The Signal, 1903-7-9, Page 3wI . . As . --,--� - —, - - =_'= tach to tilt+ perity g11reo tit wrr". '_'1_'_�___1��_____����N��� -�__ ._ ---•' It Has That Clear Liquor lit 1" rtiglltly ,r',rlug,•r lb. -I" shre but nJ,Jgly Iver, tt11J-ala,,.toll..r'l„ nai(�} THE CURING OF HAY t10W POOR MflN PftOPO�Es tt, Riw•e x, bleriritt,o / I uilr npprrolatpfl by Jn{ta oa dNuke•t4v "sliru 9(411(1 luuk'ulg bntu•tlx - j • ■w�•ttgl•.•.- / et►g+tKrd'lu u tk b btlwlurx« oleo In u • tstuth.•fu t•Ity. Jit+ "t:lm+l.r•.11gr',t to `������r�����������������'��~• . iv0 llllatter tlu, 114.10etiel iu, a r.•rfuats txa.uditiva How Ht Rrhtarses His Part �IMi>>f am 'wL.. - wn" , ow+ of td" u111's"N � eta a 1111• hay rnyr I.. 1,krly t.. I« 1-1 r. i1-.• l u. void ru.ring haY _ a f'otllcts tt- Tzllring Ordcal of Asidair gyp, Is — t • ' . 111" : r:t1-, it i. Jw til Iwo tort- w IUa at all [rvw talo, dew - --. _ - - - Drtadcd Mout of All. .r,vale,seenra Wih.y twill It- 111111'- 'un t tat LL IN ban• til• u• «•m Asr ufl:oi1ltiun [tum lite" i(tlruiiZ t(wtl lift pupa tin tlrr hour:• which los• I« ,1.1�. It1%;Aawgr awl vitt,awr 1ttw Iflu4mtuty of Lluir Jciud will "pull IuFy .'1' - hoc%. fig ball aatity ilia uwu pNtuh la ,•111-11 .t %%it y. 1,u Nvenru.7ow wuoh qurktT than tier water cold• . . '� ♦4W`�•�`_�_�"N"_0 I« ltyf. buy rNL tow out u� nulrirutr 1,u flu. lx nor, tourer tt n u.n \f' �n idiuxPlltilhinu•N,-, nht) m .l this 4,11lob-;1111.1 1.11atablu (11141- Ittrt tlikel of 4-Auuu wnr ever to 1)1(11► Turk thin.) (Iota Au I •old alo dtty 111 rather IIad: a lull`' , n iunen • Inapli •l, '1'11 till. emu it f. n. 11 mt thief Ww llw nu•lhu.1 of 1-+u Ung clueer hey e%.•I wluvl e'te .+.~. 1-:6111 • for lliit Noy to Itear the hd,uwing bt(•A« ',Ito Ir•+ar•tlacill exx•t•errfully" by Hr+ It is said try tl:oae- wilt, know that au ctffhuad nutli ner.:. I'vyltAl .til,'f:J-A '1.1-t „ill dlml,laru ,falrin Tea Jn.t flit •'nMAp\"' wrllamod, ham sfrrr•e,l t jwwt Ilwu•{, Igieuil: }:uric rut .11 ty i.' relatie-ly i ory tivU rnitlKudnd a, nrlxMt farm. n)I nil,+ 1,u},: u11arrikkl-u lterrlon awl. r (hu•r- kI Ib•ah-ftartoin;t 'efeat •itis ; It p iaJY / j. ' e, .uiN;,, ' it vett Im• wrr..arv, ltt-A:•k Lv tllrr; Inring till Olhr•k black, team. fu Irud prtrkel" ,,Illy, _:m• aid r uu)rr pll:UULI.• awl tJlK.vttihlC+: I.(`- of". Mr. MvIARh•unirlg those uutllaes • worilill vett paver till what her }'ltN los Nny Nunu•tMflg u1- utlur los do,Ivv wUhiut rhUdren, veldt hauul• bHr�Uld Avo d los het• ire 1,h,+ uwta ,ut- ,ter• fill urui, , 1111', it ?' 4/11• her Ilw 1'y 1111 gnN•rrN. h t1- u' N3%f + ter' ar"Init :, lout it lilt til+ ml•l lx>rl. .'tit when los full blouta !! r,vtdy met t 1111 ulurl, n rt y un IN*v,. ` if , ,itt/ u alirlwt whevl !t1- u"kcd her L _, tlAn. ,alutLtrl right ny,c tdwl,to" giving.lrr unb,old:•P ubrifi- ,,, ditetal%antage lot lacing much morn, or whoa lho bltwulur eunta:u these - •o'ow'd stlie �fawney Awku,r fur, Ler Ni•til.t yea lift,- W i"•1- hien How„ You want 1 un . hr rail. 'ller tkw tar I.,-IP,ug ti.v own balutfy, N•tre lLtU1t to .i'uJ'e. (;1-.t.,, tilt et ,Ia1r- podud;i hufwy. ('ill In the inoridug at. - ry(hm 41)'u1u . till,, a.kekL, I Another t-5iq me. 1 hull• you'll Le 110000 c --C zr.009i0i000GO+00 ;trim IIi i1-.,; ,n 'Yicirilel3t oml xrr Ixwr.. l.ru:whi+R-.tnAtt{r:t), gall,,.+ euu,Lb•r- W1- til.+ .lett• lrtr dru"1 Off. Ttlst t. �. Ofetuw It l's Mut 4 wowta uruu ly I 'I -'H Iir-,I')).,t IN1rk!quiekU' Ilw. littF>(ry. Afitkr y nwr•if-W•Pftrul at n hu teal": -1 nur.a• m:L Iw• retld to( 114% los ttrilhl . lutrt, of thlr luSrrnw+: tt�ht+ twrnlittg iiui} lox -w-rxl up Iq mam•Bia u) evade tills inquiry by tit" .klrt•-hvat',t the Hnirn rll. htmN'. y ) , T } Jruu«ibtw +,f ,.t:trcli uu.l•s-agar, which (w 4tteule La TLe iuuwer rhbald K 1 ,+ p p .Ire uyrernlmtxlly muerrmrfgl In xAUtr!I- o rt lou tun L•HU•r tlrul , m.. au Ixrok u1- b) rtvu11. tlymu souk lurK.•H-i "'�, t huiv.' INuiJ h+uAj v. eN'h4l'a "lie delan 111E 1 ILETTY NC'It,E 5 • id isautow.• t,, til • r.•tryr , aid ixtrt 1 ( eft tar by 4hu handl. krvplltg Irrg l'i'ft.) tp-i1- worth th,+ getttnic (and H g fill.. U14l'ougl, of tuurm.. ,F he iv hole y! u+ hurry. ; 11i.:1111"•r to Ilw d: ion jilt. .f ,•bu I.. Ij,,r,'r, a' 1-11 dr_ II (,til' that they rliuuld be put tut x dr 111' x ,4 I t.Ne in the 1,0011, l a �E lyU1 [ p Its kirPl Ne aul her ellanet•(rof 11111'1''. ,. , cil •k befoly the Hew btllill TIYd tM u0rsul(ny L 111 J 1,y Uuup 1 t n 1 1'11,1 n.,Unu«J, of amrar, 1.lnir n. "That dart- tit. I MAKk1A6E CtlANCES. n,il+m Orb abut'.+ {ha nverggw, IY•l-atrFe rrasa di, :•U1, i u, 11111 sew ' till 'F '-t hay lr•.s )cthitahl . I.aely rlrl hit .1=1tt N put 1164U Cher 1rLLVIA ora ., - tbelr ^iliknlbhtrilrr 1111111 fuwlrtufa r,au .hl 11111111 h flnr, /lrllrttlx fw•IInKN, T1;rr, [ wRnt Leek to Ful'_hdon't ' O fnrin tJ,.• vrrr natnte ef1N lrinLllon Ulurn cuhluble err t„n lila late key\and well lnunp,.l Into tlw mover blurt qJ 1 Y Y iy, `Oh, hF INn't nr(e« UNuk I era” fill tntrrt(Jxr. Illelermla. ICIOOOOOOOGCOGOY/G0::"00000 ae a working wwlput rli.4,muet IN+ I fu f1- 1-c_ u•itbiraw your qur'ntluiiw; wmo, re• Mary.' 011 to Ito ; buLA l;trl I, unum'nCol,diiI .1. p boy rny.he►wizer the fol• get euro with ttlequaar time loved purely tyiNt ludelY for lu•rm•if• AltithwJ -- rpp u6tr11tht 1111 Lha Ilea l►HLWft IN ''.Iilrr 1'11'1 two u1- Usnv+ Alin"a whru ver wrr" b,•lter aequufut,!J. tY' 1,i ,aua•j , _ ,Uel the nU•n NIL. nttiiVtN.nrr flu I nuArlrulm 1,g. tie .. i" bill tit nsir1, 1111µ1n rt: rola - too.rtcrt+t) a evubjict,for your fn- ,,he 1, at ,l yratly tl(at her bother "lYhat dill Itf a y(w•;wte I.1- latw I,utlly*. Yi1 hay how C gjilt- 6' JCc rely':' stied Pun. \n ubcrrcer"Rf1u h,lr ky'pt roust tied• Ntcrt !v- ri.n • deruemlke t qq Ill.,. tie+ a.l,•OLall.st.1 , N lIg low.• Afl lira Kra"r Ir dry. - \, tyemtlwl. It Is nnlural to leuplluNa teal lt.;we, 1 tit 1 teal mwbdly ublll.e. ll isn't e1- wtiell ,vlwt u1- Paid.' truth through the newmlraprry 'aid 4ovu•humn• anJ the Nialjdmr Piea•aurel� ,c., t mull rn tali run I 111,1. Jilt till, hp rlii1, ulkrty fra,g) cut �w to, that t:ti+mx biter r h,tl,wl tl,r• untlter Then Nlr,• .Ir k•. r: lot awl 1-u rsl flr11.ilf .I .alWy ertiNl gently, ur,v Itw1, cumlo- by prli:atr rlutlellrM r:i)iI tllal (Ire Nliiny, nit 'in�ly Aloe Iulur bol i1,.•., ILr tri All,, grtuuJ over night, rxiJOrell rkaM n lit"". 011e ruu'l blain• .thevw. If 1 d.tu't ic.,nt to we hinl•..tur any sure Iliviug rettlrupol, '•tilt twist I U to aif vitry well til; hol,l till the thing. Otos• . Finn• I hnd mon nw(,;I rtnw., . , truliked unr,ie rut'µ! i hired un the . . , HICtiol.Y IAAIIIi•:Y lh, ri.k of_ lu.r in 4larverUug. to dow or rain --\ . fiat of the relmtril for nuluaxrnent headmrh•• r:,yl y. Ili in't bract• n)%N-If 'A thought 1t a' ilty til t the list of Yrun)en who soul to guwl-mar• .- 1•:arlc rut hay. is r.Jmrihlly %;,1,n= ;l. It any Tray sh.ouw cut wet with, 1 n 1 ratio, fee 1t Mtaud In t� ctid 11 until l rlulrer thniugJ, t11ufr lxrmurtcl.r stool \1'i:tk, rlhlly babfr,t ore A great :l bb• fur .Ir, r. relit.. ++r f� unadniry \"1-r IMny, tied the crura way Imy.1,ul to up lent 'lir• ,.,1„•r ttimu i had htlJ riit•erb rultmd_i11 lln•'•rui Ill •hl Iluurr r.bi)} that the txtly Amo war guilty a r,N•kutlf Kith my dingier, ,fall I ttlmruW Ir• loot, N e 1 ,vritmi it to viaAh,ae; tient the -prka'te aerie- trial tf. mot'li,r'. 1'h,y rite I rou.laut ,ent1le whl:;, f„r frltlo•uulg enttio thaM•wlghty dry before taklug to the of •sWh n 1-1+,, - .lid he probably tit• wouldn't lu„alt arty girl 1-v ltooking ion. - , Luy 1'Asryk•Y 111'\L,• w_ ith Flu• pr'ufrr_ corn, both iF },mit itis l duY. amt tttwu I::t, rut hitt 11,11 a1”' nN K,X"l r+•- brtrn. tc Ywt(i tit thittFFme 11- heyond the far• liar flitter• for her, tit Nteal a tluu:. "Tliat 11- what. [ Nei (.” 1 11111, ted- !lut:al 1.k)U"ekrelm•t :t little in her w,vir the mo:ta.•r oat. l:,by'1 fitI.ir (Nulls. In rylm,r,taf•nt,, run,JnrttA,_ I.1- I :iJr. lllrndrnul11c dILAWN that Ills tltn,Jt• of 1,114 iapvrraIX" wnulatl, "Yell ' I+alwrUlbax N'runq, unfooduntly.r ' - w;lk'e; dolt. gtternemmou and, xchpot. NtounCh Ix lbe rauw• tit uw.t Of 1,h• 1'r..t. titi,ls+ru, if \r„' Ilaptl,•h',lr•, hay come trete t►r 911+,,11 ar wtfeu tt to the prlcec3 ial R h minUu luarheou• l Then she Ir n to to '1iN• ayIM atdfnlly :wel•rdolruei 't s tenrsa s-1- apptetl• to 11Ave A, vel'y Lrurtblr : It L' w, ry a rtli, .tiht fn .t•gl,- :,nd ,l'ro , M-nry . of N'i,a•on.fu, It I was JAu lin;; wltJl ltd+ blo«"umr u y K:• tit m1- ratht r }•, vtu Uhnl l trDl(tr, which would lu- , \ Propoanlm till rarely ,,lade In tbt+ erfrrin 1dr,iltr ,nU. ana'N dilm ollntirr•. nanl thou the ralcxwu_ ,rtvNlf•ncr• In,y r.:Mly ul.e1. Cnh sI,'eu-n11ine til• r., It i,, va:uelot., r�+t1,! t•f'1t mwaerr "Rat Ip tsp modern novel. ,'`,illy• ua.l 1 mtln shut momxthinig ons K ym{Int le. tlwa 73111'1. nit 'I :r,,! late ,,I h, t to dnnto--Llwtt '1,t hod out heated u. �,rr11 wn•ac. I rttUlel not fn11tgine what,lt tie alt rhe war th0 rem, or tilt- even- hivio and'w(sulf•u• 1-u iget iq rqm- l turr.,il baby ,1',,a- r frtllrninK t . . AIIhuAoptim ,vrty opt to btrget hilt "Aum, hu: eft, 1-.l h:, I Nur .rlNiv n, Ilii;. ' . K + We.•. T114y nre.mil•Ily I;ttalilr oa.l Ili __r.1_tlt!• ,HIrtUia;;,• tilt. u 1,i ole G) much air aro would naturally expect. uitijelal rpillugs bring up the a f A)( i_.a.nt ThOtWv+arW.r1',rp .. Idiot ur llm lelje, "Jit qSt1C hull ver lour. ;1 few C n1i . 1 rm1Jf� ht r ttth'Ui•f . tl f poor•• ux n Ka}wlr the tile- '''fits prtsi�ijil ,rr'irI ... g11N e • TTeMi+76\u1- pr Iht- Lr l,•ta',-_.r____ ge f Ault' rltethold are: 1 hour rlften mrderrd bAn're thpn 1rLL forethotuthl he P14Y haA, n1, rrya,•ht+l. 1[1-.. 1,t. . LaLuar, umenev, tmt., N'1N+thcr Is1v •vel 1111 hr rn6 party_ 1. Tilt, MnvimK'6f time htrtw+(leu cut - he Jwyeko rgiral m(Nrnvlt he l llnblF Rhe 1146 if }'1111 "vel', n.k,rt her rau;rr w11nt vertiug tit , urPlty71-m ffllo lutral"rrNia. oda tr, "i lxHrr.ue,• Ila1,y's.Otvn Tulr:�ur tyres-tcift c ted t thw'l-fu t uu Alto• K I mad,' m ,bun breamt alt it. 1 I } i'P' 1 ,lug and rtairlkl;, leesanln til• f% i nwlFy (Ild•11y'. I ,Jus t br;llwo rite F)rrraxkwa'ly a. :at[imt n)ulrl a fijr t grt s"--+at+4 +! am \I,frtatllpt•le"n' veil« tlr•tMly nfruW her a Ill..V+•1 11id. fur w ,t•'m .t., fusty' pr.nld of r uNIrI • At" N thio fix iminul I J+•tM fat Atun1,H•h t 1'011111, r full ctut- 7b11uwlnK rantfiti++n" .1 I'll,, itiw;k '`tiNk Of (1111111190 fi+uw rain. ,11� ! eel {fir tit and o 1 f of r m J 1 gi ) at, 1 n Onrw wlnm lhd. , , , tti t1, 1r,tt •.mina, r .m w,,I!!1 m lillh• t1, t<.' b.• ft,• u. 1 1-•a t ..ruollit;i luty iR .UI Irflve" und`,bl(Mwutue, Atte ltwrt wlutitted It. I would rather havle fid• alai rile certulsly i•uuld.uot by ft, In. h0N.rator , 'a d.•n'tfwt taker' r, eo• ;; ! S• ,Nn'bdrrl,'nml they el,llnly cure.! her. �a'1.%l1l,l 1,r ant rncly a amply the v+tfuriblu Iwartr of the Plaut urn .i facJ+J n Jk•n Of lioua with 'rho Jour if rhe know.'•'" I n,1-:I,im lit.; Putter, the, ynxitIt Th4L lrrrt^.•rvt .Irnnd,r`refrwlifnK t:ktln;I �u,cw soot yuut4K�ya(trk. :. 1`I,j. rwpvwl.. \ Wamen lYoslit on [letter (win Aba11 . klown nu+, n.k fur 11'11' who bel tit buil to kpp tffitU \ ;i. 'qF i p edeep, tu1J I rorgard tl,etu alt 1ad)m-,Irrrnarll. )f ih,•. n�•:,I.III- 1,r.• ••rutrhy" Itoo-Mty lr�orleanrr said brighter _,`,`,.. It f1- Jt pity abut Jtlat lwrtioular }'?In'« ant"' ,,f Iirf..'flatber. tela..E56FORSixIVYEa f.'I'ti,r.ywr.•f;.rel 1'.111 th'1-trnw Ltlx trot' l nnnrrr•I,-Is just 117 wnrit4l pr, lindnnrjfw 111(11 l Il raO,. r innuwr her our Nh„ r 1AW-ble infill}- h, , n hi,re,lhere ore I It h► golivntlly n,. r (4 Ji•ft1 the tlaiu that rtitrd fn [hu old wry. ,r P.•rry e.,.,, i•: 11,,,11 r. .t .:,r• .•nro r nw.lt• mutt•, lutcoc with the °Ni1 t , 1,111:, nn^x•" — rntlirl • Lnl+t rove ,t 1,u ► h11'er 1+111.,, hay ettu,lirt 1,r curail b \ h?i,t Or r 11111 1riA in FIN• torr of the 111.11111- nlYru}« Ltl lfwl h, r wh$nal n•1.►th',; 'gl6rrn..•,,, ,1.•'11M,\tit; - Nwl all Guwri r., . , ti \ i1. 7. \i,truM 1-1. I!uJa, (sf ruur.r, ,tor tool n iftlh• UN,1 r,Nthl' �N. I.", p1, A+ ,;i'kt wtlu,t.., Ill.. -1. lout e1 Irl a"Irhir•Ne of tier "mph vera than Uut�f erF'frvrn'nit }inrts fir canmh,, Till, a.•n�tlte t., 1,1• i,:ur!litt; If Ah.. ral(•; c(rudi'tlolar vary. A good atxthud 1pl t rat Tomo .b nAsT' Lake 1t,• by Noslyulw wnufl hr ' 'r•} IN Ihwe filet I lout iT r - P tI 11,111.'.. had nay other onter of w king wu- ,i rite In Yivnr of Ittby'r t,ivx T»I1- cIN)p IN+ Inl•V.•( It +.111 l� ;a+r•,vnary 1 of rurin9 un n KrIlt upland farm 'iia 7 Illy nfnlfJ or rM•n.-1'uriuuw raarurim ort trriun.d 1,•i;, pmviuc ibrel:,iw t1,:al�they are 1.t b.y;ilr enlUrtr rarUrr. 1 mould b! quite ullrulifr(\ 1,u tow 11.1- , '_IilCar.• a rrrma, ria to yank. .1,;111 Inr1t?u�l wll�r. her. IxlLlt mad" 1-.11. Ith !'alit. for h1r atlrermx In (hilt .1,.:a ll47ular til.• tray t!e.t mwl'jvin,• IOr•''gill the lilt farli••s• ,•,tIUnK iN uu�iai>,t eat. .ter clay andJrumtw ruiJ� - K Nutt, a wmaf.I.1,u it ,u I;tv,ertully. u+, J;ffen nor .JI•• w'tlr �llxpw t1.IrtT- 1,•:d �. minor ill+v)r iurantM nn,! young t.b'il. ting at ur bt+fure tilt•, tj Ile, elf lull I Tilt lettxth of thud text which ba . Kba it��+tAoN nt�i'er forget to may thiol :,tel uur..n1,•'It uunl In ,•cerythln�. In111.6(it,N ire. " - . ' ., ,114+ tv-n51 til (only nue rite "ver .h.Yrfl, ' 1-l; ."lir. n;C, r,•n,'i•11tion11llty It 1-1 I - I "Ilia- tlfR Uniform,'a ways unit: crol. (;uarnnlr•ed-lu runt;tlil Uu iqd- bioont Ily Etta ruFti111; ,W nor:uit,cak- 1 "IUNIId ix+ exputmnl in tILe swath itld alt Alph. ire Ir w opt W der.• til :, N f In I NI.11-80 .tank a.N d Itrrmutllk,ev •til I '• fblie- Ir too-b(•eomin.R owl giver :c 'ALO. 1'rlep _:, rpMi.e..a' box Aki• nil IiIRK bet vvrmvl tIW tun„ of full Utfltine 1,r+ dittetminxNl' by tote rlprmess. by the - io��4I . kum you, eh ? y, ,uiR w man ambh n I ilk o s )t- 'tr,t9gf.tw/pr ditet•t bon ihr t'r..:aid rlpenlnK. in. any rnwe, fH,i�t•v t'.- ILnluid(ty u1- tax+ tattptrtpbere, the tem - In thohr It I,th;cNl of mulwnl old- "1 ln•rl n.k h.m, that wets" the' 4 R ( Pf hrlc-rcldrnhl-b,•'rnt Ih•forp it Ila [1-p •rature 111tH mdxtnues tit ttte moll, b r !'rattle -Y ll I Innocence. ltehidea, the e 1 IA 11'iltlnnlr, \l,+:I the t'u.:. I)1- c",ft, {lie, '\ W its, ,m.f r 11- tecnns.parh:►Ixr n' ,uw nrtjl Nul t,.n,e i4 Ii fill. -.v P Ont. , ,•uou ''`Coll—1-on r"In,pd it; (if Uurat• . 1[11 !u1- the rprtt Ur rJual 11.1111\1,y Lhr;l(q•rwatcx w' nbrf•uce of wlad, oro. Jiur_.an+f r� illy M drr4dr, anal rhe " I'in:)hy n 1 ri11-fah, left a ruck "rte, ver fr•lchfug anti n wnndprf111 11�Ip \ cJvrp of mlwfrl rluv.•r :urs timothy `., ihut•rvrry ujan rnur1, ba, til 141- swill1111-rt� Ire uvur lt:ew• word«, J II write to hitt.' I uMxlneailt-� RHI111 4'rrtuiaH'. bur rl whO haw ant rrtl hair p '9,fai'" bvarHei 'heli''tAb (tint villein,,- gaily. . - Il-1l'h1,1 .till I:1- "say hr ? RI 0 y hay' 1,w al Its Le+F of Irttlt tluuliFa! ine,usure. a law unto himself, and hie Ce fir a bow nrrft}hI knack for ar- `1' K'. „ , It 1011 -\Ooh i,g, 1,pt1AsnN x rlk-Ond#or 1V QMF 1� S; A�E :1u,t quaullla nn• to b • emus lett,, to"ftetlar mutt ted+ gvtvrttrd te per. lire a to .tainawr tit 'T.tlaf tv.ix!Jtl fine,' rltn nn- f than warof -_iii-I .Intik '.M :,IF richt rangl w it pri•ttlly" nhru from ollr-thi,.l to uiN•-h:)It tit conal axpt•tMnce. nhrNtg.rhnfvh tort w.1,) sant; the 1111 'xwrnrl w!th n lr•ut Irw,y 'lnrtleu• 1 nn actor. alt „It' lx:pt.urr xhr -Ippl�trs wIN•n 11111 c•lorrr Wtl.nt 111'1 halt,• turmrl !t nppvum to btr n tact, hrnrr r� a F"A 1-s... ,this. �• 1:1rFv no@ N• kntwm vt r nor lI-reevee _ ------ r1",rll Y I 'A SECRET, br+t►wn- -- -_ , Hutt, wlxn till• e+►udltlornr nro f• - A w. .• f 'Yt k(-rvfo-wim 1'Mi11 . O i4fy ft 1m'.0 1111111111 Ic, tun. to Amit - •t- stay rhttwtlA itis rut•+.' And AI ns wtrlhh+ fruit tIr n00irt iaarT rk111 a __ for rnumy -__tyKirl'aYa11t•-r,fnr her fn ty-im,a•rit- N♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦N♦♦••♦•N♦••♦♦♦♦N•N•••♦•♦•♦♦•♦♦N "I �dun't thlerit Wre t. it )P:trfl- ruphlly, nw 7x"f"ihlr after• clotting. Jtld Ruent ewe closed t+ldv.$ our "Nd h d" i Nay to Iver "then 1 li'n letter.' • _ 1 f urreLrilrfu n Volt ',t tell+ tt'11# them fn ties•, t im feettcr to dr alu�r1 tmtch Krf•hrtrr tlrtn wam fore• staked 1,u r }" Id• 1-r alt h veal ' 1 \ It�trK. aW'..•---it•:tk+rtirf`t T(iw'.i�....,,.i . y rp „ , t ♦ iaK 111- r J46po • w u\ + { 1Lty ttt�y_Oiu:ttl. odd- d.dr•r 1.1111'119 to LYFr• nwrning until eNy 11NNtgbl Iarmtalblr, 1111.1 that the Furl down W!lh I,im ha d« In hs.c w« k- fen' eN kwdGsl. T is r, - IJItL -It Is _r•,'UaY,ry 'tonel. ss for Rudest of 411,•' ,h•Iv fe trfr.F'1f-3o tuns v ,v bowl ,utility „t hay Hua a row A dl I-MAlflg a 114 In :IT a �rl ild 1) - .till .111 poop ,a� - hl g,tr ♦ � � � � - ■ ®� ♦ h, C' Hili tit tell" It.�' ti. -i1- ill- u1- anon• tit hay iMt to 1,n Iwmllr•J. in. � ra�uftrl is �Ifl" way Y Igdtr when rat ,rt ,w,t r 'L* flulteer 1ti telt tC j. �ie' K t 2 S ,t;rlyr--sfrmn tyle wtio. kut!Jw•p f(. nU.i :t •aurin. n. ta.kler will lr0 four"I }•' \C. HtxLanr, _ to Ue rxnrwrtlade.' 1J!'f tt�i�fn�r w waodpr • _. .. ._--- _ therefurc if t uttevnp 1,u ) i,rci• nlowk ('trnm!w- ____ ".~— a '•-Nall. do you krum." veil foe; # S u m m e C a r n v a I ♦ t , y }' a pro- 'a i (x1-, l 1.1,-t ova rent. 1'n 1-o ilNtrt be --- 811(1 1-c tp u wit 11 an 14f4'k orf. rntrav •1 f1- ht w 1111 11 Np,t• r,rt• 1 Ji.aJ to g,v t tett,-r- ' • foInd uut," a urt t a rl:utt Lt 1111 . Its. kited w,.e:lt aver Nne,- l) • elitrfl wrFtinit u:llrwe -r --`- nd•,N�-tve.s a},ncw ' .-knmv; t_-"7+MkJtf':