HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-11, Page 108 TianuinAT, June 11, 1913
Wage -worker's
'Additional ueigti.artt uti aew. on tete 7.)
M1Nu.%v, J,
Osi Monday Mi. and Mrs('Iter.
Tweedie, of (i.der•irh, attended the
funeral' of Mr. Tweeili's euwtin,
Mr.". John Stewart, who diel at
her h the old $tont•httuse
farm. on the 7th eunceariou of
(iilllcrich township. the previous Sat-
urday. She was a 'laughter of ex -
Reeve Ibrahim' of Staul.•y, and her
husltsnd is well known as one of the
(ii,terich township couucillotmt. Three
brothels and two sisters survive and
Non. Stcwsrt leaves torr children, a
boy and two girls. The family are
w.•11 known and highly respected, an
the very huge attendance at the
funeitd attt-ttet. The intervent wan
reuse in Varna cemetery.
Often represents hours of arduous toll. When
that dollar is spent it should command its
fullest buying powers. To give it that power is
one of the vital principles of this business. Our
public know this. They appreciate the efforts
which this store is constantly making to give
them a bigger dollar's worth than they can get
elsewhere. We ask that no assertion made by
us should go unchallenged. Apply the test at
any time and you'll find us prepared to back up
our promises. We've made it possible for your
dollars to do extra duty on the following lists of
Shirt Waist Bargain
Nice 1.1a k sateen waists. ;all sires, re-
gular 75c Iiur, going al :tic Valli.
A Good House Waist
All sizes, ti... ittrl colol•i, nuolrnfSiNN1
print. regular :ilk•:ut l 7:.• lues, going
:it ''3h• cash.
Handsome White Waists
\Yc are shim 11114 1/%1:t .:flo(' .11111 I:11.
s1yl.•. in
out. gotta wrists front $1.111,
to $:(.1111. ('lute 111111 sec **1.111.
Ladies' White Underwear
Extn1 vaha• skirts, with two rotas in-
sert1111 :ofd out' *1I1e 1111 1Id fl.tuure.
all $I.25
Extra t'AtltO corset .•neer, :ell., 511% 1•t•.
Extra value gowns. 7a . $1.111) and $1.25.
Ladies' Kid Glove Bargain
Ni., soft ki11, two donors• it tabs-.
browns and blacks. tegnlar 7a•. going
.at :Ilk.
Ladies Hosiery
Fancy lare effects in hose, black and
toluro, Made of Lisle tMead. sps•ial
at tile.
Dress Goods Values
Hatuukouu• black silk stripe grenadine
and check 1111terlls, regular 7:s•, fur
Hopsati•k effect dress g, eels vert'
sight h• and durable material, in teal,
nay v, brown and tesea ria, green
risers, wide, Kt ing :.t 2...
I1, hill x111• waist got ifs, :i k•, 1:.• and
$1.1111 yd.
Ladies' Sailors
I': licy uoixel strias, nice Iwnds, have
been a :11k• line. going at 15.• each.
Niue shades of linen untslin. strilw
effect. tis11 linen color with colored
stripe. at Itk•.
Colot•t:d and white organdies at 2.5e.
Fancy black uatslius, l'_'L,, la•.':h•and
1'hnlulav•y gingham, in plain colors,
resead:t, ox 111111 III, units,•, pie,, blue,
',take 1 hl hest tub dress you c:.0
Willi lance, siwciad
For the Men and Boys.
You are invited to ckit our clothing store any
day. Yen 1111.eutitrly welcuiLe. ('out• and se• the rete
styles in Hat., Suits, Shirts and Ties. Ser the tattles we
give you for every dollar
The Right Ilats :ate herr galore. ''rices from :Ilk• to $:1.1111
'I'h.• Hight Shirts are here. Froin :kn to 81.:II1.
Rest table in Stills w. hate ever AMU n.
Important on and after July 1st, 1903 -
' IVs will have I.. increase the tate at which we give our present furniture
imemiluns, owing leo the advance in 't bestrh.rses 111 material.
The .hair tt tabs.• the give oil $2.1.,111 purchases will after July lit be giv I
1111 $:t/.1111 ptteh:rsts• • .
'rhe chair or table we giro on $15.1111 will after July 1st he given 1111 $10,1110.
Our customers should take arty ultage of this now, :old fill lint' their
tuuuuoIs before that time.
Smith Bros. & Co.
1(uchan:Ins & Iawson are gttt ing
out tunteriaJ for a brick veneer duell-
ing fora 11t. Heel at \'111.18, 411111 ale
hill.p vi ng 1nat,•rial for •1 1w'p-stot•t.
soid ln•it•k dealing for 111•. Divest at
- 1hnigautumal. They hat .• 11 r. 111,\"it
tie's 1111,11..• 1111 1'.11.1111 attic :drool;
trimly for the brick work. t1
The Pott Elgin `I'intes•in a reference
to the Ontario '.Vest Shore Els.' vie
Millis ay scheme says the people of
'I'irerlou. 1"nde•w•aN1, 1'urt �:Igin,
Southampton and other points be-
tween 1'ort Elgin Gold Owen Sound are
deeply interested in the cunstt'tn•tion
of the toad.
E-_--- Closed
flay was a record breaker.
month's business in our history.
U' Business comes where the best goods
E can be had at right prices.
E Caution
We baht• foamd s ' win paid more than :k for weaving
j twine. Our price is and has been :k• per Ih.
\Ye sell -fencing fr 'Lie per rod up.
The 2k• fence is a good mit• to stretch in orchard, or some-
where to make hog pasture whish can readily be removed if de -
mired. -
' Out. Ideal fetciutg has proved to 1w just what we have claimed
for it.
TU SLAY, June 9th.
John l'ewsley, of Cleveland. (1., was
the guest of Alex. 1' g for several
days the past week.
yICMt.-'fh.. first anniversary of the
induction of Rev. J. L. Small as pastor
of the Pit•sbvteriau rhureh was nut-
et•ssfullt' celebrated by the reopening
of the .'rush on Surwtit) last, after a
course of renitation. The walls :mil
ceiling have been papered, the outside
of the church lies been repainted and
the shush sheds have horn repairers.
and 1.atll inside and outside the edit& e
is now 'bright and tidy, as every
church should he. On Sunday
afternoon Rev. A lex. McMillan,
of St. Eutreli s .hutch. Tomtit.",
furmu•rly in charge of the church Isere,
lwcupiel the pulpit and preached to a
Itige congr•g:ttl . In the et: •
1I r. Nr.tlillnu •trem•hel again, having
a fairly gotta audience in spite of the
heavy rain. ()It M lay evening the
church was tilled to the door for the
entertainment and lecture. Hey. J.
Small, the estet•Intrl pastor of the
church, presided. 1'h.• feature of the
eve ' g was at lector by Her. Alex.
McMillan on the subject, ;•stab and
Ili.s Friends." The reverend lecturer
told of the emvir •nt of the gifted
author, Ih•. John Brown of Edin-
burgh. and shake in general teres of
his literary work and his plate among
Scottish authors. He thought that
after Sir Walter Set di the first three
Srottisl. writers would nut iuellide
('CI i ket t or Maehuen ur Barrie,
though some of Mr. Ila: i i.'s work
W11.4 very got ml, Fnft that they would
le Gt.,axe Naedou:dd, Robert Intuit
Stevenson and M. John Ihowi. 11r.
Nr11iILul then lend some extracts
front •'Itab and His Friends," which
were great 1y . njuyel by t he audience.
:\t the conclusion of the lecture a
tote of thanks teats tendered to Mr.
11r11i1Lul,yh'ei itliliesswasa genuine
inl,Ihtiutl (real. Other numbers on
the pn.gt•Nnt were a Aeolis I,v the
church choir, solos by James F. Thom -
soon nil Nils Brown, of(It.lerieh, Miss
Patterson and lliltun '1'vudnl, and a
1(11* uionby Nils Mona ‘V1111er. 7'h.•
!migrant tluxiugh11ut Was well earritra
I1111. and everyone was well pleased
With the ev g's proceedings.
A part 111 yoltng Iwople front GI ale -
rich (hove out to hear the legtute and
were afterwards 11.yally ',Wert: • rt
at he houm•-of('onui*v(onncillor Alex.
1' g.
Large t
most '
Vitattittierm (mei. liming Ideal want il +again. We have a 9
wire fence inehee high which we mell for Mr per rod.
Now /11 geaal tittle to taint voter house. There le no ;mint
hotter than WI` guarantee entire satinfection. It
will last longer, It tek I etter and will mit (let any pore than
other paint++. end lees than /0111114`.
}1011111111. /11114111y 1114 i 11(.441 eht:4 what it ie.
Screen &tore windowe, hewn hem-. builtlere' hardware and
tools of all kinds in full amert anent at our +tore.
1444. 101.111) 21V11) Ih. iteales before. Imaying.
MUrtd1(6e Higa Court of the 1'. U. V. wbk+b
meet.' Haruutoo this week.
kA. F'I.ber, of Windsor as sg• a kdMli)N
in town.
Mr.. I11r.1 Whitely nod Mimi Taro leave today
on • trip to IbNuit.
YLw l'eyyhhaa VIstwr has nttanied to town
after .pent. .oauu months et Jarksort. Mich.
Mr.. Orris, of geaforth, bis been vtatting bur
Golf supplies
Tennis Etc.
(lose Woven Hammocks
from $1.00 to $5.00.
t'olori, :ted, Green and Yellow.
We I+a Mr. and Mia W. AaWow. Mb
weekMien 1011111 n vet War as • A to
M midst's Petal
•Mrs *Hees J. T. lsquiartgawa !OMINP I
wry to t Iitt friend. et mi. aMarva
ar was et
Electric Storm at Sealer*.
Heaforth. Jure 7.-A very sawn,
electrical storm pawed over here tido
afternoon; rain fell in torrents. which
was bully needed. The Presbyterian
ehur•h in l:gwondville was..truek by
light . K, iii• hashing the ste•t•4tk and
to portion of the prof, rendering it unlit
for the evening service.
The problem of gettirg (he boys --
and the girls -sit of bed et a season-
able hour on Huuelay morning was
effectually soivtsl last Sunday. Tow
circlet was in town.
Livery, Hack
'Bus Stables
ijoffira /frb
Decide to buy whatever esti. a Ma boa. VAT Ammo
ammo •
THING :--that if you are goad West •
eortment of dtfdereat it there is fess draw Ws (WOIMAT
styles N►d offers them to yen before they ane argisiW Whom
Spalding s Golf Clubs,
from 85c to $2.50 each.
Golf Balls,
15c, 20c and 25c each.
Tennis Rackets,
from $1.00 to $5.00.
Tennis Balls,
25c, 35e and 50c each.
--KT('., AT- --
-RATE 8-
Hacks and reli-
able drivers in
charge of the
'Ruses, which will
meet all trains
and st ea in boa t8
Sek Agent for Ooderk6
.1-71 $TttEAT
Novel Sale in Uhurch. were taken down sod in this way
..,46e wag collected In a little INR
Hatnilton, June 8. --Centenary Meth-
odist church was the animated scene
of an auction sale on Friday night,
with its pastor, Rev. Mr. Salton, to
conduct it. -
The congregatdbn cane to the con-
clusion to railer WOOD for puttlhg the
patronage in a habitable condition for
Rev. Dr. Rose, when he moues from
Ottawa, and also spending sane 145,000
on reconstructing the organ
On the ptatdorrn of the lecture r.ont,
a wooden eros was erected holding
tickets of different figures. Standing
. behind It. Rev. Mr. Salton called out,
"Now, come on ! don't let nie have
to ask for it."
As the tickets were called tor, they
half an hour. Among the n
the etbsurihe
were : Ladies' Aid. iia choir, Was
T. U. Watkins. Pah S. F. Lanier, Y.l'.,
SSA W. A. Robinson. 11101)i J. theme'.
$3110: J. 0. Callahan, MO; Mrs. Lyman
Moue, $80Mi I lion. Mos. Sanftud,Se
There was a large cnngngatius
present, and it wan decided to naive.
the church for the remaining $1,5111.
Copy of change of running advertise
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
Croquet Set,
$1.25. $1.50, $1.75 and
See show window for
the newest things in
Wrist Bags.
Geo. Porter.
Therm., boys. H narking a s isit in Tor-
oronto. -
Miss Beaumont left this morning on a visit
to H,uuilton.
H. Illackstonr. of Clinton, was up over Sun-
da) and Momday.
Mr. and MN. Smith arrival at tbcsummcr
hotel on Saturday
lkgr Martin left on Tnesddy morning on his
return to 11 inaittg.
'arfnus Donlon. of Mont Forest. is spending
a .short holiday int 1ow11.
Miss (antpb•li. of Toronto. is visiting the
\lisses l'ampbell, Quebec start.
Thus. Snell, of Exeter, was in town on Tues-
t,ay. and gat c The Signal it rail.
ltev. \t tltcr Jamieson, of Ife.pcicr. WWI with
(:Islcrich relatives over Sunday.
Mr. tt estlake, of Chatham 'formerly Miss
Minton(. is visiting friends In town.
(1. 1'. w'its1.1• of lite Rank of Commerce itaH,
is speeding hisholidaysat Chatham.
M rs.
Jonathan Miller, of slmforlb, was among
old friends in town during tin:week.
Walter Hnchanan, of Toronto, made a visit
at the t amntatl residence over 5 lay.
Mi. 'Verde Inst. of stafoiLh, is visiting at
the home of John Salkeld. hayfield road.
%V. J. Minitel'. Clinton. editor of The News-
ltrconl. was in town of ,,,,sines Saturday.
H. A. Mt -Kidd, of the Toronto Ucnernl
Trusts Corporation. was In town during the
We are pleased to learn that John Shannon's
health les improved very moth during the
part week. -
Jas. T. Ih.rke. of Toronto, Provincial In
specter of factories, wit in ,fawn last week on
official business.
II. K. Joniau, of Hrautford, was with friend.
in town on Monday, and left next day, for the
nhtlitary t'4u1111 at London..
Mr. axil Mie E. French and two.roos.'Hobrrt
and Allen, of Detroit, are the guests of Mnt
nutifoni, Lighthouse street,
John i utlttolly, who has barn salestnan for J.
W. Hr.leliek fur s.mtc ttmu pant, let for his
Home in'forontu last Tuesday.
Del. I. F. Armstrong, of Tnrpervtllo, has
Leen spending a few da)'s In town .iter attend-
ing tits ronfernce al tVttughatn.
Mrs..(. F. J. Naftcl and child let on Monday
for it visit to Halifax, The • were accompan-
ied as far as Toronto by Mr. NafteL
11'. 11. Iktvls, of The Mitchell Advocate:
.. in lawn today. He Is' taking the excursion
to Ik•(oat by stauner King inward.
Mr. and MN,. Donald MtKeneie and danghter.
of Hayfield vieinity, left ISA week by boot for
satin Ate. Marie on it vtslt to telatihes.
1111.14. E. Coon. organist of North st. Metho-
dist church. loft on Monday for Tilsonbarg on
account of the Illness of her grandmother.
Mrs. U. M. Elliott and sons, Chester and
Torn, were a ng the exeurdon party that
left on the King Malted for Iietroit today.
Frank 1.. Mt•1.ittgor; son of ('apt. A. M.
Mitis gar. was taken to the hoodoo hospital
on Saturday fur the treatment of his rheum -
A Dublin corroipondent write.: Mr. and
Mrs. Janes field. who have leen living In
town for some time, have gone to Roderic h to
W. S. lime 1. In %'Ingham attending to
Dudley Selma, legal bedrest during the aha
wnee of the Major at the military camp at
Igmlun. •
Frees. Beattie, formerly of the -(tederk•h
munch of the Hank of ('anntetc., and late of
1'hatham. las been tnin.tlernedt to the branch at
After a month's 'UM at the hone of John
Shannon, Cambria nerd, Mrst. H. W. Shannon
left Tuesday morning for her home In Hoche.
ter, N. Y.
Mrs. C. 1'. Morrison and ann. M. -Kee. of
It.tmfl. arrived on Taosdny to spend the
.autmer hem. They are at present *toying to
the I'srk Honae.
Mr. and Mrs. rirrlvaAer Itoyla, of Andhury.
were In town a -.Mort time HON wok, cooling
town •m the howl .n Sunday. They left on
%meaty for Toronto.
Mrs. harrier, al the Haalt. (ornwrty 11M.
Ma ale M.nfgonwry, 1. Mune In town at e•
./.11/11. and w111 Ghat itre
spend a 'bolt in ('llattm be-
fore rat timing hone.
Mb. wlnnifavl /ir1111n leaves today (TTnrw
day( by smarter King Miran' for Detroit,
where .he *111.prowl two weeks with her Aster,
Mn. JI11.1. IL irInntghlin.
Join Carrie Mates tomorrow morning to
take up m nnI nt work In I(allbnrt.n for lie
snmI St. IJ a *111 e.. rhw� of ftatr Aston.,
t at, t Iwkc, Km'.,nv ►le and 1'Iw,
The Goderich Hardware Store.
Mr and lin Peter A. MeTavi.h. of Huron
lown.hlp emit, of Miler spent sonie days In
town with their Meter and brother in-law. Sc.
mid Mr.. ft. Hendon...a and Nanning' to their
home on Monday of this week. '
We learn from The Delontine Illota.i
tam, of tke Inst, that Thome. Perry.*
former widtknown redden, of I'lleterleh, how
leen Installed as elisions' effinketor at then
lown. Mr. Perry'. 0M frkest. in Dederick will
be pleased to hear nf tirla
Wm, It anrinde. Mr. and 1111N.
Mex. Yonne, Colin_ .ve ; Natlap Jaime. Of
'Phone 100B.
Having purchased the
Harness Business of Gil-
bert House .(Dowding's
old stand), I will carry it
on at the same place.
I have engaged exper-
ienced and competent
workmen, and have on
hand a large . and well -as-
sorted stock of
Shower Proof.--...0.-
Garmenis for Women
1UST as appropriate for fine as rainy weather. Equally suitable for
go fall and spring wear. The handiest and most convenient outer
garment a lady can have. Our stock will be found large and complete.
These lines came to hand direct from the largest factory in Canada.
All are good value.
bulk.' rain mats, made from good quality
Personate, navy blue or fawn, giutran-
teed not to harden or break at the
seams, velvet collar, each $4.50
Ladies' rain mAta, three-qtetrter length,
lame hack, full sleeve, er front, wide
eollar, collar and] cuffs trimmed with
silk and heavily I stitched: all wool
materials in neat, checks, fawn.s and
greys, each 110.00
ladies' thi-ette-quarter rain coats. made
from wool shoTeet xe_r proof materials.
grey or fawn, each SUS
Ladle's' rain coats, made from all -wool
shower -proof cloth, nice. shedes of grey
or fawn. full length, loner back. coat
collar. very stylWi and serviceable.
Double and Single
Dusters, Fly Nets, Whips,
.and the largest line of
Trunks and Valises
in Western Ontario.
Special attention given to
the repairing of Harness
and Trunks.
Your custom solicited.
Canadian Northwest
At ft 'How ing return fares.
wesstees ..
VAIVIPIIIII 1 $28 rv. tutors
OW 411 MVP,
rue peer .. lin
• Gond goinaz Jene lith, June lath, re-
turning within MI days front (bite of
Wine. Good going July Itlf, valid te
return until Sept. Rth. 1911111.
Where Is Sped the Sum.
Lakes, and the Magnetelmn River are
liailmay /trete'''. Excellent hotel ac
el lathe'. healthy climate. Sighing.
furtnatitin Sven,
Town Ticket Ageet, Goderich.
Skirts Ready to Wear
Business in skirts ready to wear keeps grow-
ing‘better every day. No economy in making up
yOur own when you can buy garments like these
for so little money. These skirts fit, they are
stylish, and the -materials will wear.
Ladies' skirta, made front good quality ell wool frieze, spring
and stammer weight, full width, hot,toin nicely stitched.
Oxford grey dr black, each 413.75
Ladien' skirts, made from all'woOl black broadcloth, new and
popular ntyles, ten rows of stitching around bottom,
mama; donMe stitched, very serviceable and stylbth
garment, each 03:30
Handsome Skirts in plain doths or fancy
tweeds, $6 and 17
Three Skirt Specials
Three lines of ladies' white underskirts that
are good' enough value to cali special. You could
not buy the materials and make the garments for
any such prices. The workmanship is first class.
At 68c
ladies' white underskirts, made from good quality English
cotton, wide frill ot Ntrong cambric embroidery, three
rows of nerrow tuck!, extra special value at each etle
twelve inch frill of muslin end cotton torchon lace and
insertion, a serviceable and stylish garment, each ELM
Ladies' white undernkirtn, made from good quality English
(-atm. ;mann double sewn 14 -Inch outer frill in moslin
and cambric insertion ana embroidery, full width and
extra value at each 91.40
Our Black
Black or white whichever you
like, we can give you value in
skirts that is hard to duplicate
here -a -bouts. Here are three
that are selling like the pro•
verbial bot cakes. Better we
never had.
At 68c
Bleck underskirt. Med. from good
imbed with full ruffle also
or accordion MeMtft sad fin-
ished with narrow re.extra
epeciM value at each dec
At 98c
This skirt ie the beet melting skirt
we ever had in the Mime. It
Is made from gond quality
black sateen,rkh gkoay finish.
9-incb full trill vrft three in-
ner melee, very special value
each Ok
At 11.25
Bleck Sateen uaderalthte. MO&
from gond qtablity matarbil, 14
inch frill edged with narrow
ruMe and trimmed with fancy
roMes,very full width, *teach 91.25
Good Hose Values
We do not sell pobr hose if we know it. 'Occasionally a bad pair Alight get. in
a lot but if you should get them bring them back and we will make it nght with
you. We aim to keep good lines only and the vilue we show taday are the best
we lutve beevble to find. Test us with any of these :
At 2 pair for 2Sc
1,41lee' black cotton Angie, somnlees feet,
douMe heel. feet Mack, will.glie excel-
lent wear, special at two Kir for ' tie
At 25c
'Mien' Meek cotton Wee, outorld wool
also plain Mack feet, with double
and sole or fancy lace effect frneta.
herftredorf dye. fall tashiemed, per pair. 11.0
Famous Black Cat Stockings for bOys and OHL Mr, Mc mad 00c.