The Signal, 1903-7-9, Page 8•
THURSDAY, July :1, I It
Big Slices
Chopped off Every
Saturday, July l t th
?Until every line of Summer Goods, Garments or Fab-
rics are sold. We present today a partial list to
show the trend of prices.
Bargain waists ___ - Bargain Shirts
Splendid wrists, co'ored and
white, some wen; • dollar, go -
Men's sample Shirts.- Nice
ne colored
print Shii.ts, al
ting at •�tyles, regular 75e and $1 00
Jtherlots )PallyiP ; thin half Klee going at each ..40c`aAi
price . .c and 4.5e Bari ins t4)'
Carpet Pieces 'Men's nderwear
A yard Frivare in size, of car-
' pets that were from 50c to $1
a yard, going at per piece... .
17c, 19.N 20c,.22,', -25p
These are Fi'ten•lid ends to lava goal
Lace Curtain
coo(' .m44 .6.0121 each.. . 1 3c to 30c
25 per cent. off
Clearing Ba
Trimmed flillinery
11'4' pick . up hnfitl red sample lines
of men's fin wobl Un . weer at s
Lig discouu ami - will , i ur 7
thlipu at • hl al'Gflig, • v leas
than wholesale -'ees. Com . and
country. Thr MUplr silion ie that hr
was on hitt way herr for It chill Alla
Inul met with fuel ploy. .teat now
great Napa surlyunds the rare, and
further infurpnit iun is Iwiug sought
from Saginaw. MrUrten was IIIitIdle-
aged :Ind uuuurrrital.
ha. Mull:tut .
1ti-• arid to Frrytu,iralrnlu)•.
1)1. Worsetl tussle M Irlp to Clinton)r+trnta)-.
111.'. Piroee. of the ll. 1'. 1.. i. hl London fur a
1I. k. Moore wit. le town during the
11i.. Mr\'i.- r. of Allison, f+4 tf+il41141 Ill
Mr.. Mair. of Toonlo, i- he're ons . Ida told
Mr 4',olefin' leae, returned fnuu her rent it
I N'1 rat.
111,. latera Ilry.lgr• f. booty line the ,nuphar
t .4est kgs:
\I' ('Inrk Mate. 1414. xe•k. kw it rich in
"11,114Z:414 -
Mioa..terne. 111141 Hlati,'he Knox are vh.11itia
,n Tunra{w.
Mf" F:Ina linr'.t Ira. rot 'weird from Titrrtuu
for the tHrh,4y+.
Mivllrrtrude alunulow. k+ft- yrarrde) of it
114 I\lg••r.ull.
l'hn..w.alwm. Of %Ving6Mu1. VIA. 111 14)4.4)
Mt. Emily 1LNNn1 '•t nrnel Led week frau
her Turunw t
F.L. Noir, of Soa(art h. 41.41)41 friend- herr of
and 110eid: t.
Al in:-Fe'gu+ M.'t•tierdii1, hof 4'lln11pu, his..torn
tit -(line at 4..1'. 4,1oi.
b Mi.. ralith Falx iron i•home frown 11'4nwto fur
Cite .taa)4ar .a1•aliw..
A. 11. Hnlr•rlwu 1. 110411,' from i.l•au•inKtor
fur t 1s• stood t font
Mia. rtlu•1 ('Aruna 1. bull.• fmw limn- 44.44,44
/4)f t he -.,'hued vacation.
t!naxlferW, K,(',• 1• attending court at
-tMt!kll laud tt11+ wet•11.•
.Mi..suurh.uf'Hco.+rl i'. Ihe gue'.t of 11
nm11141;.,Jtubt.'1legaw, ..... ..
1'rof. 1114w1E40.. of Hni4*4,. w'.- 111 Mown fee
a dray 4)r t•1cu thi.• *,'r4*
Mr.. Itubrn li..rrlon i- ridth141 (.hone,''. In
�• the 11.•udI , •
) u t 1. n (uuw.
J}}Hiaig'.nn. of 4'Irtetxtrl, i. «1-1111141 kb1,
ni.4.'. Mn. li1o. Ikwlan,l.
Strang returned on Saturday , fro(
ll rim.h) fur the holiday..
SI n, µ•IWain lett tett lloorkeyLotse+wtany
141.. l orruw to MN -.alar.
Y4). Thu-. Kerr. °I' Mirbllran .J.e-tbe4u 1'ol
Mr. an 1 M, w: Ihlrntlr:,"
• see (hent. • ' Mr.. M Lrol And family, of L..'l'now, are
gu •.I. ,1 I ale t hew 11.1i.•.
111.- Lillie • Jardine to -wading itfortnight
th friend. .t Paugatu..1. •! •
Sharl,•. of Totten(,,. i•4. 111* guest 49 Mr.
.rad . , ,1 1. N . hell.., .r.
atf•rty, of Toronto,{ lte1.4th.'her
riot /hone, oat Nile,,
MI.: F' , l ' ':tt.t:tttiendily, .If Tnnrontu.-I.
lance of Sum--pvudtnNx r '4 4'k. i"1""". 11 i.. lira hit , trailer of1Sce,.I 4111611)'
ins at reduce t'1u'L H• hence the Vacation.
4)41 WIIw1o',•teuhig� per
IenuH•r I+rilxad, k r irk
1.411 1..
\Walter. Nnrb.m aniota' oil Tne.shiy'nfgla
t 14etto1 a )onplw f we ,' 1WIN4) •,
left y.: -4c1.1 of
J Bargains in
Men's Sweaters
Lem th n wholesais prices.
Summer has just started. (;rasp mer Musl
this opportunity.
brit her.
- - - ✓) ir..1WJdtrh• awl' I"
-. l0l'lling t iplt •ud the 1
Ntio.ti.s Te ,nhnll. of 1i,. s, m1 •taO,v-Nltell
We st\tl'gt\'l' tila..11andsome premiums and have prem- hrr? u,(..t.H. :nl,lllh. rel.
1b.. Heir. Nubh•. 14(/ 0 amble 144114). I. the
gm -a of Mi.. 11, kr.4t•.m,'loath -1 '1.
hums given on ?_'3:0,0 $35.00 and $:10.00. -Sive 11 one
f i p Y fe 1 lark SNl,` of Tonna.: f11.ha•- Well '{r•tsting
i a few day. the Kur.l of 141. 11','H,)d.•
Mi.. Nellie Jamie -on left 'Monday all ,i.II
r efrield. al T....tu,.I t sl. 1 :a learn....
Mi( ,..HHn
y l•hnnn., n. of Kingill.', ar$d
n, I'1't444al Jo.Ir•nd the -winner 1. ar44110)1.
• ...N1‘4•-4 Italy Mw41 i,, 401414• fnuu Toronto.
where 'he WA. attending Mnine..rolleles
Tho-. Rooker. M Whit bk, vent Saturday and
-hada)' Lith Mr Ala Mr.. Ira* id J,lntr/i'.
I,r. An4 NIr..iln,gir. ofIMri...Fn•ivied +at
,� re. d1•nw•. .. 1'. 1.) during the. w .,..
Smith Bros.
11.14:11\1001.% V, .lull' Fr.
MITI'.11114. Mrs, burr, o 1.1. 4)v .4.1
In late -Andrea' 11411* :141,1 ,,.1e r id
1'14 tirh, t • o is'..,
1 11. f this 1 sus ' , died
_ 4111. L 1
's i „thing at her brother's h/na,,
she had hears d:n'ing '•finer
Ali.. 'liucc wa-` for •
11id4n1 1.1 the 11trp 4,f, IiY,Ie-
erw'awls r•.ide4 it 1.m-
11 4111. ti4.k 8 belief-1'otll.
eel hitt. )111.111,116111
•.161• r,rtr, resulted
1 awes Wan a fiat lu tee
1••11 1
WIlieh 4
',•l. I
Itnd, dein
tit ly. TI d, 1 '
0 (li lhuld,il '1 Is in h,•4. Ally -04h
yes t"hr,lein.• 1 •o'aanghters. 1F�
. Beth. I i.tan4 r '11 -the American
Mi,sut 1• Assoc'alt l'M it 111(‘ 111
Kts.xt•i •. Tenn.: n,` Airs. t'
of Ahlelp The _ rite l trod Will l4'
made to11w' , • w-:4 Fc I�w'har• .1.•.
1.1•l1w411'a hits , 'd is low
Ihi Sunday Ile 'I; 414 :J '.'Ii 4).
E Binder
Her. 1:1,. 11:enilt,01 Will 101:1'11 44
.ts•, 1.11 .,11114111 1,1 111,ltig, i,a.-n ill Ih1•
1 nin11 1Irnl.'h. Ile*'. 1\'. , \1�. Stod-
dart. .,1 L. L'1pnn. 441•., will -In{:.
FNllrtl. soul .4
N t. I'1\ -f'ul'l 1'11c : 11r.ters-
•.111rootn,1' \fi\t Ie-iTi•-iTTi . i.f 1:41 waist
14 111. 4)1, ., hornier t5•rid1•ut .,f .1ub1� n.
whose is .lc \.h:,, been fppml at Sag-
inaw. The tit,* intimation of the
:311' 4i' .4..1 let ter '1.. 1L•lvor .Mrkwat
tool the 4.I:,t'ur ,J Saginaw.. 1Ii''h..
that ,, I..Iv had heti. f'ama in the
SAginax' 1i1e t 111141111 if. well• 11 srluill
'.nm 1f 1 ?net and a baggage cheek
scoot. filo •r. (,.1 , to Clinton. l,)nl,
lin int esti ration ,t 'wa. found 111711 a
trunk containing n darl'Iilate of ,he
chr.k found had Ias'11 here for two
weeks. 41114 on tieing, 1os•ntrl it was
di5,'oceyed that 1h,• trunk contained
the clothes 1.f E.I. .11''ifr'it•rl. •'111,' 41e-
..a.,•d left 11i'ir• mann• ce:rt•s . ago and
had many r,•6,ti11. ill 111ia part t'f (he
We have the best Canadian and
'Right prices. •
Now ready to send it out.
,c11 !cowing from 2.14. per rod up.
The 2.-a• lone(' good 0111. tit SIMI++ ill orr•hard.
s hew 1.4 tuAe hog posture which r4111 readily Imitentovet
1 Isit Llea retiring 1111* 1111/•3•11 to he hist Whitt we have I
Mt 1 Ile
Customer. once using Ideal *ion it again., We. have o
wive' birth.. 511 inches high whieh we sell for tor Pee
Now i4 /14(1/11(11 141111. to paint /Your honoe. There',1" no paint
het tilt' than llolly wood. lVe gitora otos. ent he sal hifarthan. It
will la longer. look 1 et ter and It ill not cost any more than
lionises Ires'ity pointed mhos. whnt it
sw-- tools .4 all kinds in full ammorianent at our storm
Om- ear of I toehrim eement Just to hand.
The OoderIch Hardware Store.
ton- 11:ift.fin 21114311 Neaten before lotying.
•,,K ti k.
1 .4i - 44'. 11(.1,1 4i,rl•'ri..h town -hip,
•.... o rte.! of 111. and Mr, -..1, 11'. 1•Iori'..
J,dll.Hxhrl. of lirand Rapid-, 11irh.. 4..p. -n4.
nog a rnitple of .a irk. 9t it h relat i l 1'. In 1/inn.
' Mi.. rp )6•.:11 ,1-..111. 0( .tar, i. Ihr ger.( of
her gr:afoolp nv11-. Mr, .nal Mr.. w'. Iturn,., -,
•411,411 Pri hard. oho I• penning kf. twinr
LII,,:+ H pth•i'> sta. in 111n t 11111.110( 11w to eek.
If.•v. _rather *4..R Heft o, Sat nnl,3 10 atlrld
1 hr•,,refill.\I 144•Ir-1 16.31 rel n•N1 al ,491411.1 41'l1
• 1Ir.. Frank 11'rig L of Slratf,nl, f.
het Iwn•nt.. Mi.:awl ra (.:,,.. %V. Thou..
1I1.- 1 ill,• of laiektorw. x14
of Heibo 1 are vi.itiogiwaek. Klifirl nt e.
P fp. 11 r-ev. H..' x ife •MI .'hi4l. of IMmil.
are: )111'.1. at the 11,I,r• 1 J.11111r•-... 411.1.1,
ilr.. Marflog and. dart ti+r. of 4.Le,a,.o'.
,el non Mlirra). lin. 4111 nrne4, to Toronto.
to here he 4,x. arrrl0•+t a i,,•ft fo4for Ito' IN.Ii-
dal•. - .
Mn. Itiehard l'aiker a141 daughter F:IIa, of
Trml.k.uning, Are vf•iti',g Mr. and 11111. J. 4'.
M... Mart Wo411h, u( ,1nlKm-pert tied la I.
1 t -ting at the Imtu• 4)1 hrr o0t h 'r, I.141lalava.•
1111)?. •
111.. M.'4 rte. of 1'linlnn, ha. 11 n reaFt f
the HIa.-k.tu4)e r..itlenee. 114,'. .1,14,,
f.•w dA).. ,
'111.- Maggie Itolw•rt.nt, ha. reeu'nrd frmw
.t,it of .1.1,'ral week.. .t Toronto Ott
, .1 along 1 hew attending till. Iawdnn rtµ•)s the..
peek An• F: Boort.. 'PL.r.. Pone(. nisi W.
Th' nisami,• .
114.- ltintiy. Me.1111.ter, of I4,a.--vain. Nan..
arrherl bl.t week on a ri•tl In M•r Oma.' Mn.
4.l. F:. Ilkk.
ND-. Atari.- Woo.hitigtnu left )'rpterday on a
tropia -neral tre•ck. M \yorld.4•k, Ingersoll
and .111 tier.
111.. Annie M,Ilonald, of Beare hn+pilnl
- i> , 11rlroit. i. .pending het Mrlkhq-. with
rel Irl lu town.
. K•. Rngth. of liralut 4tap4.1., Mlch., I'.w)imrlc
-the flank of 1'olumr-m.• hrr,-, 4)a. 1 town
during til. week.
"urn. F. 19or.:and. 11n..M. Iluntri( of Ik'-
tnd?, wen' %totting theIslirooner, 4. 114, 1l,ari.,
d tiring the week,
Nis. yinkt Johnd,m, dnnghter of Roh.'rr
Jahn+tins Irl( nn Montla) to .(ureal a few'
week. In Toronto.
Mn. ('nodl• and Mi., .'lnn4i Conk. of ('lin.
ton. were gur.t. of Mr. and Mr.. Itoh. Join:.
.on Derr Sunday. ' -
11'.11 Thnln)r•m, of the t 'nitrgl..te 4n.t ifole
Asti. 1. Inlh,g- a -earnne Nt the school of
Musketry. /ilt,,%a. ti
Mr., A. FjMm•r and +01. Fred. air ri:ilinR1(
flied. in Stratford. F1ilnMllnO.a414 Tura 141%
I hi• w'h1•I;and next. •-t
Mr.. .M<. ('riliKld Inr- to Sl.vnrr
Mnn.toc after .l•ttlnf her rel.olr,. -hen.; f i
hay 4)r Ihrx•e nl0nl6..
.Tar Mires Mardm,nhl left yr+leMay
to )e•ol a few wrrk. In Siofort h. ,'f.4? -
Ing Mr. HnIl,H'.r.d.
Mr. Fy11.1m, 111401 enlnul+.Ione' of the ('ant
ION 1' 113111, T14n,nlu-aid 1111, \1.4..m an'
the• Kell ?' of F:. N. Leah..
Mn, Ito.. Ikruld.rm and +nn, (Oen. I4,rold, of
111le. 1'IU. Montana. are t i.4? lug 4)l 1hr 1 of 11Iw Ikmxkt.on,usistr o 1,
1111..1. If. F:..1 •., of Preort, Ont.. with three
hfldrl•ei4+ t l.ithl of 1.',' Iwn•1.1., Mr. and
4.4,». In•'I'ontel 5% ,'.t .t 4))?,
l' Addl.... of TOmutn, :end 1/4.. Itri4ht.
VPNfurl h. I,ao a b4,q * 1.11Intl 111 Ibe .•.(deme
,. �11r. and Mr.. 1401r•rt M1l(.11:
1111111 H14nn1•.luhn+tun. of . 1ffr1h 8',
tdie,uq 4..4 of 111.- Iaorta ha Italy al t. •'ner•
111,4. 11,34( otuall over Sunda). ,
Attu . Ire +hennas. oaf 1'rfnce AIlpr •bsek.
anti k14.,\-Mlwnfe ( lnuph.-ll. of Ano4. A..a..
a rr4vlt. hf'.K4„n M In)' night..
Nr.. 11Al. lhfindfmM`edil eh`Ildn'n ,end Mr.
IRoutifnol-+ .bluer, Mr.. Slwhon, of 1•hilwlel
I'* 44. are,+i'en. R ••eme IinN• at Menei•T ung
Mr.` 4).l Mr.. \Jtain Htirhannn. of Stephen
O Ilk',!44.14. +l4. +/.•,Ming a//•4). plcof wrrk* with
the fun r'. 111i,'4.'. \J.'., Itllrleallxll, 1'Iilln'h
111. ('ort?. and fatuity. M Corx31k, 4Mho.
And Mn. moil 111.- aek', of flet ,'l,nd. hate
taken (lie ne..Stems. M. ,1, 11, Fk•kl for the
-.I lllller.
Mn, It. Hnhert-nn ..M Hader Merton, of
StrattonL are 11.illng at the redden' as 114.
41. I1nlw•rl . Mr. ltuhr•nal, an, h,'' m -4.r
Mf.. la.
It1aMlkl. a)
.i -ting 1111. .rlhli- •.tar. Mi.- Nil ,mail.
Ile, of 1 torche.ter and hole Misaeo
.trloo Aiwa lek. 1110.310•01. 141111.0.
are the gi .t. of Mr& sato Thoinision: Canter
ton *Irehl.
nett! mod.
Mk. • Ill took,. /barge rig Knott
.•lintsli rowan.
Mts. Gem- nri.t and MOM. Of Pet roan. Find
Mr*. Cowry'. norther. Mr. Prinbrrtnii. tirrl tett
In ton nlm and ore sa prrarnt
Wm. Manson nod Mr Dooner. of Wnottntlirlit.,
Mrs. soatt,o4s anel Mr. anti Mrs. IL.
I Ontelon during the week.
Rummer 100," arrh Ong i priel week in the
it•Itirly. child and mod% London.
Mi.. Kate Yartot, or New York, is G•Itins
and aunt, Fir. nod Mrs Toprkw. lfer
dater Mta. Ameba Intim. of Toronto. .110
also no Mare Katarday to Monday
tioaltoOlk. whit Mr IMAM Moss the
{w.I couple of week- 00 ons I0 slam p4lealas
Paned b)' r .p Hulett of 114.. la i'4*., expects re
return In hle wurk at 1 Lor lista Week.'
Mi.. Ida Holme., 141 4 Moon. was la tow. W
1144)1 her .o.l
uu. Mw. 1.raot-oot0 44. of 1'lev.-
Le„ a. ale urri, rot the. morning b • dramer
Pu 1.bnow wl a t wit W Ler 1'14141 l4. frlc,sl..
J. A. C,u,Nluur 4'htr, o, M +prrdlllg ,r, end
ween- Ill town. 141,1 fall he 'tatted ulna 1p•nl.
farm -Moat buahtnw: he ,, I., r oni f t 4)w ?4)a 1 roll lag
fur H. KuWarnhelu.•r & 1 u.. gent- 1. rundl
1. Stork':,J Inkeruian o- at Purl Albert;
ael,•rnnenddlg The wars Aron' null than,.-". .
Wor)' w4. fun'llwn 141 111r w'11rk M sotto, attall
al the Sig 11111 a -Men 4he• INr•-1•ut nauplua) ta,44
tub-y.e phare- 14) near 11,at Mlw Marluu
H.uni11of1, .Olio bus been ill for alrmt u week
with .on Palo( of the lung,. 4.110% 111114110 be
stool .a boil. ,Old hl a u .4).i I fu,.' will Ir able to
be ahem?'IgA1'.
He)ret arilcul,utthe Si:'4wrenlwl)I,glertw
Or.: Mn. F'rauk H.klgeo. 40141•i1JJli, 011'111111N);
n. Kar.'..l.audou, uN11104e of Mn:- Ili i. 4bull:
Mr. 11141 Yr. 4'nrlu, of IlUnul.: 4L.• 1114+.,.
\1'.4'11,'1', ',f 111.1 roll.
441•. J. 1.. Turubnll. w hu, along .. MI Mn.
Turnbull. ha. 1,.)n elm.) hug ,e to o.'ekd
red dux, uu Ih.' old 114)14,,'-1.•x11, •'Hurudd,-
Eleni,," 1141%44i -ton. ha'. reillr,w.4 Illtown and
r•- 1111- '. 141ice.
Mr.. I' ' •. tt IN, Ito. been doting 111 Sea'
forth, has relented w .41•)1.4 Y'','rwl week. no
luau. and 4. ar•roopmdel b) Iwr d... hM,'r fu
boa. 1111. (11ar., 4'. -mor,'. of SI, Luul., Mu., 141441
1114• latter'. little ..NI.
le4t'. 111-;u,,',uf 11rt role. *11011341reu .halon{{(t
wt Ihr re.ldeh.w 11( Ju,lge tattle, left boa 144'k
fur vtat w-41.4, MWlioe. Jt rtar,a(ur1I,, M•11ut 1
puekd h)' Het. F:d her Nurnlgno.'., 441,0
!not y,Sa a re w.d..), 1K•rr.
He•,'n1 'Iwo -hal. 4,al. 111 Ile• .ntiaurr twirl
And M Hallett Mosr•, Mt.. 'Ammon.'
Martie. la'. Intl Lh. M.' IlN1,.•ld, Detroit : (let.
J. fake. J. A. ](•Lan•u 4414.4Ixu rhlWrru..J
Turuut.,; Yr.. ('Iig,ad, Y4.+•. (Irate.
•1 • L.11rate,. 4 s':.Lli a• Brute.. u( l'ur%
Tera• :. Mr. yn,l Mr.. The. Huut1•r A. S.
Au.1b. Mr.. Anatln, Was .l slot tat. Mott. Farrell.
ureter hnrn•U, I'nd. ►'arn•IL Mia. (bleary. Ili
tn,il : A. It 1"ordli411r). Tummy.
111obe : Mr, It. Lash., Mr. 1{1x1 Mr-.
4.•.14. and (14,.11), Mao .nkat-; 11r. snot Mn.
1'. 1 .'rx;'lor, 14)144144)141, 1•(1414., atoll Mr, and Mn.
.'harp,•, Tunaau. hair 'lea t•I "v4).
iia@p,'+cos huge, Lake sit'.ii fee thw'-.vwu.
sad are al pre..'.o enta'rlxnliog Hi. Holm. -
Hatton. of tart Sound. Mr. \C, 1,
NN1Ialwp. of Tomtit... mut MI-- Mabel 11.•-
Kroaie. of I drl.'rirh. Tly day. aro '.Teva w.w4
pk..a-;,,,14 ' 4 I'
the +aero 'a, 411 W , wind 6
.11.14 .
�Ir •x +
. I♦ l M«u
1 in,. 1..4. to 4.,? in 161
.ari,in. other quit. for .t 6i.y that Ai.l dict I.
Tile Loudon lambast • Gann. •nt
NOM Pi all tole •.1Mt illi.
r;y 44:1 Priul. Sade r{ealt mr0nd
Il,y(a• 'at•_ !Antilop' 4,u lilt'Nrilty and
1,l arty.. leasee 11l,t in its ('111x44. 1'ee-
.IPrrin)• F:II'e11'14 won Mira. 1)r,
\\'hit•h� .r lubin 1.1111'. today.
Off 4at11(11u't'afteru.14pi 4)t 3 e+'ckw•k
the old -1' ' • loaselM't 11 will eta a 1ran1'-
Iret ion at t he Agricultural gr. Is.
The old town 1eal0 le)ul uttr frau t'he
44fay Emilie Works are the playl•I's.
A Mission free.
e second Incl` of the gun` .IPth
trot) 1- *1111)1.11'.-111 Ile 111•(31 1 'u
The `brant st'naling o
fh.,se d11u are still in the c.*Hrst is as
101jj...was (iwt, Symonds' sr,14.' of list -
F un t he fmph�"riintr•1R,
a. he-wuta. One .load 1wlMmt:
M1•Iver. ?H K. R. J1'at,a.b, l2: J.
llass.M. 72 W4. Il} h 1A. al: T. �Me-
111•rtiutt. tui: (i. .yam.r.l��dds, :'l: 1. 1'.
Kavanagh, 11. Last week's w'urws'yrt
the unlinru•y rinG 4,,'ut q• h. R,
11'atw,n. 17: T. Mlrfh•rn*Nt- : J, P.
mauls, 1 ; N. 1).
hat•,111a11Iii 1 • i• G. al
wu ruck of Llatxlu' howlers Were
het y,stetai j• 81141 play a.(1aq/le tf
Tura inks in the mol•iin ted aft
moon,, 'ng defeated by t liexlerieh
player*. Following is 1lir wad* eel
(he morn 1g.14 puha :
IhihnitivIi IA)NU4I.
.11idge lint( A..M111f44��� Vicar
J. ?alta F'IIr
11. W. 141111 I,. \1'411
I. (halt, skin -19 1►. F:Hglia Nkip.-
\1`. t'anr dell MatiOret
W. 11', r1'irnr- ('1auNr
W. 141 r\\\, Tytk•r 1
F. Jet an. skip -IM (' ax, soup - 17
1 the nftArltrm wmlP y wirs,b.ui.
fent ,•t
h Ain II•ff. )(het. . H,•ynukls
.kiP i.MI .1. (,alt's rink, Ju •' Bolt
'dropping out. The 'hit Dubin i rink
M'aM 11 It ,N11• Ik.If ' 111 -hen play 1' Pail.
J. \Vela oklmost! 1 tglish'wriilk in the
it ft el:11I44 M •, -
Thr M,'afoilh hooking tfairli,,m in
was held Tuetolm• 441,1 V, i1 i.•w11ry and
three (ioderirh ricks tti& part in tht•
events. The trophy wean won In,' .1441-
11Vehl's rill], 0f Inanities. Ste•Ir'a
,rink. of Stratford, second, ,ho•ku, n's
rink, Clinton. rune Blest in the
A tuttwiati.nn mat eh And • of
the Onoletich rink,. teatip,Mel of the.
rllowing :. 1*. Kiely, I►4...1)i,-kwin, F.
1 'eke*' . F'. Ihlvi. and .1. 1).O'('.nl'n.11l
ea H. Ind. 41ionnlg seven g{rntrs
.thieing hco. Ihr. Ilnn'rr'ea hunk
IH. 1 (leant, Ihr. II,,lnloM, 11'. I4n4..
I)r. 1 toter, the thtr. games they
player to %Veld. 1Jernlon ' .1,u•kainl,
4.'linfon, and Il414lyel% Clinton. :1.
halrM rink IR. (i. Ret•,noldo. W. 1..
Eliot. .1. \learn, .1. (ia111 Yvon frm.
Johnston. Clinton. and !tea three
gamest to IVinghs11 near Brussel.
rinks. , -arhr 41,14)1141 ttt))rt7A•s Wet,Wer
won by E. l'.W
Roes. Brussels. noel Mi.
Pierer. 4eafer Il,:
New lite for a quarter. Miller's
(wool la,mid Ileal Pills. Fur rale by
11'e are ekarlug fancy lin.
giuglluula and dress goods. Biel, R
IN.,. 11'lughaul.
The Marine. Baud will give a special
ell."" ut Iunight .L -
6011'h g441114.11 pertt)�'xt *_ Ice cr'l'
candy and fancy WorI fable*.
FA FIMI(KT -ANP RI'11.PRHx•-1( you
weed any raves (114114441. gntte'r 111111.
furnaces or anything In that 11114.11011'6
forget t0 wee J. H. 11'IIHKKLL and get
1('K ('HKAM PAKIIIwa,-For true fruit
pliers and good pure Jersey ie.. 4'11%111
gu to the Villa/HA NI•wtwtu•ent, t1'rMt
ret. Hest attention anal every
requisite for the public comfort. Fruit,
confectionery. tab/woo and cigars. l'.
I.ACKSTook, pr,p1•it•lur,
Half prise wile at the (Itglerich Ital.
gain Store. %Ye 141e now .(ming the
Iwlirtlre of the Stratford) Islukru'l
goods of dry golys at half ,price. No
nonsense1)1• ''441414 trap. The gouda
will be u1(ered at just half the regular
welling prices in order to (4,4,44. out Min
stiwk quickly to Ina kr 1114)111 (at' 41
huge stock of boots Nail shoes, .1, 11',
('oM{No, - Prof. S. 1.. T*.a I.•, tilli11ti-
fa1.ty,w,ring optu'iall 4411(1 fate Mpecialia,
111 .Mu1111t, 14(1.01411141114111 11)• Muiiliie
4. Tante, (halm. of Oplbal hlgl',
late of the lfanhattan Eye Infirmary,
.New 1•urk City. Al 1in14.1 Belford,
/Y,ateril•h, out , July 21s1 to 24.441, in
rlu•icr. I)nngaulrun. July lith..
Myth, July 27th awl :Nth. II' thele is
,ulythung WI'444g 4)ith your eyes .'uH-
stilt us, no charge for consultation.
Sat intact iun gluu'autPell. For refer.
elie to and test' ' la see 1 uvulae*.
Turu1l(4, addll•.vs, 1'.il Rif humond .4*''e*
Lois of Style
For a Low Price
the collator( Isn't: 1111E.1'Illc,.I (141' the style, and
gtialitl' la high, even though the price is low',
0 (fere you have three es-
w•ulialM 14 wlti14fau'tm•y Foot-
• Fit'
-4411. e)utbltred, and at a
reasonable (price.
It costa you nothing to COMP In, so call ;and he con-
vinced that our lines ala, leaders. Tokio thew. try thein,
if they suit yell, buy them. No trouble to show goods.
Mole agency for
beSigilal to1st ited1904 f
iiptffieseB/ath, Silk.
t 25cper awl
A�PANESE wash silks in fancy stripes and plain . &pan silks selling'
at 25c. a yard are this week's leading feature of our big midsummer
sale. This sale grows in interest as the days go by. The interest
increases because it is genuinely money -saving. These silk bargains are
on a par with its other big values. They are thoroughly reliable
- qualities. Just as good in every way as if you paid 35 or 40c. a yard for
them. We\\bought them specially for this sale. Bought them below
regular valtaor we could not se them for 25c. a yard. Just these Tots
to sell, when they are.gone no male at this price.
Stripe Wash Silk 25c per yard
44111 ya fit stripe wash silks, good, h.'nt y
quash 1 '141111 and rowlel M*'AIN,. ill 41144111
errant, 4)r 111111 ('1ea111. pink and elefhIl,
green tin stern., fa 54-4) 01111 ('*1'4•11,
IIw4.1wlm4'y1111rrn* and .qualities that
are sold ,41T over 4)l from titi. to NI ets,
per yawl. They make n stylish and
ae•ri•urt•ahh• whist and will wash well.
'14) 1414 to MrOPronnllPnoing Salrnnlay
IM4.x•r yalrl T silks we bought specially for this big sale and arc brand new
goods. They a le Saturday morning July= It6. See them in the
window Friday.
. Seaside Resorts.
hest and pips, conifoii,able rolite to 1111
Mitiantains, Old OiTfinetl. 141 /1'1 -
land. Me. -Intermit ions! Limited."
.iving Toronto al 11 01. 111.
INe41011,1. cafe 'tarifa. ear hi Montreal
Ranter', 'Ryer leaving Tor•attii,10134 p
v is a Wahl train of yeslibuled
heart) find Piillutan shelters'. Zoe,
tick s are on male t•ttiltraelnek 11
t pri4 seaside remain.'
at Mt. George's elittreh Islet y.
%filler's Compound Iron Pills. For aide
by Jas. 1Vilonn.
3 cool acid books. formefly sold
"Dcsumtitelk, or Love Rehind
Viten night Imo(' Was \
Now n11 ime price, piglet
2:1c, cloth edit htn
We are still mole iiiirelito lior t hr
"American Frith Preserving
Powder ant) Liquid. -
Trial hot t leo To .
Large bottles *ton.
Geo. Porter
'Phone 100 13.
Plain Japan Silks 25c
Not the rortlinat y 2:44. kind, Inn • that
trimmings fuel fate y *13.1.1L, guaranteed
:alpine silk. in a hite. cream. butter-
cup, \blue, [oink awl black. On twit.
Saturday at per ytt.41 . . Mc.
Th nderpric Curtains.
July t a curtain moot a a gen, rule.
It is usualy month of small curial sellin This
vear is going be exceptionalli„ is store, for
the curtain .s we are giving an 801 to ntalte
ibis one of thozhest curtain months\ of' the. year.
These curtains ar rood. They are hew. They
are cheap beans bought them that way. The
prices marked "r " ih the list below re
those we would have d -them for, had th*
come to us in the usual Yon can see your
$1.25 Curtains 98c 3 Curtains
hood quality Nottingham for .65
lace citrtainn, Ohmic, firm net,
button bole edges., regular
\-A1:25 and good value ist that.
weird for thin male, OW pair
$1.65 Curtains
Noblingitallt Jape Curtains,
fine alp] atrong net, new
denial's, heavy border and
spiny and Spots in venter.
hitt 41,11 holr rept lar
.11fk special foe this sole. per
$1.50 Lace
Curtains $1.12
, Nottingham lace cuitaino.
thee lac(' spray
•pOt w it h heavy border. very
r..tift net, ft iervicenbla
cirrtion hal looks well when\
itp regitlar *1.50. for sale
ham tare taino. handsome.
design. of +on and 14 av-
knots., hordet, with plain
mtripes and imia how knots,
regular *2.151 for le, per pair
$2.25 Lace Cu
Fine Nottingham ince
thine, lacy deitigns with st
and imit at ion Bat tenln
11101.11e1•4, button de edge%
regithie /12.25, for sale 51.01
$2.50 Curtains
for $1.90
Nottingham lace eurtains.
heat y border with plain
centre, or yery ail 1iorer
pattern in arrays and lenyes,
bud ton holy edgers sold regu-
larly at 1112.M1. Alperin! for mode,
per pair. • 111.411
$3.75 Curtains
Lace Curtains 65c at ;2.80
leaves and flowers. 3 push.
long, *good bedroom curtain.
special' for sale, per pair 11:W.
Lace Curtains $1.48
rine !shit tinglinm hire cot
tains. sti•ong. nent floral
designa, Nati al 11111O edges,
would be real gout! value at
111 1.75 per pair, opecial for
eurtaina, atesmg, heat net,
very faithionable, imitation
Bat tenherg border, regular
yam, fur matte ' ins°
$4.25 Curtains
for $3.00
Flic Ira finality Nottingham
Inee curtaina. very hands, /Me
deoign+. strong and oerviee-
for sale' on Saturday *Ka)
The Bartaia Handkerchiefs
We are selling lots of liaii•l-
kerchiefs these (lays, selling
lotsl)ecatise we a selling them
order to do it. . There w
over 2,000 when we tsart
ed thie sale. Now the are .
. It ly so many, bgt still
Sample ndkerchiefs 5c
'ety to choose f m.
:114 ...amide handkerchiefs. hem -
.4 iti•lied linen and entriltrie• all
travellers' gilinpleti and mirth
fakir iney, Illoiee of lilt each :..
lse 11 dkerchlets 10c
MO fatw't embroidered handker-
chief henittirs1 nail embroidered
raw . qualities that are made to
.01 t each Me, foil this Ng sale
Handkerchiefs 1Sc
Ws, tine iinalit y, lace he lllll ted
embroidered islgem, all good
t terns and qualities that retail
kailar at 20 and Me, clearing
his ha at each
anclk lets 19c 151-•
fancy ha dkerchiefs ail fine
(virility; this Jot includes lints,
that retailed, in\the regtilar way
at from 2111 to's Mc. •I'e bought.
them ehenp awl they go on male.
ytnir choiee for each
Other Sale Specials.
Do not forget our other big
sale specials. Each is a money
saver. Bought below regular
prices to sell that way for this
hig sale. Here are a few of
Cotton Home Samples,.
Fancy fAnen 'Samples,
Apron Ramplea.
124e &item% for Sc.
Sic Ribbed Ck*ton Hose 17c.