HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-25, Page 6q• TruuD.Ly, Jun 25, 1903.
Annual Oiocesan (fathering at London
Last Week.
n,.hop aald+ 1 s Address The e,nances of the
D,ofxw In .ass n, Cler,,.l at.pend. A
Pronouncement Against GAmtll,na Judge
Noll .n ,he Eae<unre
poi111.4V1 by' other lrxlies in connw•tiop
therr•N'ftle. Thr 11lt,ti,m wan cart -441.
•I'll.- InAll4+1' IIf ^lllNna.!lling Is. 1,11-t-Val-
mA' Ill lt•%. %'. III.)', nilMres,Ul atilrnt,
'A ." n•1`4•1'114I tat that "V" -utile cd)r11ned,
les• with Iso -Woes, to 41411.
t', Alllllll ievs Wei,- then 11ainvia1 by the
ifishop :atilt flu• frlinulre Air the m•mlion
His ld)arl+hip lkl%N - x it xddlr•Nwml the
svin.1, 111s. IIle11dN•1„ 414 whivil scandal
while llt•.lm,ke. It haul IN.•n it miner
alf prayer. it wan fail%' n matter (if ex,
lM'rience. That the.) 114441 hall it vallis
alul al-at1•flll a 114ri 111• Ir•ff•1•Irrl til
.. Two hundtrml used thirty -floor doh'-
i .
1111' • 914111.6,1149 naiwliatnary 11a1•tin alf
1 rix
Kate., elrrieal allNl Inv. Well. in allend-
Twrut)• yral„xgu, "114,11
Ante ^t the forty' ixth annual At
hi.1„rl.hip rnteaed the di,mI•w•, Nurh
a 111l,•tilig would 11,11 have' Inrn In".
ing of (h4• synod 4t( (IN' d1,ad,e-, tar
hllrle, telt lww it devil Inimi'a14 ry spirit
If11rall whi,.b asset lie Losidwi lest wawka
{try mid -ll all I'lamN•it, fli- %'i.I1w1otVIN'-
Hot%' viallinutll.11l Wits ....10-1-10.41 lit
^"„N'11,1{,'t• (lull sanne wlll'k INNt lw•11
St. Pellll 9 c:atlwhal 1111 ernaMYla\'
all'1'lllll .tl^h4V1 in ilk.. nutter 41f pailln1-
,1ge. 'levy Wallkill ,ill IN' Able ill Ne"
nutrning, ^till the m•ru,tn wits predicted
mnllr ,1f lilt- di(lliMiliw alf the' ditx-4-halt
1•,I by i t-%-. David N'111W111m, milder 1.f
111 Ilw ln,Iwes-titi,in l,f him work. They
St. JSe11nes'. chub h, Str,alf.11r1,
had 11.641. it%., ill III,.•/! illi• Mtll)j'.'t IIf
flu• flr*+t IalitfrN•w m•h.ialn wall h. -J.1
.tltlstl.•,ll r'INn•t. 1.11 A fil•111 f.allldn-
fiG11. Th" subje'•t of riddling Illi.
ill the aftern.mon ill Ili,thalp ('14-11 t'n
^I„l,,11R fall' till• lalwe•Iltion alF soli.-
Hall. Itev. Caa114111• Illt-hat'lslna was
wallt. II\' IIII. II IIMrYM• .'1111It1 IN• 1111!• al(
C, a n rl"ri,;Al ml- Irtuy fur Ili''
a""if 1y, A"d hr• hulwml ,111 walulf,l go,
tweuly-fifth final- 1411.1 FAlwill Paull
lIN7Vl' N'Ibh 71 Ir•mdlllll,ll 1.1 p1,3p/•••UfY
WAR n• -l -1441st haluuray Lelty,� wI•r•tar)'.
"til !hl- furihYsf-rxt.•nt'tilt• raising of
Ili 'F'. Jewell /Inti A. A. II.Nlker N'ei,'
lire uulg4•\'. 'cher• iuuJ'In.•" 1171Ir1l-1'Ir-
rllrt4l ,11NW4111.
At isn't 1I5 Illy al•L•Kales ill lallenfland*r.
His 1...1,1.111 ' Itishalp Ila bill, l N',M
!!"'with 9141.1 111 have w1 111A11%' d)4 i11e
11.1(4 IIIA (41 Witthe I•llew•.t altt•lit.11l
laid)' Ir•pl,•W•11141, And hallleal lim-111,11I..
during t4, 11,et.• of Itis ,linvice. e.
• t-1 1 r 1' f
4'IM N' M ,,1 1 YI
1 111 111! A 7 lilt 1, 1 All
+ a
n/1Non the,lss"wh�'/g.• tal .inw the dux-
lhtlr•s tlf ill.. y.-ar. then, lima foeen
.,I/.l(', aftel' N'hll-h III• fiNkeol IN•II4rh--
111111 too. IN- thallkflll fall-. t Iltl,r Ian-
tion. The .yn,.I 1h14w cLNaw1•
g a
tI(-.•Ilt•1'NI Ill II'1eN .m •. (1111.1 IIIt. 11---1I.t. I14NI
_.._____ _
IK{•Ii.s.t)a, agai IINI .tl.f•.1IIl.f1 flee-
pr•%iolts year. The 114.4.6111. in IIl-
111i,.,ion fund haal INA -11 Ar). '$.:Ilk till
Im-wam• ,1f tlti.tsi, '(•hr "'A'"Pls in tela'
wil4.vt57- auul u%lah^Ili fund N'1•Ir•
Another etre at the MeheMk lMNltate
ilia. , lir al iurlYVlwuf �y�f.f�I.
lioness. re the ar.1 er11.N .r the ver-
,r - Nyn+ml Asw•shillentn atioall1te11 to
rear.t.re .1 Ibe triwe..
IKI.ICsi.741, -u111p1t1'41 %%ith t1.:t:4.1a1•
Drantl+,rd, Jusse 2-T-, A third bre
Thai 4h,vii•Aw•we" ine% di "I'll" (41 laid"
occurred al the Yuhewk Institute
Haititea• ra•uuuueu.Its 1114• '%"of'til
Sunday' flight, thu. Ik'•NtroOlig Ilse
t.x11mt11e Ihr• Whitt.. In:Nt•r and tnkt.
few buildings not d,•atroydd 'in the
. a111.11 rli'al Its ill.•% 0-111-11111.
An-Awr 11mg.• itein Ovals cite Iref•ipt of
I YI^t Jue ft. The
fire. of April IIm'e
/ C),I Iil.31 G,I. t ile .I11MY'.,111 d4•1.t. %rtlf-h
lost! a .•9tioua1,•d at 1{1,.'41111, The rt
l,4 fiw "re IV rhdl four ily
It.- maid Naas IN•ing I:II'ially paitid)tl. Alt
Ut 11W I it •1%, Illy Wit-
int-r•aw• ,of *:0G.17 N'41. .11.1.II by "or
-bi,. Nadirlada
1`•'11, J -MI.. IN•1111, I.Irh An1,,I fIN Alllf
me anti
apt n'ad (111".4::{,.1•.11+' II/lite
Atoxaud.•r 1Mearw9e tore uudo•r arrest,
.ion.. 791.• 1'44.1•ipl9 (lot- theh,1 +f
t'hul'gr,l wllh nslrlg all thrrid.•N itre..
A,t.�L['l,llna were $1141,141• -tang IrVl N'llh
At Slit. court y••Pt.-rduy morning
t21's'. i•t. d1,M'em• N ollk[ 1141.' 1.4.111.•
until•rtb,•.u11M.r1.of the K.•Ilt-ral1.411'.1
rgwt 1', ttMyuung..I of
fray A%oi,
• it 141 wall!!! 1111•r'f111r' 1• -am• it, In- ;.I.
111.• hU\ t-
1' v.dllw i 1111 itlriktug till•
it.•"1 for' itidividnal Afro.II. 7'h,.
(,.aich and c,1ll..tinK the nwterful
Sit %. m•h.Nd [,-1114.11 nli11Ks aid
whwh crttwd Its• files of April lie
1114• Eltipluant-
y apps -A %-4•• pli-liv^Il)'
IIs` "till' 11 a+ M•(allr•e '411" talt411,11114.111111
Added June Lf
.I,rw• IN•IRewl
. u•n dixauailnd by the
(.'1' 111 lt'IM NM'9 ..I 114-1. Ilnlll Ile Nr•.II II w',ait
' .tat-
nlagistl'Yt•, rorrolR,l•rtd 1t11#
00, Pit. I4.It. Agnirl.lKI1,4f1".741, And til.•
mrra1 ,1f Hflsoir, foil 41.•bt.ri km.wn'K
Nlllmai•111.• laltd 44.1' 111e N'hal11• \'I41r fall'
that Wilson inteah.d to burn til.• lu-
' -
diom-es111,111411•x11:1 IIIA N'1•mlll lllll'IN kN•,
til It lit„
7'IN• d)IM•r trio IN/y.. curr,1hurntwl
Nits f I.31u.:f1• :Is U aiust >ItYi.:hsktl
' file- ►IIs'\'11111. )'1411'. 4'111' .1r•-r'l1.I• 11'il.
14e1^f, all Onlooking that wh.•n til. -V
1111,11 -'hale ar4'+runted fur. far w•y-I-:al
. arsl't4i W11-014 Ih.•y ►new nothing ,Of
r7lm,mit. I �
hie a1. I -11f loll N. N_rlwan W41. also,
i)f Abe• t7:,,01r1 Nbi-h ,be-gen4al
chrrg-1 with sd•ltmg lire' 14) til.•
My111M1 had de•-id41 to retirfuruli-ilar
burns on .lune li. If.; pk•rded not
Ary l^11•lnwN•. tile- Wonwui. Anxili,u-y
Kuhtc, but %&aid that Frank Window.
h,ul rai."I t1.S.'re
wit,, ml.y,t with Vararje "hail atateml
-_. __--li-"datnh•h6p 11(4-1.11T.11 to. 1144.11-+
that les wait going it, do also dn.l.
x1l)• toll ;tie il11'rt-•nm•1114 --rT4rtel.Ttim•INI9.•
-ftiM'WAlit_Lu .U}Luue-"-1�aL_unk-x.L-(
Hl- -xpr•sv,l Ilie Wish thist w•r'llnnn•
The other four w.•rt• coinwitl.+l fur
Ir' 11x41/'11441 anti 1.101144•114lllls Ilia t- esea
Col. ,appl.infwl dn)' in Martie, list$, fur
the -res'-fl ary ,of 1.114. liviti.)l and Kiss.-
Mitt..litim-6.1). Ih'ring
sign ill.. vwlr
tam• N' -1r• alrhlhle,l d4 ti'll'. final. Sul-
vn11-•41 fl, Ili- 1.1-6-411'. 4. Larararti-
OarMa PaperRara slog r•ter•e Aa•■ee
flt•11141. tilt' f1fn1141^tion 4.f two 111•%'
Afsoftisataa arras Aleaaaa.. Wlthoat
'C mn•b.•. Laid, fl,nr new -Much+,•
Oi N•ntrl and iNl, rnnwV•rAI,%I.
Giving Mile a A it a is AWleale.
I'lie e•xe•Iltl%,. 4-4-111111111.- Ii-pon-14.1
Berlin. .!tine =I --That Allegle uefne
the 14.1111 ,11111'1'111 miloma•rilNYl II.waunt.
ct.rr-.I. Ild.•nl ld•ol'n% Ilial the Ilt•w
-- Or 1141(nhLttiun of Ill- d6.er•wan debt oils
King u( -Sort fa %so not only fully
411!4 Nin it itaK 1F i; /f..'0. rtf-titr+c
nd,dnerl of III.- military CUANpirerl'
amount t:'J't.te1I1,lr2 hall IN -4-11 lolid. TIN•
at 11rlKrmde, but that it was artualy
, 1
Belot til IIn- fn•Kinfling n11he %'.4I sea.:
1% carrN•d out by him agents. 'law oft
Mim,i4.n fled. 1117Kf.:o : Sam- 11.Ise . tI..
G.•..LV br,1k.I into, fill- Kunalc with the
672,144: 94 -11 -rill P"rlmNm•s fund. l iiVo,-
ha,al dat..r.nn'uflon of killing""the
X. Toted, t04,7141,4r! -This her lNm•n
r41yral 4•d)nplt•. TiN• qumalinh of d-
Ib. •
. rAnc4) b)- Aii..WkiI during till• year,
uwuding IM- alnlleatun of King A]..x•
. Ie4% ing tht.inde1114v111-ad1r•eni"ingand
soldier was not mentioned.' fork the
'IRh A ail. 11416: Saw Hotlw•, *201"4X:
canill'ary, *the late King. Iterreiving
geowl-al p111•1mlw• fund, t]i:/M•Ir•1 'colon•
INM IN+rile RtNlfltanM,yod1% 11f,rl4 to
$I..I'L II). Illc .IIIINI now 11-411 At-
rnnuntere the rrown• but Ihl• uflkerll
vlpitll fast. %arialas, frust airlm..a•s
1KIIIIreal th4s.and proceeded to the
> ;V.l:if.I11,- 4)f illi., t71N,lfr1•�1 f,n•in.
"user. -
the VIlllr116101441 Vallllad iu'-,1ti111. 111141
slag Peter /.MVM Gsaava.
i1-4.11 $. of Ih4, S/t• 1
n -rignold.
and lit. ata n rhmr arns,
/:m.•%a, 64witrrrland, June 241 -
A 14.11!•
it -
II 111•td 111 n if•IIIlN.17tCy 111\1'•I 1111•III-
Kin Peter 1.. ill Servia, left 1:o-
.1 '1•4111tR.
neva, 4.n file way to (lailooruefe. rt
The rinnlniller 0,11 Vnndlly `I,•InmldV
11.13 Wrlok p.m. y.•Ntrrday :•wl9P
relMa•1444 =0 m•ha..6 it. m•11din htlie_
flow 11.. wool loudly chem•red, and
pnr•l., N'itl :(,fell leavi-1'1 al n.l 11.1 rot
wait pr•wntnt with many 1M/uque114
ono•niho- , showing it 41arir•atm• set III
of flower.: In rePlmrJrse to til• rhed•r-
• lcArh,•1„ atilt AW1 seh4. am in Ili- ImA
inr. King . Peter erhed : "Vfve In
8%e years. 1114•I,•- Wert• of c.AIglr•
`4uiPYr." I
nnot with M'hirll no Snmt,ay so•ho.l
was relal'141. 'title- de,wam• in Soon-
fIN ifty
W-114old ata"1lalance was Iliso.nM94Vl,
Rev. 1), William. and If. Mnt•leliit
mh()w11 fly Stat aitl lt'. that 1111• rla•.'Ir4tm'
That nit Win. von Norms wan Tet Art
Irl Imetal atioln alr I'llr':11 Ontario, Illl9lit
as Tras•pertatiea CamrMalea,
a,l,.nt Fall- She- m
dve-re-ayl attrndnnee.
#)flown..1nny 2:11. -Air William Van
Tilt- 111111nenrl ""w• r4"td)n 4111 INlttrn
llorm• hap d„o
•lineal top Net n the
1191• (•"lln' an for {1 g,NMI deal of ,dij■•us-
'Transportation Cumti41.mion. Thi. in-
setrl. Thai diRh•1111y 118141f•r Ihr . ,erit-
IinuNinn n■•,•i%rd by the 13ocrrnnlrut
dint canton is t4. 1'wmicilf• till, -onflirt-
following the rrdusal of )larold Kcn-
ing flllen•N1m 4.f the Pal"sh Ain't Ihr
nwly l,t (Ilwbdia, to Bert, hRR taer11 tales-
fight.•, id lin• iliollwit t,1 . N'ak ill tilt-
Ia'riokll.' rhang41 tfle Ineeke-Ill. of time
Innider•%ni ive illtels-sten 11r 1 11• r14-1•Ky in
Con t#tRh1 `ao, Wilfrid 'I,^ul her
rn,lking nPlM'intlurnis alf clergy fnrn to
Met. d t.. x% that .Joint ltenrana
�w41•iithes. rill' sees' 1'41111/tl N11111111ttiN
f/f 'f f'I'Untal h 41 alr•••ptood. Nllliaw
W .. that. l4i441"It "Wlt/�44&-A.'OUI•t.AJn- Wool
--I,'r,, of-iiNa v 4owe �raP4ISjkIu L4u..,
palet tat ase/rintain Ilse tmW/r. And miltV
^told of BR. Kano4dy. Thmigh flit
Air lhl•ali,m•em'lit large. ('Senl,n V4.nflK
1%Illir/u Vnn horns urKrn 'Ihut Ile
"lid flit- working alt Ihr prement ,.,Intel,
),a. too InAt1Y I/ftl9r dutirA to tukr, a
WAX \'11.1')• IIIImItisfoo-torv. Till- 1•fot-4.1
Nait fhili fln-fi' w'as %t'r)' "'(14' (•1111"1•"
p1Y-0 Vn Ili.' CmunliNNfon, Sir Wit-
let Imal 'ti4al aid that aid ill111N'llt„
trial exprems9d the hots, that ('anti -
(IY'R great rei1,4'ay wugnafe might
N"1't-• MI /1111'i 11111+N III, 111 hI almint Iy'
. mane lavnien making (�fe m•fer•lill ill -
filially 1w 11)1111-f•II In "tt'epl.
Ntf•nd alr the- Ibishalp. Several 4•11111m•N
"'1.14• pol"4141 halt 1•xlr'ptifn Wait taken
Intensitiesrlarl' p■,.
- fl, th4• Inst vlAnw' Atilt it is 14•641491 to
Toronto, June L':4.--alr, it. ilr,atty,
the' exFm•uliVP o:41rl11n4(44' to I1-11on•t til
91ima'N Park. rr•,•tvidd flip fottnwing
next mynoi•IAMrlun
re K..bitt, Atilt-
from Nalixs
R -v. T. (4. A. Wright'm motion, that
from K,1Illlthle, (In,.Idec:,
ly dr'
Sell -1"rgynien who) have w•ryIl
r41 •P9
- 'll4.nglam I'Irlmh drowMter_
'd. Ft -)1 r_
two t
111nn ten vefi11, in til- dior•h/• %herald
Prhonrd. Waiting to r.•o%rr llody.
man (
ai•-ei%"111ffxlnnd thaw• what hniac miry!
1%ill M• some Attic. away..•
fllan full to flftef•r1 y4441'9 in Ilie dio,'s,•
Thin IR the mad chinsix fo a fishing
t1411, w•n.l4tl+wml afler•mnunrdiscas,r,iorl•
divl+wtiliten taken thele lir four dnylr
Thf% inarream' will affect right-II•I'gy'
nKti into 4luctw.• tnt•rior by lion
The-1.m•ti4.n fill r-111'•m•ntNlivvs to
1st-. N,•nhlft and Sir 1'harl,' 1 weam•
genera d anal p/rlyinvimf Nvlumlm $tent fair
a-ronnpaniell by 1longlnP I'lumto,son
day h
11n•I leproo of Ihr Pxrv'11fii'+• WP14• 1111141-
,If Shot late Thotils. 1'Inen F+, late of
The r.
Thnrosinc Afternoon. .fudge Iloft. or
McCarthy, foster final llomkin of Tor-
fair w
low'n, IN oil Thai I•x IV•tRr%4• e•1m1111111ttr.
onto. Th' drowa,41 lead wan only 18
age, 1)f
The r'im/rt Its turf", nitt•1•atn gntio-
y'ent'a of Age,
bling seam la,•m•rltml b)• Itev..I.C. pill.-
alight R... a... Much were& •
I he Pt
tiling. re•atlni11-ntiing Ih^t Parliament
' IN, 'ttl,naVi flit' ail m -t 111'ti.awn\'
Tw(-,.1, J4nt. 2:1..-7'hp h,rRl P.It.
Ir'nilt. leaving iwM'11t
w'Itrl N'II11'iI N'+•1,• "A
w'1•,lfl, 5F O'yale-
c•hief ..Im... of Ihr diyit of 9nnihling at
1f•rday n❑n'ning, tuck rhanc,m t run
the pr' o -fit filly, anti flmlt,limithegnnl- -til
Twov-d aRaindif ordern, and hen
Kling spirit among young alr"." '1'h,•
within R mile of the status" In"t Ihas
-on1111itle., 1'•,luastml him Ial11lshill tat
Iowa]. VNiAllne.•r Nnt.nre And the irrr
Issu" n Isod41ral 111"111 I III•.11I Wk "I'
(tion lrtnll4Yl and were not hurt M
drier of IIB• lowest ittllrk to him
Mille 1
the- f4•liug of till, 111.4 -ling 1`11*
wino and prohml,ly prpv..nt,d man
pnnr•d by if).. Ilimhnp when In. wkl
lhats 1Neng saterificl•d Illy rpooerning his
fn fait
til., if Nils hia�j[h tint" n .f(ql Noo lea
ly n
t) KA111111ilt g. 1141. 1'•fl•1•,4m114+••Int\.vy1r•n-
sive ,•11/•111'• of haliew ill .,N'1••ty Ir11A'n•
P-.., mcaRA., tAAlf.rew/a.
(lion, wh4NwAt•til,n. h..1'•bultPll• (�a1n•
Washingttm. .}fine 2:1 - 'Jib,, (;rend
Mise" wnm alai• of Atte rul-w- of Iher"11-
.1 nary, in%e^1'gal Ing the PO -1-11 at-
triviality aril he favtwell the A l.Ipt1+1114.f
fnirm. have indi-t1Yl Augn.l W. *lnrh.
duo,, I.
the relm,rt,
()nq- Ieve) 111.1��91(,{rr''at". rllmni Ill, IUWJtlt
'•n, 11111er If. (;roll, Samuel A. Groff
fb-cargll F:. i prem, AMI Mari hot Jr
thist. It wnN dtlrl,'1'I1 t" drAw fin - line �
IAlrMtr. the two latter IN•4ng regi-
1wt.ww•ri 1,"ckM shops find lewitiumt, t
IAwin"mw•%. Ilie
,f..nu til Tnlfdo, 4nhnp. The mptefnk
-any di
r,.IR,rt, howl,00"e', WAX
stnAninl(n1aly m,l41ptt]•
thararm to connpirery to defrA,mt til"
4;n%ernnMnt. The lw•nally 10 a nae of
In tetmlaeert ile re-ligion• wlu-atitin in
w•h`I`- Frey. ('Ano11 "nova Inoywi
gIn• rIn"', or two yrars' t(pprfsonmpnt
AF 1flat. the .y11alAM (If lo•s"al. p1,•jtmrI41
ser liOnth.
by the'9nnrnittee allllrrint,ml lye the rt-•
That ^tnnArh trollfale will cr,lw• if
fh. he
"enf (-alafelvoness In T(pnotito Ise, alr voto will take Miller''m'Caomptaind fi,In
pr,ndred ,vf and t1lat.n cifiniIni"- Ina• sap- Pilled. ()ne'Afler roach natal. Fair este
twdnted 111 coo} KeW with thaw Soap by Jae. Wgsou t.
_he I
the rye
, , a. . P
. • 'V ignal.
c ployed on the public roads In those G. T. P. RAILWAY BILL MR. CAMERON IN THE DEBATE unparlhutiontakrytango-I tr
IMT BY C�"I VICTS. states. In the two Carolina* and (lev,4 --- - .- . la•f•u widr latitude &deal dealt int fes ad
T Measure ar.eepnters Much Opposition In Cessation, whit -it if,,. ve,� • �W
- gl:, where the 1•fwd work L carried on A a1a.n,na 8p.ecn /rem file M•mWr /or w••t y Nat,,,,
:4APLOYMENT OF PRISONERS ON with great efficiency, the cast of main- the Coe,ouna Nitrate. ri/ante unavoidable. but tw-ar„�' it
Staining guarding Ottawa, June . i The attention The 11it•11dwe fur Wtst Hll"on tok Rho uld stilt add ray w,ulrg44 f6
ROADS IN THE SOUTH. 6 send public the Convicts at =' Fa►rt last week in the drsrate ill the Y• Hr un uu 441lu tie
muik cuuuUoil ois from 21public J to 30ds Ceuta
In f the Iluuau, to this exclusion u( Lrl(islxtur un IL"raluunirRiuu'x Ise mat hon. nleui]so+' fur Hun) (Alt I,
per t r fbills,w I ern
�-. iAW..r floor Dlaereal stale... Tele eron%1ct {ler day u11d is even considerably erterdnys with this etamsid.•ru un ill the l:aulry char•gtvL Thr fulluwimK hays w41'1Nlt4i the - expel- ^f1!rdd at.
awr)e.•r_ttuw t•• c e■.Irl. wort! is taken firm The (rlallw M till : luno liar. He haul ' °1 'eau.
!el thaw the coat of feeding them In this Grand 'Trunk 1'Acityc bell In thu ufl,ici
OU the rause atsh..ate-%..t el coluanittoe Nta M. (:. ('"utero" (\Vd+st Hutton) fd)l- trdtdde, tilt he hu l%I .0..l l"a"ud
■alataiaras Thom, the county andjail. g"• l
Alorning and evening the prlaorlrty llaluy Of filo ehtuaeN met With d4•- lose"! Mr. hucfin. H/•afiid that he had AN liar and thief wuulil Shot sells
The use o[ couvlct labor fq public
are warehtd clung the road from and terutinod opposition, but fn the alt- +1111, nr•viuux fx ca%iu11 1111 fuNuwiuw aimed any mutes ilk the dies,u. i„r
oadbullding to tuost largely pnvtieed to their temporary' quarters, which cou- rosette of notice suggested ank-nal- Mr. ,u .Am doniof IIle 1'attI•r hall IN•Vll Mr. l'ausercen raid he limi Iliu1hp11a
'l. the rtatrr O[ Georgia, T-util,Rlsre, lief urnslly lit either Gravy, large teats, m"'uts were ruled out of order. with fair- Hr wirhtd hr Could wlv Nfl tit's Nlu•1• in ►sewing t, the NIN.,I,k,,d,
the result t the numh•r of no- ialllf. r,Au+l,txiw ar'AI t [ thr�chAr ly how �IIK' lir had int•ndwl to a„n,.� M
exact. North Carolina. South Carolina Portable Loused On w t '1t- or structures. tapes placed the order puller ton'. l r 1 l , R . 11e•afling that All. tinlney h
rather of wood or corrugated Iron built gIK/ Indicate that ,-yen after f
ad Kentucky 111 the order nnm4d, 1a�rt til ""It hr Naar.• ,mid fllurr thou he did, -omrle .d actions baa! lett hiular f ,
vrlter A. J. Holmes In flit, yearbook hl sections s0 they can he easily taken tits Nil liaa.t•s the committee stag, that the charges %'else fl-timi. A loud W that chaarge. Mks
of the depa ittueut of agriculture. In to perces, removed and set up again. it. will/he fought strenuously un the J)"a xalxanlr illat 1 of +wt IIGux•in41943 wits
Kir Juhn tuM.-Call rn,II. continuing • r{«}
'lrginla, where Only twenty-three con- In order to facilitate their being lately motion fur the tlird reading. when ;•d I , d hotel ser- 'in rd • -Chow the trivaph9 of tl« l.ih.
guarded during the night wftbout t t t�mlx+rs can IM• placed upon re- Mn f all Us. 1 eras lxarty, Itnd (r)uclmdt,l ".illi
iota are reported act Laving btr u nese! �y hands fire clean "• Alt they "'erre out. 1 tient ilx w rk
n tbt public rlxldr lit flit• ata P, and great risk and expense each prlfie bn each allend"u•nt. y tr It t, the 1't4•ulit•r,
ap�� i The A.1al-ivlunx rood nn Mr. McEvoy U, the !cooler of the l/ r xlsitiuu yuyl
W he goes to tied has either ons t Tk• carnal clanw. I 1 Idyl
hew cuntln4d ti, tour cuuutk•r, and to were -xl,rehTlKly-4.wvllrlly, Unit if air, he would Ix• a furtuuxta• man it
a ono bund fagtened lately to a chats prolrurtetl debate took place- ula- Iellcad, w'I,l11tt 14• m• LI''Iar
Ilatuwa, "'here only twenty-five carr l ^t the st^t4•unrut lull ItM 9u-c.•esful U It.,ulf•r las Al,.,
tarts are re{atrttd as belly( used on the or rod, Trow which he can be easily re• tin• rlaum+ lixiuq the capital ht61•k of flat• If� am • he would be. !»,1111ptlry will, haul nut insole xurpa,se,l 1.) 1
ablic roads hI two coubllt•q the ays- lea" the following morning. iT5,4AA1,11fA1, Arid Mr llourussr brlught to m-ruunl. Mi `1cEru)' a L.ibei Ira.lrr in thin lirf%'itir,•, �°
It has beers the general verdict from eavord to have it r.dalctd to visit tat the piano f/aetalry on that far• Mr. ('aurrotr wall Wnrulh l,urlg yhl.
to still in Its infancy. In Arkansas 'm r
s, lu ado.
it N'f10•i4 ori •r c 'lir w 'r co 1 With twat)(,Alto-
the vrrtotts counsel to the southern f Lu 7►hl , fiw Ilk I llrnny w ti t a 1ntm1 lye his Libwlal h•ien.i.i wh+•n Ise
lorlda, Loulstu sea and Mlxblrxlppl the ouhttd whet her fila nose ran w•ryati\'e lnwv+•114+, JL. \Ir !'hese uu null Iwsuuuml ilia wAt at U,3, u'l,hN
ystrm has Imru more Inrgrl alio IUd• stater where convict Tabor L e ployed ) y k
y { in roadbullding to any consid It ex. "use IN- debts lu build the roold %• ith Mr. Maudonald, Used if tilt. lenvwa land _---�_
In tblr states of V1rKlnfn, N't•st Vlr tent that 111 both emdl nary and cheap• ' rcmtonl•. fdal•wt lit its Cuuun./xd nut been fl,rn out al's might know THE TOWN COUNCIL
rota. Kentucky, Tenue9mm•, L oulRlatla, v the bill. alr uduuttwt the prop_ wb-ir the ulalne)' rfiulee frim. The rvi-
fissfssippl, Texas, FlorHa and Goodirgfa now Ift L decidedly aNperl/K such bfifty that Also+ -u11ywany will apply denote d)4 Mr. ('I%* "sill, it -ft flat doubt uN
free labor as is ordluarfly a 1111Ws. t the Cu%,tr'nment fur aid, to wild) mlmdr AN'fiy with the lavavem. Rosen• Mottoes O.en with at the!neat-tar
ti there for this work Mr. CallierS 11 thele 1 Uutm) (roll Mr, sad. F~,na- c
., r .,ate ► , - Tlma ll- 11Mra1• Terr. 1 r
A Heath Hist. A)'i"w-ja•th'x ev111r114w to, .huN' that lir The r• u h
rf: lion. A. (1. IAlalr e"allhai,n e`d the -o ltr tli-twl Mr. l:xlnry ata w•v,ml K lar Ila4•titlg Alto th„ t"
•1 ••� l� No charm that a %rowan can sew pa/+nt tllAt If aid seer!• 9runt,d by the ft- AW -61 WAN brief oti Ffiday,•%,•116„`
14 can aWue fur r tuluhd breath.; It est points. Thr pntw•culi4.n hx'1 f^ilwl to n T}hr rnt.mlfm•rs !Nein ilk aut.•nd
s g o%-rrltaent thee} would tim•n tit• in a show' that Sullivan WAN the agent or K aux"
ah grat>i physical dlsunlrr Ire a lar of ln• �Am.iliuu to diet I', til t,•rurs ulmro Sttxtbm ; h4,nrr their Whidt. stlu,(Ilir,t Art ^pphrA11ou Inns tilt. iG•IITIt„
aa� weal deanlluris. Lefectrve h, too, hich that 'o.si.taln•e w''Ndd 1 phone' / al. fur lm•rfllArialn t,1-rrt
t Edid N� raut•ol. Anutfs r d fell t1, file grolln'1. ,• . Pic a
+: t,kJP ' are the cause of o1feunive brat! tb. It 1�11hst
ttutk- which (late nlillll(r !lar tJlltMONlti�n +will tile- "11 I i1 (ttla htrvet sea. 1'•(41'1"I'll to tile
'3 . , '•".,A should be the object of every wdtuan of ralaluct%.. .If a Joiner dfsi•u.s6tirr." tette judgta Went I'Mi fpr. and the next public wnrkr curnruitt.•,•. 711.. t(„r,r
retlnrinrnt that her rreOnal! holds authruSinot lhr• complany' to iN.0 .Mt•Il that tilt- flow'lllail9hf Ir
• , } I wiwKr illF•. will th4•)' did least gal flu" Ing' 'ate
1 sax• ,aid -u , sf,x•k in ,ay nu•nt for ' lal roam wn11rthin tl•... til«
the•frrgrann• of absolute puri[ This 1 1 l rnuu h.. At unv nate, the rt- wn1 was K
!s impossible without it lit fuI arod pfanj, rl,lhnK six k, %.w►•I., li•y! wltiNLarlory to ill.. Lllwtals anti would Ion) fin mitt lit til/ 111%11 ,,, Tl,«,,,a•
1� tether doilm1.11e nt. also for tea- hint's- -tw m.,., Rol ly' the ,.,n,nly as A fluali- NII>••" fl'NII-I1INe 11111ht I+1' Alai. ti
cleanliness, and therefun th(1w two tido clainus. lit contrm-tor9 for proper. 1 llmyt. Initial oullnwwt ,41111,11 it %yl
1 y t or +M•rvkew rrnd.•rd, beat metforv«rhodi li lint tile! re hall
beefath+%' 9111led., ,IW
I i r .' . ` prime factors of health and; Leant y s g,Nxl (wring eonr"rn it mi
It . - I Would be cultivated uncessing �{ It U promotion len ieem.. ween• oaf fill vonr.lut•ncr whatr%er it) 1" 11 -1! 111 INay Monte bug in n.l,litnm d+ i
. /raid that oriental women rl their i / �a For r+erviee• So"' Or". n•Kxnl to ill.• matin iw nr,�And his Italia. 1 I K dal- taxeid.
- r`de mouths flight and morning witolotlolis • )�„l"i'm wits taken to til,• isaus fri.•nd should In- alNwr r•frrrin9 f., Him Wulihipstfit4l th:af ill .1„❑
' - then'- - Italy
1 a delle o ado t the with r. ?k
Ad.- If+,. that Impart 1 tict O of Ntlxrk for w•rcic.•w n•nderlmt. And Vl nnrrviUl•, nn .•n9nlwr,r(I
- breath. l'fnnamou Nae anti pUc a also that ft esus not rlenr til.• clone" In rr•+1n111ing ilk the eyruing, \I r, the li. T. K., he Its"! goo• "%..r IM
_<r ` = well as aromatic properties anids high- as, drafted mi ht u, l'xtut.i,nl mularkwl set AI r. .'toil. ltniufld ilk n'gari to the -ba119•• Nhl, 1
-a ,,all IN• C, 'mat h.
+. A• + _ ney Its nvy)1 less.! 111 Irl %Il11 Milia• lit- hall l,n,IMMMVl Irl tilt- r',I,IN,t.%
�-L fy Tafuri by the Japanese fol, ptKlfy Nx anthoricfnx the issue of pr•trn rAs tion X 11 IAa kwl ilex ►t.ut. I Tilt. Manv'w tnlck fnnu Ihr w ha f. ' e47 Ing the breath. Thr mtdldnal,value of ,t„ark fur that perp„m•. I Yr.
ova ) u tl 4• ory 1 1111 of o „• Cray
- "youth Au led.
► cinnamon Is tact little know It d«` ,Tho Mini%ter lit Railways intimest- I .alt f 1 T Ise ' RI fa%""' do till.
Id he would not olm could 11ryer lie - m1fitwl oftten• &legal its I pr•Nw.l with the idea& And pt"110-1 I!1
strays Infectious microbes a'11yyy�d when f+,'t tayhe words I,N. Hynsal uNwl to may, ••^ sh.• Iwar ale- ••x4mine hlrther into, til+• 114all.•r.,
001MCM BUILDING A BOLD. freely drunk in such ways a C}unamon "or ser%icc•e rend••n-d" 1wdnK struck nft
tea It prevents malarls. I. tout Mr" AlcCurthy was nut ,n•- 1+1•fl 1t of her cutlh v to nut widr ,nli doo ba- the ulxtt.•r alf putuua m
rlaoners convicted of "lade neenars pan%mI 10 age., IV IhIN, alld LL.kfd ram 11/IIit thin A Tally 4.ut of oMcr.' .idingN fl,rkhiplw•Ir,.
Alteraatbs; laa,/rfe
..� Thai }INlgeOA wotdd live ;flown the ill- l,f A vousulnui+•ati.q, frnte fh,• k
niy may He assigned to work on the that "tAX clause stand for cllnault•- ` n
A ration containing the pr food Mr. ('hitnry : they we l.M high t a wrliciturN "Marling the has, 1.111.1W.4
ubllc roads, and fur there the sentence bora with, the Incearporators. Levet IS, in urelt b A iluam ..f th" cnlilar• Of by the town fur Ihr .•xte%.F.a. •.fK
elemehtct can eornetlmes lxra by 1 )'
res not ttsunlly' e:-wd a year, which, evening was entlrf•n.d b. • Separated til.• tender %.f Ihr O 1 mwitions. iiie IAnvid'm mtrrwt was real Anil til,•,l.
using one rough feed and grain demote,u o {hen the costs are addtd, rosy he thereI n tam• res .rUve nleritx of t h+tu-.•Ilur haul nal -almlu. 1141441 Frank
�. A. Hann^ A ('is.. ali' 4'I.•%,•
t4!eli only and talc results be ta1ne11, } alitnx and vt. John at- winter !Ansi.
y extended to Ili
Alarly tato years to ex- I be. limit
rvidf•nrr : un tbl• contrary, wn,te• fn 1'•wxrl trahill(orc+M/l, %h,t
nese cares Ll Alnbemn, to a few As when alfalfa flay and brn� are the 1 pons, during which file spirit of r1v- hr h^d liukoti S illivai, n^ser wfih
toles, all ablebodied male feeds used, but beet results a secured alry which .exist. AR•twownt thew .ort" peri WA, ,infra fi 1. Ittie iMuN Del bw1" lap
prisoners � t l:anit•v's. '1'ho_l:000l-rnuu•nt did nut lw•rh• ,wrliflwl. It sells o11L•1„ ay
"ben a variety Is given, says an ex- /ound rent In' the chdrlu teriraltion of ,nit Cllr std e A o their Ahei.taN•f•, 11111 ort-mlatnlin hill .of flat. I s,A.
'hose terms of sentence do not exceed j K • l that x 11 .
change. It to well also to hatfe variety the port of St John by tilt- reprep thev .•alle,l then, to +s fit the trelUl. K K
,►o ycmre may ire assigned to work oil la•ntatiyr• of Ha1Hwa rP a mart -hull-. K nail F;Iw•tnc (u.. At. ('nth^riles. Ir
is public IpIfR to ik,uih Carolina both In roughness and in grairt- A mix. ( Applause. Mr. Bhtkf• had haul Ise -r- 1aa6 1. The v..stlllany 11nul.. a , I:u6w tic
its. limit Is. extended to five ears and ture of two Th re11rr•neptativ.�of St. .1nkn 1e fart lr,nfldrncdi ill t t. d.risions til••
grains watt produ�e a high lk wtrwNt, Intl that IrAtn..0 watniti ma 411
y er yield than the same amount of food torted that rsptudus derT•�iir-1T- uIrg-em. Kii(rtltgtvr-- 11"o, +..+pi.-w.sda"�' tl�,_ - -...
1 North Carolina to ten Years. fall war a K,mNt hsrfier when they Nmish lhf•we lit. -It for thror olltria .11• -_- __._.,-
given 1n one grain, and four or five a 1 4f`' I Mr. ('retnpir•U'. Ir•Ir11an.•rnfi4.l, firh
The experience pot in North Carolina succeRd«f in 91•ttng into it. Atter attacks on tilt- judwr^. (4)ppoesiti'in wl,t-k AN Aoowwuir was fixed set $':11, -
e%en more kinds of grain mixed togeth•
gring the past ten years Las shown richt hours' drlaalr the ralmm•ttpe lmnght4,e'.1 Thr• I)t/tnwitfern hast) set The f4.1141win n4rnleltn ern• .•seta
cr will usually give better results than K
tat 4111 file ablptlodled male prisoners K hill report 041 pr(rgr..fix, two clause•. of the Ansi maid the "totes• ft-( the• 44lriunisht"11 the flown+w lrauenittre• NunrsT
two, although the bulk of the mixture K Timl-o, ^,lyertishig deh•ntal-. B;
hoe terms of sentence C., not exceed R hold o%.•r /Or further eyoa- wean. nalt wide• rnuu h : IRrt Inter ala.
•n years may Ire succesefutly employ- Is made of One grain, small addltiOns sideration. %-hen it-, N'tas i,r,alNrwrl to) iuye.figAtr Tie.- Star, printing and wt%rltulrR,
of a number of feted% flavor the mixture The •Mad .la Commkoloo• Ihr ca11gnaiwn funds. the% thought it 1WIrs : Gaston 1'x1' ha A 110-fsr-
1 at file urdluary worn of highway >I tIGF
nprovement. blany such prisuDrrs in and make It more appetizing. For this Sir Wilfrid Laurer ann+ninrrd that N"a. 110. IAA Me. Mr. Ihlnadd Slit herlandtVe.., '1'nr-1lt", .11pp111Y, fall' fir,- Initials,
reason a cow will eat more and yield .fudge ilritton would ron.bict I I:N hail i■e•n 111An'hwI ^r,lllrld ill-- L r11,111(Y• i *�. 114 : All -x. Kubitn�sonl. in eal.furni.k-
Ilferrllt wuth-rn stater wlateae terms a. NII 1.7rNllllall• -If the 111f•tl .'11.1111 the. wl all} ('1NIN(N Jdd' (l,einfl'.,1e1H, p:
' sentence range between one and ten Dlore In prpportion to what she rata Tre^ifgolA erlyuiry'. title• f Jumtic" Lil It" 11641 hp brllw• A man who
(:round oats usually cost too much to Klllom of Maniid)ha has forest linkeA Municipal N'4.rlal, (4al14rtda - ndl, a•
ears are now employed uuder either only r.-alnmt di.gl1aliflention by the dI:JAu144. MalrriN.ro Hr^ew M( 1,.
Corm any large portion of the dairy to I.• ^Polaris(.. rUumns.ion"r with K.
see lean t r rxand system ki under Judge Britian. but his acr,.I ante "kin 4.f his teeth. w'111•n he would ItAvr Tl,mnt,, water Nervier RttinK..ttt+R:
cow's tattoo, but cows like this feed,
ate control. and ane working on hast not yet been r^reit,d liven pn•v.•nt 1 from n ing ey.•n lat'asnd-' Nl,rth N esit.•rn File-[ l est., W. Poll
Irmct or In minis end factories. All and 111 !s frequently profitable to add a kw•ln r ill ilia own flown. Minn., arse!"+, of owl iwr .,hg. WIM
handful of ground oats to the grain ra- Mr. "'hit" v hall will nal! x w1l"I ,
C these might tae employed In Improv- kat lm r,r.e.rt.o CsaalUw Hxnmvlrrlfw, wt I�f, h► lN•. tun. g�etKMl
tion of each meal, as ft makes the whole ,If /:Nile%',, niost-onding. till' Itllltlhltioll
Ig the public luighwayr.. The expense Toronto, June 22 -Rev. Dr. ('ayeg .d the 1•noh INN'k, all tie.- •• limntr with Thr "nice wt►d li,effht IValllnittt,' M
atalhml would not be
the .1119- fees.! torte better, and when cows ref4k e[Ui continues in aver 1 ,ren inrndwl think titin. An.tr•) 1, l
their feed It adds to the yield. Y precarious well the d-1Nlsit . lilw,, It WA" A Intim iple )21 vento per t'nnl (it, all wait.." I, Ill altld "Lipp s,r• i to stand sill the way condition. die took nourishment wall „( Ixw, anti wits xdulitteol by Mr, lir +lit„ in matter the rwnulitbic Will
,IOW disappear In prnctice,and there Alralta Rar raatve. ,yesterday. but the distinguish.,d pa- ltlake, that til+• bnnfen alf re"'f sen. } K
fit would be (if Incalculable benefit in The best pasture ll- one that stays tient is ver weak, and no I fan ^.lyase," alf 'll ern Act p'"'
w: ,)Nni '
Y general ala the x-casw•r, n"d in this -ser• tiler Ihr pn•y6(Alm pril,r.i Ago" r
N Ing along Industrial and education• with you. Alfalfa -stays; therefore It Is improvement was told. was not a little of em-am)lm.rative eyi
D m..ndation WAN tFu►t til.• to
I development In each of these stairs. the best pasture. The twat tiny plant r dvww. Tied. Up�fywit its" wet'. not sett is- "Iw•trir light wnitw fur • he-, :res
Doe that marl Las to tx Isnteal once The Jul6ilse Presents. fl41, but the flwr+Iit did self ray.
An a rule, It has not been found y P w church of the Disriphe of Chn-t
•onomfcsl to work convicts on the and that to rich to nutritive quAllties The ex44•utive of the IA,Inlinven Ex- The pea,ple would l'x"" jndg11arnt• and gl•nntAA. The t-hai"outn ),all
Alfalfa has only to IN• planted (,live (as hibition. Ttettinitm, to Ise held from An- Ih.•ir oplrlialn w4.asld Air ' with that of xuthoriuvl G+ aarwrtxin Ile.. '.rat ,
ubllc roads when the squad consisted gust 4th to Srptrnllwr 12th, finer the c41nlulismialnrn.. 11 r. GAnlr) land �Iluaf[ drinking suitable land). atilt it Ir rich In nutr(
f less than eight or ten men It L n...Ie A dw'Idt"I hit in slo•urin the written hl the interview that, be- K fd)unrourf. The n
uatonlacy to Native one and for each tln qualities; therefore alfnitA IP tb.• Iw• i,, ha,. Imw instrrcbrl iv r
guard JuMlre• pnew•ntN ()f the IAt• 41rrn would suplwn•t Ihr 1:4.%•rrnnmrit ••in Ihrti4•s to th•Nae,Ifiing Lawn 9llnnk
-n or fifteen wen, and of course this meat hay to plant. Therefor, plant et Victoria, tier exhibition. The. King eattend hr• wits ,.iatisfl44l with." Anr- that her•mefter t.h.• IAwn wrr%i..l• w,ml
ne guard would be necessary even [alta and have good bay suit excelleut hinknelf has gM4+ usly ditw•bml that ter ion the 1) gNlNitinn side cratld lie r•ntri,tal ( td) the boon, f
ere there only one or two men In the esatters, they shall IN- ml- rxhibiied. it iP hardly pronlim• thfit withl,ut int•rruptinw his 4 t, 9 p• ml. The ndlw'la+r
triad. in addition to the gturlds tilers pow as, /ss, 11wwNwry to may that They at-• tef itn- (!Arty nJ)eKjmru-r : and vet it wits -Aid, nlmp been inatrlCfse41 to IIM'
menw• value #trial nn• of rate rand won- foe•wmrth, that Stratton was final
usually a suporintendent of flip work; K1ngedinn, .luno, 2:I -Murdock M - derfasl variety. Threw arc npwanlm of en()as h t. give tl,(11Mf far it. And rlectrfr light terlw who acre c
req aged 10'2 %9nr., a dead in the the flat rwtr that thev an. ia,ln.wt,l
toaegie tads work Ir carried Oil liar, IfIM) ,if thorn -±Ila to 114 rxxr•t and Mr. , etivegor, what wets braight down rxer•inr rare in 11urnin t
,ost efficiently when the road force Houee of Indust r> , wharf• he lived ftte_ th (-()tile haul NII llwrts of the woe e•,tlNrialh- it, help we•I - -idrnI.e, wAs At it,' (IKhtl,.
r camiS eontsin■ from thirty to fifty Rome years. if" WAN born fn seot send Froin all nowtil And-onditionM of never past in the witness )Mix. I Aft- ft was never farn/l41 l fl i t lilt
land, and hats be••n in Canada since 1 1 ithnuld Ise butn4l all nigh) til
ten. When the number of convIcU
any txr,pll-. Sorry volten. ryrry linin send p1xuRY.l Mr. t'orneron xitkwl if the should he hasrnel only wh.•n o,plina
be emyloced on the roads to any 2834. rovinr•eof Iridin• t•vrt•y rntintt•y nemrly evidem•" 4'f Nur•h A-ewrltlflT As (:Arlie
Pr ) The n• xrri was Adopted.
maty ds more than fifty ft- sixty, It in the world ds rwpr"N/•nt4•ci, including watnld Iw Pf ee-tivr in ,.onhiwning t4. oto The- �nan,e (-unu11itt4w'. n• rt,
as beta found better to divide the Llaersu sreeea t. WAN. Syr$a`and Swrnoods. As it is the inten- [ivion a vteung m#tr like the Provincial-orrnmendirvg payment 1,f it numMr
xre Into two squada or camps, rich Winnlpeg, .aunt. 23 -w W. n. Bir- tion of the Dominion Exhibition Pose- Sw•trtarv. who hand risen I'man the twit- a-rrrunta, owe, poo m(i, and the roup
lanes sayR the Liberals are confident rutive to Iw%l- the hell list printed Gan of tfn• ladder Almost to the to
aving fir own local superintendent in oharn hl"t forms. rtiettlwrea of His Af•cgwer, the mail who hod IArpd adjourned wt sen pAtly hour.
sed guards. of • sweeping victory- Tla suym I j' fla p
Partin will run in Vancouver with this wean erflll eollad•tion of plwRentm, tam it patriot, WeA only a common liar.
It 4 usually urged against this cty� every charce of election. richer and more multitudinous by fa• The Op wwition ho p4d Gl attain set- Frarmerl tiny, Monday,' with Jf
Page of rnadhuilding that It offers too thosw of the Queen of Shebs, wife ire flee lay c�inging G/ the ekirt,l (if a de- wl Simpkins. (ort your' ti-krte
nny opportunities for the eneape of nofte"tl se finally uhtainAhle. generate, who had left himself open to advance.
dsoators. Experience In many coon- the chwr•gen of Iatrrny, twrjury And Iwmt Sunday set the Milt ist, chit
,ea however, has shown that the aver- Ottawa. June .2A. -Edward Bother- Watch fur the hand vden(•rr•t lye the for•gt•ry. the morning and Aft.•rnt.m seem v
No annual escapes amount to legs than ' .. LiRrk fit the dlfittihution of--e)e•ffrastd Joodbiaw Sillipkinot *))air- Mr. SG John rained a lid,inl of onler tl(1 tile the folundwy "•hod. Sllwiff
flee• was superannuated yesterday, it-moite !sand, M mdse at 1'2 alrrhack. nod to whether such bin +A r was 1. vem of chorlm•s, St ripo ,- eaidi
per Beat and the few who do Pace Ile I t ) KI K'
He t.ntored the aerrlce In It9A6. The Dimi rnlfaelble, r,ritatlone, etc., ern• h. Id, J.
n usually recaptured s►Ithln a day - ( pies oHawl Nt hxvr 1fY osefor -- The 1 replier Maid the lune• and nth laewit nu writetendent, .d til.• w•h,
r tea a.r. ir�e...re■t. I) wl Thom. D. Hawley t) prey -h i •
for them on Sunday eveninft* after of the hon. gentlenaan'n words had prwmiding. laterite
hAl) wAs fllJ.0 uu.v
A comparison of the figures given Tornntn, June 2R.-Th9r,• was •time, they get intp their new rhutrh and ►lir b eels eellt^xllwl in the r•Iwrt of the HatwingR send the mu4r+wt of the cervi
•}til similar figures for hired labor imprev,wltent In the condition of Rev limit ^C(wptad the invitation. They air )IldgI. hot leci W the derision to make
lows taut the cost of convict labor In Ile. Caws yesterday. ifo t,Iok nous- • "coop the i.crd'P Supper at the Sunday Thr Ask at smid he did not know, event nn nnnuAI tMe. The child
rv4rwl sta tract ranges from ogcthlyd to t.hlasat sad rwt+d well, and hi. re- n1011MIng mervicen, All are wele if whew a would begin if he -sell"l matt their vari(ntct parts very ,'evil
uNlalt that of the hired IaDor em- J latives are again tenting emourag. d tp iN'th services. every hon. tuember to order for ttaing bly.
- .
!,1. - „see agent fnr_efth Centoiry strand INSPECTION INVITED.
(% loathing.
"M Created I4•w niseitaNea
r Jnnr 21, -Thr noinu )x. at_ W C Pridham
end the tonwdeln%ed rnnsistor%.
•r,•mouv IAmt,•(r ;:.: minulrn, set- 0 W. C. hWh t(M Poll"' re(A-I%ed the' lion' -
the new Arrhbligholrn and MEN'S CLOTHIER
)M. The ancient rrren%onipat wore AND FURNISHER MOLEAN'S BLOCK
Id, roach of the pretain" kinainor _
rnt)ff'n four And roNclving the _._ -- ---
lie blaNaning.
me yen• at, Coll P.O. r ' He Fell A slee
11. pin, fad , of t 2R. United
ll. prnsid,•nt of the United lyli
4.rko-rn of America, IP on the
A a physical rollAllN,• The NR- And it waw hare! tl wake• biml, intention! he Rlept ten (Ire (If Oar coafort4lhle Audit-
Fex,.•nri%e ilomrd of the united treamit4 need .prings which fit" A'very hl►ndfooble hid-n)"M suite bought at
lorkcr. has ankeil Blr. 1Mit-h,•11 thin Pta.re.
r flee romplMid rest he Po morn
need s .
This im the story tdd again pad again /old it is worth r -panting in pour
Rae■e Me Kfertl,• Ple /.. i
nn. •tuna 'L1:t -When aAk"d in
Homme of Conitnnnm ylstto in Wd)ven win' Ntr•t'h,t„ find tnAttr'm.em t) flt.
telro ween 1N•inl{( tmkrm M tn-
erma^y to cease differentiation
UnnRds, Colonial No•rrrtary Alsop vermn,IA and lawn chair•.,
w•rlain repliod:
An not aware that' there are
I'll stvi* that can he taken I Pivtur•frttningandnllkindsl,f furnitilr,:rritairinglmnnptly mUrnalodln.
ease pm4wnt AAral Rystem.'•
''.'�"'•`tv Bec4ett arse Staunton
r■nl, .Tune 1R -ih. Lerma M , I
rn n( flip hour bete in the sera til ■cane 400 physirlike , Tar, PrPrtical Underink,•r- and F:"ii•,.i+nar.. Nixht or day coal). pr orativ
. in the otw.ratfng theatre of ntlend'•1 t..,
nerRl linopital, pdotitirmed Ion Night Bell at Store. 'Phone 89.
10841 46114 %M PuLllay lhAAlted
FOR 1903.
Fyery Buggy up-to-date in style and Finish,
and well made -they are all warranted.
HAMILTON -ST., Is 012J2.1I,
We han'lle the Rrwgfa of the following wall -known makmns
WR. (;RAY k Rows, (%doetharrei CANADA CAaalAna Cn. Brewrkville.
TI mrorn Rtroar (3o, OrilliA-
C!All wt fnlr \VwIARIVO see find ren the largt stook sem haves on hand.
Alla all kintis set FARMiN(f MACIIiNiLRY and REPAiRA.
I.AVIS' WAREROOMS, Hamlltoe•st.
FOR 1903.
Fyery Buggy up-to-date in style and Finish,
and well made -they are all warranted.
HAMILTON -ST., Is 012J2.1I,
We han'lle the Rrwgfa of the following wall -known makmns
WR. (;RAY k Rows, (%doetharrei CANADA CAaalAna Cn. Brewrkville.
TI mrorn Rtroar (3o, OrilliA-
C!All wt fnlr \VwIARIVO see find ren the largt stook sem haves on hand.
Alla all kintis set FARMiN(f MACIIiNiLRY and REPAiRA.
I.AVIS' WAREROOMS, Hamlltoe•st.