HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-18, Page 10gRAND TRUNK 8 Tolman t4', Jeno '8 11(3 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. The Wage=worker's Dollar Often represents hours of arduous toil. When that dollar is spent it should command its fullest buying powers. To give it that power is one of the vital principles of this business. Our public know this. 'i'hey appreciate the efforts which this store is constantly making to give them a bigger dollar's worth than they can get elsewhere. We ask that no assertion made by us should go unchallenged. Apply the test at any time and you'll find tis prepared to back up o: r promises. We've made it possible for your dollars to do extra duty on the following lists of merchandise. Shirt Waist Bargain Nice black sateen waist., 4111 nice.. re - 75e line, going at :tic wu'h. A Good House Waist All size.. arWlrteYd n.1,ms. 111111114 of 511.1 print. ,regular .ilk' and 75e lines. going at :sir 1•al'I1. Handsome White Waists 11.44 yr .hots isog .•441414 11,11.,' and late style in 44444' good waists from $1.141 to iK&444. 4. • and me- them. Ladies' White Underwear Extras '4111141' rkirll, w'i111 two rows M- art• And • liter 1411 the fiount*, at $1.4.. Extra value corset ern','r, 3i,•, ilk•. 71.'. Extra 4alue gowns. 7.41'. $I.1.1and $1.iri. Ladies' Kid Glove Bargain Ni44• sal kid, 13(44 11141114'., in tans, browns and blacks, regliber 7+,e. going at Wo. Ladies Hosiery Fahey lace effects 111 how. black ILMI 1.111111 '4, ((Intl,• 11f 1.i.• thread. 411',,'ial at Nk•, Dress Goods Values Mood. • 11bu•k silk.54ri1M• grenadine nlul elteek (ott4•rne. regular 75e, for Hopeack effect dives 544141141 •tort sightly and durable material, in red. nary, Io411w11 and Irw•kda, green 1.1111.1s, wide, Wring At 23c. Hamd84mle waist moods. 5111.. 7.M• and $1.4111 y.1. Ladies' Sailors Fn41cy 1111x141 .(1414'... 11114' 1)11114141, 1u1444 beet' a 5111. Illi.•. g ' g at I51' rash, Muslins Niel. .hones of linen lin, stripe effect, also linen color with colored 44(411e•, at 1141 . Col'1rd and white 'organdies At 2,5M•. F •y bleak uualin,. 12,4, 151•. bk• and L''. t'Isanolorev ginggh in plain 444.1' . r•w•aale, toe Wiled. castor. pink, blue, Make the lest tub dress 344414Att (my, 'roomed w'illi lace. special 1341 yd. For the Men and Boys. von are i((cil(d to tial out' clothing Mt ire any day. 1'.441 ore entire -Iv w'elco sse. (' • Ami Mee the new 'lyltrin Ila(., Suits, :shirk mudel T. Mee the values we give y1441 for every duller 44)1.111. ' -- --.1... :rhe H+'5 ld lints ars_ tier•.' g.. 4441'. Prises from 501.t, Weill The It mitt Shirt s4' h eeir. FNoI Mirto 1<t:51f. ---- - It(•s4 value in Mulls N'4' have et,•r •how'n.' important on and after July 1st, 1413 •ti: N'4' will bare t„ in, r.•:' the Ira l,• :.1 141111 h w4• gr/,• 11111 1.1.-e'ut (uruitlrm pn'teinlns. awing 411 t1)1' 1141% ill them• classes of yu,tterin1. The cha1r 114' (aide we )(it 1. .111 $'2.,.144 pnuehase. will After .11414'.151 be given ou $33.11111 putrlut.ew The chair or 1411111' WI' gi44' 1111 $$.4.141will 11tte1' .lulu 1.1 is. given on 11511,(al, Our 1'1111(1 •M 1114141)11 lake lulv(IIIO ge ..f thi+ now. end fill emit their a(((lurlt4 ('.fore that time. Smith Bros. & Co. e• Quite a large number of Goderlch pee ple were down at the Sraforth rates on uewb} and Wed41rsdar. In the 2.19 pace E. Swans' Prince Pale 3(1)11 first money with three firsts, and in the 2:51. pace .IIs. 1111itrlv's John Nolan also won three. straight [rota. 111 the 2.,1m parr Glazier's R. Whiting took fourth place. r .1s will be seen from the notice in another column, the- use of the town water fur iawn sprinkling purposes is restricted to the hours fr.,m 4 p.m. to q p.ur. The town constables have been lnstructfd to s.4' that this regulation is conlpli(d with. A notice 111 regard to the electric lights also should receive attention. dw- s►as -- - eadiE1�- tttmmmmmtttmttt tttmmttt fttt,ttt? 1 ay was a record breaker. Largest mon L I's.business in our history. Closed - Business comes where the best goods can be had at right prices. Caution 111• hate found w 4411• u leo paid to thlml:iv for weaving Lavine. (hat• price is IIM1 111441 leen :3' per 1b. 11'1• sell fencing f • 22.5c poor' lint up. . 1hr Gil• rams i4 a 5,11411 In • to stretch in oreharol, or .' where t, 111ak,' hog paMtur' w'hiclt 11141 11'1141(1y i41• re •111 if1lr- 111141. (1nr Ideal tending has pent 1411 141 1 4• 11141 N% 11114 we hare dainty.' for it. . The st remotest temp ein the market. 1144 cheapest in the encl. • The 11' (.4 durable fencing made. '1'1'• ,veriest. and • quickest 1111 - (lied 're one, -teeing Ideal w'nt it a tin. We hate a 11 whr fence bey inch,•'. high which we sell for 0), ps•r' psi. Now is a 551c111 11111,' 141 point your house•. Mete is no point better than (lolly wood!. We guarantee tolls ire sal i1fa,)ion. It • Will Ia't lunger, holm 1 titer and will not pled any • than Eother points. and 1)'sl.1 than RI - )lr/use'. allea.ly Ioint.t .how what it i.. 5rrY•n floors and window*, lawn home, Intildrte" 134(411w'ar' And E tools of all kinds in full *assort insult at tnlr stns, E A tar of Ilnrhanl /anent joist t. hand. yY f44r ryt•e *ALM JINNI ib 44(nlr. listens. lemons. • 1 a f1cKENZIE & HOWELI, X11111111 11�1u111U1U111111 The (ioderlch Hardware Store. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. IAdattion41 Ilrlghbeent d saws On met 1.4 MAFEKiNQ Tt'xsn.ty. June 10th. t�Mi'.. 1,ixzi/' Aruler.ni 1 Mir. }.'l'tIIl(,tr, 44f 1,ucklww, Visite! Mr, Allmon Finlay last w,rk. 1Vni..las.1'11•Iraven returnwl trim' Tui .itu latsl week. 11i. right is MI - 'tonal!, Ikea Ile Is (lot as ntivnl{5{r[ as his 114/1111• (1•Ir1ots 111 all i. Ill'Igl111111.114.d ...uhawish 141see 1' , Jade. Kirkly foul a sevxlr attack or 11.'1u•t LI -1n11411' while IvniIii fila"' 141ck'"44w List night, Ialt h4' 141 4444444' I1141.t•1' 1hi. Tue$1bty •uiig and we hop.. for hie speedy 1444114ry. \Ir. (date.'" w111 1)s-to/telt Isis fart -well ...Imola ((44x4 5un1L1y eve ' g. lie is to 14' 5tationt411 at Mellr,urue sifter leaving Isere. 11e eat -ries there IIs. 4(14141 Wishes s eel a large eilele elf ft-le/141s. All the farmers have Is -en wearing p1.•a..etill Auden 4411144' the ihW. t,• 4411ow- ers 141 W1tunley. T144' .144p a are now 1...kiiig very 541411 1micsel a1111 h44p.n. are end's! 1 of another 1 hfnl harvest. Isaiah Kiltc11 6.'k left 1'huretlmy for Mun41ylidr, where hie will lie e((gag.d for a year firm wrateery to mussing veil - lege. HI• will undouht.d 4'h' intake a 411114.44.4, Its lie posse se ' 1n hili l'llara('t4'r n11 Ihr elements whish will eventually bring him 141(111• top of the (a4ldxr. Ti..' 11'. F. M. 5. of A,hflrld 1•in•uit 11 will '"feet at M114. 1134141. A,*lrrs,lu's I Friday ilfterlsomoli. whin the. meanie -rot wilt 1,1,1 farewell 114 their provident, Mrs. I/at'n. whew• untiring energy in the woirty for the tw•o years miner it was fortievi has In...light it lin a fore- most( Iola...-. 25 feettone and i. A4 tee gal cozener ate' READY TO WEAR 25 feet high. A gallery connect It with the baro where the stock la red during the winter, o that (b• ensilage can easily be removed. &even scree of C LOTH I N C corn sufficed to All the silo Dumont/ • as Oils Is the first venture of • Ilk. kind I ever tried In this vicinity there Is con- siderable Interest manifested In the outcome. and It Is probable If It proves ' •uclrsstul that other/ will follow my commis. DUNGANNON. Tt Itsu.t y, June 11141). $r.tT1'TK 1,.4K1114. (tatill • !altar is low /41rupt'i41g the attention of 4114. 4)lll' ,I,h•w*lkn a4'4 i11 great 111•x11 of re- paint and gl'anulilhic walks in place of 1 her Are living 1111111441. ('H44f'11. In 4"11we ueli eof the good supply of rain the latter poli of last Week And the heavy dews at night* risers Aar gnawing ula5nifl(rrllly. Fruit also, looks pr 111115i115. ('MrgeII Nlrrw,. -The Mtraw'141'119• ant. rt • will 141 141• hell on the ',twit of the rectory wt the 24th. N ethieaday 1,1 next week. )Irl .ws t. he a gno.I one, weather permitting. A good IgY45r1411 is arr/llgrel. All an. invited. (111 next Meb),th H4•v. 1. Ituther- fold, the energetic paetor of Erskine 1'IIIIIY•II Isere, 15 to dispense he su•IYt- Went u( the Lord's Supper in Mt. Het. ('11'11 Presbyterian ,hur•h, Its the Ire. (or, 11x•. S. M. Whaley. is absent for the benefit of his health. Mr. Kerr• divinity student. who i5 supplying the pulpit /114111Wilde !Or Mr. Whaley, will , Luo t w•rt'ue in Erskine ,'hur•h and at the Pori Albert A(hs*intment next M*tldrl(II. ('..11441 IN'.i- Mr. And Mrs. Kennedy, of Kinh4s, township, 1p41'IIL Standar with Mr. anti Mrs. T. Begley.. . Art 4'lrndrnniu5o of thebeautiful and at- traliee ('is -cider .is -cider is enjoying hinearl( visiting friends and renewing to seiner Atvpnaintaner. 13411 1'1 begetting to glee emir h ids wail* A p eewurt call. We w•err Meatier! tm ser the e'en ,'ntbl.' 44ntlxnlan 1414.king well ....RAW. M, (ioldlrlg 1.11 herr this morning t, Attend the synod al the Foxed (•itv, whirl) i. i.'mog ill•ld this' week Nn, .1a.. 1\'il..u, ..f Elora, is tisitin)l rel -i attit•ee here and cis y.... Quite a• ' Ia'r of the eitizete. o1 our 4ilh4g4 41111.1111 111 1141(1. 49 the exeulsillll U. De- troit tomorrow. N-,'tln'wlay. ,w 41x11 sol hers vin icinity.... Ate.. 14. •I'entbostl. of fine Hiyer, visited r'Irttivee here last it o-ek. A dairy with thirty to forty cow* Should net the owner • pretty fair 11v - Ing and snmething of • balance to In- crease the bank account But to ac- eompllsh this a silo 1s almost remodel for storing up winter food, Pays S. I. Walating to American (`ultivator. A all. built for •bout this number of cows should cost from $100 to 1200 to build, • good dill depending upon whether you build one square or round. A sonars silo 18 teat by 18 by K) feet should approximately hold 145 to 150 tons of ensl1•ge. If all this is kept 10 fine condition, It will supply ample food for wine r, and the cows will glue more milk than If fed •imply hay and grain. The succulent nature of the ensilage tends to satisfy the cows and to In- crease the milk supply. The gneatlon of how mach ensilage should he fid a day to cattle In winter bas been variously Pati/natal, but prob- ably forty pounds per bead per day comes about as near to the avenge of good feeding as we can make. One may easily figure out on this basis bow many rows eau be supported on the en- silage pmt away. One large silo w111 Rive better resnits than two or three small one. If the cows number only thirty, the Mas mentioned aborts should answer the purpose, and for every ad- ditional ten cows Increase the dimen- sions by about two feet In each direc- tion. A alio much larger than 110 feet In depth and 20 to 21 feet In diameter as unwieldy, and It is better then to construct two. In making estimate• for the above allowances ars mads for son* summer feeding, for then Is hardly a season when • portion of It doe* not run short of food. Good en- silage then comes In handy to enpple- ment the wornont pastures. It la a1 - ways well to have • surplus rather than • dedcleney. *art of £'•4..44 Oahe•, Gluten meals and feeds' tend to maks Mutter eat, while rottomae.d meal has the sppoidts effect, says American Ag- riculturist. Properly 113111041, those feeds will tend to conntenet each other. Cornmeal Is relatively expensive, but it• good effects on the quality of butter will warrant the use of • sma)) pro- portion. The following ration Is Ing - ratted: The grain shoed.( bit mixed in bolt as follows; Wheat bran, 4110 pounds; gluten teed, 250 pounds; cot- toneetrt meal, 100 pounds; cornmeal, 110 ponnd. This may tie fad by measure *flet weighing tont quarts to determine the weight of • given hillk. The grain feeds shoots be fed tw11'e delay en the sIlago, and the hay shank, be fed after all ether healing night and morning. No noon feed 1a noesesary, provided as much la hal s• otherwise. a se s. ea.1. Rtp.etr•wt, The sib shown In t1*• accompanying photograph was bunt apes my farts here last summer and 1s the (only nee le 113)tt part of Maottnwne (vasty, writes (".1. Hae'. of 04414141 Wk, to' Hoard's Dahlmaut it le built sattwl. MiIler's Worm Powders are the hest laxative mlrliciu4' tor children ; its nit* 444 sugar. Fol, sale by Jas. I)1\DEH '11V INF: %'.'111 toe •01d at the Kla- sn41. Penitentlxrl/t.. (neuter. ,4t the following pekes per pound. to. h. KIt1,r.1(11 Pure M.nlla, .444 R, to the lb 34 ' KIng0'141. M141.•t.I, Joe nto the Ib . I11•4' 111 14'...' MI 9m1 lot.. Irn,lw r*, h with Ihr anter. Adds... 111 n.11llll , 4,1Jw,. 10 the w'.nten KI4.4.om, Peult(•rltt'ry, Kleevetun. um, 114). er•i +1•rtl.yt t ht. notice wit how outhorlt) f'4' et. l'Mlmer '.111 not 141' yr1,11herr- J. M. w'arde n. Kingston. Jene,Slh. ((Hi n Hammocks, lioll supplies Tennis Etc. Close WoveaHemmocks from $1.00 to $6.00. C„k,rw pod. dress sad Yellow. Spalding's Golf Clubs, from k5c to $2.50 each. Golf Balls, 15c, 20c and 25c each. - Tennis Ickcts, from $1.00 to $5.00. Tennis Balls, 25c, :15c and 50c each. Croquet Set, $1.25, $1.50, $1.4' and $2.50. See show window for the newest things in Wrist Bags. Geo. Porter. 'Phone 1008. Dominion nay lief ill 11 1 i. -kat. will I4• I44.1ne1 at Siletk first Class Fare 11.1 w'e1•il :.11 'stations in Canada, 4,, ajao to 14otf:,L.. Suspension Bridge, N. Y., IN -11 -"it. 1'1. 11mpon, Mich., ('Ic., 114,4111 1;141N(1 .(('NE anth3 and t'i?LY 1.t. Valhi rel nr11inlf front destination on , (.•fnte .11.1.1' 2n,l. 111tt. Esntsions to Cassini§ Nortb Nest (io.s1 t{uing ,lune 14th, valid for re - (14111 (1,1(11 Angtint. 14th. (heel going Indy 1111, valid for return until Sep - ember 4th. Stlmalr Resorts The fam11m. Musknk. bake., duke of Hays. Georgian Hay. fake Nipir*ing, KAwerthll Ink..,, reached 1,y the linnet Trink, *re nnteel for their ex- cell'ntand heslf.hy climate. tip -to -date hotel.. fine Oohing beemel for lime and eitiwk twinge fl*hing G now open.) }'Lor ticket.. informnat.io and de erip- t iv.. literstlire of Highland's of Ontario, *ppty to F. 1'. LAWHHENrt, Town Ticket Ageont: Ondi'rich. J. it. MrVONAI.I), District Passenger Agent, Tonal°. Made 11p 1)414411 goods hi dock -- wr11-ula/ll, gold-flltiug gar- ment« a lot better Bast the or - 'finery et priers that will utak. It to your interred to BUY NOW. EINE TARO ►Et) SUITS A epee -heal'. Newest impala - 1. in Nur clothe*. It you side to buy whatever shoe you like Hatt, BUT NEVER FORGET (INiln. want something real good, the THING :-that it youare a ticular and want to choose from a very wide r, Iota r to get it is aortrnt of different styl,a, there it one shoe that ORIGINATES all the.,• styles end offers them to you before they are !espied by others. �1-Asrovs SJIOE»P H?JVY IN EVERY STYLE DUNLOP'Ss�t NEXT BANK O1" MUNTHEAL. Announcement.... !laving purchased the Harness Business of Gil- bert House (Dowding's old stand), I will carry it on at the same place. I have engaged exper- ienced and competent woe e kro nn( a 1 have on hand a large and well -as- sorted stock of HARNESS Double and Single Dusters, Fly Nets, Whips, etc., and the largest line of Trunks add Valises in Western Ontario. Special attention given to the repairing of Harness and Tnl4lks. Your custom solicited. D. McBRI EN Hamilton -at., Godench THAT NHOE 18 een uallty E. DOWNING Sole Agent for Goderich e Quality 1 it what you are look- ing for, and if you would have personal assurance of Perfect Work (rave your order with us. From our stock you can obtain the high - OA grade at roderate Prices The newest (ebrics for outing purpose. on hated. Frank Martin 11 y I HODGENS BROS. A Good Black Silk at $1.00 THE line of black peau -de -sole silk we sell at 51.00 Is regular 51.23 value. We imported it direct from t,ie old country markets, and it has been the best seller we have ever had. (lade by Bonnet & Co,t1i11 leading French makers, whose name is stamped on silk, is a guarantee of quality. Suitable for waists, dresses or coats. GUARANTEED NOT TO CUT, PER YARD 51.00 Very Fine White Skirts This season we are showing some very fine white underskirts, garments that are made from fine muslins and cambric&, and prettily trimmed with laces, insertions and embroideries.. Most of the good ones we have not more than one or two alike.' They are dainty and pretty garments, and at our prices cost you less money than you could •buy the material for and inake them up yourself. Here are a few prices. At 52.00 ladies fine whit, skirt*, mettle from seed gnelity Envlish cotton, bright cam- bric finish, seems double aril, eery fail, 15 inch trill all tu.ke41 insertion std tnm*lin embroidery, at esteh *2.9') At 52.75 1,. 1bMi Ilnd,'r,k art. tna4le from fine English cotton, height climb •ic finish. 1/448.1415 double sewn, very frill, 14 inch frill All tine tucking end han(Iskn• lin Pmlmol.ry, dime frill 'alwa, .'ash.... $2.75 At 55.00 At 53.50 Ladies whit, imilerskirl., made (nom fine white muslin, row', of tmrkinv ; (d an inch apart, full length, alao skirt frill of open insertion and tut -king, edged with Own inch strong and fine Ilue, a very pretty gatnient at At 53.75 feu -hex' white mnd,'rskirte med.-from fine En dish co 'tton. bright cambric. finish, (hut trill, 14 inch 1,111 of elternete, rows mf henutlt•h,rl lin and one inch lace inaerti,n edged with two inch fine lace, very full e*eII fri.75 in,lies' whit*' underakirta malls from extra tine English eutto, cambric finish, as inch double frill of muslin insertion, tucking And hare, *lin drat frill. an exceptionally pretty garment and extra 5(4111 value Rt Peach $8.110 Fine White Wnistiits This has been a white season and there is every indication that white will continue popular right through the coming winter. We are showing to -day some very handsome white materials suitable for waists. They are just t4' little bit out of the ordinary and you are not likely to find the same in any other store in town. If you want a nobby wwaist come m and sue thecahite e. Plain white canvas waiating's. *P1y popular and atylish, small and medium threads, will wash and do up well atpar yard dl) and 251' l'.u..y white waiat.inga, neat, small pat tenni. mew -omitted finish do not, loom- their bright. finish when waeh.d, per yard yard wide, per yard 110 and }lair White and (-ream linen waist canvass cloths, imitable for waists or dresses. 2fie Fancy white waisting, small or large stripe effects, very atyHah, per ywld i8 end Mk• Parsols There is a good collection of parasols at this store. Tops that are good and will not cut or turn rusty. Frames that are strong and handles that are neat and nobby. These are new ibis season and every one bought direct from the maker. At 48c Ladies 1'ermed*. Gut colors• top guaranteed not 444 rut„ strong fremem. hollow rib., steel IRA.. Asaorte1 (*44.-y handle*, r.'girler $1.225 our *gerbil ;mire each SMir At 51.50 In/nes plain (.4n1'k (3411',4840'1, 5414.1 gr/*Iity gtoria top will not, cut or '-hangs its sone% steel 1,4441 *nd hollow ribs, black or aaaurtel fancy handles, A;gooMd parasol at a powder priote each 181.110 iletter pentads, extra I rwnl fora, nobby handle., At 52.00 'Jerboa plain black ppwwrraarrn�Is, wrest quality Rleoria top. ott.rong frame. steel rods black and handsome fancy handle*. Rood value at each fun $2.10, 110100 and $A-dn. HOIGENS BROS. •