The Signal, 1903-7-30, Page 5I THE JUBILEE PRESENTS I 'I'll E SIGNAL: bODERICIi ONTARIO THE PAPAL ELECTION. Cardinal de Pietro T;Iked of if Other Candidates Fail. Although He Would R•pr.wnt the Rempona. Quin Faction He Would be Fairly Acceptable le All OWwma Tnbute to Cardinal Oily. • bon., but no Hope Held Out For an Amore. can Pepe. Hume, July 28. -Nearly all the cardinals of the conclave have now arrived. Their Muir yesterday was. mainly occupied with a lengthy meat-' leg of the' cmgregetloa. After' the meeting the cardinals reenived num- erous uteros) Tfslta at their various real - dopes. Ia well-informed circles, Car- amel and1aa1 Angelo dl Pietro, prudatury of the late Pope. in being talked of as a eompromlee candidate In the event that Cardinal Ur,glie, !tampons, or !Serafino Vannutelll y unship to ensure the necessary votes. Should d1 Pietro be elected Pope, M would. It le said, be the repro. CARDINAL 131 PI17PRO. eentatfve e1 the Ratapulle-Mott, t.e- _tion, gad yet Would be fairly ac- ceptable to all. Cardinal Michael Lotus, Archbishop of Armagh. wbo. with the exception of Cardinal lab. bolls. will bs the only English .p.,ik- lug •Wel In the conclave, arrived Vert •ay from If eland. S lag of Cardinal (3ibbons, the Irish c incl paid hhu • glowing tribute. ough,. Ilke all the brelatea hero. he d out no hope that the American a dine) had the remotest chews of foo. "lad•id," d Cardinal 1oguet. '1 • think Cardinal llbbong would' be • •subject for co• ration 1f the. Plrttoa should A.vo upon. for r no American woo carr to spend the rest of his life nflned within the preclncta of the tfcan." CALL FOR LAKE SU lrsNds.S-)iN{M Maass an . peat' M • is,. Ohs g.. sat. Philadelphia. July 28 - Pr dent Rhiolde 111 the Consr.lklated Leh $u- perlor company has .made Gino imperil to the seorkhol.k:n of t e 'Company for:financial a tinetanre. 1 a-rIrn4ar letter sent, be Ultras that unless The proposed $12,500,- 11N4 bond f. taken UN• whud.• proplr- '1.4 t pass Into the bunds of the are t446r'e. The reel nrei New York wand Philadelphia honks, Mead - ed try Sr yr h 4'e of the former y 1 11 (L• r 11 city, who hull all e u a of r er nl secul'Itles of the rnw{at4,v of loans of $5,0410.000 The Lake 4tup.-rtor 1.01111.••). N cap- Itallr.d at $1112,(Nl0 (NNr, .pt whkh $70,000,9110 4. held In this city,. STRUCK AN ICEBERG. 'eke 0rttl.k $4..m.T Oka Naadard •• Iatwr.d fir km." ladelphta, .luny 2A. -The British ip Baku Standard, Captain Tucker, iron Tyne lot tkts city: 1'aeF ie t Delaware breakwater at 6 o luck y erday morning and Mg- , Mt .d " urad by ice." -1t 1s tho • ht the s�am.hlp bad bees to collie] a wit an Iceberg. A mala 0IU Three flea New Yor , July 28. -Three mete are dead and de injured as the result of. ilia bl.twing •ut of a cylinder of an 1114lae attar to are ammonia {nun{i.tn tlhe' -J oh Rupert brewing 4',,'s he plant u A4exsn.Ier avenue rorty yt:+eterday, hundred and fifty men were at w rk et the time, ,Mute although the ' twunfe dotted from the pump, the fl •s spreading to all parts of the but • int, no one. else was Injured. • Imvestlaul.e After as Mea Montt. 1, July 28. -Th. Att•rtsey- (•,. . tl, rat's Department 10 :undo tug an fllventlgatlon into' the dtscuv y of the rein/Obi of Joseph 1.. at I)tl 1t.e.. Argenteuil fount)•• where the\ st..•Irton Was found on Mdturday by n.cldent. Las, who was a trapper and huntM',�Meuepeared myster1ouse Iv :4.. year ago, and he was believed to have been murdered at the ,Ileo. Suspects are said to he still alli..i Fatal Mennen Aee(deat. K.mouraaka, Que , July 28. - A Intal bunt excursion occurred hers Sunday afternoon. Louts Nasse, eon of Naralre bore, wee boating In Company with I► Ir. Thom oI Quebec, when their boat Was suddenly atruct by a squall of wind, which' rapstzed ' It. Thom succeeded iA swimming ashore, but noses was drowned. The \iftnm wan about :15 year' of age. 1)u leaves a wile and four children. w Weave's I.y.aked. Shreveport, Ln , .1 lily 27.-infor- ntntion reached Shreveport 'netPIVlny that the negress Jennie Steer, who. it b alleged administered Roston in a Kla.e of lemontuh to Lhr1n Dolan, the 111 -year-old Aaiighter of John bolas, from the effects of which she 44'91. Was lynched by A mob tut Noted. Mho dented committing the ohms,,• the hast. • Www a,. • pane,., / Vletorf•, 8, 0., Jnly t11, -A 4ee• ✓ patch from Aberdeen, Skeen& River. -lutes Mat $11. Salmon run has been • failure ro DoW rowing cn- the Aveand the IMPbackll ac•nnan will soh d operations In • few dove. They will pay off tdelt Rt•A during the coming week, 414 0rttl•h Sympathy. Mnes, Bulgaria, July 2A. -The Rut. tartan Government has helm inform. e4 that Great Britain will enne.nil diplomatictbe satabll.f»eet, of a Bulgarian agency In Londnn, It bee 'n7 hoped that the, new agMxv mx•Y ohne, 71rthl.h sympathy for Lha 111• Pau &oak r1 UftaDAY, July 30, 1903. 6 JUDGE ARMOUR'S FUNERAL. TRACED TO THE SPOT. !Sternest on Mondry wt C•bo.ri -Te17 \milia shalt See. hear Where Wife Large Att•udane•. - .Was Murdered. Cobourg, July 28-'19Je funeral of Mount \'eraon,- July 211. - Martin the late Mr. Jurtire Amami 'took 101.elt, also known us Schaefer, hue- plat•e her. at 1 o'clock yesterday band of the young ,wuluu11 whose from Mt. Peter's Church. The ,t- .body was..found 1n a sewer on the tendence err• vary large. The floral uut,ktrtr of the city. whets) it bud tributeti were tauuterotq and k44114l- been thrown after she • had txsti Sul, wesathal hour Lha• Dominion l,%ov-• atral+gltd to death, wits brought to ern$4nut, the Ontario (oyrrntu•'ot Mount Vernon ' 044.•rduy ufterauwt and u/etiber, of the Law S/wiety, from White J'luu, . re he was tar - Toronto, bels among fie floret ed oroi dr rest. Melt alai -hie .watt hieduu- dgns. Hu4. J '11.' Pup.., Under Sec- retory 411 titdte, rrprey.atrd 11141 Du-. :uluyun Uovernllta•ut, nod 4'ul. Bo- ttum, A.D.C:, the (au%drhUt.t%mesal. Mayor Floud utdl the Town l'oui.ril, also tbu local members of the Dar, attended In a body. Alt placer of bur:ruui i were clotted during the time of the fuuw al. • Taw service cannot condnct,d by the key. Canon Sprague, rector of ,St, Peter's English Chun -11, Yruf..'Uk•k-, *noon of Divert !n„tlfute, Philadel- phia, presided at'tke organ. ' The following were the pall -bearers: Mir 11'lllntu Iluluck, lion. Thief Justice Cherie. Morn, lion Chief Juin ice Mfr William Mertdlth. lion. Chief Justice , W. 1.1. }'alrunbrldge, lion.' {Ir. Justice Wallace Nesbitt, Mr. W. R. W'sdeworth,'Idanager Bank of Toronto The anem 'err of the family at Present 411 l'obuurg are : got a- place.for her as • servant. Mr. andMrs. Ilrvtl•r Revd, Mr. and Thu lad fulluwerl them tint of cure Mrs. Stewart Gordon. 111r: and {In ftrslty, let wiule lust atght o/ theist til lust fall with his ukoth•r-ill Sixth not -far. street, ut -far. trout whew the body was found, Frids $%ming jibs. ,Jo }lt left 11011/e,taue, usteuNlbly to gat' to Stork fur at family 11*H.g about a mile, away. . Her husbuod,left the hulls.' with her, *eying that -hue -would Ilt33,titpany iter to her d«rtdnatiun.' }:bete returned, Mr.. }Melt Bever reached her dirt+nation and wale not keen et )ger house again. Meirr hus- band wade 110 reference to her. The police Nay they have 'succeeded In tracing Melt told his wife. Aged to the 'spot where the body was' found and have eviden&', that theyw• Were lost sight of within thr, hund- red yna•ds-uf the place:. 'A brother, Paul Mbelt, u lad o1 15, -testified that his brother Martin ha!L left, the house after supper 011 Predev with his w11a, moving that he'had Edmund Bristol, M , r. sly.! MA. Au - an the wutdl„, nrur whore 1111• body gusto Rolfe, ',1Ir, will lure.f. - W. •WII, found. Soon , afterward., he Urynen. MrDouglas; and Mrs. Douglas Arm- said, hie brother'Martiu carue out our. Their elms, Eric, Stewart and of the woods ane! H:dd that h« Tett (its.rg- worn linable:4 rrreh Co- "Curate at ttje house of 'tb• lady bourg 111 time her the funeral. who had .•mpluyrd bre.". Th« . hung 1'lu• w«wb.rrn of the 18,11'11 Phil bar I noticed that Martin. was peraplring of lh• 1' tl.. uf'4ort buole•rlut' •fraa•Iv..•and that he wagho1 lde'llands and In.rh.un Ie1"nwl .an ap{owriatiy,`rand -fare as soon al; hr returned to and condolatory reeulutlon fn 'the tltr hours. M morning b,!ore fie funeral SYMPATHY FOR MRS. 'KEE. i THIRTEEN PRISONERS ESCAPE. 0•r s■ferl.p Is) W swamp err pp ' Attack Guard., 01111'.. Oe• and Fatally trledwr rwpb. ityarlss Another. e Windsor, July 28 - The .Aympathy of the 44x.4.1- of W ih*lsur• is stirred ap;tth from E ultww Gaya: Thirtti•le up ori lie• 01111«ring.) u( Mrs. }lllen'i t'erut•y-•iprisugrra, confined in the MclCw, .the a e -post mixt 'Mss of Tule }'"Inns) P2ltilenllary, mud« u auceess- fed l.ryees41 Jury. 1' siert Weukbtst LPr 'r. Irelrpd, Slott 1•tulr'7yletl"' hour &beet $_',IH1y of Goyernukent twine'. i in the captain's aI44's •udk d1\rtig wh 'hs The suffering and Pxp.pure' during''1'urnk•y (:uchran., wrjt, totally ital.- the two days 444,4 "hu night spent in tell, guard Putter *ea killed and the Marshes, following ler desperate llrlicer Prlwen err ant t the head, '$tt/ipyt.Is to escape. /tutu the county 'they 51441 (4 IIIc enols and 44 uunit)on Mil at Surnlw.ch, hes touched tit. •lwerts ut.ttee, Windsor people. A pro-, ! n ileur.rnngjtk,ldethe p«w•aµ•d1nelen1 d leu%t4.O�night, Pored subw•rlptton with a view to reit fn. Irliuhd, they were Maki' for iwbw'sfng LIN• ta,v.•rtnuent "'"x *be' *be'Bald Mountain. Stat. troop or- Jp•steKl, but IAt.'r it watt abnndunea 1 detest tolt"11y Governor Pardee, Itbv.. its r slutllnr offer on the part of the.. I people of '1'ntJx•rinore \rejected..Curr `fly line .1'wn•. Ice Acrur♦ing t11 a relent received lie* ,I t' 'J'ulwie int . . Andrrw'e light lytwt,•❑ the encepr11 cony) Prsbytt+rfan fhunh And other.. .are suw t4. ing t,. get a lurgcly 51g0esl I tun n. near l' 0041 a pose. ham lake petition,. and intend to- try •for her .1111,•'. n1•ur Pilot 11111, in which }'r1 urduo on the' 4,1•tor'n rtatemant'o( fluwerd'' was Rlllrtl ,,and 81abi.1 ' (woanAld.. .Both nen are'rnuticta. lira. lichee'sill-health. '7•he cunvkts •re said` fo have • scat- , rAmd. A' r4.mlfany of militia 4s un NO ASIATIC LABOR., route to. Pilot Ilia. Rotor. -the ligan took place, the Cdrstal See neje M• WIll , Net convict's, wh&itail picked• up a num- cease■t 1. U. 1 Is)•} of Mil tarns Yen route and had i, - I ondGln, 1.11y • 21t -Antrim, tM• i 4.11110Me 1 Gwent to .juin their id1'ty. 'had course of the "What, in the !louse of l'filild'r.11 a general Merchandise 1.'1 tuaunn'4 .yeete,'dav,'un the etc 1 store el P1" 11111. - rradtng of the '1'rapslaal Loan 41111, 4,lontal Secretory 4.'h,tttinterl.un, m- erging to the pr..p.wa1 lu futrud4He eu1114 labor illi, South Alrp•u, de-- Mlekt.Maedr•d People 0111.4 Is t4. rt y11 that no Long .11.' puddle olnnlun In Three Months. 'wr ',boat Ile IIs the prols.Hltfon . he Wavhingt.m. .Irate 2x The report -Won l mil- roti.' 11t 111 ire Ile Ik,nr\'.. oI 1r11.•r .Mtat. 4' e• ('.Illi- Pd. b. 'ever, that opinion 4)0 the mission on Railroad Areid.•n . In the atblect WAS changing sed u _. the _ United -Steles for, the' three t nths majority emended the importation 1 .N a «alnK. 1111111 al; s o n nt „tees 1 o Indian. . h • w. old' t / Ill au cob- during . 4. rn r du that quarter :nal ora w Ject to it g 4 11' In remand 1 4 111new. labor,' Mr. killed and 1Othcr k injured in train A0- 0- ('hataberlain • d noteu ridttingenie. bo,,. kfn(1tf of atrid.mpl es 0 gge•letiun clotting thee• /uMa1rN11 by employes looking to tis• eipl"y'went -ut lhl- at work and by pdssrengers in 'tet- te*. •in'Sou111i A 1. a 14,ud oyer' been ting on nd oft earn, make• the aK-' Bristly brought o. for notice of gr.•guto c laltles 827 killerCand 11,- tle l'run.yaal I:oc.• uu••nt' 4141• in)ur.'d - There were 1.050 col- I.1'J�ST. MONEY IN TOCKS. ItNuns •nd i8l d.•railnvntN, esus ing 1.4,11,"1 damage to cars, an- glnen ld IWnd«R,y, C1vle'Aee.0 .tan l 1..11 .runt ■ .h.rl ago u/ 16900 .Maciaaleuyl,,►Cul., July 28.-A de - A TIiRRIBLE RECORD. a'! -Leash' Montreal. July is =1t w. irrartt-,l ,.hlVE PERSONS DROWNED. rally derided pt *4414 (it)' Hrll •enter- }sear flea Wad a wetaan Lose Their Live. day that a wits -raid should be ued IN ]:situ a ere for the arrest of. A. Fournier. Mr- i - i•uonRnt' of the 1t.cordor S l' 1, 1 M.attl4, Warh.; !,July - NeWn who kt, Ile otty wl(h a short aa,,, comes trod. Valdes oh ..• nteawer, Ute ourjeorwtun hooka of setae *tots., Et, tl,ior, which -toril.•.l h.•re•Lit talid An sther: nn who knew Fournier light of the drowning of Mint' lam very Well, stated "he 'had Is•.•tr told i heeler. Angust Itu.4,Iu and • lienry Pouralsee truebles ererl:'-ewmlg to 1 at Caul Nebh`1+•r, in the \urine 4fit- the fact flint ha hod I1•on ultt+ting ler, nit Burt Ford In the Copper, at in storks. •11 was tit,. old „toil,ut Oh..t .nth of the l'hflna, um' of tie not toeingah1e to lwM payments. trlbut' •d'„.. And of using money which ought not 1 to have been touched. • Fournier was ' 1W bees* Negro L)r.ebM." looked upon as one of the most hun- j Mev nu- 1:a•,.,•tuly28-Ail inno- est men and steady elnl.luvl.s in the • rent V'it'ro- as lynched by.the mob chit pert ice. end Ihr flight fr the which re gh it hud followed 1.:(1. City rau1'.d moth Sono! 14.0 yeeterlay .l'fa'6.o through ynrul counties from at the City }lull- \1 1 4'arien Junctionu rhe southern {.art 1gg I of bodge l'omity, where thl•'mgyN.s- • airLeah 11100.110 71, e.Wtaneed.•.. ' wR fugitive Wen rn oe& lied to a St, Loftin, filly 1214-.inAltr Ryon I.1ree and hie -body. r Bled with bol - yesterday pArsf1 "811tl1.nn luta• da ite anent. pitem*.' f I„i n g mems„err .4 the l44.use .1f 14.legal 4.1. 1 ltoln..,n4. NOW '4'.lous. Mho negro Noir of Whom were r fried of brit. who st tucked MI•e -Johns n, has le,•n tory, and one Of perpo'4' In runt,rt 4.4*, 1 I in a '44144111 . ilhige .n . r Darien ith • tclpnl franchise dea.l". Vol- Jencttun; and as 3, jo11._._ 11 •Ing are thupe „rnlotitte1: .1,,hn A. 1 I.I.klaler'. 4.rrow reran.', S Madan, bribery. in 1onne•tion With cols hen street. rnilwey Will, lite year: T. Edward .Albright, Inalery , suburh deal. lie,' y'••Ar": .le ay .1. Hamden brits•ry, mlh,rbnn • (feel, Liv yours: Louie I i.rkey, perjury. dee four.y..4irn: }mil 11 t - man, bribery, city' iighting' hill, e►•� year.'. All Iii. ' appeal lanais in tM ennt of $'10,00 • 'h. - nether Lee Ottawa, July 28.- • 0ltled. 'ether l.yomfee, parish • ,mein, of St- Albert, tint. • web arrived in the city' yesterday to att..\, th.••annnal ret rea of 'the Ire late F horn, fall doWn a Plevy111r ut the tntyeeaksiy' mod din within f trrton receive 1L' two home 11 hj mliet4uk the`,(nor of the .'levet r for IWO of his roi4'm and fail twenty five feet. Aglow Open th. Oafs• Roslin, .1111y, Marty yoetl'rdey morning lomat-kr!' blew n4Nm the snle in .i11, alt 4tilfniev'S intoner factory .144.• with nitre -glycerine The 0*- pin�ion What lured the snl.• '1 -ft.• bHt"R- Iare wore -Ant ,well repast Ler their work, as only abort 41„ Res in this ante. Leg ('ra.he.1 In r Hell. Ifni Tnrta.• July 2A, Frank 8n«4, the 28-y,arok$- son of .1. wt, •Itnail, engine mennfArtnrr'' at. 11raTrtp- ton, Ont , had hie leg .'ronin, tel a pulp by being caught in the belt o1 a traction engine which he was tak- • lag.to the fair in Wlnnipt•g. I1lrsaw 0111e4 at 0lse es). London, July W. -Thirteen persona have beth killed and a more injured In • rallWav accident at Glasgow, where as •ecureion 'train from -the bele of Stan crashed tato the bufl,'rs at the station Two We Ware' tete, Moped fn the oraltl. ...1 Pert Arthur, July 2# - V111wr •ht i.lnklater of the 1'1g1•un 14" r 1,1 ber t,'Im_, Met with N yen sermon u. ritteht at the sawmill. lie wear Pne plov.el In tightening a pulley on one of the ShnitN with a 'bait pile Wrench. The chain in a11111e manner caught In $ moving belt and the \Iron bnr want hurling around the bite, pinning Mr. JA,.kleter against a p et. It struck 1111'1 In the ai4P, one rib being broken ane a mlmleer of werendo ' inflicted . Nsnfrew A.k• d e11e/. Toronto .hely 28.- 'I'h« I:.1t'rrn- ment have received a nr•1111141;1 trio+ the County Council of lienir,w ask. ing thnt aid Is. grants) ti stifIerere front the recent tornndu. The t11`wn- ehiple, mentioned for relief etre: Weft - months:, Alice, Stafford, Pembroke and Tilly:``WApa. • Thew. sed • larwslge. Ingeton; .title 214.-V,iterdn' itob- bers\('nlemnnn' nee,! 112, was killed In the teamer 4Altlerirnn while light- ening nut The ',wrench 1Mw off hod -MIF; him ,pu.3 n dynamo, the fall fracluting his skull. • As Na 0r.eata. . Vancouver, C., July 25.-10410n '•ieit west etterut4al yetterriny morning for the m,ird:1,44 1s wife. A mond union* rlrre met&nee wan that d'Mon- leer of red.klne witnessed the totecu- t ion. Dr. Marla Db. ssetesfy. Quitter, .fuly 2.1 -The midden death Is raport'd at Thetford $fines of lir Cllllrl.e 1i>3geae fibrin at the age 01 $1. Millets °rip Powders rune. For stile hr des. vripll. 3days, only 3 Mid' -Summer Sale sigh lila iii illi 111 ill ill ill kb kg" ilii iii ill ilii Ill 111111 Ib 111111111,,111 Il/ Oil,. Vi. A. IVICKIM i s Jordan Blotll GoltritY, Ogt. : f l l t f fhb fhl,f IRhh�Nhff^I c 'PII/ 1/ t/ 1► l/ 1/ 1 1 1/ 1 1 1/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1• Se'. nue 1,:hlr ,f a• and Ili,• alleles. 11 will 1e. a surprise, to t i you hi how noel' a dime or a niekl.• will pu1rI1104e.-Men's t 3 t'111l+u's.1e, 1.otirs'I''.IIo*s:x•, host•:a':Ind 1141•,\'e.teat:s•and ilk, worth up to ally. t' Its Se: lien's 44..x,1141•, 9 Linen SpMtls,c, etc. s Cushion Tops Millinery ; _ A fol Io dear at '2.ie, \l'on'e Uut' 1_ihl' vial Air this season. priced op I.. to, :11,1 :,4114•, All About thirty data, Were 5141: Itt one 111 I.,•. l 111110 $1.:d1. to clear at 9,4.' All nue i:e Cushion 'fops 1,, Newest $1,30 Muills•s fol'.$). (..h...:1117:1111:::14...1.11, lver a a 1 •, P A II A S 0 I.8 at ch+iring - .:1m.11beer-Int, ,Mere 21e :111,1 41)11rr, yN Men's Shirts - hiLnvlown4,'o'.hiuns,hi4t;41- W.. have a big hit of these 3 ie,, ;it hs) to x sample shirts to .'iron yet.. ,linen 1'11-1110.1,ready- 'They are thib sensori goods. made, lad color-, :, I •.111.011, $ ,:dl,111d 8 .0* Shits for 4110 .11: with hill. um.' $l.2:., to clear .7. and Ai 511e at .75e.., - 'Aland 1.':i 73.' 232, Strictly summer •4o,s1, to elear'uuw :U 4111*. old p11..', asst... 3 will 11.11 .;11'1''. thein neer if 11'1• have to give then' away. Not III," '.8 firs* bill.'. Other, J(114N14 hate 'evil gl1 en away at this store. Z a • • M`'K1M'S BUSY STORE of ladies', gents' and chikircit's shoes, July :j, - , = 5 and 10 Cents 24, 2E5. 'At this Season our stock eizes-are broken and. WO 1110 going to clear fait alt'oll(h� : and 011118 at, a sacrifice in order to make soul for our fall goods. If -i Sou have never' bought here you dont' know -What you are IuIsslllg. •a mt•KINI:13 hill til,tn4. ' J; P. KA VA NAG!' Jor an11loeL. ' TEMPERANQE WORK. (nitiu.'141 (1 count/n' which Adheeelt lei private owii.•11hip.' lu 1x111 Fiance and `' n:A)1.I6111.0 by the w'. 4. The regular meeting of the \1'. 1'. T. l'. was held in .the. 'he•m11.I•au(•e ILMI on Monday alter0,•Itt, July the '..!7t h. 'rile president presided. After deco- th.nal ex4•t1•i5e•S and the regular but i - nese. a Veil' protlt/thle Inter Was 044011t on the I1.W1.1 .Ini.' t.44 1.1 14/111111, led 11y the sup,•ri11t*l4dutt or that depart- ment. nitre. Davi.1s.N1. lbw new Int•lil- her'v1T9srr.eited: Il' the kind onion ill'!4L*. ti11u', 11.' the menthol:: will hold 14 1alolher's; 'WI 11r•1' 11,111.• On Friday afternoon. The 1V, l'. T. 1 . extend a eolrlial invital i.t t.. any 4.i.il,r% it towel 111 attend ally of their meetings, which :Ire held every ::1.1.4,111(1, mud t'om'tit Monday. in the Tetptlerunre 11,11. Temperance In the New Century. The Dist 4i ut ury of the, , 11.1114NH1llle•r lug t e,11tglt of 1110110111 Si Irk) \ 1+ is end yet ,lostsi,nor din till tie 1s) ntieth .colo,'' is thirty y.o, .,I I. 'Dor then we shall nee the aeeonydi.l •111 Or 1r1114 of 1110,e ,tapilaLie,us lyith which the e:1'14' pioneers of the Iwol•- nn•1n4 started ..at. • 1'hr 11iw•t.•.•nth 1r114ir'• closed with eyrr' indication that the use of al ...led as a soeia1 pleasure and :111 to e11t.rtainlitr11t will:..s.u'IN• 3 illi;.).; .11 (hl• Il1lst. 4',k''5..4'.che for rs 11isg4.eliaurti1't''*I4 '11pe.f leer the '.i11i4lgtuver Nine slier dinner l4 ower is chid:wed IN' the r•nI, of fragrant e•ujre,•: the 'Iota ty dinner Oa..ie, of IH'oyin.'i.11nit l•oe yi.1.1 to pleas,lt.•P ' :11 11111He•s" fol both s••v.•-, a'il h 311 enH11•.4.1,,..•ne.• .l:14*roli44 lige, t'. i ,1 he wine bill .lf the• 1st 11*4'11*'.1:eller s dinner and his glass of g.111( "for l ii.. g.,..1 of the hnu•,-al nigh) h'.t.• van- ished. and h.; 4.444' f hre,Tei i',• Milne fur his Li',':, titsi :...1ix p'nce - 1114x• for h'. 11.11 in. "•a•1. \ u1�11iLn nnn.l- \li!Wee1 I.Itnit - ., til Ike 1311!110 alt. .111.4 the 111P1I)IN•L•1. nt 1hA f 'h• a ,, to1441 :Ilst:uhjrs al I,.nuj turd ah,,auI. In this t Wolitie111 11114It• w:111. 11•.,nne• ,Is 11414nr to 1 1114*4E4'thiuK. into\le lti1144'as 111.' 1,110(0 It wits 1ash4onable. 4i 7 e twentieth century will probably ser 1 col*d'entirel4 al,)lish,il froill I he 1d 'Inla...po ii►: certainly excluded lud.el M• the hoz. 11 '111114 IH11fe..I a1 11; it .h..le,ie. i'tfi\ years experience i.f Ile 'team . 14.1 iutl ,•urtll 4,4 l4I('l i,' 1114•, -proved to t deal Hutton that the teetotaller !joys 1 [ter health ands longer life Ili 11 the• dr ,kcr: and the extt•an111ithlr4 •:uh'Ifmta es �.possesse'd hy the alnl. Ile :With to 111 to le:llt 11 owlet. eye'' 1'ry Disinter rf eli,il.ie .11111 114,1111a11.HI . e• been MU' 11 11y the cnlntslcisilt 4i , tileillth . ntist i••.: of teetotal s..11firt+l the Brit is atm 1- its 1.ow .1 rl 1.1 1 with +zus)• Whi r11iu1. 1 ah3,holi4. liyn11.M. Til great . swat,. of Ata treatment of dt Sae w1U1 .ul *14•ohol has long 14.0.11esti dished 1.)- t he yihe• London 'I'enitdrr,ula•e .iliospit .I. "kflnwea1•silt• stand higher than those ot\nny eater general• hospital. '('h,• nietillaai schools of Inldi,'ine :1e,' 311 tending rapidly to this etiehi"1on of alcohol frtiml the teal tient 1.1 d4sease\ ill' the sly( Ilio,, of diel. I donut. therefore. feel the ffil.pliers itattle heavy When 1 1.te4iet it -at Ill. r d of the ,Wont' t11 celittry frill see ale fol the tete • •' 4. only of Ihe vicious and depntvn' it the 4went i.• It rent 'fry d.e•snett, as 1bt•Iieve i( w ill. rid itw•I(of the yirkuts'114(1 iIyer:la ed, with their eittatot. and • :; I limen alcohol. - if then. the social habil,- Intl en.- ( .1118 of "4elel 1 .hinge. :Intl n,vlii•al .jrhiucedetermine ih the way 1 Yen- Cit-1.1.• en-4.1r1.111 predict. I, it is eglr 411 . ertah/ that the Iximirall evil' 1 't•y. Will sec Ihr Iohil,ition of the nt:nn*Ln•lire and ',al,. ,d' :denhnlie bt,q.;,ltd'•. 11'. S. Caine. - 44,8:Many had - pw44 411.14114' the talltme iuilelµfl• theturnlei it little under. Ila• 1 Iltts• :1 little 11',•1• 2 i,1NNl. 111 .11411 h'r,wor 11:14 2.,013'4 smiles, (ieruutny :{;;,1)4)41 Iliilti�..r J:'t 44iJ), t'a i11er'Ase 11.11 1 2.111 miles. net-many's was 7,0011 miles. The goye•runlrnl lines were collspi1- I1u11>I)' the 111u1e ellter•I1'i.illg, State Railways in Europe. '1'orunlo \ry . '4'1,' people tit 11.111.111.• "eelu I." he ,11 - knell 1%4111 Ihef1• eXIr.•r'iene'i• or stale • owned railways. Ne:u•Iy v%4•ry- IOW i -r nent:rl *'hurtle' has tried Is.tl1, state ant priyitt. ow•nyrship-81111 the Kener- ariendet.y- is for the fnrnler to *vox /1114 Ih•• latter ,to sten,1 still, if toot la... e•, 1 'AI•'r(,1 Irl:! ' 11• it - WAP -1 114 l 1 1 111-.111 rit teed a iY4•41 8:'14.11-ye•In` IN_ri.Nl, lel n, al emiditems in 184.41 and in' Ill'll. \C,• 111.1'4 take -t Welke eunntt•ieS. F11111.e, Gormally, Russia, Holland,' Austria,. Hungary. 14elg ksthe M11tntIinav'i:nl ,king) nits, Wit/er awd am! Rn otlania. in Meiet'v one of the•:.' din hog -t1i petits' tile mileage of .Lite *4il1 ,*%'.. Itrte,isell. le•aymg Inns.,,, out of lite .t.ah'nlation. Net tln,l that in the ..Leiner .fillet c• tries the trove. 'mem rail at. 'mileage 111 ISM WAS 1'2._113I slid in It. ads :1W41, an tyre:ti:. of 17.1411, or Ill 4 r Pent'111 IIle N/Irie .joy r11 r341111- h'i,•e 1 Pelt jail ate Cotllruliet, o11'lu•d or ltie• fed 12:110ntih•. of 44ilw at, 14s against •'.24*, in. BEI :in increase of it' 1141ies a. 4440inn1 44,4441, The satire pr.Kv4N he 1111e 114 111 Rll.sill. 111 (!414 in Etter. •nn ROI, ix. nil of 21.71111 Mlles of line, 21,4* weir,• .stilt e-ot4lied. Mild 0,5161111 the tends of, r,ltjrinie4, t the r4(i '111% ill . o In Il+t l h u I1,ul .Rnrinin„h,ul inrt'aas .1 in 11),Wt1, rule's, And in f1e. Hnwtiall ilti4ire- t,. \')41':d Nl miles, Ili tills latter . 1141P 1:1.:1.1 well• in pril•nt.•41n*i1i1, •.hn 'rig Mitt the atAteanvte.l'•IitIPn•hnd 1 weese.1 far then ha the priylit•, Itt every one f the tw.l(,' •ntut•ies then lunkunder exatlinat ni 111e nitleng 1f (1,'. , ',mien, roawn )•e itereaMNd dm- ,t 111.• "(even 41.441": 10 three a 1f (Infs. rem rf1 s the tgi1113R4. of rnnlpnn)• 1.041* aw'ti4lla deen•nwd, '• 111 11 foto a•tlintr' '�4wit7erinnil `the poi ire. 4:ri1 wily aysleste intsei been lacks,' it'rr by; the state. hl n fifth Ill4hgfry the increase hale Been extremely 011]:11I. 111 lielgiitl the i411Ke1,1 of nequiri144 privet'. lime. fejt lite Guyer • ll has gone nn MO M'liv11h' that only :"141 illile, ate left. 3, aim' It. *041 in 14.141, 111 /Ciliate& oy,•N *444. **.l is ..f twit e1ely owned line have been acquired bythe llnw'ftimetil. Moceral steles which favor gi,yerliment l,w•ner*hi 1 shun vigiorn*.r railway Inlflding. II*,ngnry in 11)411 hail 0.13141 ,,,then of gnv'erratum, 't•af<tway. as Against Leinn.mil.n st•vpf* ear* ago. Austria had gone up fo 7,010 from 1e211011. (ierrnony hall im'r,as- ed her ;Wildly mileage 81111,.2)1,4143* to Training 2If,lr)41, The haAvy Munition inrmaee his *M'ady INwn rule,. A eurimue etntritat in afforded' by the Approaching Success. NPN S'erk'rribuu,•- A Moscow dentist has invented a ystem whereby 41,4'..' tee(h 4.311 11e made t.. grow into IL%gouts ms firmly .1. nal in al 4nr... After a few uu11111r.; use 11 i•'Ju,l 3,'11:1111lu exleltet I hens a -- it i. to dislodge the genuine lual*1e made on the pn•uti.rs: 'Possibly this tooth -grafting 311141.4 vittwill.uehiece,, .ugtteSt'S The 1.on.1,11 (11.11•, 11331 gitl- . ie.. ,.1 1 - •,. . , ,. II 1 height l vhf h (Ile 1 thiel 4.311 '444111.Ihe• 111rt1411fuette .if fa`e. teed that 41,11,•. Lorna,.Dbone. • ale, ek i,)_'I'I..iudr.,lrr� ll.•1111'1, 1:.01111 1kstm•, 3!". Illack- 11Il01'.. one };real hook, will 1N• inl,•cesr eel in the fact htoutili1 ..int 111' a recent 1c el, 'on I:xnl.nu, I11:11 1 bele 441.14, a 14.11 ..•11 I.•nn•nl of outlaws by• Mho name of 11.. ,..1.• in th:,) 4.,,*l*,*•40 Ilie eeteuteenth coolln'v. The Iva - 4, ,on'nf 1.11.•..• linti'•1e'�I 111 1:13,-k1u,1.•'s 11111.•, .11111 hr g 14 her=d lo. inf11rnl 11 i4u *,111 '•nnr.r Lal'',' with whi.'4, the rh Idre 1 0' I I I n 1•:vm,m ve4u,.uu•j• %yore .11111 .4.•li, n.usly Ihl lll.•:1, .Thr. 1.1•r1 .i , 1 . 1 *h.• ,I ny i• t11/' the• 1 4,nu• {in ere.! on iu lc.' eit"y :un nlpoten.e, Ihl,ngh the 1uil.l•rlilne ..f 'he eight - 14'114 h .14111)111y. 141141 411.4114 1'144. %%111.11 the• 1:141 •11ryiv,i• 444111. 4114 \\ 41 1114 ,;r:lul.hild 44 Win :1 Lew pone'.• by e`in ini; ('hri.tuln..'.,,'41. 11111 /14411 •Well• fuun.l.1.•40) in 1111' ,new, 'I'hdt v.a- ..' 'tidy eti,l I4r ll r. 1111 ku141,•'. r.1„ ,,..ly',ulla4,.. • Getting Acquainted. 'lllr nuk 'n lean walked down the aisle 4f Ili,• smoking rear and ,,plots] 4(14,11' ,111111 her ullkno1111 111311,M Ii•Ml-'' int; 1,1i Onlsly. '• nit' I sit byyou :•". heasktdluerk-j Iv. ."t'.•thilnIv..... r,pliwl the ore want: witllrrrlt I.r 'i11g up. "flay as 'ell he Ni1•ial'1re Ya . Iii IS ply ininte.,. "And Freeman is flay 1 ask what you are reading?- -1 'ert a in ly: ending?"•t'ertainh-, •'•\\'011. what :t 1' VIHI 1 .141ingF' ....Ills. \Vigg. of , he ('nhliage Pat elr.' -. 'Witte *1.Osll, 111 '. my wife.- iv,rd for ii: "1\'hlfs yoml' w•i'1'' inyuiti1) the thrigin3l0euluttlt. K•'"ming tolo•tr:,y s'4"us 1f interest. t. fly Wife• is \1,.. FI 'elan," ' •IIt soon• signs of p Iii•. •'NI •er •he;yiII of hal ' 'Literal', shark. ' .sh��e/f My Wife !lung tttang 1. 111x. 11 You sewer. 'ht-, fir' g7 Hr 'visit r it; 'My de. . sit;," %hooted they q 1111* mit I.•. " le ,eelllr 4, IN' :1', fate "Ifll.- unllerstptudil s •Where. 14' 'nor inIt11.11(veiny .If again :is Mr. Alb •y 1:. Wilk' Ie Freetii if,' rel I.- 1•ilf1 tel lie 111311 With hl: Ns'til 44Ili., A c.' 1 3111101 II,•g: 11 RN e, of 4.11TII1., \ In" +141111'* w,• d *nus before? Happy 1.. know von. - 1 11' Ille,•t..,* 'Clip.*'. ' Th. Alsaku Trlbseal. London, July 28. -Nitro hie a4r1v` al here,'Senatcr•,I;odge li a trade .re• nunnery arrange':M_ente for\the meet - Jog of the Alaska lluundary, Tribun- al on Sept. 111. ,11e will: ewe Vrender Jtalfour and l'hief Justice , Alver- stone, and expects Senator 'turner Ha `arrive herr next week;. 1•'ortner' Secretary of State• J. I'. Footer, with the cpmplirt0d brief,* In the mkt.'• die of August, and Secretary of War Root during the'laat days of Aug- ust. Drepp•A to 10. Mount Washinelon, N.1I., July 28. -:Tho coldest went her experleneed on Mount. Washfngtep in .fkly for ninny )e rs was a or deearly.' orf Pr tn Y. At 7' nem ;. umber it Tit -mole `gale, the thermometer drohj'/s1 to 10. R XALLHOUSE- ,HDYES: .'1'11'• t3r..41I,13e N'5a,1 t .,1I,n., Silk, Jute .n 11'.4 4(olsln In h,'1 'hey are Ihr *44'l' 1 and ct,iniforfitrof tie in 41.r• 1, -' Tr, n p.,k.aP:l A11_,'.hw.: t 111/' K'- I''1 .. OMNI HAND MADE ,DAI•RY Ilan' t • r 1 0 lie largest St stock of I1a1111 made Dairy Tinware' in (ioderich, all made from heavy English t ill'. Also Iutsestroiigll- ing,Ga1\'anizetl Iron 'York, Metal ( 'riling8',, R(lofings, and Sidings,For l t' daces' and l IIn1l1, Illg. Worsell's ili Wit, Oa Wet oett r!PT htff.P f0fphlhlf 4114 I/lfll4ffp f.f11.11 h1^R= `..Itttt►t!ttlttttttttttttttt►mtttlttllt ntttmmlttn►mmmm In•victus B•;ots at' $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50. tig:ltion :old due It•ial\' After s•• wellingint•1•s war _aro Mon. vii 1.41 that the Invietus 444,04*'. 141:14I*' 1*'. liver, A. aall•i, of Mot real, int 'f •.I,ISt he best 1111.11`. INNtt ln44,Il'. ,.Illi'M t our - .! inlet. is easily lidf o Ir ow best vetoes. \It is a boot we fist(. 4111 rt111 .1f.. 14raeehd in design: lerfeet in lit ,aid fin - 1,41, : dressy, cumfor- tlhle, and for wear I he equal of au' $5.110 110111 you eversi1W. The it(q4w sutnnis'r ` stylel,ntl\leiUI' And awaityo'ti\ *prtettl. Vise`s 6 t.,,O. All nuialt/ with l)1 slyear lyt-Fted este atop \ solos. Pile.. $j4.:il. $1.111\11141 $1.:.'i. \ Huy a p lr and, ty4 :11. If they Gail you -tenni. Iii rook MO gel 'n r money' Or :1 I 'W pall•, , 1Imt s1*, ' our amt dem,. in ill!•- In. 'irlu. I., ...t Y - • Win. S f. rmarf CORNER EA 1' NT. and SQUARE. luli�hui�ilululuile u�u�uilui� �uuuuiiuu�uaulliuu� 3 NOTh1NG BET Th 1� notion Lc h Letter than the tiroceries there is nothing' better than w - every' day in the week. If you have Oroccries here, give us a trial and see tlr Tore.. Everything in season, -of good quality, prices. ('ALL AND SEE and i n the line �O1' you can get here - ili.ver bought your h : • we can do for • '' �• at the right There an sXvRZDY Cb THE CIROCEI1S, WEST SiDE SQUARE. -Telephone Na 91. DOMINION EXHIBITION 4903 - TORONTO - 1603 AUO. 17th to SIPT. ten The Abricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted. DAILY PARADtI Or LIVI STOOK E la addnten. ,y •4.4.r M ins a A.le. i'N' 1114 KING R of 41.•11/net Ibex. We late uncal, 411.rnrla, will 1,•exhibited rant. Ywtl1 OA by per.Mo . of the 0nrryer bn. heen of *150,,11, out Ate, T DUFFERiN PRESENTS, And bepermf.ebm f th4 Cenntee of Aberdeen tr.•aun.. H I MAN UF F ( OF ' U ACTURE Th. .Mortal Oaten"Inadini sm e,tl1M.. e. yW ep•etaoelar pr.d0Une mates i A OA NIVAL IN VENICE eater the pwwral diner 110105. Natal. wan Sr o. •• W.A. nom helms 54terMM at as .seed tale say pen es tk• world. aearea taw 4445 W Oso epmlrwp. Ona su 7145 tslsr tl�aafllOf�� . \11/tl/11111/ll/111ilbilllli% 1 I4./1th11/11/111tea NilliillNiill0100 .1111. tee 11 your dEaler you. saw 4. his advertisement in SEASONABLE GOODS A COMPLETE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM Meam Fitting. 11, Joseph Rogers' •Ttible and Pocket Cutlery, Tinware, (Irtniteware, Wood Alcohol jAnips, Witod 'Alcohol in Bottles, Coal -Oil Cooking t and Heating Stovea,s-\TScreen Poore an °crier:al Hardware. CHAS. C. LEE t FAST S/flF -3 GODERICH