto, 13,-' creamery, extra*, per Ib,,.
114-; do. Wass, 754c te 1 14e, do., !decode,
1ae' to i7c; do„ • s. 15* .to 15l4e; )tato
deity tuba, extras, Ores, 1614o ro 1750a
u„ AreosM, 15o to• do„ thirds, 145y;
fuarths, 14e; wort lieltatloa ovens
e arite, lee to 1le;- second*, 17.*
to 1s
ai,•: lrmorsted oleo; l,c, do., cuts
lac to tette: do„ seconds, 1 t0 1714,'; do,
nerds, 13c • 14e; wasteru ory held,
heats, 15e; as,aads, i4,• to`341a/e; 410,
thirds, fie t •'1154°; peeking .toe*. bold
No. 1, 14e; 4.,, 4No, 2, lac; do., No..A 12c
to 129rc.
('be...---ttrealpt*, NOD; state, full crram,
fair t'o prone, clic to 10e; do, largo cot
e.ed, Lauer, 10-, do„ white fancy, 51401
do-, Lair to oda,., 544e to l94c;^do., eget
akltns, mace; de to *V; do., pert 1111111M,
choler, d.: to 65ie; do,`prl-e, 3c to GeV:
do„ her to good Deo to de: do„ common,
Die to Ike; do., full NOMA J.4fie,to 2e.
Egos -Firm! receipts.. UDC good to 1 1141
grades, eM(tatly In se favor: DMrby
fancy .elected white, 21 So- At: da, fano
colied, 1411 to 20c: do., sieind4p. thane, 151
to ibe; wsterp extra1, 111e140.,' de to
firsts, 13e to 1611; do, third., 1 to lino
d.., eery anterior; 1011 to Ile; Ad1141 , So to
1254v: (Meeks, Se; very 9.,.,- N1p, to to
Cables Ar. Viso,' b
. a.a. sae Other
Maek.ts Ar. Quote& lower,
4.0edo0." July 27.-14,4 Battle • steady
11%e to 121/4c per Ib. for American *teem
dressed weight; Canadian steers 111,(,° t4
i4( per Ib.; , 111.c for bed, syec
per Ih. Sheep, 11.140 to 12,4e,
Montreal, July 27. -About trot head o1
bulcberi cattle, 3110 calces arid duo *beep
sod limbo were offered for aalu at the
Fast feud Abattoir today. '11v. hotel/sill
Nese out la targe o"m0ars awl trade wall
brisk, with lower pi*. ea pall] for rank., but
.•1444 were L)gtaor than for some lime past
and lam4a were also d•'nrer, l•rlme beeves
sold at tram 4%. to at Ilttlo over 54-. per
Ib; meal um rattle, at froul Ate to 414yc. ■n4
tbo . wanton sloe' at treat, to to :Ng: per Ib
e dIvee .old at trt"5 22 to 810 deb, rr frets
rc 1. Glow per Ib} Shoop es,l.l at from 3t
to 3%c per lb. Lamb* add at front 5254
to a little over (4 mutt, or about Vire per
Ib. Good lots of fat hogs sad at troth
31411. to lie per Ib.
t*ay Hvrrar.O CATT(.E MARXISTS.
"I Pant Buffalo, N Y., July 27-C11ttlm--R.
eelpt. 504) bead; 10.' ty lbs tamer; prime
and alloying "tams .14.75 to 14.90; LNtek.
en' strs, 14,15 (.14.75; mobs and Miters,
02 50 to *4,64; ii'n114, $3 to ;4,15; atttorkn
and feeders,ES to 84; stock better*, *210 to
SI: fresh cowls and springers, choke.
to 11 lower; others steady; good to tier",\
14G to kW; m.dlnm to 'gored, 130 to 143;
n• A, 813 to 8 U
27. V..-neestpt., 730 VIMMIIMIMIRMimagstmgyEggigool
bell. steady, *5,73 to 17. fie
It„g• 4tpcpipto, 17.000 bead; slew, 20e n
70r lowerc_•ee.ry, 1.1Si to *3.rb; taxed
acedias, 16.7Q to Nt,74'- yorker,, $4140 to
O5 45: p•►a+, 8e to $.i& roro9 $t 84 70 to
A so. ‚tags. *7.75 to NM:.san«,41.25 to
,beep and h MOM 11i14,
IOe to 25e towev• table, 54 te. M 33:- 7e!irl-
Inc.. 84.71 to * ks; wether%, `{* 05 to 8411*
core, 13.50 to 84, sheep, Mited, 11,55 Le
CU14 • •AAIIR•rs. •
1.Ind.ay., Ont.. Jule -91;. --At the Chomps
P.. sea meeting WRIT 2100 bones wore
hoarded, whtlrb wen el6Ar.(1 at a 1-1a-
T,.ve,ie bonsai* 73n y7fagtr.l4 Ikon Ana
t ',eek l,eoo. Mr 04Mg45a. also p,..1e.
Mit did ad .note any allege*,
de -
ys mmmmmnrmn►mmMtm
We hand '• all kieds of new t►igh grade machines, among then
the CLI O, AND, E. & D. and ANTELOPE. In our shop
you will tin '..thing but the beet, which is none tloo good for
you. We 'can h your wheel with a "New Departure," "Cinch,"
Or "Morrow" ter Brake. They're all right. Try one.
Our BECONDIH' ND WHEEi...S are *ll thoroughly
overhauled in an expo manner, and are sure to give good sous-
- faction., even at the co* "rice. wet sell at. Come and sem us if
-fou went\eatistactdo at v y reasonable prima.
• We know b
Come and test how
for you.
eyrie. ndritn-
\Make d wheels
1 dui it --`tart only -tan spot c*IK1 terms.
the big`•repair shop and livery can do
JNO. YULE Bicycie l Repairs,
YULE, Sundries, Livery.
I eet1 N ,'tttttttt oeeeeeaee etttttettttttt/
... ELLO
SCfllI011 Bard Coal
Al ('.0a1 weight.' oft the Market eosin
ohms Mou2aet Arks II.., Inc • ton
Orden left at LEE & 3HEPHAAD'8
Sion promptly •tt.nd.d to.
aro Trac W
Superba Cable
t'ata•nied iso May, Iles)
PI.N "1.11 Nr
al to ht January,1904, for 35c Rea;; Th. spa, 1
t of(J idNews1
11011: rr M["YYB4 k14:.. .. .
uuvv•Y 13ttos:
Livery, Hack
'Bus Stabies
--RTC'., A
\Nell-al.poin ted
Hacks anti reli-
able drivers in
charge of the
Humes. whichiwill
sheet all train,
and sten mboa tm
il Tlt
.critk,s7.., t Pltt/NF: F'I1T
- TUB LRAM'S() --
VMeisit oak Vis t ttoT o 7
*411,5 0.1.15117 11014061141 M 1/1
seats, wake ee5,g.
Dabas s1.