HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-18, Page 9a
M. (i. ('aider tt, M.L.A., and Hoist.
Holmes. M.P., ioth aunt is"* urges re-
gtr•ttulg the Impossibility of being
1R 1 A selection by the Doherty quer-
(. tette, "We Shall Meet Beyond the
giver,"rand nue by the band e plet-
Cei ma. hes at ,Nile Metho- txlt(jluice a u per xnl.
little inteir•st war alrxlwd in
the rale of a large quilt embroidered
214, Zintsch !Tuesday
with the hauls of a multitude of the
• Wile people. JAS. Mitchell turned
auctioneer and succeeded in getting
192.5 for the article. Mr. Mrllwuine is
the purchaser.
Messrs. `Myers, Dohetty,ittrvin and Joynt Each 1 A sumptuous supper Was served is"
the sleds lwhiud the church from 1 to
Laid a Stone -Large-Otherfng (loud Pro- fi and judgu)g by the crowds who pat -
grain of '1Mtttaic and A Uieh (hinge n lauds • 64 must erre
rod -LicaertSub- ii
Ionized t re tables laden with ggoxMd
been added to the funds of the build-
scripthms- =Favorable' Weather. ing on 'ttet. r
Between:0 and 7 o'clock Must o
their bated tiaaie'ia abatement, it copy 'hist who lout c from outside
of Th. Caua+lia1 E ,worth Era, a Can- Points started for home, and tilos
tuliau byy I anal A MM... Flt64asiu closed a 4141st Aueet'$14ttll day's procee4I-
Elliott, ileog hter of Jas. Elliott, par•• hugs,
wntwl Mr. Joynt with it IN,uquet.
At tau• (".nulutio' of the fora 111!NEWS OF THE DISTRICl'e
at the a4
church An wljer rant was
wattle to the shoed grounds, Ne tilts the ( ST. AUGUBTINE
where a platform had I,e'n urea -
1 ed. prettily decorated with cedar, and MIINDAY, Jena. 13th.
• eaten plr,vided fur a 4.....{l• „umber.' Statute luls,r is the under of the day.
platform re tI1 A 11 n
probably Nile never witnessed a
Itlg4'I gathering than on Tuesday
afternoon) last, when riowds from far
and near * iw.nihktl to rrh•brate • of
the forst ausrdeione events in the his-
tory I1 Nllr ethodjl4t rhumb, and it
wits* proud and happy dap fur the
pintor, Rev. M. J. \`'llM,lu, And the
congr•gatiou, and
that will not
(411111 fatly trout the we •y.
The Ix"•asiotl of •14(31 (4 di14343 4 of
iute'eat was the due eeleln•ati 44 et the
1'rl'e lllllll 1 In e)1111e•ti(11 with the
piecing of the emir Nunes at the
four maid angles of the new church
Diet is btrugertlotwl by the Methodist.
rung• potion.
'1' abasement walls were r parted
...ah the exception of these stones.
and the 'appearance of the cement
'hocks that form the fats of the wail$
in decidedly pleasing. A solid veinent
lacking behind the blocks makes a
very etdstantial wall. The walls of
the church proper will be of brick,
and when the structure is c plated
a will be a worthy evidence of the
14•,11 of the eateeme"i pastor and of the
'I'h,• Ilr•seut trustees of the church
u.• : JON. Hetherington, Henry iknid,
\1'. C. Potter, M. G. Pentlanel, &smite'
Pentland, J. II. Peotiartd, John Conte -
Ion, \Vu). Ryan, Chau. Oirv'in, Jam.
(;irvin, Richard Ryan, John Dnsl,w,
\1`,n. Watson. Wei. Bailie, .tlrx.
Duokek1. J. J. TIMn, Samuel Shep-
pard, David (Arvin. Henry Morrie And
(;,• ., ('nary. The t-utumittse in chance
at 11►e building of the new church are :
Henry Ih,dd, ('1141x. Genie,
Roadie, H. Mcllwaine, ancndary, and
. Se •I Sheppard, treasurer.
• The day was $ne and theeeremonies
were most weeenafully rwrried out.
At half past two the services were
opened by l;rc. 1)a.. Daniel At the
southwest eornrr of the rhumb,
- where W. l'. My..r,4.of Saginaw, Mich.,
Wan W lay the find stone, on 3.•0133 of
the mongrgation. The by "Tll's
Stone to 111tr in Faith We 1417," was
w'••II sung by a union choir frotu.Car-
low', 1hm3Annou and Nile. Rev. Mr.
Harris, of Iwsrknow, 101 in prayer nod
the i:!En4 Plaint was newt ill alta•nata
venire by ReV. Mr. l'emplarRI, of
Auleirn, and the roacrrKal4434.
The pastor gave a resume of the
hi,4,ry of the rhumb since Its argoand-
rat' thirty -live years Ago, in 1414.
Hr1. JA.. %%hiUng was the Gent pas4H•
• And .n11se3urtlt inrumlrwt1 were as
folh,wn : 1Ni11:7t1, I(ev. 12 Rice : 13471-
7", Rev. ('has. Bristol : Rev. ,lam Hrow-
lev : 1a75-77,. Rev. JAS. l:aawru ;
ii N'111 Rev. 1R.-f)(►vid ; 133341-113,
Rev. Jas. Cavwrll: 181''-K7, Rev.
John • Turner ; RPIS-87, Rev. W. F.
trampled] : 11.114.7-3 3. Rev. H. Irving
1w t trG {t•v. Kara Pear 7 W. IL Moo( ;
J. \1'. King : If1U't, ker. It. II. Hall :
31131, Rev. M. J. Wilmot. During the
JI••v. Mr. Campbell's pastorate the
Nile' alts Dungannon cinuit. were
separated. Thr F[oment tueiILIWrnh)P
of the r•bur"h in .bout 2. 3, divided into
six well attended closes. In lee" the
salary paid the pastor wan smn... i. and
the preiant salary ie $7't i. lots' year's
nns.ionary offerings amount to $101.
The last sermon preached in the old
was iron, the text "rhe Loral
our Gott be with ma as He wax with
fathers." I Kings. 8:.,7.
1 paper containing the above in-
f•arnntion was pla4"etl in a hollow be-
neath the atone and also A Hible.
hi book, and a,pi4s of the (;hila•,
'Nail and Empire, Mi nal. Star and
New Ela (Amble, the little daughter
of Alex. Dunkeld. pr•s•otd Mr.
Evers with a beautiful bouquet and
It•v, Mr. Willson presented horn with
A snitehly engraved silver trowel, and
the .tone. hearing the.inscription "1n
GIs we TnRn" wan laid In the name
u( the Trinity.
1V. Ih,herty, of Clinlo.i. laid the
dote at the smith. 'tu t corner on be-
half .4 the hoard. at•d. In preaen in%S Mr.
Doherty with the souvenir trowel ,11r.
Hetherington rrfeired to him an one
well known In the Meth4xtint rhnr•h
throughout the P►ov'inee. He hand
nlppli.d the organ for the old chnech
and the hint was droppx-d that the
•ongreg11ion mi'ht prefer witting
A new and letter organ into the new
kidding. "Christ. IA All i* Ole 33..
eng;•aved an this stone and in the
cavity beneath it were `rowel A Bible.
Ir. moll, eat 4'hiMm and A List of lir
tient LI-net/tee of the Nile elitin'b, in
prrt7, namely. N1u. .1,1431 14.-.111
K v..t'hisrhureh*ire), David Ellis. John
Pentland, John Ryan, Richard Ryon.
.3.hn Tiffin. John C,ultelnn and An-
drew Gorrpp and of the building 4on-
nlittee of the new e31nrch. \'era Tiffin.
the little daughter of Jobe Tiffin, jr..
r•"-'ived a kite at Mate pre.ent"1 Mr.
Doherty with a bouquet of flower*.
On (, (lin•in fell the honor of 114711133
Ilse t{as lily aohool corner stone. bear-
ing the ext "libel is Love.' • The
Smoky *clued. his slid. would be the
d,•plrtment to receive (3)a g,rate"t
benefit from the election of the new'
rhnr•h am the accommodation in the
old one was rr•an,pvl for the T. 1
scholar.( now on the Yate. One of the
ceedit.ao x of the grant of thr site by
Mr, Jackman, thirty-four yt'are Ago,
wow that the Huntley school should
Always be hel4 ip the church and the*
had been dons,. A list 01 the pres•ht
scholar* was plar•Lxl beneath the Atone
and a Hilda, • copy of the .443 hymnal
formerly used in thl' 'school. a Cala.
Ilan hymnal, a number of Senility
welded pxrpere, Onward. Happy (lays,
Mnahaam, etc., a1ax) cop).' of The
Minxtonnryr Outlook, Canslian Guard-
ian and Northern Messenger. John
i)'Mtnw-pp`resented the trowel and little
Lilian v1'Ateon, daughter of Win.
1Vateun, the templet.
The F.pwortb longue corner was in-
.. t4Il "Praise ye Flu' lord," and Wes
1»sal by J. Joynt. of lwtckmow. Mr.
Sh(ggwrd, who preeent/d the trowel,
KAl•.• a !Moony of the .ax'iet.y, a Copy'
of which was',Istel in the emner.
(►n Novembereth, IRK. the 'society
was firstar,Tawlxad and was known am
the "Yrntwg People's Working So-
ciety." .1. H. Pentland wax the first
president and the 'wreaker (Mr. Mhep-
PAv43 the Mat. *wosetarV. At, first the
mendstganip wile thirty and of these
on•, had diad, twelve had removed and
(w•Ire were still in membership. in
Peas -nary, 3411,, the amine of the so-
rietv was changed to the Epworth
(..alta.. Forty-six active monster(
Ano twrnt.yfiva aremeiatre utrnth*n are
of protest no the roll and the name*
of there an4 ,d all the ptevtotts mem-
('e'rs were merely place) i11 3.he cornet.
40_, • afarof tie progewina oil the Ore
Mety WOOS lt. la(Ieptlon, a cop? °t
On t le were a ub, Hon to put in the tiler tr often the
braes (Mand, under the hvulrrship sat,4tlestion, 1111414' than the auouut of
Harold Ifla.•kmton., 'wring about I work W be dune.
at 1.londou, is voiding ,u•quainbancee
on the 7131 ("due"wi' at present.
lifti 'n; the (whin choir to the nulllher MisaJixud Ur 11, of l'hippewa,, who
elf over twenty,Lhe Doherty qua•tet4•, him tm"•n attending the Normal w'htwl
of Clinton. the 1 • gentlemen who
laid the corner .taws, Mesas. Myst.(.
Ihdierty, Girvin and Jovnt, Jas.
14litahrllatul lir\. Me•sst•,1. Harris. of
Lueknetw, Ooupland, of Auburn, Mlaw,
of Iletonillar, and 1)aDaniel, of G.sc-
rirhthr named p s1 '
711e 1 uar4•l4, cou.illting of Mr.
Sibley. first tenor, Ihr. 11011i1.•M, *•cons
tenor, Mr. Murch, tient 3314s, and \Ir.
Holloway, *4tond bass, opM•n("1 1384.
program with the selection "Shout
for the Vinery ry is Ours." Mr. Myers
was Own rallel on for 11 •larch.
To his", he said, it 441164 like
coming bonne 1s" collie hack to
Where he Mid spent Many
b(tppy evenings with Rev. Mr. \Vilwm
*Jul Iii* wife, He was glad to IN. Iru•k
under the Heitish flag(: he was proud
of the States ,said had ninny friends
there, hitt noticed the difference in the
rn(ft+•1•mwtlt of law in the two e"
(14,.'. Following It rul..gy of home,
th(• .p•aklel' 14•4.114 on to speak of the
sew 1 • the vongrr.gotion were
Inmildinc, And 3444344"1 it tiligIlt,, [41-' (4'.' the
birthplace of litany weds. \V hat an
Id1mpiration WAS afforded by the Cote
tentptl.lt inn 44f the p'.gr••sN male by
the rhurr•h since its establishment !
Character vt,is what remitted ; (IIs
large ea•poratiort* 1mght fur youn33
men of 10..1 ',ANN. t, till important
leoath one. ,and iii the training of the•
young people IxQure hire the• church
well(' have an important part. Mr.
Myren. 'fusel with Airraillr"INl1M of
good wish... for 11)4' future of Ihr etrn-
rrgat ion. '
, A Ie•Litm, " 1),, to the Front," was
given by 'lyra 41 after which Mr.
Iltobe•ty was ('all"1 (1Nm. Hr wait
fdeal/wit to lie with the Nile people and
elt highly hollowed in being Ch.w•n 4,
lay one of -the corner mtones. Nile
unseal Lo lir him b„rn., blit fie: