The Signal, 1903-7-23, Page 7; 'L' • THE SIGNAL: GODERICH r. ONTARIO TbUldIDAT, July 23,:.1903. '7 taws of THE DISTRICT. D1STRIOT MOTE& uun the coutribet not laterthalt he a statiou lite Graf of Reptember. 's Hill =it4;tin P. R. from Guelph DUNGANNON. to Uoderlch. Some pencils broke into the hotel at Walton a few nights ago acid carried off • quantity of liquor, stored iu the teller. John Opeolit, who had been manager of the Bank of HeinUtou at Lucknow for three yaw, past, has beep trans - to the branch at Indian Head, Atm. Teraosv, July 2114t. PAIDallint failliellw Are busily engaged in securing hay And fall wheat erupt which aro reported to be excellent. ‘Veatiter is at present ver•y favorable. Fall wheat lb reputed to Is an excellent -quality. itentrutRY.-The remains of Clara, youngest child of Jamem Fwlward, Se- bastopol, north of Dungannon, were Architect Fowl., ha, been prfpimi t..ntemdarred tittillh:nwgitasunosubolceamilevtseryytiaol: plans aid specillcatktas for it holldiug old and. died after a short illness of for the Sovereign Bank in Clinton throat trouble. Tlw bereaved parents and two stores adjoining for IL B. have the rineere sympathy ot the Combo. e llllll umiity in he sudden departure of O. s.84°. 61' fur'aw temeller '" their beloved child, who is gone to be floderieh lOoliegiste institute, now of with Him Who when on earth blessed 'Kincardine WO W" little children and invited thetu to nuirried itt Morkkot ('Qom, to Ali" come unto Him. Ella B. Clay. PuitsmAL-Mrr. Manners. of Wing. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and hostile ham, who lat on it visiting tour to eels - left Wilton) loot wind' for their new tins beret anil at tither txtinta, gave Mane in 'towel, where Mr. Johnston your kumbleacribe a phew/sot call. We baa purclumed a large interest in $ ware. pleased to see her -looking so furniture factory. well John and Thomas Bailliord. The congregation of Kist): church, of Westfield. M. WAW41110all, were the Kincardine. laud week celebrated the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. McNevins completion of the twenty-fifth year of on Monday, the. 20th Master A. Rrv. Dr. Murray'r pastorate, and pre- Roach returned I last week after rented him with it MOS silver rervice. having a plettaitnt viiiiting tour to H. C. Doan, V. 8., of Zorlek. who friends at. Itunlop and Goderich Mire Lorette Roache is spending Mai - Mut a very narrow escape front in - days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and stent death • few days ago from being kicked and traiulted upon by it heavy .111._`1‘. m (.1.)`114'. 'F. ""Iii 41 stidlion, is now thought to have a good ".". "e7"'111 liar 14,W .(i - rieh W. McArthur,L who it not - chance uf recovery. ployed in tioderieh, lisittiendiug The 144111"f (bit Arlkinfl inoukicri. id days+ with his family. He looks well Winghant fur itoosaulting a nian on and tut if the pure air of Goderich and the night of the Ilith inst., took place Late Huron breezes+ agreed with hint. on Friday hefore'Mayor Vatutone and D. Mt•Nevitos, sr., is enjoying Magistrate Dunnage. °Ile uf the himself Aliarng friendifdt Arikers wax fined $10 and costa. Heiman mod tot herpoints. The Wingbans union !Sunday whilstl nrrosi another norreasondeno ezcursion will go to Kincardine this wee. Treleaven spent Sunday in the year,. Ilse date will he T"H•daY. county town.. August 4th. Wingluuts's civic holiday. W. Oliver, of Prosperity. is Moving The excursion will cover ponds on the into our rifles& line from Clinton to Kincardine. Miss -Holmes. of Liu:know. is the W. 11.. Thinupson,_ peanuinent eft- goeat izen Treirwater. died on Saturday, Mire Winnie !Miry, of iiindorth, is mkt Lniit., after sa Mows wiftending visiting her tarter., ver several months. Demand haul Mrs. J. McNab is recovering from business intereetn, and bad been her recent it dent of Teamster for twenty- MnD. J. Sickle Mu returned from sigh exam her visit at Kini•ardlitir. Giu. who, for the p311isot Lillie Smith, of idicknow. is the rivet of Mrt. MountAin. Mfrs Smith, of Mount Monett, is the vent tof her aunt. Mrs. S. Derves. Mrs. (leo. Manners- of Nl'inghant. is visiting her mother. Mn,. Mcklath. Miaow« Maggie and Martha 31allotigh are attending the convention at Detroit. Rey. A. W. Rithintettialid family are attending the C.. E. convention. at I)etroit.. Mrs. flarke, who haa been en:Ai:5 her mon. Tomple-Clarke, boo ret too her In lllll • at Auburn. Mex. A. ,A. Thompson (fortiterlv 'Mims J. Mallought. of Winnipeg, is visiting at the ohl home. Thr drug store 01 getting a coat of fresh -paint. When others see the int - 'novelle -a vrhatu they'll follow unit. laid Si lay the pulpit of the Methodiat et .11 Was 4,weilpird by Memoirs. (hit... ( &Vitt *lid lbs.. Het her ington. ef Nile. Mims H. 7.. M. N1'hyousl. of, Mill- brook, has arrived I for her, %A- velino. after spending it couple of weeks at Grand %. alley ;Ohl Tent - water. Moe twelve c&rt has been a teacher in (be Exeter publie school, luta resigned her position. nhe will remain at home, while Miss Evelyn OM leaves shortly take a two years' course in Toledo cl.y hospital. '. J. Chapman and family left Witgham last• week for their new bow. in Acton. Mr. lliapnati for many ears conducted a glove factory in 'thghaui. but the busiume has been anIi3gsniattd with that of the Storey �v. manufactory et Acton. On VS" redey of Lust week Mime Bertha l'. thundy, third daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. 'red. Grundy, Liseknew, was 'married tt Rom (i. lonowr, (of hig Salida, Mich,. The ceremony Will4 performed hy R. Dr. - Murray, of Kincardine, at wine of the twkles parents. Janus B*ack!initit hax sold his farm. It 42. cunurenofl 3. Kest Wawa- \norh. containing 11111 Area. to Jollies \.1,.. Marshall, of East IViewoutemh, for ilwito This la& good faint and has a- ' l'itit dwelling and gond fr.inie barn with.stone stabil+. under. r. Mar- atha! slut a guod bargain. The farm adjoins hie father's 2111.1 acres. Ed. Bryan* Jaintstmen, whiw,i. away un a hasiners trip across the oesan. has returned home. lir repo • a Peasant time. although the Wry arrow wax somewhat rotigh. tidied many ptints of interest in Ire- , land and Scotland. hiving him wheel along with him, thux sectring conven- ient locomotion while there, 1). Cantelon. in malmsey With other extensive buyers. has been'tueking a tour id the county and reports the Apple jettapecta not no good as earlier in the enumn. Thi. ix partie- dourly the MOP along the valley of the Maitland, where. he mayor, the yield wiU not be es great an in other parts id those townxhips.-News-Remorti. A pleamot and interesting event took 'place at the residence of Mr. anti Mr,' Stitt, Leadintry. on - Wednesday • miming, (Rh inst. when Mr. Stitt. stepdaughter. diem E Jene Forbes, wait united in merriege with John MAPlieriton.aAiroorermier1Pr of the vicinity. Thr cereniii wtui performed by Rev. Mr. Anderielin, of Walton, in the pristericeof neru-ly 2IIII invited guest«. Th,e-- bride wait a picture of taadenty-growe and Modest y and was bealltiftrflV robed. A Minentoble death at Exeter wail t hat of Mins KIM Morlock, At the early age of istrenty-one yearn. Mist Mot.- htek lute not been well for smite tint', lottenothing serboint was thought. And ehe was preparing for it trip to visit • friends in Columbus. Ohio, when she was taken more seriously ill and in hopes of prolonging her life an opera- tion wail reformed for appendicitis. he Sbore t e operation well and quite recovered front the efiectis, hut owing to other complication. -.he gradually sank. away oil Friday evening, loth inst. The home of Kenneth Cameron. of West Wawanosh. was the scene of it very pretty event on Mattircitay even - in, July 4th, when Dr. A /4. Mc- Dowell, of Bayport, Mich.. Was united In InArrifoge to Mina Lizzie Keith, of Albany. N. Y. 'the nuptial knot wait tied by the Rev. Mr. Millyard. if Lueknow. after whieh, All mat down to 4 oiceir Prepered tea. The evening was spent in Voce! and intanimentid music. Mr. McDowell left Ow follow- ing Monday morning to resume his practice amidst the good wishes of hie manyfriends. Walkerton Telescope p --One of the new promoters) of the Ilitron-Ontario Electric }hallway was in town on Fri- Oeseibilities of the district And the / 1 y. Thls WAS Mr. Nawyer, of Mont - drilla; °Hovel' mttal.he routeiAnt ithlemila ellAineleW fkrfi •asitutinting hinwelf with the Muffles') I Prolability of being able to Peru*" water porn% He woe accompanied f1 -nm Flesherton to Hannvor by Gilbert McKechnie, of DurhAm. and 48 Mr. McKeehnlat la An enthusiastie ailnktipe of the railway, it tufty he it.sinned that everything favorable G) (bit Motional wan duly pointed mit. by the time Mr. litawyer "*(44 Walkerton he Mid about made lift his mind that the railway would be & good thing, that there was Modem* enough in sight to nuke it Per and plenty of 'weter_privilettm Aloal the route to rito it, Hee* . '''i 1111111self ati hunts delighted wfth the Mammon+ of the emintry. Indeed. DUNLOP. fre had come up here expeeting to en- * seMtoriklernent and wait UnlellitY. July Sath. 4.»fleSItk'nfly not prepared for the Thos. Tiehltneue was at the linveall t's, %Anatol, whish awaited him. Prom paltering of Gentlemen HoodoY Of WaMisrinn Mr. Niefper left fOr WM*. lee '41`06k. lentbee! in a few &ye to Mho Annie 11 him) Mot otme make further twrawdoastraor. If they again to Churchill, 8tnieor county, to Archie taiga. oo wisn 4bit vat* (bap beim Meese Mr he* brother Charles; LEEBURN. Morosv, July 2I1th. Fall wheat -hart-isnot); started 111 this ..it last week. Joseph Mi•Sevitt was with his lades of Nile ()range lodge at the ngenwn's gathering at Blyth Mon - v of butt week. . . LOYAL rottener. July 21. James Amin is st Loyal ren•siiIig old /um no taiscirm. ihnilop's pretest sct•ilie paid oval a visit laid 4 day. Mrs. J. Jonemi of Disierii•h, visitedMt-,t. M Vt. (1.- F. McPhee las),Friday. • re,,,,- Otur leading fa r, W. F. tieing. is pabitini- this- mese on the Jones fano). .---- Mho f(Riti.cr, of Ooderich, spent last week With\ her rister, Afro. A. W. - A. W. Witteweare a smiling face- si linen tons of hay off five Acres is a pretty good vield. \ -\\.- - - PORT ALBERT. Tricen.t V. nly 21iit. John Medias- is home from ratfoni., W. W. Hoak int% of l'hicago is herr on his annual vitiation. T. (1. Hawkinx came down froni\the sito int Mal 'inlay tiempend at month at his biome here. , Mr. Simpson, of Brantford.Tet owned to his h veottetslay. after visiting his brother, tilos. •Iiiniownt sr. ' Messrs. Lehman, Irsilie, storey and .14 ihrlMt4119 are making great porno in ✓ he vatting in ttoune tchiry it , Mr., Fichoenhalr's new mill. A g thope in intr midst over, i Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Haw, kiwi and family. Mr. a d Mrs. I.. ('iirrell and family, Mies M y Mclaten, and 1)t. Hayden, all of' Olelerieh. Mr. and 'Mem. John Bennett have received word of the marriage of their moil. Robert, C. Bennett, of hicagtt1 to Miss Harris ef the same city. groom ix an old Port Albert Noy alsl bin frienda here etingrat tilde him and wish him And him bride every itiotpi- nese. MAFEKING. nutritive. July 21d. Wheat harvest has commeneed and the prospetts for a bountiful yield are very gold. Tommy heed haa been lei& up with a Revere attack of pneiunonia, but is relovering nicely. There was quite it large congregation at' BlAke'm Sunday evening. Some of thaw prevent heard Mr. -Smith for the first time and enjoyed hie dietvmme very notch. W. R. nekton -0o 4. expeeted home from Aasinihoita. He wee called bit owing to the 'irritate diners' of him father. Ind we are pleneed to note that Mr. Treleaven It much better and wUl soon he enjoying hie tonal health. Word hart len respired that the three pupils whit wrote on the en- tranee examinetion from (hit whool have ancereiled in purling. Ouch a re - milt regalia to one minde the good old Omni when Win. Henry Johnefon used to send forth tittle hand to victory, and almost Inds itti to Plink that old No. P is not yet deed enough to he hurled. anyway. L„,,„,, • 4. who is Nettled on2i, farm of eighty acres there. Our popillar resident, John 11. Barker, watt work on hie cement eon - tract ottUide the piers at eachof i the.Mait hind bridge. !Samuel tr er, ,,Itiu the junetion of three po Mar corners; known as Butternut and Pophir Howl( and Hull Run Avenue, it }fluty with his mixer, which is kept on 'the w hy John Ryan's engine, of Turkey Run, which extends eastward to that progressive village., the Nile of Huron county. '.:.. . o lave a good time in off 1 s. at Saittord, ati they hitve plenty of the aqua ptua for run- ning the engine and fin- refreshing theniseivem when required. Stun., iii his j•minger days, spent many eleaw. ant visits in Sanford. He won 1 let Jack blow the whistle at 7 it. Ii., so its Wit* village bents( can sleep without being disturbed in their . Morning dovelike.. LANES. TfticaltAY. July 21st. Mims Irene Sineltzer is ladling' GI Luck now. Mites Spey White, of Stratford, is the guest of Mrs. W. P. Reid. Mr. MeBurney. of Whitet•litirch, through our village 011 Kith - Mr. and Mist MacGuire, of --Ripley, were tis.- guests of Miss T. Lane, on liablat h. Mr, and kfre. P. finieltzer, 41 Luck - now, visited their son, Joseph, of this 1/1/0.14, 1111 Sunday. Mem. W. H. .11(dinston and flintily, of Kipp. -n, are !ending a few. days at the home of mot. 1). Alton. • Miss Reta Treleavo•ii, of Dungannon, 15 spending her holidays with her gertinalparents, Mr. 10111 Mrs. Lane. A not her visitor arrived 40 (1111- burgh on Monday. The wife of J. Mnieltser presented hint with it tine boy. Mother and child are doing nicely. Cougratuletions, Joe! AUBURN. Tresn.tv, July 21s John t'teik, one of fair former (mac visiting in this locality la piss( A sister-in-law of the Rev. Mrs. Small is visiting at the manse at pre.. ent. Alfred Weatheral is at prissent visiting It bretht.r in the State. of Mich AVioto would not be ittent.her et t he present t iiii .? Mr. Gibson. of %Vest Wawanneh, who lately embarked in the tiuitri sew; experienced it sniffing sen- sation last week., hhi better half pre- senting him with a son'. . Mime Wellwoutl, a former teacher of our public te.lit ed. is spending a trat.t of her holidays here at Arrant 're- no•wing, her acquaintance with her former, pupils and friends. Haying 1/4 progrersing slowly, many Oroliting.frodif the putt Sel4144/1 and Stiffing atittirkeolot having too much reputes! at„tbricig. Fell wheat is t•Isen- ing quickly : already the binder is in some field,. John Wagner met. with it meriotim act.itlent last Saturday. 114- wee raking hav at his mon Jacob's, in Ahe Maitland Block. He fell otf the rake, receiving several bruises and cuts aimmt the head. The altm•tor,was 1411111 mooted. In the evening 1 hey were able to get hien home. Nothing meritnis avorehentled. A Painful Accident. Witightun. July 21.--A itainfutacei- dent happened at 'helland on Saturday last to the Ilyear-old mon of Sire. 1.1":„.1. Macdonald, a willow. It itiopears and 11011.e lothera were howling chimer tin a wagon nu..k. he being on the b When in pitching the clover 011 two tinem of a pitchfork entered his body -,- tone In the abdonwn and the other in the thigh -penetrating *bout an int.h. The w ds have been deearieil, and unlemai blood poissintitgemeta in the two will recover, but, "it wits eertainlyilt very narrow rider. Making -Plans for the 0. P. R. tiocknow sedueet. --The question of extending the Cana- dian Patine Railway front Guelph 'to (44141erieh is again looming ttp. This WaNIUIVIleitt4441 /U4 a live scheme twenty years ago and has ht•ielly appra on the inot•izion at intervals sinre t 41, than talk was ever done. ‘Vh ther bon for !4. • 1142011111 1111thillif 1.11111,11:r red- tit d dies it stop e (sinned W la not P. R. is /wide belt or not the present agitation wi greater fruit we are not prep nay, Ina it is rertitin it the IS Clime t11 gierieh it Will there. and we hope • vill will see to it that Luck') giveti the gii-by. The (' anxions to tap the loi through this sectiou an we are con- vineed that if the road jti ever started it will c ll ft, 4 41U.k111/51/. New County Onuncit.Act, (incite, Mercury. The Mtitiiiipal 1Vorlil hitt' 444 rot . - roses' mdent ot are rat her aveo-se to the new act relating to the 114111StitIlt 1011 Ur elaint y etneu.ils. Coder its pro- visions the eimnrilti of It peal tnilnici- stlities in ttlIalilly Ate empowensi to hy resithat 1011 that it is 1 xpetli- he conned of such rolinty posed of the verses of li Villages 'Ifni the inn yors of towns bit separated fr the coon y, instoad of the rt•presentatives ivisions as at veil- • the passing of ' a major- icipali- erk nt....1 he s to Ors trim- to ' •t• of me .-,it t ha shoulti 1 townelsips et 4. minty council .-t1 (wood it Med. dootittlis ()Mills nit ty of the her .ibt of I, tips in the county, the 1 ty shall ,.-it ifs the fa comity e 11, atitishall also the 11th itt th.tober inisert it no t lie parsing of such resoliot bets in nit wmpripet. vololiotheti in the (snit' town: and en one other tiewspape oldishet1 in t he viand V. thereafter it shall not be necempary to holij an election for et misty emoneillto, am theretofore provideil in the Act. and thereafter county ensinnils shall ire eompoired of nutyora and reeves. The chief 11111-C6111 is the (lisps). porti llll ate weight whieh anti town representatives would have in the comae e1inn,IU4 contemplated. One correspondent, eitem st snotty wherein the fifttsot township ret•verl (taking the Average) would each rep- resent /I population of 3.1514 and &MASI IlRlif1,4041 Inlypert F. whilst the six villegtoreeyes would each represent bet WI8•11 and OM of palliation. and 4112,f514 nf 101/1144441 in•opert y. lt ix true the amending A et vit- rifies that on any ateetion ,involving An extwntlit tire ii) reverts of 111,eal for any pontos other than the "minuet enment expellers" of the nsionkipality, the value of each tnember'm vote shall tw hived intim the atiootinf of equalized atosessinent which he npresentit. It le feared, however, that difficult iem may easily arisein determining whether tt promoted expenditnreef under the head- of "towered annual expellant" or otiwriviar. Flirt her, it numerical ittejority, if mo dietweed, wtmM have little difficulty, it 4.. eleim- ed. in dividing .tp or otherwiten monlpitleting a monied etpenditure, elthottgh in totem of *LORI. in much manner out to m-er-ridio a majority In song of this mannion. of 'townie'', and thus iftecGially diem,* of meth little aproboalioa as ens this prawlsiost peu- 11 a .7 poses to provide 'for the laig er The late Premier Hartly'r t. blot aim in chatiginv the constitution of the county councils in 1(04 was to- do unity with the reetionalism which made neves and deputy reeves con- sider matters more from the stand- point of their own township, or village than from the standpoint of the county intereet. helped that the forming of divisions would do away with some of this sectionalism, at the ni aincillors would • then represent a wider constiturney. It had that effect iti 141 110,44144111,e, but it hall the weak - KIM/ of thereby throwing the ty c •what out of toter.lo wit h t he corrent tovvioltip and illage affairs. as the county -councillors were 1111 11101111WI14 Orthe 111160111010te 1101014 tilit anti elowely in touch with thy, cur- rent'munit ipal busittees„ as they were under the old system. The 6/W11/alit/N. 110WeVer; are not likely to welt the new act, as it twriously impairs their control over the 'minty Immures 4114tistagti. ortion t hea ir sme sessnt and 1. LONGER COURSE AT NORMAL:" New Regulations Issued by the Education D partment. The new regulations for normal et -hoots have been announced. Here- aftet the sessions will open alt the iteemid Tuesday id September and close the third Friday in June. Nit tone will be aflinitted as a teacher who does not pluses!, at )1111611' leaving standing, and Who has not taught • year suci•essfully. Applien- tit 111 fur alilllititli4111 is 141 be 111101e t4/ the Deputy Minister, at:romp:plied by ne- tts. of 110. A certificate lit loss( health and al chinactoo• is also required. The standing. of students it. t tuiiii itg will br determinokl 1/11 the results of ttrt• oweesional exit at' it 01tilleteli lity the Staff, and on a final hien 11 priu•tieal teaeloing 11111111neteil by the Educational Department. iieeeliftet• candidates to be 1111.1.1,111111 11111141. 0114411 41) yet 04111/ 11 the marks in eiu.h subjett of that written and practical examinant at and no per cede. of the aggregate markt.). Candi- tee who 111141411 75 iter rent. of the a regate iiiorti. shall Its awarded lute ns, Cantlitlhtes who. obtain ti-. tami .10 r cent. to 50 per cent. ot the at. 'flay i,I,titiitit 'hinted. eer aggre filtrate, valid for time, years. Afb.r t light surritssfully for al least • %.-tii t this certilkate it Ina y toe 1.0iiVerteti 1 II) a life (sit Mean. by pu4sing the til exandeation of the mat st.hot . i'ainithlates w ho make 114104 than .1 per cent. 11 the ag- gregate will be r lies:led to attend it normal school anio ier term. - The e of et iit embraers. as at present, the 14444-111.14 1, *I -Allen( 100/ 4)iS- t4/1"U of etliwat hat, scli4 1 nianagement, anal the best met Nods o present at it of each siatoject of the oldie school elaurae of study. A, Specie attention will lw given to thr 1,044.-r bps•ts (of nature at tidy, ete1111.111tat.y seience. ion I tea g. and ho old science. Tilt; calendar will be tit in the eouree of two tor there wee A Limit to Everything. A retired navy enlit mitt WAS /114kell 111 fire air( old cannon in order it t bring to the sin•fotee (of a lake the body, of yt ming man wit.) hall iwen (intuited. The (.aptain pet 1111 1101.11111111 SI/e111111y t11 th, edge 1.1 the lake. and ti,-tsi the lllll Then he 010rehed bark h lllll r. In the ,Ineati- ' • it 'Maly had 4,111111 111 the /41111/14.11/ 101 it Wait not that .of the venink man. 'flit. captain WaSi,td tiec.I to return. Again be fired the cannon. This t ' • he waited to Kee the renitit. Sin/11 then. Wits 14 ripple and it body came top : an other ripple and Another busty came to the surface. ' ,"There," said the captain, " take Your pick 1" Ift• waited- on shore while the search - eta went tont for the botlien. They ea ttttt • back and reported that neither was the, body that wam watiotielt€I. V. ouldn't in. tire the n re i "No •,7,staid the explain. "No, by guns. DI/ you thiuk I'm going Lo met up in (reposition to the judgment r-- New York Times. THE MAPIKET5. firsts Futures Are Nosier -carat. Cables •esi Loweir-;,Limi Stook Igarkots - Thai !Attest GMetatione. Saturday Erodes. Int, la. 1474,11001 wheat futures closed %.2 lower toile; than un nous and cern futures ea- chat to 134.1 lower. 7 At lotto: Sept. wheat Suited th4lowee (1..iwidalowry.:ftept cora %c lower a 8ePit. 0.11 trORICION hondou--Close: Wheat to 9111 Sage eery sprwised. 3d. ` luur-hpor 11:1t‘n..t1r2e7.4. Ifsiso on peurase, offerinll; ot Ameican Parts Clooe: Wheat tone quiet: leis 24f 145e, Nor. and Feb. 221 W. Viotti. -Too* quiet. July 32f Mk, Nor. and Feb. alVe 40e. Antwerp Wheat-- spot steady,- 2 R. W. 4.RAntwO WIERAT renewing Ire the clods( quotations •jt impothint wheat centres to -day : h. No. 1 SI, Pti4 1514 7$% Tale iii4 7714, 71,44. 784`,O441e,zonoitilciilly KIN of Woodwork. OWL July: ::: Doe.' i'rejl% I 164011 'wry (Of Ic/111filit1101101100111111) l'hicago 81te 111,4 11.111 . hits rebillit 'arid refitted will; Nes York TOROST0 Sr. LAW/111110R MANILikr. Wheet. rat, bash 10-76 to 40 TT Wheet„ white, bolt 0 RI 0 TT , , li'kest, spring, 0 70 • 72 id. every description ket t stock. iVheotgooseMoth 0 70 Morley, ben , 0 4114 Lentis, bush, .1 1 30 1 00 Beaus, hateteinhea o. 1 75 Nash, Matto. forantek. Moulding stn Fees, bush 0 714t4 Interior mad Exterior Finishing of till ltre, .bmilt • i.. 6 45 kinds on hand or inade to order. Ong mad 'trete- ' 110, ten ; .414 00 to 1.... Nay,it5w, per too i.. 1 50 10 06 'At raw, 1004 r bit .... 5 SO etrsw. *car. ton ..I0 00 .... trrillif • OM& Time lea... 10 to tn 40 71 F. SMEETH. ontonikltheee,p,peri. 0 0 ND Toultsir-, Tnetems psedh 707: "101".'a6M18' *prime oh Mini. per Intr50 Chtekediscils,e; mite Porten dur . per pair 0 00 1 00 • !NNW Darcy Ptrellwrior, Eine arm!. 13144, t. "0 90" TINWARE Ratter, lb. roils, , 40 CATTLE MAEI(ETS. One of the roost danger - owl and repuhave farms a Kidney Disease Is OPSY • for wkitlit.bodd's Kidney PUip are the only ibertala out. la Dropsy the Kid - soy* ars actually defestad it,, and the water, which should be expelled In the form of urine. Sows back and lodges in the eons of the Rabb and pit est die skis. Remove tits 11th wblch plugs uT:etab Retore cd:2le health. There is y. sae A Kidney Medicine ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS area .0 on 119 4100 !IMO. (aures -L'alvimi sold at 42 to 110 trireepPr43-10t0 aer, lartiSrewt'to.113.75 per ewefel rant, wed bucks •t 1215 to -13. Indss Latebe-Prters steady at .2.50 1. 94 wan. •oge-Beet select bares bogs, not less twrisamIreee, Lib% anterumaeorepetrbasoxr0:. NiehlteatseaLechi rata at 0_40; SOWS, 14 to 114.25 per ewt, &as stage. 42 tip Oa pot cwt. EAST 111171rVALO 0•TIL14 WARIART. East Buffalo. July fit --Cattle-Receipts. 75 head; steady; prime skipping Kerr*, 14.00 to 115.115; butchers' at cern, 54.20 to $4.85: cows and heifers. 42.50 to 54.70; :hullo 141.26 to 114.25: stockers and feedent, .12.25 to • 4.15. Teajo-itecripta, 250 head; stow, 555, 1525. Noge--Rocelpta 5)00 head; stair*, to 10a higher 011 good welghts, where at14541; loser. $5.75 to 15.65; mired. $583 to 55.051 YoZku-t-t. 15 to 5606; plea $4.26 to IWOroughs. iS to $5.20; stays, 14 to 14.50; 11 t daIrtea, 15.75 to 15.110; 11..•y deletes, •50 to 116.90sheep and Jambe -Receipt.. 1100 hdadi Notify*: lantini, 114.50 to Irt; teen Ilithatere.p-56Top25, tad:* "oa15‘..1;12ewboe.5.4...r/inwettetteso,44- 14.5° at°a$61tsti CATTLN WARIEST. Londe.,. July 114 14ye cattle steady at dressed wiNghti Canadian • et's, 11e to 1.2o per lb. fur Anzeiii....an teen. to 11%c per Ib; refrigerator be.t,9 e p. Ib. Sheep. 1044o to 12,e. EMEZSR MARKETS.' atillertil• ton beard today - BetlerDe. 1$.-1 the weekly Meek ls of Ens I 31 factories *Eared 3300 white and 354 esuored skews. Sales on ttt board Wtro Thi. Within 090. James •tolander 444 liarrratk & Ce 320 150 colUred. at 14 9.1tiej Jewett Ategender 00 at WV. Balance la &ening tot cum •t IRO tO it 044st Mast17 the iatter. Half -Price Sale of 3235.C'S7Cle S-La.ite3 Mlicycle Pa.m.to 3E3ozre Shirt Waists 33 °ye' 32310-umees POSITIVELY ILL BIN AT HALF PRICE. -4. STRAW HATS BIG REDUCTION IN PRICE. ALIA_NZW GOODS. New Summer Ties, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, light- weight Underwear, etc. See our new American Rubber Oollars--Just arrived. McLEAN BROS. ART TAILORS. CLOTHIERS. OUTFITTERS., 'Phone 77. The Square, GODERICH. CEO. W. THOMSON & SON MUSIC DEPOT Hunt out your* Bicycle IAD I. I-1LX' I Tourist Resorts Penetang. Muskoka La Georgian Bay, - Upper Lakes. Lake to Bays, - Whit Magnetewan River, Kawartha Lakes, Thousand Islands. Quebec, Portland, Me., Old Orchard. Ma., Mountains. The .tis nt ,.'tottare all reached via the (ironed - Think. Excellent ...-,sit. ft to Moskiokit stionet.ting with Me:1,14'1N 1.1 or '• liSkOkik" 11,14. and I It her 1141.1.14.4 MI Musk ka.Lakes. al- so at Huntsville for porton lake tot Bays. Ttairist.tirkel• are oto sale hog a trip throilKli the I,Akes in High- lands of thittio. Isut 4,, I/014. tn. 'Upper Lakes. (Hill to Eastern point For tickets. illiedrited and dizeri1. tive literatJ111. 11 ra110411/111 11114-44 and 1111 0101.1111111011 /IS 4.. 1,1111t11-14 anil rates for summer tours. apply to 1•4. 1•'. LAW It EN( Tttsi-tt Ticket .tgent. floderich. .1. )41111AIT1)N. Station „t1(1•111. 1;011111'1141. J. D. kli•DONALli, 1)4striet Paseenger Agent. wow.. F, SMEETH'S PLAN INC MILL COIL NELSON MT. and CA NIBRIA ROAD, tiODERICII. Building Material Emituaittes revel/ibis' on nitplicalli»). (inlets sidle:nisi. HAND MADE DAIRY Cables Loeb weed-- A nit erke • Wks - kers Reported Moll and 011oOdy. TOROWTO LITE STOCK. Recrepts of lire Mock were 1104, Mast tootle, composed ,or OM cattle, Wit toolte. 575 sheep and !mho, with 11.901 110 calor* h:zportens 30 -it tore% .:priers are worth 45 to 1515 per cot ; owallam to good at anent 14.7111 t. (430. Kapott Nullit -tonic" quality hulls et lit to Mau per owt.• send ball* bid at 113 AO to 4330per ',Wt. Report cows -onset tows Sold at MAO Per ewt. belehMe. welybleg 1096 to 1100 Ihe Eittlion Cattle -5.,k, picked Iota at ekt.1.411:61;. gait, or roan% .zeTttler:i 00 to 4436; fair to gond, 4435 t• 11.11 to m; rough to tanner. $2.43 etnn; Feeders. Steen of ,fisoll MOO ton° lbe. men an worth PESO to 44 Plwrwt 54344 Se. wsI-t4 43 ti 1571 pas *WV oft (Man a.4 sr Pow WiEstlifire . am' weisine ars molds NY onalimiNn r '461.1m1m1111•11•1•11111, I have the rtrgest stock of hand tnade Dairy Tinware' 111 Godorich; all made tfirno.m heavy English Also Favestrougli- iiii ing,Galvanized 110411/ Iron Work, Metal Otilings; I1.uofings, Plumb 1:0111/: aiinigd.‘&1ings, Fur- naces AO 00001141 Worse' \ ave it Wiles)l and it needs repeire we have eve7thing need - of lires, Pedals, Hints, spokei, Saddles, Enamels, R DRPARIMINT la in charge of a Repair man ,'ho under - eke right any ill that a Wheel Is heir to. \ trureents *till Mad. " n"- Pianos and Organs. ,,\ t" and "tlerlin" Pianos. \ ips, Harmonicas, Mandolini, Gramophones. lusic-Vocal and Instrumental. N \ 6E0 W. THOMSON 1, & NSO! If you h•ven't one, mil round'and we will sell you "Racycle" "Brantford"' Crescent" "Hyslop" "Regal" "Berlin" ew. VULE'S"'"""""'" BICYCLE and KINGSTON STREET REPAIR Shop \\ We handle *kinds of ne geode machine., among thud the CLEVELAND, F. . and ANTELOPE. In our shop you will find nothing but the st, which is none too good for you. We can 6`your wheel with a "Now Departure," "Cinch," or "Morrow' Quitter Brake. \They're aU right. Try one. Our SECOND -BAND WHEI4L,S are all thoroughly overhauled in an expert manner, anti me sure to give good satis- faction, even at the low prices we se il at, Come and see us if you want tatisfaction at very reasons 'mi. Wt. nod whet.la- • -Do all kinds direpairm- -Sell itii•yelo• sundries -----,Make old whet. 'e know how to dal it -hut only on fila nd test how good the big repair shop it es 10411 te ns. do YULE,- Bicycles, Repairs, Sundries, Livery. EET, NEXT OPERA HOUSE, GODEltial. taiiiii114441141441411144444iiii444 HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE. LL KINDS OF - COAL ALWAYS ON HAND rits Scranton Hard Coal IN TUN MARNNT Al Otal WeIgba4 Os the Market Reales where yoollget G3fb.. for a too WM. LEE. orass,--tot at LEN & 311:11PIC83.DI Shen promptly attended te. Superb& Cable WIRE BEDS l'atiostottiI MAy. 11001 ARE OUARANTEED 11111 0 11 It )17 J. BROPHEY & SON (m1)17,111(11. Read all The Signal 1 It is lull of Good News I GUNDRY BROS"' ivery, Hack ANO is Stables ti(111) 'tVttMliM C A It 411A IFS t' 11 A E T ( A -r' REAMONABI. -U A T wa. 'WelbapPoinie 'thicket and li- able driver in ehafge itt, the wh)(dj'wTh meet all/t ral 115 and steamboats AL1, CA ..)4 ATTENDED TO PROM1 I,Y F110111 'HOTELS AND P 1VATE HOUSE)) GpilDRy BROS. WrItEKT 'PHONE FIFT;i1 J. BROPHY & ON - TIES 111401115 - Yu:luxe& V.v.-cum and iLmottUtte.vs. orders earoftityorOpsoiNA it au Mum a mu. se Ossime ;„ 0;'%tAtt."i4lik *.'‘N 4 •