HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-11, Page 9THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO
TeviuD*Y, June 11, 1903. 7
f»1Y, .100o amNtia-
yo g• IuOM of volun-
1 n
tees„ l ire chi w inalsig for au-
fltt ' es..4 I*i�' gesaulde,
Is,u(4sservjfr U erich.
MTH-tgw italtailt Ffnegani . A straw-
l'rry fesliyal swill take plass os - poi
grounds of Mfr,1 id's rectory alt tt't
neday evening; unr 24th, to be fol-
lowed by a grand display of Mn'wurku.
AdmiraiogL*tdin Jai swats, Juniors
10 cents. Yowl ev diMUY uw$tc'd.
NAca•MBl't- w"KLet't of the
Lord's Supper was dispensed in Erskine
church last Sabbath. There was •
large attendance of communicants and
otherm• Five by certificate and eight
by confession of faith were admitted
es members. The preparatory service
conducteda pastor.
by Rev.Goldberg,oldbe reached
;.0 appropriate sermon for the solemn
, a•Caaluu.
PERSONAL. -T. H. Walker, of Inger-
"oil, is on an extended visiting tour to
his parents', Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Walker,
and other relatives in this vicinity.
We wish him a pleasant visit..
Win. Bailie, unemtwr of the High
Court of the C. O. F.. and David
Sprosle and R. Kirk, delegate's, are
attending the caesium of the ('curt
which is being held this week in the
city of Hamilton Quite a mender
of our redeems took in the cines at
(ioderich on Mondayand
r rerte it a
good show DY
commissioner, attended the station of
the county attuned held last week in
the county town... Met Sunduite • ay number
of our entrees spent. Y a
Nab Mlewlttreed--Ihuring a storm
thunder and lightning. accompanied
with a heavy ricin. which artier
last Sunday everting the lent and a
Wilding used as a , attached to
the barn, on the premises of Thomas
Andersson. Ashfield. on the gravel
real north of here, were struck by
lightning and destroyed. There were
in the taro about iWO bet/Meta of oats,
lin bushels of wheat, and a quan-
tity of hay. A lumber waggon and
sleigh, which were in the driving shed,
were co nssnned. The buildings were
insured in the Wawaamah Mutual Fite
Insurance Company. There were a
.Ian of home anti et brill in the stable
At the time, Mit fortunately theywere
taken o,nt without injury. s the
. buildings were reeently constructed
they were eomsparatively new and had
goose stone found tions. Mr. Ander-
son will rartabn a heavy his over and
above the inwirante, as timlwr for
building material Is Beane and dear.
NuterlALa.-Tow marriage of Moss
Mary Pentland. Youngest daughter o'
t u.• late Alex. heetland, to D. F.
JohuWn, of Owen Sound. formerly
of l,ueknuw. took place on Last Wert-
iesla afternoon, Yr'A inst.. at Wood -
lawn Farm, in West Wawanwsh. The
happy and joyous event was duly per-
• formed by the Rev. C. (',, Kane, of
Whitechurch. cousin of the bride, as-
sisted by Rev. T. R. McNair. The
nuptial ceremony was kirk' on the
sparieeu and beautiful lawn in front
of the residence. A large gathering
of relatives and iAvited guests from
Toronto, Oweu Mound. London, Dun-
gann,n, Heaforth, I.awknow, Amiss -v. -
1,y. Auburn, Whitechurch, Nile and
iii inity witasrtwd and enjoyed the
happy event. The charming bride
wa. attired in A mentinue of white milk:
with orange birwwma anti a handsnue
bridal veil. She was attended by her
niece, Mian Nina Biekle, of Toronto.
presence of about our hundred and
twell ty tuseemlledd guests. Miss Jean
'l'odd, ruuttin of the bride, acted as
beidemutaid, while (I. Mcdtobertr,
brother of the grooms, tilled the place
of bent 1111111. The many beautiful and
costly presents, among which was a
beautiful silver service from the mein -
hews of the choir'of the Presbyterian
uhuruh, of which the bride was alueur
het, showed the high esteem in which
Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts are held.
Tu the FAltur .rf The Ilignal,
Hatt,-ln reading the report of our
township council in your het issue,
we are surprised at the act' taken in
regard to the Holmesville hill. We
think, judging by the appearance of
some of the ride tools in this town•
ship, there is ample room for the ex-
penditure of the surplus funds within
the tooun ie of the township without
assisting other's. . Are our townshipoehip
fathers prompted by'charity, or it it it
sugar plum, s, that they may be re-
membered next January by that
Thanking you for space.
Councillor Mosier is putting in quite
a length of der' ' g and during last
week brought home several loads of
tile from Blyth for it.
The Tall Irina last week was
renewing his younger days as a
carpenter by climbing; aloft tin one or
two barn roofs replacing the shingling.
After an absent.•.' of about a year
K'm. Linklater is h from the
States on a visit to his father, John
Liuklat.•r, and will ale, take a visit
to see relatives and old friends about
Stratford previous to returning to the
States, where he will assume an
important position in one of the
agricultural colleges to which he has
been recently alio,inUcl.
Ti. Fa.tu.s V,.1 we. 011t.
The Rev. A. Mr Minim prow -boa in
the Preebylrr'iau shutoui herr last Sab-
The gatrli'n social. held 1111 the then..•
g1 -1,11m1. of the I'n-,lyterinn . bur. h
last week. a an ,t Mutt ..111•1.1-...
A. C. J,tek,a,n (.Ake, 'berg.- of the
t•huplwr as noon no it in in running.
order. '1'h,• Mont mill i, not toll.•', -
built at preset •.
The tow ',ships ..( SS eat St ars .uno.h
end Hullrtt :car ousting a hill of
damages. we sit til.l judge by the ap-
pearance of the .nh•walk..
7 het me.tn•ng.•, a hi. l',..1.. no re-
fund :oaf call, ule.ti all holo,, viaited
the family of Jacob %Vagtwt best week
Anil tie themes. the voung.•.t member
of his faiiir•: Menalea vests the eau's.'
of d,•xth.
Tt'Eens Y. June 1Rh.
Mr. J. Scott is spending a few days
in H1ple•v.
Mime. F Johnstone s me is visiting
lin U
friends in Itipley this week..
Mr. Anil Mrs. (i&lrsm spent S,itunlay
and Sunday with relatives in Gorrje.
Alex. S, kerr. of Tomtittil-niy-entity).
grew, hal Vert' w•re•ptxhly nn Sabbath.
R. Ilrssl and SV. I'. here, former -mer-
chant here, left for lh•it.iah l'ul hie
on the 3rd. - -•
Peter Setae. aide will he t rrritw.-
as irridesiumaid, who was Algol iwauti- PmU•r has rented hie fano to J. John.
full' gowned in white silk. ' The stem, and is going west.
happy groom was ably supported by Mr. (I. and Miss T. Lane attehdeil
his brother, Stanley Johnston, of the induct ion of Rev.. Mr. Huti)erfted
Owen Mound. After hearty congratn• M Dungannon Prinds t •riot church
hoeing, tendered to the happy couple {ant week. -
by the guests. they all partook of a Foun,L on 111th -tent-motion. a
bountiful wedding feast which was Muggy rug and x duly'. cels'. Owners
prepared for the occasion. The nuns- nasty have their property by ,applying
rents and valuable moments given to et the village stone.
them are am evidence of the great Suns of thole.. who attended the
, ltsteem in {which the newly wedded M,ettil,tli,d • ronleten., at Wi,lghato
couple are held. The groom et pnw nU Wen*: Mr. and M rs..1. 1 u nu , Mt . and
to the bride and maid of honor were Mrs. W. P. Reed. Mrs. Wm. Reed, sr.,
a tal11able pair of gold lockets set end Mine Mev -Reed:
w as h pearls, lye congratulate them
.a, the Jnvme event, and wish them A
long. happy and prapewtW voyage
os., the sea of matrimony.
On Tuesday. the 2nd inat., in the
Afternoon. a, meeting of the Maittaod
I'r'sbytc•ry was held in Erskine church
here. Revs. S. M. Whaley. St.
e Whore : Angus McKay and Mr. Me -
Lerman, of Lucknow : Mr. Smith,
Klal.sigh ; Mr. Ihinu. of White-
hnn h 1 Mr. Hiatie, of Helgreve ; Mr.
M••Nahb, of Walton t Mr. Maxwell.
of kiplry ; Mr. Smell, and Mr, Ander-
we,. elder. Auburn. troth the last boring
of Huron Presbytery. we're present.
Rev. Mr. Smith preached a scnnon
Appropriate for the occasion, Rey. A.
M. Key addressees' the minister, Mr.
M:.xsgell addressed the congregation
a11.1 Mr. Haatie occupied the chair.
There was a large attendance present.
fort Albert and Ht. Helens u-onggrte�
got ions were well represented. After
the induction there wan an entertain-
ment, mime sting of refteehmente-
w'hirh were bountifully served by the
IRdbas of the congregation in the
basement -and a program given in
the body of the ehureh, coimprn+d of
pr.letleal addressee, interspersed with
excellent selections of muni" by the
rho&r of the Methodist ehureh, Luck -
now, and by Miss Taylor. of Brussels,
who sang mime syh,s with good ap-
preciation by the audience. The ad-
dresses by the chainmen. Rev. Mr.
Retitle, and -Revs, Messrs. Smith.
Dunn and Goldberg were well re-
ceived. A cote of thanks wee uaani-
moitsly accorded the c,hoir. WAR Tay-
lor, the speakers, and last., although
not least., the chairman, Who sot effici-
ently rendered aesiststfce in the great
and successful issue of the enttertain-
ment. Proceeds upwards of $15. We
eongratulgte the newly inducted pas-
s'ten• on -his harhuoniona induction, and
• may the best of eueesw attend his
ministerial duties as peatu.r.
of steam in preparing the cement" It
is expected that the barn will tie Stir -
ed during the Tart week of this mouth.
Last week Tobin Hous, were at Blyth
getting tile fur the drains around
their new Irani.
TuzsuaY June 9th.
Mr. and Mn,.. Hamilton, of the town-
ship of Grey, were last week visiting
the parents of the latter and other
relatives iu this vicinity.
Miss Taylor and Miss Straughan,
from Brussels, spent the latter part of
last week renewing old acquaintances
in thin locality. Miss Jueephiue Mc-
Allister accompanied them when they
returned Monne.
A large number of new hams are
being put up this year. Last week
Mr. Alexander, of the IR.h (•oueesriou,
raised his, on Monday of this week
John Craig, and on "i'ueeda) James
Robinson raised theirs. Framers
couiplsiu of the scarcity of workmen
this year.
MONDAY, June 8th.
Mrs. Jno. Cox, we regret to say, is
mit improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Juu. Morgan 'pent
Sunday in OWrrich,
Henry Bone spent t4Unday with
friends in this vicinity.
Miss Mabel Weston, of Clinton,
spent Sunday it It
We ate pleased to hear that Mrs.
Juu. Blair is improving.
Mira Eva Dunlop spent Sunday
under the- parental roof in Clinton.
('has. Martin, of Bnvfleld, was the
guest of him friend, Reid 'l'un•ance, on
'i lay,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whiter; of Gode-
rich, spent Thursday eve ' g at T. A.
Jnu. Torrance has nearly finished
repairing his barn, which was badly
damaged by the recent eye 1
'Moien.ty. June'Sth.
4Mim, Laura Snell is visiting iu Wing -
Met: Ringers, of Forslwich, visited
friends here last week.
A ler of the ' belies will
attend the con ventiun in Dorris. on
June 10th. -
A. F. I'ier•y, colporteur, conducted
the service in the l'renbytet•ian church
Sunday mor-ning. •
We are sorry Ur hearthet Me. Dun -
ran is eery ill. lint we hp
o' that he
will sem fr'r•nver. .
W.V. W., Lerch and'danVhter,'Mrs.
Omsk, nod children, of V. allacuburg,
are visiting at 1. "Leech's. • -
Miss Fannie l'latersm, of Winglant.
and John , and l'etry Paterson. of
M1'Iien,worth. viefted at Wait,. Pat mob's' on Sunday.
Rev.• R. H. Hereby, B. i).. 1y meniher
of the. menden, .('nnferenc e, elnJdtu•ted
the nerves. in the Methodist church
bets liunday wee@ninit.
The Wnnran's"instittite meeting will
he held June 11th At the•tylme of Mrs
Aitchiert). •Miss R. Paton hieeminent-
"to pt'Aliept a paper- qp► "Butter
Making.' w-.
lieu. W. J. West; j4i'.Air left. on
Thuuwtlay morning for', Yenisei/vet' •W
meeting of the Presbyter-
rtsb ter-
' attend the m • g Y
ian General Anremhly. 'His 'jinn,'
friends wish hilit a pl cos ant.taq . rt'
• Triceps'", J • 0th.
The following report drover the
*landing of the pupils of S. S. No. I,
Goderich, for the cal th of May :
('lass V. -Fwlna GibsonHarry Hillier.
Irene Salkeld. ('lean IV,-- Lily Gra-
hem, laictiea 1)ry•slale, Lizzie Salkeld,
Sion, Andrews, Mary Malkekl. ('lass
Sr. f11,- Russel (1k.•, Annie Dry/elate,
Robert Fontein, David Aitken. Clash
Jr. iII.-Corrit• Graham, Ares.
holm. Harold Harold Newnnnle, Roy Forden.
('lass Middle II.-- Norman Montgom-
ery, May Westlake and Endow Ait-
ken (et ss (equal). ('laJr. II.-- Wilfrid
Hicks, Jams•. Keenan, Remold (Moon.
Marian Drysdale. ('lata Sr. Pt. II. -
Willie Forden. ('lams Jr.- Pt. II.-
leure Malk,•Itl, Violet I.rwthwaite.
('lass Mr. Pt. I. Myrtle ('hishnlm, Joe
flicks, May ('hishulin. ('lass Jr. Pt. I.
Muriel 'J,huston, Rhoda i)rysiale,
Ruth Dry *tale. Limns M. TRUimaE1,N,
The dates of the Winghutn fall fair
are Thin Clay and Friday, Meptetnber
21 and
Hrnsall is organizing a big' Orange
reiebr•atioft to he held in that- village
on M fay, July lath.
Inepr•tnr l'aieley recently had four
of the \Vinghntu hotel men fined for
violxtiun of the license law. -
%teed prtmlwrt • is rsea.ed this year
ih He•nsall.at $R11u,117b : personal pro -
5pert v. 11117:2111117:211111117:21111; income, $111150 -total.
.'�I.1.:1. -Thr pnjnilati«rtt iii 7'Lt.
The,'weddin (d'Miss Alli(• • Rear, cat
iL1w•know, to T. N'.' Smith, of Tetra,
was celebrated' in the furp1rr place ou
Wedn,•mtay,.3r1 inst., apt' a very
"emitter eviebt,° a -
This' scenes to lir i year far twin
(Oitas. I'atritk Melrughlin: if. Mc.
has' i nlare'twenty year(' old
that hat& yiv rn bitrth "Kai a prir of cotta
and 'with' more rand bolts: ate living and
nourishing.- - -' -
The emeeament roll of the village of
• Hnlrsels t hnwe a population of .f,,210,
xn increswe of 21,aover last year. Velue
of real pnipert- l
/OSA aUU ; . Iwrwynsl-i
property. $37.141' ; income, 112.-43'
total, fa?1.i10,; • • ..
A .m,a•t•rsafnl vntertahhitnt'n't-. wag
given in Bnlsse'Is q few. -"evenings .ago
ily,Miss!Estelle deifPn nitat nitsinie of her
vocal psipils, soli by Wit(:icon
l'iampphell, orf Oiderich, and Mire Megdt'
Goodwin. of Clltitese '•- - ^ :. '
Janw(s•Mrott,'of (Tinton; ieelehratr.l
the ninety-fourth ennivemruar of his
birthday last' safest. He was fYor litany
yeerx'teaclrer in the Clit(Gn.,ptinlic
school Mid is said.to he the (frdret !St-
ing duutilie ih the et' sinners,. '
Mies Gertrude Hicks, tenet Exeter's
M'pilar yogng ladies, wait wedded old
onday. Jute. bit, 'W Dr., Harry E.
dentist,;of hrmdpn. The .e.egt
was vera prettitl-s'*rT ed-(illt it1t1,took
tee at -the ho l me r,f the Imide efather,
Rbert Hicks. The ceremony,. was
p et'fnnued.by_ Rey. It. ?St:. K'nowiess
11h,ther-itelxw of the ghoo n.
The death of. Mrs. "V illian, John -
et n.', of -Stanley, , Sunday, May S11ut..
teoyevl lime of'
the:-uld Jvaid en.uu of
that WW1 -whip. The 410Cs'Aie4 wiluld
har4 beep 'seventy-three years of age
em the Pith of • Jnly next. . She wen
Hoorn in l'ounty Antrint,.Jreulxnd, g)nI
rune tip thi..run(r)' thirty-sixlyearw
.egn.' TTie flItreral- (cork place to -Kay-
field a4'mpeteryy, bn.Tnrst sy-and was
la nLy4tlenit 1. ' -
' visep=k'now,r fresici nt'of the ilein:.
ity.o+t Winjlhanidieel at the home Of
teen da)Iggiter.' Mrs, W..I. He•ndetse,i,
•Illtimaste road, uttMRtnnlx -, Ma • :111th.
ire the p'►'"on of 'Mint El meth l'At-
tenteni 1401 fifty. Four years. The ole,--
,(.�•aaeti Wile twitb' married, having
hieli .Grfdoeylyy' Mn-,,, Taylor, She.
lves a L onilyi .)'( fli•e. sons twin
dighters, -.v :-(lr•fr'ge. J its and
drew, of, Morris : Stephen, nfl'aris :
('teals», of Kansas ; Mss. Alex: Scott,
of East Wxwansh, end Mex. W. J.
•Henderson. •
A reipcetiel remittent. of Exeter for
the punt forty. years. in the person of
Jaules -Haulms)'. departed this life on
Tuesday, June 2nd. The deceased Was
lw6rn in Forfirshire, Scotland, in 1541
end earn,' to Canada in 1$156, settling for
'a short time in familia) and afte•rwands
removing to For mounds time he
wax a contractor and afterw•syrla' MHed.
a position in the Verity plow works
until the removal of that institution
to Brantford. He watt a Reformer in
politica and a j}r•ilryterien in religious
faith. ,Jlesidea him widow, he leaves
a family of four sons and two
Mrs. Gagen, of Clinton, has returned
from Detroit, where she went to con -
stilt with sone friends, who were with
her non that was drowned monis• three
weeks ago at Ashland, Wis. She
learns that ,the body halt not lrietn
found yet. ' The place is Aleut four-
teen '
Where the river
empties iintt the lake, and it is thoughts
that the body will beseeroverd when
it arta to the mouth, lie there is a wife
net work Arrau the river at this
point.. and nothing large ran pass
through. It is here that interested
friend' are watching for the reusing
night and day in hope of finding
transaction* are likely to be 'settled
without expending more money iu
law. The basis is the payment of 6U
per cent. of claims, $112 (wing allowed
out of this annownt to apply on law
expense's already incurred. Some ten
people will share in the prop
settlement am contributors. A MO.
Weldon, of the U. H., and Engineer
Russell, of the Teniis:aurinv rauilway,
hold the moat of the paper iu this
batch of squaring off. No small
amount of worry and annoyance, to
say nothing about expense, will be
averted by thuee interested coming to
One day last week Dr. la,wery, who
leuo been relieving Dr. Fowler, of Sea -
forth, was nut near Dublin attending
to r rick horse and met with a mishap
that may prove fatal. The burse
broke away from those who were in
attendance and j purl a fence, and
in the exertion of following it up the
Doctor was seized with all acute pain
which did hint up. He was taken to
the house and a doctor auuialiuucel,
who thought it would be necessary ary to
operate to give him relief. Acconl-
iugly he was brought to l'lintou and
the operation was performed iuuleech.
ately, the appendix (wing nemoved.
At the latest report he was alit' very
low. ilia twine it un the 10th roucem.-
ion of (italeticb township. Dr. Lowet.v
hen since died.
The Mraforth Expositor last week
tool the following : -the• old friend,
ole urge Anderntm, of the Parr line,
Stanley, near Varum, was in town on
Wednesday. Mr. Anderson is now
g ' g on to eighty-four• yeare of age.
Leat fall he dug thirty -fist' rods of a
ditch, seven feet wide. through the
bush, himself, and Icaide a did unurt of
his fail plowing. Mr. Anderson was
OOP of the fleet settlers on the Parr
line and has resided on the wane farm
for fifty-seven years. The first wheat
he grew on hip term wow fall wheat
and was No. 1 quality, a •h better
*ample than can he grows now. He
took a load of thirty Iulrhels te, (bele-
rich, that 'wing his uearert market.
He started with a yoke of oxen in a
sleigh about six o'clock at night and
arrived in Goderich the next forenoon
about ten ticlis•k. On the return trip
he left Oalerirh about three ti chr•k in
the afternoon of the saute day, and
gut inane son after daylight next
ting, the I trip trues utrupy-
ilig two night.; and is day abated
stead)' travelling. NOW -a -Lays people
think they are hard hit if they have to
travel to (io elerich aid lack on an at• -
c yeslet' traits, when they can
have their breakfast and supper at
h • and have half a slay in Goderich
for buaitress. On this teratelon the
best offer Mr. Anth-rein could get for
MIM wh•At Wee 51k a bushel and only
$4 of that to be li cash and the rest in
store goods. When he came t,, under
the goods he wanted to get a pound of
tea and some nails, hint the shop asap
woukl not let him have the tea .n
nails nn the trade, as theme were cash
artirlrs and would be deducted from
the four dollars melt payment. Mr.
Anderson refusing Go subunit to •this
had to take his wheat home again
enol go without his tea and nails.
This in x sample' of what the brave
pioneer settlers of this country, the
omen who laid the f elation's, hal to
undergo in those days. Yet they
lived through it end most of them be-
came rich.
MovnAY, June Rth.
The Harris Mission Band intend
holding a lawn srcIal on the 2fit.h inst.
Min, Ratz, orf Mehritigville. is at
present visiting her sister, Mrs.
The Fnnstere of this place Intend
holding a strawberry social on the
Instil of W. H. Mc('rstie on the 16th
of ,Inns.
nut belying horwex one (
last weak Jno. Webster's hone• end-
d.nly took fright and ran away, pitch-'
Ing hint souls r, Webitee bad ht
qtr' 'woken eivh$ spllw 1tait
@ubss retied the idu$'htre. The
fm, -.n that ran awe ween to have a
irritation for such work. it haling
in tir-.'d several other {arras heave-
n Wednesday of haat week a ver)►
Happy event took place at the home of
Tlhm. Todd, it being the mtwtriiugu of
his dei hter, i1'ha►heth, to Edward
McRohiet•lg, a roue ynnng farmer
r,f this elfin The Rev. R. M. of the mixer, hnt, not gl itln,l olio,
WyMey tied the Euptial knot In the ' manual power bad to Inc used instead•
(a the deadliest and mod
painful malady to whine
mankind is sub)cot. Dodd's
Kidney Pills will cure say
case of Bright's Disse.
They hare sever failed is
one single case. They an
the only remedy that ever
has cured It, and they are
the o:Jy remedy that aaa
Then are inutatloas of
Dodd'. Kidney P
box and name -bet be ta-
lions are daoger•oow The
original and od
sun for Bright's Is
fifty cents a box at all !
Dodds Kidney Pills w I!
Mrt'Lt'Hv's MAu.szlNE. - "Bulging
out with gime! thing's' is ,a teen but
justifiable sh'm•tiptiun of Mit lure's
Magazine for .lane. John lefarge in
thiol' uuulher hiegins anew m•ries of Ar-
ticle on great artiste, dealing with
tliot three noted Frenr-htnetl, I ).'lacroi x,
It/resume And Diaz, illiu.trnted with
choices xepnsluctit s in,. tint. "My
Friehd•.Pruritwrst" le the title of Henry
Iigrla,id's new -revel; whioli idol b• -
gins in thin issue of Mct'lutie/i. and
-tiointhe s.•te''tte., a rharming'stury of
absorbing intermit.: Two first -Anse
attteleti air' ' "An Ocean (iraveytited,"
.Iiy: P. T: .ys'(irath.-and "The ,Mir'm..
•miry( Hoole," ler Eugt'rie SVritxi. Miss
Tartrell'lt Stanuli(tr1 Oil rf'rapt7r, "The
Breast . Com )nation," relating 'the
final .diea•idufltute of the; independents
in their -effort., to bring Mr.'Rte,kefrller
'and him colleagues to trial fue ecitui iitT-
at•y' and the tiplerifding nfd a tenon;
moth tiyll.t. ' U'yv ' Stsinnat ''hakes„
'glvCe a clear and r:oncis•asrcount of
Peter, C. Opel' Hewitt's thnr gees t•ill-
s-tntinrls'in runneetinn with -electrical
d.'twti'puwnC. Myth Kelly, Aline
.Brower itnd t'MtK•Ien Ii.. lie Cquip have
•entt('t•taiitling 'dein siarrir'u,'-a Bile "Thr
Bnrniuguf m (iia Vell." "A liotaniral
.Adventure" anti Miler sketi•heu help to
nuwke nn'J'.a, chs,A a c1111r'ctiun .if reeding
'lit(ttter, - -
DUfu(LOP:: ' , e .•'
Moxn.cY, Jeer filth.
Mr. and Mrs. Tirhps,rne end Miss
M. Quail had a pllrsaht Visit of Sev-
ern' days to we relative"' in and *bent
Laeknow. -
Th.'te wan r site a large i ee.of teams
drawing brick for the new R.
church building at Kingsbridge this
summer. The :U•aths tarry at The
Kxehehge with their'11wula homewards
for dinner and to fear their horses.
A fortnight. ago_ W. F. Young, one
of Loyal Ieadifg fanners. wax slum
mined to Aehfleld fol• several -days to
guide and direct a job of grading and
levelling an entrance and mad to the
honer and barn of P. Austin. This is
not the first road W. F. his directed
We think he can equal Campbell, the
good -toads rmmmisxiofer• any dep.
The work on the new barn bean
built 'by Contnartor, MarWhipney, of
the Nile, for Tobifi Brox. is pr��.((-
ing nicety. The builder on aFt ttirday
night furnished all the timber to rest
on t•hepWnework, and in the cend• of
*yE�¢¢.,werks' time will conte for the last
fink to have the thrillers put together
and faired An the stone and cement
foundation that is now Icing made
Hnder the direction of Smoot.' Potter,
of Poplar Row, as chief mantel' Inaaon
of .-.•,Hent and massm w-,u•k. Sant.
hew a good staff elf men with him,
among whom are .lu,eeph Thompw,tl
end John Ryan. The laltor sex to
have need hie engine P a the running
('osM,,r1,i.erve. FC
are twentp;rme'stollen and. ariicicR in
the Jtm,•-d'•Mlappolitan, inrltidingg-n
eharining love mtore by 'French., Wii-
hing Wharton. illustrated lav •�JIiU•hrll
Piece ; a dranalir lailnidd,RUory.:by
K. ,F'. liarnhalif ;1.' enure/Wee of rtn.• brew
nest *unlit 'k T Mlle White, ,and
eodlriMrtions lee F. R. Martin- 1
Henry',; Action .fierrinian. Edi-Nnl
Eyelet t Hale w'rites,on-f)Isi Age. Pen-
siotfn," lb. Albeet. Show discusses
"lournalisna" A. 1s' . profennimtt, H. G.
uWetl's-Rdvan•i•s hie:ide,alioat) "Live and
the l'ulti\•atititt sof the linaginatiein,"
and Mary E. Thurptsorligiveepractical
advice oiti "How to (.'Rde for the Sick.
in .the Moue."• An enmity on "The;
,Rewe of Y/'aterley'and Today" •an(l,an'
article oh• "Bon's ►Aye': A•Mip(it and
('htro•ti'risttr," ere, -•hutiderriel)( •ii -
Mediated. l'Ilee p•rwutal Articles. i,t,-
el1ule' ehariteter sketches of George
(filbert Williams, the great tanker :
Iffy'' 'iti'111iA1t1 itnParsn r.
chief en-
(inrrr oft n \ew••lt'urk Itapkl;TrAnsit
zomhligskiri, and Bairn fitratheonR a1t' per u,. Mr At erlean alt'er's
and Mount H,yal, high r•ornuri.slnne'r i r,re,n.,t soled; t"aiittlsa stems, ter to oar
for, ('anaui.i. There are also u' ontri-' per Ib.: refrl cs tnw Reef, Aye. ►o 3%e per
hsitkins by other•notable writers. Ib. sheep, 11e twilit. per lb.. ,
Beata Markets Euler -wheat lower is
Ltr.rpool cad Chicago -Lars Stock -
1 h• Latsst qu.tatl.Y.
Saturday Nvening, June ,1.
Uverpu.d wheat futures ,•lure.) tkd to t.•'
fewer today than ye.aerdsy, soul tern fu
tures �1 to 11,1 l..wer.
At ('h -sgo Jnly wheat nlnerd 4s,r
telae Irr4cay: July uroru See lower. aid Jul)
eats %e higher.
Yellowing are the 'lusleg mu tames. .aI
beau taut sr -eat centres today:
Cas& Juan, July. fleet
New York el% TT1
!thorn, ,,. .. •..• - 73% 73y(
Tidal,. 7s% 75% 75%, 7'u4
Duluth, No, 1 N.. 5(1% anti Stye 7J;,
w'he't. red. hush
Wheat, white. bash
so 7Sti to $....
11 77.14: to ....
Wheat. (pring. hush 11 7214j
What. goose, butt U b7 U es
Harley, bush U 44 '
/leans bash . 1 ter 1 til
Hess.. Iuud pt. k. -.I ,.. 1 75 ..••
1','.. bush . . . ... U 7x14 • •••
n It
0 3414 0.35
0 48 e...
Nye. hush
oats, hoolt
Rorkwel.at, bosh
Day and Straw_
Its,. per too
Clover, per ton
Straw, loose. per toe ,.. 6 Si) ....
Straw, sheaf, per too .., 5 OU .,..
Pans and veeetablee_-
moo, .w Infer, I.bl $1 (10 to $2 50
1 16
0 40 O Ire
U 7S• 0 MO
o x1 0 35
$12 no to its s')
e UI 000
Putat,ee. p't I.ag
Cabbage. per dos
Order per Myr
turntls,. per bag
rid. kens ,a -r pair !n no to $1 26
$prlhg rblek •ma per putt0 7'i-, 1 23
Rpting duekr, per pair 1 30' '4 00
Tarkeyn, per It, o 12 0 13
Dairy Preduee-
Cutt.•r, It, runs
Egg., nee ism
sole to $a Si)
0 16 0 15
Every Luxury
Seasonable foods
'1'h1• uctt''.1 thing. In
Straw Hats,
Summer Underwear,
1I'iur, light goods)
Shirts, Ties,
Collars and Cuffs.
Waterproof Coats, $2.50
A special line of Waterproof Coats, newest cut; slash
pockets, cuffs. Up to date in every respect. While they sue
last, a bargain at ee•.S
The Square,
Cable, t'aeks.ged--New York, Rat -
fain sad (h
le.ao Steady.
Aurelian of live at,. k Amounted to 34 ear.
Wads, .v,ml'o-ot ,d 5e17 ,•attar, 155)0 hugs,
12h1 sheep mud Iamb. un.1 Ml calor..
rxptrtere Kest loads of eip"rters sold
at $411' to $3 cal cut.. median' to Lewd st
about ft •.3, 1" 54 .1
to Export hull» Cbrd..e gssltty bulb sold al
{ !SO t$4 1 'per , o t good buns gold at
p.r rest.
Export (`owe Export coca Sold at $4 Of
to $4 2S per cwt
Butchers' Cattle C hob-' picked lots of
butchers', weighing from 102', to 1100 lbs.
each. equal la quality to best exporters.
sold at µ,7S to µ.S3; loads of good
Sold at µ..at to $4.&1: fair to mmllunb $4.40
to µ.sr: u'nu m.eo, µ.'23t to µ.4o: rough to
Jrferior, $3.50 to $4.13 per cwt.
-• Feeders -steers of good quality, 900 to
10110 lbs. each, ars • worth $4 to $4.40
21011 -keep Feeders -Good hep, 1100 to
a, IIS tech, are lemon sf.t}t to $1.90
per Cwt.
Baines►-Olia year (o two-year-old steers.
, Max. 700 Iba poeh, ate won t1.13 Xr to $0 71
-peptewrt,; • ofheolors 'sort of 'poor hrerdltq
A y. bt lame, weights are Worth $3 pen
ff •ECu-b -(nee--1(lieeZ eows�ad ,pringen are
worth $31) to $33 each.
Calves. sender's sold' $2 to $t,0 *aeb., or
from $41.0 to•$5.75 p 'cwt. -
Pbeep, - i'nji3 4..5 .to'$4 fer Pet, *Pr
eine., rod marina • Y to t0 . t
t1meg $g...11ttttte--ellelta easy at _$2.30 to N•
Mope-,R.,t select baron 'J60, not Mea
was leo lb's., lion Chore then lbs. earl
tors: sold at $e per eat.: lights ane
tats at $5.75;.aowe, $4 fur.µ60(per d -wt.
Sled -hags,. IgA ,to -$3, per cirri .
--EAST `r('PPALo ceiTZLC r 5Ez'r.
.East nuntlo,- Jou.- e.-4"attl.�A}'crt ta.
'• 100 brad: goal, ' rsdi: eo'n's si n., slow-and-
"el.Slr; prime sad sh11.01g'there, $4r911/gr
' .$.3,110; bntebers' ?utters. $4.50 ter $5: metre,,
ao.t row?. 13:26 to $4.W1t brill? $5.2.i u.
-$4.25: feeder. and ...tet••$�••'a,, $4' to $4 aS
Sesta.. 180' I.,wat.: 't opts, $(r25 to 4i3 -Pt; roar
mop fa gon.t 4i.: 0 to $4I. to-,. •
(loge -f eee�ipt:.'31,.l hosrt„.sJow. Se -to 10r
lower: heavy,,ut.�1Q to 't.2tltpalyee,la.e3to
W.13: Porkers, a•l_•to Ixi: Ilght; nrkel'a.
sn.f DIg's. It; to tare..` roughs -15.3$1 is
$3 7,1: stage: $4t to .p,6H, ;••t -
Sheep / and Iwndta-ReeNpf aa. �ala1 head
steep, uIcsfiy• Ihlmles, 15e lower: tnp;ltimhs
$s'.2 Fri $a,N): -.sou. to swat.- $4 tit $5.15
yusr)tn!s, $5 to 25: e4ea,•$3.21 in $4.50
M{l`p' re* .nixed, .$$.75 to $3; culls in go00,
tla $4 44 (t6. .
. ' : PEW SORE 14$'E,5Tocli. •
• rNew �York, 'Jnne a.-Reeveill ft)'•'iota'417
•Ned: sepsis. 114,14 c-style,.4/ dap anti
2811 quarter, of beef. ('elves-►Ae.+elpte, R;
steady: read.. a 'n 44173.
Sheep snot 4' ave nlrie,Cta., •M:uO -• freak
sod Inwrr: "N.atr. $,r.2S oto ;Cuff); .laiubi. (lr
to (7ra5:--yr„r*Tnf•, $4'50 Io' 5,0714
Hoge -Mier Ips., 1112, steady. .
Eiarr H CATTLE MAUrr: ;
Lee n. me R.-1 v. rs�•.
A til nnrM
a 1t.• "�
t t
isnr.nKI.t,. ' --
('oupcil met', Nay 30th pnr.nant tostronrn•
mewl. member. all pn•arnt. Minute. of Iasi
meeting. read and pmentd. Cheque.. were Mr
.are for th follow h.1t enwnnta : Jas. Hryan
print, 4i: J,ilw Kihantrick, work on ,noel
granter, $,s: John Mnitin. plank, $74.s.): Red
M, Srnslr. re,sirinr Miaow at (erase $7.tY,
It. A. i'arrlrk. •.•n ice. as ,rdladnt, pop and
rutting hent in bridge on hi. run& 11001: M.
plank, FAO; than. ettewart, dank,
'{{••F.M: M. McKay. •eco leen a. mllr,•tor. OM W.
Mr('arth5•- hanling 1118 and digging ditch. SR:
51, Milli. am repairing take 11111 : Tho. M
('arihy; repairing nmthroil. S. It. land I,1.50:
Wm. Shackleton, a•I.niring S. It.•3 and t. 1:.i11;
It. Heid, rrinlrlug'hriagt•, S. It. s and In, V1:
John Shield., r,•tnirb,g rntrert. rein. 2, 51r; Jan.
Surgeon, repairing• rain rrt, Mn. 2. 7.1e: (l ",,
Jobnotnn, drawing plank, $6: A. llurnln.
plank, (rtt Ituet.l. F'll,. erald plank. sum:.5.
Melm•rmald drain. con. II, *2.,1U; Janie. lane,
repairing euir en., con, Imo $1.11• Peter McIntyre.
repairing enlvert,, y. H. a and 10. Sir: Henry
Homegrand'. $g: K. Mclean, repalrinr cul-
vert.• .lt. It mad 13. it-tA Neil McKenziere-
pairing two enlserte. S. R. 12and 13.14 John
t'owan. rn,wlring culvert, S. It. r and 10, 41.10:
K. lrnrnln, repairing cohere, I.. H., $5: Janie*
Row,i'a"et 4k': IM. Mrla'nnan, seem •p, as M,
11, (1., AA; «'m. Mother.. lintege got 1 morel)
adJowmeet rnoti In mt Again no the' nth n1' Jnne.
.MTrrrentIm Peers.
One of the vexed mem lion”' an assemor
has to contend with ix the age at which l
a dog ran he taxed, in Ronne monied. I
;Iodide,. the Age is fixed. lhixsllextion
wag asked of The Municipal World
recently end the answer given by this
them. eminent authority was I-iwat a slag woe
The Rro,so'la Post ways : It is Raid the a dog ex sone as it wee horn and liable
'somewhat celebeated "Daly faun aide" to atoseaatnent and taxation.
"It gives me great pleasure
to write you and congratulate
you on having put upon the
market such a valuable spedl
Gine in a minute form. Wilms
done me so much good that as
soon as one box is gone I pur-
chase another. 'I have been
somewhat constipated and my
liver has been out of order,
but -Iron -Ox Tablets have put
my,whole system right." r
59 Grove Stnbt, '
' New Haven, Cohn. '
Fifty for 25 Cents.
Fishing Tackle
WI-. bus.• just n curd out a large and well-ass.u-ted stock of
all lints of Fishing Tackle, and have stifle exceptionally
g,sel values to offer.
Doable -gat Pennell Bass Hooks
The I'ENNEI,1. BASS HOOKS are without a doubt,the
best Hens Hooks obtainable, and are specially adapted for
all kinds of river fishing. Call in and inspect them.
A full assortment of single and double gut Hooks, Trout Flies, Bass
Elie'', lending Nets, N' Nets, Gut Leaden., oiled silk Lines.
b►aide'd-Liu.s, waterproof Lines, split Sinkers. ringed Sinkers, Reels
cut all kinds and Palen of all kinds.
Ales, the JOINTED BAMBOO ROD we offer for $1.35.
Window Siemens, were :lac t:. Ilk•, now Now is the time to paint.
only Nieto 35e. I•liest Linseed Oil only 65e a gal.
Sr r.en !hors, were iJ to 11:76,' now IIts(t grade White Lead, only 45.46 per
0111). 1Cie to $1.6(1. cwt.
Big reelectionsin I)ry ('nlors.
lawn Bowers, two separate• gfadeo do Varnishte are also away down.
choses• front. Prices greatly re - roc tine Furniture Polish only 15c.
dived. Best Gasoline' only 15c large bottle.
We handle all kinds of new high grade machines -among .them
the CLEVELAND), E. & D. and ANTELOPE. In our shop
you will find nothing but the best, which is none too good for
you. We can tit your wheel with a "New Departure," "Cinch,"
or "Morrow" Coaster Brake. They're all right. . Try one.
Our SECOND-HAND WHEELS are all thoroughly
overhauled in an expert manner, and are sure to give good satis-
faction, even at the low prices we sell at. Come and see us if
you want satisfaction at very reasonable prizes.
We rent wheels.'.-
- Do all kinds of repaint-
-Sell bicycle sundries-
--Make old wheels as good as new=
We know how to do it -but only tin spot.•oaahterme. •
Come and test how good the big repair shop aid `livery cap do
for you.
J NO. YULE SundrieBicycles;s, RepairsLivery;
Made 'pp from goods in stock"-
i►Mi-melee,, good -fitting ger-
',ttents-a lot better than the or-
e dinnry.-at: prices that will make
tt "to .your interest to BUY
A qH 'ialty. Newest intport,l-
tislnr. -ill fine McAllen. If you
want something real good!, the
- place to gel, it is
u ll..I. J [ ). Street
pkEXT+ fl,tNK" l' MONTREAL,
have the largest
;o l stock
of hand made
,Dairy Tinware in
all made
heavy English
'Also Eavestro'ugh-
.ing, Galvanized
Iron Work, Metal
Ceilings, Roofings,
and Sidings, Fur -
naces and Plumb
r ,
ILL THE USEFUL BRANCHES are taaiht in the
*)yr stt lents,a •' nunt gilaranlewl nice roe. but Atter n cotton. In t;tis ' ,Ilrfrn if.
will bts.•nhotrhCe riir 1hem to 110111 Any position. Weaid theme, if lwswiblt•, to
A (. n te lrtytnrnt, but we fleet espri .'li.nl to maintain the high reputation
thiersr#t.w, (elle Acquired.J. W. WESTISVELT. PrinaIpsI.
w w
(JJe Minted Stationery
•Jn your Business Correspondence. You can
- ' . . �: - THE SIGNAL.