HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-18, Page 7THIS IS GOOD NEWS. Likelihood of Extension of C. P. R. to Qoderich in the Near Future. Deputation from Guelph Called Upon r.r Theme. eheughna.ar. With menu, Aging Rawl( Mr. Bell Thank. Eeteomon Wim le Commenced Within a Year Guelph, ()tit., June 12. It is now Rehab a that. the Canadian Pacific Rtailway will extend the Guelph J •- t' Railway to Gotlerich. Thr whole matter was discussed iu Montreal la•- tween a deputation consisting of Mr. \Vol. 13ee11, prrideut (i.J.R.; Mayor Hamilton, Col. Meedoueld, secretary G.J.R., and Col. Met 'r a, with I'tw+i- dent Shaughnearv, of the (!.P.R. It b. believed that ail 1d the different uicgwlitirw through which the maul pasowe give ruffirient encouragement, the rxteneion will w,un he built. Nr. Hell states, with confidence, that the ext•nsiun will he commenced within it year. Thr Itwal direct',t,1a1m expected to take the initiative in astertitining what the several 'cite/Rive will do between here mid Godrrich. In this connection The littnlph M,•r•uty Ways : The Guelph Junction Railway l' psuiy deputation to Muitr•al appear to have returned Irl a sang brim sal mind than has any similar de•putaliuq. We limy guests that the t'an4Mlien Pacific IIIAIDagrllle It is now in imeereition of adepuete capital for extension owing to their financial leg- isietiou of Illlr2. and they are out any too writ dispose, to the (Brut Trunk sur breaking into the' Northwest. lu r,turn for the G. T. it,'. owl; it in altogether likely the 1', 1'. R. will give them keener battle in Ontario, for it hes been a Nettles ctwmeiltion III thea minds of well-informed liuelphites that a tacit understanding between the comp/mite ham for ylAnl Iwck prevented the Guelph Junetiem Ky. ,•xtensiuG. The grnerel condition of Caned.' is such that the extenaiun will 1e• constructed without the obligations ,.n the put of n►uRleip.ditie. that t a oukt have been asked ten, or even five, years ago. THE ONTARIO WEST SHORE. MORE OLOQM AT ST. THOMAS. Elgin Lean 00. CI.W la Deere and Suspend- ed Payment. Cullingwuud, June 16. -Thu inquest touching the death of Glory Whalen on the 27th May was opined Most night by Mrs. Whalen telling of her murdered child's tut preparations for and departure for school. She saw no strangers, nor had she nor her child an enemy that she knew of. Mrs. William Findlay told how qua the morning of the murder, between 8 and L o'clock, she saw 1 two men near the stile that crosses into the bush where (Bury was killed. Direct- ly behind them she saw a little girl walking towards Colltngwood. She saw one of the sora, the tallier of the two, dart back towards the ap- proaching gum, who turned and ran across the track as if dodging. The girl ran across the track twice and turned back towards the Kendall residence. The girl gave a faint scream, and witness saw the man catch her and half -drag, half -walk her up the track to where the other man •tuod. They disappeared over the embankment, going toward the swamp where the girl was found dead nett day. She did not raise a cry, and did not know why she did not suspect that murder was being done. She told the story three days later to two neighbors when they were going to see the place where the murder was committed The next week she told her pastor, and the following day the authorities. Mrs fiizabeth Johnston, who lives less than a fourth of • mile from the scene, testified that she heard the child scream and heard one preol shot. The screams continued •.) lung that she noticed It, but thought they proceeded from c14ildrun screaming •1 horses or cattle. and that the pistol shot was by some of the town boys The pistol shot came about I5 min- utes after the screams ceased She did not connect thew sounds until two or three days alter the murder when she began to tell her neigh- bors. The one man who saw and is able to identify the two tramps le Wm. Pilch, • young tau of about twen- tythree, who works in the .hip Yards. Ile was the lard wit nes' call- ed- On the Sunday before the mur- der fetch wax passing through the swamp when he almost etuulbl d ,,n the negro and'tbe white man lying on the grass asleep. They woke up He stopped and spoke to them ,for • couple of minutes. v7Tle colonel man was the larger of the two, and had on dark Pt. toed pants and a long. 0 light checked sort. illi cum( r 111011 had Maack or dark clothes, with • hemi undershirt, and retch noticed particularly Ihnt he had ti.•d around his nark a elute handkerchief. On the following 'IL.•sday, the day pre-• vluus to the 4ritw-, l'ulrh again saw the negro neer the station. and a few minutest later neat the white tramp rear the ti lobs. Hotel. 7br leu. went and h►A_a drilthAMIP4.40r.. and Peleh noticed that the White man stall had around ilie neck the white handkerchief. Crown Attorney ('otter explained to the Jury that the handkerchief found tied around the heed of the girl had folds in it a. 11 it bad beim worn around the neck. ".1 -believe thus ata .the two mean who coutnotte1 the crime." remark- ed the Crown Attora y. - • After the frown Attorney's ad- dress to the Jury, the following vee dart was returned: -We- find that Glory Whal•o was foully murdered at the (own of Col- lingerie/it on or spout May 27th. I103,at the, halide sal nettle person or persons unknown. bot tha ,evhMnc•' points strongly towards two tramps. • whlte and colored uud. who were seen In the neighborhood tatwut that time. We strongly recitumencl that the authorities .•utnm,L to the Cen- tral all tramps found in future who •re unable to glue a proper account of tbems•laes. and that the I'roe-In- dal' authorities leave no stone un- turned to discover the wanderer lir murderers. and that • liberal reward to offered by thein as an extra in- ducement to such dier-overy. and. further. that the town of Culling - wood oiler a reward." A Charter Covering " Gee of the Best E1actr. Ra,Iwa, Routes ,n the Provence In its report of Ole pro. 1,4111K. of the Irgislatur•, The silo).• ,n. 34nU11- dey heti the (allowing soh r. -good to the Ontmrio Went Short- F;I,.•t n,• Mu!. • pr.,j(rt : •• Thr act extending the barter of the Huron, HEWN* (irry Electric Rail - .1 V (ailay (company lata received Ile third reading In the (httario Irgi.lntutv-. 11,. roulpany Mtn now R Omrtrr et/vet-- mg one of the brat electric railway omit.. in the Province, extending from I)w.•n Sound, by way of N1art,u. r,.utha111pton. 'Kincardine, (bal.•rie•h, .411,1 All lite. nigh th.• 111111114311.1 of Mid.11r- -ex end 14wobt.aa b' the bowls of Sae, ni.. 1 n1101 a Weit.' from (o I, i',ch. hv. 'e.1'. of Dungannon, to \\'inghaw. in .,.Oil ion to the •• brit lien,'" In Herm, ^and the branch b) N roxete'r. The *slims of the country t) lie 'servedby ?hie railway will the tie brought by it into el.11714. tomrh with the 11,11111v town. of the five greet eout)ties if lir•v. Bruce, Huron. Middlesex x1441 I,uuth- toll. For III., timed part, the territory to Iw traverses' luso et pll"41'nt no rail- way f,wilitiret, and it in throughout a th .•kly ppmoisul•tel and newt prooper- yens and beautiful wr•tion of,tm1utry in the garden of Ontario. The very great t-anspm,rtaton facilities which this electric railway will in the near future -tering precticelly lu the very doers of thr people will iruvlgurate a new r('rrbr•. of prngrvRM anti itilvanceinent th1oug i- out thio very pnMlueW-r and 11.gtes- steer `Lection of the 1'royinre of 11u- .tari.il. Bylaw' granting cid from w of the ruunicipaliti.',. interested have tlr•a.1yy hewn v,.tedl, end ,,there are eli..ut hripg soh '(teal to theoeo )Ir, and will undoubteetly Ise sanies!. The name of the company hos, by the new art, been Chtngel b) that of The On - sarin West Shore Electric Railway I'muttony. a nerve 1uure eppruprittrlr• de•signeting the wope of thre pinny M) 1•vtended t'httfA'r. • ' KILLING MUSTARD WITH BLyE- STONE." TIIF SiGNAL: GODER,-ICH O`TARI(� edea -- Ti VIIIDAY, June 18, 1903. t� MONSTER : BARGAIN : DAYS 2 Saturday and . Clonday June 20 and 22 AT PARSONS'FAIR NEW AND ENLARGED PR MISES Inatruetiens le.e.d by the Onter.o DepartMent of Agriculture. 1. Il/IW THIS BLUg-RToNE 1R APPLIED: Place en ordinary spray pump,'such ns t. tined for the 'praying of fruit t 114.4, on 14 cart or light wagon : drive ,long Hlowly through the Held apply- ing the s)Iution to the tart planta in the form of *fine spray. When the Held ie badly infested, it IH edv-Isable to .pray the crop in 'trips in order that no mustard planta esteem- the spray. II. How THR BL('R-wTnNE So1•1'T1oN tH M.tOE:-Put nine (9) pounds; of Mile- stone (copper sulphntr) in a coarse seek or lag, end.enupend it in a versed ,,.utaining threw 111 gallons of very bot or boiling water. The hlurrtuw' 9 will uwully di,sdve in 15 or 31 minutes. Strain file solution into the Iwrrel of the spray -pump, end fill ne with cold water to make. 411 or 4o gallons. This is known as the 2 per cent. solution. (1 pound of blue-Iftme in 5 gallons of water.) III. WHEN To RPRAY THIS Ml'MT.LRD PI.Arrn :- Fiprey the tu11 on M calm, bright day, joist Rath, plants are • g into b1001,1. At. this' t' • newt of the yonng plants have made their Nppearan(es, and *11 will le. killid. NFmn11d it heavy 1'x111 Clot a immediately alter spraying, it will be nete1sary t) Nprav again. IV, THR COPT of THK Sol.t'TIo'(:- CAtnlner•ial Blue -stone or blew vitriol ruste at the drug snare aimmt nine or ten cents per pound. A barrel of the elution will therefore cant about eiQvh•t or ninety sent.. Y. eighty. INCH 1R RRQ('IR)l) TO RPRAY AN ACRE TH0Ho(ftiHLY:. A barrel of the a0lution is .DAlrient for an acre. Mneceaatul re'aulte Rte obtain- ed when the spraying is 11 ' thoroughly. Y1. ARB THR CROP* iN WHICH MI'KTARD 16 (1ROWIN(a HURT 14Y THE RPRAY? Experience shows thatthe y0unv wheat, Carley, oats or young clover pplanta are not injured b eyiibd n alight browning for a few days by the Mlle -stone gpnty. %1I. WRERR FURTHER- I\F)l(M- • .traat WAY RR oRT.v INK!): Sht loll tml desire further lamination regard- ing the treatment of mllstatd with • MitteatY11w. thition write to pi(Io1fMwl )14Im►rttnent of the Ontario Agricul- tural College. (he Limit of the Law. 1'hhage (((01)03 Her,M. "1i'v-e you ever t'•('n conviefed of e pr•riome crime?" asked the ledge 1w•- f• asa ar•ssing .nt•nee. "�,e, your honor." the prisoner re - Plied. "thi,, ie the Hr,t time 1 ever-- "Hr get.. rep and mown his lawn hie; fele Nunrhre, j,Hlgr " interrupted x nun et the Iewr end of the colintrxvm." "That will do. The penitentiary for MAY SAVE TiOE CARCO. WALL PAPER FOK TWO DAYS ONLY. big boar - gains in \Vail Paper,_ with Bolder to models. All Paper worth Sc.* roll for .. 3c „ etc 0 „ •• IIIc " •• 7. •• I5c •• •• 10 " .Aka .e .e 15c If you want Wall I'apwr now is the , for then• priesft are iwtter (ban any ever offered before. GLASSWARE (ii,v.M Nappirr 2 for 5t• Nater Tumblers 2 for 5e Plain glues Pitchers, worth 3ie•, for 15c Butter Dither 14• lake SIam1,, . Salts and Peplwrr, each .s TINWARE Ilhept. tin Pail. Popper-I,)Ituu Boilers. worth $l.:ia fpr Holler*, worth $1.75, fur Milk Strainers, worth 15c, for l'ullrude,., worth 1.s•, for ... Flour Sifters., worth 15e, for .. All :SW Dishpans ftn- " :Mt• „ "Bit - " Dipper' 10e gut $1,50 14r 114 10t• 15c ilk e. . :i<Zst: WINDOW SHADES Plain Slmtlr With Fringe With laver With Leer and Insertion 34- 35,• • 75t TOILET SETS Toilet Sete, worth $1.141, for .... $1.75 .. 2.215, " . ! IAI alias Lisa eseewor - ihmeregtaa, w11ek West Adhere at Cape Ray. St. John's. N. F., .lune 15. -Tire Allan Lane steamer Nnrwegtan, Capt. White. front Montreal for Liverpool. with a general cargo and rustle, went ashore at ('ape Ray Saturday utorn- ing. It Is likely that Rim w -III (11 a total ,wreck. (ler crew threw her Cargo and cattle overboard. Toronto Ilea twee 5!1.111. Toronto, June t5. -Firm' here di- rectly Interested in the wreck are : Wm. la'vck, 100 head of cattle; Loin - nese k Ilalligan, 130 heed, *114 'r: Halligan, 50 head. This cattle are worth about $100 a hemi and are in- sured for that amount. The v'esse'l is pne of the oldest on the Allan Line and of 8,523 tons burden. She passed Quebec June 10 at 7.80 p. m. • akawr.lk Ili. is New Tort. New York, June 15 -Sale and sound, aiter a rather rough paseeagw from hS ; i lanti, of la days and 271 hours; Sir Thomas Lipton's latest challenger for the America's Cup, Shamrock I11., is noir lying at anchor in company with the steam yacht Erin, that towed her most of the way across the Atlantic, and by the Shamrock 1., towed by the British tug Cruiser. I`he 15A men which manned the yachts end their convoys are all well, arid there was I'm accident to mar the pnssege. Te reign To. (.ane Teres. Montreal, June 1A - .1r. and Mrs Barber. found guilty of working "the hedger game," were sentenced to see- en and three year* In.pnisonlnent re- spectively yesterday two ning. Afo- tion for a reserved rase ens dented. Before sentence was pronounced Mrs ft riser addressed the court ,.tenni fmg her own guilt, but cleinung her hus- band wags innocentand preferreddthe h y charges of wrong -doing him sgainet her were true. Ile. {tomes Thai al, for 1ommet I i.ig O ft abortion, was sentenced to threw years. C•sedt•n Abbe Arre'LeA. London, June lA.-A man arrested at Reyrout., a small seaport town In Syria, under the name of ('anon ito- nenhurg, for swindling id'adame Ci- vet, prove" to he a Ueanedlati ('i4ter- elan, Abbe Dorval, Feer nn wn in the rellgiol(iWorld Remember, FOlt TWO 'IAN'S ONLY, a big rut in GRANITEWEAR 19.4)1. Dia111lans, milt tt.c, for.... 54• 14 -qt. •' " 75e. •• .... Illk• Wash Hasirlr, worth 24•, for....... I5c ..... 21k: (inutile Tea Kcttlee, worth $1.15, - for Nicks-�dxtd Tea Kettles. worth $1'2o, for 9lk• FOR TWO DAYS ONLY, a big s111ap) in nets of DISHES all nicely decorated ; I7 pieces. Worth $ 7.111 for, 7.511 •• 111.31) •• 7]5.111 5.51) 71,11) 9.11) A big sump in ODD DISHES \\shite Cups and Saurern, worth 75e, for /eh' All fops and SAuerrr desorstd blur, K1w•n mod pink, with plates to mutes. Pie Plates, worth 714•,•for 5lk• I'm Platen, worth U4•, for 713.• i)inner Plates, worth $1.15, fen• Igk' FOK TWO DAYS ONLY, a bag rut ell BERLIN WOOLS 2, I Ansi M fold. all pc. .. . . tie Latin,' Slipper 34141'.. for 314- R skeins Fingering N',M,I fur .. 2.5.• FOR TWO DAYS ONLY, n big cut in BROOMS All 15• Jlns,uls for 114• 1.s• "• ,xa • •• SUNDRIES .M' settles of Viewli,,e 114• .. lialvaIIiud fails, 111 yt 214• „ 11 4)1 dPowde .. r 16 111 ....... .. :14• 14• llalin�g( hint Sle.c Parlor Matches. .4 i,- boxes Tomah Picks Nail Brushes. 1 for NV ire Clothes Lines, 411 feet •• .1IM •• le :i,• Ilk- Stems lirwhew for ge Extracts, any flavor 5•' I hist Pans ('hair Seta. 8 hose ' Itolliug l'itm l hopping Kniva'a ('rimpel I'ape•r, roll Ilk• battle Auuiionla • 41.-.. asp Ilk. Ilk• 7• Hig hetge:ine in SOAP :s hors of l'r•ulier Sento. :4 11W ' 7 • •• Sweet Biose .... . ..... 25e 13 •• Electric Mop �)'S,• a rakes. Toilet Soap bet box 7e i cakes (ism S,ap 5t• Love bar pure ('&utile• Soap 251• 2 packages Totek' &• T, amt era Potato Masher» Stove Brushes 1114• Blithe Washboards ds 35,. Lantern Glaser* .M• Medium size Lamp Glaww•N .s• latrgr'1%A' 1411111) Glasser . 5t- 5(• We kep x big aaaortwr0t of LA,UIKS %'Ktamand LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE. We keep all Nixes of BUTTEI,t CROCKS and l-'HUIbSFI. PARSONS' FAIR CORNER WEST ST. AND SQUARE ... GODER!CH POSTMASTER TALKS. Dodds K,dner P,111 Cured his aright'. Disease .., and he Tals all about It. Ablaut nines May e4. I.n,6t, (hit.. June 1.1t11.-ISp4s•iall. • Though •will {heat the time wore and tett cmark. 1'. A. Herein. pMsit- n31 sler here. still rt well• b. -eider. holding the nepe•t of the en- tire ro '. And Mr. Harris e•nelits a large share if his wonderful health and vitality to Ih'4d's Kidney fills. Speaking o4 the matter the post master nn y 4 : "In Irk 1 vast at the point of death from Bright's dinettes. I wean a com- plete wreak. 1 timid nil even driest myself. But MOW 1 ala. I may nay, t o well 11111 II and I ,ttt'11Ntle it all to Ih ld a Ki ,.•)' Ihlls." Mr. Hal cot' experience has lel Inane people hem t. Ilse theists Kidney Pills and they have pr)v'.d that the remedy that always curer. Bright's disease makeo..11ed work of any if the earlier -loge,. of kidney diM'an•. Leadrl4. June 1A Alfred Merlin has been absent not Walk.rvtlle g inre May 24. and his parents are itimitansit Summer Shoes • ■ordered 1• the Cort. New York. June 1(1. -Charles Mc- Farlane. President of the Anti -Policy t nelety, was shot and kilted yester- day on the General -Session door •of the Criminal Court Dullding by Wil- liam Spencer, • negro, who was to have been placed on trial yesterday on the charge of violating the Anti- I'olicy Law. McFarlane was shot Just as he left the elevator. Four shots in all were fired. In lean than two hou)l. Spencer was indicted for murder in the first degree by the grand July. Ile will plead to -day. Eeleeepat Tear of 30.000 Wiles. New York, June 1•i-Dinhop J. P. Hartsell of the Methodist Epi'ropnl Church Will salt from New York on the White Star 'termer Germanic on Wednesday, to begin his seventg epis- copal tour on the (continent of Ai- riest . The Journey will require .shout 80,000 mile. of travel. Bishop Hartsell expects to 1, turn to tho iJnited States next April Arrested Por Whisker RweggII•g. Quebec, June 16 .,--For whiskey smuggling on the Gaels• coast Inst November, George Doggett. a fore- men at Mr. Uenier'' fishing industry, has seen arrested by the provirr•iel police, and the schooner Glom/lie, which sus used for the smuggling, has been seized. /lady of CIa Rayne. Port Colborne, ,Juke 16. -The body found .Sundry in the take hen ile•n identified as that of Clarence Baylis of Loc'kport,•N.Y., one of the boys who went down. with the yacht Em- ma IN„ trkh. .1t wan taken to Lockttort kt noon yesterday. • Teek Paris fireee. Ottawa, .1 one 1 A. -Sire. Duncan lecusod, Ottawa Fleet, died v,•.ter- dev as • reanit 9f a dose of facia green, taken Sunday night. V1r. at Therdd. Thorold, June Ie. --The residence of 1)r. D. H. Lenton, with nearly all the contents, was deetrnyed by fire about 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Lose about $4e000; insurance, 111,- 000. 41eK !M'S Old Stand, .lurdan Block. This Mu Cowf sw.. Schenectady, N Y.. June lel -Bob- Art Sinclair. arrested for the murder of Timothy Sul(,. en in a ielnnn here, has confetseft that he ntr.uk Solll- v•n. Sulli%anl► skull WY Iractured. Your comfort for the next few months depends on your shoes; think 'tbout that. No ar- ticle you wear affects you so much. One' doesn't work well• or feel well or look well unless one's shoes do all these things. Be sure yours do. Make.sure by buying ours. Ili 0 iii iii ►1i lli I owl ilM1 ii Ili iiiiii iii iii iii iN lei iii iii iiiiii Ili 71 :i_ Jordan Blixt Wo Aa MCKIM lioderil:i, Del £ 13i1333jj3 ;t.6F=44ac iFc�IrCC Remnant Sale 3 you know er' -this-what "remnant stale.' IOKKADDA At 4t, M. -K I M'S. One thing It certainly IIIe41114 for thong 3 %her take lulv,11ntage• of It -money in tht•ir pockets. 1 se 11'. each in the season fin it re t Valu, but we se hula big M 114l1III'S welling a11(1 11111st ge•t off the big ru•cu- ZLill f x•111 petits, 1 (tet H1. of Dress Goode, i lteinnents of Pt•ints and \L.slins, elRemnants of Trimmings and Linings, j 1 s J. P. KA VANAGH Ite•111naanl1 of 'I':ab14 Linens, Remnants of '!'weds and Cottnuttles, Ka•uuuants of fattens and 1•'launelett, 44. T'h1 u1.4111,16 if r•umaati of Enlhlvideries, Lacer, ItIhlmuls, Millinery Goode, Etc., at a -q arter toe -half iK. FORGET T() ASK FOR (`OIJPONS. 2ssiiZi3iiiss=; 1.e..e.6: 6.iE6.6 McKIM'S BUSY STORE F mrn!nrittmt rttt rrmtrtttrrrtmttt►nmmnmtMnmtM Invictus Boots 1 E at $3.50, $1.00 and $4.51. After ."arching iuv.•Ntigntion and due• trial we are con- %inr,•11 that the lurid us texts insole by (tela A. Slater. of Montreal, is of the best Itlell a IMN,t nude, and at our p••ire is easily one of the hest values.. It is a Iowa we feel pant of. Graceful in desiggn; tw•rfe•t in Ht and Jin- ish : dn'ssy, ,oma or - table, and for wear the epua1 of any $5110 boot you ever NRW. Thr• new M Tj rr1 are reedy -and await your approval. Size. /l to 10. All made with (ilmelyear welted extension soles. Prier 53.50, 111M and $1.541. Huy a pair :and try them. If they fail you COMP hack and get your m"n1•y lir a new pair. That shows our conli- demi, in the It,i'i,(l*N Med. ' Wm. Sharman (--oR3i-Kit-k:A.`3'1' lsl -met 1N4M eeeeeleelN�U1N�N �IaaeeeleeeeeeUUUMW 1 a 1 A Oh TI NG BETTER There is nothing better than the best, arid in the line of Groceries •there is nothing better than what you can get hero every day in the week. 1f you have never bought your Groceries here, give us a trial and see what we can do for 3'o):. Everything in season, of good quality, and at the right prices. C.\i.i. AND SSE STVRnY dtt Co_ t THE GROCERS, WEST SIDE SQUARE. Telephone No. 9 1. FREE! Fres 1. u.. Ladi.s hely HOSPITAL FOR k.helyin U,sb•rirh vlrinit y ' I. incit,d to e. E. HICK'S Drug y Were to 11.ee•14e N nitulple free of REXALL MOne- DYES WOMEN PRIVATE, not o SECLUDED. The.,. nye+ 11111 4r. W11411, Colton, 'silk. Jute or edited goods in one1Math. Retail It) ALL CASKS Aa.t•W?xn. CALL Olt WR1TK 'teethe latest and most in1,r,.ed Ilyr in the world. For Male by S. B. nick, Ill,lggi-t, M. Bryson,132 York St., Buffalo Victoria St, Iacrlin3 Works Wttttttrm stent!!!mttttttttttttmtttmtttttttttmtttm mmttttttt� Jas. A. Siradhall Practical Engineer and Machinist. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE „REPAIRING OF EnginEngines Boiler, es, Mill Machinery and Farming Implements fitment' :Machine and Rhacksmith 'Work of all kinds d • to 0111er. PRICER H Ea s1N A11 LE --.n (',v 1.1. Rt r 1.1, ITK D Works : Victoria Street, Ooderich. Dunlop Reliability Yon can piece fan reliance In Dunlop Detachable Pneumatic Tires -they .4.111 sever betray your tract, burliest to pone Mon. 0.4.4,AME t0 repels. Yawn of 'Tennent eervlre have male them of almost uni- versal adoption. Every wheel with is rei• tenon Is fisted with them. livery rider of experience Insists on them. Dunlop Tires nuke bicycle enthusiasts. They increase the pleasure of wheeling sm1 minimise the trouble*. Bicycling is an snored ,nose with Dunlops The Dunlop Tire Co. Lltattod Toronto. Ont. bereft M 114.2.1l. RL 144., 4111.11.4 04414440,. Rabe yen. found a D,minr Coin? f1 J 1a OP - Prices are as Interesting as ever ♦••NN•Nd••••• d••••••• e•••a••• ••• ••••• •• •••!••• •N•N•• df••••••• •••••t•N • The EE Jago n d til E Fence 00"- is the popular Fence of the day. This is clearly dem- onstrated by the fact that I have sold nslarly two car loads of wire and two dozen machines. f h44• enstnner telly tole that, with \•ere little •e wire than his neighbor took to put up hie woven fence, he has built twice an h fence with hes London machine, and hie fence Iwhieh is *1,plhle the length/ has not vont 1.1111 fin 111111•h las binneiglntn', and, what in •, he Neve Iher' in no 3 purism in the appearance of the f•n1ew, RM him pa ps•tdeel1v tight and even, while his neighor's in baggy and uneven. YOU ARE THROWING AWAY MONEY if yon do not. get „ LONDON MACHINE your 1(vn fen. t•, or if you haven't time I can build fur you :u) a Wire Fence for 35o a rod. The Cheapest and Neatest Hardware and build 1 h,1.. :1 111111100.. t.• line Mil al III ie,•s that, are very interesting. Screen Doors and Windows 1 hay, a barge nentirtment ranging for !SKIMS FROM Me TO $2,00, SCREENS FROM dk TO 35c. E Cement tl:,mI 4 . relent •34111'' ilrnnl the best on the market. A fresh car just arrived. e. 'Phone Let me figure on your Plumbing, ilAtinQ, Lighting and Tinsmithiol. CHAS. C. SEE IRT•IRl:. No. v. 1110FeE, No. 10. PLUiIBIN(ie HEATING AND TINSMITHINO . . a 1111N1111U1J11111111111111U111111H111111U11111111U1111111U1U111111