The Signal, 1903-7-16, Page 4• 4 TOM IMAT, July• 16, 1903. THE SIGNAL: (ODERICIl ONTARIO MRL BLAIR STEPS OR Minister of Railways and Canals Re- signs His Portfolio. garden. the Grand sunk Pacific Scheme Sthe,e• Moncton Quota.. tlecnon Would In. Jure the IntertolenAJ A S...ah•n a4 Ottawa. (Ottawa, Jai). 14.--4.ikc a holt out of the kine lust nish4 rattle the 1e - port that the Minister of 1101uwaya had sent in his raklgwulonelo the Prime- Minister. instantly It utonutl- uliied 'attention' Its thy relit -0 evelu- 01011 01 et twilling else Alem.h.•ri'fe,r- si.okthe rha le'r and giU1ee•el l)1 knots in the rurri lora to disrwua the - 111N1 tor. il'11.41 the report' - !al. I•ruuehl t0 the I': mot Minister'. el Hort.: A. G. 13LAIA. IMmlt.,p, hr refa.e.1 to Dat a %ol41 h, '''qurd.Jt. 1t, iluu Mr .Iiutr sea. pea *0. ret knelt, and pohf,Iy but Ager- d,chtl.•d to open hl. 11101.1111 u1': 4 'Oaf Ulq'•it •AOhe,dy: hutfet.n. Ir,t the neper' 4a tree owl the probeehil•tt - is thee the !'erode Rthdt.tre W111 1.. 1., ttisl1(lIlI41 the Cot- nroiint•emu,-nl wit h relipta•t to the matter •t his tuunu rig. • Ag.topt Yiarl•a-Qmot••e 11u.. Tl'. *coin, of' ?Jr- •ltl. it is appar- ently ru,.uert .•.1 with 't bu (1utern- eait'. , i.a•1uti,,n to build mealier :.N..•rhln.•nt Mitt from Mention ' to debt. 110 -wh'Iuurgly takes the i.•w Phut sorb a pally will not he Pelle fel lee the interefrionwl, who h .,tt. hat teenhes slM'curl�prhle .hod not. . Litton to Lu1LI up and -extend D•• - In stet of'haln 113' with 4 h.• uu, i•,1'- f, nl . hes . 1f veluee, Alr. -!!lair dor I,U• -ns fait elterr WWI' only 'tete un, upell 10 111111. 1P• Wan min of to 1 on Seturdac and Sunday, hut - mg otter fog pray 'a visit- t., hi, natio ueF' 11e -r.•ts4J14ud lo 1°2.:1u rebtvAM) . i.ut-.hd noise tend,- theai- to, 00, the. • n Meetuug 01 .71.r• I:'outlyd. net - id k0' tilt lila depart41rr1(1. ' Th. Prosier's Placa The '14.'14.11111;;,.will- Id 0' all Ilkehhen. er.uuul n 1 pull.}' of the l;uieru tient u .11,. ::rated Trui.k Perone Wariest. t the end- of the Present week or he IN•gimu,ng of the • next sic' N /i1' t hoe :rum 44.e erre beg.1.- oboe Inlet an active part 441 that 11.•- ,.;tfetions, and wilt elal3urate the Ifore, nee to, plans Per --tau brwli. of rnrlbitiuenL we 19181lpg 1a J11eat. • Aa the Hu tee Was alum to "'d- lun.a It L\ trden said there 'were Linlorw that un. A. ti Blair had ,geed. soul skcd for .un-eYkasl t: event. Mr fielding, Who, Wee, i( the 110 11,0•• replied that he seen 4 sn '4I Wilfrid !aim ler or 11 fr that evening, end had ao tutor ■tion to eller. -den di gated that lir k• it wpptul to Neu the au kir. 101,7it before -M to'- e vetoesop that he al, • to eolighteu- the .,, h ', Al \ Da- hl •i'tl Pr uit el. laugh Illouse\' Ale. NI n,mfefraii uid ('a.wls July, 041411, t e00" way 1.1 1 , Lary. A0-1111,.4.` bud -f7Tgrge'of tb lut,eculunlal 1r -oh real,, • hi, h' wits ap • meat lu 'btl, bring(n' to a shlppiug_cont, leaelttg rt to "s piuug der hi. y,anag"WMO1 '(4 the heavy y• arty deficit deces.ortf, ham given way factory ■ttrp1' while the the Ibrahim 'en vently rmtil the service' and settle new romper* fatoraMy with any other line On the cont,nee St. Laterenc• cartels :pave rise . greatly Inipr.nved, and the. fuurt toe: waterway completed fnili. Inke% to the era. At the treneral . ert014o of 1000 Mr. Blear (biotite lloy (leo, E. Foster for 1t. John by 007. Before ruing to OttaWA • Mr \ Weir had had a moot successful carder an n Prowl of 1th'nit lee tirutiuee. .rte terh.g 0'w Brunewick politics in 1$78, WI them were Kitt mix Tele rralil in a unser of forty; „n0', at the Ret .rasion l+t• Wes chosen lender of t }ls Tart y sue IN•totb i he next e t r lo- tion had getntel .Ire..n mon' support - era Short ly:aft the general ,eli•- lion of '14:1 41, star dud in debotting aha (;0%,•rnnulit. for .I d Ministry, and Was leiter Mu.trtn In three gen- eral election.. in 1441 'A "01:1 '94. At the time of his reuignalh to outer the Laurier 'Adteluletretion. he, hid been Premier foreseer thine., years, and he st fi`oolrl1Mland, 'it end' fol- lowing 10 1\eW Ihvnswlrk.. the vines •funding nine Liberals and ye ('nnsot'va t1 yes to the ('o emote, '1•1ftrt, retiring Mlnleter,b•s b most 3119tlhg>. OIshod'reputation as a lawyer He .' orae a tnpmhor of the lurrprotinctaf (+nrtt.renrr whh -11 Ur(it at tnielw•c in 1Pei, bed was a \'Ici l,'hH1rtnan Of the Reform ('nurentfon wt ()Dawn to 1903. Mr. Itlelr. Is • Methodist, and la le his r'oi,t,.i 2: year, - . • - VETERAN OF SES.PSTOPOL. Sirdelrs Polnnastpr 'Ten. What Dodd • a.dnry • 'Pens are Donne for H.. Rilvlell, liter 1'et., ill.. .Ind) I;lth. 'ititti. (MjM.'blll Iletlr? 111191, tweet - master herr, is n veteran of the (criteen \Ver vett., gat here. I olut'v fn -remit 41f '4.•ta4Nt.11M1I. 11111 the hoot . bile. 111• ene•,nnt'Odd ,iti (hos' 1.11'il,1,. .days houngbt on kidney tr.nrhle, Item is ahat1he ewes, of.eit,.: "Every tiisre'"torh kidney trouble IM,t.I/ero 1114' 1 turn is Ihetht'e Kulney Pille. I nev4rgavelire► a fair hnn•el• !!)serem4' 1ItoNntglv lititthry 1,1"."Y"do Mt'w t•at d al d i,wl. 1 know Dodil'o Et Kidney 11 Ill.iran Iltt •,- 1 1141 is Oil 1111141 full' then)/ 1 kauw' MI, ' of illy n,-ighlen,u whin -Nave oast them for the wmr a tomb., 1471 inl'a4f Who air we'll he'l'l" to -day. \1'helt• 1 feel the ml frouide 4sing ngsin 1 141)411'ittv.ly nee I)ISI(1's,J jdjey I'lllw r af 41 1 a fol shier a9 kid n t rte d iw A vel 'Dor sr of'Ra •ategai lett. owed the. ten 1 Mold 1•. .rattled, tits .1 o •sot's •r lee. of tp "ed. eat will fief' of dot tor. the .hurter A.1- 1 tM"1.t Its(Iwu:p .tithe, In t of that em's.-9•iun- aye he u of the t M.,r,t- by ' arha- Inue nstetld 11.1 of - 1 or 1 4 0 SLEW.A COLORED MAN. 11111.., tllrb.rd••r K(ll. gds.N 10•4 - Snows M- tb•w. near ■erre.. Oat., la • L..1 LI•klleh.4 LImo Itsae.,Dlap.t•. Harrow, July 13.-A long drawn esut quarrel beta -dm rebound 11at- U4 witot, colored) and Oliver ttiehlu:i- 'su,a Delete) of the thirst rolu'rrll(u1a of egkhestlu Stout!. about two sud K half attics *oat of this tllluffe, cat- er the boundary hue tet worn "their farms.:culwl14tmd friday, alight in • fight. in Which 91attTiew■ received Meows fruit which he died Stiatw'- day 'afteriiuua' about 4 o'clock. Rich- ardpon had a revolver and 'tired eev- •rel shute at Mathews. four taking effect. three its the body and one Ili Owl are This ball, which, no doubt, Caused death, lodged in the lidiwye. Richardson and hie two suns. wbu also took part in the dueler. wire Im- twedlatuly arrested end lodged to the village lu.keup, until Saturday morti- fies. whets they, with Airs Rfcbard- suu. were taken to Wfudsor by Ilo- twtlre l'alaps.0 and Mahoney of Windsor. la the p011(4..yourl there Mrs. Ittthardson and .the two sones Were de:charged, and. Rwhardsun re- minded to Jail pending the. outcome of Mutth•we' wound. The tract of laud to disputa. so - cording td the valuation of an •s - pert, le oiled to' be worth, at *$43 Por acre. only $5 cents, but each of the disputants- has spente tendril* of dollars in law rusts. beerdrs hay- ing severut previous encounters. itl one 01 which lhchardaoa nearly Met his life by an axe an the bands of Matthews. Coroner Hessard ordered •n IMquest. The body wan viewed -by the Mrs at N o'clock Seturda• e'rn- dug, after which• the Inquest war •d- loomed 4,1411 this waning The white mad, • itn hardson, will urge a plea of self-defence. Mrs ltiehar'ds00 says' before her tpuylrand proceeded to extrema measures the man shut •had attacked per. hitting ear on the' head with s boulder. The woman's head and neck show - evi- dences of severe dntury. Matthews was returning f'udn the mixture with,, his cows when he met It,chardeel.. In the quarrel that •u sued the latter drew a revolver from. his pocket and fired four shuts -point blank . . ltkhardsou want .quietly to his/ house after the shooting. end toll/ posges •f Matthews.. Joseph and Fred, caned elegy the prostrate turn of thele !fathir, - !Richardson' offered r'.- blstance when arrested • by ,('onotable Swegler 11e was lodged to the Iter - row luck-irp-with his two eons. }.um, and t,ieurgy,_whe were witnes*es of tt shootl•g Sirs, Rlandrdsoa speak the sight In a hotel unrdersurvetllaoce. BY FEE AND FLOOD. - orween City; July 19 -Fir i ha'.. is•en raging the last ten dloys along the Dominion telegruph lines, eolith of\Telegraph Creek, u well a. (14 Yukon basis: la the Dot 410 eoun- try. a section vt hie followed and burned the poles and .:de blocks It distance 'of '.teff miles lt.aween cat.lus`,,No 5 and. Y, south of At Ion. poles ware burned for fire rums' The dutee• of this' news cue• trout Dis- trict irIrict 44ij rintend«nt Phelan. at Can- ,eottet, t .1. Y. Ilorhester at UAW - son Yr. Phelan' also Arses .that a great deal of trouble has )..en ea- psn•aced the last few days by heavy freshets •n tee streams eoulh Tele- graph Ctt,rk bridges, o or which the paok train, •c[oes is t1' ng supplies to the cabins, were ed away A TRAIN'S DiO PLUM Throe anel..• lead r• Can J•sp k -Fl.. Yes Dla Cano■ City, Col, July 11 -Thr misuses end twenty cars of • freloht trate have lumped the Denver & Rto Grande track in Our Royal Gorge anti plunged Into the Arkausai River, • sheer fall of 2.000 feet. The engines hat••'not yet t,•mn: NOand_Tud'lnlght curs aro • wisitng. The river Is very deep au high and the eurre•nt runs at •' terra' speed. `The three to .1'n 0',•n • r . aYl e g b1' k and • a eves■ h ditlsppeu'od in lbw wt.ck- • a tousles hectares. - e Toronto, July 11.-A daring` 0'e: cape was made frees Central. PrIs, yesterday afternoon... Charles Qiraeku(bush, • • young Turonte ioirglar, \ dug through' a sat ion of the • Wall ' and • gest away. Ila ad probal.T•' bean at liberty . but - few mioutre whoa the bunt e0ul- ce. Ha has not bees caught and the i,llce o87utals who know 1,251 are not nguirl.' tit s early capture 4uwk°ii busk had confined • there .:Inti' A 11 20 ' T1 gh - but. 21 veers u1'• , he 1s regard by police nthoiltle as an all 'rot d crook. 1 Is herd t • fluid behhld r el bars He bear■ tib distinction tit t'fng ninth three fronts Tirrout toe rlala`, all under Irouuutancee (Mingespiald• , , and fngeiulty. lojkfgt'.1 * •Ialei. . Iltonl,. J \ tily 119` ' •bars Alee- a -popul• -•hung farw- ided at Ford laagn.r's 'mot•rel7 • sift noun In It•l frfromi -ire r.+ ern' raining a di<N, eased Was 'crash., '141 learn falling on f5. which' Win on r. 4 nrur Stoney ('1'.•e cud He was IS ught to the city bur un ol'•ratiea at 1 . hospital. 1Ie wee *bull o 25 'yea 4 , and Was the chief euppor et ,is parrots. 1lfs father is blind. 11 . ands ,Joule, 0'r, ' 10 tea leach, . led } the City Husp retepd et ii b •go.` The der the back b.• a at the raja' Stewart's far Drowsed to _t •Lordan Harbor, JI 1 n•. named \ ■ughan *firs Fells, Ont , Was th. bay at this•placs 1 hdt 14 p to , directly Jord Harbor, P.O. He, is Com pany 'With two other you men. Wt a hung. All three w un• able In Ali It It la sup,o ,•nhe ►` 1N took • crawl), u, after stnklnr ace or twice, he aav ppss. The wa sl) Was tot essr 4 damp, Mod rhino ,lysefee. !(stat• lir, ,11813% i4..- lltriek Rogue, • $•.'.tlnsm on the D..R., residing in Ruw ldney 41hlp, dleit on *Due - day from i ''orbs - received ler being "truck hy a troth. aa- far. 11.--A young °halal on, 'of drowned In 'la •yening, In' front of Dla•er . ties 04.4•,4. London, .lull► 14 -Co,mt Wt 1t. Met irrni('h. the German Ambesead0r, Shea a dinner to King }ldwnrd at the 1letman }:ntl.s9.y nut night. ifilh•pis Compound 114.1( Pill., only • 'f5 cent., for ;ill 14afre•M, For Male by Jae Ncrvoms dfanoleH and headache do not eau*• eye strain they ate the w+tae. Consult Prof. T•uhb.' EDMUND MATTHEWS' DEATH.' l.arg• Nash.r A1.•ad }amoral of DI sr. tiered Yea at Narrow, Nindour, .only 14. -Pr. McKenzie. of ll,u'ruw pnrfulvued an autopsy on the remain* of Edmund Matthews, oh, it,tict.;d by U. Richardson. 1t wee (.nail that 4lie, bullet ' which roused Mantle's.' death retorted between the - meth nod tenth 'ribs un the l ft aide of the body, penetrated the lin lrtg of of the 1110110101. (,saved through tjq kidneys mid -lodged in the swine. ,The wuu,ds were such Gee: rw'ut'cry would be Iwt,ussihle, tlr- kidney's !being very badly Injured. The remand of the decried' were u.len4d yesterday. '!'here were moody rnn11uM iApec (Inure present. atld a large numbi•j' of frienda end rebi- nd.% followed the, remaihs to the gill 'kV - Thie morning, int 10 o'r'luck. Coro- ner Ifa•sut\I ui !Harrow will- bold as li9nelt tutu the death. ENDEAVORERS IN A PANIC. week Teat 04.,. Dees teem) Pa•ele Pere Cinder It. - Denver, l_'ailo., .duly +14'.-T1te big trot where the Christian ' 1':udeat'er 'l'ulivent1on was held ()4r the , laud four days, wear bluwu down yeeter duy while cater 8.000 people wet.. 111ai4l•. A don•n persons 'were it. owed. lint srrluusly. The convention wits in hall p4'cij(2lie, 4 thu time .t *the accident. Th,• l0 side" of the tent bad been o•neiitea admit. air, aid fife enabled a wind 10 4.4* - the hl4 natives as if 1t were a balloout liiun,dletr}y ala• 11,- 0q0 ,Ot) occupant. of 11,,' tent .were in a panic' IIundr.ds of lawn sprung to their feet, huwwtrr, and raised the tent. ,FRtE .FOOD LEAGUE. . t elie tval•.t.1. Mud start • C•ip•Igs •4141.•1 resteetlt a. London, July 14 -1r.' t nIonlet faro trod.•,. held another meet hl List Melo under the rhairulauahup of Ste .911 11,4.•I flicks-ilruch';' ' former 4'lulnt...11.w of the Ex.'t4..pler .in a c)4 . Wee 1'00111 of the House of 4 oeuuuli.s. A Unionist-' free food leagu'was formally orga,ired, and \ • It,woe , lI►umugred that a jar i11ipu gn find sots- anoint - :the ing.- noint-:the'ng.- The reaps..'w111,4roinrlint.•- 31 aloe( a ,'I .-ot u,nul crusade. An a( IN••Il teal Mede to Pren fuer list - 'o'er 'ID M. 1. au cto9y tidy --Ler • lull -I n! debate F4T4L POWDER EXPLOSION. Thr.. M.m x111..1 cod Two Hurl Si Muestrk, P..' Wilkes -Barra, Pa. 'Idly It --An -An apt. slot aohrred at 1.:1(1 p m1, y,•r- ;erdat tit ` the Lal1l Puw'der MH near lluusfek, 12 sidles" been ' hero, 'I tin -u nictl.n'.'re ki11.d.. The t'urnlng Mil, Ulaze'Will and the live,.,1iu1h1- .1.rs' were .11- 16.111U11%1041 The, killed were John Duy, his sun Alfred, and Al1�(atfd.•r Moon..' alt thrr..-of J,afjn. '1'h.riuwre,Hays 'u(. Ya issvgre and .1.0 - ',Pierre of lluoatt• were fatally horned '1'h.' 'loss will reach thou - smote orf dollars. The origin of the accident is not known. Tbs-O8erl•.. T. steal': _ Toronto.-+.(/rang�e+tn1en of many planet in (h,ta4'lu\ coiebrated, the glor- .ung twelfth oh Monday.'1'l):• wave tI,'r was ideal • for out deo; feaher t t ler, and tl.ouiandit 'tit wearer, of the .Irange _ wklkod. ;A44uog the yin{ -a. !tad tows that celebrated ware 191n481011, 11•rr(slon. l'heeley, Brant - fold, .Drlghtoa,, "ort Celbocue and others. Belfast, Irel(pd, July 74. - The procession of Orangemen, on return - ug from ye 1'4rday's deu.onstratioti •re, were attacked by Nationalists •w. a' sin toils riot •Ilaued,- A 1111111- tar policemen and nleer, ere L1iu Sim Wont Oteraler - Tnrontto July, 14 Top -year-old Bertha hekol it realising her, danger from being 411 down by • street car backed up and' -struck by the bicycle of N. W. lopes, 1F. e., Ar \torr he could stop. r swerve. dad oho Was hurl of in lrhnt 1 the appruach- 1ng car. The bender I coved medeep, d *lowed her to be robbed and is,, 1.41 "aluwst beyond rrugnition by II front truck.: She In the bond .A rnggliu,g between Ye end death = Dim viya the Twee, 'i'ranl.furd. .duly 4.•-A drownl rldent o. uttered In t River ''ren at 1•1-anklurd at 11 $0,. esterday. Maggie A.,' the 42 -year-old daughter of Caine); O'Sullivan, while- birthing along with Iwo 'other girl. of T s..tne age, shOnhled over a rock au fill'' Intl, deep water. The others ro'ild glee to assistance: The body wee 1uua(1 half ani hour later, but lir' wa■ gpur.� . , Tesla Olf tb• Trask T mato, July '14.-A run=off oe- C1111 on flab main hue of the':.'. 1'. R. at '30 yesterday lllorntug just mast of the neer it town called Radnor! . 'coal cars of p -• freight train daft the track, doing s greet _tlelal of du w111 to the rails. shd 'roedl...I, lot no 410 leas hurt. The l'. It regular fru Montreal was 'dela) cord tore haunt a. \. reoull. Ilr•pp.d D t. 'edemas, .lply 14.-'4 lee Par- ker, maneger of the Alerehan Bank at A elnr.lnn, drbpped dead ('o•• rinna eat ty yeeterd4v mo 7941, when h had been ependin4 a dais. 1 . 1'arker was ))brut A Neuro of a-,. end hen been 'manager of the AIN 11 ton brk,wh for three )04116. 411)... PI • 04•ps M.11.. Washington, .1 J4 D. 5 01(049. ter Wilson at' Mast - o, ('h11e. in • report by call• to t State tepkrt- nlanl. says the plague as spread to nearly all the Ch44e per ; that 'mat - •I service in diforgenlred. and that tin Arnenrnn email halo rear Santi- ago fro nine week.. Pr,.•• Visited 9`41s tearaage, ortanlnuth,.,.7111y `l4.- The 1' of 'ale., who was arreigrrag+1ted Amt seeder Choate, IM Earl 04 Sell lei, First Lord of ill' Adnrir aft?; d others visited the Ke•reegs yoxford As the Prince , deported ko was rer.d hy the Mows - of thn American ships ('A 01)1., at A4 Cert. a. Oases. Wdnhing,on,' .idly 14 - The director of the United 1448*,.. Mint ,rreaterrtay pnrrhae.1* 75,1 mincer. ,of a(I"I•r for arrm,nt of Ilfpp,ne coleus. at an average of fill. matt as lr6na. k Night Berl at Store. ?HE WANDERER'S SONO. Below is a t wu►slal' of the • s by .1. 1'. It. Twine', of to • which %cele 11411111.10.41 ill OH, T nigite de Jersey 1 reprissM1 by ars I,u+t week oho, the (1.11 -tote. AWAY PROM Ml' IIosfl•:. TMTZTLEK: Away oet the world! ,Away from toy . Tit •1 :r lblarer s:ui, . a Wanderer lune: A Wav In 1111 my friends, front my lindrrd away, Alone will) HO,' thoughts l taauler all day. I've rtetmel :puny holds. nt•vep T'rt sal i.11ei. The d1'•anls .4 Illy youth 4111'• mut gout tried. N.4 t11.1or I have ae•th ity 1 1111 pa11 .al the earth 1.r.M,11el. 111 11)0' Ihah 111/1 of try bieth. •\\-heti those all A119,114111 Neil 18881h mirthful and gay: 1'uurlitg life'spleasures i111'!.•ir happy way, 1 think of my hothe 1111 that 1,u•dia:un 141.111'. And wish 1 ens there 148 we it 'r 911)41.•. - \\ 11.•11 Kwe11111w'4 111•11:tt' *4l./01ek 111rr1'N genial 1411114 And leave this Irdd Kurth in twittering 141111.. I feel. l' 111,dolle. front. Irl' lova' once 14)011't, ' . And think of my Ito With mid aching - liteur 4 When 1e111' 1l).• pin.' .I1.•nin. gliding 44cfftly clung _- To far weans' alit flees writ lemunnuring . , - NMS• 1•(1(4`4• fl 11411 ils del/111S tie Mer144•ti1s to tautest tient' Putter, ftJtou away 1•• Aly dear Italie(• Isle. 1111.11011S ''1 daye IIP, long past . . Shall always 19.111.1211 .41141.1-tlemories bet. \It most situ ere ttf.11. Malay nearest may, heart. 1. to that 'leeward turn, and n.'rt• thence 10 de aaW: 111 is tt i}I1. p1e,u.un' int publish corse Iron, tt 1. 1. our Iloilo the pen of Mr. Jaims Le 'Frazer, now .1....iding at 4;owlet i}•!. It is just -nifty yloar1 since 41r. I..• '1'.artt•1 euf «o41 as an ar ,p11'nt ire the)4 0'r , flt . f Ihr 1'hl9rniqur (Ir Jersey. Ptli(('NEJ. H. COLBORNE CASH Oik PRODUCE An Extremely Interesti-ng Bit of News FOR DRYGOODS BUYERS Although 1)1e wy(4'11 for w,',,t weather welds is not :wetly icer w'0' !mete de•idtd to make sweeping 1•141111•1 1011. w x,1111• of 11111' W/11.111 weather g.eeeek, `` Colored Drcss Muslilis •W' Reduced as follows : 75t' hoe Inc ; _lino for I., ' : 'La• Ir,l' I:M'. Another tilt el .Muslim, bin• for 1211'. ' White Dress4111tslins An endl.' . variety ul; Ialtt4•rns iu eftrip.N, Matta and lu..e:ales front 101• to 51)t., great vahn• and AU urs.. Any • wailing white goods MI Id bee then,. our latrgaill- 1,1111,' shows ,1 t'11111111114 lot of glteg1111114s, striped linens, print.. and tither tl •r stuffs int docs �lnlll wh11lesa{.•' prlrs.. Waisting sitters in cream Weaves, cream) sackings, cream grena,liirs, blue and 1 ,1.1:4 new silks, whim stripe, fancy detainis. Just in. a big lot of fivatt•I+uls and Frent'h the IS, 41.4.4 IIltterns. - _ _ •- W.. wish to ealt ailticular attention to our black silk gremuliies, 12 Milieu wide. They are extra value. lirrvtt value in l,4ti'k cotton 111 /1.4., w •lis, uaisN•N ,1141 i11's', fast blu•k ,11)1 good 1.1 wen'. \V n's (nem 2 Ja1in. for ;.I' .: midges. jest as .•110'11)1, a1'u11ry1111g t.(1 size : Imo's', ribbed, at ,111 prices anti all mite,. up to 11; Mehta. 3liss,•s":old w qt's white cotton hose end black with manual wool and cardinal wool sole.. I'Meets from 25rto$141Ask to Nee our :tie line, which ore nil g1s11 as a regular 31k• line. libels setanin utitIte, klets, 714•, Ink•, *1.14 awl *Life Ale gnat *ellen.. \\'.• mow' N•11 the Stamford Patlt•fn$, t/ri)e.s ie. lUe, Brit• and dlk'. The Designer, lily, 011 Ntle at alar counter 111/0', Feshiuu Sheetsfo gice•away. H. C 0 L B 0 R NE July 2r t t.. 2111. :ter -the days of ,,,. Prof. Ix4I1N . NI.N t Gimlet -hit. St. 4'itu: dottier rapidly cured by Miller's 1'ouq 1 Iron Pills. - hour SHIP by Jas. N•ila,n. ummer Sponge Sale \ \\-e are now tasting EXTRA VALUES in these vet}• ne'wwry articles. Fine n. tt stock just in. A SWELL R ced to 20c N'1' lake this (Mrlabfon to toffee our • A fine lilac sually`Kohl at 2.1... friend our best wishes for • pros3M•1'il yRedo to 35c Ana health, Milt ver 0'x)0.411 to heaJ r C U 1.1j♦ ('/{ (tutu 1 ' again. l:dol' 1 A huge sponge or/ arily worth :o1. . • At 10c td45c DYNAMITE BLEW HIM UP. ' MIN Separlat•edaat Arden.. 110Aoa.ty • - part nut 11111 1' PerrySound, 4u1y 13. - A de yn nine accident occurred at the Mc- -.[towns Popper Munr Maturday, la w•hi'-h Ceti Andersen. the sulrrinten-' dent. wee seriously injured. Five I4ast•'o.•1(v being 4•t oft born - fuse. orsurface work. and four. exploded. and the.liith, mot having gone on, 'And.•rson approached to as:ert.l0 the *nae. When he method the slat the 'i•' rge Tent but. Ile woe -blown fully 20 t into the ate Ile w,11 recov- er, ' In sustained serious Injury to the left rm. and 411 lose three angora fro one hand. ' ' K•wf..d la Preepeswy St. .fohn's, IK , July 1g. -Th. eoluniel rut. -nue for le Aural year .'1t;Ied June 391 rear $2,210.000. the largest annual rete 4 'aver rea- lized ;in the colony. and $80,400 alone*. 'the tots' fur the pttc.dl,g year. The eteosperity of the Colony is greater than ever, end the tieh'o.ry outlook fur the, Mason alon �l decidedty•aoral.le. 1'nttloo,-'Prof; M. i.. 'rand.'. mann- Lel iring optician and eve slle•ialist, )44 T1/111111 11, ace Isw1'11 by %melee S, Tanis•, Doctor of l)pthalmyl.lgv. Ile of the \L•u1110ttan �'w• Infirmary. New Volk y. At Hotel Bedford, I( wlet•irh. Ont.. .1,11y 21st to 24th, in - 11 ire. Ihmlgalln1n, July 11th. Blyth, -.duly 27111 and 2tith. if there is anything wrong with your eyes cum - nit it n, charge for consultation. -Sat isfite on wiaritetred. , For et -fer- vent -0d and teatimes 'Ala sew circulars. 't'4tr,nto 4uldtess, 254`H\icirinoud-street \t1'. . SUIT\ M'Ai)M TO YOI'R MI?AML-RE HY DUNLOP THE TAILOR ILO R 124 WHAT 1-o1' I? st�'D Jl'M'1 notlt. 11M,k ' ... 'ry. Ht They 1( • 111,1(1, \t 1lland they do tett' 1 Ik1•:1 In pots. 1)11t.e. MADE•TO.Oi10Ei1 CLOTHING - READY-T(1-MEAR CLOTHING ('all saml N.0' 111 lat.wk Ia•- f��r 'p14k•ing you order. HDUNLO • Wc.� t Street. Marr 't Teflon. / T • ALL RIGHT i and lasts may enter STOW / ;il4 at any thee. SPRING, TERM b gun. Mar, -h 30th. T mercies and shorthand. lege journ 1. C.. A FLRI4iNO. A L MriN IIYI.'Wal- raft.• ram fl for col RE, Some Sig Snaps 111 Clothiiig.. .1 1.l al I he time :'1.11 need it moat, twe offer our Ntttck of light colored quilting at n lig r eltietinn. We want to (•Irar all oder light sults out this th, we dot'twant to 0tw over, w'1' theyefin havifs'uudde the. foUowing big•radtteihe .. 411.11(1 and t*) saitw • redneed to 411.111 $12.15 "-4 44.111 411700 " 7,ir11 - >Y $(11) ,. ,t t1.7.051$ (3.54) ., •e' &l$) For two e -k8 aha aboveprices will pro'vail. - Irrms- ylrrlt CNA. 20th Century Brand Clothing I'1'n Ir whotipple,' II Igood rinthing are ordering the With Century Brand of Men's ine Garments. \\'n Lake yournu•nslir ,and h t0'- it 'mule to y eslr.•ciel older, Hni.hed in one week. 2f$) aa1n4leb b1 811eet, from. Fur pair neat islet, try the 21011) Century and. , W.C. MEN'S CLOTHIER ANC FURNISHER w ridham Mo4EAN'e /LOOA JJeFellAs ep And it woe ha to wake him. because he slept on one of ' foef•tahlrmat- tpG+N.•s and pori which fitted a a'rt'y handsome 11ed-1•INnn i/lite bought at t4ia More. This le the story D again and again and it lM worth rebottling in tour ens.•, ' \Vnt'en niter• sl trtehr•r,. w114 Also i•,•t'nndn 11nd lawn cheitw. flirt' fn. ningawl IIkinds of j4H"hituft•; "esiting promptly attended to Beckett & Staunton 1'rectichi .Hlltlertwkt'ra and Krnlwlho'rs. Night. 1)1' (lay falls promptly attetalIYt to. g!?M!tl It 'Phone 89. ' SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ' AMERICAN TO/LET ARTICLES •des IF WE HAVEN'T IT The largest pil'C* j•ou ever Ma • for the money. WE'LL GET IT COPE \VNILK TI,1l' MT. =_C. GO i Your will find this-thr beet pl i'c'{ o \ Recipee. J Tri .,r = I.�LOplSo. tug your Prawcrlitfone sod Pond .01• sert'ice\ \\ Fr 1t .fie Will Soo k ' be ='r $011 Itrfrn► early .st tw1)er-cit s to lata j)I►Ies is a 1 g season, but - • e e1• week will see so a pre se mone, an that dans you wilt need ' p ing et= tie$,g(l(1 r r \etc.. OI impro line o gra 1' Preserving 1< - ttle will pro •bless g. a pleasure a time. ou them. Price, q;i ity suit every purse:' Cash Hardwa Store, a Mede to 1 } OODERICH The S awberry Season list Hand " Eureka Bread' Eureka Bread with Strawberries Serves an Excel n t Dish P. T. D E Corner goitres! Street „int•, .Me i. "t.' agent and tarries a full ftsartmeti_ ,,f , cur ditTert•nt make's of 1)11.ad which nni.l of (Iyer arty different varieties. Our del.,, , e Wagoltl is at your diapealal. The Parnell - Dean Steam Baking Co. CANADIAN NAIC i 1'i C " Imperial Limited " Fed Mfweekly Tran.eontincntol .1'r, leve he 1 wren Mani Heal, Toronto mel yan.9„Iver. ('nt)- ne.410n leaf ea Toronto at 1.4.7 p.m., Sunday. W'.dne.dety, Friday. making rnh Toronto to V..aneone er In 07 hone. UPper Lake Steamships teen- (twee Sonnet Toe.la).. Theretent and Matur.l.r. at Stalp-m.. on arrie,J of N.s. };rl,rne•. len, tag Toronto at l.'N p. nl. 4'onne•ellane .t Fnr1 w'illlan, and !'ort ,4 shoo for Winnipeg and l'nrlhr l '.fwd point. - D►,ly Feral Class Servec. Tnnmen to :'land peg. ('algary, Rand and l'a. IIh ('meet, Fully equipped Through Tourist Cars Irate Tnr.••,n Tetrads) amu araerier far w trial: •g net Van•wn red. Fn14 earth -alma Mon rover nearest Cannelton Parlor agent, 1'N In N1rTMAN, .4.ai.t.nt (iam•ral Pa•.enrgee Agent. 71 Y.mgn N4.. Tnrwnle. JOSEPH K1111). AgeaC 90derdck. Victoria St. Machina Works Jas. A. Siradhall Practical Engineer and Machinist. I 1. A'I rRNTTON OIVEN TO l'I I F: It l:I'AIRINO OF Engines Botley, + Milt Mtashfnery and Farming Implements M.rhihe ,1 nd 141*A14111011 \Volk of all kinds d • to reeler. ('1404 Fs if %W tNn1,It- A I LLI40UG1T[ce Works : Victoria street, Ooderich.