HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-25, Page 2.•'� 2 THURSDAY, June 25, 1903. e► THE SIGNAL : QODERIUH ONTARIO it he 'lt�tl1lI 0111111•.1I101t, 0.1V1.% it 1.,. PIYBLIMI1E11 E\ HY T1111.11S1)4116Y', YY V ANATTF:It>y HDI4I ItI l')' . 'frleph,au• t Ail Yu SL , Term. of Subscription : • 31.'41 1111'11111111C in wl'.,.re•.. usun 11...00• : l60e u.4111,., ties Soteeriber. who fail to 1111•01Ve T,rx me:v r. regubo1'b h> 1111111 1011 run fur a 0111 1111 11y 11,•- otiai11I*ng u. of 1 h.• fart ..5114.. early n dolt n. Is f ells n u rh,lApe of attar,.- 1. .t..lnrl. late h ttN- old .rot Ito. new 041,10•.'. Jl11u1d 1.• gi' en. Adwrt'ang Rales : 14* fAi 1 rad 1/1 hl•r lar .4111411 i.1' ., 111' Is•r tine for 111,1 in.11r10011 amt :01 Iw1' 1111e for' 4,144, .u1,...Iur11i 1111401011. M..,.unol 1» u 111/111161110 ,1116.. t 43.11 a Ifuo. 101'11 it4•h. I41.i14•..- ..11.1. 1/1 .11 (1111+ 1.1,11 111141r, 1.5 I4*. t'..ar. .641111 1.41111111. 444 Iret, Fond. "Imy14, Sit 1t4IW16. va•11111. till41,' wlu0,11, 111111.1•. foe Sale or w lien(. Farut. for Stile 111 10 (tout, Artieh. her .146.. .•4,.. not 1•0nld1ny, •,1(111 11100. M.• 1114.11 111.1.11111, : sl fur Ar.( 1111111111, ,i4'• for .sub .111 W.J 111`111 III W II II. Iant•'r .14 ell 0.4.- 1.111.1/1. in protean it ,. 114.011144 111 .I1mlrtr,'41 1)110 ,L• 111 11111. No ...tire l•.. 11441 lie. .4ulwuu.wtnenl.. in ,nllnery n•Wling 1> Im• one c„nl per won,. No notice le.. 40...,, Lk•. Aui- 11r•ial mMlrr. the tiM••'t 1,1 erste 1x the pt.uoltry InoselIt 16( x114 iwli%/dual ..r aswwF *00011, 111 v. 11 n 1141 cel lo•1hen1 and Io he ehant.1 .o..a.lu»tl>. '. Iiat... for. 11141111*) sou ...wow' advents., 'swish. will he Ili. 4'u sal ap,tllwl iu11. Add.•.. +il! yin ,uunnl,,114,24. to VAN.iTTER K ItuHF1;Tw1N, Tug $14104L 1 4deekh. r Into lw)UtiUIU'H, THU11K1)AY. ('NF: Is. lyra AN APPEAL FOR HELP. Loud year there- wow estlblilMrl rat t:ravenhlu.d. .largely (though ten 'Nems.. of W. J. liege, of To1.a11.1. Mid N. 11. A. Ma/0,1•v PALate. A free 11.Yyrit*l for the treatment of I41n- Ntilll(II)y10. N'Ilhltl Ilir.. 1111,1011. the• number of patients oh -siring admit - t, owe exceeded. the Krelllllh Artextensien wow )wilt, lepra again the 1 of ,act• l.it' hay beret reached. In addition to Ihr pr allele presented by this situation, the trus- tee.. *re facing a large deficit 114 their Hank nr/'4.nnt. The 611111s originally pneetl d were barely suflleient lin' the purelt ee of land and the erne. of the Main building, *Ild the hwpit.l rear opw'nel in the h..16• that the public *add runtritnite the 1/mooed/try III, mey hIr maintenance. The *lel of the ',tektite; rxl,eIwion has nut been met, and the 11tsinten*n.el,1the inetittitien is another heavy charge testing 1ipw11 the 1 t'lister•,. Hewell' of the' pat Willie pay something 111wanIs their toxin- tenanc,•. WI when they or'1. unable 0.. pity they a4' nlrepinl nlrrd11U•ly with. mit .411a17(e, and throw free patent& have twee received (rem all pude -of the 1), ' 'toll. . Thr confidence'. of the feasts•; in the generosity of the public should not he d1wlppeintel. Mr. tinge and other% leave dune IndlI• in fmnishiug the 1,11wnA a1Hm4y 111111q' 4411114 ptirea hove twee given n rlu,le for life: they ..It114111 111.1 I4*• expected to early the lur41en Ila*sriet,d. The trustees ask forcontailatt1 , large or 11 (1101 all who Can 111111111 to h1'1pr. Mt•. It. S, Williams. mnnxg•'t' of the Cameleer' R1 r to • r1e i Ronk f 4' 1 ( 4a(e- >•ich. has kindly lo•wsnlhel to re'rive dominoes forihis ;mimeos. and 011 for- went them to the trulde•s. .N..4' co and ten objectto the liberality of aur readers. atwl tint -that the repeal for aid will,nln•t with a getter - oleo resesonm•, THERE'S MONEY IN IT. We 114141• received a copy. of 01,r 0,41101in entitle( ''1'tvl1ilnh1,. 1'44nft%• Fettling," I'n'tent by the tier( 1.1 the p4ultrl• division of the I theinism l h•ptliment of Agt•ienh wl•. Wr 1119 nut. 11 hit .41.0491 in it, but prob. ably moue 'tf .mu' reader/. waalhl be, It i4 written. we believe. to show how• h more prollt,lll.' it in to keep good fowls and look after theca prop- .rly LI • it is to have wink animate remising mould ppm- pinee. 1V.• are told that there i6 a great dwna1141 014 l'aMwha f.0• fatted ehieke0s and 1,1,1), table eggs, that the Collet Whitt of thew• nrl irhi. has en:teria lh' inrt'elmd within the Inst few year,, 111141 0 lint the pt•ieno peel have 0mpn,vrd. Thee. Iwo al.o been n striking 41,'4Ilopnu•nt 014 the export of crate -fatted chickens, -)rpt( although the value. ' of the poultry shipped from Mos rnuntry t„' (;tent Britain hots increased from *1K,. 1112 in ISM to Ikeleet1i in Anne the latter figure ropiest -Ms only twu,pout• rent. of the cable of the poultry en - wiled into the United Kinjel11nl fr•44u, Daher vomitories. The Ilepton a eta ,,f Agriculture was risked by nnr d.•41er in Maneliemter to supply the »nines of 4'lylaele111 exporting flans- who coir.) Ahip hilt eesi etieo m of rel0kens (:Melton cheeks.'.) „ week. Thi,. means that we 1,0' pal at the beginning 111 the 11evelopnrnl Itf our ..Merv' mole 1 mall there ' th s f 1 awn . 1 1 1 her , great many mere 1'an;..linter to get into the Nineties in entered. Tine lout letin tele. how told(' it. It de •Tribes the r.eotrl4•Iinn 44( pndh•y lemn,., the feeling of p)ndtty. the h*teeing, nee - leg. fattening amt marketing 110. hi.•k ens, *nd *la. the llimmerw'. areLearn 6krw of pokey in lust, it is H with j,ra.tlrel infertile, ion rel is a Illust. l,.I, It will be mailed free I. ane addrsw. oar *ppIil•*t4,n to themes. *ad *p(rls'^nt4 may IABP advantage of the ewe that p stage I6 0).N required when writing for it. EDITORIAL NOTES. Who weed we !wean) renin ,Chou'' worry about elm' w•,au het, It 5145 be hot e•ntnrgh before long. (blowy is geeeo. He has *0)ow oef hit,melf to be tale, le the lwsln11 of The Toronto T.leg,.,ne oche h !mane that his polite -al CAP"t will Is. short. - All The Ttlegetul's lets 40.•. n o%V. T}M'rw, 'rat (Fid 4'l,ws1 it, lelwwf of Mr. (:amentreso'Teeth in the Lege. 1*t11r• 1144. week with thew. wore.: ('s111e rel tented bark the• ps,ge, dhia.' y, and talked ent.elialtlingly about Tury rur•mptiun, and eont'lueld with a p10egytic of hi. Weiner, 0) 04ek 1411. 14* .p11•ndid a tribal.' to It public matt as 111s leen heard in the House.- 11mey ref11MIw to give 11p Min wet Iu the 1..•gisl.tule. 1).eilel o. he erne s0dtt. hiulm•If .till qualified for the portfolio of Minister of Mines in M1'. 11'hit uey's 01114110111111 1'11 111111.0. The wheat ,i'ry, of Manitoba and the N.,rlhwest T.•r•iterir14 for Melee i. Feti- taeit.d at A•i,11111,11M1 bushels. The ofllei:11 rnliluate Lot year 01114 H'i,IMl1,- 141Naahr)s. 7'11. West ion? u,OngAlong. (:IW*at Heitman has shown i(4. deteetra- lion 44( the murder of the King And Queen of Server. by breaking off diplo- mat i• ,.'Isli.nls with Ihat a try. The leeited States and llollar.l are .41,04.111104 ,1 a1W11a1' attitllle. The twentieth Century In tow Late a lade for .ur(a deeds to paw. uMdewervel A. P*ttullo, M.P.P., is auth4a•ity foot Ow statement tllral the Lilwtatl ulem- is•r. of the l0'gi.l4t ler 1,1• slut Md a writ is Giver of the premiere that the U.wlin01w1 (:,,recount shuu4l eztend the Internieurial Railway from Qurlo•c to Winnipeg. giving r ' g 'swot, over the lite t.) any railway d.•.iriug 4vrua4a-tinn between their. jo.inla'. Over in Route the latest feel in so- ciety ,ln-Ies.• tt he Maid, is rat hunt- ing otter t 111• i, M.(s g hotter". during the "iq ', awl a chili lam' lawn furrrrd by 1.111• der'lllrl•M 1,f the Ilea' spm.l't. Tli,,-e arc 11441.4 11110 wo fl, .way AN Rome *here which s club o01,ld Heel plenty of of: • and Might du uw4111 wrack in 141 .1,'ing the hack )'and" of lund-vuirrd '1'),.4mu104'0, Tel• Toronto Newt' had art attest. t beet her day which eau, d,..iguwl d'4 a Enptlioh, Ihr 1 m4a111r of Ihr won) "got- being illustrated and ...reetiel. As an i,IMlanl,' of the dilflrldly .d avuidiug erre... in Eng - limb, it alight be pointed( mit that The N,•w•N (fl thin artielo• made two. little n1ips. utter in rayit>g "try and gather," instead of "try to gather." and again in oliNpincing the wpnl •'only" in the statement tlat the veli, en. get" "is 11111y us,l when we Are tom, lazy to (04•- 11110' 44141' meaning further " 'The 40.0)0)0 111,1 •.f the Rumniarn auto- 'no-)' know. norr lmn101110. The latest attack on the awl -ties of the l'zaar,, .objects i. in the forth of a bathtub,( t lulf111111e, p*m.uuabdy tilled with fresh .1,41 water. which 40* carried Armand 1414 comp in a'ear on one of the (:uvernulrnt rwilnaul. I RIIw41a lido (fie gu1•ertetwnt - 4 W ne•r4h0p - of - railways Odra. tom and in which all the ,'n- illy ve of the railway and their fami- lies ere oblige1 to plunge when the ladhtuh Cal. r•nche. three' .1„1000. t'an1101.•0n1 1yrnurlr Ro (miller than to interfere with 0 noel'. right to go unwashed :' Hew Ih,ink1») we shondd 111 he that we too nen 111'4' in 'tweed! The leineet, England's 0140)404 Iu1•di.•,,l jr,urtsl, pnd4•010 against the Ne lI -1• (w'e 1 t4* ahl h it M+)ys im e1.uuuo11h• Adopted of lake' 'dents .1f giving the Ih01 prize to the (attest lathy, Thr Ionise o4 'm that fat }wiring are "k1'- p•r4l.lpble, *pu rolitsided infante," ,and that "to. the touch they are cold• went M em. nett flabby. a it h Ione of the Oast ieity and 1on1••' ,•hsru•terusl014 of the pr,p•r variety 1.1 talky. 11 is ti, he lu.pd that after them pruetinee- nu•nt p•t,i,le will lake the pte•amition to he herr, fairly Iran, and 1het the la bees will nut let their 1001 /11•111 feed t11e111 tot 11 '0,11'elly (M..l beet) • they are:011e 0.. (ping,. 14,r theillAr(t•1•.. Not only Canadian Mete.wl,,nl, 10111 I hr p111,14e life of Canada am well. 'I ate het n m r.iig. 41Kgeessire spirit 0n the •bath of Rev. Ur. E. II. Ih'wnrl, which 1mrurr„ 1 'ndde,I' at his home in T,nut, hest week.. I)r. Dewitt et rierhapoe (west known teen) him ommete tem with The Christian (1114n10*n, which he edited for al pewter of a "1•ntury with great ability. He was intensely ODto...led ill * Il,' ).iIjt 1.',,) life of the voile•)'. being strongly i,)IWl•al in him vire., and en1N•Iimes took an eel ivy pall in thedim•u,mi.III ld1.11000rm) ovine tome In the g.•nernl 1'rst%int0nt elw'tlrrs of IMN he (Ingested N.Pf iI '1.111111110 no t he !Mortal e3III I P. bet lr;w defeated by (l.J'. Matter by a few 444(4».. 711. -re was n geed deal of w.'nm• in Nev. Ili'. V,,, !tyke's refetwm.• t11 the temperance. 14111.411011 in 11014 )ateealatmre- alr m•rttl,,tt 1.11 the green/ding rhos of evince -toe Cniv_rrMity 1)34' o.Oh,', 4**. p Seaking .1 inl,tnp•ta►nee. •• How 41;111 41'1. 111"»00' it .' Ile Ask,.d.' "1 .Ip not 0115' I lint we. shall not pass r1•- to.etaems null moo kelaw.no/soiree it. Jima 1 1111 nosy 11/,11 w0' run never really eon- 1I1111r the PI' 01 in Chir wti',. '1he14tnone- bele of w•1• in( 0)l ! runcr the in the val.4ney and d,.plir of men's mind*, The way 0..110Ga•k it is to make the ease. life beautiful and hippy and full r• of int PMt. Te14eo 11 yur hippy hot{ l.. weld.. 04..w 0. rasp, hew to platy, you robots, 1»•(n,. )colt send then, to col- lege. if you want to guard ay ' 1 the temptations 011 .0(..t g drink and the raw P 1h*le•.au,01 **Jill oWtt 11A got with fake the life 440 cone eouu»unity ns•rful and pl wetet and int,•nwling, von ,ef.ra,m•r', provide reerethew hick will net twine 0hetn if. y1111 went 'oinks. meat the (wear .4 the 0llobel a*1.n,. *,,,I 004.. entity loosening dente l'arkt end Mawr. u11,is, Iilnwrie'6 and nailing rooms, dealt i temee*Md .'heer- h41 ,hureltes, thew are the rffe•Irnt ewe of Intemperance," e," • The N'.,rtern'Rriti.ihhowrieen. )nllr relabel at 4'hi/ago, e1sningata upon'the member for Manitomlin i4* a manner that goes to show how Gainey iso' re- iterant nw*y from the wastes of party Atri(4'. It ossa "Tat. .welt r'm*rk*hle Mgisl*UYp heck, (lawtey, who drelar ed fleet 'hie pelitiv'* were Msnit.s,l)n; lett which the judge. hare devoted were (Morey' With Malan/411in a 'ng In A long way after, has the eftnmt•ry Drant*rlot err d*T the chamber of the legiwl,tite h ) AaePm t♦ .d (ntwrio w eh*nd,rl ',bleb -should 1»• warned to onl1nnrily domed men. T0im ran, who is a self eonfrearrl 1011•, and, in the opinion of every loan of intelligence in Ontario, A seeker after bribes, "awl generally a 11111iti40at. of the nerd `11cuntrluptih4 type, inside. by 11014 presence every .elf-I1•rpetlu(p member 011 the Maude. How long will the Legislature endure kir pretbe114r i' How lung will the Awed.' of Manitoulin submit to being tepreeenhsl in the Aso -ready by au•11 a moteeritomM 04,111xWaif,w di •y ? Ne 114Yr had 1111 thin .Ids of the line a gond f,W 01101a11re. 440 the deir,w,he11 1sd00ici:111 in 1.•gixlalure., but ueyet 3111 1 n.ta11re where the v61.00.441 Seonud 11•l a•,44 IM ad -faced ell'/11811 lel 1411 1111- alai.hel in his plaice and defy hottest unci/. He rm4ig111141 u' a•4101 kicked uup. Witi,41 will happen ill haul.•) s ease :' He hotel.., a twat a reputable teeter, shoelle meetly. Let hue resign anti vel &41v1 My Heart of Gold. 1 )o, a the g• dd.•14 gl.:ou. 110 her 1100 11 11,1e. The Ilwugilg ru...4411 lire rid, el ,111,•6. fl,.' ,1t brown eye. ihnt o1. n 0th tut -male! .4 rad oft 4it1, (ruder 00P,•renlr.41•11110.len0. 1 141% 1. h.•r merry loop1etd with rotten.... halls. TM• "nation... " 40(1dk..44'' .heel,) J0)*.. Her a 6.11,tium ,dorale that lwr(h• 14111, A .1,111 1» an.s o 111 Ilse bru,st'of Imuldou. ll.h.g•. 1 loo'.• her .4.1rine bubbling o'er wish life, '/•144.)4,1444. 4.e. 6ne. to 1day 011 g1111rlen..o111.: 1 10, c I he 11141.4. 114 M'r I,•i,lI reel• .0. fnml her .11•roler el.ger 0lln t1 role. , Ilia sun, I lot, her 11.411 44 1,a,elgala, Ito, truth .411 loyally to hi4411 ,,1.*1e • 11.•1' .'o.lrwg•'. t,Iterina( .111. tlun•(h life 4...h, .611,1 -uttering :.11 1t. d*aaer 00 4'r. ewe. 1 hoe her Iru.l 1111hig11 *1M1 I4,1yy lent h. Tran.4,14.I often In motile tootle* 410.01. 1'141,1 nut►,. her reliant heritage o1 youth .4. thing to hie.. our siu,)d, bunny, ..•..1. 'a., heart .4 geld: Not perfect. well 1 know. Vet beitring (11. with fora' ,•r) s1•nve. h,•. minx the i1./ an year. mar Wrlw *ad gl1 7'01 keep yoi(r ntraoarth A ebtlf whereas to less. Hirth Arnold. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Good -ave. Nb. Ilawllt. n Hernia. Peter Karageupgeeviteh ham leen w•IretoL K dug of Nervier, %Veli. quoit - bye, )'et.' '• take keel. 1i yourself. A Cand,d Adonss.on. ' a+uflt.N,. mr•Ia11v 11'nnrTr.a i, 141. H 1 (iaiury's spec'.•h in instahrr evidence of tlw talent which characterises the i4Crupllte of the Opposition 04•nchl1 in the prement L..giebetun•. tele spec. Mae Nod Enough. ItaaHlan Mtw0*,'tator. The• Dederick Signal. under elle new management, think,' it is a hew trader. The editor }won't town keeping Dark .1 the 0w.ve111ents of the Laurier tet e- el cut. Hr it mtin in the ()Haw* /a ltlyrnt10(1 0tet>(0' 111 IM.)l( i1•/t! exi.tef.R. A Mecca for Tobacco.eq.l.-terve H,alnml4 1 11..e1-1 4'r. They are watching for the first .'x- pectut:ator of (,,0111•co pots' 14*) the liolerieh "resent walk. He will have 11 tine exit -retied by proxies ed Law. 1f he 0M diematwtled with that let hitu 0 to Hui wall• *bete he tan emit on ter walk to hie heart's "intent. where lie Illsess Most flees Toronto Nrw., (hit/trio farmers or...sending to Italy 7,i1'Ke quantities of germ- who -zit. l'nt-il- a few Years ego thew green - www not in favor with 11111. Wheat Kt -lowers. but one day the Italian nlaretrvn0 rannfa,•lur- rn tumid tlutt raw' )11 10•11. wheat im richer 0» Offen than whets grown any ahere else. M,4•aren0 et -largely el. nimeed of linen, and 4)1I1,ari,1 m •1011111PM are hot enough and her winters cold ,•n')tagh to develop the hirg.•st p•r•ellkage of that principle in the Kraiu. The K1M1t41. wheat grown, further mmth is t1 NI soft to produce 411500104)04 pike the pnrent,lg' _1wwl'er,srl by our grain. An Infant'. Record. Toronto ly.rkl)' !dun. The 1lamiltun Steel and 1nm teen - !any. one of the IIuMt homey of the ire fates enjoying (lever •rat (avm,, hits receive) in ,!„nations fn.rn the pihlie tn•rwnry during_the pot three Heal rears in the term of 1 ties On iu11) dud steel the 1.111.w'ing hullo : M311 $l 4,615 b0 1111111M11 170414104 714 It11Mrl x114,0)410 K:4' Ihiring the 'ant, pr'ruwl terjjrt'ofltarof the eompiny have leen vers- !ergo. w, 1*rKe. Itldoral, that Komi tare Iola beset taken not 10 make thein puhlil•. It i. 11114* 1111111110/011 04. 1n,'11':1.W''1111'111 I.)' gl1- i11K larger bon11i1.. Two Morals. .stew* .Journal. Tito. 1'.01..1 Slate. Steep Trust is :aloud to enter ('an44ba /eel uuanmfae- t+4'r f(ir it,. market. It will locate itis plant at PI,M 4'o1)xlnw• 1 employ :4,03111 ewe. This iter,, 440114''4'$ 114114 t w•el mnrnlm for ('anlub\, One ix that,the present 4'anedi,r, iron and sloe ent.i,•M ,re sufficient to •give. all or re than the rulvanl, ego- the eldest 1•y 'ls'ry)a'. 7'e.• leveed Staten Steel 'trot deem not mule ,,vet herr to do IA1,4111401 at a 0.14.4', t6r44n.11y, ('11n*tiinnm !west taut he afraid that this vet unary a'i11 Ilea "slaughter market" for l'niteol States steep and 0rr11 0nAnnf:t•Int1•r•9 oh11u.1 Nedne'we pnamgm•rity fall off. They *H1 pot miner in 14' ".slnrghler" the)* ow•» Imminent.. Wnrk to De at Horne. 114 lender, In \Veekly !tun. A *hitt Inas dietinware and a Week 111,111 014 avowed of him teenier. The Week mite, fearing Iv'nchety, take•.. to (light, leaving We wife in him cottage. The )ynt•her$ 0 • and 0..01 nee the w0). nlan with a hash till she ,'Dote,*.•'. that her husl.nnd is the Iver. white 1Mln who 0111 atygo*Ie1i to he twee turn• up alive anal weep. In Indiana, n Non -Hugel 0tate•, a 114K!lIn is m•vn h) speak et* white girl. Without knoow-ing what he luta wild, a 111011 sets 11)0111 hint, f10101 he im killed. Nnlhmi)' i. nreesteel. NVOth incidents of this kind IL,I nr•11t1.ef, it might be Ihoeight that 0 h A Ineriesnhul 1.11011g11 tu e I 44 in enforrinKrespect for law at hewne without letting themmel•en to the trouble of *11 ;.tering the water earn of ,'iyilix*tilnt to the Filipinos. Unfortunately they are not the 'only eme•i »r11s of such wet -complacent mixei,narie, of seri Heat ion. The negro Ii1 1e40111411 is 14111.1y tending tow•atels mom. terrible .catastrophe. The Lary Men. Hamilton Time.. That was mrnrthing ,f a nenreher which Rirh'rmfp�, 'Baldwin gave 10 the laymen of Huron diocese at tie• syeml. 11.. said that "h. (urw) in hit, exp•t'iene.• t.lwat he. coedit get ten •n to help him, while t.hr tall t11 turn met two temporise. The men. with all 'heir talk. wanted S lar to yawn or too go for a walk, in triter to air their e,hwrldpy twain*. When asked to take par, in etherh work they maid that they trawl to work hand e(1 day and begged tot be rerouted. The son - dem of many .4'f the educated Inyn>rn woe.Is•rfw'tly s-and1lnnm, It re 1• e1 hl,,, 111 the '-18.,4...6. 00. 1111111e, w'01ere the Emperor and noblem lived en addle )N4)r glwli$Gon were killed piece them. Tn.. 4110115' emmgre- ga(r16 told the 'clergy to de *II the work. They !Heeled ' l*horpn, 4'r Interest. Ate tee a11. nl,ne piety. They wanted 444(431' IAvt11.•11 t." detehhl the Mittdayy 'wheel life," 101044.0 ex- h'trlathon rifts' not. pt 9.' 111. and energy into the tutor 11f.hirkern. their ...440' is lwgw'h'AI1 Indeed. There .,,gel too h,, rirtne in stick plain speaking. I TIIE WEEK AT OTTAWA.' The Tariff Question Still the Subject of Discussion. Mr. Te. to Adrocar.. Higher PrOte<l,on and M An.w.red by the Monist., of Firrw,y TM Met for Colchester Make4 s apeerh end t/schem. Age.n.l Un[ Wm, isnech.1 met e.p,11drnrve of Thr Vignntl Irrr.Aw.1, J - JI0 - Sir Rich/ant l'art- wrlghl *oh( the 1-1,8,144.' (*1 'l',,,'odnv limit the Dover cut had 'were ed two ten- ders for afawt ALLtutir ...'wire, hat neither of thrid WAS acceptable. One of deli. however, `lir !echoed ,aided, may IM• towel am x 111.1. for (teethe. 11 otixtiuu.. :Ur, boucle. ,laked whether on. not the pet* I of the trateewlia10(n c'ceun>imeit.0 14,u) yet torn settled. Mir N'ilfri.l Laurier, In reply, intimated that it w,,.,l.i probably ,-.•(Isis[ of Sir %Villlee' Vim Norms John Hertruu, of 'Toronto land Mr. Fry, of 411.'1 e•, eetsrK,'rtoes ).int 11.1K/1!T 44.14nK\1514+. 7'he 4'onseri•atIves. delight in ke•iI- ing Arch. ('alupllrll (West York lit hot 45,104.4' ill the Illttter ,,1 1Ileleameml plate -m iu11 to Imi*•k,t gilledeurni p1'ee Jure, and ,adroitly proposed a ree$u- 10011 1i111ieMtothe one Mr, Campbell fat Men! hast session, with a v it -ay for em arraMMing the member fur Wert York by compelling him to vote agaiudt the 1114111111 000 ^1111 make use of this IMrl1*i,,l at the next general t•ler•tiun. The (epode( tom are taking no chances en a general election, duel are making r*ngeign material el the Boor'. This in he rad taut' of the 1)411. me/el Mes- ei . Mr, Campbell, however, knows that the people .0 West 1',,'k will we through the Kamr of leaking 0 ' ri.. road 11 vutr ttf re1111411n• 4.{x4,['11111'0 U4*' (0.,s'erllmn•It . Newt 440 the ,Eluate woe tarried ell in Freew•h. 1)14 eVesiewoalay the• lalling Nineties ei' of r beerier .l4' N 0110x., Nubs I th t 1 K interne! Mr, Hi,hanls.0 IS. lin yl that there wen- atilt .*l4,411tm.,41 *4'0)'s 1,1 available lluver» resit land in, tllr Nett hweet Nntl Hritiah ('olonllli*. This insane ti.ol ,night tole. of time to Mr. l'haaudwrllWa iu hie tariff c*ugmiign in the M.,Uer Load. MK. TART' ^1 TAY. T%H1?)'. Mr. Tarte r,' to move lex re...Intim, for Al. ennelialr ge•trral re0»inn ..f Il.' 1orl.. 31111 11141111• *n r6- 11411.1Ivr eopech ,'I,vw•ing Ili.• whole itwlga4risl a.ywrt 1.11lie Ivo•, lint bm.) very hulk I,, A,N' 160 0 . )o'* 0 0011111 ,,K.r•t the ago-Within.41 .•I r-.•-. M.. Tarte 014 saturated with reilhu.ia.n, a "sett ,al1Malliug ear rias.' a../1.4 tem .04.111.' .mamuesetatrlww). Hr had hi. deal paled with loehw..4..I e'asu(rl'irrn. awl started 141 . ut 116'1 i.e. I.A• (t, 1111. peeing t.4 hosed mew .4'f hi. sloe lathe Mansard rep.rtere. www lir 1'x11 feel 111 the Premier, wee. .nist.el .,,it that only a Finance 110.0 ter is 16'nmht*) to 1l,, this, and asked his lair .rrlilagte. 04. read hie 11t.tt0-t,1'14,',, 400* lI4ltlIII11' 04104 hi..- having na•h eerie prf11(ow - n1wee ile'n ion thin auhjrrf, MT. Tarte elute 1 is ,solani, ilt••trslieg. /H�.' had wren 116' Wailer .4 the l►1yw1*It.ein sake A lows' lint Di hie }0th tariff r.wdul;un. s.. he maw 1106 rhe He 1.. eempot,0' b,v»rnlrlr with Mr. Hendee luwetf,,,t ,,n.t .pool.,• with an air of anthori1v and Ilaul'•1.hi'•. The drlatc 10111 i11411'd Jlr. Fet.lol 11g .4 the ,4.rlora- ttone ef (',,nm•rTrtli.l•. 014 da )'s gone ht that Tarte was 111,• nu\r..erof the Ail lninint r*tIon, and the lenitive. NI Miele, w*s ll.•ani to remark eclat the r•(-Jlhl , lister of leasli, 'Works %et. naw 11141.1 r, .r the 4)l retl n. t11 w 1r h emu- ',on m'r"Mire 11letrihw•n1 Anes,iln,l I.y ,u rlritning ••I lel r, here:'," Mr. Tarte in him speech neandonel the etmuntie,. llwl ,"1 itlrn•lw.• in the tariff wnnl.1 not 11) ':,n pro pomt itmateiv 4 higher /trio. for the protected article ern) .'ant,' oat 01,0. !.toned in acknewl- edging that it *met : if net. what 114*• wo111(1 it 1,P'! •Thole ern,. what he pimpled (u4'. Am an nils•., he nett Mr. Chemin-stain's ar,,, merit that ranges rind ether et mires of exehenpp• for the 14111141111We weadd be 1110,rr than prole* t.lnarl' higher. we. eteenten'* A16P1,Y. Hon. Mr. Fieldi'lg *o-ittel the Op. 1(0.sitj''1 on 1e. i4'' 1*w- 101'e fo.r .Mr. Tarte., the man *h th'it pus. from the highest le. Ihr heel. sirs' With eu•h other in attacking ale} ,t1111ar1g 111,'11'IIPMNI', Ile Haid the I,ie- eral attitude un the tariff wow tel Is• forme 011 th,• pre:eta'tariff. He took up Mr. Toilers plea aha now wee a gem, tome to raise the tariff because we had n good surplus. and .'.old '.Goin n eo segilent »ilrinkng.' of t1m- 11•re 4S'11•Ie K7614 the "x4111 dull G. go:' if not into the 'i'tvwury. 01 would go. into the ,'h...G+ of ter uann- fa(•turers. ' Ile !»Basel Mr. Rng'k, the. quint emence ,,f pn,I.•.•lion, into 161•- knuwlellgi0)g that Carmel,' hist not ennngh teen- to o)H•rat4' the idle mw•hinlry of the (names. Replying 111 Mr. 1t.t11,'n, who ,'l,\' 1 that .capital elan 1.' ' 1 in rnmiug to l'ana- In, he )winter( emit. that The Camille 4 )azette fairly gi'n iw*I with anis/rlI4r- In4)Ita of new el 1np41u01'N neurplrnleal. , 71114. 1't'41NM'Inl'N O(r,1tr,./Y. On Thereday Mr. Oourla)' (Cot chesler) - "1/ie in the ditch" (4.,1)115, :who- 014 •4)nu•tinle. called - Aes1 Ili.• ilnot• for two hours in a eharn,•t,•r- Ith' 14)w•e•)1 of 'igenm6 p,eMiwi.11 HP sits 014 the wend row from the Iwoek, hal anticipating ennmeterable nppletime he gradually wrrrk,'l his way to the Hayward ngwrtrr'N table in the middle of the flows. HP declanrl ('an- al* was not farther advanced than she was in the tier.' of J*,(iuo Car- t.•)•. IVB vete ten/ j *niuw/11111m0, We Nh nIl.i' 4'1P Ie_lacixhl1bonus f , s new railway. to the Northwest. NVe t have 0000,4111) fritter' of railway. within the next ten Sean. 1'anatla was the heeat half of Nnrth Amerit.* : the 1'nited States was nnwhe're. He had no note for Mr. ('harlteen, who maid (enterer ani a part 11f the Mimsimaippi Valley. ile should be expelled from Parliament for much unpatriotic senti- ments. If he I(0onrb,y) Were to may n kindly word for l'nele Jonathan he *mild (expert 111m ancestors 4's to,rjo. from (heir gqrnt'.w in pretest. He had n plan whereby ho week! play the }thro- mbin renew in the days of Nap41e,a inlilll the Tranmeeit rola Railway. ame in the event of war and the Amei•icami motrehing against ex we Attalla hare exten4ect civilisation to the north to marl) A d111tnn(e that ere rants! retreat and draw the Yankee* m4', far north that the Neste of winter would freeze eve evert that's mom of them. 'fir darkly hinted that Aleekn .h.n414 belong to Canada. He *lid give the Yankees credit for think- ing well of themawlrem, They *mild make a mn*I1 hill appear AA a rit,/l of the Alpe ter a Antall 01114)4 a 110e01111 edit kill 11f the Rhine. If we were to play the game of rationh4wl we mhonld act like IlIPtl Inrte1r1 n/ ehil.ln•n. He declared d that 011' John %inter it) std Sir O'harles Tupper were divinely 'mminn('rl G. ail minister ('an14dian Affairs hit were tre•ml.r1 1,)- the i,tlo•ral. as the people of rid t Hotel John the Baptist. He wanted th.' (h,vernntent to sample every school!) boomer with a copy of n nap issued by the Interior Depart- lleut, whelk ehoewel l'anluha ou the vonti,u',,t x4 she really wale. THIO NORTH W1t4T ruNs'19T('KNr I KM. The ildistrihuliuu. )UIuurittlr• is ppr,- grlwing as if It were greased. The te0)'.Nurthwest boundaries have 1*een fleet) mud the cunstittwenc•iee liar.. twee (givru the fulluwiug 1111111es : Alberta. t:algt►ry, iltt'atheotim Fel Glu, tiam- katehewatl, Huwlotlt, Mackenzie, Ad- N1111IM,iaEiu4, Alwln11101^ %Vent mut( lju'Appm•Ile. The conuuitter et making good p,'ognas iu tete divimi.w of this I ther Provinces., 4'U), 4,',', Miller's 4'om(wind l1x111 a ..a., 1)11 doses 2. cents, For salt' by Jets. 11'iI+1111. '1'hr tt(•xth of'lojor ('14,68. NV ileum, of Scar...Ali, ret"uvett a eau who 11:41 et- laiu.v) temp/leer/dile protminetice ill oil' •4' tireless. He haat leen ill fur ueetl' 11 year, Rud death ensued on 't'l laaahay muruing of Inst week, The de eitsml Wan N 0)14(45.4' u+ Neaf(Irth. and was lefty-w•ven yrltre of aye. He was 14116' of the r;oueera of the asb'd ref(' •rat, 140411 u. iti.al a few years ago with the rank of major. lie was a tw'Il, er' "o�f the y.lduuto»•r (elves under command of Sir• liarw't Wularlry, that went lo. Mort (tarry in 4#70 to quell ter (kill Riel rebellion, lir was a crack k shut, and on three or f • oc clusi,,lw iterated with the ('amide's, twin at Nllllblwloll and Hislry, /lite wife diet! twelve )•4'11114 ago and he Iter.',, a sun 440ld daughter. Bu=Ju Makes Mafthy, vigorous kid- neys. 111%Bu Ju Reswns to odd thee vigor. BirJu Ceres R11swatatIsm-sot tltsere- fy relieves tt. Bu=Ju Is Ides greatest Kaley Retp1- later. Bu=Ju Mikis INS i delft* 1t Assad be. BJu M tis bassi compowsd et ick' MtHlc rowan* wed Ili -11L.. WWI ooff kw a . ��a eel Bu=J u 1s sew by aH druggists at so netts per box, so pills. Reject MI substitutes. Insist ow get- ting Ju. the kfdasY OU tares. eAarLr W. Acheson & Son $1.25 BRUSSELS CARPET for 65c. NW yard. fine English Hrtimele .pelmet. Y7 ii* iu't wide. all Korot designs reed color a 'telethons, greens, "14;1 UM .1114, blue, few 11, browns, mostly in Weer lengths up to 40) yards, good valuta at e-ite 1/1,16 and 1.36, ti*a0la' pn•ir.• to clear, each }piece at per yeast ............. . .. tkit Mb yards Eaghah tapestry .-arp't, AH thea season's deai01ts and 011 g.x>tl ot)h, ,. And pattern* in short lengths off o W HS yards. kleywier price hv1111 Mk. 10 few each. end at per pint • . • Se e. SALE OF DRESS MUSLINS 40UU yenta fancy draw, inus1klr, Irrutti1411 alt( American strefamli(vl, and dimities, Ski G. 2i iw-hw wide in every oo_lor and all this ww •.on s patterns, neat spear d(•sig11*, striped', ,satin stripes ppeess and cords, 1•(4014* warranted fast. Itegntrlr 12tc, l:t• and 1!.' qualitlrs pla(.'wl for rapid eeltiug, at one price per yard tic, SILKS MM) Keele !trek, curdled and white curd, luwlian wadi' tilk,., 11l etcher welt, heavy weight and Nue *vru thread, suitable for waist* or droba, regular elk. quality, 'peseta' at per yard :t4*• LADIES' RAIN COATS lipe•ial values ion English rain coats. full length, IWKt>t weitOt and very thee.% garments of cr*venette cloths, PNe'(Itley's hake. llegnlat .1.W gar'wenl. at ret.:. INSPECTION INVITED. PHONE 741. W. Acheson & Son. Lois of Style For a Low Price the (ort i.11't '.RA riecee for the style, and quality is high, even thoaigh the prier is 1(rw•. 4411# Here you have -Listen re,- senl0aM of satisfactory Foot - Weer Yet the Style • Fitt Wear - all coin Motel. and et .. ne11)nahle price. It wools yeti Melting 111 0 • 111, 611 ea11 NMI tw con- tineeoI that 1614' limes are l•A,lers. Take thein, try teem, if they suit )'l0)). buy them. No trouble to show gtltld&. Sole altru,-y for QUEEN QUALITY FOR WOMEN and WALK -OVER FOitj 11113N RE1'041R1IN0 ( MEW YOa*, M. Teeple w I ft 01.011., S* . Marmalade Jar $2.50 A'obstantlal evidence of Diamond Hall's marvnloua value offerings. >I1J,e.ni.• (I... 16‘ We 104-4M,w61i11 (Kerne pr.Iwal too ear eedeteon Y,4' .ambo wen., 41., ars Mw.Y.we.lr ....,re.., our ... webby/ (4414 ►.dw, wr.e. aw • w 11 eta be a.o needed et wen re. of sea L VRIE BROS. 1F. WP_LEI S 11A, 120, 122 awl 124 Ton*. At., Termite, 11 Quality in whet you *t.' Intik ing for, and if yet, would brave p•rwmaal *esurance 0)l Perfect Work have your order with 116. From err mt.m•k vini rap nbta0n the high .e.t grade at Moderate Prices The newest in brio ,4"'" for 'totting; mop, teem en hand. ILS Frank Clartin 11 CEO. W. THOMSON & SON MUSIC DEPOT tlunt out your Bicycle Did You Read What we Raid last week about Wall Papers? Many called and made splendid sel- ections, telling 0)e that our papers were beautiful. Our papers are the product of much careful study and (1P4igning by the best artists of America. Each pattern pos- sesses home specialty that, interests you. When we say EMiIOSSED CORDOVA LEATHER, AT 2.5c A ROLL, Waving Lilies, Fiehis of Poppies, Climbing Roses and Wistaria, AT 20e to 25c a ROLL, who would not marvel at the price of such decorations) Our upper third papers are sellers. No ex- pensive border to pay for -and daintily pretty. Kidd iScCo. tg"nt. C. P. H. TEI,E(lltAPi). TI(' KKlee and 1:XPRI!pili 111141)141010. if you hsvea't one, cal •round and we will sell you one. "Recycle" "Brantford" ntford " "Crescent" "Regale" "Berlin" ow. if you have a Wheel and it need,' repairs we have everything need fol in the way of Tires, Pedals, Rims, Spoken, Saddles, Enamels, ate. Our 11 Arkin i)RPARTURUT .011 In Chara Of *Repairmat0n who under mtand, and can make right any 1that ge Wheel 0s he0r . Oar Mn.ieal instruments still lead. "I )(minion" Pianos'aad Organs, "W.srmwith" and "Berlin" Pianos. Guitars, Violins, Harlleooiose, Mandoline, Gram -Tames. 10,004) sheets Music -Vocal and Instrumental. Write for a Catalogue. GEO W. THOMSON IC SON B(NI)ER TWINY. win he null at the Kingston I'nnitenthery to farmrrr 6l the M4lnwing prle,e pre p ..Ind- ro.b. K 1141,4011 ('are Mantra• eel ft. to the 111 1 r. a KI .a, ersdl.l Magi. H. In tow. h 1 I Jr. p0). Ili. Inn nn ln6 IN.. T nnr rash with the natter. /Mine. *ll eranmunleatlene to the Warden nithe Kinsman Penitentiary. King4nn, telt. Paper. Imerl1Aglhle tentless wIths,t.lnthunk.) from the King'w Printer alit net es wed Thera foes JM•D� . . PLA'%ardar [iaiaw., pew 14.04. leis. 11. •••11..,1••••••••- 34 IT 'S ALL RIGHT 1 sari Hwdanle may molar tisro steer taw. SPRING tarRM b -gene March bath. Twe eneram. •`nm Isereiel sed .kartbaed. Mead tar cul lope }num.'. Oo A nation. A. L. Yr:INTTItI:, les nersr.