The Signal, 1903-7-30, Page 22 THORN )1Y, July 3`, 1903.
ilc inial
4iu41411I('R, o T'A*tIo.-
Pl'HLIti11EH E%'EHl' T111'10II)A1•
. ay
T.kpbws' (•411•N,o. Xi
Terms of Subscription
:Lal peri 1.1...un.
1111411110,111.4, Iknr04,,e111h.:2.1(•. -
Nabsimap/4 who full to mwll4. TIIK .1444.11.
regularly 11ts mail will .ondrr * favor by eM 1 ( ow-
11.Vt IIs•24'1 Intl 11111
f Wr
I.+e atU�.. w dale a.
11 he0 a chat/3w 01 utak.. I. tipsiest. hot h the
444:1 and I IN• lieu t ,uidre.- 4.0111,119.' alien.
<sMrt,s:ng Rates:.
- Lust ,nut 1'l her .Molar .4*'ert i•as lent.. 1411
IN•r Ills• tat Mel 411 .914.'.. a.11 A. per line for
earn sub.-41cent I4,..•., bw,. %toa.urd by a,
lionitateit •4114•, 1wrl,e low. to an Inch.
Rosiness 0.4n1. of r. 11,4.. 41 01 1.4410r. al ire
• year. '
.14, co jyuu•ul. of IAst, Funnel. ot•d
Ntn. 011
.1,1 ion04'. ae.,ui S014/411.1,0\t:u.hd. 1144,,..0-,f,.i
Salt lir 10 rtuul. Farm. for .sale aor 4o Kris.
-Atli.h•. fur � i.. .•i,.. 4)W. rxruowtue( 1ry161
lines. 410 4.4. 1, inert mud! :$1 for Mea h, :w'
tnr each snlw9lurut 100x1 h.*er aNtveni0-
111ra1s b1 1'01M41.1•11.01.
LN•ad utile.•• 'In 1i0•i1 hype :r 11.4. 11111.
• N00.4.114111 11.2411nn '.••s•
• .\uhwul.wurut• in orli/brl misting tyle• one
haul iwr snot. No ,10a101. he.. Iha.; ZM•,
.\u.•441,•4,114444... 111.• obir.1 of 41'111011 1. the
iw.-u,r4en' hefted' 04 air 11W.vid041 or
at inn, to In• .tuWden.l an adl•er lr•mrut and
40 4l4 .'h:ug,st a(.4N.14u41%.
1:4.1.•• for d4.idn%' and runner, .44.,rily-
turnt. sill lie t'o e« 4)4, ajrydlcn Hon.
Adan•-. all c1 ,,,,,p+.111111124444. to
V v.ltrT►:H t HnHF:I(T$.te. .
'..*lrrich. (b4.
Ia114Nitll' 4*.'I'li l'11'1i 1' Jl 1.1 '►a loaf..
-1 cougon..oi. Lf the tax "rate in
li.rh•rieh %vitt* that twig town. is
not fair unless all t, ' circ uiii slani•es
are taken into air •141111. Utir rate is
Apparently high,/and the fart lua)-.
Navel' t•ud4.ncy l4) keetl,a\yay poo•
litioil. and fey his reason. as well 424
for the.aL,' 1 w o, onuuly which 1s
'diiit'm ,1 124. 4 Irl', 0111' 1.11 iii
ni o
Il bl 11
t 44 u
hull '
thrix . u
J w
tentiup'othe. flim •4.s 101' the 14 M',..
wit a n'iese, 1'. the Ishii -that of the
r caw tenon es p....114 . Hut the per..
Ni)" 11'140 •04711n)pl*t.' taking app
residl•tire•in lassie sI old ask salt
tally t1.. 4114e9.tiuu, ,.Whit i:i the fax
'Nate but also. "What o you get
for voter lases 1 1
• 3
(14410 04.11 11
a h 1,x44 Io4•n e'trlh 'wI b)-
• ttatNlw a•th.reliant movant . which
other pia. in Ontario du iii ..we
Anil which \they rumba by n - ex-
1N•111Iit11wa1101 urw" Alld 44.111011. )• '11.1)'
-- bring 44, h, hu dn. of visible.. 111: ty
frau distant IMI*it11: 1n addition
t:aw• natural Mit 'Ileitis,
are t.Ml ." well wi '11 141 ' 114.0.41
*194pttulii4IO'here. 4,l'1. '01,presents
o(her features Which le 1akett
into :Mll
r•ont by any...44
ytl.k •r who is
thinking uf_rb,.wl{t(f- Initial
- -plxiw. A p444 bin of\• ax -ate is
expended i4) keeping inion iHu 14111.
of the flnl•.1 s)'441e9us of 1eIfwe(s it
PriWine.• 41141 in Milinfaint@g 4 pni.
park which i. unequalled iti (lira)
in any plan. aeywhew near the ..t%t.
'o 10X11. These are substantial
ya 1:141•,, which.lulve a distinct vain
140 erery resident of the town. Then
a Willer 14.1'\'lee :11141:111 1•x-
w1 system of street lighting.
l wind aid operated by t lir • i.
pa it)-. :x14 tmlber• point in which
(its licit i.;', rad of many tHW11M 4)f.
Multi size Is '11 it. p owees.l.11l of 4
sylMrtn 4 1wwers. which is (wing ifs
tended'v yeti •. These things all
emit' mitlr • and have an indolence on
-the,rateof xil1..n.1' 11 he exp•ndi-
tnr:• is cheer(' 1y Inst Il• the towns-
people. 4411,, re l aft1)1.. 1 hi 1 hey get
valise fol their mt 11.•7.
N'•• have not a Minded tl ive it
191mplete statement of the rase • but
we have .4.1141 1411o11g we 1111s1. 4..
Make the Ini'mp14'I11'e h •-seek
think of •14)1ue1 ping mi. . • than 'the
bare figures elf the tax tat
The .l)n,einri4l 1..m1's Ih1)'
having.. Aeon d. -elated ultra ct
it •• \(w 0w•r.s:u•y fur the laird'
11417 Alliance to press' for Du
ion legislation on Ila. 1uhjtrf. We'
are 1114 of 1h/ who :regard a r•
44 1. 1111•11.1111.PI 111012IIg Sabha* 4)h -
mer' nee amAnngirlrl:nl:lhleinfringe-
m11•nt 1 the right. of the hulk bloat
11ath1•t N • look upon it ,is a necessary
prntr(Hon 0 individual right.. Every
lean iv entitle ,111 the enjoyment of it
genet Sunday, an If his neighbors, or
his kny41oyer•, w'i not voluntarily
r•spvt that right i 111124' t r.
hal to •.IPgislal1.441. 1 "1110111 some
legal Ir• 1
K rug', 1i011 .nil sort a nnicrn1..•r
might oprinjt op 244111.•11 wall sob the
Sabbath of its 11*1in(•41%'$ eh:14a sof
.Suitt 211111 restfulness s : and employ
might takea11Vantfgl• 4)( the altar
of legislation to deluh*hl tel t , ' venrk-
merl seven day. 4)4 1111 (41 Ihr geek.
RIM t114e1111141.lie 101 of the baiter 114e1111141.A' poet':
pet Hall grind axil iq in many 1'144•' in
1 he Stxtee.C.'
r(('anaduln Monday iv t•igh4y one
• y�ref our proudest boasts. 11 +
119141' it. �t►nml not
They 4av the stock of hats to large
size. has run out in (Innen' since the
IN .N•lerl from the Hub urel that
trophy at London.
11 is to he hoped that the Lraitlso11
the Hrnnd T1•nnk Pacifici1'tll snot fol-
low the example of the 't U. T.•1'. Rill
is not art iyin4v/n tines.
One of Mr. Chamberlain's pa h -
tete my. that his id.'M be fur trate
within the Empire. N'hnt do ow
rrlteetd Ilanllfatlltrh. think about
that P
last Monday was 1,1.4.1'1.4 in (!hole.
rich in just the A*mtt 014.1 w*y. Most
of the citizens were prdaMy IlnMW*r•
that the Privy ('nlmeil had knocked
o1►t. thy I. wets 1,A)' Art.
Tlhat. .•2 p ostenistr9r, from Ireland
who '44411141 t.111. 4140t'pa11 At 141n1dwi,b.
W1Mt the "Wilts,, 4t•i1h Huse.. the
Io)y41 alai whieµlitlg *bolt 111024.41:744
she ix evidently a rlhulwr.
It Ulrlr
wet* any troth in '.1e T"I'y
yarns ab►ut l'abine* JiMw•usiole.
'twere just as well that Mr. 'carte 1s
out of it. tieing *Itch ,1 little man, he
would he liable to get hurt.
No ; howlers (11MIr1•i•1howlers didn'twin 1111• 1 abatt trophy at I4alduu.
This-lsyIlls to 114• a 4114' in which we
shill have to )remark that Huron
('amity carried ni[ the 11 We
are putted of our It county
The den election in the Old Country
snit• 11,•: Chamberlain made his tapiiT
proposals Was held last week in the
Bae1111id Castle division of-t)urhtuii.
And resulted in the eeturn of the
1441sN ra1di4la(te. an nut -:nod -opt up•
poeilr of the Colonial Secretary's
Thr 1%•03•141 has n knack. as all ow
mea,els Imo*•. of. 1,111 .Ig * I.. -iii. Wh44( is
likely to happen, long before 'OM
iiVIl. have env knowledge of the sob-
jrl•t. '-Toronto World. .
There is a gl' - ring of truth in
The World's remark. It has it habit
of guessing. day after day, what 404
likely to happen. rind lit N•41111e1 1.'
(nighty 1lafit guesser who runl.l11 1 bit
1110 right thing '41149• in A while. The
trouble is The s'olid's renders' 114441'(
11111144- 4411011 11.4 gllr44l.491111tH 1•1/17w•t 4111(1
Whets they 4119•, N'Iong. -
"Observer- --a - 1114111, /if 1•ulll•sP—
w'ri1144, 14) 41110' of Yaw l air
Alai k that when he go•. -t4) lhllr•11
he 1.:1111101 sew the I'Iiili.trr ter tlw choir
for the millinery i ien..•ning, and he
asks that the ladies re11141Ye their hats
i4) church ,1,they did' at the theatre:
Silly fellow' ! 'What does he think the
drllr things go to church for. an)•wl%
lo)N'Irrs. '
In the: present rtlia•ibitioll thin/
4)1' four 6:entities might have
�I•al•)'ed up to return the n i1 i1nun1
number of 1'.1111wrvative mend wrl.
*,111 to wry,' asap wort of memento of
the gerrymander an.1 to give the
Tories a sample of -what they would
141vr�t)t if the Lilwtal.: 11114 ,fullu*o.I
the example lot the 1'o11verl•atr' (lov-
er '111 ire hots?. _
F.illi4•r iherj'' will lee 11,0 eli4•tion
*whirr Now 1'',Ir's, ill- it will, Iltlt,lw
held at all 4111411 mixt year. 1Chrld
*14)w- It will show• 24.1)411 41 pa1*1ic the.
iuvermnl•nt is •in : if it is put (1ff,ir
11 show that .Ihr (nlvernineut itl
to go to the r4NmItt•y. That iso
a )tet Ihr sty -10.--n? *hoe prlpltrl•irs
w1, L Tory rorrs1Km11rnls 244 llttxw'a
alai J4nllilg its *he's,' dais.
altr%atiernnt F11nd/t ' Asws•iation
0f Auuq•ira, m1'1•tnag :1* New York
I:,st wink' passes! ,t mitring 1�waldlttun
in favor o reripr•Belt y •
The n'inc m w14ker of
1 1
1 -144..101411.1•.!1 • 111141 ! "tilt
'ith 'Vanillin;
he evening
dl is the
.b pil'ch:seer 14 111r t�1iitrtiffin
011 1111. tar of tlK globe. nu41 wt.
mar Govern siren to 11'1a. justly
irly with 4 Ir best l lIsto1 rd's."
hlpnr tate Nllktng up.
11orking 0X1 44.41, 11 it hued that
texpended. 11 rid If re
it. pr•.eut difflculli
A Rainbow.
\ly heart leap, up when 1 lynch'
A ralnb.)w In the sky :
Su was It when w) IUs Milan,
Mo IM 1(11044 14124 a 1.414.
1 11011 when 1 .hall grow uhl
Or let 110• die!
Tho 1'1,114 is tallier -of the Mal.:
.41.4 1 .Wahl 14411 111)' day` to he
1144111441 emit 10 each to Ina ileal idrN'.
- 44'. N'unl- wort h.
R,'Hohwee, M. P. Trios IeSot Harper's Weesly
Hal•)wr'M Neetcl' has the following
letter front Hobert Hoboes, M. P. (ter
West *iron :
1(1 -,--l4) 111 article. i4) your is,11r of
June 27. entitled ••'(V'i11.1Suielli:ul Lib-
erals tuns to the L'nitee1 Slates?” you
use the' following language: •Tole
Lilwrnlsr on their part, denied that
they were mivate1 by magnanimous
motive1al •, but said that they hail
4icen the tariff preferenve to the
then 4 Iry i4) the era belief
that ultimately thrid' generl4ity
Would he appreciated, and would he
rew:n,l.t1 wilh,111 04gnir+torus 1on1r.s-
iuu. •
• • • • They have fondly caressed
a hope that if they were very. vrry
good and gratuitously gave to British
-mlamuf*4tnr•+ M. preference in the
1hllminion Markets. they worth* eyent-
1ua11y gain a /vlrre0pmuling preference
for their foist p4141nrts in the Marko(
of Ihe Cher countr4." '
1 14111 surpa•iw41 that a journal of the
ietian(iug of Vunrs 441)0ll1d w) fate ulislw-
1weseut 1he t.ilwrap pdit)•'un (hrqurs-
Itun tet' the preler•uce. 11. is exactly
111e up pii.ile of what ha. b4.11 the Cane
all ,lung. The leaders 4)4 the Liberal
arty, *144h i4) the House and 41111 •11 it,
always nlattlatnel hat the
pnfe', Ill0 was an absolute free gift to
the motherlluJ: w•ithuut any expreta-
tioN of a pFrefelellee i4) ret11•11. and Sir
1 11,Irles 'Tupper, while 0 member of
the *14411.e. and his Latime)s 8.1•el'
riser. 11ace seems! the Liberals stone
and again because they -.did not ask -
fur 1r seek a preference. in return.
I)irillg (hi- member) of 11111 Sit' N'iIfr1 I
Laurie' replying to a ulrmlwr of the
"The hal tattle gentleman has at-
1 1 N t1
1 r I f the,
'(+ f British plwf.•1,•ucr.
a , huh called n his friends to 4.em-
1 11113. beeall I '
7 1 ( Iwwd w'4.
,M h. 11411'0
bee 14 British 1
t h 1 i,•► oe '
) wither
K � It 4.z
1 a
acting n), ruin wast
Hon. %Ir. Fielding, 1 the ••11111100.4.4
the sou de*NU.. said
The 1 int on Iv hirh a' differ from
hunter:Ihr.• tith•,,n't, 1r1'I 1241 11suuthe
4 ue.tiun of a 4'terent is trade 's this:
They have. 1)111 the Iwginnil , in-
side.l on •'1 ulxmliu4 (11' John. -4111
n lir•fw,•ure11114 giving him 114th)
until he would 41 lit. it : w*•I.'aw.
"pwitikill We 1.1)11 a4. that We would
give John Hull the reference,, lichee -
Meg It was good for 4,, . •l e.. and tJar'
tb tiulateIV it would Ire 1 hull t1 take 1
whore favorable view. -
lie point N
p has always •N rull,ha.
si4.v) 1.y the Liberals that teat matter
whalacourse Iilr•at 'Britain -%1111* take
s111• w•lo11I11 enjoy all absolute)) ..Terence
in 1'4114114411 markets, i1•l,•vp4•(1'ralto-
ge l her 14f :411y 1•R0E1 l4) luu•ur. a • ee••??�qui-
Valent. Thr l'unserya by CC part,•, 141
the other hand. took the vi t1,
equivalent :Mould have-heen asked
and obtaineed. 1 min not tha•msleing 4 -
merits or 1 inter 4)4 the ptwfetteu e.
hilt 111
4 thug 1* your mistake in l,ly-
ingcert,lin in tiers to the charge of
the Liberal pa' ,V
Asa b•Itrye•'n re•Iprw•tf and one
who has .m rose 41 it. 111111 flee to
I4nfes. that 1 thilww�l.. it would 124 11111t11 -
Ally advantageous, but if you antlri-
mite that any perish in Canada a will
Ike i1 1111 as a p*I,(uru► in the near
f taw 1 think- you wh(I be "Tel' •h
111 taken. 'There never was a 4411vuger
feel eg 4d indep enilio r: ' 111 Canada
than r 4
t1, tai 1 today. lay. I '
�ilmply Iowan
11/4101 Idrurw as applied uti trade mat-
t1•rl. 'hen Canadian. welf1 anxious
Yuty were
11 higher
•11* .1
t 11441 last
l vrtn'.
lip the idea 4
There W4111141 1
getting in a 411)1'
i4) the year. 11114
.111141 the double -turf
able there is mecca
nothe uracth•nble in
(4) Iw ooh' • • p1Vnlent
ries this year. The exp er-
len1 i4) t w4) instllmu•nta,
ilid not work'n,14dhly:
tens it .huu1J 1101 girt
j41g1.• trial. hmreyer.
rat :41%':llttaage. i11
tole taxes r,u•It.•4.
n Other town..
nt plain work-
hh)• it shunkl
Ate evil/atop. comes to'1he...lief of
the smnll 1112411 with large 11tiplet Ie. lo-
ytin', un medical milhort , ih,at the
y4) utit)' +a umin eats 14111141114 Ise per
I 1191441'. 111A 14) Ili. weight. I1111 (40
hi.. s fare Aiwa. The ?Falser, 1104411
fur this flint the In•iiliry 4)w' 111 1,4141
im ll) vnpp ,' heat blithe 11441)', and r
amount 4)f at exp•ndwl in a Kir 1
imr ilrpN9ul. ' u the extent of surf/lee
f 14) which it. '. rldi,.t.41. (111 this
psi ciple Llan nine with its ' rut 1111%
41111 larger nasal nnntispiecr lifts a
lerpet al lacus(' t4)(• bring 1 g•y. -
An anis' flint took pi win (iwm'gia
Miring the 4amt' w.,*k • , (tors tint• of
the terrible angers iif tit lynching
rm.tllnl. A r 1*) follow(' negro
fugitive 1hroigh vera I romti , nn.p
o4) eatniti)114 hitt they fief h 4) a
1 244•'1
Irr 1 4.4
IMI I t4) 9.l
r ess
r ,1111 4)
1 r 4.r
K sir' pelts (
.N•eml•r. r it f4)Ilh)4* that
fh•v h stood the w,y,tl 111411, (i11-
1 110As hem reier•bd Mn. depth in
the Southern State,. that o 141411)17
4•ryljttle will lie 1114141e 4)f 11le 111[114%
1111 *here will 124 an aci• 011111 1 sane
The SI • al has already *sinned out
the danger, (•nnn.•,tion with the Im-
perial recipr•/M•' tde:r, of encouraging
in *10• (Nal ('ol (try n prv,t.4tiroint
sei►tis41•nt ihat 1111 , t .•1'en/1a11y (w
directed against the colonies. The
unr MAI -ewes Ives .struck h) ,Ail Rundl-
e( in n spend) 44, % lM h an the
Mt It hist., when he ex.lnrM*. hr hear
'that 2411 a)n a. Canadian wheat haul
begun to undersell 1hl• i Ift,shu•1
1 h British 144ru/.•r Would demand psi=.
1..00011 ngailtnt /'4411,4441 ,Is well as
against t 114' United !Matra., N•ith n re-
M11t (Ii*aslroe 10 Nue bonds of empire.
'Fha--1'nn4didat d Lake Mup•rinr
('on11111ny, ',thrrwise the 4'tl•rgu' in-
dustries at the Sao). is quite evidently
in 4 •ct•ilical /1)hdition• flnnneially.
President Shields, who has recently
been 111:4)1• the official hind of the
('orlgpuny. has Appealed to the stork-
holdem for further a2sistance to pre-
vent the transference of the property
to the rrdilorM. The tremble (14.111(1
to he, rhirfly, that million. were pit
into 14 tlenlendodsly expensive plant
with(mt any reference In the time
when the 'ration. industries wou141
begin W emu something above the
for reel nwity, the Auer
buoy INti ing their tariff w
and 'hi hr and at a tine. wheel if
mi411t ha'..", been possible --if it haul
Ilion possible, any t' •--to have sr-
cor41 ttede "u 4lwsious on this midi•
Ihr• line. pint. I )pl.• Well. 4oing their•
best 141 pr•1•ent 4'11 a 'tate of affairs
-beitlg 14t,tight A 4)L Toll)• ('ane
ikl*lls 0.14111.' 1 hat. ey eat/ I tante else.
8-(40120, even tin eugl they get no pre-
fereher in the ,nut twined. They
are not afraid elf ' Anlrr1ean__.or
any tether kind of cothjwlilion
upon liken terms. Thr.' have
fried to `124 fri4ndly 4w4ith the
l'uitel State., 1,11* the States "4411\•0 it
txryliain the net�c•k every titiiw�'4lw' g.4
a ehpnee. Alld.while 1101114'-, of them
ill admit threat anta4e.. 1)111*nnl, of
•Ipin1•It v. they 1 111)1 pale t N•II
4 1w•5 N'llrthet. they get i or of.
('at ll never enjoyed ,greater p e '1
x11(14 •..Zp erity than sheenjoyp tt14lay
her In ostrich and a41ir•uh'tt•ia ..a neve
Were 11 me prosperous : het foreign
trade ha reached a much higher point
than loi•f r, and if the .American
people wird to participate it1 all these
things the vert Imre. (4)t• reci4148N•ity
'Must coupe (Wm. them, for l'atuedians
arc 1,10I4)ntenf 41 to bother 14114mt it.
41141 1187.. Rot the cold hand t1, often
t/4i1'4' father 4.,44441tmuitil•1 of plr•-
w•1111114 ib. 'rh,'ro \i�s� ev4'II, 111 4'
(411:11lers. i stria)t( (.rlillg in favor of
"retaliation" Against 'the States. and
11 wuu1,1 tent take very 't inch agitation
to Brake it 14. factor in ptt1_diie—affairs,
Sir Wilrrld'i laspa 14
bilinear Reto.-,.4.r.
The paler* that roma Sir • llft•id
hturier have N tough time. 11i• doesn't
,'Ven turn round and way : "Never
Latched me."
Tate's Tale-a•lete.
N. Y. M1141.
'[herr war a 401 {whim n,,m..4 Tate.
`you) dined with h s girl at 6144 :
1t chi. very late dale
'Iconic' be hunt 10 relate
\\'hnt Tole and (11. toll ll -tel. ate.
Teruo tel. at It .
One Corporation With a Soul.
Belleville Ontarlo.
1'.Irpaat' my wilt to have too
wink.,but the (1144124 ('tnyan• of
Throttles 'snort h:1ve soups-hing that
erfep'tns the ,Sante (Inlet ion9. 34,-,.
xylo widow of the late I,uNlnrM,,
1lnnia4pl', ('. \Y. T,.yher, will continue
I0 r eeiye the full hoary e4 her lite
husband until his ance494111r i1. Appoint-
ed, and will 4(1 addition roll VP an
Annm4O. of $1,1(115 a year for ten years.
Van Norwell aegtnn4n(.
New York 'Nn.,..
Sir William Van Herrn•, ehairmla11 of
the I'ay*111an 1'nciflr Rl1., Was
intrrrieased in New York not long ago
by A young gentleman who ina4ted
111 treating hint like A foreigner. Tice
Montreal capitalist took it an a matter
of (1)111we 41ntil the inl•rriewer leaked
Inn(1wntly :
"1Hd you ever hare Anything to do
with carr American r•*tlrl*ds, Sir
WjIH:n1 ? --
The sued knights eyes sp4tkled ae
IIs a toweled : '•4)h, 'e.. 1 24•ry 01
hot 11 (hr Alton mud Illinois Centred. -
"In what u*11te, t' dukes! the tortilla`
With pelted era 1y.
"I bold Ir14,k14 un Alton and oranges
241 Illtnut+ ('eutral," slid the 1•hairlrl4,
W t he ('auaillan Pacific *mirth, : ••hu
111,11 WAN wnlle 1i111.• 1tab 4(4(4.
'Sketch of History of Intercolenial.
Montreal llurakl.
Tile Imtat'culuull Hallway , was
aglrwl to ley the. 1r•plvna•utatiVIri u
the 1'11orint•e, in 114•. Quelwe -confer
1111• s
� a one o •41
o f t Id1t ofruu-
hr 1
(r41rnd' . 11 was. therefore. W'i
mi11•ib' is polities! device, x1141 only i4)
cideulally, if at all, a 4 1141 nu
411•rinkiug•' l4) the articles of r(1ufwl
creat1(111 4)u netit.e ter (49.1/folio. Wtpi 441 '. -
flel. After the union of the foul
Inro'ineeN in 11417 1144.19. 11'IIn •11
he,4te91 roulrnwre4y before the present
mot,. N
R .Irtrlv1tu041, and x linr'tkir•
rasp siting somewhat clos.•ly 14) the
one time proposed was n•jectt•tl. The
Iur•5491f road fol•uls 114' sides 4)f an
irregular . mah•4411g11v of 24.111411 the
prg.rwll lime frlrin Eo1 *4411 .1(1
Monet on Is diagonal. -
The (hated Trunk Railway, then
ended at Htyten.du Loup and the In-
trlrolonia* was built w4ulbpu4terly
from that point.. The New Hruns-
w•ick et 4111 in the HoIM4rof ('
mons Was diviehd ler /the rival
leaderships les414etivrh• of,(w44 Cabin-
et Sliuistrts, Mr. 'Pithy of 41t. John
and Mr. Mitchell of N, wca.tle. At
our tittle 4i rupture I1w•inur•w) '
rut that Sir. Tilley, 4t ho aih'leateel
the short route. was wailed 4111 by
Alexamirr M.•Kenzie and urged to re-
sign his p iinf,liu and IRvak op the
Ministry. the Op41bihun assuring (tier
of its support. '1'o strengthen the
Cam. fur the long 111411•, A dos NUrll
Meas received from the thorn Colonial
Secrelarp•. intimating that too P!4•or
the Imperial guarantee to the 1(t4.,-
colouuil luµn it 24'.411141 ter asivisible• for
military 1wa8111N 11) keep am far as
4{mr4•ttable from fhe (wired Stales
Iota dairy, A few years later Ihr
Holli. William Abu•'tiaiglill, to u spell
of candor, loll 14 dlarlttule 1'royiuce
audience that stir l'ulout:41 Sacrrtary
had leen "trepanned- into residing
Nor despatch r•terr.I t4). bat it was
then too late 14) 1•yeese the wlr)ng (14-
ejsiuu. '
' Secret of Lee's Long Lee.
• New Turk World.
Frail in body aura a sevut-invalid all
'his life, Pule low. XII I. blas sreppurted
the heavy Tabor. and anxietirn Iii the
Vatican for tweli'-*11'r years and
liywl to he m„re 111114 ' eety-thr'1•
year. of ago. What is the\�eXplana-
1' of this pa1adox of Alrl'114th i4)
weakne... A writer i4) the Si .tsIIRln
says it is 1oltaitiel i4) two *lulls-.
*tin 4eui, the
1III storks, which he declared to be
worm than the evils of intwlnper-
lapoe. He wanted it made coon -
Rotatory to Margin all trailer at
"least ten nty-flvr per rent. of their
1 value, (hill ensuring is, 1s1n, 114at ll ps-
1 action. A friend of his in Mtaittnoj
Ps cu4dad to the House, Intel "40111
in rbcs neck," which whetted his abettor
upon the state of attaint. Many other
Ine441s+w (1n loth sides of the Haire
took the wale view, Mr. Hotting,
f wild that the. oral aim of lrgislatiwl
- 44111111141 ler ter 14t4111 *gambling .111 1111114.11
Margins without Iulcrfrl'Inq with
• legitimate specular . Mr. Borden
- 44112.) m431 4411 1 the princtiele. but he
- led 11414)fol
4)41111x.1 a ag�.i ery 1stgolit, M11r.11 Tarte11(111 *114117 (114
.i 'Led that the('alunet M1111rter$44lld
• lenalin4 M. P.'s were not - free front'
*4 e_
Mr. Osier, au 0111 financier. and 0444'
who ienitauds the Iusinessthur-
oul(h1)', said 't -hitt it was a elranu•ter-
4stie of the lattcalay general' to
speculate and the only cure for it wits
a Mtreak of haul Iuck. YOU couldn't
convince the titan who profited that it
wow au evil. lt+ e.t.a lay i4) it* victim's
adversity.• _
A/latter ease for the committee un
privileges and elections came up un
Thut,shty, ellen Mr. Munk elaiild 140
have evidence to unseat StittiI(alnaii(y
Mr. 1.)y, the sitting mender for Bea u-
ha,•n4is. He said that Mr. lolly 11a41
m:1/11d the (love •nllelll t W4) town lots,
as a site for the new p st4411r,, at a
gg1x.4* ffi{ggure, load thus hr violated the
law. Tills was news to Mr. l..'y. who
ilwursliateh• denied the charge &led
gave lit4 versant of the ems., wtlu•li
1'1s that an AIt4/1.11e•Y 111 ins t4)WII
-4441110 to him and repremeutel that a
111 ll.alttr4l STIR WAN after 4 h prop-
erty nd washed an 0141011 4)11 it, 14111)
ME. 14 c told hist $:I),IMM) womld buy
it. He 1 . not the slightest know•1-
edge of its 1 ' ig fur the 1iuveratnienf.
Mel IA IT then, 4 4o0lJillg l4) custom,
left the rhaml14•r til his right to the
seat ed Id he -con ' . Iwo, aN it prob-
ably will lie. Mr. Mi had clu4rge
of the Conservative side the brye-
ek.•*iuu in Hruuharnois to ••• tutees
e'sta of J. (1. H. $1'ger4u, eX• P.,
whom Mr. Ij)t' defeated. Mr. T • r,
Mr. - .ntlieriatel and the Primo
spoke in turn an4l couflrul(d Mr. 1.41)•'s
statement. Mr.' Tarte taking all 11-
M'116111ly ,fill• the traniactdon. Mr,
onk. however. wits not satisfied ; No
it went to the r 'stet•.
TILE RI4)N•1NR TIME (x1'.TINT*104. '
The uurevisenl figures of ('an:ula'a
(ensign trade for the fiscal year emirs(
.11111e :4
Ith have 1 been II III1 111 N
4 and
slow all enul•uie4tLs expansion i4) tlw
trade and .wholly, r of the clonlry.
1114. aggregate (o1r'ign trade for Ihr
year a111111nt4 to 111/67,1137,1.149, a1 in-
•l.ease -4)f '$4.'(7511,11(MI 4)0er 1:411 year.
(In the. lanais of imports enterealfor
lr)1'mlllll pt.and exports of I 'alu 41411
pnwlucls only. the triple for the year
aniltmt4l to $-44$,IHR,t441, al 1I(reasr
of $--fl,:r 7,401. Oa' lnld4. taxa
than 41ouh11d in the bawl seven years,
as in 1111111 .it was only tt J. 1r2.8I7.
10411ing the eighteen years of the
Nat' I Policy our trade inerrant -41
1,(MI)U(1: in seven years under the
e ig tariff it has i11C11'444011 Over
1 MINI. In these set -en years the
exp of AulillMIA 81141 their p4,klu4ta
and 1 nature 1f the farm have in-
ventsed al.Nll 1311 ser .. awl
the expo' of uN1muf,u-turrd goods
ha1'e (nor• 11 doubled.
A cnu)part ' a of l•atuulx's !)reign
trade with aha of the t'uited States
is gratifying. ' Ir total trade last
year Wates NI rad of our popu-
lation :
ope•lation: that .. t e 'suint Stalest In
11(101 SRA $31 per h il4 IMO, O, when
the I'ntt 4I lltatr)14 t tet potation of '
twen0•-Lhre. milia4s, total f s'-
eiK4(t1 (11411• &mounted, to I,IM41,(MIII,
whereas today 1'sniul y►1*M1 A 1/()pu-
tioit of less than six 1 1 �ttyllual
ign trafie•ief about 1
r• IIIl1
g sty, (het. -
Six years ago.
Pules gave his own fol mnla (411• longev-
ity. The sulWlttnce of 't wens re•Kllhu•
,old **N1t4mka's living. Hr rwrliu-
uu•nJ1'1 the sparing Ilse of 'rot, ai.4 ,11
ndiuure ulninl) upw,ei 3 lined •late alt,
luwamee 111 rgl�4', tmiIL. hu p -'y, (,9111
veg•t.Ible% 111141 42(14• fruit. 4,,,' Iwv-
ntgr he cal lller1d041 purr, light sur,
•h dilated with watee, mol x li le
His [seer(* t4 letter mule
11\ refei-enee (1) `M1 )lI'aCtice.
Ile ate ) little 111,1* tier av1'nlge 11
would ea it fasting. Hi. Mlle WAS
elb 11111\• w , 1 be 110491,91, 11111. W1141 lir
Ih•,ilwl. He 111411 111,. aplwtite and
ucerrillel his I ate.
SLuly inxtanc . 4 dedicate mien who
have lived 141114 by 'In iLlr a*(Tel4l i4)ns•
n.•s44 i4) eAtin4 soul dr 'king 1111• fu'nl-
4ar hi44tory. 1'ornnro, r.kon in health
)v di: mipt ion at tort y, p*..level a
rigid regimen IIWrrafter, • . ting• little
111tat :41141 lightly 111' all (swat, 1141 limo
t Ihr ate of • h hail Al (our.
tet,• Pit ul811. tlw inyemtor of , .4)rt-
id, Wan /11101 *•1• 1112111 whi. n•14 'r
robms1. Ile ate un hurl(, 4)114(14
%membe-el liquors and 111.041 t4)' Iw(
Inhly sever nine•(-. ('.irlt11x1
1. 811,1 RI24, a1.htryel nuna4r1t-
*rtan h. 114)114. was not A strict ye44'
urian. but his dietary Mlles elies•h•
rally those Iwothla u o
((wwta f I pw Lwo, to w•h(1m
hr alai, 11 s4,)n4 r44mb1arl• in
pliyskiu4'. •
Thr ltr,•ngth of wily which enalelela
1111411 (41 st•rn1y 411•rrrulr fix o1•n xpti
`wtile fully x4rnu4ltw her his abilitry he
fore etr,eth with n•4ldntion 111141 bl
*1111/1111, Ne•i•1, 844111 .t *. PI 141•'5 ea'1', 40
def)' Ifs N1nmtlofN.
servative Tales of Cabinet Strife
are Pure Inventions.
Mow the 81144 Yarns are Martsd Conservatives
• Threaten to Fight Redistribution 8a11 Dis-
cu...on of 1141.1 Speculation Enormous
E.panoon of Canada'. Foreign Trade--
Newo from the Capital.
*Special vorrerp ndc est The Mi1nnl.r
()Pawn, .4.117 'Lith.- would need a
Philulr) titin lawyer. L/k track k f nil
the silly r 4.a 11011 invl• ludo --they
tow all pnr•IV iuueginxry— 't1, which
• ".IITe'pr11(lrllt, .1f ('(111 •4.1 -at\-.•
j( 1ru1t1 surfeit, their paper's.. t looks
Tike a '(lead set" 1,, ,-reale a 41ikular
implrssion that the turullwrn 4,? -tl •
Clie•erullr11l have to carry lee
knives and 4.1411.9 wtfh them at ever).
nlw•tin of the ('ateitwf. The pmin-
bility is t at it is a part. of the plan of
the Tory members, one of whom
batches Ir
one 4f 'a
hl Ilew•M
signifll•anlh• ion• the ahnr(ldrr, and with
Ihr ail• of unr who tM 'ams of it takes
the rr•p)rt'• intl./ hi. cont donee. gives
him 1110 wort to awe if. an 1' to the
•• boy. 11) n)un No. 14 (the press
11 man(, and the Ura ,day the country
has n '• Well -f01111441.4 rlllu4)r to specu-
late on. For imitative, take the tarn
,11wan a scrap between Mets,',,. Hilton
and Fisher, 1n which obi• wtury goes
that the. Minister of (1e retti•t•ior took
hi. colleague by *hi' Centre and put
him hors de. n evi:Mt. The I t answer
*o thin IA to none that t two
Ministers walked t4) dingrr Lc her at
11 .;clock. and o4) Thurslay- 1Y nmlg
in the Speaker's gallery they 0011)41 Iw•
seep engaged in a very friendly awl
jielly (`4�lnVa9•,Ntttun,
lItD*R lanst•TIo)i COMM l•rTF.Y. Rn:.\ 114
• 140 httl4NtT.
7117' 149limtrilnitt4)h Atoll tee 11,10
flntmhel its work, and 1114 pnelnrt, will
he up for dise11N.i41n 11) Monday even -
11K 1)4. TIII•wlel', It was mot 1•Xttw9't9I
that either party could MAliefy the
other i4) the re-148{,agrmenl and a big
kick may 1s. expected from the (1pp1-
mi1i4)11. Marty moo:ah'm declare hl ad -
Venn. how 141►vagel • they will oppose
the n1/•*s11r•, but it is well to mote that
*.111• 1'onser%stire Tinrnlb•rs of 1h.•
ru1M11itte4e have not been very hostile.
The ro1wty ran pretty a(•cural,•h'
judge the extant of the diwulvantage
nq(h'r which Ihr Liberals were place(
sty the ratio of the lann'ntattuns 0f
the Opposition when the discussion
ante 14rl1'I'LATI,1\.
A very interesting • &:nfe took
p14rc in the 1'nlnlnons on Tne11*y
.evening, which wits 1far(et1 by Mr.
Boltt(•a,aea, on motion l to Ru into srpply.
1t Wx% a rail for legislation to rltr'loil
the unrestricted specnkation suing on
W.�lchesor�. � Son
Ilaif price Wish Goods
We will make a hurried sale of about 2,000 a of
Dress Muslins, and fancy Prints 4nd lYin
Q ys in a
complete l
n eco
colors all
this a e
a4. a
goo_ y K rte a hasty
conclusion, 10c, 126c awl 1.5c a yard have been the prices
on sale Friday and following day; all at one price, per
5 duz191 lulirs' wrxp4els, 4114141,' 0t heavy and blur Ir )01111 prints, i4) light
and dark colors, staid style, skirt' with (till' and good swe..11, 1411
31 to 3K, Hrg44111C $1 O and and $1,:f5, 41411 placed at nue price i:..
5%1 yards, 72 iueh,' 'beat quality, unlle*chod sheeting, a lour even tr,in.l
thermal, iwUbld„aeletaill, regular prier per yard 35e, '.phial at . _ al,.
Mock Sa Comet �jqs
5 pieces 311 inc black mercerised
1 1 (awl :'ii dozen corsets, wade o(.lin...l
'sateen, heavy Wright, suitable (04.
shirts, waists 0* alpruns, a flue hos- Aweri*41n coastal, steel tilled, new
•tor•, I.•gilar *:M• cloth, at per yard We (trout ata( perfect fitting- Hale
(Learn digurrul 'nukes of $I.0u and
Patterns for Summer $lollO style'+, MI adzes, ape•vial ,.l i:,•,
Tucked shirt waist emit tone.,
Short Hound Skirts,
T41cke41 blouse coats,
Bptterlcks' Patterns
Nui)r better, LhoreG)r,• Ie ehuapo'r,
W. Acheson & Son:
'PHONE 711.
one. 41
000,1 k
Drown in Mill Raceway aW ingharn.
'Yinghaigl. Ont., July •l7. William(
Juhnslun. right years uld, esla"\(1I
li*w .1. Johuabien, x tailor (I('•'iw)wer
N'iup(haul, ens'41n1N•ned today' jlQr
hathilly i4) the rl/irws l• from Lite mu.
The water was'tore a.' ,it the 1
and the holy was sec �1'rtwl •in 11
minutrN, part all rifiletw tat r4W1aoi
proved unailing.
Clinton Was Excited. \ -'
Clinton, Jul1• 'Li. -Never beffire ter
911x•e the h • coming of the S.hlth
African veterans 11144 the town been K'
excited as it is tonight over the h t-
raining of the three rink. 441 11wp1
19.IW1.•04 of this place from Lloll(al,
who 4apt.urwl e1-et.yrbing before the
in the great lawn bowling tourney
that city this week. .1uhn H,lla m
president of the club herr, told the
citizcns'that t1,.')• should give then) n
royal reception, and they generally' 'jlr
what he says, 41141 they did it troughs.
when the cltizrrls and 14.044404• (-1111.
beaded by ihr 1,01141, Ifighlend (1141.14)
and the Mayor a11,11 town rimmel1
1114,1011041 to the depot and 4'54•.44.441 the
chlunpi011s to the krt sepl4re,
which was decorated for the Ilrc,wiun,
where the citizens listened t. Ow
Npwl•heN from the persidl•rlt, Mayor
atld the skips of the thew winning
11nkM, F'tu• two hours I)INineMs woe
entirfly suspended, so) great WAN the
enthusiasm. For torn Men 111 will MO
•bete o
ant i the ' tl 1 •s
L In /
4)l 1 w,ls
I a
t the • all.1.1111141
11 besides 1 f N
jp, thre prize.. N'. .lu•ksein Witte
Ma Il4nde president of the N-1.41tern
A mism•l1lt it in.
"1 paid 110 att•nt' to that advet•-
tinement.'tntol 1 waw• it in The Niglio).”
► r
. l
of S
-For a Low Price
1 t tilt
C 0411111.41
water 1'.4.
iill 1 fu'
1 lite
1110 yllxdlty iA high.. 1.1'011 though (hr priLYt�M
ilere you ikave three
isontlab4 cif satisfactory -p
It costs
vineeil that
if they suit
Style '
Trationisble privy.
you nothing to Collie ill, 1441 CAll Allit be e011-
4,111' lif10,4 all* leil414.1,4. Take Mein. try them.
you, 1,11y thrill. N1. I'll/Utile 10110W Elltals•
Sole agency for
41 EEN 41 'A 141'1'1' 1:1114 WOMEN
amething Ne
Someth\ing Good
61 Floor Varnish
i,. than- finish that fills a long -felt want. The highest nistilts are easily
PAREN'T. Easily applied and drle. quickly. Cannot he acratched
marred by furniture or onlitiary lime. IT WAR fdADK 'TO WALK
ON. It just the thing for oilcloths, llll Immix and loons.
the thing for fill outride work or work exposed in any way to tile•
r, such as front timers, shutters and *tore fronts.
is a hig 38 Preservative V01111611
le varnish for all Plante One on Infiniti:re and
Eltir;hiReply gum ly with A brilliant glom like a pidish. IN NOT AEPEET•
OR COLD WATEI1, and WI 1.1. ton CRACK. BUS-
satin Hardware,
Rope and Binder Twine.
The Leading
Wore Man.
Save the
S ununer ale Horse from
Wall Paper. Flies
During .Fuly and
August we intend
Wirings "SUMMER
SALE" af wall pap -
r, offering you 25
per cent. discount
off any paper in our
present stock.
This means it will
cost you 1 less to
paper a room duriny
these two %oaths.
Now Ift the tittle (411. 11 y•afet/4.
We have a good stock in fine
Mack leather lace nate, leather
t Patti nets, eta t 4.11 net A hi y and
Bargains in Harness
Nick le -plated singli. harness froni
gill IA. 10111.
Ilan] rubber single Immo,. from
liennine robber single harness
from 1111.1
Ihmible driving and woe•k harness
At right prieett.
A good line of 17tigigiefl, steel and
rethiwt toes. 31 pi•Trea that Welt
9041 them.
COE NELSON NT. and 04111 Bit IA
Mi. mill ha. been rebuilt ond %.‘ ith
Ana economically all k M World wOrk
Building Material
of every description kept in Mock.
Sash. Hoorn, Frames Moulding and
Interior and Exterior fr111140111 01 411
kinds on hand or made to /wrier.
Katietates fornishet1 on application.
(h-dene solicited.
F. ilkibt11127V-1.
Mit cA14411 AOSILP(1014. /au ass
1011 York It, Buffalo