HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-25, Page 10• yr,l. rime Mr. M,Trtteb )e•n tare for the RIGHT HERE FOR__► MIs. Ethel shanieatl returned Io. t week from her alt . 40 1 111414401.1•41•01111.11by 14 (irahau. Mlanlwn, of that ray, who in vlwlling her Motive.. here. John ('older. of Toronto. (n.Metor for the -i 1'nder.ilter'• Ammetatin., waa in town Ihh. ! awe". -is 4.1.nen.i ion ., it It the te.umner of (h. new tomato fuel or). Mr. Ihthuwl, of Toronto, agent of the Iknuile i.at !Jur of VtHnn14111.• Now ht town Ihf..4ek un burinu,w in eo,,neet ion will. 11.0 exlaa'I trade of 111r organ fret ,.ry. Mr.. J. W. ltr.xteriek uud Mr. and Mr.. 1'Ia'L, of London, were s MilitiaMr. Itrderirk .111ring the week. Mt.. Flak a daughter of Mi. and Mr.. itldilerirk. J,1.... Boll' of 4'h litho v14in.l hl. tool her. Mr. Berle) Holt, user Man.iat, He M now y staling a -hon time in Itulr,b,. but will net urn Leer w'it1, hl. wife+owl ehiIln•a, Mr, Wm. Met aaglwul look in lite exeyrion 111 11e•11vI1 on Ill, 1;,1110111141. Mho War. uerrxn- pwulel 4ty Mi.. Erle. who will MI1114il, fora mated 111 the tit) 1 t.itilyt (rived.. I Ir. Willi. null wile, 01 IMO mit. were gaomla of Mr. aunt Mr.. J. IIuulhl sold loft Ile. week 10 sl.it fria•luf• ill N,•n.all and 1{aoter. 'Mr. Willi. 1. it daughter of Mr. Marlin. MI.. ('an.) 1'14 Ling who 1'..1••ndLtg holiday.. a1 tier hueu• hen'. .ted fourth n1 herrxau,ina- 1 ion At V iel.wlu hn.pibth 1001441011. Nle• n•1 anon ;o n• -tint,' her 111111.. M.aol.a hill. t ha.. 44'w hlostott alio .Nin the hewyin,l en 1l.uuillua for %•v entl Week., seri, wl hum'* Sal• n lata)- night. .41tbuugh. .till weak. hr L. iln• pnoring nwely and (. able I. be adman WWII. 11', M.'H, lirn'a. of the C. T. 11. .nag, Sarnia. :teevnll shied 114 hi. friend, Herb. Munlex•h, of Volt Ilona., 1 i.lted the funs is ,aereul. Th or 4141) of Loa o eek at Ito.• IM •i• Varlet.1'olhlrm•. 11.•.. a1'. W. ytiild,M, of 1.•11muua.. R4.e i, .i.'•d illy. a mvnlb'. ,weal inn '111 ht• old Iwuni• hen., len iug arra...) Ltat Th14,.ta might Ire J1•aewr tiny(ward. Mt. t, 1,t,.r ne•cuur I.u1ie•• 1' . , It. 1leusler..e of the jail itaff, rel erred to hi. tint ie. int AfadA)' after a jr'riearm nolle.. of I w 0 Si 44•kn, Mr. fowl Mr.. 1bider%Ip WWI 111 r..11, ro' !heir 110411k- to 041 l lw• kind friend. who h a .i.tld -o faithfully through 1,. ilbwmx Mr. M:t'unl ret tined I.1.1 .4100\ frau a 1 0.11 wlrle_.._ iIh her &toedrr in 1.1,4100,n. .let'.. .11 1-T 1t1`!w'idrettl wrote In Laud.... boalung .ohs• rill. broken 111 11 .t reel r ..r .utlid.a, bud -is non quite resin aril. K. Swart. and W. ThuIHwwl went 10 I,i. /earl 4e•trrtu33 In atd•ed the awe.. Mr. ...tel.' Priem, vale 1. rnlrml Wme. o., Omit to the *et writtwr the ow., ha, 10 1a• i...t pu1.d 4114 .111 b' heli lol00 row Nei s+u enl.,y, 8 Tuuntmia, June 25 1')(3 a THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. CTAKE A Dry Goods LOOK AROUNU Millinery. Clothing and den's Furnishing ('ome' to us. We are right on the Square. You'll find a 1►ig, bright store full of bargains. Buy Clothing Now {tetra 1410 Bud's' m •r Mlllts reduced. 4'(i. MEN'S FELT iIAT`, regular $•-t„ :III for 51.75 MEN'S\ FELT iJ:'TS. regular 5•j„IM kir 51.511 l'ien's •and Boys' Shirts The Lttr,.1 vuutIller .shirts. J..,rt front, new' Elated de•yigita, 1e- Ktd,tr• 111.11111,,for 7:a• I..AllliEItA`R(E110104SHIKT): amid_ ..-wa„lylsw w,ltwa- NNw styles. best -cloth, regular 751• special at Buy Wash Goods Now Ni.'.' fancy .lilt. Itq•, 121e, 1:w, JA•. New' ginghanis, liege white rail- van clot)!., 111•.- hail. :rel linen., Buy Dress Goods Now A hig new stiwk sit dress all Ilp•ttt-dale and the ir..t %al- Iles W44 bite,' *O'er .11.114. 11. SPF.I'IAI, 'HACK. CII 1•:vt(Yr fin- 73r yd. SPE( 'I.1I, 1111.Al'K 11'V11'MTKU • .410HtiK, 7w yd. FAN('!' l'O1,)REl) '1)REM,4 (14)4I$ '4, regular Mir for25t• yd. ,\ Noll' i:M *1t )l l)EHI l) VOILE ('1%)TIIM. greys, bine, .pull, 7:x• yd. :41 h• Buy Millinery. Now (' lildlru's Ain 1 tit on land. sill'*• asid 1' mot for.om- 111r1• wear, i'1'le'e yel'y r•am.al• able. 1 ).lies: and Mil..•: 4I'IIl1111141 Mil- liuery, the It•ol c11141.44 old. Important on and after July Ist, 1403 W.' w'lll IuNl• to 1111'r'Vts• thr,rtle' ilt w (li. 11 !t.• giro oell' present furniture pro • s, owing to the ailvence in these rhtl.w•, of Material. Thr'*lair or tattle we give 1n1 $'6x1111.111r'Ire, Will tiler .Italy 1.1 begi.en on $3..110 purchases The chair sir table we give un $15.111 will art. -I. .1 illy 1st be given on $:nn.11). Our 4•1114114 111101W 1111111/141 tnkl' wi'..tt1(41g1• of Il1in now. and fill out their armunto. hs•for• that time, Smith Bros. f & Co PERSONAL MENTON. John Ilut ler norm snouts,' at St rat lune, Mr. Jid1n lrunk.y 1m en a trip Iso Ik•tn. Toru Mawwn, of Toronto. 1 -.pending h ben% 1'. M.l.,wu.x,, of tm'kitow. wheeled to loan all • m wlmtal. t loin Halt of l.1101.1,1, i. yrndiug bolkbp'• ft id- loom. ).'me. 1:eta. 1 Maestri. of Ik•nmiller. Left )looter net ter %ora Wit. 4• . J. 1'4,11 !'orris. 1- -trolling llrr •' wt boll 4144 • in I.all.f,. I� � Mr*. J. Mudie, of Ser.forth. wn. be Mwa,rgain Amine 4Ise week. ML. Iaa1.• Ms...ne left on Moxd.y fin her eel urn to New York. y1'r.lrl F:Ia mal lin. mlurnnl Man the itr.1� Inn( 10, -Iso r.. 1'01141x•. .Arthur \aft,•I, .d Tonto, I. in towa.�llad box 4 fortnight'. Idhloy, air. I ,dr and little do light cr. of Wind-W.111r ,lolling mint i4 ea in town, .alien Holm... of I set reit. i.. Mil i hg retails e• hen• aim al Moble.% (lir. .4/0 .1teniler, Om/osier .d the limb-rk'ir 1hxnl o.. 1. at 14nun,4on. 11.1. MI penia !thnnnn retnrn•d bootie h..' Nei' other an eatesminl rl-it It, 1h'tna1. 1:. 1'rn nioinoh, of lh.>ion, 41.. y.•nt a few olio. ah Ilowlerirb (rirrml. the )wd week. Mi. I lona 14 !fitly. of "Mahn., h. i. . taping her .)Aor, Mn. J. II; 11 '0111101. Market '1. Voank itnll.. of 4 •hh•ng.. nuthia brief 11.1t In hi•.I.oer-iso law. Mr. I'.'ItjIoii4. Minahq, Mr. and Mr,.1. w'. Marlin asLehild, mf 11'Im ni)mg. Man . stn.,* Idling Ibe)r mktivrn Imre. Ml.. M tut, ;1, l ,l14.a. heft m, Coital, -for t otutnh 4(hi.l after •potwiitlg a few dol)- in low ll. 11. 1, H«.1 rood J..11Thellrr, r,f Ik•rlln, were . I.Iting ft the n•-il.•nre- of J. J. n.art Lt.! eek. The The Slime. 4'h•oet. or Sarnia, were Ihr 1r,l.. f t1.4r tuned,,, MI-. Jrrnie i... -son.. 3.4 week. Mr•. 1 'ha, firer,,, n.rranpattiefl by her rotor 1,11,1 nen. ha. i • 10,l do her hnmhanil al Mid In nd. Mr. l'irie wa- fi.rulrrly with the 11x, I trims rrriagr work, town, hal ha. been 1h Mwlbintl for .Illi.• nten11t1- p%.t. 1'4wmore. of Mitchell. w.. In tow 11 ...er Sunday '.1111 h4 fnadl), who have bs'n t 4,ilint b.11411....„.. H. 1. strong. It ,t., wa- In Toronto tint Werk .411.11410W 4 nurtilyr elf the ribl,tt loneI .4 •..ctrl ion. Ni.. M,gtte '1'rawr: wlxl Ityqita,• been visiting for tune -is the K.o.4.,0h Stales. hu,. Ir orow.1 1 Mr, Win. I .'..wart! wit hlhrerhlkl run. of a or MOW, Al 44411- !idling her brahr. Tllrotur- I'arr. \r•N tate .1reet. Sl r. w', 11 alta end MI.. Janie an' un 1 heir way haInr••frnu 111,- Vt,Lol and an•ev 1.• 14001 loll. gni Monday. Stn.. %ten. ole' Turo.loerry, and Mi-- Ile.,t..., yt'imrham. were ,.hint Mn.. Jnix ay', rrr during the wrrk. Jim. Ma. hell Jeff .o. Thr -day fur Iirientfon! tot he present 2,1 {hr 1nrrl ing .d 1114'lirwud 1'111101 of S.01 of s.'.. Mn.1. tee.. M. Turnbull net urool on Monihlc (1nn1 I'h ndev., a lm'n' Ix• 4 1•p.+1 w fro 11:14. after the rte.If the Sy cowl 111 Ii10011, J,t.h. Tlo4wo-, •ou 01.14M'. Thorn., 1114. gone 10 1 011ingwtaml to takf- )mantra with lL.' 1'of ){pkwonal s41p /.talon/ 1 0. T. H,rintnil rnrl tlw )lie,. Marton au•I AaepIM ilarlrlwl, .d 4 tillha. Mere h. Omits u, rt Mo too), tlr tue.t. t4 Mir. Ida HarMld. anter Ynsl., .o, of Joule.. Joho.tim,.4 sent/ r. Marie. 1. here fat a 4 ldl t.. Mrs J4,1.1 hon'. pon'nt-, Mr. Anil Mr.. Thum. lIn414.,t Mr.. w'eu. Meirrnwlh. Mrs aqui. Met 'math, or.. mood her toot krrs4a f fHant ArHvri on Alonih.) fnnn New Hnmrwk•k, N..1. Mr.. 111.1dM.. of Ihnh linear, *gm' Mr«. llir..1 1:tll.Il, of yten.rfoM, rr•tlrnrl 411 their b •- ,.ItttnrnIrnh',.,)' nfler .1-tthlg Mr, nod Alva. 1', 4. 11 III. 111411.01, of Ilei roil, who luta been .Imn.l On/ f Ivo tin). n. town it %ming ft•Lrod. al I, lbnntn for a day or I tv0, 11e returns to Ik' Inst the w.4•.. Mr. 1t. Itroll lllll ontt. of I'enh. who had been t kiting mt the r.ilelenre of 1 To.. N.ftel, Iin> 11,1,1 0.01. tell un Mn114ay to -nirtl n wee. or - 1.0 b, 101141111. • 44'01. t. SI. I104.h. 14 Portland. I tr•gon. brottser of .1..\, M,'Int.-h, of too n. i. here 011 .1 .i-iI,d.,."lurk '.f q•ma hs. 11 i. nl.nu twrnl. EltttrtirtIMMMMMIMMITMITtittt! E- Binder Twine We have the best Canadian and American and makes - GUILT EDGE and (TOLD MEDAL at right prices. • Now ready to send it out. 11'e s•Tl f•nring ftr.n 'Lir• per rod up. The tic frnte is a g.sx1 one to Mtfrt,•h In otrh,trl, ar MOM.- wher' t.0 make hog jOMhlr' which ern r•,ulily be renewed if (le - our Ideal fencing he. IMO osTt4)1 a jn.TTwhnt w•rTlaip eittomst for it. The 91 tr.ngest fence .on the market. The 4nrxet durable fencing made. '191. ensiea :no gnirkest elected. ('amt era once using ideal want, it again. We haven 11 wire few,. 110 inches high which we sell for I4k' ter 11111. Now is a good time 1.. paint cotir house. There is no paint better thio Hollywood 111' guarantee enlir• satisfaction. It will last longer, look l otter ,rid will not cost any 111411.0 than (other pawls, end le•na 11oen wane. Hrnt.es aItr,lely painted show ya hat it is. Mrrw'n demo, ern('.4 indoyym, lawn 'hose, budder•' hardware and .tos.ls of all kinds in full assortment at (nor. store. A ear of Durham rement foot to Munn. Mee one x5).(11 Man Ib. wales before buying. 1McKENZiE & HOWELL The (ioderich Hardware Store. 3 3 3 3 Miv l'oliu l'tulpiWil las 10t4•11 I.tinted to,wldr'ss a her of 1a.• ells Institute meeting. i11 'f'ol'k, On- tario. 1'ieloria and Durham comities during the month of July.' Her sult- Je•1'if ill,': ••1 n'111' 51'it'll Ifl4' ( '1 /01)k," "Canning and Ihr•rwrt'ingg of Fruits." ••1Iread uud the Principles of Bread Making,- "N' -Woo Institutes, and Ilnw' 14. Make the Mtettiug. Inter- t.tisig." -The Kitchen (harden," ••111.•, the harden Pay:'" "Thr Housekeeper 1 (ler Im{xtrtanec to the State." lIammoks, 6if supplies Tennis Etc. Close Wont hammocks from $1.00 to $5.00. ('olorl, K.A. (heel' and 1"ellna-. Spaldings- Golf Clubs, from 85c to $2.50 each Golf I3a4 13c, 20c and 25e each. r ISI Tennis Rackets, from $1.00 to $5.00. Tennis Balls, 25e, 35c and 50c each. Croquet Set, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $•2.50. See show window for the newest things in Wrist Bags. Geo: Porter. ll�U�l�11�I1j��1�11utu11U1111�U 'Phone 1008. OPERA HOUSE One Night Only 29 Monday, June Jozliva S!PIills 1N1) 1((44 4F:LF.rtit.%1('t) 4')),iI PAN)," OF AMEIttl'.AN :A RTIMT4. Abrobobilliwn 40 - PEOPLE - 40 BAND and ORCHESTRA TIIE (IREATEST COM IC SHOW NOW ON THK ROAN. MK4TN ON MAI'IK AT KIUU'M • BOOK STORE. MEK till GREAT BURLESQUE PARADE al twwly,. nclx•k noon, tans of shine. on day of show. PRICES : 25c, 33c, SOc i Tlidsurnmer of Travelers' Samples ,- WE wind up June and start July selling with a big sale of traveiers' samples. While there will be many another money saving bargain go on our counters during the sale, the traveler's samples will be the big feature of it. For the past couple of months we have been on the look- out for specials for this midsummer sale, and on SATURDAY, JUNE 27"1„ ', will start the selling of hundreds of dollars worth of travelers' samples and many other lines of seasonable merchandise bought to sell at bargain prices. We will sell -- Cotton Hose Samples Cashmere Hose Samples Handkerchief Samples Fancy Linen Samples apron .Salliples Towel-Sarnjles Damask Tablecloth Safuples Table Napkin Sample, and sell them at prices that are positively money -saving, for we bought them cheap and are going to sell them the same way. Many of the lines are better quality than we usually keep in stock. A.I are in good condition, and prices will be ' to 1 less than regular. Here b a partial list of the lines we will sell. '1'hreo big Ifal'g'tius in Handkerchiefs A wholesale firm were clear- ing out their stock of fancy handkerchiefs at' about one- half regular prices. We got first choice of the lot and now y«�trly 10) dozen fancy hand- kel'chiefs are on our counters for this salty snarled the same way we bought them, -about one-half regular value. 1Sc Handkerchiefs 10c 3111 fancy esilbrtide•nsl hand• kerchiefs. hemmed and embroid- ered edges , 'walk ir, that are made to sell at each. ISI' for this big wile our price i. each 14'. 25c Handkerchiefs 1Sc dal) fancy enlbrohlrerl hand- kt•tr•hief.. flew 11un11t)), Imre hetsitlw4I or embroidered edge" all good patterns and giutlitie that retial regular at 211 and 'Lice tearing this lot at each 15 Extra Good Handkerchiefs 19c :111 fancy lumdkerehieft all floe quality ; this lot inclullell lines Oust retailed in the reggii)lar way at from :#) -to. Pk.. 1`'e bought theist eheap and they go on gale at your choice fur each • 1(k 1200 Sample Handkerchiefs After we bought th$ above lot we came across • these samples. They were so good and the price so low that we would not let the chance go by,<. 'I`here are over , 1.200 of them but at the ridiculously low price we have marked them it Phould not take long for them to find new owners. Over 1200 sample fancy handkerchiefs to sell at one-half pries. Come and see them. Carpet Samples Samples of Tapestry and Brussels, Carpet, 190:3 designs and colors, all 1 4 yards long, suitable for Rugs and Mats. At 30c Maniples a Tapestry Carpets, qualities that 1uiIIld retail from fill t.. )Oe per Ard, big range of patterns to chamois from, 11 yards to earth piece, choice of this lot each 511e At 75c Samples of Brume's (/tweet, goods that would retail at 51 to $11.25 per yard, big lot to select from. 1.1 yawls in each piper, •lau•h I• Over sixteen hundred sample pairs of Hosiery By actual count over 1,600 pairs of sample hose go on our counters for this sale. All are this sea- son's goods and the samples of two of the largest hosiery importers in Canada. The lot con- sists of Ladies' Potton Hose Children's Option 1101. Ribbed Cashmere 110,e Plain Cashmere Hose Colored 4'ashrtele Hose Silk Enlbnticler d Cashmere H.e..c All qualities and grades. All bought at a dis- count from regular prices that puts us in a posi- tion to save you big money un your hosiery buy- ing. We can't quote prices. There are too many lines to do that, but if you want hosiery now, if you want it within a year, you will be money in pocket to lay in a supply while this lot lasts. Very Fine Cashmere Hosiery Am/mg the samples are alxart 15 pairs of very fine Cashmere hose, plain and e'ullttrtiderd, that ate Plant g.xst quality and finer than err usually ear led in stork, and are made to retail at from 7:x• to $I.25 per (stir. 1f you want something extra fine in hosiery you will find thin an ex- eellent o`4lwert 'ty to lay in a supply. for we will clear priers. this e• is lot ((rout on -quarter to one-third less than regular p• iet'It. Ribbed diose for Boys Isere is a bargain in cotton hose for boys. A big importer,,wanted to clear his stock before stock taking and we got this lot away under regular prices. They are American make, will give excel- lent wear and are fast dye. J5*) ``/airs e'hildn'n's ribbed cotton home, double knew, 41111.osi heel, seamiest' feet, warranted two threnwi yarn, Am- erican slake, size's frim 6 to ill, would be pool value at 26c 1.'r pair: on rile with the samples at per pair 17.' Linen Samples Hundreds of samples of fancy linens, towels, napkins, etc., to sell at wholesale prices and less. These are the samples of one of the largest linen houses and are perfect goods. Dozens of patterns, all good qualities and genuine bargains. Sample Tray Cloths Sample Lunch Cloths Sample Nide-board Scarfs 84111411e Iklyli ". Sample Towel.. Sample Napkin. Sample 1'lot h. Hundreds of pieces and big bargains for people who come to this store. A chance to lay in a sup- ply of linens that comes only ohne, in a very great while. With the above we will put on sale the fol- lowing : Toweling 74c 1121. o-nds of all linen glass toweling. '34. inches wide, rest 4x lriet'. This wrntltl 11e wood value at 11M per yard. Thew` are It big lot of matinfu•tIlr- er'm oldo, The lengths rim from all tt :W inches and we put them on wale Srtttarlaty nt Embroidery Uses 2 for 5c your choire of the lot for 1111 .ample ends of fine OM. each 7, a broidery linens, size 11 x IR 17•n. Glass Toweli j!c inehc's, all qualities, suitable 1for doylies, mtats, etc'., grxx]s (hal would retail at :Ake tu7.1e per yard, choir.. of samples, 2for 5r _Must Simples i lac _11c - Samples of table damasks, in•,,ken line's, ',leached and half blenched, all 15 x :11 in., s4nypdes of grxxl gnsdify table damasks. They make capital dish towels. We clean the lot lett at year rhn er 9 for 10r Napkins 3 for 25c I)11 sample table napkins. 11)11111M Buret, nlnlinrtt .11... Itmw,tted pal 11.rn.. rhoiee of 1ht' lot fur wtrr,ple ..•Ming at 4 for 2:e Samples of 21111 y,4141, i11•i,vt' glass towel- ing, 0reall) or white, fancy iorler+, grxi1 weight, regu- lar Ilk•, for sample mi-Iling per i:x' van(... .....�..........Y......-7{s. Quilt Samples lc Sateens 8c Made to sell at 121c Another Bargain for this Midsummer Sale. -. Dress Sa- teens selling under value be- cause we bought them that way. All 1903 designs and (lark colors, mostly navy or black grounds. Nice bright finish and soft cloth. ikxl yards fancy firms Sateens, :to 1.. 31 Melte. wide, string loth. g.t.1 finality. fine finish. Made to retail at 121e per yard. All new this last week, for Orth .4idoMnlner Mab•, price will be per yard . . , llllllRe Silk Gloves 10c 1:411 pairs hlaek and colons] silk Om es "rid mitts, Assorted ,ixet, regldar 111 to NW, rlearing At. your choice ............. I(k' 1(1) white quilt samplles. These ends ar' about I2x 10 inches. They show the qual- ity of the milts and would make eapltaal wash rags, etc. 4'hoiee of the Int each ....1e• Towels 10c Toweling Saapks 5c ''tam`den of glass toweling. 20 inrl,en wide. pure linen, Kim ad weight., regular 12ie grtlil v, j yard in the piece, rhowe of wrnples, eaelt... Pore Bison hock Inverts, 'wavy weight, 114 x MI inches, red ixlnb'rt., special for sample sale, welling at each. Iib Cotton Dress Goods at 6ic, made to sell at 10c Ono more of the specials we have gathered to- gether to make this midsummer sale interesting and profitable. The mill today world not sell this line at 6ic. We have these 30 odd pieces to sell. They are new, just in this week, and we bought them cheap enough to let us sell them at per yard six and one-half cents. 00111 yards loner cotton dress gulls, suitable for waists. wrappers or drowses, feat color. and good qualities, would he cheap at per yard 1fk•, for thin big aide our prier:will Lace Curtain Samples - 100 sample ends Not- tinghaln lace curtains, most of them about 1 yds. long, samples showing the lower ends of lines that would sell at 81.00 to $3.00 per pair. .lust 100 we sell during this sale at each 25c Some money -saving bar- gains in fancy Ribbons This ribbon bargain is not the least of the many this special sale affords. Many patterns in color combinations, in pure silk ribbon, suitable for ties, trimmings etc., clearing at prices that are money saving. 50c Ribbons 35c Fancy silk neck ribbon's, sate 'sorted stripes, pure silk, 5inches wide, new patterns. will make hwnelarotw ties, regular 54k, spe- cial for sale per Tani 5tic $1.00 Ribbon for 50c Fancy stripe neck riblxons, six inches! wide, .suitable for neck wear or trimmings, in cream, pink, blue, rte., regular value 51.111 special fur this ,Isle per yard. idle Dress Goods Samples Suitable for rwtchwork We secured two big cases of Woollen and Cotton Dress Goods samples. There are thousands of samples in the cases. They are beautiful designs and fine qualities and would he just the thing for making good quilts. Wo have had them sorted out, tied up in bundles to clear at the following prices. Wool Samples Mnnlplrs.e1 fine woollen dream good., plain and fancy checks 417,..1of l!tier,wtix1) inch,'.., put up in 1oil ndle'. at iter bundle Cotton Goods Samples Travelenl' .anlples of eotdnn dr•.s material., endl.x4 varlet .)• r.iiot•itugm and patterns. sixes of wimp(les :e1 x 41.1 inches, put tip in bntt.Il.•s, choice der kindle.... Colored Flannel Samples I11) ends of small samples of colored fancy Hannels, just the thing for patch work, pot sop in lnm.il.•s At ynor rhoi,, per familie'...... :x• Black Silk Samples 2111 maniples of Black Milk, l yard to the sample, all kinds in the Int, worth per yard 75• to $I,10,chn lee o4f the lot each 25e Isere are three bargains in dress goods for this big sale of samples. ,but three lines that we are going to clear at a good deal less than their real worth. Fancy Flannels 35c About 764 yard, Forney Flannel suitable for Waists ter iltemming Maegnw14, liner that are took! dawn (o nap or two waists of a pat- tern, rngr11111' ()r• pet yard, oppriai for sale per yard Blue and Brown Dress Goods .35c z I:01 yard plain ihess (i'exwlsi, colors of blur and brown, rill pun- wood, double fold. saee1e�t'gg�e's1, Moths and light weight t1lAtwr- Ws, regular be and 911c, choir", of lot per yard l 3111• 73c Lustre 45c Frnir patterns fancy Nimrod I,Itstrev, nice bright Hnioh and regular 75.' quality, imitable for waists or Marta, per yard 16r HODGnNs BROS. .14