HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-25, Page 5mom tar dkSi8buSL � h N, , ralt e amt the aI• rx/la our county.Rtther ;t That hereafter the of ictal pro: g1•14111of future 'reinventions be pub - Indust and dietrilautt.t1 at (east one month before the date Of the conven- tion, rr>pieM to be sent to every pastor end nniwrintendPnt in the county. 1. We ear•neatly trrnmtnend that the Ron. Minister of Ednrntinn he 11 rg.d 4» slake such regulatirma an will pptefineribe for the daily Scripture read- MgM in the puddle schools, the i.,Mnlne of the International 44, S, nerien, and the daily te'allingn cemn'eted there- with. 5. That thio ronvenUnn dcain.t moat heertlly to thank the people of Blyth for their kindly w..Iotnle and generous h./vitality today, and alar the man- n{(etas o1 the Prmhytcrian ehutrh for the 'lw of their ..}ince in which to hold thin convention. These teloltrtiona were taken up M/'riatinl and all adopted so read. Noininating Commit tee. 1'r•eidcnt, D. E. Munni : vire-president, .d. Elgin Tum ; vire.ptwldent., all proII(Ients of 'MAI organisations, exermtlre Peter irayn., Rev. Mr. Murlurk, Jam. Rept, Varna. ; Jae. Scott, Clinton : 1i. Park, Win ham : O. h'. Ilei:, 44,1,1 MI•IN; R. 1. R. Wnllwin, Sentorth: Jam. Mitchell, Ondptieh ; John 1),n1 - Nile ; Rev. John Holmes, Blyth : Rev. Wm. Aawern. lri,i'field : see. tn'ti•. J. C. AtineeIIan : rot -responding. '"'e.. r)r. Towler. The oral w Adopted as sail. On the slthjPrl. "How to Make the r • • Auburn, Vtaaace : new. as. a. w d- arn, Nile ; M. Wilfred, Blyth • W. Th toren. Winghaut: Miss 'ROM, Blyth : Miss Stewart, Clinton. N - inatingg Rev, Mr. Sewers. Bnleencld : !high Rain.(I/Mleril•h ; Rev.( 4.1). Dentin, i ashwooid ; Mrs. M..1. 1Vils nn, Nil,'; Min/ Rev, Iielgrave: Mr. Elder•, Blyth. The afternoon ,•anion opened at 2 p. in.. I'reaident .1. E. Tom in the elixir. de- livered Fomr flee -minute androgen; lived nn the the•Inc, "Some Fnrite of l'hri,'than Endeavor," The subje tw, '•Training in Christian Testimlony." "Missionary Son es." "Ttainlel and Equipped Young ('hristtent.- and "l'hr•i,'trap (' tuieship," were taken by Mies Addle KauRnutl. 4 litilott: W. T1 peon, Winghalli ; Rev. las. Ra1n- 41tallOIMI,rieh, anti thigh Bain, of GlMlerich. A ey1114M/M111111 on junior work fol- lowed with the subjects, "What May We ExvectofThem 'r'"and " What May They h,xp.ct of 17s ?" taken by Mrn. John Robb, BniteaIr, and Mien L. Ste - vent', Clinton. Mrs. Robb lair) greet •tnphasin on the importance of early training. Nothing rnuM Ile geronlpliahed with- out training' the moral virtue,' were ell the result of practice. of privet lee eontine*Ptl until it became Neernd Datum. Everything that we nntld expect of jnnlor. Ptreu posed emeriti' training of the moral tirtties and mental powers. Courage, tempet•$nce, I�thfnln$ss, for•tltnde and just MP %111.1 show themselves In the y/n1I14( if properly trninwl. "Bible Study," "Thr Quiet Hour," w. r h:xer,itivet (bout lllit tee, Toronto. ( It they may IIat11I contributions to 11. S. it duns, Manager Canadian }intik of 1'otnruetre. (:Iklerieh, who will f1.•wnot theta lee of charge. POWERS BREAK WITH SERVIA. In No Haat* 10 Recognise Oo..rnment `r n ti Asaaaai n. • o Belgrade, .tune 22. -(creat Dritain has practically broken off diplomatic relations with Mervin. The British Nlnister, Sir B. F. Bonham, leaves t here to -day for England. 'rhe Con- sul of Great Britain, W. B. Tiesiger, will take charge of British innervate. Washington, Juni 29. -The United Stati. Government hen adopted an attitude similar to that of Great Groot Britain toward the new Men -- tan dynasty. it will he in no haste to reeo,(nlre a Government created by assaneinatinn In the alstl•nie of some exhibition of • disposition to punish the guilty, therefore 111in4atcr Jal'kaon wi11 nit present hie creden- tials to the (iovernment of King Pater at present. Tha Ilague, June 22 - 'rhe Dutch representatite at ie•lgrade has Jr'en instructed to e.aome the aatne Atti- tude as Great BritaifPtowards the protlnional t:overnmr'nt titliervta. Belgrade, June 22.- iinlese King Peter In prepared to altogether tip nnra the foreign 'dementia for the punishment of the ins of King Alexasdtr sad Qticou Prada, W I FINEST GRADE I4K. GOLD PEN TOUR CHOICE OF THESE TWO POPULAR STYLES FOR ONLY $1'oo SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES AT $3 The 4,tnghlin Fountain Pen Holder is made of lin- eal qualityhard rabbet, le fitted withighest grade, le•tge sire. 14t ``old pen, oTany de.ired flexibility, and has the only perfect feeding device known. Either style. Hchly gold mounted, for prsaentatlos purposes, $1.10 eats Surety you will not are able 10 mature anything at Ikrw nein Merles that will give anrh rnatlalae.s pleasure and service. Per 1111. •� GEO.W.TNOMSON ACC SON 111 Sgaarc IAOKHCO • r fr dimeOP of It come here ) about the leir shape ; rned at the t'y're made ) fit in the ANAGII ADVERTISERS. e of running advertise be left at this office by )n to ensure insertion none week. ;ement.... purchased the Business of ail - use (Do.vding's d), I will carry it salve place. engaged exper- id competent and have on arge and well-as- ck of ZNESS and Single ly Nets, Whips, ete., largest line of and Valises .tern Ontario. attention given to iring of 11arness ks. atom solicited. :BRIEN ., koderieh y - .Hull VII lb lb mill lei III lip 11/a/ iii a/ a/ lull iii drab 11/1$0400/OM/ Wit - Jordan BIuLI W. A. M°KIM fiadkrich, Oaf. >F• sis321s4 1:33.1-164CCCE-Ea-'riF'r'r'r .. WORSTED SUIT SALE . . Mi'tr'e lila' worsted Mullet. In navy blue ;11t,I black. They are the tine purr wand kind, Net robin, 141141 well Wattle, and Past ,a/ gIMMI Iii 3t1,' 11. they hook outside. '1'ttt• pricer. are 510.1111 and 4111.511 - and g,MMI value at that, but there Ar• just fifteen suits in the lot, '141) be cleared at each $7.51) Men's and IMoys' straw halo, a traveller's samples. The prices ran 11p tit 75e. 'rho' Int whit tiolfif t4 cheap and will elea,r at MEN'S S11111T8 Just 3 dozen left area they are all ISS. White IMlnlsand self cutis 1)11 gaol w/W11111K camtbrie, IOW value at ;Ale, to elem. at 41.-w, or 3 for $I,IK1 COLLARS- Just 25 dozen this time. l'ollare well worth I.13c to 20e, this lot to go at , 7c, or 1 for tie MILLINERY Did you sow our 51k hats it They are, 14 suryn i„ t/ the trade. They are the newest stype,. The prices were 7:1e to $1.30. All at onto price 30c . ARK FOR l'OUPON$ 33333�1��3=?==='r=��:ira~rir�.ttcc 3 M°KNM'S BUSY STORE 1"1!^4! off NT eryrlkTfftrftfprylrytrytrytht I%TiPil lift htF mmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmm Invictus Boots r at $3.50, $4.00 and $L50. :\ftf•r 11e.lreilim4 i11 Vt st)Kut1.nl a►ud due tial we are con- vinced that the !inictIts boots w+ule by (x1). A. Shtt•r, of M.ntI.tl, is one of the hest men's hoot made, and at our inlet. is easily 1)114' of llu• lest Vain.... It. Is ' a boot, we feel pace d 111. . lira 1.1111 in design: e1t.• '11 tit and tin- 111.1.1114..il ; thsoCl \', comfor- t olnfnl•- 1111111•, aid for tt•1•ui'. tits• 1.41141,11)1 any $J. MI IMMIL you l•v,•1• maw. The new. 141 44, 4044 are ready and' await your approval. Sizes It to 10. All made with Goodyear welted extension. Lnlop miles. Price $3.:1i, 51.11) and $1.5). Buy a pair and try them. If they fail o1) a tack and get pont •y ora new pair. That shows our eunfl- denlr in the boletus burst. Wm.__ Sharman ('OItNElt EAST ST. and SQI'.kill: . uuit,uWiti ill till/uu/u1u1u 14:11 I Oh TING BETTER There Is nothing better than the test, and in the line of Groceries there' is notching better than what you can get here -every day in the week. If you have never bought your Groceries here, give us a trial and see what we can o for 3 ol:. Everything in season, of good duality, and at tl right prices. f 1 full reliance In Tranlop mulatto Tures-they will nr trust, hard.at to panc- epelr. Years of excellent de them of alniost unl• Kerry wheel with a repo• rith them. Every rider Of e on thele. make .bicycle enthusiasts. e pleasure of wheeling and oubleo. Bicycling Is an • with Dunlops. plop Tire Co. . nttwd onto. Ont. 111. J In, W WON., T.ae.artt. xrnd a Dunlop Coin? la CALI. AND SEE sTvRnY- d CO_ THE- UAOCERS, WEST SIDE SQUARE, Telephone No. 91. DEXAL,L: H DIES HOSPITAL FOR Thee hyl•1..1' ye Wool.} ottoney it.Jalo womEN PRIVATE, Ire M110..11 '111114. h1 one' Leah -they are the h,l wl and 11101i.aupnl\I.l Bye in the world. SECLUDED. Try a ,nckagt•. .all .Olur. at 1341' K':f 1)81(1 F.•11. 1', . , i I .111 11 111 11.. MTl,lt►.• M. Bryson, 132 Yr,rk St., Buffalo mmttttttmttttttmmmMIMMTI tmmm mmtttm 1. •aces are as a Interesting as ever PP* •N•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••**PPP*•••••••••• -MP ►e 11 !nce :he popular ice of the day. 1 1115 is clearly (1"i$i- onstrated by the fact ,that 1 have sold nearly two -car Toads of wire and two (dozen machines. The Cheapest and Neatest one rnstouttr tells 1)10 Unit, with very little 1 ' wire that. his ,nighlxtr took to plat nil his wnyelrtence. be tea. 'milt tw'ive aM tnni•h lade, with his iaondon tn,o•hinc, 111111 his fence Iwhieh is dinh'e the length4 has not:rlmt him ns h his neiglwnei , std v says 1 what IM • b/ . / there M / e l\1 Il r Irlll N •',1 e• ttl nihtit ItrMv nee I of the Ih fl nICPn on 11 hperfectly 1 1 tight and even, while his 111'IKIM1tAi is IM1KKy 1 uneven. YOU ARE THROWING AWAY MONEY yo t do not got a IAQNIN►N MA('IIINE and build :our own fence, of it you h,aven•t 1111 * 1 e4111 1rmi114 fur,yon an • Win Foam for 38a a rod. I lin, 1 n e i 11011 line n011 it prneN that ate• cety irlter'sti,tg. Hardware Screen Doors and Windows I 1111 I. a box,. ,L.'.orl ml•tti flinging for I)(H 11MS I'iRl l\I S.'4i''I'O R2.111..S(.'ItEKNS FROM Ilk TO 38e. E Cement I'nI•tl.nnl' ('rhu•n( "ono•• 10..4.1 the L.• -t on the mnl•Lel. .\ fresh co f Intel ul•rivrd. 'Plume Let me figure on your Plumbing. Healing, lighting and Tinsaithieg. CHAS. C. LEE ,., 10 I. \ . .� IU 11 I \, ii• iyl.11f'1KIN(ie HBiATINU AND TINSM1THINO .. Illl11II111I1I11I1111I�1luUIUI111►UI11)111111111111U, 4JI 111111111fi