The Signal, 1903-7-30, Page 6ie 1 ii q 8 Teonen*t July 30, lg,t 'Mile; M11:N,%L: (t)fI;RiCIi ONT:%Rin tg THE MYSTERV 144 OF 6RASLOV t:rtlennyr00 .,,. M * S****i *''kii ********00 i{;Fid**00 00 0* 00 —_T=6y Ashley Towne -You Leto ,I .Covered P4,1111111i140" CHAPTER' 1[i ' 1.14-tt•i•, i v nesting iAaii • for 111 • _ --- vttotina •F%? TO aiel.kla. - 1 :ids," ATTACIIEI) to the police of the ••4;44,,.1!- al VI! 1111' 014.111111above tlrla government of Perla wan en ' L':,.,. Is. your eset•llency. There will ltitp ctor totaled lguats Jan- to no more orating." sky. Ile wee ambitious to'rl,e ••1tu ypn knew .a forge uu the forest and was of that meutal and physical road,leadipg out of Perm to the south?" caliber that wakes • man successful'."A forge? A horst!ehleing piece?" when he bendy aikido euergies, retard- . ',N', 11, that and all 'networking. it less of all scruples to the, •ftalnweut Is kept by a eau aloud 1'unisiff." Of hit goal. • i ' ' • 1'"Pa ulpsar,life giaut•whubreaks horse Inrpector Jauaky, having receited_g.' thee* anti Ids thumbs anti forefingers? message from Prince Neslerev. Basten- 'll a simple minded son of old Michael? ed to obey. for he knew the power of What bootie to tau wIlb uibiliste?" Nesleror, and 1f there should chance to { "Ile ,Is their leader." Nestero, said be promotion. In his path at any time gttletly. , Nesleroy, is * wealthy noble of Gras- ; • lea.ky agrees' aline. a holier fru* toe, could further his possibilities. 1 surprise or horror at the devilish plot Inspector Jansky entered the palace he setaile.d we. do not know. But he of the prince with a humility- that sat Ibex halting. The padiaasef- rt9lsk would have charmed the ,poor devils 1, 11,,elled at eller. The chief would have whom his eagerness had sent to Slbe- 1 pithier and a• large salary. . - flee( ' Y. a," Continued No.le•tev, "tido Paul "Bit dawn," said Ale ;duce. and the pnit. as 1 aci•ideutully dlscrlvered. Is the Inspector sat down with a auddeuness leader of a load of ilihlllstsswho meet that proved his desire to, please 111, Chore lu the shops. 1 chaucel t0.laasa sponsor. "1 scent -for you." there y'eslerdny and overheard tr bit of "You ltd,. yourexcelleticy. I nrelved rouvt•rs:itloy between the sou and the yoiy message and wade ell hasty to old man: ;jt memos s there Is to be s �otey • ' meting brit few nights." "1 trust It gild not Ineuuvenlaute you ! A.ttyt4tlnC of uitoillsts In the shops to a great esteut," said the prince. who of I'ttlryton .to quite tawnier with lbw peculiar!- ! .i.- Now-, It has lung tc1u Inapt -et• tit* of the Inspector's pature. • ( e'l that lh, re were Melly--',Mahanat 'Nut at all, your. exeelleucy-thatde. • fere, but.the Isdiee i01%e Hot leen nhlc" not ai'm,ieh but what It gave me pleas- , 10 uncover them. Let Ore advise you __ are to obey, fele afway's busy. fie you , beep this to yourself -a ttc•ret between know.' j at'aud nu•. 11'e will go to the forge 'Yes, u are ansiduols., Well, 1 have au l'arre' l these Pr.ulpxdfs. .1f we end news for , ou. Hut first should be; hrcof that they are nihlhstn, they will pleased to eeceft*e` horn you u answer y , ndto=i'"t4c b order_taud you will be to a question. Wt t ti, you 'lab fur I I olitienMd tor promo on. .Thou the the most?' • . f e iepornlufty will come we to steak Jansky hesitated, ' lila servile hid ei the Iutpisler of ;viatica ,for yon, and saw far lute thl?f ture.‘as a rule, ut uud44nhtelly ,yog will be gi\en to we as It could nut fatlto,• the' iueaniug. the chief of the T,innk police.` this strange g11astlo•. Whit del It ' • .lunsky budded. 1t was not fur bolo matter to the print'e. roost unlet* thcwprinee grant It? "I should tilt. promotlo - celleney. Of cerltree, 1 stake .You hare befriended me. , Y node 'Me what 1 inn. I have bumble way endeavored to so tmyself that you w•onld'uot.l dlspl ed. I would not -ask yen for neo But, *glee you ask.wy dearest w%td_I,'11 la promotion" } "11 Is a posalblllty," the pelnee re- ! t plied. Having said this, be . delibe lighted a cigar,' leaving the Iasi on nettk's;'wond.Nug it IhSjpiosyfblft -were to materialize Into n fact. "Aa 1 wild b.•tore, it Is a postihllily," 1,1 Nesl, rov and relapsed luno silent*: hat be wanted' o alk io:esthete flaw.' s ditp oiled to rate ready." lie said. loci. ti morrow. ' I will stake atilt yutt et. fettle r Inyvctlgafti.ina In my own w>i u c_ Iw. r, nshrillod w shrill IQs ready to net.- We mu have 1.11 go ply 1 1 nt.ky. tui,r, took d red lettry.frhnl cause a .111811 ofq from his estate A new he could pia undrtice lie spent writing.,:.To inch of the r tr lie e letter. unsealed. •n •!.vino..!. but to each :Sud alio. odd Ikir de llvertshly the In of n pirf tabu " u ..sh. what 1 bid v, , end e gold rubles for a y ares I . sky, happy and yet pg Int of the eonf.rc,t•e at 'It IRIS 'other In 'Ing afteriti.n It d hi tiod looked w V, i lteriu front here.". nI being asked to remnin Is departure. Ail iii n Ill repose the prim* be- I•'k action. 111. enli(tI r men 111 a hone he els,• 11 ,1 inipltelt ,.t.,,• time at 1, Irby 1 t or nJ, t fn,le • t:11r \�"t'o int'ai •1 tupputee It'.ts always a possibility pl.apur ui so powerful as yobr'ex!elleticy," Insert Jan'ky, wlw'had a line iale•ut fur I:aet ial with the els particular noomehtft ta-tinitit I'rrnf on cowpllsled than at any other Ions grow In onrt for ea Oat "At reign) a time;" s\ 1 e.re. . ace. fulls rite, he, n Vein Ne ,tele "1f y exeellcney .will explain -1f anything Is Ipected,of me. 1 nould"- 'lluty, only uty,"broke In 1he.prince/ "But 1 will a dein. Y.0 are already, aware that wit you were made lu alctor of pollcd In fern the field of poi R'tF acth•lty et toted but little far tier east. The CO. k guards atiti the Tartar valry_ cow osed the pollre over the bo ea.. But da new '-'Incw is revolnttonfltng all hof; in ea-tl Rovernutent tiro h alb travel passes or I5 o pa ment of pollee Is to There will be new eltlee will '1112 railway etationa. lion of Silent* Neill inereaseuu� this lam' of g a deport -l• stabllshed. 1 P. Theta' lnapuhl• 1• : though• complex etleugh at -alt Ibui•t, wit uow present •'far greater variety .then r before. • The eutrauee of foreign)* e conspirntors, will hair- to1_e 11o:ide t flletilt. The .'teepee if a i•"trviet 1 n' let nitnost a tm"re art of steppl, n a trnin and saying fsew,•II to Ills guard, "1t w to estahl omeera of 11 be, therefore, t}uti. a _system lit odic,. With re 0billty and•shrewdm•sa than the ('os. eke who now command the rude guards who stand sentinels otter the rear's great dominion lir A'tlf. "Such a depnttinent of pollee inn it reef ba..•,, rsta,ll, st 111 'foluiltk, Ulf h u'Idch the raih y Is now 14 01- pltteil. It lis time now'.f its to think of turlt a department In '1'o ask." As the prinee and govern the •4t ' eetor's breath cone e fast. ".tnd,'your exeelieney, hl lli tires of your heart you Bate tihaq, of we?''- ' "I havet*'pn thlnklugLof Sts Prat. 1 have lwfrien.1etyutk 1 desire to do so again. Rut there nr%i11111onitlen *Meeh we must eons,ler. Your present posi- tion, while not a low one, still Is so low taint the leap (ran It to the psol1- thse of superintendent of pollee of the gos'erbmcatof Tomsk would excite the Inmginnttont of certain .people at• St. 1'etersbnrq." "Superintendent of police of Tomok!" Jansky mel, "Certnlnly. That le the position for which I Intend you. 1 have moduli your career. i'nu are eager, ambitious lad rneourrrhsl. What hotter mat' c, old 1 have In encl. n potltloir? it be urea* yon whom I ti, tint rely to prevent the eritInaehmente of Mir enemies. It wit1 be the ettperintendent of my pollee who will he my closest confidant. Who tout,' be more acceptable to mo than you?" "i thank you, your excellency. I thank"- • -( "Walt. Thank nie with deeds wttn we emceed. An 1 said brf,re, there nre dlmcnlriefi. One canted leap too gtrnt g a distance at once without a cause. We I mast fitul a cause." "A• reeve, your excellency r' "What -I Mean Is aline potent reason .. flir this Brest Prompt loo. The chief 0f ' the Tomsk pollee wild have a p.ela.r1 • R "% largf' Income And 8111 be pe•end only QO myself In power. To obtain that eine must do sotnething worthy." n "Oh, if 1 could but win that Maine - tient" 5 "1 Ihlalt It even now wtthin your • "Ile was mist •e11 or e bas failed," he said "ile would hare .one It there wits a passibility of aneeo'. " .. An lee sps,ke the prince's wase cales lopped to the door. ••,;Dost.' Then ancceea Ie po n 1 l:insl:y, grasping the hand • 1 1. benefactor. • ••. I Mile! It Is certain. Come th Jati ky''e Use was soon by the side of the deed rtitykit by the palter, - "1 made It ru , bnshwss to ride past lite shops of J'ai l}wff," said the prima.: "I wet there, Just leftvigg, lumen who wog; to say the Brei; -discreditable In slide' f hie eveir now he old not t+'tU;ae the enor- mity of the thing with v•hletr he was charged. ' "At 1'aulpotffs !" iotilikedel Jan. sky. while the 1u•lece went through tlw Ina•Le•in of the teller three of the -circle. -"•(11t. -hare mercy!" cried 1'ulrt I'aul. port, ftllllug uptul his Mows nest clusp- lug the legs 6f the prim*. "tveare• lu- ne, ell?, 1 swear 4l! Suter 1(0 10) has dour this Billie! 'l'it' mute is not to the milting id any son. •I sin c rsaln! (1h, let lite wee the Irl brew_" ],••h rev y,nile a imminent as to haul the letters to the old luau when • So he (Pied. .'11 • It n nµ s,utgr 10 one of the wretches who loot brought thele the' sprang reward, seized gem' and r lied ubl,ii,den'd;from the plate. 1'he lettere!\The'-pnsf le goner h, ,'led Jansky. "\1e have seen Iola. It la enough." told \'•Jciov ':aptly: '.1t this polite tlawm. Pn111ptorr came Im Jo eousternaliun en' 'helpless hot, sur etre sally ter bitsh:n11d In the greep of an In, dor or j,.,lttr.. crlel. "i1 is nut tg. wuUIi-r" said Vladi- mir"These oi have fo nd•oame let. 1, t. but 1 du t t. Write t Pet. have I.1 11 1. )Ve sit • moon set ourselve's '1'1 P !beet''. Pnnllea were th of Into 7 411rngt'011. The Ivan ,taiid ter It 1et•t- , told their stones fear. Mehl. ton - vi clog -to (01gen ,1,4.of fere he war of a !alum null g�we'rnor and. t au -in ow -tor of !ether was not to 1 . it44niti•t There was no 'trio no•hear- ing -mob e,1 lett a report tn) a minis- ter or Imo fe at. Sr i'. t. rsl.uwg r. in thr!cila,t\s the hudteff+' old wiitnah naet t?i,• OHO 'Isthag giant - re no, the to a}' -o Siberia sit ter r>►11- i413. ttb44 t I:,vdotthad helot's' to buil 1- n,1 FRUIT DAINTIES. 1..4•104111.14 1 0udird , 1,1,.. and ea,” berry Jelly. The- Morello cherry f. one of Ili teat fur the purpose 0f• oinking runt t,a cherries, aesvhlling to Tattle Talk. which the folfuwing revips't oct'ur. Any slightly tart cherry, however, will do for this conserve: Pit and weigh the fruit, allowing otie•half of a pound of granulated sug- ar far each pound of fruit. Bprrad,1n. niterupte layers 11 an earthen or grim= Its. Lau, ami ---let stood overnight. Drain off the Juice and bti4b s lvtd sugar, heat and bull slowly .for thirty Minutes. drop In part_ofthe (cult at n flan, atnl simmer for flfteen [Mutes. Skint out and aprend on large platters. Stand In' the it,,,, covering all th flue cotton or. wirit gauze to tired, from insets. (loll down the sinlp very thik. Each night bring In the dishes and set Ina eel. dry plait.. Ito the morning turn then Into the bowl f sl}•np' stir up till well moitten.tl, t Mu skint out again on the dish's and ph a In the mon for the day. if stormy, do not ecfsme to dampness. lir th time tin. shop Is moat up the ;Mould be robe dry. Let he sun for another day, then tall gm or In boxes lined aper. Is the best rnrtety for rry Jelly, although it s 'usually the -latent In the market. 'of' emoting and irewrt•Ing the dark colored fruit iv lit eh superior to the Ight, even If -this. 1 rlrt are smaller. 'nderripe rather tin overripe should e the rale, and for Jelly eapmerpmlpy 1t 5 ndrlsable to have Chit tureen's still a itile green at the tips. Cee firtp. per. pet fruit. Loy aside sleet half, and press the Julep from the rest.\ StlrnIn, and to ace pint of Juice allow one 0119,1 of finger. Weigh the berrlea, int aside and add t0 them:the 501110 'eight of sugar.' Roll the juke about w'euty Inlnnteg, Fold 1110 finger, W11101ho11tti be lien toll In the oven, and loll ftten minifies longer. Add the mixed ✓ oll mull anger .to the Jelly and,'lm- tier a few Otlnnt•5 longer, Seal when O• nly frrtlt, flrti1,• perfect atrnwber les eh0nld• be melee os' for running. wash and dra!n, lint handle very. •nrefnllr, not to t -rash the nide (1te'ns- we the berries niter they n hulled. tllow n fenenpfni of granulate' jingar n reel' (mart of fruit. Put the shine tel berrirte In Inyere in n preserving, Ml tie antl allow It to etond on hoer. Then bring slowly to the boiling point 04 Int 401111114'P Iwo utlnutea. Ito not tar the fruit. Bell ,t once. app eerunte• 1 spoke to "hen: and he ens frightened.. I Patr•him crumple r In his baud. 1 Snnt,bod It front It was a message asldles.wl to r Five' of mime tnyesterions etre fug Upton the person twining •herrtc stand ern tack In ti hwase -Tale (Intel% making straw nl. am tylemail*that t to email* to the %hops ata } avian' ito r tonight. tV'e shall 11e'ki we. t.et ride." _. had as need that n uunllwr of 'I in lents to , • end taken place. 1 flintslay oo th forest road. When l ter la sector of Rev\ lid Nesperisv •r- rived, lir men .w . uc do the fihop, 1 Ilretr ho s ,tatdin redowere not •end). 111'11 hiss 144 lin ' their hors I'anitoff wen. visibly dist s'5 a sadden Influx the horses acing hos. i mess, lint the 1t \'hast lnllr, who net- r* ort II" could help s "J'.giniiue to make e 4111 nut apparently ikd .'nett-gruwlel torte. for being ea great s shod. Owl': ly , amu all f cngcr- .11i* Intoned J I rt.a1111. ol- • •r refused n req Littman (o•fug, eta the 5110e5. 7th,• no know one another, •ontintall) at tits here., Nesl.rot•, upon eyrite' lisler•d to the hlspee ' 0, en y1 frlhn their horse, "%Mete the old neap and th Naleru,. "1 u111 ,Irani lows," Poor 41141 1'0110 I'anhc,ff turn. and sank in horror to rile grout" pee 11ig what wax rrnuiva but n.Ir,. In whose hm.ertrrmind there no en•ptrlen, nt.e I gaping at the no 'emirs. "It 15 11et prince'." Ile eget:dinied. "hetet have these poor Olen dome, your etrelleney?" ` Nelileror did nit. gnawer him. Ile n r.I to the In•nrest of the tour, wren fled 1•Ith bin n *bort time, while ter °there hotted esi I,nt,g of terror. and hen pit led term tela tnn•ket n letter. ""re,•"' ,la. crl.,l; Waring It 1n the alt last then ahowtng it to the Intp(klor, "tt In n miesengr to 'Ntuwl.cr Three!' We hove here the eve eonttltntthg the trete." "i,et me read," olid the Inalwv'Ior, will. \'Indlntir milli len+ked on won- ramie of the tragedy that Ivan being dayp'll with h1Oleelf as Ito center. Thatetler aingly commanded "Num- wr Three." to attend n mewling of the circle nt the shops et thilt Imar. The name of Vladimir Pampa TON fgnrtt. �l "It le enough!" cried Jansky. Pent. Perri) make you my prisoner In the ante of•theczar!". The young Ironworker contd. had xerh.l his strength, have thrust the aure shameless crew from The -fines awl ctailitfl %sit &hill WitWfi. Mgt fl f r the -shop,. hand byrth r art ea Id t', . tele t *•hate t n k n a nen- IIS 1•- Jeleetrr resales. sad 41'aarh.. \'orintions nn Ihr doh for both men t 1 womltn never 05.05. nu In c Louis X V., Latlt X VI, or pin• at are'mncli nought for. A an'e tie elip, Very nen -li np t0 dam, a a gr,v'n heart gimped stone, , attrriu el w il11 brilliants, sunk In I4* face. Tnrgnol and {link tnnrntaline is alternation furnish a pretty (4'tre 1 *tem,. in t deeorntlon of gilt beano . Il aloes. - S*''t tens. mgrs 01' a chult•r or 11,,,, we, of govern! klndg, flet) with n ri'.IIOI home.. ngwesenf a pretty breech nt e:l:ttw,il work. 1rt, rfet tint Illustrates the fail f ' ' 1* l eitilstn of green hello alter. w'f:h modelle% of goat open v' ' • e • sit 1n Mae gold or enam e ihtle, eo hr wnswl 0ttt the ft►h,`lop i`•fn•.h N114 banns 0rnameat. V. nl 1I(5 with,a pill attach, rr' amts Meal el alp as t• HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Nothing la pe nice'fur polishing Tule !tees, windows, furniture and ('11tglass as (Itwests•Ioth, which le even batter after -beteg washed. Jap:utew waste paper Iwskets are •Iet•dingry pretty. They are f,shlou- ed from Jimmie& veneer, hornet with leather and tied with (sows of tibbou, Tiro yards alis' a ,,,half 1s the beat width for it tlbiectul41or general lbw, us 1t eover» well a table tour fret wide, and three yards Is n e. nvt•ulelit length for the ordinary tattle. 1'nrnished or oiled woodwork In pan- tile', or hack hallo only 'be kept ,'lean by wiping with u flannel cloth wrung out of but water and then rubles' smooth with a dry cloth. A most useful thlug In the little brush that canes( for the purses' of brnshIng out the r•iuee,l ethos 1 t 'towel* and napkins. sr111,•I -is maid tit Istat the coarse comb In doing,bua:• pima. . I '%t'hndow-wedges are worth 11111011 and coat little. No bedroom w'Iuduw should he wIthont tis wedge, for by metuta of It rattling may be 'prevented on stony night,. and the ot'e,ip int of the room maylltilep tunllstnrbel., • T►. Anthea, %t.I.ri: The- two slaters. Susan 11. Anthony and Mary 14., have' nivel, for almost forty years In Ittthester, N. 1'., in a Goma hallowed by the death of ninny members of the Anally, and eltong Its metered , immolations they expect to spend their remaining days. Coital na- tured, san•tatle Mende often urge theta to hang out a elm', the Wayside . Inn, for It Is ludeed n hust.lr,' 111 the number of it. guests. Thur Is always an extra plate oo the table. and a friend In the house at Aneultlme al- ways Is presaOd to stay. It Is no tier , com6lon tblugJQ1,,(hree or four gmeate . to arrive a few minutes before supper , In re/online to 1 pressing Invitation' frau Nils' 'Anthony which rhe forgot to tuentlon at Ilome, and the larder al- ways hasto be kept In a state of prep- aration—foe reparationfol• three "surprise parties."' 7'he three "spare bels" often prove none ice many for Choi.o, who stay from one night to seven or Noir. Itee•ht'eter Is on a highway between 'the east and the went, nod It Is ■ rert table \ie•ca for wotoen who look upon as the eIeut Of a lifetime 10 visit Its shrine and arrunie' their jour. fl., otttn at great Ineunveai,•uee, op -t0 en a night under be root of Susan it. A, bot,y. SUMMER FANCY WORK. The Nimes( War et Tr.aasrtaf Pm' i loused Plower Petals. New ileus In fauey work are always ws'teowe w1t•11 a ruwwrl hollduy Is hi pruapeet, Its programme luchtdlug the delights of sitting out of doors lu the sultry days, or when • rehab of %mot - try house visiting Is lu contemplation, for which a new• pieta. of embroidery 11 at all linter • pleastut accompuuimrut Potpourri machete are • ditiltty no- tion which t'Iwuw very happily with • the rose w'axu11 Raul the retry for de - oh' rtallluuel ts'rfuwest Our gruel there used to More their pot- ta.•...1 l,l rtttna holistic athl Yui'*. 'anti of bate yenta miner - Ile;ea with pierced li,1s tnl\'e leen edited to till• •t'itltalde r'e•ptaolee for it. Potpourri sachet, [mood.. a delightful way of tarrying about the me111,.1 In•talr and importing their fragrance to the ,eol)(euta of drawer or portmanteau. • Two clwril,g patterns are IIIns- trated.-One.la mlauped like a spuire mouthed bag, made In while china silk and embroidercI with a design of half opened crimson roams. A separate ease mewed into the Bluing PO11t:11115 the potpourri and can be Liken alit and refilled at any lime with very little trouble. '1'h1 other 1ti pale blue silk. has r tts' earners and la Iow•de'red with small rows in ribhuu wolkts�•L- Ihtlug is delicate pink milk, and fu this •pyo a separate case tvutnIi,, lir per fume. A uuwlwr of miniature sachets are dwlguel tent* 111.1 • linen or handkerchiefs, all daintily embroider ed and some incorporating appropriate • Croup aaaK. ..■t, "I have saved oily eh . t boy twice the (roe of krnos•ne," s a mother. e Hest time It was out .11 a ranch, In "01)5x5. He ItaC a fen Fatfack of in ,brauous eroop I1I. f tier was racing of er the- prwlrle for doctor, si'bu en d nut 1.. gut Vtime, watch- ed for the boy's death it every .,nyul- al a ■thug a fur breath- when In aly gulp ruche a saying of uiei ltd n rye. 'Wee Iw•ays I11 the croup wId k.ro- stow.' had a,horror of kw ativtee u wy chi Isod, Int BIM". hien 'd an 1 OM/ -my nip, blew on the flame and . veer, in furring team of the oil tutu r chill `s mouth.' In t minutes The h MIN of the'phleg Wits gone, and t chi 1 wean saved. "40.' again i u It nod with none hat -gruel effect. 0at%w'hf In all canes where' I could bare Cur fell aid I should prefer to. rely ispoui ry doctor, stilt I flet that nrm,d .o With kerosene I am equipped to fight rrolIp avid win." . '\ isertebtmiti a*t'nitrs. unotto�.. \lost mitikers of pot_ _bare ttitir awn treasured recipe, hu rd down from mother to delight t \- through 'many gtue•rstloas. Some old olid wel1rlel recipes advocate the nee' of tone pe Is ■lour or ikIxed with leve ender as 1 !emulation. Others pre- fer the cow and in which the queen of the sande Wilde herr perfume to combine with hat of b r fragrant sub- p.•ts, 'melt as P eau e, the Pink, the genion v.rttelta, wry, bay eyed or- ange dower. - • La as err';. No matter how a\evuupllshed it hoops. keeper you are, dear women, pan can never get dune leai7ting moment, 17: ahaut launderlog. It la a subject as` a. eilnanetlble as the mooted quest df Hamlet's manors.. And there a IRO` Maine!' of household' work wflere con- veniences for doing It are tar much `needed. !o matter 1f y !•base ate tlonary tubs, have also a Washing ma- chine; a steam one preferred. Have It pltoelble two wringers. one for sheets :end spreads and one for smaller •rtl- tleli. It le cheater lo end ami sates much time In adjustment. en the laun- dry le tom velvet. Any One who poteteseen a flatiron and a piece of clean muslin or long cloth I.as only to heat the flatiron falyly hot. Moisten the cloth and epretulit over the iron, laying on It. Nide. on the table, to have a capital little apptirattin int reno- vating ielret. Before beginning the work loofah the velvet thorougidy to 1..11044 the dap as notch as ponsible, using n soft hairbrush end not an Or- dinary whisk. which In too sharp nnd harsh. Remove all Notts with gasoline. When the velvet ig tit•y and as clenn It can he got hold It o'er the oteam ris- • froin the Iron until the creases have disappeared. As the cloth dries dip It freshly In\ water. An obstinate crease will often came out If It 114 paned back rind forth *ter the elinrp edge of tbe Iron. pie weanst side of the velvet ahould be held kiward the steam. a le generally iteldeves hut little. She fritters time and strength In turnip and chatter. It IR the quiet, self premenned WOIlinn who IR the really bun, one. She troth,' persbetently stud quietly, for *he &Wands tbet If ahe takes care of the minutes tbe hours w -ill take care of , themselves, and the praetice of ' belief la What makes her succelleftill ft ear Ifietber lige se, as being 18. If a mother' per eta In eating Oily 1 slot niol to Idling I 4. Ores and taking hint e d of ever • household re- al i Ibillt and wear old clothes. gle• y ket p 'on doing It to the end. with tle thank.' stud pr Ably, filially. the rest ration thet she hate fostered clash 11‘ unlovely traits to her fam IIY. flew tighten will in their turn make wives and mothers, her bonds for tie ve IIIIVIIII: NPR tatigtit li and thought): hug. sots mone to consider he co ifort tionseti •n be fore. their own, SI should trnlit the Ailldren, boys we es girl', *be 'helpful and band and t even fattier titter' an occasiona tarn t the hou held ni111. Then irilt On whir bearings ate stiff a need int with some new Muivettlent end u t 'Bow the finally to get the Athat he Is, so vredehst to the daily •of ow - hold took* that she Is nes t Ming o laj. down the bruan and b. leaked Baking rhubarb requires !Pas \Sugar than is neeelotary When stewing. \Peel into Inch length.' and place in a Montt, eroek. Add one part of sugar to t parts of the fruit toilet's you like it very sweet. then add nearly hair andl half. Arrange the frult and *near In layers; use no water. Stem' the ernek In n pan of hot water. eorer nod set In the Oven end hake until the pieces are clear. This may be used for a me: pastry. covering the top of fruit with a nicringne and coloring a delicate brown In the oven. Des wed at Comfort. kill the long on a flog. 'Net) per atrone enough on eats. Fonr "- spoonful. of ereolin to n roar of wider or foto. tnideepoonfuln to gal- lommoke 3 per rent mixture. Shake Well. It will not only kill ie nem but heal up the bitten Woe end gown akin Irritations. elenttoe an notten the hair and remove 'all tint easant ciders the animals may cote et from run- ning In unclean loran es. So Rapt the New Hainpieldre ex riment station. • ewers white pare is and white shoes. ti I • end two Inch tucks lave heeome dominant note In, fashion. Any Ing more eltartning, faithlon- nble rid emoting on thre, purse than the entire white aillt,..hat, veil, pant- o), gown, gloves niol Rime*. wouid int to Invent. ropreRents one of fashion's present lions ra tulle and plaltings of lace or taffetns mingling among flow- ers ore Pnr4 fancies. Skirts ant lees 'clinging and more pro tritely trimmed at the hem than last Red 1•1 violent bet faahlonable Halm • of the season In goWinklate and para. ' •.>. Many peening gowns have tiv• kilt plaited and veiled, or imest, as thei woe rer pleases. Ilentittfully embroidered stockings EV a feature Of the Mason Cool and natty ar• the white convoy OhOM for Mitt* wag. THE RIGHT TO LAGen IN JOY. Cem se One Policia they have 'steered. • To ask fur a hold ou as sure as the Their awed Yea to the Quirk ut an the earth aro 014PIP to thr steer; It is as meet to the swatter rib, us woe row tu the. boar Ther ask but the Ireve to labor. to loll la the 'satyr Meat Moe a Hui* salt to envoi their bread. fur houses irteettgbt; Thier oak too thr right to labor, to Ilye the streneta of their halide sad plitleim. 11144. mei sands And the rlaht oti' a num te "ahoy ale 411 Matt I.. Mine la joy -- Not ell your is.' ottu tolet that right, hoe •nd It all) stand at Utr last ut things as the dust of crumbled throats. -111tIslir Markham. • good Mary et SU I•satel 110•No. sdiseties sad Zeta. A good story of the &termination end zeal of thal great, brave and mewl Wan, the lat• Dr. thwart, i• twirl by kir. Buchanan, says The To- ronto Sunday World. Dr. Dewart. when he was y g, waa little here than & "bushwhacker." or lumber- man, and as thut ciao& are usually Waal uot exceptionally well to du. Ile Wax working near Teterboro, when he made kip his mind that he wax go- ing to attend the tiratumar School, Toronto, anti etudy to, be • Math- amlirilt minister. that his pocket Waal so empty of the coinage of the realm that he had to wells all the way. Ile went through Bowman% die and had breakfunt there, the kind wife of the innkeeper refusing to accept any money from him aa h• had %did bee 111 the reason thee, he wipMed to go to l'orunto and the conditiou of his towketiotok, if he had any. Later in has life he always' remembered this kind lady when he Went to Bowtnasa- sille: As he nearrd the outskirts of the city lie was vary tins! and de. reat Ida weary limbs. man cjokitt ridlug by anti! queetioned hiut as to his destioation, ptirmise of gutty there, and, fact. all about ' alma- tvelt in general. lir. Dewort, then Young lawart. auswered the quoits Huila reguilly enough, and the honor man told him that when he arsived lit toe° to seek hint out. and st with bins until he was batter situ* od tu cope, with the nortessitAril 0/ lite, and gave' him him card. Iseentrt Was very Culled alir101`.....1 tt4t 1180 the name cif Egerton 1Oct-son. M.D. Ile wished to %PeaL to the illustrious pr ter. og eillicatton then,' bot he had ridden awe); Mit he rat•oitied one of the muieet Mende" \JI• the prospect It• Ilet bud's% ...as lung re he Arerirdtria pitragraphe that sti- r AWN. time le the outset tUomt ked lip Ivy -mut• prem loot arid 'hits 11 is. t to age, flo ;11 !moots thil ten ••re hur- dled along 44 th raidt cnrrent at eo terrine a sistpd' Wed With 11141 constant apid 1100 to Work that lonlY owl mind are • tatted. ts'Yolinl grofelfathers, use, ten our fathers knew nuilling.ot the reSs of as 'we feel- ltwhi.t ore et aged in- its ti often , the rupture. f an en - 1414 1.414.44141,%0141444 III *110 b in, og and the man who thou t neon aunt be ot tended t no. metier at. hoW great a cost of herry and ear and tear. find, some dot. that 0 idneste ham to go ea NA h011t. him. There ace physical slim as well avaptritual gins. • and many men ruin' Iwir Moires, Who would nut dream of doing dattiage to 1 foal. Rettig. Ploa of dere,- ' arty la 'not a valid na either. fo no mat is Cos -owned o sin eget t either kip \body or hi soul. r nd s remounts -age it, la no sOtider that Incretote. Mem rug ,ithisage ind paralysis. ,,n art lire -and Out. in t r torn Watild be better to a acken the •, 40441 hold otit Ion r. should wee 41000. and ti -it better - n Guardian. gor the t he - it all, that liti get Chris man esswease. all haste to reach to Stop over night palatial steamer of ,Vigation Company wh h la train from Ot- he y • titialtAt newel Ion? At Preget sent it, elf an' to the coot of is atea fold boat wed In 'et eat, and\ drov, like ad to ,ths wh 1.,• reaching it ine 'mites 'after 7. he ate/toter dashing no the n lank, \ordered ,the linen cart 0 ant adVant\f`d at retebed hind to hint. \ "In' good time, air.", he id, ferentinl- ly, as the boat wailed Way "Ample, thank yoti.- The beet to .m wits assigned to the to ranger -who acted as if he owned the ifne. %tithe -nit a word he went 'whore in Q% Iwo nest morning. The captain has al learn- ed that he IR only co trial director of the company. River lots often tWit. him Mend the "meat rly bind that he didn't roll," Ile was Atu Jet, and IO ntreal. her wh iu in Malls Freya °starlet. \ lion A. E. McPhillips!, Attorney- (lovernment. wan born at Richmond Hill In 1801. Ile was educated •t Manitoba College, and in 1882 wan called to the Bar. In 1 1401 ho re- f/lived to Britlith Columbie Mr. Mc- Phillips held a, commtvation•in the Oljth Mike during, the Biel rebel- weare the medal and chimp, In Dominion poittlett he had &leapt Men a Conservative. loc... Mabee* et Masa Non. R. 0'. Greets, the Minister of kilns., in Drittah Colionbt•'s new Government. *erred in the Northwart rebellion, being In this porault of Dig Dear. Ur. tireen wart horn In Peterboro', and, after a short resi- dence In the Atates. removed to Win- nipeg In 1882 After the rebellion B.O. Whore he Is still In hugeness. -N• ion been In the Legislature since IMPS, and Is lot ranked as a hard am4 fast partisan in Dominion aa• Seal Selo ef Lisle* po„,, wok place during May in 14- 11-11.a. About wont, 11,Crall Were sold, and the overiop. prIVe 4,4.!,2 an acre. Arlie bighorn pricey imsilpen1 Were paid by farmers al„, lastly. TM* M. deficit's,' as the best land sale ever held in the Colin - Man Semt, und iris hoped that 1110 wateriutirk la nut yet reticles', The Posale. Here la a simple little puzzle old, h sona out of tweuty. First of all, cut a lOW TO CUT 711.11 IMMIX • letter T out of a piece ot stont paper Or thin cardboard. Met' cUt Into four pieces, as shown by the &tied lines. Now shuttle three piece, and hand them over to • friend, aaldna him to put them together eo as to form the let- ter T. You will be astonlehed to nod how few people can do It la lass than ten minutes. Place your two opeu hands together th front of you and put • neatly be- tween tho two third angers. Wert beud the little Indere Gown until Met touch the paints of the bands and Mad the iniddie engem In the same way, keeping the bands together as close as pomfble. Now try to open the thirst lingers so as to let the penny Oro_ without opening the bands or taking the little aad middle augers from the palms of your hands. You may think Mist yod w111 he able to do this, but It realty Is quite Impossible. The Laughlin. Hyena. Although the hysterical laughter et the laughing hyena Is not. as was onoe attempt to decoy unwary travelers to their doom, this strange Retinal ie. 00,erthelt•1111, ono of the most eunaiug of dumb milinals. II* /a so suspldotii of everything he does not understood that the sight of to en • MI et string at once puts him 00 Ids guard. Trap- pers are aware of this Mot. and gen- erally use the stems of creeping plants instead of string of any hind la eating their spring traps. Here Is a little game tor rainy days; Seleet a very loug word, Me longer the better; give each of the players &large pie,' of paper with the selected word written at th• top and lot each write out as mauy words as he can spell from the long *ord. •ward prime tut Waged words. How IrOn.-ox Tablets Cured a Welland Man's Sluggish Liver. February 2, 1903. I was feeling bad; was sleepy all the time; as soon as ate my meals 1, would fall a if I did not goout. Saw 'he tor two or thrte timcs, but t t did me no good. was in\the drug store and picked *.ons of your little booklets and read about Iron - ox Tablets being good for thc liver; took about four boxes' and that tired feeling was gone. I felt like a new man. Iron -ox Tablets cured me. Welland, Ont. Fifty Iron -ox Tableta, in an attract], r. aluminum pocket Ct1ae, 25 cents at (Irlig- gictg, or Relit, poiapaid, on receipt of price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Lim- ited, Walkeiville, Ont. For Drunkenness eelvDrutinutng rue Owes' 300,000 CURES reAddress TONONYO, ON odd Tourist Resorts_ Maanatewan River, Muskoka Lalos. Thousand Wanda. Otiorassin Bay. Quebec. Upper Lakes. Portland, MO.. L•ke ot Bays, Old Orchard. me.. White Mountains. The above reiotirt are all twitched % the (trend Trunk. Excellent servi, steamer. fe,r "Iftoyal Muskoka" Hotel anal tither Wets os Sfiimkoka al- so at, lluatAssille for nn l'nrkc "f 14104 -of 011tarlo, aim) portn 4411 l'pper and to Hastert' point P. fi%., literature of tisuatliall Pewits- -1111 41(441414AI 41.44 1.41 /ITO In OM for iiiiii ner tours. apply 4,, le. le. 1,A WItitNlitl. Town Tieket Agent, tiodetb A. RTI4AITON. Sitotiori Agent. (i,eleri, b. J. U. MLDONAAD, District Passenger Agent, 'Potato-