The Signal, 1903-7-23, Page 5' 1
Pope's Death Was Grand
,and. Serene.
Pontiff died at•4:04 p.m.. Monday, July 20thi, After
Twenty-five Years as Supreme Ruler of the
Catholic World -Papal Authority Does on, Car-
• dinal Ureglia Being in Full Command Until Col-
lege of Cardinals Elect a Successor to Leo XIII.
Rome, July 111 -Pope Lao XIII. ie
Ills lite Dickered out at four urin-
ates put tour o'clock yesterday af-
The period ut over two weeks thut
Pope Leo passed to the shadow of
death was •e leu wonderful 'hall
his life. Ti. pleuro-pn.umoula, with
which lite Holiness bad been suffer-
ing was soaro•ly so responsible fur
hie death me the Insvltable decay of
tissue following uld age. The emaci-
ated wet lifeless (rause, which held so
brave a .pmt Iles on the bed in the.
\'atteah beside which almost all the
World hu pray .i The red damask
coverlet 'mete 1111(1, un the body,
the cardinal's scarlet nape 11 ahuut
the shoulders, while on hie head has
been placed the I'apal hoed of vel
vet, bordered with •101,5 A white
silk handkerchief is bound about his
Are,t: 1
e• /I
n, ',id In the hands. -which ha
010 many thuuiends
ac a,er•uctaSox.. o the\
W lwill .'•eis until
tic b uniformed utile
rough clad
Liege s,/ Cardleal.
hal hewn
body. or
to -day,
of tht•
T. dayy t
nab will
ceremony, of
Fupp. Leo'..
[ton has bets
.` will be taken
Youth Wlul
*here It will
era ceremonies.
days. he rein
the (y rel
they will'11e I
reeling platy
- will; be In the
$t. John the Lateran
l.•,e•s 11.51 M. .51...
Pop. leo'. Anal ' motnents
marked by that .sine roily
d'votton, and. when wax
ileums, that calm Intelligence wh c
associated with his twenty -fl
years' Punttffoat.• I11. was n�•
death An hour before he dlod, lily -
mug to Ur. l.apj,uni and his duvet
idle!, Pio (antra. h. murmured,
''rhe pain I suffer is meet terrible."
Yet hie parting words were not of
('h�' physical anguish that he suffer-
ed; but were whispered benedictions
upset the cardinals and his nephew.,
war♦ knelt at the bedside. ■nd kl.
look t toward. Ole 'great Ivory
crucifix swing In the death chem-
ise. . Pra tically all the L caribnalp
now M Ito.ui kn'r•llni at th. bed-
side. Watched the passing of hie
Joel Earner In the day ('.rdlnal
Serafino Vunuut.-tai had Iroprrasivlev
prunuunc'wl the ai5oIuliun in articulo
reused college of ardi-
Il: for the luipr 'Ilse
officially prunouriclnpf
After thio Dad tunc-
formed ' the body
las the small throne
.fag t e death chait.b..
'used. The fun:
to will Ittend over nine
bel removed to
of tit. tory, when
n .tate. ultimate
of the d Pontiff
�iurnific•at a.11lca tit
Death was Really Crawl.
The condition of Ills h ollne•s var-
from agony to Conga., 01 tbla
•upreeue muah•nt Dr. Laplt9nl gives
au lmprtwlve description:
''Death occurred through ekaau.-
tfoo, although in the last two • • r'5
Pop. Leo made • supreme effort o
gather all hie energies. He suer
In recugntrlug those about him by
the sound of their voices, and bis
eight was almo.t entirely lost. Still,
he made a marvelous display of his
energy, and even his death was real-
ty grand. It was resigned end or -
tine Very Mw eaamplee,can tin eiv-
ea of a wan of •ooh adiranc•ad age,
after au exhaustive •an illness, show-
ing such Supreme courage in dying.
The Pontiff's last breath war taken
, exactly .t four minutia past fuur.I
epproaahed a lighted candy at Ail
mouth three times, according f the
IradltIona! ceremonial, and aft
wards declared the Pope to b. n
mon. 1 then went to inform Card-
inal Oreglia, the dean of the sac#ea
college, who hnttadietely •seumed
lie power and gave orders that the
Vatt�an be cleared of all ctrrlss p.r-
eons \ having no right to be tbi•fdn.
Conteatporaneeinly the eardinal M -
\,'trusted' Mgr Hight, meter of eel*
nlw, to send two Swiss guards
om the (enwntine Half to close all
e entrant' to the Vatican and di.-
dlt . pe ons from the death
thathber, the b v being entrusted to
I the FraiKlecan )kniteotiarlee.
see P.wir.
Meant! emits d( momeetrne itm-
portance o Catholic chrfstendom
• were occur The death of, Pop.
Loo meant lie passage of the me
prem. powr Into th• baht. of the
( college nt,cardlnal. The pear.
8,et,adolnistratltl♦ ni.cttlnery of the
ehurejh provided .geinet the slightest
interruption of the forename atthon
itt' A. th.'.j ler member of tb.
•erred a liege, C ln.t Oreglya, to
whom the Pope yeeter9�gr solemnly
reAnet•s° the Interests of 'flee ehurah
tt'tklgg Per.pnallty of she hour.
!h• rasswat O•reas.wt.s,
only the most general funeral oar•
it retirement. have thus far been made.
ash• he .hock of the Pope's death lot
al Oreille has heeowtw the
CardOnal (A•' Ila, together ettgileit all awltht the
mrml",re he merest col will
detertian. the details of the TM elahor-
Inst niM al earemoeles, which will
llgh up 1• • aleft eH Vat IiiiOir '_ WJ -ail the -eat
range, Is' 'neater) the little tOwf
of Carputeto.• Its ave thuu.rnd in-
habitant. pursue the even tenor ut
their way far from the stir of the
world. Though but fjtty miles south-
w••.t of Rum.. iia" Inaccessibility
re setically cuts It off from the fret-
ful rush ut this age. Nu rallwaY de-
secrates the quiet ut the muulttala
hamlet, and few care 10 toll up for
rig -sag path that leads to th. frag-
ment of the old world.' • It is sur-
rounded by ancient L. for*tavativas.
Marty in the .tw%ahlrjsith-.century.. .. _
monastery .of the deformed k'rancla-
ran Menke was established there. its
quaint mediaeval buusee and, strut
straggle with pie teremite. lack b
plea over Ito uneven resting place
It was to this refuge that u nobl
family , of eiienu lame about 15111
driven from ate optive place by in
truecine feuds. This family bore th
pummel, of Pearl. It mottled, down.
and it.. membere became dletinguish-
ed In the church and In thelaw
courts. It was in this quiet ape
that, on March 2, 1810, •Joachim,
Vincent Itaphael Ludovico find, the
future Poatlff, was born. /lis ' mfr
their was the soul of evi•ry goo
work oto piety and art of • philan
brollyy set un fout In the town: ilia
the!' was an office.' in Napoleon'
ona. ,y
• 1 tablas•
agricurture and uleustry, It Was. neve'
an easy test to govern Benevento."
Further honors were welting him.
In play, 1841. he was appointed Ikl-
'•lla• of Spoleto and wka bent to
Perugia. It vers regarded by the
t•hurch a must important e•umwls-
slun, as the stete was permeeted
aritl Chrfaltlu pt•nt� i.. ped
loll yt guterntueat was a repetition
el his succorer at Benemento. Among
other of hie Innnt•otons was the es-
tabll•hnisnt Oi.1 1,iugla Ravings
flank. He recuguii..J that education
wail a potent agent fur the ,regenra-
tion 01 Italy and used all his influ-
ence to open schools when, thin were
none, and to Improve theta where
tleyt existed.
Crested Ar•Pale►.p. 1 .
In his thirty-third year on..January
27, he -was created titular archbia
op ed Damietta, and•wrs, on March
19, transferred to till the post of
Apostolic Nuncio , it the court
of Brussels, Litakult and more
difficult were the teaks assigned to
him. Belgium 'was et this time r' hot-
bed of conspiracies against church
and State. Education .geiu Iscau.•r
the rare of Nuncio •1'ecrt, and he set
himself to build up the denuurinu-
tiu.l • schools and .colleges. At
court he woe gulden upiniuns, and
1puld I. was orae compelled to
Say, "ltually, 'Monsignor, you are an
sister a politictrn as you ere an ex-
• -census( churchman." When in the
sntuwn' of 1845 he was recalled to
• become: Bishop of Perugia, he bore.
• with hire a request" from leoieold,
)• thut the I'up.• wuuld confer on his
' young Ambassador the distinct ion of
3 days, only 3
id-Sumrner Sale
of hullos', gents' and children's shoes, ;-flatly 23,
24; 25. At this season our stock sizes are
broken and we are going to clear out all odds
and end4 at a sacrifice in. order to slake room
for our fall goods.
If you have never bought here you don't
know what you are Bussing.
KIII'S (161 Stand,
h- Jurdau pIuck:
a cardinal '• bat. I11. return Was
dtlhy.d by a month's visit at the
.•unri uf tit. Jounce, Itt England, end
se%eral weeks' stay In 1'arl
t when at last be arrived in • Rome,
Gregory was at death's door and u11-
• able to read the res- uendetiun. 1t
d war the I' '■ expressed Intention.
•however, to tow upon .hint thus
red •h.J, an In entlon the\fuIt11Im•nt
of which was o y prevent. • by the
death of the Pon R. 1t 'was of till
Der. 141, 1853. aha Nue ix: aimed
him to this emlneew giving pl, The
presbvteeral title ql 1crt Cbry•kojon s
■441 T
he boy was of a delicate constl-
tution. and hos mind was never turn
ed by t . glamor of his f.ther'r pro-
h•esio vid.'nce of this a fuu • d in
the fou. 1. tl in hl■ fourteenth
un keln •a from hie follows
deluvrr . ation 'before th.• a
wild .tudent.of. bis
as his subject - the
triumph of the
rut. %wlew. of
sembled 1 ult
college. he hose.
moral rad b
Holy 'fee uv
Napoleon's d.W stir
In 11417 the 1 ily , uved'to Rome
in order that t led , . gut • attain
some tincture of tern. yenr.Iater
was placed in t c . J.. it college
Viterbo. where remained for
years Among hl schoolmates
Father Tel -
bier, 3 J., who died mot any ydar.
ago In Montreal, Mup•rier neral of
tho Musters in Cisitada. In his
eleventh year, while still In a care
of the Jesuits. he was hroug very
neer to d.-ath's dour by a al •ea.
that Impair his health fur th
taalader of h life. lie was one
ths."Arst etude,' s to be enrolled
the Collejle Ito .0, after its r
atoratiun to the Jesuit order fa
1923. -1n thfs•yea be headed a de-
putation of student who waled on
ape-leeI �Th• haract'and
p soonallty Xer oi\thla.,pio • term left an
llble Imrs iy'
pron on the outh's
m d: It was then. '•ubt, that
lestly ambitidp s •red.
the was the venarab
Dlq/ u\C
The academic course' Of\
Pucci .as one of brillianceen
■hado the greatates of the
ort • . From his twelfth
writ en Latin prow and.
fart ty and' elegance. 1a
recu .•ed as b.ltig first of
ph sacs and chemistry.
clo of is course in 1930 the
hig die nct •n was conferred upon
hint of being ailed upon to repre-
sent ' a center M a defence sgatast
a11 -co • rt. of t _ , Jrouu ,atm sub-
ject -mat r t res )•ears leashing.
This to ) of mentality was a
great schu t e end, and the hlgle
est dignita es en ed the 11sts on
these occaslu •.
ma -
ear be
Lulurtuoate hes ball constitution
forbade that shot d pluck this
laurel In the urk preparation
he broke down and li pbystolan
Would not allow h t Is.
In the strife e1 argu • •1.
At t'ha oempl.tiu e his het*
course to 1880 he ort the
etude' a1 Dtvlalty al •1Nre4t
of the Sapient*, or, p dprlp,
tile-Cnlvernhy of Rotate. le eo ex-
celled in his fire* year that IN was
again selected fur public dist tuition.
Of bis performance 1'h. Unt er ity
Register records "The young • shu-
t gave such evidence of his
It that one may easily divine
wh distinction he is sure to a
taan. such was his 'emcees that he
was as to repeat the lectures •on
'philosup to the students ut the
Ueremn co 1 egg.
iet.nNOlpl•esatle Pervfee. -
Having eultt to his lot with the
secular prIesth he had In 1832 to
thews* between rochlal duty or
the diplomat re sere a of the Ponfl-
fielel Governue•nt. To chose= taw
fetter and entered the academy for
noble ecrleniastice Here he was 1n-
ktructod by the most coin t jurists
In civil and canon law. ift contin-
1Nd to push hie et utile* to theology
and won notable honors. Th.\.yrs
of t Ittihad dignitarte, had
draw to the y g "choler by this
time it berms/ Doctor of Civil and
('noon w, On th• acceeelon of
Gregory- VI. to Peter's chair, (card.
1 incl Tessa recounitended warmly
young Petri, to his notice. Accord -
i ingly ie. January of the• year in
Whkh Vartorlttaaaa��,�� aseendud the throne
of Great BMW he entered on hs*
first clerical 'app ntnte'nt as Domts-
tie Prelate to (Iheg ry, On Nov. 17
and 24 reapectleeIg'he r•rcrlved FuA-
�deeacodRhip and dearllnahhe of Mgr.
elinbaldi, archbishop of Dsmlrtta, at
the (church of Ott.Andre* on • the
, Qtorthal. On the II st of ilecemde•r
of the sante year the Mew of priest-
hood was rn,ft'rresl • iron him by
' Cardin.' Orinicalchl.
Adwlwtetragye laealelee.
The young priest was, In February,
18.18, appointed Governer of the Ta-
mal Province of TKtneyentu. The
ate, thotegh only forty -els equate
es In extent, was in a condition
--, It■rdHes IIs re,
Thy • episcopate, 'Bir up Pesci
fell upon the darkus days of ;the
Roman Catholic Chu •h: It was the
-fturiod duriing which t ugs,rul power
Was .utpiue(u$tng the Papal ,pru-
s•rty and reyeuues.• 1nr .s bishuprk•
labored las' itrengthei the' cause
0 the (hunch by strengt •ping and
rel anyzinlr the rduwal nal and
chat' • fele ins.ilutiuis. 11. kept a
tIdw• 'watch on Ile• and
touching of hie clergy. For he en-
cuurugevntylt of study of l' iatien
philosophy , he, In. 18:.4, drew up it
retool* utElm and rule's fur un aca-
dctuy of St. 'Thomas Ageiivas, In 00 -
(urination with which an sad my
was fuuila•d in 11472. When la ••r
Perri became Leo XIII., the 'del.. -
phieal Method of 141. Thinuis I
came the guide of all ('atholfr teach
ens. The pastoral lettere issued by
the Bishop u/ Perugia during 'them
slurmy ye•arlr 11244t6-18781 were •
remarkably liltrung defence uf 'the
Papal p.0 itiun, end were. calculated
unite, the 1'.vugian people against
1epure] encruaehmwnts
1 I$'3 Cardinal ..reel was apo
int • profect°Lot a Third Order
of t. 'ranch; of Asa I. and on
No 26 ( that year he took forival
pt "don • 1 hie charge. l'wo years
later tic • serum ed to •Rome to
take the duties of Cardinal Cai'r
er)engo, charge involving; ring
the *sea of the Papal chair, the
supreme ek hority to administer he
teuiporallt.t- of the .Holy Nee. Pi
LV. at this t e was drawing veryv
near to the rl is of .bit days.. and
oniony were the •urdena that fell 011
the Cauterlengu.
lil.,Nt•a to
• iitaty.
On Feb. 7; 1878, lass IX, Passed
atiay. After nine d 'I' devuHd>u
1h1'8.crtd College pr red for the
'dee itis of his successor. t the third
hallo \un Frt. 20, Car 'sal Pecci
wee el troll ly the vote t forty-
tour of sixty -ones Cardin 1a prre-
rut, and in that' time he h • been
known to world as Leu Xi : As
such he was ,the 257th success) of
tit: Peter.. le burden of hn r
serve•' to have n not altogether
welcome One. It in the custom site
the ballots have been cant to read
them-,Jund: bonnet, Who
wee present, nys; "y, remarked (bat
cardinal Perri, hea Ing his own
mamw mentioned so off n, and that
everything pointed to •l1Un as the
slicermur of Plus IX., treat tears
rolled -down his cheeks, and his hand
shook so violently that the, pen it.
heldf.•11 to the ground."
It has been stated that Leo` was
elected because hie age and feeble
condition promised but a short reign
To those -who are familiar with hht
Me, however, and who knew hitt
nental. and Spiritual i'lahus to the
igb Oaks .cannot help believing
t the w cu�rdir •air were sincere in
r chute/re tie Was rruwrled . with
dm solemnity, to the Mbtene
on Sunday, March 3. 1878.
ape, iro'a policy has Men1 with his sword in Perug-
n nal -Bishop he prote.aTed
los of temiiuurnl pow.
t .
A. \
Ia. As Is
in 1870,.
the pruprr.v
njafnst the `.r
rd by the Italy
Met the contieratiun
1 religion!' orders, nn
11 marriage est oldie
n (laVrrrimrnt . t
refused, on one t •rasion, to wele'otn.
Victor F.nunantiel n his diocese. As
Pope he ever r a • e1 hitene•lr as a
prisoner within 'a he Vatican.' Tie
spied. strong. eller t • have (on'Iga
c(teritrfo. at -Credit mi 'Isadore to'
the\Vatican, but wit out •tu,. 'se.
Of t 10..I.1k• ewer
John Irnry Newutan, au .or of
"lined, indly I.1,fht, W • m he
treated 'ca Incl the yea , alt bis
at•ssion to eter's chair said u.
Leo: "In the a rce•.ur of us 1
cognise a depth •ref heart, a Inns
simplicity, and a iter allies Ing to
the name of Leo which prevbn ter
from lamenting that Plum le no '•ng.
sir here."
The great civilizing potentiality, 1
the Ilritieh Empire had attracted t
attention of I.eo f his earnest
student dnye. lila first official act
after fornnatlnn was the pronnllga-
eorneri•ot The worts. wed eoumlmrotat. :It.•uul thus new story. "'1'h.• Mystery
knowledge enabled him to oboes* a. of h.rx.lue (eminence.' in '''lir Signal
position for ••the church oo all mat- this week
tors with such prescience that after
events did not necessitate tie htr-
mlllation of a withdrawal. In ev-
ervthing, whether the reception of e
pilgrim or •the rebuking of an • Ew-
lwror, he *as the embodiment of
'tact. Ile was perfunctory in nothing,
but' thorough in every'thing. ISL per-
sonal life was tMtt of an ascetic,-
His repasts wrr• niost frugal. •Ile
was accustomed to labor at hie en -
Cyclicals or other works is, the quiet
hours or the night, when all the rest
of Rout• slept. He was the first oc-
repent of hie office • to give an inter-
view to the press He filled has htgh
station for a quarter`.�of a century
with a benullcept caro for •tau• wel-
fare of utas that won blip the title
of "Prince of Pace "
regular A/footles.'
Ills Jubilees wi•ro *eras ns of
frust' rolulcluk to the 2115, 0,000
Catholics who acknowledge- ht. soy-.
el•elgnty. The first of those was the
jubilee of hi■ ordination, when n
Jan. I, '1888, 50,000 of hie spirlt,
oar eubJecte from all corners of 1)s*'•
globs went to Rome to pay homage
to -him In St.' Peter's. On Jan ti
and 9 e1 the same year he rer•eived
lh:• pllgrltua, who gave him
$100,000'in gold. as a token yjtheir
rrtton. On Feb. 20, 1902, the
r of bis 1!apal Jubilee comluaoced,
was marked by a c•I.'bret-tun of
, splendor. Many crowned
err represented un this once -
Feb .• 20, 19(13, ten. 1wenty-
rsary of hie election, atm -
nit bunt took place. 1'a-
riatlona lit le•e on tills
Mut with a meanie-
' and Morels. 1 fe or -
lying for (God's
be given to the
fifth ann
Ther great
tholka of a
day present
cent tiara in g
tiered as a than
novels that 82tt,
poor of Homs.
O'Reilly, his biogra her, says: "B.•-
twee•n the two gree current■ of
thought in the church- e• cunserve-
tve and, the,progresely steered
with a Arm hand. Ile sou . not to
mecums safety in the great alae of
statesmanship, by playing state
ageinat 'elate The nobler p1a of
oa•lllating all rivalries and au en-
1� all aaperlti.•a. was the otily t
which he relied
start• 1.r a.�..
a, July 21-4Cardlnal Gibbons
d for home last evening, '
Is oe T.11 Tkrl•. D.11y,
Toro o, July 21. -Archbishop 0'-
('utuour ' as issued a circular of in-
ilructfo• to the. priests of thll dio-
cese cont tug the new. of the Holy
Father's 11th', and direction. for
thee, condo t. All of the bells will.
be tolled th tidies daily for ton
MOUS* perio , at 6 a.m., 12 noon
and 6 p:w., u 111 the day of the fu-
neral,' which w probably be Thur -
see.1v•d at Wei, Yea by ale Charles
Der.sf.rd a.d t • Fleet.
ndon. July '21 lug Edward
and ren Ale•xrndra, rcuwpanled
lw Priv Vic`tona and heir smites,
left London -at 1 e
i.w yr rrday for
The royal train' arrived a ITuly-
head at 6.03 p.m. sir 11 joules
were received at the he d by
Vice -Admiral Lord Char, t
ford, the municipal anthuritl and
he commanding officers of `the
ddressee were presented a d
p ty embarked fur Kingstown,'
,Iary's Wrdl•& 1. Ike II atm*
s<•wleld• Case.
July 18. -The adjourned
coroner's in.. .est on the death.of Ed-
mund Matthe s was opened yester-
day taunting. ttnd the evidence of
eight mete weasel.. was heard, The
•tides• e of the (Ming man was Coe-
roborated by that\ of his son, who
inns present at the ihpe of. the shoot-
M(ba the jury has a out an
hour. they brought in t following
verdlc't, which was •nt ly unaitt-
111011 e :
'•F,lmuod Matthews catne to hie
death_ on July ,11 by a won't' cauti-
ed by a billet' shot from a MO
'r July. 10 in the hands of OI
nl i ichurdson with Intent to kill wh
Matthews was on his own property
h- in the third coneheesiun of the Town -
Tr 'Whip of Cukhr.te•r, south County of
" E,uw.x."
T. Y. Arthur Dr•p• Dead.
Winnipeg, Alen ., July. 17.-P. M.
Arthur, (Grand thief Engineer of the
The Laughlin Fountain
Pea Holder is made of fin-
est quality hard rubber. Is
fitted with highest gerade,
large size. 1tk gold pee,
of any desired (Ies.b.lny,
lad has the only perfect device kuown.
-nher style, richly gold
mounted, for ppreseatat,oa
purposes, 8.60 'Etre.
Surely you will rot be
able to secure aaything at
tmella•atkapelss that w111 •
give such co.tiruoae
pleasure and service.
Pee saw by
1 he Square f;BDEkICG
Ti owDAY, July 23, 1903. rj
s ibi4ibtb►b iNiiluibib�b �b tib �b iwibibibiWibibibib�fr�lit�
Jordan Blur W. A. MCKIM World. Oat. c
H�htfN"MKtmmh�mh�ff�hthththl�N^A!1�!�!._ E:
, Niigtat rules., �kirtr, cermet covers, rhenlise•s,,ete,, x
up at preen you will out object to pay, general clean
NI(ill'l' 141)1$Fa wade of
lfwrlin noel very flus cuutbt•ic.
M.tik'411:Lim Willi eel( frill and
1 rimmed Willi e'ulbts,nlrry aura'
I dare.
er :gland 1Mk'•nigI11 Ises,e•bfur- tier
1.= '11' a ,. IMM'
111.2.1 . '• ..II*
$*1.5/1 •• '• $l. IP
1e 52.01
$:1,1.) " gr4,.,
skirls en waists,
lu.ul.• of very Ilene e,uubric.
1 'toed w it h Lor.
10, -kills fur'li.• 40c •••• •„r,M • es,
'• 51,111 th.•wiir•, fur ,ilk• _'.
7a. ••
$K 11t'1's -All styles from
the ehe•aprrt at 50e. up to
theme at $5.010, reduced to 40: •••''"
tip t., $3.50 for the $&Ib,kind, ..
ell very tine. •
(' rovers afairt at the.
.well prim of Ilk each.
r �
l'tI • 110=1Ve hath a
lot i,( three, x itistsktrhtJ,uy-
inp;, for which We most pay,
:fit• sherd iemo for :9 h •.
, 12.1•,z. 111..1C, linen...4114..1•s:at :,e' each, This is the hast of that
Pe kik 1u1 et . . ou, 1, es .• 'told at :1 fur 2.'...,_•
'''hese collate arein the
register w.1rlh I:s to tele, but they were sice.,t•i• 1 .tK ht .•heap,
._hl'• 11 -.a ,,.. 1,
lint)illiibtltiNiil6illiihilitlifluilliibirribibibit/ ibibib
'4'$t 'f f.f if ,ry''1' ;t�ntgr,r<<�ft� �hth�gi(I�H�htry��tR
17mtt►; ttnttttttttttttrtimtat
L. Invzetus
t.,r, rr re•yrti
v iticed that it
E(linitreal. is
tttt mot'trimt i!ttmmmi
at 33.50, $4.03 and $1.50.
tog illtfvs.tig.itiurl noel due 1'1 .11 we are rnn
Imn•tuelrs.ts made by ties 1 Slitter, of
of i.het 1M•Ht tern's Meet in 4 1.4, ‘,tnel At our
price is .•,tsily. • of
ow beet valuer. It
i, x hoot' w.• f001
4Jttu•ofttl in design:
_ IMY(.'.•t ill tit ,oIhl-
islt dM ss , cld (ur-
t;tble, . nJ fur wruu•
t It.' erla 1 elf *ny $i.n'y
Is.,. yu t aver rxtry j:
Tile eve anti Iter
styles 1�at1 *nsI
await . (141 Ntrjtlt F\ML_
119 . 11, All
wit • 1 lyttas
ted, ...ateion
fat you roll, bwv
h'it Ml1ow. our sons
SI le., I't•t i $a.. -le *1,111)ra'rILoin.-
Huy a lnairiti Il try titre. If thee
1 pier slush[. or x it ,v•falls,
tlbtltt• Irl t't1 ilial hied.
Vim. Sharman \;
_ ('+111♦I(I: 1 �1'...11.1-ti(,h'AfE.-\
__u_lululu�utu�u�u luuluuiiliiluuiituuriuuu�w�u
Von ran place full reliance In Dunlop
Detachable Pneumatic\Tires-tluey will
never betray your trust. hardest to Punc-
Lure, easiest to repair. Yeas of etrellent
service have made them of`,ahua•t uni-
versal adoption. IC very wheel With a repu-
tation is fitted with them. h:verk elder OT
experience insists on therm. `�,
Dunlop Tines [sake blcicle euthu ts.
Thew increase the pleasure of wheeling ud
minimize the troubles. Hlcycling is nth
a -soured stre et:me with Lunlops.
The Dunlop Tire Co.
Toronto, Ont.
0.1W M Soot,..) a�. 1„o u, rriosh-t, rwronr.r.
Nobe you found a Dunlop Coin?
Tim4c i nothing better than the best; and in the line of
Uroccrietf re is nothing bettt*than what you can get hate
Very y� In the week. If you have never bought yopr
es here, give u, a trial anti vee what we elan do ft \
Everything in season, of good quality, and at ale. righ
t ti.l. ANI) Apt
=�'� dr. CO
D1; SQUARE Telephone No. 91.
t` -
is the po
l'ence of the
The, e -
I > \1'
a;. tine• e• b Md sten. Nick Jnr. PRl1/ TI:,
e.r alit ANNA. In .IL they. tte•
1114,4m. 1110••limpnnesi lilt• m1 th.+M, I.1.'WOME� SECLU ED.
1.1,6 Ail (01ot.:e11111'K:•11sR.(`(1 ,lulu., t-�
- I • ,1:1 , a. , .ru r: u. e.u.i. OR WRITS
M. Brykon,132 York St., Buffalo
Prices are as
!Motherhood of Locontott e Engl. dp..... „sus
while speaking at the banqui doe- die-- fil.Ct al\
lit I have sold ii-arly two (Ili. f ds Of wire and two dozen tneltines.
as ever
. walla
Mg the annuitl union convention of
the Unit herhood tit 1,,awiOnittiVO En- The Cheapest on.. ells ,,....1.1,11„ ,.., thill, % 'Ili se v little • wire then hie iteighiew teed( to
5111(..1,4. which hie been. in isesolon
poi op hi woven tenet.. he ham .1111 he• am ' h tenee.with him I.etoloon ituu•hine,
hi•re for the past fete days. Mr. Ar- an(' Neafest rind his fen • IwItieh is double flit e I lias not.cost him amentich #04111f4 mightiest',
thur had just risen to respond to a 150.-- a itil. %lull la corr. he Kaye tht•re in t . em purism' in the appearance of tin. retires. na
tiiii•t, .and repeated the words: "It his is perfeelly I bland 4'4 4•11, Wlillii• ir neightes im boggy tel.itneven. •
f you," When he fell backward% and gm --
YOU ARE ROWING AWAY MONEY if 00 do not get\ & likenflioN MArtliNte mid helm
pired & hew minute"' afterwards. E e iim. own fetes., tor if :cm haven't I Hue I 1 11 1/111111 (11 f111 an 111•Wir. Fitapa far 350 a rot
Time. Par Aestralls's Capital.
The e
to eons
pita! f
erne, Atietralin. July ?O.
nattee which. Wall appolnte
ler the choir. of a feeler
Lion of a reconet t tit frog t he re- lath
tholle hierarchy of Seotland, With mending
the Mi.% ef the Awe of Felinhurgit in email to
Noe ember of the same year the mete
dloceme of lends was formed.
e to er pg on anal' , Th. new Pop. mit himself,r-
The fiell recternor had to dent with „ to do „that htt could to
brigand's and etnislygletra ;lenity had ate the condition al the laboring
he entered On hie duffels then he War (lassoes throiighout the world SO
true* hy typhoid Meer and
phytarlion hitt came this direction that he won the Mew -
ass. Tel the astonishment and Hesitate title of -1111• Woritingnian's
of all hM life was spared. 11.-
fo .11111 reran in 1841 his had trans- „wt.! an micytitent '51twialionh°thaia;.
fortiori the province. Of hie rule received workl-wide attention. oot eo
Right Rev. Bernard O'Reilly imp In mueh berate* of the hist etatfoo of
hie exeellent telegraphy of Leo XIII: its atithor am en acceent of 101 sea -
'With the tettirpatlen of brigandage. ter af bo
the expuleiton of polities! conspire. Loo kept a wenderf61 asp ise the
wn New South
Newmarket, Jo
Afternoon about
WIlgon, son of Jo
well,. plowing 11 a held.
horses remained untwist.
is'clogelif Arthur
Wilerin of
Was instant.
WhiMi hie
E Hardware
Screen Doors and W d9ws
Ph one I EL a
Copy of change of running ariverase
ments must be left at this office by de -
1 /LI I. a large ass( rt Intent
fig he GOORS (120M Mr To 52.00, SCREENS; Flif)41 31e ro :trie
Cement 4
Let ine
figure on your Plumbing. Heat*, Lighting and Tinsmilking.