HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-11, Page 7THE TOWN COUNCIL.
Fire Department Wants en Alarm
System Installed.
Council *lama to Pio for Demises% to Buggy
Report of Court of Radon Are W to
M•r• • meet of July Celebration N No
Answer Yet Onion to Public $, ovl Board
Mayor I.ewir beiug aliment owing to
illness in his family, Mr. Th peon
,, ., upitd the chair at the regular
;meting of the town council on Friday
evening. Councillors Humber, Reid,
Muriel and Elliott were the others
present. r
The W/wurrt's and audit -ore' state-
ments for May were south) the finance
committer. The tr a urer'artatemrut
tr as follows :
Nat torn..
llalen.r Mee ."lean
NMI resident tale.
Witter rate.
Elmira. light rater
I.1ernan, .. .
Iul1 dl.•aunnd
nlaat Iuata010.
talent-. i $ 31K111
IMnting.dr..e+deaatimart sem
PublicPublicweeks......... ...... .... Yft:1
II *1.11,
s -Vain Memo*........ . hKu•
, saasd 1E{.mw'l Min
0)'a[era�1�► recital T.w
hieetrk 14(4,1. uw
ulntea•es.... . DLO
Mr Mad .e,uint
Mi., Itu,re.u.
tt.t.n..• oii herd
The er:ton of Mai1Lu*1 er met
reported two interment.. doting M
floe of thews pertains died outside
Au at'rdiealion frau 11'mt. Aue
for all -Al M11/n twist he'
rents per yard : - ue.ttiee in men
pert eat a'lretllt nl t. . ltra IN
inrultwl itt tunnelling uuaer
reu,r,,t sidewalks, was r• -ferrel to t
water and light a 'thew. 1br pr
now is 10 rents' `mer yard.
Engineer Kelly ativi.srl that.an
limit lw placed upon the running
hewn 'sprinkle's. which are now all•
,.l t.. 111n day and night, making
^limed hollow/aide tit keep tip the he
ane• at the power !mow. Mr. hr
also raked for it new supply arf mea
.ervier fittiuge. Ther ,,matter.. w
I.frrriI G, ee ides, with tamer
petroliane the supplies.
,The fire department, through .
s.M•twtery, Joseph Hnwhey. request
Nes council ter nate two lire alar
ls.xr.. pl i eel in each ward. Hrfrrri
In ,t nw•e,t .Nrasiou upon which t
hose wagon went in the ening .111.
tion in trying to retch it fire, it w
dated that -this should 1w emergh
rent -in., the towtsprrple ..1Ihe nor
iiity of a fire alarm aysrrm. It 1!
ale.. painted resit that under the p4e•.r
root system fry the tier the town I
ran 14,• Hung the lire has gained er
enterable. headway. The alar►,, l..
r.wllrl lw attached ter the rlectrie lig
poles and the alarm given at t
central telephone office, giving t
number .1 the ler" and the ward
w'hieh the slants was given. This.
was rlailn.d, wrntkt rater 14 Nut of tilt
and ceiew1urntly of property. Th
,••n nn uuicati ri wax referred lit t
flag ..,III 1111th,..
.Lanes 14itrhell. sertetary of 1
• I1...1 I*1 001 Trs"'e, called ttit• council***
tcutem to the• need of Repairs at l
4411, 111.0o1- the Big Mill and opined
Thr •areh,,ui..•. it wan al.., orpps
that the coun.'il sew that the town It
law tegeoltug the keeping of 11
wharf , 1.•eti. even/illy After tailor'.
In• •birth' observed.
Th.- pohhr wrn•ka • tlw• w
Kia rn pe.wrr t u art.
Mr.. Murdoch Melee/xi notified til
council that on Tuewlay evening
sir was driving down the Ntn'et l)1
Issue A. MetiotWs her horer thiol a
a tow that hail fallen. The hugg
we. broken, and she thought the town
hoadA pay t1stiregee to the owner. Mr.
Hay., an the tow and hnlah ahonld
• hat ,• Iu..n ?volumed. The 44nlnrillors
thought the town ovoid not be held
r•'pm.ihl.• fur fallen tees, Int 11a
they were entirely ignorant .1 the cite
runitta neem of the areidrnt the hatter
was n.ent to the pnhlic works onion -
10111,.• for iii coot igation end consider.
A complaint from 1. Sun•.•th -In
teganl to the aewwltnent on lits 12436,
!Mend l0(! wait went to the ruurt of
rev isle HL
An application from the Dbs'iplei of
(iiriat for an electric light con os -titin
for their new place of worship • wan
net to ro 'ttrr.
The ntrmhtetw of the wilier force
tis•titioned for lighter• malts for the
s1unmirr, Refernd to special 010111
Th • following aC44nlnte were went to
the flnaner ero►lnnittew: (h'wleri01)
lannler l'o.. I115l.31 ; 'Tall Ele etli, ('o..
New York. glades, $1.90; Gundry
Hnw,.. livery. /2: Th • Signal. Adver-
tising, $1.110 ; "hos. 11'eat hentId. D. 1e..
N„ lilrlr] Ing work, 812: Quw'n ('ity
(hl ('o., Toronto, *21.10 and /f1 : (irt.
Porter, •tatinnrry, $122.17: .law. Mor -
einem Braes Mfg. Co., Toronto, Net•vire
hosts, etc,, 111teet ; N. It, Hongt•ie.
supplies for witterworks, $$,211; Hi,ht..
Kerr, team tfire, )12; Canadian U.•n-
e►•el J h't-trie ('o,. Tonal,,, will.
Ianipn, etc.. $48.4i and $2i.
The finance 't tee reeotunirnderl
yment of the following arroli,ts :
Municipal World, $2,54): The Star.
$10,61: The Signet, $12.60; Ihillle •
Holmen, $r#25: J. H. Worrell,
The '•rnitt of revision reported the
following rdietions of aira•anatient :
('hat. Medio, on Inc 111M);
Franri14 Sm,wth, on lot 11436, $*'U)
Hannah Hotton, on bots 4fet, 4116.
ri614, 6711, $sill) : A. J. Cooper, ran east
pp1owrt IMM), $300, on west part. 1M41), $4111 ;
Oliver Pennington, i16. Mra.Htrm•han
and N. Nott were changed 'to public
school supporter(, and a number of
dogs were struck oft the roll. The
Appeal of the Deering Company was
not allowed.
The workcommitteecomittee re0.nt-
h111 that a thin. tile sewer he laid
fro,,) the owner of Cambria row! and
Elgin avenue along the (entre of
Hurn road to Britannia row', at die -
tams of 6(11) feet, to repinee the old
drain on Toronto etr.'pt.. it was also
reomrnenderl that tender. he naked
for the replacing of the old rir•ains nn
Raglan onset north on Palmerston
steel., a dlatane. of 7157 feet, to Brltan-
MIe road ; thence west on Belton/rim
rest! to South at►'Pet, a distance of
1,7103 feet; Rein. tips pipe Gr i. un.•ol.
Inatelleteln4 had ieen given for 11,.• re-
plw•Ingg of the lower end of the plank
walk hoofing to the harbor, from the
function of the sines going tor the hill,
with R Binder path. Mr. John/Gm'',
wage. hail hewn Mere/wed •ilii cents per
dray and Mr. Phalen's 10 vents per day.
I • eoricholti vett)) the follow-
ausesrl'The $g,I111 grant to the
dittos M for Iwuilding an ai1-
end improve -reenter ter Elie ren-
ted "ohne,' ter Ire laid over for the pre-
ANkw1 4,4, le, the enure. of the delay
in holding the a onferenee with the
whorl' board, Mr. Thonowon "aid he
dkl not think any harm had been
Ki 4
t it. -
hr '
done - they 'imply had not islet yet.
Kim*. of the Councillors thought It was
the duty of. , the committee to gleet
with the ie•houl !sired et uuce, SO that
the impar' might know whethee the
couueil was ggenus to vote the money
or out. Mr. Thompson' raid the oast•
ins would lw held shortly. 11' was at
little afraid G1 meet the trustees, hitt
hoped he would root) he able ter brace
up for the sole ter. The eumi.
mitter's report wee 0401,1.er1,
HYlaw No. IM), to take over lots
herr 11'11 and 6r17 fur the extension of
Yl. 1►avid'r street to the station, was
put through all the el.gts
A request from litre M,F:wau that
the rail gimlet' du smile work on the
road at the foot of his phtee was ,out
to til,• public works t titre.
The ellall•t/tan .11 public works was
Authorized to have $2 wort11'of plants
purchase.' for the Square.
Sure of the cuuncilkrw wanted to
know whet e"rInge11►euts had been
made with the circus end We clerk
raid the Maylir• iteel errangr.l that *31
was t., be paid for the gt dean"' $.111
for tire. lieenive,
Mr. Humber asked if the a al
tote -titled Ile do anything teowa rds A bit
of July relelestiou.
Mr. Mnrnee *tested (heat Neel cel.•-
lrNtlnlla were. got up by uutxidnvonu-
5,,ittA•er will) calve G, the ruuntil for all
appl..laid ti,,m. '1'hir year thele had
been 110 1014'11 apo!dicati„u-
Mr. 11tnu1N•r tharught the.elrbratiun
should seat he All•.o,,( ti. la 4,w• and if
the citiu•o' did not Ioov,- 13,.. cnun.•il
mtghl take Ille inttiatiVe lather lhit u
let the matter go by default.
The council adjourned without
taking ally Audit 11 111. M r. 11 umber's
Nuggent tint.
Charlet F. Vellum et Otter.* Drowsed M
Netireepwe leas, .
Ottawa. Jung a -Charles F.' Cale
loam of Integra. :u, years old, was
accidentally drowlw-') while canoeing
1n company with two contpanions Da
McGregor's lake, &l,utit eight mile,
from }full, Munda.y ever"f* about
i 30 '1'M part), consisting ut t'ai-
leau and Al..•)Inger. of . �tlswr
and Mr. T. Hrro•ard i,f Perktna
Mills, went out on a fishing trim..
l'he young mot had been bathing
and diarotered an old canoe In which
they were paddling about when t'al-
leau fell overboard and cro strwl
craft tell. e.. atart..d for t he snort•,
but when within *oily yard. hl ,t,
screamed and monk.. Thr li.uly haw
nut been-r,cot.end
Doable Dr•walag.
Port Arthur, '.lore.• 1,-,i► duthle
dr.e ring , ,a repot 1 et' front t'ru.s
River. aloLt thirty ,,they east ul
Grand Morals 7'wu 'nen. .1.m -a
Psnkert,n and ,1,t. Anderson, had an
altercation in • boat wiel.• muter the
laauenre of Il.pour Lhd. fell Into til.+
water. I'lnlrgnn'a body Ase les stud
to 20 feet of wattcr.
inseam dryer Drowsed. •
Woodwork, .Jun. U.
received by relator*
CIA Pra,w•r. aged
drowned in the Black
Huron on Saturday
•sly 'Peed at E:mt,ro
-word has 'wen
here that leer -
2(1 years. ons
River near fort
night He form
wit h hts par -
Tare *r. ..ge.
fievern Bridge, June i4 -A twelve-
year -old bey nettled Justin was
drowned w(tlle fouling on • log, and
Keen' Jackson, aged 18. ,mired •wfth
vamps while bathing, oleo mol
'death. Neither body, lien 'been recov-
►•sad Dswwsd.
Thurolit, June U,• c- Th. Lowly, of
Matthew McNam.ra, an old 'resident
of Thorold. was hound In the 'Yu11
rate' here lost evebing. it 40.,.upl
posed that he fell In loot Saturday
night on his way home trona town.
Death 1•il.wed Bless.
Colllnpfrvo,4,1, ;lulls 9. -- Wntlatn
Hayden .1ieel at the lie and M. Hoer
pita' Sunday from .the r euh of In-
juries ren cited In what 'appears to
have leen a drunken brawl. About
midnight on May 23, llayd,a and
hie partner, Cook. wig* pawing the
lwmink,n hotel, which' "was clotted,
but they atteugnovt to get through
the window, 'del n. doing so NOV in-
to a. quarrel with two drunken Bien,
who knocked iJeyden down and
fetched him over the Irexirt pared frac-
tured tbl'fourth rib on She left side:,
Coroner Stephen .Bipan.11sd a Jury
last night, but only two witnesssa
were examined, and .the 1Agteest was
adlourned • udln Monday evening
C1.11 . 1 selr1Ae.
Ottawa., June 9,_.10nei.h ('her.tte,
en employe of til. Pohle Works De-
partment, shut himself dead in the'
Medford Chambers •t • 11 er'rl,k last
night. ('harette had thr N'nterred to
shoot himself several tines and at-
tenipted to borrow" a plated. Last
night h. Whored a revolver and, en-
tering hi. room and lacking the
door, he tined two shots. One bullet
lodged in his heart and the other in
his loft breast. eharette inose from
Hontreel wn.1 has no relative.' known
t0 lits friends in (/t lawn
•r. 111111 en Vales D•I.(etee.
St. Paul, ktlnn . June :(.-i'r.•shlent
James J. 11111 of the (reat North-
ern lest night rented lila opinion
that the walking delegates and bual-
nese agent and the- Int.•ruodiate age
encl.a het ween employers and their
mono should be -done away with emu
that such action would Meditate the
development of better relation.
Tb..gb • Led, Yet a Burglar.
Belleville, Jun.. U. -A led named
William Monahan, of this city, on
$rturdey night burglarized It Pront
street randy store. The Troy though
young, is old In crime, ns lie his
twice before been ronnerte..l With
hurglarlevr. VetoPM-1yLnorning.'' he
Was sent to the lto(ot'mdlory for an
Indefinite period.
Natal =lass I.. Teroale.
Toronto, .liana (1 - The men who
manage the great hot,•le ell over the
United Staten and ('ann.le met in
Toronto preterites' The tw•enty-
fnnrth annual rnnv.-ntlon of the Ho-
telmen's VII tutI itenefit Asj"clation
opened yenta(day rnnrrring, sod, af-
ter it business session of • roupl* of
hours, adjnnrned no that the mem-
here could spend the remainder of
their stay in Toronto eightsesIng.
There are several hundred members
present ;tit net her, an'• matey oti'
th.•m have brought their wive, and
families with theta.
Salsa Per Dlr.r•e.
Cleveland. .iunn 9. -After, eight
years of married life together, Mot
(ilorin Marl* Oaleutt of this elty h.e
entameneed divorce proceedings
against her husband, .Jamas Freder-
ick ealcutt of Terre tn, Canada The
wounds stated for the action
.r• groan neglect et daty.aod Galata
1. at.Tltn. _ .
B•rlhwa•t Proutl••• Movers 11.14 and 11
Leek. LIk• •.•rag• le Outarlu
tee -Temic 0.1) Ory,
klcntreal, Que., Julie b. -The Star
published yesterday a crop report
from all over the lhltwniun, which
being boiled down, trade as folluwe:
The indication. all point to the fact
that this weather cuuditione prevail -
!ng lu Muutr,al have prevailed in
the diatrtct of Montreal, but not
generally In Canada.
About one-tenth its arra of the
whole , Dominion has been afWrtnd by
drouth, making it crrtaiu that lay
will h. light In the l'roviuc•e of Que-
bec. Northwestern Canada promises
a record crop. It looks like en av-
erage in Ontario. With the excep-
tion of isolated districts In the Mar -
Omer Prot Incas, the crops will be.
malt . M„st people used, perhaps, to
101 reminded that this is ow of tipo
earllrat weeoru on record In Can-
ada, as far as the ending of the win-
ter is concern's!, the spring having
really rumlnrnc1f early in March.
It weather cuudit- 14,x•,10)44 fav-
orable, much of the apparent Ions
wlli be recovered, oven In the worst
districts, as far as the usual Mont-
real soirees 01 supply are concerned,
there will be a scarcity of hay and
t0g.•ta1,1.s bf particular, w'hile 4'i• pasturage will affect the quality
and, probably, the price of butter
and rhea se.
aemeaetr•tlee of the New Elea,•st Dla-
eer•rwd be. alw•ea• Curl•.
Berlin, Juue l4. -AC yertt•rd•y's'
steelun of the Chemical Congress
i'rokeisor W. MarkWeld, of Berlin.
•howtd the electro cheutical and ply •
4,Y at ,section • smudge of dark Pow-
der on a plw'e of paper, which wh+
the first elle lira! any of thong e,,. -
in. nt *tient bite had awn the - Metal
polonium, dl rot'ereh by 1'ndesa.,r
and Mme. Curie of Paris.
The litter doubted whether p,1tor
ium was a primary elellont or relat-
ed to IIsmuth, but 1'ruf,Naor Marl;
weld demonstrated that it was In-
deed a primary element.
Professor Mark weld 'proc.•Pded to
gut. it marvelous exhibit tun of the
powers of his speck of polonluu,. 1t
int oreepted a strung current of e1,,,',
trkfty passing through the air from
the meteretor to the 'oeu.4ter, the •,r
ceasing to be • conductor for the.
Nokia. Th.• room was then darken -
e() and pieces of partum. pintluut4.
and' rho blend.,placed near* the pal,
mourn. glowed with a bright green-
ish 4aht The n'lwt),4 Iage •of cheth-
l.tn was thrilled with aotooitatn.-n,.
If appeared to be it mlrac4.. '
In the section' of orgime: preparn-
Ilone )'rofesior Pr.lsk.oeer of Berlin
rend a paper on the Nth•r1lzation of
drinking water with own.• end on
(hone w•terwurk.. - a
The Nastre.l N•I0.dl.t C•ar Pala
SOB • Yrlesdly a.e.1.11.s..
Kingaton, Jup,• !1 -At the o'r,ing
of lice Montreal Methodist (2unfere;nye
whit resolution waaa,.ntto -the- Com -
moos on memorials, and IN . likely
mi favourably reported upon: •'1244:
solved, that we affirm owr opinion
that the latsMnn of Methodism In
Canada L no tonere hound•ule with
separate organifalioa:-elan, that we
record- our willingness to accept in •
mpilrlt of reasLnableeems the modifi-
cations n.rosnory to the union with
the.. Presbyterian and Congregational
Glorifies eoptts(ently with full and
continued discharge of the distinct-
ive mla'lon of Meth,,d,Mlit''
• At(. pt to nob Bask.
Portage is -Prairie, man., June R. -
An unaurresltful attempt was mule
by burglars at 2 o'clock yeoterdaY
mornings to enter the Bank of Com-
mons here. •. A Junior clerk, named
Liven', sleeping on the premises.
hearing • noise, demanded who war
there, nod the anawsr•way a bullet,
which lodged - Piet above his head.
)!e replied with two shot,. from hie
repeater. The police are after the
• Were. Plat taeiteteed.
Rmlth's Fells, June 9. -Tb.. _ton
tramps art..wted-here on suspicion of
having knuwttdpp• of the murder 01
Glory Whalen at Collingwootl were
not identified. w1)11am I'elch wee
berg yesterday wlth•.a provincial of -
&Jr, but wins unable to ryty the men
wen, the senor he hod seen around
the brush Where the dead girl's body
Was found. The men wino released. '
i •.aisles le (till Mlselag.
61. ,.John's, Nfld., .Junes 9. -The
et earner' Home, which was sent to
r.arch.for the riesling schooner 1)o -
minion, Inst amid the ice floea, with
a crow of to enty.,ight- wen, reports
having seep no Men of the missing
nhip• or crow. I The bodlw ut two
F'renchinen drifted ashore in a dory
at, Plaeentin Day on "Ham day, vic-
'tlms of the , recent 'gale oh• the
()rand Danica.
cussed Nurd•rer ltrtredlt.d.
Boston, Moss , .itne 9.-Pasopule
I'arlee, the alleged Italian murderer,
from Canada, who was arrested .. by
Brockton officer. at Kingstoo: this
State, five weeks ago, wan extradit-
ed yesterday, in charge of Sergeant
1h•tective Carpenter of Montreal:
The allegod 'tnnrrl.r wet eglynlitted
to Montreal nearly, two years ago; •
lrasehle• Bettrletet to White*.
Pretoria, Transvaal, .Tun. P.-rn
'consequence of the opposition to the
municipal- enfranchisi'mr•nt of coleire1
men, the (lovorniar•nt hat decided ttl
amend the munlripsl ordinance so as
t• exclude aliens as well as colored
open, thus rootrirting the franchise
to white subl•cl••
ZerbWy 111.0.4 t• Newport.
Washington. .iunn P --Sir Idirhaet
f1. Herbert, the 1birkit Arnhnssarb,r,
left WMhington t..ter.t.y for New-
port, where the Rr.tish F►u1laany will
be located this snottier.
OI,I'e Nerrlhle Death,
Paris, .lune 9. - ('onotnrMP, the
young daughter of ArrMheld Orar)e
o1 New York, w** eruehrd to death
et the hotel 'Be la Tretnoille $undav
evening while attemptingto enter a
d..cendtng frbight elevator. Mr.
Graeme is a relative of President
sg,00e Besleleee,
are 1.oule, Mn , .,ono 9 -Twenty-
I've thnnnand people have been rend -
scot b clogs by the recent hoods,
Miller's Olt, Powders cute, For
nal. by Jim. Wilson. 4
Summer Shoes
MI KIM'S Old Stood.
J rd an I3Iuck.
Your comfort for the next
few months depends on your
shoes; think 'tbout that. No ar-
ticle you wear atreets you so
much. '
One doesn't work. well or
feel well or look well unless
one's shoes do all these things.
Be sure yours do. Make sure
by buying ours.
From Goderich To
Wednesday, June 17th
Tnol14D.AY, Juse 11, 1903. !
sthtl,0bthNrthtfrtbrt1OM/Wt<�0/14/ i111000/14/tllklf►llltfk
Lit Jordan ilkW. A. M°KiM lied(rith, Uel.
3 Remnant Sale
3 Id)N"l' FINt(11•1''1't) ASK FOH COUPONS
yl 11' know rl.• Ilii,. w'11at "1t'Il1t1allt 24:114." 1114411124 et
tichlH'S. One thing it certainly ,,leans for those
%v ho tale advantage of it- % Int their pockets.
It's early in the mown" for a twlnnant sale, hut. tv,•
hada big Netwre's ,ailing and mutt get oft the big mem-
Ill,,l,lli,,n of 1.•Illllaitth.
atlattlr of
11/•u;uamta of
1hr•am Goode,
Remnants of 1'ri1la and 51uslina,
He11ulants of Tr. • g* and Linings,
Table Linens,
Remnants of Tweeds anal Cot tumults.
Remnant.' of Celt tolls and Flannelettes.
T111111,1nds of w•lunrutt« of F:wbloiderirN. Ixtes.
Ribbons. :Millinery (liuols, Ete., at a -quarter to
2 =rrrrrrr
igglry!1.1W1.1!ry!T/1!Ilya'Plfygtl4fpryt,fft:K!h!h!i!irMpt ft
Invictus Bcots
at $3.50, $1.00 and $1,50.
After s. ,, rchiug iuvr.1 tg.etion and dor trill mer al.• cane
villein' that the Inchon. boots nnthe by lieu. .1. Slater, of
311ont.r aI, is roe of the twit 1114411.11 boat Ina"'r, and at our
piles is easily • of
the lest values. 1t
is a leiet we (e,'I
1",nd of.
4iraeefuli,1 d.wign:
IN•t•t,'et in fit and an-
islt : 4141:42,41•, c for -
141111e, unel for wear
1 he 44111211 of airy 45.41
lee at you eyed• Waw.
• 'rhe new Nunnner
styles are really and
await yourapprol•nl.
Sixes N tea lit, A 1I
maul.' with (:oewlywar
welted extensioni,•;. ('pili' $1.3o, MAOal -
em. If they fail you
Bay at pair and try til
Aiel get your money or a tiew pair. That shows
.1,•m•e in the iliViet to !spot.
`..ter-- -_�=s'►: _.--���y `-.►
Only $14,00 Round Trip
Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.30 a. 111., Wednesday,
June 17th, (canada time.) Arrive Port Huron at noon,
Detroit at 4.0o p, m.
Returning leave Detroit Thursday, June 18th, at
1.00 p. m. Central Standard Time, Port Huron 5.30 p. m.,
arrive Goderich 9.3o p. m.
friday, June 19th, at 8.0o a. m, (canada time,) leave
Goderich on the retttsp to Detroit.
Fare with baggage $1.09.
A Special Excursion Train will leave Stratford at
6.40 a. m.,Wednesday, June 17th, stopping at Mitchell,
Dublin, Seaforth, Clinton, and Homelsville, connecting
with' the morning train from Wingham, Blyth, etc., at
Clinton 7.40 and arrive in Goderich 8.15 a nr.
Thursday night Special Train leaves Goderich on
arrival of steamer from Detroit, for Clinton and way
stations to Stratford. -
White Star Line Steamers
C. F. B1xiMAN, rn.,,,o Mon
E. H. Avco, (((444,0. ear.
71 444 iuuulu�uululu lJl 1"rnM4 uuuSuuu�
Wm. Sharman
('OI(N3-14 F:.ts'r t(T. fund Mt1('mw.
There is nothing better than the best, and in t1 a line of
Groceries there is nothing better than what you can get hero
every day in the week. If you have never bought your-
Groceries- here, give us a trial and see what we can Jo for
jou: Everything in season, of good quality, and at the right
('1L1. .1N1) SEE
• OTT.TRZ'7Y dr, CO_
FREE! Irnetiedto.le. HQSPiTAL FOR
Fh'cry IadY ba li.derirh , hinny
M int lied to S. E. NICK'S Drug
Rorie to creel% tea sample frac of
T1r•ar lyes mill dye %Pond, Cotton, Milk.
lute 4r.1,1 .'.I good" In • lath. Retail Pte.
are the latest and Mora i(n)muni lye• In the
w'urld. For sic by S. E. NICK, llrugii't,.
A1.1. • 1.+1!1 Aet'I:114:1,. ''11,1. all WHIT(
Me Bryson, 132 York 8t., Buffalo
Victoria St. Iachin8 WGrks tTlffttttt! til!? !t1111t11111111T1t11f1tt11fi11ttmtTlmfT1fn11tm
J8S. A. Siradllao-t Prices are as
Practical Engineer
and Machinist. -
Engines' 13°"*":1 Mill Machinery
Farming implements
(111.1711 , Mashies and I)larkemlith
lvnrk of 2411 kinds dnn,' ter order,
(•114(•1.44 I(ft,4MoN.tftf.1(--1e•ALal;aoip,WITNn
Works : Victoria Sfreat,;Qoderich,V•
Von nen plum toll rellanee In Dunlop,
Deteehable rnemmntln Tire. -they will
never betray your cruet. hardest to p,ue-
tern, easleettorepAlr. Year of excellrnl
service harp made theta of almost be)
Venal adoption. Every wheel with a repu-
tation In atted with them. Every riderof
experience !taint. on them.
()Tinton TIr* make hlcyele enthnslands.
They Ines... the pl...itrn of wheeling and
minimize the trnnhlet Rleyoltng IN an
assured sumer with Uunlops.
The Dunlop Tire Co.
Toronto. Ont.
Norge 0 anetrwi. e,. 1•4,..r,.,Ip, , v.eann..t.
ilfa'bv you founds An✓ep Cain?
£ Interesting as ever
is the popular
Fence of the day.
This:is•clearl%' donl-
onst,rated by the
fact tliat: I have sold marl), two car loads of wiro and two dozen machines.
The Cheapest 'the (IINtomer tell.. nae that. 'with very little move wit.• than fijn neighbor took to
1►- tett up 1IIM', w•rnt•n heir,', he lour huilt ttvt0e it' mach trnec w•It.h ills London nmu'hine,
and Neatest agr1 h1N fi•un•Adwhi,•h iM ,lnthl ' the tenglhl h4N not 0Nt. him na noel as his nei41pPp�h1 ',
.41,1, 4 hot is more, In0 may. there is no r• pnrimon jn the appearance of the l't•nfe,s,.aw
-his is Ingle, I I% t 1101 I Ruin et 1•41, While hi y•itzl*,r'M tN baggy and Uneven,
,i�.- YOU ARE THROWING AWAY MONEY, if you do not gil al LONDON MACHINE aril Wild
Ey,uir own foo, Or if you hatten-t t' .1 elm build for you art 8 Wire Fence for 35c 11 rod. -
. ,. e...,1ti.4..... ,'•T•! co eve eve n'ir1, relioveY0.
r Hardware ••' a '
1 hitt i• ie eonhI11et4:lin.• roil nl price that aril very intereting.
Screen Doors and Winaows
1 hast.• a fitr'gr,rr.s.'ntInv tit ranging for DOORS FROM' ONt TO *2.11), SCREENS 1"1t031 3k TO
Cement •• •• • ••-
• (421'tIand('ruient'-•44$143" lh•nnal the best on the market,
1 fl'e(th-ear plat arrived,
Let mc figure of your ilunlhing, Heating. Lighting and Tinsmithing.
1'11(an,' „'' ' ' PLUMBING, HEATING