The Signal, 1903-7-23, Page 3THE SIGNAL.: GODERICH O/.1TARIO
Successful C iididates from 81DNER GIVES SOME HINT6
_----- ------ t----'----.._. - tarty eon is 1•heet la elesk•l■rar
— - — -- Wraa•mis mete
est ti u Pon Schools. Ma Klement.. la here rul ■•
Dlpetlblq d■. a,ANq Ar.o•, ■■.
'1'h.• billowing is the list of candidates
ppoiteee f Icy the board of examiners fur
`Vest Ilium, together with the narks
obtained by each. Thr total toruli.,
required to pas. ix MSU Warks. '1'11e
mint her of twudidates writing was :V7,
and of these 242 iwve passed,
Thr following are the highest marks
ttbtaiu.rl• in each suhjrrt :
Rciufiug Ethel Brown 47
thawing' Dyer ,Hulduu all
Writing 'Aube haulier, Robt. Me -
Milian. lima Houser 1)rlphine
Nairn, Trrritenneer Thomas. .
.11uzed Dignan, Alice Howard
Lily Acheson, llargaret Ihtbkirk,
Margaas4 Drysdale 50
• Dirtat -Dyer Hindus', Mary
Jnhii ton, ' truwuaeer Thomas.. 1111
Literature Ethel 4'ailing127
, Arithmetic1•lna Mc hens,n.'Jo...
Fink twister, Mitigating Hasty ....WO
4,4,..u11u,*r - Htr.«ie'1'honle..n 137
. Geography 4irant 11cN ,i1 ... 91
l'one{xlpet,fou-11e1•io11H.1'eater•'`. till.
History ' (Irani McNeil 79
I'hvsiolugy and Teuiperauce Ella
ltatiJieh 87.
Total -Ethel l:apling 8211
1.01114/1114 11.
Cha hatter • 751
Ph..le Beacon 5511
13.•11,. Hissrtt es 673
Nellie l'ollw.rnr 552
Lizzie (hired' 745
Fraud•.. Ilirtrich _, :►.K
Marion H. F1'.uW1 0111
Nellie (irahena (ITA
I ).•Iba 110on a .... 648
"'Ai' liuwrll 4157
Annie 4.MMM/a
-Edith Leonard :.8C4
(srxce Martin :.s7
Evelyn Mawhiuny :dW-
Flur•nt•e Maet+el 1140
'era McKinnon .1-41
10. McDowall i111
TAY,/ McL•mald til:,
18 'bine Nah•ii 1M42
Ad Inner Nairn - ,...MK7
Ells ih'i) in 712• 1
Oliva in - 553
• F:I hid 677,
'Heesir .amain 814
Tremen r Thomas 105
lax Thou 052
Eeh-i.'I' 'r \ 154
11.11.118h ...• • an
Moly Stiehl 'i1. . OU7
ti lady* Whi y „blit
. MaryWylie 57K
Frank 1)ot . .ii117
\Villiam hIIit,f•,ttrill
Leorge (herTlelf , MILT
-l.• Inkster... 711r1
8t My Mltasrn,.,. .-slit
.lis• ' ' Mdifllivray \ . irk(
Ii:u'r% Reid T1&
Miltill. Ithvtiaa 1414
i'i.trlee ti rnball ..:. \ 812
William N .tt•n l r
:\Ilan %Palk \Mg
1 'la relive Yout ........... ..
0410 It'll H. S.
G •,trade Fux.:. ..._.
\I dLr „Neville. .. ...
Elise:se:than .,
Lily M. Ache -non
1.1.1 Ai-in4.vttr' .'16
1•:.lina Hi,,e4t
I4 e..lta Cud re 7ti4
Dorothy Ihiy$A,am Mitt
hovel I liafnnn 713.
Florence , D1r•eftred 16710
Alice 'Inward . ebb
Etta Mc l'liei... .i 7841
Nellie Illl.e.•II *15
C Kate) la 8p:u•k unan 1125
• J. '•Tnyler 44a
• ' Fl.isnie Taylor, ..'. , ......... - A'Ai
James Hamden, Wfal
' F:rip lin.wning
11 irvey (4xrliner 071
liver Hanlon 1 732
11'illi.• K��uig ht ..74t2
Beate it ' IfAeliw 6Uit
h McKay. ... A 7118
Elnu • Mrrugr •••X... 712
IL•rIe •nithcutt 631
*41A14.1.J,. '
len Macke) ...
wit (helmet -rt.. .. 4172
\ Ho Hrndoenen (1411*
We rye Moore :,;,1)
' Er Mersey 55i
Anna rArt.Mn• 7114
Lily M Kay 711
Ivt• Met'
ll.:,this Mt. roue
Gladys Mc vitt.
nt axed* P. 14.
Ronna Rime \ 4Mn1
. ifirlie Durnin .' (MN
Rua 1ioldlwrg. . (NM
, Lily M.Arthur 1113 Roach:i\ 731
Maiir Hrsu• 3)9i
J.Io11*N TI.•i(lry :ail,
Hence m. Cape ........:.... .. 7 41
Carl Little f
11'ilreett bide(' s `
-Charles McNair • ..Ii:LI
Meth Hullher'f¢n1.. ..1105
• \%'illi, Smith ..777
"•)CIlTOY P. • 14.
Lnui4a Palin, ..714
1Iyttle Hirteel OM
I',.,wi Holtzman . • .3
Ella Link 41
Lulu liming t43:'1
Joseph Finkhein.*r 7,111
Arthur Holtzman 142
Bruce Kfrnzle 713
stimuli te. S.
Pearl Huehanan
1':Ita Ilertleib
'Helena Nipple
Addis. n K.a•hder
I)Aallw.)nn P. N.
Theodora Eifert fled
Violet Orayhielr 1114
Peerl.Kraft 574)
11AYV1441.1P. R.
Grant McNeil -.74*)
Reginald Mark,• 4,12
A Nn P11141.1).
S. Y. No. 2 Sutherland. Mary
Connor, Simile
Ihal tton, Gertrude 1*4i3
Dalton, Alin dila
4 - F'inlajrwnn, Ttuderiek,7113
MN'harLo, 1'.rt(•her9K4
Mr Kendrick .heane•s5116
Me l fend, Roderick .....M
5 -Ritchie, 11(•errAr . AIM
U Mel/limn, Ier. .671
0 ---Tannin. Wiftam ....Ms '
, Fiesgor•aIl, Annie ....542
* .it'7h1er•a, 1sa,lr' M r2
11- lewd. Addie 111:3
" 1g ---(4,u5 finer. John 14:itt'7
MrAAt4t.r, Ernest
McAlister, (',..w• flit
l )•-Repgl$ws• Annie 7110
Pietaan*Hera 550
Hamilton, Mnrgaref 1124 Th
Hamilton. A1.•xender 'RMI iwrss
111--H�aat"y Ma ret 75b who
Ipssa (Ittt n 574 for h
Treleaven. Fad 616 Wit.
et -Macrame. form
N. N. No. Fisher, Pearl
MoiiL,h, Nellie
tike, Lonnie -
Rutledge, Gordon
Robertson, '1' '
Mcl'Inr, Laura
j McPhee, (1ut•tluu
.Jlolzllausen, Edwin,
Hunter, Katie
Hunter, J. Irving
" It Goldthorpe Olive
Hiseett, William
Y. R. Nu. 1--Urystlale, Louisa
lit t't•w's, 8a uulel 1117
litahxm, Lillie ci3;.
• 2-1'Iat•k, hwnc' 71J
Hick, Alice 1164
. ' •, hltur(y, Rregie. •• 517
Willson. AI -thins ....,..11e11
K Mriluiri•, Ella , 1437
- M'Guhr. Maggie 501
Harrison,'l'hos. AIIwrt3N7
" X--- Oest richer, Marthaf�t
• 'Tritemlb'r, Arthur... ,,Old
" 10 McEw•aii, \Fahr 7lki
" 11 ..b• atm. Ethyl
" 14 Fee, Olive,, '
Map. school. Belies■, 141i
err.s4 telt"-,
" 3 l'hu•k. Maggie.
Heid, Mary J
Nest h 4 fraise,, Brace
SlNtrkonatt. Edith
South 4 Stevens. Weida
714 1e Wer. Dlmrnit In Pore-Adraataa•
:i.11 Of Late Cat 14u. Ale, 4taled.
..571 Sine, the hay .rop- i likely te::be`
..',Ike light this year, It is doubly import,
6611 cut *hat it be handled lu the beet
Ii5'2 poastbde adtantaga a,d cut and cur -
11M ed 411 such a way us l wrure -the
714 largest amuu1N--sf nutrient's in the
lkr2 must dlgastible acid palatable furs.
552 o this end it 141 Well at. this Nru-
tkiy wu to Lour the follow. Ig forte • u
intim': P:urly cut. hay .44'r.•lutlsely
..I►i1 richer in flesh -fur uuog a 'w,•nta It is
more palatable and digestible; it bas
a sweeter arcate; hot i1 hail the
atheneum' ut being much .rote Kiln
cult to cure. (fries, us it approach -
ea maturity, gains coIsIderabty- in
weight: part of ,lj,ix inclsase euns(eta
Alf starch &setaugur, winch is vait,L
ably to the ,hrd,•r, 811d part con-
stant ,ut crude fibre which. decreases
digstHdhty, and. renders the hay
leas palatable. Early cut huy.4.'
more Valuable 4141 *0n than Tate cut;
but a ltrg.•r amount of dt1eallble
ties nutriments per a•re is obtained by
:riff later cutting. . Late cuit hay has
alio the advantage of being more
easily and rapidly cured; thus dim
l,,I/thing nut only the labor but also
••01V the risk of lois In harvesting.
rtes' Early cut hay Is h.l'.-ially valu-
• .4.. for sheep, calveN. cults and
dairy rattle: While fur fattening cat-
:(tr¢rns. Kthrl....:.....Ml:. tie, late cut hay will.111'. as gond
ti- -f 40(44k. F:rani.'` 712 resettle. , lln experiatents conducted
L t, :demi." .....,.11144$ I'y Prof. `Sanborn 'of few llangr
A "'yid 1n, F..lith _(1,y shire; and Prof. Hcury of 10.i.
1 4 ,, 1,4
••'.', to deterwinc the relit etc lair. ut
Melly, tint, Finest ..711eady e.
"\ . 7- Cochran , fully 8a$ ite.e and late'
Mtewlat•l, MIu•a =.N4 meets. the} mire
8trpltru,, , lewrrnre,7:3fi favor of the late
:ut- tray -`tot fati.•nolg
tag, mut i, little Ili
t hay.. -
cut -early or
11 --('ailing, F. hal..._.. .pop Whether thriuld
Agnew, Se •1 .....,
EllighotTcr, Thouuu, ..
Swayze, Will 114
'1') poem, Ge erode..
13- Keys, Myrtle
14 l legg, Frank... ...
John1ton, Albert
Ry,jhw.•11, Earl...
I liusdalr rlda
Johnston, Mary
McReath; .Irunlr..:
i'ninnNo1 l)r:vatnlc. Maggie ..
lhywlnlr, lieangr .
Horner, Allen.
K. WA w'.4 4t 0111.
M. M. NA. 11 M.Hurnry, Elena
Me llurney, Anne. t .t17
u f
Mclinrnry. Robert .,, 11M1 a•g , fpr t4w-8
1'attiism, Allan ` /jtry \crop of rnlzrd
Shied,, (holdup , 1 hay -ill at rte Is's
Sep. school. Hoyle, Alphonras..::.
hrebly, Male.I
Mclean, Melven @tN
Meleent Rob.•1•t •',i
McNa•afiton, May .. 1
(M4 late w.11 dep•t,14, therefor,, on the
55.3 following "conditions: (1) 'The stock
741) to be kept. et least, ',enough hay
.71u should 4N• cut •arlv'-to' Colic" l t(1r
us dairy cows an* young wt k. (2)
74)J The sem; if thy weather be
741) "catchy,,,' it ittage•nerallt.w'iarr od..
530 fel fete totting u1)111 140,..,•wh'3t - at -
:>a(1 'ere (g) 'acreage lir hand
812 if the ere. tit• Iar,(r. It w. he ;weer.
41fM3 nary to 1. Ln rutting eurli r ,
else by .aline rutting is m.'at1 elating
715 at .ur twfoos• the time of, fool blue,.
Hy late cult g is wenn( (111 ink Iw-
tw.,en the ti of full bloom, • and
ripening. In rev case, bowies.. r, "haJ,
14h«uld 1e'• cut before It la tii ta-
to shell read]
clover 1411.1 1i1
if both1
quantity ere 1.4 t eonwi•Iered. t_...-
- fr one third, one half of t
ch ter Ideas �h •C, willed brow
1 v should 1e'• cu d and slot.
fd I,v as pomtit)t after cuff n
11 th Oils in t•Mw, it 1s better t•
hr oiling, in the ap.rning until
tilos . t the• dew Is' u . '\ if :i. tons
r e or w'1 of hay. is to .. elan led• itt
a t.dd,'r Wil he J,'bud a.
lament . ('are mus be ex -
Void storing y 'title at;
out rain, dew
(4)47 tfoe from\ ground. `11
• ,ilri this kind Nr 1 spoil hay In
Cllr, .r then the wl%ter rental-
N.M. No, 1n
'. A
S, No.. 1 -H ith
t((f 8
Ihh Iart a a
, tlarrn(•r
1Vi til, \'enron .... 411)1 R"14d in
Striae, Littlest .,..... (kat .11.lwd ti,
2 Ews•ry. Ih•Iphfur' tMil, alt darn{1
Fe's,•,,. ltrist.l
( :3" Prnhalr, \'foes
Willis. Hettir_
PIir•8,Ir, EIt•I.y 1131) own oap.
Tlribtler, \1`illbalu :3741 lest\ year •
��• -Hall. Yaffe -k.,.. f) 4 -he hietht,d b
McKenzie. Rona- t*AA practise, •iWV t
11 Neterii•h, \\'iHixm....4171 laenrl: ttpin �, arllt..1* n
13 faff. :'.lift... 'Mei pr,mils•nt- a re . tole
eR.iKNK, (:fendeening• j us , nt11
Hur in, Holger
(140 ole 414* who In ful
Joliet %Vestry .. .:761, talent the blosxutefR c n
leis., h. E,IKat• .,;tiyt homey I'ut in 114, 111
dew hart dried ..IT 1'
ff--Tt hal . Iteginald 1W11 ""'ruing 1111%3 hl• r, e''4 t
Fie' r•1l.•rr 'huifrs aK3 term -me The moWee
1 --sere' 'ell. I: la :Ali run later than 1 p.
Quin M: Kir.. (114 that 'day should toe pit ,.l
.-Hrowo.„Etlu•l. ,Met fore lh.: dew -tall*. hi
(',.ward.\Mlgtg, .... tem be, put into the ,ha •a..:
• Hagar, HHltzel.... ti ; well tranged .into •: be
1'a , Geed ... ,.. 4*44 especially 'tiop.h..i,. `the t,
u, Vera . , .ficin orMlliuns'
w, wet'.- r., t� • ill leu not rut hi /the monk
3 .Smith, Hn.wn....`.. Ill 'til ifs )(ra418 r drp�
1 (2) Do not: allow fresh rut •ha
en ton wa
N. N...
o ahluyrp.
tun \uf
ieh quic'1-
in its
1 Ind to
Iov, hay
Mr. len ry
miser .of they
rulers. Mr.
his u1 tb-
mete--- or
he nY, t
her th
I h,
at -
a4 cal n
up in t
old no
nd all
c,wk 1
lay ant!
s:. 11.
lorlug Q T
f ill
t0 "Y•elk,
T' VI:RD.AY, July :3, 1907. 3
■alIelln Prom U. ,,,,, , t of Agricul-
ture OIl�w. ,a, the Nobler/ -
Th• Problem of supply.
'1'he pr.sernt linty 41,,110.1 'favorable
mark. tug Tut lanai chickens. 'Peel,
has'lsrn such a xuhxluntial incl'ras,
in the consuneit ort ut chickens and
eggs within the lust tem ""urs thus
it is not passible to rear a gr, -u
nineties* ieti•r ut suitable market' chaise
than eau he sold with profit. L
yyar there - were -nut switched chit.
anti:sold• in I:ampje to iui'1b t
home Markets. As a result of t
shortage of tfl1tIo1,x the' trade wt
Urt�ut Britain Wix..less,eu,rl,•
uuturtunato un ut'.'iidtit ,c14. the, ,gee
th'nia,,d loo l' lieu'
Orion Britain and the good "-pixie
that are paid.
The ('lief of• the l'o(titl'y I)111Ni°
Jlfr. F. 111. llare, staves that 'nun
uuy letters lig'. ' Iw,y, r,r•)•ite4* le
produce mei-client *1 poultec•'n,• end
coir i4,usxiuo)'u«•rcl,uulx whir desire to
aid the 1)14 In raebloas.
ad ekeeaey.M y file the Cue
bet Nit•
tel. Summer t
every hnaglu
nu luring. 1'rrba
aSt *10114 a change
k with Its accump:
he. Went. Yet the
ill then novelty In •th
ye ,I our prtaent style*.
at 4, By a strange contra
fu time 411dt we profess
es for the new we are.
old. Everywhere there
ueudny rlappy.
telt hl
•ks, already ex
bee phase, are nen
is we think this every
season conies; round
,Jing change of. rsl-
Ir celyululy wort
■ttractivruess of
etv •t the aline
be searching
scltatlug the
a thirst for
Irmain what loeattiee chickens can
Iw bought In Kreut nowhere' and at
rnu,wlrable {. fret 1l'0m ea•v.•rul Cil-
nudiuu ,1111E cud cl.pecially
produce broke have; asked"
Lu iss iu(ul',u•J where market chick-
ens suitable for slupping to Ureal
licit alit could 1e'.• uhlaiued• 1n Out
gruutest bu,uters. Britoil poulterers
arid cou,wissiun .iue\rvlt'tlte !Mir re-
peatedly asked fur the RA1110 Wtorma-
tiun. The. letter' ul a well established
-yr't.duce house nu Lurnlun, Englund,
wits Irn:04%erl last wrek, 7' is -firm
-aleited lir -start an undarta rote for
the purpose of importing l.' radian
luup,ry to (.r..u(' 11E1(aw," T' y de-
sired infortiratt.nm NS tt, t'he•pre Iwble
SUccess of •u1-11 a prO)rt and the j
Possibility ole ubtainin f -1,e, ,y Ielle
riully. .fowls•), i(t_ large quM..(it .•s,
and - Iles boot districts fur the rot s: -
titre. /lc., u( *h,'u,. 1.ast fall Y It
in Capt. l'oluny WI.11011 a pool(,
triad° d.'Veluts•d With that (olo)ry.
Otte shipment of t'aitadiail chickens
wits wade to Cals. 'C.1lp )t$. Which ar-
rived in set i.hetecy c,Mdieion and.
pl •a.vpl th. U:ud.•. A Nt• Yurk firm
wrwr \that /they 'desired t import,
(Ynadittn ..chickens and were. recum-
ideudd 'tire the liep,it•htient td a limo
In the yritnm• 1'ruvn,cee, from
whom Ihe'y purchased fghh:lcns and
were uuprets,d txvoruh4y by them.
'111e "horde a,,4 wirier, ruquost at
didk•ult of a:4lulion even by ,one 1
total* with 1
rotas and put'
hl Ing and
U city. of ear
qll 1p el with a
nark. -ug .n 1'an
lain ari tl tit_ cs more ('414114(1,1 t.huit
Ga" can` qv. "lir lprofit. are - di-
' urrnislaet fugh, sic 1Y ity of .chick-
ens. Neterth. ,.xs 4t 1e ante irr (:real
ltritain,-. t urs *'',k,,,'a the - Culled.
States and rev . jn stral4u are
looking- 10 a .plY Canadian
chickens , 10 sal ime the r growing
teed.. •
__ Th,•-prohli•tn of Sutrp''11141 this won-
der(li]ly, increased el•n,4I,,4 for chick-
ent, Can be M/10 ed by t armers
oti t
'1,(1411,' irl-
uld he o A
tae un d
1c 1'101101 m produce
itg :houses that are
.etlee��gg"chickens, The
Ialias lishe4l lima are
co stele plant Cur
da hr Greet Bri-
alun.. ..Instead of the f
iffy or A hundred thick
c, ve little at tont'
ould. rear from 21110 t
en annually, '1'hes• a
0*. fly tyre, such as c -
lh. pular a breeds t rA`' oa
.m tii
and tundutt•e. The chickens-ithodtd
Is• het chill atnd retired by incbhators
tad b °oder., and when ready for
trhtrk,1the cockerels-shuudi-tie plaeeol
in•fatt • ing,ernter Co d\'Attrll. The
equipent required to de (his work
Is not : exp,•nsite one: .21141 to
1250 in 1 coat of Incubators, brood-
-en, hous•it and fattening crates fur
K) chickens. 1t is as
reuliiing the greatest
e poultry boalneen as
finishing '1,
necessary flit
/profits from 4
threshing and owing machinery is
for general far:: big. :he Work con.
Ptd with flni hing .1,1100 chickens
1t h the roper a pfiagcM le no mor,
fur-r4ariag 200
h •Aral means. Poul-
ilein.Rs that re.
to he developed in the sate
er is tbe,bu Cyr, cheese and
inches Asti tent fel profit
Cha+\poultry bui-
ed•an as an 'ad-,,
wit h the nam
writ of Agri -
rerun the
t flum-
e kens, nth to as-
' Of t t . A
Iletin " oflt.
1nl hitt, est
,alled'yrtt h-
an •1• neceswa
kern by the na
farming U a
Cameron. Misty
Nesbitt; Minine...
4 Wesalherhe•14d,(I M41
12 I3ns.ks, Muphy 731
14 !while w, .1 einem
17 -Elliott, Ada It i
Kirk, 1.ault, .... ... :..
Ryan, Daisy . 4
Fisher, Robert 111
ile on the ground- liter' night,
pos•sf to dew or ra n. .
43) If any hay s mild get ort w (
Cil r in, let it stand I the cricks 111
2:) . doughty dry lief re taking t illi.
-•3 barn,
;s4„Mr. Glendenning
11 \hay cane4' oat xR
an put in, With the
•int did pink color, Wb
elft to that It 'had br heated /to b1e
moo I as one Would n turelly expert out t
, 'IYi ad% ant ages -of hitt method are -Loth,
411 '1' • saving 441 Ilrte between cut- Ualryi
ting and- 'taring, lrseefing the risk 1t cul
of dattin a flout rain: 12) All leave.. poultry
Christopher SishOp R.•:- » mends Dade. Kid-
ney Pills They Cur Mn Wile.
('lark's Brach, Nftd.,'. h' [.1'411,. -
INlerciali.. "Ther• nes• lin refs of
su4,•trrs in Newfoundland who ' the
knew the good that is to be fun a in
4hehl's Kidney fills wuuhl gat t rt
lurid prove for themselves." ..
This is the stato•mrut of ('ht•istoph
Hishop of this place. Her• ere- hi
realein8 for slaking it :
• "My wife suffered for three year..
w'Ith'a weakness in the (ower part of
the lack followed by shivering• reusing
weakness. Her I.•gs Were swollen from
the knees down t,. 1 he feet and silo had
a pain in the left midi. joist nutlet Ito•
raw. • .
After (151114 fia•r bnxrs *tf. D,sld'e
Kidney Pills the pain begone mid the
sleeting has discs t'" -
Ili 14 Kidtp•y Pi'ln car• all unary
Tl• *east of 11e 001*,
re 6ow'ry Japan. the home of the fan.
The land of the parasol.
Each month hu Its fest, from greatdt
to leant. .
And March Is Cho feast of the doll -doll•
And March le Ilio feast of the doll. '
The wee ellppered meld In gown of bre.
The h•hy with .haven poll,
Elie Illus brown sad In •elhrotd'ry eted,
Alt troop to the react of the doll -doll -
All troop to the fast of the doll.
Hew pleasant •twoule D., 'oath en a11 -
end tree.
1. sen•h4.• and perfume to loll.
Terget our •wn spring, with It• wend and
Ib steal,
And sing 4e the Prase et the doll-doll-
And dn1 t. 4D• prat.• of the dn11'
Come. sweet Tippytn.s, es pink as a roes(
Ana 1 w111 get Petty and Moll:
Let us follow the plan of the folk In Jepaa
And dance ter your feast, 'Otte dell -den.
Aad Masco for your Isere, little dell.
--Nara .s.itb In .t_ Niebetaa
e bile Mr. G1al,tnn,„seas h
1 with prong nnkno*n RIothors,
.eat. him their published works
i. judgment. So fife' .weretwry
instrnete•rl to nee this ingenfo u.
Iola of acknowledgment : "My
Sir, -Mr. Gladstone instructs nee
v that he is ih the receipt of your
, for which hie reform thank,'
sauced that he will love no time In
S. g• No. 1--kcflonagh, Frank . 712 to10
M+itan, Hobert 11'Ls book
Walter, ��Royyland A. (441 lib x
Wham. 1L/Mh►..... _ 6'1 p twit
state's ,rl,at Ids
an when It
lll.SAeon's n •
h would in -
Car,Mlil a
Tu. Bei
cult„r1• la
poultry Ura•
'age the Kru -in
of hitch r .sR
It In the 1 arket
Pied edition .f the
I'm/Pry arm
and ' 11Lbe
harp.' on ppllcat1An to» the
Ilssiuner of Agricultttrr Clod
Itg, Ottawa, Th,. lnfu8atloli
ne is of gte t Valle in rhe
work, and i. should be In
hof every In rested poultry
rade from
1t- IR car
akin and
amen Dopar
Voring t
of ('.nada
R !(•the gr
bit,,) !Ion.
arts' of th
y le dear
in t)) to
re. hatJ
of c•
de; (0114
1 od of e11ri
t14 ► 41oultl be•.
Batt r clay and hu
The length of time
'should N' ekpu.ed In tt,
be deter Ined by Its ripenen.
humidity id On- atineepherr>o,
'termer.. at
the presence
Sc -that .'very
ineivotr.. it la
hem prartleery Opal
Ronal experience.'
It ampere to he \1
that when the rend'
the - moat val,able the hand!
rant ere sated. t:l) 'rite' Ilan In C
anti brighter than that •
1 Way, ' - •, _--' The ^ re Staab llaes ce&
cannot be cured by There 111 no •Cupatlon, folldw • 'by
ary.. A good me- i Haan that is in re ennobling In ta.
on a grevelly uplan/ fact upon chant ter than the,'hre,d-
unsuil,rl to tM hill and feeding f llvr stock. *4-
»ienedthough tlwre Is a Common law that
r. which haJ• Like beget, like. v running parallel
Wath wilt 'meth lhh la mettle. *Web Is upper -
namely, that
heraelf 'The
Mke is. Was:
live stock,
example, of
the form
• true al -
On the
tc 1,trc-
by the, entry contradictory
(h eat -',nature rester repr•ortn
taw of like proditeifi
trhted In our breeds of
-o• the Shorthorn, topatinabreeding will pren
' hurt horn . is lei
•Oa,• of the 111,1•..
peedall breeds
tnois,pOf heR
r sheen, of n,l,,rte,
(nen count Ite, 1 large•
hlm.rlf, \, and p
Abe governed by
ser_ of ,1 he
rat) fn t
gum arid
other h
feet. hnWerp
018 are favors, , -.,htin
.aye l.itte..k
aIle. and the necess, t• skill and or. it in nu fly iinpowdhle
Ilyd(tuirot` ....,,,,....1, clot r Mayhe• I1 the , mite re of `\ant lin.
stores) 4, greener than wan form- 1 ding, tteitrii • by 1h1µ, of cot
oily • (►i • 1 • t lossiblr t h.\ liner r
in tog1 nm khat the int. 1 Rt Cosec. tin,
1 very best, orlon lity of hay m v h. 8* moil 'louvre meritor' R them Rooth.
cured in thin way.. -F • W. i ninon, It IR light 1/040 Wh.r .the fancinnt(o
Lite Stock 4oulmltaoner. of the reeling beslnc4lw cornet, in.
What Partner, tit. •. P tttoo.' and eke •41gh)J, -
Forestry . 1n the preservation ion o There swears to le'• comerk
forests by wise taw. - 1t ' three not /Crevice in dtIeretit varfei n /SO.:.
Malt the abbreviatit,n of that nee. 0I,e•. as 4.. the R11Nc,rifIhlli lo
It ul'•.n'. making the horns, 118.1111 1i flit' Afh•r ronsuhntfe.n illi
not only to the settler. the rancher, pr tiro! gr..wnr� Melte 1aelet
the miner, the man who liven In the cis ,t•ine-ronwider blight rewrote
finmrninte m•ighhnrhnud, hu1 Inti- cul' v minl•..In1an 'hat-.- 1
recall to Ili. 111118 414*. Ilvw hon- *fled ami 41(11 bw` own 17 4. P.', 8.
Aryls o1 111ile4 o6.-1're.i.lenl !Wiese- *mune ai14inn with without Iaw-
volt. dear: wi.iore.
T•p Drew q•w-
..Itesisa. /'�wvatere Pines, -
Mpr.nd the mann,, on the mos- Lavatory pipes ore enmity Nehosed o
dolt.. 'rail, is the heat why to apply soap STMT slime. I'4ere n gond Innate
It tor nog -ore a good crop of hd't•„ -of salt In the hnftnfn of the Inial over
slprnxd it with . manor.. spreader v. night. ..Tt1r slit well gradually dl.
that the dl.ti• lection ,,t.v he even
A lirlgbt Indiana 111,1 WS* Has
1-/arked Legal AlIILtp.
The career of 1Dis Ploy V. Gilmore
howl how a woman who 1s deter -
to succeed eau accomplish her
atm and win a place and a name for
h,•rs,If evee,theugh she invades the
A«k1a of labor are suppoMe1d to De
Miran* of man.
' Miss Gilmore 1s the a taut attor-
ney •genenll fur the governor of tele.
t;nitd States In the Phlllpldn . , e-
lands, and she Is the first woman eve
appointed' to such an Impurtuut posi-
tion. lltu Gilmore la the daughter of
A. M. Gilmore of Elwood, 10(1., and le
twenty-four years old.” She was grad-
uated from the U'ulverslty of Michigan
and was admitted to practice at tete
Indiana bar a taw years ago.
• Mise Gilmore owes her distinction en -
Moly to her ability and ambition. She
wait clerk and neeretary to E. Finley
Johnson when he was professor of law
at the Vttivenity of•lllchlgal. While
thus employed she devoted her spare
Utile `to the study of law and was even•
,, 4
the' antique. i
feeling fur the
Although the full
tad loose boleros get
tidy floppiness ootlln
the aim and being of
ere understood: rood: 13►1rts,
tunny rewa . with a diploma. Pro-
fessor Johnson • as appointed a judge
n the Phtllppin n 1001 when the ju-
lary was first es bli.bed there, and
11/ sit Gilmore went 1th Elm. She
took • eivll service a minatlon and
was a anted a ■t•nogr 'bar td the
office of a attorney genera
Her mar legal ability a ^. .ted
the attention ' f Governor Taft, who
appointed her alstant attorney gen-,
t WON unani-
mous) confirmed by the Philippine
commission and by a war depart-
ment Miss Gilmore's nary as ste-
tvtgradher•was 41,400 a ye which is
doubled ander her new positlop -
Rata COSTUME\\'\41%
drew a It Is Yalltd n.
'quaint" or "phetur-
klrts; full slnevelrs
the idea of uti-
fe\further frbut
sli n as pal
Ito ever tt
must be most carefully fit ••44 Potton the
Lips, the uppertuirt oft shoulder's
fussy Ile.
1 neat.
e 104110
and chest const l,e free fro!
Galls vvldrh Interfere with th
add the waist must 1* trim at
'1`11111 itl•n of trios smartness
enerally realized Its the sp.ortll
g and utility frocks, such es t1
and pow new, favorltee 1n linen
Simple as it Is, the model of Hie M
fethas t distinct chic. Both the ren
and the skirt are In natural colonel
crash. and the Ilneu piping may be of
any color pre erred. In very prt•tt;y
taste, too. 1s%h 'fleet/NI canvas frock
of the seCOn CIl
with lace Insertion..,
Noodling gow•n4 a\able lein8 clev-
erly made up to depen f,tr ornament
mostly upon the Ince shoo Cr cape ('01-
which 1s trimmed
fern. so eerily trans , f
gown to another, a fa • witch
them moat desirable. -• --
. tinny a en ealltol wee
fent n charming bit of d
Ilttely ne not It *111 110 more
flrantin will tnrn.
The nlereeriz,rl washing .tune aro
:rely, and their nano. Is /ogle!.
trawber, 1►tNla Ra.M-,�
On large tablespoonful -butter be• t-
ett to . Cream. A.dd;gradilelly a .'up
sod n h If of prla•derrd sugar and the
**ten 11te of 'nn egg. ►h•xt 111t.
a�^r� light, nd pun before aervRfg add
pt1t Ma ' atrafiberrlea.
m One
oilers at
r 4. , -
thin. '
ash than \ 1
Mow Selat JUtsd Heaeate W
Anormal woman, should not
enured by being jilted. She won!
only be a fettle w1Rer, a little better
Mile to judge between the true and`the
fnLto afterward. She would not bie w
ready to trust all men, but would have
just as much faith In the one man xs
ver should alae love again, for faith
d hope and love aretL* natural her-
o( the normal woman, Then
IIUes are as much a part of her as
• are glrli, of course, whose ne-
ver•recover from the shock of
tell, -
girl, owever, recognizes
Ulu to De jilted before mar-
eglected afterward. She
dearly and yet wllliegli
being j
The w .
that it 1s
r Pingo than
may love hi
give him up bearing that his heart
has changed to and her. Probably the
worst sorrow a - Irl can know would
b• berg, with th knowledge that his
heart has gone f m her. to another.
But even them tf a
e truly loves she
would not feel bet r toward him.
She would lose er 11d111'e, girlish
trust which led he to (leve all nue
good and noble; she Wo • Id. la better
able to dIstingWsh bete* the false
and the true as a consemi »ce, and 1f
she loved again after time • el healed
the wound It would berin e same
blind, unreasoning, trusting wit 11 she
Was toe normal woma-
n.New York
American, - -
Roe the Retvowe Weems.. _.... --
"Too nervous Walt st111 a minute
an,] off she goes, talking, genticulattn
and moving about In a dlstractingman-
ner, with apparently no other object In
It but to move -move and keep forever
That this fa true of very many girls
and women. we all know. Now, if then('
flame restless ones would get an 'object
to xlt still 'for they would Dud how
greatly beneficial tt.was, and the inces-
sant wearlug away of Heigh and nerve*
Would be very much lessened.
One nervous woman, realizing this,
gave two hours every day to poste' for
a friend who was an illustrator. And
he made a good model too, It -nae,
pparently, pant as easy for her gilt
Completely still as It was to keep' con-
nntly on the !Hove. At the end of
two hours, with, nf•conr.e, rest1 every
twenty Minutes, t1i'0 value of -the work
M a nerve cure wan Iturnedlntely felt
e a sense of rest,. repose and power.
,'Wh11e every one who 1s nervous can-
not find the opportunity to pose for one
I pt4fwlw1ondll�' engaged In (rowing tieLeten for a student, she might "hold •
(( pose" quietly la her own room to - y.
oral twenty Minute lengths and get, -
nearly as good•reaults.
Qneen Ales re's laves. Itnpn,f end
f silks .re turn' by rootlet fora day
1 at a time betw.. lapels of rune leaves
covered with ti e paper.
With a spreader two men inn dl.tri.Notre,end the flea Minh of tenter In
bole allow forte' leads a day Meat the morning will Peen, the peps.
tared with a npreedtr the
tlsn will be even, and theri will not itefore eienning oat a 6replar. sprin
4*' nem the 14Kre4114011 of oMerfcrtllir- kirgest handful of tea 1.eves4 among
oil tents or atel►Sa that inevitably the a Alien 'I his mnk.. the *thee lift
follow anraadl.g Cir hand. easier end prevents the duet frnm 6y.
Ing sbont the roam.
Test much ea r0 r9 not be 41 .towed
Henn setting n toil Earh article
mhnnld be Inld m1 It *l - 'shsbim. p
- Helen. -
There t1, a (tmmsn at t8ginning
of nil "reit things. 14n
Heed the n1.w
A11 liver and st.aa,t,h Iro0h1(•s renal
h Miller'm (4raa,dee, For sale by .hiar+�li idler's (trip Pnwdety mune. For of tlraaMv,
V�ham,sole by Jas. Wil Welt.
rare ort halt frattosise
When Iftlited trainee of p
Stained Mist or hsVe
injurious vapors t
Intact they m
Hence by a
wilts of
Mtg. ere
rnply to in-
n tarnished by
have left the gold
be reefored to bell- I
rim In water with a cotton
*Nary thin aim ran be undertaken-,
With very little trouble. After rubbing
the surfaist of the triune with
lialft4DaPer cant Of Shellac Varnish
applied with a brunh, followed by •
Edit of jepanner's gold alSe. When
Um alms has become tacky that Is, re- ,
Celrea but s slight impreeeten from the
finger the gold leaf, previously cut lb ,
amok NHL st asti Ala
wan a cotton woo: each piece ba-
lm/ mad. to overlap slightly the ad-
joining pieces. The gilding la then
geutly pressed with cotton wool. 'rho
surplus gold having been swept off
shellac varntidtlitIteen- Two illYerl or
with a silk hauclkerchief, a vont of
gold Ica( ant better than one. For this
the first layer la treated ith gold size.
The saute process may be applied to
theitilding of any weed inirfaces.
Tlie Skirt.
Hygienically speaking. the skirt as
now prevailing stauds guilty or rath-
er, ithould hang coudeulued„ of malty
idns. It fetters free movement. im-
pedes progress, interferes with active
exercise, produce* , needless fatigue.
predleposes to accidents, limits the use
• of Um hand, troubles the mind, Is MI
constant danger of eutauglements. col-
-theta dust, dirt and bailie galore and le
Stal !Cheery, hampering. harmful, and,
as all must admit, It Tacitly bounties
Olthy'and unties/thy'. We have no wish
to suggest lbaelahment of the skirt; but,
Wars the participation of women la
sports and physical exeretses of earl-
3US kinds has clearly dowoostrated this
powdbility a combining hygienic re-
quirements with artistic effects, wo.
venture to advocate a more •general
adoption -1d rational, skirt*. Rut on the
subject of atria woman is ndstress of
the sltuatIon.-Mospital.
Loather fraisapt•an•
A clever woman with con:Utterable
artistic ability Is making the most of
the fail for leather trappings and more
partletthisly the fancy for USIng calf.'
skin 1n its natural state as a euverin
los- await tables, footstools, taboret*.
portfolios. book reeks, wall poekets,
Windt! stands and similar articles to
411ifferent lauds of wood. She designs
all her pieces of fancy furniture. unink'
beaded tacks or dull finished nails are
used, according to the Preference of
ths purchaser, and this young womas
has hunt , up a profitable business.
winch she tarries on In her own home.
using her parlors as sale •and exhibi-
tion roonm.-Brooklyn Eagle.
Was\ Silk Waists.
The best way to clean a wash silk
waist Is to wash it In • suds made of
benzine or gasoline and a white soap.
After the garment is clean it should be
oroughly rinsed in fresh benzine. Ne •
pressing will be needed as a result ot
the washing, but -if the Wit Is wrinkled
It • uld be ironed with • warm fiat -
Iron a ter it 1s dry. A hot fiaUron must
not of urse be put on goods wet with
suc fiu The rinsing liquid may be
say for another occasion:providing It
,la all wed hi settle and la then drained
from znent Delicate :skids
May be `cleats in this way.
alba awl Wows.
American Monet anthem." gild Sew
illustrious and i` obi* oman to utter fa
undying verse • thhught which wit
hope is forever snim te the soldiers
of the republic. .1 Us W Rowe cam
not yet vote in A ca, b t her words
will be •n !mini t to youth ef
f liberty many a re my r hog
ped In quarter Inch .cubes on the Inn •
Put two cupfuls of col mutton c
with a cupful of cold graVY. •
ful of minced onion •nd another of\
-"kitchen bouquet." While the mixttiro
fa being brought to a boll\arranto
round the edge of the platter a ring 05
plain boiled rice. Into thin ,ceriter of
th• ring pour the steaming nalxture
and garnish with parsley.
.1114 Complexion,.
It wcrtfRf bir Well for one to rement.
ber that the complexion resembles ev-
ery other part of the body and that It
cannot be trifled with. •You would not
tamper with your digesUon wore you
a dyspeptic, nor Would you trine with
your lungs were you • consumptive.
Even so, if your .skin is delicate. YOU
m•ust not take Ilboirtles with It.
-The Mystery tit' Maslow" is tale
,,f Silo•rifil, ft 14114,ry sof love and intrigue.
sIguarthie week.
Week11CSS of the Rack, Backache,
or Patti in Back, Swelling of Peet,
Ankles or Wrists, Pain in Joints
or Hips, Constipation, Urinary
Troubles. Chills, Pevenahness.
Th indicate that the kidneys
are t of order. If a remedy is
tiCil found, the evil may de-
velop 4 to 9he or more of the fol-
lowing biomes: Inflammation
of Kidne or Blwider, Calculus,
Ginvel Of tone, Rheumatism ill
one of it. di ressing forms, Dia-
betes, Brigh Disease of the
The latest and lies remedy for
B trade -daft j
Kidney irregularities, which are
Out cause of su man ‘aihnents
The Kidney Pill
That Cures
It pnewsees all the advantages of
other remediee without the objec-
tionable features of any. 1111 -Ju
is the iesult of the latent scientific
study, compounded with the high-
est skill. lt is -sold by all drug -
Klett in hove% of so pills for so
cente. Do not waste money and
valuable time on substitutes.
In kidney trouble.. time_lapleal-
tarty vsivable Get the best rem-
edy at Collet; there is (nest delver
in delay.
114144011101111,, 0447.