HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-25, Page 7• TIE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO to Ti l IlIDAY, •luue 1903. f5 CON VENT10N AT KLYTII. Meeting of Huron Sabbath School and Christian Endeavor Association. Meson. Held on Thursday .ted Friday 04,- cuaons .f Int.r.a to Church W _ Clllo.r, el.ctod for the Neat Year R.wlu- 1,on. Adopl.d - Thr delegates front town at the meeting of Huron (' ty Sunday Schesd and Christian Emdravor Amite ci*Ul,n held leua Thuladety and Friday wets. ,w follows : Jar. Mitchell, J. 11, Millial, Misr Mary Morris, Mies Nancy Nairn, Mils l'Istie, Mies McKenzie, J. E. Toms, Hugh Hain, Hrv. 1)1.. Daniel x11(1 Rev. Jas. Hamilton. MUNNI\e I4EN41404. The opening N0.w.I4/11 of the eou0ty Sabbath school convention, held at Hlyth butt ThwOelay, w,4 very scall in attend*rte, but at the aftoruiton meeting there, wax a decided illpn,ve- ment and one of the timed itit•rMl ing sessions In the histo y of the I4rlM•ia- tion. President J. 141t Tem conducted the opening clevltiOI 1 exrer•iMei, Nod iti the ahlw•nce of lies nary Stenlenuen, haul not yet stere el, read a letter loin Mist, Thoniley, on IW1alf of the W. l'• T• U., urging live . operat' ill support of Mr. ' ickenlike'M anti• cigarette Illi, 1410 a !ruination of the attempt to subedit t+ therefor one based on age limit. ' iM wax referred to the r•wrlution row 'rte, and then ,e diminution was es sett by *t.IlplamlL. from .ever*l delega tlutt notices ;and pnlgrwu144 1)f the a nventioi hetet not been properly die •ibut,d. Sev- eral emelt were (4test w err no notice ;.t all hall Leen newly 1 and other,. where the notice hetet en received Holy a few day* lif. ,re, Id the 4nlrial programs were only th t day land,d ,nt.. In the *Names of t e secretaries t he matter was laid over l'he following r 't s were ap- pointed : On r4wluti. e - Jainee itchell, (itiderich; Ihr. ,wler. Wing - Mina : nghath: John I)ustw, Nil. ; Miw. 144r, Blyth ; Mires Mord (ieelerich : Htu.inrew eelueitter •Mr. Eider, Roth; Rev. Mr. N'i1wm, Nile: Her. Mr. Mor1.M-k, Heiman: Mn.. Park. Wingheum; Mimi Stewart. Nominating e1) 'tte•- H. Park, Winghaml: J. E. T , Goderich ; A. T. l'os,per. Clin- ton ; 1H. Milllan, toderieh ; it.•v, Mr. 111)111144. Bluth. Mr. Stenciling), having Arrival, reaul his report as immune., showing a 1441x11(e 4)11 hand .1 let 17. 1)n I14t.444 the report wan rteIv,d and referent to Meanie. Yeo soul N'rIi.11, An audi- tor*. The first p'aper 1)u the ,,gram, •'The Teacherx Material au.I How tee '.Vnrk 1'IM,n It." was then given by 1), E. Munro, of Auburn. This paper. A moirwha( lengthy unr, meet with the highest comm etetbit' from) w•ve•1141 of the al4lirn.e. Any short s wry world nod do it j'atier, and After A dia'uu*ion of the hest uwade of w•- r1111ng its publication the te.dution enmmittere were asked to .(madder WAya and means to that end. M..:.,,' of the delegate.. w lens' hew• the average teacher would (+gif'et time. for 54r elaborate a plan of study as that out- lined by Mi. Munroand were in- /enuetl that he found two or (Wo And A half hour. on Souulny and fifteen smut.•* a .lay through the week ant{{lr time• for 13./ thun.ugh at' surly of the next S lay's 11wm,.,. After a *hurt conference with Mr. .la.•kmn, Pmvineiwl sc. i. tory, ne 11) the afternoon program, the eon vent inn adjourned for dinner. A1TK4t1 04 EY 44K44MI4 oN, After devotional exen•iew•N. Mr. Jackson for half x11 hour conducted 111• n,11n41 table conference, 1)41114' of the moat interatiug questions r•dtai0l- ing school l nanagr11lrltt Ilring dlw'Wi- mtl. Theme were selected At TAMd from a list of twenty -flee di.tril4tel 11y Mr. Jeteks.u, And the ,isliMion therm was lively *nil interesting: APurng the qu4Mtin111 dimitiw«l were: (II Sunday school libraries. The. lien ht was,H 11 ' 1141* h 11 brought out w h that s R have libraries bearing on the work of the. Sundif erh.M,l, such Al r .it tarifa, nomad .rurwe$, ere., and dr. 1M•ndrnrr un other w1111t'44, AM plllir ihrnt•ire, fur other reading.. (21 ljow• can we induce the scholar% G. study their lemons before .craning to the dam's. Nome method,'.plgggo•st.td sem, keep a week ahead', and' the $undnv before Is3 giving •thing that will inters -ft and tenet• the 'eewgdl t1) he looked up ; (14) using the Scripture readings ter Ironstone in the mauling at family wotwhip, aril having thefts mad in the daily Ieitlingt in .the public m•hIM11. This haat .11gg1'stl.in bismuth( out runny 11PpoPp''ving remarks, and the idea Wax referred to the resolution enmmitte•e for 4nmidrrat igen. 1:11 Re- view Sunday land' how to r4ndm .t chum pre tion. (4) Primary ,depart - meat. rte, The , 'ttem then repa44tl nm follow e : it.•sulutiun LkauruitJei-._:1...That.this lonventiun of Sunday twined W4,rker,e of the county of Herat heartily en- dorsee. the principle of- the hill intro- duced into the House of Cot by )I r. Hickey dike, M.P., to tnthileit ab- solutely the manufacture. importation and 'talent eigarettei., thready nennily. w'1• Iwlieve, t, oyrre011le the glowing evlt. of this harmful (male, and that copies of them reauhltlon hit m.nt. t.. 114411, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Solicitor Gen- er441, and G/ Mr. Birkerdike. 2. That the paper rad by Mr. Munro he weni t, the (slitter of the 4.'' S. Tinges, Philadelphia, with a request. for its pn1111iewtion in that aper and • • arrangement for distributing s'pi'es amongst the 4. M. teachers and the school", of our county. :t That hereafter the official pro- greed' of futures conventions he 1,411''' behest and distributed at darn( one month before the date of the conven- tion, r opiem t, 144 tient to every pastor and eslppmo••rintendent in the county. 1. We earnestly recar nnrnd that (he Hon, Minister of Ednration he igen to !lake much regulations as will pee/Writ* for the daily Scripture Mail- ings in the public "schols, the lemons of the International 4, 4, merle.. and the daily reailings ('0tlneet,441 there - With. N. That thin convent.inn'eeir.M neem( heartily 2.v thank the people .1 Blyth for their kindly weie4nne and gener,u4 hospitality today, and sow. the roan 44y( -et% of th. Premhyterian shunt for the due of their edifice ,n which tl hold this ronventinn. Theme resolutions were t«ken .11 seriatim and all Adopted AM rend. Nnnlnating Committee. President, 1). E. Munro ; vire.pe.ident, J. Rigin Torn ; vire-pruidenta, all peside•ntee of oral nrganIxat11n• t exew'Irtive- ,4, R•t•r i rayne, Rey. Mr. Morlo•k, .las. Revs, Varna ; Jag, Scott, Clinton : 111. Park, Winghu,i ; n. F. Blair, Hells s Is ; Rev, 1. H. WAllwln, 4eaf,n th 1x14. Mitchell, Nodeirh : John phi tow, Nile ; Rev. John Hnlmes, Blyth Rev. Wm. Masters, Brttcefhld ; 'it'. "'sal... J. C. Rtnnenwn : eorlespnneling 'M's.•. 1)t, Towler. The report. wan adopted as r.wA. Oto Lim ((abject "How to Make the Sunday School Felt," Revs. Metiers. HObb., Wlugghalu, and Melanlan, Kippur, appointed to dist•w* two div- iaiurs, Were 1)1411 ab*a,ut, but Her. Mr. Manning, Clititltm, dealt with "the house" /livi4iou Irl n most interesting Illallllrr. Mr. Jat•keeni then (o,ik up normal training, and him treatment of the sub- set for an hour brought out • of the (veliema dis(n4Miun4 in the history of the sum whit • . With printed charts to outline hie ide4 he Weight that normal teaching molal* rule or right. twehing. The Mtn of S. S. work is to bring LU1tH child tee k "The Hook," and then its author 1i1M1. In under to d1) this it is of flntlinq)14'lamce t/ (I) know God, (2) kuuw the child, (3) know the 1i,M,k. Se • teachers know the Hook well and know (1011, but don't know the child, and thus fail ; whilst 4)lhety know the child, but not "the Hook." liut to have effectual teaching they In4t kuuw IM/1.11. LI 1e41p4M•t t, "The Bock" 'We Khou1(1 teach an et•uctur•, hooks, writer•+, geography, history, doctrine*. 1n the hatter of the child, 10 Mi • ), • !and soul t be con - 'tittered. In the past we have taught as though the latter were the only Ming to ht ei llls1d1•rtl. Two IMIIIIIx Galate.I by Mr. J1u•kii1 which lemmata oar" disclaim' and a difference of opinion were : 1. Whish yualitleatiun 111 IL telu'llel• is of a impel 'tan( e 11 knuwlwlge of the I11M,k or a knowledge of the child nature :• 2. Hew far should a teacher refer to the alleged discre- pancies or mor,e in the Hibbs, or dil- cuema 1)b' 111 lw•tiou* of sk,gotics ter higher •ritienen before his chime ? Is It not better that the 44(1111118114 should IW w, informed that to mune extl•IIt they would he able t, meet at Ie*xt the suri,.i'e at•gullleIt,. of 414111t- rtY4 and infldel1. The Etat subject for the aft•ruM,n m•m.i., w•ito ••flow the 4 lav School Should lie l' fueled," by fir. J. E. Tour. who Maid : 1. 'The room sIIl,,Ikd 1W 'wady t, re- ceive pupae. at a fixed time-. 2. A r•- ap4nl14ible 1.I11err, if possible 'the mim�ye- intr,drmt, should be present when the. *hlMl-r)1,111 is opened. :4. Otxhrerx, teetelsere and petiole 141 Id 1M• punt -t- tint. t. The 14up•rint•ndent t be gill his 4xereims 1111 11111• and /'ally out hie prrevi0Ish• arranged Ibnrgl'AM without any 101414 of 1' ,i The exemim•e t be interesting, brief and frequently changed, 0. The by t be 14uit441,14' a11c1 inspiring There t he 'selected singes to lend t he Origins!. 7. The review of lemon 11W brief. pointed, endeined ire by the pupils. (1. Superintendent t have general oversight of the classes; Pupils should Iw eh ingest frons o114. 4•111144 to another whenever Irt•e•14wu•y, 11. The wasion should 1144 4•xe.vd one hello': alw'at'o disttne. 411 time. :► warm invitation MILK given by Dr. Towler, en behalf 4f N inggham. that the next convention .Ile held there, aryl title weaned t4 Inert with npaui• 1111)014 appmoVal, and wean sal decided. KV Met N4 441044111)41. A newt enjoyable feature of this mewl w•as the ming Nervier, conduct - el for th.••tint half hour. It -w'ait ler the leadership of the shear of the chun'h, and Wake' greatly enjoywl by -the -large ntlrtienre. Mr. Jackson t.,k up Smithey school work. Gild Arm eel the history of the 41IlNla% • s•h,s1 from the very cum. mrn.•ment of the Jewish nation, and (4I4ide1d the Si1lday w'h.s'1 was the ehtirh's greatest worksheet), Hr' 'tupha,ind the i1) 1)',rtancr of (ti.' doctrines of the eh,ueh Iwing thou - 'mighty taught to the child whilst yning, Aimee 141,4 hoots. Was a Krell revival in S lay se•I..'1 work, and. in fact, to all church No 1'hne men standout prominently at this time in 4 lay school work 1), I.. M...Iy, 'Nm.' it•yn1.kle and H. F. Jaeols. .ft. JA.•kw,tl empllasiutl the necessity of thoroughly drilling children in the doctrines 1)1 Christianity, and W41dd lead them -lel Gest when young. 1)r. Daniel wi; the 1,41 speaker atilt Kant• a s'ery ebMpl•nt and instructive A1141119441 1/11 "The IntenIgation Mark." Tihis 141 :t'1 Age of 111VeMtigettion and lils- ltiYer'. because ,In age of Iquest144110. Hew fol' luny we question in Sunday school work ? There air three things to find out : Ill How •h t.' ' given G 1 helson 1 4)wmuch thought given to Ieww,n : (31 1 44w Joest by , giestilini4 to impart what the child bloke : and having 1.. 1 by thi14 jndieions quest inning. 1)'. a few more questions jutlie•iou.ly asked impart what it. not known. This r 'hiding the program the convention wets formally closed. • runner' AN KNtileAS OR w44HK. and "Daily Prayer," were iIltreelt11'l«I by Rev. 11. N. Me('a , 4armia; 11'v - M. J. Wilson, Nile, and Rev. Mr. Small, of Auburn. ' The uoulivalimg 4' •rte Lynne ineudell the following persons as the °Meet% for the ('4)llIllg yea'. 111es• were approved of by the convention : Prwidert, A. T. l'IMop et', (Tinton est Vire president. 11111* Anderson, Blyth; 2nd vice president, NV. TI p- eon, Wingham : s«•lrtary, Itey. Jw,. 11*uiiltin, (i.Mlerieh: treasures, NI ism Nellie Iharri,, (IINh•1'll'If 1 executive committee, N'alt,•r Hall; Wiugham: Rev, 4'. 11. II ('tttlito,i Mies Ji. E. them, Hruw+rls ; Mr. M'ottani, Itruc4fleld ; Mims 1.'o1M•I1tild, Auburn. 1'he resolution committee Ielwu•ted the foll.witl iv( •md,ltions, Which Wer•19444y' 1'41 ), the eon%eIth at: (1) The a4eeptltee of the invitation • f the Wiugham local ration to hold the a ty Chi 'stint' Endeavor iI Wimghan% nt•xt year. 12) That teethe executive committee he left the setting of the date for the meeting of the elmvei t' next yer.r. (3) Thal we (•0(11)101/• the r•wdutiel la«md )•est•rlay 11y the4111114d11*•hl111 eau Vent loll 111 r•t•r•111•e 1.1) the ltrti- cigarett• 1111, and .Ids, t hal we heart ily codons• any etas which they may take. 44) Tient ,t he:u•ty 4414• of thanks he tendered t, the po•1)ple of lilt th Who have me-Jitspitably entertained the delegates, to the authorities of the church who have kindly given the 1)w• of the building, t1) the desseri1t i,ih com- mittee who have worked 541 faithfully. G, the united 1'11141• who have f11ru*Illd Meeh good Irmsic, and to all other's Wiu have holiest in any way to make the sun veILiuu rl nlll•enue. . I11 the 4•ve • g 14 largely attended song service Was 114.111 111 the el •h, Mr. l'IMgM•rlM•cupying he chair. De- votional Pxeiviees were ...endue -tell by Rev. 111. Small, of Auburn, and an anthem) was sung by the ...entailed eh4i11, of Hlyth. I(e'. Mr. S*Wen., of linu•rtleld, gave the Hua address 1)u "Mammal Effort in the H,u•veet of Soule," Four motive* that 111.81111 lead to such eHur were, love for motile. loyalty to 1 'hriet • King, love to (31 M1 fon' ta11• Saviour, welfare a1141 K4 - v16441 of our own souls. The extent 441 our r'steen*ibility wise the limit of our 44111141V 41141 4141114 11 '1 V. Etery- our 1411011111 410 his e11a1r, 114 the siders• of the whole depended 1)n the faithful- ness of each part. A s•Iw•tion Wax giyel by a male quartette, curb/,wtl of members of the Meth. Mli)4t choir, emu! 11014144 Were• given by Miss Patterson, of Aubnet. and Mr. Gilroy, of Hrineels44 Mies .Innes and Mr. Zeigler, .dt'linton, maw a duet. An auWr,'0M on "Harmony" w'a- given by Hee. D. N. MI{'amltls, tet Sarnia. Starting with musical har- mony, the speaker went on to talk of the hanunmv that should prevail among Christians and that would exist it1 each heart when attunes! to the Divine will. Right...mowet alone could bring har•luuny. If- the heart W141 I.11(hl when 60 41 1411eAkN 1111411 rt Neon, y1114t 14 A violin W111•11 1.1x4,441 at 1 distane• from ,i piano would msr111 when the pi14m- was played if the violin were t 1 to the piaun. The law of Iwlnouy worked fur the r•Kcu- r*tiuu of *,t1lx.- -The evening mission cuucludel with. N ronelecrat service. The 1 rnnyentun of the Hun in ('aunty Christian Endeavor A14s0x•i11- ti1)n WAS held in the Pe.hy'...Atm church, 'Myth. 011 F'ri(1,IV. J • Inti, in conjunction with the delay school convention held oil the. previous day. 44 • tatty delegates were in at1enll- an•i', At 14:1.i n. 111. the Hcy. 1). N. • Met ' M. 1)1 Santis, Wire n Bible morning ell the 11.1pel114rWilling to St. Ji,hn, which was exce,lingly profit- able. Thr re ' ' g hour- and a half of the morning session {(1144 taken up with the siiiiji4'lii; - i11r T'ari1t,r1. M)Mmaibility for 1w•nderehip with Loyal o•lel lee" anti "The Seecielie4 Known - lability for Mellowing the Pastor's besot ing." Rey. Jai. Hamilton, of (ilwlerieh. Kays a pointed rtldieee en the fnrulel and (luring the discussion the pr•Mident, .1. Elgin Tom. A. 1'. Cooper. Rev. T. ('op•hsrl Hugh Hain, (hMdet•ich, Alex. Welsh and others took fart. Ti, following committees wen. al INA:stet1, resolution, }thaws. 11(1(1 nom- inating. Residue : Rev, Jas. Hain ilton, Goderich ('hem, Mu)4tattl, Ht•ueefleld : A. T. Cooper. Clinton Mie« Stevens, Clinton ; Miss ( '0p elan/1, Auburn. Einatere• : Rev. M..1. N'il won, Nile : M. Wilfred. Blyth; N'. Th poy. NVingha tit : Moe Itows, 11 lyth : Miss Stewart•, Clinton. Neon /stingg Rev, Mr. Mmwen. Rrecef(4•ld ugh llain,U/eleri"h ; Rev. ('. D. Da }motel • Mem. \L J. Wilson, Nile: ilei. M'itie Rayj, 111IR1•+Ye; Mr. Elder. Blyth. The nft,rnosn 141•rwlon ep14 n(s1 at 2 { . I FREE CONSUMPTION HOSPITAL. Make a Note of It The next time you're shopping coddle here for your good and our good shoes. One of the things you'll notice about the shoes we sell is that they retain their shape ; look as well so far as form t concerned at the eu'I as at the beginning. The reason for this is that they're made to fit' in the factory ; not made to- fit in the store. Mt K I M'S 0141 Strand, Juedaa BI1ck. J. P. KA VA NA GN only soars of satisfying any 1 e- qub'.•menta appears to Is• to i.ce- steado the criminals to absent thew - selves until quiet le restored, when they will be ',ermined to resume their platen in the army. The pro- visional Uovernms•nt holds ud4•e solely at the will of the army, and should King Peter pruwisc to 4Iun- ish the officers implicated, It 1s as likely as not that the army will force the withdrawal of the invita- tion to occupy the throne. It 11 ■uggestei in otk ial quarters that Russia tuay [V-14ib)y advise the offi- cers concerned to absent themselves. Vienna, June 22 -Klug Peter will. arrive here at 10 o'clock Tuesday ev- ening. At the railroad station he will receive the homage of the Serv- Lan colony, and will continue his Journey by way of Buda -Pest, arriv- ing at Belgrade Wednesday morning. Pitiful Appeal from • Poor Consumptive Money Needed to Carry on Work, The (4lluw•img letter is shown M14 4)111 of Juany eli.tr usini* appeal. ma41e by aj/plirante seeking ,ulmlission tee th. Fre Con ption Hospital : •'1 and Anxious to slake application en Iwhalf of nay daughter. I'aulima. Wiu 1114 r44ntrte•td the 'drt4ta White pbgg,le while lemiligly per44nming duty' in caring fur her detr moth.. who eight IIIIII)ths 44ag0 0111'1' 11411 t4' the dread disease. Mine ie n 0114 11454•. For three lung 'earn Illy wife suffered flour'44noinupt .n, of which 11114 tinnily diel, leaving me alone to raise A family of children, c m• only five yean4 My daughter, PAaliva. who muses' her tiering her hong Wm.'s., W3144 111) 1,111' hope. nM 1114• GM,k ehsr'ge of Inv disease e ,nd,fdl x 1) e now the 111 home. and has fallen I1p441) herr. Her .hyeeicians hA',' 1114)114111114'441 41 N ones• of con/mini,- ' ons roto- 1 ion, 11111 MI1vlw• 1111 illlllleIilitr 114111 t'I11 GO the S,Inotur' . 1 Ply' a pool wan. de o•n(1c'nl 411 Illy daily' magi•, 11114 the heng at141 he44vy ex s•ns4M of my wife's+ illness hdye No depleted m y resources that I cannot possibly pity t111• expenses 111 an 1•x n'llMi%' or' , though 1 world � e Kind (4, do mo Were it in 111y power. ('1111 reit 111 It revei'.e het. 1114 I yam' Ere Hospital. and snatch 11 young lir. from the w•,41ing M,ffet•in}:a of s, terrible a (Usenet.? The •1. ,t•M consider her cane 1t eul:,hle 44111' 440 this stage, but delays W4ee.' be dangerous, il44pi144 and n•nshng.lo bear from you shortly, '11111 GI rtelyl' the prnt4•1 applieathen blank forms, 1 ion V441u0. ill trouble. and 11,.411.'. F:Very'thindl I14mliibhe is tieing done by the AMoe•m1t1.n to Meet the Iauly'dnd urgent e.11s 81)111 424 14 i% Jathty� camel for in the Etre Hospital, mill int a eimgle patient has been refused admittance 141 sum' of hie et' her u4v erty'. The great matter of rnnlrrn with the management is the Lurk 1)f funds, The question that is faripg the t Mitt's Gehl V is Whether they AV not ne r roper-l(s1 to close s • of wails 114'4'1111)44' 4 o 111144. Header' iif this paper who desire t1) help ern too me by 'tending cintribu- tieile, no clatter I►tow small the Itlnl, to Sir Wm. R. Meredith. Kt.. Vice- president National 4Anital' A)4Mcs•i- Ati44n, 1 1AMINIrt, ave„ Tor0nt0. o• N'. J. (cage. (linkman of the ExlrutiVfo ( 'ytnmit(44', 'notional). (►r ,(1u v duly 1111141 1nnt1i1n1ii011M t1) 1(. S. 1VifliaYns. Manager l'annllian Hank of ,Clllll '1•, (11 I,'rieh, Who will forward theta free -of charge, POWERS BREAK WITH SERVIA. 4 -- m„ President .1. E. Tom in thr chair. In 110 Haste to Recognise Governmentby eve -minute athdn•M44es were de Assassination Four fl livened pn the theme, "Se • Fruit« of ('ht•istIan Endeavor." The Mnhje•t«, "Training in l'hristian Testimony," "Mi* ion41ry Studies," "Tr.airied and Equipped Young ('hr•istiine" and "('hrlmtin l'onr,wlesehip," Wee taken by} Miss Addie KAuffntan. Clinton; W Thompson. Wingharn ; Rev. ,las. Hain Iltten, (ir1.rirh, m1.1 ilugh Hain.. of Grderll•h. A tiY'11I ' (111 junior work fol lowest with (he subjects, "What Mas We Ex Sof Them %' and ''What Mey They Etpet -of Ps taken by Mrs. John Robb, Brlrw'lo, and Mills 14. Site - yens, ('lints, Mrs. Rohl) laid greet r•nlphl4is m the importance .Lf ('14rlyy trot' K Nothing could be rec mlipllshed with out training; the moral vir't1(.% were all the result. 441 pearl of peu'tire pont inned until it beeline. shred nature. F:verything that we Fouled expet•t of junior"; a``er...m•i enrrfil training of the crud (il4mee and mental preens. ('oill*Ke, temperance, 1 flit.hfIlInika, fortitude and Joel dee ..Modell Afterthemmel%eM in the y'44mg ifpr,pp»4•rly ti•ninsl. "Bible study," "The Quiet flour," rsella. Irlala.ra a.elga. Rome, June 22. -TM King has ac- cepted the resignations of luti•rlor Minister Giolltti and Marine Mu,:s- ter Ilrttolo, Premier 'Lanardclh will take the Interior portfolio ad inter- im nter im and Vice Admiral Morin will be Marino Minister. The oth.•r Minis- ters have been confined in their pres- ent posts. A royal decree issued yesterday convenes Parliament for June 26. -Miller's (.rip 1'oW11,•1', ewe. Fur .•lc.Joy .l,to. N'ilwru. READY TO WEAR CLOTHING Jt,ale up froli goods in stock - we11-matte. goad -fitting gar- ments -a nut bender than the or- .Iinary-at price's that will mak... it Gr your interest to HUY NOW. FINE TAILORED SUITS Belgrade, .lune 22. -(creat Britain has practically 'broken on diplomatic relations with Mer'.,. The British Alini.t.er, Sir G. F. Bonham. leaves here to -day for England. 'rhe Con- sul of Great Britain, W. G. Thealg„rr, will take charge of llriti44h' InteresDlet Washington, .lune 22 -The United States Government has adopted an attitude similar to that. of trent Groot. Britain toward the mew seri- tan dynasty. it will he in no haste to rocognlre a Governmtrnt crena -•11 by altsaslirintion In the simile.. of some 1.4hlb1Uon 0f a d1Mpeikillnn to punish the guilty, therefore Minister Jackson sill not present his creden- tials to the Government of King Peter at present. The Iiague. .tune 22 -'The Dutch representative, at Delgrade has twin mouri cted to assume the Remo Atti- tude as Groat B.ttain towards tiro pro%IMinns! (3nvernment el Mervla. Belgrade, June 22- Unless King Peter is prkpar.d to altogether ig- nore the foreign demeinl1 for the! punishment of the assassins of King Alps*RdIr rd Queen Dregs, Ata A especially. N.'w'est 111111411.1,1 11111114 in fltl.' ,'lots". If ye.11 want mnlethling real good, tie place to get it is DUNLOP'S Street NEXT BANK OF' MONTREAL Victoria 8t.' Lachine Wurks Jas. A. Siradhall "1 ra,.tical Engineer - and Machinist. SPECIAL. .t'PrENTION c1VEN 'rt. • THE REPAIRING OF E• ltilotllOr% ngines, Mill Machinery 1nd Farming Implements General )laebile and Itlaeksmiit 1, '4V4)rk of all kinds. done (11 order. I'ltlr1(44 0t':.Is4N.4Il'l,F.-•.1 e,v LI. 44441,H 1TP, Works • Victoria Street, Goderich. Laughlin Fountain Pen is THE Otte Or ALL P t08 *1410 M118 4110 t our *NY*14t1x FiNEST GRADE 14K. GOLD PEN YOUR CHOICE OF THESE TWO POPULAR STYLES FOR 04LY $1.00 SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKER AT $3 The t,*nghtin Palntaie Pen Halder le made of in. eat 4plantyy hard rubber, 1. ..ed Wth highees grade,' large err. 18k. sold pen, of any denred Iis.lbtllty, and hes the only perfect feeding device known. Slither .tyle, reeky gold mre,nted, for etallos p,l,pnae.. el lin extra. Sorely you will net be able to.'carr en,•t hi ae at thea tow tks pn.s l het w11) eve witch rontieaoas pleasure and service, Pee Sala bp NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. C3py of change of running advertise ments must be Ipfl at this office by Monday' noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Announcement... • !Laving purchased the Harness Business of Ciilw bert douse (Dowding's old stand). I will carry it on at the salve place. I have engaged caper -1 ienced and c win p e t e n t workmen, .and ll a v e on hand a Large and well -as- sorted (=tock of HARNESS Double and Single Dusters, Fly Nets, Whips, etc., and the largest lino of Triads, sad Valises in Wesern Ontario. Special attention given to the repairing ,of Harness and Trunks. Your custom solicited. D. McBRIEN lialnilton-st.. l ; t 4derlch Dunlop Reliability Yon can place full reliance lo Dunlop Detechablo Pneumatic The. -they w oc%er betray your trust, tinniest to {uinc- turo,esielItt0repair. .oars of cu . -client, service have made them of almost uni- versal adoption. Every wheel with a repu- tation t Real with then. Every rider of experience in+hlta on then.. Dunlop Tina notice bicycle enthusiasts. They increase the pleasure of wheeling and ulinlInize the troubles. H1oycllor U an •wuIVd aa0o01with Dunlo M The Dunlop Tire 'Co. Limtt.d Toronto, Ont. Dep.. u Mo.lres, Y4 J I pet, r.yeo.M. Rabe you found a Dunlop Goin? 111011/1140/11111, ►1, ►b ►b ►W ►l1)►w ►Ir►if ►Ir ►Ir ►Ir ►w►wWO/00041f 3 Jordan BIutl W. A M°KIM Guderiti, o t. >E '3 ss•siss�ssss��'rar�:g:iE�ar:l~r:'r�'r>t�'.. .. WORSTED SUIT SALE . IF` Mem's flue w'nIMGYI 410114, hu o.,, y blot• and black. They are the Ione punt' ,»icon• kited, 1,,,t cohere ,old well wade, and 4 just , good side as they hook outside. The prices are *KM diet 112.311 dna' peel Value at (hat, but their etre just fifteen suits im the I.,tl. '1'o be eleard at mob $7,50 C. and boys' st04w Mals, 14 tet4V1'11e1..44 *:11111/11.4. The prices r1144 up 1.0 7:M•. The lot NAM bought cheap.. and will clear et 2.M MEN'S Sill IIt'I'S Just :t dozen left and t hen arc all 1..S White hands and ,self ears 1)11 gond wamiting cambric, good value At ark•, 11) clear al Yid , ter 3 Pec 51.11) CdLLAR4- Jest $1 dozen. this time, l.'oller+ well worth 15c to Silo; this lot to get at • 7e, or 4 for Gil MILLINERY 1)1.1 you are our ink hats? They are a eurta•is• to the trade. They .ter tie newest et }'14.4. The prierr were 751' to $1.511. All .at one price Sok: I j ASK I"0If COCPO:VS ▪ *iia �saleissg=tg Cert•=ended: __ i- - . MCKIM'S BUSY STORE 1MifVI%fol1%1V.N0.0/.0/VP WfVhMTIVIVIVP ►h►;; m MM m M m m m M m m /M /I /nM ►fM m nrtttrG i Invictus Boots at $3.50, $4.00 and $1.50. .tftcr searching investigation amd due trial We an• 1'011- %111 'ell that the Invieti,. loots sinal.• by Ga.. A. Slater. of %nit real. is 1111i• ..1, the IM•tt 1114•11's 111144 44111•, 141111 al our pries is easily • .1 the beet valines. it 1., N boot w1: feel proud et'. (1rnc,ful in design; IM•rf,t•t in fit and flu' dolt : .111'1414> . neither. table, mai for wear the equal of any $•i,l$) hoot y.ui ever waw. Thr new 14 .t,lea are ready and descant yourapproval. Minu 11 to 10. All mane with bio . Iye►r welted extensi melee. Prier >C4.:$i, $Lolo .o 151.50. Buy a lair and try thecal. 1f 'hey rail you e • bark 411141g.•t year 411llnsy 4a' A IleW 11011'. 11,.1* .4111 4. our eonfl• den.• in the Invicttw boot.. Wm. Sharman 15 CORNER EAST )41'. and SQi.'ARE. `3111i11141t11111111111►111u 441411111111111 1A_ NOhTING BETTER r There In nothing latter than the test, and in the line of Uroceries there in nothing better than what you can get here every day In the week. If you have never bought your Groceries here, give us a trial and see what we can do for 3 a:. Everything in Reason, of good .duality, and at the right prices. \NI, 4ICh: sfrvRnY at CO. THE GROCERS, WEST SIDE SQUARE. Telephone No. 91. REXALL HOUSE- HOLD DYES The-e'igo' will dye Wool. 1 of ton. 44411. Jot, or Mltr l hood. In on,- teeth - they are the 1st.+4 and nere, impn 4.01 Dye In the worl.l. Tr,' a {nckag.. .\1l color- at RP'K' 1140.'0 vIT1lit E. HOSPITAL FOB 'WOMEN SECLUTDFD. M Bryson, 132 York 8tBuffalo Mrnn1MrmmrnMMMMMMMMMMITIMItIM MmMI?! 1 Prices are as Os - r Y' F Thee► - E Lond )n Interesting as ever fiEO.W.TI10MSON ec SON 1 he Sgarc 6ODERIGe F nce is t e popular Fence of the day. '-- This is clearly dem- o.- no- onstrated e'nl- onstrated by the do" fact that I have sold nearly two car loads of wire and two dozen machines. d1"-' The Cheapest (ho' /•ILMI, 'r tette me that; With yery little ' wit... (1144)1 1110 neighbor took to • ante Neatest Peilhnp his wn''en fence, he 114114 built tw•jt'.' am nue+ tette.• with his' I.Inden machine, a -404 And .h'IM hens. %w'hich is dnuhle,llle li•ngthi him not cost hill 118 111 14,1'h He 111e neigleor0'. 611111 What 1• •« .' int 1 h wan fh n 114 no. » •'«e e o 14• Nn tel n In th a n a re e • •s « E 1 1 1 r n f the fences, o n .„.i. perfectly tight and even; while his neiglo,r')4is baggy and uneven. tisec - YOU ARE THROWING AWAY MONEY it you dee not get a 1,0NIION MACHINE and build Eyour -Mill (odic.% 4, iI )(di h:ncn'l 1111e. I cilli bond for you an Irwin) Fence for 35o a rod. 41° -Hardware - I 1,-, , ,.,,144.11.1,•lin:• and it pried•, that are very interesting. ms - Screen Doors and Windows 1 have et huge assoti e•nl rienging for IKM)I 4 F'1ttfM Me '1'0 $2.1111, SCREENS I"Ifl)M -Me TO :I:p Cement - LL If• Portland ill "Stitt- Iti.itt 41y,the best on flit. market, .1 fresh 1,11• j1111 arrived. EE I.ct me figure on your Plumbing, Heating, Lighting aid Unli king. CHAS. C. LEE 1'I-U."1BINOi MATING AND TINSMITHINQ . . j 111111111 III�III ISI 11111�1u 111 U1111► UI III III III IU III UI I111111111111111C