The Signal, 1903-6-11, Page 6THURSDAY, JUDO 11, 1903. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOtI ONTA RIO Gamey's Charges Disproved Report of Judges Boyd and Falconbridge. No Evidence Whatever to Sustain Charge of Con- spiracy - Gamey's Inconsistent Conduct -- Pro- vincial Secretary Stratton Entirely Cleared of Charges Made Against liim. 1.1 -bough Mr. Met lregor conies ex - Toronto, Juno 5. -The report of iwel.ily to •saint Mr (.oiIWy et this the /:amity Commission teas laid un stage of the enterprise, and dues the I:tble of the House yesterday at -i assist in correcting'1'h,•l:lube inter- t.rnion by Premier hoes. It covers %few, and though 11e and Mr. Mc - 109 typewritten folios. It commences Gregor meet that Nato• night and by re4errtng to the ettltwient read dist•use this matter, yet the money by 11r. Wuuey In the Dome. and re- 1a not ex llblt.d or tue•utiested. 11 Is feral to ft as a doe mt of "e itretis ' not Oman to any oat', but carried Iuyorl..Ote." 1t then gens over neon about continuously In Mr. llante•y'5 lug eherges as elucidated by the wit- pocket until produced 1n the ilouee. deuce ...id etuuluarizes thew. I And then, when Jr.lGamey was bu- lb, report gots over the esidrnce ally preparing for making hie state - Ml lelad. lied the fludines. as dime,' flout. and pleoning to procure all ting./.e.4 true. a retiew of the eel- possible corroboration from Sullf- dent'e, ,. •s follow•:• tanthree . in the bearing of thrhidden l Itemeanur .1 WIta.N... I witness*, and th iegl. the 55*s* wee then actually in bite pock••t 1a* he A" lo the beturauor mind vrediWlity says), be dtt0(1 not make the slightest 01 Ihe "000•001 gurwrally, the "nu" reference or •Musters to it at the wi+dope+0 would report flat must of C'ruwpis larlory on the night blurt• 1J•.•ui fie nn el to be desirous to tell -rho Howe, Ret. Ili• Inch 01 the more Lnl..rluut• No MAW Orem attains wit nesse+ the coma' issieiltre Were bnpn'as of 1 y Ma evidence of IR. Ar- From these owt,hions the inference thee; Lr, Struthers and lir, J. b'. 1s must per•oasfse that no bedo or lis,yd. 11mr lnty wax received /root 111.- yroiln- I'rank Sulivan and lir. Gamey dal Secretary on the 9th January, Were IWO of the 41.ie-t actors 1n the but that the mole}' was afterward.. satiety of treamacllull nodes' tnves- 1 acquired; and i1 that be so, then the ligation, .i.d their evdenee Is cow- I Seal source of this money is rut yet tradn'lury and Irrcccncilable at . dlecitmed• mi -1, If not all, Important pelota. This much more may be said ahiut 1111th, by theta Own ro.lesstt0, pear- "where 11.. money ranee from,•' that tired cyst. nlldls dupli. ii y a'd our_ Mr. Gainey declined to make any Med tortoises courses of (feeling ' statetnemt under oath to the ('our with 1t4f-•..rt1 ( Interests much in wis,iuners •bout the -deposit slips slew. limit It reliance should not and those thinge" (pwt''s' 2,9/42 and to jelan•d 111011 their uncorroborated 2,1M3). 4). onl,nhibly on the ground itatewe:.1it in dtelial points, and that criminal action was being Con- elier.• these sk•tswent■ conflict with Iatuplated In that roped. But he Amid, further, that he 'cannot under- stand how It ,.is relevant to his case." Wham • Cleo Blight >s. ).e•d. Without preening •ga.,st him the maxim "omnia pnWuutunt ur contra npolialorvm," and though the de- spoiling wax done pendent@ lit. et lie - dont,. curio, 11 Is very reasonable to 1.•b.•ce that 11 the tnlRetug pages eil the irrossln hulk could be wen they would disclose or give a clue wheu-e-, ley would 1.0 discovered the ,genesis of the 5t'0t1 and of the $1.500. both rousting as Mfr. Gamey now swears fr use and the wee Mune )tis explanation of the particular source Is not so worthy el credence as If rho books hod leen left ua-, mut ilattd. It is diffje•u1t to Iran,.. any consist- ent nrruunt of Mr. Gamec'1 rarer us mender, for it was throughout inconsistent, as he played • double part. But this much appear'. In the evidence---1Ls polities was Manhole lin. with (Jamey all member on the .1.1e of any Government In power. to the end that he might .er'C hie con- ptitnency, and also secure shares In the serious deals supposed iox:1bl* by not Oio.r-wrnlmtous men. , i'irst, wax formed the Jones-Oamry combi- nation, with a slew of acquiring "franchises." But, tie Tlr. Gamey '• friwid, Frank Sulltoan, by hip brag - K art style, and pretended arr.•'o td the Minleter (Page 1,323i. f..ste.r.•tl the teWf that lice had more influ- ence the uncle was supers.+led. and the Mullivatott•iuey, Sotnlinat ton be- gan. As the fleet move, support wall asmur.d to the Hose Governmlent. by I he letter of the 10th September, end on 11e Name d.y Sfr. Gainey takes part in tilt Conoervative can- to.' at Toronto. 'Then rumors get abroad of hat 4.4.4't,in from party linen, nod he Ii11.,, hie 11.nnn.•r of cement 1.v the amended letter of 27th October, so that, while meting ss is-rnsiun required in the interteets if the 1'ons•rvativea, he mileages to support the Gos.•rninon% when the 11"uee wets, if Mr. Bose Imo a re• - e hie majority. *b it.' r1 Ind«pendet.t or disinterested w it nesoes the latter should be prefer - r, 41. Nhate'er rnmmsnt • may In made 1 pin the rap*.-rtob attributed to the 1',.:inclel He winery by Ait. Bato- n d, when notated (page 3,1.51. it Mw tea to the CtlissionerN unwar- rantable to ••ale% to 1t ouch ex.K• gnraled impart Oa to overrhuduw the whet.• hely of mint ant i el et id n,..• in fat -or of the Minister and ug,lu5l Il].• he•tuln•r. The testimony of 1Iu"- ntnnd was on • O.ltpnratl'rly 111111- - or branch of th. 1110quiry, that lo. relative to The Chole Inters few. whi h, apart from the payment of stoner, as to 111 price, does not loom lar_oly in Ilse hives*igalen, and the %Int sannte ..1 IHamaond are not in rootlet with teem of the Provincial :Of -Clary, Nave lee regards Nome Ws - /10 ton s -elution in eetl.11s which happen very Is• le evidence of different speakers. • An I n tie taw hepar. 1t' Linc 0 proper thing to take tele('•- to ndr r•tl•e puhleel' the ,Marge 1n 4i•o political altitude nl Alt Gamy. and had greater presri- en a 10011 •'oueh+ated the publicity -would lively have been more •dvan- 'Siemets if made enncer.. lir., Shel- a da.n Amo. writing of resew in which a nt••m'er le•veu his party on ac- e.. nl of lndel"•ndenl convict tons, teas "AM • matter of fact very lit - t11.• .•nrniragewent IN nhotrn at preo- .111 to defections of this sort, and uh.n they corer the uteinb'r who la gilt y 'of this, 1s 1u' arialdv put to the minorI.a1.s to defend his •'- *ion, end in Il]„ opinion of hit own p•any 1 Mer duet sue...P d ht freeing 1 .11 tom the imputation of dlt- I. .11 y, not to Pay treachery'. Nes.- erthed«as. If the ground* On which an Indisi•lual de11,rtere from the rank% of party rely be Justified were rlear- lv esiertt.uud au.' publicly antoefhl'- ('r1, A Is probahle that not 'only wool 4 the Inotitutlon of party goal tern ,..'ant be rid of much of the mural %uxjl it n With which 1t Is in Monte emote-% regsrd,d, but Its trite, na- tufw segimlet ed throughdut the rnernlry (Pages 71 end 72, from "Ulf y 'I'W Iro of the English ('uitl- tut ion, 1 Mr. passer's Credibility. 1.111014e,1 el In the Inrge,Tlr. I:sut0y't ver*ion i% that Me runtime. origi- state+l with Frank Mullis -en end the 1'rotintted Mecrotarv, that he woe taken to the Minister's office, %'110(11 he did not knew. that the letter h• was to MigtIJl'i1M nil ready; nod put before hien for Mignature, and the in- fo tion 'itun*,-red by the Thule ter Ihnl 11.• protest would he with- drawn. all 1 h pet outage go en 1.. hint. slid nn0lnted saluahle•e•onMl.ler- titbit, paid when he sawed, but as the y was net ready. the bar- gain and Mule wee not then consul,. Mated. lir. Ayletiwortlfr evidence alone, to -which it was not disputed vrt'tty rat. butted, outiM.M to show that Ibis 0'-rsiun it nntlr',itling and not rue. The enml,N't acid Hienlony of Mfr Giney, ne to these bribe niuney0, de- • tract flout him credibility. At a leo- menthes poise in hl] life, and with- in n (•t months of LIN. tveCttrrelirt. IN In uorertnin at. to the day when and the 'I"arson from whom the $1(.455*; route. ilal ing rimf.rred with proI.,i- Mee lnen in..him Leel y foe he Day h) and ar 1%1,041 him tu,•t heirs, • he e -u- ploys 1,1...h.., , f1I,501/. to hardness, en if it were a iegitintate IrOnanc- Ilr.n. Ile melee no nn;iltion in IoM statement to the iioue• of how he came Mtn pose•'xlon of $1.2(11,, pout of the 0ehdr-nhoiety; said to he re S felted lo nllls nn and of 1 w 'r h h h,• t Key's. $100 arts paid Into the Fontein butin.'nw. But, Rhee this in diex•ovcr- rd by !Worth In the Cromein bootee the two pag.•M containing entries for the 1ath..ltel 11th of September deo •p(Iour, not by the hands of Tlr. Urnptin- -and Mr, Gamey le the only Other whi had scream In them. Then folios,: the prre•nring of the depeamit %til' I. n, the hank by Mr Genies, and 11.. fi.app.•r•eun Then Ili, e\planet fon giien to the reporter% nt Buffalo with a s kw to pohlh-nt lin that this SAGO W„ col- lected during the Cummer in Mani- toulin Mend And, th.• linnl at element under oath. that it wet part of • loan of 11,200 (Pont frank Sullivan. Whore ftna Iho Moues esw. Freest The esidenrs on the nthor redo pre- rimlle• the cotwluslon that this 5.'i, (MMM was rseelv.d in Mr. Donley frown the 1'rovinrial Rarr,tary on er short the 111h September, rind If Treelike aarrosaded Gamey. Areordinw, In January, l9O8, he taken part In the North Perth retn- patgn for the C'ontonattvr'l, but ix embittered becalm he was belittled I.y the ariton of the l'onterentfve leader (pages 2,0411, 2,2911, 2.:1.111 end 2,302 0. Ile 'repairs to Ihe Pro- s ie. ro- sie.ial M.rre*nry and begins dbmru+- .tng appointments; but Ie•Ing roto 'fount od with his conduct in North Perth, ho do -litres lite willungneem to ndccrl1Me publicly his .real end true pott*Jon. This wits niter the (lue- e i timetst. Majority had increased to 1'.:, The Globe interview 1+ pith - tidied at the .and of January, where - nn his political a1111ntion is at ill farther reduced below the etandor,l of 5tlpp.irt pr,iinivied in rho Irl ter if 0,e 27th October, and only extend,' 10 sggtort "in ell 'natter, he ix sat- isfied with," N.serlhelvs., this pub- Ilcnllun'b'ingx -trouble around hie head front the 1-'on..•renti .•s, and his reelgnntion begin". to le talked d, (Nie letter loth.F'ebrunry, 10.108, eshlhita• 1(1:1, tad account of tiro Meeting .t Eire nay by lir. Onmoy -'tl February; exhibit on the �1,. 1 F ■rt'; t u71. itut Apr Gainey til juot as un- willing to resign at this erisis on he wan after the prot.•Mt. 11r. Strut here then ad deed him, as w frt'i„ 1, knowing more of the Inen end hie candidature thnn a 'trengl•r, to resign and run sof an independent, but the 'twitter then, and nlways' wile the "cxpenoo," and the rinks. • chance.. i 'olve another con- test.inn n 1 In n h r un - test. Vet the member 1s growing in 04sfeetir With beth parties, he 1, 5.11 log to be 1-gordod no n double - minded -man, with ail that 0ugfl0xtp. Ile ai,reey. the .itu•tlon. The glow- ing pongee -hi plrtlttrtd by Frank Sul - II. au hole failed to bcecoin. facts. The prestige of dlreeting (lovernmen- tn1 p.itrostag,• appears 10 le• meagre end illusive, lee kerne shut he 4:0.crnment, antfrlpating his reete- nn1l0,• ere planning to put Mr. Mc- Millen, o-Millen, the Morltll.t candidate. In ilea field. And, thele, it may fie. come", the patriot plan of deliver- ance, My lotting it leek out that' money pian at thus bettotr of M* alr- pnreet dirloyaltx TM people net," posed he. had got a dasher roneet- Plon, and Dr. Arthne and lir Mttel- thors told him that. people onitid Rey he bed been botieht. list hila t. trnptand profit by the leii.f. or retie the ttsetlmptinn, of 11s neer- tenet? defection, hut by a desperate eller* turn it into meaner' by deplete corroboration of OM sooty that lie sash.' lacune Minister of Mine. In a new Administration Wbt'th,•r or not thin is • 0001,41 appfathul of 111« tueutb•r's trral it 4.040p will depend upon the estlutat.• the 4 may let until.. of this reieut wit its appendices of exhiblte and est re. •11 Chargo Hueneme. lir. Gamer had no pentMtal late•r- rourew with uny member of the Min- istry except the Provluclal Se+•r.«• tart'. With two or three of the idle era he hod some official correspond - ewe, but with the test• rut even that. With regard to the Gelded charge of rurlaplroey, the 1'uwtulssionr•rr are of tb; opinion that 01 a matter of law there is no evldwsre whnteser to sus- tain it, tin against the members of the Guior'usrr,t and the other per- sons iliai'ged. And according to the methods of nn ordinary trial they would he die - charged from the wild accusation by the presiding Judiciel officer, This bring so. the matter of the 01Iginel charge alone rumsins, and u■ to the Provincial Secretary there 1. the troth illn.y that has hon com- mented upon, 11, our opinion the corrupt charges stand disproved by it great body of ettden,'e which appears to be inure accurate and credible than that adduced In support thert- of. This limy New la Creta The $1,2o0 mentioned herolnlefore has not been paid Into the hands of the l'owutieeioners by Mr. Gamey The C'uwntl.siouer•s have impour.d..t two euros of money, $600 In cash I.roducavl 1.y Ur. Gamey In the House, and 51,0111 reprreeat.d by Its narked cheque of the 8rd April, 1908. There nutil. have been lodged in the lands of 1114 accountant of the Supreme Court, and the ('onl- ndssluners advise that the amounts be carried into it separate account, to be paid upon the Joint order of the 4'hancellor of Ontarto and the t'h14 Justice of the King's Bench for the time being, upon Its being marte satisfactorily to appear that thee clef ua.t has legitintute title (here- to. This enquiry occupied 27 days of hearing in open and public aeaalon, during which 119 wltnenaeo wore es- arninel, ghing 8,512 pages of evi- dence, sums 92 exhibit. Med. giving 24.1 pages more. an embraced In a s 01,00' of eshihtls and eight vol- umes of ,'1d.•ree, The arguments of counsel t(m'War in another volume nuntler.rl nine. All rat whf.h is reapeelfully embroil - led to your honor, 3IOtSE PROCEEDINGS Leader .f th. Op...Itis* Wasted an adp.arimi.n4 Mr. tthItn.y, after the report had been laid in the table, said that at the 1..•ginning of the session th.'(:ov. el nne•nt had asked for end obtain- ed nn adjournment l.rau.e the G:ov- etumrnt did not feel like doing blai- n,•xs while Go charges were standing Tie. (cabinet had been discussing the report, and It■ contents were known to other members of the Mine, but he thought that in such an Import- ant matter the Howe, nhoeld ad- journ to allow the member% to ac- quaint themselves wick • nastier so Important. Mr. (toss said the House had been in session part of the thee during th' sitting of the conWti0ainn. 1t wee in'r eted to have the report printed immediately for the use of meniere. anti -it ?mild be in order for any member o move Its adoption or to dioeuas 1t for one, two, three or four weeks. The Meow could pronounce jltdgt eat on the report, arr.get 1t or reject It. ile did not Poe any n0rPa- stly for any adjournment at this tt•tte. 'Goy rout.' proceed with bus - knee leisurely, and not create the Inlprwulon that they wanted to •d- toeun without giving members • chance 10 discuss It. Mr. Whitney said the question of iho report far overlrolnne..d and ov- erwhelmed any petty queellon as .to whether they ,hoold nit there or not, lie was not certain that his hon. Mond Iran correct that the proper e0aree would he in any event to adopt the report. It wall not a re- port of th.' house or of any commit- tee belonging to the Donne; It was merely the report of certain individ- uate who were ordered to do rertnln thing* for the Neots'. In the Invest - 'ignitor' in 11141-5 the report of the ctnnuol.%lorers wan merely received, lensing the Donee to take any 'Reb- id ,Int I .. net ion "they chose_ Mr. MON said he did not know that the lions. woilld 11.00 10 adopt the report. in 1310 Parnell cane, haves er, t he report was adopted by the Donee In reply to Mr. Foy, he Kidd the es lienee would be •ubmltted ae an appendix to the report. that he Me, Its true SOurce 10 not Ing his reeler rte mat ?high 1n the yet dlMdnwd. st•llimawlt et the newti,. And elite the 111100 lied to The treeptatten M rseu v l again,>1n {iR )Nth nlsawrf. 1M1.t�Mu1A Mr •_l i ;� t i ttr i 11 ...7014 • fr .a:.v.J d Government for it grant of laud un- der the waters of the Ifttaw• itil,•r. Ile objected to the fart that Mr .1. Lorne lirlk.ugall, Jun , a part ru•r of Don. F It Latchford. had le' -u em- ployed to seek a grant Item the Gov- ernutltt fur which he had rrrened s fee of 51,11W or 52,01111. Mr, Deals raid that If Mr. Mc- Dougall did rust it was to defend rights which his clients thought they bad previously iors•r%.d. Thu Iloilo ter loil - ter of Public Works never cousulltd will] him in any wet' un the matter, it had boeu argued out wholly on Its uwu merits. There war no objection to the motion The IlitOti011 war carri'Kl. The house adtuurod a number of private bills and tu1)uurntd at YA0 p. m. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC. •111 Tisane Disported 1■ the Italia/1y l'.mmltl•o at Ottawa. Ottawa, June 5. -The Grand Trunk Pacl,.c Bill was reported In the !tail- way ta14way Committee y,•iterday. 'fours was an exciting littlish to the contro- versy that had extended over several days. lir. Pringle of Cornwall mov- ed that the company be requtrtd to use rills, rolling work and other material to connection with the construction and operation of the rued of Canadian manufacture. The clause wee ldeattral with that Which is inserted In 0st•ri0'0 railway char- ters. harters. Mr. Logan moved an amendment that tis question be left to the Gov- ernment lu dealing with the subsidy resolut Iona After a hot discussion, the amend- ment carried on • division of 55 to 53 The 311(1 wits then reported and the committee udje'n.e,t THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Ottawn, June 5, -Departmental 1.1111i were considered during the af- ternoon, but the evening !Mahlon welt denoted to marble and flatteries esti- which wore et-Oki/et' so close, ly that It looked like obstruction. and some of the discussion was of • otormisy character. At 2 O'clock a. in. the House had every sppe strance of sitting for some hours. A numlt«r of hems were passed, *5- greguttIng shoot halt a milium dul- irr., and the Douse adjourned at 2.15 a.m. Archie )'itmpbell'• 6111 r.eg111atjng the 11 •a of milk cans met defeat in the iubcommltlee appointed to ton- -elder It. TAINS ROM THE MIRES. - Collingwood.-There haa been no arrest tate in the Glory Whalen murder ease yet. Lmdc•n.-It Is reported that 30,010 workmen at Oporto have struck and troubles •re feared, - .HI. Petersburg -The Trani-('asplan territory' is threatened with serious (amine, hat ing the plague of locuta. Saratoga. N. Y. -The drought in this section has extended over 541 days, and trop conditions are grow. Ing alarming. l'amd.•n, N. J -Fire deetrot•eot the plant of the Atlantic Window 1:1•as ('onl(lony, the ..rood lergest of IIs L ind in the country, at a loss of eti11,o441 Ketone ('Irv, Mo -It i• reported -here that rtg..1t persons w. -re killed and seven Injured fn a collision be- tween two Manta Fe trains at Still- well, Ken. Malone -a -There ha* been a renew- al ,of trouble on the frontier. A band of 1,204) BuLK.riant crowed and en- countered Turkish troops and fight- ing 001 10d. IlaaOnge-Thursekey evening Wil- liam Armstrong, who lime two miles south of this place, died from injuries re eetr0t1 by being thrown on a pile of stones by his runaway team. Rrocks'llle.-A light engine running on the Brockville, Westport and S. M. M. Hallway ran Into a rig which was -crossing the tracks nenr Forfar. Three men were In the rig, end they narrowly retwaped death. The rig was ameuhed and one of the horses killed and the other badly injured. R.,elNlag l.os. C.�paloe, f nl. (:Ihsin Introduced an •tnatl- tnent to the loan rorpwrationa amendment art to medt'the obier- 11ons made by lir. Downey it few Maya ago alemt the class of blrnimon clone by Pomo companies In iswning terminaling .hares. T1le'regi.trnr of bran re.lpwnlett is glt'nn power, If he finds any routpeny'■-bylaw* unJtut, to order then, to b' wtfbdrawn, and In cane of nontuuiplfance to strike the rompulny''x name from - the gin- ter. l►ter. Several hill* were rend,"!�and 1 time. Mr. Gallagher moved for a' return of the uorr.•opondenee'touchng the r.•gieet e1 the County totter -II of Yrontenne for the deami**al.of ether - IR Dawson le -con office. )4r. I:nllnfrher kr, w Sheriff flatw- orm add would pray he won not • officer. He took as , .Ie• tltr 0 d•nirwl very Fictive pert in the 'apt provinriat el- ection, end did thingn that /ver.• not very honorable. 11• I"Pied fifty -t WO certificate,. to men who were not en- titled to vote. b, the county. iltr. (bnllaghcr *honed the matter, coin - plainer' of I,y the Council bhonld be Invest tented, 0.5 auMMost Orotund. Col ft1114m thought that, no for a the frirtton letwwnn Ihe 1'owns y t!ouhlll end (ho Mher1R woe vona!ro- od, it was colt if the que,lloll to comply with the rereeext of Ihr. C'otm- .11. T.T.re Wan friction In other ronnti.'A it *mild not ho ground -101 rnande5*I, erten If the Sheriff was wrong on a metter of flint kind T1 lined' was enrrv*pinefenen in env of flee 4$Qarttn0nts it- would be firelight dowel. 14 there win a RriOvmere. the .ler'Ttnn law provided for redeem. Thal woe ant the way t. gat an 1n. '*0t lint inn. The papnrO will he brought down. " C.1, M.l•..eo•a Ohjeral.na Cel. Motheaten moved far • return `01 correspondence between the Metro - tenter rivet liNsitoaiv. Iliad Eli Tragedy le it Ovalle ala. Cnmphollford, June 5 -Smothered In a great bin of wheat, 11 -year-old Garfield Fraser, war removed froth the Fowld.' elevator yesterday morn - Ing. The boy was employed at the elevator (irking a borne, and must hale fallen Into the bin. The force of the Krafft moving by gravity car- ried him into the chute. The work- man were apprised of the accident by the grain ceasing to flow. BONDS GUARANTEED. Tare !.. C.a. fifty Tibor wade for 111110.640,01110 For ahs re0.ad..n l..r.h..• a.11..y rev. soilless 1a e•ril.moa. Ottawa. June 1.--1n the House to- day Sir Frederick Denten w1lhdreet his bill to amend the Militia Act, which would huge wade it possible fur a Canadian to be (1.().t'. TWo amending bills to the Fruit Marks Act were lust Ott their second read- ing, and the act of 1901 stands. The evening was devoted to Mr. Dlair'. Hallway C'omwisaion Dill. Mr. Scott was Inforuied dist 12,14115,184 acres of land voted railways had not been earned in the turn specified, and Mr. Wain was Informed that flIty-nlae buyer■ pun'haae'd binder twine since (1e Niue .11 the circular in May, 1110:1, et the following prices Cure Manila, 14,975 pou•ds, at 11 dc. and 115c.; 4/4,290 pounds at 105e. and 10}c.; King special, 5,150 twunds at Y 1-8c. and trio. - Ottawa, June 2.-'l'here was a lung discussion on the '1'reatlguld Commission to -day, the Opposition obJetting to the appointment of Judge ltrIlton. Mir Wilfrid Laurier replied that Judge Britton had been asked to art, but the 1'ummuseion would le brought down In lull In the Hone an a day or tiro '1'be Iloyse did some further work with Mr. Blair', Railway Commission bill and then passed Customs esti- mates in lite evening. Ottawa, June 8. -Rhea the House adjourned to -night it had covered 12) clauses of Mr. Dlair's railwry commentate bill. The whole day was spent In examining the clauses of the treasure. There are 810 clause. In the b111 Thera were no important amendments to the hill. A wealth of discussion took place over detail, but In nearly every Instance the clause was allowed to go unchanged Ottawa, June 4. - Departments' hills were considered during this af- ternoon, but the evening eMoIon was devoted 10 marine and flehe•rles esti- mate. A number of item. will. passed. aggregating about hall a million dollars, end the House ad- journed at 2 15 a m. Archie Camp- bell's bill regtialing the hlze of milk cans met defeat lu Itte subcommittee appointed to consider 1t. BABY BURIED AUYB IN SANDBANK. Posellarly Rearllw Desertion 04 Veit bays' Old Setae.. Toronto .function, .lune r1 - An in- fant, 'only three or four'.lnye old, ons discovered by Mr, Johnston. atlrking out of a sandbank, on hiP farm, near the 1)0arl"tt road, et o11l noon yesterday. 'The child had ap- 'parently been there 'for a long tion•, at it SR. rotnpletoly exhnunted, and it is. hardly likely to turstse. The sandbank where the baby was found is In R emit where few people tire rpt to lino. 11, and it might have been there for tweet -al days without being dim-nlered 1t wan buried ftp to '11s neck in mond. and ro fid not mos,'. The object of thin demertion cannot Ie accounted (or. Mr. John- son ix taking carr of the child until it ix taken off their hands by the county aidhoritie,, High Constable Itnuladon hos l,.o'n notified. IIHE BEGINNERS. • Ple.sa■t Little chat Withhe Oa. Who le • volume• sow. In my travels among amateur pouf. trynten 1 Ilnd that many of thew are Weak uc the variety tool 811541 en. To produce eggs you must feed the els pouts of which au egg 1s compered. Nater 1s a scarce article lu 11taa7 Wards, yet water, good, clean, (resp Mater, Is the very fuuudatlou of the flag basket. Growltlg stock as well as laying stock must have It. Tbeu food: The general custom *mons wally Is to feed lir must of the tfud of food that M tit cheapest and the easiest procured. 'hots Is not wise. Many times the fool that is the Most needed lu the yards Is the must difficult to get, but It will pay you to get It somehow. The city boy mays. "Fee'd's lard to get" That's true, but let me whisper In 7100 ray. YOU get •Lout three ur four little beskete fri boxes and place thew near your neighbor's house and tell blas to throw his table scraps into It, and then you tate It away when you promise, and they will Noun emu, to look at 1t as a privilege for you to take their scraps, and your poultry will be gettlug a number of things whish will help theta grow and to yield eggs. Tele Is not theory, but • bit of experi- ence. But the country boy, oh, when 1s hei Most any farmer will relit or lease a small parcel el ground le Ws sou or somebody else's sou for a entail won. Thea )p to work to earnest, mud you will he surprised to see how mach auto dower seed, how many peas, Teens, let- tuce and eati*ge you eau grow on • small pier* of tround. There le no such thing as fail to the fellow wbo wants to shake thh:gs go. Years age I caned one of my favorite birds "Bk Jut-." lie maw learned to kuow his news and Premed a pseud et It as 1 was of klm- Then It levee roar bins prestige at home and abroad Many times when visitors would cams to see my poultry 1bey would ask to see "Lanky Bub," "Ulysses 1C Grant," "The Pride of the AUrglaulri' or same other favorite, and when they ordered eggs they would ask for theta from the pen headed by eoe of them "named" bird.. Yes, name your birds, for that gives you a name, mid that 1. what you want. Tbomp.on's Ringlets, Garners Ben -Nur ur even, lo my own ear, Keystone Beauties have all been little Veld mines to the owners. Name your birds. They'll Net you more, sag you'll love them more. Welldo I rem, tuber the night wbea • halt dread, ',arehemded and hare - footed boy ran on. Into the nlgbt's dark - sew with • sdlett of store wood la kis la7) Mud to tai. vetgeaneer on tee owl that wan basing a least oa some Of Ida My) fancy meek. A hen bas nerve* es welt •s your Welber, •td to hate Lime midnight en- emy prowling around her roosting quar- ters frightens her almo.t to death. And 1 have !mood tot • hes that has been badly Neared never does a well again. I cannot eapl.ln the phlloeopby of the fact, brat I know 1t 1• true. Keep your birds safe red tame, and 700 have overcome a greet Net In the poultry world.-WI111aw Harris Guyer In In- land routtry Journal. 00,34.S00 5.r Canadian 000131.... Ott•ws, ,lure 5 -Subsidy resolu- tions were brought down In the Douse thl% afternoon, granting to the Canadian Northern B4allwav • guarantee of the principal and the Interest of the first mortgage bonds, deb.•nteiren and other sreutities of the company, to the extent of 1113,000 per mile on 721) miles of eallway, the bonds to be at the rats of 3 per rent , payable hell -yearly. ■nd the prtnctpal to be paid In fifty yearn Them guarantee applies to the ex- 1,9aton of the line of the Canadian Northern fr.nn 4' -and View. the pntnt where what Is known as the Gilbert Plains branch of the railway rads, to • point at or near le]dmonton, a dint/awe of about 120 miles'. and al- so to the Prince Albert branch of the railway. from a point 11-I0 mile* seat of Prince Albert, • distance of about leo m11r. The mortgage Is to form a charge upon ■II the Imes of the railway 1■ operation and property franchises of the rompany. It Is to he a first charge only to the .extent of 110,000 per mile, but to rank after • first charge for the remainder. Th.. Governor -in -Council. or any authority created by 1'arII.m.'nt for these purposes, may also grant run- ning powers over the line to other companies' upon requitable Lerma. The Comedian Northern may not lease or soil the fines. The rales and tolls to be charged for freight and passengers upon the lines of railway aided and upon the lines owned by the Canadian North- ern, •ha11 be under the control of the Gov'rnor-In-Council or such ae- Gerrity a is constituted under the act. Twewey-Tl.. Winnows Pasant. 'Fw.nty-fiw clauses of Mr. Itlalr's Railway I'ommiesIon 11111 were pane - ed by the Gouge *hie afternoon, making antmportant amendments This make* 145 claps0• already pax. - ed. in the evening the eetimatea of the Marine and Fitheri.x ile•partment were taken up Mr. Prefontaine en- ergetically defended (he St. Lawrenee route. Ono 51(110. CMshao et.rvl.g. Ilong honK. Io e -The reti- mate of Governorv*rnar Wong ef Kwn n R Si PrOvinre, that over one million natbei aro starling M the territory In his jarl4dlcilon, in pronounced here to be •pproxltnately cornet. The dietersm in certain dd,trfcta 1e nmwt. acute (children and women are (hely offered for pale. Sham% Toro wins to ►beer. Citleinna1i, Orville .R -John Ttmgn., Said 111'yekra, wars fatally hurt yes- terday by a kennel of 25 honnda. As he WRs approaching the kennel of lotto* 1),nsl., the hound% wired hint and torn him mlmoet to pyre' !Urs Ernst waft s•rio tiely hurt in trying, to /»cue the boy. l.dIa'a Wheat Crop, Calcutta, •Ilene, M --An o.mnlol estb- ma/n losnrrl yex*Wrdmy eler+ the wheat roe. of India et 7.7*0 naso Ione, whirls le the leveret eltRr known Th' aorphn for erre,. pin - poem 1a estimated let $14,000.000 ;bushel.. Miller'. Worm Powdeaw carr fever fu children. Pot vale by Jae. R'delyn. ARRESTS AT SMITH'S FALLS. Two Tromps Tahoe 1. c 1 too Witt Glory Whales•. M■rdr. Collingwood, Julie R -New inter- est Wan rritated In the Whalen tra- gedy by the announcement Satur- day that two tramps had been ar- rested at Smith's Falls anowenng to the deteripainp of the colored roan and while man who have been no p*rnht.ntly connrrlyd with the crime from the beginning. These men were men loitering in the neighborhood of the wood where the dead girl was done to death Chief Wilde immedi- ately despatched Williaut P.1rh, who saw the tramps when here, to identi- fy them. Should it, however, prove It 1.1%0 *rent and nothing new develops by '11o•reday, 1110 Council will probably offs reward or hours nu de - r rare •duf one a 1 1 In r% Another sh.pert 1. held at Cold- water, supporsed to be the man who die'nrdell his overront and .wearer on the lake shore. Wats e. • weed Sow Lavinia Wens. The it*jartty of farmers (•nexldereats • dangerous 10441 for thickens. The sharp pellets sometimes ploy* the Ihu• Mg of the chicken's crop. thus prodUC log • severe Infl.p.latlon. usually re- sulting In death. Sum. varieties of oats • re stiffer and sharper pointed than others. Then we believe there t. Inure danger whew the fowls •re allowed to 'wee theinslves than where given a tS ft.d quantity. All the car• we ever knew of when dleeses was ewused by feeding oats the clllckeno went to the field or garden and ate all they w•nt,rl. We hast fre- quently fed data to our laying hens with the best remelt. We feed at the rata of shout two ta- bt'at0r11fels to the hen In the morning, the hens having ne ess to plenty of Lia' ter and grit. When osto are fed extra, rare Mould be taken to provide the fowls with an ebattda ce of grit and pure Water. Tbo water softens the hull of the oats, while the telt grinds It. Gets area Clone and Steelo making fond and an egg prodnc*r.-Car. National Steck me n. Ottawa Roy lll04 a N.r.. Ottawa, June R. - Caleete La- erliea ten -year-old boy, di l n biro'sra t 1 S flet dal] d n • teird Liv sateen o on With three companions, he was in pwi.itming in the Ottawa ]user, near the Riders,' Canal Incite, A compan- ion gof Into deep water, end the brave little fellow lumped to the rosette 'Tho remaining two hey'* tweed an marry, and Myra working, nearby ran to the emote. They. maestro, to wilt* on. ins, hat ltttkn'' Iwnrepes wax too fat ger* when tak.' 4e nut 01 the water. Death Petlew. Itta aria London, .luno A, -Christopher 1R Sm*llman of 71R York treat, who was 1.l010(611ly mangled to an acrl- dent. hu the nest end yards of the G. T. It. w week *50 laws "4alurday night. rind in Victoria 11ompitml ref dittos rad 03405 the illt.dlect la Yalu able. 3.31,'. Rase. Few mothers and fewer nurses no- tice when they lay a baby town whether the soft little ear is crumpled under ur lying elves back to the head, and Obey rarely take the trouble when }hey held • baby to see that Its ears are In the natural position, but 0111 hold It fur the longest time with the head pressed against their bosom and the ear turned forward Instead of back. "As the twig L bout the tree is in- clined" applies with a much turas to the physical Y lo the moral growth of • child. Ventilation dna Deane. Arnett of the anlmadrerslon (if "(Infix" by poultry writers In the veri- est rubbish. The Annie writers will nr. gently reeomtne'nd ventilation, but there mutt In no drift; otherwise the fowls will all take roup end die, ifow venti- lation eon be gerund without draft 11 not explained. "Ifrnft" la ft "current of air." Ko Is ventilation. 1t may (1e a 11.31 or almost Imperceptible current, lint there eon he no ventilation without more or less draft. Too mne11 ventila- tion Is the name as too much draft. Where fowls totout there ',holed not be too nineh ventilation. 1Vhen fowl* are off the newt, there cannot be too lunch draft except when the wether Is so rnid as to endanger the fowl*- Glee plenty of air off and just enough on the roost --Farm and (tench. Keeps Ow Amts. It Is sometimes dlmtwit to keep raisins, Age and dates away from the luqutldtive little ante and roaches, but this Is easily acnlwpUsb.d by putting them lu paper bags that have been well brushed over wink strong boy.,, water and dried before the fruit L put In. The little pests do not like the borax and will not gnaw througk the sack wino thus prepared. Cutt McEweo GROCERS WWI llsct, • tidaid TELEPHONE 40 Lverything that's Good to Eat .. . . X4+0 Let us suggest a few (If the many choice lines We bate in stock -a11 fresh goods an,i !I• - liable brands : Canned Meats To atop 5.0111.0 Ratios. When the fowls Ret to picking the feathers off enelt other's nest, 1 take a piece of mw, fat salt pork- ft piecewlth • goust rind, too It will not come down In the dirt and dIv i R • nail through the rind, nnll It to aolu, pert of the building in en*y retch of the hens and I01 them work at It ell they please. When tile Ie gone, if they atilt enotln- nn to pick off the feathers, I give then another phew. Thera la anm0thing hick (rat' to their foal when they pitk off and Ont each ether's ft -ethers, and the raw, fat milt pork supplies the deficien- cy and Mops feather 0nt3115.- Joslephlne 11. Derle In American Agr3Odtariet Ohl 5riosd.tklp., After ft girl 1s twenty eh* Is opt to make friends of married mr, wom- en other than thus* obi locil known to early girlhood and who hove sine* morri0d. f ,. three married frlendo she often lavishes' •ffectlnn and salmi itti 011 IeriAay • 15 larger quantities than she has be - fon given her girl friends. Such friend- ship+ are. If their nhjarts are the right kind of women, and • a -ireful mother will prevent an Whiney with goy eth- er kind, et wrest benefit tea girt, Mimeo tag her a wirier sphere of woman', te- illletiew tau RLR hem yet tavions*dsd. tad •a7tf6a which wail s5 HR Assto. Ve.h.Oeteo 0.M.*Ihe 304.4. - Nib, .line 9 - The Venezuelan LRRpflon ha. r•r+'el'0d a mile wee- nie* ?seep 4' Raying That. af- ter a brilliant rampolgn, bleeding fight• at bt*rgmr.imeto and Coro, the revolutlot la dead. .1rss1 Heel IHa.dy-lu.ei. Heel. thicken dour, Iwi1A. Nvori, Pork and Ikon... fiat., Loaf. etc.. et.. Canned Fish Stanton best K. 1 blerul. M,.. -keret, Kitveerod Herring. I..1.•teree Ml] rte.l••. ei'. Canned Fruits and Vegetables rearlw•.. N... . Hltrherrte-. 1'1n• -1 Jan.., and Jclhoa all (10,1 Timbales., Ice... ern, Fkwn., eft. Pickles and Sauces )41iO4 11.t k. '4 'mos. & Me. , .• . i. Holes .. Tickled 15,108.1, ru.. I "hew4'31nw, Salad Ik..ed•*. M1uMean l'at..ep Trwlute l'at.op, nae... Tatler-.'. W.r,*4cr sen• • A eche, r 11* '.•, HAWN 11 Orono. a 1.•ernn Satire. Condiments Ms,1. i all grid brand - H.r... Ite.n.h, e1.. AO. all kind.. Il-esw.- and Flo, ming I.. Cereals 1 roam Wheal. Mahe Vita. 1.1/e1 ill... Melt 1*rr0►fn4 Foot. lir.pe Note. Fens, Nob. Feet, P,.tam, TILer1'e I tate. 1 iot wool. 1 ensn.e.h N-hratlet,., els., et,.. rimer beet brand., Ta Mr*. mese. Hier. 1*arler. etc. .Shnedde.l lt•hewt Himntit+'. Kola alul Fancy ib.. mtb . of all kinds. Baking Powders, 14115art. Teas--choice-tmik or penkage. lioffee*--hwpt lvranda and blend-. Cocoa.., GKNERAi. GROCERIES, FRUITS and VWOETABLER Everything in weta*on. l'HiNAWARE. CROCKERY and OLAFINWAHF.: •fit A Li. ORDERS PROM (TLV FILLED. IT WILL BR A PLEAW'RE,,T4) Irf4 TO PLEASE YOU. ._j COTT & McEWEN LaughIi Fountain Pen M rat Pala Or All Plata ANO MAO NO 100*1 AMrWMtat. FINEST •L&DEE NIL ▪ IO MX YOUR CMRICI Of MDR nee POPULAR ITTIp PM 0RLr =PRIOR TO OAR SAKES AT 1115 Tice {lagMla Peat& Pee R.l sd le wade of ms• est gritty lard faf bot U Anted wllkshlglteli -grta. Wirt ase. rlsmd. and pes. sissy i ten meta i.eg Ha Baty rem Whet dos, deftly e.11e.4te dtswttj astret1yr pal teal Mai Mete* mom eaytwksl5 araliimsiept»tYa wIM gt s� ase4•esus srmexcli Pw ads b5 IEO.W.TIO/SON & SON n5 atm IMO