The Signal, 1903-6-25, Page 44- TruasDAn, Jun' 2b, 1903. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUFI ONTARIO HURON SYNOD MEETING. Annual Diocesan Gathering at London Last Week. Bishop Bald -•.'e Addriee The Shakes of the Diocese Increase .n Clerical Stipends A Pronounconies! Agaeeel Oawbl.ng Judie Hort on the eaerul.r.. Two hundred and thirty -n.• lel'• gates, Orrice' 1 1*1y. Bele in 111 tend - mice al the forty-sixth annual total- ing 4)t the ..ytaal of the Ih.M•eme u4- Ilunul Which met in London Iasi week. Holy et,, iiiiiiifou w'as 4-,•11 bl'+t11I 31 Mt. Paul's vath11tlad 011 Tuewlmv timrtiillg. and the sermon waw irrna.h- e•I by Ties'. 1)11' -id i+aw+, rert4 o4 o1 741. ,ia11M•41's church. St rat The thst Molinesr Me•asi was held in the ufl.•rmilin 411 Bishop 1'ro11yu 11x11. Rev. l'a'wn Hut,,.. was e`loneti clerical wcr•luy for 1lie twenty-fifth time anal Edwin Penni Wan re-elected 11.114;111y hay wet.1iu •. O. F'. .1. w,ll and .1. A. &.deer were ele•tel a Whiul.. His l,.rbh( o IIislulp 11.41dw.0 Ilaeliel 1., Wilh the di .141.A4 'atee tinting the dt•1•t 1•ry of his elusive. In 4X14luihing 1 he rreipls 4411114 XI ''- dil11n•s of the year. Thee haul been '11 to 1N• thankful for. 1'ud.•r the !1 ul•t•a1 purls 11(1. (11111 1 he r•.•l•ipts 11u1 been 1$.t.Ii:.111, against $t,.dN.1I 1lie pn•viaus Xcar. The irr.•ipls h1, the utissiuu fund h.a1 been $5.'-2$.511, nn Inness• Id *1t,.**. The receipts in the widows' load orphans: fund were 11 : n• $_Ittfi t 4444 increase .. r t♦yds.ul. The syti ,.I a44iessit1,•Ilth 14111,111111111 10 $1!lii.7lt, 4,1114014111.111 Wil11 $1,:C13.1111. 1'lu 11eavaise %:w ine•xpli.ahlr to Iiints and he r1• 'tided the syn..' tor examine the whole miller 41141 take such not ion to. they d11vneil lit. Another large item a% Rh the receipt of • I1b.:ii our the o ast-emit dela. Which hr said %7w being rapidly paid off. An increase of $:Pti.1 i waw shim n by the Aheelwi,.nt IIIc appeal fl ll' dottiest it mi14- sions. 991, rreipl4 for the 411, Nese u( A Igonla wen. $1111.1k compared with $ ,flt(.T,t This diocese lloItIl m.w 1111111'r tI i Nup1N.rt of t1*, genera) Is141d wad would therefor' 1.1':174• tel be '111 ileum for individual 1'14...81. 'rhe Sunday 8'h.M,l Lenten offerings and the F.p111I1a111 44 l N•:11 W1•Ir pl11.1jenny /Ile 41xu,e 4444 la•f111,•. Th, 1111411 111111111111 fnrpurls wee 111he'than .1iowesut %r1h WWII an: against $0,11$42.711. and the dispireme total for the 811014, year fol dt.s•e•w(4n and ,x11,1 11 i114/1/1411 pm'Is.w•s %.I1* $:ll,:H0,31, as a) .pins( $ ,:411*.I I the pee% -loos year.9i' 111• deer 1a.M• slime Ih,ul acro1,111, I for, for 'avian' Ir•Aw ave. 1)f the $75.irlll Which, the general ayn,14l had decided to raise for miss - ary purpap•s the %Votilen's Auxiliary had r,ieed His 1i.rla11i11 1,de•rr,I 141 the ni ees- Pity f1,1. 1111 111e1, •41w• 111,1.1'1,111 h11IM•INIM, _ Hr eeXpteswd 1114 Wish Unit w•n1,un. --. pr•ucheT-ua(1.ruitrl t 1,11 the ap,M,oi1evi elfv us Marr+. Bad. for the centenary of the British ell For- eign 1111.l• Society. !hiring 11,e year Cater Were .0h10101 tlea,uu} foul' al- ran,el t11 the prie.tI..-I."1.:Ci1„u- fllmel. air foundation u( t%o taw C tu,'h,. 11161. tum' seri' chur'l11•s 0,11.11111 a1111 two 44 onsee (ted.' The executive 4' Hee r• w'ti 1 the total lunonnt Mtilw•riIMd toe -rods the 1h11uh(14ot44141 of tIi• 411.wemil dein tip 1.• r: n n • • Was item' L • ache t \p'il wit's $I1.:CW.52: of t1* t mmitt $:a.rrlll.1r.! has IM1•n paid. Ti -- (Bela at the *115..!! g of the yerir W41.t Mimhi., f11111I, e•ltC1.51 : Sec 111111s•. $1 (,74.4p(; general ,pnrIM"sew fund. $1,:Cd :H. To11(1. *5,1'.1((9. This has law r.shw11t t,v $3,:eCti12 during the yens b• 1% nig the in J.'I.jnes. n ems ' ' w «1 5 l April. 111(1: 5.1• H.•11.,•. $:,1111.1111 general jurpie . fund, $2.5111%.(M. 'ruin lipo.122 l0. The .ymel now 111.141 a 4 gotta! for ynriuhs trust pnflsew idistl.11:63.114. 1►f this. 1704,1991 1 form the consolidated .'apish :u•rounl. 11114 =1.1151.:44, consisting of the Nett• lienors d.•bl and mortgage on n 4-1 •h Gwen. 1. hell in 11 t1.1111101.11ry 1(144'.41144111 • a '1.1111111. Tla. • ' 1e• nn `coot's- w•11110I)4f replotted 2'4344•11,41ds as metalling in 1'e• pol'IM. '41111 2,111141 te•111.11e•1. Ilile1 11,11111 ulesolte., sh4.wing n le'r•nw• of In teachers 111111 MKt 8•hnlal. 1111 the 11414 fire y1.1l114, Thele were :•I comae, Kati iii s with which no !i lay 8.11114.1 was n•IN'11,11. The 114411 -ase in Sun. day tattoo' attendant... was di8•Ilr.wrl. Rev. D. i\'illinlu.• and 11. Mechlin .1111 •Wing ly- stet dal it's t hal 1 he d,rl,•;4w• in pgmlllion of r11r:al Ileitairio blight r111•omit for the 111.1'r•14w11 ,II)e1141/1r4e4•, The I.rrlM1w11 111.4' "3114111 011 p4111ron- nge 44111111. 1144 for n 8.41141 deal of diw41+- se.r1, T111•.1ifilenit.c• fader 'he pos.- 111111111 if. to reconcile t he 101141. 4 Ing ititil,lrtt, 111 11*, parish and ,.t h,• rights of 11, Bishop to speak in the „nw'l'yaliye interests of the clergy ie .hulking appoint tomtits id r•Iergymt•n 11 • J44ui141us. rhe 1/1•W vs/10,H submitted by Ihn• Bishop wax nn ,flora nn his part tuuu/int.tin the pearl. 1 unity of 1 be ,1i, west. 111 large. (*ano11 '•,1tlllg slid the working of the pr•w•nl e 81411 very 11nwitI44flutol',v, 'The elfe'1 was that Diets. was very little flume. of promo.' ion and that ap poinlrlu•ntx were 48a111e4 1111444 (11'..111(111 11111111 by sante laymen mak hog the what ' in - ideal ,1f the Hi44hop, Severn' chimes. were primed loot exeeplion was taken 4,1 the 11e4 clause end it is referred to the exlr•nli'e con illlMee fn m14411•t at next rolls'. I(1•t'. T. 11.:1. \11'ight'4 mot inn. that ill rlet•gymee who have waved leas then ten verus in the lhwew• 44hould 1444%eglllnrtnd t11,4w• who In1cr w'rced fmnl (,'II to fifteen years in the,Ii,Mrrl• $N15, wax 1111.4.441 afterwa1144 (1iw'1111.1i1 • This inereame will nleel eight clergy'• 1111.11. The ele•lion for r• .r eenlatit1,. to general and pro ovine's'syn1Mls and' for ne•mbe•r'M of the executive were made Thh1,11nc 44(141.1)41. m. .1 cadge 11011. of town, is 041 the exeeut14l4 c '1 ter. The rept q't of Ihl•1•eunulit•1'oil gmn- lling Wean pew tlte1 by 1(ev..I.('. Fii•. tiling, 111,nlntendhlg 4hrlt Parliament Iw petitioned for an act to do 44wny with 'lmeltet-N1I(Iph,' whi1.11 were "4-1 chief moiler.. of the evil of gambling 1,t the prewar dry. road foot end the KA111- 111)n5 spirt 11u),1n5 young men," 9'h• co .u1111jttee requested him lordship to home a pastoral upon the •ellijrl't. This report I4ra1wd • 11w•114441,1I1; the (,cling of the 11,1. ling !wing ex - pees -tell by the Itishol. when he sal) that it %aI 111001 111111' 1 rt411, 14'114. pelt 1.,1 gambling. He referred to "prowl -em- otive euchre.' of Indies in 44144'1"! 4' 1111414) - don. N-lio w• action.,. h,• rrl•uk ell. Ii,atlt- 1o11n5 Wrist one of the, ems., of Iheeorn• nnhtit y and he favored 441, *4ll'I)tiOfl 11)' the report. only two Jelc1ptat,w 1`1,4s4'11 the• print. that if woo. difficult t11 dream the line Iwt We•t1 tn,.-k. * shops and )egitim44lr 1441411,4•8,8, The r.'pM'Il. hnw,tet.. Nail 11/141/11 IIIIIIIMIy elb.ptd. In teepee* to religions education in Mehra41a, , Rev. /'anon !loose v1) that the myllab,a of tensions preaed ,c by the . ll•t•e appointed lay rile s'- rl•nt. conference Iii Tor4nt., I,' ap- proved ,If and that a egnnuiltee be ap- pointed Ut co-operate with those ap-, IMIinIt,MI hy' 111`..•1• bodies in einittoetillll 1here a•ith. The 1hon wove carried. The matte'. of appointing 14 14111'e1.4- 14111• to lies. Mr. 1toy', dhow -rowan mgeot. Max referred to the rx,'u1dye eatitille- lee wit 11 pt.% l• (o ;I1'1. I'rat 41uilteee we,. I 110 413)ut.41 by the Bixins and Illy vel nudes of the wsa.lon read. His lunlship (14.41.1• :11141 addlwssll Ihr ' 41'11.441, the members n(. whi81L stood while he spoke. It haul been a matter of may've. it wait -now a mutter of ex- I411•ieIce, Ihal they had haul a enhu .iiitl-peaceful My111 NI. Ile n•fere d 111 1 Ili/ ''glo orio of Po itiraiun44111 Meeting of \1'Ida...Any. 'Twenty yeais11Ku, %heti hie 11 /1111/41141 114111441 1.41 the di,N1'x4', 441,4-1* +1 meeting would not have been pis. natio% but tiuw a deep 'Mash nnlu'y 41pirit perv,u1111 tilt4•lt1•M•M, 111• %'Ih114t11utc•- ledge *hal weal• work Iced been 4144 iiiipliah.rl in the hint ler of 'Mil •uti- age. They would all 1N• aide lis w•4 ',lane n( the difauhi os of the diocesan lis the prMer11linll of his work. They had tried. too, to place the Nulye•1. of 4.141*i.ti.etl moats on it Nr10 founda- tion. The subject of raising the Anl,111ltt for ilio pr.n1•nliou of lads - 'dooms by this throcese throe,..would he oily (4f anxi.'ty, and hr 11111/0/41 4111 W..u141 go 14%11y With 11 msdtl,1ll In I11rye'11i1• to the furthest extent the raising of the misery. 'I91rlr 111441 1111.11 131r•h•1•(t- ul and 11•) 111y delegates hu at trtidlatirr. He WAS Khat to have NII tiatlly' of Ihr laity represented. audd hoped for More. l'llaiug %ith A pernncl- . hr called 11!141(1 t u•i1w74•mlligl• to 441115 the 11ux- ology, -after which he 404411 tN•nelie- tioti. The 'synod thus eared. ARRESTED FOR ARSON. Aaolher rare at tae N•h.Mk luetltut• L...1. to abs 1•.eerr•,. 1• u( t1*• tot - , •F, petrator. •t Ib• tins,... lleantfurd, June 2Y -A third 61, occurred at taw Mohawk Institute Sunday night, thus destroying the few builgings not destroyed in the liner 141 April 19 anal June m. 9'44 Iowa is estimated at $1,:1x0. The re- ntal of the err tri that tour inmates of the institution. 44111411). Roy 'Wil- son. .11.1111.4 *4.4.1. Isiah Antoine and Alexander alar•cJ,. •re, under arrest, charged with rausin5 all three sires. Al lis• court .este•rduy morning Roy '41 114011, aged 12, the y0un1.r.1 of the Nuys, runf.•ss.4 10 striking the watch and collecting the material which roamed the tire's of April 11' nod June 21. .I'•esw• $4.4 when examined ly the 111111111:144 fate; rorrnt,,ral,d the stut.- Meet •.f' 1\ Ikon. but denied knowing that Wilwm iu h•idel to burn the HI- M 1*111.•. 771.• other .1 woo boys corr,lMorM,d Dela. all claiming that wheal they a84ist,ri Wilson they 1.11.•8 nothing of him intent it//lbl. WIIHf111 was also ebarg,.d with netting lire to- the horns on .lune R. 11e plea/1.e1 not gruflty, but said that Frank Winule. who ',thief with Mararl.•, had mated that is• was going to d0 the dor' '1141• .u'r,st Of 'Mamie Wes ordered. The other four were cnlnwiI led for /flat THE MURDER WAS PLANNED. Ci•earaa Pappereq• ale/ 1`.,.,'• Agents A..arlsag.J stag •Ieleen.r Ion heel . Glel•B Alet • thane, t• Abdicates Berlin, .lune 2:1 --The Adlege•wehy correspondent annus filet i he new King of )kr%ia was but 4.411 luny 1111•,11/411) of the military conspiracy a1 hrlgradr: but .that 11 was 4(4 *4 4)- ly curried Hitt Jiy his ego' ts. Tis of - livers broke foto theKora with *h• 14x.41 ,I.•t.•r:14Nu0un of killing the r,,y,l cuu1l,•.'Th• tweet ion of de- limitating e.ncitating the 111Ml1eulwn of iiinp; Alex - nailer aas nut nl.•nti,1ned- *in the ,e•Itrllr3'. the lair King, perceiving his peril, spontaneously offered to renounce tin crowns, .hut the otlk,r14 Ignored this unit proceeded to the. warder. .. Kis( Peter reeves 0 L,t4h.1a, Swatyerlllhd, .1 one 25 - King Peter 1., of Servla, left lie- -II.•,-a, on him way to Belgrade. ■t 14.1:f ,: 441,,•14 p m. yesterday - Swim(1 •1.11111•., 11.- 844.1 1 Icy cheered. and was presented 81111 tunny bouquet of Dowers. In reaponw• to the there- into. 5Ing Peter cried : "have la Suisse. • SIR WILFRID HAS HOPES. That Sir Wee. Yes Noris 8444 Yet Ael ss Trasepertellea Gerold,... Dolma, ,land 271.=(4444 %Olean Van llorn.• has declined to net ..n IIIc '1'runwpurtuton 1'ntngllsminn. This in- timation re.•. -1,'.41 In' the (i41trronnent following the refusal ..f 1laruld Ken- nedy of 'Metier to set. has %,ry hla- 11rial1'' rllsngell rho i iiakr-up of the (b -limon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier stated %''* .1,1144 that •101111 Bertram of Toronto loud le retard. %Wiliam Pry of (1111.•Ix1• hiss been appointed in- stead of 1.1r. Kmondy. Though Sir 11 11141011 'keen l Burne Urge.1 1 hat he hits too ninny other dui ,4 to too. a p1111'0 on the Commission, Sir Wil- frid (41).retuied the holm that 1.nnn- du.11 great railway magnate might finally be indite.'d to nrr,•pt. De.Blam Plumb browned. Toronto, .lune 2:1. ,y 11 Ili-atty. tJnren'4 1'ark, received 'the following *eta ruin ft' Ru11•re Nesbitt. dat- ed from Itl,lllohm, (Nette': "14,,,, Ins Phial, drowned. } el1 ov- erboard. Wailing to mover body. Will he some itis S 11W111 '• 'I'hl.1 11,1 11*.' sad rtnulx to n nothing expedition taken three or tour day. ago into (1,1.'41x• interna by Lion, Mr. Nesbitt 114)11 Sir 1'haries maw,. nccompan4414 by Douglas Plumb, son' of tin 101. Thomas )'noel,. Ante of M,('nrths', Oder and llomkin of Tnr- onto. The di'owael lad wets only 18 years of age. • might Ile.. ■.•. Much w•rM, Tweed, •Ii11ne 2:1 -The Meal C.P.R. train, gest. leaving there nt 5.40 yea - 1.•I day tni4g, took chancre to run to Tweed ygalnst order'', and when within n toile of the potation met the iIM'nl. 1 U 4inn•r'lintson and the tire - man Jump141 and were not hurt. The 8,1%er of 11*.• Inco! stuck to him en - /rim; end probNhly prevented many llietl being maw -raced by r'11•r,ing hie enpine. • Pe•lai 11e•Md I•Alelets•te. Washington. .1 tine '24 'I'h,• 1: rend .Bury, 01%1•10igmlhl,( the powlol Af- fairs, 11810 Untitled Aug11m1 11. N1.nrh- ,',I 11111e•r It (1rofl, 44111,4,1 A 1:riff. U,'ltrgr' E. Loren*. and Martha .1 Lorene, the two litter *.ling resi- dent. es,dent of 7'nhdo, (Thio. The rip,/ 144. eh1114'1114 111 conspiracy In detrain, the (*nvernntrent. The penalty la a line of $40,0ton, or • I no years' imprisonment 0r loth That sl.. nrla••h t mail will cease if ooh will 111k.• Millet'. Gwnp 1 Iron 1'llln, Ione after ,,mold n111a1• F'ot• sale by Jas. \VIIe1►D. BIG SUM MISSING. err. Moots,. Lon Mosey With ata.agsr a•wler 1841,14..,• 1. K• Troop •r It ea 144• •1•11.6. Bt. Thomas, ,lune 22 --The latest developments In regard to the Elgin Loan wallet's were discovered Smtur. Ory morning, when kir. Mitchell ffrp- Morn of Yarmouth, one of E1giu'a wealthiest farIa•rs, cauls to town to Inquire into his deposit* 1n the cow - puny Throe loofahs ago he wade a apuclul d•puelt of $7,1100 with Man- ager Geo. Rowley, to Lear 4t per coot. tutors/wt. 't'her'e or no trace whatever of It in this Lucks of ale company. 17,111 00 TO WORK. After losing Stsoo.000 1. wage. Ohm* the 30th Marcb. Lowell, Mass , .lune 22. -The tax- tilu council Seater -day afternoon de- clared the great strike to the Lowell wills at an end. Every union affil- iated with the council was represent- ed and the tote was unanimous. Yule spinners and loom taxers were included In the vote. despite, insta- lments that they would oppose a re - ,tura 44.) work. The ate Ike brogan un March 30 and fovea%ed about 17.000 upendes The wills were., shut down until June 1, when the agents op.nal the gatse and the maturity of the o1•er- stilta went tack to work. The strike has cwt In league about 11,300,000. trite lMe. footplate. Wilkes-Barre, 1'a , June 22. -When the ('osculation Dottrel meets in this erty on Thursday the operators will hale grist aricem to to adjusted, as Well as the tamers and this will be a surprise to many of the latter, who believed that the coal companies had nothing to roweluln of. FATE of A SAFE BLOWER. Dropped • fin of [.plea,• and 88. Body lou Mnnal•d. Nobleville., Ind , June 22.-George Marvin is to the county Jail herr in a dying condition 1114 a result of an alleged attl•wpt 10 1.luw Ile sale lo. a general inure at Juin-iv-rile. Cif 1 - rens ul the lillagr• who were awak- ened by a terrible explosion, found Martha lying uneun.1ciuua sear the store with nue urw blown away and his body otherwise so tearibly wing - kid that he c1, t live. When the eitirens approached a second nun ran away. 1'he accidental dropping of a can of nitro-glycerine was the cause of the explosion. Ilea, Weaned *.asre. St. ('atharines, -Pune 244'-Charl.r. lro,Ie•r id Grantham 1 at a hods whish had washed ashore on the beach of task.. Untarlu. nor*helot „t the• city, Sunday, The !Malt' is t41.,, of a 'nus :a. -l& _ 11 ineh.•a a• frig It l weighing about Into pound- 11 h.nl -rite a(Ifeearinu'P 71t11Paf5' -11* 110 water for alxrl%t three weeks. and looked a.1 If it had hen o'er Niagara Falls. A testy at/rlking Mark of identification '111 a tetoued d••slgn on the right ho'' - arm, in the form of an angel Nn,: harp, 111 four rulers--Idark, 4-.1, 3..4 IOW and gess'* lie work toeing vet., artist it'. C..p U ells le 8.11•. London, June 2:(.--Acrnrdin5 tg • & i.'4, from Valle' is, %hilts, a Minis" rung (Fetid ham 'wen effected th•rp'),v the abrogation of the con •tiintlon of 1!1447 and the r,'tatnl. lishnwnt of the constitution of 1N4I lis thin alej. 1 h 1,410•64he Council, hereafter, w111 be coon..est 14 .iglii .1.4'14. 1 u).•mM•rit and oiru' fiutern uwnt 111,4441M•r., an.1teud 1,l heartier:, and mix. reapct1%el1. as herrtutur.• ruder the new cundlllom, the (14o - eminent willcontrol the 1✓e4ielwtiye 1'ounrll. Ds• of 144. 1-1tr1e Ware. London, ,lune 25 The fanner Sul- tan of 50140141 -111 rauring the nrit lett rgnealeruble 1r.ub)e in Nigeria. "A fon, .,f 1:t., Weal African t omens, in the mir1,11,. of \!1,y, omen/van41fully •I- n.cked the f.rnlrr Sultan, who Was fa a nd of a large force In 1h,t walled t,1Rn of Ih,rmi, abort 21)41 11111,114 (r Kano. The British weer,• Dinged" to retire, after losing four men Allied and 0.0 wounded. Rein- furr•Mda•nta are bring sent to the Bri- tish. 'asr.,d Wheal Crap. Winnipeg, thin.• 22 - Stntimtlean `n„w ..1 4 41kag,,. Who is touring Manitoba and th.• Northwest Tafel- Lora' with an excursion party of agrtcultorallsts, reports crop condi' Done am note perfect am poutble He rmtimates the spring wheat acreage as 20 per cent. larger than last year, and the wheat crop at 85,000,0,) llnheh, compared with the official estimate of 08,000,00o bushels last year. Throepb ss tiros Silage; New Richmond, Wim , June 22. - 'Twelve care of a 1W'ls•onein Central freight train left the tracks, broke through an iron bridge and plunged Into Willow Creek early Saturday morning. A 'lantern was accidental- ly dropped into the wreckage and two tanks of naptha exploded. Tho - 1111191 Carroll Ind an assistant were terribly burned and tea -veal others were !eros seriously Mimed. P. Cowled Piens Irlaaltaelse. noon•'• .Ione 23 -The 1'1;00y' IM •'•fer. Any held the lung-drinyl:d•i•on(1i(1tory The rer•nMnv lasted 35 minutes, af- ter which .the Pope receividethe hom- age 14 *h• lie* Archbishop% and HI.1hu1,s. ThP ancient r4•remonil•1 were obh•r,orl, each of the prelateow kissing the Pontiff's font and ra',•i'Ing the apostolic !deeming. b►• terse of C•11•pee• hbdlan seri(1, inA , .Inn( 25 -.Isis 1lilch011. premident ,1f the 1'ni(rd aline Worker% ,1( Atnrrtce, la on the verge 0! a phy4M'a) collapse, The Na - L I Ex/rinfve Ih,ar,I of the rntlrl) Mine Nork1•ra hap asked mfr. Mitchell to lake the complete rest he so more- ly needs asewe M. Rlwletlee MMP. iwnnlnn: .tum .'1 -N'h•n malted In the house of ('Deanna veaterdap, what mtetlm were being taken to *ti- dos-, (lermtany f0 (.came AltlerenllMht/rl against Canada, Colonial Secretary Chninherlaln replied: "I am not aware that them are any IIIPrtive step, that can ha fak.n 141,11/4 41111' 11040411 Rrr.l .1y411•101 " bt. *.ere.. le Nsslreal. Montreal, .lune 23 --lir 1.nren, 144 aha hero 1,l the hour here In the presence of ..nme Urn pkyplrianp, Loren/. In the opera *nig theatre of the lien.rel fleapit al. performed Inn operations sad wM P'4&nail Y thanked alike for 111M methods and the cor114111 manner in %I14ch he Imparlr illa1ruc- t ion. Foetal *)ss44. Windsor, .lune 28 --Waiter Crow.. accountant in Ih.• Inland Revenue Ih-lotrlmr•nt at 11indsor, wan found decd 111 11,41 y1•sl.•rl(uy morning at the residence of Joseph Pepin, where he roouurl. 114- was 57 years old and unmarried. • Msepr K red. r..lw•i,,.r. Jane 2:1 - The tardy of W A. S11111h",,,,11, %11,1 was drowned (1'„111 M collo.. .. In 514.11.'1 Lake o14 Alar% 25. was 14-1C111 ,•1 e41 un Si lay ha' •4.1811144. also 11\ ll.lnlil,'d 1111• water cul.: in 4-u:-•. 4.1/r', 1., Tr'rolnr. 1)llmey1, .lune 9:l - '1he• Fr.•n,'h oil e as of (lull hal, detw'uuu,•d for ,1•' I.r•,;,•n. not to yield to the wlrlM44 of III,• rllrgy, 1111d substitute u r11ru•:'I hag fu: the tricolor in national cad. - heal iris. nerw►y t• csinpetes Inlnd,1a, June 23. -The announce - ..,,t ha amide that Norway has en - ',sir a I,44111 to c IN•le et Dieley 1 the Palma Trophy UNLUUKV THIRTEEN Were 111• Year, V/m•Mis Fisher Su*.red from Sciatica Dodd's Kidney Pill. Cured Heel. ('othingwo..I, (Int„' June '2411 1. 15114114411. 1 ..Iliigp(',.N1 is in lint. with its list of cnlupate and Fwrti1an.•,,l ,ut,'s I, [kaki's Kidney Pills, Valen- tine Fisher, well known in the town and 1411rrlurl.l(ng country, i14 41111' of the mired. Hr says :-- '•1 wit ,1 e tl 111 t 111M•ith kidney lislaw• for thirteen yea114. It drvrlulWil info w•ial lea which 1/14•ate,1 (n lily silk vel t hat I co111(1 not walk without a 11uw. 11148rMI use hypII,riuie injections of 'shin, to ease 1111• pain. "I tried medical men .u1J me11(f•iu,s hat got no permanent relief. TI..',. tried Ikadirs Kidney Pills Anil three hoaxes elf etel a perfect ,111e. 1 11411 n cul i41.1,1'' Kidney Pills," 141.4).)'44 Kidney 1'411. ctil,• Any form of kidney disease from IN,.•ka,•he to lirighl'. diwmw•, Business Os. Biliousness. The man who is subject to biliousness cannot attend to business - biliousness demands all his attention. Bilious- ness arises from the re- tention of waste and foreign -matter in the system, -natures drain- age being clogged. .-ey t e ',Vesellt 111. a goes to the root of the trouble and eradicates the cause- persuades the stomach and bowels, in a gentle but insistent manner, into healthy action, Abbey's clears the bile from the system in nature's own way, bringing health, a clear head, a clean stomach and energy for work. P 86Ne j. H. CO L Bo RN E NKouuce Tile following are a few of our leading Muslin Dress Stuffs :11 greatly reduced prices, just hi, at 114•, (2.3e Anll 1.14'. 'l'ln•W' 541114111 were twilight last weak 111141 GIP 16e144 are away down. White ground with pink, 11111e, glrc11 and 11111111,• lhlllrl'IIN, Gaul 14.1,,11,. Ltadies' White Waists • lis the well-known "Star Make." They are the last made and the best titling waist ort the market. Made iu t he Intent designs with ta•ki11g, lace and t•ulhroideryy. PI'Iee1. 11.111, $1.15, $1.26, $1.'4', $1.75, $99.(11, $.7.i. Dress Stuffs l're:uuh, hu merges, lu4tr•N, c114) •rept. nun's 1.11111* 111111 V11111111 Oiler, al 1411111111*' 11'1/444. 7441111*' 11i4M'(111ti4414 in 111811 141114 gr•maline44 that are extra value. Conte 4(41(1 ver 1111.111. TIIF; DESIGNER F't)11 Jt'l.\" 1011 lines : - Stockings A large axsoil nle'ti1 jus( ,11'rFyel in BKeit that ,11,• Black and *heti will 11tay Black and we oder( them at ten yenta. A/tot is, lot, 2 for 2.5c, that 11111111A 11C tawtrn .4 1.4 of vs 11114. Dose 401' litiss44.t, rhtwp a11t1 good. Underwear In Men's, italics' and rhitdl',•n'a, in 4411 G,e leading' malt*. Child's, front be ; 14441 4, from tie, or 2 for 231• ; Men's from 25c, Curtains and Bobbinettes 5k,• Its if you 44111,4 est144 value in these gra Kb.. W hitewear Downs, Skirls, Drawers and Comet (',I'•rtro, 4414 514411) as 11(11 1.' 41111nd tot' the prier and w,'ll made. SALE, )'I(1('F: TEN ('ISNTS. 1.1.111111.11.11111111, H. COLBORN RAN'D TRUNK Dominion Day Return tiekl•ts will be desisted at Slagle First Wass Fare b•t4'1e.n adl stat 111 1'a111Nh1, Niw1 be Huffed., Muap•nsion Midge, N. 1'., Ih•tr oit. Pt. Huroni. Mich., rte., 0001 (*01N(* JI'NE:kali and 1st, \'arid returning from destination on or before JI'1.1' Facirsisas is Caauliaa North West (,o.111 going June lath, valid for re- turn until Allgood 114111. Good going July 4th. valid for return until Sep- tember ttah. Sister hoods The femmes \luskoka Lakes, 1rar of Hays. Ge tt•giau Hay, 141ke Nippim4ing, Kawn,tlw -Lakes, reached by the Orate' Trunk, are, noted tar their ex- erH,nt and healthy i•(ilmalr, u1'•t4/11mte hotels, tine fishing Iwamoto for 1w1w mild tiueki,onge fishing w now open.) ri•r tickets. tanrinattnn and (I4srripr tivr•literatllne 4of 1lghl,tels of 1311tario, Apply to F, F. I.AWIIENI'F:, Town Ticket Agent, Grdei/•i(• J. 1). Mn144 N,41.1), 1list rill P,ns•nge•t' Agent, Tortmto, WOOL J :..n prepantd to hug thi. w•amon'. rhp of \11 x.1..1- a.nnl. 44t the BENMILLER WOOLEN 'MILLS ho 1144111•-t ,',,.*, prier. or ,n ext Molts for au,onfwi11114 44,1i. lw I .hell hoof, it Ino r n.r,rt 4411111 of HOt1ESPUN- CLOTH - I.,,a,- 4Ir.•w•- inn-. ,,lMike.. The -n• •,'.. of (.,Hoer 4 ear. Indole. 11,1• Ingo 111,-o-,s1•Iy ince the lnnnnfa, tore of thi. 1..polar arto.l1,•f 110, Lina. 1 Mit tw,tn,oage''2''" *full) -tai, JESSE (ILEDHILL, !t •nruill,r 11'..de11 Mills. 20th Century Brand - of Clothing i',aph• who 111/111/1/4-i411 1. gwood 1lot hing are learning to a to this atire. The steady land healthy growth 1,f our males, for the 211th Century brand of MEN'S FINE T:Ult(lItED (lAI491EN'r5, Allows the rend of public opinion sad eanfiru11 int}• expel -lethal when starting, that Illeilf./rl,1lw Itlb•rllm lldlw' 84.1,1,1 w1.1,11/ the pat lmage oft 41 Illrt11•111441' and 1•t•Iileal. \,', have been taking f Large 1(14114114•(- •'4 "SPEC( AL ORDERS- for outing 3)11(144 •r (11414.1.: t1*, good fit and 114 ,,• )lark ix greatly npprecialld by our lett•. f1I. Serial miters ,t,44L+ 0I11y $1.111 extra. Prices $ 10.00, $ 12.00 and $ 15.00. :01 S, 11 i'f,ES 9'(1 CI101BSI' 1'ItO'I, Two Specials in Men's Furnishings. Workman's Shirts at 50c. French Balbrigtan Un- derwear $ 1.00 per Suit. N'e h:1,, sent in 44'. e•111 Irl cat or- der+ for the alas•, .1hirt, If you only knew how good n workulan'm shirt we sell for :dk• you would buy ran other. This shirt 1m made of Mack drill, with ,1 stripe ; (builds• fent and ltnr•k, seams rt1 lb /111114. MIitehnl, good f111 sizes and 4..444411 only :24'. Sole agent. for 21)th Century' Brand I'lot hing. • w. MEN'S CLOTHIER ANO FURNISHER MDLEAN'B BLOCK .1 /mother shipment of this ex,ell,nt underwear in this week. This ler- wear iM the real F'r•n(t1 Iiabbriggan Made from Egyptian yearn, its really the best 1'111111• W1. 1144y, e•1'e•r seen. Pr ill only *UP INSPECTION INVITED. C. Pridham Ile Fell Asleep And it %',s 11111.11 40 8(114.' high, lwr•n,ls• 1111 siepl on one of our 1.11,11411144411)4' nlat- tnlw's and Mpring.1 which fitted it very handsome hed-r)4,III suite bought at tfiip Nt"r'. Thio la, the story told again and again and It In worth repeating in your Ase. Woven wire Mtretchera wn(1 mntrtemap, to Int. Alan veranda and lawn ehglrs, Pktur•(redoing nod all kinds tit fut711ture; impairing lmlmptly attended tn. Beckett & Staunton I'raetksl 1-ndemtwkers '11441 Rlnbllneets. Night or day calls promptly attended to. 4 Night Bell at Store. 'Phone 89 Nrw arrival of The best SPONGES I44)11e1e yo11 ecl'r 1419 ('alt and we t 111.111, 4e PARIS GREEN von .houl.l .Iw,lyal lolly y • 1'ari41 green at the drug spire. The tilmnafa.'tliwr of ptint•r'e green aims at color only the mahufa.•(Ilring chemist at pal(t)" amt mt11'11gt11 only. The latter snits you lest. 1\'. sell it. Price no higher then for the inferior kind.. The )Kelt !mays soh fest. ".It's N gooil idea to trash at (iik1le',' R. D T. OVEN L. R. C. P . IL R. C. S , (1 U 8pe•im11st on ec,•, •,n. and throat will Ise 114- t4 alive of thi. •t••11 on Tuesday, Jane Operatiuna Ilml.'1 Lb k•'ll lanes fitted and -aleph W. leph W. C. . GOODE, Chemist, EOFO BLOCK. HF:HF: F'Ott F'Lt' I'.4,I'F:K` 8111 iNM4:1 i'II'IDEs OF ALL. hl\l• The Fruit Seaso Will Soon be Here From early strawberries to late apples is a long season, but every week will see some pre- serving done, and that means you will need preserving ket- tles, spoons, etc. Our improved line of granite Preserving Kettles will prove a blessing and a pleasure every time you use them. Prices and quality to suit every purse. N. D. ROCSGVIE , Cash Hardware Store, - OODERIC The Strawberry Season is at Hand So is Eureka a Breid" Eureka Bread with Strawberries Serves an Excellent Dish P. T. DEAN Loner Matreal Street aid Ibe Square is our agent. and lorries a full assortment of our difV.'mnt hake,. of brerul, 8'hirh (salmis* of oy*'r fifty 41iff,•Irnt 'arietie(1, (Jur delivery wagon is at your di.1poaal. ll, The Parnell - Dean Steam Baking Co. 1903 Buggies and Oarriages FOR 1903. Every Buggy up-to-date in style and Finish, and well made -they are all warranted. LA.VIS W ARIROOMS HAMILTON -ST., - OODERICIi, IS THE PLACE TO DET THE RIGET GOODS at RIGHT PRIOZ 1\'e handle the 5084 of the following wall -known maknra : Ww, (*11.4)' k Soars, (',hatham i CANADA CARRIAI* C°, Brockville . TI nnor4 Bnhny CO, (Milia. Call at nor Wararooma and tee aha large stock we have on hand. Ale° all kinds of FARMING MACHINERY and REPAIRS. LA VIS' WAREROOMS, Haml/roe-st.